The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, September 21, 1867, Image 3

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J lie Daily .^ntrUiflewfr. VLVANTA. GEORGIA, jatuf '«» Momma. S«pt. 91. • *•*. | l|n , „. |.,||m»in^ worlunry item from i , o( Ut« Mill mutant, It ; '‘i’ niti'Higi'iuv ol the talo of » j ' i t> tv l’ n*v •■•to. w • loirn, from Mil- l»»» m mini aniuniKn > | n*M* win c*m«. lU«* , , . , nlv ,,( V, H..w lever, .*ir l. i • 11 , ' m Mickletohn, Mitt Katii . ;j im i iumnaa -i v*iuc»io. »ii of j r,„. Hu I.II" 1 ’ in.I funliiimnblu an,lienee, it/ again ! aufile •—well 1.1.1 linn 1/ r. ii.-.l by i lial iiiuUi'iuv We •:-%i,n. <l i* 1 note llie tnvor with . ( . i v , . ^ . t». ina rt‘ceive.1 by «n ina'to i.l 1 our testimony that l, -.11 ->l .... t iitnple larceny, in .,1,110.1 N il Brown, l. F 111 .. luUx k. were charged tiini Int not belong to ,,.,1 i n toilowi The pai- ni.l Neil llrnivu waa found u „l ')m'll by Ilia Honor $33 . months in the gang.— mother two defendants .bvlarin* thcmaelvea t ready for trin «eit waff vor to the nest rin. ,1 i eat. r.lay afternoon in l ha mu-rwttng wun-li tlin-e . alll. on, ni'l I-Ih" , ill butcher nit ' aeiii. mis 1" " n ihs| covered t'li ’ i ' Ai rttlUV ot tti«* .'CffU^ 1 uni riw o t'uatiuv iurt 'V;l I ali«*«A IM*trtcl 4'anrtw pi»* mention ‘iHirt- nmin- i wherein the violnteil. We lllis Court. IV l: v vesierdav in conaulenui: ’ -‘t Internal Revenue laws had hoon i synopsis !-.uc Vra/er. 1 (Iivinnett. dialilliug without. .Himse v is recommended to the mercy ot the t—lined fid. and one day's imprisonment, rae Eubanks, of Fulton, removal of irll i. ■ '> u. 'Hiiireuieiit. but he Court. Hi: "il ic un- t.nin.l guilty a. r-, il violation '.•.■omniended to Honor will pro- Riiss. • his case to-day .ilimr ' thout paying a •. m l i is tilled |M and detent! id for vio- Mi.ii' ornae- lismisaeil x-s scnienc. ill Savaee. special tax pleaded ."in' ,ue Jay's imprisonment la the case <>t t -ham iating the I lternal Rev ni was entered, and t from irrest. rOliver T indicted for illegal distilla tion. pleaded guilty. in.l was titled |M and one iav s .mprisoument. Vhe billowing gentlemen wre admitted to nnctiee L) H. Walker M. M. Vidivell, Warren .liken, j I N. GSeuu. ami dames lliluer. rHealer rii'VIglll. The id ind popular play of the Lotly of I . wti: e pervrmed to-night by the new company f Capt. Crisp, tho character of Pis- i,,.j n ._r |—i^ne.l t > \|.** Bailey This will he 1 n reaiitv :..e i, r m Atlanta ot that talented r.iung ictress. the .’haneters assumed by her -1 tar not bi-inc t i :: iture b) exhibit her dm- mane acc. nip.isbments We are .piite certain she *•'.! maintain the iiigli reputation she enjoys ,n B.i.etu. i• •. and other cities. The other mem bers ,f the company have, as we predicted, "•••vn in r as they have become known, and wee ncrtt'iiafe Capt. Crisp on bis admirably organized corps. ■' "ir :i=n- v..i appear to-night in a popular farce New City tlap. W. i-e clad to learn that Major J. F. Cooper, tile City Engineer, will soon complete and have ready tor me engraver, the new map of Atlan- *a. inoiuJintr all wiibin the extended corporate limits, "wners ol land in the new territory who want streets laid od through their proper- tv. ami their lots defined, and.have the same ap pear on the map. should call on the Major tor "Alt that's bright mat Mo. Tho brtghteal All; lha Baataai " Th.. matin bird*, the aaaUn ahy, “ft usher la a rhiwUaon day , d» w« .Inana that by-aml- hy Ita l.inntlueaa win paaa away. Y hi <irh so hi us. ao calm, an hrtghi. W ill .larksu d ha «r« aat of aaa; And drear, dtamal aa lha els to. Will bs the .lap ao (Ur Iwgnu. Y : loada will mat, and (loom will aprv Itaalf athwart tba haavana ao duar. And wa ha lad to any aa daad, i lur hopsa that wara ao Ibnd, ao dsar. In ymnh how map la aash hoar. Sum winged thsp (It unhsntmt paal . Nor i-ars, nor (rtsf poaaaaa tba pm r. Their ahadowi o'er our »hp to caal But Time a elfhelnit touch can turn hi ft* 1 .slowing tints to darheat hue . And wa the leaanu aa,/ mnat lanru, Thai tU f/lai'i/oir mmV (idsfrmn view Art * XT*. September isth. ■raid bm u. PaniMiuaL.—tn April laat a ladp In thia city, nr vicinity, rw-elead a latter from hertiuahaml. In which waa Inclnae.i a note addreaaed to Mr Tim. Mnrphp. slating that "John Mcliee is hero and doing well," but gave ao date or place, or J It dul la not now remembered. If thla should meet the eye of the ladp (ret mentioned, aha wtU confer a great favor by giving sop infbrmation aa to the wherealiouM of John Medea, to bia dlelreeeed wife, through Mr. B. Kane. Mart«*ttH mrect. ^ P.% m(.i sm <*an :b^ per cent, ol their tool by lining the “Good Stuanritau ' Cookiug Stove. Cell *i Lu>t|ford •* MirUmth’v. vepdl)—it Tue !ntu liIhncir as as Advbbtminu MBDitm.