The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, October 08, 1867, Image 1

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—- O P Pit’ H i T IIK MrHLRitiinnN building. .<\r or Whitehall street. between Alanam* sued uul tin' Railroad crowing. (I 10 10 to SI Ml rrm.isiitn daily and vimi.v by JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, ■>ro|>rlot «»r. ATLANTA. OEOROIA. TuDSdav Mornln«, Oot. S, 1807. H|«visl Correspoudsneeof to* Baltimore Oinlto, Prow Wnkllldnu. Washington, Out, I, I8<17. 1 purixoM* lo write inela railier ilmn npectiln. tioii* Kxiii'i occasionally I allall not even in dul.’o >» Jn»wl'<* Inference* IVmu Hut truths Out siti%1 1 clnnwo lo let your renders draw tlu'ir own. Ksiweially I shall eschew poetry, Mini (tvliicli is list- snino tiling) rolrnin from the popular mode In Ictler-wriling trout Wualiing- ton. ol levying u|K»n my Iitno.y lor uiy fnols. 1*1,0 newsimpcr* nl n ilist moo have lionn puz- rlni stt the "|MMiltion" ol Gonentl Grant. I run relieve llml anxiety, lie fe now sulistnnlially ,1„. ihilirnl candidate for Hie next Presidency. Tlie leailrra of Itio party which aims at usurp- inc tin' government, who have in siptails lieun visiting, a* intervals, the metropolis ever since (l,o , matte ol Stanton's removal, some time ago came to the conclusion, in view ol their prohalile ilclcat in the coming elections, to kwp Grant in d,o iiack ground for the present. He was anx ious to promulgate a written adhesion to the dogmas ot the Destructives at once. I have spe cific information that this Goliali is reserved to break the force of the defeat which awaits the party, and that he has promised Schenck, Logan, Washburn, Farnsworth, &c , who have boon re ■ently luauimilaliug hint, to comb out with his ■'great name'' upon the heel ol their disci 'em lit- Wwhly. *lx months Weekly, one year Bliiifie copier m thu co mite? 8lm/]» route* »#• News Roy* nvn AirerU. iutss or iiirmninw For earh oqarr of 10 line* or less, for the first insert!' n II. and for ooct tahetioaetit insertion ftOcccu VOL. XIII. “KltitOH 0KAHU8 TO 11B OANUKUOUH WHMN HKAHON 1H LEFT FREE TO COMBAT IT."—Jeftnon. ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY, 0CTOBER 8, 1867. NO. 239. within the province of the law to suspend the proceedings ol the trial by the marriage of the nnrties, and they are now auapenped. Hev. Dr. Baldwin then married the parties. The scene was moat impressive. During the whole of the ■nlemu service the utmost quiet reigned ; all hearts seemed deeply touched hy the s|iectaclc, and luara coursed down many a quivering cheek. Then the prison gates were opened—-the parties left the court room arm In-nrri, and the marriage altar tiecame again the tribunal ol human Justice.— 7W>y (JV. 5'.) Time, Military IMreetoi ,. l.outevUle AitvortlMmienta BREEDEN ic BRADLEY, LUMBKlt MERCHANTS, Amt Manufacturer, of 8a.h, Doors, Blinds, Ac. —ALSO— PACKINO BOXES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Lumber Ysrd on Walnut, lict. Bast and Floyd .treat., ...... -- • • River, (on. Ware room* on First street. bs't. Main aud square below tho New Galt Donee, Jct-i—tin LOUISVILLE* KY. The spasmodic ellorts of Judge Chime are quite superfluous. I record tins tact tor tut lire reference. For the first time iu many months a real im pression exists here, louuded upon higher au thority than Presidential assurances, that a change iu the Cabinet may soon be expected.— (iraiit cannot, for the reasons above staled, re main in the War Department after the publica tion of his forthcoming innuih-sto. Seward will "swap horses” with Attains. The only difficulty is with McCulloch. Hu is, luckily, tailoring under charges ol a specific and grave character. How can lie tie dismissed pending so important an investigation f And to enhance the embar rassment, lie is evidently in no hurry for an tMreituemenL I accordingly learn that the Secretary reserves for his defense a chapter in his annual report to Congress. As for the rest of the Presidential advisers, excepting always the Attorney General, they are but leather mid prunella. Iu a conversation to-day with many Mnrv- 1 eiders, I And it conceded that Hon. Oden Bowie is to lie your Gubernatorial caudidate. If it be any satisfaction to him or to your readers, I ten der you the assurance of the hearty approval of the choice by your well-wishers ol this District, to whom ho is welt and generally known, nud who can never feel indifferent to the interests of Mary laud. The following despatch appears in the Chroni cle of this morning : “ Baltimore, September 30.