The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, September 11, 1867, Image 1

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?hf gailjji gntdUflfnrer. Subscription and Advertising Rata. «»ppic ni • UK Ml III.KNHHIfaH HIUMIINU ,, ,„i m t |K Dl Whitehall MiwLMkivu Alabama *lt«' *ii)l II))' Railroad rn>**lnir. I I HUSHED DAil.V ANI) WKKkl.Y MY JARED IRWIN WHITAKER I* ■'it |> i«l «• t ii r. ATLANTA. QKOKGIA ♦ Wiulnoartay Morttlitu, Sopt. II, 1803 ,, , Coin Mmnilohrii))( II).' New ml..*11. I'd *yilll 1 Alhtnsl 1 | a,.!).)) otlrrtioMm anil ihr Kfl'niurilr , *ir* I'aalllwN «l iNf l.ilirral l.raal>>ra (lutrauc* allrr Maklmlllau'a IYi hiIi. | Ii. i Uli'ibiHiru A|iiii>iiilmeiil isliol snlislnctnrv i . im mir I'*'" '» Mi'xIidi. Hi* litikirimj wilii ,l„ lni|)) ii*li*l* i» ri'iptDlril willi liinrli ilistiivm I.) ill,* t it* i*l*. Hi* luvr ill *1**111*1 inn mill tt i n . «,)tl,iii|!* It'll mi liim lifiivy Jimt ii'iv. Mrii 1) ml III* Iil.ii-f . Ill'll' )' III* rrfnnl will mulclxii n l„ r) vi-ntlliilinn Tln*t’ |>iilillrlmi» i»n> I'nlil I.I.| ii llnw*. iiinl il ••llrrlmiirii's Irit'iul* >1. ii. it rally Imwill Ihhm In* Imnl. Ilo i* Rnlitiil ,.|I,„I ) )|| in *11 cniiDOn'inv III' in even lin nii mi.I iii. nilfs* in In* riwliinli'in . hr truck* hi* |mlili |.,| I iii iiii, * I.) dll' irrnvi', Ilf i* kinily itlivo h Hi,. a,.|„* hi lii*r*ilit'*l Irit'inl* <R hnnii». I will K\ Governor Alli'ii. nl litiili*iimii, Ih in , \ilf in Mexico. hr i* ('mill » I'niiUnliv ,,,(,. Inn u iinblo mini Ur tin* in llio eitjiilul; In* Irifiul* wish In Imrv him in hi* iinllnmi, llu v **k nf the American l’mi*iil mi nnlfr tor iiitornirtit . ho reluses, hut ulltwivurils itraiil* it, priiviilftl tlio button* nro n>niovrtl Irniii Ins mm. Hu even scmte his rink to mv Hint iho HIV flit nil . , . That Consul whs Ollrilmii'X' I itin.V ho .li.inil him a srrvuv in slating litis litrt.. • ,,M * " isli i", I mu suro. Tlio |»'o|ili' here eannol son why ... mi|i.irtant an nllliv was oiitriisto.1 tolhn keep- mil of sin'll a man. * M coiiise it win a *iir|iri*o 1.. all Matorial nm*t Iki .ffcttin)' scarce in tlio Stair* Ottorlmun; |irosi'litoil III*'iilial* a i. w .lavs siluv at tliu Mexican t'.mrt. Il i* said Ilf pri'senled tin' iloliiaml nl Sr will'd In irive ll|> Santa Anna and gavr tlir Indian I’rrsidfid Iwn linur* to answrr. I V.ill nnt vmirli tor tin* Imt n i-t Ih'UovoiI by the crodulnii* Tin’ now government ha* ni'gani/.o.l, Inn ii is 11.. 1 yrt in working nrilor. Tin.' new Ministry, rc- ,.,'iiily apiHiintoil, ha* given snmo dissalislaoiinn 1., iiio army ntlicor* Bseoliedo and Cornua, who ,l„| miioh of tlio lighting, claim proccdeneo over , niliaus. and s .V they’re ciititleii to the spoils nl ,.ili,v. Neither nl' them lias a place in tlio Cahi- ..nt. Tejada is Minister nl Foreign Relations, A, lgiosias, ol Hacienda; Mejia, nl' War; t .i-.irn. ot' .Insticc ; Barearel, of Fomonto. l'nrtirio Diaz is ctiiinnamlcr-in-cliiei ol the army. Kscohcdo anti Corona are left unprovided n r ’ The mutinous spirit has already developed itself in the capital. Nearly two hundred <>fli- r. rs nt the Liberal army were thrown into prison several days since. They were engaged in a (ilot against Juare/., is all tlm intelligence we cau jet fins is the beginning only. Intelligent men, both foreign and native, predict a revolu tion in sixty (lavs, ninety at farthest. They stake money upon the prediction. The army is imt tavorahie to Juarez. llis policy is ton rigid. Pi t/ i< more popular with the soldiers ; so is Ks- cobctln nr Corona. General Canale* sent his adjutant to the capi tal to negotiate fora recognition ol himselt us one of the liberators ol Mexico. The chief* went disposed to unite all the conllieting ele ments, and especially to conciliate Canales. So Oia/. and Escobedo ’united in a request that Ca nales might lie recognized. Hut .Iitarez refused liol. 1 communication with him. lie called him a filibuster and rohlier, and said he would n.I an army to "drive him out of the country." t .Hi des swears Hie "Indian dictator will have a I—d good time in doing it." The impcrinl pri vates ami subordinate officers, Frencli aud Aus trian, to the number ol two thousand, are now the mad to Vera Cruz and ou their road Inmic. They Hre without mentis, many of them lagging for food. The President lias spared their lives. Wbat a magnanimous man ! It is tirious fact that most o( the respectable fami- • in Mexico are lu mourning for the late Em peror. His portrait will yet liaug side by side with those ot Iturbide and Hidalgo. They shot Ittnhide tor treason; now he is oneoi their household gods. The greatest outrages were committed tiller Maximilian's death. They stoic Id* clothes eveu ; all his personal properly; and w lien embalmed he wore his servant's coat. It was still ou him two weeks ago. Hitch are our publican brethreu ou this side ol the Gulf. The courts are still at work, and every week we have one or more executions. A Curious Historical Fact—A Ska Which Dried up and Reappeared After a Lapse op 1,800 Years.