The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, October 05, 1866, Image 1

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ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Friday Morning, Oat- 8, 1800. YOL. ,l>tt Us- Fitoi tub Plains,—A dispatch ol tho 2d iAstant slides that live Supcrintendout of Indian tiliiiwfor Arizona reports that a train was at-: (newel near Prescott, in August last, by a party of one hundred and fifty fmllnns. One white man tv«s billet! and one wounded. Thlrty-thrco Indians had been killed. Another dispatch, from ForlLamaric, Oct. 2d, , ^ ^nd of 15 Indiana Mole a herd of cat- ito near this place on tho 30th. They were pur sued by Lieutenants* Bringham and Stonnlng, with a i>arty who repulsed them, killing all, but' four, ami recovered ’the stock. Dm Not Mekt.—Last Monday was the. time; for the meeting of the United States Circuit flourt at Richmond. A dispatch Iron* that city nays neither the judgonor any of the ofliteraofiho courtitad arrived, and that probably no stssion wiuld be held until November. if* ••>•* The Evacuation of Sonora.—A San Fran cisco dispatch asserts that Maximilian sent an order countermanding the evacuation of Sonora. ThO;Frcnch Admiral having embarked all of his # HEADQUARTERS.—TllO official vote of the election hold in Davidson county, Temjesse, last Saturday, for members to the Legislature, is as foUpws: For Brien, Conserva tive, 1888; Dickey, Brownlow Radical, 523. |&-j jority for Conservative, only 1360. jgKjnostj amiable Excellency ought to feel vastly complhj mented for such a result right under his nasty! nose. . t ,- ... , Death of Ex-Gov! Moorrhead.—The Lou isville papers of Tuesday confirm the report of the death of ex-Govemor Moorehead, of Ken tucky. j ' The Courier of tlie.same date also announces’ the death of Hon. Henry 0. Bennett. He died of cholera on Saturday last Tfie deceased was 1 one of the Senators from Kentucky In the Con federate Congress.:„ '/ Cholera.—This disease has made its appear-, ance at Hopkinsville, Kentucky, and a number of deaths have occurred/ ||§L Brownlow a* CmpAOo.-—Instead of being dead, as was maliciously reported a few days' ago, the inevitable and eternal Brownlovv.was at! Chicago on the first, ns large as life and i^ice as ugly. The following from Chicago contains the latest information froth the feenajferie: The mass meeting at Lake Park this forenoon was largely attended by Southern loyalists and colored soldiers. The procession was composed of detachments .of veterans with frags formerly carried in their reglm'ents. Five stands were erected in the Park and speeches made by Gov-! ernor Oglesby and other distinguished gentle men. There is to be a torchiiglht procession to-j nIg , ht ' ■ ♦ -a The Cholera in Tennessee.—The Nash ville Press <6 Times publishes a statement of "the; number of deaths from cholera at Shelbyyille,! Tennessee, where tho disease-lias- recently made its appearance in a most virnlerit 'Form.' That| town was terribly, scourged with tho satph epi demic some years ngo. The Nashville" paper says among tbe victims are some of 'the oldest .and most prominent citizens.. It adds-. The excitement among the people of the town is voiy great, and it la thought that at least two- ' thirds of the inhabitants-•litmi lelt tno place.-^. They lied in great trepidation and arc scattered' through the country'; many of them being in the vicinity ot Tullahoma, where they are. staying as best they can, a large proportion living in. tents. A person who was there says that he,saw one wagon drive out of town with .fifteen chil-‘ dren upon it, while the older persons were tbl-; lowing on foot. TnE Producers’ Bank.—A dispatch from Chicago says of the issues of this institution: Intelligence from Springfield states that notes, amounting to $5,000, on the Producers’ Bank; Of' this city, which recently failed, had been received at the State Auditor's office for redemption. Thej issues of the bank are at par and will bo redeem ed in due time. All persons holding these notes: can receive their par value by Betiding them to: the State Auditor’s office at Springfield. A Fento-MexlcoSensation. -'' The following is floating round loose A dispatch from New York announces, rela tive to Fenian movements, that “important ne gotiations are pending which, when published, will astonish the brotherhood.” -The subject of; these negotiations may bo inferred from tlie;8tato mcat that the plenipotentiaries on one side arc'; Stephens and Roberts, the .great Fenian head centers, and on the other side Gen". Santa Anna, the great Mexican head center. Santo Anna, having purchased and equipped three vessels of war, Is about to commencehis long-intended movement against tho imperial usutpere in Mexico.. In this enterprise he .invites; the Fenians to join him. Ho proposes to them' to erect in the land of the Aztecs the Irish repub lic which they lately attempted to erect in the land of the “ Kauucksto establish in the halls of the Montezumas the capital which was recently located at Union Square.. This propo sition, it would appear, the Fenian head t are about to accept. If the acceptance of Head debtor Santa An na’s proposal will astonish tho Fenians, what