—General Grant having refused to issue artillery to the Maryland militia on Swauu’i demand, the latter has pur chased twelve 12-pouuder Napoleon brass guns lor batteries in this city. The guns have been assigued to three companies, the Commanders of which were all iu the rebel army." 1 draw your atlcntioa to Ibis dispatch as call ing lor refutation, not doubting that at least one halt of it is totally unfounded. The "Hon." J. .1. Stewart is the reputed author of the tirades iu tae Chronicle against the State of Maryland. This is probably one of hiscvtcrraa manufactured here ugon the spot. GIIKAT SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE!! I- O II I tat TIIIPP, (srccssson to vntrr a crash,) lAI.E amt Rc lanos, cabinet Ol W it ’l.KSAI.K and Retail Dealer lu Pianos, cabinet Organa, Melode- I , and all kind, of Musical Mercban- I aCBBi disc, and Piihhslier of Muatc. Catalogue V “ By D "Inmate and price Hat of Instrument, mailed free on ap plication, Atldreea LOUIS TRIPP, Noe. 99 and M Jefferson St., Loul.vllle, Ky. GREEN LEAF (or HEMP LEAF) III fa 4a I !V 4a AND ROPE. rjIDB undersigned hereby notliy thuir friend, and all consumers of the above named Staple Goods, that they continue to manufacture thorn in Loul.vllle, Ky. They hope and expect to have It In their power to exe cute every order .cut them tills season. All Letter! Promptly Replied To. W. A. RICHARDSON A SON, Loul.vllle, Kentucky. Mlaeelln iiomit* Advertlsementa. UNIVERSITY OP MARYLAND BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. T ill! Sixtieth Annual Session of the SCHOOL of MED- K INK, in the Unlveratty of Maryland, will com mence on the 14th or OCTOBER, 1807, and will end on the let of March, 1888. FACULTY: Nathan R. Surra, M. D.. ProfetMir of Surgery. Wa. R. A. Aikin, M. D. LL. D., Profcror of Chemistry and Pharmacy. G. W. MiLTUNBiaoas. M. D., Prolessor of Obstetrics. Richard McShirry, M. D., Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine. CauiaToruxH JoHNaToa, M. D.. Profeasor of General, Descriptive, and Surgical Anatomy ItTWt U Pnvilf II n Dsxifdoan* ixf Sasuxl c. Chbw, M. D., Professor of Materia Medics and Therapeutic*. Fiunk Donaldson, M. D„ Professor of Physiology, Hy- , , ,| glenne, and General Pathology. I have authority lor stilling that the iibsuul , Wm. T. HowanD, M. D„ Professor of Dtseasss of Wo- slnry of consultations In-tween the notorious men and children. Judge Underwood ami the scarcely less objec- J *^Profesro^ liomihle District Altoruey Chandler with the | The roe. for the full course are $ 180. For Matrices- government here, iu reference to the trial of Mr. tl»". #•'>• For I‘run teal Anatomy. $10. IVivi, is. totally unfounded iu fact. No such consultations have been m l I, nor 11:1s the Atlor- country. Being the Senman’e Hoenital of the port of IK'Y Gcueral beeii consulted tmon tUe subject ! Bnitimore, at» well MACivil hospitiu, It affords a great ,,.' ,11 j variety iu the forms of dUcaae always under treatment, r, ai ... i. .I,,, usi. • i.,.m, Surgical Operations,and Clinical Lectures on Surgery, Fvir the week ctiuiug Ooloner 8th there Will j pi aciicul Medicine, and the Diteiee> of Woman and Chu< be issued from the Patent Oltlce 214 pateota.— i dren, are constitneut iiarta of the dally tns’ructlon given uriue llie past week 33j applicatioiia and 82 i *b*r“P**B»Sft““ ireesors ot the Institution. Duriug caveats have been ftled. ...... ! can take courses of prints instruction from Adjuncts at- Brevet Major Gcueral James A. Hardie, lor taclied to the varioua Chairs. some time past on duty in the War Department has been ordered to Fort Lamed, Kansas, on special service. The Army Medical Examining Board, which has been in session at New York lor some time past, has been dissolved by order ot General Grant. Hun. K. M. T. Hunter, of Virginia, for a long time n Senator in the Congress of the United States, is in this city, and is the guest of Colonel James G. Bcrret. The receipts from internal revenue received at the bureau to-day, amounted to $893,380 49. The President has appointed Colonel Noah L. Jcflrvs, of Maryland, Hcgister of the Treasury, >:ict Mr. Colby. Index. GEO. W. MILTKNBEBGBR, M. D., Dean. •epT -tawBw’ An Affecting Case—Seduction. Perjury, and Pinal Marriage. The Hoyt seduction case, which has engaged In: attention of tin* (hinrt of Sessions. Judge PRATTE, EDWARDS ft CO., Commission Mercnants, Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ga. JN STORE AND TO ARRIVE: tin: attention of the Court of Sessions, Judge Boberison presiding, since Monday, was yester day brought to a sudden and somewhat roman tic termination by the marriage of the “ high contracting parties" in court. The prisoner, J vines B. Hoyt, a young man ol quite respecta ble standing, was mdiciud for the seduction ol a Miss Law-, under promise of marriage, and buy ing refused the only