The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, September 26, 1867, Image 1

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oPFinQi riiK M«tm.D"a«<"* WMl slds of WhitshaU street. between Alabama ••twl ' 1 and Ik* Rsltmod rmsslii*. PUHLIHIIKD DAILY AND WEEKLY HY JARED IRWIN WHITAKER. l*r<«i>rlot or. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. Thursday Morning, »sp». *6,1807. TM IfMfMle In Now Orlrnnn. Wo ye*twd»y took occasion to nxnrvas llio be lief i lint tho |ir»)V*lllng epidemic hud reached It* iiiniiiiium, and would now gradually decline nnd probably diaappear entirely In a lew wreka on the approacb or cold weather, the near arri val ol which la already huralded by the approach of auipe, duck and other cold weatlier iowla In the tnanhea below the city. We Imve aevn since nothing to make ue change our opinion, unleaa It la* the nwneceaaary anxiety erlnced by many.— We heard of one man who went to Ida place ol Imainem In the morning thinking about nothing cine but yellow lever, aud eoou he imagined that lie felt all the aymploma of approach of ’Ida fiend, and went home about the uaual dinner hour in the aftemoou fully intent on going straight to bod. Now it happeueil that Ida wile had an unuaually tempting dinner apread for her liege and hta Mend*. The agreeable odor which met Ida noatrila, and the magnificent apread which greeted hla evea, changed the currant of hla thought*; ho eat down to the table and found that he luid no longer any yellow fever aymploma, but woa only hungry. Another inatance ol the ellecta of ini agination waa that of a friend of our*, who ac tually went to bed firmly bclieviug that lie had "Yellow Jack” on hla back. A phyaician waa tent lor, aud it waa aacertained that our friend had no yellow fever, but waa only wared. In order, however, not to ahock his feelinga, lie waa told that be had the fever in an exceedingly mild degree, waa congratulated on hia narrow i aca|te, and allowed to Keep hla bed for the uaual nunt- Irt of day*, and to pay the uaual fern to Ida phy aician. While all phyaician* agree that, provided cleanlineea ana temperance be observed, and late bourn eaehewed, no change of diet or habit* in advisable, it has been recuutmcudod to abstain troin having any bells tolled or dtrgca played at lunerole in order not to Jar oo the cars ot tier- sons lying perhaps on the point ot death. Last u-.R-k several of the Radical colored Republican clubs paraded the streets at late hours with loud hurrahs and torchlights, and considerably more noise than necessary. Perhaps measures have Hirendy been taken to prevent any further de monstrations of this sort during the epidemic ; if not we would suggest to the powers that be that Sunday night is usually one on which many such parades take place. A benevolent society celebrated their anniver sary last Sunday with gay and martial music as they paraded through the streets, while but a square oft a Federal officer was beiug escorted to his last resting place, the military band play ing a solemn dirge, and the company acting as escort inarching by platoons witli slow and measured tread and arms reversed. Wliat in fluence gay and lively music may have on sick' penon* we are not prepared to decide, but are rattier inclined to believe that it will do no great harm it administered in homeopathic doses, otherwise our city presents but a sleepy and dull appearance, and after ten o'clock at night the streets are deserted, ticarly everybody shun ning the poisonous night air. A few weeks heuice all this will be changed, and dravs will rattle on our streets, steamboats whistle at our wharves, and millions change bends at all hours r>| the day. The lateness of the opening will Imt increase the activity when once the business season fairly sets In.—New Orleans Buttrtin, ItitA. From th* Mobile Register, 19th. Tho Satrapy In Mobile—Brutality or Ne gro Policemen. A lady was arraigned before the Mayor this morning, to answer the charge ot having used vulgar language, and with having resisted two negro policemen. A large number ol witnesses were examined—all negro lor the prosecution, and nearly all white for tbe defense. The lady in question reside* in the neighborhood of Law rence and Monroe atreets, and she was sitting in front ot her doorway yesterday, aud her little child, not vet weaned anil just able to toddle, by some mischance found its way into the street. A negro drayman came along, driving a four- horse team before a heavy wagon loaded with blocks. Although several people halloed at him to stop and look out for tbe child, he did not do | ii, and the child was snatched up by a young girl just as one of the horses was almost touching it. The mother bad seen tbe thing and her feelings were wrought up to such a pitch that she could hardly contain herself, aud Bhe rushed out and seizing her child from the girl who had rescued it, cried out to the negro, “you black rascal, would you kill my child r She returned to her house, and a moment altera negro policeman en tered her premises and insisted upon arresting her. She objected to accompany him, and think ing that be only wanted her to go and make charge against the negro driver, she told him that it made no difference as the child was not hurt. She was nursing the child at her breast at the time, and tbe little creature while drawing its nourishment was sobbing convulsively. The negro, however, brutally iusisted on dragging her off, and tore the child from tier