The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, June 24, 1866, Image 1

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- PUBLINIIKD DAILY JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, proin'totoi'. SUl rW* Alutonna street. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, ^undoyMorn'"^ June 24, 1806, SUNDAY READING From tho ChrlttUn Index, the Pa lib of the AuelentSalute. Did the JHJJJSSKw "V but very little nbout It; nrnl what they do niy is In feint allusions nnd ™ 9 reitoco wns doublloM, . ivirt of the divine pinn; and If so, It Tho mile tliftt has been said hns boon explained Hway lnl sen' o boUlly concluded that those Mcrlpturcs teach nothing ou th? subject. This Is, tome, a gloomy and impleasanl conclusion.- It b asil to thinltthat the ancient saints, Irom Abel down to Malachl, Inspired M they wero i ' lKl . ... < n ..*wl nunimtl nn lot* tlm iinnid Wid, the roost profound veneration for the name mid pereoii bf Owl, and bellovlng aa tbey tlld jin ml,Xxiness, Justice, nnd truth, could ye hope r r mulling better at Ids hand than tho lleoling U-s of the present llte. Had this been so, wffl might they exclaim," Vanity of vanities; all Is vanity;" and this impresslvo refrain of their nrcaclier would have possessor! Indeed a molan- choly signlflcancy, far deeper than was ever de- «lmied by the sacreil writer. * Time and space forbid me to collect all the nnssages of the Old Testament which Imply » knowledge and a hope of a future state. There are lu my opinion, quite a number. But I pro- n,»e to settle tho question In a much more direct andpointed manner. Patti’s letter to the He brews, 11th chapter, Is all I want for tlio purpose. There H is dcelaretl that Faith was tho moral nower by which the ancient saints acquired knowledge, wrought righteousness, and trluinph- id over ail opposition. This faith included more than was expressed In tho promises, taken lu •heir literal sense, which were ntado to tho natrl- ardis. “Bv Faith Enoch was translated." This k universally understood to mean that ho was taken alive to Heaven. Such a record bespeaks a knowledge of a future state. Any other hy pothesis would make the record perlcctly inex- P 'Again: Abraham “looked for n city which hath foundations whoso maker nnd whoso build er is God." That city lie never found on earth. The language is not descriptive of anything on earth IIow very peculiar is the language I A city which hath foundation*. Why make such special mention of tho foundations? Had It been described as a city of towers, with bul warks, Ac., we might have thought it referred to some earthly city. These arc emblems of strength to resist assault. They Imply danger of attack. But foundations are emblems of strength to Inst, to endure, nod hence suggest duration—i. «., an everlasting city. Tills View is corroborated by the description which John gives of tho Now Jerusalem. Its twelve foundations make a bold and strikieg feature in the heavenly city. Com paring the two passages together, the conclusion Is inevitable tlint John saw the city which Abra ham looked for. Hmv exactly does this view embrace the last clause—“ whose maker and bulkier Is God.” Wo can understand tills of the Heavenly Jerusalem, hut it must he greatly strained if we attempt to apply it to any city on earth, lienee, Abraham had a far higher mo tive for serving God tlmn tho mere promise of the land of Caiman for his posterity could fur nish. Much ns lie rejoiced in the temporal glory of his descendants amidst the vine-clad hills of Palestine, ids faith snared far higher than Car mel, or Lebanon, or Tabor. It rested only on the great Messiah, nnd through him “ looked for a city which hath foundations whose maker and whose builder is God." The consummation of such a hope could lie realized only in a future atAte. So mui'li for Abraham. Of oilier patriarchs It is said that “ they con fessed that they were straugers and pilgrims In the earth.” For they that say such tilings declare plainly that they seek a country. And truly, if they had been mindful of that, Irom whence they came out, they might liuvo hud opportunity to have returned; hut now they desire n better coun try that is, a heavenly: “ Wherefore God is not ashamed to he called their God; for ho hath pre pared for them a city." Such is tho account which the Apostles gives of tlm hope* of the pa triarchs. Did they expect those hopes to be real ized on earth i If so, they wero disappointed. That country they did not And, that city they did not reach on earth. Yet, " they nil died