The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, June 22, 1866, Image 1

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iMpS jfntcnifltwfcc. -—rmiUSUKD DAILY AND WEEKLY UY jABED IRWIN WHITAKEB, Proprietor. 'nvVlcK^flecoml Floor Crow's Building, entrance WWe gulmiiy, Alulwniu swot. ^ ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Friday Morning, Juno aa, 18881 ’BFFERSON DAVISIN PRISON »u«l lncldeiil* of the lift of .fhp yif.Fenlfctloratn I'rMldciillii H>« V«»rinate »• Porlrcna Monroe. ,, : Extracts from tho Diary of the Post Surgeon. THE TORTURE OF THE PRISONER. Opinion* of the Confederate Leader In 1 ■ serial and Political .wnalru. INSIDE HISTORY 0F_ THE CONFEDERACY. nnllVKXTS 6y Tiitl HlUTAltY POLICY OF ® ' FORTH AM SOUTH. WHO WEB® Tim GREAT GENERALS? iKrein tlm Now York World, Saturday iotJi.J rSioil to I lie attention of all Americans. With- nilitl'inollng tO-daythliw tlio workcrltl- rnlly anil contenting ourselves with this simple . ol Us authorship and of the olrcum- " . mlcr which it appears—a statement Sell carries with it ample demonstration ro every capable and candid person of lta million- Sy-wo proceed to lay before mr-H™!. copious extracts Iroin ill, , « » them m judge of jls gravnAhtorest. thk pkison like ok jeffbiwon davis beqinb. Mvy 21.1800.—Tlie procession into tlm fort was under lire immediate inspection oj ‘MidOr Oenend Hallcckaud Clmrles A. Dana, then As sistant Secretary of War; Colouel Pritchard, of tlie Michigan cavalry, who immediately effected e capture, being the officer in command of the guardnMhum vessel to the fort. First canto ftiiior Geneml Miles holding tlm arm ot Sfr. Davis, who was dressed in a suit °fP llil >Cou- fedcraic gray, with a gray slouched hat—always thin, amr now looking much wasted uud very haggard. Immediately after these canto Colonel Pritchard accompanying Mr. Clay, witha guard of soldiers in ‘heir rear. Thus they passed through tiles of men in blue from the i.nginoor’s Landing to the Water Battery Postern; and on arriving at the casemate which had been fitted up into cells for their incarceraUon. Mr. Davis wiia shown into casemate No. 2 and Clay into Na 4, guards of soldiers being stationed In the cells numberctl one, three nml five, upon each side of them. They entered; the heavy doors clanged behind them, and in that clang was rung tho final knell of the terrible, hut now ex tinct rebellion. . i- . Being ushered into his inner cell by Geneml Miles, nml the two doors leading thereinto from the guard-room being fastened, Mr. Duvis, ufter surveying tlie promises for some moments, and looking out through the embrasure with such thoughts passing over his lined and oxpres- sire face ns mny be imagined, suddenly seat ed himself in a chair, placing both bauds on bis knees, and asked ono of tlm soldiers pacing up uud down within ills cell this significant ques tion : "Which way docs tlie embrasure face?" The soldier was silent. Mr. Davis, raising his voice a littlo, repeated the inquiry. But again dead silence, or only tlie measured footfalls of tlie two pacing sentries within, and the fainter echoes of the lour- without. Addressing the other soldier, ns if tlm first had been deaf and lmd not beard him, tlm prisluor again repeated bis inquiry. But tho second soldier remained silent as tlm first, a slight twitching of ids eyes only fnti- maling that lie hud heard tlm question, lmt was forbidden to speak. “Well," said Mr. Davis, throwing hlel ami breaking into a bitter laugh, “I wish could have been taught your discipline!' 1 and then, rising from his elinir, ho commenced puc iug hack and forth before tlie embrasure, now looking at tlie silcut sentry across tho moat, and anon at the two silently pucing soldiers who were Ills companions in the casement. liissolu reading mailer, a Bible and Prayer- Book, his only companions those two silent guards, Ids only food the ordinary rations of bread mil beef served'ouf to the soldiers of tlie garrison—thus passed the first day and night of the cx-Presidcnt’s confinement. SEWARD AND STANTON DISGRACE AMERICA—AH INVALID IN IRONS. On tlie morning of tlie 2!id of Mny, a yet bit terer trial was in store for tlie proud spirit—u trial severer, probably, than has ever in modern times been inllictcd upon any one wlio lmd enjoyed such eminence. Thu morning Jefferson Dari* im* thaekled. It was while all the swarming cantjH of tlie ar mies of the Potomac, of Tennessee and Geor gia—over two hundred thousand bronzed nml i wroled veterans—were preparing for the grand review of tho next morning, in which, passing la endless succession before the. mansion of tlie President, the conquering military power of tlie nation, which was to lay down its arms at tlm feet of Civil Authority, that tlie following scene was mauled at Fortress Monroe; Captain Jerome E. Tillow, of the Third Penn