The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, September 21, 1867, Image 1

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Jlic JuiUi inh'iMpm. , | I' I 4 ’ I ! t ,inii.r.MHH'K nnmum. ... Whitehall •ir. .i v l-l«'-cn A1»"em» Ktrect " and th.HMIroaderosstaf. . J.wrpli i.iimii a |'. went !>' lake l ,nmu " tlir.uiu'i l u-il U'i >' r h k i tests tig" II. .'t hi- A California cucumbe r, raised in Kock Island connty, 111., measures three feet two inches in length, and one loot one inch in cir cumference at the butt. Ki.MIT million dollars has been raised lor the construction *-f the American Central Railway, running from Omaha to Fort Wayne, Indiana, li is commonly called the “Sundown Railway.” Tuk Indian agent Wright, from Fort Renton, Montana, is in Chicago. 11c acts us ageut lor ID,000 Indians. Me says the Indian war is a great humbug, gotten up and lostercd to put money in the pockets ol speculators. Frederick IIoiihs, a young man doing busi ness in Boston, who has failed twice helore, and who is oue of tie 1 shining lights in society at Charlestown, where lie resides, has been detected in forgeries to the amount ol $10,000 to $30,000. - ♦ Kioiu the Louisville Courier. to,.hdciicc Lam.—•Tile Old Trick. A young man named David Lyons arrived in our city yesterday morning from Nashville, cn ni'ik to his home, a lew miles hack ol Cincin nati. lie went down to the mail boat about noon, with a view to procure passage up the river. While on the boat lie made the uc- rpinintance of two “very nice'' looking “gentle men, ’ who represented themselves as merchants, one front Cineimuili and the oilier Ironi Nash ville. 'I he Cincinnati “merchant” was goiug up on the boat, and was pleased lo know that he would have the company ol Mr. Lyons on the trip. After some conversation a drink was pro posed, and the three started ashore tor the pur pose. Alter drinking, the Nashville merelmnt suggested to the Cincinnati merchant that ns they were about to separate, lie would lx; pleased to get the small balance duo to him. Thu old story now follows: I lie Cincinnati merchant was very much per plexed on account ol not having anything smaller Hum a $1it note. Turning totlieun- sophisticttted .Mr. Lyons, lie asked him il lie had »ny small bills about him. Lyons replied that • had just *‘>*0, and promtly handed it over.— The ( inrmiiiiii merelmnt then asked him if lie woiildn t step down to the Ixiat and take charge “l lm satchel, a black one, which lie had care- ssy left at tin: head of the stairs on the upper 1 erk, and |„. would come ulronrd just ns soon ub » Inundated the little difference between liim- s,, o mnl his friend. t *** ounrs.., ■ he verdant youth complied and on I “,"‘8 tlll; snatched the fiml lilui.k sulchel a „ n ,° lu:r0lS ' 11,111 "'as swinging it up and " u the cabin as imcoueurned as il it Itel.mged ’ Ul,n ' wll, ' u « geiillemau lapped him on the iiMihler and demanded it us liis prupeily.— *"tt«Hvored to explain the mailer, and iihiii» o ll "‘ l "UlcerTom Slater happened ' I 1 '' 111 'nice perneived the situation, and mi.e. i r ' I'yons tlml ho was the victim of cauilideiiee. Seareli was at once in- i ! r, J" :, w" “nieriihanls," tint they were , ‘ "lilcer Slater prevailed upon the Cap I „ '“‘t '•'/at to post (lie unlorlunntc Air. '■ * "* Lincimmti, as lie wiis.lestitiite of funds. cl .l*? w T,,,; CiioLiiitA Cauk to Romp,.—The •I [ Il PM,l,n t" Rome with signs and wonders and u!’ 1 1' " IV ! : 'I' liglitcd a I'liny or Herodotus, Lei „ ,i 1 ari lier- ol llm long bow do- win, no Inconsiderable p, ,S||| II PMI.V AND « KKKt.V ID )A KKD IRWIN WHITAKER, n-,. p rle t <»!•. ATLANTA. 0K0H01A. ♦ Saturday Mornln*. Sept. SI. 1867. Is I'mH int nci'. llboih* Maud, lustThnnslay, \ \\ *'amm. formerly a cotton broker lUoton. nmnlcrvd Renjamln W. Aldrich.— , had Isa’ii living with Aldrichs wife, and nllieeis. aivoinpailieil by the lillslinnd, , ,I,,. h,m,e to arrest the adulterous pair. Tlicv W. re found hidden in a I'l.wet, the woman k ,and when Aldrich looked in. to see if ,s il., ie. he li. rived a pistol Imllel Jlt ,| min di rer was eummil al „ pout.ilh.i, (who lived many at Nevv I'rle.insl, ovenlly received in Pins $li:: iski, i«iuiii. d to her by her agent in s'ew Orleans, as the proeeeds ol some lands in ilio MilanIts of the city, which she Imd forgotten „, at she owned, and which, alter some d.llleully .1,0 remembered as a swamp that in her day was wholly under water. Is Sr Lons 1‘ntriek Fit/gibhon discovert' ’ man lying on the pavement at a late hour, woke him up ami suggested the propriety oomg home At this the man drew a revolver on Kiugibhon and discharged it, the whole eon lulls entering his left shoulder lie then ran and made good his escape. Is .vNTTCtrvrtos that Hie yellow fever may reach Mobile, and Hie place lie uliumlolledby ilie government oftleials. Ueiu ral Spinner, l ni- i,.,I suites Treasurer, lias, from prudential rea sous, thought proper to withdraw nil govern inent funds deposited there, nud place them in some city Itirllier North 11vkks Ames, id Springtieid, Massachusetts, ii:i, inen awarded the eonlrnet for extending • l„ I'nioii l’neitie Railroad eight hundred miles westward from t'lieyeime City at the round sum of fifty millions. Tuk steamer Oriental, hum New Orleans, is anchored at quarantine near Boston, with three eases of yellow fever on hoard. Bkti iins to the Attorney (icnernl's oltiee show that large nuinhers ot