arms and put it one side. He finally seemed to reconsider the matter, and then left tbe house. He went across the street and met another policeman, and after a short conference they both returned to the lady’s house and with great brutality and un necessary exercise of force, dragged her from her dwelling, tore her clothes, knocked tbe comb out oi her hair and hauled her along the street with her hair flying about her. The thing was so outrageous that the neighbors turned oat and interfered— It was an unusual sight to see a respectable wo man thus treated tn the public streets. The ne groes refused to say whether they had a warrant or not, and told a lady who asked them if they had, “what the hell is It your business; if you don’t look out we’ll arrest you.” They carried a piece ot paper in their hands, to convey an idea that they had a warrant. They refused, also, to tell the lady what they arrested her for, and she did not find out until she got to Hie guard house, that it was lor language she had used when her child was in imminent danger. This statement of the case was that shown by the defendant’s witnesses, all unimpeachable— On the other band, the negro police who live In the immediate neighborhood, brought up their wives and sisters and gave a great deal ot con tradictory testimony. They substantially stated the same facts as the witnesses for the defense, hut said that instead of calling tbe negro a black rascal, she called him a black s— ot a h—. One oi the negro policemen contradicted himself several times, and exhibited a dogged determi nation to swear to anything. HU countenance, to say tbe least, was a villainous one, and was fully in keoping with bis action in this case— The Mayor concluded to take the evidence of the negroes, and fined Mrs. *10, upon whic h she spiraled. “ KliKOH OKABKB TO BK DANOKROUB WHKN JUEABON 18 LETT FREE TO OOMBAT IT."—Jq/irrsow. VOL. XIII. ATLANTA. GA.. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 26. 1867. NO. 220. Mlsoellnneous AdvertlMmenta. 8KLF.FA8TKN1NO WROUGHT IRON BUCKLE TIE COTTON BALES. CHA8. 0. JOHNSXN, Sol* Proprietor, No. 14 tlnlM Hn*t> NEW ORLEANS, LA. Ioaort tho hoop In th* dot, and draw It tight a- nmnd tho boles All othflr TIBS listening by this method ire In- •InwnentE, end will be prosecuted it liw it inch. When the lever of the press is raised the tie will fasten itself by the out ward pressure of the bale. We an, Sol. Agent., snd are prepared to HU order* for Self-Fastening Wroagbt Iron Buckle Tie, On th. moet thrombi, term.. W. sr. having them man ufactured of the most superior Iron, snd thoroughly tested. D. H. DAVIES A CO., Commission Merchant., Loulevllle, Kentucky. GLENN, WRIGHT A CARR, Agents, JylS—Sin Atlanta, Os. Ml.oellmK'iiUM Advertlseinolita. VAN EPPS & TIPPiN; GROCER8, AND Commission i\Lerohants, ALABAMA STREET, ATLANTA. .-•-•••• IlKOHOIA. In Store an«l to A.x*rlvo t noun. CORN SUGAR, COFFEE, BACON, HAMS l.ARI>, MOLASSES. And a general a.sorlineiit of Staple and Fanoy Groceries. rIS—tm VAN KP1>8 A TTPP1N. HARDWARE AND IRON. ST K COILS MANILLA ROPE. I *M 75 dozen abort Handled Frying Funs, ■JO coll. Ps.cut racking X toTlneh, 9U0 dozen Shovels snd Sped**,, 1500 dosen Pocket Knives, 900 gross Table Cntlery, 900 dozen Corn Combs, 150 boxes Tin Pinto, 9000 pounds Block Tin, 1000 pounds Bar Lead, 60D bag* 8h t, 80 bandies Bright Iron Wire, 800 dozen Iron Win Sifters, 50 Anvilr, 75 Vises. 4000 pounds Smoothing Irons, 8000 pounds UrUBn't Horse Nalls, 600 dozen Flies—zesorted, 8000 pound* Galvanized Sheet Iron, 8 tons Cast Steel, « 90 tons Flow Htael, 800 tons Swedes snd Refined Iron, 00 tone Band, Hoop, and Hone Shoe Iron, 15 t ins Oval, Half Oval, snd Half Round Iron, 18 8 ms Butler, Flute, snd Sheet Iron. For sale by vssh aonnsmit, Nos. 150 one 161 Broughton Street, Savannah, Us. COFFEE. O aaa BAGS Just received, from RIode Janeiro, 3000 per British Bering. o Fo N ,«U, L by THE LIVE DRUG HOUSE, CORNER WHITEHALL AND ALABAMA BTBIKTt, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, LEND TO THE LAND! Union Point, Ua., October 18,1SG6. Metert. BriqhtwM <t Barrow : Uints—1 used yonr Phosphate on ray Cotton at the rate of 950 pounds por ucro. I am satisfied that 1 will realize at leaet 150 per cent, on the smnunt spent. I am eo well pleased that 1 expect to use more on the next crop than t did on this. Vory truly yonre, (Signed) P. W. PRINTUP. Amrricfs, Ga., November 1,188#. Meiurt. Brlghtwell <* Barrow : QUNTi—The twenty (90) tone REED'S PHOSPHATE I bought ol yon this year, I used on Corn and Cotton. I am so wall pletesd with the effect on my crop, that I wish to purchase of you for next year's crop, one hundred tons. Yours mspeettully, jab _ a _ C0BBi This Manure, manufactured in Georgia (the virtue* for which are attested by well known Georgia citizens, and which is calculated to do eo much for “Reconetructlon" In Georgia) Is for sale by LANGSTON, CRANE & HAMMOCK, Hole Agents, ' Alabama Street, Atlanta, Ua. RACKS AND WHEAT WANTED. KAAA Hacks, Second-Hand Gunnies and Burlaps. OUUU 5000 bushel* Wheat LANGSTON, CRANE A HAMMOCK, Commission Merchants, ang!8—4m Alabama Street. 90th SEMI ANNUAL CXP00C. TOTAL LOSSES PAID, $21,271,973 57 ! w E INVITE the attention of th* public to our supe rior stock of MUIMry Directory. Major si John Purs, U. B. A„ commanding Third Military District (Georgia, Florida, snd Alabama.)