sylvania Artillery, entered the prisoner's ceil, fol lowed hv tlie blacksmith of tlm fort and his as sistant, tlie latter carrying in his hands some heavy and Imrsldy-raltllng shackles. As they entered, Mr. Davis was reclining on Ilia bed, fe verish and weary after a sleepless night, the food placed near to him tlie preceding day still lying untouclied on its tin plate near ills bedside. “Well!" said Mr. Davis, os they entered, slightly raising Ids head. " I have au unpleasant duty to perform, sir," said Captain Tillow; and us he spoke the senior blacksmith took the shackles from Ills assistant. Davis leujiod instantly from his recumbent at titude, a tiii-li passing over his face fora mo ment, and then his eountenaneo growing livid and rigid as death. lie gasped for breath, clutching ills throat with the thin lingers ol his right liuuil, and limn re covering hlmscll slowly, while his wasted figure towered up to its full fright—now appearing to swell with Indignation, anil then to shrink with terror, as lie glanced from the captain’s fuco to lie shackles—lie said slowly, and with a labor ing chest: “My (iod! You cannot have been Bent to iron me: ‘‘Such are my orders, sir," replied the officer, beckoning the blacksmith to approach, who stepped forward, unlocking the padlock and pre paring the fetters to do their office. That fetter* vtn tfh'«ty iron, probably flee-right* of an inch V?, mkknm, aiut eonnuteil together by a chain of im irnghi I believe they arc now In the pos- session of Major General Miles, and will form on Interesting relic. " .1 liis is too monstrous/’ groaned tho prisoner, glaring hurriedly round the room, ns if for somo weapon, or,"leans of self-destruction.; "1. tle- jnnnil, captain, that you let mcaeo the command- mg officer. Cuu he pretend that such shackles *r - required to secure tlie safe custody of a weak «i« nan, so guarded and in » U ch a fort an this f TiiLif 0 ”!. , ,me 110 purpoae," replied Captain Tillow ; | IU orders are from Washington, ps mine arc from him. “ ¥ b « «“> telegraph," interposed Mr. Davis, ”M|wly; there must he some mistake. No such 22T5* “ JNW ihreaten me with is on record In the history of nations. Beg him to telegraph, **? delay miiil he answers." “.nil ."? ,c P««Sj)tonr," aakl Ute officer, iM,..'i nl °* D0 llclu >'' For your own aako, » roMler Mr* w “5 P allcnw - order'"’ M ^ y,m km,w 1 murt 0X( the nri 1 "® “ r ? for n soldier," sliouted •«,&% MM nl ! ooutrol ofiiltnldL "They vildkr w —for n hangman, wldcli oo von il». K * k '" rJ should accept! 1 tell wu L ' "«< rin ^ wUh this disgrace,. The fooeerl- eounucrcd ; 1 have no S country hut America, nnd St is lor Urn - r , Apwlw,' Mlhr'jnjr own honor nnd Sobscriptioft'ajid Advertising Bates. teaxi ow tuucmtmox. Duly, per month |1 V) DftilY, tweWc months, it If) Weekly, six months. f Of) Wdskly, one jresr... t on Single copica at tbe counter.;................ ...... 10 bingle copies to New* Boj» sod Agent* B BVTM or AUY*»n#fJI». For etch *qare Of 10 lines or let*, for the first Insertion $J» *ao/o,f each saljseooent lusertion CO cents. “ERROR OEABF.8 TO BE DANGEROUS WHEN REASON IS DEFT FREE.TO COMBAT W-Jeffermi. VOL. Xil. ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY. JUNE 22, I86ti. NT). W5. bVlef, clear Inrigiiagb,'that this course was mad ness, and that ordcra must be enforced, lit nny cost. “ VVliy compel me.” Birid Jie, “to,mid Hie {briber inillgnity of personal^Violence iii the ne cessity of your lielng ironed f" ‘ 11 1 ani a prisoner of war." fiercely retried Mr. Davis; “I have been h soldier in thn armics’dl’ . ~ . .„,,™ gth slmiluot'lie done" 1 * SK^ Hcroupon Captain Titiow called in a sergiinnt and file of, soldiers lVom Uiq next room, nnd the sergeant, advanced to seize tlie. prisoner. Im mediately Mr. Ditvls tlew upon hint, seized his muSkcl,.,and iouonip.teil! (O. wrctieh it TttOiixi iris grasp. Of eoureo such, a scene could have-but ouu is sue. There was n sliort, passionate sctiffio. In ant had done their work—ono securing tho rivet on tiny right ankle, while tho oilier tamed Hie inn stupor. Tfien.slowly raising liimselt and turning round, ho dropped iris shackled feet to tho floor, i The harsh clank of.tliu striking chain seams first to have recalled him to his situntiob, uud dropping his face into fils hands, lie bursiiu- UJi-BJ Kl ..ii L, l.L,.,. donate flood of iro, ana muttering at hi shame, the shamei" It may here bo stated, though out of its duo order—that wo may get rid in haste ot’ an un- plcasaut subject—that Mr. Davis some two mouths later, when Sequent visits hud made him more fVee of converse, gave me a curious expla nation of the last feature of tills incident. .He had-been speaking of sbtchle, arid denounc ing it as the worst form of cowardice ami folly. “Life la not like a commission that we can resiu your own nana is a contcsstoit ot judgment to air that your worst enemies can ullage. . It 1 Ign _ lent to lift your worst enemies can allege. It lias ofleu flashed across tnc ns a tethhtldg remedy for ncti- ialgic torture ;• but thank GimLI I never Sought my own death but onoe, mid tlion when com pletely frenzied and riot muster of my, actions.