will be its effect upon our trembling neighbors in Canada ? To find themselves thus suddenly relieved from the awful f state of suspense they have endured so long, will, it is to be feared, en- M" ' th a surplus of joy. Tkfl Proponed CnnMIliiUonil Alueu#* ■non). LETTER FROM OOV. SltAHKEY. [J!Tom tho Jackson, Miss. 1 ; Clarion,] : | , Washington Curv, Sept. -i7, 1866. ‘ 1 His Kecelkncy B. O. Humphreys, Goier'npr of EAR that our session on tlio loth ol' October. Tho proposed amendment to tho Constitution of tho United! States ns a 14th article, may possibly he sub mitted to the Legislature for its adoption or rc-. jection, and ns our Stntelms had no opportunity of being heard through her ieprosontntlve«'-<m! this interesting subject, and ns ftltb - pebble of the State have a right to kt\o\v the,'opinions of their representnlives on a question no vitally important, I adopt this method, the only one' loit ine, of giving very briefly the outline of |,l)o, opinions which “I cutertain, in regard , t proposed amendment. No doubt. tbe good sense of the Legislature will guide that body to! a correct conclusion, buftfie Interest ; T feel fer tlie welfare nnd dignity of tho Slate, demand that I should not remain silent when both are so deeply involved. ' ; In the first place, I do not believe the amend ment was recommended i>y;:t,wo-thh'ds':of the ATLANTA, GA„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1866.: Atlanta AdvertUementN. PAILL 7 AND WINTER hit Mg xttUdntq hi ) ,pilaw DRY cx)t h 1 1 mU 1 o oox> *-*M<>l»-Wl»t Ylja ll it.—.', ll Fr ad ■Jill Vdpi n ItK.TjV/'. nil 'j i.ltim/d const! tu- .JttWr consists of, lople of'thb rievfeibl '■‘ ■ Of, two Senators, tin 1 ench State.’ very clear.tliat a body so composed, or in other words; where a Adorable number Of the Statcsere excluded Congress of fito Ilnttou - ‘t/f* mombers chosen “by the States,” and the Sennto cons! from ench State.’ not so COnsidl inrarrrTTiinni from representation in botli branches, is not the Congress of the United States. As well might any body of usurpers nssmblc amt claim to be the Congress of the United States. Each Stato has a right to know that all claiming to bo members possess the constitutional requisites. Mississippi does not aud cannot know that tho members who recommended..this amendment, were constitutional members of Congress.— ity of members who assumed to be tlte Cougross. If a majority may thus exclude States from representation, it fs easy to perceive that it may go on in the work of declaring! Stales'disloyal, and in the exclusion of minorities, until Con-; excluded. For instance, New York and Penn sylvania may so marmge' as to CE)ntrol.a niqjbrify, apd begin by excluding first ono small State and then another and so on, until all the legislative power of the nation jaaurpqd and controlled MRRwfraOraSfePfSr When .the Southern States adopted the amend ment abolishing salvery, the state of things was very different; they had not elected or sent members to the Congress , whioh recommended that amendment. Hut.vvhenf/its .afnend>n(enl " lembers who was proposed, they lut'd elected meml appeared at tho proper-time and demanded to be admitted, but were rejected. We are not, there fore, to be told that we have recognized this as a constitutional Congress. . , , But/again: ,The'President. lart of the Legislative Department, and tlie Constitution declares that “Every order, resolu tion or vote to .which the concurrenco of Senate vote is required oii amendments proposed • su'd resolution is not a complete legislative act-until so presented; In no other way, except, through the President, can such resolution be communi cated to the States. As.tlie.proposed amendment was not submitted to the Presideht', if does not amount to a recommendation. lt-is A hiiifit/7 Hut let us’look for a moment at 'the provisions of the proposed amendment. Bjl I . .. . United States, and of tlie State wherein tliey re side.” 'It (hen proceeds to prohibit the States from making or enforcing any law “which shall abridge the privileges of lmmitnitiesfe’f'ifflieiis." It does not say what are ‘privilegesWl’nimiiui- ties: that is left for tliq next, Congress! to! provide in virtue of the last section; which declares "that. iv nna uongress. conterring “pi immunities” on one class, to the exclusion, of an other class'; or we may find Congress assuming absolute control , over nil tho . people of a State "" fir dpiuesfio concerus, aud this Virtually ies the. State. Perhaps any State that.hits so- little seif-respect as to- adopt tlie aifieudhicnt, deserve*no be.tfm fate. . . -.- r The second section, ,if.fey construction .of it be right, would probably cxoltidc our State from! fepreseutatioh iu Congress, l as;,^;;sltppqad,'’' :, ■'' numhe'r of male negroes over twenty-one, to nearly equal to-the number of white males. It YntawiA.