Southern people are taking the oath under the recent amnesty pro- ciauiation. Miss U.viikikt I'iim'man, ol Decatur, Illinois, sued Isaac Yantrees, last year, for breach of pro mise, mid was awarded $.1,000. The gallant Yantrees lounil ibis sum ineonvenienl In pay, so :, few days ago he married his creditor. Faun Wreckmak, aged 54, who had been married only six days to a lady ol 2ft, died sud denly in t'im innati, Sunday night. The wife was horror stricken on awakening in the morn ing ami finding that she had been sleeping by Hie -iJe of her husband's corpse. Nkw York is rejoicing over a great revival iu business. The yellow fever i« abating at the Tortugas, and all the olBecrs are out of danger. There have been 31 cases of cholera nmong the troops at Governor’s Island, New York. Madam Goldschmidt, ol Cincinnati, was frightened to death while at the market on Sat urday, by the sudden announcement made to her by a servant that her children, whom site had just left home in good health, were all dying. Mr. D. S Harris, of the linn ot Gilbert A Harris, Memphis, disappeared Inst Tuesday in a mysterious manner, and ail eflorts made to ob tain iutoruiatiou of him having hern unsuccessful, it is feared thill he lias met witli foul play. A Norfolk lady, while taking a short sea voyage, last week, struck her $500 diamond brooch with her fan and seut it flying into the sea. VOL. XIII. "Kimon LKAhK-S TO UK IIANOBIIOIm WIIKN itBAHON IS LEFT KHBB TO COMBAT ATLANTA. HA.. SATURDAY. SUPTKMBHK 21, 1867. NO. 225. Ml«)ti|lnnm>ua ArtvertltoOtnontM. ** klf-fahtkni is a WROUGHT IRON BUCKIE TIE -pon— COTTON BALKS. NIIm.'.'IIiiii.'OIIm Alt Vl'l'l ln«>ll><>■ ■ t m. VAN EPPS & TIPPIN, GROCERS, AND Conimi.ssi«»11 Morc.lmnls, Al. 1/1.1 II I STREET, CHAi 0. J0HNSEN, Bolt Proprietor, — — N*>. 14 Union Ntroat, A’BW ORUtA\X8, r.A. I inert the hoop in the riot » And dmw It tight a- round the bnlo. IWA11 other TIP* fkatenlng hr thin method are In frlir o' uents. amt will he proeecuted at law at ancli. WIibu the lever of the press is raised the lie will fasten itself by the out- wnrd pressure of the bale. 'Vo are Sola Agents, and are prepared to All orders for the above Self-Fastening Wrought Iron Bockle Tie, On tho moat tavorahle terms. We are having them man ufactured of the most superior iron, and thoroughly tested. D. H. DAVIES * CO., Commlaalon Merchants, Louisville, Kentucky. ULKNN, WHIOIIT A CARR, Agents, Atlanta, Ga. The Regular Line of Mall Stages FOR CARROLLTON W ILL LEAVE NEWNAN Immediately after the arrival of the cars front Atlanta, on Holidays, Wedaeadaya and Friday a. Returning, will arrive at Newnan on Taeadayn, Thursday a and Saturdays, Making close connection with the train tor Atlanta. Ex tra trips wilt be made on opposite days to accommodate travot. Connection made to BOWDEN with Monday and Fri day’s trips. ’■'heroiitels over a good natural road, equipped with new CONCORD COACHES, and lireqnent changes of good teams. Fare to Carrollton >S 80 Fare to Bowden.: 4 80 For passage apply at the Hotel, or to „ . JOHN T. HOLMES, »ep,>—lm* Newnan. Ga. WHO WANTS A HOME‘t R N. WALTON offera every person who desires it an • opportunity to make a home lor himself on easier terras than waa ever before offered In thla city, via : On three, four and live years’ time, at from $2 to |tr> por month installments. Fonr new buildings nowon tbo land. Undisputed titles given. For further particulars CTlI at Garner A Thrasher's. Real Estate Agents, or on R. N. Walton at T. F. Westmoreland's office, corner of " hltehall and Hunter streets. augkS—3ra EVERY KIND OF PLANTATION MACHINERY, ENU1NEK, HORSE POWERS, GRIST HlliLH. AGRICGlsTURAI, IlrtP ABM ENTS Of every description In store, and for aalo at the lowest reles, hv J. R. FI LLER, 47 I>KY STREET, aug27-4m New York City, BUY A. HOME! Stop Paying those High Rents. T HE undersigned offers for sale, al a sacrifice, FIVE CITY LOTS with Dwellings, contain ing from two lo aeveu rooms, at prices ranging from »7tJ0 to f»N*). Also, ONE VACANT LOT at There are hargatna to be had in the above property. I will sell for portion cosh, and give ecme time on the bal ance. should a purchaser desire It. I hi- property all lie. North of the Railroad, in the 4tli unit .71 h wards. s.'pt; St DANIEL PITTMAN. SALT! SALT! Liverpool Salt, Direct Importation, Always on hand and for aale try WEST *£ DANIELS, eopl7—2m Jones' Block, Savannah, Ga. _ Dancing School! Prof. J. S. NICHOLS W Il.l. rc-iirno tlio cxorclaen of his Acndcmy on TIiritHDAY, Hcpteinber ‘Allh, 18b7. CLASSES: For Thiir»dnyn and Friday*, at H o’clock, I*. M. For Ludle*, MiHHcn % Rtid Minder*—Friday and Saturday Afternoon*, hi 1 o'clock. For teriiiH, ifcc., apply at the Academy, on Whlttdia’l otrect, over .I. II. Vvlutn A Co.’a Dry Goods Store. *cp17—bt PRATTE, EDWARDS & CO., Comminsiou Meronantw, Forayth Street, Atlanta, Ga. I N STOKE AND TO ARRIVE: long iimfiitm. Thf rill- ''"["’-“•rs in Itamc, il moms, wore hit into it ,l111 *. ''oti itil. Tin y sat niitoldixiia late ll.cvnight. They <li'niik ninl iiiclo., , ' !W 1 ' • •'t v ale iinniiMloi'iiuily ol wah'i- :rr r; , ""' vi Tiioy iu>i K i>-i “t ln.l... ‘'"'"V ""'I alt: vvlitil lin y oallinl ill Hindi t'Vcrv w* "toy i.'h.illoligod llm iloslrnyitr *lionihm. ly ;.,.' . ,u i* it." says a ilovnilt ontrn t'li tatu", 1 l ‘ r “vi | l"iv<t Will lint tnlcrntc Itift cm, m , ,,;m , " 1 l "H "> with " Ami, hi.iv Hi,a Il,i 'V Hie ill III" lilts IV Innk nil II itllill, lr., m B "" s !' 