The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, September 14, 1867, Image 1

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f ®h» g»a* ^nttUijitnctr. «»rkm' i'J i THI MI'MLKNIIHINK MHI.DIMR. West side I»r Whitehall street, between Alsham* strwel »inl Ihe Itallcwsd crossing. rimi.miiKit daily and weekly hy JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, I'roprlatnri ATLANTA. OlOROIA. ♦ Saturday Morning, Sapt. 14, IM7. Colas Itserflal Honor. If nil I lie law* lor lln> iiilliflliin ol iliibt wttre nMlalictl wo bcllcvo it woiilil be vnntly bettor for tin' oommeivo of lli« worlil. Only mi'ii of Christian honor nml integrity l oulil tin'll obUln croilll, litigation would Ini ill- uilnialinl. nml tlnmirial crisis would lx> unknown. Tlit> H’liA'Amoft «f Krrfecfor bus the billowing, Waring upon the anbjta l Two t'onliiricit ngo it was thought an insult in tin- Highland* ol' Hootlmiil to ask a nolo Iroui a d,.|,tor It was ootisltlerot! Ibo same a* Haying, "l doubt your honor." It ptirtliw bad hiiiiiII bUHinnw matter* to transact tiigothor, they aloppod out into the open air, tUotl their eyes upon the heavens, and each repea’cd his obligation, with no mortal witnesa. A mark was Hit'll carved in some ris k or tree near by to lie a rvniembraiice ot the compact. Such a tiling as a breach of contract, wo arc told, was then very rarely met with so highly did Ibo people regard their honor, and so truly did they fear Him Wneulli whose ,. V e they performed such acta. ’ When the march ol improvement brought the i U ,w mode of doing husinoas, they were often .^med by these innovations. An iinecdote is Immlcd down of a tanner who had las'll lo the I owlands and learned wordly wisdom. On re diming to his native parish, lie had need ol u sum of uionev, and made bold to ask a loan ot a gentlcuian of means, named Stewart. This wm cheerfully granted, and Mr. Stewart counted out the gold on Ids library table This done, the farmer took a pen and wrote a receipt, and ot tered it to the gentleman. “What is this, man ?’’ cried Mr. Stewart,stern ly eyeing the slip ot paper. ’ “It is a receipt, sir, binding me to give i - Lo.-h ver gold at the right time," replied Sandy. ‘ “Binding ye? Well, my man, il ye < anna I, list yersel' fin sure I’ll na trust ye! Ye rimim ha'my gold?" and gathering it up, he put il luck iu his desk and turned his key on it. " Hut, sir, 1 might die," replied the canny Scotchman, bringing up an argument in favor el Ids new wisdom, " and my sons might to- l„ 8 e it u> ye. But this bit o’ paper wad compel them." . •• i ompcl them to sustain a dead hither s hon or! cried the high-minded Scot. “They’ll need compelling to do right il this is the road yer leading them I I’ll neither trust ye nor them. Ye cau gang elsewhere lor money ! Bill ye’ll timl uaue in this parish that'll put more taitli in a bit o’ paper than iu a nniglibor'a word o’ honor and his tear o' God 1" A Revolutionary Kklic.—We lia,I the pleasure yesterday, at the residence ol our es teemed tollow-citizen, George W. Hulscr, Esq., ol conversing with an old lady ot the palriiirclml Bgcol 103 years. Her name is Margaret Swartz, widow and relict of James Swartz, who was iu the dragoon service in our revolutionary struggle. She is now and has lawn lor many years a pen sioner of the United Stales. This old and venera ble lady is a native of Berkly county, Virginia, and came with her parents when an infant to the wilds of the “dark and bloody ground" nml was an eye witness and a participant in many of the tierce struggles ot the pioneers of tills Stale.— Her lather was one ot the first settlers at Strode’* Station, between where the towns of Paris and Milleraburg are situated, when those fair and fertile regions were unbroken forests and deuse canebrakes and the red warriors were making continued attacks upon the early settlers, and when every one carried their file 'iu their hands. Mrs. Swartz recollects distinctly these stirring in cidents, and speaks now of Boone, Kenton, and tlie other brave and gallant men who assisted in ivdeemiug this fair land from the hands of the ruthless savage. She saw and conversed with Daniel Boone when he returned wounded after tlie sanguinary battle with the Indians at the Lower Blue-Licks. She now resides with her grand children near Lower Blue Licks, in Nich olas county, and is as gprlglitlv, both mentally and physically, as a lady of sixty. Long may this connecting link between the past and the present be preserved in life and health, and he permitted to relate to her children's children the stirring incidents ot those "days that tried men’s souls.’—Maytoille Bulletin, 5th. Decidedly Good.—The Winston Sentinel published in Forsyth county, makes the follow ing statement: Caught in Hi* own Trap.—The manufacturers and distillers of this district are familiar with tlie system ot espionage kept upon them by Kevenue Collector Crane, through a set of tools and minions in his employ, who sold themselves to this man Crane to watch their betters, and now, we are glad to announce that the fowler has been caught in his own net. A few days ago a man visited Greensboro and after loitering around for a day or so, went lo Crane and intormed him that he was a blockade runner, and laid down |3,000 on his table at"’ told him he had 100 boxes of tobacco, wanted put through all right. Mr '’JS | ,, ’ eted the bribe and gave a L™?7nHs«tiif Mot and Crane mVZiJ? for** •afettdlng the government. Alter thptr?