— Thoi*f deal roue of brtmciug their h 'aioeee to the imtice .ifthe pithHc. will Had thia Journal, Daily amt Weekly, • >iif of the v«*rv beat In the coantry. It ia «u old and an- raiidaheii pn|*er, and ia extenatvely circulated m the rural diatriete Couuected with the eeublinhment ia a flrot . l:iae Job Orricx »ud Uindiev where work can he exe cuted with u« Ntn«‘HH and diapatch. H. O. HORNADY, Cashier. ^ (vtahoia.n*. Executors aud Adniiniatrrtora are re minded that tlie late military Order No. 411 doea not ap ply to them, tt has been the custom hitherto, in a great many luetancea, for ouch peraoua to tranaact their adver •isimc huaineaa through the Ordinaries of their counties. This has been a matter of personal convenience, and aot a re«iuiretnuni of the law. and hence such of our old patrons as tnay wish to continue advertising in this ionrnal such matters, are at liberty to do so We shall, as formerly, be glad to receive such business favors. Our t«»rme remain the same. Hot th, ARRIVALS. I'NITT.B n tTKV IIOTKL. rnoeiiiNTima WlllTlKRH a SAKHitri U ll. n intlliAY. Sltl* ' w K Adams, M i...H S H Marshal, ( .Mlsa M Itnrke, Ua ' ♦ W (iuiiin y, ini Il u Y.iiicy. i*a A a Howard, (ia * W M William*. On Nev S U Aim, Uwuio I K llcnry, liy ! 11 U Loyless. (ia I 'V H Mel.eiidon, («a ; ttd It llolt, Ala s li Hart. (ia J ll Jackson, »la ■KMI.ICK .11 I • : J 11 I'eck. N V V A Finch. ».» W IMtlis. Tm uh \ J U.mow. (..» A W « i lium, (.a U W »||.'■!»..•, da .1 M ( ay. (.a « ot W A.kun, (ia A 1) Hammond, (ia »l KlUm. Ivy U s rUnuias, (ia W T McWilliams. Ala l) K Jordau. (ia !•’ I 1 StrawiulsBi, I'olau IflKMK ia nor Kin. FUIDAY. Sttl’TliM 11 hit id. 1 tiT A ll Uailey, Tuuu > II Farmingrnu, (ia " ‘ twin, Maci L W line* F Miller, ( J ll Davis, (.a W J Lamar. Ala 11 Jtiay, ua •1 A nr non v. Ha J 11 Stulitis, Macon Mrs Roberta, (n» 1* 3 Siiiutuers, N \ s Ollier. (duo 11 W D Marsh, H i A \V Leek, liingHold .1 H Sneed, Hn n 11 liart, at Loins 1. W Knee. (n» .1 r NV .Ison, Aia 11 Tomlinson, (ia M.ij Well, (.a (. i‘ Withiirti, Ha D H Spence, Ha I'mthwtonal CmS*. HILlT Sc BLANCHARD. .VrroitNEYM AT I. AW, ATLANTA, CA„ W ILI. give prompt sttantloii to ail hralBess, Initli • mutual and civil, entrust'd to their caie. in the various State Courts anti Clrcnif. Courts of the 1'ulU‘il Stales, In this Slate. oFFlcK—Ou Whitehall, over Kor<ai's iIumi store. D. P IIILL. M. C DLAIVCHARD. July Mil, 1HSIT. Mr ItLANCIIAltD will continue the Insurance bust ness as heretofore, in the above law olflcu. ottuU—Jim »r. w. h. real r* /.ens of Atlanta; and (Votn his long experience in 'he profession, tie is confident lhilt lie enn give satisfac tion to nil who may favor him with their patronage, special mention given to obstetrics olfKlCK - At the store of A. C. Haggle Jt MiMwlInnoonn Ait vertlwmontn. , FALL MB WINTER IMPORTATION. 1867. RIBBONS, Millinery and Straw Goods. JtRMSTONG. CATOR ft CO., nipnitTBna ioaaaio or Bonnot, Trimming and Vol?ot Ribbons, Atlanta A*l vwrtlwe»«»tM. HKIINIK A HMOTIIIIKM, Tobacco Commission Merchants, icanau t;a»TKi> •«T.vrKs iiotbl,> ATT. A ST A U ho lUi l. 1 n«*NNRT SILKS. SATINS and VELVETS Blonds, Nets, RESIDENCE - Jyi 1 dm Mitchell orner Forsyth and Peters streets. NATIONAL tldllL. //. [). Uarrii s L'Urk. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER itl. I*oiT. W McKay, (ia N i' Munroe, Ga H Varner, (ia Dr T N i'onllon, (i <i A Lochraue. M.i Miss A Dird. (ia A U bird, (ia S Inangsdorf, Ca SC Hess, ca C L Fitch, Ala J (r itey nouls. (ia tt Collins, N Y Mies tt Heard. Hu J tt baiues, Aia A L (.* Urien, Ala T V Hones, (in .Mri S A bones, Ha S M bones. «,a il Shawuhscher, Ala VV (i While. Macon Mrs.I Uilley, ua Mica C King, «>a Mi (3D Heard, Ha Miss A tt Hoard. Ha A CaIIU. - What 1sTa*IUBT'9 EFBBnVKHCKNT Sbltzbr Yi’itniinvr. and what are its sheet* ? These tire (questions which the great American public has a right to ask, aud it bus ai*H) a right to expect a candid and aatisfactory re ply The preparauon is a mild and gentle saline cathar tic. alterative aud tonic, and ia most carelhlly prepared ;n the form of a snow-white powder, containing atl the wonderful medical properties of the u*r-lameil Seltzer Springs of Germany. Of its effects we would say that those who have tested the preparation are the best bulges, aud they declare over their own signature*, that the preparation will promptly relieve indmeetioc. regulate the (low of the bile, ■ ure every species or headache, tranquillze the nervous system. retYesh aud invigorate the weak, mitigate the paugi ot rheumatism, neutralize acid in the stomach, cleanse and tone the bowels, assist the failing appetite, cure the heartburn. If yon are a sufferer give this remedy one trial, and it will convince you of the above facts. TARRANT Jt CO., sole proprietors, New York. Sold by all Druggists. aepZb— ly Mabttbs to CaaBLZssifsas.