in faith, not hating received the promise, ’ tlint Is, the fulfillment of the promise. Still, they died In faith. Faith In what ? Surely, wo must conclude that this faith looked beyond tho present life. For God was not nshnmed to be culled tbeir God. “ He is not the God of the dead, but of tho llv- % 'he case of Moses is equnlly striking. “ Ho refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daught er, * * * esteeming the reproaches ol Christ neater than riches—than all the treasures of Egypt; for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward." His clioico involved affection, reproach, privation, and toll. The recompense of the reward ho never enjoyed on earth. Was he disappointed ? Though lie may liuvo antici pated the highest temporal prosperity of his peo ple in the promised land, yet he never entered It. Then the fuith which supported him must have Included more than nn earthly reword. From Ptogah’s summit he surveyed the inheritance of Israel; but his own lie sow fur ttwny in the realms of eternal glory. Trusting In Christ, he, too, looked for a city which hath foundations whose builder and maker is God. Other instances from tins wonderful chapter might be cited to tho same effect. Were wo to take away Irom these ancient salats the knowl- euge and hope of a future state, It seents to me the design of the Apostle, In referring to their example, would he defeated. That design was to encourage Christians to bear with patience whatever they might be called upon to suiter, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher ol the r faith. And that they might not think Uielr own cases peculiar, they are reatlndcd or the example of those who, under a less glorious dispensation, but inspired with like faith, bad or greater afflictions. In this ,,le argument of the Apostle becomes ThS»T. b *• °i? riw ? ! n f,,rcc cvcn t0 sublimity. iJtfiLl! i VM '!? °P lDio « l ' mt rhu ancient taints relieved In a future state. He was inspired hv the Holy Ghost. Hcucc, the silence of the Old teslamont scriptures upon this subject muBt be, E n l‘‘ j. i " k V. c,,n be ' accounted for, without sup- that Moses and the prophets knew noth- g or a better world than this. n. , r 8. G. IIlLLTEH. Kavenswood, Juno 8,1808. It<r “ 0 " 1 b,r * h " Blahs Hew, Arcliblaliop WeClorty, at St. Stephen'. Church. come u? J l P lcA * e i 1 , 1,10 eternal Son of God to SuT, '“‘'^"KspUmdors »r lib divinity; hut, udY,«t,w ‘in, lb g or y' 1,0 100,1 «P°n him n form and n ou . r ”, wn > bwtt,nu » «•“« for ns, «timr imi?n n i g l fS|J r “ ma "> °ca*cd not to Is-- 0,K, „ HI* youth is passed in theslm- d£™?», ,,K forth to his missiun and uheourses to the multitude in tho simplest Inn- gage, and yet In everytwonl there wasnn nt- mteUveuctiH and charm that made it to lie felt lie yjte asman never spake before. Ho wm re- WM in*A world, reproving sin, opening (lie throuih n*™* IP ,Uowln K H* divinity outward form of liuraontiy. He thsfe me , n „ ,n B ni »nncr corrcsiwmllng to mission was not fdr a day ora » wa» to have its effect llironghoiit nSimffliffifc* 1 ' Umo to come. lie elipso m.n io. "" umo 10 come. SMii° U .? elye f M llU dlaclplea and apostles, u '° ntlaalon of hi* Father; amt,i r’TT’ uhsiioh oi ms r nuicr; to them. Whosoever sins you shell forgive, hla a nit for «‘r en . *nd mode them shepherds of tillui'i T,w 'I 0,kWIUInot 101,0 completed «f hk v*?. “““tded and sat on the right hand (kina* ifH 1,8 ahonW come again When “ ‘“SP .1?“t 1 ' 11,8 fulflUeal. .g™* !)i. y ! ne .»l.' ,rlt onlerod the body of all ch»«i. »P'rK euiercti tire ... w*i liiseparahlu from It forever. bone* was henceforth to lie to i'IS!L ,y wl W, l,ou, I* to the body. It v 10 ** PorPetuatcd aad to ” ' — Meat Spirit. and _ - uni ivsiuui oi IIIU Illli ^uLaM b0 T.i U ? r wbo have thus Mrrled, SSPJgW ood trial, the « .... «... irim, mo word ol God to tho of u,e world T They are which W'nrch—tlio onlv church— “w^Jothn first! , u <rectlon*, seisms nml lierexlm wi but lid* would not Impair tho rarity ol mo this IHmhmiral'^Wb, 1 , 1 ' 1 ' s #U ux( ' f01 ^ 1 U .^ (>ttiJi i 01 "hens anger,oraittembtr wjbsbody ls tiken.thet'. if Sm no] go with bSl$ , ® y#r * 1 tnember, hut romalmi win, the 8o with the Catholic Church. There may “ KItHOH 0EA8E8 TO BE DANGEROUS WHEN REASON "l8 LEFT FREE TO COMBAT \'V."