The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, September 24, 1867, Image 1

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ohf flatly gnteUiflfiirfr. < » I ' I' I € * ! •: i , m Ml IIU \UMINK III ILPIKU, .v . r *-•■* - n AltNimi fir«rt Ml V SM» W KKKI.V UY , v ' .J IRWIN WHITAKER, 1* I'., |> !• I «• I «• I*. AT LAN l'A. GEORGIA T., i 'ay Mornlnifi Sopt. 34. 184)7. lrr hbnk«i> Pmwll »m l>* H»»#ni Comm- a II Hi II a. Ill a*. Vp i-V r.iri’. U, • l nncinnill, attrmtnl -. U l\vtnr,l in IIoiii** i »avk« *11101!, per Mltb ...» a- fl 10 halif, twelve Months. >0 do ... el* month ..oneyenr.. Hinyle eoplee at tbeeonntar Dingle coptas to Mews Soya an* hjanSfc.... _ stnaorunanpti Pot each »qa« of 10 llnea or lannTfor the tret Insert* u •I, and for each entieeanent laseertna ate it><' U , iipioil tin’ I'll*' H rant ..I al iho right Im.- n turiia il homo, anil 'Mi I •lull, lii‘ i>:irr a l>i< i'\|H'rianoo. • ■ .1 .• fiiranv li'iinlml* . *1 li-.ttncil loncli- ' »' T,V a.l ,-..||| t!< 1'iiimiiva' . 'W-t.knl III,,!' — I - V'l : loll t rut h I • a.ll.l > It any .allior • -V titikln lie, l .ini .ilii. r—tliu Ur^i't 1 tilili awi III.' : n . li A .Uiii.initi ilmn, I V. in n. • would nnnv I her. l» ’ n rouiil ill.-) tiring w lliojr nrl-in lai .Ir.i,. VOL. XIH. MlaKollunooila Aitvortlaoiiioiiii,. ! MUoi'llanoiiiiH AltvortlM'inoiil*. “KlUiOli CKA.HU to BR DANGEKOU8 WHEN RCABOM 18 LEFT FRKI TO COMBAT IT."—Ve/emm. ATLANTA. OA.. TUKSDAV. SKFTE.MBKIt 24, 1867. NO. 227. t* K LF.FA HTKNINO WROUGHT IRON BUCKLE TIC - 9on~ COTTON BALES. 111 if Jira-1 ill a III.■!, i fanii.' lurther lUan ilia- : 11nor of i)i,. .! ir Hivlnr iii tin- nmi»rr it ’ :.irth»r 'i’.l ilia) . .ini.- n ■ U la.p I i irnr''i ; |> ,| A.. I Ir.-ni Hie L i.tlo.1 ' • •'■>! I . • - 111.I til!.-, ■» ni'icr l» | .re Umril I — ’ - -.. it \... ’■i.ii i ut l t.e • il'lr. " m Vtrl in VAN EPPS & TIPPIN, GROCERS, ARD military Directory. MeJ..r l4.-i.crel Joan INirn, U. H. A , nimanndinic Third Milllery IH.trtrl ((ieair;le, Florid., ead Alabama)- limrc at llmal'inartera, no Marietta alrccl. Otloael .1 F Meuse, fhief nf Unman n( llvll Adair-, i end < n-nerel Inep.-rtae nf Kcvlrlreiinu tor Third Mill- lery llietrl. I. Office el llead<|nartcre Br. v't Brigadier-iicneral We. MrKea Dima, Aeeletant t , , . -Lai Jl,d D" Advocate li.tieml If. H. A , Jndtfc Advueete V OmmiMNIOIt Al orenfillt.N, : Third Mlllur; Uielrlrt. Ufflce et lleeib|nertere CRAS. G J0H1SSH, Sol* Proprietor, Ni II Union Street, •Y E W ORLEANS, I. A . ATLANTA. - In Storo Ft. OUR. • I4KOHI4IA. mill In aVi*rlv«« i hkf n-ierie |mint nf v. i enrne v in- ml* -- te*Ail .eher Tir* teeleoln/ hr tM. meihnal., frin .’"nentr. and win be pro-e.-ntert at !»w i« aorh "’lii'n tlie* lever of the (■ri-'i i* rai-ml (he tie will fasten ’ itself hy the out- inr.| |>re«sure nf the l.ale. rlir-r ilnii r iMe . ale! 'ii "I •it" .* .ii nur ul ii-- : .Mil, -ami 'V" were ■' i" be. and . ... lime — , in- le irt . " are Sole Af L" end ere prepared ro Sll order* for Self-FasteniDE Wrsn£lit Iron Buckle Tie, ^ term*. We tpe hiving tbem m.%o- of *** «Rp<r{or Iroa. and tn* ron^hi* D R. DAVIES A CO.. Commission Merrtuincs. LoolstiUg* keuUKuj. GLENN. WRIGHT A CARR, Agents. AllaoU. (}«. MnlASSK AuU t general of Staple and Fancy Groceries. •M l Min VAN KPP3 A TfPPtN LK.MI TO Till; LA AO! C.hiom Doint. Ga.. October 1J. WA. y/'S-'ri. lirio/i ’tC'U «f L'jrrou' ; i,svt«—I your Pi^pha^ on m7 Cotton at the ntr: .,f peyiadn prr ir'r*.- I iqq tbst I will r*-4 /.e it >.&*t l*.o cer.u on the amount spent. I am s*» >-.i; thar. I to mor*? <>u the n«xt trop than I did on ’.hX V**ry rroir y^ar-. r P W PRINTL'P. v'lGJ Jtt ' - -V. The Regular Line of Mail 8tages FOR CARROLLTON \V r,, ( . LEAVE VEWVAX irmtierf]licit »fter the ! ev irrieel of the c»r» from Atlenu, on Alowdaye, Wedaeediya and Frldaya. RefuTOiar. win eme* tt Newcin oc Tnetdifa, Theredey, and Dalardaya, 'ttV n^rlorar ci>>u;e.^ion tri'.h the trein tor Atlen't. St- m.%di? on opposite dsy§ to { * .nr,.'.: tlon nude to BOWDEN w 4 th Monti a/ and Fri .•O-rrtp*. T'l.r r-rifr* \a oTer % zo«vi natural road, eon : pp^i with n-s lu.Hi.oaD COACHES, aad fr»*qasnt chan^e« of | tl tmrae * | , K*r«: to <"irroilton s • u\ I m . F *re >" Bowden 4 » f “ F • p.i'oi’e »""(* ei the Hotel, or to _ r JOHN T. HOLJtES, j ewuii. Ga. | A wcp.ii .* ♦ Ga.. Ni/rpmVr 1. l^V i .U*j.+rr hriqhU£*.V. 4 Rim • i Gist—Th^ tA-ct;.-.i. r,>n- IiKFID’S PHOSPHATE I h* ( j^hc ol you thi.