atonement—marriage—for • ue injury he had done, he was placed on trial upon the criminal charge. One of the points relied upon l>y the prisoner to secure an acquittal, was a belief in his ability to prove the previous unchaste character of the girl. For thi» purpose he introduced n witness named Allred Haight, who testified to criminal acts, but when, huwever, he came to be subject ed to cross-examination, be so contradicted liim- sclt aa to sattsly all present that lie was telling a wicked and deliberate falsehood. He left the witness-stand, and proceeded to the vestibule ol tin* court house, where he heard expressions of belief on all sides that he had perjured hiuisolt, aud other remarks not very complimentary to bis character. Soon afterwards he expressed a desire to make a full and free retraction oi all lie had aaid in regard to the young lady upon the witness-stand. Meantime, the court had ad journed. The news ol Haight’s confession was received witli perfect astonishment by the coun sel lor Hoyt, who at ouce determined to with draw from the caw and leave the prisoner to Ins fate. They visited him in jail and informed him ol the sudden turn affairs had taken, aud ot their inability to do unytliiug more in life case. The young man was dumb-foutidod at lirst, but soon i "gained sufficient composure to propose an ntli-r ot marriage. The counsel encouraged the sug gestion as the only means of uscupu left to him from the State prison, nnd when the court re assembled in the afternoon—after Haight had publicly withdrawn his evidence—made the oi ler to the ItisTict Attorney and Mr. Beech.- They were not entirely pleased with the propo sition, hut submitted it to the young lady. Shu consulted with her lriends—iliey opposed the marriage; two sisters, very estimable and wor thy Indies, who hail nobly stood by the unfortu nate girl through nil the solemn hours of tliL- triil, bi-seiallied her with tears not to marry the prisoner under circumstances such as had been levelnpid on the trial, Imt the poor, wronged, 80000 pounds Clear Bides, 10000 pound. Clear Rib Bidet, 5000 pounds Shoulders, K barrel. Lard, 14000 pounds Arrow Cotton Tie, 50 pieeaa Kentucky Bagging, 900 cotie Rope, 50 barrels Itosendale Cement, 60 barrels Louisville Cement, 000 bags White Corn, 10 barrel* Cider Vinegar, Cast Plows, Manufactured Tobacco, Ac, All rash orders promptly tilled. Consignment* aoli- clted. tenia—3m PRATTE, EDWARDS A CO M*|or General John I'onc, I . H. A., voimuauilliig Third Military DliMrlcl (Georgia, Florida, and Alalmmii.)— Office at lioadipiarteri*, on Marietta street. Colonel J. K., t'bluf of llnrumi of Civil Affairs, ■iidOenoral Inspector of Registration lor Third Mili tary District, office at Headquarters. Brev't Brigadier-General W». McKmt Dunn, Assistant Judge Advocutu General U. H. A., Judge Advocate Third Military District. Office al Headquarters. Lieutenant-Colonel E. McK. Hudson, U.H A., Assistant Inspector General. Office at Headquarters. Captain O. K. Banuchmon, U. B. A., Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Office at II 'Rdquitrlcre. Brev't Brigadier General J. J. Mii.hAU, Surgeon U. S. A. Medical Director Third Military District. Office coruer Broad and Marietta streets. Brev't Brlgadlur General Burns Saxton, Chief quarter master. Olffee at Headquarters. Brev't Lieutenant Colonel II. J. Fahnswoutii, Depot quartermaster. Olllee Forsyth street, near ltailroad. Brev't Captain C. A. Hockwicll, Chief Ordnance Officer. Office corner Broad aud Marietta streets. Major E. D. Judd, P.^M. U. H. A., Chief Pay Master and Disbursing Offlcor Third Millinry District. Office cor ner Broad amt Marietta streets. Lieutenant C. 8. Ilsi.rt, Post quartermaster amt Com missary Subsistence. Office Willingham ner Ivy and Decatur streets. Brev't Major Wn. It. Hnytuf, Captain IHtli U. S. Inrun try, Acting Assistant Judge Advocate General. Offleo at Headquarter,. Brev't Major T. C. Sullivan, C. 8 United States Army, Chief Commissary of Subsistence. Office, Room No. 1 Willingham Buttdlugs, corner of Decatur and Ivy atreete. Brev't Malor Fain. Moskbach, V. R. C., Sub-Aset. Com. Sub-District, Atlanta Bureau R. F. and A. L. Office In Granite Block, No. 1, room No. 6. POST or ATLANTA, Composed of the counties of Cobb, Fulton, Campbell, Carroll, Cowot*, Heard, Fayette, Clayton, Spalding, Henry, Newton, DeKalb, Milton, Gwinnett and Butte. Brev't Brigadier Gcueral Thomas It. Ituocii, Colonel 83d United States Infantry, commanding Post. Head quarters, room No. a Willingham Building, corner of Deratur and Ivy streets, Atlanta, Ga. Brev’t Captain O. C Knapp, let Lieutenant Thl U. S. In fantry, Post Atfjntant. Office at Headquarters. Flrat Lieutenant C. S. Ilslev, ltfth