The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, June 27, 1866, Image 1

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ATLANTA, GEORGIA. wednwdM( Wornlngi Juno, milONSTIHIOTIO^ Heporl of the Minority of the Committee ““ or l'tnceu. Icoxcmiukii-] ’ v 1 1 * TbtrdlySf IKfSL silfliis !:: ae oplnio» <'« ^ Ww,***^ r t0 #t , b«lIwwW llie Union, bound bv the laws of flic Union, end entitled to nil the rights Incident L i • renublic—is, touecd, but tyranny—‘the St of heS a vo!« in,tU,oTcgl*lniiyo depart: s® laws bind then. In person and ht Sag towards those who impose It, so impor- an: not to lie hopwi tor, ImVmfhern.nlmppiuess, ilisaalistacllon,'enmity. There U but one ground w i,jch such conduct can And any excuse—a supposed public necessity, the peril of dosfruc- s^^sMaseu*® nresentiilives ol the States in which thore was insurrection, if the others were represented, in t im liitiwi* under tun unjflGDt appor* would, in.the H.mse, under the present appor tionment, exceed tlie latter by a mniority ot sev- S wo votes, and have a decided prepondor- 1,1 * . .. _ u ... u' thnmivnrn* niiec in the Senate. What danger to the govern? fror cut, then, etui imssiltiy arise from Soutncrn re presentation 7 A7TthegJ^^#||hntlBe; presentiitlves fearful of d^ntselvea ? - Are they apprehensive that they might tie led to the de struction n( our institutions by thh persimmon or miv other intiuenco of Southern members 7- liow disparaging to themselves is such an ap prehension! Are they apprehensive that those who mav succeed them train their respective States miiy he so fatally led astmy? How dls- narncing is this supposition to the patriotism and wisdom of their constituents I Whatever ctleet on mere parly success such a representation mny have, we shall not stop to Inquire. The idea that the country is to bc‘kept in turmoil, States to lie reduced to bondage, and their rights under the Constitutftm denied, and their citizens de graded, with a view to the continuance in power of a party, cannot for a moment tie entertained without 'imputing gross dishonesty of purpose and gross dereliction of duty to tiiose who mny entertain it. Nor do we deem it necessary to refer particularly to the evidence taken by the committee to show Hint thore is nothing in tho present condition of the people ol the Southern Stales that warrants on Hint ground a denial of representation to them. We Content ourselves with saying tlml, in our opinion, the evidence most to he relied upon, whether regarding the character of the witnesses or their means of in formation, shows that representatives from the Southern States would prove perfectly loyal.— We specially refer for this only to the testimony ol Lieut. Gen. Grunt. Ills loyally and his intel ligence no one can doubt. In Ids letter to the President of the 18th of December, 18(15, niter he luid recently visited South Carolina, North Ge Carolina and Georgia, lie says: “ Both, in traveling and while stopping, I saw much and conversed freely with the citizens of those States, ns well ns with oiliecrs of the army who lia've been among them. The following are the conclusions come to by me: I am satisfied that the muss of thinking men of the South ac cept the present situation of affairs in good faith, The questions which here hitherto divided tho sontimmus of the people of the two sections— slavery and Stntcs rights, or the right of a State to secede from the Union—they regard as having been fettled forovor by the highest tribunal— nrnw—that man can have resort to. 1 Was pleas ed to learn from the lending men whom' l'mct that they not only accepted the decision arrived ut as final, but now that Use smoko of battle lias cleared away, and time has been given for reflec tion, that tins decision 1ms been a fortunate one for the country, they receiving tho like benefits from it with tunsc. who opposed them in the flehl and in die cause. My observations lend tne to the conclusion that tlie citizens of .the Bnutliern States are anxious to return to self-government of the Union as soon os possible; that While re constructing they want und require protection from the government; tlmt they lire in earnest in wishing uvdo what they think Is required by tho ltiz government—not humiliating to them as citizens —and that if such a comae was pointed out they would pursue it in good faith, (t is to lie rcgrcl- ed tlmt there cannot be a greater commingling at this time between two sections, and particularly of those entrusted with dip-law making power. Secession, as a practical doctrine overto be re- sotietl to, is almost utterly abandoned. It was