The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, September 28, 1867, Image 1

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nr S*Bg InhBijnirtr O V fc' 11' K ■ ,mk iiHimaani ■niwn*, . .Mr .11 Whitebait itreet, (BPWffl Aluhuma .tree* Mil ffla Railroad cro—tog - I'lUUSUKD DlAILV AMO WVXkui UV jareo ntwnr whxtaxer, (•rnprtetor. ATLAHTA, 0101GIA .» Saturday Mamin* S«*t. S®. • VOL. XIII. MlMMliaanow AdvarUaann KGLPiPAflTENlNO WROUGHT IKOI BUCKLE TIE COTTON BALES. CSAA 0. JOHHUH. lot* Proprietor, Nn. 14 Catos Kmt< MEW 0BJ.KA.2TS, LA. If. Tk« Party la PaHI. wv ft ml llw fldlowmq sitfliitlonut otllluml ill Hi,. N«w York 7W*. riii* warninif at th*> Main* election came not » moment too warn fi»r tlie weltore .<1 the Ri*- i.nbliciui imrty The Went tiiruinlteH mtlicn'iotw .,1 Uie danyer il encounters aa » conscuucnc • of ietcrtmaatlim of clique* ami laclnm* to loin; uihmi it mmics unite tkm-iyn to tba twoqniretl .ibiccu *>t it» organiantiou. Senator lirtiur*’ vurorotte protest Main.I the attempt to moke 11,' pnibimtorv tanti a test ot parly orthodoxy, the endorsement <>t tliu lending Uetiuh- van.. ,,| ins mate, tieneral Halter. Adjulnul iteueral. ami one of iW most iutlueutial meu, antes "UuU il llw tariff lobby succeeil in inter lining into the • ro'd ot tin* Uepublican party a prohibit,.rv unit blank, »nd making that the issue, the Republican party ot the Northwort will be staeshed to atoms." Strong an the state ment is, ire are persuaded that it doea not trans cend the truth. Throughout the Northwest the Republican press is unanimous in its denuncia tion of tha combinations which try to manipu late the action of t'oagress on the lari It ques tion ; admitting the necessity of high duties in | existing circumstances, but resisting any noser | non ol tha prohibitory principle in the interest I of elsmrs The temperance question, in its prohibitory Aspect, is another source ot putty weakness else : where than in Maine or Massachusetts, tn ! Michigan tba recent Convention proposed to en- rralt the doctrine upou the State Constitution, I wisely eonsenting. however, to submit it to a -eparate vote, in Illinois and adjaceut States, zealot* seek to invest prohibition with legisla- , live, and ultimately witli constitutional sanctiou, nut the intolerant spirit in which they proinul- | inis tlteir views threatens to alienate lVmra the I U,-publican party a large pmp<trtion of the tier- I man vote. The edhiestness with wliicli General Carl Schurz remonstrates against “attempts to ise the Republican organization to indict on the •-'immunity arbitrary legislation, encroaching on individual rights in connection with temperance and Sunday questions." shows the depth to , which popular feeling has been stirred on ihe .object, and the folly ot those who would em barrass the party with extraneous questions.— ileneral Leib, a leader ot the Germans of Illi- . nois, in n published letter alleges “ that so much harm has already beeu done, that nothing but an earnest protest of the whole Republican press . of the State" against the course pursued, and an explicit expression ot this view in the next State platlbrm ot the party, " will secure to the Re- pnbliasn^pnn^Uie future political support ot the i ~ The signs of the times shuuld not be disre- Scif-Fasteilii Wrooflit Iron BqcUb Tie, ganied by those who would preserve the unity ' ind power ot the Republican partv. The period ‘ On the most tavonbi* terms. W* us having thorn man is not one in which it can afford to assume the ? t I™* 1 of th * snpwtor iron, and thoroughly responsibility of every cry which individuals raise in the Republican name, or by intolerance i - ERROR CSAfiJM TO BB DA3TORBOP8 WHW MBA80W IB LITT FIBB TO COMBAT IT. AfLANTA.~GA^ SATUrSaY. ,SEPTEMBEit 287186^ Mlaeallanmras Advertisements, i VAN EPPS & TIFPIN, | CHOCK US, AMO ir.tBIl/.l STREET, ATLANTA. - In Htore nntt Co Arrive t FLOUR. NIMsrv Mujur ftaiumii Joan Pure, U. S. A., commanding Third Military District (Georgia, Florida, and Alabama)- OfllcH it Headquarter*. on Marietta atreet. Colonsl J. t. MnLinn, Chluf of Borasa ot Civil Altolr*. and Ueuerat Inopactor of iiegtstmtion (or Third Mill fury District. Offlre at Handqoartera. Brev't Brigadlsr-Usnursl W*. Meg in Dess, Ausiataat j dwtgs Advocate Usnaral U. S. A., Judge Advocate Commission ALt'rt’ria.n.tS, Third Military ud.Aut Hmdqiuirtura Lieuuuant-Cutonal B. MuK. Uuuuom, (IS. A , Aastutent luapctur Gunurul. Odlcu at Hsadi|Uurtcrs. I’upuin G. K. dwansnuon, I), d. A., Acting Assistant Adjutant Uonsnil. Odtcu st It 'adquartera. Druv’t Orlgsdlsr Guneral J. J. Mu.awu, Snrgmin U. ». A. Medical D.rneUjr Third Military District. OSIcs corner Broad and Marietta atraeto. Bruv't Brigadier General Kuroi SaxTon, Olilai quarter master. Office at Huadi|Uartera. Brev’t Lieutenant Colonsl B. J. PaaitawoaTU, Depot quartermaster. Offloo Parsyth street, near Railroad. Brev't Captain C. A. Hooswu, Chief Ordnance OtBcer. Odton cuiaer Broad aud Maristta street*. Major E. D. Judo, P. M. U. d. A., Chief Pay Master and Dt*hai*in$Offlcar Third Military District. Offles cor ner Broad and Maristta streets. Lieutenant C. B. Ilolst, Post qnartermastor and Com missary dubatetaace. Offles WtUtngtnua Building, cor ner Ivy and Decatur atrasta. Brev't Major Wa. M. dOTTHS. Captain 14th U. S. In fan try. Acting Assistant Judge Advocate General. Offles at Headquarters. Brev't Major T. C. dertuvan, C. 8 United Hutes Army, Chief Commieaary of