U. S. Infantry, Act ing Assistant quarlermuetcr and Acting Commissary Subsistence Post. Office, room No. 7 Wtlliugliaui Building. ■'I ImsisiI lii IIOSMIM Ac! v tv 1*1 Isis- ms- it Is. Don’t Wash Another Week Without Buying —TIIB— 6REATE8T WONDER OF THE ABE! IIALT^ffl 11N1VLIINAL WASHING MACHINE!! b«'BUIAL NOTICK TO TIIK LADIKS. I T him long Iwon foil, amt arknowlcd^ud that a Wahhinu Machine would vet hu invented ttiut. would be alm- lue, cheap, and more elt'cctlvu tlmu any of the Machinea lieietolorr ottered to Hie public. Much a Machiuo ia now HI Im€M*1I|||1«»€»UM A4| V«‘l*t IMC*III<9II10. HARDWARE! HARDWARE!! ollered without frar of competition. IhI. Oiio woman will do more with a Machine than mx nut do without it. It will wm*h live dirty Blilrtn (including wristbanda and collar*) perfectly clean iu from four to eifc'lit miiiulee—this we Kuurantcc, or no sale. lu. It reipiires no skill to operate it, asaidrl 10 years ^washed 0* 1 A tbU'tu) POUR 1)02 KN 1'IKCKM IN K HOI']{ J Al. It lakes at least one third less soap, and will pay r°r itself every year iu the saving of clothing, as it acta ““ delicately on the fabrics that bank bills can l»e washed without breaking—something no other machine can V\ e tnautiDtclure these Macnlnes iu this place, aud si sell them at TEN IRON AND HTJ3131j. DOLLARS, old for iu New York. the market that cau be bought the same price they are sold for iu New York. There la “ ‘ ichfn lor even twice the money, and no Machine that will com* with it in the performance of its wor . 1 hcvu Machines are on exhibition in this city, at the ore of .JOHNSON ft Kt’imi.s Whi»*>i>aii 8t o® * ^HOLS. Whitehall street.* Mk. BhNTLY owns the Patent Right for this remarkable nrlilim iti nil ilniM.iiitku*ii uiusiki. i il..mI i— -i-- - . - - Machine in all the Suuthern States. Liberal inducements will lie ottered to gentlemen desiring the exclusive rigb' to sell these Machines In countteaanddistricts, or state. Cull ou, or address, D. S. BENTLY A CO., Rome, Ga. 400 TUNS SWEKDES ANU ltEKINKU IKON, 40 tona Plow Steel, limn kegs Nalls—licet brands, 9000 pairs Trace Cliulns, 60 Auvils, 1(10 Vises, 8(100 pounds S. Wagon Axles, 150 dozen Sargent's Cotton Cards, 800 dozen Arne’s Shovels aud Spades, 100 colls Jute and Manilla Rope, 60 Smith's Bellows, 800 bags Shot, 80 ton’s Savory's Hollow Ware, 600 Grindstone's, 160 dozen Collins’ Axoa. Also, a flue assortment of Cutlery and Mlacellaneona MlH<t.-lliiii«-<»tiM /\ <1 vs:rtls*s*rits*ntN. W A A T T j : 1) Previoua to October IBth. in Lots of FITE CENTS AND UPWARDS, 115,000 IN GOLD, SILVER, and GREENBACKS, Hardware, fur sale on the muni favorable terms, by 'TO. septa—lm BONES, BROWN A C(... Augusta, Georgia, In r.xulinitKU foe Boots, Shoes, Leather. AND SHOE-FINDINCS, -A. t Low Prices!! •sqjnom k j siseSSS* i ll j.’iqinoiiic ISSSSSSSSS SJiftaSRRSf 1 Vt jj qtaoui i ssessss* •' SS8*8B*g* m lj •smuii j S * * e » S : * V. £ £ * 8 ; j y S g s s s s “ *- S S U S «k S S S i S S ■■ 90 « 9. 9* *A /. <* m ~ 18 5 2 5*5 *aoui|) v | a a c g a c li '■onus 5 5 5 5 5 5 «* w- ww . . • “8011)6 2 5 2 5 2 5 • : : N « V « !• ? : «* t » fi 9 s s ; - - *-• Z " ~ : i * l jj 'sajvubg | - ei K L ui ■£ 1- Z V THE ARROW TIE ARD IROR BIRDS one ‘^InglBg upon this Patent Right will bt prosiciitiu according to law, and any one giving Informs tiou of the same, will be liberally rewarded. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. FOR THE YEAR 1807, J. E. Williams, Mayor |9,(ifl0 8. B. Love, Clerk of Council J. T. Glenn, City Attorney 1.6U0 »• »• viouu, viij aiiui iicjr Robert M. Farrar, City Treasurer E. J. Koache.City Physician Jas. F. Cooper, City Engineer. Robt. Crawford, Commissioner of Public Works.. George Stewart,Overseer of Streets Jo. o. Smith, Tax Receiver and Collector Pat. Fitagibbon, Hail-Keeper b(X) 800 1,500 1,800 l,6h0 1,000 MSI Out ALDERMEN. rutaT watts. M. T. Castleberry, Richard Peters. sxcond wxbu. B. K. Dawson, A. W. Mitchell. THIRD ward. George XV. Terry, XV. C. Anderson. yoURTH WAHlt. J. B. Gnilatt, W.B.Cox. ru-Tu WAHD. J. A. Haydon, E. XX’. Holland. POLICE DEPARTMENT. L. P. Thomas, Chief Marshal E. C. Morphy, Deputy Marshal J. L. Johnson, 1st Lieutenant ot Police T. C. Murphy, 9d Lientenuut of Police POLICEMZX—($s 86 rr.R day.) . ..*1,600 ... 1,800 ... 1,000 ... 