- t ’^* en everything proved that Crane .accepted the bribe, and bond was required lor both, the stranger pulled out a commission as one of the chief detectives in tho service ot the Treasury Department; then he immediately had Mr. Crane arrested and put under bond tor $15,000. Mr. Crane has gone to Washington City to endeavor to make it appear that lie was only trying to catch somebody else. “May be he was." VOL. XIII. “ KIHtOIi CKA8K8 TO BK DANUKKOU8 WIIKN REASON IB LKFT FItBK TO COMBAT IT."—v/s/srttm. ^TLANTATGrr^uSMYrsiirifeMBER I4,"l§67. NO. 211). M laoollaneoue Adverlliemvula, HKLF-FAMTENINO WROUGHT IRON BUCKLE TIE COTTON 1IA.LE8. CHA8. 0. J0HN8EN, Sole Proprietor, Nit. H Union Street, «SSB( A’AMT ORL KA\NB, LA. Insert the hoop In tho •lot, and draw It tight a- round the bale. MlMinllumams Advi'rllaKimmla. VXiTePPS & TIPFIN, lonts. and will lie prosecuted at law a* such f( When Hid lever of tlie press is raised the tie will fasten itself by the out ward pressure of the bale. Self-Fastening Wrought Iron Bnckle Tie, Ou thi' must favorable terms. We am having them man ufactured of the most superior Iron, and thoroughly tested, D. H. DAVIES « CO., Commission Merchants, Louisville, Kentucky. GLENN, WRIGHT A CARR, Agents, Jyl.'l—3ui Atlanta, Gs. DRYGOODS! DRYGOODS! TALLEY. BROWN & CO. Willtelvnil street. ATLANTA. GEORGIA, K EEP constantly on baud everything usually found In a first-class Dry Goods House. They invite special attention to their stock of musiins, URBNADINKS, MOZAMBIQUE And other Summer Dress Good.. Their WlllTK O.OODB DEPARTMENT. Consisting of NAINSOOK, j . .ONET, MILL, MUMIINS, Ac., Is large and well supplied. They have, also, a well selected stock of Cassimeres for [Men’s Wear. |W~Ordcr» from the country solicited. angglt- c ACTON YOItNU, W. H. BROWNING, Lute of Nashville. J’enn. Late of Columbus, On. Joshua as a General.—Gen. D. H. llill, of tho late Confederate array, has a high opinion of the military skill of Joshua, and thinks lie dis plays a superiority over noted gcuerala of later times, lie says: “Joshua, the successor of Moses, was distin guished by the favor of Heaven, and yet was one of tlie most renowned military leaders of ids own or any other age. His strategy and maneuver ing furnish an interesting study, nt this day, to tlie student of military history. lie will see Unit tlie mistake which Washington made at Ger mantown in attempting to take Chew's house ; which Greene mude at Eutaw in attempting to take tlie brick jail, Joshua did not make when the live kiugs fled to their cave or stronghold nt. Makkedah. He did not turn aside from tlie great object, but gave orders, ‘Stay ye not, but. pursue after your enemies and smile tlie hinder- most of them; sutler them not to enter their ci ties.’ Had New Orleans, been familiar with the tactics of Joshua, lie would have made his night attack of the 23d December Just bolin-u day, and thus have anticipated tlie great victory ot the 8th of January. Is it not strange Hint military men in modern times, with all tlie lights of history and experience before them, cau dis cover no mistakes in the campaigns of Joshua, who marched aud fought ages befhru Alexander, Hannibal, G'tesar, and Napoleon ? Whence did he derive hie strategy? Who taught him the art of war? For Girls who “Ciikw Gum.—A great many American girls have acquired tho particularly disagreeable habit of chewing gum. Perhaps they would like to know how gum is made. The greatest gum-maouiacturing establish mk ' is said to beat Podunk, Massachusetts,and the fa. n 0 f g|, m ( an( ] tlie gum itself) is in the m<H, 0 j- a j| t j, 0 W(kr | ( |, <> no of t|, e em ployees oi .,^ establishment, who hns beroinn thoroughly L, | n , () t j ic , n y 8l( !ries of tho manufacture of was r< . C( , nt| diHt . h cd from the <»U. n d ^ ^ vulged the process by lhesc wWch young Americans mast, ^ Bl)c| , v , locl|y riar? tragacanth, a small quantity <V" ^ « t '_ AMEUICAN HOTEL, (YOUNG A BROWNING, Proprietor.,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA. . N. ALEXANDER. R, q. CASHEL* ALEXANDER & CASSELS, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, UOMMIHNION MERCHANTS PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA ------- GBORGIA. MfJM-Hill _ PTO 1 C? 13. f|4llE l.