The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, March 20, 1866, Image 1

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iVtcre wm 801110 little niiii lion in tho money nmrltet UtUdijornlng, witli a slight upward tern deucy in Our brokers are buying at 37 cento and selling at 80 cents. Silver remains the sumo, and buys at 31 cents and soils at 20 cents. There Is no change in Exchange on New 1 ork, tor which there coniines to 1 bo some demand.— Our brokers are buying at i discount and selling and i premium. No .important changes have taken place in Southern Bank Bills, and little en quiry made after them: AceMant at Hadlebn. The Ky miner says a dreatlfttl nectilent occur red at the depot oh lakt Saturday. A box car wna being attaclicd to the engine on the side track by Mr, Stcpbcri lyons, an attacho of the road. By a mis-step ho was thrown on the track, tho car passing over both legs, crushing them completely. IIo was immediately removed to tho "Madison House,” where every attention was given that could bo bestowed by tho gentle manly proprietor, the physicians and citizens generally. Before the preparations for amputa ting the limbs was completed his system had un dergone such a shock that It was considered lm- pmeiicable to perform the operation. Ho lin gered in great agony until Monday night at nine o’clock and expired. Sir. Lyon was a native of Ireland, and has considered Augusta, Georgia, Ids home for the lost fifteen years. Ho has been on the Georgia Railroad for tho last fourteen years, and one ot the .most faithful and expert hands In their employ. Ills untimely death was much lamented by every one that knew mm.— His remains were removed to his home In Au- ' gustn on yesterday. A Talking Editor. The Mobile Register lias introduced a new po sition in that establishment. It has engaged a "talking editor,” who will occupy on office fitted up with cartoons representing scenes from the Castle of Indolcnco, where lie will lie happy to receive visitors between the hours of 11 at night and 8 in the morning. Is our Mobile cotempo- r.iry annoyed by gentlemen of leisure ? Lnto New* Item*. A destructive lire occurred at Jacksonville, Florida, on Sunday night last, which destroyed the otllee of the Jacksonville Uniml ami two other buildings. Ilox. S. It. Mallory, late Secretary of the Confederate navy, lias been released from his protracted confinement in Fort LuFoyctlc. His health has suljcrcil considerably from his long imprisonment. The Rock Island Paper Mill Compuny of Co- Iambus, Georgia, announce their puriwsu of re building tlu-ir paper works nt an early day. A dispatch horn Washington of March 10, says that Mr. Stephens' filial acceptance of tlio Ueiirjp Scimtorship was In consequence of an assurance Irorn high olUcials in tills city that lie would In- admitted to Ids seat, and the President is determined to do ids best to secure Hint ad mission, and that his cose is not an isolated one. The Baltimore Sun advises all who are having their properly insured to examine well into the character and ability of companies. The losses sustained have been unusually heavy during the last two months, mid several of the New York companies have recently fulled. A house worth twenty-five thousand dollars lias been presented to General Sherman in 8L Louis. suraunab Cotton market. Thu ItrpuUICM. of tho nth InsUot, un: The rccolpte of i "Hum since the Utb Instant, hare been •• follow): j.UOl '»le* of Upland, 10. bale* 8*4 Island, Isa bales of Domestics. The exports during the aame period bare been 5,twi bale* of Upland, JOT bales or Sea Inland, and Jp,bales of Domestics, «• follows: New York,*,741 bales Upland. Til,bales Sea Island, US bales Domestics. To Philadelphia, 151 Imles Upland, 1 bale Sea Island, ISO bales Domestics; to Baltimore lot lairs Upland: to Charlse- tun. tsi bales Sea Island—leaving a stock on band and on ship-board not cleared, on March loth, 18,302 hales of Up land' Ml hales of Sr* Island, 1,'h'al Imles of Domestic. The market tuu been rcry Irregular during the past ■' '• small John Hartnett, a soldier, who assaulted J. Hurao Burnley, First BoqretaryDftho British Lo- gution, iu Wasltington, aomo dityaaince, is ngaiu under arrest. Ho had U Itcnrlng heforo Jitailce Morsel!, when Mr. Burtiloy Btaled that ho did not wish the cuao to go to court The Justice accordingly lined tho soldier tlireo dollars (or disorderly conduct, and permitted him to de part. In tho meantime tlm wire of the llritLili Minister wrote to tier husband In tho Nortli con cerning tho matter, and ho iu turn wrote to Sec retary Seward on tho samo subject Mr. Seward then wrote to tiio Chief of Polico, requesting that the soldier bo again arrested and tliq mailer hilly examined. The President 1ms sent to the Senate tho nom ination of General Frank Blair ns Collector of Internal Revenue for the First District of Mis souri. Tito nomination crcntcd quite a sensation in executive session. It was roffcrrcd to the Com mittee on Finance. fluctuation In the gold marker, which daring Ibe week has been a* changeable aa the wind. The continued Urge re* celpti at the Onlf porta, baa alio, had It* Influence on tho market, and prlcea are from two to three cent* ft th. low er Ilian our last violation*. We give tbe ruling ratea at the close of the market of till* day: uwiifddiini::::::::::::':: no s^l Middling..... agg strict Middling gjKa Hood Middling New V ork Cotton and Cold .Worker. Naw York, March 17, twill, ^ttooetm drooping, Salt* four hundred and forty Gold twenty-nine and a half. The military hill which went through the Senate on Wednesday provides that the army of the United States is to consist in times of peace ol five regiments of artillery, twelve regiments of. cavalry, und liliy regiments of infantry. Eight of Hie infantry regiments, and in accordance witli un amendment pro|toscd by Mr. Wade, two of tin.