* year, I q-*e*fi .,n Corn and Cotton. I am -o well ple:i*ed with th<» • i!V« on myerop. that I wish to parchaaw of you for n»’it year's crop, one hnndred V- nr* respectfully JA* A. COBB. Tbia Mar. ire. manafsetarsd in Georjru < the virtue* for whica are Attested by well known Georgia citi/ene. and whii h i* calculated to do so ra .»;h f..r lUo/nAtr^iotk .n Georgia I- f>>r *sU* hy LANGSTON CRANE A HAMMOCK, Sole Agent. Ai«bjm» Street AiUdU, i>e.'KD AND U'llP.IT U.tbTKD. Uealenent-4'nhmel E. McK. Ili'nwin, IT. S. A , Aeelelei.l Ineperlor General. Dfleeel llind'inertrni CepUm o. K. neatmiMON, If S \ , Acting AeeieUnt Adjntent ileneml. Ofllre el II 'etl'iiinrler*. Bree’i Hrigedler lien.ral J. J. Milhau, Surgeon U. S. A. M.-dkal D.reelur Third MiliUry DlelrieL OlBc.t Oinier llnnd end Marielte elrwis. Ilrev’i Rrtgiulier General 111’Saxtus iimeter. Ofllee m lleatl'inerler'. Br,*i t Lientenent Coluuel Hr J Fahmuwijutu, Depot IJuxrtermerter. Office Poreyth rireet, ueer Ritlroed. Brev't t'epuin c. A RomeeLi., Chief Ordnance Officer Office corner Broed end Marleiu etre. tr. Major K. D. Jcdd. P. M. U. S A,, Chief Pay Matter and Dlebureing Officer Third Military Dielrict. Office cor | ner Broad and Marietta etreeta. Lieutenant C. S. Iulet, Post (inartennaater and Com- in.'.try Subefeteuce. Offlc-* Willingham Building, cor ner Ivy and Dasatur atreeta. Brel I Major Wn. H. SarriH, Capuln l«th D. S. Infan try. Acting A»*i»!ant Judge Adtiswle General. Office at lleadijnarter*. Brev t Major T. C. SL'LLivag. C. S Unileai Stater Army, Chief Comtnitrary of Subrirtcnce. Office. Room No. 1 Willingham Hnildingr. corner of Decatur ami Ivy rtreer,. Brev't Major Frid. Mornnacn, V. R. c.. Sub-Arrt. Com. Suh-DUtrict, AtlanU Bureau K. r. and A. L. Office in Oranlte Block, No. 1, room No. 5. rorr or art-aitTa. ' ompoaed of the enuotiee of Cobb, Fulton, Campbell, [ Carroll, Coweta. Heard. Fayette, Clayton. Spalding. Henry, Newton, DeKalb, Milton, Gwinnett and Butte. Brev't Brigadier General Tnoeia H. IU'qcr. Colonel *id L'nited Suter Infantry, commanding Poet. Head- quarter*, r.«m No. 3 Willingham Bnilding, comer of Decatur and Ivy rtreete. Atlaula, Ga. Brev't Captain O. C Kgarr. 1st Lieutenant ntd f. s. In- t.intry, Post Adjutant. Office at Headquarter*. First Lieutenant C. S. lBth l’. S Infantry, Act ing Arrirtan: (guartenu istcr and Acting Commir“ary Suloisten.-e Post. Office, r.xim No. 7 Willingham Building. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. FOR THE YEAR 18ST, J E. William*. Mayor RofO) B. L<jve. Cl*;rk of Council j •/. T Gi*-nn, City Attorney .. . -m Rjjb^rtM. Fumr. CUTTrcnRurer. t. J. ftni.:b«,Citjr PbrsicUn I4.4. V. Cooper, City Engineer Kobt. Crawford, CommiMionerof Public Work* Gvorge Stewnrt, Overseer of Stre*!* fo a. Smith, Tux Receiver and Collector. Put. Fitzgibbon, Hnll-Keeper ALDERMEN. n«#T wael. M. T Cestleberry, Ricbnrd Peter*. 8ECOJTD wxmtt E. E. Rawwn, A. W. Mitchell. THIRD ward. George W. Terry, W. C Anderson. FOURTH WARD. J. E Gnllntt, W B Cor. fifth ward J A Hayden, E. W. Holland. POLICE DEPARTMENT. L. P. Thornes, Chief Marthal £. C. Marpby. Deputy Murshsl .. f. L. Johnson, let Lieotenunt of Polkk; T. C. Murpcry. id Lieatenant of Police.. FOLICimW—1 $2 as FTR DAT.) MIhouIIuiivoiim AdvertlaemmitM. T^oUImVIIIo AtivuHlMnmmt*. THE 4EH0V TIE &KB IRON BANDS — Fo R— BALING COTTON I AN INSURANCE AGAINST TIRE, WASTE. AND THEFT tnfKQUAt.ED FOR Simplicity and Rapidity of Adjustment SURPASSED BY NONE FOR STRKXGTH AX It ADAPTABILITY TO ALL Tli© L t »ch or Commerce! f|1HEY are rnanufactored In LIVERPOOL, of the best English Iron, under the personal supervision of the In ventor. formerly a resident of New Orleans, La. The ARROW TIE is preferred by Shipmasters and Compressmen, as it is worked with one eighth to one iqfh slark. while all SOLID TIES require three to five inches, which, in running through a cargo, involves a heavy loss to the Shipmaster. Use the Arrow Tie and Bands, AND HAVE MONEY IN FREIGHT and INSURANCE! / atnaoa « ■ - 888888818® 88X9SS88SB • " '■ 1 aqinotnt '1 «• 8 8 8 3 8 S & 8 8 8 £8888881*8 40 1 w •qiaotB 1 SSS88SSSSS 52*888838 f- 4* 1 '»H|» (I S~f 8388 : :: • s s 5 * & i ; •»MU1|| a S 8 S 8 8 8 : : T ^ 5 S U R ; : ; | *moio|) g 8 8 8 8 8 8 : : m « r. j * » ; : I 9, ® 8 S « $ : S'iUJl* \ | e« f 0 ©• S 8 S % c S so ^ ■* i : ‘•»WH r, S 8 3 _£ 8 2 : r j : on : 11 * 5 2 5-2 fill? | J ^ J J j 4 5 1 II bpecial Notices,.jetrts per line first insertion, and 1 cents per line for each eabweqnent insertion. Advertisements inserted at