—A curious question was discussed at a recent meeting ot the British Royal Geographical Society. Sir Henry Rawlin ing expressed the opinion that the sea of Aral— a body ol water having an area of 23,000 square miles, or three times the size of Massechusctts— had no existence in the long period between GOO years before Christ and GOO years after, and the rivers Oxus and Jaxartes, now flowing into it, built flowing into the Caspian sea. He said ; Tlte sea first comes into uotice in the seventh century, and these two are spoken of for several hundred years as emptying into it. An other change seems to have occurred between 1300 aud 1500, and the rivers again flowed into the Caspian sea : hut since the latter date they slowly changed their channels until they found an nutlet in the sea of Aral.” This theory was initiated by 8ir Roderick Murchison, the geo logies, who affimed that the mere absence of allusion to the sea of Aral was no proof of its non-existence, and cited the geological evidences that whatever changes the sen lmd undergone must have occurred long before the birth ot history or tradition. Sir Henry Rawliuson, in reply, said that evidence exists, iu the writings of the 14th and 15th centuries, that a common highway of travel from Europe to Asia passed directly over the region now covered by the waters of the Aral. His opponent admitted that sue 11 evidence would be conclusive. Here the debate ended, witli the understanding that Sir Henry is to collect and publish the proofs ol ids a«scrtion. Ohio Abandon* the Negro. The Radicals of Ohio abandon, us hopeless, I lie prospect ot carrying the negro sutlragc amendment ot the State Constitution. They know that it will he delented by lbrty to Ally thousand majority. Witli accustomed duplicity, their State Central Committee have issued a secret circular, in which uegro sutlragc is given up as a direct issue of the party, aud the voter appealed to to Htand by the party ou the cundi dates nominated for llie Legislature and other offices. It is evident that the Radicals foresee defeat, il they do uot separate their parly from a direct i**ue on the negro qncHion. Hence they seek t" separate them. Thus we sec what is the true feeling in Ohio, even among the Radicals, iu re fercnce to negro equality, aud suit rage. Jlul the Itadical* hope and intend to inflict it upon Oiiio by a trick, and to force the obnoxious measure upon the people, whether they like it or not, by Congressional and State legislative action. If they can get a working majority in the Legisla ture, these will vote lor an amendment of Hie Federal Constitution making negroes voters and thus their objects will lie accomplished ns llioioughly as if the Stale constitution had been amended. Willi the Vriui*and Enquirer, as well a* those outside that Stale, it is apparent that every candidate for the Legislature should lie distinctly made to “toe the murk," and declare whether lie will vole for negro suffrage in Ohio in any slia|ie.—LouievUle Standdril. (.'heating tiie Nkorokh.—The Columbus vouches lor the following conversation: •I I* to Chief Registrar ol county: "We want you to send your best men (while Radicals, ol course,) from county 0. It. " Can’t do it, General; the niggers is gut Hie majority in llie county and say they is gwine io have llie office*." •I- P. "That foolishness must be slopped at once." • '■ R- “ I can’t do it, General.” •I P. “ Well, I can; and if one of thoac black rascals dares to put hiutscll up for office let me know, nud I’ll pul hint down. Go, sir." Oiiio — \ letter received here to day from an influential i,ml distinguished citizen of Ohio, represents that that Slate will give from thirty to lolly UiouHiiuil majority for the Republican ticket will carry Hie legislature, and Hint negro sullrsge will he derented hy forty or fifty thou sand. /.hr. A’. Y. Tribune. Dawk*, a Itadical nicinlar of Congress from Massachusetts, has publicly howled, “ Hie con flict is not yet ended." That’s so; it lias only begun—In Connecticut aud California, for in- •Uncc. 8 (0 mum* of Miwiimoi. Daily, in* month f * l>*ily, twelve month* 19 HJ Weekly, nix • • W««kly, one y«ir Hlngli* r.ople* the counter. *. Mingle coplen to New* Boy* and Agent*.. MATIN Of ADVIlflflOM. For ear.b pqare of lo Hum or Icnn, for the Aral tnserllo |1, Slid for eftrki Ntilmequent Insertion 80 rente. VOL. XIII. ' Kim. m OSAHUS TO HI OANOSHOUS WilKS itBABON IB I.KKT FHKK TO combat IT."—Jtfmon. ATLANTA. OA.. WEDNESDAY. SKPTK.MltKK II. IHIiT. NO. 2I(>. !YI Imsm'IIuhs'omm All vc'I'l ItMMllontM, N EL E-EA HT ENING WROUGHT IRON BUCKLE TIE - run - COTTON HALES. CHAR. 0. J0HNSEN, Sole Proprietor, N'». H Cuion Street, •V e ip oni. w.q.v.s, r.A Iusert the hoop lu tbo elot, and draw It tight *- round the belo. /'All Other TIES faMonlnu by thl« methml sro in- iMioiila, anti will bo prnBt'clili’n nt Isw as biicIi. fr When tlio lover of tbe press is raised the tie will f'asien itself by the out ward pressure of the hale. J We are Solo Agents, mid arc prepared to All orders for Self-Fastening Wrought Iron Buckle Tic, On tin* most favorable termii. We are having them man- ufartured of the most superior iron, and thoroughly tested. D. II. DAVIES A CO., Commiffnion Mcrchantn, Louisville, Kentucky. (il.KNN, WRIQnT A CAItR, Agents, Jy18—3m Atlanta, <ta. DRY GOODS! DRYGOODS! TALLEY, BROWN & CO. Whitehall Street. ATLANTA. GEORGIA, Z KKP constanlly ou hand everything tunally found .V in a drst-vlass Dry Goods House. They invite special attcutinu to their stock of iltCRLUIS, GRENADINE!), NIOZAMBIQIIKS And oilier Summer Dress Goods. Their WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT, Consisting of NAINSOOK. JACONET, niri.1., IIII'NUNS, Ac., Is