- cavalry regiments, arc lo lie composed of colored men. An infantry regiment 1ms, beside Hie olficcrs, 500 privates, which numlier may he increased at the discretion of the President to 1,500. Our|icacccstahlishmcnt, therefore, would number from 05,000 to aliout 75,000 men. A man answerhi'g'tlic description of t^unntreU, the leader of the lauvrence, Kansas, massacre, was arrested in New York Saturday night, and is now there in General Augur’s gunrd house. It U said several citizens of Kansas, including Sen- stors Lane and Pomeroy, and Cnptnin M. H. Irnley, have visited him, anil arc of the opinion that ho to tbe Identical Individual. Official news lias lieeit recclvcil by Heitor Kemo from El Paso, Hie seat of the Mexican Hyvernmcnt, up to Hie 10th |i|lfmo. President Juarez, and Ids government, remained in undis puted imswwslon of Northern Chihuahua. A r tench deserter, who ttrriyotl at El Paso, report- eil tlmt all tlm French troops abandoned the city nf C’ldltnalma oil the 8th. Havana, March 10.—Tits Hpahlsb steam frig- ate Ncpiuvo has Just come iu, towing tho schoon er Mutidlde, witli Htrec hundred and seventy-five Have* on Ixmrd, said to belong to Panelio Marty, h ** wid there are more ou l*mit| tli^stcamcr, “lalting one thousand flvo fuimlred anil sevouty- two in a||. Fxqmim und American civilization Is begin- , * *° •’“ahe progress la China, as It has dono «India. An KnglUli te lmdl lips been opened “ * *kln for Chinese youth, iitstaliied by the lui- I'srial aiitluirUIvs, and a Chinese official lit Bhang- hal pays an American missionary 0*3,500 n year tor the same purpose. Tu» tsrim-m or lIUnoTs urn h.rWto* liidlgna- «m meetings to prolital against llie high price of *' r Tl,f, y «y that the jtrice* rtf tliolr produce »re lower than before tlm war, while twenty and twenty-live dollars a month and round is now V . lV the same “help” who were glad to work tor twelve dollars Imfore (ho war. The marriage law of Pennsylvania is under «“log cluutgA a simple agreement between tbo aupte, In* of wltncMce, has boon held «hl»K will be dono awaj- with, mid Hie services ,ir Wman or D " , 8 |ll,r ate will now here- Tub SL Louis Republican says that within it tow days a single transportation compuny in that city has tnado engagements of freight to the ex tent ol three millions of pounds for Montana Territory alone. Gkoiuik Pkauodv, the London linnker, con templates building a church in Georgetown, Mas sachusetts, where his mother was born. Dn. Jayne, at tho time of his death, hud near ly completed an elegnnt private rcaldcnce—cost ing three hundred thousand dollars—in which he designed to puss tho remainder of his days. Parisian Oo**lp. A Paris correspondent of the Indianapolis Journal gives some interesting particulars of ev ery day life in that gay metropolis. In speaking of Paris business and their mode of advertising, he says: “You have read the French papers, of course. If you have not, you have at least seen that they contain nothing like the proportion of'advertise ments tlmt our papers do. Tlm fourth pugc ol u few to given up to Utis use, and that to nil And such advertisements! Great black, sprawling letters, of the regular ’stud-hoss-bill’ pattern. No country paper would publish such things. But there to very little ol advertising (lone. The French do not consider It altogether reputable to resort to tills tnodo of nitmcting attention; A business with thorn to an iiilicrltuncu like an es tate, and it passes from father to son through several generations, or to successors who relig iously maintain the old name of the ltouso witli their own name placed under Iu Thus you will sco ‘Malson Trichnrd,’ ‘Maison Chanter,’ and hundreds of others. This to the old iiiufiu of tlm house, and It to kept up, however propiletora may change. In consequence the plnco mid bu siness 'are well known without advertising.— Both Imre and in London signs with it single nume, ’Jones ’ ’Dunbar,’ and the like are very common. They arc old houses long known liy their names. Another, and the most amusing feature of Purlsinn business is the queer names somclltncagiven llielr establishments. Tints, in Rue Hivoli, a few blocks west of the Hotel dc Villc, there is a store named ‘Tito House of the Infant Jesus.’ anoUtcr is called ‘Tim Blood oi Jesus,' nnotlicr 'Cradle of Jesus,' uuoUier the "Siege of Corinth,’ another 'Pen of Humboldt,’ another tho 'Tower of Babel.’ What tho use of these fantastic names limy be I can’t imagine, bnt It to nt least ns sensible mid appropriate to call n candy simp ‘Tim Cradle of Jesus,’ as to call a whisky shop ‘Tim Pearl’ or ‘Gem.’ ” Tito writer tolls how Sunday is s|icni in Paris, and how the French work: "It to Sumlny, to-day, by Uto alumnae. You would never know it Irorn anything you see iu this city. Lei us etroll up tlie river, past Hie souHt end of the TuUcries.. You sco the work men are busy ou tlmt long gap In the old build ing which Napoleon 1ms tom out to re-build with C ter magnificence. You hear inside Hie high » tho clicking of hammers on tlm soft cream colored stotic, tho creak of ropes nnd Hie lmsty tread of leeL The nten are at work just ns they were yesterday. But they work In silence.— Frenchmen are not noisy, nnd, let me add, they are not industrious either. I saw the oilier day at tho Blbliotbcquc Impcriitlc, (the largest library in the world, containing about two million vol umes,) some nten nt work filling tin n hole with loose stones that lmd been dumped in Hie street about fifteen feet from the place where thoy were needed. An American would, of course, have filled his arms full of tho fragments nnd carried, and thrown them over twenty nt u time, nml would neither have expected or deserved assist ance. IIow do you imagine the French did it ? There were thirteen men, licsidcs the boss, form ed in two lines Irorn Hie cellar to Hie stone pile, and these passed tho stones from one to the other ns wc used to do tire-buckets in thu old days, and with a leisurely IndilEercnt nir Hint made me aclm to show them how ‘live’ men work. Two ordinary boosters could cosily do all tlmt the thirteen did, nnd in half the time.” A wine shop in Paris to described ns follows: “There go a half dozen Imckmcn, stamping their wooden shoes, into a wino simp, usually designated by the sign, 'Commerce do Vln.’ Let us follow them in. Tho counter is covered with zinc, and about three feet of the middle, liy n lout nr two in width, is ‘dished’ or sunk iijur or five inches. In this depression the lmt- tles are placed, though tlm uncovered portion of Hie counter is well ItoUlcd over too. A wo man ‘keeps bar.' Him gives you a lmttln of cla ret, called here ‘Bordeaux,’ for 30 cents. It would cost 81 GO In Indianapolis. Illsabout ns strong ns cider, a little more sour, nnd rather clearer in taste. Ills pure, because it is so clieup there is no use in adulterating It. Bordeaux Is the univer sal beverage here; brandy to rarely used by any body j whisky you never see; gin limy exist, Imt you will not find it without a special and penic- verlng search. 1 Imvc not seen a drunk mutt in Paris, und arrpsts for drunkenness in this city of two milliions of inhabitants are not so numerous ns in our little city. Tho two facts Itching to each other, und one may explain tho other." The Fate or the Bi.ackh.—In u recent speech by Senator Donlittlo on this mihjccl, he says of the freedmen: Do you uol know tlmt the colored iKipiilatlim has tterished by thousands und hundreds of Hum- sands during llie war? We Imvc no accurate duta upon which to state tho precise number tlmt have |iertohed. Governor Aiken of South Caro lina. who has liecn a Union limn, and was one of the largest slaveholders of the South, owning at one time over eight hundred slaves, himself stated to me In Washington tlm oilier day un qualifiedly that at least one million lmd rarwlicd, und, in Ills opinion, a great many more; also, thu Hon. Randall Hunt, of tho city ot New Or leans, states the samo opinion; nml Captain Halites, of the Union army or Ixnilsiatm, who has lived alwaya ul tlm South, states his opinion that at least onu million Imvu perished; nnd these gentlemen tell ymt the reason nit which they found litis opinion. Some, nr course, Itavg perished in Imttle; perhniiH fifty thousand Imvu |iertolied In Isitlle, or or their wounds | but that lias not been the principal source of tlm destruction. Small pox and other terribia diseases that Billow tho inarch of armies, have prevailed among them to a terrible extent, all thu way from thu Rappa hannock to the Hto Grande. The small |>ox has ■wept them away in camp and on plantations, und everywhere, by thpusamto upon thousands. It to also a fact that Whori theso dWcoscs spread among those not accustomed to attend to tlm diseases among themselves, they Imre, to u great extent, been neglected by tl\e whole people, Tlm master* and thou connected with Ilium lost In- tcrest In them. They perished by hundreds of thousands. These are tlio appalling facts, and yet they are true. I have no doubt tlmt when wo coma to taka tlw census of 1870, two-ftfttis or tho wholu colored population will Itave perished. Btuanue Marketing.—One of our citizens going to marital, yesterday morning, was sur prised to hear tltd cackle of a lion In tils basket, as Im had not, as yet. Hindu any such purchase, liaising tlm lid ho was still more astonished to seo It empty, witli tlm exception of an egg.— Tnkut It uni tn in -t» it it, Un lid Ml to its sum, when Hto fowl was again apparently lie,ml to cackle. Looking again, another egg wns found. Theso operations lmd ntiracted quits a.cmwij of eager spectators, who were all u* rati&turpmed *—■—- gome one espied • 'fniid vcnlrllo- okplnlncd tlio mti-trrr (irand mastrr tiimn marnicr, w. w. botd. OJftce, UTiuonte IM. 8YMBOU0MA8ONUY. Atlantn liOgdo, No. SO. Mated Commnnlcafton* 2d and 4th Thursdays ol each month, at 7X> IV. M.\ Time. W. CitANDuRn, Worahlnhit Master. Jno. M. BOnma, Secretary. . Pulton I.odgo, No, 210. Stated Cnmimmicatlnus 1st and ad Thursdays or each month, at7N, IV. M.