-Httl niivcrtiaetnoiit* ol tho Oidinary. Clerk «» A Superior ik iid Inferior Court*, and Hheritf of Foray II county will hureafter be published in the “ Opinion,' Atlanta, Georgia, until further notice. W. D. BRNTLY. Ordinajy. .1, T. BROWN, Clerk of Superior and Inferior Couit*. A. C. BBLL, h©p6—8t Sheriff. GROCERS, AND Comm issi o 11 JVLerolim 1 ts, J/..I/U.U.I STREET, ATLANTA. Iu Ntoro tuitl to Arrive : ELOVR. HAWS LA ltl>, MOLASSES. Aiul a general assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries. fl:t—:tm VAN BI-PS A TIPPIN. LEND TO THU LAND! Union Point, Ga., October l'l, IHtift. Messrs. Bright well if; Rarrow: Gents—I list'd your Phosphate ou my Cotton at the rate of *50 pound* per acre. I am satiafled that I will realise at least If*) per cent, on the amount spent,. I nut so well pleased that 1 expect to use more on the next crop than I did ou this. Very truly yours, (Signed) P. W. PltlNTUP. AMKUiru*, Ga., November 1, IHiifl. Messrs. Brlghtwetl it Rarrow: Gints—The twenty (40) tons REED'S PHOSPHATE I bought ol yon thtB year, I used on Corn and Cotton. I am so well pleased with the effect on my crop, that I wish to purchase of you for noxt year's crop, one linudrcd tons. Yours respectfully, __ JAS. A. COBB. This Manure, manufactured in Georgia (the virtues for which are attested by well known Georgia citizens, and which is calculated to do so much for "Reconstruction in Georgia) is for sale by LANGSTON, CRANE & HAMMOCK, Sole AgentB, Alabama Street, Atlanta, Ga. SACKS AND WHEAT WANTED. Sacks, Second-Hand Gunnies and Burlaps. OUvU 151)00 bushels Wheat. LANGSTON, CRANE A nAMMOCK, HARDWARE AND IRON. pm b nniiH MANILLA HOPE. 7 5 # dozen Short Handled Frying Pane, f 20 coile Patent Facking X to f inch, 200 dozen Shovels and Spade*, 1600 dozen Pocket Knives, 200 groea Table Cutlery, 200 dozen Curry Comb*, ISO boxee Tin Plate, 20U0 pounds Block Tin, 1000 pounds Bar Lead, 600 bags Shit, 30 bandies Bright Iron Wire, 300 dozen Iron Wire Sifters, 60 Anvilf, 75 Vises. 4000 pounds Smoothing Irons, 2000 pounds Qrtfllu'* Horse Nall*, 600 dozen Filee~aesorted, 3000 pounds tialvanized Sheet Iron, 3 tons Cast Steel, 20 tons Plow Steel, .3U0 tons Swedes and Refined Iron, 00 tons Band, Hoop, and Horse Shoo Iron. 15 tons Oval, Half Oval, and Half Round Iron, 25 tons Boiler, Plate, and Sheet Iron. For sale by WEEDS & CORNWELL, No*. 150 and 101 Broughton Street, Savannah, Oa. 96th SEMI-ANNUAL EXPOSE. TOTAL LOSSES PAID, a&31,271,972 57 ! JOHN. B. FULLER, 47 SET STREET, New York City. MANUrACTITRER AND DEALER IN PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES 4 BOILERS, EICOM 3 TO 250 HORSE POWER. Mrnil approved Circular aud Upright Haw Mills, Grist “'“d»ori un baud aud be _ lug “ imd all kluda of guv r>.w .ill,, uiibi I Mining aud Planta dnery un baud aud built to order. tw Hbaftlng, Pulliea, Leather and Rubber Beltiug, '' -t Iron and Wood-working Machinery. |W* Machinery and Railroad luppllea In atoro, and ehlpiuul at Ilia lowest rates. anuVf—dm The Regular Line of Mail Stages The fat used U not lunl, that b< n •ire, but U in a aulmtance expreBR?** cx l M ’ n dead boga, cats, doga, and oilier anlnK. 0,n on the coinmons of the city. Tlito i* v 11 ' 11 wont of it. After tlie various Ingrcdiena 1 "’ molted together in' a huge kettle, a certain kli. of alkali ia pul in for the pur|Kme ol whitening . tlie gum. Tbia alkali la tlie aaine Hint ia uaeil ' by dyera with indigo lo give a deop and perma nent blue lo flannela. “We ark Comimo Father Abraham."—Wo are iolormed upon good autliorily Uiat Joaopfc WilHama or Ida recent speaking lour in Alabama, succeeded Iu converting some three thousand negroes from ltadicallam to Conaervaliam. Will the Markham-Dunning Farrow-Aabbura party put Ihin in IB pipe and smoke it - LWuwfm* Bun. FOR CARROLLTON Yy^ll.L LEAVE NKWNAN immediately after the urrlval of the cara from Atlauta, ou MoNdnye, Wedaeadaya and Friday a. i lteturiduf;, will arrive at Newnan on •day*, Tkuradnya and Haturdaya, tra^hfcoan connection with the train for Atlanta. El t> 't!oiiiteeL be un u l'l MWlM days to accommodate day’# trips.' Tim route F^c to BOWDEN with Monday aud Krl no’wOONCO! good teams. Tare to Carrollton'.'.,' “— *“ “— ,A ~" p pp , *dc lo BOWD ri^Vjigoodnn ACIIKH, smlllnfl * natural road, equipped with and frequent change, of to Bowden gj, Kor pasaage apply at 11 ” . 4 . ' lei. or lo Mpt-lm* ioiin T. HOLMES, Newnan, Ua. JULY 1, ASSET* (At Market Value.) (•’n*h ou lisud and in Hsuk Beal Estate Mortusj'u Bond* Bank Stock U. State*, State and City Stock, and other $,88*; m 248,1 N»3 02 005,550 00 l,2tNi,400 00 Public Hcciiritic*... |4,(i60,038 27 JWIIIfarir Directory Major Ueiteral John Pori, U. H. A., commanding Third Military 1)1*1 rlet (Georgia, Florida, and AlatMma.)- Ofllee at llimdquartura, ou Marietta atruut, Colonel J. F. Mbmnr, Chief of Bureau of Civil Afltair*, and General Inspector of Kegiatratlon for Third Mill’ tary District. Office at Headquarter*. Brev’t IlriKadier-General W«. MoKbm Dunn, AmIhUiiI Jud^e Advocate General U. 8. A., Jud^e Advocate Third Military Dlntrict. Office at Headquarters, Lieiitcnnnt Colonel E. McK. Hudson, U.8. A., Assistant lns|M?ctor General. Office at Headquarters. Captaiu G. K. Handkhmon, tl. M. A., Actiiq; Asnistanl Adjutant General. Office at 11 ‘adqtmrter*. Ilrev’t llriKudicr General J. J. Mii.iuu, Surgeon t). H. A. Medical Director Tliird Military District. Office corner Broad and Marietta street*. Brev’t Brigadier General Kurus Haxton, Chief <|uarter- nniHter. Office nt Headquarter*. Brev’t Lieiitcuaiit Colouel II. J. Farnmwohtii, Depot (Jiiarterinaster. Office Forsyth street, near Railroad. Brev’t Captain C. A. Kook will, Chief Ordnance Officer. Office corner Broad aud Marietta street*. Major E. D. Judd, I*. M. U. 8. A., Chief Pay Master and DiHhursliiK Officer Third Military District. Office cor- ucr