The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, June 24, 1866, Image 3

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i~l ''y---—-^ BBW flic Sails Kntrtltpm\ r ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Sunday MairihTiW. June 24, I800 ,1 Joss.- Is .m«norUo.l lo solicit sulwalptlor.* '--il&ftffi&iMlnW for tl.0 iNTia.uni'.NCBN, m foul put of :i.y Of Alkml*. *p4 'V 1 ^}' 1 Correction*. FIN m ^gwT—r IAL. corlSffi tS Bcoounw a® 1 Injustice to M nwU b«y blvccu Morgimtmt uaitoM- '» ,lwl 11,0 ,lc ; coimU liml born sU.K'ii/ivw (lie Mtnll Iwy, nuij. “l^Jbrirf UH'nli.m ot tl.c procmllnga ot M» ilwirci.i Meilkul Association, wu mentioned tlmt. Hr ifrliss, of Wen Point, Imil delivered art ftp* eJp» address. It should lmvo been Dr. lr |L, nnd wo hope tlmt gemlumtm will excuse tl.o error. Types are sometime treacherous. Tho IttiiKOlitb ,l f e»tlval< The city presented a soihowlmt gain aspect vesterdav, consequent upon the celebration ol St.’s Day. by tlm brethorhodd oUho mystic , The early utornhig trains brought a largo nimiber of visitors trim the neighboring towns, «ud though we are unable to state how many Mges sent delegations, yet the representation from abroad wns qulte respectable.' At 10 o’clock, the craft lma nssemblctl at the rtJity Hall, Hie Superior Court room being used ' the absence of the regular [mlgo room, which destroyed by lire recently. The precession Va’ formed by the Mumhlti of the Dky. dcucral 0 T. Anderson, nnd his assistants, which, pre ceded l»y a band of miisle, passed through several ol our more promlnont streets. The representatives of different lodges did not, wo behove, maintain their separate organizations, lait-took position in the procession according to tank. Returning to the City Ilall, where lmd been erected an arbor, die procession was ar ranged upon Hie son 19 Prepared, nnd where had assembled a large au.lieuce to hear an ad dress irom the Ucv. Daniel E. Butler, P. G. M„ of die State of Georgia. Tl.o venerable Dr. Means was selected to open this part of tl.c day’s proceedings with prayer, which lie (lid in n man ner so impressive tlmt ft reached the hearts of all. A choir, consisting of nhmtl twenty peraons, la dles and geutlemen, 1 .lmd been Improvised lor the occasion, whose vocal music, In conjunction with of the excellent brass band, added material ly to tlm ceremonials. The onitor bf-tlio day was introduced, nnd entertained his audience for •about one hour, concluding witli a few appropri ate remarks directly addressed to the fraternity. Thl Indies of Mount iCion Council of Clo»d Samaritans had prepared a Iwuntifnl dinner for the occasion, which ended die festivities. *«» Tdlltr-’BwtaW »t M Alstonnt. elUbtfut * premium. OoU.-hujIuk ..t 53 mow i ^tltac »IM rent*. 811 ter,—Haying at« rents \ rents* »»» rent" Bold Billto«.-l'"rtng st ll.Uper pmmywelillit. .• Paid Dust.—Baying at •»-»BO#t.»lprer pennyweight, trmw , " trtoaaiA. fatyi#* «»S k 4; s M.muti'.o'ra U’k or Alncon Sirtpvwvtyn. BfuffMhti terdums! pinttn 1 Bank' Bank, :uf (JdRmhna Hank of Album 45 Hank of AmpiUS.... .. 49. liluu tlauk uf Anguatft ti fiHSB Savings lfank. 1U linbor Cutler*' Bank,. » ifi5Eali,.,:w “ Ilk ol of 8 iikol If tl.0 Statu....,.,. fCotn.uuieo .... HankofJfoWIA.’.iv Klistera Bulk of Ala,,,, 43)0, ]l,ink:nr Helam.v.i'„:W let N L'oimn'cfclnl .think. fjfci MR , is Mcrhaiilc*’ Bilik., AiiaiiAMl. . hv Bilik of Montgomery. I dSjlVntralBank Northern llank Bank of-Ghcrter.... V.V» 1» llank of the State (bid), ,19 “ | MlHonthuni Bank..'.... south ciitichfi. “ J HfUBfifilUilSSa Peopto’a Bank... liana oLNowlierry., llank ot Hambim tank of Hamburg mitbwusturu IMUlauk ' 'artnsrs’ * Exchange..' 1 mk of Cnmrien Bank of 8. C. State Bank.. IMfSife:::' In: Merchanta' (Oheraw)... 1 Bank of Georgetown... !! Banter.; IknA ........ 15! Planters' ,t Merlin llank of Capo Fear 2.1j All other N.C. from 80 lo HIW*::: Z\ . JJnt Jlttlo dolrur iu TonmmmPu and V(ri;iula llank Billd. LffAmij^MERCIAU I i *1 *ji ViUW^^inim^rme Kg. ■vta W Bacon.—Shoulder*, I Plain Western Jtams.'t) ».l Cadvasa Uami, tfl 1b tr , ,tac«8ldil*,,|I .Ibti.Ijt.Vvii.. i <.av..., - V- <• < ‘‘ffg in B'- ( l" nny U h £. tho halo, R yd.. . ! Wo»torn.>,.,.v.!.'80 •( iWAX.-r® lb..s— .I ..iuei -- lirifiiaiiiaigBiMBiiiNii^ ‘ft'^f ~ rwiRi i, itfia L Mr;rgigii<fiiai^ r.W BPJSC1AL NOTICES. , Rkllgloiia.-lllev. V, V.llaakilfwill preach this (Sabbath) inofnlni; and nlKbt at tho 1st Baptist Chrirch. Jeill—It Ocniral I'reabylerlan Chureb.- 8t*rvlpo» may t>o ox peeled In tlda Churtli lo- day, al 10^, A. 31. mid 8, I*. M. t by llov. .lolin V, Lau- beau, [of Marietta. J ] JoSI—It makes quick Work with Idea, nml If commenced early, keep* the house clear alt summer, took out for imitations, ttel Dnloher's only. [,'»co.] JeSt-llll ” i etf", brttyI,', ,, ! m’ ' u,[ " .t tMiiff o/Octitilt/1* ii Joyfomer." Aim! unildng U so luaeilful ns a picture of licaltll. llcadoclie, Nervous Pains,- Sour Btemncli, UUtreis nltrr Bit- toy, Prustrallni: Weakmss. UlsIiirUnallon for Doriely, Mental Bespomli'iicy, Ae., are the rate rattier Uian the mipm wills the human-family, nml have stamped their effects upnii ns nil. The newt effective, gentle, Biuhlen nnd agreeable rem edy Is the Pusrvrli'S till reus prepared Bjf 'P. II.' llrako k Co., of New Verb. tVotleo.