large slid well supiilied. They have, also, a well selected stock of Cassimeres for Men's Wear. £y"Ord<*rn from the country solicited. aug90—c A ETON VOITNU, W. II. BROWNINU, Late of Nashville^ Tenn. Late of Columbus, On. HI iMM'lllllirtMlN A«l VAN EPPS & TIPPIN, GROCERS, AND Coiiimissioii MercliaiitH, sthket. ATLANTA, REOHhlA. Ill Ntorii iiiiiI to Arrive : KLOUR. CORE. RUOAR, COPEEK, RA COS, UAHS’ /.AH l>, ifnr.ASSPA. Ami a general assortmeitt of Staple and Fancy Groceries. IvUI-Hm VAN KI'PM Jt TIPPIN. LGNII TO THF. LAND! Union Point, (Ja., October 13, INtMl. Mestr*. Urluhtn'ell A Barrow: Dints—I used your Phospltatu on my Cotton at tho rate of 4G0 pounds pur acre. I Htn satisfied that I wilt realize at least 150 per cent, on the amount spent. I am so well pleased that I expect to use more on the next crop than I did on this. Very truly yours, (Signed) I\ W. PRINTUP. AmKillers. Ga., November 1, IHCli. Messrs. Bright well if- Barrow: Gbnts—The tweuty tons UKKD S PHOSPI1ATK bought of you this year, I used on Corn and Cotton. 1 am so well pleased with the effect on tuy crop, that I wish o purchase of you for next year’s crop, one hundred tons. Yours respectfully, JAM. A. COBB. This Manure, manufactured iu Georgiu (the virtues for which are attested by well known Georgiu citi/.eus, aud which is calculated to do so much lor " IteiYm struct ion" in Georgia) is for sale by LANGSTON, CRANE & HAMMOCK, Solo Ageuts, A Inha ilia Street, Atlanta, Ga. HACKS AND WIIHAT WANTKD. 5T/WWY Sacks. Seroml llniid Gunnies and Burlaps. 5000 bushels Wheat. LANGSTON, CRANR A HAMMOCK, Commission Merchants, 18—4m Alabama Street. HARDWARE AND IRON. IW R COILS MANILLA ROPE, I *r 7fi do/eu Short Handled Frying Pans, Ik) roil* Pinout rucking X lo linch, ViKl dozen Shovel* and Spade*, llioo dozen Pocket Knivce, 4011 fTro'* Table Cutlery, gnu dozen Curry Comh*, 15>) boxes Tin Plate, 3000 pounds Block Tin, 1000 jmundB Bur Leud, 000 bugs 8h't, 00 bundle* Brlgh* Iron Wire, 000 dozen Iron Wire Sifter*, 00 Auvilf, 75 Vl*e§, 4000 pound* Smoothing Iron*, 3"flll pouud* Griffin’s Horse Nail*, 000 dozen File#—UBBoned, 0000 pounds Galvunized Sheet Iron, 0 lone Cast Steel, 30 tone Plow Steel, 000 ton* Swede* aud Hellnrd Iron, 110 ton* Bund, Hoop, und Horse Sliou Iron, 10 ton* Ovul, Half Oval, nnd Half Round Iron, 35 toil* Boiler, Plate, nud Sheet Iron. For sale by WEEDS A CORNWELL, No*. 15ft and 101 Broughton Street, maylft—Am Savannah. Ga. mtlllarr Directory, Major tlcneml John Pont, (J, 8. A., commanding Third Military District (Georgia, Florida, and Alabama.)- ontco at Headquarters, on Marietta street. Colonel J. F. Mri.inr, Chief of Bureau of Civil Affaire, and General Inspector of Registration for Third Mill lary Dlstrirt. Office at Headquarters. Bn-v’t Brigadier-General W». MoKaa Donn, Assistant Judge Advocate General IT. 8. A., Judge Advocate Third Military District. Office st Headquarters. Lieutenant Colonel E. McK. Hudson, 11.8. A., Assistant Inspector General. Office st Headquarter*. Captain U. K. Sandrhbon, I). S. A., Acting Assistant Adjutant Oenenil. Office at II -adquarters. Un-v’t Brigadier General J. J. Milhaii, Surgeon U. H. A. Medical Director 'Third Mllituiy District. Office corner Broad and Marietta slrcels. Iln-v't Brigadier General Itiirua Saxton, Cliiel (fiiarter- inastcr. Office at Headquarters. Uri-v't Lieutenant Colonel U. J. Famhbwuhth, Depot qusrtermaster. OAlce Forsyth street, uear Railroad. Iltev't Cuptalu C. A. RuuKwrll, Chief Ordnance Officer. Office corner Broad and Marietta streets. Ma|or E. D. Junu, P. M. II. H. A., Chief Pay Master and Disbursing Officer Third Military District. Office cor ner Broad anil Marietta streets. Lieutenant C. S., Post quartermaster snd Com missary Subsistence. Office Wllliugbam Building, cor ner Ivy and Decatur streets. Drcv't Major Wis. H. Mutthr, Captain ICth U. S. lufan try. Acting Assistant Judge Advocate General. Office at Headquarters. Ilrvv't Major T. C. Sullivan, C. 8 United States Army, Chief Commissary of Suhaistenco. Office, Room No. 1 Willingham Buildings, corner of Deealnr and Ivy streets. Bru t Ma|or Fkrd. Mosrbaoh, V.R. C.,Snh-Ass». Com. Sub-Dlslrlct, Atlanta Bureau R. F. and A. L. Office In Granite Block, No. 1, room No. 5. roar or Atlanta, Composed of tho counties of Cobb, Fnlton, Campbell, Carroll, Coweta, Heard, Fayette, Clayton, Spalding, Henry, Newton, DeKalh, Milton, Gwinnett and Butts. Brev'l Brigadier General Thomas H. Uuork, Colonel .Tld United States Infantry, commanding Post. Head quarters, room No. a Willingham Building, corner of Decatur and Ivy streets, Atlanta, Oa. Brev'l Captaiu O. C. Knapp, 1st Lieutenant 83d U. S. In fantry, Post Adjutant. Office at Headquartera. First Lieutenant C. S. Ilslet, 16th U. S. Infantry, Act ing Assistant Quartermaster and Acting Commissary Subslsteuce Post. Office, room No. 7 Wllliugbam Buildiug. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. FOR THE YEAR ISffT, E. Williams, Mayor J3,U(l(l I. B. Love, Clerk of Council 1,600 -). T. Glenn. City Attorney nuo Robert M. Farrar, City Treasurer 800 K. J. Itoachc,City Physician 1,500 -las. F. Coopur, city Engineer 1,300 Itobt. Crawford, Commissioner of Public Works.. 