The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, October 04, 1867, Image 1

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r W S»«!) «> ►- $* i r- m • THH MrHMCflllHMK IH'IU»n« — - ,,f "" PUBLISHED DAILY AWI» WEEKLY IIY JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, l*roprl*»to». wsBssmsmsmf » \ i "" * ■ ■*— tntflligenciT. ATLANTA 010101A Friday Iffornln*, Oet.4.1667. Mm. Wad«'« ta»car«l -Ilia HmcmIhh t'l- leraurra. The following portion ot a recent a|>eccU by j u jgo Thurman, In Oblo, i* routable nml In- rtrttclive: Sow, let «* come down to thi* gentleman call the Acting Vice Pitwitlrnl of the Uni ted State*, who, in thi* city, a tew weeks ago, w** crvlng lor ntore blood, as II thi* country, heaven defend u«. had not enough Mood shed in the p»*t few years! This man, who says that every Southern leader ought to have boon Intng, ami that their Northern symtvMhiicn ought to have been hung, ton, and that It wan a wenknesa on the part of the government that they were n„l What kind ot a man is bo to talk that wav* In 18-V*. in the Senate of the United State*, under the solemnity of his oath, ho dc- cUrod' In the presence ot llui Southern leaders —in the pnoruce ot Jeff. l>avl*. and Toomba, and Mason, and the whole of them—that lie, Benjamin K. Wade, believed at all times in the wisdom, the constitutionality, and the propriety of the Virginia resolution* ol l'US and t Ttiit, and put upon them, in that speech, precisely the ('slhoun interpretation—the interpretation Unit, in the last resort, each State must judge lor Hself, both as to whether the Consti tution had been violated, and “of the rem edy in such a case." That was precisely the platform ol Calhoun. It was precise ly upon that platform the South defended tier light of saoetsion. What did he any at the next session of Congress * He said that lie had before him a message ol thu Governor ol South Carolina, and resolutions introduced into that logislature, aa preliminary steps toward dissolv ing the Union. Did he raise his voice to i-cnion- Mrate against them ? Did he entreat Souili < 'nr oliua to reconsider what she was doing, and to stsy in the Union, or did he threaten her with vengeance of the General Government if site went out with her disunion steps? Not one word of any such thing os Hint, but lie told her ami told the world—these urc his idintical words—“ This is actionthat is, these steps to dissolve the Union and “I do nntwhjoct." What stronger words than these could he have used Y He‘didn't object to a dissolution ol the Uuion when he bad the evidence of the ateps to dis solve It right before him in the Senate, and lie was speaking tinder the obligation of Ids oath. He declares Del'ore God and Ids country Hint lie does not object to these efforts to dissolve- the Union. Bnt now ho is for hanging nil the men who took him at his word. And in the same speech he said : “1 assail no man’s motives. I have pondered enough on the human mind nml human action to know that circumstances have much more to do with our opinions and actions than we are generally williug to arow. I am now n Black Republican, as you call me, imbued, 1 hope, with the principles of universal freedom and real Democracy—its advocate on all occasions—but if I bod been born on the other side ot (lie line, if I had been nurtured by those who hold prin ciples diametrically opposite to those I now pro- less, no doubt I should have principles diametri cally opposite to those I now hold. 1 ' That is, that it he had been born in tho South he would have been just as good a Southern man as .Tuff. Davis. Again, in that same speech he said: “Let us, if we san, reconcile the U ft ion with the best interests of all sections and all parties, so that thus it may endure forever, as I believe it may and ought. But it other sections think otherwise, if they find it cannot tie done consis tently with their interests, I do not ex|x?ct them to act in opposition to their well-settled convic tions of interest." In the same speech he said: “ That there is a great controversy betweeu the different Slates of this Uuion cannot lie tie- nied. I do not stand here to upbraid any inun for being the advocate ot either side of that great controversy. 1 know very well that it lias arisen among us, independently ot the will or action of any man, of any section. It is not under Utc control ot any man of *nv section." . Then, after staling that hi* party had adopted the old Declaration of indepeudeuce ns the basis of its political government, and after referring to the doctrine of tho declaration, that a people have the right to throw off their ancient govern ment, and MlabUsh one more conducive to their welfare, and applying this to the people of the South, and their threats to dissolve the Union, he Mid: “1 bold that they have this right. I will not blame any pcoplo lor exercising it whenever they think the contingency has come." Thua be told Jeff. Davis to his lace, Toombs to bis face, Wigtall to his face, Hanson to his lace—every one of these Southern leaders to his face: "I will not blame you for deatroyiog this Gov ernment and erecting another more conducive to your interests, whenever you think”— Not when I think, not when the government thinks, not when the people think, but whenever vou think the contingency has come. And yet this ram, who told them he assailed no man’s