Broad and Marietta wtreets. Lieutenant C. 8. Ilhlby, Post i^uartermaater and Com missary Subsistence. Office W’illinghain Building, cor ner Ivy and Decatur streets. Brev’t Mt\|or Wm. II. Bmytik, Captain Kith U. 8. Infan try, Actiug Assistant Judge Advocate General. Office at Headquarters. Brev’t Mi^Jor T. C. Sullivan, C. 8 United States Army, Chief Commissary of Subsistence. Office, Room No. 1 Willingham Buildings, corner of Decatur and Ivy si reets. Brev’t Major Fhkd. Mosrbach, V. R. C r ,Sub-Asst. Com. Hull-District, Atlanta Bureau R. F. aud A. L. Office in Grauitu Block, No. t, room No. 5. POST or ATLANTA, Composed of thu counties of Cobb, Fulton, Cntnpbcll, Carroll, Coweta, Heard, Fayette, Claytou, Hpalding, llenry, Newton, DeKalb, Milton, Gwiunett and Butta. Brev’t Brigadier General Thomas H. Ruokr, Colonel :13d United States Infantry, commanding Post. Head quarters, room No. 3 Willingham Building, corner of Decatur and Ivy streets, Atlanta, Ga. Brev’t Captain O. C. Knapp, 1st Lieutenant 33d U. 8. Iu- lautry, Post Adjutant. Office at Headquarters. First Lieutenant C. 8. Ilblky, Kith U. B. Infantry, Act ing Assistant Quartermaster and Acting Commissary Subsistence Post. Office, room No. 7. Willingham Building. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. FOR THE YEAR 1807, J. E. Williams, Mayor $2,000 H. B. Love, Clerk of Council 1,500 J. T. Glenn. City Attorney 800 Ro'bert M. Fanar, City Treasurer 800 li200 1,600 1,000 > per. City I Koht. Crawford, Com George Stewart, Overaeer of Etrccta. Jo. H. Smith, Tax Receiver and Collectoi. Pat. Kilzgibbon,Uall-Keeper nu ALDERMEN. riR8T WARD. M. T. Caetlcberry, Richard Peters. HCOHD WARD. E. E. Raweon, A. W. Mitchell. THIRD WARD. George W. Terry, W. C. Anderson. FOURTH WARD. J. E. Gnllatt, W. B. Cox. FIFTH WARD. J. A. tlaydeD, B. W. Holland. POLICE DEPARTMENT. L. P. Thomas, Chief Marthal $1,500 E. C. Mnrphy, Deputy Msrehal 1,*I0 J. L. Johneon, let Lieutenant of Police 1,000 T. C. Murphy, 9d Lieutenant of Police l.uut POLICEMEN—($4 4fi TER DAT.) I. ,T. Cook, F. J. Uomnr, D. Kogun. K. A. Center, F. T. Kicklighter, ,1. A. lflnlon, Hall, J. L. Cruuahaw, G. \V. Bowen, O. M. Barry, A.Jarrard, O. P. Woodllff, Juaper Grove*, W. If. C. Cowan, J. S. Holland, R. D. Haynes, tl. t\. lARV, K. B. Hutchina, J. M. Coanally, Green Holland, 11. W. Wooding, H. J. Holtzclaw, M. W. Raeberry, J. F. Baruce, T. G. Mclluii, J. A. Lanier, I'lerk of Firet Market—Theophilu. Harri*. Clerk of Second Market—Frank T. Ryan. Sexton—O. A. Pilgrim. City Assessors—R. 8. Waters, W. C. Humphries, and C. V. Wood. Assessor of Land taken for Opening Streets—Levi C. Wells, and F. P. Rice, STANDINO COMMITTEES OP THE CITY COUNCIL FOB THE FISCAL YEAH 18117. Finance—Peters, Mitchell Rawsou. Ordiuauce—Mitchell, Harden, Peters. Htreets and Sidewalks—Gnllatt. Rawson. Haydeu. Welle, Pumps and Cistern*—Cox, Anderson, Castle berry. MIhc’oIIuiicmmim AdV€9rlftMvm*9iilM. Lamps and Gaa—Hayden, Terry, Peters. Relief—Castleberry, Rawson, Terry, Gull Market—Hayden, Castleberry, Holland. Fire Department—Gullatt, Cox, Terry. Police—Rawsou, Cox, Anderson. Cemetery—Terry, Mitchell, Rawson. Public Buildings and Grounds—Anderson, Terry, Pe ers. Tax—Holland. Rawson, Cox. On Printing—Terry, Holland, Castleberry. Salaries—Cox, Mitchell, Holland. BOARD OFHEALTH. First Ward—Dr. J. M. Boring. Second Ward—O. H. Jones, Esq. Third Ward—L. P. Grant. Esq. Fourth Ward—Dr. Clias. I'tuc&uey. Fifth Ward—Dr. J. N. Simmon*. WARDS OF THE CITY. The City of Atlanta shall be laid oil into five wards, as follows, to-wit: FIRST WARD. Commencing at the crossiug of Whitehall street with the Western A Atlantic Railroad, aud running up the south aide of said railroad to the incorporation line, then down said Hue to the center or Whitehall street, then north along the center of said street to the startiug point, and which shall be known and constitute Ward number One. BECOND WARD. Commencing at the center of the crossing of Whitehall street, at the Western A Atlantic Railroad, and running east down the railroad to the crossing of Calhoun street, iu the rear of the Georgia Railroad workshop, then south along the middle of said street to the center of McDou ough street, thence along the center of McDonough street to the incorporation line, then aloug said line to tlie ceu- ter of Whitehall street at its crossiug at the incorporation r Two. THIRD WARD. Commencing Ml thu ceutur of Calhoun street, at its south crossiug of the Georgia Railroad workshop, aud miming down the south side of said railroad to the in corporation line, theu aloug said line to the center of Me Donough street to the starting poiut,wbich shall consti tute aud be knowu as Ward number Three. FOURTH WARD. C’ommeuciug ou the uorthsldeof thu Georgia Railroad, in the ceuter of the crossing of said railroad hy Loyd street, aud running dowu the uorth side of said railroad to the Incorporation Hue, theu aloug said liue to Ivy street, theu aloug the center of Ivy street to Decatur street, then along said street west to the center of Loyd to the starting point, which shall coustitute and hr kuowu as Ward number Ft Less Liabilities, Claims not due and umid- justed *. 