1,500 George Stewart, Overseer of Streets 1,000 Jo. s. Smith, Tax Receiver and Collector hoc Pat. Fitzglhbon, Hall-Keeper out A L D eTTm E N. riUST WARD. M. T. Castleberry, Richard Peters. SICOND WARD. E. E. Rawson, A. W. Mitchell. THIRD WARD. George W. Terry, W. C. Anderson. POURTn WARD. J. K. Gullett, W. B.Cox. PIPTH WARD. J. A. Hayden, E. W. Holland. POLICE DEPARTMENT. - P. Thomas, Chief Marshal... {1,5(10 AMERICAN HOTEL, iVOI NO A UHOWNIIVU, Proprietor.,I ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 96th SEMI-ANNUAL EXPUSE. TOTAL LOSSES PAID, $21,271,973 57 ! The Regular Line of Mail Stages FOR CARROLLTON ILL LEAVE NEWNAN immedlalc arrival of the cara from Atlanta, on ltlanday», Wedneiday* and Fridays. Returning, will arrive at Nuwnan on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, Making clone connection with the traiu lor Atlauta. Kx- tra tripH will he made on nppoalte days to accommodate travel. Connection made to BOWDEN with Monday aud Fri day’h trips. The route in over a good natural road, equipped with new CONCOI<li COACHES, and frequent changUH of good teatitH. Fare to Carrollton.. $3 50 Fare to Bowden 4 50 For pannage apply nt the Hotel, or to JOHN T. nOLMES, t»ep5—1 m • Newnan, Ga. _ C. N. ALEXANDER. R. q. CAHKBLK ALEXANDER & CA8SELS, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, —Ann— COMMIHHION MlillCII A NTH, PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA - - sop5—3in ftKOHftlA. NOTICE T IIE legal advertisement* nl the Culinary, Clerk of Siqieiiiir and Inferior Courts, aud Sheriff of Fursylh county will hereafter he puhltahetl in the " Opinioii," Allunta, Georgia, until further notice. W. D. BKNTJ.Y, Oriilusjy J. T. BROWN, Clerk of Suiiorior Htnl Inferior Courts. A. C. HELL, sejifi—3t Sheriff. JOHN. B. FULLER, 47 DEY STREET, New York City, MANUrAOTIIlIKH AND IIKtl.KH IN POHTARLK AND NTATIONARY STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS FROM 8 TO 250 HOUSE POWER. Most approved Circular snd Upright Haw Mills. Uriel Mills, Sugar Mills, and all kind* ol Mining mid Plaiita ‘ imiery on hand and huill to order. .ea'hur anil Hu I'ond-working Machinery . ilroad siqpphes in atora, the lowest rate*, aug37—lui Is, Silgat i Macliiii HF* HhafUng, Pnllh-a. I.ea<hur anil llulilier Ib'lllng, aud all kluds of Iron and Wood-working Machinery. iw Machinery cad Railroad siqpphes In store, and shipped «t “■“ urttslA JULY 8 G 7. A H M K T H s (At Market Value.) Catdt ou baud and in Bank f 5l5,HH(i nt* Heal Entatc £18,903 02 Mortgage Bondi* 095,550 00 Bank Stock 1,200,400 00 U. States, Stato and City Stock, nud oilier Public Securities 1 JIM,80R 8tt $1,050,938 27 cm Liabilitien, Clniinn not due and unad justed 377,1508 40 Net Annctn #4,273,209 81 AN l> INLAND NAVIGATION RISKS CF-Ag. melee ill nil the principal citiea and townein tho United StatcH. ApplUatione for Insurance will ho promptly attended OFFICE—With C. I. Brown, ou cant aide of Whitehall afreet, one door from Alabama. jyltt— N. h. ANGIER, Agent J. A. YOIINO. M. I.. WRIHTON- TO SOUTHERN MERCHANTS. t-'llARLOTTK, NoUTII CAROLINA I F v..ii desire In supply yourselves for your Fall and Wilder trade, will) the very best deserl|dhins and styles of ALL WOOLCASSIMKRKS, and will) the most durable JEANS and KERSEY lahrh s.ah free from staid- dy and oilier tmpnrlltea, order wimples fWim the suh- si rllH-r, aud they will fa' Inrwurded, will during llie inoidhs of July anil August, pies you can make your H'lerllouH nnd leluru your or der*, and the goods will In- forwarded dlreelly from the Manufactory. JOHN A. YOUNG, President, JcS—4m _ Charlotte, N. ft WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, MAVOKq OKOIKllA. mBK 39th Annual Hcn«Ioi) will lM>gin on MONDAY, M. October 7tl», under a Bill Board of Instructor*. Kvcry department Ima lacilitlc* for ftirtilahlng the liigheal style of «Mlucatlon, on reaaonahle term*. For flirt her particular*, apply to Bov. J. M. Hunucll, !>• D. I’reajdent, particular*, apply •ug9—lawtlloctl W. o. BABE. Hecretary of Faculty. C. Murphy, Deputy Marshal. L. Johnson, 1st Lieutenant of Police C. Murphy, 2d Lieutenant of Police POLICEMEN—<$2 25 PER DAT.) 1,300 1,000 1,001 I. J. Cook, F. J. Botnar, D. Bogan. E. A. Center, F. T. Kickllgbter, J. A. Ilinton, Hall, ■ J. L. Creushaw, G. W. Bowen, C. M. Barry, A. Jarrard, O. P. Woodlitf, Jasper Grove*, W. il. C. Cowan, J. B. Holland, R. D. Uaync*, D. Queen, J. R. Love, J. A. Lang. H. B. Hutcninn, J. M. Connally, Green Holland, II. W. Wooding, II. J. Holt/.claw, M. W. KuPherry, J. F. Barnes, T. G. Mcllau, J. A. Lanier, Clerk of First Market—Theophilu* Harris. Clerk of Second Market—Frank T. Ryan Hextou—G. A. Pilgrim, City Assessors—K. B. Waters, W. C. Hnmplirlc*, and F. Wood. Assessor of Land taken for Opening Streets—Levi C. 