submitted to and fulled before tlie ordeal of bat tle. Nor can the undersigned imnginu why, if its revival is anticipated as possible, the committee have not recommended an amendment to the Con stitution guarding against It in terms. Such nn amendment, it cannot he doubted, the Sonthcru us well as the Northern States would cheerfully adopt. Tho omission of such a recommendation is pregnant evidence that secession,'as n constitu tional right, is thought by the majority of the committee to tie practically a mere tiling of tlie . VOL. XII. be adopted, whllo.k tho Southern Stal " uun their number. Tlmtsu materially lessen thelrnumbor. That such States -will assent to the du-nsuro can hardly be expect ed.. TJio effect, thou, If not tho purpose of tho measure la iorovor-Iff deny representatives to such States,'or, ifthfiy consent to the Cfindidoit to weaken their representative' power 'nnd J probably secure n conUnuanco ot such a pi potyer as now controls the loglslntlort of the. gov-‘ eminent, The measure, In Its terms and Its cf lect, whether designed or not, is to degrade the •ol eaCti i™fqftoJiroviae'UJ ,, Hftffitdff , 'dffB^t8-, mission'.» 1 Mach" by thh tiindo the 1 jUdgemfftkreiroUoByirohirfUanH-.quallAeatlQuii .miaai! acf bet ‘ fort, undersigned, is impolitic I „ ■ nwgSg , should bo submitted ns it scpnrnte article,, lore, sum Without 8 ■lion if the . ■ Each by Itself, if nn be submitted to the people, nnd nothin shell n neollonwi “ connection with those which they may think un necessary and daneertms na in force them to re- JeotlUl. ' Tile repudiation of tho rebel'debt, all -.iiiir-.ift,,,, m compensate -for die loss OPilnve ?il not doue. nsna merit- Wo-tiave -no doubt that these *moasnn»i bb? would meet the approval ot nil the States; these no State cun sanction without sanctioning othMti, wblchttfe lieltevc will not DO dqno.tortjio Southern Stales of by some oftho Northern States. Jo force negro suffrage upon apy State, by means of the penalty of a Toss of part.oMta .i mtfet •therttote: rett< on -etonsideratious of. safety: jorfrf expediency alone. , Tlmfimuttraviff pufety; uhy‘ , ground' fob' tlie latter'—expediency'? ' 1 We' think not."' On the cohtmry, in our Judgment representation will not only, we think; tie In sihg-a disparaging provisfor * ’ .. , _ „ pi , interfere witli the clear right of. each, State to >gi . . regulate sutfrage for itaelf-without tlie control of tlie government of the United States. Whethei that control be exerted directly or indirectly; it: lar way. so as to give to nil classps.ot the privileges ot suffrage, if it should 1 nil, should ho dpne directly. ; No rc4ion,.ol thevlew of the undersigned, can be suggested for the course adopted thnu the hc- sanctioned by the Northern Slates, wTdlo ns re gards' such States ' Gift ' tiothal'rtcbmuWndnthm, because of Uie.«nall proportion of negrom-witjir in their limltsfwill nbt Incite least lessen: their therefore, sanction it. The very inoqnalily ;bp its operation upolt the Stqtcs 'renders the metis-' urc, in our Oplniori, most utxiust, uml lookbig (<> the pence nnd quiet of tho country,- most- impol itic. The mride ndvlsed Is- also without prece dent. tTlich tho ./ConStithtton' witt adopted- It' was thought-to lie defecti'vb in not sufllciently protcctiritf certain right* of tlie Btntcs and'the people. With a view 6f,siinplylng d remedy tor this defect, on the-4th of iltiirch, 1780, various- amendments, liy n resolution constitutionally passed, were submitted for ratifloation to the States.. Tliese were twelve in ouniber. Scyoral of them xt-rirc even less" independent J of ‘fcnclf other than are those recommended by the com mittee. Ench was, therefore, presented ns a sep arate article.' Tlie language of iMe^rekhrtlon was “that the following article* bo proposed to the Legislatures of die several - Stole* ns amend-, meats to tbqConslltUtioii rtf; the Bolted Slates, nil, or any of which nrtielcs, when ratified' by three-fourths ot the Legislatures, to be valid to nil intents and purposes as parts of.the Consti- tntloh." Tlipt Congress was willing io obtain citlicr| of tbe submitted amendments; to get n part if not able to. procure tlie whole. They thought, uml in tlmt we submit, they but con formed to the letter mid spirit of the upiumlutory clause of tlie Constitution—dint tho people have n right to pusswiverally oti uny iiroppsed umend- ments. Tills course of 6ur ini hers, however, is now departed from, nnd tlie result will probably be that no ono.of tbo^euggeeted'-nniendmenu, though some may be approved^will bo ratified. This will certainly be tire,result unless