377,368 40 Net Assets $4,273,200 81 ANI> INIjANI) NAVIGATION RI8K8. Asihcii'. iu all Urn principal citlu. uml town* in the United State.. Application* for Iuenmnro will tie promptly attended ». OFFICE—With C. I. Brown, on east side of Whitehall street, one door Rom Alabama. JyI1»— N. L. ANOIBB, Agent. J. A. YOUNU. JOHN WILKES. M. L. WIIISTO* JAS. EAHNSIIAW. TO SOUTHERN MERCHANTS. Horn Ihm.n r> Maniifacturino Co., I Dii tk, North Carolina, f i* yon dualre lo mipply youraelvi'n for your Fail an M. Winter trade, with Inc very heat dcarrlptlnn* aud alyle, of ALL-WOOL CASSIMERES, and with thu moat durable JEANS and KERSEY lalirlea.ali free from .huff ily and other linpnrltlc*, order .ample* from tho mill- .erlhor, and they will tie lorwunluil, w'“ ' 1 1 durlUK the mouth* of ,luly and Aiqju. J ilu* yon can make yonr Holuctlon* n .. .. ... lor*, anil Ihe good* will Ik; fur muffed directly from file Manufactory. JOHN A. YOUNG, fri'aldt'iil, Jolt-Jin Charlotte, N. I'. WESLEYAN FEMALE OOLLEOE. HA COM, OEOROIA. IHE !UUi Auuual He**lon will Im'hIii on MONDAY, October 7th, iiuiler a full Hoard of Inntriiclor*. T Eve _ era department ha* larllltie* forfUrul*htn* the hiahwt atyle of udncatlou, nu rca*tmahlu term*. jFor further partlctlar*, apply to Rev. 4. M. Jktuuoll, D. D. PrenMent, or W. C. BASS, aaicS-lawlllocU Secretary of Faculty. r Four. FIFTH WAHD. Commencini; at thu north of said railroad, at thu edi tor of tho cron-ini' of Loyd etreet, and rimuiiiK we»l aloni; the north aide of the Weateru A Atlantic Railroad to tho incorporation line, then along *aid line to the cen ter of Ivy atreut, then aotilh along Ihe couter of De catur etreet to the center of Loyd atreut, theu along the center uf Loyd atreut tu thu darting point, which ehnll eoiiBllttilu and be known a* Ward number Five. FlltE DEPARTMENT. Chief Eugitiucr—Thoma* liattey. Firet Aaaietant Engineer—Henry Gnllatt. Sucond Aeaietant Engineer—W. G. Knox. Atlanta Enoine Company No. 1. — President John B. Norman Foreman Samuel Wilson Secretary It. Mlihlunbriuk Treaettrer rharluu Sclinutr. Firet Director Joint iterkeie Seeoud Director John Willty Third Director J. It. Nlleworth Engineer I*. J. Uracken M. L. Collier. o. Warner It. Haney, Wnt. Kroi— M. L. Rot irte. First A**i*laut Eugiueer —Second Aeeiataut Engineer Tlnrd Aaaietant Eugiueer Axeman . Delegate to Fire Department THE ARROW TIE AND IRON BANDS BALING COTTON ! AN INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE, WASTE, AND THEFT UNRqiiALRIt roil Simplicity ami Rapidity of Adjustment SURPASSED BY NONE FOR STRENGTH AND ADAPTABILITY TO ALL 'File Uhom of Coiiimorou I fJIHEY are manufactured in LIVERPOOL, of tlie best English Iron, under the personal supervision of tlie In ventor, formerly a resident of Nfew Orleans, La. The ARROW TIE Is preferred hy 8hipma*ters nml Compressmen, ns It is worked with one eighth to one inch slack, while all HOLID TIES require three to five inches, which, in running through a cargo, iuvolvcs a heavy loss to the Shipmaster. Use the Arrow Tie and Band*, AND SAVE MONEY IN FREIGHT and INSURANCE! Arrangement* have been made to aecurean ample eup- ply of the ARROW TIE aud BANDS for the coming eua- eon. JAMES A. HALL, Agent Middle and Southweet Georgia. ANDREW LOWE & CO., General Agent*, Savannah, Ga. The undersigned is prepared to furnish the ARROW TIE to the trade at SAVANNAH PRICES, forwarding and transportation added. PRATTE, EDWARDS Ac CO., Agent*, Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ga. HEAR THE IN8URANCE AGEHT8! Savannah, Mat 7th, 1R4S7. Tlie rcccut lire* iu this city having proved to our entire satisfaction, by a thorough test, tlie superiority of IRON .. * loses, we strongly recommend aider* of Georgia as an efficient agent ill restricting loss hy fire; and we agree to discrimi nate, when practicable, in favor of cotton thus secured. A. WILBUR, General Insurance A.."lit CHARLES GREEN A SON, ‘ ;’te Liverpool,London AC. ARLES L. COLBV A CO., Agfa Sun A Atlantic M. In*. Co., N. Y It. H. FOOTMAN, Insurance Agent. WOODBRIDGE BROS., Ins. Agent*. J. T. THOMAS, Insurance Agent. J. C. McNULTY, " ‘r Southern i T. STEWART, Agent London A Lancaster Ins. Co. LANE A WEST, Insurance Agents. Macon, Ga., May 10th, 1807. The recent tiro at the Warehouse of Mr. B. T. Chap man, in thia city, having fally demonstrated the advan tage of the use of Iroit Baud* for baling purpoeen, ae a . by Arc, wo, the unaerslj ’ ,ua., take pleasure in ew _at Savannah, . GRANNI8B, Agent for several Ins. Companies. ,t. W. BURKE, Insurance Agent. E. J. JOHNSON A CO., Insurance Ag’ts. J. MONROE OGDEN, Ininrancu Agent. :J. M. BOARDMAN. Insurance Ageut. JNO. B. COBB, Isurance Agent. ed insii- the MOUNT AUBURN Yoiig Ladies’ Institute, S ITUATED on that beautiful eminence north of the City of Cincinnati, from whldi it derive* its name, ha* just closed its Tweuty-Secoud Sessiou. The past year has been one of unusual prosperity, . . . , * thirty- curred. Its healthful location and its country position, while yet so near the city, give* it advantages over either city or ' omit ry schools. Its character us a first rate Seminary of leaiuiug is too well known to need fiirther coinmeut*. Thu LIBRARY, CABINET, and APPARATUS, already very extensive, are receiving yearly additions. For Catalogues or information, address I. II. WHITE. 