1 , !l llth'lt, i'lnrk flnuil came i p itixxiH "" lH Of imimi All,.,,,’ " v,! t tin! piviul lull iliMimivi ''-•UN Iiiriy-rlfilit ,; l"il<:r,i h .t • l " 1 ; ‘" 1 ' 0*l> e.d|i.si3 Idlti Hint Vng win.. 1 ir,,v ‘’ 1 '' tinillitiiilvff wine griiaii- ,,r "r''8 i«> ...iissph.'— VuU) | a„,i i' l ,, ' s, hc"ee lagvj ami ihcn <lv- V' blin k a !d ,v i 1 ” Winu mv.ii lay it lo Vy H'lv ly inl'iitms I'll,ml, whieli \it cL„u !'i"i 111 ,llu K "'aiO|in nl B inliiiih, T ol InviMs (lurlhliqii not long line A ATLANTA. - - - - GEOIIGIA. Ilk Nturo mut to g\.i*i*tv4K : FLOW. CORK. SVGA It. COFFKF, HA VOX. HAil? LAHI>, M0LA8SVX And a general a*Hortincut of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Ivl»-Sm VAN El’I'S A TIPPIN. liKNII TO TUI! li WO! Union Point, Ga., October 13,1WJ0. Itriqhtu'ell Itanvw: Gkntm—I u«ed your Pbonphate on my Uoiton at the rate of 8T>0 pounds por acre. I am *ati*lled that 1 will realize at leant LM) por cent, on the amount epent. I am ao well ploaood that 1 expect to iiho more on (lie next crop than I did on thi*. Very truly your*, (Signed) P. W. PItINTUP. Amrricua, Ga., November 1,1NWI. Me**rti. llrlghlwtU <f Barrow: Gint*—The twenty (SW) tons HEED’S PHOSPHATE I bought ol you thie year, I used on Corn and Cotton. I am *o well pleated with the effect on my crop, that I wish to purchase of you for next year’s crop, one hundred tons. Yours respectfully, ,IAS. A. COBB. This Manure, manufactured iu Georgia (the virtues for which arc attested by well known Georgia citizens, and which la calcnlated to do so much for "Reconstruction" in Georgia) is for eale by LANGSTON, CRANE & HAMMOCK, Solo Agentf, Alabama Street, Atlanta, Ga. BACKS AND WHEAT WANTED. RADA Sacka, Second-Hand Uunuioa nud Burlnpe. OUUU 8000 huaheln Wheat. LANGSTON, CRANE A HAMMOCK, C'omtnineton Merchant., augis—4m Alabama Street. 96th SEMI-ANNUAL EXPOSE. TOTAL BOBBER PAID, S21,271,972 57 ! JULY 1, 1 8 0 7. A S 8 K T S : lAt Market Value.) C'nnh on hand t.nd in Bank Heal Kntute Mortgage Bonita Bank Slack U. Staten, State and City Stock, and othe Public Secnritiea t 818,880 81) 218,008 02 1)01,580 0(1 1,200,400 00 1,084,808 86 Won poundn Clear Sldea, 10000 poinida C'loar Bib Sldea, 6000 pounda Hhonldora, 28 harrela laird, IMMI pounda Arrow CVIloa Tie, fin plecea Kentucky Bagging. 200 rotla Rope, 80 liarrola Itoaendalo Cement, 80 barrels Uuilavllle Cuniunl. 800 hage White Corn, to barrels rider Vinegar, t 'net Plows, Manufactured Tohurm, Ar. All ruah orders promptly filled. Cimelgnnienta noli ' "aep'lH-Sm I'RATTK. EDWARDS & CU. JOHN. B’ FULLER^ 47 DEY STREET, Now York City, MANItrAeTIIHttlt ANU IIKALUH Ik I'UHTABLE AND NT A T ION ART STEAM ENGINES & BOILBBS, FltO.V 2 TO 250 HoHHH POWfflt. Moat aimrovedCtuaiter aad tl|wtghi Haw Mtlla, Urlaf Mill*, Huittir MlUa, aud all klnda of Mining and Ptanta- ttoo Ma lilneiy on hand and built lo order. OT Shafting. Pulllea. Jaaiiher aud nuhlier Bellniff, and all kinds of Iron and Wood working Maohlnery. |*r Machinery and Railroad. anppUaa Hi ilnra, and ahlpiwd at the luweat rales. jaugtT—Uk $4,660,088 27 Lena Liabilities, Claims not due aud tmnd- Jualod 877,668 46 Net A.acta $4,273,260 81 AND 1N1.AN I> NAVIGATION R I 8 K8. Affencic* in all the principal cltic* nnd town* in the United Stale*. AppllratinnM for lumirnnce will bo promptly attended to. OFFICE—With C. I. Brown, ou cant Hide of Whitehall *troet, one door from Alabama. Jyllt— N. L. ANGIRB, Agent. M. L. WHIMTON. TO SOUTHERN MERCHANTS. I F yon de*irn to *upply yonraolve* for your Fall and Winter trade, with tuc vury bent dcacriiition* and Htylcttof ALL- WOOLI’ASSIMKKKS, aud with the uio*t durublu JKANS and KKH8KY Iahric*,al; free from shod dy and other iinpurlilcH, order Hample* from the *ub- Hcriber, and they will be forwarded, with price* attached, during the month* of July and AiiKii*t. rrom these sam ple* you can make your huIcciIouh and return your or ders, and tho good* will be forwarded directly from the Manufactory. JOHN A. YOUNG, President, Jert—4in 4'hariotto. N. C. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE. MA COM, UKOROIA. fllllK 'hilli Annual SeB»i«n will begin on MONDAY, M. OetnlH'r 7th, under a full Hoard nr Inatnivtura. Every department hna mcilitiea forfuruialiing the higlieat style-of edneatlon, on renaonahla terme. For further particulars, apply to Rev. J. M. ItoDnell, I*. D. Prealdeut, or W. C. BASS, angS—Inwtllortl Secretary of Faeiiltv. miliary Dlrrrtory. Major th'tuaal Joint Pol’K, 11. H. A., rotiimnuiftiig Third Military lilalrlcl (Giorgla, Klotlda, amt AlntMinn.) — Gillen at llendi|tiartor», ou Marietta •trect. t'ldonel J. K. Mki.inr,Chief nf Bureau uf civil Affaire, ""'I General luapectur of lleglatratiou lor Third Mill- lary lliatrli t. Office at lluadipuirterr. Itrev'l llrlgadler tleucral Wu. McKkk Diinm, Aaaiatanl Judge AilvtH'ato General It. H. A., Judge Advoent Third Military District. Office at. Ilendqunrtcre. I.leutennut-Otduuul K. MeK. llnunoN, II. H. A , Aaaiatanl Inapi'i'torGeneral. Offbeat lleudi|iiarlera. Cnplatnfl. K. SANliKItaoN, It. S. A., Acting Aaaiatanl Ailjiilaut General. Office at || aihiunrti ra Brev't Brigadier General J. J. Mil.iiaii, Surgeon It. S. A Med leal D.reeltir Third Militaty Dlalriet. Offleu corner llroiul iitul Marletla streets. Itrev’l brigadier General Itori'H Saxton, Chief (Jiiarler- maater. Ollteeal llead'iuartura. lirev*t Lieutenant ('Minin'I It. J. FAItNnwottTil, Depot tfiiarternuiater. Oltiee