-. W. W. Born, Worshipful Mauler. Ciiak. IIahuon, Secretary. CAPITUr,AU~MA80NnY, Mount /.ton Itnyul Arch C'linplor, No, 10, . Regular Convucatlim* 2d mid 4th Monday* of ouch mouth, at7Vf, IV. M.\ Tiioa. W. Ciiandlkii, M.-. K.\ Illnh Prleat. Calvin Kay, Secretary. Mount ZlonCounell flood Sumnrltaha. ^ Regular meeting* 1*1 Tuesday In each month, at Vi, W. W. Botd, Mutter of Coromonlea. H. 8. Oiihr, Secretary. cryptkFmasonby. Jasou Burr Council Royal Mnntcr and So loes Manona, No. 13. Regular Meeting* 3d Tuesday lu January, April, July nnd October. W. W. Do yd, Thrice tllustrloue Grand Mauler. Jno. M. BoniNii, Bccordcr. Knight* Templar*. Cnur do I,Ion Com- mandory, No. 4. ^ Regular Conclave let Monday of each month, at IU, Titos. W.;, Km’t Crim’r." tV. n. TuuNaR, Recorder. The office of the above named Herrctarle* and Recor der* la la Mnaoulc Halt building, Orel floor. INDEPENDENT OKUEROE ODD FELLOWS. ODD PILLOW*' HALL l'lACHTHUIC ST., CUEIIOREE BLOCK. Central Lodge, No. 38. Meet* every Tuesday evening, nt 7X o'clock. \V. W. Boyd, N. (I. It. P. Bennett, Secretary. nnrno* Lodge, No. 55. Steele every Kriday evening, at 7JJ o’clock. T. P. Klerinu, N. O. 8. \V. Unvim, 8eerelary. Kmplro Encampment, No. 13, Meet* on 2d nnd till Wednesday of carh nimilli. O. Dockum, C. I*. B. K. Bennett, Herilie. HOTEL ABlil VALS. EXCHANflic 1IOTKL. B. M Branner A Co., Proprietor*. .SATURDAY, MARCH 17,1880. John T Jenklu*, Cuthbcrl. D flood, 0*. J L Kl'allwlll, Fla. M Bulat, M A W K It W J I’arrlx, Cliutimiooga. 8 Reneaii.CR It 8 .J Timmons. Nashville. E M Wont, Umntvllle. Mr nnd Mrs J E Sands, King- 8 F Singer, Cincinnati). . ■Ion, Ua. ,111 Maker, Cincinnati. - Mia* CarrioSands. Kingelon K Rainey. Atlanta. J N Vtvlonl, Louisville, Newton King, Ua. J Hardy, Amcrlcu*. Un. It Ito.s, Athens. It U Khieli, Rome, Ua. % K Jackson, Ulmriestou, 8 C Mlse Johyaan, Augusta. (I V Wells, Ua. Mlaa Camming*, Augusta. W It Flack, M A W U R E Mann, Dawton, U*. John Bartthdnse, Adnlrsvllle A 8 Maxwell, Macon. It T Turley, East Tonn. Y It Jones, Covington. das Spylzicr, Chattanooga. T F .loiiea A daugtrter, Cov- W F Jenkins, C'lmUnuonra. Ington. W 8 Howard aud wife, NY Alvm Brnnk, New York. C Jncksmi, Ky. Ad Dunn, Va. Mrs Brackin, (la. 8 Gamer, Va. SUNDAY, MARCH 18, Its*). M*l J M Sawyers, Tonn. Franklin Lincoln. Collett, Ct. P H George, Tcnn. - N I) Stain wool, Boaton. U R McFarland, Ky. 8 D Roynnlds, East Tetin. It Jennings, KutauU, Ala. E It Dlsmlke, Fla. R M Hunter, Philadelphia. It M Muon-, St. Louis, Mo. W II Howard. Ausuila. Un. N it Tliummdun, Ala. Col Danlol F Cocke, Ala. Allen Tecle, Summerville. J A Atwood, Cincinnati. Van It Crawford, Marlella. S a Head. J Garland, New York. B W York, 8. and 8. store. (I H Owens, New York. J O Bryant, Ala. ,1 A Broken, Columbus, Un. J Welch, Marietta, Ua. Stephen Uirko, Chattanooga 1) VV Vlsscher, Fort Valley. W Taylor, Montgomery. M T Bridwell, Knoxvlllo. W P Leo, W A Ferguson, Ua. T J lllbler. On. J J Jack*, (la. Jnhnuio Seay, Atlanta. J L Llglu, Jr., llrintol. Trim. Geo Pyles, eouduelorU It R U Uore, Ky. Mat Melt, eon W A A It It A O Tuttle, Ala. O II Hill, Cutlihcrt, Ua. A Hulycashn, Selma, Ala. Aminll ('iilmnn, Culhhert. Edward Dally, Canton, Cl. PLANTHKfli HOTEL. Wr. O'Hallohan, Proprietor. SUNDAY, MARCH 18,18UI. Win Helme, Phlladelplila. Tlininna Johnson, Mt. Sler- T W llalrd, Louisville. ling, Ky. T B Davl*, Augusta, Ua. K It Reeves, W A A R R O J Foreacre, city. .1 R drover, Nashville. McCarthy, city. S F (Inoilman, Nash villc. uniett, city. C C Woodward. Charleitou. L Hamburger, HclUa, Me. .1 N Steele, Marlon, Ala. C W Murln, LaQrange, Ua. J Kalaen, Meinphi*. Mrs F Johnson, Augusta, d E Gayer. C'ofumbus, (la. Mlaa Cummins, Augusta. Mrs Davenport, Columbus, R F CaUcrsun, Jetlerson co. Mrs Harrison, Columbus. Arkansas. Wm L Parker. Columbus. E E Root, Memphis, Tcun. 'I' E Blanchard, Coluinbu*. J W Johnson, City. J B Little, Illinois. J L Mathnws. Ureenahoro. J E Dunham, New York. II Williams A wife, Augusta Hon BII lllll, LaQrange. U B Mitchell, Montgomery. Jndgn Wm Dougherty, city. J T Ullea, city. (loo W Summers, Augusta. Wm Tlwrntun, Richmond. F T Carrington A lady, N Y John J HmIUi, Savannah. Dr Geo W West, lady and 2 T Uugcnt, New York. children nnd serv't, Miss. J It Hooka, Tliomuavllle, Ua Siiupsoii lllbler, Mlaa. Wm Council, Wayno eo. Ua. J Uamll, Philadelphia. [iioka,Tliomuavllle, Ua Simpson lllbler, Miss. ,'ouncll, Wayno en. Ua. J Uamll, Philadelphia. GooReddlngton,Charleston It.I Howard, city. J A Clumbers, Augusta, (la 8 8 Campbell, city. Mrs Julia A Bowden, Anglia- John Demurlst, New Yi ta, Ua. Frank Mills, ell v. IrES Kay, city. C Peeples, (Irlfllii. F K Williams, I-'la. L M Cobh, Urlflln, Ua. J M Hatch, Chleagn. C M Jenulngtini.lliime, Ua. U W Tndlcrii, i ork New ^Vdv(U’ti.sements. Tho uiiderslgnml atttiouiirea him- self ns a cumlldnlo for Judge of tho County Court, and most respectfully solicits the support of his fcllow-cItlEcns of Fnltnn county. Election llrst Monday In May noxt. WM. M. BUTT, murttl—til LOST, , a GOLD BRACT v- McConnell's, on Print slreel, nnd tlio Central Proa- hytcrlan Church. The Hmler will he liberally rewarded by leaving the samo at Mils nffiee. marSO-tt* CENTRAL PJOTKJL Ivy Street, Atlanta, Georgia. NEAR PASSENGER DEPOT—STRAIGHT COURSE. Located Centrally and Convenient to Business. T HE Proprietor Is determined to snstsln the reputa tion tho House has so generally msdu for (hind Fare, Clcau Beds ami (loud Urder. Clerk and Porters at the Train-Call (liein. N. B.