Bnbelatenee. Offlce, Boom Mo. And a general aaeortmeut of 1 Willingham Building*, corner of Decatur and try Staple and Fancy Groceries. NCtatoellaanaaoum Ad verttnemente. , Xaoulmvlllw SUGAR, All other TUB flwtsnlng hv thte method are in- fi-te remente. and will he prosecuted at law aa such. When Uie lever of the j'l-eiw is rained the tie will fiioten itself by the out ward pressure nf the hale. VAN EPPd A TTPP1N. 1 are dole Agents, aud are prepared to dll orders (hr LE\’D TO THE LAND! Union Point, G a ., October Id, XMtHt. : Jfawr.i. Brutal wM tt Barrow: ! Onirra—I used your Phosphate on my Cotton at the rate of fflU pounds per acre. I am eatisded that I will realize at least ISO per cent, on the amount apeut. I am so well pleased that I expect to nee more ou the next crop than I did on this. Very truly yours, (Signed) P. W. PRtNTUP. Brev't Major Knan. Moagnacw. V. R. C.. dnb-Aaat. Com. dnh-Dtetrlct, Atlanta Bnrsau lt. P. and A. L. Offlce In Granite Block, No. 1, room No. 9. roar or aixanta, Composed of the counties of Cobb, Pnlton, Campbell, Carroll, Coweta, Heard, Fayette, Clayton, dpaldtng, Henry. Newton, DeKalb, Milton, Gwinnett and Butts. Brev't. Brigadier General Taoaaa H. Ruorr, Colonel ctd United dutee Infantry, commanding Poet. Head quarters, room No. 3 Willingham Building, corner of Decatur and Ivy streeta, Atlanta, Ga. Brev't Captain O. C. Knapp, tat Lieutenant 3-'ld U. d. In- tuntry, Poet Adjntaut. Office at Headquartera. First Lientenant C. 9. Ilalbt, ltith U. d. Intently, Act ing Aasiatmnt quartermaster aud Acting Commissary dubsistence Post. Offlce, room No. 7 Willingham Building. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. FOB THB TUB HIT, J. K. Williams, Mayor $2,1)00 S. B. Love, Clerk ot Council 1,300 J. T. Glean. City Attorney suu Robert M. Farnur, City Treasurer ... 800 THE ABROV TIE AID IROX BAUDS BALING COTTON ! AN INSURANCE AGAINST Vlftl, WASTE, AVD THEFT ^UNtliUaLlD POM Simplicity ami Rapidity of Adjustment SURPASSED BY NONB FOB STBIXOTU AXD ADAPTABILITY TO ALL \ m any form to fiirniah provocatives to division. The great work ol restoring tha Union anti guar aiueeing permanence to the results achieved by (be war remains to be completed, and antil this he done no new issue should be entertained.— The future has important questions in reserve, and the tariff is one of them. But it is criminal to anticipate cauMe of party difference or to di vert public attention, however slighly, from the momentous task with which it has been entrust ed by the country. Forbearance, moderation and li berality in interpreting the motives and aims of others are qualities which the Republi can party cannot too sedulously cultivate in the present critical condition of national affairs. The Terrible Caewaitv la But Abloitea, limibiHtu. The telegraph bos made brief mention of a distressing casualty in East Abingtoo, in the burning to death ot two young ladies in their i dwelling. The unfortunate persons were daugbt-1 era of Jairna Keene, a furniture dealer, wh*> ! speaiis much of his time in New Orleans, where i he now is. His wife and two dunghters—A bey, ' aged nineteen, and Lucy, aged twenty-one years —resided in a abjiy and a hail cottage, the moth er sleeping in the lower part of the house, and j the giria up stairs. The Boston Traveller thus i tells the sad story : About 11 o'clock Mix Keene was awakened bv the noise of her daughters running around meir chamber and scseaming. She rushed im mediately to the stairs, but the passage way was so Hied with smoke, and the stairs themselves so entirely on lire, that she could not get to her nildren. She then ran to her nearest neighbors tor help. Dr. Underwood was the first to reach tbs burning boose. Finding it impossible to gain access to the chamber in any other way, he procured a ladder, and at great personal hazard gnt into the window. The room was so tilled with smoke that he could live in it onlv by crawling on the floor. Feeling his way, he found the lied, it was empty, he then felt aiound for the bodies ot the young ladies, but could not dnd them, and was compelled to make his way ut as soon as possible, his hair and face scorch ed by the dames. This morning, the charred remains of the two accomplished and esteemed young ladies were found among the ruins ot 'lie burnt house. It is not certaialy known how the tire took, but it is surmised that it must have been communicated to the clothing ot the closet of the back chamber, where the ladies hung up 'heir Sunday dresses. They had both attended evening service, and returned home and retired between nine and ten o'clock. The Are proba bly had been smouldering and burning in the closet and the back chamber until it bad tilled the chamber with so dense a smoke as to be wilder and suffocate the poor girls on being awakened to their terrible danger. Later information states that the grief stricken mother hae become hopelessly insane on account of this terrible affliction, and is now a raving maniac, constantly shouting, while in her flts of ieliriam, the names of her lost daughters, both of whom an reported to have been young ladies ot rare beauty and intellectual culture. d. h. Davies * co„ Coanisston Manhunts, Louisville, Kentucky. GLENN, WRIGHT * CARS. Agents. Atlanta. Gs. E. J. Boschs.Clty Physician 1,900 Jag. F. Cooper, Cl tv kiuHomf i .