Forsyth atroet, near Railroad. Ilrev't Captain C. A. ItoeKwai.l., Chief Ordnanco Officer. Office curncr Broad and Marietta streets. Major K. D. Junti, P. M. V. S. A., Chief Pay Master and Dlalmralng Officer Third Military Dlatrlct. Office cor- tier llroiul and Marietta streets. I.ientenaiit O. S., Post Quartermaster and Com- mlasary Suhaiatenee. Offlco Willingham Building, cor ncr Ivy anil Decatur streets. Bret't Major Wu. II. Smtthk, Captain 16th U. 8. Infan try, Acting Aaaiatant Judge Advocate Gaueral. Office at llcadi|unrlera. ' Brev't Major T. C. Sullivan, C. 8 United States Army, Chief Canimisaary of Suhaiatenee. Office, Room No. 1 Willingham Buildings, corner of Decatur and Ivy streets. Brev’t Ma|or Fmii. Mobubach, V. R. C., Hub-Aaat. Com. SuleDlatrlrt, Atlanta Bureau It. F. and A. L. Office In Granite Block, No. 1, room No, 6. POST OP ATLANTA, Composed or the counties of Cobb, Fulton, Campbell, Carroll, Coweta, Heard, Fayette, Clayton, Spalding, llvury, Newton, DeKalh, Milton, Gwlunett and Butts. Brev't Brigadier General Thomas H. Ruoir, Colonel 33d United States Infantry, commanding Post. Hcad- <1 earU ra, room No. 8 Willingham Building, corner of Decatur and Ivy streets, Atlanta, Ga. Brev’t Captain O. C. Knapp, 1st Lieutenant 33d II. S. In fantry, Post Adjutant. Offico at Headquarters. First Lieutenant C. S. Ilblky, lath U. 8. Infantry, Act ing Aaaiatant Quartermaster aud Acting Commissary Suhaiatenee Punt. Office, room No. 7 Willingham Building. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. FOR THE YEAR 1867, M lM€„«lliiii<>»iiM Atlvnrl lM<Aiii«iitn. J. K. Williams, Mayor S. B. Love, Clerk of Connell J. T. Glenn, City Attorney. ....$2,mo .... 1,600 800 800 1,600 1,200 1,800 1,000 800 not Robert M. k'arrar, City Treasurer E. J. Hoacbc,City Physician Jaa. F. Cooper, City Engineer Itobt. Crawford, Commissioner of Public Works.. George Stewart,Overseer of Stroeta.. Jo. S. Smith, Tax Receiver and Collector Pat. Fitajribbon, Hall-Keeper A L D rTm E N. FIBST WARD. M. T. Castleberry, Richard Pctera. 8SCOND WARD. E. K. Raweon, A. W. Mitchell. THIRD WARD. George W. Terry, W. C. Anderson. POttHTH WARD. J. K. Gnllatt, W. B. Cox. FIFTH WARD. J. A. Hayden, B. W. Holland. • POLICE DEPARTMENT. L. P. Thomas, Chief Marshal $1,800 E. C. Morphy, Deputy Marshal 1,800 J. L. Johnson, 1st Lieutenant of Police 1,000 T. C. Murphy, 2d Lieutenant of Police 1,001 POL1CRHBH—($218 PXR DAT.) I. J. Cook, F. J. Botnar, D. Hogan, E. A. Center, F. T. Ktcklighter, J. A. lllnton, Hall, J. L. Crenshaw, G. W, Bowen, C. M. Barry, A. Jarrard, O. P. Wood!iff, JUH| _ " W. J. 8. Holland, R. D. Haynes, D. Queen, J. K. Love, J. A. Lang, It. B. Itntcnlna, J. M. Ooanally, Green Holland, II. W. Wooding, H. J. Holteclaw, M. W. Barberry, J. K. Barnes, T. G. McUan, J. A. Lanier, Clerk of First Market—Theophtlna Harris. Clerk of Second Market—Frank T. Ryan. Sexton—G. A. Pilgrim. City Assessors— K. H. Waters, W. C. Humphries, and C. F. Wood. Assessor of I.and taken for Opening Stroeta—Levi C. Wells, and F. P. Rico, STANDINO COMMITTEES OP TUK OITT COUNOIL POR THE FISCAL TKAR 1867. Finance—Peters, Mitchell. Rawson. Ordinance—Mitchell, Hayden, Peters. Streets and Sidewalks—Gullatt, Rawson, Hayden. Wells, Pumps and Cisterns—Cox, Anderson, Castle- oorry. Lamps and Gas— Hayden, Terry, Peters. Relief—Castleberry, Rawson, Terry, Gnlli Market—Hayden, Castleberry, Holfsn Fire Department—Gullatt, Cox, Terry. Police—Rawson, Cox, Anderson. Cemetery—Terry, Mitchell, Rawson. Public Buildings and Grounds—Anderson, Terry, Pe ers. Tax—Ilullaud, Rawson, Cox. On Printing—Terry, Holland, Castleberry. Salaries—Cox, Mitchell, Holland. BOARD OE~HEALTH. First Ward—Dr. J. M. Boring. Second Ward—O. II. Junes, Esq. Third Ward—L. P. Grant, Esq. Fourth Ward—Dr. Chas. Plnck Filth Ward—Dr. J. N. Simmons. noy. NOTICE TO ARCHITECTS. of the GcorglR __ ,y tor tho honeffi of tho “Masonic Or phans’ Home,” July tilth, 1867, the following resolutions were passed ^ vicinity of Al inulii, for tho purpose of erect ing theroon A MASONIC ORPHANS' HOME—said pro- posals to Imi submitted to tho Board of Mnnngors by the l,,111th day of Heptcnihcr noxt. Tho tltlo will he vested in the Grand Lodguofllie State of Georgia, or such other Masonic Lodge In the State as will accept llie nninr, rhoiild tha Grand Lodge decline the Irurt. limited, further, That the Board will pay $500 for tbo Draft of a Granite lliiildtug lor Hie “Masonic Orphans’ lliniu ," lo he eiilimiHod lo tho Board by the first day of Novemhor uext: the said plan to Imi sodrnwn as that llm building can ho commenced with nil expendi ture of fffty thousand dollars, during Hie lire I year, anil lluit the same may lie exteuilod from year to jear, with out destroying the symmetry of the nrchitccliir.'