—Jeffer*in. u XII. ATLANTA. GA„ SUNDAY. J INK 21. IHtiti. N0.147. havo been thousands of its mciUhcra who have led lives ofHonndnl nnd immorality; lmt there were and are others who have lived with purity and godliness. Tlieso nro Hie true church. To tho world oxtond nn Invitation to come. Her in ward divinity Is made manifest to the world through her fruits, os the divinity of Christ was shown tliropgli his miracles. Men recognize tho form and unity of dm church, nndyotnsk: “Is this not tho Cliurclt of Rome?" ns doubters In the Savior’s thrio asked, “Is ho not a Nnznrlne, and can any good como out of Noxaretlf ?’’ I speak to those whoso happiness It Is to bellevo; who glvo tlmnks tlmt they were born wlfhlu tlint Church, nnd who hnvo the assured hope that, faithful, they will inherit elernul life. ,1 nut here to congratulate you ou your work as « Church, nnd encourage ydu, nnd to ilmnk God with you, praying that God tho Father of Glory may bo- stow.on you the gilt of wisdom and the knowl edge of Him; to pray that all hearts may be In harmony with His, and that the Inheritance or the saints mny be yours, here and herbaflor.— W. r. World. < : From the Southern Christian Advocate. Atlanta and marietta. Mn. Editor—Having n little leisure to-day, I have concluded to offer you a few lines about af fairs in Atlanta and Marietta, as I am connected with both places. In Atlanta I keep a hotel and labor lor the comfort ot the material man to tho best ot my ability. In Mnrictta, I ntn the pastor of tho Muthndlst Episcopal Church, South, and am exerting my feeble energies in supplying the congregation with spiritual food. Most pooplo will be apt to think the care incident to theso spheres of activity too much for one’s good.— Perhaps so, but necessity knows no law but ef fort. Vast improvement in a material point of view lmstakenadi ■ • -- The phoenix hns arisen from her ashes, and dis plays nearly full feathers nnd plumage. Inv menso activity lias been displayed in the erec tion of business bouses, mnny of them of supe rior kiud, and eager occupants have filled them with all manner ot goods. Last fall nnd winter, the golden cloml of prospqrity seemed hovering oyer AUniitth promising showers of copious •j-i n “ — - -* - 1 ‘ ’otnnrgy and riches. But for some time a general 1 depression have characterized the place and peo ple. The peoplo have learned to think n little, and it is n pretty general conviction tlmt to realize a fortune, to repnlr the wastes of a four years' wnr in a few months, is a chimera no longer worthy of a sober mind. Hetacd there 'niiist ellipse's long, long time before the golden dreams of Hie eager throng of Atlanta seukera can bo renlizod. Atlnnta will continue to grow, If there is any future to tills country, (of wbicli I have grave doubts) nml mny reasonably aspire to metropoli tan dimensions. Marietta was quite as badly ruined as Atlanta, and not having quito aa much recuperative en ergy, lms been slower lu emerging from tho smoko of Shermnn’s tire. But there is lifo there yet, nnd competition being less, the trading tuen are doing better in Mnrictta than in Atlnnta. I have just closed a meeting of considerable interest in uiy church in Marietta, resulting in the addition of fifteen members, which, added to six previously recolvcd, make twenty-one ad ditions tor the year. Tho condition of religion in Marietta is indeed very good, and there are grounds to hope for a brighter day to this cruelly oppressed people. J. \V. Hinton. CitmsT ocr Gukrt—When one oi tho boys in nn orphan's home had said the grace, “Como, Lord Jesus, be our guest ami bless wimt tliou hast provided,’’ a little fellow looked up nnd said: “Do tell why tho Lord Jesus never comes ? Wo ask him every day to sit witli us, and be never conies." “Dear child, only believe, and you mny be sure lie will come; for he docs not despise your invitation." “I shall set him ii sent," said tho little fellow; and just then there whs a knock ut the door. A poor frozen apprentice entered, begging a night’s lodging. Ho was made welcome; Hie chair stood empty (or him; every child wanted him to havo his plate; and one was lamenting that his bed wns too small for the stranger, who was quite touched by Buch uncommon attentions. Tlio little one had been thinking all the time: “Jesus could uot take time, and so he sent this >or boy in his place; is that it ?" “Yes, dear child, tlmt is just it. Every plcco of bread and every drink of wnter tlmt wo give to the poor, or the sick, ot the, prisoners for Je sus’ sake, we give to him. 'Inasmuch as ye havo dono it unto one of the least of these my breth ren, ye have dono it unto mo.'" Tire Best Friend.