The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, March 21, 1866, Image 4

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• ' ->?$ESS- a v!7-■ -frag.: wMW> ?hc gaUy gntcW^uwy; Subscription and Advertising Rates. Tinsia or timsraii-ricm. Dally, per mouth.. fl 00 Dally, twelve 00018* '. 10 00 vntmr, aix month* s oo 3 S8 Single copies tn New* Boys amt Agouls., Q 'tqluota £ S 8 8 8-8 S 8 S 8 8 aaK3SS8sgg *iq)Uoiu z 8 8 STTS'S' 8^8* 8 88S0S3 8B88 eft •qjuoitt l •» 8 8 •MmiJ (I 8 8 8 8 8 8 s St? f..?. « -i.'l, j.-; j 'MOTH 9 8 s 3 8 3 S : »>-SS5S.!|; i ■remit S ~~g~$ 8 8 8 1 8 ■ j •ream. S 8 S 8 S S : * 19 •* 9 3 a : •reran. -8 8 8 8 8 8 : c< NF o 00 o ei : le ; -wainc 8 8 S 8 S s' : : : « a o f 99 •orant 8 8 AT8 8 : j- et.o <s w o •rerenbg ; : : • iii? ; M aq M ta • o o o o Special Notice*, SO cent* per line first insertion, and 10 cent* per line for each *nb*eqnent Insertion. ■ Advertisements Inserted at Intervals to tie charged as now each insertion. Advertisements ordered to remain on any particular pace, to be charged as new each Insertion. Tho money for advertising considered duo after first Insertion. Atlanta. Advcrtlsfiments, A. I. Co. a O 3 d STATEMENT January 1,1800. cash: Assets, Liabilities, . Net Assets, . $4,067,400.80 244,301.43 . 3,823,064.37 Tins VETERAN OF 16,000 FIRES STILL HARD AT WORK BY AN Efflclcnt organisation of 4,000 practical underwriter,, from Nora Scotia to California, and taka Superior, Mexico and the Golf, harmonising tho science of average with compensating rate* to the advancement of the public welfare. FLATTERING TESTIMONIALS iETNA INSURANCE* €0. Insurance Dep’t of the Stale of New York. The Insurance Commiwner to the Legislature: “The .Eta* Insurance Company.of of the mo*t ancceisful Fire Tnsnraneu Companies of this or any other country." 4 9 9,9-9 $ 9. 9 t . 9 “ Connecticut Companies follow the rale* and practice* of the .Etna almost st carefully as If they wore embodied In statute law.” Again, pointing to trrori of practice In New Vorlc Com panies, the .Etna’s anecestfbl management and aolld rale* ar* called to their attention thus: “It atUl remain* mow a matter ol wonder than imita tion In the Insurance world.” “ Tho extraordinary event* which bars distinguished Its unparalleled financial history." The average Losses per dlum In the United State*, aljhla period of the year, ate about |-.00,000. The Tele-' graph dally aonnda startling note* of warning to all pradent person*. Do not neglect the Neeurlty of Reliable In* aurnncc. Policies Issued without delay by M. C. BLANCHARD, Agent. A. I. Co* BUaoolInnpoua Attvci-tluomeiit*. To the Merchants' of tho South. fllltK nudcrslgnod, Wholcialo dealers, ndvlso you or Iho A fort that Charleston la again n market fur llio pur chase of goods t and In view 5t^}ha^y opoulu^of^ Iho to this markut In Urn past, . and reapetted Arms will bat many flunlllar name* atlona, ready to supply tho % and other old. and now J the only safe tho heavy pur tavrlll now ho . will be tho rale, , to restore to onr but to extend her trade ties her excellent goo- tural advantage* altbrd. Onr iblno to atlmnlate ua hi attain- .Ow-ItI , . , .In* Railroad la now open to Columbia, President baa officially Informed ua tlut tho An- completcdto Blackvllle this month, and Of February ho will receive through ». A lino or ateamcra to Savannah will mwwK assortment of goods In onr rcs|iectlvu L "—trade,-and cvorjoxcrtlou shall .... . bf commercial fellowship, and solid t yonr co-operation and patronage In onr efforts to makn Charleston the centre of Southern trade. Give n* the encouragement we ask, and you will opjoy tho ad vantages of a cheap homo market. [ IlnewlU bo cpmpli > Aognatfo W. T. Burge A Co. Edwin Bate* A Co. J. R. Read £ Co. Dry Goods. King A Goodrich. James U. Betts. Stoll, Webb A Co. utiaitnn. inuvvwvu, i • uuatviiii oral u Aitkin, Noyes Jb Johnston. P. Lyons & Co. Fancy Goods. :ett A Co., sue- North, I Dewing, Thayer A Co, Millinery and Slraie Goods. Williams A Couert. Lengulck A Sell, Boots and Shots. E. B. Stoddard A Co. T. M. Bristol, successor of D. F. Fleming A Co. Dunham, Taft A Co. Edwd. Daly, Agent. John Commtns. Hats and Gafts. Williams A Concrt. F. Dorsey, 23 Ilnync street, B. H. Williams A Co. successor to Ilorscy, Au- WilllamS A Covert. ten A Co. . Hardware. J. E. Ailgcr A Co. EdMrton A , Calhoun A Co., 31 cTOravoly. Haiti*, Hnyno street. Hart A Co. E. L. Doming A Co. Agricultural Implements and Machinery, Little A Marshall, 173 East Bay street. E. J. Dawson A Co. Bogert, Denny A Co. , Carriages and Harness. L. Chapin A Co. Nathan A Ottolengui. R. WTGale A Co. Finer Hangings, lllndotr Shades and Vjtholetery. B. W. Kinsman. Clothing. Edwin, Bates A Co. • Frauds Mnrphy. Macultar,William* A Par- Pierson A Co. Saddlnsj. Bastle, Calhoun A Col, Jennings, Tomlinson A Co. St Bayne street Barrel, Nichols A Co. Iq* t: -> thugs. King A Castldey. L. CMBIll A Co. ■ " * ” John KeulUrk, 48 Broad »t. Wlliiam G. Whllden A Co. -r and Tailor. Broad street. , Grocers. Deo. W. Williams A Co. Win. Gurney. CIum. B. Moist- A Co. llcnry Blschnlf A Co. Geo. W. Clark A Co. Thompson A Bro. — - r'.tm s t'r, Joseph J. Morgan. Webb A Sage. Draw • J. S. Phillips, 33 MEDICAL AND 8UR6I0AL