1.U04 I. J. Cook, F. J. Botnar, D. Kogan, Center, E. A. F. T. Kicklighter, J. A. Hinton, Hall, J. L. Crenshaw, G. W. Bowen, V. M. Barry, A. Jarrard, O. P. Woodliff, Jasper Groves, W. H. C. Cowan, J. S. Holland, K. D. Haynes, D. queen, J. J{. Love, . A. I.ang, it. U. Hutchins, J. 41. Conually, Green llollnml. It. XV. Wooding, II. J. iloltZClHW, AL XV. Itasbcrry, J. F. Barnes, T. (i. 51cHun, J. A. Lunicr, Clerk of Firet Market—'meopuuua uarrts. Clerk of Second Market—Frank T. Ityuu. Sexton—G. A. Pilgrim. City Assessors—K. S. Waters, W. C. Humphries, and C. F. Wood. Assessor of Land taken (hr Opening Streets—Levi C. Wells, and F. P. Rice, Finance—Peters, Mitcbell Itaweun. Ordinance—Mitchell, Uayueu, Peters. Streets and Sidewalks—Uullatt, Jtuwson, Hayden. Wells, Pomp* and.Cisterns—Cox, Anderson, Castle- oerry. Lamps and Gas—Hayden, Terry, Peters. Relief—Castleberry, Rawsou, Terry, Guilt Market—Hayden, Castleberry, Holland. Fire Department—Gullait, Cox, Terry. Police—Rawson, Cox, Anderson. Cemetery—Terry, Mitchell, Rawson. Public Building* and Grounds—Anderson, Terry, Pe ers. Tax—Holland, Rawson, Cox. On Printing—Terry, Holland, Castleberry. Hilt-i** Cn* I lu t>,4 NOTICE TO AECHITECTS. T a meeting ofthe Board of Msnagera of the Georgia to Lottery for the benefit of thi A State Lottery for the bsnefft ofThe "Masonic Or- lilians’ Home," July llitb, 1887, the following resolutions were passed: /tem/rsrf, That the Managers advertise for proposals purchase or donation of TWENTY ACRES OF In the vicinity of Atlanta, for the purpoaa of erect- reou a MASONIC ORPHANS' HUMR-eald pro posala to be sulmiitted to the Board of Managers by the fourth day of September next. The title win* * I be vested in the Grand Lodge of (he State of Georgia, or such other ” In the State aa will accept the Mine. Masonic Lodge should tltu Grand Lodge decline the timat. Rootled, further. That the Board will pay 8600 fur the Draft of a Granite Building for the '‘Masonic orphans' Home," to be submitted to the Board by the lir-t day of November next: the said plan to be so drawn as that the bnlldtng can be commenced with an ezpendl- titre of fffty thonrand dollar*, daring the flrat year, end that the same may be extended from year to year, with out destroying the symmetry of tha architecture. The above named aum of five hundred dollars to be paid for the plan which the Board or Manage-a shall aelect from the number presented. For further Information, addreaa BOYD * WILSON, Business Managers Georgia State Lottery, lydt—tilnovl Atlanta. Georgia. 96th SEMI-ANNUAL EXPOSE. TOTAL LOSSBS PAID. $21,271,972 57 1 (tii'l injured jjirl—witli a mot liar’s limit r lovo I"! her nfLqiring, and a liuarl not yet tlitiil to tin* spring, •titworthy cituHu of nil the misery—gave r ‘ 'boas lor lltestep thul silenced counai l, Iricmls, Halivca, and all in tliuiroiipogilion to the tinioii, lln '( they conm-nted lotliu marriage. .Xleiiutiinc, wliilc tlicxu wltiapL-ringa and negotiations, con- iluctcd willt boIm nnd tours, were going on, the van audience iu llie court room roiiutined siieul »nil interested apeetators ot the ttcetiu. Scarcely a person in the crowded assembly at "Hit approved tltu Union; Imt when it waaatlast known that the young girl had consented to rescue tho object of Iter beittl'a youlliltll nflec- hoiiH Irmn n prison, till attddettly reversed llteir J'ldguii-nt—love won tlte victory over reason— «hd hearty itppiuiiau greeted the appearance of Hcv. Dr. li.iMwiii, wlto Itad lieen sent lor to pur- lortn the marriage ceremony. The voting man, * prisoner Imt a moment belore, walked over to Ins bride, and a lew words passed fed ween litem; t >e Itevereud Dcclor took life poaiiion on Ibo riglit o| Judge ItofeirlHon, and the yoimg coiiph pretu-uted themsclvea ut the altar. the Jmlge was llie first to break llte stilluess ot the solemn scone, lie remarked that the Conclusion ol the trial could not fell tie regarded '"Jftunale lor all lint parties concerned. L •t mill aceiu, from the evidence in the ease, Hint tc (lefendunt Itnil fe-en misled Ly thu lal .ehiMKl r i, ' , r ', •! Parties, and Imd ntlslrnsleil llie iuteg- y »nd lUelily of the young la'ly. A willies: tut been ttrrulii,.i*.i t. ..i! ■ Salaries—Cox, Mitchell, Ilollaud. BOARD oFhEALTH. First Ward—Dr. J. M. Boring Third Ward—L. P. Grant, Emp Fourth XVard—Dr. Chur, i’iiicktior. Fifth Ward—Dr. (I. N. Simmons. WAIIDS or HIE CITY. The City of Atlanta shall be laid off Into five wards, as lollows, to-wit: flBST WAItO, Commencing at the crossing of Whitehall street with A Great Labor-Saving Machine. ttnn’zxf Vh!i“ U i * raount Ofnonp required, nud tho protec- public thC C ot lLH ’ WQU,< ^ recommend it ,to a generoui I*a*‘>ot<wwaD& °- W. F. LAMPKIN, XVM HAM. f. powers, ta*!i'i,-k V.T.1, „ u JO,,N w - NOBLE, JAMES NOBLE, Sr., J. J. COHEN. MariHnS" t h ,W Patent Universal' xVaehi'ng tw.-r,. 1 ,.! ' , l ! r V u h’ llt to Atlanta, aud am now using it to my K'W and recommend tttoall as a great Labor-Saving Machine. Mns. CYNTHIA KILE. dibbctionr foh usk. .A'?} fee Machine down Into a common wash tub, by nodi it hc * !?k? ,he * , , de ‘' for ‘he journal* to rest iu. S h ( '! t,hln of fee eottom of the tub: 'Jjfe.Uot water until the water coven the pebbles in ^. 