— Ofllce at Headquarters, on Marietta street. Colonel J. F. Mil.ins, Chief of Bureau of Civil Affairs. Slut General Inspector of Hegtstntlun for Third Mili tary District. Office st Headquarters. Brev’t Brigadier-General Wa. MoKus Dunn, AsslaUnt Judge Advocate General U. S. A,, Judge Advocate Third Military District. Office at Headquarter*. Ueulunant-Colonel K. McK. Hudson, U. H. A., Assistant Inspector Genorsl. Office *1 Headquarters. Captain U. K. SANnxnaoN, U. H. A., Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Office at U 'adqusrters. Itrev't Brigadier General J. J. Milhau, Surgeon U. 8. A. Medical Director Third Military District. Office rnrncr Broad and Marietta atreets. Brcv't Brigadier General Burns Saxton, Chief Quarter master. Office at Headquarters. Brcv’t Lieutenant Colonel H. J. Farnsworth, Depot Quartermaster. Office Forsyth street, near Railroad. Brcv't Captain C. A. Rockwell, Chief Ordnanco Officer. Office corner Broad and Marietta atreets. Major E. D. Judd, P. M, U. 8. A., Chief Pay Master aud Dtshnralng Officer Third Military District. Office cor ner Broad and Marietta atreets. Lieutenant C. 8. Ilslky, Post Quartermaster and Com missary Subsistence. Office Willingham Building, cor ner Ivy and Decatur streeta. Brcv’t Major W«. H. Bmtths, Captain 18th U. 8. Infen try, Acting Assistant Judge Advocate General. Offlco at Headquarters. Brcv't Major T. O. Sullivan, C. 8 United States Army, Chief Commissary of Bubrlstene*. Office, Room No. 1 Willingham Buildings, corner of Decatur and Ivy streets. Rrev’t Miller Frku. Moszbach, V. R. C., Bub-Asst. Com. Sub-District, Atlanta Bureau R. F, and A. L. Office In Granite Block, No, 1, room No. B. TOST Or ATLANTA, Composed of tbe counties of Cobh, Fulton, Campbell, Carroll, Coweta, Heard, Fayette, Clayton, Spalding, Henry, Newton, DeKalb, Milton, Gwinnett and Bntts. Brev’t Brigadier General Thoras H. Kuoxn, Colonel Sid United Btatea Infantry, commanding Post. Head quarters, room No. 8 Willingham Building, corner of Decatur and Ivy atreats, Atlanta, Ga. Brev’t Captain O. C. Knaps, 1st Lieutenant SSd U. 8. In fantry, Post Adjutant. Office at Headquarters. First Lieutenant C. 8. Ilslrt, 16th U. 8. Infantry, Act ing Assistant Quartermaster snd Acting Commissary Subsistence Post. Office, room No. 7 Willingham Building. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. FOB THE YEAR 186T, J. E. Williams, Mayor *8,000 8. B. Love, Clerk of Council 1,500 J. T. Glenn. City Attorney 800 Robert M. Farrar, City Treasurer..’ 800 1,500 1,900 1,500 1,(100 BOO . out Rubt. Crawford, Commissioner of Public Works. George Stewart, Overseer of Streets Jo. ST Smith, Tax Receiver and Collector Fat. Fltzgtbbon, Hall-Keeper aldkITmen. maT WARD. M. T. Castleberry, Richard Peters. ■■OOHD WABD. X. X. Hawson, A. W..Mitchell. TRIED WARD. George W. Terry, W. O. Anderson. FOURTH WARS'- J. K. Qnllatt, W. B. Cox. FIFTE WARD. J. A. Hayden, E. W. Holland. POLICE DEPARTMENT. L. P. Thomas, Cbler Marsha] $1,500 K. C. Morphy, Deputy Marshal 1,800 J. L. Johnson, 1st Lieutenant of Police 1,000 T. C. Mnrphv, 9d Lleutennnt of Poltpc 1,001 POLIC1HHN—<1* XI rax DAT.) I. J. Cook, F. J. So mar, D. Rogan, E. A. Center, F. T. Kickllghtar, J. A. Uluton, — Hall, J. L. Crenshaw, G. W. Bowen, c. M. Barry, A. Jarrard, O. P. Woodliff, Jasper Groves, W. H. C. Cowan, J. 8. Holland, R. D. Haynes, D. Queen, J. H Love, J. A. Lang. R. B. Hutchins, J. M. Connally, Green Holland, II. W. Wooding, II. J. Hollzdaw, .W. W. Rasberry, J. F. Barnes, T. O. Mclittn, J. A. Lanier, MlMonllaneotiR Ad vert foramen ti*. Clerk of Pint Market—Theophllus Harris. Clerk or Second Market—Frank T. Ryan. Ct£y "JiJlftsAraEyK^ tv sum, tv. C. utuapiuiee, auu C. V. Wood. Assessor of Land taken for Opening Streets—Levi C. Wells, and F. P. ltice, 18 0 7. Drain, medicines, Faints, oils, Window Glass, Act. Buying In large quantities and origins! packages, directly from Importers snd Msnulkc- tnrers, for th* CASH, we trs able to offer Inducements to purchasers, either BY WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Our stock ts frill, snd consists of every variety of Foreign and American Goods, from th* Cheapest to th* Finest. OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT Is complete and accessible AT ALL HOURS DAY OR NIGHT. Ring the Door-Bell at Night I Last of th# Confederate Cruiser Sumter. Admiral Hiinon, commander of the r reucli licet in Greek water*, give* the following account id the destruction ot the famous blockade runner Arondi, once butler known In Western waters oh the Confederate war ship Sumter; On Monday morning, tbe 20th ot August, after i had received some women ond children hi Selino, I hailed lor St. Roumeli to take other* from that port. During tho day the Captain ol tlie Izzudm, a large Turkish steamer, which cast anchor near my abip, visited me, and told me that on the previous evening tho Arcadi bad been to St. Itnnmuli, and landed a part of tier cargo; hut not having sufficient time to discharge Hie rent, Hite sailed for Oabdon, and that he eipccted Iter back on Monday oveniug, when be iutended to attack her. On Monday afternoon, after I bail cmhaiked the women aud children, I started lor Allien*; but two hoitra afterward* I heard guna behind me. Ooing on deck, I »aw in the distance two steamers, one chasing the oilier, and fighting. In a short time they approached me, and I saw thatono was the Arcadi and the other the lzzcdin Tho Izzedin readied tho Arcadi and gave her a broadside, to wiiicb the Arcadi replied in tbe aame manner. As soon as the two steamers were close together the sailor* began