. I lie above named sum of five hundred dollars to Im' paid for the plan which Hie Board of Manures iduill select Irom Hie number presented. For further Information, address lj»—ttlnoyl WARDS or TDK OITT. The City of Atlanta ahull ho laid off Into five wards, as lollows, to-wlt: FIRST WARD. Commencing at the crossing of Whitehall street with the Western ta Atlantic Railroad, and running up the smith aide or said railroad to the incorporation line, then down said line to the center of Whitehall street, then north along the center of said street to the starting point, and which shall be known aud oouatitute Ward number One. SECOND WARD. Commencing at the center of the crossing of Whitehall street, at the Western Ik Atlantic Railroad, and running east down the railroad to the crossing uf Callumn street, iu the rear ol the Georgia Kailrund workshop, then aumh aloug the middle of said street to the center of McDon ough street, thence along the center of McDonough street to the incorporation line, then along said hue to the cen ter of Whitehall street at its crossing at the iucurpuratlun due, then along the center uf said street to the starting imint, which shall he known and constitute Ward num- tier Two. THIRD WAHII, Commencing at Hie neuter nf Calhoun street, at Its south crossing of the Georgia Railroad workshop, and running down the south side of said railroad to tnu In corporation line, then along said line to the editor of Me Doiiough street to the starting point, which ahull consti tute aud lie known as Ward number Three. FOURTH WARD. Commencing on the north aide of the Georgia Railroad, In the center uf the crossing or said railroad by Loyd street, and milling down tho north side of said railroad to the Incorporation Hue, then along said line to Ivy struct, then along the cuutur of Ivy street to Decatur street, then along said street west to the ccutcr of Loyd to the starting point, which shaft constitute nnd be known aa Ward number Four. FIFTH WARD. Commencing at the north of aaid railroad, at tho edi tor of thu crossing of Loyd street, and running west along the north side of the Western & Atlantic Railroad lo the Incorporation line, then alongaatd line to the cen ter of Ivy street, then south uloug the center of De catur street to the ceuler of Loyd street, then aloug the center of Loyd street to Hie startiug point, which shall constitute aud be kuowii us Waul milliner Five. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Engineer— W. G. Knox. Heeretary—It. F. Mwue. Treasurer—James E. Gullatt. Atlanta Knqink Company No. 1. President Foreman Secretary Treasurer First Director Second Director Thtid Director Engineer .. First Asststaut Kuglueer Second Assistant Eaglneor .. Third Aaaiatant Kuglnoer Axeman Jolru II. Noriuun. Samuel Wilson .. II. Miihli'iihriuk.. Charles SchlluU .lolm Berliele John Wtlliy I II. Ellsworth . I*. J. Bracken... M. L. Collier O. Warner II. Uauoy, I Wm. Krogg, f ■ • M. L. Roberta — . . . Delegate to Fire Department Mechanic Enuinb Company No. 2. J. E. Gullatt. .1. O. Kelley W. D. Luckie.jr. .. G. II. Jones K. Diilco... lease Stfinludiuer.. G. W. Terry Joel Kelsey James Daniels ,1. M. Toy G. T. Anderson, ( W. K. Woods, I ’ J. M. Bnlce, l Joseph Wiley, I ,1. F. Alexander M. L. I.ichteiiaiarit. Business Managers Georgia State Isitlery. AOTl Atlanta, Georgia. The Olorj of Man U Strength. IIRKFOKK, tha narsons and dobllllatod ahoul medialaiy ata Hxtxpu.n’s Extract Bdcmd. THE ARROW TIE ADD IRON BANDS BALING COTTON I AN INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE, WASTE, AND THEFT irNKqUAf.EI) FOR Simplicity and Rapidity of Adjustment SURPASSED BY NONE FOR HTRXXOTII AND ADAPTABILITY TO ALL Tliu Uses of Commoroe 1 TJ7HEY are manufactured in LIVERPOOL, of the beat English Iron, nnder the personal supervision nf the In ventor, formerly a resident of New Orleans, La. Tha ARROW TIE is preferred by Shipmasters and ComproBsmeu, aa it ia worked with one-eighth to ono inch alack, while all SOLID TIES require three to flvo inches, which, tn running through a cargo, involves a heavy loss to the Shipmaster. Use the Arrow Tie asd Bands, AND SAVE MONEY IN FREIGHT and INSURANCE! Arrangements have been mado to secure an ample sup ply or tha ARROW TIE and BANDS tor the coming sea son. .TAMES A. HALL, Agent Middle and Sonthwest Georgia. ANDREW LOWE & CO., General Agents, Savannah, Ga. The undersigned la prepared to tarnish tha ARROW TIE to tha trada at SAVANNAH PRICES, forwarding and transportation added. PRATTB, EDWARDS 4k CO., Axents, Forayth Street, Atlanta, Ga. HEAR THE IN8URAN0E A8ENT8! Savannah, Mat 7th, 1M7. The receut fire* In this city having proved to onr entire K& l S£ tl 2 n ’ . a . thorough teet, the eupertortty o' IRON BANDS for haling purposes, we strongly recommend them to the nee of the Planters of Georgia aa an efficient agent in restricting lose by lire; and we agree to discrimi nate, when practicable, in fhvor of cotton thus seen red. ^i^te ra i , s i sr , “ Agent - Ag’ta Liverpool, London A Globe In. Co. CHARLES L. COLBY A CO„ Agfa Sun 4b Atlantic M. Ins. Co., N. Y R. H. FOOTMAN, Insurance Agent. WOODBKIDGB BROS., Ine. Agents. J. T. THOMAS^Insurance Agent. See’y Southern Insurance A Truat Co. JAMES T. STEWART, Agent London A Lancaster Ina. Co. LANE A WEST, Insurance Agents. Macon, Ga., May 10th, 1807. The recent lire at tho Warebonse of Mr. B. T. Chap- tage of the nee i purposes, as a - ’ ted ins Iq Ga. , take pleasure in endorsing the ii.ium uf the Agents at Savannah. Ga. E. C. GKANNI8S, Agent for several Ins. Companies. J. W. BURKE, Insurance Agent. E. J. JOHNSON A CO., Insurance Ag't*. J. MONHOE OGDEN, Insurance Agent. {J. M. BOAKDMAN, Insurance Agent. JNO. B. COBB, Isurance Agent. may27—0m THE MOUNT AUBURN Yount Ladies’ Instils, S ITUATED on that beautiful eminence north of the City of Cincinnati, (him which it derives Its name, has just closed its Twenty-Second Session. The past year has been one of unnsnal prosperity, there having beon In atendauce two hundred and thirty- five young ladies, gathered from all parte of the United States. Ao cafe of eicknue requiring