—otflc-o Gsntrai liullrond Jtneou, fin., dilno 80, twill.—To'enabto Mer- cluuits, |Boshiesa Mon anti Cfftaenb iif Mneon anil neighboring towns to renew former asaoclnllona Witt, their friends In Savannah, Tlc|«ds wll| be sottl, on Monduy nnd Tuesday, 85lli nnd Stltti Instants, for (5 to go to Savannah nml Votum by nuy tratn iip to, nod Including thn ono from Savannah on Sunday even tng, 1st July, and during tho Orst week of July, common clng Monday, tho 3d; tills compliment will bo extended to tho Inhabitants of Sarannah, to bnablo them to visit tliolr trlomts In the Interior of tho Stato. Jolfl-lw ' WM. M. WADhEV, Pres't. iitamiik Iff A*.l No. 64. i A Claus tit AilvtirtlsMiniimlM.. M. 3LY2SrCH & C0. It sold by nil denlers. nt *1.00 In large bottles, and liy' HAS IIA1INBS * C0„ New York, Wliolosnlo Agenta. Saratoga Spring Wator, sold by nil graMihi, tra il lltri ■ WtUMMtU IV Cntols lliu Xlilovoa 1—8100 Iterant ' Tho proprietor of this papor offers a Howard of Ono Hundred Dollars ibr tho apprehension of ttio thieves wlio broko Into hie smoko houno and cellar, on Saturday night, ititli Instant, with proof anfllcient to convict. KjSa Monition* OCAtlauta Iiodso, No. SO, F. A. M., tire hereby nottBod that the time for Mesl’Vtiaahcl..,",.^.^" 1 40 Kdttorlnl Visit. That veteran of the press, Slum Hosk, Ea<|., of the .Macon Juunud it' jifesteni/cr, dropped in uimit us a moment yesterday. lie came tip to he present nt tho Masonic festival. Long life to him. French School for Ladle*, Miss E. Stcrchi, a former readier of French in Hr. lirunlly's Sjclioyl, will open n school in this city on tin* 2IHH of .Inly, See her card in roinnin. [C’OMNUNICATBU.] Nkw.vaN, Ga., June 22, 1800. gpttuK I.s't'Bi.i,mKNCEit; Some weeks since, 1 visited your city, the first time in many years, and on my arrival am free to confess that 1 was not favorably impressed. Thai'/ Dr. Thomp son lot''was immediately In view, nnd I herb 11 saw crowds—yes, I Plight say overture hundred negroes congregated, some of whom 1 knew, nml am certain would come under Itie vagrant act of Georgia. Our County Court Is now hi regu lar operation, and has had the desired effect.— Since we have had up some , of the negroes for vagrancy and convicted one, tho others who are leading an idle life have left. And, in this con nection, I cun only say Hint many of them have concluded to visit your city, from the glowing ue- emmtB ot it “ color’d ptisson " formerly n slave of mine, who is now here hut will return in a.few days lie, on being informed tlmt negroes Were here obliged to show some visible means of sup port, told them: ‘‘Why tlon't yon go to Atlanta^ Were nin't none si'eA faolmntM dere ; auc rfc r.-if* .oralpeople tip dere piny earth, and do ns they please, and the white folks pay no attention Ini litem." Is such die fact ? Tour notice Ibis morn. i»K "f tlmt “Thompson lot," coupled with tits corrolsirating testimony of the colored nmn—I lor I am perfectly iv eoinlriu lcd nine, nnd lliiiik a white man as good as a nigger, if he'll bcliavtj hlrawlf— induce* me to write tills, and though Ii do not promise to give advice gratuitously to tin) city nf Atlanta, nor its County Court, I do say,' if negroes bo allowed logo at largo nnd not work, yon need not I si surprised tlmt so many person^ manliest a peeulinr inquisitorial over our friends’ smoke-houses. I did not intend to say anything about those negroes wlm are a nuisance and tv stigma on your city, not being a resident, but tho remarks ate elicited by seeing the notice in-tint IXTEi.ftOESCKti this morning. ' * * “ ’’ Commercial Intelligence. Atlanta Market. Hjtcid.t, June si.—We havsho changes tnnutp in the market to day. Prices rvnmlii stiff, and Itiu demand (nr tho prlneipal articles of minhandiM continues giMid. As Mast on Saturday, the retail Unde was good. ‘ In tills Instance, it ivas rendered alt till! trotter by tbs pre*- cries of a large number of visitors lu tho city. me NOXlV MSIIKXT Herns Ins quiet. Oar broker* were buying (told at 4i,nd selling at »i cents. Stiver was being bought nt it nriil sill it 48 reals. Bin utile doing. filOtTl j ft SI, Louts .’tlarltel. or. Lotns, due at.—Floor quiet and unchanged. Cot- Ion dull; S^c, < B beat and Corn heavy and unchanged. ,, r* l “ ""ehlly easier; .Tiff&SIc. Bacon Is caster. Cletr Sides 3IJ<e. HOTEL ,| It RIVALS. NATIONAL HOT If L. esarr, roan * eortxr, eiurenixTons. II. />. Ilnrrit, tVert. Oats., heese,—Hamburg,* t>.,.r - no Factory,. no Eugllan Dairy.....; Craoiiors.—yt ft It 8*h Common. so 00 Cheroots 14 00 Candy.—Fnncy, assorted, « tb.. . 85 Stick Candy, * Ibr..... r 88 Candida,—Adamantine, * ft 35 Sperm, tt ft ..... Slur. V ft Ftcarlne, * lb loffoo.—lava, * ft.... FaoL . Usuabunrs... Bhlrtlt Cotton Thread Brown Shirtings; ttyafij!'. X X X X X! Brown Sheetings, * yard white, it yanl 40 Flour.—Fancy, )) bbl., whllo wheat.. IB 00 Extra Family, * bbl U 00 . Extra,ft bbl W.V.. ..... 