The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, September 19, 1867, Image 1

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JliiUy £fntcUiflfncrr. mem «» »*' !•' I «' I'. « I* UK MI>III.K*NHI*H HMI.IMN44. o*i .Idu nr »l reel, between .Mutattii* »lr«cl i»*lne. mill llit' It, i-r Clllll.lNIIKO IIAtl.V ANI> WEEKLY 111 JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, I* 1*0 |1 I* I I* I O I*. maa ftnbmriftioi mn ar imMinM, dally, |ht month daily, tardy* mouth*, rpuly, ‘ ..Plymouth* 2 10 Wtarkly, on*year aid single utple. ut the runnier 1(1 Single tuple* to New* Hoy* and Atlanta .......... 6 turn of .maurm—. For curb aqareof Inline* nr lew, for the Aral limillu ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Thursday Morning, Sopt. 10. 1867. A mill'rllr Perylrifd Ahoni KaklitH »*ur- rhati'P, A retvnt okporlotl ltilhllin«<iit of n piclit linn ,i| llit* t*ml ol Hit* world gttvo iiso to very ipicr iidvt'iiliirva in some parts of I'nmirullciit, wlioro Hu* |ir%w<|H'ct» of aiiblmmry things tor it tlnit* were eonsidorcd very precarious itml iini'erlniii. The llitrllortl '/Vote* tells the follow ill;;: A few Jay* tlucn it rnther rustle, solemn vl Hip.*il ilidiviiltial entered one ol mir litaliiumilili shoe stores, and alter having saluted one ol lint ttentleinanly clerks with a "llow d'ye tit said " I want to ask you one i|itesllou." " 1‘roeeed, sir," said the clerk. " I want to know," continued the customer, " if you've not a hoot of eight size in length ami seven iu width that will til me It was just a year ago to-day or to-morrow, I can't remem I nr which, that 1’ bought a pair ol Isiols iu this store, and they’ve wore me tirst rate." “ 1 believe that we have the reputation ot keeping a good article in that line, sir," returned the elork. “ It you will stop in Ibis way, 1 think I ran suit you again." “ Klmoil CKAHKa TO UK DANGKIiOUH WHKN UBABON 18 IKITT KHKB TO COMBAT llP-Jefemo*. VOL. XIII. ATLANTA. GA., THURSDAY. SKFTBMBRR 11), 1867. NO. 223. •I . and for each anhueoucnl I nr u rtf on Ml cento i 5 11 aqinoio f; s 5 s « L M lM<<<>lliint*ou*i Art \'<*l't iMfinvnl M. I M In«*«*IIii iicimim A«l vert l**«*m«*ii t H lOLFiPAHTUN ING WROUGHT IRON BUCKLE TIE COTTON HALES. Alter trying on several pairs, with tin* eoni Mistaa bind aaaistaaec ot muscular exertion and pnl verixed soap-stone, a tit was pronounced, and utter the price had been agreed upou, the ens lomer said he would "lake'em." As the clerk whs about to wrap them up, the prospective owner ot the boots remarked : "1 shan't be ablu to take 'em to-day, as l haven’t got the money to pay tor 'em—or—well, I’ve got the money, hut I've got oilier expenses to meet. I'll call for'em tile hist ot next wick, or the fore part of the week utter.'' "Very well, sir,” said the clerk, “we will lay litem aside for you, and await your convenience.'’ i time other customers entered, and About this the clerk was obliged to postpone Imllicr con versation to wait ou them, during which time our tricud amused himsclt by taking general olwrvations about the store. In a lew mo ments the clerk returned to receive final iuslinc- tions in regard to the hoots. "1 suppose you know," resumed be ol the I ms us, "that there's goin' to be a camp-meeting up to Warehouse Point next week. I'm gone up. Are you goin’ up?" The clerk remarked that lie might possibly. “ ll you do come up,bring up them boots;* I'll be there." “ Certainly, sir, if I come.” " Tlte New Haven Register says there's goin’ to tie ten thousand Millerites there, and they’re goiu' up some time during the week. I belong to them, but I guess the l\ew Haven Ret/Mr bus got a little ahead of our time, lint 1 shall he there, aud it they go up, I shall go up with ’em.” “ Well, then,” remarked the clerk, with the least shadow of a smile, “ if you don’t come af ter the boots we are to expect you've ‘gone up.’” “ Yes, it 1 go up I shan't come alter the boots, tor 1 shan’t want ’em; but if I dou’l go up 1 shall eeitainly come I” And alter bidding the clerk good-bye, if they " shouldn't meet again," be took bis departure, leaving that vendor of leathern goods to moralize on the uncertainty of human events. CIIA9. G. JOHNSEN, Sole Proprietor, No. 14 futon Street, XKW ORLEANS, LA. Iuaert the hoop in the •lot, end drew It tight a- round the hole. t*" All other TIKS fastening by this method are in- friii re iientM. hiuI will be prosecuted At law an inch. When Hie lever of the press is raised the tie will fusion Itself by the out ward pressure of the bale. VAN EPPS & TIPPIN, CROCERS, AND (Commission IVtoiv-lunits, ALARANA STREET, ATLANTA. • • 44 HOH141 A. I»» Htoi'o nml to A_i*i*lv«i : e/.ovr. stroA n, Ami a general anaorlinent of Staple and Fancy Groceries. VAN EPPS A TIPPIN. LEND TO TUP. LAND! We are Hole Agents, and are prepared to till order* Tor tin- a! Summer In China. A letter Irom Hong Kong, to the Irish 7Vine*, •ays: Dreary and depressiug in the extreme is the early summer ot Southern China. Tlte groans of thuudor, the fierce blaze ot lightning, and tlte monotonous splash of raiu, are forever ac- compauied by a harsh din of countless cicadte, which trom every twig assail the nerves with sounds of querulous saws and files, annihilating all veneration for the Telix of Anacroon aud the live harp-strings of Ennotuus. During the in tervals of rain, clouds