*mn Robt. Crawford, HARDWARE AND IRON. Amuucu*, Qa., November 1, 1HHM. Messrs. Bright ic*Q >t Barrow . Gents—The twenty (,‘JO) tone REED’S PH08PBATE I bought of yon this year. I need on Com aud Cotton. I sm so well plensed with the effect on my crop, th»t I wish to purchase of yon for next yanr't crop, one hundred Yours respectfully, JA3 A. COBB. 75 COILS MANILLA HOPS. 75 dozen Short Hand ten Trying Paul. 40 coils Pliant Facklna M to f Inch, SOI) docan Shovels and Spade*, I isnn do sen Pocket Knives, AM gross Table Cutlery, M> aoien Cury Combe, 130 boxes Tin Piste, 2000 pounds Block Tin, tono pounds Bar Land, 300 bags 9h-t, 70 bandies Bright Iron Wire, mo dozen Iron wire Sifters, .80 Anvils, 79 Visas. t«10 pounds Smoothing Irons, 2000 pounds Grtffln'a Hone Nalls, ’man files assorted, ,_un — 3 toss —. 30 tons Plow Steal, 300 tons Swedes and Signed Iron, no tons Band, Hoorn and Horse Shoe Iron. 15 tone Oval, Half Oval, and Half Round Iron, 25 ton* Bo Uer. Plate, and Sheet Iron. P >r sale by WEEDS * CORNWELL, Nos. 159 and Ut Broughton Street, Savannah, Us. COFFEE. ‘If iAA BAGS lust received, ton Hlu da Janeiro, •J yjyjyj per British Brig spring. For sale by — S a CORNWALL, ”* "—jbton Scree | BSiMr tnsi.1 miATWi uli.' B Y virtue of an order from tha Court of Ordinary ot Miltun county, Go., will be told, on Che 'drat Tuesday tn October next, between the legal Boitrs of •Ale, at the court boose door in said county, as the ml estate of WlUiam Harris, deceased, the following lots of laud, vtz: The plantation whereon deceased lived at tl e time of bis death, situated three miles northeast from Alpharetta, on the waters orvickery's creek, containing 320 acres, more nr less; about 173 acres cleared and in zood condition: about SO or 1UU acres ot drat-ebus bot tom land, that will make com any year. Solu lor the benefit of tbe heir* and creditors ot said deceased. Terms: One-half zOth December. 1M7, and the other b.ilf 1st December. 1866, with interest from day of suit*, files perfected when payment is made. August 12, la«7. JAMBS G. HARRIS. Adm’r. augSO—td Printer's fee S3* This Manors, manntectnred In Georgia (the virtues for which are attested by well known Georgia citizens, and which is calculated to do so much for “Beconstruetltm" in Georgia) ie for sale by LANGSTON, CRANE & HAMMOCK, Sole Agents, Alabama Street, Atlanta, Ge. SACKS AND WHEAT WANTED. E. E. Raweon, , City Engineer. 1, Conuniaalonerof Public Works.. 1,500 George Stewart, Overeeer of Streets . 1,1X10 Jo. S. Smith, Tax Receiver end Collector 800 Pat. Fitzgihbon, Hall-Keeper MX ALDBRMIN. vtacTwann. M. T. Castleberry, Richard Paten. sacom> wans. A. W. Mitchell. Titian wash George W Terry, W. C. Anderson, ■titnrra ward. J. B. Gallstt, W. B. Cox. nru ward. J A. Hayden, B. W. Holland. POLICE DEPARTMENT L. P. Thomas. Chief Manhnl $1,909 K. O. Murphy, Deputy Marshal 1,500 J. L. Johnson, let Lientenant of Police 1,000 T. 0. Murphy, 2d Lieutenant of Police Loot poLicmxw—1$2 25 ran oat.) t. J. Cook, F J. Botnar, D. Koj E. A ran. Centf Juunlee and Burlaps. Alabama Street. 96th SEMI-ANNUAL EXPOSE. TOTAL LOSSES PAID, SQ1,Q.71,97Q 57 ! Noe. 199 aud 101 Broughton Scree . A. Hinton, Hall, J L. Crenshaw, G. W. Bowen, l: M Baity. A. Jorrard, O P. Woodlia, Jasper Groves, W. u. C. Cowan, J. 8. Holland, A D. Haynes, D. queen, I R. Love, J. A. Lang, R. B. Hntchine. J. M. Connally, Green Holland, H. W. Wooding, a. J. Bel taels w, M. W. Has berry J. F. Bames, T. G. McUan, J. A. Lanier, The Uses of Commerce: FJ7HET ore manntectnred in LIVERPOOL, of the beet English Iron, under the personal rapervleion of the In ventor, formerly a resident of New Orleans, La. The ARROW TIE ie preferred by Shipmasters and Compreeamen, aa it le worked with one-eighth to one inch slack, while all SOLID TIBS require three to 9vs inches, which, In running through a cargo, involves a heavy hiss to the Shipmaster. Use the Arrow Tie aid Baade, AND SAVE MONEY IN PRE1GHT and INSURANCE! Arrangements have been made to secure an ample (ap ply of the ARROW TIE and BANDS for the coming sea- ion. TAMES A. HALL, Agent Middle and Southwest Georgia. ANDREW LOWE & CO., General Agents, Savannah. Ga. Tha undersigned la prepared to tarnish tha ARROW TIE to tha trade at SAVANNAH PRICES, forwarding and truteportatioa added. PDATTE, EDWARD! * CO., AgSBta, Forsyth Street, Atlanta. Ga. HEM THE IM8UMMCE MEMT8! Tor each span oMt?Itae^ $1. and (or aKh anbeeqaaat sfnvom g mmmt 8 1 2 « S 1 1 t I » ss ii Ij'aqtaom | TTTTTTrni 3 s « s 8 t > * t ( 1 «s j! 'Yteom 1 “TTTTTTTT1T ssmmn «e j j| 'iMtelltl TTFIXi i * : ' * S 5 2 X « : MQA9 S FT? : - 2 s s 3 m ■ ®»«uri 9 g TTTil r : -1 II •»««> a 8 a » 8 a • *> •• s S 8 : s» ... •|»fflfj 4 5 3 S S 8 8 ■9* W W W O • M» ** • 1 M«n« .1 8 8 8 8 8 8 : re « ffl * l- * : m ! -tetunfiS | Special > oticea, p. • suite per line 4ret Insertion, and O. cants per line for each *nbesqueni insertion. Advertisements inserted at iatorvala to bo new each insertion. Advertisements ordered to remain on anj page, to be charged aa new each insertion. The money for advertising considered dna after Oral insertion. All commnnleattona or letter* on bneineie Intended lm this offlce should be addressed to "The Atlanta Intent gencer.” JARED IRWIN WHITABXk, Proprietor. RAILROAD GUIDE Georgia Ballwad E. W. COLE.'lufMr.GeiKfek.. w. h. mx, KENTUCKY PLANING Mill, DOOR y BlIXD, AND SASH ifANCFA CTCTtFR, And Denier in all kinds of Building Lumber, Rough aud Brewed, JUNTO STHKET. N EAR BIIOADWAT, LOIIHVIL LK, KENTUCKY, AllI kinds of Ripping. Opllttiiig. Scroll Sawing done to onler wit' Special attention paid t.i tectnred works, ao that it portatlon. out rusisam nin. Leave Atlanta at Arrive at Augusta Leave Angasta at. .Vrrive at Atlanta (No trains run on Sunday.; niout raaeneiB Tnain. ; Leave Atlanta i Arrive at Augusta Leave Augusta.. ' Arrive at Atlanta .3.00 A. M . 