intervals to be charged a* new each insertion. Advertisements ordered to remain on any particular page, to be charged as new each insertion. The money for advertising considered doe after first insertion. All communications or letters on business intended lor this office should be addressed to “The Atlanta intern gencer.” JARED IRWIN WHITAKKk, Proprietor. RAILROAD GUIDE Georg la Railroad. E. W. COLE, Xn/xr**iUnJ4m t . DAT PASSENGER TRAIN. w. H. D1X, KENTUCKY PLANING MILL, DOOIl, BL1SI). A XD SASII MA XIIFA (ITVItEII, And Deai .r in al: kinds of Building Lumber, Hough and Dressed, NINTH l TREET. NEAU BP.OADWaT, I.OtINVI LIE, K UNTUCK Y. Leave Atlanta at Arrive at Augusta Leave Augu-ta nt. Arrive at Atlanta (No trains run on Sunday; NIGHT PASdINGEB TRAIN. D.ave Atlanta Arrive at Augusta Leave A'1'MI-Li Arrive at Atlanta ,..5.00 A. M ...5.45 P.M .. 5.30 A. M ...« 30 P. M .. 5.45 P. M .. 3.15 A. M .. H.mj p. * All kinds of Ripping, i * roll Sawing don-d7 . , *P«' i»l atr.-ntiou j,-. . , faeum-d work-. t;. jAortation. l.«0 1 5o0 l.i Of Arrangements hav« made to secure an ample eup- 1 sl» ! pl> llu ARROW TIE » Ii ' 1 BANDS for the coming «e»- 1 ton. •IAMES A. HALL, A.’eiit Middle xnd Southweet Georgia. ANDREW LOWE & CO., General Agent*. Savannah, Ga. The anderaigned ia prepared to fnmlah the ARROW TIE to the trade at SAVANNAH PRICES, forwarding and traneponation added. PBATTE. EDWAKM 4c CO,, Agenla. Fortyth Street, Atlanta, Ga. I*re,-.'rc. Turning.rud •v. nil-.»i,.|di-t«t.ii V r.-.'r l.:‘.i,j‘! I ’"‘i l mUnn"’ BREEDEN & BRADLEY, LUMBER M KliCHANTS, And M.inuffl' tnr-r- of Ha-h, Door* Blinds Ae PACK/SO P. Atlanta tc Weat-Polut Railroad. L. P. GRANT, SitperlnUAtUni. ua v raasEMocn train—octwabd. ''.‘'a-. 7.00 A. I -test Point A.! I'AV I’A'CrSOKK TRAIN—INWARD. M Point P4.40 1M Atlanta S.30 P. J ♦ ,*Ioiitgomery dr Ueat-Polut Kallroaa. DANIEL II. CRAM, friperlntmUnt. DAY TRAIN. Lumber Warero-.IT’ aqu It" !’" . j the No "F FVFP.Y UKSCRIPTIOS. o '*. 1,’ t. Hi-' 'irn! F!ovi .treels M l"'and It.v.-r, i-ne l.:'aa> 1.000 LOOS '«! i-: - y A - ", Al At in li" out fill'.'-d I *i i t a i ;l ■■I ii, 4i.e only a : an*! la'-re it ' -- - ll'A.r. A..i.-tRr.-'i ' idpon •••'- IT r ! ittrll, all" > -ucls npon iu hea i ■■ -> m* hv It tne.ui- .,i, kla l.t lilt- r .*'n* •ply • •. The ■ f.o.,1 an ’ivf>M ’!• ir.,. yi. .r- his f .; , r .n : •• nv riti.A ,n: HARDWARE AND IRON. “ , coils Manilla hunt. I •/ r. t"Ko *v<r. Handled Prmng Pnn*. a< o.o* Pa sot ig to 1 tnen dozen 3Hovei- And Spades, dozen Pocket Knives, gruee Table Coiicry. ■2*«> dozen Carry Combs, b*>xe* Tin fanz*. p\*ands Bock Tin, • «♦> p**uiids Ber Lcud, 0»> r»g» Sh L beasttee Br.gfi'. Iron Wlr*, i *zeQ Iron ,r* Sifter 's; Anvils. T5 Vtzee, **»> >-*Tnds ^mosjr.hinc Iron* * •« p«> ir.ds * *nfin « HorNa;u v»; isnvn Fi’ss—as*or»F-d. ad.* 1 p.>ansi» CinivAnUei Iron, tone (,'ikst U> ton* Plow 3i»j Kw*^les And lrnr?. '*> tons Bind. U.iop. and Hot** boo* Iron. :*> ton* frrai. H.i.f Oval, and iiAif P.i.and Iro -j *..*n8 B- .(;»•?. P!.at«, And Don. ?..r *a!c by _ WfiFTDH t CORN 7TELL, Noe. 15»> And ltil Broughton. hav i.'i&.i". fit. s and BurUps. . Wlieal f LANGSTON. CRANE A HAMMOCK Comm:*slon M*rchsmts, —ini AUburn* Jitfeef. 96th SEMI-ANNUAL EXPOSE. TOTAL LOSSES PAID, S*21,QTl,97 di 57 ! COFFEE. ■iteliem. biit 1 lid ii-. h:ne '.'■•m r name. til r’re'l Mir-ir- ' 'A h'.’," ol ic iKi ii". and IllcO. "very one ; i mio,a.' ar,.| "fjemi- *H. r - •:! *•;:», while lair, "light an 1 a man’s .. • . -;..i all.— * -le r»f outaii in? a . 1 ,i! was l rnva- N»ie War •" ' .. ibr' rui'.ua, tailing .■ -t.'-dv - 1 . it. ' a. '•he war perfectly mind, t! ' ■ .- . ar; ■ tntnce of y. .i, e *'«,d cover-a- on ad topics, and i -• . ,-r leiiow lo'iger;. —£ .-ih.'hs, hi .*» 3000 BA'.Sjmt reee. red, from h.o .1* Janeiro, per Brittah Bev »pri*g Frr «.i!e be WEED? A CORNWELL. Non. 1*' and utl Broagtiton Street, maylt*—■at*«einmib. Ga. the LIVE DRUG- HOUSE, ‘ %*KR VimmiL a 3D •uiAii mn-rf. on and 8«aAl Estati? ... . . Mortn^ Bonds B*frk Stock .. L*. stars*. Stit«* %r.d • ir.j s*.,<-.ic. ir.d < rr»r- i Public S^rnricte* I L<s* L4Abi;;tiCA, Cl.uir.A nor. -las ond m.»d* Jazriiii Nsr. Assets rrr.w w |4,m»o A TLA XT A GEORGIA. r,f-: ii. if. ng ^ -iiMntion of th* nubHc car -If not AfOCk of AND INLAND NAVIGATION RISKS. * cio-.-v* 11 mj n*: v \ «i;iy -4tr*r w is -a » -.1 ii : irn ?,^r ' •*aA railed in, and 1 • ti.rft,-, ' k** n. v»« Drasn, JladhtlMa, Fatal*, oil*, Wladow 4.1a**, 4c. 1 l Bnytmr in 'a.