of hot vapor are exhaled by the earth, from boot toe to Imt lining mildew and blue mould establish theinselvesj and one ceases to wonder that the Chinese naturalists have enumerated 414 species of edible fungi, for an azotic taste permeates everything. When the evening lamps are lighted, we perceive our selves at the mercy of countless insect hosts. Sometimes a flight ol ants enters at the win dows, and in a moment the eye rests everywhere on conglomerated black bodies, struggling to lay aside their unwieldy wings, and become even Self-Fastening Wrongbt Iron Buckle Tie On the mint fhvorahle terms. We are having them man ufactured of the most superior Iron, aud thoroughly tested. D. H. DAVIES A CO., Commission Merchants, Louisville, Kentucky. QLKNN, WRIOIIT A CARR, Agents. jyl3-3nt Atlanta, Ua. DRY GOODS! DRYGOODS! TALLEY, BROWN & CO. Whitehall Street, ATLANTA. GEORGIA, K BEI* constantly uu baud everything usually found In a Bret-class Dry Goods House. They invite special attenUon to their stock of log Anon, some cie (eopterous giant hurls himself into lehalf a dozen cock roaches extin- your face, while guish the lamps, and a spider with six-inch an tenna canters down your neck. But when you retire to bed and are ensconced within protecting meshes, the whole earth seeni9 tied while dm' peopled while diminutive watchmen perpetually springing their rattles, and iu dreams vou per form again and again flic "iter Brundusium,” thoroughly appreciating old Horce's complaints oi the “ranee pal ust res." Tlte elfect of tills elose id steaming atmosphere is to bleacli the complex- tarance ion and impart thereto a boiled appe: appetite tails and one detects himself frequently drawing a deep, long breuth, as though the elasticity ot the air had succumbed to its weight. Hong Kong, as a harbor, must always be a place of great importance; but it is no longer a colony of merchant princes. Nevertheless, in view of their altered prospects, men have little changed their habits of life. The old lavishness and open-handed hospitality still prevuil. Judter clerks still drink margaux at breakfast and “cocktails" at noon, aud still affect whilst at crown and sovereign perils. But fewer car riages and less elegant equestrians adorn tlte solitary road which, witli its turning points at every mile and its permanent orders ol highly nurtured vegetable gardens, has every evening since the colony’s birth supported the whole aristocracy ol Ho long Kong. An assassination, the most damnable in its nature, brutal in iu execution, and which eclipses everything ot tlte horrible that has transpired iu this State since the surrender, occurred ut Jack- sou, Tennessee, a few days since. Maj. Thomas H. I fart mils, while walking leisurely along tiiu street was met by a squad oi Brownlow's mili tia, stationed at that point, who demanded of him, in verv insulting language, his pistol. To avoid a difficulty he gave it up. Onu of the rail hie then dealt him several severe blows over the iieud. At the same time shooting him through the abdomen. Mt^or Hartmus hud no previous words or quarrel with any of these hyenas. He was born in East Tennessee, was about thirty- three years old, and unmarried, lie served with honor during the war on the stall of-Maj. Gen Bate, and we speak from personal knowledge ole- when we say that no moro high minded, wltoL soiiled, genial gentleman ever responded to u generous emotion, than Major Thomas II. Hurl - nuts. Since the war lie has linen engaged in merchandising at Jackson. Tlte particulars of the allair which have reached us are very meager. By Tuesday we hope to lie aide to lay In-lore our readers all the circumstances. phi* AtuUi nr he, l.V/i in*?. MUSLINS, ARENA DINKS, | lH4»ZAJ«B<4tllEa And other hummer Dm* Good*. Their WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT, NAINSOOK, MULL, MUSLINS, &<■„ 1* large and well supplied. They have, also, a well eoloeted atock of Cassimeres for Men's Wear. pWOrdura from the country solicited. ang90—c r. N. ALEXANDER. H. <*. CAB8XLS ALEXANDER & CASSELS, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, COM UIHHION MERCHANTS, PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA *«p5—Sm The Regular Line of Mail Stages FOR CARROLLTON -yy-nx LEAVE NEWNAN Immediately after the arrival of the cara from Atlanta, on Union Point, Ga., October Id, IWifi. .Wessrs. Bright well <F //arrow : Gbnts—I used your Phosphate on iny Cotton at the rate of 250 pounds per acre. I am satisfied that I will realize at least 150 per cent, on the amount spent. 1 am so well pleased that I expeet to use more on the uext crop than I did tin tilts. Very truly yours, (Signed) P. W. PRINTUP. Arming'*, Ga., November 1, I860. Messrs. //rightwell A. Harrow : Gbnts—-The twenty (20) tons REED'S PHOSPHATE I bought ot you till* year, I used on Corn aud Cotton. 1 am so well pleased with the effect on my crop, that I wish to purchase of yon for next year's crop, ono hundred tons. Vom* respectfully, •IAS. A. COBB. This Manure, manufactured in Georgia (the virtue* for which are attested by well known Georgia citlxene, aud which ia calculated to do ao much for"Reconstruction" in Georgia) ia for sale by LANGSTON, CRANE & HAMMOCK, Bole Agents, Alabama Street, Atlanta, Ga. SACK* AND WHEAT WANTED. f\HAA Sacks, Second-Hand Gunnies and Bnrlaps. OUUU Nino bushels Wheat. LANGSTON, CRANE A HAMMOCK, Commission Merchants, Alabama Street. 