—The Richmond; Vo., Times says It is useless to deny the fact that in Richmond, 1 as in other Southern cities, thefeonetary pressure • h greater now than it was in September, 18AT There are a multitude of banks in our midst, palatial structures have arisen upon'the ruins of the burnt district; but the indications of a pros- ol money in ail the departments of trade, com merce and labor are londor than it, was.a few. weeks niter the fall ot Ricfimoiid. Tlie.tohaceo crop is said to bp an average oho, but in copse- quenco of, protracted ,dfpnr t4 A 1 — ' cultivation, tlte corn crop of certain portions of flio Ynll .., than was anticipated. In '.this city' tents'havo ■alien, in many instances, a ■ hundred per cent, since 1805, anti,<wben real estate is sold without reserve, very groat bargains are obtained, to tho lucky fewAvlio havo money to invest. Radioal Curr for Drunkenness —the traBinflE! llis wifu! “Cn Suuday morning last, Ur. C. M. Bweat, of Kcnncbunk, died from tho citects of morpliino, administered by his wife.— the doctor, until within a-few years, lias always sustained u good character, but iu that time he as taken to drinking, and-on Sunday morning ho liad a bottle of whisky hid in'the hay In his . j™rn, which ho had visited two or three times ecrore the family wore up. His. wife sent a llttlo girl to find tlie bottle, which she fonml nnd hand ed to Mrs. 8weaf; when sho poured some- pow- l .?!i nt0 tho bottlo, nnd after slinking it sent tlie Mri to. replace it in the liny. Sliortly after, tlio doctor went to tlio born for a few moments, and m?i n ’ ft ^ ur which lie helped his wife about iContftr WWte^all and Hunter ; Street!. ATLANTA/-.oa;, Talced IV'ie'uiiS' and tbiiViittlc aifl ni biifmiat ;^nerallj,tl«atlio;iS'.ewn»..i' ,n> • NOW frEENING '” 1 ,*uUMAVa« l olRlS'-MI ia-O* i'aoll nuinU HU , x r,rioil Moat Extonalve and- Best Assorted sSroCKS OF GOODS Eror.brought torthis,Market, which has been purchased for Cash, and wIU fie sold l'or Cash, , AT UNPBECEDBNXLT LOW PRICES] Atlanta AdvertisemeiitSi by cxamtnfng .—uW hy competent Salosmcin who thorougtlly'uiide^ stand thelr bitstness; K In. addition to tho largo amount of Goods already on hand,jind now being received, HE,WILL RECEIVE WEEKLY, the Hlout Deal ruble Styles of all classes of Goods In nmrkpt. The motto of-thls.Establlshroont will be QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS I ‘ One GPa^ioe Only ! TJm.aboro polo wUl be strictly adhered to,.and.the prices of all Gnods will be marked down to the least pob- siblo advance on'tmporWrs’innd' mannfuttnre'rs’ prices; sonably ns the closest Judge. Tbd advantage of auch a system of business must no ovidont to everybody, ns It .-j— ....... _i . top high for anything. lnntion, discover that •at this House than they <«<•««' tn«m nnwn irnm nnvnr r*—-■- otttis.- Amongst this Choice fpjmd.. ; . . . THE FOLLOWING .GOODS, . VIZ:. - hack and Fanpy Silks, !, . ! ’ tJhoUlil&oloV&’ih'Ffe&ch'Meririos, 11 ni ito .Chytde’Colbrs'inHmpressOloths, b >T ..vetjni -... French and.Irish-Pop, xaa. - • i,i ... Cilfqsvo . Blackund^anpy Att-Wpol Delataea, Black nnd White All-Wool PiaOlft , ,,, Black nnd White Mohair Plaids, .. La Cheno,.(Dross Goods,) '..j- ,j,) ,e,,i r ArraeuraanaALfludrs, •unit A jBEAUTIFUL; LINE OF CLOAKS 01 tho Fluost Qualities and Most Dostrable Styles. -ALSO- , 1 .Shawls,. Scarfs,, and ; Nublae; flue IrliiHli«ie«;'Napktiib,‘Doyles, -bSifninsfr 1 Itin^ed iWols,' Hiick 'dpd' Conntry Merchai 'they J lit 1MMIM—HHPUPPMIBMI Pillow Casing; Ne’w’KpPSffflSr tonsHaTo,’ and all other fa- vorlfo brands of Blcached'ihd'Brown shlrtlnge} i'tjfliit- tftd ililo of Prints of hit styles and qnalltlet, flnb All- Woel Plannelkfn White 1 , Bed, Gray, and Fancy; Shatter Flanndls,'Canton Flannels, Ltnseys'; 10, 11, and 12-4 Ribbon-Bound English •to.-AJIrWoolDlankate:White,Brown,* . i -Gray Frendhj English; and Amort-' can; Casslmereseand-Cloths, ' <1 kontucky Jeans; Saiinels' anil Twedes. Baimo'raf and Hobp 1 Skirts, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs; Embroideries,, Gloves, Veils, and a-firtbUno of Tanked Notions ; Ladies' Kid, Calf, Morocco, and Cloth Gaiters; Gent's Eid, Pa tent Leather,•‘and CaifTfroo'tsisToiees k)f.'Bre'gTlns, and: heavy,; oktm.sired Gaiters. ■ i„, r , . aep2&-3m long in making The third section provides’thatiio'p'oVsolishail hold any office who may- have'"heretofore; taken an oath to support the Constitution^ .the United States, arid-who aiteyyviivds engaged, in! the rehellion, or who gave aid and comfort to t hosSe! who did engage ini it. This is a sweeping 1 act' of disfranchisement, which wofild embrace, per haps, a minority of our citizens ; fdi-there rife! probably few who have not, in some way hr other, taken an oath to support the Cynstitutiot;. Even those who opposed secession, and engag ed in the war only under coinpUlsiotr,! avOUld be/ embraced by this provision,/'as tyeR'as'tli'e' —— - - * l - l «^dief,;afeeal!s 1 ' also '.those man who had given,to a hungry ..soldi victuals or a piece of bread; and who, in charity, had given an aftiCle of clothing to a suffering friend or relative in—> Such a ^rowfen., wqt(ld. be, so > contl•ary^t^.