firing with their rifle*. While Hie light was hottest, two Ttirkhth metpoLww made their appearance round the Cape of Krlo- iiietupo. The position ot the Arcadi then be came very perilous. At that uiomout the Cap- lain of tite Arcadi, with great preseuee of mind and coolness, turned his little steamer, laced the three enemies' vessels, aud punned through them si full H|ieed, amidst a tremendous fire from the large gun, ami a shower ol Indicia. The Arcadi -oon approached the land, and after coasting some distance along the small hay, arrived near •lie Capo of Krio-metopn, where tho Captain ■ an her aground in order U) save the crew. The •‘Killing lasted till 1 o'clock in tho morning. At Hint time tins three Turkish vessels cast anchor hear die Arcadi. I heard a sharp firing of rifle# duri ig the rusiol the night, and stayed until morning in ascertain thu result. I llien saw the Arcadi in flames, hut I could not learn whether "he had benii fired by her captain or by tho ene- U| y< The Turkish boats wero lull ol wounded, Bno were trans|M>rted to the Turkish veeael*. * di * al0 * me d »wey in a very damaged ARCTIC SODA FOUNT And PURE FRUIT SYRUPS are still attracting crowds Whose thirst is allayed by tta gushing waters, snd sto^ much* energlxed by the tonic effect of the Cirbonle A ThoAtisnta Miners' Spring water is kept on draft st the ARCTIC FOUNT, and many of our afflicted citizens are being greatly benefited by It* use. Close cash buyers are Invited to ezamtne oer stock REDWINB A FOX, Comer Whitehall and Hunter streets. |nly95--r AHMETS: (At Market Value.) Cash on band and in Rank $ 615,806 80 Real Estate 248,008 09 Mortgage Bonds 003,550 00 Bank Stock 1,200,400 00 U. States, State aud City Stock, and other Public Securities 1,084,806 86 $1,650,938 27 Less Liabilities, (Halms not due and unad justed 377,608 4* Net Assets $4,973,969 81 and inland NAVIGATION RISKS. OT Agencies In all the principal cities and towns in thu United Htatea. Applications for Iuturaucc will be promptly attended OFFICE—With C. I. Brown, on east side of Whitehall street, one door from Alabama, jj 19- N. L. ANGIER, Agont^ Finsnco- -Peters, Mitchell Rswson. Ordinance—Mitchell, lluyden, Peters. Btreets snd Sidewalks—Uullatt, Hawson, Hayden. Wells, Pumps tud Cisterns—Cox, Anderson, Castle- nerry. Lamps and Gas— Hsyden, Terry, Peters. Relief— Castleberry, Hawson, Terry, Gullntt, Hayden. Market—Hayden, Castleberry, Holland. Fire Depart meut—Gullstt, Cox, Terry. Police—Hawsou.Cox, Anderson. Cemetery—Terry, Mitchell, Hawson. Public Buildings sad Grounds—Audtnon, Terry, Ps- Tiix—Holland, Rswson, Cox. Un Printing—Terry, Holland, Castleberry. Salaries—Cox, Mitchell, Holland. BOARD <~HEALTH. First Ward—Dr. J. M. Boring. Second Ward—O. H. Jones, Esq. Third Ward—L. P. Grant, Esq. Fourth Ward—Dr. Chas. Pinckney. Filth Ward—Dr. J. N. Simmons. WARDS or TBR CITT. Th* City of Atlanta shall be laid off Into five wards, as fellows, to-wit: FIRST WARD. Commencing st the crossing of Whitehall street with the Western S Atlantic Railroad, aud running np the south side of said railroad to the incorporation fine, then down sold line to tbe center of Whitehall street, then north sloug the center of said street to the starting polut, and which shall be known and constitute Ward number One. SECOND WARD. Commencing at the cenier of the crossing of Whitehall street, at the western <x Atlantic Railroad, snd runnlug east down tbe railroad to thu crossing of Calbuau street, in the rear or the Goorgla Railroad workshop, then south along the middle of said street to tho center of McDon ough street, theuco along the center ol McDonough street t» tbe incorporation tine, then sloug said hue to the cen ter of Whitehall etreoi at its crossing at the incorporation line, thon slung the center of said street to llio starting point, which shall be knowu and coustitutu Ward num ber Two. THIRD WARD. Commencing st the ceuter of Calhoun street, st its south crossing of tbe Georgia Hatlroad workshop, 1 running down the south side of said railroad to tin corporation line, then along asid line to the center of Me Douough street to the starting polaLwhiuh shall eo~ “ tote and be known as Ward number Three. FOURTH WARD. Commencing on tbe north side of the Georg!* Railroad, tn tbe center of the crossing of said railroad by Loyd street, aud running down the north side of amid railroad lu tho incorporation line, then along sold line to Ivy street, then sloug the tenter ot Ivy street to Decatur street, then along said street west to the center ol Loyd to tho starting point, which Shull constitute and be knowu as Want number Four. THE ARROW TIE AMD IRON BANDS BALIMG COTTON ! AN INSURANCE AGAINST Fill, WASTE, AMD THEFT JuRiqOALto.ron Simplicity and Rapidity of Adjustment SURPASSED BY NONE FOR STRENGTH AND ADAPTABILITY TO ALL 'Tbe Uses of Commeroe! fJIHEY sro manufactured In LIVERPOOL, or the best English Iron, under the personal supervision of the In ventor, formerly n resident of New Orleans, La. The ARROW TIE II preferred by Shipmasters and Compressmen, as It Is worked with one-eighth to one Inch stack, while all SOLID TIES reqnlre three to five Inchee, which, in running through s cargo. Involves s heavy loss to the Shipmaster. Use the Arrow Tie and Bands, AND SAVE MONEY IN FREIGHT and INSURANCE 1 Arrangements have been made to secure sn ample sup ply of the ARROW TIR snd BANDS for the coming sea- JAMES A. HALL, Agent Middle and Southwest Georgia. ANDREW LOWE & CO., General Agents, Savannah, Os. The undersigned ts prepared to ftvntsh tho ARROW TIE to the trade st SAVANNAH PRICES, forwarding sad transportation added. FRATTR, EDWARDS Ac GO., Agents, Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ga. HEAR THE IN8URAN0E A8ENT8! Savannah, Mat 7th, 1867. The recent Urea tn this city having proved to our entire satisfaction, by a thorough test, the superiority o' IRON BANDS for baling purposes, wo strongly recommend them to thu nso of the Planters of Georgia as an efficient agent in restricting loss by dre; snd we agree to discrimi nate, when practicable. In fkvor of cotton thus secured. A. WILBUR, General insurance Agent. CHARLES GREEN At SON, Ag’ts Liverpool, London A Globe In. Co. CHARLES L. COLBY * CO., Agfa Snn At Atlantic M. Ins. Co., N. Y « itmTJtANjto^urance^nt.