3.« P. V 3.0) A. M 8.0) P. M ga.3 45 P. M .’“'s.ia A. M . a.uo p. m ... 4.46 A. M Atlanta A West-Point RaBreaL L. P. GRANT!” ing. Turning, and ih neatness anil dispatch. packing nni ,‘upping mauu- . OAT PASSMI.KB TBA1X—OCTWABO. Leave Atlanta 7.00 A. M Arrive at West Point 12.00A. M DAT 1'A.wxnaaa nuci—orwAno. Leave West Point , 12.40 P. M Arrive at Atlanta 9.10 P. M BREEDEN &c BRADLEY, lumber merchants, And Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Ac. —ALHO— PACSiyo BOXER OE EVERY DESCRIPTIOX. Lumber Yard on Walunt. bet. East and Flovd streets Warurnomson First street, bet. Ma™and Rive square below the New Galt Hons.-, ' Jell!—lm LOUSVILLE, KT. Clerk of FI rat Marker—Thcophilai Harris. Clerk of Second Market—Frank T. Kyan. >»;XLon—G. A. PUrrim. ‘-icy AdtM*uB<>r»—tt. s. Waters, W. C. HumphrlM, and C. F. Wood. Ai*H»*»*»H>r of Land taken for Opening Stroetu—Levt Welle, nnd F. P. Rice, riTANDING COXM1TTSIS OF THB CITY COUNCIL FOR THB FISCAL TBAB 1887. Fiauuce—Peters, Mitchell, Rawson. Ordinance— Mitchell, Usydeu, Peters, btreete sud Sidewalks—Gnllntt, Rswson, Hayden. Wells, Pumps and Ciatsrns—Cox, Anderson, Castle- oerry. Lamps and Gas—Hayden, Tarry, Peters. Keliuf—Castleberry, ttawaon, Terry, Gnilatt, Hayden. Market—Hayden, Castleberry, Holland. Fire Oeparunent—Unllatt, Cox, Terry. Police—Rawnon, Cox, Anderson. metenr—Terry, Mitchell, ttawson. I ic Buildings uml tirouuds—Anderson, Terry, Pe- j Public »;rs. Tux—Holland, Rawsou, Cox. On Printing-Terry. Holland, Castleberry Salaries—cox. MitcUeil. Holland. BOARD JThKALTH. First Ward—Dr. J. M. Boring, decond Ward—O. H. Jones, 1 Hatanmah, Mat 7th, 1887. I The recent Ores in this city having proved to oar entire ffrvrSSftan* by ft thorough test, tha superiority o* IRON I BANDS for baling purposaa, we strongly recommend I them to the use of the Planter* of Georgia aa an efllcieot ; agent in restricting lose by Are; and w® agree to diacriru- 1 oate, when practicable, in fovor of cotton thus secured. A. WILBUR, General Insurance Agent. CHARLES GREEN A SON, Ag’ts Liverpool. London A Globe In. Co. CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., Agt’s Sun A Atlantic M. Ins. Co., N. Y R. H. FOOTMAN. Insurance Agent. WOOD BRIDGE BROS.. Ins. Agents. J. T. THOMAS, Insurance Agent. j. c. McNulty, r Southern »T. STEWART, Agent London A Lancaster In®. Co. LANE A WEST, Insurance Agents. Macon, Ga., May 10th. 1867. The recent lire at th® Warehouse of Mr. B. T. Chap man, in this city, having fully demonstrated the ad van uge of the use of Iron Bands for baling purposes, as a security against loss bv dr®, we, the undersigned Insu rance Agents, Macon, Ga., taka pleasure in endorsing the action of the Agente at Savannah. Ga. E. C. GRANNISS, Agent for several Ins. Companies. J. W. BURKE, Insurance Agent. E. J. JOHNSON A CO., Insurance Ag'ts. J. MONKOE OGDEN, Insurance Agent. M* M. BOARD MAN. Insurance Agent. JNO. B. COBB, Isurance Agent. «DBAT 90FTHERN WrSIC HtirSE ! I LOUIS T It IPP, (succBsson ro mipp a cbauo,) W HOLESALE nail Retail Dealer in — .JT““, oi ;-. c «blnet Orpins. Mehidn- WC^SDKi one, »nd oil kinds of MusiVal M.-rcUnn- WtrWV di*e, and Publisher of Slusii:. ‘.malocue J J F 7 V of music and nrii’ri Htet .-t»* innt*...««»«»... i* • - * plication, Hohtf*arey * Wawt-Patmt RUlreM. DANIEL H. CRAM, sfepretateiutenr. DAT Tajoit. Leave Montgomery 9.00 A. „ Arrive at W«*t-Point 12.00 M. Leave West-Point 12.45 P. M Arrive at Montgomery 6.46 P. M Airive at Columbus 12.9U P M Leave Columbus g.u0 A. ■ Arrive »t Opelika 1(L14 a. M EVBYufn Tmai.H—opxLrna ^n> comm. Leavo Opelika. mP; M Arrive at Colnmbns X.94 p. M Leave Colnmbbs 11.DA.M Arrive at Opelika.. 145PX a. B. WALKER, Superintendent DAT PASSIXalB TOAOI. Leave Macon A. L Amve at Atlanta 1.57 p. M Leave Atlanta 9.99 £. M Arrive at Macon l.snp. te of music and prira list of instriimnnrs’maiied free on ip ' Leaves Atlanta 7.15 plfi Andress Arrives in Macon ie .'* LOUIS TRIPP jeI2—»m N ° 8 ' M * n< * M ' rpffur80n Sr " Louisville, K : ,\ 4.29 A. M OREEjf LEAF .it- HEMP LEAF) BAfitiIVi, A X D ROPE. f ^1HK uniiereigneit he-eby notify their inends and all consumers of the above named staple Goods, that they continue to mannfhctnrs them in Louisville, Ky They hope and expect to have it in rheir power to exe cute every order sent them this -eason All Letters Promptly Seplied To. w A RICHARDSON ± SON. Lontevill*. Kentucky. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE. Ma.RYLA.VD. T HE Stxtieih Annual 8es ICINK, in the Univ.. nience on the 11th -if Oi T' the 1st of itarcli, laffa. ‘ion of rho SCHOOL of MED- **u v 4)i Maryland, will emu- R'-R, I-'0T, aud will ttuil on 0 >nr^f J. r. PS ARCS. W. T. WUBLBSrt. • HAS. A. PBARCE. THE J TJ LIVE DRUG HOUSE, CORMBH WHITEHALL AND aLaBaHA STBBITS, LY 1, 1 8 67. ASSETS i .1/ Market Value.) A TLANTA, C*»h oa baud -uul in Bank. | 515.886 :i0 Real Estate 348,'.K)8 03 | Mortgage Bond® 606,660 00 GEORGIA, j Bank stuck i,*jo6,4no ou I U. Bute®, State and City Stock, and other Public Securitie*.. 1,084,.'108 80 W E INVITE the attention of Um public to our «upe- rior stock of Dr *«** Msfflstass, Pmlils, ffltte. Window ^ Slam, tec. iMfelleltF. Several mootiu line* a negro working oo President’s Island married a very pretty yellow rirl. He brought bis new wife to tbe island, ind for a time they lived happily together.