'ells, and F. P. Rice, STANDING COMMITTEES OP THE CITT COUNCIL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1807. Finance—Peters, Mitchell Rawson. Ordinance—Mitchell, Hayden, Peter*. Streets and Sidewalks—Gullatt, Rawson, Hayden. Wells, Pump* and Cisterns—Cox, Anderson, Castle- nerry. Lamps and Gas—Hayden, Terry, Peters. Relief—Castleberry, Rawson, Terry, Gullatt, Hayden. Market—Hayden, Castleberry, Holland. Fire Department—Gullatt, Cox, Terry. Police—Rawsou, Cox, Auderson. Cemetery—Terry, Mitchell, Rawson. Public Buildings and Grounds—Anderson, Terry, Pe ers. Tax—Holland, Rawson, Cox. On Printing—Terry, Ilollaud, Castleberry. Malaries—Cox, Mitchell, Ilollaud. BOARD oFllEALTIi. First Ward—Dr. J. M. Boring. iSeeoud Ward—O. H. Jones, Esq. Third Ward—L. P. Grant, Esq. Fourth Ward—Dr. Chas. Pinckney. Fifth Ward—Dr. J. N. Simmon*. WAHDS OF TIIE CITY. Thu City of Atlanta shall he laid off into five ward*, a* follow*, to-wlt: FIRST WARD. Commencing at the crossing of Whitehall street with Western <t> Atlantic Railroad, and running np the south side of suid railroad to tiie incorporation line, then down said line to the center of Whitehall street, then north along the center of said street to the starting point, and which shall be knowu and constitute Ward number One. SECOND W'ARD. Commencing at the center of the crossing of Whitehall .root, at the Western A Atlantic Railroad, aud running last down the railroad to the crossing of Calhoun street, in the rear of the Georgia Railroad workshop, then south thing the middle of saul street to the center of McHon- nigh street, thence along the center of McDonough street t<» the incorporation line, then along said line to tho cen ter of Whitehall street at it** crossing at the incorporation line, then along the ceuter of said street to the starting doint, which shall he knowu and constitute Ward nuin- icr Two. THIRD WARD. Commencing at the center of Calhoun street, at it* south crossing of me Georgia Railroad workshop, and running dowu the south side of said railroad lo tne in corporation line, then Along said line to thee* liter of Me Donongh street to the starting point, which shall consu me and be known ue Ward number Three. FoUHTlf WARD. Comment ing on theuorthsideof the Georgia Railroad, in the center of the crossing of said railroad by Loyd street, aud rnnning down the north side of said railroad to the incorporation liue, then along said lino to Ivy street, then along the center of Ivy struct to Decatur •t, tlieu aloug suid street west to tiie center of Loyd ... .lie starting point, whiclr ‘ “ -*—* - * knowu a* Ward uiiiulier Four. FIFTH WARD. Commencing nt the uorth of said railroad, at the cen- r of tlm crossing of Loyd street, aud running west along the uorth side of the Western A Atlantic Railroad io the incorporation Hue, then along said line to the ceu- terof Ivy street, theu south aloug the center of De catur street to the center of Loyd street, theu along the center of Loyd street to the sturtiug point, which shall constitute aud he knowu a* Ward number Five. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer—Thomas Ilaney. First Assistant Enirlueer—Henry Gullatt. Bucoutl Assistant Engineer—W. G. Knox. Secretary—B. F. Mooie. Treasurer—James K. Gullatt. Atlanta Engine Company No. 1. M.lMoelluii<5oiiN AilvorilNDiiiniilM. THE ARROW TIE AND IRON BANDS BALING COTTON ! AN INSlfllANUK AGAINST PIHE, WASTE, AND THEFT UNKqUALIII ri)H Simplicity ami Rapidity of Adjustment SURPASSED BY NONE POR STRENGTH AND ADAPTABILITY TO ALL Tlio U*u* of Commerce I rjlHBY aro manufactured In LIVERPOOL, of the heat English Iron, under the personal supervision of the In ventor, formerly a resident nf New Orleans, La. The ARROW TIK la preferred by Shipmasters and Compreasmcn, as It Is worked with one-alghth to nuo Inch slack, while all SOLID TIES require three to five Incliee, which. In rnnning through a cargo, involves a heavy loss to the Shipmaster. Use the Arrow Tie and Bands, AND SAVE MONEY IN FREIGHT and INSURANCE I Arrangements have been made to secure an ample sup ply of tha ARROW TIE and BANDS for the coming sea son. JAMES A. HALL, Agent Middle and Southwest Qeorgia. ANDREW LOWE & CO., General Agente, Savannah, Ga. The undersigned is prepared to ftirnlab the ARROW TIE to the trade at SAVANNAH PRICES, forwarding and transportation added. PR4TTE, EDWARDS A CO., Agenta, Forsyth Street, Atlauta, Oa. HEAR THE IN8URANCE A6ENT8! Savannah, Mav 7th, 1867. Tiie recent Arcs In this city having proved to our entire satisfaction, by a thorough test, the superiority of IRON HANDS for lulling purposes, we strongly recommend them to the use of the Planters of Georgia as an efficient agent In restricting loss by ffro j and We agree Indiscrimi nate, when practicable, lu favor of cotton thus secured. A. WILBUR, General Insurance Agent. CHARLES GREEN A SON, Ag’ts Liverpool, London A Globe In. Co. CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., Age’s Sun A Atlantic M. Ins. Co., N. Y R H. FOOTMAN, Insurance Agent. WOOIIBRIDGK BROS., In*. Auents. J. T. THOMAS, Insnranco Agent. J. O. MoNULTY, Scc’y Sontbern Insurance A Trnst Co. JAMES T. STEWART, Agent London A Lancaster Ins. Co. LANE A WEST, Insurance Agents. Macon, Ga., May 10th, 1867. The recent lire at the Warehouse of Mr. B. T. Chap- tan, in thia city, having J • . **-- --— tage of the use of Iron 1 scenrlty against loss I ranee Agents, Macon, i action of tho Agents at Savaunan, Ga. E. C. ORANNISS, Agent for several Ins. Companies. J. W. BURKE, Insurance Agent. E J. JOHNSON A CO., Insurance Ag'ts. -I. MONROE OGDEN, Insurance Agent. ;j. M. BOARDMAN, Insurance Agent. JNO. D. CODB, lsnrance Agent. may37—6m John B. Norman. Samuel Wilson. . II. Milhlciihrink.. hallo* Schmitz ■ dIiii Itcrkch' Ini.ii Wllliy ' II. Kltaivoi'lli . J. Ilrackeii... M. L. Collier o. Warner II. Ilaney, I Win. Krogg, f ' M. L. Roberts . President Foreman Secretary Treasurer First Direelor Second Director Third Director Engineer ... First Assistant Engineer .Second Assistant Engineer . .Third Assistant Engineer Axemen J. E. Giillatt. . -I. G. Kelley W. D. Liicklc, jr... G. II. Jones K. Biliee Issae