96th SEMi-flNNUAl EXPOSE. TOTAL LOSSES PAID, $21,271,972 57 ! JULY 1, 1807. A B B E T fl i (At Market Value A PftBh on hand and In Bank. Real Estate Mortgage Bondi* Bank Stock U. States, State and City Stock, and other f 615,880 3ft 5M8,ft»3 03 1*95,550 00 1,20*1,400 00 Public Securities... 1,084,308 86 *4,650,038 97 Leu* Liabilitiea, Claim* not due aud tuiad* Juated 377,668 46 Net AfteotB #4,973,960 81 AND INLAND NAVIGATION RISKS. Monday*, Wednesdays and Fridays. -Mem- A Noble Proffer.—A tew days sinco seven or eight of tlte physicians ol litis city, whose names we regret have not been furnished its, called upon Dr. Oeo. 8. Pelzer, the City Regis trar ami chief oi the Health Dedartmcnt, and vol unteered to go to the relief of the people of Oul- vciun wit i are now being visited by that great scourge the yellow fever. Dr. Pelzer promptly communicated the fact to the President ot tlte lluwurd Association in Galveston, and asked whether their service's would lie needed. He has kindly placed us In possesion of the following re ply. by which it will he seen that, although no necessity now exists to induce the acceptance of I lie nffer, the good people of Galveston are grate fully sensible of the benevolent and generous spirit by which it was prompted: Returning, will arrive at Ncwuan mi Tuesdays, Thursday* and Saturday*, Making ulnae rnnncctlon with tha train lor Atlanta. Kx tra trill* will bu made on opposite day* to accommodate Connection made to BOWDEN with Monday and Fri- y's trl|i». , , , Till! mule i* over a good natural road, equipped with noiv CONCORD COACHES, and frequent clianges of runic i* over a good natural (At gnnd team*. fare to Carrollton 9't fare to Bowden v.. . -I for passage apply at tlio lintel, nr to JOHN T. IIOLMKN, *cp5—Im* Newnan. On 47 Galveston, Sept. Cl. Itr. t/,,, h /‘r/zer, Serretiiry l/omnnl AeiMwiati’mi, < 'hiirlmOm, S. V: The fever is decreasing. We are aide, with what aid we have, Ut cope with it. Seven phys icians have died, Imt a plenty are lull. A thou sand thanks lor your noble oiler. N. B. YARD, President Howard Association ol Galveston. I C'/mrltuton Coitrii JOHN. B. FULLER, SET STREET, Hew Tork City, MANuracTuuiH and in POHTAHLE AND BTATIONAHV STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS / ROM 9 TO 250 IIORSE POWER. Most approved Circular and Upright Saw Mills, drill Mill*. Nugar Mill*, sml all kluda or Mining and 1‘lanU- ilmi Machinery on hand and built to order, ptr Khafllng. I’altle*. _l;na'h«r and Ihihher Belting, unit all kind, of Iron and Wood-working Machinery tyy~ Machinery and Railroad mipplla* in More, and «luppi-d at the lowest rate*. HitgW—Ip* WHO WAN'i’M A HOMId? R N WALTON offera every p*r*nn who desire* It an . minortuulty t» make a home lor hiuiaolf on easier 11 hail wa* ever Indore ottered III till* city, via : Ou , rn I wo-iikaubd Snake —A lew days since, Ultimas Glenn diseoveretl and captured, neur Itetlilelietn, in this county, a snake having two lieiela. Tim snake was alioiit ten inches iu “UgiIt, and, though Hie heads were, distinct, 'here was hut one vertebra and one |m*Ivita. There were two eyes in each liend, aud each mouth hud the same nppcarancu and size. Sometimes it would dart inti one tongue nml sonielimtts the oilier, and m times !*>to Himullamsmsly. Tlte iTwl! 1 ! iV ,r,MH * ifmi tlte laxly at tlie same n!,7,a. . prevented the suake limn making i 11 rr *wllng in Hut grass, as it would m n^«el U Ur ' «•«»•> “•« »» Kke shrrnir^mau".* IMl *" n ' , •fiend of I l.o college jtr«M " *° , C l 1 or U '«niuseum.—Prinerton Pro- lin e, four and tlvo year*’ time, at from t* to $16 P«r mimtli hiatallmenla. four new liiilldlnga now on the nut. Undisputed tfttea given, for further particular* " 'll at Garner * Tliraali-r'*. Roil K*lale Agent*, nr on K N. M’hIIoiihI T. I*. W^ntinorRlmiil» o(llw, roniorof WIhi•‘bull nml lim i « r EVEEY KIND OF PLANTATION MACHINERY, UM44INEB. HOMNK FOWKRS, (4 HINT Of every description in store, and for sale St III* low**t rolo*. by sagtl -<■> Now York CJit j. pTA^'nfin* in all Ibo princiiml ciliua aud townn in tb« United Htafos. ApplicHtion» for Inenrauce will be promptly attended oFKK’K—With C. I. Brown, on enat aide of Wbitebal) atreot, one door from Alabama. Jylft— N. I*. ANGIBR, Acent. J. A. YOIIHO. M. L. WIUSTON. TO SOUTHERN MERCHANTS. Hoi k Inland Mamipactiikino Co., I Ciiaiii.ottk, North Caholina. | I F you deaire to supply yoiirncl vi h f«»r your Fall aud Wiutor trad«% with the very bcnl deHcriptioiia and atyUm of ALL-WOOL CASSIMKHKS, hihI witli the mot! durable JUANS aud KEItSKY lahric*, nl. fr«o from rbod- dy and other impuritieH, order Hiuiiplea from tlio HUb- Hcrlber, aud they will he lonvarded, with price* attached. during the mouth* of .Inly and Auuu^t. Front tliuee huiii plea yon can make your aolectiona and return your or- der«, and the gooda will Iks forwarded directly from the Manufactory. JOFIN A. YOUNO, rrcaidont, Jeft—4m rhurlottc. N. C. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, sr\ro\\ okoruia. 