‘ , •" Southern States, that it cannot be supposed that those' Who proposed it could-have./entertained hope that it would be accept'd,/ : Thpy i 'pnght' have known, too, that subh a provision was ci enlnted to endanger the existence of thaGovern- ment,' as revolutions may filWays be expected,' sooner or later, from acts which disfranchise,the enfranchised class, If the pcople cannol ’ ' unworthy or undeserving men frdqffpp,. instrumentality of tho bnllol-box, them-ithey'Iroj unfit tor self-government, and the sooner they abandon the experiment the,better. * „ I need say nothing of the fourth sectiouj-but; the fifth is the Trojan horse abounding-'in mis chief. It provides that ,“Congeeqa'<d«vye power to enforce, by appropriato Icgi^latiou.y' provisions..of thisferttole/t which may h6 ci strued to authorize COngrcss tq dp/vyhqteVel may desire to do- -Under this sain'd provlsli . attnehed to the emancipation amendment,-you have the Civil Rights bill and tjie,Ergqdm‘'"’“‘ Bureau bill. It was eppstrued fe^lho Be just os I admonished many members of , the gislature it would he, to authorize - those; odious measures.. We should profit by thO-experibiriCe it has fttrnlshcd us. Imi in sup , mont, but have deemed it sufficient _ to express my own opinions, and to leave ..... subject for tlio reflection of all who may feel an interest in it.. I will.only add tlmt should this amendment become part of the Constitution, wo shall have a very different Government from-that which we inherited from our ancestors. Vdfy respectfully, ypur. obedient serrent ;< NEW ARRIVAL! ioifH M. WHITE. . . u! vr. yr'niTK, , „ J. H.' • WSlTE a ” euiwo :»U .titi ' i -Ti ir.l'teltJi-i *> .!,«• l-i 'Are-now OpenlaR on Wkltehhll-. Street, ni- I*> feiiiUl! l.-M .flJ-1-J 1911 ATLANTA, GEORGIA, . In tlio Now Building erected by Mf. J 0. t)riv1s;opi)i>slto .riovijif)’/roll :it,M.Clarke's:Building, r, ■ •: i'__ , it nob ii rAnitl’j vfiiofthus ii* - tr nu-J i -if A Sttperior Stock of Staple ,--l;iL,IC! - J ..ill i"jlTl 1 ik.i-nl 1- JrM..nir, ■Which-thoy reniicctfiilly Invite thecitlseus of Atlanta, and; >1 snrronndlng country to call and examine, as . H -T - .they flatter-.themselves thSt lU :> •’.> THEIR GOODS CANNOT BE 8URPA8SEbI ten V- i'.l; - .-1 :v ■: .!t'm wmW- url V . In this or any other market South-for Chenpueas In Prlco or Elegance of Style. They would E sp eoiaUy Iitivit^:,the, : L : %die ! s To call and oxumtno tholr Stock, as they, can please the most fastidious.. Their Clerks are polite and accommo dating, nqd will take great ploasuro in showIng.Goods. THEY ARE ALSO RECEIVING, And intend keeping constantly on hand, a Large nnd Se- ‘ . 'lectAssOrtmeritof Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, Which they Will sett'Cheap: --.Give them a trial, and sat- lsty yonrselves that ’ . J. H. WHITE fit. CO.’S the Pldee to Buy your Qoofle/Jg| BOpl8-.8m -■ , , cm. o: a. riowihr. ados n)x, . Late with Edwatxl Wilder * Co, ru'd! If Louisville, Ky. RED WINE & FOX, ombfe liinori^ Vylft if Mi ! iifeyiih 1 Mu ,Meiips lv ou MW -Wiltif UU Klifwlc'ij 10 * itUni H fllil ! mn i!,v 111 /; -«9dt Slid ,,h '.i.'fwifthtiiMi hiu; -itf yinn j Paints,-Oils,’Varrilsh'ea,. -..t nov> j.m] 'A'iL 1 kiiibs OF FA'TJsirn>"EtBDifciljSs. i t - • . . .- .) Ifc J ’’ Wtll'tep constantly oii handa’Pttrd Arltctoof - . icri',. tfeifkr //.-I itaifist IUn ■run J'Ulriutsiij tn.j ’iVIlisklKM, BKANmiES AN» \ViNES ' ft - Bins&eli m ttiifllJffl WrlK-isavJ vLiinm'i u For Meiitfcal'purposes;'' AlVq,a complete stock of -1 i sstriti 1 l ■ dttl i t . ).. i Dfu(--gistfs’ Fancy . Goods. In connection with onr Drug Store, wo arc lUtluK up THE FINEST PRESCRIPTION STAND In the Southuvn country, where PUyslclaninnay roly upon having • their- Prescriptions caretUUy compounded pf PURE Medicines AT ALL HOURS, Night or Day. , FOR SALE.. A Full Set of Druggist’s Furniture. ssp27—8m , TOUNO, OARnETT. LriviM .{-W* ,>-tiv.:t..’)-- ,/rtr COMMISSIONMERCHANTS, s woiSoY-to».y ■' GM O C'E B'S,' Prpdtieiei, TKES ATLANTA! UMIRfi* BOttiMMlii Clp| H AVING : completed 1 fhelr oxtfenslvh Foundry! rind Rreparod to dp alt.Jflnda pt . Casting and Mill Work Vi -nil Urn! him ■'» ,-7 In the Best-Style arid at Shortest Notice, And at prices tiiat will .compare favorably wlth those of : NorthernManuthct'nrers, ' . . fHEY NOW OFFER Ml* S/U.E, . ' . AND AllT! PREPAUBD TO PAL OnDEHS tOVr- 'Railroad SpikcB olid - Chairs, Bridge BoltB of all sizes, Nall, Rod and Horso Shoo bon, Hoop Iron for Cotton Ties, cut tp any desired length, . ' - ' Bar Iron, Romid, Sguare, Oval, Or , Flat Bar Iron, from If to 2-inch, on hand and toUcdtoprder- - X , ■ r:: f!. - nr-TavKii. .. --/fA 'ov’"" . FODNBRY aii'MACUlIB DEPWKBKt Thoy aro prepared to execute all orders for Casting’s aintd. idjf»qiiin© EUBBAOIMO! Railroad CaV Wheols, . , - Boxes add Pedestals, Mill Gearing of aU descriptions, Iron Fronts and Verandahs for Bnfldings, ,1 Hugar MUls and Kettles of all sizes, Otrqular, Mulay, and Sash Saw Mills. Thoywonld respectfully call the attention, of Railroad ^otnpsntes, Merchants, and the trade gbhentlfr, to their facilities for snpplylng the articles they mhnufscttftei The Company pledge themselves that they will AU a orders on as favorable. terms as the .same article can ho —oenred from Northern .manufactories; and while they ikno premium fora Hontttem' enterprise; they would: respectfully solicit the patronage of all who Wish, to ecu'. Southern manufactories sustained, and her-resources de- -“''■""d, ., sej)14—8w AB orders left .at, orjaddieseed ^to/ the. - GEORGIA- ltf/o.1 -nil to ll ATLANTA, - JMItSdi’- 1 ft! fittfl! It ' INDIA BAGGING.' g^ BAIflS^JA^^Qpjma.ForimlVW,,'-. ' ' - GARRETT * BROTHER, Scofield Pnlldtng, JVhltehalb^treet. _ llivt I)UP6l4T^9«WDER. -“/ S fl KEGS i DUPONT’s' l RIFLE pdWDER. For sale ^ V ; at reduced rates, »g AnRETT & BK0THBR ,.' Scofield's Building, Whitehall Street. 