motive, that if he bnd been born South he would have been juat tike them, who told them that they could erect on the ruins ot their govern ment another more conducive to their welfare— lie is the very man 'that, when those people fol lowed his advice, was the loudest in his cries tor blood, for pluuder, for confiscation, and lor banishment; and be is the man whose appetite for blood is not yet satiated, but he still goes on crying like a famiahed tiger lor his prey, and not only abuslug those men who followed his advice, but abusing the eighteen hundred thou sand Democrats ot the North who never bad any opinion at all inconsistent with the preser vation of the Union. Now, my triends, the time did come when the South thought the contingency spoken of by Mr. Wade bad arrived; that its interests required that it should go out of the Union. It was a great mistake; a Tearful blunder. But the time came when they thought so, and when they had a right to expect Mr. Wade to stand up to his word. They had beard him make that declara tion, and they believed be apoke his real senti ments. They believed that if they seceded there would be at least one man in tbe Senate ol the United State*, Benjamin F. Wade, wbo would say, “ They have a right to go out. Let them depart iu peace.” That is what the South thought. They had Lincoln on their side, ac cording to his speech, and they had Chiet Justice Chase, and they bad Mr. Edwin M. Blanton, who, according to Albert G. Brown, ol Missis sippi, even after Mississippi bad acceded, told him she had done right, and not to let her back down. They had all these men, all these saints of Kadical calendar, thua encouraging them to go oul, and they had no right to suspect that these men would eat their own words and become tbe loudest in the cry fi,r slaughter and blood. iProm tbs Nashville Banner, 98th. Ml** Harper-lHor* bight Concerning Her Arrest bjr Col, Lolb. In a conversation yesterday held with Esq. Jos. Holidy, a staunch Radical Union citizen of Sumner county, and a neighbor of Miss llarper, whose arrest was mentioned in our issue ol yes terday, wc were assured that tbe circumstances connected with the affair, os reported to us, were in nome respects incorrec t The facts, as stated by Esq. Ilobdy, arc about as follows: A Government Inspector of still houses visited Miss Harper's neighborhood one fight htst week, and wns so unfortunate as to have iiia horse stolen. Col. Leib, stationed at Gallatin, was advisod of this, and immediately sent a detachment of troops to the residence of Miss Harper and look possession of a horse Ihj- innging to her brother, who was a non comba tant in the late wsr. I-list Thursday, Mis* Harper, in company with tier brother, visited the lair at Gallatin for the purpose ol having an interview with Col. Leili. Arriving at the Fair Ground, she Approached Colonel Leib with the Interrogation whether lie intended returning her brother’s horse; if not, she thought lie should take tbe saddle and bri dle also, and had therefore brought them along. I'Outnel Leib ordered her •* to shut her mouth or he would cause tier to lie placed under arrest."— •Miss lliir|s-r replied llmt she was not afraid ol imn or his whole blind. As she whs turning to leave the ground* lor home, she wns confronted h.v u baud of soiuo thirty cavulrymen, who pre sented their pistols in close proximity to her head, and ordered her to go immediately up to Colonel Leili’* headquarters. After a lirlel •tetention, she whh released on giving bond in the sum of |ll,000. We,were ameired by many ol tho most rc- •peeubln huli ■ nod gentlemen of Bumner that tor integrity and lady-like demeanor, Miss II. i“ irs an irreproachable reputation, and llial the c'liir-te taken liy Colonel Leili was entirely un- called lor. * he Iriendi of Mist Harper have advised her to sue Colonel Licb for fatoe imprisonment, and VOL. XHI. "ElUtOK OKABBB TO BB DANOBHOUB WHEN REASON IS LEFT FliKB TO COMBAT IT.'Wg/fcwis. ATLANTA* GA**raiPAY t OCTOBER"0367. NO. 2.3<>. Imvj retained Colonel J. J, Turner and Cap*. It A. lUnnett m counsel. It will be aotieed from our report of the Fair proceodlnge yesterday that Miss Harper carried off the premium aa the beat lady rider. She la a ■ister ot Captain Elite Harper, whoaa history i* familiar to our roadam. Colonel Lteb'e treatment of Mias Harper is somewhat difficult to be accounted lor from tbe diet that he hail made hlnmelfgenerally popular by Ilia liberal rourie towards the citizens of Sumner county. Hiiir. TitADOBD^BntvKNs baa had the pleasure, if inch it can be called, of reading hte obituaries in the Washington papers. One of them eloeed thus: "Differing with Mr. Stevens moat radical I.V, yet wo entertained tor him sincere respect. Our personal and locial relation* were always of the most pleasant and agreeable character, ifay hr rent in Peace." Mteoellaneous Advertisements- WKLF-FASTKNING WROUGHT IRON BUCKIE TIE — FOR— COTTON BALES. CHA8. 