FEE DILL. of the Physician, of Atlanta, held Janh- lit, lSkk for the purpose of revising the MKDI- 1 SURGICAL FEE BILL, tho following resolu tions ana Fee Bill were adopted: Resulted, That the bills ol physicians are dne as soon 7a* the service* aro rendered, end that no bill ah*U he al*. lowed to ran longer than one month, without Iwtog prs- aenled for payment. Besotted, That we, whose names are appended to Fee BID, bind onrtefrea not to charge less than the a specified for particular services. o'clock. P. M., 110. Detention daring the day or night, per boar, 33. consultation, $90. Medicines dlscretlon- — ~ -—■ Prescription lu office, Ha prestated to the public by the of this elty, with the earnest that It will meet the approbation of their pttrona. cash system, high rent*, extravagant price* of food, ... lng and labor, makes it Imperatlv* upon them aa an act of Jni'.tro to tbtmaelvea and families. If Buy continue to. labor bare, to make a slight advance upop the former ret* rfehajp., mm toraa»l« m .ng» therandmon of L. jj. Oftas, Sac’y. wSr^7.yfe^l. y - ^ ,M,U,CT ’ MYERS ft HUNT, Carriage Manufacturers, 73 North Market Street, NASHVILLB, . ,j . TBNNBMKB, XVstabllssliud In lislBN. TJEBPELTFULLY call Iheattentloll of Die rltlxens of XL Atlanta and aarronndlng country to tbelr line as- eortment of- Curlagct, _., Tbclon*, I*ebt Boggle.. Bowl Cat Got. nlnrn or Bowl Buggies, High Side Box I “Cal Out" Baggies, with Door, jffsr And No-Top Baggios of aft th* latest at,let. Every Job Hold Warrant** for 12 Slostlbo Inst all ordinary nsagei. HaHtean daitWUhrd rap- Key-Hlnna antnorUad B/sf/Jr* i Will get ^aart* >? - Fruitiand Nurseries, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Fruit and Ornamental Tnw* HBBUBB, ’ VINES, r BOSES, BVEBOREENS, BULBOUS BOOTH, and Hedge PhutU,*c. -* naudens Street. Cahill A Co, J. A F. Dawson. John King A Co. J. F. O'Neill A Son, 167 Wagner, Heath A Monsocs. East Bay. J. II. A D. Muller. W. H. Chafue. Bolllmann Bros. Hay and Oraln Merchants. Johns. Bird A Co. . Blind and Door Manufacturers. . P. Russell A Co. Carpetings, OH Cloths, Mailings and Tailors' Trimmings. Chas. D. Carr A Co. Grocers, Auctioneers and Commission Merchants. Brans A Bee. Auctioneers, Commission Merchants and Dealers In Dry Goods. Savage Heyward A Sons, 1*t East Bay street. Charles ton, S. C„ and 141, Augusta, Ga. » \g, Commission amt Wholesale Dealers. tty A Co. F. Conner A Co. iia-ilm jT.r.s.l IjOjfttl AtlvortiNomo ntw- 41 BORGIA, Fulton Countt, rautiT or onniNAiir at ciuxnuns, jan. 25th, 1660, IA9 connT op pnntMAnr, riuvnr.n*. jam. no. lflflo. T appearing to tho court, by tho petition of A,WBfal1,. duly filed, that on tho SOIh day or March, 1HKI, L. Indsor Smith, dnceaecd, made auil delivered to jk-II- tlonor n l»ud for title* for u city lot In tho city or of At lanta, containing one and one-third ncreu, more or lew, S wing on Whitehall otrqot. iwd: that petitioner .luw Hilly t for Mid land nrcordlug In the comllHnn. or raid d, and wishes an order to wlllhmi RcNmighl, ndmlii- slot of'Mltu L. Wlmwor Btniyiwtdpccfotitd, difectlqg him to innke a title under said IhuiII— Therefore, all iiemoiia coucorneil are hereby mil I tied to die tliolr objections, If nny they have, im or before the regula- term of thu Court of Ordinary, lo liu held ill UliiL for said county, on tho flr,l Monday"In liny next ■: other- wise, Mid Wflllum McNaught, mlmlnlnlmtnr, it III ho ill- rectal to executo titles iindor Mid I Kind. DANIEL PITTMAN. Onllnnry, Janni-Um l*rlliter’s feo *Gn.?W(» lollctl before nni 1>. TBOMAS,- nrf, oHlhh 'cl.l; njiiVHi hull calf, about one month , old, Thu owner Cltycii, miller my with a alreak of while along nine yearn old, nuitki In the left ear, amt* a deep red hull calf, about one month la rct|tilrctl to couio forwanl and prow pensea and coats, and lakn them nwt lumd officially, this lltn February, 76—., ... JKTUItO W. MANNING, Clerk 1 L C. fuhl-l—fiod - — Printcr’aToc fn. . ADimNIiTIIATOIUS SAtMAO J J B Y vlrlne or an order ftom tho hmiarablc Court of Or dinary of Fnllon county, will lie uold. Uirlhe (Ifnt Tuesday In April next, Iwforc tho court house door In Iho city of Atlanta, within tho usual limtaii of sale, one inly lot In the city of Atlanta, containing a half, acre,,morn or leas, and known as north halfof No, 4, ffnntliiu on Mur- tin'* alley, between Jones and Jialr streets. Sold a*, tint pro|ierty of J. B. Badger, deceased, for the licnetlt ol thu liclm and creditors. February Sid, 1866. JOHN R. WALLACE, Administrator its honls non. felell—td Printer's fee fit: GEORGIA, Fulton County. oiidinaiiv's orpicx, rxintUAnv sttii, Ihw. S ILLIAM II. FREEMAN luivlng n|iplleil lo me for letters of administration tie honls non, with the Jinexed, on llio pslnto Of John U. MnMtehael, laic noilfteil to lw nnil Id county or ml file their . , leant should Alness the Boll. Ilnniel Pittman, Or- All persons concerned are therefore nolllled annear at the Ordinary's nfllro In anil for said Fulton liy the Itret Monday In April'next, am! objections, If any they have, why said applicant should not lie appointed. Witness llio lli ~ dlnary for said comity. fcbM-Wd GEORGIA, Fulton Countv. onniNAiiv's omen, pannuAiiv S7tii, Wil. P IL UANDAI.L