-ge .junnt.tic* and .eigrra. package* ;» ’.oil!* inrf- 1 directr, latwten and Mar.aSKt- turera, f.r the CASH, we ire aMe to offer ifldscemenu to y.r, p.r, K i n c, pnrchAZRrA. *fther fe.HEKTY or j’-rir!, mail *Y WHOLESALE OH HETAIL. 1 - t#’ 1 " A,v r,r{..* , :he Cmr.rd SrAD - Appi .cAtiGua to to. oFFff E - onti li »:l th*: Ii.' .Tl oui-ts *nd ro"0T.Aiii jf at* f.s- promptfy 4trended rf > ( I Brown, on <-**r **dc of Whitehall • from AiAhtun.i N f. ANGIBR. TO SOUTHERN MERCHANTS. I J. Cook, F J Byrnsr, D. Hogan. E. A. Center, F T K - Iclightcr. J A Hinion, Hal, •I. L «>*roshaw, • » W. Bowen, r M Bmf, A 4 imnl. O V Wryidliff, *H-{»*:r Groves, ^ H. C. Cowan, J ». IXollAnd, R. D. iUynee, D Queen. J K. I*o ve, J A. Lang, K M Hub hins, •/.M CoauAli} Green Holland. H. W. Wooding, II *i. llolt/CiA A, M W P*a-berry, J. F. T G., J. A. Lamer, loiisvii.m:, ky. OH EAT SOUTHERN Ulsir HOUSE! LOUI W w r!; K '^ r on*, and Ul kind- >,f Mb- and Pahli-h' f t.i M ; . Leave Montgomery Arrive at \S cft-Poirit Leave Wert-Point Arrive at Montgomery Dave Opelika Arrive at Colurnbu* Leave Columbus , Arrive at OpHika K v K NI NO THAI N—OFKL1K A 1 Leave Opelika Arrive at Columbus Leave Columbus Arrive at Opelika.. COO A. M mu*. 12.45 P. M 0.45 P. M 10.30 A. M 1-2.30 P. M 8.00 A. M .10.14 A. M UOT.l'MBL'9. •2.20 P.M 4.34 P. M . 11.38 A. M 1 45 P. M Labin*- T It I J -p. to Thri-r- /. «.i:aggj i D-aler in Melode- p. of rmir plication. Macon Ac Wrsteru Hallroal. B. B. WALKKR, Svperintender,t. PASfENG T.H TEA IN. HEIR THE INSURANCE A6ENT8 ! Address , N*os. fr> and f M .1 GUEEx /./: \r d tree i LOI. Irt TBIPP. v? . I*fjni-villf. Ky. I>;ave Maeon Arrive at Atlanta ... Leave Atlanta. Arrive at Macon D ives Atiant* Arrive* in Macon • 7.30 A. It . 1.57 P. M • *.55 A. St . 1>»P. Jk 7.15 P. M 4 tt A. M ( ierk of First Market—Tb^ophirn* flArh• Clerk of S«oor»4 —Frank T. Hyau. »ext«>n—ft. A. Prhrrim. Cuy A»*ee«aora—H. ?>. Watara, W. C. Humphne*. and C. F. Wood. Am*4for of Land taken fr.r OpeTiing Street*—Levi C Well*, ami F P. Kick, Sava.h.nah, May 7th. 15d7. The recent fire* In this city having proved to our entire D % m « g * ■ m d , ifivna r D ’ ? trough teet, the auperiority IKON ; " *'* N im ! • lron ^ , 3 r recommend * *heu*e of the Planters of Georgia a* an efficient. , agent in restrictingloe* by fire: and wa agree todiscriru* t nate, when practicable, in favor of cotton thn* tecur d. »i*iDrurance Agent.. C HARLE5 GREEN A SON, ^*>don A Globe In. Co. CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., «> Atlantic M. Ina. Co., N Y ! Wd£rT2y3CJS,4 J l; J nturRnce Agent. WOOflRRIftCB BUOO., U« j J. T. THOMAS. Insurance Agent. J. C. McNl'LTY, K Sec* | fjlflf: undersign-1 n- 1 con*iirners of the ii*,, | continue to manufacture j They hope and expert t cute every order »ent thei o- in:MR LEAF) ^ \ l» ItO PE. tn«ir t.-.enda and all vn.' d Staple Goods, that they hem in Loui-ville, Ky. , have it in their power to exe- 1 till? — T-,rr. Western dr Atlantic Ralliuai, CAMPBELL WALLACE, Superintendfnr. KIGHT EXPRESS PAf.-EVGXR TKAIN -DAII.T. D ave Atlanta Arrive at CliaUatiooga Leave ChAtDinof>ga Arrive at Dalton Arrive at Atlanta 7 »*. P. II 4.10 A. II 4 :JU P. Si 7.50 P. M 1 41 A. M f PAFSKNGKR TRAIN Daily, except Sunday*. sTA-vniNo covxirrcKa of the citt cccnm. for tmi I FIsCAl. TEAR iw/7 ( Finance- Peters. Mitchell fUwsoo. Ord*xuAnce—Mitched, Hayden. Peters. i Streets and SidewAika—GulUtt. Rtwson. Harden Weiia, Purape and Ciatern*—Cox, Anoeraoi oerry LimpA ind Gaa—Hayden, Terry. P»:t«r* BeLef—Castleberry, Rawsoo, Terry, ‘TUiiatt, Hay j«n Market—ilayden, Castle Gurry, Holland. Fire Department—Guiiatt. Cox, Terry. Ponce—Raw*4/n, Cox, Anderson. Cemetery—Terry, Mitchell. Kawson. Pnoil*. Baildinga and Grounds—Anderson, Terry. Pa* Agent London A Lancaster Ina. Co. LANE A WEST, Insurance Agent*. Macon, Ga., May 10th. 1<*7. All Letters Promptly Replied To. W A BR-II\RDHON J: SON. Leave ALlatiln Leave Dalton At rive at Chattanooga IJALTON AIOJ* If ORATION TWAIN. Dailv err-..' 0—1— Arrive at Dalton . R.45 A. M . 3 3U K M ..f'.ar. P.M . Ml A. M .15 05 P. M . 75 30 P. J| .14.35 P. M 1.45 P.M •US A. M n, C**tl* I The recent fire at the Warehouse of Mr. B. T. Chap- UNIVEPftITV or MADVI AMF\ i min. in this city, having full 7 demonstrated the ad van- ^ ■ w K Fi 91 I T Ur IY1A Fa ■ A In D rage of the n*e of Iron Ban Is for baling purposes, a* a Tax—Hoi rand. Lawson. Cox. ♦>n Printing—T-rr/ Hofland. Cutleberry aaiane«—Cox Mitchell. H*>iiar4d BOARD IEALTH. First Ward—Dr. J. M Boring second Ward—O H. ./one*, fl-.i Third Ward—L. P. Grant, E.