1180 Superfine, » bbl Fine Glass.—8 by 10, ip box )0 by 13, $ box.. -A dSW^S?'iior.'-S»ini'.'.*'.!'t.'.’:3 tt-S- i ^DupontV, l»lrtj»llng ^ U 00 (& [ay.—Kentucky TCmolhy'. V tt* [orrinRi.—Sinoketl, V l»ox Jde*.—Dry, ii lb lootWlnutcMl iWoTto., TP ... oop 8kirt«.—V Uoz ju’on.-V n> Lard,—in barrel*, $ lb Leather^-Soio,’ !*!;!!!!!!! ’ iJpper.^lb.^^ French kip Skim* llnrncs*, w lb. le. t'e...,eh irwostle Brandy, tt tnUon, Holland tlin, ti gnlfon Domestic Uln, f\ gallon Jamaica Kiim, V gallon New England Ilum, * gallon.. Corn WBsky, * gallon.-.... . Bourbon Wblsky, V gallon Hnhlnson County, ft gallon... Peach Brandy, * | " Limo.—V barrel... KHu dried Laths—V I,00U, sawed Mackerel.—F kit * liarrul i.J... Nafla.—Id to aod :hl 13 keg Pickle*.—Gallon jars, v dox lluirgallon tars, V nor Uuarl*, p do* Pints, ft duz M .-V jmrd.'../............. Uts.-fl hnshcl Rye, V bushel Dol.leia K t tftoa 5 oo 8 00 4 (X) a oo 4 CO 300 5 00 4 00 6 00 .3 00 20 00 •r> oo 4 (to . 4 00 ) 27 00 n oo 10 00 12 no 8 00 e 0 00 0 00 3 75 WednoFdny, llnB.—Whole boxen, 25 tbu JlalvcM2ii lb« Quarter*, OX lb* ** l—W tb ipe.jjrreulfnf. and other aiondftrd VMlir IMU ucnnds, machine made, y 1b. Hand made, {I ft 8hot.-¥ bag Steel.-W ft Spool Tbread.-V dozen, Coatc's.. Amory'e * dozen Silk ntilsli, * dozen Salt.—Uvcriuinl, * sack... lHirrcl.V ft. ap-trar, i • ■'7“re. *■»>•’ llneilj—Vimkei, ip case!.. an.-a w*cs, , .., lugar.-Brown, * ft Clarilli'd, A Ixmt and Crashed, M lb Sjrrup.—C’anc, * gallon Sorghum, ft gallon New Orleans, newrmp, (1 gallon.... 'allr Tallow.-V ft Teal.—illsi'k. V ft Urccn, V ft NOT IOI2 TO CONSIGN I2KN. of .Inly. Uutll that time, I tlcU, on ' Thursda: turnsi toforo icvreu, an mares, wueiner winte or colored, be tween Uw ages of (I and 80, are required to return and pay a Poll tax of $1. omce bourn from #, A. M., to 8 P.M. REAL ESTATE. We are aro now offering for aalo 1 Lot on Alabama, near tho comer of Loyd street. 8 lots on Hunter, botwocn Pryor and Whitehall stroots. 1 Lot on Marietta, near Brourt street, alt desirable for business houses. A,^*. on 9 0llln * street, and many others In different parts ,r,, of the city, sttltablo for tesldeiicos. Parties deslroui of selling property at Auction, would do well to ptaco It tn our hands fur sale. riHIB CENTRAL noTKL, Atlanta, Oil., Is offered Ibr JL lease until Novemlier, 1HII7. It Is a large, new, Ihrqo- story building, and with a complete ontflt of nu.v and real Furniture, which will bn sold to renter. Tile House uia been in oporetlou seven tanvo averaged $40. A ‘ Parties not known nt the, claiming Freight, most Ice, claiming Freight, must produce Ilallrosd Itcteipts, or outer evidences. Ihnt ttiey tho rrtight claimed. ' T IIKO. T. ANDBHSON. Agent lia. H. It. n. a. aniIV.hhon, Agent A. Si \V. P. It. R. JNO. M. UHIDOE8, ! BHl Agent \V, Je‘»-r,t w. n; inu, a. j, nouzar. 1 T. w. TtoaxnT,, Oa. of Dougherty ro., Cla. of Marietta, Ca. SIMS, ROBERT & CO., 3 Franklin Butldlng, Alabama Street, Atlanta, Georgia. r-dfOrdcrs auil Cniislgnmcnta solicited from every section. aprIV—tint [Tti.r.e.n.l To Capitalists’ and Brick Uakors. . T UB snbsrrlher offers for sale the Rights for counties - In the Bute or Ocnigta, or the whale SUte, except ing counties sold, of the Nstlontl Brick Machine,” pronounced the most perfect Ihr simplicity, speed, dnra- Nllty, sad quality or Ks work. One of'tho Machines msy Im seen In snceessful operailprf a| tho Brick Yarn or Mnrsre. Robertson A Hancock, In Uilsclty. For partlc. nlsrs or flights, address T. W. WttsV Agent or N: B. M.'for Slain of Georgia,' Atlanta, O*. (Ome* with Messrs. Beermsn A Knhrt, Whitehall st. PiayST-lm SATI'IIDAY, Jt'NKIWjrW, (-.., llirassville. W MWOliams, nog in.villa lit! % h’u “ «, Wii|unM. ii'*'in* {«„«§?£"** tmatSSm aSsiphi rggfawfH" C U firltil ii. AJSiblidilef, Mai-on. »V ifc,S' kaewr. i%h“7pi ( , rW * J B'cSwfflfefo H »«'nnV,fe"" WU ' tugton K ” l ul "' Aov. It It Mtimbens, tlrifllii. Enkateuim.. r. PC Anderson, Bsftimore. J WMatk i'l WB ** Utwrencs. Marietta Vlton'ij^l'-^.lo. J C RirtDu, 1I.1COO. . • H SMSBSk'- OYNTItllN AND FIHII fjiiiEik’aurivAi/t'• ’Latest6ftub heasoni J. 1 Frc.hand Niro I FLANTKIIN’ IIOTHIt. ” "'”“*****, .~ .. ...rportoti ypg. JAWRDAT. JUNK 48. 18W. i©®** jit— “■^ONSIONKBN FKU ilAIIallOADflt ItaUmul, J«»t n i S^lora SiSSSi J i Mont- a?g~i?f0®inrioME5 NOMI2TIIING INTKIIBNTING To NiuoRon it ml Dlppoi's 1 • CANS real TURKISH SMOKING TOBACCO ldO c»u« real Virginia Smoking Tobacco, 11 Jar* Maccaboy Stjtiff. In apiru and for unto by Jog -e JfillNBONH A‘GORDON. 1 ' ' I .Merchant., Commission L„ Yrsuk|ln Block. Alabama strest. 15 half Iwrrela. •tABntwmvrre.ii.h^^^^ . t.'iinimlsalon Merchants, JsIB— Franklin^ Block. Alalwma slreej. PHILLIPS &" FLANDERSr " Opnorst OommlsBlon Merohontt, [Tn.r.c.B.j BathingTrindis^6nsabio to Good HoaltlL M R.40H« 0AVAN wuujdro*|>ecl.fnll; NOTICE. A L teTAvM r NVS^ of April, WA sstlwy were Hole. warned against ptircbas- ..