The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, March 24, 1866, Image 1

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|^ijsiTE»T)AILY' AND WEEKLY BY jaBED I. WHITAKBR, . ... , iiwficg-aiiwi W“or BulMlii*. entmnco Wide smrway. Al iilmimt Sln< ' 1 - —lllAKTA, GEORGIA. , cnturdav Morning,M»rch 34, 1*86. From OW ^e^^S^ofWdoy. Comraorciallntelligenco. Alljinta market. it.niAV Erasure, March tt-Th. recent tdtaoco In froi^Ws »n IVe.lcrn produce !i»a caused an upward ton. J,. "v til some article* or merchandise. Wo quote White “ I.. * t,near load at-3185,-while araallcr qnantltlca Vintied, *t*®l;80bjr the car load. Urge lotaofBa- ", , rc cinilng In, and the market may now boeonalderod si morning: laaitl Plain Wealem Hama, V ft omvsssed Hams, V ft j !?* ik-srHlbbvd Sides,* ft Choice Clear Sldea, V * ; R" We hoard of aertral heavy Irauaactlona at tin) alioio prices Ihla morning. Ilio Coffee 81033 rente for Ihlr lo choice. Flour remain* at onr qnolatlona of yesterday, except $11013 SuperAue, In runud Iota ,, • ■ — « iih an abundant Block on the markot of every brand, tire eoxet xaiieet lias undergone no change alnco ycatcnlay. except a small advance In Iho bills or the Bank of AnguntA and Bank of Alliens, both now commanding S3 cents. Hold remains quiet', as follows: Hold buying al 33 anil selling at 5T cents. Silver Unplug at 19 and solllutf at gt cents. Hold Bullion buying at $1.05 per pennyweight. Hold Host buying at $1.00 per pennyweight. Exchange on New York Is being bought by our brokers at V discount snd sold at V premium. TUB ATLANTA COTTON MABKKT Was a little animated this momlng. Good Middlings command Si cents, ind oilier grades In proportion. August* Market. Wousr*. March 31.-tbftoi.-A few sales were made al i little better prices, hut the market continues nn.el- , Uh1 . ,„d we flint ourselves nnohlc lo procure correct,quq- tatinns. ihiJ.-Market declined 1013d. Brokers buying at 12S ami selling al 180. .sl/tsr.—Brokers are buying at 13d and selling at lilt. 11 Jlomlt.—fM Georgia Sixes were sold today at St, and Scien per Cents at S8.—ttmilllalUmalist. Coluiubun Market. Coiajubu!, March’ S3.—Cotton.—Receipts and aalca small. Middlings dull al 38 lo 3!i rents. hWi/.-lhiylng 181, Bulling 188. .Hirer. - Baying 133, selling 130. Fvebauge on New York If per rent, premium. i;,change on New Orleans K©.’* l« r cent, premium.— Mnroti Market. Macon. Starch St, MHO.—fltftai—There was but little animation In ihe market, will, but Utile inquiry, and bum -mail quantity of Ihc belter grades offering. Not more tin,, 30 bale* were disposed of. for Ihc present we omit .pin tatlons.— Telegraph. Monlgouiery Market. MoNtnoMKitv, .March 31.— Cation.—There Is a heller drmantt Hum lor a week past. We quote ordinary a! 303 31. good ordinary 33037, low middlings 38, middlings 39 !.,:n. Strict middling 31.—Mierlleer. Mobile Market. UneilE, March 31. -tWton.-Full middlings bring .88.- ,,ul onlinary to low mlddliugs 810.18. Nnslivlllo Market, N tsitriuE, March 30.—Our money market is quiescent, «ith s. arre a ripple on Its smooth surface tlial might nt- trart atieniiou. Our brokers arc giving 138aud holdlngaf l-ri. New York dispatches received at noon quoted the precious racial at 138',, a decline of R since yesterday. Exchange continues dull at >«®1f per cent, premium. For Planlera’ Bank issnes, the broker* offer 13c. and for Union Bank notes G50G8c. COTTON NAKKET. N.HHVIU.E, March 30.—By virtue of habit we preserve Ihla caption, although there la really no market here to report. Our merchants need hardly be told day after day that the staple Is dull. There Is a goodly amonnt of cotton on hand, lint It is held at aliout 3 cents above tho prices offered. On tho other hand, there are some factors anx ious In illinium who think the ruling figures have been’ loo high by 3c. for some time past, and arc consequently unwilling to Invest On sccuuut of'state of affairs I rau- sactiona arc light To day we hear of sales of 11 bales ns follows: 15 at die; lOalTIOXc, and 10 al fl0‘,c. There celpls foot up 118 bates, and tho ahlpmeuta -18 bale*. [By Telegraph.].... h 30.—Hold ISO, diill. i inun.nati, March 30.—Hold 1S8, dull.—Ouutte. Late Nows Items. Tho Fenian oxolfomoht contiuo* -unnlmtoil in Cunmlo. A Toronto aiajvtitcU nays a battery of artillery IcIXOttowny for flic iVontier on Snlnrilay, Olltor movements of troops to the lVpntiQr arc ro|iorleii Irom ilKrerent points. Tho organization oi now companies, is. going forward with great activity, and lint alarm sititns nnnhiucd.; Every body now believes tliv Fenians moiin In make a desperate attempt to obtain Ciuimlii, lo use ns n base,ami very lillle dependence is placed on tho American Uovernmt'nl's professions of observing neutrality. Tho authorities Ibol that , they can expect no sympathy from the United States, and must help themselves, if thoy would maintain peace. Statements show that 10,000: regulars, 10,000 volunteers under arms, and 15,000 more volunteers tiro drilled and armed, but not under pay- ‘A special dispatcli from Toronto to tho Now York ITerahl says a plot is reported to have been discovered to blow up the drill shed and tho vol unteers while drilling. A large city sower