0. JOHNBEN, Sole Proprietor, N.i. 14 Union Street •Y E if ORLEANS, LA MImooIIuim'oiim A«1 V«'U| Inl'Milintw. VAN EPPS & TIPPIN, GROCERS, AND Commission Merchants, ALABAMA STREET, ATLANTA, Iu Ntore nml to A.rrlvt* : no vs. SUGAR, Amt s general assortment of Staple and Fanoy Groceries. VAN KPPH A TIPPIN. IW-All other TIES fastening by this method ere In- frlutemont*, end will be prosecuted st Isw u sneh. When the lever of the press Is raised the tie will fasten Itself by tbe out- win d pressure of the bale. Self-Fastening Wrought Iron Buckle Tie, On the most favorable tortus. We sre having them man ufactured of tbe most superior iron, and thoroughly reeled. n. H. DAVIES A CO., Commleslon Merchants, LoulsvIUs, Kentucky. , . GLENN, W RIGHT A CARR, Agents, JylS—Sm an-.,, fl. DR! GOODS! DRY GOODS! LEND TO THE LA\D ! Union Point, a*., October 18, loan. Meurt. RrumnvtU J> Harrow : Osnt*—I need yonr Phosphate on my Cotton »t the rale of 900 pound* per acre. I am *811*11 ed that. I will realise st least 100 per cent, on the nmnnnt spent. I am so well pleased that I expect to n*o mors on tho next crop than I did on this. Very truly yonr*, (Signed) P. W. PRINTUP. Akisicns, Oa., November 1, I860. Mount. RrlgMutell <£ Barrow: Osnt*—The twenty (SO) tons REED'S PIIOBPUATK I bought ol yon this year, I used on Corn and Cotton. I sm so wall pleased with the effect on my crop, that I wish to purchase of yon for next year's crop, one hundred tons. Tour* respectfully, JAB. A. COBB. This Manure, manufactured In Georgia (the virtues for which are attested by well known Georgia cltizons, and which Is calculated to do so much for "ReromlntcUon" In Georgia) Is for sal* hy LANGSTON, CRANE & HAMMOCK, Sole Agent*, Alabama threat, Atlanta, Go. RACKS AND WHEAT WANTED. Krtrt/A Backs, Second-Hand (iunnlca and Burlap*. UUUU i 6000 bn*hcla Wheat | angis—Im ’ Alabama Street. TALLEY* BROWN & CO. Wltlteltnll Street. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Are DAILY RECEIVING their Fall and Winter Stock OP DRY GOODS. The Ladios especially arc Invited to call and examine tbelr lin* of DRESS GOODS, Comprising, in part, silks, French Merinos,j French Poplin*. Empress Goods, Bombasines, Atpiccas, Detainee. Ac. THEIR STOCK OF Embroiderice, Lace*, Dress Trimmings And Dress Buttons Is large and varied. They keep constantly on hnnd. BLEACHED and BROWN DOMESTICS, PRINTS and YANKEE NOTIONS. ffep'TO— ^* 96tll SEMI-ANNUAL EXPOSE. TOTAL LOSSBB PAID, &Q1,271,972 57 ! :! JULY ASSETS: (At Market Value.) Cash on band and In Bank $ 515,886 80 Real Estate 918,098 09 Mortgage Bonds 8115,500 00 Bank Stock 1,906,400 00 U. States, State and City Stock, end other Public Securities... 1,004,308 86 miliary Directory. Major Oulu rut John Port, U. S. A., commanding Third Mllltaiy District (Georgia, Florida, and Alabama)— Olllco at llundi|Uartera, on Marietta street. Colonel J. K. Mklini, Chief of Bureau of Civil Affhlra, and General Inspector of Hegletntlon for Third M1II- tnry I>1*1 rlet. Office at Headquarter*. Brev’t Brigadier-General W«, MoKsn Dunn, Aaaletant Judge Advocate General U. S. A,, Judge Advocate Third Military District. Office st Headquarters. Lieutenant-Colonel E. McK. IluoaoN, U.S. A., Aaalatant Inspector General. Office st Headquarter*. Captain G. K. HannnnsoN, U. S. A., Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Office nt It ‘adquartcr*. Itrev’t Brigadier General J. J. Manat), Surgeon U. B. A. Medical Director Third Military District. Office corner Broad nml Marietta street*. Brev't Brigadier General Hunt* Saxton, Clilof quarter master. Office at Headquarter*. Brev't Lieutenant Colouel II. J. Faunsworth, Depot quartermaster. Office Forsyth street, near Railroad. Brev't Cspttln C. A. Kotksiu., Chief Onlnsnro Officer. Office corner Broad and Marietta streets. Mqjor E. D. Judo, P. M. IT. H. A., Chief Pay Master and Disbursing Officer Third Military District. Office cor ner Broad anil Marietta streets. Lieutenant C. H., Post quartermaster and Com- iii Isstry Subsistence. Office Willingham Building, cor ner Ivy and Decal nr streets. Brev't Motor W*. II. Smyths, Captain 14th U. S. Inftn Iry, Acting Assistant Judge Advocate General, offlee at Hesdqnartera. Brev't Major T. C. 8uLi.ivan, C. H United States Army, Chief Commissary of Subsistence. Office, Room No. 1 Willingham Buildings, corner of Decatur and Ivy streets. Brev't Maior Fhkh. Morkbacii, V. R. 0., Sub-Asst. Com. Sub-District, Atlanta Bnroau It. F. and A. L. Office In Granite Block, No. 1, room No. R. POST OP ATLANTA, Compote! of the counties of Cobh, Fulton, Campbell, Carroll, Coweta, Heard, Fayette, Clayton, Spalding, llenry, Newton, DeKalb, Milton, Gwinnett and Butts. Brev’t llrigadior General Thomas U. Kuurr, Colonel ICkl United Slates Infantry, commanding Post. Head quarters, room No. 3 Willingham Building, corner of Decatur and Ivy streets, Atlanta, Oa. Brev’t Captain O. C. Knapp, 1st Lieutenant 33d 1). S. In- lantry, Post Adjutant. Offlee st Headquarters. First Liuuleuant C. 8. Ilslxt, 10th U. S. Infantry, Act ing Assistant quartermaster and Acting Commissary Subsistence Post. Offlee, room No. 7 Willingham Building. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. FOB THE YEAR 1897, M ImouIlaniieouk Ad vortleumo■ 11 h. I. E. Williams, Mayor *9.006 8. B. Love, Clerk of Council L800 J. T. Glenn, City Attorney huo Robert M. Farrar, City Treasurer son K. J. ltuache,City Physician 1600 line. F. Cooper, City Engineer l.aou Hobt. Crawford, Commissioner of Public Works 1 NX) George Stewart, Overseer of Streets . l.tXNI Jo. 8. Smith, Tax Receiver and Collector 8UU Pat. Fitzgthhon, Hall-Keeper no A L D eTTm E N. PIMST WAHD. M. T. Castleberry, Richard Peters. iKOOND WAHD. E. E. Rsweon, A. W. Mitchell. TM1BD WARD. Georg* W. Terry, W. C. Anderson. TOCnTH WARD. J. E. Oullatt, W. B. Cox. riprn ward. J. A. Hayden, E. W. Holland. POLICE DEPARTMENT. L. P. Thomas, Chief Marshal $1,500 K. C. Murphy, Depnty Marshal i,3un J. L. Johnson, 1st Lieutenant of Police l.iHMt T. C. Murphy, 9d Lieuteuunt of Felice l.uut FOLICIMXN—($9 95 Pin DAT.) I. J. Cook, F. J. Botnar, D. Kogan, E. A. Center, F. T. Ktckiightor, J. A. Hinton, Hall, J. L. Crenshatv, G. IV. Bowen, C. M. Barry, A. ilurrard, 0.1*. Woodliff, J. S. Holland, R. D. Haynes, D. queen, J. It. Love, J. A. Lang, It. B. Hutchins, J. M. Connelly, Green Holland, II. W. Wooding, II. J. Uoltxclaw, -M. W. Ret*berry, J. P. Barnes, THE ARROW TIE AND IEOH BANDS BALING OOTTON I AN INSURANCE AOAINHT FIBE, WASTE, AND THEFT ;tlNlqtlALBD poll Simplicity and Rapidity of Adjustment SURPASSED BY NONE rOR STRENGTH AMD ADAPTABILITY TO ALL Tl'o Use* of Commeroe I fJVHKY are manufactured In LIVERPOOL, ot tbe best English Iron, under the personal supervision of tho In ventor, formerly a resident of New Orleaus, La. The ARROW TIE Is preferred by Shipmasters and Compreasmon, ss It I* worked with one-eighth to one Inch stack, while all SOLID TIBS require three to 6ve Inches, which, In mnnlng through s cargo, involves s heavy loss to tho Shipmaster. Use the Arrow Tie and Bands, AND SAVE MONEY IN FREIGHT and INSURANCE! WANTED, Previous to Ootobor 16th, In Loto of FIVE CENTS AND UPWARDS, $16,000 IN GOLD, IILVER, and QBS1WBA0KI, (In Exohnnge for Boots, Shoes, Leather. AND SHOE ■ FINDINC8, A.t Low Prices!! MORE TUAN 100 CASE!, NEW GOODS OPENED THIS WEEK!! And others Arriving Daily. g)W< 'ountry Merchants sre particularly Invited to ex amine our stock, ss we will offer them greater Indore menu than esn he hsd elsewhere. TO BOOT AND SllOfi-MAKERS. "Of all things under the *nn,: Hurrah t there I* uiitliliig Ilk* iMtkrr ' And If you couenlt your best Inlerent, yon will certain bay your supplies of I. T. BANKS, Because he mikes "quicA Haitt and SmsU Jhqfffs, and eelll for rash only, thus leaving uo had dehu to be.msde up In extra profl*. [WH' airmbrr Ilia Placa Md 1. T. BANKS, Itawsen's BalMlog, cor. Whitehall **d Hunter St*. #*ptt»- $4,850,938 97 Lacs Liabilities, Claims not due end unad justed 877,888 48 Not Assets $4,973,909 81 AND INLAND NAVIGATION RISKS. KWAgoncles In all the principal cities and town* in the United Htatee. Applications for Insurance will he promptly attended to. OFFICE—'With C. I. Brown, on en*t side of Whitehall street, one door from Alabama. Jyl9—N. L, ANOTKR. Agent l. A. TOUNO. M. L. WItlSTON. TO 80UTHEBN MERCHANTS. F you desire to supply youreclvca for your Fall and winter trade, with tue very beet descriptions and ylea of ALL-WOOL CA88IMBKKS, and with the most durable JEANS and KERSEY fabric*, *1. free from shod dy and other Impurities, order sample* from tbe sub scriber, and they will be forwarded, withprlcea attached, daring the monlha of July and Angn»t. From these sani ties you can make your selections and return your or- Jen, and the good* will be forwarded directly from the Manufactory. JOHN A. YOUNG, President, JeA—4m Charlotte. N. C. HARDWARE! HARDWARE!! IRON AND HTISKLi, 400 T0NS 8WEBDE9 AND rek,nbI) moN 40 tone Plow Steel, 1000 kegs Nalls—best brands, 9000 pairs Trace Chains, 60 Anvils, 100 Yleee, 8000 pounde S. Wagon Axles, 150 doien Sargent’s Cotton Cards, 900 dossn Arne’s Shovel* and 8pades, RIO colla Jute and Manilla Rope, U Smith's Bellows, 800 bags Shot, n ton’s Savory's Hollow Ware, M0 Grind*tou*’s, 160 dozen Collins' Axo*. Also, s 6ns assortment of Cutlery and Miscellaneous Hardware, fur sale un the most favorable terms, tiy BONKS, BROWN * CO.. seplB-lm Augusta. Georgia Clerk of Firet Market—Tbeophlln* Harris. Clerk of Second Market—Frank T. Ryan. Sexton—G. A. Pilgrim. City Accessor*—R. 8. Water*, W. C. Humphries, and C. F. Wood. Acceccnr of Land taken for Opening Streets—I.ovl C. Wells, and F. P. Klee, STANDING COMMITTER* OV TDX CITY COUNCIL TOR THE FISCAL TEAM 1807. Finance- Peters. Mitchell Rawson. Ordinance— Mitchell, Hayden, Peter*. Street* ami Sidewalks-Uullatt, Rawson, Hayden. Well*, I'mnps aud Cisterns—Cox, Anderson, Castlo- , Peters. 'try, Gi Market—Hayden, Castleberry, Holland. Fire Department—Oullatt, Cox, Terry. Police—Huwsun, Cox, Audersoo. Cemetery—Terry, Mitchell, Haweon. Public Building* aud Uronnds—Anderson, Terry, Pe er*. Tux—Holland, Rawson, Cox, On Printing—Terry, Holland, Castleberry. Salaries—Cox, Mitchell, Holland. BOARD GF~HEALTH. Fir»t Ward—Dr. J. M. Boring. Second Ward—O. H. June*, Esq. Third Ward—L. P. Grant, Esq. Fourth Ward—Dr. Cha*. Ptiicknoy. Fifth Ward—Dr. J. N. Hlinmouc. WAHD* OF THE CITY. The City of Atlanta shall lie laid oil Into 6va wards, a* follows, to-wtt: FIRST WAKII. Commencing at tho crossing of Whitehall street with the Western « Atlantic Hatlroad, and running up the south side of said railroad to tbe incorporation line, then down said line to thu center of Whitehall etreut, then north along the center of said etreut to the starting point, end which shall be known and constitute Ward numlier one. SECOND WAIID. Commencing at the center of the crossing of Whitehall street, at tbe Western « Atlantic Railroad, and running east down the railroad to the crossing of Calhoun street, 111 the rear or thu Georgia Railroad workshop, theu south along the middle of said street to the center of McDon ough street, thence along the center of McDonough street to the incorporation line, thou along said line