thuBmtho are willing procUculljr to relluqubih the right diey Imve always enjoyed, nover before questioned by nny recognized smtesimin, mid all important to their interest mid security—the right .to regulate the franchise in nil their elections. There nre, too, some general observations that bear on die subject, to which wo will noW refer: First, one of the resolution* of tha-Chicago Con vention, by which Mr, LI1190I11 was first nomi nated for die Presidency, says 11 tlmt die mainte nance, inviolate,' of the right*' of tiitf Stoics is VtRientinl to the balance of power on whtch the prosperity anti endurance of our political fhbrifc depends. In. Ills inaugural address of tho 4th of Marcli, 1881, which received tho almost uni versal approval of die jH-ople, among other things, hu^said, “no State, of its owji inoiion, past, as all tlie proof taken by diem showa-lt to bo in the opinion of all die lending ... . „ Southern men who iiitiu-rio entertained it.. Tlie desolation around them; hectneombs of their own slain; the stern patriotism of tbe men of the other States exhibited by unlimited expenditure of tressure end of blood, nnd their love of tlie Un ion so sincere and deepsealed tlmt it is seen they will hazard nil to maintain it, have convinced tlie South that ns n practical doctrine secession is extinguished forever. Sutc secession, 1 then,' abandoned, and slavery abolished by the South ern Ktales themselves, or with their consent, up on what statesmanlike ground can such States lie denied all Uui rights which tbe Constitution secures to Slates of die Union 7 All admit dint to do so at the earliest period is deninrided by every consideration of duty and policy, aud none deny that the actual interest of the'country is to - a great extent involved in such admission. . The staple productions of the rioutheru States tire as nmortanl to the other Slates ns to themselves, fji'iae staples largely enter into the wants of all alike, and thov are almost os important to. tho financial credit of the government. Those ato- Ps-s will never lie produced ns in tlie pint until real peace, restlug na it can alone rest on the •spud and uuilorin o|ier»!ioo of the Constitution and laws on alt is nttolncd. To suppose thiit a brave and sensitive pgnple will give'undivided attention to the increase of mere material wealth while retained in a statu of practicid Inferiority ami deradaiion la more fully. They iloalre to lie Jjpuu jo the Union, to unloy the rnsnoUf* of, the. invoke you to receive can lawfully get out of tbe Union,’' " and dint in the view of the Constitution nnd the law's tho Union is unbroken, aud to the extent of my abil ity I shall take care, as the Constitution itself ex- ircssly enjoins upon me, tlmt tlie laws- of tliu Jnion be raithfUlly executed ill nil tlie Slates.” Second, actual conflict ensued. Tlie Smith, it was believed, misapprehended tlie purpose of die government in carrying it on, und Congress deemed it Important to dispel tlmt misapprelicn- . ■ — • -fcUTIds sion - by declaring what tlie purpose Wu: was done iu July, 1801, by Uieir passing die Crit tenden resolution. Tlie vote in the linuse was 110 for and 2 against if, find lit tho Samite 50 for and 5 against it. Tlie design to conquer or sub jugate, or to curtail or interfere, in uny way, .. ... ... - *' *' strongest with die rights of tlie States is, In the terms, dins disclaimed, and die only iirowcifeli- joct asserted to lie “to defend nnd mnintoin tlie spirit nt tlie Constitution, ami to preserve die rninn nrwl tlu> rliimitv. witialittr nnd flrrlita nf tlw> Union and the dignity, equality nnd lights of die several States unimpaired." Congress, t<m, by the net of July 18, 1881, empowered the Presi dent to doclare, liy proclamation, “ tlmt tlie in habitants ol such Stole or States, where die in surrection existed, arc In a state of insurrection against tho United States,” and thereupon to de clare “nil commercial Intercourse by and be tween die saihe, by the-cidzens thereof and-die (ted Status, sluill cense and lie xG 'dit j-fuL-iiinIst it) k' s 0 BE DANGEROUS wnEN lUGiisON 18 LEFT FREE T<> COMBAT ifF-JsJkrwm. ATLANTA. GA., WEDiNKSDAY, ,1UNE 27, 180(5. tof tho right ;Agalnsl die dan; tliu - • lie responsibility of the ISk sertfs any Hehntor-ov re- has iliecit 'clcotcd i ttcoordlnget 0 - It is conceded would undotiliimll v be trusting thnt time find expfcrionco wbuld set ali thhigsi right.” .1 Ids -not, therelorccowlng tom iiavtfffiMStnwgbf^hrtrf flltSUIte^ffillL, 1111 intonini water lihe, including the Mtssissipi of ebODt thirty-six thousand mUcs. . -Their ng I.products iu (SCO tverp ahpot- *380.001 value, ang their populatioti'O. cfrtnln ' nvnrtiinf Initb l vi*n Af !