^ T. THOMAS, Insurance Agent. J. C. MoNULTY, Sec’y Southern Insurance At Trnst Co. JAMES T. STEWART, Atrent London A Lancaster Ins. Co. LANE A WEST, Insurance Agents. Macon, Ga., Mny 10th, 1867. The recent lire st the Warehouse of Mr. B. T. Chap man, in this city, having fully demonstrated the advan tage or the use of Iron Bauds for baling purposes, ss a security aninst loss by dre, we, the undersigned Insu rance Agents, Macon, Ga., take pleasure in endorsing the action of tbe Agents at Savanusn. Ga. E. O. GRANNI88, Agent for several Ins. Companies. J. W. BURKE, Insurance Agent. K. J. JOHNSON A CO., Insurance Ag’ts. J. MONHOE OGDEN, Insurance Agent. fj. M. BOARDMAN, Insurance Agent. JNO. B. COBB, Isurancu Agent. m»y97—6m j. a. vounu. M. L. WBISTON. 1 Hunter sin-eve, A-llanU^Goorttla^ The Regular Line of Mail Stages FOR CARROLLTON W ILL LEAVE NKWNAN Immediately after tbe arrival of the cars from Atlanta, on Msudifi. Wsdsssdsyi *«* Friday*. Returning, will arrive st Nownsn ou Tuesday*. Thursdays snd Xalurdays, Making close connection with the train for Atlanta. Ex tra trips will be made on oppnelta days to accommodate ‘"tannscllon made to BOWDEN with Monday snd Frl- < '*‘fhs l route Is over t good natural rosd, equipped with new CONOOHD COACH EH, sml frequent clisnges of good team*. Fare to Carrollton *2 Fare to Bowden * For p—ge apply st the Hotehorlo^ ](Q sepd liu* Newnsn, Os JOHN. B. FULLER* 47 DSY STREET, Maw York City. MANlirACTUHr.H AND DXAI.XH ts FOMTABI.K AND DTATION AH V TO SOUTHERN MERCHANTS. Rock Ihland MANurarrmuNU Co., Chahi.otTX, North Carolina, i I F you desire to aupply yourselves lor your Fall aud Winter trade, with the very In st descriptions and styles of ALL-WOOL 11A8H1M KHIiS, and with the most durable JEANS anil KKltSEY labi le*,al. free from shod dy snd othsr Impurttios, order samples Ironi tho sub scriber, and they will be forwarded, with prices attached, during the mouths of July uud August. From theuo sam ples you can make your selections and rclurn your or ders, and the goods will be forwarded directly from the Manufactory. john A yoUNQ, President. je5—4m Charlotte, N.C. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, MACON, GEORGIA. rntfK lOtli Annual Session will begin on MONDAY, J. October 7th, under a frill Bourd of Instructors. Every department hxs nullities for furnishing the highest style of education, on reasonable terms. For further particulars, apply to Rev. J. At. Bunnell, D. D. I resldsnt, ~T> W. L, BAN", sug#—Uwtllnctt fionretary of Faculty. NOTICE TO ARCH ITECTS. laoulstvlllo AdvurUHomi-nls, \V. f l. DIX, KENTUCKY PLANING MILL, DOOR, BLIND, AND SASH MANUFACTURER, And Dealer In all kinds of Building Lumber, Rough and Dresied, NINTH STHEET, NEAR BIIOADWAY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. .^Allkindi of Ripping. Splitting, Dreanfm?, Taming, «nd ’ r<Jur, with neiitnoBHand diapAtch. Scroll Hawing done to ordi por tail on. not be Injur BREEDEN & BRADLEY, LUMBER MKRCHANTS, And Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Ac. —ALSO— PACKING BOXES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Lnmbcr Yard on Walnnt, bet. East and l'lovl streets, w arerooms on Fir-t, street, bet. Main uud Jltver. (one square below the New Galt House, JeW—tm LOUISVI1.1.E, KV. GREAT SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE! t LOUIS TRIPP, (surcB«son to Tmrr a riuno.) W HOLESALE nnd Retail Dealer In Pianos, Cabinet Organs, Melodo- ons, and all kinds of Musical Merchan* dise, and Publisher or Mur'c. Catalogue - of music and price list of ifo-lruintiiits’inailed free on ap plication, Address * _ „ . LOUIS TIIIPP, , . Nos. 99 nnd 94 Jefferson St., Louisville,Ky. Jill—4m GREEN LEA F (nr 1IEATP LEAF) BAGCIIAC %M> ROPE. rjiHE undersigned hereby notify thcMr iricude and all coneumere of the above named .Staple (loods, that they continue to manufacture them in Louinville, Ky. They hope and expect to have it lu their power to exe cute every order sent them this "oaron. All lettera Promptly Replied To. Weekly, six raosta*. Weekly, one year... fttoffle copiee at tho counter...... Single copies to Mows Itoys and i batxs or zDvxn.