was under the drill shed, with its entrance one hun dred Sards oil'. Report says barrel* of pbwtfiSr were to bo rolled up tho river, and when the vol unteers met (or drill in the shed the whole went to be blown up. The sewer Is now guarded day amt night. In tills city the Central Connell of Fenians at Union Square were in secret session all through yesterday, hut nothing ol their proceedings was given • to the pnblie. Funds anti rifles are still flowing in, both here and at Sweeney’s headquar ters, and it is reported that some important fea tures are now in process of development. It is currently reported that O'Malmny lias, within a few days, sent oil' an expedition oftifly thousand men to some point unknown to the public. The total strength of Sweeney’s force, organ ized into regiments and battalions, up to date, is given ns flfty-thrcc thousand-six hundred. Be fore the month pnsses tlie number will lie dou bled. Contributions of'hiohcy And munitions of war continue lo pour into the treasury and ord nance departments of both brandies of Iho Bro therhood. Louluvllle Market. tocisviLLB, March SI.—The market has bceu rather quiet imliy In nil departmenta, price* of moat articles, In rympalhy wlih Ihc fluctuation* ot currency, liaviDg a d-nn ward or equalizing tendency. There to not much activity apparent In uuy department, the transactions to- day being confined almost wholly to the local city and jobbing trade. In the cotton market there is also but my little present animation, tho tendency being down ward. Colton good* and colton yams have also a down ward tendency, and lit* provision market was dull to-day. Cum was rather quiet to-day, Iral last evening n round lot or s.trti bushel*, mixed, shelled, was disposed of at 00 cents In hulk. Til., attendance on 'Change was large, with, however, but little transpiring beyond a few sales of provisions.— Ail |,:iriles appear to be patiently awaiting a more aetllod «ml permanent money market. The downward turn of il.e premium on gold has very materially unhinged the prices of alt articles ou the markot, as the ups ami down* of currency are the mainspring, and pretty effectually rub- the rates, either to.tdvince or depress the market.— In the meantime the great bulk of the merchants and tradesmen who have laid In their stocks at advanced ratoa ate the losers. The dispatches to the Board of Trade from New York quote the cotton market dull and unchanged. Coffee nn- i hanged. Sugar dull and nominal | hard quoted at BIX® W’(c. Inactive, and prices declined 6©10c. Mess pork dull sad unsettled st noon, hut flrmer In the after noon III $•«, Lard In moderate demand, and a etude lower; quoted at I'Jgc. Whisky uomlnal at $3 37. 1 lie (Inclnnatl dispatch to Ihe Board quote mesa pork ibiU silSflEn, and the provision market closing dull.— Whisky (S fei f» r f r eo, and 35c In bond. I ho Chicago dispatch quoted mess (Kirk at $85 75, primo tac-i $31. Bulk mests quiet; shoulders at 10c, aides Ifl'fe loose; short-ribbed, Mfccj elenr side* IhRc, packed.— • team lard IHjfo. Wheat qaiet at f I Mtf. Com4O0tOVc. Ojts qnlei at 31033c for fresh recelpl*.' Whisky quiet at , NONETAIIT. I here Is no clung* iu Hie condition of money nutters, i tlM *P»per can bo negotiated at#per cent.,and good commercial paper an q . per cents per annum. The •treei rale* continue to raug# 1% IpkpcrceuL a month. '■old opened in New York to day at !58j it 13 in. It stood 13*!,-; at 1 p. to. 137X to 137K. Tho offering* hero were light. Brokers were blddlug ,, tbNttdng 137, but after receipt of the new* of the do- ' hue In New York, they reduced Itheir rsto lo 138*. The , ng ,,,l: I* only nominal, aa there I* an demand here, and dealers ship to New York for sale. silver eontea In slowly, and Is Bought at 7 and 10 per n ut under gold, for largo and small piece*. »'»vemmt!jjt Mtfnritlc* vrcaki'iieri n liltlu UiU mornings tLirtivi are hon^hut W, nnd »oUI ut mi to per. Kuhnn-jo U In lenf dmiiend. Tlio haying rite to day I nth premium, selling Mflth premium.-OmrUr. Mexican iimlk-ra art; Htill much hefoggeti.— Late uilYiccs per the steamer Vera Cru: show that tlio promiscil Imperial pacilk-nlhm ol the country is as far ns ever from realization, tuul that the Itcpulilicnns still maintain the contest in nearly all sections witli stubbornness and energy. Not the slightest indications of the intention of tho French tq withdraw lias yet appeared. Sev eral additional tights are recorded: Tlio victory of (general Mendez over the JUpublicnns in Michlimun is claimed to have been far more im portant than at flrst reported, nnd He nltcnvnrds lind a brilliant reception at Mcsclla in honor thereof. Mendez says himself that lie fought Hie bunds ol siiveral of the combined cliiclh, nnd lie bad a hard bailie, aud that his own losses were severe. Confirmation is furnished regarding flic critical position of tlio imperialists. At Tampico tiic Republican* arc threatening the town, being in force within thirty miles of il. In the Pacific States tho Imperialists were still confined to a few posts, tho Republicans holding all Ihc coun try. The lalter had badly attaekeektftc garrison of Mazcttanou three occasions within live weeks. Lieutenant