—If ail the teeth that have been rained by neglect could be strung together, they would reach thrice round the world. There may have been some excuse for this havoc in days gone by. when There was no absolute safeguard against dental decay m existence, but there Is no apology for It now. Fragrant sozodomt. the world-renowned antiseptic dentrihee, as certainly protects the teeth against decay, as oil prevents steel from rusting, or water arrests the progress of tire, seplo—lw SPECIAL NOTICES. Laillva, do r»u Want lb« B«at C.ioaiN.i Stovh u rho worl.l ■ [f io, buy the “Good Hanmritan," at •epap- at LANGFORD .t Me HUATH’s. d*«org:«« Mats Lottery, lor the bene- tit. of tliti Orphans' Home. Combination Class, No. 77. The following were the drawn numbers, Septem ber *). UW7: 14-47-42-9-70 4 62 69 2 4i «0 -07-21 septal—tt BOYD, WILHON a Co.. Managers. > ghMfatlen i loaug Lsffy is desirous of obtaining u situation as Dny Governess m a small family, or would accept a position in a school as Assistant Ttiiicher. Is thoroughly compe tent to leach the English branches, and also Music ou the Piano. The highest testimonials am he furnished. Address “Teacher, ' at this (iffle • seplO-ttt want to get Cheap l.aodn, call at Mr-*. J Frank’s Millinery Store, Decatur septa—lift -Damaged hoods, at .Urn. J. Pranlt**, Decatur street. sept i—11 r. tggp’Ladiee* Pine Mata at ail Cent* a piece, at Mrs. J Frank's, Decatur street. Attention, Ladle* !-4 all at In. J. Frank’* Millinery Store and secure your bur gains, _ sepl’J—lot loi Jk Hill have lu Store 200 Bbla. Fine Old Hyeand Bourbon Whisky. seplO— Ut l^ a Coi dc Hill have On Hand Pine j Brandies, Rums. Gins, and Wines of every de- j *-ripfion. seplO—14t, WM. L. ICKNHLKU, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC. ATLANTA, GKOHLI A. Orders may he left with II. BKLmS, HKITIMH HtfNDIHAL To i(tUontJut fourth Hut unlay in wh month, comm*nc itujon Saturday, Hr id. ‘48, at 5 P .If. Por Belize, British Honduras— The United States mall steamship TRADE WIND, J.T MORRILL, Commander, will sail as above, from tier wharf, connecting with the steamer Enterprise tor 3anto Tomas, Onion, or Ysabel. All letters to go by tins ship must passthrough the l*o t Office. Postage on single letter* to Spanish Honduras is J4 cents, aud to B«?lize to cents. For freight or passage, having very superior accoinmo- •latious, apply to D. DOWD, Agent, 110 Poydra* street, New Orleans. aug*i7—lm Ruches, Flowers. Feathers, Ornaments, STRAW BONNETS AND LADI18’ HATS, Trimmed and Gntrlmmed, HlIAKCll IIOODH, Ac., 237 and 230 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, MD. offer ilie largest stock to he found In this country, and uneipmled in choice variety and cheapness, eoraprleing the latest Parisian novelties. Order* solicited and prompt attention given. augM i—dw R espectfully annum li***-i) constantly on tutu of all the leading t»rands kno in part, of ndc m IRON WORKS FOR SALE. A URK.IT B1RU1IY ! ureat bargain. Th** furnace will make from three and a half m four tons of iron per dav. It is now running, and everything in complete order tor successful work. Par ries wishing to purchase can examine the books of the present lessees, and thus satisfy themselves of the monthly profits. For further information, apply to Messrs. McNaught. Ormond Jt Co.. Atlanta, Ga.. J. L. Rogers, Marietta, or John Wofford, on the property. scpll—lm •vRo a. DRWRY, of y«w York. DIBBLE. WORTH ft CO , Comraisssion., 18S PEJlHL ST., SEW YORK. P ARTICULAR attention given to the sale of WHEAT. Parties requesting, will be regularly advised of the state of the market. Rsfbhhncb*.—J. D. Fish, Esq.. President National Marine Bank. N. Y.; H. L. Worth, Esq., Cashier Na tional Park Bank, N. Y.; D. Heaton, Esq., President First Natioual Bank. Newbern, N. 0.; Messrs. Jewet Jt Snider Macon, (ia. je*45— In Nlors flic in i he State. ■UriATVU ALMAJAC TOK S1ET111U. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 41. Sun Ri«e. 5. Hi ; Sna Sure rt .m ?H,8S8 or TBa MOOS. Flret Quarter—M. Jh. 4Sm. evening. Full Mixin—13d. Th. 4Sm. evening. Commercial Intelligence. Atlanta Market Beport. a a TUTU) at, Sept, il.—Price* remain unchanged aa he- lo* WHOL1SAL* PBXCn*. Conn.—White Corn, Mixed or Yellow Bacon—Shoulder* Plain Ham*. . ..... iie necessary surveys to be made at oqcu—there- Canvas* sugar-cured Hams y greatly enhaaciug the value of their proper- ; T and facilitating tlie completion of the map. ; Lraud Jury Prcaeutmenl*. F'TLTON COUNTY COURT, SEPTEMBER TERM, 1867. We, the undersigned grand jurors, chosen and -»worn tor the C«j»mty Court of Fulton, Septem- Clear ttibmjd Sides. Clear Sides Lard, —in Barrels In Keg* and Can* Virginia iSalt.— Per sack Liverpool Sait Flucb.—New Family, sacks of sh lb Extra —.... Superfine.. u, tahe ple’isure in making the foi- 1 small Grain.—Rye, per bushel . her ter:: owing presentment * hi. Tlwt we nu'i in His Honor Judge Smith, in i..,e ind courteous public officer, deserving -he confidence and esteem reposed ia liim tor bis luswerv.uj aud taitlitul guurdiiinship over the rights and interests t bis fellow-citizens. M. To our Sii'e tnr Hen. S. Thomas, Esq., t: ender ur -iin '-re tliank.s for his prompt, anil gentlemanly i >r.-i. .< >ur body. We recog nize in n;m i-ril •r.i.uments ot no ordinary character E ■ r i ucbtul ot the public interests, he s :a:,ii«d b ..