1 71IK 30th Annual Seanion will im^inoii MONDAY, October 7ll», under a full Hoard of luatruclora. lyl« of education, on rcnHonahlc terma. *Vor fiirtlier p irliciilarH, apply lo IP v. .1. M. Ibiunell, D. D. Provident, t W. L\ BA8H, autfi-InwliloetI Herreturv of Faculty. NOTICE TO ARCHITECTS. A T h meeting (li the Ik,aril of Mmmger* of III* GenrglU Slate l.iiltery lur tlie heiieilt ul the "Ma*nuie Or plmna' Hume," July tilth, ltaii, Him following resolution* were paeaeil: for the purchase or iloiiatiou ofTWKNTV AU LAND ill tile vicinity of Atlanta, for tlie piir|m*eorerert- ing thereon a MAHON 10 ORPHANS' in |ii i r|K>*o of i ItuMK-said pro- — f Mu linger* by the rourlli (t»y of Heplcniher next. The title will he vested military Directory. Major Heneial Joiin Piii'U, U. H. A., rotninaiiillng Third Military Dlstrlet (Georgia, Florida, and Alabama.) - GlHee al. llenilqtiarlera, on Marietta street. Unlonel J. f. Mm.inx, Chief of Illiri'illl of Civil AITalr*. ami General ln«|ieetor of Reglstral ion lor Third Mili tary lllalrlrl. Ofllre at Headquarter* Brev’t Brigadier-General Wa. MoKxs IRinn, Ae*l*laul Judge Advocate General U. H. A., Judge Advoeale Third Military IHalrlrt. Olliee al Headquarter*. Lleulenant.Colouel K. Melt. tlunsoN, U.H. A., Assistant Inspeelor General. IilHi e at Headquarters. Captain U. It. Haniiku»on, U. S. A . Ai ling As*l*tsnt Adlulaut General. Olliee nl II 'udqnurlera. Brev'l. Brigadier General J. J. Mii.iiau, Hurgeon U. H. A. Medical ll reelor Third Military DIstrlel.. Olliee comer llroad aud Marietla street*. Ilrev’l brigadier General Kurus Saxton, Chief (pooler muster. Olliee al Headquarter*. Uri v't Lieiilenaut Colonel II. J. f aiinhwoiitii, Depot (Juarteruiuster. Olliee Forsyth street, near Railroad. Brev'l Captain C. A. ItorKWXU., Chief tlrdlinuee Olllcer. Olliee corner Broad aud Marietta street*. Major E. D. Junn, I*. M. U. 8. A., Chief Pay Master and Disbursing Officer Third Military District. Office cor- tier Broad and Marietta street*. Lieutenant V. 8., Post (Quartermaster and Com missary Hubslstenee. Office Willingham Building, cor ner Ivy and Decatur streets. Brev’t Motor Wa. li. Smttux, Captain ISth U. S. Infan try. Acting Assistant Judge Advocate General. Office nt Headquarters. Brev’t Major T. C. Huixivan, O. 8 United States Army, Chief Commissary of Hiihsleleuee. Office, Room No. 1 Willingham Buildings, corner of Decatur and Ivy streets. Hrev’t Major fain. Moseiacii, V. R. C'„ Hub-Aset. Com. Hub-District, Atlanta Bureau H. F. and A. L. Office In Granite Block, No. 1, room No. S. TOST OF ATLANTA, Composed of the counties of Cobb, FaJton, Campbell. Carroll, Coweta, Heard, Fayette, Clayton, Hpalding, Henry, Newton, DeKalb, Milton, Gwinnett and Butts. Bruv't Brigadier General Thomas It. Ruokr, Colonel aid United States Infsntry, commanding Post. Head quarters, room No. 8 Willingham Building, corner of Decatur aud Ivy streets, Atlanta, Ga. Brcv't Captain O. C. Knapp, 1st Lieutenant 83il U. 8. In fantry, Post Adjutant. Office at Headquarters. First Lieutenant c. 8. Ii.slxt, tilth U. 8. Infantry, Act ing Assistant (Quartermaster and Acting Commissary Subsistence Post. Office, room No. 7 Willingham Building, MlMOsvlIniiucsiiH Ailvei'l tm. TIE ARROW TIE AND IROM BANDS BALING COTTON 1 AN INSURANCE AGAIN8I' FIRE, WASTE, AMD THEFT UNE<|UALKR FOR Simplicity and Rapidity of Adjustment SURPASSED BY NONE for strength and adaptability to all r I'lio Uses of Commerce I MUNICIPAL. GOVERNMENT. FOR THE YEAR 186T, I. K. William*, Mayor S. B. Love, Clerk of Council J. T. Glenn, City Attorney .. 92,noo 1,600 u . 4. W lolllla VIL/ miAilUCJ . . . Uoliert M. Farrar, City Treasurer Masonic Lodge in the Slate ns will accept ihe same, should Ihe Grand Lndgc derline Ihe trust. /terotnil, fur/her. That ihe Ihuml will pav f fur thu Draft of a Granite Building for th« "Mneiinle llrsl day of November next: Ihe said plan to Ik- sudrawn ns that Ihe building can lie ciinimuncud with nu expi'iull- lure of liny Ihoiisaud dollars, during thu llrsl year, mid that Ihe same may ln< extended from year In year, w ith out destroying I lie symmetry id' ihe architecture. The above named sum of live huudred dollars to lie paid for Ihe plan which Ihe Hoard of Manage'* shall select fimn the number presented. For further liifurmal Ion, address • IIOYD A WILSON, Uuslneas Managers Georgia Htalc loillery, |y25—tilnovl la Mine winery. Atlanta, Georgia. Tnks UDoroVaplMMatMl Un»»fs;R*xi»diss EHIK unpieoMut and dangerous diseases. Use UlLn( r nnui'i Bueno utd laraovxu Unst Wa*i , >17 E. J. Roacho,CII Jos. F, Cooper, City Uobt. Cruwlbrd, Ooi Georgo Stewmrt, Overoeer of Streets Jo. HT Smith, Tax Receiver and Collector. Pat, Fitsgtbbon, Hall-Keeper leltn et nerof Public Works. 1,600 1,200 1,600 1,000 ALDIRMBN. FinaTWABD. M. 1'. Castleberry, Richard Peters. BKOOND WARD. K. K. Rswson, A. W. Mitchell. TB41D WABH. Georgo W. Terry, W. C. Anderson, potmni wane. J. K. Gnllstt, W. B. Cox. FIFTH WARD. „ J. A. Hayden, R, Mi. Holland. fJTIIEY arc manufactured In LIVERPOOL, of the beet English Iron, under tha personal supervision of the lu- vsntor, formerly s resident of New Orleans, La. The ARROW TIE is preferred by Shipmasters and Congressmen, as It Is worked with one eighth to onu Inch slock, while ill SOLID TIES require three to Ovo Inches, which, in running through a cargo, Involves a heavy loss to the Shipmaster. Une the Arrow Tie and Bands, AND SAVE MONEY IN FREIGHT and INSURANCE Arrangements have been made to secure an ample sup ply of ths ARROW TIE and BANDS for the coming sea son. JAMES