0 . ,W0 wel ,lle cl °fe e * ln warm water, (it is better to soak clothes over night,) then rub a little fiVr-rP'"'i* 11 thedlrty places; Uien pnt the clothes chlne^haSYm o 8 f , ?i* m th ® p £ , ’a 1 .®"' * nd «iw»y*AU the ma- nV»Vu* U ,°^ C ^°t^®®4 bhiking them out at they are ® l r," p v h ® d ^: fe®, to-dlSttaSSW k ** pt ?f »•low.stefefe motionnn- * ® al ” th5n ru , n through a wringer; then boll wlih'fhi’iu^r.aP®/ **12 'iofeesXck lnto"the machine mid 'then hang^out to'di" ' fe?_Pf?.*! 1 k wajer. nnnre nrSkSIf U . ta i^?‘ 5® r S r lurn the n>«chlne when "ttiS'irciSjBS'DS.r-- Safe wdSglgfSBPiL MORE NEW GOODS. rj-KNTLEMKN wh0 wlBh nl ce Seine or : either of the' Whitehall and Hunter street*. mavS — il. T. BANKS. PHILLIPS «» FLANDURO, Next to Dodd's Comer, Whitehall Street. ■yyoULD respectfully oall yonr attention to our VARIETY STOCK OF GOODS. fu'U,*";; from 10 to 80 cent* ni?2!St«Y from 15 to 90 cents Twii.! ‘ B from 16 to 40 cents S oured Muslin. from 15 to 80 cents from 86 to 60 cents Cuttouades...., irom 80 to30cente and Table < cloUis IllCe * ,re ®* <3oo ‘ l9 * Linens, Tuwellugs JiSfirttlnfificP*"® ,n ' FURNITURE IN LARGE QUANTITY. Bedsteads from $ 4 to «15 Work Stands... from 8 to « ucmdeB many other articlte too numerous to mention. Sugar and Coffee, Bacon, Lard, and Syrnp. i^tstcel at 80 cents per ponnd Bar Iron 5 centB per pound Sqnare Iron at 8 cents per pound S" u< JlV'V at 8 cents per ponnd Smoothing Irons at 8 cents per Ixmnrt Anmrons 7 cents per pound In the Dlatrlet Court or tho United Staten lor the Northern Dletriet or Georgia, In the matter of l Isaao RusEMriLD, > In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. j T O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I hereby give no tice that I have been duly appointed assignee of tho estate of Isaac Rosenfeld, a bankrupt, of Atlanta, In the district aforesaid, who ha. been adjudged a bankrupt cm bis own petiliuu by the District Conrt aforesaid. September 17,18117. AUGUSTUS U. REINHARDT, Asalguce. Printer's fee 75 cents per square for each lnsenloa. septl—1aw8w T II E BALING COTTON ! AN INSURANCE AGAINST fixe, waste, and theft 'UNKQUALID FOB Simplicity and Rapidity of Adjustment SURPASSED BY NONE FOR BTRKNQTB AND ADAPTABILITY TO ALL The Unern oY Commeroe 1 fJXHjtY are manufactured In LIVERPOOL, of the best English iron, under the personal supervision of the In ventor, formerly a resident of New Orleans, La. The ARROW TIE I* preferred hy Shipmaster* and Compressmen, as it ia worked with one-eighth to one inch alack, while all SOLID TIBS require three to live lnchea, which, in running through a cargo, involve* a heavy loia to the Shipmaster. . Use the Arrow Tie sad Bands, AND SAVE MONEY IN FREIGHT and INSURANCE I Arrangements have been made to secure an ample anp- ply of the ARROW TIE and BANDS for th* coming sea- son. JAMES A. HALL, Agent Middle and Sonthweat Georgia. vninn j* wo.. General Agents, Savannah, Ga. The undersigned is prepared to furnish the ARROW TIE to the trade at SAVANNAH PRICES, forwarding and transportation added. PRATTE, EDWABDS A CO., Agent*, Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ga. MORE THAN 100 C.IA'AA NEW 600DS OPENED THIS WEEK !! An<l othern Arrivin'/ Daily. %MTCountry Merchant* are particularly invited to ex amine our stock, ae wc will offer them greater induce menu than can be had elsewhere. TO BOOT AND SHOE-MAKERS. "Of all thing* under the nun,! Hurrah! there ib nothing like Leather. And if you consult your beet iutoreat, you will certain buy your supplies of I. T. BANKS, Because he makes "Quick Sates ami Small Profits, and Belli for cash only, thus leaving no bad debt* to be made up in extra profits. bpecial Notices, dc x*nts per line first insertion, and 1C cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements inserted at intervals to be charged at new each Insertion. Advertisements ordered to remain on any particnisr he money for advertising considered due after firs! insertion. All communications or letters on business intended ;oi thin office should be addressed to "The Atlanta intedi gencer." JARED IRWIN WHITAKEa*. Pioprlitor. WM, M. WILLIAMS & BRO, Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN grain, bacon, lard, floub “Remember the Place and Sign, 1. T. BANKS, ® n Ndlng, cor. Whitehall and Hunter Sts. sspttO— DRY GOODS! DRY HOODS! TALLEY, BROWN & CO. Whitehall Htreet, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Are DAILY RECEIX’ING their Fall and Winter Stock OF DRY GOODS. The Ladles especially are invited to call aud examine their line of Silks, Comprising, ln part, French Merino*, French Poplins, Empress