— Soon die husband’s sunlight was darkened bv tun shadow of a gay colored fellow, who saw, admired, and lovea the woman who bad prom ised to love, honor and obey bim. The wife tor- jot her vows, forgot her husband, abandoned uim. and commenced living with her pnrnmoiir This incurred about two weeks ago. The guilty pair were rejoiced a day or two afterward at die abandoned hatband's departure. He ielt without intimating that he would return, ami they fondly hoped to be rid ot him forever — i esterday evening he suddenly reappeared on 'he island, sought the residence ot his wife’s se- lueer, saw him sitting in the but, drew a re- poater uid tired several times. The balls took elicit, and the author ol' his misery lav dead in tin: presence of his taithiess spouse. The latter screamed, anil evidently anticipated the same punishment, but she was not molested. The murderer, assured of his victim’s death, turned *nd walked away. He soon left the island, and ana not since been heard from. The names ol , , Parties were unknown to the Coroner, Mr. i Ami pure FRCTT SYRUP^ai* still attracting m«il< -otuin, who, at noon, left to hold an inquest on whoee thirst is allayed by lti quatitnc waters, anil sui- the son,..;— .■ -. » -• — .... ... aincba eneriflzed by the tonic vtfoct of the laihonic Acid Gas. ' The Atlanta Mineral Spring water i* kept on draft at the ARCTIC FOUNT. 114 many of our afflicted cUiaens Baying in larg* qnantitlea and original paekagea. directly from Importer* and Manatee- turera. for tba CASH, we ora abla to Oder inducemanta to purchase)*, either BY WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Our stock m foil, «n<i consists of nrery variety of Foreign and American Goods, from tha ChcapMt to tha Finest. OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT $4.650,1138 27 Less Liabilitiea, Claims not due and unad justed. 377,6(18 48 Nut Assets $4,473,289 81 AND INLAND NAVIGATION RISK®. C^"Agcncics in all the principal cities and towns in the United States. Applications for Insnrantre will he prompth' attended to. OFFIOE—With C. 1. Brown, on cast side of Whitehall street, one door from Alubuma. jy t*-*— X. L. ANGIER, Agent. WAEDS OF TUI CITY. The City of Atlanta shall be laid off into live wards, as follows, to-wlt: FIRST Ward. ' Commencing at the crossing of Whitehall street with i the Western M Atlantic Railroad, and running up tbe south side of said railroad to the incorporation line, then | dowu said line to the center of Whitehall street, theu | north aloug the center of said street to the starting point. and which shall be knowu aud constitute Ward number J JACKSON STREET\ One. SECOND WARD. PEARCE, WHELE88 & CO., COTTON FACTORS Commidaion Merchants, - AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. street, at tbe Western & Atlantic Railroad, and running easi dowu the railroad to the croasing of Calhoun street, in the rear of the 'ieorgta Railroad workshop, then south along the middle of said street to the center of McDou* ough street, rbeuce along uie center of McD«inongb street to the incorporation tine, then aloug said Hue to the cen ter of Whitehall street at its crossing at tbe incorporation line, then aloug the center of aoid street to the startiug Cl^Store and sell Cotton and other Produce. Bagging and Rope furnished at market price®.sep7—«m rTwo. THIRD WARD. M. L. WRISTON. TO SOUTHERN MERCHANTS. Ring the Door Bell at Night! our Beautiful ARCTIC SODA FOUNT U \ styles of ALL WOOL CA881MhKEB, aud with the most durable JEANS and KERSEY fabrics, ai. free from shod dy and other impurities, onler aumples from the sub scriber, and they will be forwarded, with prices attached, during the mouths of July aud August. From these sam ples you can make your selections and return your or der*, and the goods will be forwarded directly from the Manufactory JOHN A. YOUNG, President, Jeft—tin 1 harlotte, N. C. f . -- *V1» aw U*>|<4 >»a» DU •h« reminns of the victim.—Xemphie Ledger. Itvf. ..'•' E - N BtiscgrNRiDoE’s Last Ovvicial Act — 'tajor r P. OchtUras, ol the Houston Teiei/rwph, ilia the following in s late letter Irom P:iris tail?Breckinridge st • dejeuner, ycsleriiny. •v' 1 of * l 'i* Isst set ot authority as riecreuiy of ' lr *m on the coast ot Florida—the <J«*n- vis pursued by the Federal cavalry, they ‘ire M-tiing Die country in every direction ; a nend in neeil" came to bin rescue—he wus one nreynril', g'tllant old regiment ot the Army ■11., He said, “Ueaeral. I have an old if, “*re tliat mout carry us to Kurhy ; anvhi.w mli.. A* un '" Bo he workei) away all* that <hi r iming the boat from where he bad aunk it from prowling Yankees; he rkeil tititlifully and energetically in patching I4U ‘‘ ’tailing ft,artidcialiy duisningit up aud l » » pruviaioos. Oen. B. Uie ' Ie teilow by the hand and said to him: “I “"•to tew more hour, of authority, hut ’* rT ' c '* *■ ynu have rendered your country mZ l? w * rt ' V,,u ,ha " •» » Major. I will 3 r< ?" r commission now.’’ lie waa ex ue».i ni? ^iy thankhtl, but remained ocratchlng his , aihoughttul attitude. “Well, my Irieud,” t ie, ‘r ' KO * r * 1 ' “Well, you see, tieneral, thar’* ,n,i ’’"f ngtment what ain’t done nothing. ,11,11, * * Major and a Quartet-mauler, and it' !