applies for letters of guardianship of • the person knit pro|ierty of Elton Pace, minor child or Biutwbd Pace, Into of Cobb county, deceased - All ihtsoiis concerned are therefore untitled to l,e and W ear at ilia Ordinary’* office In and for said county nr toll, bvAlin first Monday In April liejl^iiul tile llisir Objedlitns, If any'lliev have; wliy said unphi'ant should uni lie appointed. Wllness the lion. l)aidi-l Pill mini, Or dinary for raid county. • , JNO;T. COOPBlt, Deputy Clerk. rphn-.iQil _ Prlnler'a fen f a. «BORGIA, Fui.ton Count*. onmNAHv's orricii, runnuAirv SItii, lsw o\v York aYclvortlmomont*. c Groat strengthening tonic! pacific 7 Sait StBamship Company's (NOT A WHISKY PltEPAIIATlON,)'’ " i’ H;6W-I1Sd’8 MV<litfM 111) It •lit 4 ! DEBILITY! Rfcsllllliti !raht siyMtiW whatavcL' '• H Now York AtlvortlHomentH, Mlauu|lnnonu* AilvcrllsomontK' TiUlODGH LINE TO •.d^XjIFQRN 7 !^., au Tovlbiiilifo xvEtBXiexN ipon^ r i;>j AHp’ ... dt J stub Carrying tho United States ■, ; MABOH, leetrilgWltliGOLUBN CJTX OKY.-Oairtalit Gray;-count PROSTRATION OF THE SYSTEM Severe Hardships, 1,1 . . m>i!« t . ■ Exposure, Fevers, diseases orcAilEiiiE. NOLDIKItB, CITIZKNH, MALE OB FBMALE, ADULT Oft YOUTH, Will find this Bitter* a.pnra.Tonlc, not depwrdeOKm bad llqunrs for their almost niltacidoUa. efRcl*. ' o t, .• • ij,*i tv >:. DYSPEPSIA, an* coimo nV' And dlseneo* (he Live IIOOFUND'S GERMAN BITTERS. Thin Rlttnrt Iihh iiorforiiied more Cured, ulveft ti Snlisniclion, Iiuh mom Te*tiinoily< h*» iriurulluiipcol People l<> vom h for it, tb«n any other article in tho market. £*t>Ulf> Gn»yi' con WAUclntf*.4 Bonier, cnnneetli connecting with -,J If .lACtu'l—v'. THROUGH PASSAGE RATES IN CURRKNOY. ■at C*hln.i,,.i, .$•»» rend Cabin *“* Btceragu V A dlaeount of one-quarter ftom steamers’ rales allowi bln and ttvenge peaaengers with fiimlllt or oao-qnsrtrr on through rAtaa 1 ids baggage allowed each at)hir. fflBr bMjtaJial! A^snred Hurgeon opr lio^rdi' Medicine* and aL n »^^Fai«dni'T3ck«U or fliohee Informatliiu, apply atUta ComiKUoSTlfKetoffic., ontby Wbarf.foot ot’t's- BRttOWB, A) tMOVXL. , Agent. GOLD, NOW 417 BROADWAY, WINDOW H11ADEH, FRESCO, PAINTED. WUH’K UOLI.AND8, BUFF GREEN BRAY’S PATENT BXLr-aCTINU, and all or Iran stvlks or SHADE FIXTUKKH, do, do, PIANO.AND TABLE COVKItS, PALMERS PATENT UMBIIKLLA MOSQUITO FRAMES, MOSQUITO NBID, LACKS AND NETTING, Ac., Ac. Artificial Legs and Arms D Iff AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, X DOUGLAS BLY, tbe Anatomist and Surgeon who Invented tho Anatomical Ball and Sockri Jointed Leg, with lateral or tide motion at lh« ankle, like the natural one, has lust opened an office lu Augusta, Gror- id doorjnrotn tho post office, for the mauufac- •ale of Ills celebratod Artificial Legs and Arms. .... 1ie j (- gla, second doorjllrom iho post office, for the manufac ture and aal* of Ills celebratod Artificial Legs and Arms. The superiority of these Limb* lias caused them lo bo sought for, throughout almost tho entire world, at will • - “i* ?ll ‘ OFFICES t LONDON, England it# Leicester Square. NEW YORK «M Broadway. RICHMOND. V*. Near tho Pott Ottca.. ltd door from Poat Office. , NEW ORLEANS, U 77 C’arondclct atreet. MEMPHIS. Tenu W Main »treet. NASHVILLE. Tetui In City Hall. HT. LOUIS, Mo 73 Pino etreel. CINCINNATI, Ohio 118 Weal Fourth street, CHICAGO, III Opposite Post Office. ROCHESTER. N. Y .Over Post Office. For fnMher Information, address Dr^IILY, at tba near: eat office. inart-fim SUBSTITUTE FOR PERUVIAN GUANO. B-AlTJGKEPS Raw Lime. BAUGH & SONS, Manufacturers ' and Proprietors) No. 90 South Delaware Avennu, ^, j PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. . mins valuable MANURE has been lieforo tho sgrlcnl- X tural puhlle, under one name, for twelve pears past, end Its character for vigor of action aud pennaiienca In effect It well established. .Before the war It wa* Intro duced to nomo extent In the Southern state*, and waa found to be l)lgbly adapted to COTTON, TOBACCO AND ALL CHOPS. And*** perfect auhatltuto for Peravlan (Joann,fat- " ‘edat lea* Hun one-half the co*t,J It has been adopted grlr nlturl.t* of known Intelligence and dlacrlmlna- i. It la warranted not to exhau*t the anil, but on the permanently to Improve it. Tha aatea ndw ■ many thousand tons annually, and the ferill- aannfactnr* ar* eileuslvo aiul complsle. ..daaerlblngladlatlacllva culms may lie had on appBCatloa to the uoderalgned agent of tbemanubc- turers, from whom th* Manure may al all tlmoa Im ob- talned. auppHad at dlseoant. Order* ahonld be lent J. O. MATTHBWSON, Hole Agent*. [ ‘ Augusta, Ua. •as. il Cuvier. w*. a. wiiioiit. Augusta, (la.. , Late UldunomL Va. CEO. R. CRUMP & CO., General Commission Merchants, AND WilOLilAtl^DIAL*** IN GROCERIES, LIQUORS, GRAIN, HAT, BACON, SALT, Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Guano, &c., 900 Broad Strati, 1 1AUGUHTA, GEORGIA. IF-WUI pnrehaa* tad mill on Commlteluu, Colton, Tolmcoo, Produce and Merrliandl** of arory description. Refer* to the Merchant* and Banker* of Angnsta, Ua., and HJcfaaond, V*. ConalgnmantA Solicited. .Jelfil^ta ~Tw6 Agricnituial Papers for $2 50 f THE SOliTHEI^ CULTIVATOR. D. REDMOND 4 WM. W. WHITE, Editor*. arjp-SSs ......i