Goods, Bombazines, Alpaccas, Delaines. THEIR STOCK OF tho Western & Atlantic Railroad, amt running up the south side of said railroad to the incorporation line, ilien down said line to the center of XVhUeluiU street, theu north along the center of said street to thu starting point. end whloh shall be known aud constitute W'nrd number One. SXCOND WARD. Commencing at the center of the crossing of Whitehall afreet, at the Western & Atlantic Railroad, and miming east down the railroad to the crossing of l alliouu street. LIVE DRUG HOUSE, CORNER WHITEHALL AND ALABAMA STRBKTS, along the middle Of huIi! cirret iu the center of McDon ough street, theme uloug llie center ot McDonough street ter of Whitehall street at its croR»iug ui the incorporation line, then along the center of said street to the starting ’ * —■ kuowuaud ci »«•--» THIRD WARD. ...... ng „ K iut, which smill be kuowu aud constitute Ward num r Two. Commeuclng at the center of Calhoun street, at its ruuniug down the south side of said railroad lo corporation line, then aloug said line to the center of Me Donough street to the starting point, which shuil consti tute ana be known as Ward number Three. FOURTH WARD. Commencing on the north side of the Georgia Railroad, in the center of the crossing of said railroad by Loyd street, and running down the north side of said railroad to the incorporation Hue, then along said line to Ivy street, theu along the center of ivy street to Decatur street, then along said street west to the center of Loyd to the starting point, which shall constitute and be known as Wara number Four. ter of the crossing of Loyd v street, aud running west along the north side of ' *” “■ the Western it Atlantic Railroad to the incorporation line, then along said line to the cen ter of Ivy street, theu south along tho center of De catur street to the center of |a»yd street, then along the center of Loyd street to the starting point, Which shall constitute and he knowu us Wurd number Five. JULY 1. 186 7. ASSETSi (At Martel Value.) Cssli on hum! and in Bank $ 615,888 89 Iteal Estate Mortgage Bonds. Bank Slock 948,998 (18 095,660 00 1,8110,400 00 U. States, Slate aud City Stock, aud other Public Hecurilie*.. 1,901,898 80 FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer—'I liomas Haney. First Assistant Engineer—Henry Gullait. Second Assistant Euginuer—W. (J. Knox. Secretary—B. F. Mooie. Treasurer—James H. Gullait. ATLANTA, OEOROIA, W E INVITE the attention of the public to uur supe rior stock of medicine*, Paint*, Oil*, Window Glass, Jke. Buying in large quantities and orlglnalpsckages, directly from Impellers and Manufac turer*. for the CASH, we are able to offer Inducements to purchasers,either HEAR THE IN8URANCE A8ENT8! SavANHAB, Mat 7th, 1807. The recent Ores in this city having proved to our entire satisfaction, by a thorough test, the superiority o f IRON BANDS for baling purposes, we strongly recommend them to the nse of the Planters of Georgia ss an efficient agent In restricting loss by fire; and we agree to discrimi nate, when practicable, in favor of cotton thua secured. A. WILBUR, General Insurance Agent. CHARLES GREEN A SON, Ag'is Liverpool, London & Globe In. Co. CHARLES L. COLBY A CO„ Embroideries, Laces, Dress Trimmings And Dress Button* la larg* and varied. They keep constantly ou hand, BLEACHED and BROWN DOMESTICS, HUNTS and YANKEE NOTIONS. VAN EPPS & TIPPIN, ... ... FOOTMAN, Insurance Agent. WOODBRIDGE BROS., Ins. Agents. J. T. THOMAS. Insurance Agent. J. C. MoNULTY, Commission Merchants, STEWART, Agent London A Lancaster Ins. Co. LANE A WEST, Insurance Agents. Macon, Ga., May 10th, 1867. The recent Are at the Warehouse of Mr. B. T. Chap man, ln this city, having fnlly demonstrated the advun tags of the nse of Iron Bands for baling purposes, as a security against loss by fire, we, the nudersigned Insu rance Agvuta, Macon, Ga., take pleasure in eudoraiug the action or the Agents at Savannah. Ga. E. C. GKANNI88, Agent for soveral Ins. Companies. J. W. BURKE. Insurance Agent. E. J. JOHNSON & CO., Insurance Ag't*. J. MON HOE OGDEN, Insurance Agent. J. M. BOAKDMAN, Insurance Agent. JNO. B. COBB, Ieurance Agent. may87—6m ATLANTA. BY WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Onr stock is frill, aud consists of every variety of Foreign and American Goods, from the Cheapest to the Finest. OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT NIGHT. Ring the Door-Bell at Night I Atlanta Enuink Company No. l. Maj. W. P. Cox President John B. Nuriueu Foreman Samuel Wilson So.