Maury, Maximilian's minister of col onization, had loft for England. Tlio Herald'* Rio Janiero correspondent gives further pnrticulnre rcgnrding tho river Plntto war. Immense preparations were' making for lha bat tle, which was imminent nt the date of tho latest advices. Tho allied nrmies of tho Paraguayans and Uruguayans, numbering about 50,000 men, and supported by a considerable cfllclcnt naval floet, are on tho bank of the Paraguay river in tlib vicinity of Paso dc la Patrle, controlled on the North side by tho Paraguayan!, estimated at only 20,000 men. Dcfonsivo works of great strength, however, possessed by the latter, neu tralize, to some extent, the numerical advantage over their enemies. The allies design to soon attempt the passage oi the river, and a desperate struggle was expected. They had also in con templation a flank movement uud an nttuck on the Paraguayan’s rear. Parties of Paraguayans had crossed in iionts over the river, nnd skirmish ing had occurred. Tho allies, however, repulsed the P nrngtmynnH witli small loss. When Stephen A. Dougin* Began to 1 ou the Preoldency. Gliiclnuall Market. ixivnati, March IB.—Flour qwlvt without rhang* In ’•* Hnpvrflho $707 W, extra $S09, family $9 Sfl Gin ai. Wheat dug „„i uoch»ojed lo price*, It 7501»fur No, • uvw rial. r , ■ 1 "in flrmer ami In good demand al 8Se In elevator for •N" I rhelled, and Sfc for ttn. 3. Hats flrmer and In demand al !»• fur No. 3, No. I ml r Sneed lo !l70drtr. Kf" IIrailed ilrnmiut at CU0fi5c for No. I. i.’lover seed, $5 8505 ao, doll. Uroverlea dull and prices uqrhauded. I roslstoua dull amt price* oomlual. Krsspork told at (38 for rlfy. Balk meat* lOjfet Wife for alioaldeta; flic for aid**; •ui»r cured ham* 3U]f®33r. Urd flrmer and la douad at'ltyflc, ’ 7“^*™ « W»5, doty paid. Hold tail. . Mr. William Welsli, in tlio Home Dairy, is re sponsible for the truth of the annexed; We have already mentioued the fact that iu 1SI5 we resided nt Springfield, flic capital of (In state of Illinois. Wo worked as a journeyman printer In tho office of the Rllnols Stale Register, tlio leading Democratic paper in tho Stale, and possessed rare opportunities to note the political ‘ ‘ '' of tho tlio day. Thomas ]I. Benton combinations of the day. was the recognized leader of tiie democracy of tlio Northwest, and lie held ills position so llrmiy that to displace him was no cosy tusk. At nlnnil Hus time, liowevcr, u combination was formed ngniust linn, in Ids own Party, and the MUtoarl Republican, tho leading Whig paper of Missouri, was taken in ns an nlly. Mr. DoucIkh was then a rising politician, mid already bad the democ racy of the Stalu nt ids feet; ho wns chosen ns the man to direct tlio combination, and to reap the harvest if successful. Tho fluffs came lo my olMerratlon in this wise: “I hud charge of.tin; Job room, and my companion consisted of u roll er hoy only. One day Mr. Walker, editor ol the Regitter, Mr. Campbell, Secretary of State, and Mr. Douglas, nt that time n member of Congrcim, entered the job room, and tlio three drew up around the caul stove, which was giving out n cheerful warmth. No notice wns taken of my presence, and from the general conversation l easily gathered Unit tho tlirco were Just Irom a secret caucus. Messrs. Walker and Campiiell were reasonably “Jolly,” ns was their wont -, Mr. Dougins was wilier as a judge, nnd looked quilo “Jockey" In bis licll-cmwncd hat. 8aid Doug las: ipsfSSF •:,r "” r ?r ueo. n. Welsh,.,...,..........!.....V.!.I v•,MorntETon. thursday/march 2-1 lfeofl. Johojl’ Stephens, Mo. I, J Barton, Os.. T< jpTtvioSrK J M Duawoody. Rii Copt Flyut, Monroo county V A Bnlffon, Barauli. W D Sent more*, Athens. K W Kennedy, Ha. T ll Wininqhauij Forsyth. It L Crttm|tonjAI», ns, SO o,NCi It Wlillnuiiam, Forayth. MreRnsull, 8 . i! M Tudd, Kliioslon, Airs Parsons, 8 O M Mayer, NY AM midis,N O tA lalguworrti;AV A A Bit \V T Wlnslou, Fla. V Knooumd, Angnslo. J D Brown, Ark, W A Andrews, Gofsuls. A C Farmer, Mo, ,1 Brut horn A liuly, AuriihIs. b M Wnilo, III. J I) Klrkendall. Mist. A J Townsend, Vs. UIl Smith, Mias. . j IIOVBIi. FIiANTGUN* ivs. oTialloiian, .-.rnociuETon. THURSDAY' MARCH 33, 'iflCfl. lUtcfflbliockvIllo, Ind Cl 11 LB; , F 6 Herrlcl iy. Knoxvlllo. _ _ „ k, NmHvIIIo. . 8 L RatcUir/Rockvliie.’lnU; osh, Knrly county G II Parkor, ~ “ B L McIntosh, Karly connty G B Parker,’ Abbeville,’ 8 O * M atari and Miss Ada BBoylo, Richmond. ista. lahlony. Prof J D'Moat, Now Orlrnn... Wm Brown, Now Orleans, Dr MIX Viuuitiid, j/smoi 11 Thompson, Bt Paul Mill- D R Stanford,Now York ncsola. J P 8 Winder. Naihvllle. It McLounau, Macon. F A Snlflln, Kiro--’“ Rdward Dally. Canton, Con. I, Mnrrtn, Ohio. iwinaiu uaiiy. vautuu** V Wildmnn, OoluMbns. , F Brooks, Greenville, Atlas. O W bowls, Mt. Al G Coleman, (Irasnvlllo, Mias B Klrtlaud, Macon. C F Slsnsbory, Philadelphia J O Butler, Macon. . j, jr Dickinson, Macon. U t II. V..., ,I, C FSIsnslinry, Phlladel (' Bruuiley. Reims, Ala. J Thompson. Nashville. W U Tato, Moaaoy Or East Tennessee, Orcck, 8 J Brown, Fort Valley. ;, C M Penn T S Kane, Chattanqpga. W A Wells, Miss. G F King, city.' Mrs Burton, Augusta. A A Tslmnge, Knoxville. T McKinney, Clmrlcslon 8 C M Cooper, Vn. . V J Brown, Bowling