Slelnlieiincr G. W. Terry .loci Kelsey Janies Daniels ,1. M. Toy G. T. Anderson, I VV. F. Woods, f J. M. Iluice, | Joseph Wiley, . . .Delegate to File Department Mechanic Knoini Comi-ant No. 3. President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer First Director Second Director Chief Engineer .. .First Assistant Kugiuoor .Second Assistant Kngiueer Third Assistant Engtuccr Pipomen Axemen TAi.i.unaii Enoink Compant No. 3. S. W. Grubb President K. A. Center Vice President. W. C. Shearer . ..First Director. George Thompson Second Director. ,I.J. Rogers Hose Director. John I). Clarke Secretary. J.cwle H. Clarke Treasurer. John A. Hill Axeman, A. Thieme Axeman II. S. Urine, M. D Surgeon. IV. R. Diggers Delegate, Atlanta Hook and Laddm Co. No. 1. J. L. Queen Foreman O. F. S. D’AlvIgny Assistant Foreman J. 8. Yarbrough Secretary Geo. Johnson Treasurer Ed. Holland Representative to Fire Department ron Bands for baling purpose*, a* a i by fire, we, the unaer*itfncd In*u- d, Ga.. take pleasure in endor*ing the I jOII Iwv II 14* A «l V«*l*t NfRIftllH. W. H. T) IX, KENTUCKY PLANING MILL, DOOR, BLIND, AND SAMf MANUFACTURER, And Healer in ail kind* of Building Lumber, Rough and Dressed, NINTH STREET, NEAR BROADWAY, ^ LOUIS VI L LR, KENTUCKY, Ripping. Splitting,Dressing,Turning,and S ieLefc.) •** « r «*' r, with neatness and dispatch. faMnleO J. tC b t 0 " p ,'‘" *" Picking and shipping mnim- )mri«tu < !., , ' 0r k’*’ 1:1111 "‘'‘y be injured fi) trans portation. je13—3m BREEDEN & BRADLEY, LUMBER MKHCIIANTS, And Manufacturer* of Sash, Doors, Rlinds, Ac. —ALSO— PACKING BOXES op EVERY DESCRIPTION. Lumber Yard on Walnut, bet East aud Flovd streets Warerooms ou First street. Got.. Main and ltivcr, (one square below the New Galt ilonse, ' Jel-J—tin I.orisvi K Y. TODD & RIG HARD SON," Lou ihv 111o, in <<k y, 7000 PIECES Mim iiine and IVuiteiitiary Baling 2000 coil* Machine Hope, 20U0U0 pound* Wailey H on Tie, Manufacturer* of J.-an*, Lina^y*, Blanket*, Ac. All for *ale ou liberal tenn*. j v o m, CHEAT SOUTHERN mjsicTHOUSES 11 LOUIS TRIPP, (MtrrCRFHOR TO TRIM* A CRAOO,) W HOLESALE and Hetail Dealer in Piano*, Cabinet Or«Mii*, Melude- I on*, and all kind* of Mn*ieal Merchan- f di*e, and Publisher of Muair. Catalogue « ” i of music and price li*t of iiiatniments'inailed fret plication, Addle** %T LOUIS TRIPP, Noa. 92 and 91 Jelierson Si., Louisville, Ky. Jel2—ini lied free on up- THE MOUNT AUBURN Tout Ladies' Mete, S ITUATED on that beautiful eminence north of the City of Cincinnati, from which it derives its name, hua just closed its Twenty-Second Session. The past year has been one of uuusual prosperity, there having Inen in atendance two buudred aud thirty- 6vc young ladies, gathered from all partB of the United States. No msr of .iclnttH requirin'! a plujakiuii has oc curred. Its healthful location and its country position, while . t so near the city, giveh it advantages over either city or ountry schools. It* character as a first rule Seminary of learning is too well known lo need further comments. The LIBRARY, CABINET, and APPARATUS, already 'rv extensive, nrc receiving yearly additions. For Catalogue* or itifnriimtion, address 1. 11. WHITE, 35 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, Ur H. THANE MILLER, President Sllgff—6w a O O D 1ST EWSI! RECONSTRUCTION BOOT. SHOE, LEATHER, MHOK-PINDINM HU6INB66 Commenced last April by X. r X^. BANKS, nAS PROVEN A DECIDED 8UCCE88I WHY? jgKCAUSE he has kept tho LARGEST STOCK ot GOODS in his line in the Stato nf Georgia, the Goods fully adapted to the wuuta ol the community, cither at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, All of which have been made lo his own order, or bought by himself in person since the decline in prices, and for cash; consequently, ho can and will sell them for less Ilian the same goods ran bo bought rlewhere. Being alive to the wants nf his customers, and know ing the advantage that ready money has over lime in buy ing, be hue made nil Ida purchases exclusively for cash; and being determined to sell for CASH ON DELIVERY OF GOODS only, he can afford to take HALF THE PRO FITS OF OTHERS who keep hooka and sell on lime (even for only thirty days.) lie lies determined to make THE J0BBIHG TRADE A SPECIALITY, And Wholesale Buyers will And it much to their sdvan tago to give him a call. He will dupiiratc any lull of goods iu his line bought of Jobbing houses in New Y’o or Boston, soiling only freight, Ac., to this point. CV-A1I goods warranted aa represented. Don't Forget the Place or the Sign. I. T. HANKS, Rawsou's Building, Corner Hunter and Whitehall streets. N. B — Not counseled in business with auy oilier house in the city. lean GREEN LEAF (or HEMP LEAF) BASftlXCi AM1I ROPE. rjiiiE nnderai^ued hereby notify their friend* and all consumers of tin* above named Staple Good*, that they continue to manufacture them in Louisville, Ky. They hope and expect to have it in their power to exe cute every order sent them this season. All Letters Promptly Replied To. W. A. RICHARDSON A HON, jy27—3m Louisville, Kentucky. INGK H SOLL’S HAND POWER COTTON PRES;S. II 9 g g g 8 g g 9 8 8 Nfliuoni ft ft Me * 3 * ft % 8 * 8 « | g g 8 $ 8 g 9 e Il *(J1UOtU ft ?J 'fi n % « o ft g A g % * & 8 8 ft ft & •qiuoui i ft « % ft Z ¥0 ft g ft 8 g g j K-imn ei '£> £ «• 3 h ft g ft g ft g *.Dun q 1 : •* o 3 s 8 s g g g ft g : *aui!i y : (£> c. £ % : ft g ft g % g : j ’Hawn * z O *' o 1 8 g g g 8 s 1 '*ali!