**i. Fourth Ward—Dr Chas. tbnekney. Fifth Ward—Dr •/. ?simmonB. * . curtly against Iom by fire. we. the z^nr.n Agent®, Macon, Ga., take pleasure in endoreing the lotion of the Agent* at Savannah. Ga. E. C. ORANNISS, .Agent for several In#. Companies. J. W. BURKE, Insurance Agent. E. J. JOHNSON A CO., In«nrance Ag't*. J MONHOE OGDEN, Insurance Agent. ^1 M. BOARDMAN, Insurance Ag**nt. .1 *.4 • 64 I I |(4|4 f an wan na/. I Man * BALTIMORE. MM: VI. I XI> SCHOOL' .'INK. in the Cnlvr-r-itv of Marvfund v men .e on the 14th - f u> TOBKK !v,V .nd will the 1st of March, j ar*:-* m FEARCE. JNO. B. COBB, Isurance Agent. W. T. WHEI.E-' CHA*. A PEARCE. follow* warm or the citt CU7 of Atlanta *h*vtl be laid off into fl'» rrft*T waru. fencing it the crossing of Whitehall •d A...• *, e »i.arn of f.,.e i . • * • •• . W • -...a..rgr: i ' . l ire c*»u :Lri—» br>r- 1 , •* i* Ft., 1-4 . u . - kchipf tA * * o <iSl.icix* t •T -Fra t—. -fj. M (fWiiin j . j. iu Ll».vt jehf. he l 1 . »g, r s.r imti iuOatii fjrir «t.’^lc ia fttlV. snd crmwUfffi r,t every variety of Foreign knd A merman <hxaU. from the Cheapest to the F’.nest. « HaRT-OTTE N'ORTTT • vSOT.rVA ,* desire U> -uppty youT*tnve« for your Fall and M. wmrer 'rule with the -ry >-*r. d* -capeions and style- of ALD-W«jOL ♦ A’ir*I\#RRf>* » r .*j -»irf, rhe mo*» 1 datraWc /EA.VS tnd k'ERsEV :i a.. fre« from *nod | dy »r.d r*rn*r fmpuriues order n-rn '•* from ’he. *.;h- -•■.r*her and they *»jl h*i lorw ird^-d. «iu pr resetaAChi-d. -innntr ’h«* m..*r hs of July xnd A .g j «r. Fr mi these **n» pi*-* you can make y<aur selerrir/n* sr.d - ••r.irn ?onr *r j b:rs. snd 'r»* goo*i.« *1.11 he for,r*rded directly from the ! Manuftp’tory JOHN A. VoCNtL President, fed—4m * harirdite. N C :et with :rn i .Atlantic Railroad. -ooth side of -aid railroad to the incorporation 7ne. r th»*r. down said line to the center of W hitehall street, tnen > norm along the center of **,d street to the starting point, •rul wb;cn rha.l be known and constitute W.»rd r.err*her •me. second ward. Commencing at the center of the crossing of Whitehall street. 41 tne ^»e*tern k .Atlantic Railroad, and running ^4-r. down the r»ikt*mA to the erasing of Caih</un *tre»:t, | • n the rear of tne Georgia Kanroad workshop, then *«iath ! along the middle of said street to the center of McDon* ! ough street, thence along me center of McJ>onoagn street j t / the incorporation line, then along said line to the cen ter of Whir.en.ail street at its crossing at the incorporation . une. men along the center of said street to the -tartihg I point, which be knj/«n snd constitute Ward num ber Two THIRD WARD. Commencing tt the center of Calhoun strep t tt it* south crossing of tne (jeorgia Railroad workshop, and mailing down the south side of said railroad to tne in corporation line, then %ior«g said line to the center of Mr. Donough street to the starring point, which snail consti tute and he known as Ward number Three rOCTRTM WARD. Comm* on the north tide of tne Georgia Railroad, n the -.enter of tne cro-ssing of said railroad by I*oyd street. »nd running down tne norm side of said railroad r.o tne incorporation line, hen along said une to I»y street* tnen atong the center of Ivy sr.raet to Decatur street, then along *aid street west to the center of Lo»d to the starting point, which shall constitute and be known as Wird number Four FIFTH Ward 1 at the north of said railroad, at the cen ter of tne crossing of Loyd street, and running west along the nonh side of the Western A Atlantic luirroad to the incorporation line, then along Mid tine to the cen ter of ivy street, then south along the center of De- atnr street to r.r»e cenr«cv of L»>yd street, men a tong the center af I>»7d srreet to the surlng pc,int, which *hail •y>nst*tate .and o». known as Ward nnrr.her Five FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer—1 horn as Haney First Assistant Engmeer—H-nry GniUtr -*4Cond Assistant Engineer—V4 . G. Knox kecretary—B F M00. e Trea*.irer Gmss K *tnllett PEARCE, WHELE88 & CO., COTTON FACTORS AND Cnminlmrinn Merfhnntm, ; N A T If A *f h H *17.( 1 Wm. E A. Aiki M and Pharma» G. W Mu.TE.vf.? .4 Richard M A ( r 1. f v f» Pr. jf.; otic of M M Ja f'r Christopher ./ .hv-tov. M Rescript.te. ind burg.< .ii hAMf.Ei. f . Che* M if . f'r and Thcr.i^ fir..:*. Frank Do*.-am.