A. HALL, Agent Middle and Southwest Georgia. ANDREW LOWE & CO., General Agents, Savannah, Ga. Ths nndaralgned la prepared to farnUh the ARROW TIB to the trade at SAVANNAH PRICES, forwarding and transportation added. POLICE fiEPARTMBNT. L. P. Thomas, Chief Marshal 91,000 E. C. Murphy, Deputy Marshal 1,300 J. L. Johnson, 1st Lieutenant of Police 1,000 T. C. Murphy, 2d Lleutenunt of Police 1,001 FOLICEUXN—(92 as FIB DAT.) r J. Cook, J. s. Holland, F. J. Botnar, B. A. Center, F. T. Klckllghter, J. A. lllnton, llall, J. L. Crcuahaw, G. IV. Bowen, U. M. Barry, A. Jarrard, O. I*. Woodllff, Jasper Groves, W. II. C. Cowan, R. D. Haynes, D. Queen, J. it. Love, i- 4- {"» R. B. Hutchins, J. M. ConnaUy, Green Holland, 11. W. Wooding, U. J. Uoltsclaw, M. W, Rasberry, T. G. Mellon, J. A. Lanier, Clerk of First Markut—TheophUus Harris, C'lerk of Second Market—Frank T. Ryan. Sexlon—G. A. Pilgrim. City Assessors—H. S. Waters, W. C. Humphries, and 1* IU. mil ’ C. F. Wood. Assessor or Land takun for Opening Streets—Levi C. LLJIo WH.1 El D Wells, and F. P. Bice, a, Haydeu, idersuii, CBsllo - The re( rry, 1 __ Market—Hayden, Castleberrpr, Holland. Firo Department—Gullatt, Cox, Terry. Police— Uawson, Cox, Anderson. Cemetery—Terry, Mitchell, ttawson. Buildings and Grounds—Anderson, Terry, Pe- Piilillo era. Tax—Holland, Rawson, Cox, On Printing—Terry, Holland, Castleberry. Salaries—Cox, Mitchell, llolliud. BOARD OF HEALTH. First Ward-Dr. J. M. Borlui Second Ward—O. H. Jones, Third Ward—L. P. Grant, lbsq. Fourth Ward—Dr. Chas. Pinckney. Fifth Ward—Dr. J. N. Simmons. WARDS OF TUI CITY. The City or Atlanta shall he laid oil Into live wards, as lollows, to-wlt: FIRST WARD. Commencing at the crossing ot Whitehall street with the Western 4t Atlantic Railroad, aud running up the ug . south side of said railroad to the incorporation fine, then down said lino to the center of Whitehall street, then north along the center of said street to the starting jndnt, and which shall lie known aud coustinito Ward number One. SKCOND WARD. Commencing at the cuntor of the crossing of Whitehall street, at the western A Atlantic Railroad, and running east down the railroad lo the crossing of Culhouu street, in the rear of the Georgia Railroad workshop, then south along the middle of auid street lo the cuutcr of McDon ough street, thence along the center of McDonongli street tar of Wbltubult street at Its crossing at the incorporation Two. TUIRD WARD. Commencing at the center of Calhoun street, at Its running down tho south side of said railroad to corporation line, then along said Hue to the center of Me Donough street to the starting pulnt, which shall eonatt- *--* - id ■ m - j h rate and be known a* Ward number ’Three. FOURTH WARD. Commencing on the north side of the Georgia Railroad. .. • " * —- —■ J,y Loyg in the center of thu crossing of said railroad . street, aud running down the north *.de of said railroad to Ihe incorporation Hue, then along raid line to Ivy street, then along Hie cuutcr of Ivy strsel to Decatur rnumber Four. FIFTH WARD. Commencing at tho north of said railroad, at the cen ter of tho crossing of Loyd street, and ruuuiug west uloug the north side of the Western A Atlantic Railroad io the Incorporation line, then along said line to ihe cen ter of Ivy street, then south uloug ills comer of De mur street to ihe center of Loyd street, then uloug the (institute nml lie known as Wuril uiiiiih F1KB DEPARTMENT. Chief Eugliieer—Thouias Ilaney. iugii— „ . First Assistant Engineer—Ileury Gullatt. Second Assistant Engineer—W. G. Kuox. Secretary—B. F. Mooie. Treasurer—J unes E. Gullatt. Atlanta Enqink Corfaht No. 1. John R. Norman Samuel Wilson H. Muhlenliriuk Charles Helmut/. John Ucrkclc John Wilby J. II. Ellsworth I*. J. Bracken M. L. Collier o. Warner II. Haney, I Wm. Krogg, ( M. L. Roberts . President Foreman Secretary Treasurer First Director Second Director Third Director Eugtueer ... First Assistant Engineer . Second Assistant Engineer .. Third Assistant Engineer Axemen .Delegate lo Fire Dc|uirtmeut Michanic Enoink Coufant No. 2. J. E. Gullall.. J. G. Kelley W. I). Luekic.Jr ... O. II, Jones K. Billi e Isaac Slcinhelmcr G. W. Terry Joel Kelsey James Dailiels J. M. Toy G. T. Anderson, I W. F. Woods, | ' J. M. Ilulce. I Joseph Wiley, | J. F. Alexander M. I. Lichlcusinili . ..Preaidant Viciv I’resldem Secretary Treasurer First Dlractur Seeoud Director . chief Kugtnocr First Assistant Engineer . Second Assistant Euglnecr Third Assislaut Engineer . Piponicu . .Axemen Tallulah Rniiinu Comcany No. 3. S. W. Grubb President. E. A. Center Vice President. W. C. Shearer Flrat Director. (leiirue Thompson Second Director. J. J.Rogers Hose Director John D. Clarke Secretary. Lewis II. Clarke Treasurer. John A. Hill Aleman. A. Thl cine Axeinau. II. s. Orme, M. ll Surgeon. W. It. Diggers Delegate. Atlanta Hook and Laddib Co, No. 1. J. L. Qkcon... C.K.KIl'A Alvlgny Aaelttaut J. 8. Yarbrough Geo. Johnson... Bd. Holland. Secretary Treasurer .ltepra*eatatlvs to Pirn Department PHATTE, EDWARDS A CO., Agents, Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ga. HEAR THE IN8URAN0E A6ENT8! Savannah, Mat 7th, 1867. The recent tires In this city having proved to onr entire nivmS?! 