aphyrickin hoe oc curred. Its healthful location and Its country position, whllo yet ao near tho city, gives It advantages over either city or oiinlry schools. Its character ns a first rate Seminary of learning la too well known to need further comments. The LIBRARY, CABINET, aud APPARATUS, already very extensive, are receiving yearly additions. For Catalogues or Information, address 1. U. WHITE, 25 West Fourth Strcot, Cincinnati, Ohio, Or II. THANE MILLER, President. HOI* DURA8. gnnlzcd »t Atlnntn, to «hi! from Houduru* ou the 10th of October next, are required to call on Uol. E. P. Watkins or D. P. Ferguson, ot Atlanta, or J. W. Goldsmith, at htone Monutaiu, at once, and pay in, or send by express to either one of the above named persons, #31) as a bonus to authorize our Treasurer in milking permanent arrangements for transportation. Persons goiug with this Colony will save about #*j(), ma king the expense from Atlanta to liouduras ouly about #03 In currency, on a first-class steamship. Families ought to carry tents, as honses aro scarce. MUg2t — 1 111 J. J. PKAllC’K. W. T. WIIKLBSH. CIIA8. A. l'KAHGE. PEARCE, WHELE88 & CO., COTTON FACTORS ANU CommiMMlon Sloi'chnntN. President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer First Director Second Director Chief Engineer First Assistant Kuglueer Seemid Assistant Engineer Third Assistant Engineer Pipemen .... Axemen Surgeon Representative lo Fire Department Tallulah Enuinb Company No. 8. S, W. Grubb .....President. K. A. Cetilur Vico I'reaiduut. W.Shearer First Director. George I’liompauu Second Director. ,1. .1. Rogers Ilose Director. Jot'll D. Clarke Secretary. Lewis II. Clarke .. Treasurer. Juhu A. lllll Axeman. A. Thleutu Aleman. II. S. Orme, M. D Surgeon. W. It. Diggers Delegate. Atlanta Hook anr Laddrr Co. No. I. J. L. Queen Foreman C. P.8. D’Alviguy Aaaiatant Foreman J. S. Yarbrough Secretary Goo. Johnson Treasurer Ed. Ilullaud Hepreauntatlva lo Fire Department JACKSOX STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. I soil 1st v 11 !*» A <1 v«»l't Imi-ms- il In. i^Storc and sell Cotton and other Produce. Bagging and Rope liirniahed at market prices. _ sepT—thn SOUTHERN HOME SCHOOL FOR YOUNG I.ADIlilS. ESTABLISHED IN lHI'J Non. 107 and 100 Ol. Ctaarleo Olroet, BALTIMORE, MD. M R. A MRS. WIL80N M. CARY ami MRS. GEN. JOHN l’KGKAM, Principals, assisted hy a tall corps ot able Instructors. Dulles resumed the 20ih of September. French is the langn ige of tho seliool. No pains are sparod to ruude 'bis Intillullun deserving uf the onconrageincut It lias atwuya liberally received Irom the Soatlieru people. Upon llieae Irhincls alone It now depends for patronage. For I'ln'ulara containing full iu formation, address either of the prlurlimla aa shove, auggtt—Im* _ L. It. O. wool). JAMES U. LOW. J. H. LUIlWIOeKN. WOOD. LOW & LU0WI68EN, (Formerly Wood A Low—Established COTTON FACTORS —anh— General Commission Merchants, l*i Common Street, Now OrlRMNR, • ••-••• Louisiana, AUTHORISED REEKBENCEa IM ATLANTA. A. Anatell, President Atlanta National Bank; Mr. A. K. Rosso, Messrs Zimmerman A Venlerev, Messrs. I*. A O. T. .Dodd, Messrs. Chapman A Hurler, Messrs. McDaniel A Blroug. tSP-Persiuial attention given to the Mia of Cotton aad purchase ol all daecriptloM of Produce. )anx»-!y W. TI. D1X, KENTUCKY PLANING MILL, BO on y II LIN By AND SASH MA NUFA CTUItEDy Ami Dealer in ull kind* of Building Lumber, Rough aud Dreised, NINTH STItKET, NEAlt BHOAUWAV, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, i^^»«&?5S»2Sj!Sa! portation. Jo19-am BREEDEN & BRADLEY, LUMBER MEItCHANTS, And Manufacturers of Hash, Doors, Blinds, Ac. —ALSO— PACKING BOXES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Lumber Yard ou Walnut, bet. East and Flow! streets STKisat,- - Jel2—4m LOUISVILLE, KY. GREAT SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE II LOUIS THIPP, (srccEseiin to triit a ciiauo,) W HOLESALE nnd Retail Dealer in , Pianos, Cabinet Organs, Melodc- ^SlM ous, and all kinds of Musical Merchan- disc, and Publisher or Music. Cnfalogue H ■ Iff" pllSRoS* D A((drasi i,!t0 ' free onap- LOUIS TRIPP Jol2—4m N< ”' 92 an<1 94 Jcffcr8on St > Louisville, Ky. OIIEKX LEAF (or IfEMP LEAF) BACiOIXi; AVI) ROPE. PJUtfc) nndurflignoil hereby notify their friend* nnd all consumers of the aliove named Staple Goods, that they contlnne to mantifaelnre them In Louisville, Ky. They hope and expect to have it In their power to exe cute ovory order sont them till* season. All Letter* Promptly Replied To. W. A. RICHARDSON A SON. Jy^~*h Q LouIpvIIIo. Kentucky. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND UAL TIMonhy MA R VLANI). T HE Sixtieth Annual Stolon ol the SCHOOL of MED ICINE, in tho University of Mnrvland, will com* mence on the 14th of OCTOBER, 1807, ami will end on 1st of Mart'll, is«8. F A C U r* T Y : Nathan R. Smith, M. D., Profe*por of Siirgerv. W M. E. A. Aikin, M. I). LL. 0., Profenror id *Cliemi«try nnd Pharmacy. O. W. Miltenrkkokr. M. !>.. Pro o*sor of oii^totricH. Richard McSueiiry. M. I.