0 1000 pounds Castings, *•>< > -1000 phnnds Tire Iron, - 20 boxes 8 by 10 Window Glass, 10 dozen Cotton Cards, -Ateorted . . . AltRETT * BROTHER, • Scoflold Bnildlng, Whitehall Street. IliOV’tUt A. J. onxE, v . B.VAimAH. OEMS & FARRAR, wholesale obooers ' ' and . ’ j. 1 '! Commission Miercfrarits, ■'Ahd'vffrlous'ofhcrai 1'E-tCItEH’S XXXX FLOUR. ftBjgpff 100 BARRELS OF PEAOHER’S XXXX, Tho moat popular brand and best Flour, over sold In this city. ALSO, TO ARRIVE THIS WEEK: 200 sacks Liverpool Salt, 100 coila Bale Rope, And many oSofgpmlsln onr lino; All of which will be soldatlowest current ratee^^ 4BRoT " - Scofield's Bnildlng, Whitehall Street. . making tho flro, aud then went and sat clown on til .a? whore ho soon fell asleep, novel- to wnko. ao? ,) v,re > after finding tlmt lie could not ho awidtenod, took a largo doso of morphine for the Pttfposo of killing horscif, but wm discovered in st« i D i to J )rovul ' 1 'Icatli. Mrs. Sweat, wo under- l lttl l given iter husband morphine two or shin 0 i lc , 5 Previously, whioh had mado him tkL K I . , t was tor tlmt purpose that site Bays tirm i. i c wns intended. Tim .case will be term?’ “iforo tko grand jury at tlio present The Hollow Horn.—At tlio season of the 1when wo may expect this disease to make r», tt PP, clll ' at 'C0 among tlie liorncd trllm, -wo would v. , tllL ‘ ir owners, tlmt by ftouring a tea- „ " G u .°f tho spirits of turpontiao in tho cup r cavity In tho back of tlm head of the cattle, uiey may save litem -from the effects of this al ways unpleasant arid often fatal disease. Baltimore thieves and rowdies have gi olfe *1 so troublesome lately that tho chief of police has issued an order for tho nrrest ot all persons hav ing no visiblo means of Bppport. idoned tho legit-- .trail.was there, my countrymen.’’ 1’nE President has given a most emphatic an swer to a set of Now York polillclans-who havo been endeavoring to get collector Hmytho re moved, by declaring lie will not touch him to please anyone. .. :':;rav Santa Anna claims to bo the true libe rator of Mexico, and asserts tlmt',lie has fils- patched a force of 2,600 men thither to operate against Maximilian. This, ho says, is only the advance guard of a larger body Boon to go under his directions on a similar mission. 1'Ion. JonN L. Helm is spoken of as the next Governor of Kentucky. NATIONAL HORSE INSURANCE'COMP'Y, Offloo. United, States Hotel-Block, LOUISVILLE ' KENTUCKY, L1 ’ Capital, £CO,OOOf JN^yBES HORSES & MyLEB Against Lo» by Then and Death. Rates Established by tbe Experience of a Century In England. J. F .SHOCKENY, PresIdenU..jjkWEYi'Sbcretsry, OIDco Stato Agency at Atlanta. . Traveling and Local Agents wanted. Liberal inducements offenSl. AddroBB sop25—lm Care Editor Intelligencer?Atlanta. Enfeebled and Delioate Constitutions, O F both Boxes, use IIKLMBOLD’B EXTRACT BU CUU. It will give brisk and eucrgetlc'reelings and enable yon to sleep well. JylT Southern Mutual Life Insurance Co. OOP KtaNTUjCKY. J. LAURENCE SMITH.President. J. H. L1NDBNBERGER Vico Preside L. T. TncsTntr Secretary. Capital, . #80 0,000. ORARTER PEBPKTU AT*. tar“Stockholdom, Officers, and Directors all citizens of Kentucky, offering in its plans the greatest advantages to the assured RarnaxHoxs.-Atlanta: Clayton, Adair * Parse; Pratte, Edwards * Co. Louisville: H. D. Newcomb, Esq,; War ren, Mitchell * Co. aag80~2m Marietta Street, ATLANTA, . mayU-o . GEORGIA, m BOYS' CLOTHING ADE UP IN THE LATEST STYLES, for Fall, and Wlntor wear. ^“-3 WbttehaU etreet,-Atlanta, Ga. FA8HIONABLE R eady-made clothing. ,i Gqnt’eFurnishing,GqodBvAc., Atlanta • Advertliiemsntsh CORN, CORN I a A A SACKS CHOICE WHITE CORN, OUU 400 snoks Mixed Corn.- In store and for sale by PRATTE, EDWARDS & CO. lbafTard. MW : etiofe;Ucl;tbr ,-t : if. i PRATTE, EDWARDS *00. Iu Win , ij!.S n .pfiATTE, EDWARDS *:CO. . ::,y « tAAAA LBS CLEAR BACON SIDES, J V/V/V/V/ B,000 pounds Shotflaere. Id store snd for ssle by - 1 n . •PRATTU, EDWARDS & 00;. RttCHlI Btantly on hand: * - • - ■ • Ui,i- WhiteRooo-ExtraFancy, 1 Silver Imlto-Exthi Fnncy t Orthodox—Extra-Fancy, Ashland—Extra, . St. Louis Mills—Extra, Falls City—Snperfino, Bank Mills—SuperililO, • ■ M. * L.—Superfine. . ■'!;t*'T-. .i'i-r'is ^ r 1 K BARRELS. For. sale ohotip, to close consign;; M ments PRATTE, EDWAiiDS & CO. CARBON OIL. BBLS No. 1 CARBON OIL. | In store aiid for sale to which we; ARDS & CO. SEED BYE. . ~i RA BAGS NEW SEED RYE. In store and for lOU sale by ^ . RRATTU, EDWARDS & CO. XENNKSsiiE HAMS. - Agent or not, ,, I HAVE IIOIN APPOINTED AGENT j ,- ; fj *q* **n? ■ Aieritan Eiiamt Aid ,i Homestead Co. 62’Broadway, 21 New Street; -. . New York. Pnrchaeo* and Sell Lands; Nogqtiate iiji/nB;' Uwi&lee Corporations- for Mining, Manufacturing land 45 very cheap, to close consignmont; especially Invite tho attention of dealors. xinioxHv WAY. 4 A BALES 'tisioTHY. ^A,Y. In’etore and for sale augl—8in PRATTE, EDWARDS* CO: j CHARLES BOHNEFELD M a «OT^r and descriptions, Metallcl ■* Breed*—., —PMPMMI