—“What do you do with out a mother to tell nil your troubles to?" said a child who had a mother, to one whose Mother was dead. "Mother told mo to whom to go before she died," answered tho little orphan. "I go to the Lord Jesus; be was mother's friend, and he is mine.” The other replied, “Jesus Christ is up in the sky; ho is away off, and lms a great many things to attend to in Heaven. It is not likely ho can slop to mind you." “I do not know about that," said tho orphan; "ail I know is, lie says lie will, and that is enough for me.” Tlio orphan wns right. God’s ear is as open to babes and sucklings, ns it is to divines nnd senators. Oh, tlmt nil Hie children wero ,told as much, and believed it!—Potter of Prayer. J. 12. QULLATT, BRASS FOUNDRY, GAS FITTING, GENERAL REPAIR SHOP, Corner or Butler and Ballroad Street*, Oppoalte 0*. It. 11. Machine Shop, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. H AVING withdrawn from the drm of Qnllitt, Butler & Co., 1 havo oetabllvhed mrrelf permanently, to do Foundry work tn all of lu brsnrhn. In Brass, German Silver, Iron, &c., WUI keep constantly on hand and for nalo, BRAZING, BPKLTXB, BABBKT AND ANTI-FRICTION METAL, TINNERS’ and PLUMBERS' SOLDER. GA8 FITTING and JOB WORK Done tn the beet workmaa-llkemumer end wtthdtapatch. Long aaeociatloa with tho mechanical Interest# df- At lanta authorise* mo tn wlldtlng a (bare of patrunago from my old friend*. Tbnve at a dlstauco who favor me ,h " t th ' ,w "' b# Adon-va J. K.OULLATT, m*jrft~8m Atlfintii, On. a. i, OHMB. ORME & FARRAR, T WHOLESALE GROCERS Cominiwaiou Merchants, irurtotta Htroot, ATLANTA, Stays-e J. J. & STpTRIOH ARDS, ' f ' ’ fcAtofetuJ fa* ’ BoolfN, stationery, NIiihIc, Ac. CKatithllNhad'i INRS.I do their brat, and w* will We're in Bank Blookj on Alabam, want-yon all to know IL Ho, brother*Ha the iiudr'— * 0 And i trsiln, k - n. mi, urueicri n b the poet Jett Daejuat been received, and are offered for aaleat price! to mlt the preeentptmc* by tholr authorised Agent, 21* BRAUMULLKIt, Whitehall Street rar Tlm opinion and Judgment of the beat Unilcal Talent of tbla country, may ba teen in Pamphlet at the Agent i store. . *WThe hlgheit price allowed fbr old Planoa when ex changed tor new onea. Good aocond-hand Planoa for tale or to rent. X*roibi9wloiial Cards. LAW FIRM. . ■— -"»0 V w. r. wiuauT, x. p.’wAtKiiii, a. nouoLaa*. WRIGHT, WATKINS & DOUGLASS, ATTORN I. Y8 AT LAW. Will practice tn all the Courts of LAW and EQUITY In tills Stale, Office ia the Lynch Building, Corner Whitehall aad Alabama Street*, ATLANTA, GEORGIA ALSO, AN OFFICE IN NEWNAN, GEORGIA, Wbcro one of tlio Finn will olwaye bo found. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO BUSINESS. Jefl-lm LAW CAR Dili nOB’T BAUGH JJAS n o|»ned an office In Lynch'* Building, comer of Jtehall and Alabi _ Prompt attention given to bh*Theae. jefl—lm* Joasra a. anow». jouh o. rova, BROWN & POP3U. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ATLANTA, « • GEORGIA. jTILLi practice In any or all the court* of thl* Slate Ipte. tao, In tho Unltod State* District and Circuit Courts. maySO-Dm. OIUco on Whltohnll atrocL DR, E. N. CALHOUN I NFORMS hie old patrqna, and the cltlicna generally, that ho ha* removed hi* office to the etoro oT Meaara. Arnold A Joner, on Marietta etreet, next door toM. IL Bell A Co., whuio he con be round daring tho day, and will he happy to terve them professionally. Residence, corner Washington and Peters streets.maygO DBS. MURPHY & HAJPJE2, SURGEON DENTISTS, — pleasure In announcing t Irens of Atlanta and vlctc that io ponorm, in a sansisctojy manner, all operations coming within the province of tho skilled and icientlflc Dentist* Spoelel ettontlon will be glyon to tho treatment of Ir- rcgnlaritlee of the Teeth, and all diseases of tho Month. of AM. nnivsthotlc, to_extract teeth %tCStpS. ““ . Tho'e tiavlng dweyed toeth ot room, which rendor the oreathoflunsWe, vltlnto tho Accretions of the month, Im pair digestion, and ruin the general health, can obtain permanent relief without reconreo to anacl nostrnmB. which are not only worthless bnt injurious In their ef- Beilevtng that. the'infidaUoa “ol the Gae la porfccUy harmleea and wi thout any unpleaeant effect, we can chocr- ftilly rmimimendlt to thoso who may wlihto have teeth M J or following Physicians 8! wid c !fo. saMJSsr^ Vt - J - p> ? *-• Dr> «• apri»—dm MBBl D. D. S. PIANOS I PREMIUM PIANOS! NEW ARRIVAL OF 7 AND 7 1-4 OCTAVE PIANOS. A NOTHER supply Of the well-knowivdeservedly ap preciated and popular PIANO FOOTES, made by II. WORCESTER and I - . HAINES BROTHERS, f Work, AT. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES,! LLStra^Hat* andBonneta are offered for sale, con- p nga ngeo maygq—to Whitehall Street. McBRIDE, DORSET!’ & CO. 1MPOBTIM AND DBALIKfl IN CROCKERY, CHINA & GLASSWARE, Corner Whitehall and Ilnnter Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Granite and Crockerywaro direct Rom the Potteries; Porcelain and Glassware Rom Importer* and Manu facturers; Full lines of Granite, Crockery and ofatsware In tbo original package, very low to the trade; ISO do* White Chin* Tet*, very cheap; Elegant Dinner and Tea Sets, In Plain and Ornamented French China; Toilet Seta In Granite, China, Ac. J Pino Table Cutlery, Plated Ware, &c. etoetr. priWj quallljrand quantity. aprS-to NATIONAL HOTEL, Corner Whitehall Street end Western A Atlantic Railroad, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Thl* Newly Erected, Oommodlone, FIRST CLASS IIOTJEL,, Elegantly famished throughout, and oompleto la all Ita appointment*, will be thrown open for the recep tion of gneate, Monday Evening, May Slit, 1800. A TTACRED to the Uatel Is a fine Billiard Parlor with &!. , L Phelan Table*. A drat etas* Bar, fully and com pletely stocked with choice liquors, Wine* end Cigar*. Tna patronage of the publlo Is reapecUhlly solicited. I’KATT, POND A COBBY, Proprietors. U. D. Ilannis, Clerk, • * the "Brown Ronie,"Macon, Georgia. Late or meyW-to FORCE’S BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, At the old Stand of Holbrook’s list Ronae, WlIITKHALIi HTR13RT, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. r AM now receiving a fresh stock of Boot* and Shoea I anlublo for the city trade, consisting of Guile*’, IMt 1kmta, Balmoral and Congress Gaiters, Oxford Ties, This stock cornea direct from tbs Eastern Manubcto- rie«,and will bn offered to country merchant* at New York prif** frnlnhl ami Iteniitimus eMail ht end oxponso* added. iriOlLIGM K^AN, Wholesalo and Retail Grocers, Bine Uonee, Peach-Tree Street, ATLANTA . . . . GEORGIA, Keep constantly on hand a splendid assortment of Groceries and Preih Country Produce, Atlnnta AdvertiamnoutM. IN AND ARRIVING: reeled. Their present stock consist* of Flour, Bacon, Hngar, Coffee, r, Candle*. Hatter, Cracker* and Ltqnor*. Timer am try and city trade aupplled on good tenna. >H EXTRACT MIC Hl ... IV. 1 *KO* de* cslculstcd io iloMtvo otir*? .. uu advertiser Ilk* Mr. Hrirahold, whom wo bar* for year*, gradually intend lit* advsrtlslug from to .ii--- *■-■ - --T.i- intfotinited In regard to VALUABLE PROPERTY POR SALE, IN AUGUSTA. 6B0H01A. WILL ba sold at tha Lower Market House, In the city VT Of Augnsta, on the drst Tuesday In July rust, fur ths nnrpose of a division of the property of the old arm, thsl very extensive and eligible WAHKHOlInK on the rnnier of Campbell and Reynold* streets, well known aa PHINIZY 4 CLAYTON'S, with n storage capacity of at least seven thoruaiid bats* Cotton. Tho property Is now under rent, and wilt be delivered outlie 1st September next. Tens* cash. FERDINAND PHINIZY, J*I4—Id K. P. CLAYTON. ' JNO- M. C. REED, McDonough street, Atlanta, gbohcha, T\AIRYMAN| and dealer In Milch Cows, Stock and llouta, KeetaarmU, In* Cream Moons, and Private gamUl**, (applied will pan end niadnUeratedMlIk end 6000 bags Whlto Corn, 6000 bags Yellow Corn, 10 tlerceli Bhonldora, (In store,) 60 casks Bacon, 800 barrels Flour—all gradca, 00 barrel* A Sngar, 10 barret* B Sugar, 10 .barrels C Sugar, 16 barrels Yollow Refined Sugar, 80 bog* Coffee, 100000 Cigar*—all grades, 60 boxce Tobacco, Sordino*, Pepper, Pickles, Ac. JolT—c LANGSTON, CRANE A CO. BOOKS! BOOKS! I? 0£ o z z o o £ i tf PQ S ° *. s * A S ► 4 § <1 k <i Eh <1 CIIIELDON h CONNOR beg leave to Inform tholr bJ friends and the public generally that they are new prepared to fill all orders for School Books, Standard Works, Mlscellsneona Books. Theological Works. Medical Works. Juvenile Book*, And thnoat overy variety of They h»ve, olio, * largo stock ot Blank Day Books, Lodgers, Ac., County Record Books, Memorandum, Copying, and Composition Books. Allof which we will sell at NEW YORK PRICB8. Please call and see na and examine oar Stock. Jell—SunAWenim CHARLES BOHNEVELD, UNDERTAKER, Coffins, Metalic Burial Cases and Caskets, AND ABXNT toll CRANE, BREED k 00., Gindnnati, Ohio. S AB now a bcautlftil nnd completo assortment of Mo , tails Boris] Cases and Casket* on hand, at prices to all customers, lie Is prepared to fill all onion In bis line at *hortett,notlce and with gn latest dl.iMtch, snd attends desired, with his etegsnt Hoarse. ktvuurn ruiKifin.u uunmn, nun uiE cir^nui iimio. Persons from thread wishing the disinterment and re moval of any of