„mf,,' 8 «®«V , y o " l arould lest like to rank 'agonreTiL ll k “«^k!». to ly that the “go hq»u^. *”y* f y '* War iuntantly wrote tee • commlsaion M Ckiro cash buyers are invlied to oxamlo® 0'ir stock. REDWIN! B FOX, C«rn*r Whitehall and Hunter streets, )n)y**5—c Atlanta, (ieorirla. Cheap Houses and Lots. I OFFER for sale for CASH, three Hoaoea sad Lets nn 'he wsat aide of Martin street, oupoaltu Mr. H. Pettaa. One ironta 77 taut by 288 beck, with • smell house ot two rooms and a planks. This la a comer lea. Hunting nn Martin street, and running back on tba north aids of Faith street, and baa a wall on it. Trice $9tnk. Another comer lot opposite the above, an Ihe oouth side of Faith street, fronting 90 Brat oa Mania street and ranalhg heck on Faith 2U0 feet. It baa a house hi hy *l tael. Price $S0U. The other lot adfaius and is oouth of tbe last, fronting 30 feet on Martin street and manias twek ihai taut, lutv Ing a bnuiM* is be 24 feat. Price $805. Thom is a well 'tn tba line hetwaee the last two lot*. This property Is la tbs 3d Ward, and in in three min utes walk of Uie <1ty Hail. G W ADAIR final Karate Broker, Offlce Whitehall iftreet. near tbe Uni trend. •sptSOoM Dancing School! Prof. J. S. NICHOLS W ILL rosnm® rho exerrtae* of liia Acadsmy on THURSDAY, September «Hh, 1367. CLASSES: For Gout®—'Thursday a aud Fridays, at 8 unlock, P. M. For Laditts, Mihsos, and MusUth— Fritlay and Saturday Afternoons, at 4 o'clock. For terms. Ac., apply at the Academy, on Whitehall street, over J H. White A Co.'s Dry tioods Store. seplT—‘*t Commencing at the center of Caihuun street, at ita (Ninth crossing of th® Georgia Railroad workshop, and running dowu the toiuh side of said railroad to the In* corporation line, tlieu along **id line to th® center of Me Uonough street to the starting point, which shall consti tute ana be known as Ward number Three. FOURTH WARD. Commencing on rlie north aide of the Georgia Railroad, in the center of the 4:ro**iug of itiud railroad by Loyd street, and running down the north side of tend railroad to the incorporation line, ihen along *aid line to Ivy street, thea along the ceuter of Ivy atreet to Decatnr Htreer, then aloug *aid atreet west to the center of Lovd to the starting point, which shall constitute and be known att Ward number Four. FIFTH ward. Commencing at tne north of said railroad, at the cen ter of the crossing of Loyd atreet, and running west along the north side of the Western A Atlantic Railroad to the incorporation hue, theu along said line to the cen ter of Ivy street, then south along the center of De catur street to the cemer of Loyd street, theu along the ceuter of Loyd street to the starting point, which shall constitute aud be known as Ward number Five. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer—Thomas Haney First Assistant Engineer—Henry Gullati. Second Assistant Engineer—W. G. Knox. Secretary—B. F. Moot®. Treasurer—.iames hi. Gullatt. Atlanta Enoink < WHO WANTS Jk. HOME? R N. WALTON offer# every person who desires U an opportunity to make a home lor himself on easier terms than was ever befur® offored in this city, via : On thro®, four and live year®' time, at from |i to |1A par month iaitajmenta. Four new building® sow or the tsod. Undtapoud title® given. For forUier psrticnisr® call si Gsnwr * Thrasher a, Baal JUuu Ag«au, or on *. N Watemiat T. F. Weataaorolsad's o«ce, corner of Whitehall aa£ Bnntar straots. " “ SOUTHERN HOKE SCHOOL FOKl YOUNG LADIUS. RSTASMSHRn IN 1SW. Nos. 1ST and 188 ft. fharlss flrtal, •ALTIMORK, MO. M r. a MRS. WILSON M. CARY and MUR. GEN. JOHN PEG RAM, Principals, assisted by a foil corps of able Instructors. Duties resumed the JUth oi September. French Is th* lauguage of the school. No pauia are spared to rondo- 'his Institution d«*erviug ol the encouragement it baa alwtiya liberally received from the Southern people. Upon these triouda alone it now depend® for patrouaga. For circulars containing foil in formation. address either of the principals as above. aug88—lm* Johu B. Normau Seiunel W ilaon. . II. Muhlenbriuk. t tuirles Scbnau. Joliu Uerkele John Wilby J. H. Ellriworth F. 4 Bra«:keu .H. L. Collier U. Warner II. Haney, i Wa. Krogg, | M. L. Roberta IRPAMT No. 1. President . . Foreman Secretary . Treasurer First Director hecond Director Third Director ... Engineer First Assistant Engineer Second Assistant Engineer . . riuni Assistant Engineer . . Axemen Delegate to Fire Department l. d. c. wood. janes h. low. j. h. lcdwiosen. WOOD. LOW A LU0WI68EN, iFormorly Wood A Low— Eatabllabed 184B,) COTTOTV FACTORS —i*D— General Commission Merchants, 190 I'ommon Street, »tw Orlnaan, Lailaltna. aoTHoaiziD nxrxnkNoka is atlast*. A. Anatoli. Preaident Atlanta National Bank; Mr. A K. Soago, Meaar*. Zimmerman Jt Verderey, Menu*. P. A t». T. Dodd, Moaars. Chapman te Hacker, Meaar*. .McDaniel A Strong. E*r Personal attention given to tbo ante of Cotton and pnrehaw! of all dcicrlptlon* of Produce. jan2S—ly SALT! SALT! Liverpool Salt, Direct Importation. Alwayn on bund and for .ale hy WEST te DANIELS, 4apl7—2m.lonea’ Block. Savannah. Oa. Fac r I. r V N-.\tU4.n R. Smith. M D . P*--.r ( ..*nr Wj, :5inL AlKlv ' M - £i LL - " • Piot"»,if Chemwtrv and Pharmut •• G. W. MlLTENBEitGER. M. D . Pro ,f < ibsr.erries. ” IC ^ • *''' r ufoasor .if Principles and Practice of .Medicine. CnuaTOFUIK Jihinston. M. r>Proi'easor of rtenerai. Descriptive, aud Surgical Anatomv. Sajicbl c. Chew M. D.. Pror'.-sHor of Muroria Medica ' and Therapeiuics. Frank Donaldson. Sf. D , Professor of Physiology, Hy- W esters * Atiaatlc BaUi ued. CAMPBELL WALLACE, Supsrmtmdsnt. NIUiiT BXrnEMS FAdSRNUKn TRoteiN—DAILY. Leave Atlanta 7.0C SUM. Arrive at Chattauooga 4.10 A. M Leave Chattanooga .... 