tcndsto^Tl ordOTslijr DfslntormentofDereareiSloIdierS of whosenaraesacomplete Record^has b^enYakenian^! ratswll^?e*EI^&l^T'llBAJMEfatBhortest^'otlS. UO ; He le also prepared to fill: orders for FURNITURE to .fire satjsfaotlon of nllxonpemod. ,• • • i Coll at hie Warolooms on Whltohall Btreot, Scoilctd's Bnildlng,-br nt hls Factory on Lttcklo btreot,bear Walton Spring..' >" : ang28—8mf 1 j. mm a^tJT & co. Now arriving at- HERRING'* LEYDEN’S, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. ciotiu, Caciimerea, Vettings, &o„ ULECTED from lato Importations. Now In store and ready for making up, riKiiitii- 1 etreet, Al COTTON YARNS! THEN8 MANUFACTURING CO. COTTON YARNS For sale by . , HERRING * LEYDEN, Whitehall street, Atlanta. Ga. 4' sep37—c UNDERTAKERS, . ared to, furnish,Metaflc Burial Caeos of at sizes and of the latest improved patterns. Wo alst thcture.-aud wlll keep constantly on hand. Woodor a n w«nWM?{,« Coffins cheaper than over before offered tn Atlanta. .MWe%°r^« tlio disinterment and, removal of frienda, will eavo time by calling s ns at opr Warerooms, Peach-Tree etreet, opposite Wes-: ley Chapel Clinrch, Atlanta, Ga. nug20—8m T. M. & R. 0. CLARKE, DEALERS IN English and American Hardware, AI.»0, A0ENT8 FOB FAIRBANKS* PLAXFORM 1: COUNTER THE GATE CITY MELW, Near Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, . . . . , . GEOHGIA, quality Hakerr, I S now manufactnrti from Choice FLOUB X>f superior __ heat, and will supply Dealors and others on favorable terms. Bend for a cord of prices and qualities. MEAL from White Cora always on band. seplG—8m O. E. GRENVILLE, . Proprietor. XO BUILDERS. .in.iT.uuu vi iiuuuu uuu nwiu Locomotives, kuu with testimonials from a large number of gentlemen in be north and west; also, Superintendents ofRallroads. An Inspection ot this Faint; which has boon In nso ftr upwards of 20 years, and reference, can be seen at my bf- - fiC Sne gallon will cover two and a half squares, at 85 cents per gallon, by the barrel of 40 gallons. EDWARD PARSONS, ■ Real Estate Broker, • eep8—lm Whitehall street, Atlanta, tls. BOCKr BOOK! By tlio Peroh or Load. Ct ILLS, Lintels, Square Blocks, Flagging, and Garbing prepared at short notice, and on reasonable term* by THOS. ALEXANDER. MUCKS j BRICKS I 400 000 000I> BHICKS ' Fores, ° h y ’ THOS. AIEXANDER, Apply at the store of Haslett A Jouos, Whitehall at. quffgl—■8m Who would not bo Well! A. F. BURNETT & CO^ Agents^ J gHATTKRKD^OONBTmjTIONO restored by “ Jyn ' ? !A.'tIrvTiTtt A<lyypt Fg ^^ < ? n ^'-' «?—iTT«.T---,U Hi .' Hi;; 'l l-, fi»*f"T' iKkcptatmjrOffice' 1 . / ki ‘nil hiii'iui* 'sill >m lf-T. OF, AlL*:ill avail J ciTTAJjrppTl&Elt ti hAfcaiiltaUUsaiid cation and prfee of lands In the dtfferehtBectlnns.ofithe ' 'As tb tho Mineral resources : or thi South, its value is wJitYevpn ;kno;vn to Itspitlzens. The, beds of Gold, S11-, ver. Copper, Lead, Coal,.Iron and Mangaheso are notiur- tho world. To tile capitalists of tho-North and; , .. iiHiiiil S vK meanatoworu ^ the wOrld'to onr. esBii.tance and mako a rich harvest for themselye^.. Jhnve npwardH ol,, 200,000 Acres of these frich Mineral Lands ' iN UPPER GEORGIA FOR SALE, . • } <1*1 !') 1 -.... md Laborers to PropridtdrB Jof * P. C. WRIGHT, President. im : ; ‘ Atso.'AGkNT rdiVTUE Petersburg Laiid-amli j B., J;,/T,ODD,,Secretary. ,r. ceritfal Office, 17 'aiefi’lO'Hfeadwdy; New York, -.I,.).;. . l.HVHiif ri, i /. •!->': -.; oh!;-.;*.I! ,->ifrfri<j4>l nrm I have atthls ttmo;lnanduoarthe CltyOfAtlahtai - bi.... ■ iL thft-Stato of Georgln,-/633 Flantiifionil > 1 < - 1 •, B0i814! acreB . .. „ . 'It 4.KS2 acres Iu tho State of Virgtnlo, 200 Plantations - .; itrti! and Wild Lands, containing 421,438 acres -In tho Stato of Mississippi; 19 Plantations 80,000;acrea 238,811 acres 20,800 acres Mautations - ins and -W*"i ii and Wild Lands, coiiti In the State of Lbuisiano,i 2 nd Wild Lands, contali a State bfTexab,'li» PI ,447,6n WlldLsndsi Containing, iv.-,. .u.-; J.‘. ..,7 299,888; acreB In tho Slate of Kentucky, 2 Plantations - and Wlld-IMmasj confeWinR.. SVK1 11 -80,092Nacres; ID acres In. the 8tatOiof-Missouri,-2 Plantations . v- and^fld Lani|s,^ontainl^, ? . Making total of,,....., „,. j!,609,079 acresj Jly long residence In tho South and extonsiye travel ini the sUcttonb' eohtairiliVg these lands,'enable' me to apeak iiialtigf theirownefs to input them upon, the ■SBSTc toy.and Opt ■ PlantafIpns..Grazing Turpentine,.;MJn-; oral nnd Lumber Lands. Also, Stores, Dwelling Honsee,: Fisheries, Foundries,'<Iron-Foundries; Saw < and Grist :hiiso Sbiithern 'Lands kra iri- : rno.. They are In imany of#q; best see uth, and are offered ut-prlces which one -saivnbg it Notices, 20 cents'psr Hue first Insertion, cents per.llne for each subsequent Insertion. Advertisements insetted at intervals to be charged as All commhpteattons or letters on basintes WR»r " J- ' " this office ehqnl^ bo-eddressed to ‘‘The Atlanta . genccr. - jaBED IRWIN WHITAKER, Proprietor. RAIL BO AP G UI fl” i-iwiao-;- ; Georgia HnilroaSt, E. W. COLE, Superintendent. DAY PABHENOER TRAIN. . , Leave Augnsta at.t. «.i8 A; 1 Arrive at Atlanta I 5.50 P. 1 Leave Atlanta at...;.;..-...-.,....;... 6.15 A. X Arrive at Augusta......