-j—. For sack spars of 19 llsss or Is**, for th* first tassstlr n $1, snd for ssr.h snbssqxsntInsertion 80 Mat* S8S8S8888S sqtuom 8 | 88Zf8S88|8 1 8 8 8 8 8“I 8 «8B9«**88 tnaom | s gimm 8 3S8X*»*8SP m •Muni si 8 8 8 8 3 8 : » a S 3 * S s j | S S Si; S S 8 : -samtio | » s j ; " s | S 8 8 8 8 S : : •emits | « » * « js S 1 8 8 3 S 3 8 | ‘sauiiit | m 80 i* © «• jj •*9UI|7 | 8 8 8 8 S 8 ’ e« Y « (L C 9t . nauiu S 8 8 8 8 8 8 : • j ! ro *C « V fi» 9- • ¥p • ‘cut It l 8 8 “8 8 8 8 1 \ $ 1 S * " ’ ‘ * i * j] | j si J J J J T I I Special Notices, 9i. cents per line Srst Insertion, and 1C cents per line for each subsequent Insertion. Adverlisemcuts inserted st Intervals to bs charged ns new each Insertion. Advertisements ordered to remain on say particular ure, to be charged ss new each insertion. The money for advertising considered due alter first Insertion. All communications or letters on business tntanded foi this office should be addressed to "The Atlanta inteilt t!en “ r JARED IRWIN WHITARX*. Proprietor. RAILROAD GUIDE Goorgla Hallroad. X. W. GOLX,~si(pw*Kemf«v. DA* FABSXMaSB TSAIS. Leave Atlanta at 8.60 A. M Arrive at Augnstu 6 45 P. M Leave Augusta XL. 5.8U A. M Arrive at Atlanta 6.80 F. M (No train* run on Sunday.) NIOHT fAIMZNUEU TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 6.46 P. M Arrive at Augusta 8.16 A. M Leave Augusta b.ttlP. .M Arrive at Atlanta 8.45 A. M Atlanta dc Went-Poim Kollroud. L. P. GRANtT~Superinie'uUn. DAT PASSENQXB TItAIN—OUTWARD. Leave Atlanta .7.00 A.M Arrive nt West Point 18.00A. M DAT PASSBNOXB TRZtN—INWAAD. Leave Weet Point 19.40 P. M Arrive at Atlanta 6.80 P.M Montgonzery Ac West-Point HtUrozs. DANIEL H. CRAM, Superintendent. .. 6.00 A. M .13.00 M. . 19.46 P. M , 6.45 P. M DAT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery Arrive at West-Point Leave West-Point . Arrive nt Montgomery Leave Opelika 10.8U A. M Arrivo at Columbus 19.8U P. M Leave Columbus 8.06 A. M Arrive nt Upeltka 10.14 A, R XVXNINO TRAIN—OPELIKA AND OOLUKXUS. Leave Opelika 2.90P.M Arrive at C'olnmbux 4.84 P.M Leave Columbus 11X6 A. M Arrive at Opelika 145 P. K naeon Ac Western It ell road. X. X. WALKEuTSuperintendent. DAT FASaXNOXR TRAIN. Leave Macon 7.80 A. L Arrive at Atlanta 1.67 P.M Leave Atlanta 6.55 A. M Arrive at Macon P. 1> Leaves Atlanta 7.15 P. M Arrives in Macon 4J6 A. M Western 4k Atlantic Rnlliund. CAMPBELL WALLACE, Superintendent. NtsiiT axrnass fassxnuxh train—daily. Leave Atlanta Arrive at Chattanooga.. Leave Chattanooga.... Arrivo at Daltou Arrive at Atlanta 7.0C P. M 4.10 A. M . 4.80 P.M 7.50 1>. M . 1.41 A. V -MT~— W. A. RICHARDSON A SON, Louisville, Kentucky. J. J. FBARCR. W. T. WHELK'S. CHAS. A. PEARCE. PEARCE, WHELE88 A CO., COTTON FACTORS AND Comml«*lou Merchant*, JACKSON STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. EfT'Store and sell Cotton and other Produce. Bagging and Rope lurnlshed st market prices. sep7—8m L. D. O. WOOD. JAHES H. LOW. J. H. LUDWIOSEN. . LOW & LUDWIB8EN, (Formerly Wood A Low—Established 1646,) COTTON FACTORS —AND— O-aneral Commission Merchants, 190 Common Street, New Orlenne, - - • Eenletana. AUTHORISED HRFRHENCES IN ATLANTA. A. Austell. President Atlanta National Bank; Mr. A. K. Seago, Messrs. Zimmerman A Verderay, Messrs. P. A (). T. .Dodd, Mossrs. Chapman A Hacker, Messrs. McDaniel A Strong. |Mr*Peraoiial attention given to the sale of Cotton and purchase ot all descriptions of Produce. junto—1y UNIVERSITY OF iwA'ffYLKNb BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. T HE Sixtieth Aununl Sessiou of tho SCHOOL of MED ICINE, lu the University of Maryland, will com mence on the 14th of OCTOBl-.ll, 18(17 aud will end ou tbe 1st of March, IMS. F ACl’L T Y: Nathan 11. Smith, M. I)., Professor of Surgery. Wh. E. A. Aikin. M. D. LL. I>., Profcuror of Chemistry and Pharmacy. G. W. Miltenbeiiukii. M. ])., I’ro c'sor of Obstetrics. RicraBD McSiieiiky. MI), J'rori-s'or of Principles and Practice of Modictuc. Christopher Johnston, M. 1).. Professor of Goncral, Descriptive, and Surgical Anatomv. Samuel C. Chew, U. D., Professor of Materia Medlca and Thernpentlcs. Frank Donaldson, M. D.,’Professor of Physiology, Hy, gloDne, and Geucrul Pathology. Wa. T. Howadd, M. D., Professor of Diseases of Wo men and Children. Jambs II. Butlek, M. D„ Demonstrator, and Adjunct to the Professor ol Anatomy. The fees for the full course arc $12(1. For Matricula tion, $5. For Practical Anatomv. #1(1. The University Hospital (or lutlrniary) attached to the College, ranks among the llrst i.'liulrut Schools ill tbe country. Being the Scamnu’s Hospital of tho port of Baltimore, as well ns a civil It affords a great variety in the forms of disease always tinder treatment. Surgical Operaiions, and Clinical Lectures on Surgery, Practical Medicine, nml the Diseases of Women aud Chil dren, are constituent parts of the dally Ins-ruettou given by the respective Professors of the Institution. Students desiring to perfect themselves lu eiwc-lalitlee, can take courses ot private instruction liom Adjuncts at tached to thu various Chairs. GEO. W. M1LTKNBERGKR, M. D., Dean. scpT—law6w DAT PASIIHOII TItAIN Daily, except Sundays. Leave Atlanta 8.45 A, M Leave Dalton 2.3. P. II Arrive at Chattanooga 5.95 P. M Leave Chattanooga 8.90 A. M Arrive at Atlanta.... 19.05 P. II DALTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. U«A«ta,.. M »“ e ?.a 8.50 P.M Arrive at Dalton 18.85 P. K Leave Dalton 1.98 P.M Arrive at Atlanta 9.48 A. M Mall Itage Line from Atlanta to Dab- lonega. fo" Monday, Wednesday and Friday.. .8 A. M. .dan- — . 