•• ullest commendation ot the people. Tt. To our Special Baiii f. tl. Holcombe, we tender sir bear’; tbanks tor his promptness ind attention to the wishes ot this body We regard nun :l= i prompt ind •-tfieient officer. 4>ii. We cannot forget Patrick Fitzgibbou, ■the indispensable.i ti r .113 polite mention to us. a 1 an a 145 H 41 a •s 43 a ** A 40d a n a in a is 4 75 a 1 so a * <si 3 JO a •* so 145 at 40 70 so Si.h. Rtani ni. that t lisiied in '.he city papi i..Hia S.,i,ib ') 2. Bncirfor 2. E. 'V un. L. Hr ill h. H. ll s •• Kohr. iiirtii B»-nj F W ; n ceec iin^s be pub* Hi 4 M. Ball, F >ruman. * H inook. X. Bagby. Cn Puw*!^. tiiiiirt v. Howani, U'-u*i Elli^. :. i>. Morrirt, Liwiion auay » Huwaod, Secretary. Wheat—Prime WUite .. — . 1 140 ® 4 no Prime Red. . 1 *B & 1 85 Oat. per cwt . 1 JO !(£ 1 75 Baooino. —Gnnuy .... J3 36 Hemp — '» 30 Rope —Machine. 1V*<4 13!a Hand made f® ll Iron Ties.—p r 3) <i 11 Ohnaburos Iff A ‘I ^hiutinos.—\ A 14 Sheeting.—4-4 ■A IBM Cottow Y wnss. .. 1 HO fi 00 Hid«,.—Dry A 17 Green . . 0 9 Lnn.—per bbl . U .30 <A 3 no Slats Roorisw.—per sq -are ll 2 Financial. Kxchang* 3S Saw Tork.—Baying at par. selling Augii*ca iummiMlon H«»u***. i .Sibley vi: S)nn, of Augusta, announce in a : *r»l a this inoruing 4 paper that they will give their per»«.uui mention to the storage ot cotton. • 'nr friends ire reminded that this is one ot the r f *iiahie housi.*s in Augusta, should they auyp business in that city i-i.k Mill, at the auction house of ^ 3 B. v -,. nil m\\ “diver? and sundry” tilings it iiictio.i (his morning, it 10 o’clock. h /i.. Adair will rent a house on Peachtree •»r***i. ****** notice. at k premium. Gold.—BinMng it iff coat*, selling at 46 cents. iilw—Raving At as cunt* ; wiling at 37 cent*. Gold Bullion.—Buying at fl.ffS per pennyweight. Gold Dost.—Baying at |l.ffnQgl-V per pennyweight. Baying. Buying. Georgia R. R. 4k B. Co.. !*7 Central R. R. Bang .17 Murine Bank of Ga SH Bank of Middle Georgia sh Bunk of Fulton 4U Bank of Athen* Ml Bank of Empire State.. 45 Bank of Aagunta (M) vagusta las. R B. Co... 7 Union Bank of Augusta 5 ('ity Bank of Aagnsta.. K) 1 Augusta Savings Bank. 15 Miinutac’niB’kofMiicon 18 Tlmlier Cutters' Bank. 2 Northwestern Bank 4, Bank of Savannah Ml Merchants' Jt Planter*’. 7'Bank ol the Ntare 17 Planter* Bank lot Bank of Commerce ... o Bank ol Columbus 101 Mechanic*' Bank •'] ALABAMA. Bank of Mobile « Bank of Montgomery.. SO Eastern Bank of Aia.... 30 Central Bank •* Bank of Selma SO Northern Bank 30 Commercial Bauk ... tOlSouthern Bunk '.*« SOUTH OAHOLINA. Union Bank *to. People's Bank 4^ Bank of Chester 10-Bank of Newberry B! Bank of the State ,old). 101 Bank of Hamburg...... 15 Bank of Charleston Ml Southwestern R.R.Bank 24 Exchange Bank 1*4!Farmer*' Jt Exchange.. Merchants' (Cherawi... Iff'Bank of Camden. W Bank ot' Georgetown... 14! Bank of S. C. 7 Planters’ Bank 101 State Bank.... 0 Planters’A Mechanics'. 18«Commercial Bauk 3 SORTS CAROLINA. Bunk *»f Cape Fear ffffi Ail other N.C. from 40 to Bank of Wilmington... Ml 46 per cent, discount Bank of tho State 101 Tri _ , _ .. Bur little doing in Tennessee and Virginia Bunk Bills. At Hill have now largest stock of Fine Liquor seplO—14t Healing: Fool and House of Mercy —Howard Association Reports, for Young Men. on the crime of Solitude, ami the Errors. Abuses, and Diseases which destroy the manly powers, ami create impediments f o marriage, with sure means of relief. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Du. -T SKILLIN HOUGHTON. Howard Asso ciation, Philadelphia, Pa. sepT— Ut PUuwrs - bo u bis Ksttusd Pou- ^ duetts »f the Lodi Manufacturing Compa- j ay. Tlus is one of the mmt forci/uj amt quick acting ma- uures in the market, ind is hy far the dieaprst. It is com i posed of night soil, of New York City, from which all im- ! purities have been extracted, is then deodorized, pul- i verized, and dried. On Cotton it is equal to the best brand of Phosphates, and will bring a heavier and by two . weeks earlier crop than any other fertilizer Drilled in : with Wheat at the rate of 400 pounds per acre, it will bring k heavy crop on poor soil. Price #25 per ton ol j ff.000 pounds. Sample sent, on receipt of thrce-cunt • swrap. with address. Apply to THE LODI MANUFACTURING CO , tk» Cortlandt ffereet. New York. From Prof. Chas. Martin. Hamden. Sidney College, Va., dated July 1st. 1807 • •The Double Redned Pi>udrette is acting like a cnarm on my crops, and attracting universal attention from all beholders. I am already satislied that il :s the cheapest ami surest renovator of our worn-out soils. ’ jylrt—3m j .Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup fur i Cmldren Teething, greatly facilitates the pro- j cess of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all in- dammation—will allay all pain and |pasinodic action, and is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it. mo thers, it will give rest to yonrselves. and relief and health to your infants. We Uave put up ami sold this article for years, and can say :u conddence and truth of it what we have never been able to say of any other medicine—never has it faded in a single Instance to effect i cure, when timely used. Ne ver did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by any oae who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its operation, and speak in term* of couimemiuciou of its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter “what we do know.” after years of experience, and pledge our reputation for the fulfillment of what we here declare. In almost every instance where the inlanr. is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is adminis tered. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. Be sure to call for “Mrs. Winslow’s Southing Syrup. ' having the fac-simile of ‘Curtis x Perkins” on (he out side wrapper. All others are base imitations. Sold by druggists throughout the world. Price, only 16 ceuta per bottle. Offices?—05 Fulton street. New York : *J06 High Hoi* born. Loudon, fiughiml Ml St. Paul street, Montreal, Cannda. sep4—41m H ■ | Hook and J«*l> Printing:.—Tlie In* telliwrni'Bithaving made additions to its Job DsPAiiTNSNr, aud having just received- a large ami fine FURNITURE ! FURNITURE 1 Manufactured by F. KRUTINA, % and East Houston Street. NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK. A LL THIS FURNITURE consisting of Parlor. Chara- ajL her. Dining Room, and Library Suit*, is of the latest styles, and manufactured of the very best material, under the personal supervision of the proprietor, aud guaranteed. Parties tn the South desiring fine Household Furniture can be supplied direct from the Manufactory, or those about visiting New York will find it to their advantage to examine this stock before purchasing elsewhere. goods warranted. jy.ll—lm Dr. O. S PROPHITT'S FAMILY MEDICINES For Nale !>y J T JENKINS Jt CO., Atlanta, Ga. BRADFUSLD A CO . LnGrangc. Ga. JONES Jt COBB. Drayton, Ga. P. J HEWETT A CO., Ill Main st... Memphis, Tenn. MORRIS Jt CO., Opelika, Ala. PHILLIPS. SMITH A CO.. Dadeville, Ala. RAGAN, WEBB Jfc DAVIS, Conyers, Ga. N. N. EDGE, Indian Springs, (ia. B. F JOHNSON A CO., Eatonton, Ga. W. A. KELLY A BRO., Monticello, Ga. DAVID KNOTT, McDonough. Ga. LEE A BETTS, Jonesboro’, Ga., Consisting of Liver medicine. Pain Killer. Anti-bilious Pills, Female Tonic. Dysentenr Cordial, Ac. SM^Prepared by O. S. PRoPHITT, at Covington. Ga., Sole Proprietor. sepll—Im NEW 30 BAHREL TURPENTINE STILL, EXTRA HEAVY BOTTOM, ALL COMPLETE FOR SALE MUCH BELOW COST. %ST Stills of all sizes built to order and DISTILLERS Fitted out at the lowest rates, by J. B. FULLER, 47 DEY STREET. aiig*27—4m New York City. RAGLAND S VIRGIN. RAGLAND S VIRGINIA, RAGLAN D’S IIONEY Dtt\V seth Halsey s comet. McCORKLE A BOWMAN'S (/UEEN of THE SOUTH, MILLER'S BLUFF CITY PACE'S CREOLE, MATTHEWS A WRIGHT’S ROSE MOUNTAIN, HOLLAND’S GOLDEN AGE, and HOLLAND S INDIAN QUEEN. Together with various other grades too tedious to men tion. Also, assorted brands of « I* rARS and SMOKING T«)- BACCO. All of which are offered to the trade on as accommo dating terms as purchasers will find elsewhere. augO—lm BACON! BACON! BACON!! IN STORE AMD TO AhRIVB. FIFTY THOUSAND POUNDS BACON. CLEAR STD EH, CLEAR RIBBED SIDES, STAGG HAMS, PL ATS HAMS, BREAKFAST BACON. LARD, CANDLES, STARCH, <&G. aepn—Ir. TO THE PUBLIC. Tbe Option)! Insorince Go., OF savannah, ga. ESTABLISHED ITiK). P. Ac, G. LORILLARD, 10, 18 and 20 Chambers St.. N. York. PLl'G TOBACCO. A LARGE stock of Plug Tobacco, embracing ail tbe grades from low and medium to very due—many of which we receive direct from the beat manufacturers in Virginia and elsewhere. Fine-Cut Chewing Tobacco. In these goods we have five different brands— i among them our celebrated “Century/’ which is now su perior to, and more popular than any made. In our Cen tury Foil we continue to pack daily, our hundred dollars. On Mondays $100, Tuesday* two $5()@. Wednesdays five j $*J0a, Thursdays ten $10*. Fridays twenty $3s. and Sat- j inlays fifty $‘is—making eighty-eight bill* of different denominations placed in the same number of papers of ; tobacco each week : consequently, the consumers of Cen- I tury Foil Fine Cut Tobacco are daily getting prizes. SNUFFS. As heretofore, we maze all the different brands of j Snuffs for which this House has been for many years cele brated. CIGARS. Of these goods we have a large and superior stock ai ! prices that cannot fail to please. Jobbers and iarge deal- i era will dud it to their interest to examine these goods j before making their purchases. vnOKIM. TOBACCOS. These goods we have in great variety, and all grades, from very low priced to the finest. Our stock is very complete in all its departments, and merchants are invited to give it an examination before purchasing. P A G. LORILLARD, aep7 —1m Itf, 18. and ffO Chambers at.. New York. JULY 35, 1867 