- or. \f ;> f gienne. and General Pathr nail Stage Line from Atlanta to Dali- lonega. Drave Atlanta Monday, Wednesday and Friday .. .6 A M Arrive Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7 P. M | Don’t Wash Another Week Without Buying —TUE— 6REATE8T WONDER OF TNE A6E! 1 lALL’el LNIVK1INA L, WASHING MACHINE!! .SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE LADIES. I T has long been felt and acknowledged that a Washing Machine would yet be Invented that would \h: -im- j. \ cneap, and more effect!v#* than any of the Machines Ii- r.jtolore offered to the public. Fncfa a Machine in now oil-red without fear of • ornpetition. 1st. One woman will do more with a Machine than I wash five dirty shirts six RD. M it . i*i ■IA CK.HOX STREET, • AVGUSTA, GEORGIA. W*. 'I. Ho men and , -/aRE* H. JiCThEU. M. it . i). the Profe rofAmv-m The 17— for the full coor-e tlon. h,r i'r u’i'.t, Ana to '1 be i'niver-L/y Ho*plfa; for - among the fir eluding wrri.-ri; , I-, ir to eight min ■id. It requiren no r.k o.d ha* washed im At ONE HOUR! I ‘A. It uk I f. d- and conirs) perfectly clean'in from -irn- we guarantee, or no sale. ‘o operate it. as a girl 1:; sea/n »> FOUR DOZEN PIKf’I^H IN Jio-i; liege, rank country. R. , “»'* , .? 10 I r *v.y : l-W~Stotft and sell Cotton and other Produce. Bagging Hurgi^l ^O^rV- i- e - v. V ! * . “.f V]-". r u r!-- f on^m^rr hooi- ir. the of tin port of ~ /reat and R/.pe lorniahed a^t market prices i*. »- «- woon Jakes h. low. sep7—3rn . H. LUDWIOSE* WOOD, LOW A LUDWI68EN, t Formerly Wood A Low—EsUbiiahed Practical Med; ’— dr» n. are c/.n-r r by the re*pectr « students de-. r car. take cour-e- Uj.hed to the , 1! GKfJ «ep7—lawf.u of pri W M i LTKNBKRf#K rh-m-e ve- in syv?/*f/ififi*s. i tructi /i. from Adjuncts at- } COTTON FACTOKH —A.VD— G-eneral Commisaion Merchants. I!*> Cominfin Street, New Orltan*, LoiMaia. , Aii*n*izcr> trmivni' ,* .tt.anta. W.t.VTLD 1.7I.nKDf.tTKI.V. ^ gogd COACH SMITH It. tAt:*:- at iea-t ona ihirfl le.- eoap, rinij will r.ay •:lf in '.im -aviiie of »;!(,[nini‘, ha ii . — <1*!llf»tely '.II (4t,m - that lank bill- '...I* Im a.i-Ii"<i witnoul bfcakiu^—«iin'.'Unn« ti" mber inacinm. 'an Un », e Ri inulAciura them Mjchiim- ii. iin- arul -hn.l ••-■ii th' rn at r r j-; a\ 1 >olla uk the same price tn**y are sold for in New S ork. There i* no Wa-hing Machine on the market Hurt aw he l*ougi.r lor even twice the money, and no Machine that will taifn- l*e‘e with it in the perform 1 oce »»f its wor . These MunbiiK s are on exhibition in this city, at the store of JOUNbO.N ec ECliGLb, Wimeball nircr.t. M/: BK.NTLV own- the Patent Right for thi* remarkable M ichine In all the Southern ntjites. Liberal indueements w,.. U; offered to gentlemeo desiring the exclusive right to sell these Machine* iu counties and districts, or ntstc. Cal! on, or address, ii h. BE.NTLY A CO.. Ga. Address *»pl. ♦it 7GOf> CGAf lf PAINTER. . f»a. OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT I*.- • I* eons . . .»t,* a a . . NDrtfT rtu..- f.r..- I>! Our £*»*nr.«fiU ARCTIC SODA FOL’NT And F? rti 1 ! FRf fT MTVRLPH trad .utrv.t.Ajjsrewda wtw**'* rhir»r. .* i.!*y*«f hy it* gn^htng w*ter* fr.d kr>- •i/»*d i*y thi«- of the CarVftf. c At*-*} f?ir rtifekR WM.lW ii A sfutve ' ^ k'*r ui ih*ir kdhF- w. ri *,rUfe«! • 1 c bus f.«rgl»» tMiy ‘ • ; .1 it, L i; Lc U/-r. ir-tn u*c I# An y * . 7 < . a ...i' a ra-- Ax'sarta M'i«-ts» ffpsiug water i« k*ps owdfVi at • ^ t • : --ar »K- vRrTR’ F»>C NT and many of .ur nil. r„,i .i.xswa # ; l P , »r- b**ir, ' g7s;rtiy benefited by * s*»e. • w-*i »*t -^*>4* , ; * ' a'*y**ra sr* .iw. *d to -xiSilM o r *t***k. , x \ c » RKDS4/NE A FOX* * • CV«rm#t 'A hitshRJi sad Mi.uCar Ur**ie. vl 1 ^ ^ !•» **.■ ■* A Man to. C^r.cY* 1.1 . 4k HOIIMIN*. ''*' t J r 3'h- i I.nj-. rt*r» ir.4 "V>..,Doiuar. .a kRtU., MBSIONRI, 1 Dm^xuiU’ Fancy Good.4. A:c., Sec., WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLECE. UA'.O.V, OKOR(,U. «'-.G AT ALL IIOl'M DAT GK { -'•--i'.i w.» f-^.nnn M#>N r ,r fu-M »s *r. ,kf r ■ .rh under 1 frill K«.iird >rf rn.4f.rr ‘ . I AA'I .1 _ .'.1-1 e.1 —r a... ».% A. I 1 ,14.'^ t . ..w . W . bv *ry depwriAT* ♦iyU- if *dU- Afior.. *.ft >irt. uiism apply to Monday. uctor* i.*h,ng rhe high.