to the cen ter of Whitehall street at Its crosslug at the incorporation line, then along the center of suld street to tbe starling point, which snail bo knowu aud constliutu Ward num ber Two. TIHBD WARD. Commencing at thu center of Calhoun street, at Its south crossing of the Georgia Railroad workshop, and mnnlng down the south side of said railroad to the In corporation line, then along said line to the center of Me Donougb street to the starting point, which shall consti tute anu be known as Ward number Three. FOURTH WARD. Commencing on the north side of the Georgia Railroad, In thu center of the crossing of said railroad by Loyd street, and rnnutng down thu uortli side of said railroad to the incorporation line, then along said Hue to Ivy street, then along the renter of Ivy street to Decatnr street, tliun along said street west to the ccutcr of Loyd to the starting point, which shall constitute and bu known os Warn number Fonr. tar ol the crossing of Loyd street, and rnnutng west along the north side of the Western & Atlantic Railroad to the IneoriMiratlon line, then along said line to the cen ter of Ivy streut, then south along the ceuter of De catur street to tlie center of Loyd street, then along the center of Loyd street to thu starting point, which shall constitute and be known as Ward numlier Five. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief Eugiuccr—'Thomas Haney. First Assistant Engineer—Henry Gullatt. Mvcnnit Assistant Bugiiieei'—W. G. Knox. Secretary - B. F. Mooie. Treasurer—James E. Gullatt. Atlanta Enoink Company No. I. President John B. Norman Foreman Samuel Wilson Secretary II. Muhlunhrtnk Treasurer fhartue Schiiatx First Director John Berkele Second Director John Wilhy Third Director Eugiueer .. .First Assistant Engineer .Second Assistant Engineer .. .Third Assistant Engineer Axemen Arrangements bare been made to aecnretn ample sup ply of the ARRGW TIE and BAND8 for the coming sea son. JAMES A. HALL, Agent Middle and Southwest Georgia. ANDREW,LOWE & CO., General Agents, Savannah, Ga. The anderalgned Is prepared to furnish the ARROW TIE to the trade at SAVANNAH PRICES, forwarding and transportation added. PRATTS, EDWARDS dc CO., A*«nta, Forsyth 8tr*«t, Atlanta, G*. HEAR THE IN8URAN0E A0ENT8! Savannah, Mat 7th, 1867. The recent Ores In this city having proved to onr entire thorough test, the superiority o' IRON BANDS for haling puriioaes, we strongly recommend them to the use of the Planters of Georgia a* an efficient •dent In restricting loss hy Are; *nd we agree to discrimi nate, when practicable. In fhvor of cotton thus secured. ‘..emSOWufle., uunauu a. uiuuetu. c!>; CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., Agt’e 8nn A Atlantic M. Ine. Co., N. Y R. II. FUUTMAN, Insurance Agent. WOODBKIDGE BROS.. Ins. Ageuts. J. T. THOMAS, Insurance Agent. J. C. MoNULTY, Hec’y Southern Insurance A Trust Co. JAMES T. BTEWAllT, Aeent London A Lancaster Ine. Co. LANK A WEST, Insurance Agents. Macon, Ga., May 16th, 1867. The recent Arc at the Warehouse of Mr. B. T. Chap man, In this city, having fully demonstrated tbe advan tage of the nse of Iron Bands for baling purposes, as a security against loss bv fire, we, the undersigned Insu rance Agents, Macon, On., take pleasure In endorsing the action of the Agents at Savannah. Ga. E. C. GRANNISS, Agent for several Ins. Companies. J. W. BURKE, Insurance Agent. E. J. JOHNSON A CO., Insurance Ag’ts. J. MONROE OGDEN, Insurance Agent. J. M. BOARDMAN, Insurance Agent. JNO. B. COBB, lanrance Aguut. J. .1 PEAnCIt. W. T. WHKLXSS. CUA*. A. PEAHOI. PEARCE, WHELE88 & CO., OOTTON FACTORS AND CJommlctmion Merchants, JACKSON STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. JSVStore and sell Cotton and other Produco. Bagging and Hope furnished at market prices. sep7—3m SALT! SALT! Liverpool Salt, Direct Importation, Alway a on hand anil for sale by WKHT A DANIKI.H, sep!7—9tn Jones’ Block, SaTanuah, Gs. Louisville Steam Bakery P. W. &TIMMEL A CO., 808 and 310 West Green Street, LOUISVILLE, KYi, Wholesale Dealers and Manufacturers of all kinds of CRA.CKERS. Agents for Stlmmel’s celebrated QUICK YEAST. sep!3—3m Xaoulnvlllu A<l vortlmiiiientM, ~ BREEDEN & BRADLEY, lumber mkhohanth, And Manufacturer* of Hush. Doors, Blinds, Ac. —ALSO — PACKING BOXES OK EVERY DESCRIPTION. Lumber Yard on Walnut, bet. East and Floyd streets. Wsrnreoms on First street but. Main am' square licluw tin- New Call llmi-c, Jel9—Im LOUIHV1LLE, KV 44RKAT NOUTIIKHN MUSH) IIOUSKM Is OU1H T HI I (HrrrrRBtedR to TftlPP A wiAun,) W nnLKSAl.K nml Ifrtitil I)r*;ilur iu riniioi*, Caliiiiut OriuiUH, Alc-lodu* uni, Bnd Hi! kind* of .Munich! JVwrchan- dliie, and Pnhlinlier of Mtiiio. Catalogin' * • W w » Hat. of InptriinirjiilH muiloil free onap SnbserijaiBn in Advertism* Kant: mvs op suo*<mrTioM. Dally, per BIOBtb Dally, twelve month* Weekly, six month* $1 to :0 f»i a in .1 < 10 Single rnpl _ Single copies to News Boy* *nd Agata, oat*, of AaraMMM. For each sqars of 16 line* or lee*, tor the 6rat taserin a Il.and for each snheeosentInsertion SfJ o«nw. I*. of music anil price ... plication, Andress Nos. 99 nml 91 Jeffer i St LOUIS Tltlf'P, 'Hie, Ky. GREEN LEAN (nr HE Ml' LEAN) BACJftlft’$■; A IV II HOPE. r|IIiB undersigned hereby notify tholr friends and ell consumers of the above named Staple Goods, that they continue to manufacture them in Louisville, Ky. They hope and expect to lmvo it !n their power to oxo- eato ever)- order scut them this fccmgon. All Letters Promptly Replied To. W. A. Ilir-HARDSON A SON, J)'97—Uin Louisville, Kentucky. , ‘nqiuota g 88Z9S28S§t 1! aqiuow t 8£SSeSiS3? SUHMSSis «t •tnuom i 8 S S S & S s?8S 2ss*«**ssr- m ! ■aamn II 1 8 8 8 S S e : * 5 s 2 * a ; ■aamit 9 S S S S fT: : . w «• e 2 i* rj : ; 66 ^ *•9(011 g 8 8 % 8 & 0 : « » * cj 2 * : : m ~ ~ •aomii» assess : : : M 10 t« O M « : 46 ri FM ; ; ; 8 8 8 8 8 5 8;::: 69 ^ i : ■•aiuitg a 8 a s a 8 : ': T* eo ap 40 $• 9. : : : -o.