Green Amos Kllny, Mlssoarl. S Hslno, Bowling Green, Ky Wm It Allen, Memphis. T Burton £ Isdy, Augusts. G M Hewitt, Hunlsvlllo. jty. ’ ’ H J Forcncre, city. E KdivnrUs nnd daughter, J I* Butler, city. Huntsville. I. C Frezcvnnt, boulsvlllo. W Wolnslen, Augiisla. J II Barbour, USA hi V Maine, Richmond, Vn. F D Welch £ lady, Albany. O M Caldwell, Campbell co. EXCHANGE HOT HI,. , Jl. llllANNElt* CO., . .vum-ntEToas. THURSDAY, MARCH 33,18C8. ' Itluggolrl, M Dimikcr and sou, Msr- . selllcs. IIII Until W McKn W At Coll 1> It Cook, Atscon. Col G N I.ester, Msrlctta, C R lteyronyrnns, Ky. Jmi Kltni Airs C F iiwiii,iiii, hi H M Gullet!, Grllilll. II D Weed, Ssvnunsh. I) L Tsylor. Wni Couoillo, Gs. John C Calhoun, 8 C Hamilton, Texas. Il bolimsn, N Y Mrs behman £ child, Atont- gomery. „ G lllce, fudlnnn. n, Chsuanooga. Mrs Cronin £ sv't, Gs. I' F Campbell, Augusts " *■' pson, Chsitnna Harrison, Grlflln. J bemmond, Rutledge. J A Sledge, Alliens. ' ” ”’el&, city. J Y WelL IIF Edwards, Cartorsvllle. It Cox, bonlsylllc. J R Sedgwick, Vn. W Duer" N Y W It Ross £ wife, FIs. I, Johnston, At*. J W Mitchell, Uy. JII Park, Cleveland. J C Wood, Cleveland. T II Watts, Us. RE Cox,’-. . J Welch £ son. Marietta, Alls* Welch, Afarlc Alias Atnys, Alnrlett Stays, All W Itnesilnle, Gs. JKlil-'- NBKnlulq, Harrietts. J S Sinilh, Nashville. I Roberts, Actvorth. *5 A Word, Csinplioll county. CON8IGNEEH PEIt UAH,HOADS. JltCflnd Ay Macon <l- Wesltrn Hull i on J, March 'Oil. C A Pitts, Mrs ELyon,Tit Fcsrs, il Y Snow, M C Ball, Alesdor It Bros, J O Hayden, W M James, H Bur dock, Joiner £ Flemming, I .owe £ Thrasher, \V It Mc Millan, lllrshborg, Loeb £ Co. A Virtuous Radical—Ho licfuae* with Scorn on Office He FIikIn It fmpomlblo to Gel. Among the inorcjiiullgimnt uml intemperate of Frcsiilcut JolmNon's (tiffUniera liuring tho last few weeks, stood, pre-eminently, Mr. Charles A. Dana, editor of the Chicago Republican. Almost ovcrj'iKJdy knew the motives whlbh actuated the hitter hostilities of John AV. Forney—popularly known ns tho “Dead Duck;" lint, until tlio pub lication of tho following letter, people wore some what nt a loss to account for Dana's virtuous in dignation against tlio Prcsidcm. Tlds “let the cat out of the bag":—Ifathme Dispatch. Correspondcuco of Ihe Cincinnati Commercial. AVasuinoton, March 10.—No little sensation was created In political clrclros hero to-day by the appearance of a letter addressed to the Prosi- tho 18, contained tho following paragraph: “Tlio scheme to buy olf the present mauagers of . the Republican Government Collcctorship. is very smart, but it won’t win." The following is tho letter addressed to tlio in offioiai copy of whloh is furnished President, an for publication; “Uuicaoo, January 20, 1800. To tlio Presi- mt—Dear Sir: Some of dent—Dear Sir: Some of my friends in the New York delegation in Congress want me to be Col lector of New York. I shnll be glad to have Hint office, aud accordingly I address myself di rectly to you. I have been a resident ot New York city for nearly twenty years, till n few months since, when I cunic here on leaving Hie AYur Department. I know New York, its mer chants and Its politicians; Imt by reason ot my connection with Hie AVar Department I have been absent, so ns to be true from all identifica tion with Hie .political factions or personal con troversy by. which Iho Union party there lias bceu much divided. 1 believe that there is no person of auy prominence in tho party whose ap- rouldgi pointmen! would giro greater general satisfaction than mine. Should you lie disposed so iur to entertain the idea ns to wish for information con cerning my cupnclty to administer the office, thero is no one who can judge better ns to Hint than Air. Stanton. Let mo add that 1 am myself confident ol performing tho duties, should they lie entrusted to mo, to tlio advantage of tho pub lic service nnd lo your entire satisfaction. 1 uiu, witli profound respect,’your faltlitbl servant, “Charles A. Dana." “Gentlemen, do you beltdto tlio Republican cun bo relied upon V" "Certainly.’’ said Walker, "we tnke a greater risk on opening up on Benton than Hint Whig concern takes in advancing you. Alter we bays killed off Tom Benton, of course It will pitch Into you—but,"—and hero AVulkcr raised Ids clenched (1st, and brought 4t down with great HMt K IIIMHI HIM llll|>t>JIII^ nillllli— w; u—, IIVTIIUII shall bite the dust, and you ohall bo the big man of the Northwest, and hi lime . President of the United mates." We Imvc no doubt liul the aspirations of Douglas for Ibo Presidency dated Irom that mo ment—and i(om Hint time until I fluidly left the office, Ids mmic was dally inentloaoiltio connec tion with that high station. Those who remem ber the political history of those duy» will're- menjlici: jwith what billeniCM “Old Bttlllpuy was r Id* own i«rty, and with what sue- Poughu did, indeed, bocoma the grant leader of bn party, not only In the I New York fflarksiE, Market ex°li!!ui **-~Gu|too sdvsncod one rml.— U, ’ 4 *> r ' M® P*.»' ««*• ttnm •‘•H: fUpsuUE* h*Sm; ■ • Gold quu|«d me tsaapw!* ia»«*5ff “s# 1 “ Wvs-tiwaUni, Charlestr, n | M 't Turaday cvenln-. WM over ninety years of uge. ' . . NdflhweM, but In Hie North and East; lie, too, aimed high for Hie Presidency. Death of Bln. John Htbi'iikno.