their friends ur relatives, would do well to give him a call, for, as his arrangements for tills par ticular branch of basinets are now thoronglily completed, -» «. • tier* that lie bo taken, they will save both time rlwl around Atlanta been taken, they will i and money by sending their orders to him. Dealers and Undertakers will find It to their Interest to examine hie stock beftore purchasing elsewhere. NEW ARRIVAL8! NEW ARRIVAL8! GREAT BARGAINS!! •EIORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OP GOODS X purchased In New York from twen'y to forty dsy* later than any other stocks in tbla city, time goods declined considerably, the advantage* of which onr i considerably, th* advantages of which i customers ran avail themselves of. All I ask Is to oxa Ino my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Ladles’ Twenty Band Hoop Skirts at It 00. Gent*' Wax Brogans, at fit 60 per pair Ladles' Calf Balmorals, at fit IB per |«lr. ^Ino lino of Ladle*' Dress Goods and Gent*' Piece ^Larged *»*ortmro ( t of Ladles’ Whlto and Straw Goods mayll-to Roark,* (TR.r.o.n.) V. II. BROTUBKTON, Comer, Whitehall alreet. SEASON TICKETN. WXSTIBN AND ATLANTIC RaILNOAD, Orrici Mxbtin or T»**sroitT*TinN, 2 Atlanta, June 14, IWII. 4 ,N and after Frldar, Jnne 161b, 1»m, Season Tickets “ - - hulder to |wss on ail Tralus uf this noad for tlireo months from dale of purchase .between tenolMl point* named on ticket, may he pmcnml at the Between Atlanta and Marietta. #*MK) Between Atlanta and Acwortb Id to Between AUanu suit CartenvIUe ou u) Between Atlanta end Kingston 16 60 and at other station* at proportional rates. J0O. b. KINO. ANDMW b. KINO. JOS. L. KING & SON, GENERAL ommlsslon and Purchasing Agents, ATLANTA, ta of Graeories, Produce and Mau- WAREHOVSH WINSUtP BLOCK, PEACH-TREE HT. )cA~3m S. S. KIONDBIOK & CO, nfiatxnaiN CarpetB, Oil Cloths, Mattings, OURTAIN8, HIIADUS, AND Fine Houm Furniihing Goods. rSAJtKtm BVtLDOiO, ALABAMA STitHKT, GliOHGIA. ATLANTA, mayW—o AdrortisomOytA. ' ®Iw gaitjj gntdtigenfcv. “MIODLEBROOK PAPER MILL8." r ready to supply every vsrlety of P»i>cr, dd call th* attention of th* Puhllahsr, of TirKare now. TV and would ofPr^rtlug Paper made aTthei*'mTik'su^fwonid wii'r.. order*, promising to fill tb*m *1 *11 time* with Puper of No. 1 quality at aa low price* a. It cn he had from any quarter u u u..i>iiiniwiN lout quality mayff-tu* R M. McPIIEKNON a M«y«v , »l a a. Acrnenoun, BOOK AND JOB OFFICE. New Presses New Type And a good supply ol Paper, Cards, &c. Having expended u large amount of mouey in re-flttlng the Book and Job department of this Oillcc, tlio Proprietor feels satisfied' that lie is now able to compete, sttccessftilly, with any like establishment in this section of the country, and is prepared to offer such inducements to the pub lic as they have not hitherto enjoyed; and would say to all, old ns well ns new friends, If you want your Work well done, COME TO THE INTELLIGENCER. We nevor fail to give satisfaction. If you want your Work done nt living prices, COME TO THE INTELLIGENCER, Where you can be accommodated. If you want your work done with dispatch, COME TO THE INTELLIGENCER, Where you will not bo disappointed. We are prepared to print in the best style; BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, POSTERS, HAND BILLS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, BANK CHECKS, LEGAL BLANKS, PROFESSIONAL CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, PROGRAMMES, LETTER HEADS, LABELS, DILLS OF FARE, CATALOGUES, &a, &c. Our Bindery Is well supplied with all necossn- ry materials for the wants of tlio public; nnd wo are prepared to make nil kinds of lilaiik Hooks, ruled to nny pattern, in the best style, and as cheap as the cheapest In tills lino of our busi ness, particularly, wo claim superiority, having at the head of tills department ono of tho best workmen In tills countiy—so acknowledged by alt. All wo usk is an opportunity to satisfy you ot our ability to do all that Wo profess. MASSEY & HERTY, DRUGGISTS, WHITBHAZ.I. 8THRBT, ATLANTA, ■4 . OKORGIA. Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Fsrftuasrlsi, ToQst Artltlss, Stationery, ■>. OIQAR8, WINES, UQUOHS, Dye-Btuffi, Paint*, Oil*, Glau, Putty, Ac. Oral OU and Lamp*, Machine and Tanners' Oil al ways on hand. tsrrhjrslclana* prescription* can-folly compounded at altBonre. n . 