11 ' b i? ft thorough te*t, the superiority o' IKON •h»m (o we •frongly recommend ‘, hB p J* n ‘ er * of Georgia aa an efficient agent In restricting loss by lire; and we agree to discrimi nate, when practicable. In flivor of cotton time secured. Insurance Agent. CHARLES GREEN A SON, , o. L J.I, e r po ^, 1 ; London A Globe In. Co. CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., .. A! 1 ". 1 * 10 In ‘- Co -' N - y It. H. FOOTMAN, Insurance Agent. ySPSSSIPP® riROS., Ins. Agenla. j:c:™SvLTi z , DmraDceAgeDU JAMES ^STEWART,™ 0 * Tn “* 0 °' . ASSPLV&tfJHf * Lnncaater Ins. Co. LANE A WEST, Insurance Agents. Macon, Ga., May 10th, 1867. man, In thia cKy, Jntvllqt'Sny'Wrarnnrtrafej®^^^? tago of the nae of IronBania for baling purpoaea, aa a security against loss by Are, we, the undersigned insu rance Agents, Macon, Ga., take pleasure in endorsing the action or the Agents at Savannan, Ga. E. C. GRANNIBS, Agsnt for several Ins. Companies. J. WTBURKE, Insurance Agent. E. J. JOHNSON A CO., Inanrauce Ag’ta. J. MON HOB OGDEN, Insurance Agent. J. M. BOARDMAN, Inanrauce Agent. JNO. B. COBB, Isnrancc Agent, niay27—(Im THE MOUNT AUBURN Todh£ Ladies’ Institute, City of Cincinnati, from which It derives ita name, has Just closed its I'wenty-Seoond Session. The past year bus been one of nnnsnat proeperlty, there havlni 6vc Slates cvrred. Its healthful location and It* country position, while iro having been in atendance two hundred and tbirty- 9 young ladies, gathered from all |iarta or the Unltod ites. No com of ricknete requiring a physician has oc- yvt so near Ihe city, gives ll advantages over either city — oilutiy schools. Its clmiactcr ns a tirst rate Seminary of teaming is too well knowu to need further comments. The LIBKARY, CABINET, and APPARATUS, already very extensive, are receiving yoarly additions. I or Catalogues or Information, addresa I. H. WHITE, 26 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, Or II. TIIANE MILLER, President. a o o d isr h: w s 11 RECONSTRUCTION BOOT, SHOE, LEATHER, SHOE-FINDING BVSINBIS Commenced latt April by X. BANKS, HAS PROVEN A DECIDED SUCCESS! WHY? JJBCAUSE he has kepi Ihe LARGEST STOCK ot GOODS in bis line In tho Slate of Georgia, the Goods fully adapted to the want* ol tlio community, either at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, All of which have been made lo his own order, or bought by himself In person alnco tho decline In prices, and for caali; coi.acquontly, he can and will sell them for less than the same goods eau lie Inmghl el,'where. Being alive to the wants of his customers, and know- lug tlie advantage that ready money has over time In buy ing, he Ima made nil his purrhaeoa exclusively for cash; and belug determined to sell for CASH ON DELIVERY OF GOODS only, he can atforil to take HALF 17IE PRO FITS OF OTHERS who keep hooka and sell on time (even for ouly thirty days.) lie haa determined lo make THt JOBBING TRADE A SPECIALITY, And Wholesale Buyers will llinl ll much In Iheir advan tage to give him a call. He will duplicate auy hill of goods in Ills line bought of Johhlug houses Iu New York or Boston, adding only freight, At'., to thia point. INF*All goods warranted sa represented. Don’t Forgot tho Pltoo or tho Sign. «S , •‘•iniom® \2**U9**fi 9. i 1 «* qtuoui | ® Sr t i i t S i j s ^ u m i m m v»uinr.t : 2 £ £ 55 * : ji “'"U|l !l g 8 8 S STT : : : Z *■ 2 s K s i : | “.1UIII2 % % S g % m eo « 9. *o Wj : ■*.ll«|t t r. £ S s 8 2 . *• —, - ”. r -. " : : 1 'U'XRtlk | S g s % ^ •H -* t£> r« £ -> h* ~ ** ; 1 'suiiiii r, j •U1UII 1 | 1 '"'Gutlbg j 8 8 g g as s ■ n •* * »• 9. H i vi i i rv\ - « *> w «i / .* 5 k i w. h. rux, KENTUCKY PLANING MILL, DOOR, Z/l./ND, AND SASH J/.lNtfl'A L'Tr/tER, Anil Dfiilor in nil kinds of Building Lumber, Rough and Dressed, NINTH STHKKT, NKAlt UHOADWAV, LOIIINVILLE, K KNTIIdK Y. portation. 3 J ji*l'2-'iin 8 ’ BREEDEN & BRADLEY, LUMBER MERCHANTS, And Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Ac. —ALSO— PACKING HOXKS OK EVERY DESCRIPTION, Lumber Yard on Walnut, bet. Rapt and Klovl afreet* Vss Jel2—Im 1,01) 18VI1.1,K, KV. GREAT SOIJ I IIKHN .71 I NK HOUSE ll I* ° T r I S TRIPP, (sucrxsson to thiit * r n*on,) , Cabinet Urgnns, Melndc- on«, and all kinds of Musical Merrhan- dise, and Publlaher of Music. Cntnlogue plimion an Ajdrcs« iSt ° f »>»ilc<i free o.Tnp- Jel2—Im N °*' 1,11,1 01 ' T,,fll:rsn ' 1 St.?K,misvn!^y. GREEN LEAP (ar HEMP LEAF) RA(a’«l!V4j A \ II Eton:. f|YDK undersigned he-,.|,y notify Iheir friends und till consumers of the nhovo named staple Goods, that they conllnue to manufacture ilium in Louisville, liy. They hope and expect lo have il in Iheir power to exe cute every order *ent them this niaeon. All Letter* Promptly Replied To. Jy27—3m w. A. Itl<'HARDHON & 8(»N, Louiavillo, Kentucky. UNIVBRSITY OF MARYLAND DA 1. TIMORh, JIA Z! YLA ND. RAILROAD GUIDE 44enr«lH Itallroad. K. W. COLE, Suj^-.t.nde-,. n*v paasxKoxit thain. All:,nla ul Arrive at Augusta (No trains run on Sunday.) NIOIIT FASSKNOKn TRAIN. . .51*1 A. M . .6.45 P. M . 6.30 A. M . .Ii.30 P. M Umve Atlanta Arrive at Augusta 8.16 A. M Leave Augusta H.oiP. M Arrive at Atlanta 1145 A. M Atlanta A Weat-Folnt Itallroad. L. I*. GRANT. .Vv/xTlgem' 1>AY I-AHSLNor.n TRAIN—Ol’TWARU. lA'iive Atlanta Arrive ut West Point llAV I A — e.NOKH TRAIN—IN Leave West Point Arrive at Allauln montgoiuery A IVent-FoInt Kallroad. DANIEL II. CHAM, A'rptrinlendtra. J,euve Arrive at West-Point. Leave Weat-Polnt Arrive at Montgoiuery Leave Opelika Arrive at Columbus Leave Columbus.. Arrive at Opelika .. 