-ofmyulr furthamonth thsy wer* stolen from the mall boy U- StmA Moegahton. (fa., and DsUorj. „ n , lAFPAMi 1st IJent. HUH U. ri. toftntrT. ~ Mdtgahttth 1 .Oa..JonsU.iSj. ‘ j**-* WINN, AUSTIN & CO., i AND Co an i>> iHHiun payment of last yearn', dues is oxtonded to tho flrst rogn lar mooting In July, . TIiubu who do not pay by that time will bo dropped from tho rolls. Jeltt—law4w J. M. BORING, See’y. All Communication* orjLottor* on Bnslncss intended for ibis Olllcb shotlld bo ad- dresseilto “Tlm Atlanta intelllgcocer." lea—tf JARED UtWIN WHITAKER. ar^gS* Tho Empire Shingle niacliltio I* acknowledged to be, by all odds, the best Shingle Machine In America. With only one l.orse power Three'Thousand Elegant Shingles per hour' aro onalty made. Tbu .mnclilnu Is bnllt entirely of Iron, very com pact and easily transported. It works VenoerS, Staves and Box Stuff, and otit of the same number of holts of timber, onc-lhlrd more Shingles nru made than urn bo done by the Sawing Machines. All tho snw-dnst Is saved by the Em pire and goes Into tho Shingles. ABRAM RBQUA, maySIl—3m General Agent, 141 Broadway, N. Y. IMnrrlnco and Celibacy, an Essay O? Warning and Instrncllon for Young Men.— Warning and Instruction for Young Men. Also, Diseases nnd Abuses which prostrate the vital pow ers, with snro means of relief. Sent free of charge lu scaled letter Envelopes. Address Dr. J. Sklllln Hough ton,Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. aprtlT—3m (p.aoo.) Notice to A«lmliil*trntor*X Kxocutor*, Giiardlann and Trustee*. couut or onpiNAur, at cttAunxiui, junk 12,1800. W HEREAS, during. tho late war, many Administra tors, Executors, Guardlnns and Trustees failed to mako tholr annual returns because of being In tho army, having to reibgoe, Ao. And whereas, sucK cxcuact now no longer oxlst, they lire hereby reminded and notified that the law requires annual returns to bo made by tho drat Monday In Jnly In eact. and every year; nmlthoso ‘ ‘fir ■ who rail to make tliolr returns wlthtu tlm tune nllowed, will lie ruled In toriita of the law. Thoso expecting to plalm tho bonefft of “an Act for the roller of Administrators, Exccntors, Guardians and Trus tees, nnd forothcr purposes," passed at the last session of tho General Assembly, will mako a full, true and complete statement of tha condition of tho ostntoa titer represent, showing what monoy, •• — .e._, . the war, in securities showing what mouey, tf any, they lmvo Invcsted'dnrThg of the State of Georgia or ol the . orljy foi '■‘’"‘ ■'g- DANIEL PITTMAN, Jol4—dawtq ' :■ Ordinary Fulton County. MAKE YOUR STATE TAX RETURN, The Time is Getting Short. T HE BOOKSfor receiving tho Returns of tho Taxable Property of Fulton couu 8. 1\—1860.—X. Jij/.i fijAHjM QIUJ7 j (ititjiiMJiih “.W sn I "-"Exactly I "-Union Shingle said; Ihey were there "uvory time." If befell "owloy” In the phtaani ■■ llo'vo the WM VOrl,5r bD ' REV. W. tf. WAGONER, Madrid, N. Y.' Mil , * . * • I lent lost all Appetite—wins so weak nml enervated I could hardly walk, mul hm] npor- met dread of sooletjr. * Ttle Plantatln Blttere have set me nil right. itmenllTlght. i ice . ■ JAMES 11E1MINWAY, Bt. Louie, Mo.” , , The Plantation Bltters lmvo cured mo of n dornngonmnt of tho Kldnoys nnd Urinary Organs. a '■^oy iisiukii^cluinii. thnt havo distressed mo for yei a, C. MOOR' IWiJl.V. Mrs. O. M. DEVOE. manager 'or the Union Homo School fot Soldi ore; Children, says she •* has given It to the weak and Invalid children tinuor lior charge, with tlm most happy and gratifying results." Wo have received over a hundred ream* oMnch certificates, |iut no ndver- tlsomcnf Is so effective ns what people Uionieeivcs say ol a good article. Our fortune and uur reputation are nt slalio. Tlm original qn-”- ' ' 1 ■ good* will bo sustained C V». They,have already obtained, n sale lit.every town, vlllngo, parish nnd hnniletnmoiigclrlllzed imllons. Base Imitators try to come ns near atir-nnmu and stylo a* they aui, and because a good 'article cmtiiot bd sbltlits low us Bnd some support from parties who do n poor one, they find some support from parties who do not care ivhnt they sell. Bu on your guard, heo our nri- vnto stamp over tne cork. IV H. DRAKE A CO., Now York City. Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggists. OVER A MILLION DOLLARS SAVED! i had a negro man worth $1,300 who took cold frnln a bail hnrt In tlie leg. nmj was useless fur over a year. I liad ntod ever 1 ” ' ‘ — out heiiertt, until (tried tl|o Sexicuu MiiBtang*I.Udniciit. tt somi effected a permanent cure." „ . . .. . J; L. DOWNING. Montgomery, Ain., Juno 17,185f>. " I.lake ploa-ure In, recommending the Mexltnii Mns- ,"Fargo's jmd IlardbhV "Theipmln.of nty rtangSter's ankle, occasioned while skating )ast winter, was entirely cured ill OUo tveck, iiftor she commenced using yonr Mexican Mustang Liniment. Gloucester, Mass., Aug. 1,1855. El), BEELY. It Is an ndnilttcd fact that ttio Mexican Mustang Lini ment performs more cures hi shorter time, on man and’ beast, than any nttlrln over discovered. Families, H- men nnd planters should nhvays hsvo It on baud. Qulcir and snre It certainly Is. All gentling Is wrapped In pinto engravings, hearing tho signature of G'.TV. 1 steel Fcst- Dshas brook, Chemist, and Hie private