'spill *m - INSURANCE! AGENCY. O. B. -WELLBORN, Office oh Petch-Trco Street, will take risk* on " HOUSES AND MERCHANDIZE. ALSO. MARIN* RISKS ON COTTON, And other Goods, In first-class Compam**. Nkly*0-S*a ’Aoo/tt'wrrir.. WM. I- l AlUt'.I BKNJ. F. WTI.T. ANnnXW BUNN, Wirwr, CARROLL & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES £ WESTERN PRODUCE, Collier's Building, Whitebait Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Have now In Store and to Arrive, 10(100. sacks fliolco White end Yellow Cora, 2000 sacks genuine St Charles Whlto Bread Com, 1000 barm!* Flour—all grades, 600 sacks Bye In seamless bags, 600 sacks Missouri White Oats, Sugar, 0 casks choice Clear Bacon Side*. —ALSO- Coffce, Lard, Hhonldcrs, Hams, appl—3in Breakfast Bacon, Ac. Ac Ac HARDWA RE! J. IH. & J. C. ALEXANDER, DKALKIU! IN Foreign and Domestic Hardware, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, IRON AND SXEBIx, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, B EG to call theattention of tho citixene of Atlanta and vicinity to their large and complete assortment of Hardware end BnUdlng Material, Iren and Steel, which they ero offering to purchasers at rodoct-d prices. Among the stock will be found the following articles: 16000 lbs Iron, assorted sizes, Swede and American; 1001) lbs Cast Stool, assorted sixes, round, squire and octagon; lOOO lbs German Steel, 700 pairs Hemes, 1000 lb* Blister Steel, 690 pairs Trace Chains, S500 lbs Spring Steel, SO do* Ames' Shovels 8000 lbs Pig Head, end Spades, BOO lbs Block Tin, 100 doz Padlock*, 95 coll* Manilla Rope, 100 dox Knob Locks, 75 Plows, 40 Anvils and Vises, 100 gross Tablo and Tea 60 dox Axes, Spooua, 95 keg* Horse aud Mule SO gross Knives and . Shoes, s Forks, ■ ■ 80 asta Axle#—assorted, i|tO dox Fry Pail*, ’ dox <k>ff*e Mills, Crowbar*-HaidiofR XhaOnejit^'i,'* ' Carpenters'Tools, Safety Fuso, Pols. Ovens, Spiders, Wagon Boxes, House and Stock Bells, Bultlngand Rivets, Gnm Packing, And every article usually found lu a drst-class Hardware store; all of which wo will sell low for cash. Having direct communcatlon with Manufacturers, both at the North end In England, we ere prepared to procure any articles In our line for our patrons at short notice, for a email advanco upon first cost. Tho public are respectfully Invited to call and examine for themselves. aprlQ-tlm J. M. A J. C. ALEXANDER. Blanchard's Metropolitan Building. Herring's old Stan I Stand, Whitehall street. Atlanta, Oa. CARL F. BART II, SOLE AGENT FOR WM. KNABE & CO., MAR UFACTURIIIS OF First Premium, Gold Medal, Grand, Square ^^UPBI6HTPI8»08,p^l BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. T HESE lu.trumont* haring been before tho public for the past thirty years; have, upon their excellence alone, attained nn uNrtmouAvxn rax-unxnxca that pro- nouncus them tin equaled. Tholr. TONE combines great power, richness sweetness, and fine ting ing linn Illy, as well a* great purity of Intonation and har moniousness throughout tho entire scale. Their Toucn le pliant and clastic, and 1* entirely free from the stidheu found In so many Pianos, which causes the performer to so vastly tire. In WORKMANSHIP lh«y cannot bo exoelled. Their action le ronetrncted with a care and attention tn every part therein that char acterizes the finest mechanism. None bnt the best sea soned material la used In their maunfectnre, and they will accept the bard usage* of the concert-room with that of the parior upon an equality—unaffected In tbeir melody; m fact, they are constructed “NOT FOR A YEAR-BUT FOREVER." _ Tnaaornrasonmoa. Dally, per month Dally, twelve month*. Weekly,*lxmonth* „ w Weekly, one year go, Hingis copies at the counter 10 Single copies to New* Boy* and Agent* 6 „ , Kx-nr* or XDTNBTuraa. For each sqajre of io line* or less, for the first Insertion $1, and for each enbicquent Insertion 150 centa. 2233288888 8*S?8S88gg 'Rtjiacui 11 'itnooui z 8 8 8S88882 8 S O 8 S S 8 B J 3 ¥* ~ '■nuont j 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 SS8S8883SP •eamnst ■f8 8 8 8 8 :•/: : . : 5 a s S * 8 : { •’ : **eni|, 9 TFgTTTTTT - : SiSiMPi* U.U •raons 8 8 8 8 8 8 : : : : « • • a B a : 1 j , i warn;, 9 % ° | a a a j. j \ \ •MWIlt 8 8 8 8 8 8 : : : : * ’ ° • S 3 ; i ! •aemns S' 8 8 8 3 8 : : : : n « w o i- ® ; : ; «* : : : : •»®ni 888888-3-5Z-3 a* ” ’ ° s ix: -•eranhg i ; i • • ; S S oo reeimwisoc-asS RAILROAD GUIDE Georgia Ballroi*. a W. COl^HuperlnlendenL day rxaaiNi Leave Atlanta Arrive at Angrats Leave Angneta Arrive at Atlanta KIOBT Leave Atlanta.... ... Arrive at Anguata.... ten toxin. 