—We iiotlco la a late Irish paper ihu following obituary .no lice. And tut the venerable deceased has rela tive* (worthy nnd esteemed citizens) Ibtl Augusta,Atlanta ond.Kdgelleld, H.O., — momory ora Itciovi ithor.—BatttnnaK Republican. Diod at Hie family residence near Parsons- town, King* county,' Ireland, ori 37th January, John Bthfihcks. aged 81 vear*. flo Tng ground ai Ltts- 1WW. Blr. John Bthfihcks, wus buried In the family * innuifh Cemetery, ou the jPaaBg , j?S:Bii | g.aLttai to the United State* ycura ugb. Tie UUiofLt of his family here. So do our old and most i teethed I' jkcotno exUnct In UiU Islaifd. lie was, In Hie laugimgo of one or our best PMU ' “Tbo iioblcit s ork of Joil - AllhiiDsalmsil." - , _ oTJ-. ■ U*» Outrageous Deception. When we read Tliaddous Bievens' speech, de livered on Saturday last, in which lie pronounced the President's late address a my Hi, wo of course understand Idm to mean it as a surly Joke played at the expense or the President. AYc leurn, however, since that ho is having it circulated as a laet that Andrew Johnson nover gave utter ance to such a speech, nnd we are Informed that lie is having his remarks translated Into Gentian to deceive tlio ignorant classes iu Pennsylvania. Bucii scoundrclTsm will doubtless bo promptly exposed, hot whnt is to be thought of u Repre sentative who can so far degrade himself, or of a constituency thnt can be so cusliy humbugged ? AVc were reluctant nt tint to believe the state ment truo, but lmvo been assured since, on tlio authority of a gentleman thorn AVnshiugtoii, who bo depended upon. Hint Btevciu toMM* anx- r litlclan from Pennsylvania Hint no such iiml ever been made, and thnt il was speee nothing but a copperhead lie I The man went ig but a c homo believing t|io' story and prepared to give it wide circulation.—RuUtmore Transcript. CALHOUN HOU3E. re,s 1 vJ8stn5®|iiS&. w aroa, In another colama. • GKO.B. WELSH, FOB ItENT. ; near the 1 r iSWfeSlBKCTOiy. n*rtiTT arum jIastes tusm> Dormer, W. W. BOYD, Office, Masonic Rail. ’ SYMBOLIOMASONRY. * Atlauta Lodge, No. SO. Slatci^ComtmiolgUoM Sd snd 4th Ttmnidsjr* of each Z%?A c oS$ DL * a ' l'nltou Lodge, No. 310. Stated Commimlcntlon* lit sndSd Thnradnj-* of each mouth, at 7M, I'.-. II. - W. W. Boyd, WorahlpftU Master. Oua*. ItanusiN, Actlog Secretary. OAFITUbAU BIASONHY, moubt Zloti Iloyal Arch Chapter, No. 10. Rcgnlsr Con vocations 3d nnd.dtb Moodsya of each monin at 7N "F * 51 *. ' 1 ‘ ’ Tuoi/W. Chandler. M.-. B.', Illgti Prlcat. Calvin Fat, Secretary, Mount Zion Council Good Saniarltaiio. 1st Ttteaday In each month, It 7#, W. \V. Born, Msslor or (V-rcinonlca. H. 8.0/tN*, Secretary. inuimil e* S . CHYPIIIC MAhONUV. i - Jason Burr Council Royal Muster* aud -- Select MaaouB, No. 13. Regular Meetings 8d Tuesday In January, April, July \V. W. Both, Thrice Rlostrlooi Grand Master. Jmo. M. BoniNa, Ilocordor, Knight* Templar*, Coeur do Lion Com* mandery, No. 4. ^Regular Conctavo 1st Monday-of each month, al7ffl, Tiki*. W. Ciundleh, Km’t Com’r. W. H. TunNEK, Recorder. The office of ihe above uamed Secretaries and ltecor- ders is In Mssontc Hall Jmtldlng, Brat door. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. ODD VELLOWn' HALL 1-EACIITnKE'ST., CHEIIOKEB 111.IK K. Central Lodge, No. 38. Myels every Tncsdny evening, nt 7^f oVloelc. ^ ^ jl. F. Bennett, Secretary. Barnce Lodgo, No. 5S. Meets every Friday evening, nt V( o'clock. '1'. P. Fleming, N. U. 8. W. Giiubo, Secretary. Empire Encampment, Nd. 12. Meets on 3d nnd 4th Wcdneaday ofcscli month. O. Dock un, C. 1*. It. F. Bennett, Scribe. P. P. PEASE & GO., No. 17 Alabama Street, J.JAVH In Store ou Consignment sod for sole: and low price*. nt $8 0U per 400 barrel* Flour—choice 50 barrels Irish Potatoes for boshel. 10 barrels Onion*, nt $1. 00 barrel* Loaf, Crushed and Brown Sogar, at low est rate. 35 barrel* Grater, Boston and Sagar Crackers. M barrels Machinery, Car and bard Oils. 35 barrel* Bourbon ami Robertson County Whisky. i, Brandies, Scotch and Irish Whls- 100 cases Wines, kies. 400 boxes and half !nixes choice Chewing Tobacco, 7,000 „la Boys' Dollgl I 100,000 Clgars-importcd and of domestic manufacture. 35 bale* Varus, SlilrUngs, Sheeting* and Osnabnrgs. do coil* Rope. 1,UI0 yards best India Bagging, for sale lo close out. Ill dozen good Shaker Brooms, at $4 60 per dozen, 13 bags choice Rio Coffee. 10 chests Greon and Black Teoa. 35 boxes new Cspdles, at lowett market prices. 1,000 one-fourth boxes Sardlnea. 35 boxes snperlor Adamantlno Caudles. 