|| ft 1 - . J Ms * * cr. Vs S’ S g s to -r •A i- 9. ¥0 •-lUIH I g g ft g s ft i c 8 8 ¥0 * •H.'UvnhH si ei -r c 1 G a 1 hpeoial Notice*, 2». «ient* per hue first insertion, and it. cent* per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements iuserted at intervals to be charged aa new each insertion. Advertisement* ordered to remain on any particular page, to he charged a* new each insert ion. The mouey lor advertiniu# considered due after find insertion. All communications or letter* on business intended lor thin office nhouid tie addresned to “The Atlanta luteiil geucer. ’ ’ JARED IRWIN WIIITAKBA, Proprietor. RAILROAD GUIDE Georgia Hallroad. E. W. COLE, SuiM-n.itende*.. DAY PASnXNUXB THAtN. Leuvc Atlanta at Arrive at Augunta Leave Angneta at Arrive at Atlauta (No trains run on Sunday ) NDiHT FABSKNOKB TRAIN. Leave Atlanta Arrive at Augusta .6.00 A. M . 5.45 P. M . 5.30 A. M . .6.30 P. M Atlanta & West-Point Railroad. L. P. GRANT, HujttrinUriiJenl DAY PAHttENOKK TltAIN—OUTWARD. mtn 7.00'A. 1 Vest Point 12.00 A. 1 DAY l*A**ENGKll TRAIN—IN WARD. d Point 12.40 P. 1 Atlauta 0.30 P. 3 <♦> Montgomery A West-Point Rallroa*. DANIEL U. CRAM, Superintendent. DAT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery Arrive at West-Point Leave West-Point Arrive at Montgomery Leave Opeiiku Arrive at Columbus Leave Colutnbu* Arrive at Opelika 7.25 A. M 1.20 P. M 19.10 A. M 4.10 P. M 11.55 A. M 1.55 P.M 9.85 A. M .... 11.85 A. M Macon Ac Western Hallroad. E. B. WALKER, SuptritiUnderit. DAY FASSKNQKR TRAIN. Leave Macon 7.30 A. Ik Arrive at Atlanta 1.57 P. M Leave Atlanta 8.55 A. M Arrive at Macon ... 1.:<m P. Is Leave* Atlauta 7.15 P. M Arrive* iu Macon 4.25 A. If Western Ac Atlautlc Uallivad. CAMPBELL WALLACE, Sufienohudoii. MIGHT MXPRSbS PAft&KNGER TRAIN—DAILY. Leave Atlanta 7.0*, p. m Arrive at Chattanooga 4.10 A. M Leave Chattanooga 4.:*» p. >t Arrive at Dalton 7.50 J*. M Arrive at Atlanta 1 41 A. M DAY YASHRNOKU TRAIN Daily, except Sunday*. Leave Atlanta 8.45 A. Jtt Leave Dalton 3.3,1 j». jq Arrive at Chattanooga 5.25 P. M LeaveChattuuoo n a 3.2o A. M Arrive at Atlauta 13.05 P. M DALTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Daily except Sunday*. Leave Atlunta 3.50 P. M Arrive at Dalton 12.25 p. M Leave Dalton 1.25 p. M Arrive at Atlanta.. ■. 9.45 A. M HONDUUA*. gzulzcdat Atluuta, to axil from _ llondura. on tiie tilth of October next, zre required to cull on Uol 12. I*. Watkins or D. P. Ferguson, ol Atlanta, or J. W. Goldsmith, at Slnno Mountain, at oneo, and |My in, or send liy express to cither one of the above uamed persons, (HO as a houu. to authorize our Treasurer lu making permanent arrangements fbr transportation. Persona going with this Colony will rare about (Sh, ma king the ezpenae from Atlanta to lloudnraa only shout fftift III currency, on a 6r.i steamship. Families ought to rarry t.nts, aa houaM are ecarce. angtt—Im convenience, economy and cheapness TUB Greatest Labor-Saving Macliinr That can bo put on a Plantation l OPINIONS OF THE PEOPLE. Ali.kndalr, Barnwell District, s. G\, i March I, 1887. ( Meters. Little d- Marshall: Gknti.kmf-n—1 iiHod, during Iho past *oa*on, one of ‘•Inger*olf* Portable Cotton I , ichpch, , ‘ |.unh:>»*t d of yon la*i Septeml»»*r. I have alway* been pivdindicctl iu favor ol‘ the “Serew i’resri," and nollniig l*ul dire iifivs*ity in duced iiie to try any oilier. I lake pli-aMirc, however, in adding my te*limony in favor of it- entire adaptation to tlio want* of » cotton plantation It ha* *nrpn**ed my mo*t Hanguiuc expect ion*. I have packed with Imt two hand*, yet I prefer four two at taeli lever. Mv hale* all weighed over C*NI pound*. The i»r*l lot l *« nt lo market averaged r*»2 pound*. Mv iinprep*ion i*,thal r*s) pound* i* about the capacity of lire Pro**, arid a greater number of pound* subject the follow-block to too mm h ri*k, un- 1c*m the *ide* of the cotton box war* iucrcufcd- It would add greatly to the value of tbe Pie** it ilte cotton box wa* ten inche* longer. In liaple, I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J It W. LAWTON. p. S — I took my Pro** down and carried it some font miles to park tiie crop of a neighbor, who failed to have a ••screw*’ built, lie wa* *0 much pleased Unit lie ha* determined to abandon Iho “Screw” and purchase “In- ger*nll’s Pro**.” B.„\V. L. OrrirKur Kino'* Mountain Railroad Co., ) Yoiikvii.i.k, S. c , April 15, InIT. » Gknti.Rmkn: I have iu*l received your letter of Fell ruaiy -upon my return to lid* place, after mi absence of two month* amt I hi* reply may he too late for youi “Descriptive Circular of IngcrHiiir* Colton Prc**.” Tho nrc** I u*cd in packing my cotton last year worked admirnnlYk packing, witli ca*e, NSI to 525 pmn.d* With good active liumi* to work il. I am *atislicd that tniin cigttlecu to twenty hale* nii -hl readily he packed in a "iiiis Pro** combine* tiie advantage* ot lightnc**, and con*eqiiciit portability and simplicity, being ea*ily man aged try any om'of otdinuiy intelligence Great coin pressing force, with little motive power, and "last, Imt not least," It i* worked entiieiy by ititiui, rim* *a\ lug tor the farm hordes the haul lai*or impo*» d upon them hy tin* ordinary • Screw.” Respectmlly, Re . vnttr*. K. M. LAW . To I.ITTI.K A Maiisiui.i.) f’liarJc.lDii, S. i'. KK’Fur IVixrii-tl)f