6.15 A. M 6.00 P.M .7.00 A.M 646 P.M nuor. 640 P.M 645 A. M 8.75 P.M - .540 A. M Atlanta Ac West-Point Hall road. GEORGE G. HULL, aiptrintendexC. Leave Atlanta 6.00 A.M Arrive at West-Point 11.45 p. M Leave West-Point U45 P. M Arrive at Atlanta 6.03 P. M To take effect on and after September 19, I860. nontgomery Ac West-Point Railroad. DANIEL H. CHAM, Superintendent. Leave West-Point 1.15P.M Arrive *t Colombo*. 6.45 P. M Arrive at Montgomery. 9.15 P.M Leave Montgomery 4.00 A. M Leave Columbus. '. 645 A.M Arrive at West-Point 11.00 M. To take effect September 17,1865. Macon Ac Weetern Railroad. E. B. WALKER, Superintendent. sat FAsexxoxn Truer. Leavo Macon... 740A.M Arrive at Atlanta 147 P.M Love Atlanta 645 A. M Arrive at Macon 146P.M Western Ac Atlantic HaOroad. CAMPBELL WALLACE, Superintendent. Leave Atlanta 740 A M Arrive at Chattanooga. 7.15 P. M leave Chattanooga 540A. M Arrive it Atlanta. 645 P. M Leave Atlanta 740P.M Arrive at Chattanooga. 545 a. X Leave Chattanooga 6.10 P. M Arrive at Atlanta 4.40 A. M KnraSTON ACOONXODATION. Lravo Atlanta. 3.15 P. M Arrive at Kingston aC6P. M Leave KinSton. 5.10 A M Arrive at Atlanta. 1040 A X 1866 FOE 1866. 1866 BRADLEY’S CELEB BATED BACH HOOP BEING COMPOSED OF Two Perfectly Tempered Single Springs Braided tightly together, edge to edge, forming one Hoop, nnd making tho Strongest end mort Flexible, the Lightest end most Durable Spring made. They will not Bend or Break like the tingle springe, hot will si way* preserve their All onr Square Planoa havo onr new Improved Grand Scale and (ho Agraffe Treble. Every Plano folly warranted for FfVK YRAB8. Warerooms: 850 West Baltimore stmt, Baltimore. CAUL F. HAHT1I, At Atlanta, Georgia, I* sole Agent for the above Piano*. A variety of these Ihvorito Southern Instrument* ran always 1m found at hi* Show Room on Whitehall street. BT Alto A cent for the salo of tho celebrated llanos of Hoehhelcr £ Schmidt. New York. IWTIic highest price paid for old Plano* when ex changed for new oue*. Good second-hand llanos for salo or hire. tNYTtano Fortes Tnucd and Ri-palml, and arrangn- menls fur Tuning Inr tho year made nt reduced price*. Mu. F W. WALTER, tho uxporhmcml Tuner nnd Pi mm Maker, Is again muneeted with tills establishment. ' old, worn-unt, or broken Winded lu purelueo several PI* DOS. All orders should bo tent to OAR*. F. n.lRTII, at David Mayer'* old stand on Whitehall street, Atlanta, Georgia. Up-stalrs, hi Ihe same house with tho Wheeler A Wilson Sowing Machine*. may3S—Sm ATLANTA GOMMERGjAL COLLEGE, Comer Whitehall and Marietta itraeU. OPEN DAY AND NICJIIT, AND STUDENTS ADMITTED AT ANY TIME ND will .ICE! ICE! IOE! ICE! ICE! ONE THOU8AND TONS Lake Kingston Ice FOR 8ALI3. ToM stand,fronting railroad, near Whitehall Hre.-t, L by the csr lend, or In any qnuutltvr leu Four CVnta per pound. Spaaiolrxtas . ■ ■ puttee wishing loconiraet r,.r the eaunE no- cording to unantlty. lintels, OanlhettpMra, Urargitta, Haloflus. and prli-ale hmillr* ran hare their lew rteUvend by lenvlng IhelrenU-rs. No extra rhsi m ms.le for sh e- ping. J M. HU .SHELL iuay99-lre . ' ' i ' UtTof Troup Co,, «*. Uleof'lVuuisee WIIT A GUTHRIE. , (Sm-.ntisslon M< W ttOLKHAI.K chan la. store and to arrive Whit* ill* Cora, and l PERFECT ANDI BEAUTIFUL SHAPE IN ALL CROWDED ASSEMBLAGES," CHURCHES, THEATRES! RAILROAD CARS, FOR PROMENADE, OR HOUSE DRE88. In tact, they are »ip«rtor to all other*, combining Comfort, Economy, Lightness & Durably DHJUHUCFOR BRADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC OR DOUBLE SPRING SKIRT. For rale everywhere. Manufectured exclusively hy tb« •ole owner* of the Patent, WESTS, BRADLEY At CART, No. n Cbamtwn and No*. 71 tad n Brad* ata^ N. York For rale tn Atlanta by . TALLEY.BROWN*CO, SCOTT, PAItSONS A FREEMAN, And all other Merit win who tot FlrsIClaa* Hkirtt hi this dly aud throughout the Southern Suit*. Th* N*w Patented Empreaa Trail tenow all the rage In New York, Ixindan, Paris and throughout Xuroiw. uAOlESt be tare that J. W. BRADLEY'S same la rinted on «Ttry 8ktr\ Band. At) other* are sperioa*. snd worth;*** ronuterfrlu. hpecul Nottcra, 30 cent* per line first ln*ertIon, rod 10 cent* per line for each robsequmt Insertion. Advertisement* inserted at Intervals to be charged a* new each Insertion. Advertisement* ordered to remain on any particular page, to be charged oa new each insertion. The money for advertising considered due after first Insertion. All communication* or letters on business intended lor this offleo should be addressed to "The Atlanta InteOl- JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, Proprietor. JIMMKI. A CO., On Whitehall, between Hunter and Vilrhvll streets, t Who'y 1 ’' ?»! Retail. saaesB H* -OJ-! Ir 11 i-tr.w wrassii-v^-r-.'t sfiiM