— When they curilo'to iron me tlml liny, n- :i bi-t resource of desperation, I seized a soldier’s mus ket arid attempted to wrench it from liis grasp, hoping that in tko scufflo nqd surprise,, some one of hts comrades would shoot or bayonct me." Ou 'the 'morning of'May 84th,-1 was sent for about hull-past eight 6*<Slo<5ki' by. Miripif' Gdlierat Miles';. was told that State-prisoner Davis com plained of being ill, and that! had been assigned' as his medical attendant. Calling upon the prisoner—the first time I lmd ever seen him.closely—he preaented,a yyry mis erable rind rifflfctlng asprict. * Stretched'upon^ hfs pallet nnd vory niudi emaciated, Mr. Duvis aj>- penred a mere fascine of raw and tremulous nerves—iris eyes restless arid fevered, his head —|rom siclo to aide for a cool s|>oton the pillow, and his case clearly One in which intense cerebral excitement was the first thing needing attention. He was mttreuiely dc- siKindcnt, his pulse fhil and at ninety, tonguo thickly canted, extremities cold, and Iris head troubled with a long-established neuralgic disor der. Complained of his thin camp mnttress nnd pillow slutted with lmlr, adding, that ho was so emaciated that Iris skin chafed easily against the slats; und, ns these complaints were well found ed, I ordered an additional hospital mattress and softer pillow, for which lie thanked mo cour teously. “ But I four," he said, as, having prescribed, I was about taking my leave, accompanied by Captain Evans, Third Pennsylvania Artllleiy, who was officer of tlie day, " I fear, Doctor, you will have a troublesome and unsatisfactory pn- rtcut. One whoso case can reflect on you littlo credit. There arc circumstances at work outsida yournrtto counteract your art; nnd l suppose there must be a conflict between your reelings ns n soldier of tlie Union, and your mules as a heal er of the sick.” This last was said with a faint smile, and I tried to cheer him, assuring him; If ho Would on ly keep qulut and endeavor to cel sonic sleep, .wtitcn my prescription wns mainly addressed lo obtain, that ho would be well in a few days. For the rest, of course a physician coiild have no focllngs nor recognize uny duties but towards Iris patient. Mr. Davis turned to the officer of the day, nnd demunded whether lie had been shackled liy spe cial order of the Secretary of War, or whether General Miles had considered Iris violent course essential to his safe keeping f The Citptuln re plied that lie kuew nothing of tlm matter; so our first interview ended. On quitting Mr. Davis, I at once wrote to Ma jor Church, Assistant Adjutant General, advising that the prisoner he allowed tobacco—to tlie wutu ot which, after a lifetime of use, lib bad referred ns one of tlie prohnhle causes of his Illness— though not complniiringly, nor with nny request Hint It lie given. Tills rccommcndntinn wus up- •roved in the course of tlie day, uud on calling it the evening brought tobacco with me, nnd Mr. Davis tilled iris pine, which was tlie sole article he had carried with film ftom the Clyde, except tlie clothes he then wore. “Tills is a noble medicine," he snld, with some thing as near a amlle os was possible for hUlmg- furu uud shrunken features. "1 hardly expected t; did nut ask for it; though the deprivation lias been severe. During my conflocracnt here I shall ask lor nothing.” lie wus now much calmer, feverish symptoms steadily decreasing, pulse already down to sev enty-five, his brain less excitable, and his mind becoming more resigned to his condition. Ho complained that tlie footfalls of tlie two.sentries within his chamber made it difficult for him to col lect his thoughts, but added clieerfolly Hint, with this—touching fils pipe—he hoped to become tranquil. Tills pipe, by tlie way, wns a large nnd hum!- somo one, made of meerschaum, wills an umber mouthpiece, showing by its color that It hiul seen “uctive service" for some time—as indeed wns tlm case, having been his companion during the stormiest years of bis late titular Presidency. It is now in tho writer’s possession, having been {Ivon to him by Mr. Davis, and its, acceptance insisted upon us tlie only thing lie had left to oiler. [TO PE CONTINUED.] ATUNfA COMMERCIAL CO l IE If Center WfcK^iilUnd Marietta itreoU. OPEN AND NIGHT, nSo-T;Amtflca. isftir’myotra honor nnd e'kmMtl'li degradation. Kill •s*i^SBi!SSt^wr*‘ *W tlm'ofllccr, to SSffi embrasure us it not caring iHirfoniiaaco. “ It only gives In- vieij?’ w 11,1 “'‘'“i protract this Inter- ttalftSS w,,r, Is the Iriacksinlth advanced with tB^ •» «MT UOt, 04 if will, the hurled him 'X^tiwroow. STUDENTS ADMITTED AT ANY TIME , ND will recelte, Aram Iva, Aram cornpeten ingh course of prscl it practical Instruct- nppllcRlioiiM SfefVi 1 p “ moaa, \?JtsT {Ta.I’.O.B.I FORCE’S BOOT AND SHOE ROUSE, At tb# old Staad of IToIbrook’a Hat IIouu, AVIIITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, . OBOy«OIA. aliUatlir for C tb!> n cRy^trade^' cou»l iu^oTtldUV, •■••sea'and OtUldren'a Ana Kid 6llpp<r«. Kota, Palters, 8&aSSUP£ Knigfc'aflai!”?, 1 ‘oxtord TIM, *Thi» C itnck coair* dlrrctfrmn thoEartcm Manoftcto- rles t aml will baoffcrodto country mrrclinnta at New York prlces, freight and Mpomea added. ([ PvofbMNlomil .... Oordat. GATE CITY LAND OFFICE; -in -j.hl !• witu . . -4 u'ioi Eatonl. A llulscy, In the Norcrosa Corner, building. •irAneei 'A', *St.t; ° F. : «. MOA. BELL & BELL, ONE, AN ATTOUNBY AT LAW, ATLANTA, OA. ietato'tiuel. Lcdyard * tlnrlow lladelplila; 8.' Root, John Living- ston,.Now,Yc|rk. , ra»m^8m , waiaa, sui saa a vtuviaa unir, aaim\ Blrfct ’ottoiitlon to tbo itoi 1 II ness. Conveyancing, Writing Contrae and lo making Battlamonta and Collecting P( Bull If poBBllde. caxh ndvaucea madr - LAW FIRM. ,.W* ir. ^RlOBT, 11 r l Jf/p. WATKIMB, E. DOUOLAJM. wnmyfmmm ■ & ;j)ou(piss, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. , Will practlco In all the Courts of LAW and EQUITY .. , in thlf Btat?.. , , ;i ■>,.... , Office in tho Lynch Building, Cornor Whitehall and Alabama Streets, ATLANT'a, GEORGIA. ALSO, AN OFFICE IN NEWNAN, GEORGIA, Whore one' of the Firm wilt always bo found. PROMPT. ATTENTION GIVEN TO BUSINESS. JuS—tin LAW CARD. ROB’T BAUGH H AS opened an offlee in Lynch's Building, comer of Whitehall and Alabama Streets. Prompt attention given to business. fob-tin* v josKt'ii K. nnuwN. John I). pope. rro>vn & POPE, ATTORNEYS at law, ATLANTA, - - - - - GBOBGXA. TXTJLL practice In any or all the courts nf thlB State V T. w here tlioy may be called by professional business which.will justify thefr attention. In tho United Slates District and Circuit Courts, n Whitehall street. moyi!0-3in. DR. E. N. CALHOUN TORSIS his old patrons, and tho cltlaens generally, _ that he has romovod his offleo to tho storeo7 Messrs. Arnold A Jones, on Marietta stroot, next door to M. B. Boll A Co., where ho can bo found during tho day, add will be happy to serve them professionally. Residence, corner Washington and Peters streets. maySU DBS. MURPHY & RAPE, SURGEON DENTISTS, ft AKE pleasure In announcing to tho cit- A lions of Atlanta and vicinity, that they have opened an Ofllco In Bank Block, Alabama street, where they are prepared to perform, la a satisfactory manner, alt — operations coming within the province of tho skilled and scientific Dentist. Special attention wtlt bo given to tlio treatment of Ir- regularities of the Teeth, and all dlsoases of tho Mouth. Having last rompleteil an apparatus for thomanulsc- tore of Nitrons Oaldc Gas, they are prepared, by the aid ’OJ 11 * c, to extract teeth without pain. Those having decayed teeth or roots, whfch render the WgS^ srmanent relief without recourse to nnacit nostmms which are not only worthless but Injurious In their of- feels. Believing that tho Inhalation of tho Oas Is perfectly harmless snd wlthoiitsuyunplcasantclfcct, wo can cheer fully recommend .It to those who may wish to lave teeth or roots extracted. We are permitted to refer to tho following Physicians of this city: Dr. T H. Powell, Hr. J.P. Logan, Dr. 1L C. Word, Dr. II. L. Wilson. •prOb-Sm J. B. MURPnY, ALBERT RAPE. D. D. 8. PIANOS! PREMIUM PIANOS! NEW ARRIVAL OF 7 AND 7 1-4 OCTAVE PIANOS. A NOTHER supply of Iha well-known, deservedly ap preciated and popular PIANO FORTES, made by II. WOItOESTBB and I HAINES BUOTHBIIN, f Now York * Has Just been received, and are offered for tale at prices . ... ■— authonccd A “• D « . r — ...» W|> , Mlvn „„,li>mfmf r Talent nf this country, may to suit the prescnt.tlmvs by Iheir aumonccd^Aj^n^ halt Street. BBT Tho opinion and Judgmontof tho best Musical y bo teen In Pamphlet at the Agent's Store. The highest price allowed for old Ptanos when ex changed for new ones. Good second-hand Pianos for sate or to rent. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! A LL 8lm\r Rats and Bonnets are offered for aato, con- JX. leniplallng a change of business, by Sins. BKAUMULLER, McniUDK, nORSGTT & CO. IMronTMRA Alfl) DBAI.KBR IK CROCKERY, CHINA & GLASSWARE, Corner Whitehall and Hunter Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA Atlanta AdvoptlaomOnta. Granite and Crockerywaro direct from the Potterlos; Porcelain and Glassware Rom Importers end Manu facturers ; Full lines of Granite, Crockery and Glassware In tlio original package, very low to tho trade; 1SU dox White China Teas, very cheap; Elegant Dinner and Tea Sets, In Plain amt Ornamented French China; Toilet Sets lu Grande, China, Ac. j Fine Table Cutlery, Plated Ware, &o. nrOoooda carefully re-packed for tho country trade. Slerchantx are most respectfully Invited to examine our stock. We feel conddent that we can give satisfaction In price, quality and quantity. Orders solicited. aprg—8m NATIONAL HOTEL, Corner Whitehall Street and Western A Atlantic Railroad, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Tills Newly Erected, Commodious, FIRST CLASS HOTEL, Elegantly furnished throughout, and complcto In all lta appolnlinciits, will be thrown o|ieii for the recep tion of gnests, tnouday ICvenliig, Mejr Slat, 18(10. total la a fine Billiard Parlor wllu A drat clast Bar, fully and com. ioioij ■uicacu who coulee llquora. Wines and Cigars. Tho patronage of the jjubttcJ* H. D. Hamus, Clerk, ’ ^ Late of the "flrown House," Macon, Goorgla. mayao-am Lawson ». utxorono, , Jgo.f, a air, LANGFORD A) SEAY, Bonier Street, between Whitehall ami Prior, ATLANTA, GEOBGIA, Manufacturers and Dealers In Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Particular attculfon given to BOOFINU, aUTTKUlNH, ,Vc. Making tod Repairing RtUls, Caps, Worms, Steam and Gas Fitting, Plumbing, Ae. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE, JN AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, bo sold at the Lower Him ...a BlrccN, wi*« known »* with n Atnruyr rstp’it liy of »»t Uio*Cotton. Tho pronortflt now bo dullvrrfil cm tho IBltaptutuUr under rent, sod next* iU jrll-td WBfflS?. I1NI/.Y, IN STORE AND ARHIVING: frill at i-ti;j ii). i.'rj '{ni.'intp.^ •.'•j-ned-. iri'P f in .vrjifiqg/tJlhr.t'. v"tmiiJ? ban Jroii vhlinahUli t i i ui.nimuu numj bVnrf .IflPSAsifl .)iji,-i«3 ut n« « ntV ..! .:■! «U0 logs Wlillo Corn, fljffifJJl! !.-... -.'Il.:> <: , 6000 bags .Yellow Corn, i 10 tforices Shoulders, (In store,) .■<«m jiipp..I'.i n . .t.-.IA m 60 tasks Bacon, - apo barrels Flour-n|l grades, . :20 barrels A Sugar,. ■ 10 barrels B Sugar, SO barrels C Sugar, *5 barretsToliow Refined Sugar,' 30 bags Coffee, 100600 Cigars—all grades, 60 boxes Tobacco, Jolt—c Sardines, Poppof, l’lcklcs, Ac. LANGSTON, CRANE A CO. BOOKS! 01IEI.DON A CONNOR beg leave to Info K3 friends and the jwbllc generally that they prepared to fill all ordcra fof School Books, Standard Works. ^'Works. Juvenile Books, And almost every variety at ■ Plain and Fancy Stationery. They havo, also, a large stqrk.of County Rocnril Boiiks,' Memorandum, jslllon Books, All of which we will sett at NEW YORK PRICKS. Ptcaso call and suo us and uxamtuo our Stock. Jel7—SnnAWeulm CHARLES IIOIIIVEl'ELI), UNDERTAKER, FIOKICN So KEAN, Wholesale and Retail Grooere, Blue House, Peach-Tree Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Keep constantly on hand a splendid assortment of Groceries and Fresh Country Produce, T°r5ffi ^ Flour, Bacon, Sugar. Co (Ten. Butter, iSndles, cigars, Meal, Pena and Com, Candles, Tobacco, llalslns. Crackers and Liquors. TOeconntry and city trade supplied on good terms. GENERAL IN8URAN0E AGENOY, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ■\V. H, HANCOCK, Agent, TH J.n-nared to taka Risks on Houses, Merchandise, Home fnauraoeo Company ........... Havannah. Soulliem Insiirsnco A Trust Company...Savannah. Homo Insuranco Company, .m .New Haven. J'ulnam Fire Insuranco Com|iaiiy Hartford. Fulton Flro snd Insurance Con„.»ny..... New York. KxrtUlrir Ftroliisuran.o Company...;’.'New York. TO MII.LF.UN, Coffins, Metalic Burial Cases and Caskets, awn AdkWT roll 0BAR£, BREED A 00., Cincinnati, Ohio. H AS now a beantlfbl and complete assortment of Me talic Burial Caaes and Caskets on liand, at prices to sun all customer*. He Is prepared to Bit all order* In Id* lino nt shortest nutlco snd with greatest dispatch, and atlend* Funerals, ir desired, with Iris clegsnt Hearse. Persona Worn abroad wishing the disinterment snd re moval of any of tliolr (Honda or relatives, would do woll to give him a call, for, as bta arrangements for this par ticular branch of business are now thoroughly completed, nml a record of the names of tlioso soldiers thstlle bu rled around Atlanta been taken, they will save both time xml money by sending their orders to him. Dexters and Undertakers will find It to their Interest to examine hts stock before purchasing elsewhere. JulD—«ni* NEW ARRIVAL8! NEW ARRIVALS! GREAT BARGAINS!! TJtOHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF GOODS X purchased In New York from twenty lo forty days later than any other stocks In tills city, during which tluio goods declined considerably, tho advantages ul which our customers cau avail themselves of. All Task Is to exam ine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Ladles' Twenty Baud ltoop Skirts at $1 00. (louts' Wax Brogans, at tt 60 per pair. Ladle* Calf Balmorals, at $1 )tt per pair. Fine line of