| IS55S211I? '•ajimfig J 3 8 i k Special Notices, 9c sent* per line tint Insertion, and If. cent* per line Tor each subecqncnt insertion. Advertisement* Inserted at Intervals to be charged as new each Insertion. Advertisements ordered to remain oa any particular page, to lie charged as new each Insertion. Thu money for advertising comidered da* alter Irsf Insertion. All communication* or letter! on huitneu Inteaded lot this offlee should bo addressed to "Tha Atlanta Intedl gencer." JARED IRWIN WHITAKEA, Proprietor. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND UAL TIMORE, MA It VIAND. T h F Sixtieth Annual Session of the SCIIOOLnf MF.D- ICINK, in fIm Un!vf*r«lty of Mnrvlnml, willcom* menco on the 14th of OCTOBER, lst!7, nml will end on the let of March, 18118. FACrLTV: ^ t Profoeeor of Snrgerv ^^ikin, M. D. LL. I)., Profoeror of (Jhemietry and Phnrmncy. O. W. Miltenbehgrr. M. 1).. Pro C9i*f*r <tf Oh(*tctnce. " IVofcsaor of Principles and Richard McShkkky. M. D , Practice of Mod kin i>. Christopher Jounhton, M. D„ Profceeor of General, Descrlptlvn, and Siir>»ical Anatomy. Chew. M. !>., Profet>t>or of Materia Medlca and ThcriipeuHca. Frank Donaldhon, M. D„ ProfonFor of PhyeioloirY. flv- «v an( ^ General Pathology. Wm. T. Howard, M. I> , Profa^r of DlaenaeA of Wo- men and Children. Janes I J. Butler, M. B., Demonstrator, and Adjunct to the Professor of Anatomy. *ig£ * for „ tho course are il^u. For Matricnlu- , For Practical Anatomy. $io. rnittin iTST* ly ,lo * , P i, 1 al («r Infirmary) attached to the Hmon- the first Clinical Schools in the JSSIP' , ? L|,n K * l "* Hospital of the port of a8a j. vl hospital, it afford** a great S5SS9Li n ft!! e ol Ml ' Vrt y* nnder treatment. ii i ii i “ . . . cu . IIC '“ wetnrea on Surgnrv, Practlca 1 Medicine, and the DiseaHCs of Womeimndthll- constituent parts of the dully instruction givon hy the rerpective Prote.-sors of the Institution. Students desiring to perfect themselves In speciaUtlc*. courses ot privat- instriictton from Adjuncts at tached to the various Chairs. .taw,* y GKO. W. MIETENBERGER, M. D , Dosn. sep7—law (i w PEATTE, EDWARDS & C0„ Commission .Mercnants, Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ca. J N STORE AND TO ARRIVE: 80000 poundh Clear Sides, 10000 pounds Clear Rib Sides, 140T0 pounds Arrow Cotton Tio, r»0 pieces Kentucky Bagging, 800 coils Rope, 50 barrel* Roscndalc Cement, 50 barrels Lonlsvlllo Cement, 300 bags White Corn, 10 barrels Cider Vinegar, Cast Plows, Manufactured Tobacco, i^c. promptly filled. Consignments soli- PRATTK. EDWARDS & CO. All cash order cited. seplS— 8m NOTICE TO AllCHITECTS. phans* Home, 11 July 10th, 1W»7, tho following resxdutions were passed: Resolttd, That tho Managers advertise for proposal? for the purchase or donation ofTWCNTY AC KIM OF LAND In the vicinity of Atlanta, for the purposed end ing thereon a MA^ONK ORPHANS* HOMK-hiiiiI pro- josnls to be snbmilted to iiie Board of Managt*rs by the fourth day of September next The title will be voted tu tbe Grand Lodge of the State of Georgia, or such other Masonic Lodge iu the State as will accept ilie same, should tho Grand Lodge decline the tnM. lt&olvtdy further, That the Board will pay fftOO for the Draft of a Granite Building for the "Masonic Orphans’Horae," to be submitted to the Board by the flri-t day of November next: tin* said plan to l>o so drawn as that tbe building can be commenced with an expendi ture of Afty thousand dollars, during the lirst year, and that the same may be extended from year to year, with out destroying the symmetry of the architecture. The above named sum of five hundred dollars to be paid for the plan which the Board of Manage* s shall select from the number pretented. For further information, address BOYD A WILSON, Business Manager*; Georgia State Lottery. lyDft—tllnovl Atlanta, Georgia. RAILROAD QUIDS Cieorgtm H*!lroad. B. W. COLB, Suptf*nUnde „ DAY PASMKNOBR TRAIR. Leave Atlanta at 5^)0 || Arrive at Augusta 5 45 p. || Leave Augusta aL a. It Arrive at Atlanta «.ho P, M (No trains run on bnmlay.) . NIOHT PASSENOER TRAIN Leave Atlanta Arrive at Augusta Leave Augusta Arrive at Atlanta . 5.45 P. M 8.15 A. M 8.1/0 P. M 6.46 A. M Atlanta A West-Point Railroad. L. P. GRANT, Buperlntendirti DAY PASSENOER TRAIN—OUTWARD. Leave Atlanta 7.00 A. M Arrive at West Point 18.00 A. M DAY PASSENOEn TRAIN—INWARD. Leave West Point .12.40 P. M Arrive at Atlanta 6.80 P. M Montgomery Sc Weet»Point RaUroad. DANIEL H. CRAM, Superintendent. _ „ day TRAIN. Leave Montgomery a.00 A M Arrive at West-Point . . .U.U0M Leave West-Point 12 45 P M Arrive at Montgomery 0 45 P 11 Leave Opelika * ip'au A* M A rrive at Columbus ' * 12 80 P* M Leave Columbus m'iji a* la Arrive at Opelika ’10,14 ^ \ M EVENING TRAIN—OPELIKA AND COLUMBUS Leavo Opelika 220P M Arrive at Columbns .' 