*><»■ WWW IU iiiiu tllkll irujiuiuuwu 0)VWT.yi/U,~ Thcii' ‘ atApl6' prodiictlonS v nre Imftietfand growing Impbrwnco nnd hre nlnwst peculiar to that region.: That the N< te North is deeply interested rihlrauraatotoaf 0 . ttht blinded by nuSro piirty considerations, or not n' victim of disordering prejudice; cun Torn-moment doubt: Such a re storation is also necessary. Io die peace of die, country., Jt is not only important lint vital to the potential wealth which that portion (if our coun try IS Capable OK ■’ Itcauiiot otherwise be Tally de veloped. .Every hour ol .Illegal,political restraint, tution gave is denied, i himself. Ills labors heretofore inured ns- much,- if.not more, to (heir adv;antogu as tohis: While Imrqipny In the mat between tho sections gave to the whole a prosperity, a powci’and a renown ol wldcli every citizen had reason ’t6 bc' jirodd; tho restoration of.snch harmony will immonsar- ably increitse them nil. .Can it, will it. be restor- ed ns long ns the Soutit is kept In political nnd dishonoring bondage ? And can it not, will It not' be restored by nn opposite policy 7 By ad mitting her to all the rights of the .Constitution, nnd by dealing with tier citizens as equals and :os brothers, not ns inferiors and enemies. Such a course as thia wlU, we are o.rtain, be seen to bind, them henrt and soul to tbe Union, and in spire them with confidence iu Its government by making tliem tcel thht nil enmity is fbrgotten, an Ptlint-'justice is being done to diem. The re- suit :of such a policy, we believe, will at once make ps In very truth one people, ns happy, ns prosperous nnd ns powcrililnsevcr'existudninny period of time, while Its opposite will keep us no. m Atllmtu _A.<1 vort.1 moment**. irTTORE plii VRR.IH1K . .6900 bags Whits. Ciiro, l» -J. 1 f'tfH ,v; htfelq bags Tefloyr Cera, j to. tiorcos Shonldors, (In store,) B0 casks Bacon, 300 barrels Floor—at) grades, ,30 barrets A flugnr, 10 barrata B Sugar, *0 Mrrsls O Sitgijir,. is barrels Yellow Iloflnod Sugar, SO tmgaCoffcu, 100000 Clgara—ail grade*, BO boxes Tobacco, Bardin™, Pepper, Pleldea, &r. LANGSTON, CRANE A CO, BOOK 8! ..BOO K 8! divided, injuriously afleet tho particular and gen eral welfare of citizen atid - government, and if lung persisted In enh but result in danger to the nation. In the ’ ' words ot on eminent British statesman, now uo more,“a free Constitution mid large exclusion , from its beneflts cuuuul subsist together; the Constitution will destroy them, or they will, dostcoy the Constitution." It is hoped thnt, heeding tlie warning, wo shall guard against the peril by rcmowiug its cause. The undersigned have not thought it i to examhib into the legality of die : necessary legnlity of the measures adopted, eithotr by the lam or the present Presi- ,dour,.for llio roioriltioil ot tlio Oputhem States. It is sufficient lor their purpose to say that if those of President Johnson ure not justified by die Constitution, tho same may nt least be said of those ot ids predecessor. We deem Bitch nn examination to, tic unnecessary, because, how ever it' might result, tho pcoplo of the several States, who possessed, as wq have before said, die exclusive rigid to decide for themselves what Constitution they should ndopt, have adopted those Constitutions under wldcli they respective ly live. The motive* ot neither, however wheth er the measure* nre legal or not legal, are linble to cenanrc. Tho role object of oacb wus to effect a complete and early Union of nil the States; to uinku the General Go ivcrimicnt, ns It did qt first, embrace nll'thc States; to extend its authority nnd secure its privileges nnd blessings to all alike. The purity of motive ol Prcsidcut Johnson in lids pnttlcular, ns tvns to Imve been expected, is admitted' I 1 * ' -- r ~ - 1 ■ by tlie innjority of die committee to bo beyond doubt, so that “wlinievor may ImTe been tbe uncnnstitulimmllly nf bis course, nnd its ten deucy to enlarge the'executive power, (hoy do ' design hut ciicorihlly concede to him the most patriotic' motives.” And wo cannot' fnrbcnr to say, In con- elusion, tlmt ho sin* agnlnst light aud closes Ills eyes to tho courso ol tlie President during tho rebellion who ventures to inipencli his patriotism. Surrounded by insurrectionists,,lie stood firm.