150 dozen Cotton Cants, very loW. .Also, a large and varied stock of _■ I I ... DRYGOODS, eon slsllng In part of Prlots, Bleached Shirtings, Sheetings, Cotton Hose, 8pooI Thread, Linen Ckmbrlc llnudker- chiefs, Hats. Boats, Shoes, Nations, and many oUtcr ar ticles, whlcit will be sold, to close ont, at less than New York cost. If yon wish hmgalns, remember that No. 17, Alabama street, Is Ihe phtev at which they am bo bad, niarts-Ot Urn please copy. WE HAVE IN STORE r,, i Potatoes, Coffee, Soda, srdlnes, Tobacco, Cigars, Cognac Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Blackberry Brandy, Rye VVblaky, Leather, Nalls, Brooms, Ac. Ac. Old Boiukon Whisky, Sparkling Catawba, Bilk Catawhn, , ,»r. tt hi,', Rhine Wines, Claret Wine, Cherry Bounce. Plantation Bitters, £e. etc. ate Which we are otferlng lo the trade at low figures. CLAYTON, ADAIR £ TOIISK, Commission Merchants, marlB-Ot No. IS Alahnma street. LIME I LIMBI 1 AA BARRELS ROGERS’ LIME. lUv aud fur sale by A. K. SEAGO, CummlMlon Merchanl, Corner Forsyth snd Mitchell slreels Atlanta, Georgia. BACON HAIffS AND LAnD. A CHOICE LOT Just received from Warren, Mitchell £ Co. For sale by A. K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant, Corner Forsyth and Mitchell streets, Atlanta, ua. FLOUR I FLOUR I 50 bblt Monitor low 50 bbla Arcuta Plain Family Flour. All of which will bo promptly sold on liberal teiuis to the trade, by A. K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant, Comer Forsyth and Mitchell streets Atlanta, da. CORftl CORN! W HITE BREAD CORN, to any qaaullty, can now ho tarnished to the trade bv , A. K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant. Comer Forsyth and Mitchell streets, Atlanta, da. STORAGE, STORAGE. it. m. McPherson, * Whitehall street. rasriU—3nr Atlanta, da. marta-tw R. M. MeFHEHSON pljshafl street^. iMtoMik^tloqi • - JUjNr' 1 * tnorttiftw /• mmsk SOAP, SOAP. JN Isr^o supjply and great vartaty, at prices to defy c pet Hon, iy A R 8EAQOi m»rl#-CI “GATE CITY Uomralution Memmnt. Comer Poreythtnd Mitchell •trwti act*. UvOr LAND REGISTER.” \%Tlt havo Just received onr large, superbly bound TV LAND REGISTER, gotten up expressly for Ihe purpose of Recording, and thus advertising to our office, Heal Estate for aale or rent. Persons having Rea) Estate for sale or rent, are record the same on onr Register Res of charge, icy employ us to represent them as agents or hope to make the Gate City Land Offlro an institution or decided benelt to the public, and thereby honorable os well ss remunerative to ourselves. rnsrif-lOt QUEENS WARE. . 1JI THE CRATE ONLY, and assorted to suit tho Jj trade. Good lot common Tea* and Platea to every awk. It X* McPlIBRBON, McPherson. wwu urb a. SEED ’OATS. mUREE HUNDRED BUSHELS to More, Black aud X White, of superior quality, iIm-mcpuerso^ fiSra*. tnaih-o Whtl PRIME LEAF LARD. 2ooo u,sraafEuwp ^g}«£ BEANHMHBANSt BN buthtU Whlta and Oulored Deans. For sals by ib!4—o No. llDeralur street. T’ fiii OOW PBA8* 200 ’"'“““o'TOfeotSfflj-.-Vf,. In Store and to Arrive. CRANK k CO. == —- ;rn»i iHB/antfugJgfl L) BffllBBK -i 7 " Travelers to the iSrorth, BUSINESS or PEEASUBE, mil. Tina tub LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RAILROAD ’’In connocllun wllb the Western £ Atlanta,'trad Iho Nashville aud Chattanooga Itallroada the direct and most expeditions rente from ATIiAiVTA LouUvIllo, Indlanapoll*. Cincinnati, Chleaso, Detroit, j Cleveland, Pitta* ' AND ALL PLACES' IN THE NORTH AND EAST. t-WHuricrlor SLEEPING COACHES on Ml night trains north of Clmttanooga. TIME TABLE. Leave Atlanta.... .7.S0P. M Arrive Chatta'a.. .5.85 A. M Arrive Nashville..4.00 P. Leave Nashville... 8.,’»P.__ Amve Louisville.5.00 A. M Leave' Atlanta... .7.80 A; M Arrlvo Chatta'a.. .8.80 P. M Loave Chatta’a,.. .8.45 P. M ArrlvoNsihvilfo.,0.48 A, M Leave Na»hvtlle. .7.80 A. H Arrive Lonlsvlllo.. 8.00 P. M LEAVE LOUIsyiLLE ' (1.00 A.M., 13.00 M., S.Oo1p. 4.0(> i\ M., £ £OOP.M. BAGGAGE CHECKED from Nashvlllo or Louisville to all tho Important cities North and EoM of Lontsvlllc. Persons holding Through Tickets can stop off at any of tho principal places, having, choice of Day or Night Trains with cart attached embracing all tho modem fin- ^ 00000010, and *n opportunity or visiting the celebrated ammoth Care, which la located near the tine of this road, FARE AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. For fhrthor Information and through Tickets, apply at tho Union Ticket Office, to Atlanta, and all the principal Railroad offices to the Sooth. >7(1 nencW^toperintemlent.' HH mnrlH-flm General Traveling Agent Macon Telegraph copy sml charge tp L.i£N, R. It, , o, n. WNLlnooN, • i.vr. n zli.aii, WELLBORN A BELLAH, REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND Gcnei'iil Xiftiitl AjyontN, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WELLBORN~& BELLAH, PottoU-Ti'e® Street, Atlanta, Gu„ Wholesale and Retail Dealers to Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, 1IATS AND CAPS, £C. Al*o, General Commission Merchants for the sale oi Produce, Carriages, Bnggtes, Ac. Jan17—8m Allatoona Iron Works for Sale. T HE Stoekholdera having so directed, tho Prettdeut will offer said property for sale, at auction, on the flrst Tuesday in April next, In Atlanta, unless sold at pri vate sale before that day...This propeny l* located 40 reasonable value- lo for the wood and minerals—gold, cimper and Iron: ixhsnsttble, and tho gray tho boot to tha world. The ■ta*KMN|| . _ le, and the ore being csteemr ■ Com and —— half mile which Ihmlahei the water power lego of Allatoona belonga to the property. Some of the buildings being entirely destroyed others damaged, aU the working slock bolng lost, and amajorltyol the stock holders being crippled In meins by the ravagee of war, have determined the company to cell rather