IDpfearbfor»«-glvli)geach caw both papera Alhaaa.Ua. W. H. FITTS, (Lai* putt 4 Frarrr, Montgomery, AbhamaJ COMMISSION MERCHANT, Auburn, Alabama. W1D gtr* faithful attention to the Pureharoand Mo of COTTOI AMD 08NEXAL XXKOHAJIDIBE, ( oilert Note* ami Drifts, mad* per Kxpres. Cor. J O. BRUCKNER, administrator upon the eetale of s Charles F. Urackner, lato of aiild county, dei'easwl. having filed Ids petition asking for leave lo sell the real estate belonging to said dcreused— All ucraont concerned are nollfleil to file their objrr- tious, if nu.v they have, on or before the first Monday In May next. Wllness tho lion, Daniel Piltmnn, Ordinary for said count v. J NO. T. COOPER. Deputy Clerk. feb9S-2m Printer's fee fit. FULTON SHERIFF’S SALE. W ILL lie sold, at the court" house door In the city of Atlanta, da., on llie first Tuesday In April nexl, between the legal hours of sale, the following properii. In-wit: A parcel of laud ill thu city of Atlanta, hounded north by Willoughby street, east by Randolph street, south by Houston street; fronting on Hunter street !Ni feet from the comer of Randolph street. In u westerly di rection along said Houston street. Levied on as the pro perty of Garrett Borrcngcr, pecurltv, by nil exeeiillon from Fulton Superior Court Tn Ikvor of Joseph E. Brown, Gov ernor. mid 111* successor* In office is. James S. Frasier, principal, and Gnrrelt Bcrrenger. serurtly. And also, llie sIkivo property described levied nn as tho pre|ierty nf Garrett Ilerrlngcr, secnrlty, to satisfy aj./ti.fmtn Fuilun srlor Court In favor or Joseph H. Brown, Govemor, his Successor* in office rs. Samuel Hofl'lielmer, prln- elpal, mid tlunrett Bcrrenger, *eeurtty. Also, at thu same time and nlaeo will b" sold llie undi vided luilf interest of Joseph Lamberl in n twenty Sire lot nf original laml lot 89, tn the Mill district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, known as tliu Peck ,t Piillmn Vinyard; *011,111 four acres on same laud lot, eoinmenelug at Southeast corner of said vinyard awl ninnlug east ntnng south lino of said elghty-two, one hiimlred and slxly-oue and one-thlrd feet) thence north one thousand ami eighty feel, thence west onn hundred aud tdxly-nuc and nuc- thiril feat, thence soiilh one thousand and eighty fret to scull I 11. N, WII.LlFOlil), Hherlir. Printer's fee $9 Ml per Jeyy. ^ GEORGIA. Fulton Coi-ntt. onniNABT’a orrux, aunottUTtf, j.*va. G 1 KOROP.BROWN having applied forlettetsofuilmln- K Islrutlon upon the estate nf Joel Brown, late of said county, deceased— All pursuits concerned arc hereby notified tn Ih> ami ap pear at this office, on nr hufore the first Monday In April next, to show cause, If nny they have, why letters should not lie granted said applicant. Witness llie Hon. Daniel o We defy any ouo tn contradict (bin nnnortiou, aud WILL PAY $1,000 to any otiu who will produce a certificate published by ua that in not genuine. HMHANV* 1 GERMAN BITTERS, WII.I. OOltR KVKUr VAKM OV CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY and Diseases of the kidneys* nma, resultlgfffrofo Dlaor- ,. .dnesa oT^JudtttH* Head,' nun] of the Htomnch, Nanasan, llotrlburu, Bla- gust (nr FihkI, Fullness or Weight In thu Btomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of the Stomach, Swimming* qf , Goustliiallon, imvaril Piles, ' Idlty — “ "hi I'lutterin*' at UMuHeatt,- ig or Sat ■K or SuffocatingBeu.-: ms when In * Vying , iwstiire, Dimness of vltlon, Doia or Wiib* Loforo the Sight, Fever mid Dull l’ain In tha Head, ,,itKS»W,v Cheat, Limits, Ac., Snddcu FMtdtarW Ifcat 1 ‘ Darning in the Flush, Constant lraagtliiAga' of Evil, mid great Depression of Hpirlta, Pittman, Ordinary In and for said county. JNO.T.UOOPKIt. Deputy marfi—30.1 Prinier's Plerk. fee »3. giiardinnsldn of tho persons and properly of Naomi Z. mid WII- ilnor children of wlllinm ll r. Kvlus, lato of GEORGIA, Fulton Countt. R .B. JUTTapplIealn mu for letters . of llio persons and | J " Ham Kvins, minor children said county, deceased— This Is llierefore tn cite and admonish all person* con cerned, to Ini anil appear at my office, 011 or before the first Monday in April next, mid show cause, If any exists, why letters should opt lie grunted llie applicant, . Given under my band nnd official signature, ini* March 5th, 486(1. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary, jmtrt-.lld Primer's fee jj. GEORGIA, Fulton C'ountv. onniNAnv's ot'ricK, Maneii 7, IM3I. W ILLIAM HELM awl Charles 0. Unde* having mado application lo lids court for leave to sell tint real cstale Isdoiiglug to the estate of John (I. Iloyl, Into of said county, deceased, for tho benefit of creditors— All person* concerned are notified tn file tlirlr older, lions, if any they have, within two niunlhs from'the lust publication or this notice, else leave will Im grunted lor the sale of said real cstale. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. muri>-9m Primer's foe fd__ GEORGIA, Conn L'ountv. TAMES PITNEft, guardian nf thu persona and pro- (I perty of Janies and Margaret Uyrd, minors, having applied to mo lor dismission front said guardianship-- These aro llierefore to clto and admonish all aud stac-u lar, those concerned, lo file their objections, if any they have, In my office, nn or before the first Mnnday In April next; otlttrwlso, letters nr dismission will Im grained llie applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary for said ' "' ' ■ ' -■ “' ... Il, Martel la, till IKI.L, Ordinary. Printer' fee 11 GEORGIA, Conn County. M ILS. M. K. KING having applied lo me for llie nd- mlntalrallon of the estate of Harrington 8. King, Isle of said county, (Itceased— ) < 1, 1 These are therefor* tn dto snd admonish all mid singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, lo file their objections. If any (boy have. In my office, nn or before the first Monday III April next: otherwise, Idlers of ad ministration will be granted the eppllrmil at that term or thu Court or Ordinary for said county. (liven under un hand at offiru. In Marlelta. this March 1,1866. JOHN (I. CAMPBELL, Ordinal v. marl—Jill ( j lumcr'a l.m 33. 4JEOHGIA, Conn COUNTY, T HOMAH WILLCOUKN having applied lu mo for 111* guardlenshlpof the persons mid prnpcrlynf (leor- gletia, John and Cornelius Kelfo, minors There are therefore to cllo nnd mlmoulsli all person* concermal to file their objections, tr any they have, In iny offiru, on nr before the first Monday lu April nexl; otherwise, letters of guardianship will Ihi granted the up- pllcant at that torui of the Court of Ordinary for said county. Given under uiy hand ‘ " ' March 1, lmifi. * " " mart—Mlkl GKOttGIA, Coat Counyy. ' W D. ANDERSON applies lo me for letters of nd- • minis)ration upon Hi* cetaln nf V. M. Cotvnn, late nf said rnnnly, deceased— These are therefore tu cite and ailiiimil*h all and singu lar the kindred and rredllnraof said dreea.ial, In file their objections, If any they have, In my office, ou or before the first Monday iu April noxt; otherwise, lotion, of gnardlanshlp will lie grantnl tho applicant at that term of the C'onrt of Ordinary or said cottuly. Given under my hand, at office, tn Marietta, thi* March t, trod - JOHN G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary, mare-DM Printer's fee fil, GEORGIA, FoatTTU COUNTY. J OHN W. PRUETT, guardian of Harry M. Prnelt. having In proper form applied lo the Conn of Ordi nary, uf said roomy for * discharge from Id* guardianship of flarvy M. I'rueii'a person and properly— This I# therefore to rite all —* hand at ofllre, lu Marlells, . G. fAMPBKI.Y,, Ordinary. Prinier's fee 33. peraouB ennceniial lo show tanas, uy mine itteir nutecuona In Illy office, why said J. W. Pruett ahtmlil not fie dismissed from eald guardian ship mid riH'elvu the usual loiters of dismission. Given uatnrr my hind anil official shntatnre, Nov. 6, IMS1. W. D. BKNTI.Y. Ordlnarv. fshl7—*0d ’ ft j ^ Printer’s lee *3. EXECUTOR’* HALE. I N iinniusuee of an order front llio Court of Ordinary of Forsyth rntiuly, Gt„ will lit. pHerod fuyMile. Is-furo th* court house door lu Hie Inwu of Cuhtmlng, (in, lie- tween th# hreel hours of sale, on the first Tucstlay ' April ncxL itiufoUowIng real estate, belouglag lo thu wit: led*of dlstrli 1 awl 1st fit of tliu heirs lYhiter's foe 8iu. >WH»U |o itltuel lltooks, iri'seiiletl— .. C. TALUf.NT, fuMH-td GVOIIGI A, FoauYTN County. * J EAACH. CLEMENT, atl.qn , '«fo( Bif, in proper foriij, Ibt* la of said county, deceased, Is iromm'senled - Tbese ar* tburafora to glvu not (tv tn all iqirsons con- reran!, that I ahall procml to aniudut John T. |hon n, Clerk^Superior Court of said counly, or some olh»r lit pa tin drat Monday In April itrtF, {hlrnsoffifnilrtb f*c|laua b* made lu bla aiiudalMentta Uirtli o» Hie Jaw. •Jlven nadir uy hind and official tlgoatura, Febt uury an, 18T/I. W.'D. IIENTLY, Gidlnart. mart tin ‘ I’rluler'a fee ( I apNIGIA, Fonavru COUNTY. TNLXXDKR. Ill REMEMBER, Thai this /litters is not Alcoholic, contains m Buin.or IIhlsky, nnd cannot make Drunkards, hut Is Iks Best 'tbnh In Iks Itbrfrf: nv,\n WHO HAYS ISO. * 4 I- 9 ^ # [From thu Huv. W. rt Kelgfrlnlj^ jftustii U TivuItthBafo Gentlemen—I have recently been" laboring uuder tbe UhitTessIng elfecte of lndlgceUon, accompanied for, (ration of the Bcrvetw. fyaleta- Ntiiuonihaja were reromnieinled by friends, aud tome of them tested, but without relief. Your llotaltud'* German Bitten were ri'cninniended by.person* wjto baditri whose fovoraldu ntcntlnn or thsae Bitten It try 1 bent. I must confess I had an aversion to Pateut Medicines ftom tho ','tlionssmd nnd quo’'nuacle pBJItors:! whose only am nhrUits I0[hi to pthn ft hMUfoBed UM drugged liquor upon Urn tohtinuhUy m It 4fy way, find the tendency of which, I fear, Is to make many a confirm. ad loll, not only upon the stamach, but ttpou thu nervous system, was prompt and gratifying. I feel that 1 have derived great sad ponminciit behefit'ftbin thobacof 1 W.' D. HE W^WUmxonSt. -AL' • (From Hie Huv. E. D. Fendall, Assistant Editor Christian ClironUio.i’hliiuU.] , • , ,,j ij- I brttu derived decided lienetRirem ttoiseWBooffifofM pern Adi Blttcra, nnd fml it my prlvtlsgeto raoamaMdi thsm ns a most valiublu tonic, to all who are euffering ftom general doblllly or ftom diseases arum* from dw rangemen. or Hie liver. Yours, 1™$^ • (From Her. 1). Merrlge, Pastor of the Paseynnk BapUst ^Mrcli, Phllada.] , From tin) u Dr. Uouilanil .... Ihein,n trial. Afleruslni be a good remedy for del for the slomach. l0otn#r w "" hm HWIBH LACK, LEND do, MUSLIN, BHOCATBLLK, SATIN DB LAINK, marU—*m NOTTINOnAV LACK, ItEP, DAMASK, TERRY CLOTH, O. L. & J. B. KHLTY, 07*447 BROADWAY, |J.H «cn.