7 P.M. . . „ , '-IWMI/, TV cum Arrive Tuesday, TuumA—, — , WANTED 1RREDIATELY, ^QOOD COACH SMITH, A GOOD COACH PAINTER. frost 2 to eno horse power. Most approved Circular and Upright *aw Mitts, Ortst S&MWlW''? ““ " ,nu - .JKTt OT Machinery and Railroad suppliaa lu atora. aad shipped at the fewest rates. • sugtl—4m A T a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Georgia Stats Lntlsry for tho henedt of tit* Masonic Or phans' Home," July loth. 11*17, the following resolutions '•W"tf, d Th«l I ho Managers for the purchase or donation of TWENTY AOltRS OF LAND In the vicinity of Atlanta, for the utirupse of erect ing thereon a MASONIC OUPIIANS HOME—said pro- iHisalt to be eubmttted to Die Board of Msnncyra by the fiiurtli day of September next. Tbe ttllu will bo vested lit the Grand Lodge of the State of Geofglii, nr stu-lt other Masonic Lodge In Itie Slate as will accept the saute, uhuuld the Urand leidgu decline the triirt. Retailed, further, That tho Uoanl will Itsy $500 for tho Draft of * Granite Building for the "Masonic Ornbsns’ Home," to be suhinlttoit to llio Hoard by the Brst day of Novomber next: the said plan to bo so drawn ss that tho building cun bo commenced with an expendi ture of ifty thoueand dollars, during the first your, and that the eomo may lie extended from year lu year, with out destroying the syaimetry of tho architecture. 7 he above named sum of Bvu hundred tlollare to be paid for the plan which Ihe Hoard of Munngo-s shall select from the number presented. For further tufrtnuslton, address^ ^ wm|0>f Business Maiuigers Georgia State Uittery. Iy95—tllnovl Atlanta. Goorgla. Th# Glory of Man ii Btfength. ter of the crossing of Loyd street, and running weet along the north side of tho Western At Atlantic Hatlroad to the Incorporation line, then along said hue to the ceil' ter ttf Ivy street, then south along tho eeuter of De entur street to thu center of Loyd street, then along the eeuter of Loyd street to tho starting point, which sbslt constitute and bu knowu aa Ward uumnor Five. FIRK DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer—Thomas Haney, First Assistant Engineer—Henry Gultatl. Second Assistant Engineer—W. G. Knox. Secretary—B. F. Moote. Treasurer—.lames E. Uullatt. Atlanta EnoinkComtant No. 1. President John B. Norman Foreman Baumel Wilson Secretary U. Muhlenbriuk .Treasurer Charles Srhnatr. First Director John Uurkrle Heopnd Director John Wtlhy Third Director J. II. Ellsworth Engineer P. J. Hrurken First Assistant Rngtneer M. L. ('oilier Second Assistant Engineer O. Warner Third Assistant Engineer II. Haney, I Axemen M. L. Hoburts Delegate to Fire Department Mechanic Enuinr Cohfant No. 9. J. E. Gullstt. .President J. «. Kelley Vlce-Preeldent W. D. Luckto, Jr Secretary O. II. Jones - -; - Isaac Steiuhclmer Second Director G. W. Terry .•••••••• Cktef Engineer Joel Kelsey . First Assistant Engineer James Daniels Heumd Assistant Engineer J. M. Toy Third Assistant Biifftm G. T. Anderaoii, l Ptpomen Axemen SALT! SALT! Liverpool Salt, Direot Importation, Always on bund and for tale by WEST Ak DANIBU8, sepl7—9m Jonos’ Block, Savannah. Ga. Louisville Steam Bakery F. W. &TIMMKL A CO., MOD and 310 'Went Groen (Street, LOUISVILLE, KY., Wholesale Dealers end Manufacturers of all kinds of CRACKERS. Agents for Sttmmol’s celebrated QUICK YEAST. sept 5—1m F. Woods, J. M. Buice. t Joseph Wiley, J. F. Alexander M. L. Lichtonatadt. Surgeon .Representative to Fire Department ...Vice President. ...First Director. Second Director. ..Hose Director Ekoinb Cohi’Ant No. 8. H, W. finilib President. K. A. CVuter W.C. Bhesrer George Thompson. J. J. lingers John D. Clarke Lewie U. Clarke ... John A. H1U A. Thteme......... 11. H. Unne, M. D.. W. R. Higgers Atlanta Hook and Ladder Co. No. L J. L. Queen. n S J XV All ' IjtspreientaMv* tafcrapsparlmefN PHILLIPS 4k FLANDKB8, Next to Dodd'a Corner, Whitehall Street. ■yyOULD respectftilly call your utteutton to our VAM8ETV STOCK OP GOO OS. Print*. Domestics Blanching Ticking Figured Muslins.. Kentucky Jeans... Gta ' ugtauns.. OOtlOUdM ,*s*a,* **, *• ,, SS ***** ov and*variety ofulc* Dree* Good*, Linens,Towaltng* from 10 to 80 cents .... from 18 to 81) cents .. .from 16 to 40 cents from 89 to 60 cents from 15 to BU cents from 96 to 5$ **nts ....from 96 to 86 cents tram 80 to 81) cants Address sep!5-6t CARMICHAEL * SMITH. Grceimboro’, Us. Dancing; Hohool! w* Prof. J. S. NICHOLS ILL resume the exercises of his Academy on THURSDAY, September -AltIt, 1867. CLASSES: For Gente—Thursdays and Fridays, at 8 o'clock, P. M. For Ladles, Misses, and Masters—Friday snd Saturday Afternoons, at 4 o'clock. For terms, Ac., apply at the Academy, ou Whitehall street, over J. H. \) lute A Co.’s Dry Goods Store. sep!7—9t SOUTHERN HOME SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIH8. established im 1642. Non. 1ST and 100 Ml. Cliarleo Mireot, BALTIMORE, MD. M R. a MRS. WILSON M. CARY nnd MRS. GEN. JOHN PEG RAM, Principals, assisted by a frill corps of able Instructors. Duties resumed the 90th pi September. French ts the langit tgo of tho school. No paiusare spared to rumte' his iueiiiitliou duservtug ol the encouragement It has always liberally received trom the Southern people. Upon these trlcude alouu it now depends for patronage. For circulars ronta formation, address either of the principals i »ug2*—tm* Don’t Wash Another Week Without Buying 8REATE8T WONDER OF THE ABE! HALL’S UN1VLHHAL WASHING MACHINE!! SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE LADIES. I T has long been felt and acknowledged that a Washing Machine would vet be invented that would ba aim- pie, cheap, and more effective than any of tbe Machine* herctotore offered to the public. Snch a Machine 1* now offered without fear of competition. 1st. One woman will do more with a Machlns than six can do without It. It will wash flv* dirty shirts (Including wristbands and collars) purfoctiy clean in from fonr to eight mlontes—this we guarantee, or no sale 2d. It requires uo skill to operate it. as a girt lgyeors old has washed (in Atlanta) FuUit DOZEN PIECES IN ONE HOUR I , . 