25 West Fourth :Rtroetj Cincinnati, Ohio, ^ augtt—**w a o o d Or II. THANE MILLER, President. JST K VV 8 ! ! Mechanic Enuine Company No. 9. J. E. Gullatt. J. G. Kelley W. D. Luckie, jr O. H. Jones K. Hnlcc tiuinc Stcluheinicr O. W. Terry Joel Kelsey Jamen Daniel* J. M. Toy G. 'I'. AihIitmiii, ( W. F. Wood*, ( • " J. M. Bntcc, I Joseph Wiley, I J. F. Alexander... ... .President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer First Director Second Director Chief Engineer First Assistant Engineer ...Second Assistant Engineer ... .Third Assistant Eugiueer Plpemeu Axemen ..Bnrgcon M. L. Licliteiistadt... Representative to Fire Do|inrtmont TALt.m.An Enoine Company No. 7. 8. W. Grubb K. A. Ceuter W. C. Shearer George Tkontpmiu J. J. Rogers John D. Clarke Lewis U. Clarke John A. Hill A. Thlcmn 11.8. Orme, M. D W. R. Diggers President. Vice President. First Director. — Second Director. Hose Director. Secretary. Treasurer. Axetuau. Axeman. Surgeon. Delegate. RECONSTRUCTION BOOT, SHOE, LEATHER, 8HOK*PINDipU BUSINESS Commenced last April by . T. BANKS, HAS PROVEN A DECIDED SUCCESS I WHY? J^ECAUSE he has kept the LARGEST STOCK ol GOODS in his line tn the State of Georgia, tho Goods fttlly adapted to the wants ot tho community, either at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, Ail of which have been made to his own order, or bought by ltlmaelf in person since the declluo iu prices, and for cash; coLocqucutly, ho cau aud will sell them for lets thau the tame goods can be bought elewhere. Being alive to the wants of hla customers, and know ing Ihe advantage that ready money turnover time in buy ing, he has mode all hi* purchases exclusively for cash; and boing determined to sell for CASH ON DELIVERY OF GOODS only, he can afford to take HALF THE PRO FITS OF OTHERS who keep books and asll on time (even for only thirty days.) lie has determined to make TUB JOBBING TRADE A SPECIALITY, And Wholesale lluyera will And It much to their advan tage to give him a call. He will duplicate any hill of gooda iu hla line bought of lobbing houses in New York or Boston, adding only freight, Ac., to this point. IDT*Aft goods warranted ns represented. Don't Forget the Place er the Sign. I. T. BANKS, Rawson's Building, Corner nuntcr aud Whitehall slrceta. N. B.—Not connected in business with any other house In the city. tuAU Atlanta Hook and Lauder Co. No. 1. J. L. Queen Foreman O. F.8. D'Alviguy Assistant Foreman J. S. Yarbrough Secretary Geo. Johnson....' Treasurer Id. Holland Representative to Firs Department J .sen Im v II lo A «l v«l'Ms*mm*»llls*. \v. 11. nix, KENTUCKY PLANING MILL, MOOR, RL/X/t, AM) SASH MANUFACTURER. And Dealer in nil kinds of Building Lumber, Rough and Dressed, NINTH BTRKRT, NKAU BROAD WAV, LOUIS VI Is M<:, KENTUCKY. «m A, !i k .! udp . of ?*PI , 1 ,, £* splitting, Dressing, Turning, and Hcroll Hawiii" done lo order, wiin nuatness and dispatch. Special attent ion paid to packin'; and shippint; manu factured works, so that it.nmy not. be injured 111 trans portation. jc!2—8m BREEDEN & BRADLEY, LUMBER MERCHANTS, And Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, minds, &c. —ALSO— TACKING BOXES OE EVERY DESCRIPTION. Lumber Yard on Walnut, ln*t. Kurt and Kloyil streets. ,/arerooins ou First street, bet. .Main and Itiver, (one square below the New Galt House, Jel'J—tm LOIIKVII.I.K, KY. TODD & RICHARDSON, XioulHvllle, Kentucky. 7000 PIECES Mac hine and Penitentiary Bagging 2000 colls Machine Rope, 200000 pounds Waile.v Iron Tie, Manufacturer* of Jeans, Linacys, Blanket*, &c. Ail for sale on liberal terms. jv2—40t GREAT SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSES! LOUI H T 111 PP, (HUCCESMOK TO TUI 1*1* A CUACIO,) W HOLESALE and Retail Dealer in Pianos, Cabinut Organs, MHode* out*, and all kinds of Musical Mercban- disc, and Publisher of Music. Catalogue u,pi i nuu i 1111111*111 r in iiilicit. l aiaiogiie • ■ of music and yrice list of instruments mailed free LOUIS TRIPP, and price I plication, Address liuuia likin'. Nos. 02 and 04 Jefferson St., Louisville, Ivy. je!2—4n» GREEN LEAP (or HE.VP LEAF) BAUUIIVU ROPE. rjiHE undersigned hereby notify their friend* aud all consumers of tlie above named Staple Uonds, that they continue to manufacture them in Louisville, Ivy. They hope and expect to have it in their power to exe cute every order sent them this season. All Letters Promptly Replied To. W. A. RICHARDSON A SON, jyS7—Sm Louisville, Kentucky. INGE K NOLL’S HAND POWER COTTON PRESS. HO N D1JHAH. P ERSONS wishing to join the Colony now being or gsnlscd at Atlanta, to soli from Mobile direct lo Honduras on the tilth of October next, are required to call ou Col. R. P. Welkins or D. I*. Ferguson, ol Atlauta, or J. W. Goldsmith, nt Stone Mountain, nt once, end pay tn, or eend by express to either one of ihe above named iienone, fill) oa a bouae to nuthorlae our Treainrer In making permanent arrangemente for tmueportatlou. Pereous going with thte Colony will acre ■! klug tlie uxpenee from Atlauta to Hondnrai $115 In currency, on n flret-cUee eleamshlp. ought to carry tente, ae houses are scarce.. augtt—1m __ CONVENIENCE, ECONOMY AND CHEAPNESS (Jreaifsf Labor-Saving Machine That can he put on » Plantation t OPINIONS OF THE PEOPLE. Am.rndalb, Barnwkm. Disthu’T, 8. C., i March 1,1867. 