4*34 p’m Leave C’olnmbus .11.88 A.' M Arrive nt Opelika 144P. M nmcom dc Wuiira Knliroad. B. I. WALKER, Superintendent. d*t fassxiiuu nan. Leave M«wn Arrive at Atlanta Leave Atlanta.... Arrive at Macon.. Leaven Atlanta .. Arrive* In Macon 7.80 A. ^ . 1.57 P.M 8.55 A. V . I.*' F. J. 7.15 P. M 4.95 A. M Western * Atlantic HaUiuntL CAMPBELL WALLACE, Superintendent. NIOHT XXUlUtHS FASSkKUKB TkitN—ItAILV. . 7.0t P.M . 4.111 A. M . 4.8U 1‘. M . 7.60 P. M . 1.41 A. M iA-ave Atlanta Arrive at CbattanooNa Leave Chnltnnoot'a Arrive at Dalton " Arrive at A thmta DAT PASSENGER TRAIN ............ JMi!*.rivnn!*eariar* Leave Chuttauooj;* a.wj a. at Arrive at Atlanta 19.05 P.M DALTON ACCOMMODATION TIIAIN. Dally except bandoys. Leave Atlanta. 3.5u P. At Arrive at Dalton 19.93 P. M Leave Dulum 1,95 I. M Arrive at Atlanta U45A.M Mall Stage Line front Atlanta to Dab* louegu. Leave Atlanta Monday, Wednevdtiy ami Fruta.\ .8 A. Jl. Arrive Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7 P. M WE8LEY4N FEMALE COLLEGE. MA COX, GEORGIA* mHR 30th Aiimitd Nession will begin on MONDAY, A. October 7th, under a full lhmrd of Instructors. Every department has facilities for furnishing the highest style of education, on reitsoimblo terms. For further particulars, apply to Rev. J. M. Donnell. D. 1>. President, t W C. BASH, ang.3—lawtllortt goeretary of Faculty. J. It. Ellsworth P. J. Bracken. M. L. Collier.. O. Wat uer II. Haney, I Wm. Krogg, j M. L. Roberts. Delegate to Fire Department Meciunk' Engine Company No. 9. HOME AGAIN. Boot*, Nil OCR, Lent licr, Ac. I WOULD rwpoct fully tall th* attention o f the pulillr to th* Ikct Intf I have moved hack tu my utd stand, vr* *11 thoM that want good good* c»n Ini aernmmo- d*l*d. I Intend tu keep Uni hunt goods mode, and will Mil th*m »» *h**p ** th* clra*|i*st. Extra Inducuinuut* to whal***l* buyer*. GKO. W. PRICK, Markham’* Rnlldlng, PMcbtro* strest M|>*6—tw* AlUnts, ONfgte. ..President Vice-President ....Secretary Treasurer First Director Hocond Director Chief Eugiuccr Firet Aulstaut Eugiueer .. .Hecond Aeelslant Engineer ... .Third Assistant Engineer Pipemen Axemen Burgeon Keprcsculatlve to Flru Du|wrlment Tallulah Bnoinc Coni'Ant No. 6. 8. W. Grubb PreeMent. K. A. Center Vice President. W. O. Hhesrer Firet Director. Gcnrgu Thuiupsou Hecond Director. ' J. Roger* J. E. Gullatt. J. O. Kelley W. D. Luekle, Jr. O. II. June* B. Bttlcu Isaac Htelnhuimer. G. W. Terry Joel Kelsey Janie* Daniel*.... J. M. Toy G. T. Anderson, \V. F. Wood*, J. M. Balee, I Joseph Wiley, ( ’’’ J. V. Alexander M. L. Llchtensladt ■ PHILLIPS At ri.ANDKHH, Next to Dodd's Corner, Whitehall Street. ■yyOVLD reqicrftally call yonr attention to our VAHIKTY STOCK OP GOODS. Print* Domestic* Bleaching Ticking Figured Mtitlln* Kentucky Jean* Ginghams Cotionades end • variety of nl and Table Cloth*. In tbe HARDWARE Department many Honeekeepere, Builder*, and Mechanic*. FURNITURE IN LARGE QUANTITY. Bedstead* from $ 4 to (IS Bureau* from 7 to 16 Wardrobe* from 10 to 16 Wash 8Und* from 9 to 10 Tablet from 9 to 7 WorkHtaod* from 9 to 4 besides many other articles too nnmeroae to mention. from 10 to 90 cents from 15 to 90 cents . .from 16 to 40 cents from 99 to 60 cents front 15 to 50 cent* from 95 to 60 cents Irom 90 to 36 cents Imm 90 to 80 cent* The Regular Line of Mail Stages FOR CARROLLTON W fLL LEAVE NEWNAN 1 turned lately after the arrival of the cars from Atlanta, on Itlonday*, Wednesday* niitl Friday*. Reluming, will arrive at Nctennn on Tlie*day*, Thursday* mid Sntnrday*, Making clove connection with thu train lor Atlanta. Ex tra trips will be made on day* to accommodate travel. Connection made to BOWDEN with Monday ami Fri day's trips. The route Is over a good natural road, equipped with new CONCORD COACHES, and frequent changes of good teams. Fare to Carrollton $3 56 Fare to Bowden 4 Ml For passage a|tply at the Hotel, or to *ap5—1m* I”’ John D. Clarke Lewis II. Clark* John A. Htll A. Thlente It. 8. Oriue, M. D.... W. It. Bigger* .Ilote Director. Secretary. Treasurer. Axeman. Axmmu. Burgeon. Deli-gate. Atlanta lloox and Laddm Co. No. 1. J. L. Queen Foreman C. F. bTD’AIvlgny Assistant Foreman J. It. Yarbrough Secretary Geo. Jnlimniu Treasurer Kd. Holland R*$r***ataUvo to Fir* Digaitaml article* tor Caat Steel.. Bar Iron Square Iron Band Iron... Smoothing Irons... Andlroni Jcl9 > cents per pound at 6 ceuta per pound at 6 orute per ponud at II cents per pound at 6 cents per pound at 7 cent* per pound HARDWARE AND IRON. 75 J* SIBLEY A SONS, Warehonse & Gen'l Commission Merchants, No. A Warren Blork, AUGUSTA, OEOnOIA. W ILL give their personal attention to the Sale and Storage of COTTON and other Merchandise. Cona'guiuent* solicited. Cask advanced on Cotton and Merchandise In store. Alao. keep on hand BAGGING, ROPE, and BALT, wipil— Im Taka •* mere UiplaaiMt and Uaaaib B^adiaa 1JH)R nnpleaaant and duguoaa dlssaaa*. Ua* Haul I bold a Btran aat temna Smb.Wam tIY COILS MANILLA ROPE, 75 doxen Short Urtudlfti Fry!* - Turn*, 90 coila Patent I'aekmij M l inch, 9U0 dozen Shovels mid Spudo**, train dozen Pttckui Knivmi, 960 croBB Table rmlery, • 9ud dozen Curry Com In, Kh Imixch Tin rlatt', 90(10 poiuidB B m-k Tin, 1000 Bar Lead, 600 l)H(»a Hh t, •ill bundh'H Brleh Iron Wire, HIM! dozen Iron W ire tiiuere, 50 AnviU, 75 Vines, 4000 pouiidH Hinimlhii .; Ironn, 9ooo poundn ('riflin'* Horne NjiIIh, 500 dozen Filee—aanorted, Waal itouudi* Gulvnii.zi d Sheet Iron, a tout* Ca»*t Ht$*et, 20 tone Plow s«itel, * Jaar tone Sw dee and Koflm il Iron, 00 tone B-iml, li op, and llor-e shoe Iron. 15 tone Oval. Halt C\nl, ami Half Ih uml iron, 25 tone Biller, Plate, ami Sheet Iron. For Bale by WEEDS & CORNWELL, Noe. 150 nnc. 101 Broughton Street. Savannah, Ga. COFF1SK. q AAA BAGS lust reuulviHt, from Klode Janeiro, OvrYIYI pi-r llitt.cli Ilrlg upline. Fur sale by WhNIW .