- fl.OO P. V NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. ubw .......9.00P. M tlanta.. ... AVltWrt.WlfV.ts 7.00 A. M Leave Atlanta .. 5.45P. M Arrive at Augusta 3.80 A. M Atlanta & West-Point Railroad. GEORGE G. HUIiL, Superintendent DAY PASSENGER TRAIN—OdNO OUT. Leave Atlanta.’.i - .!'.'iv. >!:V 1 ' ’ Arriyo at West-Point....eH.Juiu. tliyv .DAY l-ASBENOER TRAIN— COMINO IN, Lea- ■ ll.Ufr A« Ft M..V 5.15P.M ■m A Wf^-^olnt Railroad, DANIEL II. CRAM, Superintendent. Leave West-Point ........1.05P.ytf iiVAW R i—!.’ .”.M ", i!i iilliso A; X Macon A. Western Railroad. i.T-- . -i E. B. WALKER, Superintendent. ? a:i oii ‘jiii : pasbenoeb train. ,vMyMgi Leave Macon 7.80 A. X Arrive at Atlanta.. 1.87 P. M - MV 8,10 P.X- Western <k Atlantic Railroad, CAMPBELL WAlScB. Superintendent. NIOHT EXPRESS PASSENGER TRAIN-DAILY. *1 J" Leave; Atlanta..;.; S yi« wa;. .-mdt. a:l 1 .la. .A-- 6;16 JP; M oogaV.V^WiV.'iyvV.'.vfi".'.'.' 4*00 A. M Arrive at Atlanta:.*. ftV.V..... v... :■*. it- 5.10 A. V DAY. TABBENUIifi TRAIN Arrive at Chattanooga... - B.40.P. M Leave Chiattanooga ; A80 A. ” 1 Arrl^atAIlan^iv^ 7—S Leave Atlanta...^’. 0 ^^^!-’..... 4.00P. X Arrive at Marietta..: 1........ i!. -.'/.tWl....... 5.91 P. M Leave Marietta,,, i......... 7.40 A. M Arrive at Atlanta:...^,.. ......j.05 A. M Mali Stage Line from'Atlanta ife Dah- ''lon'e'Ea.'' 1 - '''- ‘ Leave Atlanta Monday, Wednesday and Friday'. .,6 A.M. Arrive Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, ,7P.M. Mills. npiJBtof'. , crop Will pay for, he'aldos making the „ ^KErtiRENdas—nidhartiPoferti.'Es'A'/freilv'L. J. Gartrell, „ in,' Dv G.; - Gem O. G.' Iiide2frs6m; -Whltchaltstreet,Atlanta.fia,, ; HOT" -"AND""' D’DSTT lI j ■ r0 Call and get them at -7 -v..ji-.i- • • rift j . JOHNSONS & QORD0N’S, ■ ' CommleslonMcichante, Frankllq Block, Alabama BUpet. V'-sxj'isFiDitxE'i:.' ; ? ".ttfritj iiiip.j nr. &•. m>; • 2 CASKS SUgAr-OURBD HAMB - 1 — : i,n - ' » . : I ' > '•• • 50 cases Potash, 10 barrels Sugars, 25 Boxes Soap,. 10 boxes Matches; < .10 barrels New OrleansMolassea, . . . 6 barrels Vinegar, - oil cases epiondld'picklcs, 2 dozen Ccdfir Churns, CIXY MARSHAL’S SALE. TIT ILL be soldi before the City Hall door in the City of "'city lota NoB?’2 V aud 3, hail acre, land lot "Kt! ward 5, block!. Asoossud as-the property. of Jamea A. Ander- 0< city lot No.' 2, iand lot 77, wirdl, hlook 80, half acre, on e t reot._ AeBpajcdaejhc^Mand^ot No^6L < haff orsy th street. Assessed as the property of L. W. Cook. City lot No. 50, ward 4, block 9, land lot No. 61, half ..jre, on Houston street. Assessed as tbe property of es- less, on Honaton street, land lot.61; Assessed as the pro perly of J. W. Clayton. City lotNo. 137, ward 5, land lot 78; one and one-fourth —res, more or less^ op Grnbb street, Assessed as the ){ty r lot°(numbe'r not. known), three acres, moreor less, ird4, land lot No. 46, on, Yougo street. Assessed ss a property of Cutting * Stone. Mo t of 8. Chamberlain. ' 7*ri > • » :.-.if City lot No. 28, ward 5,‘ land lot' hi, quarter of an acre, on Peach-Treo and ^atreets^ Assoosod as tho property “oily tote Ni”' " " SCALES, Which wo will soil at FACTORY PRICES, expensorad- ded. Jyl8—8m Corner Peach-Tree and Lino atreets, Atlanta. Ga. la AST r COMTE AT gtTEAif FITTINGS, UNIONS, ° QloboValvoB, Chocks, Connection Cocks, Gloho Oil Cups, Safety Valves, Giiage Cocfis, Steam Whistles, Starting Valves, Steam Ouages, &c. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE) The place to bay your Gas Flxtnros, Chandeliers, Pcndaika, Hall Lights, Brackets, Ac., and havo your Gas Fitting done by HUNNICUTT A BK),LINGIlATIt, jy2t—SuaWSm Comer Alabama and Loyd ate. ■ too BARRELS FLOBUR" 60 boxes CrteKbrs;| 10 boxes Raisins, 10-doz Broome. 25 sets Mcnanros; ; 25 dozen Blue Bnckots, 20 cases,PystcrB. All now open to tho trade, at JOHNSONS & GORDON'S, • Commission Merchants, Franklin Block, Alabama street. -PHQSNIX GUANO, TOOR Tnrntps, Wheat, Ac. On hand and for solo at JOHNSONS & GORDON’S, Oommieelon Merchants, igl4 Alabama street. NBW ABRIVALfl X NEW ARRIVALS! r KD 125 pieces Prints from 10 to 20 cents; Island DomcBtlce, 4-4 goods at 25 cents, widths at proportionate rates; 165 pieces Bon- t, and Trlaiming Ribbon; 05 pieces Belt Ribbon; r.en Misses' Hoop Skirts 25 dozen Ladles' Hoop Skirts at 75 cents each. CaU rerlj andsorare ^rgalnB. Roark's Building, cor. WbttehaU and Mltcbetl sta., sep6—8m mieAUaato, Go. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Omex Nat. Extrzss & TnANsronTATioN Co., I , SloaUORD, VA., Sept.Sd, 1866. } A GENERAL meeting of tho Stockholders of this Co pany will be bold In this city, at the offleo of the Company, on TUESDAY, OOTOBER Oth, 1866, nt 10 ° Stoclihoidcrs are' particularly requested to bo repre sented, either hi pereon or by proxy. Proxies must bo fumlehcd with proper revenue slumps for sach signature, nnd handed to tho Secretary and Treasurer of the Com pany on or before 1st October next. J. E. JOHNSTON, President. J. V. n. Aukn, Sec. and Tr. FORM ©IT PROXY. . Know all men by these presents, Tlmt tho enb- «crlher t being Stockholder In the National Exprcaa an<. TraneportalionCompauy, do hereby constitute and apr point true and lawftil attorney and proxt, to reproBont ——— in all ucnoral metlnga or -*-»** deru of Bald Company, held alter the date hereof, when _ _ , ^ , or repre»cnted by noino other proxy, with toll power and authority at such general meetln^H, to ^tve eiicli vote or votes, and to do such other.act or acta, bb could give or do, as a memhor of tho Bald "meetlnge, If — S creonally present; and do hereby ratify*and con- rm M’hatover voto or votes, act or acts, , bald at torney may lawfully give or do for , in puranancc of the authority hereby conferred uimmj him. WltuoBB lv/\nd end Heal this day of- , one thousand eight hundred nnd sixty-six. Test: [skal.] 8epl5—liloCtO[BTAMr.J tho stockhol- nths from and not pereonaHj* present acre, more ts Nob. 2 and 8, ward 5, Mock 1, land lot 51. b leBs^pn Wheat street. Assessed as I A. Carmichael. -.