pounds Tennessee 4Uoulders,| 50U0 pounds Tennessee Hams. 1000 pounds Tennessee Ribbed Sides. Just received aud for sale by FAINS A PARROTT. No 7 Peach-Tree street, Ailanta, Gi 1 \ FERKINS FRE^II YELLOW BUTTER, f J sale by 1COFFEE. ^ -r BAGS Prime to Choice Rio C 4 and for sale by AUaatb Ad' FLOUR IFLOt’K J W“ •re constant j r log a superior artlrle ot FLOl’IK FROM NEW WHEAT! At Wholewle’and by the Single Package tHT’Crders filled for any qnantity. jyl.1—1ni VAN EPPS A TIPPIN. ATLANTA TOBACCO HOUSE. SMITH A RICHMOND, ALABAMA STREET W E ARE OFFERING TO THE PUBLIC THE finest brands of CHEWING TOBACCO Mannf»i:ture<i In this country, many of the more choice brawl, being gotten np by the fkmnmi Virgini. mannlki: tone* eepeemny for onr honee. Oar hreiuu of SMOKING TOBACCO Are tbe beet known to the coantry W* derir, to direct purticnlir attention to the follow, ioa brawie for chewing, of which we are the mU agent* for the boathern Stnte»: CABLE TWIST! PINE APPLE TWIST ! IN DIAS Ql'EES ! SIBLETT A NO. 1 l C. 31. SI BLETT ! Tlieee are from the Mannfoctonr of 9. H. Holland ot Dsnvtlle, Va.. and are tern anperibr' We hare in .tore, and are offering to the trade, A General Assortment of Choice Brands, As follows- PACE'S CREOLE, VIOLET'ind GOLD BAR McCORKLE'S GOLD LEA ” PIXE APPLE, TuLLABOMA, SB Am. CLAY, j SUGAR PLUM STAB. PLASTERS' PRIDE. GIAXT OAR. FRUITS And FLOWERS. SUE FLOWER, j COiniO.VWEALTH. QUEER of the CBASE, Ac.. Ac., Ac. Many very desirable brands of Smoltihg Tobacco, too numerous to mention. We invite the city and coantry trade to call at SMITH & RICHMOND’S, Alabama Street, - - - - Atlanta. Georgia. lm ARTHUR C. FORD. FORD & McKesson bobbins, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in DRTG9, UEDIf IN ES, Druggists' Fancy Goods, <&c., <kc., 91 and 9:) Fulton St., New York. H OUSE «»sral)iished in 1833. One of the largest and best in the city. Doe* a heavy Southern trade- ami is very liberal in its Indulgence to Southern custom, era. Mr. J. T. Heard, of Georgia, is i saiesmun in the House—is a very polite and accommodating gentleman, and would be pleased to have his friends from Georgia call, on visiting the city. sepT—1m HfiYKV FT"LL LINE of Refiu*Ml uui Raw Sugars. LINSEED OIL. ^ BARREL LINSEED OIL. Fo riale cheap by jyfffi— a. t. cajipbkll. CAMPBELL, DENTISTS, Whitehall Street, between .Yiabama and Hunter Sts. E VERY operation appertaining to onr profession performed in the moat scientific manner. * Teeth extracted WITHOUT PAIN, by r he aid of Nitrous Oxide (ias. wuich we keep constantly sep3—lm STEAM, GAS -*u band. COTTON TAX. Notice to Cotton. Tax - Payers. States the Internal Revenue Tax on Cotton, which has been or may hereafter b** paid by them, will do well ro communicate with the undersigned immediately, and wo will forward necessary papers and instructions. We have made arrangements with persons elsewhere, whose position gives them influence and advantage, and pro pose ro prosecute these claims for a share or what is re- '•ov»*red. without risk or expense to the claimant. Influ ential -\g«*nrs at. important points desired. For lurther particulars, address HEltSCHEL V. JOHNSON A CO . fiepi:}—.It Augusta. Georgia. H. W. MERCER. C. 8. HARDEE, J. T THOMAS, . President Vice President Secretary Louisville Steam Bakery F. W. &TIMMEL A CO., :JO^ and rilO Went Green Street. LOdSVILLE, KI« Wholesale Dealers ami Manufacturers of all kinds af C HACKERS. Agents for Stimmcl's celebrated ^TTCfC YEAST scpUl—3m low prepnrtMi r,> j favorable terras i rates, ind in as »« given r«» rhe printing of-Bill Rends, Circular'*. Notes, Drafts, Check*. Blanks of ill kinds. Dray Receipts. Bills of Lading. Business and Visiting Cards. Pamphlets, Briefs, Ac. All orders will be attended to with dispatch. ducl8—iw issortment of Papers and (’arils, it. is execute ul kinds of Jol> Pruning on a as any establishment in tbe Southern good stylo. Particular atteution will YOLK LEATHER. 100 SiDES OA'i. 30LE LEATUSR. Fur «1« by CLAYTON A ADAIR. ( nmmisslon Merchants, No 1.1 A i <inm atroiiL. 'KKO HIE. 50 lu Good seed UYE. For sale by (T. \ YTOV Jk ADAIR, (.oinmisHiou Merchants, 4,i n«i. 18 Alabama Street. PRATTE. EDWARDS ft CO.. Commission Nlercnantss, Forsyth Straet, Atlanta, Ca. ' K K A : po HAftDWARZ AND IRON. 7 - CdLS MANILLA BOP*. _ t) 7.4 Jiizbo Short Houdluu Frying Pan*. 40 cnila Pa:out ranking H to 1 Inuli, Job dozon 3huvtd> and 3p»do«, ir.NI dozen Pocket Knivaa, kW groa, TahUt Cutlery am loxnn Curry Cum hr, I.m boxen Tlu Plat*. 4»»l pound, b.ock Tin, I'MMI noantU Bur Load, .loo bnga 3h t, »i bundle. Bright. Iren Wire, :»»• doaeu Iron W Ire hiAure. so Anvilr, 76 Vinnn, 4000 pound* Smoothing Iron,. kMMI poiindn (Jrlflln’a Horm Nailn. ■on doom FlUm—nrenrtnd. XJIIO pound, Uttivanlked Shunt Iron, tou. Coat Steel. 