V.'H. stamp llAUNES A Co. over the top. ‘n effort has libcn made to counterfoil H wiin a cn nu plate label. Look clottlyl Saratoga Spring Wator, sold by all bmgglst*. Jel-td Tax Receiver Fulton County, Join—«l CLAYTON, ADAIR A PURSE, --erchan CENTRAL HOTEL TO LEA8E. luven nmn lbs, snd Its dally receipts favorable bargain may be had, If or presents good security. Until applicant £u tho cash or presents g( eased, It will still bo o|ien for transient guests and regie ar boarders. RATES OF BOARD. Transient Persons, per day Single Meal Per Week in )ay Board, per month Board and Lodging, per month... is may bo rented, well fuitlehctt. J. W. I11NTON, Proprietor. CITY LOTS AT AUCTION ! O. W. ADAIR. Auctioneer. Will lie sold on the premises on ■■ Thursday Afternoon, 28tli, at 5 o'clock, TWO CITY LOTH, fff feet by 170 feet, fronting two Streets. fJtlllS propertyIs^on Pip-or street,nesrTroutJtonsetut. r Passenger Depot, recently A rare chance for capitalists seeking tiermanent Invest- :l. Terms—one hall rash, balance incnts. Title* porfecl in (10 days. Je«~td i.awson n. i.AMnrono. LANGUTOltD JNO. J. SSAT. Si. SEA Y, Hunter Street, between Whltotull nml Prior, ATLANTA, , . . . GEORGIA, Manufacturers and Dealora In Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Particular attcnlion given tn HOOPING, OUTTKltlNG, &o. Making and Repairing,'HilUs, Cups, Worms, Steam *ud Gas Filling, Plumbing, Ac. mayrt-3m BILL ARP! BILL AKI* J So-0ailed 1 ! So-Called! m w. cwnw Sp CO[. Take pleasure In Infonnlng the public Dial THEY ARB BOLE AGENTS FOR THE ABOVE BOOK, Far this city and vicinity, and arc prepared lo fill orden nt Rednceit Prices. 1 ’ • J oil-St IIAGON I RAGONt OA/WAA LBS Wsstem Baron Shnuklers, lu lie jfiUUUU sold within tlm next ten days, hy jots—tot ormkafAuhar. TO CONTRACTORS, PICKS, Steel Points, ’"*****• FXltRAti W h o 1 e s a 1 o and H eta-41! GIIKBHEI CIIEIdHIEI Fresh Arrival Every Week. SJVtJD’I’t HNOPPI 33 Jan of avery also, at jflfc±1 f, cobra a:co.’«. BOLTING CLOTHS. , ! i ltn|»nnrt» BU»i .MB! Also, Agent* fur HUnley A Ttrblo's patent Flour! ratorsml Cooler. ■ -v • • tnsylS- tTn.r.c.a.) _ lloAIIB AND LODGING.' •’ l '' iuaa It Is a must dolightful Ilalr Dressing. It crodleatcs scurf nml dsmlnnr. . It keeps tho brad cool and clean. It makes tlm hair rich, soft and glossy. It prevents hair, turning gray and falling off. It restores hnlr upon prematurely laid licnds.. This Is Just what Lyuii'a Katlutrion will do. It Ispret- ty-lt Is cheap—(iunihle. It Is literally sold by the car load, nnd yet itsnlmost Incredible domarnl la dally in creasing, until there Is hardly a country store that does not keep it, or n family that docs not use It. E. THOMAS I.VON f!h..i Stationery for the Milliorv! Hlaiili Books and Slnalc Books. Brhdol Bookif df overy'chiractqr. ’Xtefllciil 'Books! '■ '•J*. • J V.. I Tlip Standard Poets, eicgniiily hound. Albums, Pens, Pencils. Wall Paper, Window Hcrceus. Prayer snd Hymn Books for all denominations. Wo will keep on hand The Latent Jfugpzlno* and Ffctorlul*. Wo have litcrully every thing usually kept In n ffrst-clas* Book and 51 mlc stori', nnd cari stipply Hie country trndo on the best of teriiis. ■ ’ Coll and see ns, near the Railroad Crossing on Whltc- street. • : J Jol5-13t* M. R. BELL & CO., PRODUCE FACTORS ' ‘ : "' 1 ’• —AMD— ' . ’ , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Marietta Street, Atlanta, On •usiOBu Al lanlh- Atlveetlsenunit*. OLARKE & HESTER, Gt.ROGERS AMD COMMISSION MEilCHANTS, Atlanta AllVertlmen«ent*. IfllBl LAND AGEHC Wlttteliall Htreel, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. |f)0 ftLouR, FLonitt ;U j CLARKE A HESTER, Whitehall sired. DACON, RAGONt C LEAR SIDES and NICELY TRUtBD SHOULDERS, to close consignment. For sale l>y •, , CLARKE A HESTER, ■ C ' ‘ 1 ’ ■ ’ ' - Wliftcnnll street CRYSTAL GOLDEN NVIltlP. of ,hat P CLARKK Jb JIK8TKB« Whitehall ntreet. ■'Vi« 1 tntlSKY, ■ WlifI8KY t 70. GIBBON, RONS A CO.'S Celebrated Cal Whisky, 0 yeara old. Como up, ye loveraof Rye, CLARKE A HESTER, Whitehall Sirect. S UGAR. Coffee, Tea, Tobacco, Cigars, Matches, . Blacking, DnnhamMustard,- Cream Tartar, G. D. Caps, Shot, Powder, Bnnff. Copperas, rdlucs, Steves, Buckets, Spices, Bice, Madder, , . Hemlock Bole Leather, And many other articles; which we are offering at re duced prlceB, notwithstanding the adraucc In gold. For sale hy CLARKE A HESTER, inayDO—3w Whitehall strect.1 G AGENTS POn THE SALE OP MUST. 2P O W D E R tUHtlVACTUnED BT E. I. DUPONT, Df, NEMOURS & CO. FRIGE LIST. CANISTER POWDER. IN CASES, 35 EACH. SuperOnu Eagle Sporting, 1 lb each *24 oo Superfinei Eagle: Sporting, if lb each 18 oo DnpuiitlUfloFFgandiGIFg, 1 Iheach 2000 Dnpont UlllePBgand FFIg, >4 lb each 11 25 KEG POWDER, jllrtu Powder, FFgtmd FFFg, In kegs. 25 lbs each.;$9 60 Uhwllug Powder, F, In kegs, 35 lbs each . . 