[ NEW YORK. The New Trail! 1866! TRADE THOMSON’** BOULEVARD! IJIHE latest novelty In Crinoline, and most stylish Skirt, FRENCH ELASTIC SPRINGS In point of Elasticity, Lightness. Elegance, Comfort and Durability, cannot he excelled. Tho CROWN SKIRTS aro pronounced by tho leading, modiste* of Europe and America aa the moat perfect Skirts produced; and all being mado of the celebrated Fntxcit KLtsTtc SrniNna, make them light tad admire- bly adapted lor th* JJonth. IWEach Skirt la stamped with a Crown upon H band. None are gennlno without. W. S. THOMSON, LANdDON A CO,; Importers of French Corsets, 30t Broadway, New York. UT*Ask for tloulcrurd Knactrr Ktasllque, with Patent French Yoke. * Janfi-tin. ■unriMxn a. anowM. wm. hxnrt lank. BROWN & LANE, Brokers & General Commission Merchants, No. It Broad Street, NEW YORK, CHAS. H. GRIFFIN & CO. CLOAKH Jfe. M.VNTIIjEAB, WOOLENS, CLOAKINGS, BLACK SILKS 360 BroidWaVi . feb94—tin AND TRIMMINGS, . New York [j.u.acn.) M ARTIFICIAL LEGS AND ARMS sni*Fkio>f* -rA •bKtrr. 0 Brmulwny, Now 'Vorlc. 1 ESTABLISHED 97 YEARS IN THE U. 8.) A LL who havoiisd tbe mtafortun* to lot* a limb.honld A not MR:m procure one of I ha above celebrated aub* aUlutea, Which have been thoroughly tested for over 97 ystra, and stand unrivaled for all that la deitrabl# In an Artificial Limbi And patients may rely upon obtaining th* beat anbatltaaUiawortd afford*. ftand fora Pamphlet, to WM. SKLPltO 4 SON, foblfi-ty [J.H/aco.J Bit Broadway, N. Y. A VEGETABLE FHEFABATIOJf For bcantlfvlng and promoting tho luxuriant K *Itprev«itl'the hair ftfim falling off or turning ^pT rcmovc* dandruff, cleansca 'tlicxoalp, cure* -ops lieadarhe, and all those dlatrosslngaffec- induced by llio uso of oily or alcoholic llalr "liivfenrnHng prdptfrflcu Intiiro luxuriant lock", Inclined to enrl, nml by It* perslatont nau the hair la restored to bald lieada when such a ^t la apBidiy perfuroed, will not stain or aoil the skin or any srtlcloor apparel, snd Is tmlvCT- sally appronat—cspoetally^Dyiudlea and chU- <,rcn ' ta-BVY NO OTHBBl Price 7fi relit* per Bottle. Prepared bjf I)H, R. U. KNiaHTS, .... CHEMIST, MklroaEi Mass. Sold by ' J■ T. JEMKINSlA^^^tlflnta Qa. ■HAIGHTS’ tras hid *»o'o VGBIEIITAL Now York AavorclMsyynputG NEWPEfiFUME For tho HaittlkorchiQf. Prove. Itself the only reliable Bsstonr 01 Gray and Fluted Ralr to It* original color, _ It contain* nelthtf oil, alcohol, itor any other Injurious substance. It cleanses the scalp, giro* the hair a rich and glossy appearance, and promotes Its luxnrtant growth. i , It Is scientifically propsred, aniJJ* fodorsod by th* most eminent medlcaa authority. . «, i I It la exqnlaltelyiperfumed/ MU not stain or toll tho finest fabric, and la indispensable to tho toilet of every lady and gentfenun. MB’BOY NO OTHKil l Price W cent! per BotUe. Prepared by Dn. E, It, KNIGHTS, ChenUat, » IfBLRosyt, Haas. Bold by J. T. JENKINS & CO., Atlanta, Ca., BARNES, WALKEll 4 CO.,. New Orleans. D. BARNES A CO., New York. \V. M. WAL8IJ. Ornurai A^ent, marl—Im Savaunah, Ueorgfa. PROFESSOR DARBY’S p Ihrophyuotic fluid run H M A I* I. 1* O X , TYPHOID FEVER, CHOLERA, YELLOW FEVER, And In all nlhurcnseswherea Disinfectant la desired, this Fluid ha. nn equal I MI! IT AM A DEODORANT In Sick Rooms, about a House, Around a Corpse, Or anywhere there Is a Bad Smell or Impart* Air. F.I.II!VK HUYSIPHLAN, Putrid Sore Throat. Salivation, Burns, Sure*, Ulcers. Tetter, Scarlet Fever. Ac ftffiO F it K R immo DA NO KUO L-S K F F1. V VIA H, W ILL he sold at MILLEDGEVILLK, Ga„ day of STRASBUROER & NUHN, c’,1., lmportoni oY"Otrmau, French and English iu. a Huv; T . . TpY8j CHINA AND FANCY GOODS BBADi, MASKS, ACCOSpSONS, ,K. ' 03 Maldao Lane, •ihuiii, a is** i six* uy we tv overal bottles, 1 found them to Illy, and n most cxcellcot tunic [From Huv. Wm. sinlth,' formerlyiWor'of ,h« Vlncid- ' tow* and Millville (N. J.) Baptist Church**.] Having used In my bmlly a number of botUra of your llmifisna'a German BlUere. I hava to i»y thu I regard them a* an exefllent iMdJcIpe, agmdallyadapwd td rcinoru the disease* they are recommendra-furl [1 strcnglhen and Invlgoratu tho system whin dibUttal . nml arc nreftil In dltordsreqftb* llrit. )>M«r MMtK*. Ac. I have alao recommended them to nertral of my frlcmls, who havo tried them. and. found them greatly " i Iho rettoreUe- Yimre, truly, Mil Hu Street, New York. fuvlts UioattatiHohdf Buynrs, offering Ihiku thu J*fg».l aisortmonl of Goode at th* most raaeonable price*. > ft fohlfi—Bra . ' (J.n.) TV [Krom iho Her. Jo Mitor of th« tenth .ft* 1 i above I have been frequently, requested I0*_— with mirnneudatloui of diffenntklodsaf ate regarding tho practice at ont of my appropriate, have In all cases declined; but witu.a clear;; varlnua Insiaure*. and particularly In my owa Ou the juefolnesa of DfiW - “ narwMr onee from my L__ I'uiirirDmi that,/ue general /e,tally for three OmipMnl,U is /*trillion. In some cases II may tall; will lie very beneficial to Uioao whnanl causes. '.a Yonr#, veiy iirypeti m J. II KF... 1'uiLanai.rnu, Dae. Of, 