4b ton. Plow S*0il. hilt ton, Swndw aud Regned Iron, ill! ton. Band, (loop, aud Itor-e shoe Iran, the MOUNT AUBURN Inn Ladies' iislli, ^(TtrATEDon that, beimiiful no * city of Cincinnati, from which : north of the e, it, name, ha. Just!cloned it, rwenty-Seeontl The past yenr hue been one of nnneiml pro,parity, there buying btnin in itenilunce two bundled and nurry- dve young luti t:,. jrirberetl from ill pnrra of the Cuircd rtuten. .Vo of nchtese retptirinij l [iflyxicum 'uttt oc- ,'irred. Ita healthfhl location anil it, country ponitlnn. while yet. no near tlie eity, give. It advantage, over either city or unnl.ry ,chool,. Tt, character a, t dr-t rale Seminary of learning i, too well known to need tVtticr comment,. The LlftlLXIlY, CAHINKT. autl APPARATUS, already very extetwlve. are receiving yearly mldltiouH. For Catalognu, or intorinatlon, addrea, I. D. WHITE, 48 Went Fourth Street, rineinnntl. Ohio, Ur 11. I’UaNE M1LLBU, Pruaiduut. BOARD OF DIRECTORS H. W. Mercer, of Mercer A|R. Morgan, DeWitt A Mor- Andernon. I. g»n. (' 3. llardce, of Erwin A,J. T. Thomas, In,. Agent. Hardee. F. L. Gne. Planter. WM. Hunter, of Hunter JfciA. A. Solomon,, of A. A. • jammed. So.omona A Co. A. Porter, President Buna J Lama, Importerol Wine, State of Georgia. D- '»• Puree, of Puree A J SuMtdard. let, Pleutur. I Thomae. W lieiuehurr, retiretl Mer J. McMahon, of J. McMu- chant. hon A Co. II A Crane, ol Crane A F. W. Sim,, ot Sim, A Co. Grayhill. |R. I-icblleoo.Irou and Breen M. Hamilton, of J. F. A M.I Founder. Hamilton. iE. P Clayton. Augnatn, E. M. S. COHEN, CnmmiMionl P. Clayton A Co. Merclmni J W Knott, Macon, ot W. Nevitt, of Latbrop A Co. A. Pollution, of Wilder Fullarton. G Butter. Maater Builder Knott A Sown. B. F. Ron,. Macon, of B F. Bom A Co. L. J. Gui'martin, of L. J. Guilmurtin A Co. The Oglethorpe i, a enaditlatn for ynnr (hvore. The well knowu reputation of the lurge number of trading merchant, and propurty-liol.lcre of SuvaunaA who are anuonnceii ae connected with ire management, i« a »ntR- cieot gnaraniuo that all ln»»e» wdl lie iileedily and eiiui- tabiy adiueted. Seeking a, it doe, to Imild np onr oiyn nitereet,, ind retain a portion of the meen, of the South it home, rhe Oglethorpe a,ka tor a ,hare of the In,u- ronce hnalneeu of the Sonthern merchant, and property- . able rate, by calling on W CLAYTON, Agent, WM. M. WILLIAMS k BRO., Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS H* GRAIN, BACON. LARD. FLOUR AND Western Produce Generally OLD STAND, Formerly Theater, now Ph*enix Building. DECiTC R 9T., • YTL.l.NT l, GA W E have again established ourseiv** n our former business, at the OLD STAND, and beg to tender onr ser vices to former friends and the public generally W have a large and commodious store, and with our pas experience and ample facilities, trust we shall receive an mem a liberal patronage. IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. 10000 BUSHELS very choice Tennessee Corn 40000 lbs Bacon—Sides, Shoulders, ind Hams. WM. M. WILLLYMS A BRO. WATER PIPES, BOILER FLUES, And ail kinds of Brass and Iron Fittings, Tools, Ac., for ^*team and Gas Fitter’s use. The best and largest assortment in rhe citr, and ! it greatly reduced prices. Send for Price List. _ J. R. FULLER. augff?—im 47 Dcy Street. New York City. JEST ARRIVED. A new lot of summer and fall dress GOODS. Linens. Handkerchiefs. Ac. Also, a lot of Bleached Shirting*. EF" Prices as low as the 4 lowest. We want a Cashier, CHAMBERLIN, COLE.t BOYNTON. ingffO— lm Corner Whitehall and Hunter atreets. w. w clatton. AUO. D. ADAIB. W H LINE, LINE. ! are sole Agents for rhe sale of Rogers celebrated Birds-Eye Lira**, and will coutinue to keep con stantly on hand a good supply, r’re h from rhe kilns. Par ties wanting good Lime, will dud r r o their interest to •rail and see us. or send us rlieir orders, aprffl-dra WM. M. WILLIAMS tt BRO. CLAYTON & ADAIR. COMMISSION MERCHANT8, — VXD— Wholesale Dealers in Groceries & Produce* SO. 19 ALABA.HA 9T., ATLANTA, . i GEORGIA. KEEP C0NSTANTLT \0N HAND HONDURAS. (EftSONS wiHhing M> iiiiu Miu i-nliiny now hnliig i wpis—lm HARDWARE! Arlanm. <ia. Ilonilunw ou th, tilth of October next, arc rcijuircil Mi • E. t*. WatkiuaorD 1* Fcrgucnu, <it‘ Atlauui. nr J W. GnliUmith, at Stuuu Moinitaiu, at nin e, auil pay ia, nr 4dul by ciprcM tn either one of the iliuvc immej per-nn,, #:IU u, a hnuu, tn aiitUnrue nnr Treuaurer in luuktug permanent arrangementrt for tninepnrMiriun. I’unmua going with till. Colony will cave about gall, ma king thu expenHu from Allnnla to llnnduni, nuly .about ... .no. i t"h In c i.runny, on a 4ret nla,, aunimahlp. Famlllu. tfl tou* Oval. Half Oval, anil Hull Round Iron, I ought to carry tenra. a, hou,a, are .name. ids • !**?i id* M.-a Rib Bide*, undi* ^houiders, irrwl* Lard, y» ton* Boitar. Plain, and ShiMt Iron. F r ,alu by WgEDH A COBNW1LL, No*. 