—A New Three Story Building with entlfn outfit now aud noat. Several cxectleut rooms for hoarder* by thu month. Board, without lodging, furnished nt re duced rates. gfcbl5—ilia Rev. J JV. HINTON, Proprietor. I. O. M'DANIEL. a. A. ECUOL*. I. O. MoDANIEL A CO., Warehouse and Commission Merchants, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, flKOIMIA, DEALER*IN XTlour, (iriTtln, liitcon, anti ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. Czuslguincntsand orders are respocUhllysolIrltod. and will meet with prompt attimtion. marts—3m FOB SAIsE. llfY RESIDENCE on Washington street. In tbit city. J.U. Tho uwolllng Is of brick, wall built and well flu- tsbod, and haa eight large rooms, with all the modem convenience*. The lot contains two acre*, llaa well, and haa growing on It near a hundred cholco Fruit Trees. Unt building* In good condition. Also, thirty-three and two thlrd acre* of Intnl, heavily wooded, and eligible for building, near McDoqongh road, two mile* from pattetiger depot. Term* liberal. Apply lo myeelf, or to Marshall J. Clark, In Ihe -Friiuk- tin Building, Alabama street Itn*r7-m JAUKSCLAUK. DIUOLUTION NOTICK. the name dissolved FTIHK nnderslgued will continue the Wholesale Llquoi JL bnslarss as heretofore. All liabilities of tbo latt Arm of McAfvo A Sluirp will to paid by ine; and all per- tons Indebted to said Ann will uloasouiaku |uyment to the uiulertlgncd Immediately. fahK-la _ OKU. SHARP. EDWARD HOaO CO., Post one* Building, Pryor atreci, Atlantm • . . . . > » floorgln, 1 assortment of LCdlea' «p, A>r r««h. J.-***, '• 't. j —» ^ • *—■ Kotioo to Mnnnfaotursn, P. P. PEASE & CO., No* 1T Alabama' street, . . i: ; *H • • h a : k In Store on Consignment end for sale: -too barrel* Flonri-ehdli'6 brands nml low prices, M barrel* Irlxli Potatoes for planting nt fd 80 per bnalicl. to barrels Unions, at |4. u>.- 30 barrels tonf, Crushed and-Brown ■Sugar, at low-' o*t rate. i -■> ,umi.r S.1 barrels Oyster, Boston and Hngnr Crackers. 60 harrela Machinery, Car Sod. Lard Gila. #5 barrels Bourton nnd Robertson Comity Whisky. 100 cases Wines, Brandies, Scotch nnd Irish Wills- . 400 'hnxcrt nnd half boxes dibice'chewing Tobacco, 7.000 pomuls Smoking tobaico—Kllllekinnki, Geor gia lloya’ Relight, and other, brand*. 180,000 Cigars—Impprtod and ol domestic mniiufnrture. 25 hales Y’nrns, Shirting*, Sbeellngs nnd Usnnhnrg*. 30 culls Rope. 1,1X10 yanta beat India.Bagging, for sale tn rinse nut. . 80 dozen good Shaker llroftn*, at *4 W per (luzun. 13 bags choice Rio Coffee. Ill cheats Green and Black Tea*. 25 boxen MW Candies,atJowcaknmrki-l price*. 1.000 oile-roiirth boxen Sardine*. 25 boxesjeuporior Adamantine Candle*. H ■ ICO dbacnkSittott Card*; (-hfflow:- -* " • AW.alarge and variedriipdivditUY IIOODS, con- SpImwMmralHfe chlafe, Ilnte, Boots, Shoes, Notions, and. many other ar ticles, whlcfi ivlll to sold, to'close out, nt J^ss than New If yon*wlah trarcalns, remember ti»t Ijo.' 17, Alalwma ■street,' hf the plate at which they ran lie trail, marts-Jit ‘ E^i.p.lessecopy., .. ... . ^ WE HAVE IN STORE Floor, Coni. Pntiifoi’fl, ColVuu, rtmln, • V( epucr, " BartUoei Toft LunUicr. Nuilri, JlronnM, Cokiiac Brandy, Cherry Brandy,. Blackberry Brandy, Bye Whisky. Old Bonrbun Wlilaky, Champagne, BparKllng CaUtvha, StlH Catawba, Port Wlnu. Bhlnn Wines, Claret Winn, Cherry* Bounce, Plantation Blttora, Ac* Ac. Ac Which W6 aro olTerlng to tho trade at low figurcti. CLAYTON, ADA IK & IHJHSK, Coinmlaalon Merchants, inarld-«t No. 18 Alabama atreel. LIBItil UJIIBt 1 AA BARRELS ROaERS’ LIME. Juit received Al/v nnd Tor «ale hr A. K. 8EAGO, Commission Merchant, Comer Forsyth and Mitchell street*. Atlanta, Georgia. UACON IIAINN ANU I.AIID. CHOICE LOT Inst received from Warren, Mitchell AX'o. For earn by A. K. 8EAGO, Commission Merchant, Comer Forsyth nml Mitchell street*. Atlanta, tin. FIjOUIII FLO I! II { A AA BBIJ) Woodlawn Choice Family Flour, TtUU 200 bhla llenry Clay XXX Flour, 200 bbls Pearl Mills Extra Superline Flour, 200 bhla Cumberland Mills Extra Supcrllue. 80 bhla Monitor low grade Flour, 80 bbls Areola Plain Family Flour. All ot wliirhwill he promptly eold on liberal lonn* lo the trade, by A. K. SEAGO, (.'ommlsslon Merrliatit, Corner Forsyth and Mitchell streets, Atlanta, fin. COHN I COnNt W HITE IIIIKAD CORN. In any quantity, can now he nirtilslied tn the trado by A. K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant, Corner Forsylh and Mitchell strcels, Atlanta, Ga. NOAP,~SOAP. JN larjte supply and great variety, at prices to defy com pel Hon, .y A K HEAGO, Commission Merchant, Comer Forsyth and Mitchell streets, “GATE €ITY LAND Atlttiila, <•«. REGISTER.” lyto f -truly and fslthffilly representing lDOtt ' ' " ' ' * nil I8HTITUTI0N of de W E have lust received our large, superbly Imund LAND REOISTER, Sotted t®— ' " •' icnf Recording, and o, nislate for sate or rent, tar Pcrsops having Real Estate for sale nr rent, are Invited to record the same on onr Register free of charge, whether they employ us to represent them asagcr.l* nr