*** ; < terms. r'*.r further Boaa-U D Ii Prasid^R* W. C. RA.MN, •‘^rr^tary of Wacnitf. A VT.asta Eaor.a* * orfaS r N.» I fawtitoFt! H0TICE TO ARCHITECTS. Ddm B .Norman hamuei Witson ff Mnnienbrink ( her lea iw.hnaf/. J'.hn fvirkr-ir- /<»hn Wdby . •/. M EiUworth P 4 Braeken M. f. Collier • > Warner H Haney, f Wsa. Kr-^fg. i M L Booerta Forei -W.rsiary j t'rc*#ur«r Flr*f Id rector «e*4,nd id rector Third Itlratftf ■ - Bmfinesr Firat AssiatAot Engineer Second Assistant Eagmser Third AAsiafan*. Encftlwunr A semen fdsietjstn to Firs Department hemStFri, That the Managnr« idowt, i i.r ru,- por^h:w«e or donation of TW E.VTY I.J •N l» m Uie »wtmity of AuanM ftn* the puragtawof staet ijfIC OfcWlA Nji HOME - «*id pro «/ *as*rer^j 1 Wa rwi; ,..,*8.^ to ha snbnaitrerf *0 the Board of Waaairsr* ny'fhe j f.-.arth d.’tf of September In - title »».Ti .e jest, in the Grind Lod/* of the ^r.ite ofGeof/i.i or-nrhother the am* t». t *• • it la l ; ■' -■ , r «. f al.,.* ’ f-—Ja-'Wi.rt j ..... :• -r .1 Ii 4e. II^ kinif u '-- J • •I • iivoaIui ■ »r ,u i. ivtil'im.'i 0 |!k »«..1 •}. , - ■ • . •- ’ 1* Lnl*J | * ' ■ D I k j I...A at'.MSaf (.! e'-".l. tu Uinl Ih»W * ■•!-■• 1 [»nii> »ixl \ •X u» untiippr s«< « k • I ••* *3 Milan 41., SUM l ork. 1 Masonic Lodge .n :n« mate, as will aecept ' • V»n5d the Grind Ix.d/- dcr in* fr..- tru •*. psMJwl. fwrIAer 7hit* ’.be Brnsd will pay fist ; l for riv* [tv:ift •( a »»r.»r*.ie Buo-Li.g f-.r th.i Masonic 1 tirpnaAs' Horn* ” to G- !tred to the }\>.wd by rns> ■ 1r*r da/ of .No member he » the said pun to he so drawn ' a* that r.he bu;t.!!vg an >• rorumenc^d with m sxpend. , i r.ure of Rftf thc/’isa;. 1 dollar* 4ar-r.g the Hr** ,»*ar »cd 1 . Mutt the same may ne sztended front y *ar o» year, with ur. de»r.r i?1ng the *7111111-‘try of f ile »r<* The f E. Gwllatt ■f G Kelley .. A'. D. Luckle yr G if E B«xi<e Doac nteinheimer f# W. Terry 4c*sl Kelsey James Daniels J. If Toy G 7 Andaman, » W F. wrm-ate » -►♦.her J'»^ph V4 .!►• / , i* Alexander f. L«i.r»tei*era4r MlS.«la.«H EXOfKE cOWFART No. f. ’.sals President. V ire Prealdenf Merrstary T reasur**r First Dire* tor herr/nd Director • hief Engineer First Assistant Eng.n* * r Second Asaistant Engineer . , Third Aseistanl Engineer | r * A. Austell. President Atlanta National Bank. Mr A K. *400*0. Moser*. Zimmerman A Verdercy, Messrs. P. A G. T. Dodd, Messrs. Chapman A Bockrrr, Messrs 1 McDaniel A .ttrnng. nFTcr-onal attentl/m given fo the sale of Cotton and purchase of all d#**eriprior.* of Produce. )an*Jh— ly 1 SALT ! ^SALtI Liverpool Salt, Direct Importation, Alw»r« on 5>nit %.,'i (or t»le. by WEST A DANIELH, _ nKf>17—4«n Jon— Kv.k, a«v»nn«h. ft, Louisville Steam Bakery F. W. &TIMMEL A CO., | Iltmnnil :• IO W,»t Uronn Hlrncl, MMHmLR, KY., M holesaie Dtnlsrs and Manufar turr-r* of all kinds of , CRACKERS. | Agents P.r glimmer* celatralcd G 1 IOK YAA»T. \ 1*1111.1.1 l*H At FI.ANIJFHH, ; Dancing School! Prof. J. S. NICHOLS A cad.-my on if h, J - 1* M. NilEIBLY, J A.HThWAKT, A M WKnT, .1A ME« NOBLE, Hr., For Gents—Tnur For Ladies. Mi**^*. ai Afnmoone *t to>loci For term*. Ac . apply < \. A H H E *1 day- and Fridays, 1 Dry • lock, P. M. '.d Hatnrday ! Whitehall ' SOUTHERN H0M1; SCHOOL FOI1 VOI NO l.Allim r-T A RUSHED fw I itn fton. IDT mmd IDG Nl. Charles Nireel, BALTIMORE, MD. M B A V* ■ UILNON M. f'ARY and MI(M GKV JGIP f.GBAM. Prinripnls, a--i«rcd by r» r^.rps of *■ .-tru* f*.r* Duties rc■-irned the Kith ***-l»tember . eon, M th' Ungn »g.j of the «chool t>alns ire sfiarcd to rend*- ln-tlrufh.u d the erifoaragerRcnt it lias always iib« ra!ly re, the Mouther 11 i»op:» r,p.,n n.s-. in. ,d* aionn it 1,1 depend* for pairona/** F .r circular* containing full 1 fn'l ‘ of I No I from , Jfff“Any ooe infringing upon this Patent Bight will h« prosecuted according to law, and an> one giving ittlorma tioii of the same, will bo liberally rewarded. .1 Great Labor-Savlae Naehiac. Wc, the undersigned citizens of liorne, would *av. iu benalf of **llaH*s Universal Wishing Maehitie ’ after full trial and use, tlmt. in ci.nslderation of it- cheipncu* the durability of the Machine, the ease and i|Uickness of tno- tto.,, the small amount ol soap required, and the protec tion of the clothe* would recommend it .to • generous G. W. F. LAMPKIN, mAM F. 1*0WEED, John w. noble, J J COHEN. Atlanta. Miv 7, |m;7. I rmught lh« first ‘11*11’* Piumt Universal Washing H’hirie’ brought to Atlanta.and am now nsing It t.o my •fleet satisfaction, and recommend it to all a«a siw.r having Machine. Mr-. CYNTHIA KILE. DIKEUTlU.Vr FOB IRK. Let the Machine down into a common wash tab, by ft. mg notches Into the sides, for the Journal* to real in vd it comes within one Inch of the bottom of the tub* th hot water until the w,$u.r rovers the pebbles in inches; wet the clothes in warm water. ver night./ then rub a tittle ces ; then put the