7 oo Blasting Powder, FF, in kegs, 25 lbs each 7 25 PATENT SAFETY FUSE, per 1000 feet, Single Tape,..... Common Tnpc, penlooo foot 19 » *■* | ou HyTerms—Net Cash. Delivered at tlm Stagazlno 1 i n| 3 r ' , ■ ■, ' Jcl7—iw» BUGCHES. CARRIAGES, Iron Axlo Plantation Wagons, &c. CITY Car ManiifacYuriiig & Machine Works, (LATE nOOE, MILLS A CO.) Marietta Street, . . . Atlanta, Oa. Wo are prepared to Build and Repair ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY, Passenger nml Freight Rnilroml Cars, Also, Steam Engines nml Saw Mills, Wngnr Mills, Horse Powers, Ac. IN THE FOUNDRY DEPA1ITMLT, Brass i ig a largo peculiar facilities tor *\X7'E «ro prepared to make CASTINGS, both Brass and 7? Iron, of every description; and having a largo -.Ipl amount of Patterns on hand, hav tilling orders. Wo especially beg to draw the attention of Builder* r ELEGANT PATTERNS for M lLO.m. OOtfhS la onr sole Agent for the'salo of Buggies, Carriages, Plantation Wagoui*, &c. p in mianta, and will keep constantly on lmnd, for sale* at Slhr^ All work warranted Tor twolvo mouths. UUWKlt AltlCII, Miinilfacturcrs, Gainesville, tin. ON HAND AND FOR SALE, t i. 1 ""’ 11 ,! 110 ? 1 ''" 111 8* nf Um shove named articles, which Iran sell clicntwr tturn Northern firms, liesldes being itincli hitter work. Tho reputation of tha itbovo Aral Is shown for good work alt over the Stato; comment Is nnnecpssnry. . I.'shall continue lo receive from tlmo to time, con- * gnmnita of all kinds of Vehicles nt in y Stables and t far- flagsJtdpoatWry, on Loyd street. The public are re- spoctftlfflj Invited to call 11ml examine work and prices he- ^^stnge'sewhere, : , E. THOMAS LVON. Chemist, N. Y. Saratoga Spring Water, sold hy all Druggists. Who:wouldU0tbcbcniilifiilt Wlmwuulil not mid to What gives Hint irt.rtrWri -yfitrlty unit die- llielr lieaiityr „ tlngueappearance wo observe ii|h>ii tho stage, hint In the city hello f It la no longer a secret. They use Hagan's Magnolia llahn. It* coinlm llahn. Its comtimeit use remove* lau. freckles, ,. .. ml riiuglinuss, from Hie fiieo anil: liiiuds, and leaves the complexion snioolli, transparunl, blooming and ravishing. Unlike, many cosmetics, It contains no material Injurious to the skin. Aliy llrugglat. will,order I, If not on lmnil. ul falcts. iter bottle, , Chemist, It fur you, If not on lmnd. ul falcts. per bottle, W. E. HAGAN, Troy, N. Y„ ( DEM AS BARNES A HO., Wholesale Agents, N. Y. Saratoga 8prlng Water, sold Uy nil Hrtigglsls'. Ilelmstrrel's Inimitable Hair Coloring Is not a d.vb. All jposert of fi/l silty nil' more or less desffoy the vitality mid llt'allty of the lu This la the original Ilalr Colorin'', anil has been churl In favor over twenty yenrs It restores erny hair lo Wf of the hair.' original Color by gradual absorption, In a most renlnrhu- hle manner. II Is alio a hoautlfiil halr'dresiilng. Boldin, two sizes- ioCeuta and $1—by.all dealers, , . ;. C. llBI.Mt)TltKET, Oliomt*t. Soratoga Spring Water, mid" by all Druggists. Lyon's Exrnjrr defun* Jznmc* Gikuxu-fof In- ap nml reliable anlcln for cullnmy pnrpoSes. Sohl everywhere, at 60 cent* per bottle. Ask Tor "1,‘ton’s” Fure Extract. Take no other. ■PJ Saratoga Spring Water, sold by.all Draggiats. n.tfinnoL.V'SEXT'RA^Tntc... mig bn viigugeil, In thoyoar 18W. Iho.vttilor enitsirkcd lu thp Drug Inisl- III tne city of t'lillanullihfn, unit Vlillo tliits made several experiments lu regard lo the most desirable nlaaeofproparini cesetat- if proparihg Fluid Extracts; "My efforu lielrtg *tic- -the article* being approved amt usiktby tho Mcdl- :ulty—»l was desirous of ulnclfrg them before ttio r somo time before eoncludhig to srtlslng, knowing of the pruj minds oftnaiiyegutnst using a slrsfltx, but through, tho advti cal Faculty—1 was dcslrons or 11L public, but hesitated for aomo time dices that exlated lit vurtlsed Jfei/lrinwor , of friends mid Uioso who had used lliein, tills objection AftcMSySirs'exertlons,' eonlmeticlng Ink small way. * . ,,4UU-«* tt.r„i„n,un(» ltl It M4U4SU hhi. pularity of my articles has exlcndcd tn all parts oi i^i^fa^AtS^Esr^^ led to hy unprincipled dealers sluoo means list been resorted to by unprinefiiled dealer* sludb luive been known—such *s intver- Istug larger tmltlea at loss price, ceusiirlug all other tire- srralluns, and *veu copying mygdvrrtlsqmeuts-tmt f am happy to stato that out of (he many who have resorted to this, uon , uono have boon successful. "'idiUiUriT Tfw; LifoBJi/amn i MY OBJECT in thls.iidtlcol* tomakafad* Utoivh tojbo puhlls mid respectable dealers, lielievliig, after so many yenrs' oxer Uous, that the Druggists will ditcnqulei ■*• Know. acquaint! ... of mynatlvscliv,* of the world; . . Jed with Mr.' II. T. Itetm- iwln staling I havo heyn most vauti . Firm of Powora A tVeli ■ gh.Ura^ 1 wn.t ? yu,j|J CITY ORDINANCE, A N OmitNAXi I Irtt.a Shis' N OituiNANctt to rrtsvkNT Tin coTtxixo or nvti.n- ttt ? AB.U.! Tf U That I iilnahco!fbrany peraoiiioTOvernliy^uSdin^cnmieiwS on aujr of tho streets msBUonsdlu Hcotlnn 1st of tho Rw ch shill )*, deemed amt considered fire proof. ..... ■•{gg* 1 ‘zA'vn-MUUk. sUt’tirfj 5vo TIO 'lb. n'o^ioD m will lio held at tho Voverst, rot Full..ii.iin th* first Wsd " mofthn luftTlarCourt FERTILIZER ! 