« COItNWKI.L, Not. Kip unq )«,t llrouglitou brn-et. mavlh-htn Bavuuitah. 0*. HOX T JJLiiv AS O N aoi-ount of the yul’ow fever havtne made It* ap- iHaranee In M», the tatllng of tlie Steamship from there to nonrlnras lianhe.-n |Ht-teon--il lor turrit, r non, #. Partle* interested will watch the ‘ lulrilleen «w." septa-tffiaw Don't Wash Another Week Without Buying —TH*— GREATE8T WONDER OF THE A6E! HALL’S UNIYLHNAL WASHING MACHINE 11 bPEClAL NOTICE TO THE LADIES. 1 1’ hits long been felt aud acknowledged that a Washing Machine would vet be invented It,at would he sim ple, cheap, and more effective than any of the Machines heretofore offered to tbe public. Sneh a Machine Is now offered without fear of competition. 1st. Guo woman will do more with a Machine than six can do without it. It will wash five dirty shirts (including wristbands and collars) perfectly clean In from four to eight minutes—rills we guarantee, or uo eale. 9d. It requires uo skill to operate It. ss a girl 18 years old has washed fin Atlanta) FuUH DOZEN PIECES IN ONE HOUR! 3d. It takes at least one third les* soap, and will pay for Itself every year iu rite saving of clothing, as it acts so delicately on the fabrics thnt*bank bills can o* washed without breaking—something no other machine can do. We manulacturu these Muclilues in this place,and shall sell them at T1SIV DOLLARS, tho same price they are sold for Iu New York. There I* no Washing Machine on the market that can be bought for even twice the money, and uo Machine that will com pete with it In tlie performance of ite wor , There Machitu s are on exhibition In this city, at the store of JOHNSON A KCIIUL8, Whitehall street. 61 n. IIKNTLY owns tbe Patent Right for this remurkablu yiacbine in all the Southern States. Liberal Inducement* w ill he offered to gentlemen desiring the exclusive rigb' to sell these Machine* in conntiesanddistricts, or state. Call ou, or address, D. B. BENTLY A CO., Rome, 0a. tar Any one infringing upon this Patent Right will Im prosecuted according to law, and any one giving mtorma tlon of the same, will he liberally rewarded. A Great Labor-Saving Machine. We, the nndcrslgned citizens of Rome, would behalf of "Hall’s Universal Washing Machine," after tall trial and use, that, in consideration of its cheapness, tbe durability of thu Machlue, the ease aud quickness of ntu- t iou. t Ite small amount of soap required, and the protec tion of the clothes, wonld recommend It ,to n generoui public. P. M. 8IIEI8LY, o. W. F. LAMPKIN, J. A. STEWART, SAM. F. POWERS, WM. WEST, JOHN W. NOBLE, .IAMKS NOBLE, Hit, J. J. CGIIEN. Atlanta, M*y 7, 1867. I bought the first “Hall's Patent Universal Washing Machine’' brought to Atlanta, and am now using It tu uty perfect satisfaction, and leeouttuund it to *11 as■ great Lulior-Saving Machine. -M it -. CYNTHIA KILE. DIRECTIWNM - FOR VSE. Let the Machine down Into a common wash tab, by etitiing notches into the sides, fur tbe Journal* to reit in, uuril it comes within one inch of the bottom of th* tub; till with hot water until the water covers the pebbles m the machine two inches; wet thu clothes in warm water, tit is better to soak rlothes over nigltt,) theu rub a little sol' soap on all tbe dirty plaees; then put the clothe* Into the machine with the pebbles, and always till the ma- etane half lull of clothe*, shaking them ont a* they are put iu; theu close up the door aud turn thu crank from three to live minute*, keeping a slow, steady niotiou un til the dirt isout; then run tlimugh a wringer; then toll as usual; theu put the clothes back Into the machine with the ttiii lull ol cold water; give thenmeUlue eight or ten turns and your rlothes are ready for the bluing water, ami theu hang oul to dry. Never turn tbe machine win it empty of clothes, a* it breaks the stones. It auy ot thu edibles become broken, pick them ont. For sale by JOHNSON ,t ECHOLS, Inay.s -llljaitl Whitehall Street, Atlanta, (la. MORE NEW GOODS. G ENTLEMEN Who wish really nice Serge or Fla* FRENCH CALF SKIN SHOES, Other ot tha Con gress Balmoral, Strap, or Oxford Tie pattern, con uo# mid thu latest style unit most approved manufacture at rite New Shoe Store tu Hanson's Building, corner ot Whitehall and Hunter street*. uiavH— It. T. BANKS. Iu lh« Dlnirlei Court ol the Cu.lteB Slate* Tor the Norlheru District ofdtarih, *: Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. >M . ,upo| ■ state nl Isaar Hoseutcld, a bankrupt, of Atlanta, tn mo WHOM IT MAY concern l to e that I have been duly aid the * I hereby gtv* no- liuted asstguve Of tin' district aforesaid, who has been adjudged* bankrupt ou Ina owu petition by the District Court aforesaid, sept, miter 17, IN"*. AUGUSTUS n. REINHARDT. Aeslsneo. Printer's fee 76 cents per square for each Insertion. *-p9l —lqw.Sw EVERY KIND OF PLANTATION MACHINERY, KNUINBS HOtaSB POWIBB. SHUT MILI.M, ABRICVLTIIRAL ■mPLBmKNTB Ol overy description in store, and for tala at th* lowest ret*., by *•.« «*“ Haw York City.