— His life was nlmost constantly in peril, nnd he clung to the Union, and discharged all the obli gations H Imposed upon him even (he closer be cause of tho peril; nnd flow tlmt ho lias csc'npcd unharmed, and by the confidence of the people lins find devolved upon him the executive func tions'of tlie government, to chnf-go him wldi dis loyalty la either a folly or n crime—folly in tlie fool w'lio believes it, crime in the man of sense (if nny such there be) who assertg it. Henatf—Hbveudy Johnson, of Maryland citizens of tlie Onfi unlawful” “ bo long ns such condition of liostill- lic* shtdf continue?' ‘ Here, also, Congress evi dently .djatjs with the State* ns in the Union, and (0 remain In the Union. ’ It seeks to keep them WHEELER & WILSON’S Highest Premium Lock-Stitch MACHINES. in, by forbidding commercial intercourse between their citizciiB and die citizens of the other Hint™, so long, and so long only, ns insurrectionary lios tllity sliall continue, .1 Tlmt ended, they nre to lie ns nt first, entitled to die same intercourse with citizens of oilier _ whlcb-r rruluht added, and gnanatea them (or three r< I am alao prepared to do all klnda or work a bte charges, and. hato recured • tho aerrlcea of anjr years exiHtrledeo to auperlnUnd thla branch. To meet tho wants of a portion of llio community, I State* that they onjoved betyro tbe Insurrection. In other words, in thi s net, ns iu the roaolnUon of thtr same month, the dignity', equality ami righls of such States' (the (nuurrectlflo codctl) were not to lie held in nny reajiect imiwlreU.— have made arranghmenta to rent a linttedmimlwrol chines to re*pona)bl*partt« by th- mnalh.-orthodo who prefer It ran do thatr own aewfug at my Ity or Coheres*, are.nlso iiieonsjntont with (lie a that the pgrtle* lpcluded wltldi) them .are ideal Loaatltutkm, anil they i ''•cm They liavc adopted Constitution* tree from any intrinsic objection, and have agrefid to ‘very stipulation thought by (lie President to 1)0 necessary lor die protection and benefit of all; **““» Uieopiuloaoi dm uudenilgited,' the/are amply sufficlc-nt Why exact, ns a preliminary romlition to reprcucnlutlon, more? What more *» Muuoud' ailvlssl.l,.* not'to be held in Uie luutrc-re*torod to all- riglita ladonglng to them as citizen* A power tirpar- don is a power to re»toro lliuonfcna<sr to flic con dition in which lie wun hefure the (Into of die of fense pnnloned. ; It is now scttiml tlmt n pardon remove* uqt wily Uto pflidshmcnt, bqt nil dicfr- (vol! remove* uot only uio pumsumcni, mu nil uie ie gal djaaliillty eon*e<|ueiit on the erlnm. (7 Bae i wmimaed advisable? . . rust, (lie ritpudiatloii of the rebel dclit; ueound, me denial of *11 ohligntious to pay lor nmmtmll- M alayes; thin), dm inviolability ot our own Itet'l. If those provisions nro deemed necessary 1>e defeated, if theHoudi wcreffi*’ l“«od to defeat them, ire the od f, r T?L , *t 8ir ^'“"entatlvaa. Nothing la more !‘ 1 r ”!» l, l‘ , .Ju the opiuioii of tho upifrulj^flr llioil dwi (lie tiouth would adopt tnrartm-s thecoinmliu-.j connect wilh other eon ■lit on*, which we thliilc the people ot the Soutli * * "ever adopt, Tlit^aroiukod todUfranelilan a numerotm clan* of-lhrir clllzopi, and nlso to **["' Vl dimlnlw their reprcseulalitm In Colt- raaagMPjMaafeg dm* placing d.em on llw Mine W>El ffothig with whltodZn.qTlliSZ" Forres- ,l '* 1 tl,,! 'Idllew may maoorer tlium SsTi*as^ia?ii*>BaSElC am of dm original flute*, so much *o dial their prawlr“b^ 1 ^ But the plan grareto^ of ‘Vs.•'fl'taJfltMr i®! 1 ** mutation, cv would have rejected it. Such n result) It lie * foul bjrit on tbe good nar In Uie present at ate;, of Uie country, Hired suiimj of tlip pcdjilo, 1* hot* llkoly to be WW curtained on tlui suldiki of Unf i mon(, ^lu^lplp^lo.ejwitloj ler't^hei’leougl^wtoeonvootlonaof th# pcopl may MiubudUed to fWW*^***^ «; iklenee, whoso uieniberu wcro Jioretofore elected '»the ebpiraenuun oT»uch' a tncaa- V (•oilH. -pu-ntly !»• adopted, Ihouell the people of tlm .SlnUs dJ»an- this risipcct. - •' ■■■■■. h ■ < • nrr?, ami n nri\ aafgHil 1 If there wure ou other objection* toil.'tvd t hink it most objcctlonobfr./lUiKzn .tlio.-wliolivthere- litre. wheUierregani ^ had tiiWpjture oi^iel ttrm* of thd Coi)stltutlon f or-to tlie legislation or Congroa* during the IniwrecUou, or to the courae, it aiid'privitcgol Htitullomdly ] J UiCNnv Ghiokh, of Kentucky. Uout»- j AnuIikw J. Rooktis, of Nifw Jersey: HK1VINW KEEP a large stock ot these Machines alwayson band, ' ” am InstnuAcd to sell at the Comimuy’s prices, ears, at reasons ‘ a laity of salesroom, fitted '''tjre’Hslesroom On Whitehall etreot, at the old aland of M Li,» M ’ nP ‘"'"i. U UCI1TBNBTAW, Agent. GENERAL IN8URANOEABEN0Y, 'ATLANTA; ofedBOIA.' It. HANCOCK, Agent, tnito Bisks on Uousos, Mnrchandlso. merslly, oo liberal compAniks term*, I Homo lasurauco Company, ,...., Savannah. Huutticrii