1 Meter*. Little tf- Marshall: Gbnti.rmkn—I used, during the past season, one of ‘•Ingersoir* Portable t’otton Presses,” purchased of yon last Hentember. I luive always been prediudieed in favor of the ‘’Screw Press,” ami nothing but dire iiee<‘ssity In duced me t«> try any oilier. I lake pleasure, however, iu adding my testimony in favor of its euli*e adaptation to thu wants of a eoitoii plantation. It has surpassed my most sanguine expert ioiin. 1 have packed will) blit two hauds, yet 1 prefer four -two at rai l) lever. Mv bales all weighed over 500 pounds. The first lot I sent to market averaged 682 pounds. My impression is, that 500 pounds is about the capacity of the Press, aud a greater number of pounds subject the follow-block to too much risk, mi les* the sides of the cotton l*ox was increased. It would add greatly to the value of the Press it the cotton box wa* ten inches longer. In haste, I am, very rcs|H?etftilly, your ohedieut servant, &»■., B. W. LAWTON. P. 8.- I took my Press dowu ami carried it some four mile* to pack tlie crop of a neighbor, who tailed to have a “screw” built, lie was so much pleased that lie has determined to abandon Ihe‘’Screw” aud purehase “In- gcrsoU’a Press.” 11..W, L. okfu’k of Kino’s Mountain IUii.hoad i’o., t YoiiKVlt.l.K, S. tV, April 15, 1867. | Oznti.kmkn : I have iusi reeeive«l your letter of Feb ruary—upon my return lo this plaee, after an absence of two montlis—and Ibis reply may la* too late for yom “Descriptive i'ireular of Ingersall * (.’olfoil Press.” The press I used ill pai king my cotton la.-t year worked admirably, parking, u it It ease, f*Mi to 625 pountN, With good active liaiuls to work il. I am satisfied from eighteen to twenty bales might readily In* packed in a %,t. Fross cninliim'S tlie ail' aidagcs nt tiglilncss, uml couseiiiii'iil imrtuhlhty amt simplicity, being easily man aged ny any mio uf onlmaiy iMielligeiiee. Great com pressing furro, with little mutlve pniver, and "last, hut uni least,'' II. is worked entirely hy hand, thus ssviug for the farm liurses tlie hard labor imposed upon them hy tlie ordinary “Screw." Itespeelfttlly, Ae., your*. IS. M. LAW. To Little A Mausiui.L, Charleston, S. C. ■BT-Fnr Descriptive Cirrular and I'riee List, address I.ITTI.K A MARSHALL, Ageuts fur the.lugerMill Cotton I'ross, Nn. 110 Meeting street, (Opposite I'avllhm Hotel, jytft—Ttwiim, S. 0. Kabscriptioi twl Advertising Kites mn o» »o**oMirftoM. Daily, per month... Daily, twslve months. Weekly, aix month* Weekly, one year 10 CO ] * roi 8 10 Sl ngle copies at the counter..... Single coplee to New* Boye andAgmita. matu op ADvinimuw. MATES OP AtirEMTSHBM. For each sqare of 1(1 lines or lew, tor the flrst Insert lo ■ j *. •.l — * 4tvoopf 1 lift N) MAUI. *t|1uotn k S88888888S S8288SS88IS «*» . - •qitioui g 'g ”8 88888888 S888t*SPSg qiuoui | 8828888888 g g * S 8 * 8 8 3 F- «k •stun tt 8 S 8 8 8 8 : : a £ 2 55 * i : i ! 9 2 8 8 S 8 8 : * ’* 2 s K a : 8 8 8 8 8 8 : “ * * 2 S 'A : 8 8 8 8 8 8 : •S.1UII! , *• ■» «: s s ts : : : : • • 8 8 8)88 1 **guj|x L* 04 + TO » O «• ; ; •u ... • . -• 8 8 8 8 8 8 : ‘Haui|| £ ¥0 •omit I 8888881^11 ‘M.uvnhg | rT"i : ; f 3 1 1 cent* |mt line for each aubeequeut iunertion. AdveriiHement* iiiferu d at interval* to be charged a* new each Insertion. AdvertiHcnient* ordered to remain on auy particular page, to be charged a* new each insertion. Tlie money for advertising couaidered due after fir*I insertion. All communication* or letter* ou bnidne** intended tni thi* office should he addreased to “The Atlanta Intelli gencer.” RAILROAD GUIDE Georgia Railroad* K. W. COLR^Sup***Un(D»„ day pahhknobr train. Leave Atlanta at 6.00 A. M Arrive at Augunta 5.45 P. 11 iieave Auguata at- 6.30 A. M Arrive at Atlanta 6.30 P. M (No train* run on Sunday.) NIGHT PA8BKNUKR TRAIN. Leave Atlanta .. 6.45 P. M Arrive at Auguata 3.15 A. M Leave Augunta 8.00 P. M Arrive at Atlauta 6.45 A. M — Atlanta A We«t-Polut Railroad. L. I*. GRANT, Superintendent DAY FAHSKNOBH TRAIN—OUTWARD. mta..... 7.(10 A. M Vest Point lil.ooA. M DAY I'ASSENUKH THAIN — INWAllU. raontgomerjr A Weet-Polnt Railroad. DANIEL n. CRAM, Superintendent. DAY THAIN. Leave Montgomery Arrive at West-Point Leave West-Point Arrive at Montgomery Leave Opeliku Arrive at Columbus Leave Columbus Arrive at Opelika 7.85 A. M 1.80 P. M 10.10 A. M 4.10 P. M 11.55 A. M 1.55 P.M 9.35 A. M 11.35 A. M Macon A Western Railroad. E. B. WALKER, Superintendent. DAT PABSEN.XH TRAIN. Leave Macon 7.30 A. K Arrive at Atlauta 1.57 P. M Leave Atlanta 6.55 A. V Arrive at Macon> p. Is Leaves Atlanta 7.15 P. M Arrivee in Macon 4.85 A. M Western 4k Atlantic Halit usd. CAMPBELL WALLACE, Superintendent. NIGHT EXPRESS PASSENGER THAIN—DAILY. Leave Atlanta 7.0C P.M Arrive at Chattanooga 4.10 A. M Leave Chattanooga 4.30 P. At Arrive at Dalton 7,50 P. M Arrive at Atlanta 1.41 A, At DAT PASSE NO EH TRAIN Daily, except Sundays. Leave Atlanta b.45 A. M Leave Dalton -4.3oP. At Arrive at Chattanooga 5.85 P. At Leave Chattanooga 3.80 A. M Arrive at Atlanta 18.05 P. M DALTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Daily except Sundays. Leave Atlanta 3.5u P. M Arrive at Dalton l*.S5 P. M Leave Dalton 1.35 1*. M Arriveat Atlanta 9.45 A. M Mall Since Line from Atlanta to Dab- lonega. Leave Atlanta Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ..6A.M. Arrive Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7 P. At. Don’t Wash Another Week Without Buying —TUB— GREATE8T WONDER OF THE ABE! I1A1.I/H UNIVEllHAL WA8HING MACHINE!! SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE LADIES. I l’ has long been relt and acknowledged that a Washing Machine would yet be Invented that wonld be sim ple, cheap, and more effective than any of the Machine* heretofore offered to the public. Such a Machine I* now offered without fear of competition. 