Ladles' Dress Goods anil Gents' Piece mats. Largest assortment of Ladles' White and Straw Goods In tho city, Just received. uioylD—Sm Roark', a'uome® WiTteffirireet. [mr.o.n.J SEASON TICKETS. Wmtsuk awn Atuwtic Raiumau, Office MasTin or Tn*NSroitT*Tioir, Atlanta, June M, 1860. . . . ;f O N aud anor Fridar, Juno 18th, 1800, Season Tickets entitling tho holder to pass oiiall Tralua of this Jtoad fur three months from date of pnrchaeo .between terminal points named on ticket, may no procured at the following ratea:, . Between Atlanta and Mariotta i»J oo Between Atlanta and Aeworth Ta 60 Between Atlanta and CxrterevUlu Ml 00 Between Atlanta and Kingston TJ 60 ‘“^fe^'MiTn^K^cnty will .Ire 5°, sold f» lc * of three cent# per mllo. Parties holding Commutation Ticket* of this Road will be al- IhJnew °lc!ral UUnt *"'? f ° r U " "JSllS 8?W, *■ *“ Master Tranaporlatlnn. Jel-t-tw joa. l, kixq. aunnuw h. Kina. JOS. L. KING & SON, GENERAL Commission and Purchasing Agents, ATLANTA, . OEOUOIA. WAREHOUSE WINSU1P BLOCK, PKACII TItKB ST. Jsd-fin ' | | B. «. KENDRICK Ac CO. X)KALER> IN Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, CUKTAfNH, HIIADSM, AND Fine House Furniihing Goods. JJUMOBT. BVlLDlNa, MAH AH A UTIIKKT, ATLANTA, ........ 01{0H«IA mayO-c . , MIDDLEBROOK PAPER MILL8." [TK are now rcedv lo supply overy variety of Panel nd would mil tho attfithm nf 1 In- 1‘nblTst Atlimtii Adyeptlsementii. Atlanta Machine Works, '^GtiwiOb'j'i.iiitrti riifih Aj ptl>.... ,A 1 .'I j ,.am» • :r K . ,i ,f -lililaiil vii.'iv.. .is let!, fool eii .’. ' IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY, bill PORTED, BUTLER & CO , Froprietorx Prepared to Mannfactn^o and Repair ■ c J ■ |-Ji .r ,:JIACH;I.NBB,Y, */ ” ‘ kuen >■’ ♦ •; itiH‘ .• s ” i-. ••• • > . Portablo and smtbinary Steam Rnglnca and Boilers, ‘‘. t driat^nd flaw Mill Machinery, Ac. sve'if /: AL80. . 1 • fTrnn and Brass Castings, Building Fronts, Iron Ralllng, . Sugar Mills and Boilers, ;• Pipes, PUUejr*, Car Wheels and Railroad Castings of every description.' PATTERNS MADE TO ORDER. Sam Re-Toothed and-Gummed in the best manner. *3TWo promise faithfully fo cxeeuto all orders with punctuality, and guarantee satlsfactlou. Terms favora- blo. - • •••’ At the old stand of James L. Dunning ATLANTA, GEORGIA.. matfff—3m R. M. CIjARBGE, WHOLESALE GROCER COMMISSION MERCHANT Whltohalt Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. .. red to do a large Grocery and Pro duco buslnesa; and from mylongexpertencotn the trade, (twenty years,) feet confidant thatlwlll be able to give mil catttaettnn to aU that may gWe me a trial. GOBN, CORN S KAArt SACKS CORN. In store and for sale by " ' ' R. M. CLARKE, I ; Whitehall street. DAGONj BACON I gQ CASKS Clear Sides Bacon.' 10 casks Shoulders, ■ fo casks llams—Sugar-Cured and Plain.' In store and for aal* by "MBBSL.; VLOUH, PLOVUI (JOA BARRELS FLOUR. In atoreand forsalo by '* R. M. CLARKE, Whitehall street. POTATOES HpOTATOES I ^ ty BARRELS POTATOES. In store and for salo by OATS, OATS I 100 HACKB 0AT8 - *" * ,oro “ ml for Nf PEAS, PEASt 1000 8,oc,c an| l family Peas. aprllt-c ' *1.15. R. M. CLARKE, Whitehall street. GULXxA-TT, BRASS FOUNDRY, GAS FITTING, —AND— GENERAL REPAIR SHOP, Corner or Butlor and Railroad Slrcela, Opposite Ga. R. R. Machine Shop, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. TTAVING withdrawn from tho firm of Gutlatt, ftntler Jtl & Co., I have established myself permanently, to do Foundry work in all of it* branches. In Brass, German Silver, Iron, &c., Will keep constantly on hand and for sale, BRAZING, SPELTER, BABBET AND ANTI-FRICTION METAL, TINNERS’ and PLUMBERS' SOLDER. GA8 FITTING and JOB WORK Done In tho beat workman-Uke manner and with dispatch. Long association with tho mechanical Interests of At lanta authorises me In soliciting a share of patronage from my old friends. Tlioso nt a distance who favor mo with ihelr orders shall have evidence that they will be met promptly and hmhfnllj. Andros* J. E. QULLATT, mnj3-3m Atlanta, U». MASSEY & HERTY, DRUGGISTS, WHITISHAX-/I. street, ATLANTA, ........ GEORGIA. MALMS IN Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, PortumeriM, Toilet Article*, Stationery, CIGARS, WINES, LIQUORS, Dye-Stuffs, Faints, Oils, Glass, Putty, &o. Coal Oil and Lamp*, Machlno and Tanner*’ Oil *!