Insiiranro A Trust Uomiwny ftavsnaab. lloma Insurance Company,Now Uarep. HflfmtflP CWapjUqr, Hartrord. Fiilton PIroand Insurance Comiwny ,.,..N*W.York. EzHIslor Fire Insurance Company.,.:. New York. S HELDON * CONNOR beg leave to Inform their frlonds and the public generally thnt they are now prepared to fill all ordors for School Books, Standard Works, Mltcollaneons Books, Theological Works, Medical Works. Josenlle Books, And almost every variety of Plain and Fancy Stationery. They have, also, a largo stock of ounty Record Books, Memorandum, Copvtnv, and Composition Books. Allof which wo will sell at NEW YORK PRICES. Please call and aw us and oxamlna our Stock. Jcl7—SnnAWcaim s HOIIN EFEIiD, UNDERTAKER, Collins, Mctallc Burial Cases and Caskets, *xt> ansxT ran CRANE, BREED & 00., Cincinnati, Ohio. H AS now » beautiful and complete assortment of Me- tatlc Buriat Cates and Caskets nn hsnd, at prices its, If de to give him a call, for, a* hla arrangements for this par- prepared to fill all orders In his id with greatest dispatch, and •d, with Ilia elegant Hoarse. . call, for, at .... tiqhrh^W, WJ ^ fflft and a rocord of the names . rled around Atlanta been taken, they wilt save both time and money by sending their orders to Him. Dealers and Undertakers will find it to thait intareat Iu examine hie stock before purchasing aleuwbare. Jolt*—ta* NEW ARRIVALS! NEW ARRIVALS I GREAT BARGAINS!! cnstopier* can avntl.themsolves toe my stock before purchasing otaowtiere. Ijnlti-s* Twenty Band Hoop Skirts at |1 Gents' Wax Brogans, nt |l fiUnerpatr. Ladles' Calf Balmorals, at (I 35 per pnl r - may19—#m SEASON TICKETS. Atlputa A(lvetrti«umeUtK. J <*o She Rniltt Jlntefipirt. " 1 ' <JLVQ. KWTLT.. i Ui WMJtU CAUUOVI.,. yj. *m.v. AN0RVW PVMX. MPKANBJPI^ICI Have now In Store aid to Arrive. New Type!! And a good supply of Paper*, Cards, &c. Having expended a large amount of money, to re-fitting tho Book and Job department of this Office, the Proprietor feel*-satisfied that he Is now able to couqietc, successfully, with any like establishment lit tills seciioii' of the country jam) Is prepared to oiler such todupemenUbto.lbejiub- 11c ns they have not hitherto etjoyed; and would sny to nil, old ns well ns new friend*, If you wnnt your Work well done, COSIE TO THE INTELLIGENCER. AVe never foil to give satisfaction. If you want your Work done at living prices, COME TO THE INTELLIGENCER, AVltere you can be accommodated. If you want your work done wilh dispatch, COME TO THE INTELLIGENCER, Where you will not lie disappointed. AVo are prepared to print to the best style: BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, POSTERS, HAND BILLS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, BANK CHECKS, LEGAL BLANKS, PROFESSIONAL CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, AHSITINQ CARDS, WEDDING OARDB, uritiiv” m*i» rraiuiuini*, a, ft w|mi |w*u. Fine Una nf Lndln’ breae Goode nnd Genin' Piece Goods. Lnrge.t nanorUncnt of Ladles' White and Straw Goods In tbe t'Uy, Just received. W. H. BROTH ERTON, Roark,a Comer, Whitehall street. [vn.r.o.n.] W cstshs *xn Atlshtio Riftnoai), ) Ozmcaka.ra^T^vjtjon.l end after, Frtdav, Juno trail, 18M, Season Tickets cntitllogthe holder to pass on all Trains nf Ibis Road for three months from dale of purchase .between be peoenred el tbe terminal points immod on ticket, nuiy ItetwemfAthlnla and Marietta «. Between Atlentn aud Acwortb 4* IU Between Attanta end Certersvlllo fid 0U Betweon Atlentn end Kingston 73 60 end at other stations at proportional rates. tMtiTO* holding CommnUtlou Tickets or this Hoed will be al lowed tho amount'mid for tbe tame. In exchange for the new ticket. JOHN B. PECK, JeH—»w Master TranspotUtlon. joe. I. KINO. ANiwnw L. MM. JOH. Ii KING Sc, SON, gWOfflee at tbe Mora of Salmons, Simmons ACo. oroerWHHatrettagA " “ “~ syau-Om FORCE’S BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, At lb* old Jtolbrook's Hat House, ' 1 WHJTEHAlAj fSTrttenT, ‘ ATLANTA, •vt ? riRonniA. pasMs'oVrSssi FRENCH SCHOOL FORyOHNQ LADIES To Bcgitl.on Monday, 2(1 Jtily.' ‘ 4|d Commission GENERAL Purchasing Agents, (IKOKflIA. uf Cotton amt ether Product* ot the South... WAUKifOUSK WlNSIIIP BLOCK, VRACILTREE 8f. H. H. KENDBICIl Sc, CO, PSALM* IN Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, CDHTAINH, H1IADB8, AND . Fine Houie Fnrnlihing Good*, FRANKLINBVILD1N0, ALABAMA STRKNT, ATLANTA, - * n . . . flEOROIA, To C*piUliita and Brlok Maker*. PROGRAMMES. LETTER HEADS, LABELS, BILLS OF FARE, CATALOGUES, Ac., Ac. Our Bindery U well supplied with all necessa ry materials tor the wont* of the public; aud we are prepared to make aU kind* oFBlank Book*, ruled to any pattern, to the best style, and m cheap as the cheapest' In thl* Hue of ottr busl- ncsB, particularly, we claim superiority, having at the head of thla department one ot the best workmen to thla country—an acknowledged by all. All we ask la an opportunity to oathdjr you ol oqyitbmtytodoalHhttwcpffoto**. 