1.25 A. M .. 1.20P. M ..10.10 A. M . 4.1(1 P.M ..11.66 A. M .. 1.68 P. M .. 0.3.1 A. M . 11.36 A. M Macon Sc Weaicrn Railroad. B. B. WALKER, Superintendent. Leave Macon Arrive at Atlanta .. Leave Atlanta Arrive at Macon Leaves Alhiutu Arrives in Maeon .. DAT PA**RNOIH TRAIN. . 7.30 A. 5. . 1.57 P.M . 6.56 A. U . I.*" P. k 7 .16 P. M 4.26 A. » Weaicrn St Atlantic Rallivnd. CAMPBELL WALLACE, SupemUendent. Leave Pulton Arrive at Chattanooga Leave Chattauuoga Arrive ul Atlnuta OAI.TON ACCOMMODATION THAIN, Dally except Sundays. Leave Atlauta. Arrive at Dalton. Leave Dalton Arriveat Atlanta. 3.6(1 P. M .12.23 P. M . 1.25 P.M . 2.15 A. M Moll Stage Line from Atlanta to Dab- lonega. Leave Atlanta Monday, Wednesday and Friday.. « A. M. Arrive Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7 p. jq Don’t Wash Another Week Without Buying BREATE8T WONBEMEflfHm HALL'S UNlVldRMAI* T ,l PrS«o 1 '. 11 ' Annual Session of' the SCIIOtlLof MED- «** » Omsist mm a/UUaUn a a M- j^N i E,Jn,.the - l^ivi(rsli i vrit Maryland, will com- MrNiOaallnLa MACHINE 4 J SPECIAL NOTICETO THE LADIES. F A O U I, T V : Nathan R SmT", M. D. Professor of Surgery. andPtamio-:' 1 - " U “ lJ * lW "'‘ r '"' G* W. MlLTKNBRiutRU. M. I)., Pro es-or of Obstetrics. Riohabd MoShbrby, M. D , Professor of Principles and Practice of Medlelne. Christopher Johnston, M. 1i„ Professor of (I,moral, Descriptive, and Bnrgioal Anatomy. Samuel C. Ciiew. M. D., Professor of Materia 611(1 Ini and Therupeiirics. Frank Donaliisok, M. D„ Professor nr Hv- ... Kienne, aud General Pathology. WM. T. IIowaiih, M. I) , Professor of Disease* of Wo men and Chlldron. James H. Butlku, M. D., Demnnslrator, and Adjiini'l to the Professor ot Aiiitronty. The fee* for the full course are Ql-.'il. For Mutricula- tioii’ 95. For Practical Anatomy. 9111. TI lie University Hospital (or Infirmary) attached to Ihe Collego, ranks among tke tirst t llnleol Sehools In the comitry. Being tlio Seaman's Hospital of tlie port of Baltimore, ns well as a civil hospit il, it all'ords a great variety tu the forms of disease ulivnys under' treatment. Surgical Operations, and Clinical Lectures on Surgery, Practical MciHeine, ami the Dipcatfei* of Women ami Chil dren, are count intern narta ortho daily im»»ntc!ion i?lvcn hr rerpeeliye Professors of Ihe Institution. Student* desiring to perfect themselves in riKcialllles. ... j can take course* ot private instruction Irom Adjuucis at tached to the vuriim* Chairs. GKO. W. MILTKNBERGEK, M. D.. Dean. «cp7—lawtltv AMERICAN IIOTEI. W M T I T la j*; li A IJ M, HUNGARIAN OPTICIAN, AN1I LATELY PROM NASIIVII.l.K, TENN O FFERS those who are aiifl'erlng from weak or ,lc- fectlyo. Bight, his Itiisslaii Poriscupie Lenses, I lie best artificial aid:,, the luiniii which can he obtained at Ins office number of years without changing, to IMtienta who have sutler,'(I from ilelecii imy numher of year*. These ndtlisted to every ease of rlcfeetiv nrruraey, wliulher arising trout age. disc .. work, or premature dernv, on a new amt <• ntiroly tits mvn, which lias seldom failed t Office hours, Irom it A. M. I. ror invented, llis glasses la.t a great relict - vision for •ieutitleally sight will, unerring 1 ‘ 'ain, over- I'll", il'le N. B.—Owing 1,1 able 11 remain In i, a,lggg-lm III - , Is lull 11 short linn , Dr. T. will tie SOUTHERN HOME SCHOOL Foil YOUNG LADIES. ESTAnLISIlEll IN ISI'J. Non. 197 mid 199 Nt. Ulinrlua Street, BALTIMORE, MD. M lt. A MRS. WILSON JOHN PEG It AM. Pi • CARY nml MRS. GKN. - - , ,, , ...minds, assisted by a tin) corps„f attic instructor*, lines i,s,ii,ie,| the -jml, ol September. Freucli is lie- laiign ge of ihe school N„ pains are spared to r,mile hi* lu-ilnill.m -vine ol the eneoiiragimii ul ll has always III,, rally n-eeived Irom depends for patronage. For elreulara , onlalniug lull In forinati,ill. teldre s either ol the principal \V .tXTIill I U It EDI Arm, V. GOOD COACH SMI III, GUI) COACH PAINTER. I. T. BANKS, Raw*oii'a Unlldlng, Corttor Hunter and Whtleliall streets. N. B.—Not eonneeted In Isislness with auy other house In U»* eltv. Ie2t'- ■ ICON 1)U liAM. P ERSONS wishing to Join the Colony now tadiig nr ganlaed at Atlauta, to sail from Mobile direct to ganlted at Atlauta, to aall from urns ou tho IWh of Oct"*- rail ou Col. K. P. Watkins or llonduraa ou tho 10th of October next, are required to .. . - - ll. I*. Ferguson,ol Atlauta, All,lies* sup!5— lit CARMICIIAKI. A SMITH. Gicenslmro', Ga. J. J. PKkll, K. PEARCE, WHELE88 & CO., COTTON FACTORS C.'«»muiiM**i<»u M«*i‘«‘liiini m. tu, or • nd by express to either one of the above name,, persons, 930 as a bonus lo anthorlzo our Treasurer tu making permanent arrangement, for transportation. Person* going with this Colony will save about king the expense from Atlauta lo Honduras ouly *L _ ... . .. ought to carry fenls, at houat* are eearce. •ugtl—Ira I f lias long been felt and acknowledged that a Washing Machine wonld yet be Invented ihat would be sim ple. cheap, and more effective than any of the Machines tierelofore offered to the public. Such a Machine Is now ollcied withont fear of competition. 