*., l»ro|VH*or or Priuciple* and Practice of Medicine. Christopher Johnston, M. I)., Professor of General, Descriptive, and Surgical Anatomy. Samuel C. Chew, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutic*. Frank Donaldson, M. D., Professor of Physiology, Hy- gienne, and General Pathology. Wm. T. IIowAiui. M. D., Professor of Disease* of Wo men and Children. James II. Dutlek, M. D., Demonstrator, and Adiuuct to the Professor of Anatomy. The fee* for the full course are #P»(). For Mntriculii* tion, #3. For Practical Anatomy. #10. The University Hospital (or Infirmary) attached to the College, ranks among tho first Clinical Schools in the country. Being the Seaman’s Hospital of the port of Baltimore, as well as a civil hospital, it affords a great variety in the forms of disease always under treatment. Surgical Operations, and Clinical Lecture* on Surgery, Practical Medicine,and the Diseases of Women ami Chil dren, are constituent part* of the daily ius’iuctiou given by the respective Professors of the Institution. Students desiring to perfect themselves in fiikdalltleSy can take coarsen or private instriutiou from Adjunct* at tached to the various Chair*. GKO. W. M1LTKNBERGER, M. lb, Dean. aep7—lawfiw 1 W M . T I 1- Iu K 11 A U M, HUNGARIAN OPTICIAN, o AND LATELY FROM NA*IIVIM.E, TKNN., FFER8 tho*c who are suffering from weak or de fective sight, hi* Russian IVriscopic Lenses, tho best artificial aid ro the human vision ever invented, which can he obtained at hi* office. Ills giasse* last a number of year* without changing. He gives groat relief to patients who have fullered from defective vision lor any number of years. These spectacles are scientifically adinsted to every case of defective sight with unerring accuracy, whether arising from age, disease, strain, over- vork, or lireiimturo decay, on a new nud exact principle •ntiroly hi* own, which has seldom failed to lie correct. Office hours, from t» A. M. to 3 P. M. N. IV—Owing to engagement- elsewhere, Dr. T. will he able t > remain Ueie hut a short time only. nugtM- lm WiNTED litlftlKDIATKLY, ^GOOD COACH SMITH, A GOOD COAC1I PAINTER. Addles* *ep!3 - tit HARDWARE AND IRON. 75 COILS MANILLA HOPE, Sabflcrtptioi and Advertising Kates, TERRS OF SUBOCRIITIOH. Dally, rmr ninulh $1 Dally, twulva month* *•> Weekly, six month* * • *• Weekly, one year ’* <« shade i'o|des at ft Hinkle co|ilea to N <wa Boy* auil Affento. 6 R STB* or aDVBETIMm. For rai:h aqare of 10 lines or leas, tor the first Inaertl n (I, and for em h *"li*i i|'ient Insertion 80cent*. lj I'sqtuonif: SPSfgggggg? I | aquioui g | SS838SSS8 i a»*e*****i | -qiaom t 88888 8 8 8 85 'Katun E| 8 8 8 8 8 8 : • 5 S5 S S 8 : i : ; ft 8 8 8 8 8 : : : £ “ s = « B : 1.1111(1 Q 8 8 8 8 8 8 n » a «t s % *U *1 m . . . . . •«.iuiii, 8 8 8 8 8 8 : : « n t- o « o : to : : : •*oui|i e | 8 8 8 8 8 8 ' «••*«© © T* h* ** ** • : ’•"rail 8 | g 8 S 8 S 3 : : ■®«m I | SSSSSSgg’gg 'soivnlig | r* ec -T .r. * t- 5 55 £ b|ieeial Notices, fit cent* per line firat Insertion, and H cents per Hue for each eubeeqnent insertion. Advertisements Inserted at interval* to he chanted as new each Insertion. Advertisements ordered to remain on any particular pace, to be charged aa new each Insertion. The money for advertising considered doe after Aral Insertion. All communications or letters on bnslness intended lot this office should Im addressed to “The Atlanta Intel" 1'cncer.” JARED IRWIN WHITAKEj., Proprietor. RAILROAD GUIDE Georgia Hall road. E. W. COLE, Superintend**.'. . DAT FASSENSER TRAIN. Leave Atlanta at 8.00 A. M Arrive at AuKtmtA 5.45 1*. M Leave Augusta at. s.So A. M Arrive at Atlanta P. M (No trains ran on Sunday.) NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Atlanta .. 6.45 P. M Arrive at Augusta 8.15 A. M Leave Augusta 8.tjo p. M Arrive at Atlanta ti.45 A. M Atlanta 4k Weat-Polnt Hallroad. L. P. GRANT, Superintendent.. DAY PASSENGER TRAIN—OUTWA11D. Leave Atlanta 7 00 A. M Arrive at West Point ..12.00 A. M DAV I'ASSENOEIl TRAIN—INWAIIU Leave « cet Point 12.10 P. M Arrive at Atlanta 5.30 P. M ♦- ftloutgomery 4k Weat-Polnt Hallroad. DANIEL II. CRAM, Superintendent. DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery Arrive at West-Point Leave West-Point Arrive at Montgomery Leave Opelika .7 Arrive at Columbus Leave Columbus Arrive at Opelika ... 7.25 A. M ... 1.20 P.M ...10.10 A. M ... 4.10P. M ...11.66 A. M ... 1.66 P.M ... 2.85 A. M .. 11.36 A. M Macon 4k Western Hallroad. E. B. WALKEIt, Superintendent. DAT rABSENUER TRAIN. Leave Macon 7.80 A. to Arrive at Atlanta 1.57 P. M Leave Atlanta 6.55 A. M Arrive at Macon p. Leaves Atlauta 7.15 p. U Arrives in Macon 4.25 A. M Western 4k Atlantic Ralltvad. CAMPBELL WALLACE, Superintendent. night express passenger train—daily. Leave Atlanta 7.*, p. M Arrive at Chattanooga 4.10 A. M Leave Chattanooga 4.30 p. ji Arrive at Dalton 7.50 1* M Arrive at Atlanta 1.41 A. M r PASSENOER TRAIN Daily, except Sundays. Leave Atlauta 8 45A. M Leave Dalton 2 81) P. M Arrive at Chattanooga 5.25 P. M Leave Chattanooga 3.20 A. M Arrive at Atlanta ie.00 r. M DALTON ACCOM NOD ATION TRAIN. Dally except Sundays. 8.50 P.M 12.25 P.M 1.25 P. M 0.45 A. M Leave Atlanta Arrive at Dalton Leave Dalton Arrive at Atlanta Ill all Stage Line from Atlanta to Dali- lonega. Leave Atlanta Monday, Wednesday and Friday.. .fi A. M. Arrive Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7 P. M. 73 do/oii Short llamili'il Frying Pan*, *,l) coll* Pa cut racking to i inch, *Jim) ( Showlrt ami Spade*, 1300 do/.cu Pocket Kulvet*, •AM) grofri Table C’lUlciy, •AM dozen rorry i’omh>, 1.V boxc* Tin Plate, •amo ihhiihIh P* ork Tin, 1000 o.iuiuIm liar I .cad, ftOO nag* Sn I, !tt) huodle* lirigh Iron Wire, !KM) dozen Iron Wire Sifter*. (Mi Anvilr, 73 Vise*, •IOimi poiiiit!* Smoothing Iron**, •Amu jiouml* Griffin’* llor*o Nall*, f*K» dozen l’’lU*t* -asrorled, s’looo pouml^ (i.iivaiiixt-d Hheot Iron, 3 ton* Past Steel, Al ton* PU»w saw!, .