- . ••• -- City lot No. 0. ward 5, land lot No. 6 or less, on Peaoh-Tree street. Assosse ° f (hty iot No.°2', land lot Wi ward 9, block 11, quarter of i acre, more or less. Assessed ae tho property of Xl- '-"eftyiot ^number not known); Iahd lot No. 45, Ward 8, ono acre, on Railroad and Cemetery streets, Assessed ns tho property of Mrs. Mary Combs. City lot (number not known), four acres; more or less, on Haynes street, land lot No. 83, ward 1. Assessed ae tho property of Jamea Carter. City lot No. 2, quarter of an acre, ward 2JUock 11, land lot No. 77. Assessed. ae the property of Edward Corn City lot (number not known), quarter of an acre, more or lees, on alley, land lot No, 78. Assessed as tho pro perty of Owen Calaban. City lot (number not known), land lot No. 78, ward 6, half an acre, more or leeu, on Hayden street. Assessed City lot (number not known), land lot No, 84, half acre, lore or lessen Race-Track street. Assessed as tho pro- moro o» iwjbmiu ,-.. pertvof-W; W. Grubb. ...... City lot (number not known), half acre, ward 1, on .; tockton street, land lot No. 84. Assessed as tho pro- j petty of Samuel L. Atkinson. City lot (number not known), watd 1, block 171, quar- ’ ter of an acre, more or less, laud lot No. 88, on Buckgood and Eliot streets. Assessed as the property of Wifliam Davidson. . ■ ; City lot No. 82, half acre, ward 5, block 0, land lot No. 51. Assessed as tho property of F, F. Dodson’s estate, on Ivy street, City lot No. 84, third of an acre, ward 5, land lot No. 78, on Marietta etreet. Assessed as the property of 8. H. City lot No. 80, three-fonrtbs of an acre, ward 5, land t No. 78, on Forsyth street and W. A A. Railroad. As- ssed as tho property of Carr, Glenn A Wright. City lots Noe. 6t, 62, and 68, 8 acres, ward 2, block 15, nd lot No. 76, on Washington and Loyd streets. As- issed as the property of tho Planters * Mechanics’ ank, City lot (number not known), land lot No. 77, ward 2, 16 feet, more or less, on Alabama and Whitehall streets. Assessed ss tho property of Drake * Moses. City lot No. 68, ward 4, block 8, hair acre, land lot No. 51. Assessed as the property of George S. Alexander. City h>t No; 11; ward 2, block 11, land lot No. 77, one acre, more or leas, on Washington and Mitchell atreota. Assessed as tho property of Richard F. Lyon. '■ City lot No. 4 f half acre, more or less, land lot No. 70, j: ward 2, Block No. 28, on Whitehall and Garnett atrecta. -m Assessed as the property ol Mrs. T. D. Lynes. City Iot No. 81, quarter of an acre, land lot 58, ward 8, block 8. Assessed as the propety of G, B. Almond, on Frazier etreet. City lot (number not known), land lot No. 46, ward 4, one acre, more or tesa, Yoogo etreet. Assessed as the property of John BridWoll. City lot (number not known), ward konil acre, more or less, land lot 70, on Cooper street. Assessed ae the property of Wro. K. Bagby. City lot 47, half acre, ward 5, block A land lot 81. As sessed as the property of William W. Barnes. City lot (number not known), ward 5, on Broad street, land lot No. 78. Assessed as the property of A. J. Be; erton. City lot No. 25, ono acre, ward 5, land lot No, 57, on Peach-Tree and Baker streets. Assessed ss the property of B. Browne. City lot (number not known), ward 4, six and a Mlf acres, land lot No. 46. Assessed is the { B. Bon property 4, six and a property ot 1 . . _orry. City lota Nos, 4 and 5, ward 3, two acres, more or less, land lot No. 45. Assessed as the property of Bolling Baker. City lot (number not known), lend tot No. 68, ward 8. threo-lonrtba of an acre, Martin, Jamea' alley. Assessed us tho property of Edg* ‘‘ * " > tho property ol City lot No.81, J Fair and Fiazler streets. Assessed ts J. Buchanan. 8, block 6, laud lot 58, half acre, on the property of A Use Helmbold’s Extract Buchu. M ANHOOD and yonthfol vigor are regained by tlcLW mold's Exraaor Booho. ' Jy!7 City lots (numbers not kown), on Hunter and King streets, half,-and quarter of sn acre, ward 8. Assessed ss the property off). Frankford. City lots Noe. 186 and 167, quarter of an sere, more or less, ward 8, land lot No. 52, on Hnnter and Fair streets, A SHr&So ,h ?rk»N“^ Otfy lot (nambera not known), land lot No. 5ft, warfl 8, fifteen acres, more or lee., on Hill street. Assessed ss tho r — -* — ‘ - Mkas, ward 2, land lot the property of Joseph “cuy'jot No. 0, ward 4. block 18, land lot No. 51, threc- foorflio of sn acre; fey lot No. 80,half acre, ward ft, lami