1*1. One woman will do more with a Machine thnn six cun do withont it. It will wasU five dirty shirt* (ill, III,ling wristbands and collars) perfectly clean in from r “** ■*-■ 11,/M,to. lour 10 eight minutes—ibis we guarantee, or 1 -d. It requires no skill to operate it, ns a girl 13 years (iu AC'i'il'ii FOUR DOZEN PIECES IN ONJS HO UK I .‘kl. It takes at least one thinl lea* soap, aud will nay for itself every year in the savins of clothing, aa it acta so delicately on the fabrics that bank bills turn be washed We manufacture these Mtu-hincs in this place, snd shall sell them at TEN DOLLABS, the same price they arc sold for in Now York. There ia no \\ ashing Mncluue on the market that cun be bought lor even twice the mmiey, and no Machiue Unit will com pete with It tu thu performance of its war . These Machines are on cxtilliltiou iu Hits city, at the store or JOHNSON <£ KCIloLS. Whitehall street. AdV owiib ths i'utuiit Ki^ht for this remarkable Machine iu all the Southern Mate*. Liberal inducements will lie offered to guutIcmeu deeiriug thu txclimtye riub* to sell these Machines in counties aud districts, or atatc. Call on, or address, 1). 8. BKNTLY & CO., Rome. Ga. Anj; oue mfriugiup upon this Patent Right will bt ^ mseemed according to law, and any oue uiviuir inlorma ou of the same, will bu liberally rewarded. A Great Labor-Savisg Machiae. We, the undersigned citizens of Homo, wonld uiy, in behalf of “Hall's Universal Washing Machine,” after fllll trial and nae, that, tu conelderation of Its cheapness, the durability of thu Machiue, tlie ease and quickness of tu»- , thu small amount of soap required, Hint the protec- nm of the clothes, would recommend it to a generoiik public. P. M. 81IEIBLY, J. A. 8TEWA1IT, WM. WEST. JAMES NOBLE, Sr., G. W. F. LAMPKIN, bAM. F. POWERS, JOHN W. NOBLE, J. J. COHEN. Atlanta, Muv 7,1667. 1 limight tlie 6r*t “llall’* Patent UutTcrrul Washing M irUine" brought to Atlanta, and am uow using it to my I ierlcet siitiol.ivti,.!., and reeomuiend it to all as* great -al.or-bnvliig Machine. .Mat. CYNTHIA KILE. niHKCTIONK FOH ONK. I.ct Hie Maeluue down into a rumiuon wash tnh, by culling lunches lutothc sides, lor iliu louruals to rest in. uni il it come* wiihln one Inch of Hie botlom of the tub: till witli lint waiter unlit the water covers the pebbles tn ll,e iiuieliliie two tiiehes; wet tin: elotlius tn worm water, ill i* heller lo *niik etolhes over night.) then run a little Mill soap on all the illrtv plan's; then put the etolhes inti, the machine will, the pebbles, and always till thema- hllic half lull of clothe*, *hnkliig them nut us they are pul in; then c!u*c up the door anil turn thu crank Irom three to live luiiiut.—, keeping n alow, steady motion un til the dirt in octl; I lien ruu through a wringer; lliuu boll u* u.uaI; then put tlio clothes buck tuio thu machiue with tlie lull full nt cnlil tvnler; give Hie uiucliinu eight or leu turns and your clothes are ready lor the Imiiug water anil then luiug mil tn dry. Never turn the machine wheu it lire*' -*-- empty nt clothe*, as it break* tIn* Btnucs. il'unyol the pebbles become brokcu, pick litem out. For sale by - nuns- r t IJ 11111 JOHNSON .V ECHOLS, Whitehall Street, Atlanin. G*. UllILLira FLANDKHS, Next to Dodd's Corner, Whitehall Street. 'yyr OULU re*|M,etnilly call your attentiou to our VARIETY STOCK OF 4400BS. Prints I Inloi'stics Itli'lll'llfllg Tirkiiip .. Kit'iiivu Mu.-liiir* lioiilui-k) Jraiii* liin^lauuit (’oiioiiadva and a vnriftv of nice and TabU* (.'lotha. from 10 to 90 ceiita from 1& to 90 vent a from 16 to 40 ceuta hum 99 to 60 rout a Iroin 16 to 5*' c *uu Irom 25 toiOonu Irom 90 to ikt c«uu iron* 90 to 30 cautt OuiMiK, Liuvua, Towtdluga In Uu* IIAIHiWAHK Doiiartimut many articles for llou*cku«‘|M>rt<, Utuldvri*, aud Mei'kauka. PritNITDItK IN LA KGB QUANTITY. Ih drttcadH from $ 4 to lit Itiiroam* from ^ ^ Wardrobe# Itoiu 10 U» 16 from ito 10 ...from 9 to 7 Irom 9 to 4 Wmdi stauda Tabic**.. W'oik Sianda m ^ hvidile* many otbei artirlea too muacroua to'meuUou Su ;arandt’oiliv, llacon, Lard,aud ttvruu. ...aisftcsiii 1'iiht Steel. Kar Iron Stpiare Iron Kami Iron Smoothing Iron*. rant* per pound it 6 cent* per poRkcl et 6 cente per gound perpoeed et 6 cente .at 6 cent* r __ .at 7 cent* per at 6 cent* per poHBd — rpouBd JACKSON STREET, .irOl'STA, OEORU/A. *W Store ami aoll Cotton and othor l*roduco. Haguing aud Hope luruUhed at nurkel pricoa. »up7—3m MORE NEW GOODS. 4 i KNTI.KMKN who wUh realty nice Serge or Flue VJT Fit ItNCTt CALK SKI N SHOKM, either of Ike Corn- ‘linluiornl, Strap, or Ox ford-Tin lantern, can no# TMmannfactnre al ttinl the latent atvio and moat approve*.. ,„. WV111IW tho New Shoe store in Haweon'e Building, comer of Whitehall and lluuter atreeta. CLT.ramkb. 4 nt- per line flret iuavrtioti, aud K per line for each snlmeqtietit inaertion. Advertiaementa inaerU'd at interval* to be charged aa new each insertion. AdvertmeiiieiitM ordered to remain on any pariicuihf he money for ad vending couaidered due after Aral ihaertion. All commanleationa or letter* on hnaiuee* intended Im thia oftice ahouid Ik? addrecaed to “The Atlanta Intelli fencer.” lAKRD IRWIN WUITAKK*. Proprietor. NIQUT KXPBBiA PASSBNOBB TttAlN—DAILY. Lcuve Atlanta 7.0c p g Arrive at Chattanooga * 4.16 A ’ M Leave Chattanooga * 4*;mjp’m Arrive at Dalton . 7 50 p’ XI Arriveat Atlanta * .*, 1*41 p DAY PAaSBNUBH TRAIN Daily, except Suudaya. ixeave Atlanta 8 45 A M if.3up; 11 5.95 P. M 8.90 A. M 19.05 P. M