not. The Gate City Land Register will he kept open fur in spection by the public, and wo hope thus in cxtiihit to llie numerous applicants runstantly railing nl our office for real estate most. If not all, the real estate for sale or rent In or neat Atlanta. We wlU buy, aell and rent for other*; and by devilling , representing m to make tho Gate City Land Offii -lecldcd beneflt to thu public, suit thereby hnnnrahto aa woll a* remunerative lo ourselves. HELL A BELL., marl7—lot Beal Estate Agents. _ GEORGIA NATIONAL. BANK, OF ATIiAN T A, WILL DO a LKMKIUI. Banking, Deposit, Exchange anil COLLECTION BUSINESS, AND WILL DUY AND SKI.I. All hind* dr Government Securities On Farorable Tenns. DiRloToits-John nice, President; W. W. Clayton, E. B. Itawion, 8. A. Durand, John Collier; E. I.. Jones, Cashier. BTOIIIci for tho present, at the store of Messrs, f'lsy- ton, Adair A Purs", No. 18 Alabama slreel. JsnSI—3m 9200,000 ON ONE RISK Taken by thu safest and must reliable ItiNui'ii ttue Com pun less In America, hacked by over 813,000,000 CAUII CAPITAL AND ASS UTS. Losaas Promptly adjusted. Itstes reasonable. JOHN C. WHITNEH, Agent, At McCamy A Co.’s Drug Store, msrlfl—lm ‘ * Alabama street, Atlanta, (le._^ COW PKAN, COWPEAH. Just LANGSTON, l In Store and to Arrive. -| er/x barrkIuH raisn i*otatokh, A OU 1000 barrels Flour—all grades, 4 barrel* Cuba Cauo Hyrup, 180 bate* beat Western Hay, m. LANGSTON, CRANE A CO. e. r. rmiMaN. Travelers" to the ON miSmilgB or PLEA8URE, WILL flNII TD* LOUISVILLE t NASHVILLE RAILROAD Running Ip connection with tho Western A Atlanta, and the Noahvllie and Chattanooga Rallroade tho direct and moat expeditions rente from u ATX. ANTAL .. TO I.oulivlllp, -Indianapolis, Cincinnati, . Glilratco, Detroit, ^loveUnd, Pius- . AND ALL PLACES IN THE NORTH AND EAST. JSrSupcrlor SLEEPING COACHES on all night trains uorth or Chattanooga. TIME "TABLE. Leave Atlanta... .7.31) A. M Arrivo Chatta'a.. .8.30 P. M Lcnvo Chatta'a..,. &4S IV M Arrivo Nashville. .8.48 A. JI Wave Nashville..7.80 A. M AfrlveLouisville..8.00 IV M LEAVE LOUISVILLE AT . 8.00 A. M., 12.00 M„ 2.00 P. M., 4.00 P. M., A 8.001>. M. BAGGAGE CftlECKED from Nashville or Louisville tO'SlI the Important cities North and Kaat of LflnlsvlUe. at any Lcnvo AtlahU.....7.86'P.M Arrive Chatta'a.. .6.35 A. M Leave Chatta'a.. .8.00 A. M Arrivo Nashville. .4.00 P. M Leavo Nashville.. .6.80 P. M Arrive Louisville.8.00 A. M >, ana an opportunity or visiting the celebrated Cave, which le located near the Hue of this nmu. If Alt IS AS LOW AS TUB LOWEST. Vor nirther Inforaiatlon and through Tlcketa, apply at the Union Ticket Office, In Atlanta, nnd all tlio principal Itsllroad offices In Ills Smith. ALBERT FINK, General Superintendent. 1 SAM. j; LITTLE, mnrl8-3m General Traveling Agent. Macon Telegraph copy and charge to I., ft N. It. It. c. n. WRi.i.immr, j. w. bvi.laii. WELLBORN A BELLAH, REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND • G(Mini*ttl YjIiikI AjycntN, ATLANTA GEORGIA. WELLBORN & BELLAH. I'cnolt-Trce Sti-cot, Atlanta, (>n., Wholesale and Retail Dealers lit Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, AC. Also, General Commission Merchants for the rale nt Produce, Carriages, Haggle*. Ac, . Jnul7—Im Allatoona Iron Works for Sale. T HE Stockhulilera having eo directed, the President will offer said property far sale, nt auction, on the flrat Tuesday In April nexl, In Atlanta, unless eold at pri- '• '— ’■ “ property ia located 40 i of the Western A At- ... . Vpri r ., vale sale heforo that day. This both tnPrij miles above Atlanta, oh both aldea'of the Weatero A M- Isntlc Railroad. Thera Is 1UU0 acres ol land, a reasonable imrtlonof Itgood tanning land, and tbe balance valua ble Tor tho wood nml minerals—gold, capper and Iron: tlio Iron ore eeemlng to be inexhaustible, and tho gray ora being esteemed among the beet In tho world. Tb* Corn nnd Flouring Mills and Iron Work* aro only come half tulle from the Allatoona depot, on Allatoona creek, which furnishes the water power. About half of tho vil lage or Allatoona belongs to the property. Home of the buildings being entirely destroyed, other* damaged, all the working stock being lost, aud a majority ot the stock holders being crippled In means by tho ravages of Wir, ■ -*-*— o company to sell rather than attempt, under tho circumstances, to rciiiKltate. ’ ' "i* Jan31—2m Inforointiot lo detail ran he proenred by rnnmiUlng i. o. McDaniel, Atlanta, Ga. Cincinnati Commercial and Nashville Union copy two -months and send hill for payment to 1.0. McDaniel, At- lanlMta. EVERY IMTOY’SJ" Fit IE IV D ! Mason't Medicated Candy, for Congha and Colds. Mason's Charcoal Pantile, for Perfuming the Breath. Mailin'* delicious Ice Cream Candy, Mapon's Luscious Wine Drop*, Mason's Pure Mired Csudie*, Mason * fur* uum Drops, Mason's lee Cream Bon Bon*. A LL the ahovu articles pnl up In liandsome boxes, with show ntrd* and circulars, for Druggist*, Fancy De.ders, (.'onferlInner* aud Railroad New* Agent*. MASON A CO., Wholesale Depot, Nn. 88 North Sixth street, Philadelphia. For *nle at wholesale, by XI. W. A. J. R. JOHNSON, Atlanta. Ua., fch23—3m Agent* for the Stale of Georgia. BUCK WIII1AT I BUCKWHEAT I NK THOUSAND lb* choice New Buckwheat Flour for salu by XI W. A J. II. JOHNSON, Commlsilon Xleri-hant*. Franklin Block, Alabama streeL for sale by SEED OATS. M. W. A J. H. JOHNSON, L'onunls*iou Merchauls, Franklin Block, Alabama street. ONIONS I ONIONS! TjllVB BARRELS ONIONS. To arrivo and for sale by xi. ........ Commission Xterehanu, Franklin Block, Alabama street. SOW sack* Corn. . - i.j J. a. O. SCOTT. 4. *. VAItaoN*. SCOTT. PAB80K8 & FREEMAN, BIT AIL DIALKIW IK Dry Goods, Drugs, Medicines, &c., WUTKUALL HTJtftitT, ' ATLANTA, Jebl-flm ^ QVBBNKWAItlt. ‘ TOY THE CBATE ONLY, and Miorted to suit the JL> trade. Good lot commouTeai and llalea tu en ry cask. n nt ■ tt »LMcPherson, Whitehall slreel, . AHaptoj Ua. NKMD OATS. T HREE IIU,NURBD BUHHELS. In »tore, Black aud White, of Rtqterlor tiualllyT™ ft. M. Mi'PIIBIIMON, , Whllchall slreel, tuai»-0 Atlanta, G*. l’UIBIB LEAP LAUD. 2000 HI H‘tMB W FLAlU».j5 ! r ( Sa.u N hy No. a Demur strtft. BBANM rilKANN I rjIKN bntbel* Whlla and Colored Bean*. ^-Vw^jla by fobll—c , ... Ro, 8 Detltlur *lreet. BBMOVAL milR undersigned will remov* on’MmuUy. tho luih, lo itrecl. where llteynUl c.mllmto to receive nildlllaue to M. W. A J. II. JOHNSON, Commission Xterchani ranklln Block, Alabamt sir McNAUGHT, ORMOND & 00., KeysNlono Blnrk, WHITEHALL. BTnEET, O FFER FOR SALE, at retail, and to tho trade, a large and woll aseurlcd stork of Hardware, Cutlery, Gunt, I’lslnls, Gnu Material, Brass Good*, Agricultural Imple ment*, Circular and Sash Haw*. Onm and Leather Belt ing, Packing, House Furnishing Goods, Plated and Plan ished Ware, Carpenters’. Masons’, Tanners' and 8hoa .Maker*' Tools, XV ood nnd Willow Ware, Carriage Hard ware aud Wood Work, Ac., and will bo happy to see their friends at tlielr old place of business. tnarllt—3m ~ WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS ~ IN8UBANOM COMPANY, PITTSFIELD, MASS. 4'wmIi 4'uplful and Surplus, $350,741 50. muis COMPANY will Inrnire Real and Personal Pro A porty against loss or damage by Fire on aa hvora hie terms a* other responsible companies. Loaaei Equitably adjusted and promptly paid. J. N. Dunham, Secretary: Ensign II, Kellogg, Preel- deul; Samuel B. llowu, AsatsUnt Secretary. C1IAPLY B. WBLLBUUKN. Agent, feta-am l'cach-Tree Street. Altauia, tia. James River Insurance Company. HOWARDSVILLE, VIRGINIA. Cluirlovqtl Cnpltnl, 01,500,000. aud Insnranee, apply to B. WELLBORN, Ageut at Attouta, Oa. tar Agent* wanted everywhere, who con apply with proper vouchers of suitability, lo the company. C. ft. WELLBORN, Agent. _feb2- Urn l’cach-Tree street, Atlanta, Ua. I N .--1 11 I : IN TUG Southern Mutual insurance Company, Of Athens, Georgia. I T is nu old, reliable Company, located near yon. Losses promptly paid. Prudta annually divided among llie Insured. W. 1*. PATTILLO, Agent at Atlanta, Ga. twice C. I. Brown's,No. 0 Decatur street. P. S.- -I have on baud a large amount of St rip, of dfty per rent, under Dlvhleml No t 7 of pnifll* ai erulug from ■lay. Until, tn May, 1854. Thosa entitled tu scrip under this dlvhleml will pirate call at my office aid get ft. ]an4-3m I. aTKADMAH. 4. II. SIIIIIUN*. I.. P. TUUMAS, JR. STEADMAN, SIMMONS. A CO., UKNEI1AI, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AHO Wllotrs il.l; UXALUns IK OrooorluN amt. l’t'oiluou, Norerost' Bnlldlng, cor. WhltabaU And Marietta St*., ATLANTA, UKOKOIA. mart-ffin Lvnrasm lvkukui wM^tar y Umbw< '* W VV quaniuy, S ,. KADJ ,'^; slil y 0N8Ac „„ Norerou' lhitldlng, Contev Whitehall and Marietta etrwta. marlO-Itt LAND and cowiciirpipil V. A. OAiKILL. , Glo. i. tlONAI. I GASHILL &'ffH0MAS, Attorneys q,t Law, I AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Atlanta, Georgia, WIU* OITJI A FECIAL ATTENTION TO CONVEYANCING, Examining Titles to Beal Estate, . WRITING CONTRACTS k COLLECTING SKITS. (STOffice Up Stain, flrat bttlkllng on Whitehall ttfeeq- on the left going from tho railroad. RKfznntcxa—Mayor and Citizen* of Atb Gardner, Augnsta | J. W. Feara'A Co., C. Matfon | Amtell A Inman, John Livingston, JanlB-8m CATE CITY XAncua a. mix. > BELL , John Livingston, N. York.. ' ' LAND _ OFFICE. t, II, BK1X & BELL, ONE AN ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Will give etrlctattentlon to tho Jieal Estate [Business, ( AND TO COLLCCTINO DEBT*. |*f*(.'a*h adranree made on City property. OFFICE—With Ezzard As Hulsey, up stair*, In the Nor- erne* comer Building. Rnnmxxcx*—J. J. Toon, Joseph Wlnahlp, L. J. Gar- trell, Atlanta; Jamea Gardner, L. B. Davie, Angmtai Ledyard A Barlow, Phil.; S. Root, John Uvtngiton, N. T, j anal—Sin w. l. QohDotvttrn, Attorney at Law, ATLANTA, ..... GEOROIA, W ILL PRACTICE in Fulton and adjoining connllea. Also, iu all thu City Court*. Prompt ami etrlctattention given to Writing Contract*. Deceit, WIIIm: Couvcjanrtng, Hcntlng and Belling Re*J Kstate, and Collecting Debtu of all Kinds. {gy-omce At City Hull, with the Ordinary. K«(). t Atlicui*. (la.; lion. Warren Akin, lion. Wolford, Judge Janes Milner, Cartcraville, Ga.; non. u. J. Oartrcll, lion. Willium JS/zard, lion. Jared I. W’hlta* ker,-Atlanta, (la.; lloti. M. A. Candler, Decatur, Ga.; J. 1). Stewart,JCsq., Stone MAnntaliL feh25— gm HENRY P. FARROW, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, Atlanta i ND CommlMloner for South Carolina, Tesneiieo'and JA. Alabame, to Attcet Deeds, Powers of Attorney, and all other Papers executed within the Sfffthof Georgia to be need or recorded In either of those State*. WB al ways ho Tonnd In hi* office daring business hour*. Prompt and strict attention will he given to all bualness confldod lo him. taroffice on Whitehall *treel, over Holbrook's Hat store. febS—3m MARSHALL J. CLARKE, A T T O It IX 33 Y A 'J? A W ATLANTA, GEORGIA pTOJIi t in i be Franklin Building, Alabama street. Jsn27-8m UKNRT n. 44CKSON. ’ At.tX. It. UWTON. JACKSON & LAWTON, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, Office on Bay street, between Boll and Whltakar, SAVANNAH, OEOBOIA. marl—lm Ltmttn 4. ut.exx. jotnr t. aitnn. L. J. GLENN A 80N, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia. MZ~Ofll.