fir-tilar aisl I'rlr- 1 List, aihiri's. LITTLE A' M AItSlI Al.l., Agi'lils fur li.F liD'crsnlli'iiltnli 1'1,'ss. No. t fa Mi ctimt - tit )*l, ti,)|-i)S1t(- I'avihuii lloli'l, Jy3D—7aw3iu Cliarto.loli, 8. C. Wall *l»*s Lins from Atlanta zo Dala- lotuga. Leave Atlanta Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ..6A.M. Arrive Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 71‘. M. Don’t Wash Another Week Without Buying —THE— GREATEST WONDER OF THE A6E! IIALL'H UN1VKHNAL, WA8HING MACHINE!! SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE LADIES. I T has long been felt and acknowledged that a Washing Machine would yet bo Invented that would be sim ple, cheap, aud more effective than auy of tbe Machines heretofore offered to the public. Such a Machine is now offered without fear of competition. 1st. One woman will do more with a Machine than six can do without it. It will wash five dirty shirts (including wristbands and collars) perfectly clean in from four to eight minutes—this we guarantee, or no sale. fid. It requires no skill to operate if, ns a girl IS years old has washed fin Atlauta) FOUR DOZEN PIECES IN ONE HOUR! 3d. It takes at least one third less soap, aud will pay for itself every year in tbe saving of clothing, aa it acts so delicately on the fabrics that hank hills cau be washed without breaking—something no other machine can du. We manufacture these Machines in this place, and shall sell them at TEN DOLLARS, tiie same price they arc sold for in New York. Thero la no Washing Machine on the market that can be bought for even twice the money, and no Machine that will com pete with it In the performance of lta wor . These Machines are on exhibition in this city, at the store of JOHNSON A ECHOLS, Whitehall street. Mr. BENTLY owns the Patent Right for this remarkablo Machine in all thc'Snuthcru States. Liberal inducements will he offered to gentlemen desiring the exclusive righ> to sell these Machiues iu eouutiesanddistricts, or State. Call on, or uddi ess, D. 8. BENTLY Jt CO., Rome, Ga. 1Any one lufringiug upon thia Patent Right will hi prosecuted according to luw, aud anyone giving Informs lion of the same, will he liberally rewarded. A Great Labor-Saving Machine. We, the undorei£ncd citlreu* of Romu, would nay, iu behalf of “Hall'* Univeroal Waehing Machine,” alter full trial and n«e, that, In consideration of it* cheapness, the durability of thu Machine, the ease aud quickness of mo tion, the small amount of soap required, aud the protec tion of the clothe*, would recommend it ,to a geucrou# public. I*. M. SIIEIBLY, G. W. F. LAMPKIN, -1. A. STEWART, SAM. F. POWERS, JOHN W. NOBLE, J. J. COHEN. WM. WEST, JAMES NOBLE, 8n., Atlanta, May 7, 1867. I bought tlio lirst “Hall's Pateut Universal Washing Machine'' brought to Atlauta, and am now using it to my “ci I'ecl saliefaciion, and recouimeud It to all asa great •alior-Saviug Machine. Mrs. CYNTHIA KILE. DIHECTIONM - FOR DUB. Let the Machine down Into a common wash tub, hy culling notches into llie eidcs, lor the journals to rest in, until it cuincB within one inch of the bottom of tbe tub; till with.kot water until tiie water revere the pebbles in the machine two inches; wet the clot lie* In warm water, lit is better to soak clothes over night.) then rub a little soli soap on all tho dirtv places; then put the clothes into tlio machine with the pebbles, and always fill the ma chine half tuff of clothes, shaking them out as they are put in; then close up the door aud turn the crank from three to live minutes, keeping a slow, steady motion un til tiie dirt tsout; then run through a wringer; theu boil as usual; theu put the clothes hack into the machine with the tuli lull ol cold water; give the machine eight or ten turns amt your clotliee are ready for the bluing water, aud then hang out to dry. Never turn the uiachiuc when empty nf elothea, as it breaks the stones. If any of the pebbles become hrokeu, pick them out. I'or sate hy JOHNSON & ECHOLS, mays—tiljuul Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. PHILLIP* At FlsANDKRH, Next to Dodd's Corner, Whitehall Street. ^yOULD respectfully call your attention to our VARIETY STOCK OB GOODS. Prints from to to 30 cents Domestics from 15 to 30 cents lllcacliing from t» to 40 cents Ticking from *3 to 50 cents Figured Muslins from 15 to 90 cents Kentucky Jeans from 35 tu 60 cents Gingham. from 90 to 35 cents Coll numbs from 30 to 30 cent) aud a variety of nieo Dreaa Goods, Linens, Toweling* and Table Cloths. lu the HARDWARE I)e|>artnu'iit many artielea for Housekeepers, lliiildera, and Mechanics. FURNITURE IN LARGE QUANTITY. Bedsteads from $ 4 to $16 Bureaus from 7 to lb Wnrdruhca from 10 io 15 WnsliStauda from 3 to 10 Tallies from 9 to 7 Wink Mauds from 9 to 4 licsidcs many other article* too numerous to montiou. Sugar and Coffee, Bacon, Lard, and Syrup. at 30 cents per ponnd at 5 cents per pouud at tl cents per pound at 6 ccet* per pound at ll ceuta per pound at 7 cents per pouud Cast Sieel Bar Iron Square Iron Baud Iron. Smoot king Irons Andiron* jelfi MORE NEW GOODS. G ENTLEMEN who Wish really nlco Sergo or Fine FRENCH CALF SKIN SHOES, either of the Con- gross Balmoral, Strap, or Oxford-Tie pattern, can no# ffud the latest style ami most approved manufacture at tiie New shoe Store in Rawsou's Building, comer ot Whitehall und Hunter streets, tuayo— ;l, T, BANKS.