clothe* . mica, and ah half full of clothes, shaking them pur In . then close up the door and turn the crank from rhr. e to five minutes, keeping a -low. steady motion on tu the din l* out. then run through a wringer ; then lx.;; '*««»»; then put the clothes back Into the mat h.mi H -th the tub fill, of cold water; glva the. mar bine sight „ r ten tnrns and your clothes are ready for the bming water, and then bang out to dry Never trim the machine wb> ri empty of chitons, a* it breaks the atones. If any of tha pehhiua iH utuii: broken, pick them out. Forsale by JOHNMON ft KCDOfAU tllpinl U bltehall Mtre#*t, Atlanta, it a Iio NDI/HAM. 1 im , the machine tw | It. is letter to soak clothes i Mitt «r*ap on all the dirty places Into the machine with th* lobbies, and always fin the mi "**' ‘ r “" “ § *- »at as they av< ..Id -ir bi- in Next to ftodd'* UVirnwr, Whitehall Mfrset. WfHIUl respectfnlty call yonr attention to onr PRATTE, EDWARDS St CO., I AEff.SOSM wishing to f g»nl "d it Atlanta, t, h.i.dura* on tin: lorn *.f <i ail on i.ol. E. P. VtatkiiKf r J W. f«oi<I-milb. nr. Him nd by expres* to . Mobile direr r neit „ r ,. required t.. I* F* rgu*on,of Atlanta, •nntain, ar one.-, and faiy ui.*- of the above named utboflzc our Treasurer In VARIKTV ftT«MK OF BOOM. Prints H OI in ~*»bn r n~t In Ii';i On* 'Ie U n ,,r. ,n* ' *•”" n J 4 ”" ‘V‘> n J' , - rt r - P» 1 ? *»» Imm m IM- |*M. • M„ muimh irU*. ! »e> *»„■), -jm H.nw4 'if k in-i,--. .m.i *"•» ' nn.t 1- >n> i.neni m iu iuluufen> « u> iwu.n .noturn, i r I T Heard of Gtoryk, u a •: «leacu*n :n the . ii',iu*w- 1* a very p«. re *nd ar< ommEda*Jnr f*ar!etnan, tad voaul ’*e phew *4 to aar* at* Ina ado from «e*»>r/ia ' roll, r.a siau.rvr tti#-i-*^? sstC- \m | r- Ua u«»Wpr—nt«i1 Y .t Un**9 inft,'-nut./>n, *.Irtve— B..TDS WtUftn. tnnm «m M«M<r*r. Omrirut lrft- g Alkm, t.-oryu rtoMUH.. *«0‘ Tt< Glory ol Mu ia SUosftk ItUrr.U im wrm «a4 4*WIM*lm| MmmV mad lately aaa Hmlm+jU* a IE rmci Bocae. T* 1.1.1 un Erwins ♦ , oae M W imibe, E. A » «»t*f V0 r' Mbei^rcr fserw/e Thompson 4 4 Job a D ♦ larka. . Lewi* fl Glarke John A ffiff A Tbiem* II. h farms. M b W fc WflMTi _ Dsfajprta Atlanta Hook and LaDROO Co. Nv> f, I t For—ao «; F 0 D ANIgny Aaaiataot Forsmaa J M. Yarbraofh Oatralofy Gn» Jowwsow ...... .. .. TtMMfU li Ho..a«d Rapra—Hra to Fin Dtfia—1 from 10 to Ml cents from 15 to si cants r»- . m . .. from 15 to 4H cants r ipeman TwkiNff from «t u» Mirant* Flgnrad Masilns from 15 to 3ft r-nts A semen Keutaclry Janas. from tt to fAe-'ars Giaflarr»«. from *1 to to cants fottemadas ... from Vi to to cants and a vartosy of nice Drsas iiooda, Linen* Tow slings Cloths r Ho. 3 President. Vice President Fir*t Id rector Second Director •lose Irlrecfrw deer-vary Trass wrer. Commission Mcivnunls, . miking p< riuAiifiui arraiigeinent* lor transportation »•••> till. ColoiijL mil —.vi .lemt tan •U *»•« exp-M. from Atl.nU lo IldnilnriM nnly kl^iin. Sortylh StrMtt, Atlanta, Ca. HTO n E ASH T r. A I.* It I K »t"t T».m < V.tb* In tn. IIARD! IL.M-.'.-f^'r. H'.rl/W. ,i.<f SI H.VITI MK IN LARI.* t^LANTITV IfcitatMid.. ... frr.m | 4 tn |I5 B',r-.n. 1,'rtn 7 to I* W»Mr"M» ... from lot., t5 W.«n Hijuih ...... from 4 to ID T»R*« fo.* * to 1 W.inmuat. from I to 4 MMm mi, othm >rt" e. too nnm«roM tn ntm,to.n. Hmu.M Oil., Nnrn*. Ij*. iM Sfnrp rm BUM life rn.,1. m um»4 hi l*» *1 i tnli fmt nnan4 •attnlron .1 « emu yn pmnt Haim M tmup«iMi4 VmmMk In*, .t A tnli ym AmIiotm .... .tt 1 RM |m«< 4,4,., |mrinfl« c i, ,r -.Ift, - 04441 tf.iOMl, 1 i.*r It .. 1,'|.-,. V44, M|„.OKI..,, *5 Impel, Unt, 11,40 poaint. A,tow I "iti.Ti 7.. ,4, pU,.,, lUtfrfu.j’ 7441 * /ol. !,.,•*' V t.i.r.l. Him Dir I • m. nf IO ,'iri' U Loin-.III. Ir,i".l '74, H'liO. ,’i.n lo M„el. CMe. V tn-.>r u,., 15".. M.nahrtnrM, T..I". ... A. An ,**r ",a«. f>nwtptir *n«, WlATTK, LliWAIfM *CM. only steamship fsruibsrt * scarce MORE NEW OOOD8. ff ! KNTI.EMEN who wish really nlca barge or Fine t * KI1KN, II UAl.r HKIN MIIOKN. . Ilh.f of tM U~, ~, Kir.,,, n. Oil,.,4-Tl. min-rn, can no. . 1 V"ll" %'** m.nohrtnr. »t AMieh.ll anrl llnnlnr .ire.“ *• “™' T |l T. BANK*. Ikr m.irln Clin mi th* t Mllnffi tSmaZ, •«r Ik. Rnrlh.rn IklntrlM nfUMrito. In 'li, rn liter of I Mnokrtitt, \ ’ T" , IT SAV UONUKKN I Mrol.r no ■ 1 ■" Ih.f I n*<» 11 rlnlj •I'Milriterl ualirn.. of in. e.uri "f Imr, * h*nknifrt, of AllnnU In nfor.ulrt. who Men .rtJortitMin Innkrnni i'nr.i' MVll Alim urn h 11 itKlNliAHfrT, a»i ' lee V. • -nl« per M,onrc for cw.h '. AMbrne., IkM-tlon.