than attempt, under thoclrenmstanree, to resuscitate. Information In detail can be procured by consulting l o. McDaniel, Jan31—3nt Atlanta,Ga. Cincinnati Commercial and Nashville Union copy two mouths and send bill for payment to I. O. McDaniel, At lanta, Ga. EVERYBODY’!!) FRIEND Mason's Medicated Candy, for Oongbs and Colda, Mason's Charcoal Pastlle, Tor Perfuming tho Breath. Mason’s delicious Ire Cream Candy, M*«,n's Luscious Wine Drone. Matou'a Pure Mixed Candles, Mason’s Pure Gum Drop*, Mason’s Ice Cream Bon Hons. with „Jlltar«. for DrnrrrrUta V Uc ilorH, Con fool inner* nml illroad News 3. MASON £ Go., .. , . IVholesile Depot, No. 68 North Sixth street, Philadelphia, For sale at wholesale, by . M. W. £. J. II. JOHNSON, Atlanta, Ga„ feliSJ-dui Agenta for the Slate ofticorgla. BUCKWHEAT t BUCKWHEAT t O NE THOUSAND lha choice New Buckwheat Floor! for solohy M. W. £ J. n. JOHNSON, , Commission Merchants, Franklin Block, Alabama street, nbeiToats. S EVEN HUNDRED bushel* Seed Oats. To nrrlvcand for sale by N. W. £ J. II. JOHNSON, i ■ .Commission Merchant*, Fruukliii Block, Alabama street. ONIONS 1 ONIONS! JjtlVE BARRELS ONIONS. To arrlvo and for sale by If. W. £ J. It. JOHNSON, Commission Mqrchsuts, Franklin Block, Alabama street. McNAUGHT, OBMONB & CO Key-Slone Blork, WIIITEnAIst STREET, / VFFEIt FOR SALE, at retail, and lo tho trade, a largo V/ and well assorted Mock of Hardware, Cutlery, Gun*, Pistols, Oun Material, Bras* Goods, Agriculture! Iinpie men!*,'Circular aud Sash Saws, Gam End Leather ’ lion- friends at their old plan Hard. Ill ho happy lo see their marlO—Sin WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS IN9UBANCK COMPANY, PITTSFIELD, MASS. Cull Capital and Surplue, $350,741 50, T HIS COMPANY will Insure Real and Personal Pro party against lass or damage by Fire on as fltvora bio term* as other responsible companies. Lotte* Equitably adjaited and promptly paid, J.N.Donham, Secretary: Ensign U. Kellogg, Preel- dent; Samuel K. Howe, Assistant Secretary. ., . CHAl'LY B. WKLLBOURN, Agent. Peeth-Tree street, Atlfnta. Ga. James Diver Insurance Company, • iiowardsvillk, Virginia: Cltnvterotl Capital, 01,000,0,00. Deals liberally. Pay* -“Ito tot TTAS AMPLE CASU . iSffor*nd^Wor,l, For reference and tnsnranre; kp C.B. WELLT HVAgeuI* wanted on pru|ier vimchen of snttabll igent at Atlanta, Oo. - who can apply with street, Atlania, Ua. lNHUlUd IN Tbe Southern Mutual Insurance Company, Of Athens, Georgia. I T Is an old, reltobla Company. laetA near yoa. ton** pmmntly |*Wi. llvnU Rwuully divldtd amoug the Insured. Agent at Atlanta. ft’s^No. 6 Itecalnr s OfflceC. r. Brown's, No.# Itecalnr street. Jsn4—8m please tall at my office ud get ft. under >. imDUK. J. u. si*non,. l, r. rnoNaa, jn. V STEADMAN, SIMMONS A OO., OBNEnAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND WHOI*«tAl4l DIALERS W GvooorioM nnd Produoo, Norcrost' Butldtug. cor- Whitehall and Marietta Sta., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. mwio-tit LUMREUt LUHMEHI orders for Lumber, In any SSfe Pfol'cslylbual Ctu i ds. LAND AND 'COLLECTION OFFICE. . /!*/•■ ; iV! e .'Ai+r+iil ifttll • , OEO. H. THOMAS. V. A. QAIRIf.L, GASKILL &* THOMAS, Attorneys at Law, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Atlanta*, . . . , . Georgia, WILL OIVN EPEOML ATTENTION TO CONVKYANCING, Exainimiig Titles to Real Estate, WHITING C0NTRACT8 * COLLECTING DEBTS. larOfflce Up Stairs,'ilrtt building ou Whitehall itreet, on the left going from tfie railroad., R*r*H*Nc*s—Mayor and CHIxeni of Atlanta: Jome* Gardner, Angnsta; J. W. Fean A ’ ustel’ o. A. hutting, Macon; ’AnstcU £'lmnaii,’johu"LlviDEsVon, N. York. JanlP—8m■ • ' ' - CATE CITY LAllp OFFICE. Honcua a. bell. r. n. uzll BELL & BELL, ONE AN ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATLANTA . GEORGIA, Wilt giro strict attention to tho Real Estate Business, AND TO COLLECTING DEBTS. jarcoah advance# made on City property. , OFFICE—With Bzzard £ Hulsey, up stairs, to tho Nor- cross comer Bolldto; ling. RcrEiUENoct—J, J. Toon, Joseph Wlnshlp, L. J. Gar- '1, Atlanta; James Gardner, L. B. Davis. Augusta; fitffi, . I Ledyard £ Barlow, Phil. S. Root, John 14: W. L. GOLDSMITH, Attorue.y at Law, ATLANTA, . . . . . GEORGIA, W ILT. PRACTICE tn Fulton and adjoining counties. Also, jn all tho CUy Conns, Prompt and strict attention gtren tn Writing Coni rads, Deeds, Wills: Conveyancing, Renting and Selling Real Estate, and Collecting Debts plait kind*. ISromce at City Hall, with tixe Ordinary. Ravens to—Hon. Jot. lit. Lnmpkln, Wm. Hope nail, Hon. Warren Akin, Hon. Wm. T. Kul. Athens, Go.: • r H’J «M*>-tW, « JIUU, HWIUU 3III1D| MVU, 1 I’offord, Judge Janes MUner, Cartcrsvlllc, Gs.; 1 . tlnrtrcll, tfon. William Braaid, Hon. Jared I. , uniiicii. nun, it ilium L/,aiu, ugh, uaicu i. tt iuwi- er, Atlanta. Gs. i Hon. M. A. Candler, Deestar, Ga.; J. . SlewartTKsq., Stone Mo'iintaln.' fcb«-3m HENRY P. FARROW, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, Atlanta, Geoiula, NP Commissioner forSonth Carolina, Tennessee and Bring Prompt and strict attention will he given to all business confided to him. HT’Offlce on Whitehall street, over Holbrook’s Hat store. fobs—8m HENRY JACK80N, ATTORNEY AX