4.30 p. |g Arrive at Dalton p. n I Arrive at Atlanta. 1.41 A* V DAT PASSINUia TRAIN Daily, except bundaya. Leave Atlanta %/£ n I Leave Dalton « %,'io P. M Arrive at cuattanooga. 5.35 p* j| Leave Chattanooga * 3.3* ^ m Arrive at Atlanta 1^.03 u DALTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Daily except bundaya. Leave Atlanta. 390PM Arrive at Dalton ^ 18.35 P* M ... i.*p!if • * * ».4» A. M Mall Stage Line from Atlanta 80 Dak- teaega. Leavo Atlanta Monday, Wednesday and Friday ...6AM. 1 Arrive Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7 P. M. Don't Wash Another Week Without Buying I GREATEST WONDER OF THE ROE! HAEL'hJ INlVEItlSAL WASHING MACHINE!! SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE LADIES. I T lute long been felt and ackuowtedged that a Washing Machine would vet be invented mat would be sim ple. cheap, ami more effective tliau any of the Machines heretofore offered to tue public, such a Machine is now offered without tear of competition. 1st. One woman will do more with a Machine six can do without it. It will wa*k live dirty ahiit® 1 including wristbands and collars) uerfectiy clean in from gienne, au«l General Pathology. Wm. T. Howard. M D . Profo men and Children. Jambs H. Butler, M. D., Demonstrator, and Adjunct liyeiology, Hy- . four to eight miuutes—this we guarantee, or 1 . ion 1, u *, • ¥*1 reffuires uo skill to onerate it, as a gi cases -a o- , „id has washed tin Atlauta) FuL'K DOZMN J rl 13 ye® lBcEb 1 the Professor o t" Anti tomy* ~ MJl44I " v w ' - ff; ««*«*••*« ‘east one third lees ®oap, and will pay For Mairinnla- I &£*££*• tiem, For Practical Anatomy. $10. The taiverairy Honpital tor Indrmary) attached to the College, ranks among tliu first <*linical schools in the country. Being the Seaman - Hospital of the port of Baltimore, as welt as a civil hospital, it affords a great vanety in the forms of disease always under irearment. . ..... surgical Operanons. and Clinical Lectures on Surgerv, ' no Washing Machine on the market that uin'be*bought ( Women and Chil- , for even twice the money, and uo Machine that will com- .. iven without breaking—something no other machine can do. We manufacture these Mochiuos in this place, and shall sell them at TEN DOLLARS, Ihe same pric: they ora aald for in He* York. Th« at- Prnctica! Meilicmu,aud 'h* Hi dren, ora conatltiU'nt purr, m th.: d.iilv ina'rucniia by the ni.pectivo Pr«ifo*M)r. .if iho lur'i'iirinn Madam* dt**irlnir 'o perfoi t liii'in-eivc- ,a .fttcialllies. cau take coiir**:* <" private inalrti'-tnm I'rnm Adi tachod to tha vurioua Chairs. «EO. W MILTKNBERDER. M D„ Dean. «ep7— taivSiv WANTED I.tlMEDI.tTELY, ^GOOD COACH SMITH, no Wo*bi: for ev«n t _ . t pale with it in tha pariurmouca of ita wur A UOOD COACH PAINTER. ! Addraaa »epl3—(It Mkrita.air Cdmi*a.nt No. 2. J. E. Onllait. J. G. Kelley. .. W. D. Luckie.Jr O. U. Jona*.. E. Buiue [*aac Stuinbelmar G. W. Tarry. Joel Kalttay .laiua* Dauiai* 4. M. Toy. G. T Andaraou. i ! W. t. Wiioda. I I J. M. Blliiv. I loaaph WUny, i 1 I J K Alaxauifor i d L Lialitiuaiadt. .Praatdnl VicaPnMidrnt Secretary Treaaurar Pint Director Sacond Director Chief Euiginvi'r Eirat AaalMtant Eaguwar Second AaatHtnnt Bunlnaar Tbint Aaalatant Enfonaar Plpamun Axeman .Snrifaon . KupreoeutaUvu to Fire Depart muni TahLFLan Bnoiki Conraxr No. 3. S. W. tvnihn Preetdrat. E. A Center Vice Freaident. W. C. Shearer .. .Jflrat th rector. (HWiya Tbompeon Second Director. J. J Roirer* tioae Director. Julm D. Clarke Secretary. Hsus aa PuwhtrM Stnet to Boat I WILL RENT to on acceptable and prompt MMh tenant, tba Honan tad aa acre lot on Pancb- Hy ana atreat, now occupied by WUnon J. ■ailnrd. Hi *^T*«8. m f* wrefe. Q w Lawta H. Clarke John A. HUI A. Thieme IL 4. Orme, M. D W H. bl|i(are Treatnrer. Dnlfflita. ATLanTa Hook and Lads an Co. No. 1. J. L. Queen Fi •“‘Wm ingn . Trentnrnr Jteprattntehva m Ptra Daparaunt C. F.IKD'Alvti J. A Ytrhront Gan. Johntoa. Louisville Steam Bakery F. W. 6TIMMCL A CO., 308 tend 310 Went Green Street, | LOntVlLLE, Kt., Whola*u(a Dealers and Manui*rtiir.'ra of all kind* of CHA.CKERS. Amenta for Sttmmel'a calelrated <JCIC/C YBAST. »epll—'tin PHILLIPS Jt FLANDERS, Nuit, to Dodd'ft C«>rn»r, Whitehall Street. m-OULD rttspprtfolly call your attontum to our 7ABIKTY HTB€K OF BOOM. PRATTE. EDWARDS & CO., Commisision. Merenants, Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ca. J N STORE AND To ARRIVE. 80000 pounds Clear Sides, 10000 pounds Clear Rib Sidi 1 #, 5000 pounds 8hou!don>, barrula Lard, 14010 poundri Arrow Cotton Tio, 30 pitM’pH Rputucky Bagging, -*im» coila Rope, 50 barrel* Rostmdalo Cnmt*nr. 50 barrels Lotiisvillo Ccinu.!, bags Whlro Corn, 10 hnr-«li* Cltlor Vinegar, Vast Plows, Manufucmred Tobacco, flllwl. f-onsIgnmontH soil- EDWARDS Jb CO. Themi MacUin-s aro ou exhibition in this city, at the store of JOUNSUN « hCHOLS, Whitehall street. M it. BKaNTL X <iwus th® Patent bight for this remarkable Machine in ail the Stmihern beat®#. Liberal inducementa will be offered to gentlemen desiring the exclusive ngb* to sell these Machines in counties and districts, or atauT Cali on, or address, D. 6. RB^TLY * CO., Rome. Ga. fw Any on® infringing upon thte Patenrfligbt will Ik prosecuted according to law, and any one giving miorma tion of the same, will be liberally rewarded. A Great Labor-Sarisf Mackiu. We, the undersigned