*!00 ton* Sw d*> and Helloed Iron, fit) toil* IViud, II •«»!*♦ ami ll*»r*e Mu>e Iron, 13 Inn* Oval, Halt G\•»I. Mini Mali Komid Iron, A3 ton* llnili'r, Plate, ami Hnvl Iron. Fttr *Ble l»y WEEDS rOHNWF.I.Is, No*. 130 auc ltd Hrouglittm Street, Savannah, Ga. COFFKK. i)AAA IIAGS jiiHt received, from Rio do Janeiro, t3w\Jvf per Uritifh Hi ig t^pring. For sale l»v WKlvHK .V I’OUNWKI.i;, No*. 130 and 101 Hrtiuglittui Strut, may lo tha bavummh, Ga. Don’t Wash Another Week Without Buying —Till— 6REATE8T WONDER OF THE ABE! IIAI.t,’H UNIVJdlWAI. WASHING MACHINE!! SPECIAL NOTICE TO TIIE LADIES. I T has long been felt and acknowledged that a Washing Machine would yet be invented Gist would be sim- E lo, cheap, and more effective than any of the Machines ore to lore offered to the public. Such a Machine la now Oil'Ll ed without fear of competition. 1st. One woman will do more with a Machine than six can do without it. It will wash five dirty shirts (including wristbands and collars) perfectly clean in from tour to eight minutes—this we guarantee, or no eale. 2d. It requires no skill to operate it. aa a girl 18 yeara oid ha^warihed (in Atlanta) FuUU DOZEN PIECES IN 3d. It takes at least one third lees soap, and will pay tor itself every year iu the saving of clothing, aa It acts so delicately on the fabrics that bank bills can be washed rlthont breaking—something no other machine can do. " ’** *"' io Macuiues in this place, and shall ten dollars, the same price they are sold for in New York. There 1b uo \\ ashiug Machine on the market that can be bought lor even twice the money, and uo Machine that will com- pvte wfrh it iu the performance of it* wor . 1 heee Machines are on exhibition in thie citv. at the & ECHOLS, Whitehall ftreet. Mi». BENTLY own* the Patent Eight for thie remarkable Machine iu all thu Southern state*. Liberal inducement* will be offered lo gentlemen deeirlng the exclusive rigb» to sell these Machine* in counties aud district*, 01 state* Call on, or addre**, D. S. HENTLY A JOm . _. , ., _ Rome, Ga, Any one infringing upon tbit Patent Rif Ut will be prosecuted according to law, and any one giving mtorma tion of the same, will be liberally rewarded. A Great Labor-Saving Machine. We, the undersigned citizens of Rome, would say. In behalf of “Hall's Universal Washing Machine," after tall trial and nse, that. In consideration of ita cheapness, the durability of th. Machine, the ease and qnlckneaa of mo tion, the small amount or soap required, and the protec tion of the clothes, would recommend it to a generous public. P. M. SIIEIBLY, G. W. F. LAMPKIN, J. A. STEWART, NAM. F. POWERS, WM. WEST, JOHN W, NOBLE, JAMES NOBLE, Sr,, J. J. COHEN. .. ... Atlanta, May 7, 1887. 1 bought the first “Ilall’n Patent Universal washing Machine” brought to Atlauta. and am now using it to my perfect satisfaction, and recommend it to all asagreMt Labor-Having AMnchine. Mrs. CYNTUIA KILE. dir motions'*FOR rSB. Let the Machine down into a common waah tub, by culling notches into tho sides, for the journals to rest iu, uni il it come* within one inch of the bottom of the tub; fill with hot water until the water covers the pebble* in the machine two inches; wet the clothes iu warm water, (it is better to soak clothes over night,) then rub a little sou soap ou all the dirty places; then put the clothea into the muchinc with the pebbles, and always fill the ma chine half lull of clothes, shaking them out aa they are put in; then close up the door aud turn the crauk (torn three to five minutes, keeping a slow, steady motidk un til the dirt isnut; theu run through a wringer; then boll as usual; tiieu put the clothes back into the machism with the tut» Ihii of cold water; give the machine eight or leu turns aud your clothea are ready lor Use bluing water, aud t hen hang out to diy. Never turn the machine wheu empty of clothes, as it breaks the stones. M any of the pebble* become broken, pick them ont. For sale by JOHNSON A ECHOLS, inayH-tujanl Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. PHILLIPS FLANDBUS, Next to Dodd's Coruor, Whitehall Street. yyoULD respectfully call yonr attention to onr VARIETY STOCK OP DOOM. Prints Domestics Uloii.'hlug Ticking Figured Muslins Kentucky Jeans oiiiglainis t'otlouadcs still a variety of Idee Dress Goods, Liueus, Towsilugs iitid Tabu* cloths. In the HARDWARE Deiuriiueut many artidta for limieckct'pcra, Builder*, and Mechanics. FURNITURE IN LARGE QUANTITY. Bedstead* from 11 lo tl) llurcaii* from 7 to It Wardrobe* from 10 to 18 Wash Stands from ffto 10 Tidih’s. frum 210 7 Work Maud* from tto 4 besides many other article* ton numerous to mention, i-iiyur and Coffee, Bacon, Lard, and Byrnp. as i Med. at 22 cents per pound ,l 6 cents pw pound at 6 cents par pound »t 6 cent, per pound at 6 cents per pound at 7 cento pw poind from 10 to 10 cento from 15 to 20 cents from 15 to 60 cents from tt to 60 cents from 18 to 80 cents from 16 to (0 cunts Irom 20 to 85 cento ...immiotoaoeente Bar Iron.. ' Si|"iire Iron Itmid Iron Miioottdug Irons... Andirons. JeW MORE NEW GOODS. 4 4 KNTI.KMKN who wish rcelly nice Surge o ■ T FRENCH CALF 8KIN HUGER, either of tt .. . '"•Mt cbm nnviw, timn vi h pres* Hulmoral, Htrap, or Oxford-Tie pattern, ca find the latest style aud most approved manatee the|Ne8hoo«Moro in Hawson’s lluiUhng, sjq JI.T.IA Whitehall aiui 11 inner streets. I may'