1809.. Kntsiiiwn nf twenty year# ttandlug. No. IS North nervoBseyrtaes. • nov.rrh»«.'Wttitor, a dt, Castor of KaxixftqNfo BepttM Rev. Uwl G. Reek. Paetfl i* rlnn, N. J., formerly llillada., *1 present Chester,Pa.; ■,. ,...i.n ,ao >-■, ... mM..: Dcwnro of Counterfeit*! ITfo that the signature uf FQ. M. JACKSON" la ward, eeturnly packed, by expnt*/ I’rfnripal Office and Jltauunicfury, No. U3! AHCJU STREET, PHILADELPHIA,'PA. JONES ft EVANS, toL'.M. JACKSON* Ct>A I’yoprlulora. lie hy Di uusUie eed Uosiers lu st.ry lows la the hHe* tuartu-ly M. D. L. MoOROSKY, Evans, Gardner & Co. IMrOMTBM AMD JOftKKM OP DRY 00008, GL0VE8, H08IERY, &0. JaaM-thn No. art Broadway, WVS’W YOUtti TT. i>. alSEYNOLDa . STORAGE, FORWARDING E/'oBBiisifM Merchant, Cotton Factor and axaimi insll vikm or GRAIN, PRODUCE, Ao. 99 South Front Street, on Upper Levee, NABWrtttB, jl - ! ' - TENNESSEE’ PERSONAL altsntloniHenxootdsn for all kind* of Merchandise. Forwarding done with dispatch. ■— - ' — ' a* eoUctted. I Uiamber nf Commoreo. . wutbwiR&'uZsriX FISHER & WARDAN, 0f * **** 1 ‘ No. lOt Nurth Second Btreet, Nt. LOU IH, MI8MOU1I1, Solicit Cbnslgnmtou and Orders for the purebae* of ' Produce and Pravlaloo* tor the Bonlhera trad*. marlt-pm ,- i.. . ; _ PLANING MAOHINK FOR 8ALE. One large site first clast Woodwork Pinning Muolilius With extra Knives, 4e., eomplelo. Fur tale by J. M. RA8GN, ftOt 0 mart—IswSw (Y.M.’ P. XT.'ilAXsXufr m'l AuotlM gad UQU.VNOR, GKOL And Dostroyer of Contagiou. 0f"l*lroph)rliictlc.FluUl for oulc hy all Urug^ldlP.^flS fehl7—law3tn GRE3LT SALE OF MACHINEHfY. the , nf APRIL next, between tho Slato nf Ueoi all thu STOCK and MACHINERY bclongl Pioneer Qml Company, consisting, In pari, as follnws 13 Machines, complete, for mantlfiirlnring Cotton Cards and Cant Clothing for Factories. I Machine—unfinished, iMOO iMiinds liesl English Colton Card Wire. A lot of Wire—assorted sires, •mu pairs Cation Cards. (330 ielis Colton Card Shift-, urn (Ttrd Backs. Ahont 900 Sheep Skins—Mimed, 1 large lrou Safe, . , 1 Steam Boiler—40-borso power—* Hues, .Shafting and Pnlllc*, t Wood Planing 1 lot of Tools, to-wit: Hand Saws. Tenant Sea's, Braces nml Bils, Chisels, Augurs, Vises, Hammer*, Drills, Hasps, Files, and many oilier articles too tmnicmn* to nienlion. The above named article* wKpbe-sohtwIlhnnt reserve to the hlgliesl bidder for cash. - ••.: r , • Il will Ik' an excellent opportunRy for Meeliaiifc* and Traders. There Is no reason why thciiusines.ol making C'ottofi Cards cannot be sucei'asftil In the South. The Im- metis* difficulties nmlrr which tho Card Fuctory labored duripgthe war, I* now removed. Thu Machines arc as true and regrtar, and nf na fine workmanship as can be made; and thU-pruducta nf Ihe Factory, with good mato- rfal, lyQI iw ay good iu quality aa can be made any where, A crippled sol,her can work one, and make, as wo think by close calenhttaii, from 33 lo 8lt>pcr day clear profits. Attention I* earnestly Invticd lo the mailer. They will be open for exhibition amt examination at any lime. I'. M. COMPTON, Conrr. DIVINE, JONES A LEE. ., Also, at Iho same lime and place, will he sold, separ ately, aa llie individual property of the Slate, about 5,850 Imported Cotton Cards. Horae of tho alum* Cnnl* arc iluma^etl; tliono that arc nut. «rc a No. 1 aith'lc. IV M. rOMPTON, Com’p. MHkiigevtHt», Mar, h IS, URM. inarm tlUprft IIIM. New York. SHACKELFORD, HAAS & 00., Commission Aidiv 1 tants, No. ISO Trout street, Nexv York. No*. 81 and S3 North Water Street, WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA. Liberal advauet*. made on consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, Yarns, Lumber, &o We are prepared lo fill promptly. Union for all classes of Merrhaudlse. IWHcfrr loMarluo National Bank, New York. lebT-3m w. a. nmiMRMON, r. r. nuraup, *s. kichahmon. RICHARDSON, CHATARD & C0„ MANlirACTURKS* Of TU It t'RI.BUUATKIl “R. HEMP LEAF” ROPE & RAfiMNC, DKAI.SN * IN IndU llnnp, Tu tno, Ac., » am» Geiioral t'oimuissiou Merchants, NO. Bfi WALL STIIKKT, i.OUISVIl.I.K, KY. _J*nfT-fiio PORTER^ FAIRFAX & CO., WHOLESALE COMMIMHION NI1-7114 IlAN'I'H, ANp DlAttM III Grain, Froduoo and Provisions, No. W# Went Main Blraei, LOl', KKNTI’CKY. Parllrular (llenllon paid to l«lng8ontk*roo(dera,aiid the Cheapen market price ln.ure.1 mart-Bm a. a. raxaaon, I »./.uaiara, I ». U. rwonrsoa, u. w. Hint*, f ■' *' J a. r. rtronreos. R. J. CAINES A CO., "Wholesale Grooers anu COSIMJHHION MBRCIIANTa But Bids Marital Blreei, (nwr MUltgry Bridgy.) CM ittakooga, . . . tknnknmkk, fifai'am* f,!t lho ^ {Woon, LOW A M'DWHrtBN, A Host Exquixito, Dolicate, and Fra grant Porfamo, Distilled from the Bare and Beautiful Flower from which it takes ita nomo. Manufacture,1 only bj- PlfALOJV A SO,Y, NEW YOBK. BEffAEE OF C0DNTEEFE1TS, ABK FOR PIIAIJIN'K—TAKF. NO OTIII K BolJ hy PrnpFtsu rvi»r**!. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: III the year 1Sl4. the writer embfirkpd In tho Ilnur iww In tne city of Philadelphia, nutl while than uh ,•*/ ■!. aaae eevcral expcritniuiU in r».*K»rd lo the most di**Ir.»(>:.