1st. One woman will do more with a Machine than six cau do without it. It will wash five dirty shirts (ini-luffing wristbands and collars) perfectly clean in from lour to eight minutes—this we guarantee, or no sale. 3d. It requires no ekill to operate it, as a girl 13 rears old has washed (iu Atlautu) ruUIt DOZEN PIKcRs IN ONE HOURt 3d. It takes at least one third lues soap, and will pay for itself every year in the saving of clothing, aa it act* so delicately on the fabrics that hunk bill* cun be waehcd without breaking—something no other machine can do Wc manufacture these Atachluce In this plnce.aud shall sell them at TEN DOLLARS, the same price they are sold for iu New York. There is uo Washing Machine on the market that run he bought for even twice the money, aud no Alachiue that will com pete with it in the performance of it* wor . These Machine* are un exhibition in this city, at the store of JOHNSON A KOIlOLS, Whitehall street. At it. RENTLY owns the Patent Right for this remarkable Machine iu all the Southern States. Liberal inducements will lie offered to gentlemen desiring the exclusive rich' to sell these Machines iucountiesauddistricts, or state, fall on, or address, I), s. DKNTLY A CO., . .. Rome. Ga. Any one itili iuging upon tills Patent Right will tu prosecuted according to law, and any one giving informs tiou uf thu same, will tie liberally rewarded. A Kreat Labor-Saving Machine. We, the undersigned citizens uf Rome, would say, iu behalf of “Hall’* Universal Washing Alachiue,” after full trial and nse, that, in consideration of Its cheapness, thu durability of the Ataelilne, file ease and quickness of mo tion, the small amount of soap required, and the protec tion of the clothes, would recommend it to a generou. public. P. M. 8IIEIBI.Y, G. W. F. LAMPKIN, J. A. STEWART, SAM. F. POWERS, W M. WEST, JOHN W. NOBLE, JAMES NOBLE, Sr., J. J. COHEN. 1 _ Alachiue lorfeol 1 . Ulior Saviug Mac hine. niRRCT10NN~ FOR VHK. Let the Atachine down Into a common wash tub, by cuttiug notches Into the sides, for tlie journal* to rest in, mil il it conies within one inch of the bottom of the tub; till water until tlie water rovers the pebble* iu the muchine two inches; wet thu clothes in warm water, tit is better to soak clothes over uight,) then mb a little suit soap un all the dirty places; tlicu put the clothe* into the machine with the pebbles, and always till the ma chine half lull of clothes, shaking them out ss thoy ure put iu; then close up the door suit turn the crank from I lirce to live minutes, keeping a slew, steady motion lltl- " j ■ ‘ " in thri '■ . Atlanta, May 7,1067. bought the first “Hall's Patent Universal Washing ichiue" brought to Atlanta, and am now using it to my ustng it to my > Hit as a greet Mus. CYNTHIA KILE. til tlie dirt isout; theu ruu through a wriuger; then boil as usual; then put the clothes icuck into tho machine with the tuli hill of cold water; give the maehinc eight or ten turns and your clothes are ready for lbs bluing water, and then bang out to dry. Never turn the machine when empty of clothes, as it breaks the stones. If auy of tho pebbles become broken, pick them out. For sale l>y JOHNSON A ECHOLS, mays—ttljanl Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. PH1L.L1PH FLANDERM, Next to Dodd’* Corner, Whitehall Street. OULD reaped fully call your alteution to 0ur VARIETY NTOCK OP GOODS. Flint* from 10 to 20 cent* Douiotitic* from 1*5 to 80 cent* Blenching from 15 to 40 cent* Ticking from 2* to 60 cent* from 15to6iic*nt» from 25tor08mt* • • •.« irom 20 to 3a cent* lroiu 20 to 90 coin u Die** Good*, Linvua, Toweling* Kentucky Jean*.. Gingiaim* CollnilMdCH Kiui a variety of nit Uli uml Table t'lotli*. In the IIA ROW ARK Depart nunt mauy articloa for llouackceper*, Builder*, anu Mechanic*. FURNITURE IN LARUE QUANTITY. Bedstead* from $ 4 to $15 llnreau* from 7 to 15 from 10 to 15 from 2 to 10 from 2 to 7 ,,,, from $ to 4 beside* many other article* too tiumerou* to mention Sugar and Coffee, Bacon, laird, and Syrup. tSi 1 .?'?*’ 1 itW cents per pound .at 5 centa per pound .at 8 cents per pound .si 6 cents per pound .st 8 cents per poasd urcau* Wardrobes.., Wash Stands Tables Work Siauds liar Iron.. Square Iron Hand trou Smoothiug Irons... AndlrMis Jet* - .st 7 cents per pound MORS NEW GOODS. G'WKIMS Ktt.KSK.KTiS.! K«ft»i“»a7*2!47!S«aj oru iu ttawaoB?• Buikhnc, corn* Whitehall and lluuter aired*. ■***“ '.I. T. BANK