• way* ou hand. rtf Phjslclaua’ preacripUona carefully compounded at all houra. aprtO—8m n. k. rauKAR. ORME & FARRAR, wholesale grocers AND Commission Merchants, Mnx’lottrv Htroot, GEORGIA, New,pai,era Ihrouahotil Georgia, to tbuBfafieot qunllty of Printing Pain-r made at these Mills, and would solicit orders, promising lo fill them al all lime, will, Pnpcrof No. 1 quality at a*M|V Price* na It can be had from any quarter. It. M. StcPIlKIWON. ntayST—Int Mayer'* BlmS’^Whlrahall for the Mills, /hllehalj nml, Allanla, lleorgl*. LEVY A BLOCK, West side Whitehall, between Rantoraml MttchcU at*., TTAVK Juat received nnd are now opening a large nnd XX fashionable etock of Hprlng nnd Summer BTAFLE AND FANCY DRY Q00DS. AIm, Ludlei' and (lent alorjr, Nollon^. and Ladle oitor to tbociuxvni ol At at tho lowml ittarkotpricra. Thankful Ibr |«a»t I llu’jr poltrit a rentinnmlmt of Iht'lr |H* N. II,—They nlp«» Imvn <m hnnd a IlM Kn*m’h aud KuirlUIt Jlroid Cloll dufllmurtf, TaUora’Trlhunliiffa. WmohUu',' to order Id the inoat fkahlonaole *t(yb nml, nollco. Th«y alao have on band a hruo 4 „ r „ HitrUijT and Hummer CtOlhhiff, Urntn' KumUhlntf < llaia.!’«)«, . ■ iaayY.1 8ro lYn.r IsHdlra* and Ot’nUomon'a Boot* nnd 8hoc* % llo* llca'Undoi%\Vcar, »kc.. which Ihry oflUrTotborttlams ot Atlanta and tiirnmintln^ conntry *l mvor>, hiwj. r; wp'tir. itrkjxVmrifN; 11 ; naq Jfiriw .srwius jp.’.ioiriirm!} •-> o-'.c WYIils; C^RIIOIjVj Sc C!«. : , * '. .v*v*iiia*i»*«s m GROCERIES & WESTERN PRODUCE; Collier's BuUding, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, ■no tv b h'nn^i oynd :\i<rf v/*i'4 :a * Have how In Store anii to Arrive; 10000 sacks choice White and Yellow Com, 2000 Backs genuine Si Charles White Bread Corn, 1000 barrels Flour-all grade*, 600 uck* Rye In seamless bag*,' 600 sack* Mlesouri White Oat*, 0 casks choice Clear Bacon Sides. Sugar, —AJLSO- Goffee, Shoulder*, Rams,’ aprt—3m Breakfast Bacon, Ac. Ac Ac CARL F. BARTH, sole Agent fob WM. K3STA.BE & GO., MAKtrrACTtmiBS or First Premium, Gold Medal, Grand, Square AND UPRIGHT PIAN08, BALTIMOBE, MABYLAND. mHF.SE Instrument.) having been before the public for X the past thirty years, lwv*. upon their excellence alone, attained an l'xpurcua*»> PBx auurxxcx that pro nounces theut nueqtuilcd. Their TONE combine* great power, rlcltne*-. sweetness, nnd fine sing ing quality, as well as great purity of Intonation and har moniousness throughout tlio entire scale. Their ..TOUCH Is pliant and elastic, anils entirely free from the stiffness found In so many Pianos, which causes the performer lo so easily lire. In WOUKMANffiltP they cannot lie excelled. Tliolr action Is constructed with a care and attention toevery itart therein that char acterise* tho finest meelianlsm. None but the best sea soned,-material Is used in their manufacture, and they will accept the hard usages of the couccrt-room- wlth that or the parlor upon nn equality—unaffected In their melody |'m fact, they are constructed " NOT FOB A YBAB-BUT FOUKVEB.” All our Square Piano* have our new Improved Grand Soil.) and the Agraffe Treble. '■ Irorirt street, Baltimore. CARL I)*. BARTH, At Atlanta, Georgia, is sole Agent for the above Pianos. A variety of three Civorlto Southern Instruments can always bo found at Ida Show Boom on Whitehall street. tar" Also Agent for the salo of tho celebrated Pianos of Hoebheler A Schmidt, New York. CWTho highest price paid for bid Pianos when ex changed for new ones. ' tcond-hand Pianos for sale or hire. _ ino Fortes Tuned and Kc;>alrcd, and arrange ment* for Tuning by the ye*r made at reduced price*. Mn. F W. WALTKli, the experienced Tuner aud Pl ano Maker, I* again connected with this establishment. Wanted to ptircbaio several old, worn-out, or broken Pianoe. All order* should be tent to CARL F. BARTH, at David Mayer's old stand on Whitehall strecl, Atlanta, " .. .. . (j,e same house with the Wheeler lues. maytlfi—3m Georgia. Up-stalrs, In A Wilson Bmvlng Macli HERRING- & LEYDEN AI1R SELLING OFF Clothing, Cassimeres AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOOD AT AS’D BELOW COST/ HERRING & LEYDEN Becelve all the I/ATB 8TYLES OF Hoady.RIads Clotlitug, Gentleuien’a Purnlalilug Goods anuauo Cloths, Cassimeres, Linens, Vestings, Sic., Which they are prepared to MAKE UP In a superior manner, at abort notice. HERRING & LEYDEN Are the regutariy appointed AGKST8 for the sale of the AthouM Footopy Yarnn, Which havo no snperlor In this market. They will keep a full supply ou hand at all times, aud sell at tlie marke HERRING A LEYDEN, marlT—Sm Glass Front, Whitehall *trcet. Cattle, twenty or thirty hn to make fifteen or twenty also. Wagons, Houghs, 1U FOB 8AL 10. A PLANTATION near Oglethorpe, Oa.. on the 8. W. H. H , containing 2,200 acre*-M0 nnder good fence, and SSO in Cotton and Com aud in good couditlon. Good Residence, with all tlie necereary outbuildings; two Cot ton Gin* and one Screw; *lxj(ood Mules, forty head of head ofhheqi'. Pork lloge euough itv thousand pounds of bacon; U, nngvue. Ploughs, lloes, Harness, Ac. In tact, ev- .Tithing ucressaty to carry on the tarm. Thtre Is also on the ;d*c*. very near the railroad, a No. 1 Steam Saw Mill, purchased In Cincinnati last year, In fine order. Also, seven Mules, one Wagon, one Dump Cart and one Yoke or llxrn, belonging lo the mill. Tho Plantation and everything on It, Including lb* Crop aud Mill, will be sold very