1 MASSEY & HERTY, DRUCCISTS, WjnTRIIAUL btheeIt, Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, ForfMCtrl**, Tolltt ArtiolM, Btatioa*ry, OIGARH. WINJM, IjlQtJOXU* Dyo-Stulh, Paint*, Oil*, Glut, Putty, Ac. Gael DU to*Ump»jM*rtdno^»n4 Tapatre' 011 *1- ^IjrPhyeWen*' preecriptlone rare fully cmponml^Ut INSURANOB AGENCY. jfcl C. B. VELLBO Office on Peeeb-Tre* Etreelf will like rl»k. on jm HOUSES AND MEROHANOIZC. AfAO, MARINE RlfiKH ON COTTON, (foods, la tret-ri AnAother mej*V-fim WlTi¥, CARROli A CO., WHOLEflALI} DBALERB IN - GROCERIES 4 WESTERN PRODUCE, Oolller'e Bnlldlitg; WhUehill Blreef; . ATLANTA, GEORGIA, lOOOtt MCk« Hiojfe JVhlle and Yellow Corn, 30QU aaebegennlno Ut Charles White Breed Corn, lOOO bareela Wmr-all grader,' SOU aaekn Rye In seamless bags, - • fi«) sacks Missouri While Oat*', 0 raak* choice Clear Bacon Slgce. Sngs'r, —AL30- Coffee, Lard, Uhnuldera,. flame. apr(—Dm ilrcjikfnet Bacon, Ac. Ac Ac HARDWARE! J. M. & J. C. ALEXANDER, Foreign and Domestic Hardware, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, IRON AND STEEL, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, B EG to call theatteutlon of the cltlzena of Atlanta and vicinity to their large nnd complete ataortment of - y. 5i a - — - r - - - - - - le ataorun- Hardware and Building Material, iron an* Steel, which they are offering to purchasers at reduoed prices. Ami the stock will be found the following articles; 15000 lba Iron, assorted sizes, Swede and American 100U !h* Cast Steel, assorted sites, ronnd, sqnarc and octagon; 1000 lba German Steel, 1000 lb* Blister,Steel, 2500 lbs Spring Steel, 8000 lbs I'ig Head, 800 lbs Block Tin, 35 colls Manilla Rope, 75 Plows, 100 gross Table and Tea Spoons, 30 grots Knives and tofforks, CO dot Fry Pans,. . Crowbars, Hatchets, Hammers, Carpenters’ Tools, Safety Fuse, Pore. Ovens, Spiders, Wagon Boxes, House nnd Stock Bells, ■ Beltlngand Rivets, Gum Packing, 700 pairs Ilamcs, 500 pairs Trace Chains, 30 doz Ames' Sboycls and Spadus, 100 doz Padlocks, 100 dot Knob Is***. . n 40 Anvil! nod-Vlaoe, 60 do« Axes, oo kegs Horsoand Male Shoes, » _ 50 sets Axles—assorted, do dun Coffee Mills, ' Having direct cmnniuncatlon with Minmfiiclnrcra, both a( tbc-Ndrlli nnd in England, we are prepared to procure any articles In our line hir^nur patrons at short notice. for a small uffvance upon first rost. Tbe public nre respectfully Invited to call and examine for themselves. *prl0-8m - J M. A .1 C. ALEXA.VDKR. Blancbard'e Metropolitan Bnfkling. Herring's old Stand; Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ua. CARL F. BARTH, SOLE AGENT FOB wrifeai Dally,per month.,...* Daily, twelve month!.. , Weekly, slxmonths. - Weekly, One year Mingle copies at tliffcountcr.... ........ ■ Mingle coplea to News Boys and Agcnls. •-i hates og Alivrimenio. or lea*, for the first InserUon J‘*g,ootn8 8 3 3838888 3 •- » * S 8 & S 3 8 3 S •Pfiaouiz 8-823888888 B H 8 » B P'S § "I 8 8 8 & 88 S 8 S -A* ‘ 2 *- ■••earn*! 8 8 8 .8 8 $ j • V "•STB: \ \ ■munis '■'% 8 8-8 8-8 :■ : ^ n n n 5i : A ; -semi,9 "f~3 8 3 8 8 : : : • j \ B 8 8 3 3 8 : i t ‘ -' ’ * « -as; g a R ; \ i •t.-,m|t£ 8 8 8 ! ! : : ZlSflWt*..JpA '|: \ ii •romil & 8 8 -8 8.-3., 8 7W- ; . ,w» ¥>, -rti-O tf O I * ¥> • dw y i? •ount I li'iiriJTTi -aurabg i rtu'% CCS, so rents per line first Insertion, and 1 Ur ordered to remain on any particular money foradvcrUilng considered dqe aflev first JARED HtWTX Wttfc’AKBtt.C ' ' Proprietor. RAILROAD GUIDE Georgia Railroad.. - v COKtf, fiuprrinOmdenP. * oar raaaxxbea tjui.'i. JW Leave Atlanta ....IS:.1-, a. m Arrive at Angus Ut.... ,..»...,7 .ti.iio P. M Leave Aogosta. —TOO A. M Arrive’atAtlanta 0^5^ap trtonr paaignoxa riuCur. *■ Leave Atlaata... Arrive at Leave Angnata.. Arrivoat Atlanta P.M * ...V..6.30 A. M Atlanta Ac H r «st«l*olnt HaUroid. GEOKGE G. IIULL, BuperttoUftiUnl. ..«.« ;/ !t»^,Vsa.^.ej|(a^!jy)fl, ...711145 Leave Atlanta....... Arrive at West-Point Leave Weat-Polnt. Arrive at Atlanta.-... : iv. {.03 P. To take cflVct ou and after September 3*. 3835. f. lffonlgomcry A Weat-Polnt Rallrert. DANIHL U. GRAM, BuprrlnUmUhl. Leave Wdai-EShlt..;....i~ I BP. Arrive at Coltunbhs ; MSP.' Arriveat Monronmerv.....,;.v Leave Monlgoi Leave ColsmbbL.'