• modeof |rn;pAr1ni; Flnld Kxtracti. My efforts »***i*»^ -m ce«*fti1—Iho articlrs lielng approvrd anil uiM-d t»v tli«* Mnli- cnl Vacuity—I WMdetlniua uf ttlnclns them th- public, bat hurt! tat oil for Mine time before nmrluflin? t«» resort to newspauer ndvertUInff, kuowin^ of thu preju dices that existed In'the minds of matijr nffninst u.-in« ad vert«(H.‘<l iffdldnss or Xnttnun*, but through tin* a.lvie.* of friends tnd those who had used them, this ohjiitiiui WAA overcome. After 18 yeArs* exertions, commencing in a small u.»v, the popuiArttyof tny articles hns extended to nit |mn» 11 tho United States, and widely thrnu^hont foreign umti trie*—And this In the face or much omni-intn. tveijr tneana has been resorted to by nnprinrfpled dealer-* •inr^ their merit And stica*«s have beeu known—such as adver* IIsIok larger bottles at lees price, censuring all other pn K rations, aud even copying ray advertisements—hut 1 am ppy to state that out of the many who have retort'd i > this, none have been tracccsnnd. in this notice is to innke facts known to the public aud respectable dealers, * “ * — tions, that the ftruj discountenance such | inaj nut ones. who are on few remarks from tlioie names nre known in all parti ceedings, and that the reputation of ray articles be damaged by the use of inferior or spurious on Knowing that many may read Ibis article wb« arqnatnted with me, I anjicnd a fc of my native city, and whose namei of the world: “Being personally acquainted with Mr. H. T 11 bold, it affords me measure tn stating I have bn-n i favorable impressed with bis energy and integrity, gratified at bis success.” WM. WS1UHTMAN. Firm of Powers Jc Weichnnau. Ninth and Brown street-, Phil.iih Ipn l M« tiltiff HulUtl«, PhUaddfAia J “When on a visit to the city of New York i 1 \\ - since, I was induced to call on our old fHci.d ami man, Mr. II. T. Heimbold, liniggi.-t, KM Broadway, N. V. HU Store is a Model—a Gan—the handsomest of any kind we have ever had the plenau/trof viewtng.and extensive,being !M feet frout, five stories in hteht. ami over ‘J00 feet deep. It indectlaffords us ranch pleasure t<» know that he has been so ancccssful, and it ir auinh* evi dence of tbe merits of his articles—us in our whole tu*i ues» experience we have not known of thr snoi -- «! sov articles without Merit—advertising merely bringing tl-v name before the jwople.” [Bo«ton lh ru!J.) “We do not like to advertise worthless ware-, or ail; ties calculated to deceive onr'reader*; and when »«• ?»•’• an advertiser Uko Mr. Heimbold, whom we have known for years, gradnally extend his ndverticing from j'ear i » year uutil nebecotnoii the largest Advertiser in the t uit» <1 Males, we aro satisfied that the siaterocnis id n j.nJ t*- hls articles mud UCO+rtcV' Tlio writer reluctantly Inserts the above, and would iwt do so were he not a stranger to many ; and concludes 1>. stating the names of his articles, and the dlsea*cs f»r which they have been ns«*d by many thousands with com plete success. IIKLMBOLD^ FLUID EXTRACT III C11I Nou-Ketentlon or Incontinence of l riiie, 1' dammatlon orUlcerallonofthe Uladtler or hikin') rare* of the Frortate Gland, Blone In Ihe Rladder In*. Gravel or Brick Dn.t Di Bladder, Kidney*, nnd Drop. FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU WaaknMiM, Arising from Exceuoa or Indiictetiou. Tho Conitltntlon once affectwl hy Organic Wralme*- require, tho (Id of medicine to strengthni and Invtcqraie th* oyatem, which Hcrabold'a Extract Bnrhu lnvarawi doe*. If no ireatmont be »nt«nltted lo, ivnn-nnipifon " r Insanity may enaue. FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. In affcctiou* peculiar to females, Is nneqtuled by any other preparation, a« in Cloroaia or Heleution. lrnyuian fIM, patnfulness or suppression of cuttoniurv mavu*|- tiottw Ulceration or Sclrrnous state of tho ricrus. len * i, and all complains incident to tho sex, vsbitua ftom habits of dissipation, lmpnidcndcs. »»r in line or change of Ufe. FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Anri Improyiitl n«»>«* Wn»li WIU aadlcaUr exterminate from the ajvleni dleeaw* of ihe Urinary Organ* arising from h»blt» of dlratp*i■*>».“• little expense, Ultl* or no change In dirt, and »“.•'JJ* Ultra, completely *u|<eraedlng Ihoto uuj>lcar*nt *»“ «*'<• g*rou* ramedle*. Copaihu nml Merenry, In cnrliu * unptaamtit and dangrrou. dimer* USE ItKLMBOLD'B FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU In all ram of Iho Urinary Organ., »het,h*rexl*tW male or female, (him whatctvr «••• wigtafUnff. matter of bow hvnf aundiac- Il »• |d«w»a»t in Odor, immediate tn iu artton, fmd mow sUengthramif than any or the prenaratUms of bark or w*». liiuue suffering tro» broken down dr drllmte ronsmu _ _ wibbThfaravcr rilithtuijyI* the attack df the above dl»ea*e. It l» *ure«p affect #;» tlon*, proear* Thu reader m«*t lie aware I tbe attack of the above dl*e*~-,—■ ■r.r:, nr posterity. MVitea. Hr/Sl-SICIAXS, FLFASS ,V«r/l'A',’J*J UU“ JanlO-Bax rf&W OHLHANH. annr a«id*'t*idwi I* very ganerel ura tn the Slat* ho*p ■ laSalTputl * raultary lu-lll ulfon* throughout the l»»J gyDIreet letter* to HELMBOLD'8 0RU6 AND CHEMICAL WAREH0U8F 101 Broadway t Nsw Vork* v»H HELMDOLD'5 MEDICAL DEPOT, HR Booth Tmalh Strret, (hvlnw I’hu.taakl tldladidphk) Sold by DruKRidto ovorywhoio. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! A8KF0UUBU1CO