190 anff till Broughton Street, Savannah, Ga. • j a *n urde splR— lm in*** hh KeuUi Uy Hagging, •o»i« Rope, irirrei* RoM«*ndaie < ••menr, barrels Louinvuiu Cement, White • 'urn, hnrr*‘U < ,d*o Vinegar *va. Maniiiiinured Tobaruo. Ac. irompily rtlletl. * oiisignmeuts suit- PUaTTE. EDWARDS A CO. COFFER inat received, from R!o *le Janeiro, lYAr^A BAGS in*t received, from Rio de Jan .3000 par B^UhBn^ring^F-irM^hy augAl—lm SOUTHERN HOKE SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. ,»TAiu.i»ii*n ia ISIS. Moa. 1117 and 11*0 W. rh«rl*» Mtrvnl, BALTIMORE. MO. •ARY and MRS. MORE NEW GOODS. G BMTLAMKN Who Wirt really niaa s«rga or Flaw , Sepi.-mle r Fren. lii I, the I rUENLH CALF SKIN SIIOBS, .utter ul tte Co*, pain, are apare.| to renda- aruas Balmoral, simp, or Oifnrd-Tta nnunrn.enu now i the «ncoaragement Itliuaal a—i in. lauat afyla and moot agi woven uuhttan at t Mow Mm win m Bawren'a Baildug, aimer ol < Whitehall aud Hunter atrenla. _ _ _ IEN full of; Me M R. A MKS. WILSON - , JOHN PKGHAM, I'riueipille. ae-ieM'd by a fill! i-urpe of able instructor*. Dunes resumed the iOiU ^i li 1* th*'luuguagM •»!' t.lie *cU*nil. hi* luHanttKiii dunerving «« the eneoiiragement it has always liber illy received lr**u» the goitlluiru punpiu. Upon these Irieuds aloud it Mtf <t*p«n*l«for patrouage. For circulars coutalniug lull in- tnruiatiun, stldrua* mihcr ol’ the principals as above. augffH—lm - HARDWARE!! IllON AND STEEL. -400 TuNS S ' VEKDKS AND RKFlNED IR0N - Id tuna Plow Steal, lam kega Nail*—heat brands, hum pain Trace Chain*, .70 Anvil,. IPO Vi„,. 3000 pound, 9. Wagon A ilea, 130 doian Sargent', Cotton Card*, 401 do,mi Vine . Shovel, and Spoil*,, Uhl coil. Jute and Manilla Rope, nil Smith', Bellow*, mo bag. Shot, m ton’* Savory's Hollow Ware, 3110 Grlndaume’,, 130 duacn Collins' Am. Aloo, a due tMortmeiit of Cutlery and Elacallanaoa* * moat tavomhle terms, hy Bonks, shown a cc, Georgia. tepid—tm Auction ! Auction ! 6RAN0 CLOSING OUT MLE! P. L. BIERCE & CO.. Corner Whitehall and Alabama Sts., Will anil their large stock of A^OnTED MERCHANDISE VERY LOW. at Wholesale or Retail, tor The Next Ten Days! A* we will pack up and leave the eity October fat. Ail who want BARG AINS will please give us a call be fore rhat time, as we are determined to leave. STOCK CONSISTS, IJf PART, AS FOLLOWS! CLOTHING, Gxxrs' FURXTSRryi/ goods. ROOTS A.VD SHOES, FARCY DRY GOODS. STAPLE DRY GOODS, aOSIER Y, LOO FIX G GLASSES. And a General Variety *»f NOTION GOODS IscUsa Saks Msraiac id Emin •eplff—til*ep«l s. a. aauwn. wa. r. nanwn. BROWN'S HOTEL, OPTOMT* DIFOT, MACON, GEORGIA. tug47—ly ■. B. BBWWM * MB. Just Received and now In Store. LARGE lot purchaser*. jell—c IT rii*ru**» choice Sugar-Cured Hams. W. M. WILLIAMS A BRO., (?o^i mission Merchant*. COTTOV WIREHOIIE. —° ' FLOUR, [Bacon, LARD. ;CORN, HAY, salt. TOBACCO, COFFEE, • SUGAR, SYRUP. MOLASSES, CANDY, j SODA, CANDLES. LEATHER. SOAP. Ac. Liberal Caash Advances! Affenta for the Hale ot P. E. M DAN!HI.. a. r. hopes. MCDANIEL, STRONG & GO., COTTON WAREHOUSE —AND — COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Comer Prior and Hunter Streets, In sight of the P issenger Depot, ami near the United States and American Hotels, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ! YARNS, OffNABURUt*. STRrPRS. SHEETINGS. SHIRTINGS, .Uii Great Bead Ce.'s Seales. ^ Encash Order* promptly died. Consignment, to- | Molted.ang,—3m FALL AND WINTMR DRY GOODS!! mvite the attention of PLANTERS, and all j era who deal m COTTON, to the fact that we are now of luring ut* great facilities and inducement* for the STO- 1 RAGE and SALE of their COTTON in Atlanta a* can be afforded them in auy oilier marker. Our IViirekea^e is In surpassed * uumodtoiH, accessible to [•■lv sheltt red. and almost Foreign ind Domestic Dry Goods, Which i* now complete in ew 0rv Department. MARSHALL. BURGE A BOWEN, Importer* and Jobber*, sop iff—ffin 143 Meeting street. Charleston. S. C. use. F 1*001 ^rx TTIO USA NT) FEET Prime Draated KUn-Dried Flooring, Tongned and Grooved. larti- ITTNG. H hRDRB A riO 1 ROPE t ROPE!! In the State, being largo and the Vatinas Railroads, cnmplc entirely flru-proof. , We particularly direct their attention to the fact that Atlanta i* now a Colton Afarict, where the staple can al ways he disposed of at as high prices, relatively, as in anv other—leaving ro the various Planter* on the line* of tlie different Railroads leading into Atlanta, no induce- meat to ship beyond. To all parties residing m this Collection District who may desire to ship to us, we will uuiush the permit of the Collector to make such shipment without prepay- mmtqf Tax. ‘ We are also prepared to make LIBERAL CASH AD- " V ANCES on consignments, and in a 1 respect • will offer j TJERPONS wishing to purchase Rope will do w*U to ouMi- aT call on the undersigned, as we guaraute* to Ml *c 1000 COILS GREEN LEAF MACHINE ROM, 1000 HALF COILS GREEN LEAF MACHTN1 ROPE. is liberal inducements as any other House of respousi- ' bility. TU* larg* experience in Cotuin of ail the mem- i hers of our firm l* a guaranty that consignments on- 1 trusted to our care will be promptly and satisfactorily at tended to. *ep4—im Manufietartw' PricM, Freight Addad. Thi* 1* tho beat Machine Rope made. Kvery call w« gaaiautui-. aepl i—lm BCTLEB * PlTUa.