low, If Immediate application Is made. Possession given at ouce. Capitalists will do well lo see me. as I am determined to sell. I can be seen at Johu L. Kdinoudtou'a, Cherry street, next door to J. N. Seymour. Jele—fit—Msci'iu Tel. B. II. NEWTON. SOUTHERN MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company OF ATHENS, GEORGIA. Capital Baltic Flro lusnrauce Company of New York Ch*pUal ffGt.tT* fit laUoaat Fire and Maria* Insurance Com- .4600,000 National Fire and Marine Insurance Com pany ot New Orleans. Capital over Southern Mutual Life Inanrauc* Company TraTeicr’ 1 siusnranee Company of iUrtford,^*’*’*** U - reasonable rare*, and lore** prompt^ ,'p. i'ATTILLO. Agent at Atlanta, nfilre with Tomntey, Stewart A Ore, claims of Insu rance with the Baltic Oonqiany, wllhont refen-nce to the brad office. . , mayll-3m (tu.r.c.a.J ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! ONE THOUSAND TONS Lake Kingston Ice fon SALE, A Tohl Stand, (hinting relho ul, near Whitehall street, rlSiKi ■110.11 HOMS'S KXTIIAt T HI « III . .'/-mJtf.l ' .ir or -uli U W8 mN> ““AnHw NiiUIktUbn Ihu Nininmiti-\n rt^»a) lo '- A ' • 588888388? s * J:? 3 s 8 8 8 I v* n 'iiqiaouiV 8Si a! a, 8 S 8 8 8 8 s U( 85 8 S 3 - B 8 8 ■ -1- e-Lf ...... V. 'qiuour f S 8 3 8~I~!~§ 8 % $ )3.8 .8 S 8 8 P v. ■ . 1 "idmft*! 8 8 8 J8 S 8 l : -; % -S-8 S S S? ; ; ; ’: '■tamrii .8.8 .’8 8~8:S i ” l *..8 » « 5? j ' ; i : •remits 8 5?§ rS 8 8 : : : * S'8'8 n If, :remi,p 8 8 8 8 S 8 t : : : ct 80 c- o et »o :. ; ; ; * ^ ** *** : : i : *t«mp 8 8 8 S 8 3 3 : : \ j in* * 'w oi <s* ot : «> n.-«:-ie,: ••aunt 8 .3-8.8 8.8 8 : t h o i- o» : ; i : * : : : : •emu i 8 8 8 8'8'8 g 'o.'g o -(OJsnbg -Si-llJjl III RAILROAD GUIDE Georgia Ballroaia. E. W. OOLBT&verinUrtiUnL DAT PASSENGER TSAHT. Leave Atlanta...., 6.1 Arrive at Angnsta 0.0 Leave Aagaata .....7.0 Arrive atAtlanta... itronT raaajcrezB tun. Leave Atlanta ... I ...OAQP.M Arrive at Aognsta.. ............6.25 A. M Leave Angnsu ..S.2SP.M Arrive at Atlanta S.30.A. M - DAT FABSBTOEn TtUrit. Leave Macon..... Arrive at Atlanta Leave Atlanta,.......!.... Arrive at Macon.... . 7.80 A. M . 167 P. M . 6.65 A. M . 1.85 P. M 1866 FOR 1866. 1866 BRADLEY’S CELEBRATED © o« 3 flp9 o o B cr M. » ’a. s % a 1 Paten - FI BI TJ T n w fi* rw M M bpcdal Notice*. SO cent* per lino first Insertion, and 10 jnta per line for each subsequent Insertion. Advertisements Inserted at Intervals to be charged aa new each Insertion. Advertisements ordered to remain on any particular page, to be charged aa new each Insertion. The, money for advertising considered due after first . - deal this office should JABED imm WHITAKEB, Proprietor. A. X P.M A.M P.M Atlanta Ac West-Point Railroad. GEORGE G. HULL, BvptrWendenL Leave Atlanta BJIOA.m’' Arrive at Weet-Potot UA5 P. M Leave West-Point IA35P.5. Arrive atAtlanta. .. 6MP.M To take effect ou and after September 22, IMS. Dlonteomery Zk West-Potnt Railroad. DANIEL H. cram; Superintendent. Z ■ Leave Weefi-Polnt ”... LIS P.M Arrive at Colombo*..... { 6.45P.M Arrive at Montgomery. 9,15 P.M Leave Montgomery COO A. M Leave Colombo* S.2S A. M . Arrive at West-Point 12.00 M. To taka effect September 27,1665. Macon dc Western Railroad. E. B. WALKErT*Superintendent. Weatern dc Atlantic Railroad. CAMPBELL WALLACE, Superintendent. Leave Atlanta... .13D A.M Arrive at Chattanooga. .130 P, M Leave Chattanooga 550 A. M Arrive at Atlanta. 555 P.M Leave Atlanta. 750 P. M Arrive at Chattanooga 6.86 A. M Leave Chattanooga 6.10 P. M Arrive at Atlanta 4.40 A.M kixostox accoxxoDinox. Leave Atlanta. 8.15P. M fsssi41^"—r.v— Arrive atAtlanta. ,1050A. M EACH HOOP BEING COMPOSED OF Two Perfectly Tempered Single Springs Braided tightly together, edge to edge, forming one Hoop, and making the Slrongeet and moat Flexible, the Lightest and moat Durable Spring made. They will rot Bend or Break like the tingle spring*, bat will always preserve their PERFECT ANDJ BEAUTIFUL SHAPE CROWDED ASSEMBLAGES,; CHURCHES, theatres: RAILROAD CARS, FOR PROMENADE, OR HOUSE DRESS. In Met, they sre superior to all other*, combining Comfort, Economy, Lisbtness & Durability inquire for BRADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC OR DOUBLE 8PRING SKIRT. Ftor sate everywhere. Mann Retard] exchaitrelj by the sol* owner* of th* Patent, W18T8, BRADLEY Jt CART, No. 97 Chamber* and No*. 7t andffi Reede *t*., N. York For *ale tat Atlanta by Mkssoa. TALLEY, BROWN A CO, SCOTT, PARSONS A FREEMAN, - , ; Xid And an other Merchants who toll First-CUs* Skirts la Utl* city and throughout the Southern Siatee. The New Patented Empreee Trail I* now all lb* rage In New York, Loudon, Puri* and throughout Europe. sdtOlKSl bo sue urn J. W. BRADUTR name Is rtnted nu every Skirl lined. AU other* are spurious, *'u*«RT»^l™y't f I). , >niherly; Taller Bro A Co KMMUL CO., On WhltvhaU, between lluutvr nud Mltvhvll mrveu.