11^ «nrt In. stpro Fifty Barrels Plaster r. m. McPherson, Whitehall street, Atlanta, (in. TO MASONS AND PLASTERERS! T HIRTY-SIX barrels Plaster for whfto coating, fur sale hy R. M. McPnERSON, ‘ Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. VIRGINIA SALT t O UR supply, nf salt for tho fall mid winter trade laiiow coming. In, anil, wo are prepared to to fill onion lor.nny miioiml, aud to, moot fair competition from any quarter. ' r. m. mcpiierbon, Whitehall afreet, Atlanta, Ga. . JifncIO— DISSOLUTION NOTICE, f JIIIE copartnership heretofore existing between L. 8. JL Salmons, J. N. Simmons and John 8. Ward, under the name and style of Salmons, Binmion* A’Cb., hr this day dissolved by mutual consent,. I , L. S/8ALMON8, «a 8 !>«"«“ recently occupied by the latu firm, on the corner or irnetmU ouu AIiiIiuhia streota, nmlur toe find name of »j. . j. . . , SALMONS & WARD. All outetamllDg bualnuss of the Arm of Balmonfl. Sim- 40OH* A Cf»^willlM»0ollledhy — — Athnlit, G.„ Jnke fielfififi. ■ : 8A * k. JzrrsnsoN UArp,, xrnSNS e. buonzt, Greeno County, Ga. Hancock County, Ga. N1APP & BURNET, ■ !i * OOM.H18SION MEnCIIANTH, BREAD AND CAKE BAKERY, Where Fresh Bread ami Cakos may be had at alt hours. Pbt'tlbs und. WoddTngs n t st, tiding, GEORGIA. Altiany, G«,; Hon. tt, niiEiijjUa,, huh. ; lion. J. T. Gardiner, Maenu, (la.; Mr. E. 'tehead A Co., is, Ga.; J. Wludsor, JeHd-lui EMPIRE STATE INSURANCE COMPANY OF ATLANTA,' GEORGIA, '■>’ (Formerly ,Con federate.Ins. Co.) Assotts, #300,480 G5. fTtltth lloME } COMPAN ; ir’ftavthg *n ample rapltai,, J. J. lticuanus, ) JNO C. WntTNKR, Agent, At McCamy A Co.’a Drag Store. Jel7-lm MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES . AND ALL KINP.1 OP ' - - J. MARnisE WORK, eralgncdhlvtng scec'ntcd an Agency.ftqih one largest Marblo manufacturers In this country. Is prepared 1 to Thru Isbell kinds or Marble Work al rliort notice, Bopk'of Bpedmen Designs can bo seen at ofllce of Lmrgslon, Crane A Co.. Alabama street. ROSS CRANK, Agent. ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK. I RON FENCING. Verandahs, Blots Fronts, andttH Or nauiental Iron Work will he sold nt manulactnrers' sraiTcvvau* Wwj f*" fW* ftP/P U Je30—3m ROBS CRANE, Agsnt. .&■ 00i lhl Commission Merchants) AND COTTON FACTORS, . , No. IT Alalmma Sireot, .... Atlanta, Georgia, ward?* tat ^® ASS * HSOROU.; i , m ' “ irfwSSiSUtHBBi ^.rntTE"r.o. itri.v. j. PRATTE, EDWARD8 A OO*,' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Franklin Building, Alabama Street, , ATLANTA, ... . GEORGIA. duct and manufacture. v p B1 ** ° r , ’ 1 "’ "* u $miks& ' '“ At the Store of V. P. \\ , ms)35-Im AlfantMLs.rgta WHEAT mnd FLOI'n HACK#. ; 20000 N l£ W " hc * U " d and others to onr Columns, verandalra, Steps, Wintlmv Capj, Sills, Gratings, Ac. From Which we can supply Castings of the beet quality and In tho shortest time, and at less prices than they can be obtained elsewhere. Wo shall also soon go Into tho manufacture of HOLLOW WAKES nf all kind*. IN THE CARPENTER'S DEPARTMENT, Wo nro Mill u Dress cents per pound; 1000feet. Dress- mg Lumber, $4 per 1000 feet. Northern Bill* of Castings will bo duplicated, with freight added- By this arrangement consumers will save Hie ton per cent, now paid agents for No^hern mannfac- A. REGISTER . , In kepi atruy Office, Lynch’* Block,Whitehall Bt„ Atlanta, 111"! ti * ran I'M ■ , „y m ■ ■ CITY AND OTHER PROPER! T RESPECTFULLY call Hie nlPmlinr, nf-apll.ill-ls JL .the public generally, lo the advantages <,i bavin % Ute public gsacrally, lo.tkoadvantfo. , property diey jnay offer tor sale,entered on my lie; Thn very large amount of lands already placcff In hand* for sale, lying In different Southern Sir diicecanUalist* from the North nnd Europe. Jlcal Estate, to visit the 0*te City. And byi Hon of myUeglsIer, Ibcy ran eerertaln tiie qnniity, cation and price of lanu* Id the different sections of South. ..ti". A, to tha^Miiicral reranrcee of the Boutli, Its not oven kdowti to ItscUI/en*. -of Gold, the world. To tbe capltalisl* oftho North .mmqHj. 1 solicit them to make « practical surrey. I place to their asslstanco an old Conilsh Mlner-ono hasworkedin »otne of those mine- near tftrenly y« Tlm expense of working them 1» not oi.r half a* great The Ora lii nil cate* Is so arci oible that the cost working Hie nmie* ivould no. - t.;f the expe working'the mines would not exceed half ttieexpe diturc necessary-Id Europe, while the facffitle* for Iran porUUqn.areall that could be desired. Ironand Ms no mean* to work them. We ask the mining capft or tbe world to come to onr assistance and imkc harvest for themselves. I hqve upwards ot 200,000Acres of these Bioli Mineral Lant IN UPPER GEORGIA FOR SALE, It,will be a pleasure to me lo receive from owner-. __ to enter on my Register,a description of any pro;- rt they may desire to sell, whether I am commp-*i>.ned Agent or not. I HAVE BEEN APPOINTED AGENT ron tub CAPITAL, S,000,000. EUIORAXT EMPLOYMENT DEV ART MEN JUST 1L CAKE, Superintendent. 