LAW. Office tn Norerose' Building, Marleta street, Georgia. Revxiis to—Hon. Joseph n. Lumpkin, Athens; Cobb £ Jackson, Macon; Jackson £ Lawton, Savannah; non. Joseph E. Brown and L. J. Glenn & Son, Atlanta, martt—lm* Atlanta, MARSHALL J. CLARKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW ATLANTA, GEORGIA. lyofflce Iu the Franklin Building, Alabama street. Jtu37—3m HNNSY n. JACKSON. ALEX. B. LAWTON. JACKSON &. LAWTON, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, Office on B*y street, between Ball and Whitaker, SAVANNAH, tikonoit, marl—lm H -LSPRAYBEBRY. Attorney at Law and • Tttal Ettato Agent, over C. L Brown's store, Pccatnr street, Atlanta, Ga. 1 ded7- DR. J. B. MURPHY, RESIDENT DENTIST, R’SSB calls the attention — ot Atlanta to the bet that hobs* returned to tho city end open ed an office on Alabama street, In tho Bank Blockj where ho it prepend to exe cate all Until of Dental tho Dr.M. has bid twenty yeara’ experience as a Dentist, and feele confident that lit can foluitoU] rations brought before him. PROFESSIONAL CARD. UK. W. X. GOLDSMITH TIAtlNG permanently loc AX offers hi* IWesajonal _ Ho con be found at the Drn located to the city of Atlanta, eerrlcee lo thedttoens. Ho can be fonnd at the Drug Store of Messrs. Tsylor £ BtjM|«n Whitehall streel, opposlla the old GeorjtallR. D“t v CHARLES PINCKNBV oflbre his pro- fesslonal services to the cltlxena of Atlanta. Office — - ~ J. shackcl- Xlnltlmoro Advert leicmcnts. 1866 Spring Importation 1866 RIBBONS, MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS. ARM8TRONC, CATOR & CO. iNvowmuAKn rex at nr nr Ribbone, Bonnets, Silks & Laces, rxirsrs, rReims, flottsss, rsjnuss, STRAW BONNET*, LADIES* HATS, Trimmed and Untrimmod, Shnkor IXooda, £o„ No. 387 and Lofts of 330 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. Offers Stock unsurpassed to the United State* to va riety and cheapness, UF"Order»*i marV-lm i solicited and prompt attention given. »• coo*- oio. W. BCBIUtO. CHINA., GLASS! COOK A HERRING, No. 7 S. Charles Street, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. JjU HHNSWARN, dertgffin POOLE A HUNT, BALTIMOHE, MARYLAND, aaNtirammx Portable and Stationery Steam Kngtoea and Boilers, Steam Fine Engine*, Saw Mil)*, Mining Machinery, Portable Grief Mills, Flooring MIU Machinery, Cotton Screw*, Hydraulic Presses, Go* . . Works, Shafting, PnUey* and Hangers. Jon*—sm GREAT MRGMNS IN REU ESTATE. H. J. SPRAYBERRY, RELAX*. ESTATE AGENT, Decatur Street, Over O. I. Brown’s Store, OFFERS FOR SALE: \ teetatalxg tear room*, ou l Flre«(-ro Lot, Justoiitslde tho corporation,- (mold Do- One rajotble f. scree seeded* sii.i'm! cniy aerea^iita Corner \ 0.4t$/M ‘Atlanta St 'West-Point Railroad. GEORGE O. HULL, Superintendent.' 8..70A.V ’take c*Srt do* and after%tembfT 23,’ ■ontceBMnr A W«t-Potat Railroad, DANDH. H. CHAM, Superintendent. ' Lear* Wrat-Potot.. RjsP.M rrivb alWeSt-Point J2XO M, To take effect September 37,1855. Macon Sc Westtern Railroad E. B. WALKra7Wuperlntendent. nor .rosozNexx'runt. V Leave Macon Arrive at Atlanta .... Leave Atlanta Arrive at Macon Leave Atlanta Arrive at Macon. ... Leave Macon........ Arrlvo at Atlanta.... Western it Atlantic Railroad. ROBERT BAUOIL Superintendent. Arrive at Chattanooga... Leave Chattanooga Arrive tt Atlanta. Leave Atlanta...... .’.’xhjEm LeAreCbfttt»noog». j Arrive At Atlanta Atlanta AdrerdaemenUk 1866 FOB 1866. 1666 ’f. MauSnsV. c ’ ;"T r:."v- BRADLEY'S CELEBRATED s Ba s « EACii' H&OPBEHtd COMPOSED OF Two Perfectly Tempered Single Springs, Braided tightly together, edge to edge, forming one Hoop, and making the Strongest and most Flexible, tbe Lightest end most Durable Spring mode. They will not Bend or Break like tbe stogie tprixgi, but will always preserve their PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL SHAPE CROWDED ASSEMBLAGES, CHURCHES, THEATRES, RAILROAD CARS, FOR PROMENADE, OR HOUSE DRESS. In fluff, they are enperior to all others, combining Comfort, Economy, Lightness & INQUIRE FOR BRADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC OR DOUBLE SPRING SKIRT. For eol* everywhere. Manuftetored exclusively by the sole owner* of the Patent, WESTS, BRADLEY £ GARY, No. VI Chamber* and Not. 73 and 81 Roads its., N. York. For tale to Atlanta by K1*4X1. TALLEY, BROWN £ CO., SCOTT, PARSONS £ FREEMAN, And all other Merchants who sell First-ciaoa Skirts to this city and throughout the Southern State*. Thu New Patented Emproee Trail It now all the rage to New York, London, Porte tad throughout Europe. LADIES I be euro that J. W. BRADLEY'S name it printed on every Skirt Band. AU other* tretpnrtou*, and worthless counterfeit*. STEAM ENGINES AND SAW MILLS. &o. Sea. REMEMBER, SAW MIU MEN, The undenlgned to the Sol* Manufacturer or Buabowt' lavxovii* Uxad Block ftr Saw Mill*. Patent applied ter. jp K. TIMMONS desires to call tlm attention ol (hoe* wanting the above artktee to thao* of HIS OWN MANUFACTURE. They are the Mills that wilt cut tha Lumber, are Kgsmer Towet, it* the Water r. B. TIMMONS, Auguita.Ua. STEAM BOILERS, S TEAM PUMPS, STEAM FITTINGS, tentahed short nolle* by F. B. TIMMONS, , Augusta, ua Anti'Friotion Metal, w- l to girt ' Paper Mill Machinery. WITH FI0ILITIE8 UN8U8PA88ED,