cinzeus of Home, wouct say, is behalf of “Hairs Inivuraai Washing Machine, after hill trial and use, that* m consideration of its eheaLne®®, the durability of the Machine, the ease and iiuickuest ol mo- fiou. tue siuail amount ot soap required, aua tiiu protec- , “ n oi the dottles, would recommend it to a generous public. P. M. SIIEIBLY, J* A. STKWART. WM. WEST. JAM EH NOBLE, Sr., G. W. F. LAMPKIM, !»AM. F. POWERS, JOHN W. NO BLR, • J. J. COHEN. .. . , _ Atlants, May 7, 1887. I bought the line “Hall’s Pateut Universal washing M.tcuiue'* brought to Atlanta, and am uow using it to my perfect satistecuon, and recommend it to all aa a great Labor-Saving Machine. Mrs. CYNTHIA gife All cash order® promptl; cited. seplll-am HRA FT M0TICE TO ARCHITECTS. Phans’ Home, were passed - Rtmlveti, That Mi for the purdiuft •dof Managers .>f'lie (7.-orgisi benoffr. of ttu> “Masonic Or- July Irttli. lftOT, tile folluwiug re?*i»liiiiuuri Mauai Print® Domestic® Bleaching Ticking PtgRNu Muslins Kentucky Jean®.. Cottonadea from. 10 to ‘JD cents from 15 to oil cents .from 15 to k) rents from 01 to SO cents from 15 to 31) cents from 1ft to .*0 cants from OU to 3ft cents from On to -M «?®nta I Labor-Saving Machine. dibectiokTFOB USB* I Lei the Muchme down into a common wash tqh by culling uotches into the sides, for the journals to rest in i inril it **omes within oue inch of the bortom of tkatato* i Uii with hot water until the water cor* « the pebble® in Mir machine two inches; wet the cio.ues In wur water >r is better to *4>ak clothes over night,; then ran a UtUa tioup on all the dirty plates; then put th® clothe® into the machiuc with the pebbles, and alwaysdU the ma chine liaif lull of clothes, shukiug them out as tb«y art* put in: theu close up the door una tarn th# crank from three to dve miuutes, keeping a slow, steady motion ns* in the dirt isout; thru run through a wringer; than boil in usual; theu put the clothes back into th® i with the tu* foil of colff water; give the machine eight or um turn® and your clothe® are ready forth® bluing water 1 and theu hang out to dry. Never turn the machia® when i empty of cloths*, as it breaks rh® stone®. If nuy of the pebbles become broken, pick them oat. For sale by JOHNSON ft BCHOLf, | niayn—tiljanl Whitehall Street, Atlanta, (is. j HONDURAS. P ERSONS wishing to join the Colony now beiag or guniaedat Atlauui, to sail from Mobil® direct to carry tents, as ho Col. E P. Watkins or D. P. Ferguson, ot l idv. rtw for proposals l)rJ - Dtddsmiili. at Mono Moiiutaiu, at one®, and my TWENTY ALUE8 t »K in * or • »d by express to either one of tii® above LAND iu the vicmiiv of vtteiiM. for Mm purport* m ,*r. ct- Persons, fdi) as a mum® to authorize our Treasniwr hi ing thereon a MAm»!NIP ORPHANS’ HOME—raid nro- uiukiug pcniiaueni arraugemeuu for transpo posaift to lie submitted to tbe Board of Mmug r*» hy ihe ^**-‘ r,,UI *s going with this Coiouy will save about i fonith day of kaproinber n^rt The titv* will tie \ 1 king the expenno tn»m AMiinia to Uondure® oi in the Grntid Lodge t«t the .'amic ol Georgia, orfiiclioiher 1 >a ^n^vucy, on a drat class ntoauiship. Masonic Lodge u the Si.ite in will acc< pt lie name. ' should the Grand Lodge den me the trn-f Rmotrrd. further, That the Mosul will pay #:.««> for the Draft of a Granite Building for the “Masonic Orphans' Home, to be suhmilted to rt» u U«>ard bv tbo < L aid plan i«i be ftotimwn ^^J.ENTLEMfc.N wh' ftly aho FamiU th an expend!- MOKE NEW GOODS. «<*lt reallr ale* 8*rea or Ptaa PUENCll c'ALlf SK.IN SUOEO, aitkaraf tea Coa- ‘ COB WU» mni.itry of tu. *mutf\:nirv. Thu ■' lire Imiiilrril linliiir. m l.« pm.l mi IinII .i'll* i I'inia m»v8— and a variety of Dirt; Dreoa Good., Linana. Tiiwallaga I 1! ,r "f* 11 )' lk*"i*iii"i il. ilni lm' ml’ iik; ii'*t } wtr. amt i ~ l Dataimii,* strap, or Oxford-11* uattern, aud Tahl* Clucha. * UwMUv ..I'll' mny hi* oxifniifii tV.nn v.*nr '<» year, ivlili- 1 J"'l Tin* lai«*t -1) in aud aiont approvaa ataate tn rh» HARDWARE Deparunanc many artidas tor * ‘ ““ Honaakeepen, Builder*, and Mechanira. Pt-RNlTfRE IN LARGE qCANTITY. Bcdatrada from $ 4 tu $19 ■arena* from 7 to 13 Wudrubu from into 19 Wood Stands. Dim 2 ta 10 Tnbl**.. from 2 to 7 Work aland* bom 2 to « baaldaa many ortaer artmm . too aamaroaa to mention. Sonar and Cotee. Uavou, Lard, and Syrup. Coat steal at 2U rente par pool Bar Iron at S canto par pair ffflfc:-....:. —nntktqg Iru—.. Audi rang ' S3 par pound at Seat* par pound at S canto par poaad »* Jes«tep« poaad •at 7 canto par poaad out destroying lilt above named «um the plan which the Hoard of Miiini! 1 the number prct-enic I For furtheriufonnutit>11. addrew Mo YD WILSON, Rusiucss Manager* Georgia Sf*ir« Lotti r tyift -Ulnovt Ailaiitu. (bur 7T.1APD. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLCCE. JfAU'kX, GEORGIA. Every dupartmvut ha. lanlltimi for Di-ui.himr thr hiuhvat >tv1« of odiuatlim, nn rua.niialu* turm*. For turthor particular*, apply to Rev. J. ffl. n.mnt-11 |i ft. I*ta.i1i>nt 07 . . „ W. C. DAta*, *a$2— tawUlortl 8*rr*Uiry uf Faculty, In ihr DUirM Cuart of tka Vl lor tha ft or tha rm 1q$p$q« afSatl Iu >h.' matter of I li-z*c li.iruarau), 5. la Bankruptcy. Uaukruut. I f J7u W itoft IT^IIaT CONCERN: 11«utunt Irena Ro. _ tit** di*irict afureaatd, who boa ban adjndnda j on hi* owu prtttfoa by lb* Dtatttet Court - acntcatbi'r 17.1887. At-c.rsT-js n. RtniHARor, Primer’'* fo* 75 rant* per aqaare tor —'*• Ibai-ffhii [ aepil -Juw'lw ha. bus adjodsadn bntoa