. Arrive nt West-Point.... To take effect Seplcmfc •* 1 at Montgomery. «.1tr,l S,:n,;;/ y t%i:l Leave Macoff: Arrive Leave Macon tc Western Railroad. AJ. WALKE^Affwrinfirefen.'; \ w£ Tvunasvtnrun. ' Macoffafug p yJg,’?: 7.S1I A. M at Atlanta 1.57 P.-M Leave Allants ; e ssA.Jl Arrive at.Macon - ■'■. l.ffiP.M Wee tern Ac Atlantic Railroad. “ CAMPBELL WALLACE, Superbitmdmt. >- . Konwroir/ooojnxoiuTiom Lceye AfflOW 7 3.15P. SI Arrive asTSitgston 8.06 P. SI Leave Atlanta:; Arrive at ChatU Leave BRADLEY’S WM. KNABE & CO., hUNUTAomamf of First Premium, Gold Hedal, Grand, Square J^jSJliPRIBHT PIANOS, BALTIMORE, - 1 MARYLAND, EACH HOOP BEING COSIPOSED OP Two Perfectly Tempered Single Swings fllUESK Instruments haring boon before tbe pabllc for J. the past thirty years, have, upon Ihclr excellence alone, stunned nn rnr-K)nxrac* that pro- nonneo* them nneqnalsd. Their -TONE combines great |Mnrer, richness, sweetness, and fine ring ing quality, a* welt sa great purity of Intonation and har moniousness throughout the entire scale. Their TOUCH .. ,„lant and claatlc, and is entirely free from thoetiffriess fonnd In so many Pianos, which causes tbe performer to so easily tire. In - - WORKMANSHIP they cannot bo excelled. Their action la constructed with * care and attenUon to every Mr! therein that char acterize* the flnhst mechanism. None hut the beat sea soned material la nsod In their manufacture, and they will accept the hard usage* of the eonoert-room with that of the parlor upon an eqiutUiy—unaffected in their melody; inlkct, they are constructed . NOT FOR A YKAR—BUT FOBEVER." All oar Square Plano* have onr new improved Grand rale end the Agraffe Treble. , Every Plano fully warranted for FIVE YEARS. Warereoma: 850 West Baltimore street, Baltimore. CAUL F. llAHTIf, At Atltnte, Georgia, la sole Aganfifor the above Punot, variety Of these fkvorite Southern Instruments can always he found at hi always he found at hla show Room on » hitebail street, lw~ Also Agent for the tale of tho celebmtvd llanos of Mochbeler A Schmidt, New York, JWTho highest price paid for old Pianos when ex- tanged frir View one*. Good eerand-hand Pianos for jud* or hire. tWPlauo Forte* Tuuod and’Mepalred. and arrange- meots for Tailing by tho ycdr made at rixloctal prices. Mo, F W. WALTER, the e Xpert cored Tuner aud Pi- ano ■war, I* again *MU>ecXrd with this establishment. Wanled to purchase several old, worn-out, ur broken Plano*. All orders should be seal to CARL P. BARTH, at Davtt Mayer's old ribnd on Whitehall vtreet, Atlanta, - —h tho Wheelr mayKWjm Georgia. Up-slalrv, In the same house with tho Wheeler » Wilson Mewing Machine*. ATLANTA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Comer Whitehall and Marietta street*, OPEN DAY AND NIGHT, STUDENTS admitted at any time 1' ND wnrreeelvo,-from corn] ^ it #ra«tJ«l Instruct athprongbconnwof praellral lnstrerUons, In Ary, In *11 tt* departments amt Penmanship, (tommurelnl Cal- aorelaLUw. -tuilents, fib per mouth; Night Stn- lrn.v.ejt-1 B,,, IOEi ICm» ICE! ICE! ICE,!'* ONE THOUSAND TONS •raw' ^ Lake Kingsi>t>n Ice FOIttiALE, A Told stand, (butting railroad, near Whllebs iV by therarload, wjn any qnautlly to salt pw Ratall price Four t>n|a per ponnri. diwcUl rare may**—Im IIKLMHtlUI'X RVTItAOT BUCIIV. Iflmton/AraifJ "Wo do not like re advents.' worthkna ware*.or aril vies,1 lodr.-.-i.e our raaflros;and whan wn tt* advertiser like Mr. lleimbnkL w h»m w» have known TOP regard to Braided tightly together, edge to edge, forming one Hoop, and making tho Strongest and most Flexible, theR^)fi|«t and moat . t Durable Spring made. Thev will not Bend or Break llkethe alngW 'spring!, bot a wlll alwayt preserve their PERFECT ANOj BEAUTIFUL SHAPE nf ALL CROWDED AS8ESIBLAGE8* CHURCHES,v THEATRES- RAILROAD CARS, FOR PROSIENADE, OR HOUSE DRESS. In fact, they are superior to all other*, combining INQUIRE FOR brajdSey's DUPLEX ELLIPTIC DOUBLE SPRING SKIRT. For sale In Atlanta by ' Mxsa'n. TALLEY, BROWN A CO.. WOTT. PARSONS A FREEMAN, Tho New Patented Empress Trail 1866 FOIL 1866. 1866 i Comfort, Economy, Li£btness HnraTility Tor tale everywhere. Manufactured cxriurively by U* sola owneva or the Patent, WESTS, BRADLBT A CARY, No. 07 ChamVev* W and ti Reside sta., N. York And tU other Merchants who tell Ptrat-Ctea* Skirt* In thla elly and Ihronghoat lb* Southern State*. la now all the rag* In New York, London, Paris and throughout Europe.' t.ADlESI be «*re that J. W. HHADLRY'S name I* rinted onevery Skirt Band. All others are .putlons, ‘ttiiS'KWl Taliw Brown SCO- JeyfonSiwnh\ jW% lUtrafoerion; n.l:iS m? Bathing is Indispcn&ablo to Good Health. OAVAN wonW respect folly " ■ XI