-c on Whitehall itrecl. marlfl—4t TT J-SPBAYBEBBV, Attorney at Law and pStrot^ree^nte 0YW °- l - ” rown ;LK°3 DR. J. B. MURPHY, RESIDENT DENTIST, R ESPECTFULLY call* the attention ol the citizens ol Atlanta lo tbe fact that he has returned to the city end open ed an office on Alabama street, In the Bank Block, where he is prepared to exe cute all kinds of Dental operations in the moat approved manner. Dr. M. has had twenty yeare' experience aa a Dentist, and feel* confident that ho can fallhfliUy perform all ope- rations brought before him.marlfl—lm professional card. UK. W. T. GOLDSMITH He can be lound at tlio Drag 8tor*~of Motsnk TajSor A tonic: and residence on Docalur ttreet, opposite 8. J. Shackel ford, near Atlanta A West Point Railroad Depot Jeul7—3m Xtnlttmoi'o Advorttoomentn. 1866 Spring Importation 1866 RIBBONS, MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS. ARMSTRONG, CATOR & CO. WronTKRS AND JOBBERS OF Ribbons, Bonnots, Silks & Laoep, nv.rsrs, K a cues, floivers, features, STRAW llONNETS, LADIES* HATS, Trimmed and Untrlmmed, Hltulcor Hoods, <Sko., No. 237 and toft* of 238 Baltimore Street BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. . Offer a Stock nusurpassed lu Iho United Slate* in va- rlety and rheapne.*, (STUrder* snliclled aud prompt atteutlun given, marfl—Im m cook. uxo. w. maantn. CHINA, ax* A. S8! COOK & HERRING, No. 7 8. Charles Slreel, UjYLTIMOKK, MAHYLANI). POOLE & HUNT, llALTlMOUH, XIAHY l.AND, MZMpr.cWt'nx Portable and Sutlonery Fleam Engines aud Bollrre, Steam Fire Engines,SRaw Mills, Mining Machinery, Portable Griat Ditto Flooring Mill Machlnary, Colton Bcrews, Hydraulic Frettea, Oat njfotliy, ShalUng, Pulley, and Haugen. GREAT BARGAINSJMREU ESTATE. H. J. SPRAYBEBRY, RKAL ESTATE AGENT, Beeamr Street, Over r. I. llruxvn’s star*, OFFERS FOR SALE: POTTAGE HOUSE containing four rooms, on . ve thousand Afre* Urn State. FA11M, ronlalnl tab,'well waiered, and good Improvements; forty acre* seeded, and twenty acre* tn a flgs orchard. _ ■ WIt.LlAXr WILSON, Grocer and Commission Morohant, IVtl OIQrn BnUdlug, COVINGTON, GEOHfllA. tW'Alt uHmtfin . ^ to Mcrclume Of Allanta generally, runA-M .12.15 P. M .f.AMP.U : r * noatgomery 4k. W'crat-Polnt HaHrond. DANIEL if. enSi. EvptHtiUrMnt. Arrive at Montgomery.,...,.......;...;..’...;. 8.16 P.M Arrive at Wee t-Polnt. ....12.00 M. To tiS,iRcttopt«mft<Ty, Utf, Bacon 4k Western BalLroad. K % WALKER. tfajHrlMen'JCml. ■ ^va4Ucon.... D ^;'^“”r;....:.7N,A.M ArrivaatMacon ... 1ASP.M Laav* Atlanta.. KIOtlT TCJtIN. Arrive at Atlanta... Western Ac. Atlantic Ballroad. ROBERT BAUOhT Superintendent. Lmto AtlinU. Arrive atChattanooffiL. Kit. Leave Arrive at Atlanta. ...,. v . r , .A00 A. M ^t!^jk*tia AdvcrtUtomenis. ......7JO A. M 8J0 P. M 6.10 A. M fl.40P.JI 7J0P.M (J6A.M !8iB6 FOR1866. J^ BRADLEY’S CELEBRATED 'S' oq EACII HOOP BEING COMPOSED OF Two Perfectly Tempered Single Springs, BnMleiffiiifaUy together, edge to edge, forming one Hoop, and making the Strongest and molt Flexible, th* Lighted and moat Durable Spring made. They will not Band or Break Hko th* single iprlngt, bnt will alwayi preserve their PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL 8HAPE CROWDED ASSEMBLAGES, CHURCHES, THEATRES, RAILROAD CARS, FOR PROMENADE, OR xioTTqg DRESS. In Act, they an suparior to all others, combining Comfort, Economy, Lightness & Durability. INQUIRE FOR BRADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC OR DOUBLE SPRING SKIRT. For saleataryvrher*. Manufactured oxdnslvely by the •ot* owner* of the Patent, WESTS, BRADLEY A CART, No. 87 Chamber* and Noe. 18 and 81 Reads its., N. York. for aale In Atlanta by Musas. TALLEY, BROWN A CO., SCOTT, PARSONS A FREEMAN, And aB other Merchant* who Nil Flret-Clas* Skirts In this city and throughout the Southern State*. The New Patented Empress Trail It now aB tb* rags In New York, London, Part* and throughout Europe. -LADIESt to sure that J. W. BRADLEY'S name is printed on every Skirt Band. All other* are spurious, and worthless counterfeits. L. c. vntua, a. n. Alum, Late LC.AD. II. Wells, Late Anderson, Adair A Co., Atlanta,- Oa. ' Atlanta. Ga. 'T. L.WKU*, LataJ. K AT. L. Wells,StolbyrUle, Term. WELLS, ADAIR & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND GENERAL Wset Sid* Whitehall Street. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. . •.strictly to a WHOLESALE a low ssitoteec* tn bntlnrea ure nlth iho trad* ta tbl* tee- 1 patronage. We aw bow Retelling a Large Stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &c„ To which wo invite the atttatkm of putcUsin. JanH-tta WELLS, ADAIR A OP. ■ i, TO HUNT.