3d. It takes at least one third lees soap, and will pay for Iteelf every year in thu saving of clothing, a* It acta so delicately un the fabric* that bank bills can be washed withont breaking—something no other machlue con do. We manulacture these Machines in this place, and thaU tell them at TEN DOLLARS, the same price they are sold for in New York. There 1* no Washing Mschiue on the market that can be bought lor even twice the uooey, and no Machine Hut will com pete with it lu the performance of it* wor , These Machine! are ou exhibition lu this city, at the etore or JOHNSON A ECHOLS, Whitehall street. M R. UENTL Y owns the Patent Right for this remarkable Machine tn all tbe Southern states. Liberal Inducement* will be offered to gentlemen desiring the exclusive rigb< to sell these Machines in counties aud districts, or state. Call on, or address, D. S. BKNTLY A CO., Rome. Ga. O'"Any one infringing upon this Patent Right will he prosecuted according to law, and am one giving informs lion ot tbe same, will bu liberally rewarded. A Great Labor-Saving Machine. We, thu undersigned citizens of home, would say, In behalf of "Hall's Lulversal Washiug Machine," after full trial and use, tlutt, lu consideration of its cheapness, tho durability of the Mnchiue, the ease and quickness ol mu tton, the small amouut ol soap required, and 111" protec tion of the clothee, would recomuieud it to a ,;eueroui public. 1*. M. 811EIBLY, G. W. K. LAM "KIN, J. A. STEWART, SAM. F. l*OVV ..Its, WM. WEST, JOHN )V. NO: LK, JAMES NOBLE, Sn., J. J- COHEN. Atlanta. Slay 7, 1867. I bought the first “Hall's Patent Universal Washing Machine” brought to Atlanta.and am now using il to uy perfect, aud recommend it to all Laiior-Saviug Machine. Mrs. CY NTlilA KILE. DIREC‘ri4>N8~ FOB USB. Let the Machine down into a common wash tub, by cuitiug notches into Hie eidcs, for the journals to rest in, until it conies wlthiu one lucli of tbe buttoui of the tub; till with hot water until the water covers the pebbles in (lie machine two Inches; wet the doilies tu warm water, (it Is better to soak clothes over night.) theu mo s little suit eotp on all Hie dirty place*; theu put Hi* clothes into the machlue with the pebbles, snd always (111 Hie ma chine half lull of clothoa, shaking them out as they are put iu; theu close up the door suu turu the crauk trow three to live minutes, keeping a slow, steady motion un til the dirt isout; then run through a wriuger; theu boil as usual; then put the clothes buck Into tbe machine wmi thu tub fuuof cold water; give the machine eight or tun turns uud your clulhes aru ready tor thu It.uiug water, and then hang out to dry. Never turn the machine when 1 then hang out to dry. Never turn tbe machine when pty of clothes, a* It breaks the etones. If any of tho pcldtle* become broken, pick them out. For aale hy JOHNSON A ECHOLS, mays- iHJaul Whitehall Street, Atlanta. Ga. nent many artlela* tor W - _ and Table Clothe, In tbe HARDWARR Department n Housekeepers, Builder*, and Mechanic. FURNITURE IN LARGE QUANTITY. ..from# 4 to $16 ..from 7 to 16 ..from Wto 16 . .bom t to lu ..(Mm Ito 7 . from $ to i lion. it* p*r pound to pa'P»“ n 9 B.:.. Wash tUaud*. Tsbfe*....... Work Utands Cast nt**l Xarlrou. Safe; TZESifr. 1 *". JG8 ” 6 at 6 at * ceota p*r at I canto par novraw nt 7 rents p*r pound '.nt • cants par imund -* *— r pound PRATTE, EDWARDS & CO., OomrniHsion Meronants, Forsyth Street, Atlnntn, On. JN RTOHK ANI) To AHHIVK: •AkHHl poamlr- i’irar Side”, union pound* Clear llil> SUU*#, r*0iKfe ponuUu Bhou'.Uor^, Oft barrdu Lanl, 144MiO Arrow Colton Tld 60 piece** Kentucky ItHtfciuKv 900 roils Hope, 60 tu nolo Kovoiuliilo Cement, 60 Kirrolv Louieville Cement, 800 tug* WUlle Corn, 10 barrel* Citiet V C'ast Plows, lUuttfkeiured Tobacco, Ac. All oaalr order* promptly tilled. Conel^emenu eoll- Cl eepU-«m PltATTB, KDWA RDH A CO. HOMOU HAH. P ERSON'S wishing tu Join the Colony now being or gantzed tt Atlanta, to sail from Mobile direct to Honduras on the Kith of October next, are required to coil on Col. K. I*. Watkins or D. I*. Ferguson, ol Atlautu, or J. W. Goldsmith, at stone Mountaiu, nt once, uud pay lu, or s nd hy express to either one of the above uamed persons, #31) ss n bonua to authorize our Treasurer in making permanent arranueinents for transportation. Persons going with this Uofony will save about $90, ma king thu expense from Atlanta lo Honduras only about $65 iu eurrency, ou a llrst elass steamship. Fumillts ought to carry tents, ss house' are scare*. sug91—1m MORE NEW GOODS. G ENTLEMEN who wish really nice Rcrgc or Flno FRENCH CALF HEIN HUGER, either ol the Cou- S russ Balmoral, Strap, or Oxford-Tie natleru, can now nd the latest style and most approved manufacture at Uia New Mho* Mora tn ktawsuu's Uulldlug, corner ot Whitehall aud Hunter street*. mavS— *1. T. BANKS. Im the District Oomrt of tlao Unit*A Xiotoh fur tho Northern Dlslrlet of Htorfla. In lb* matter of i Isaac Robkrfzld, V Iff Bankruptcy. Haukrant. i rrto whom IT MAY CONCERN: I hereby give no- A tic# that I have baau duly appointed assignee of tho ratal* of lease Roseufetd, a bankrupt, of Atlanta, tn th* district aforesaid, who has been adjudged a bankrupt ou his own petition by the District Court tfoiMhid. September I „ REINHARDT. Assignee. Printer’s fee 75 osuta prr square tor each (ute'Uon. septa—1 u wlw