12 Broadway, 21 Hew Street, . . . Hew York, zeso, zoixt ron rat Petersburg Land and Emigrant Cc| n. J. TODD, Secretary. « Central Offico, 17 and 10 Broadway, Hew York. I have at this time, In and near the City of Atlanta, : 07 Honsc* and Lots for Sate and Beat. IH tho SUte or Georgia, 533 Plantations and Wild Land*, contain!!] of Abb In the State of Alabama, a| D & ntstlon* and Wild Lands, conUInlng Id the SUto of Sooth Carolina, 3t Ptanta- taUons and WIM Lands, containing... In the State or North Carolina, 8 rtanta- tloDH and Wild Lands, containin': In Ihe State of Virginia. 302 Plantation* »ud Wfld Lands, containing. In the State of Mtuhslppi, 19 PlaIllations and Wild I.ands, cnntainlng In tho State of Tennessee. *3 flimtations and Wild Lends, containing In the 8tate of Arkansas, 3 Plantation. and W Bd Land*, containing. In the Btate of Lonlatana, 2 PlantaHons and Wild Lands, containing In the State of Texas, 133 Plantation* and Wild Lands, containing. In the State of Florida. 15 Plantations and Wild Lands, containing. In the State of Kentncky. 2 Plantations and Wild Lands, containing In the 8tate of Maryland. 2 Plantation* . and Wild Lands, containing In the State of Misranri. 3 Plantations and Wild Lands,-containing 681,993 acres 90,3(4 .acres 4,332 acres faCWiscrcs 421,438 acre* 35^25 acre* 388,311 acres ' 26,300 acres 5,780 acre* 447,871 acre* 399,888 sere* 60,592 acre* 4,350 acres 50,800 seres Making total or.. "508,019 acre* My long residence In tie Sooth and extensive’travel In the sections containing these lands, enable me to speak **e land* are offered ”at rarely advisedly of them. above one fourth or onc-batf their valnc many easea, can-lug their owner* tr market at tho present low price*. Farms, Cotton. )Uce, Sugar, Tobacco, Cbm, Wheat, Bar- Inif nml fist Plant.tU.. rr>— .1 Mills. Capitalist* wishing to purchase Southern Lands are in- riled to call on me. They a -- " niarlft—3;u ■I. O. W. MILLS. Snpt. COSf ECT10SARIBS FOR THE MILLIOH! Gf. W. JACK H AS filled Up hi* Mlooti on Whitohall Street in elegant •tylo, ono feature of which In an ICE CREAM SALOON, Whereiisrtie* m»y spend an hour ilellght fatly. 1 Another feature It hi* CANDY MANUFACTORY Where ril ortlora for tho Clly or. Country. Trade ran he supplied al short notice. In addition to which Is a Supplied at Short Notice. A thousand and ono good.things maybe had In any quantity, and 011 good terms, (fall aud *ce him, evety- body!. may29— 3m WIlAPPIMi PAPKII, T A ,h3w, 'jJ.'F.i 0 .' « |B T,0«) pounds of superior WRAP- nIDNNICIJTT & BELLINGRATIIS, Comer Alabama aud Loyd Street*, ATLANTA, CI1SOKQIA. onaisiU aVit wo'nttah* 19 Copper, Tin, Zinc, Sheet Brass and iron, CAS, FITTERS,■ PLUMBERS, 'Ad. Inform onr friends and the . *twe sro prepared to do all woik\n raw Hue. We will uko contnat* tor Piping flu steamboats, stationery Kugtnr*, Mfne Work; Sheet Ira* Work, Smoke Stack*, Ac. NTILLS, STILLS, STILLS! - ’ u *' b**4 amt made lb order, ail size’* of Whttky. IlranAy aud TurpenlbuabTIIJAjin.V wUI take contract* for Steam DiatlllsrlM, and will attend to lariug Pipe for Ufo) Cowpaule*. SaUaljirttan guaranteed tn |««ta for theniannfac* k ing elsewhere. cu bnnight up tn the ha*-Fttt)m| tkmol oat_ aiid(h)|:, confldail Bontlt. , Wo also do ORNAMENTAL WORK tn (fopiwr, Sheet llri»««uit Ir,,., In llr.O ” forth or Bra** nnd lroutu Draft. SPELTER SOLDER. Sole’jtgeiit^'in'jho Boiiiti for . ^ A.' Belliugrath’s Patent Puiap. MEL31 HOLE'S mtUCT IllJCIII'. {AVvNinp UHLhtfliMa.) zssxessi bma« betor* ih* tiona oftho booth, and arc offered at prices „„ v crop will pay for, betide* making the^expenee o(gn’>v> in.: Judge ILFfSammond, Co]!*Ll.G?e^^aaibr'<2mS Wallace, Atlanta, Ga.; Austell Jb Inmann, NewYb Hon. II. If,.Waterson; Washington. D. C.; Gen. C. G, Dahlgreo, Natchez, La.; Gen. B J.^UilL 1 TenneMee. J?39— Whitehall street, AUMt^^a. Groceries 1 iiie Million! I. Y. SA1VTELL, GROCER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER \S COUNTRY PRODUCE Corner of 'Whitehall and Mitcheli Street*, ATLANTA, ..... GEORGIA. AS NOW IN ST^RR 10.000 POUNDS OF H OHOIOK on consignment; also, BACON, 10Q BARRELS of FLfOUR, ' (Ashland lilfis, White Wheat.)’ 15000 LBS TENNESSEE RAY; 1000 LBS CHOICE HARNESS LEATHER; ALSO, SUGAR, COFFEE, SALT, BUTTER, And everything tonally kept in a flrst-ctar* Grocery 8tore, to which the attention ofCsmtUeeaudlhocodatry irade la Invited. I ran aeU bills of goods lo the trade on as good tenia a* any hoaae In Atlanta. I only ask cus tomer* to give me a ctdl. BARRELS! BARRELS! I win manufacture all kind* of Barrel* at short notice. In any number wanted, and now have on hand about surt, which wUI be aokl cheap. • • My persons! attention will be given to all Omaign- muita of Goods, and prompt returns made of theWfaa. apt39—3m ••»- ' t. Y. SAWTKLL T. r. cantuRT, ’ a. r. hakiLtok. uzxar suavxu, J. a. VAR WASKXRR. w*. u. WHiTrorsn, CARHART, WHITFORD Sc CO. . Manufacturer* aod Wholesale Dealer* READY-MADE CLOTHING, . AMERICAN«EXPRESS AUILDtfiG, *0 »n* 01 Hudaon Street, . (Near Daaue, comer Worth Street.) YOUlt. WILLIAMS. Comm(»i;«!i)l Broker, ATLANTA PqreotM and special attenUon given to the pim!,*-.' and filling order* far Uaoon, LerV, Ftoer, Grxxt nc., Dry Uoodf, and all artklaa kepi... this CHAPMAN A RUCKER, Wlu'lcvUo l!cv, r, 'COMMISSION ’"mKRCIIANTS.' { ^ Whitehall Street, TVEALERS In lb