-rclno .. .Trenslirci II. Muhleiihrink Charles Nchuntx John Herkelc. John Williy... J. U. Ellsworth P. J. Bracken M, L. Collier O. Warner IL llancy, J First Director . Second Ulri cloi Third Director Kngiupei First Assistant Kngieeui .. .Second Assistant Eugiueei ... .Third Assistant Englueer Axcmei Onr Beautiful ARCTIC SODA FOUNT And PIT ft K FRUIT HYRUPSare Hill attracting crowds whom* thlral la allayed hy It* Kuehtaff watert r nnd ato Wm. kro^gt . M. L. Roberta Dolrpntc to Fire Dcpuitmcut J. O. Kelley W. D. Luckin, Jr O. II. JoUL'B K. Bulce laaac Hteinhciinur.... Cl. W. Terry Joel Kelaey Jantea DauieU J. M. Toy G. T. Anderaon, ( W. F. Wooda, f *•' J. M. Iliilco, ) . .Vice-President . Secretary Treaaurer Flrat Director tSei'oml hi lift or 1‘ltief Ktij/ineer First Aaalatant Knulneer Second Aaalatant Rii^iueer Third Aaalatant Knuineer IMpemen I. ,|X | *J a#s wia*i j tfllllR liRt IV. AA w IHVt n*l ‘ 11 PrinluMMl here luiidiii:' lo confirm siiclt Ul| ine into coml Mini roHam . 'L?" d frui: r x * 'ion •>! life i vMcncu In* VljtlW mill ClllirtkCttT of till! INiUl- tliai o,? i' *?' * ‘ e 4efen Lint lias fe-ci meaul allcii llie „ ,eul 'mnl iltwirc* lo make nil formant* 0 hi * ,,owur '*y » I"* 1 * 110 P« r - m*eLe U»« cerumonv of marring?. It is $4,660,938 87 Lra* I.iabllitiea, claims not doe aud unad justed 877,698 49 Net Assets $4,878,899 81 .Axemen Surge .Representative to Fire Depnrimi AND INLAND navigation risks. URrAgi-oeles lu all llie principal cities aud lowna in the United Sliiles. Applications for Insurance will h* promptly attended OFFICE-With C. I. Brown, on east side of Whitehall street, ouc door from Alabama. JylV— N. L. ANOIRR, Agent. Tam.ui.aii Knoink Company No. 3. ft. W. Grubb President. R, A. Center X’lce I'resiileiil. W. C. Shearer Flrsl lllrerlor. George Tlnmi|MH)u —Seeinid Director. thi- ARCTIC FllUNT, ami many of our < are being greatly hoiictlled hy Its nee. Close cash luiyeraare Invi.ed to examine o'-r stock. REDWINR A FOX, Jnly'AV Atlsuta, Georgli M. L. wBISTOIC. TO SOUTHERN MERCHANTS. llorx 1st.AMD Manupacturino Co., I CliAhnoTTK, North Carolina. r. 8» init'i »it*»i«’. 881*11 tiiv very net! i vies of Al.l.-WOOl, i.'ASSIMERKS, and witli the mosl duralile.)KAN'S ami KEIISEX' free from sliod- dy end other iiiipurllies, order samples front the sub- during iho inonilis of July and Augnet. pies you can make your selections and relnrn yonr or ders, and the goods will be forwarded directly from the Manufactory. JOHN A. YOUNG, Prosldunt. Je5—4ni I'liarlotte, N. C. J. J. PKAIU-a. W. T. WHKLISS. UIIAS, A. PXAHUK. leorge T J. J. Rogers John D. Clarke Lewis II. Clarke John A. 111)1 A. Thleme II. H. Urine, M. D W. R. Bigger* Director. . Secieiary. ..Treasurer. ... Axeman. ...Axeman. .. .Surgeon. ... Delegate. Atlanta Hook anu LAUDkn Co. No. 1. J. L. Queen Foreman d. F.8. D'Alviguy. Asslalaiit Foreman J. 8. Yarbrough Secretary Geo. Johnson Treasurer Id. Uolfend Hopreseulativo to Fire Deqiartment PEARCE, WHELE88 & CO., COTTON FACTORS SALT! SALT! Liverpool Salt, Direct Importation, Always on hand and for sale by XVEHT A DANIELS, sop!7—8m Jones' Block, Savannah, Ga. Louisville Steam Bakery F. W. STIMMEL * CO., In Store uud to Arrive t FLOVR, CORN, SUGAR, COFFER, BACON, HAMS LARD, MOLASSES. And a general assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries. IvIS-Sm VAN KPP8 A TIPPIN. aos and 310 Weit Greon Street. LOUISVILLE, KY., Wholesale Dealers aud Manufacturer* of all klndt of CRACKERS. Agents for Bttmmel's celebrated QUICK YEAST. seplS—3m EVERT KIND OF PLANTATION MACHINERY, ENGINES, HOUSE POWERS, GRIST MILLS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Of every description In More, and for aal* at th* loweat reles, by J. B. PULLER ang87-4m B*o PUliliBllt 47 DEY STREET, New York City. FOR KENT A GOOD BRICK STOREROOM In Oartersville, Or. For particular*, Inquire of oc6—fit DLAIR BRAD8BAW, Cartcrsvlllo, Ga. 11 OM 10 AGAIN. Commission Morclinnls, JACKSON STREET, ■ - - AVOUSTA, OEOROIA. |W*Sioro aud acll Cot (on and other Produce. Bagging and Itojai lurulshed at mark«ljprteM, aepT-Jut Bools, Shoes, Leather, lie. I WOULD respectfully call the attention of the public In the fact Hint I have moved back to my old stand, wfe-re all those that want good good* can be accommo dated. 1 Intend to keep tho best good* made, and will sell them as ehuap as tho cheap**!. Extra inducements lo wholesale bnyer*. GEO. W. PRICE, Markham’* Building, Peachtree street, s*p96-3w»Atlsnts, Hroigla P LOOKING, ylX_THOU8AND FEET. Prim* DpmmA KUn-Dried Flooring, Toogusd and Grooved. KING, BARDRIA CO sep90— GROCERS, AND ALABAMA STREET, LEND TO THE LAND! Union Point, Ga., October 13,18fi6. Meetre. Bmnilwell A Barron-: Ginti—I used yonr Phosphate on my Cotton st the rate of 950 pounds per acre. I am satlsfled that I will realize at least 150 per cent, on the amount spent. I am so well pleased that I expect to use more on the next crop than I did on this. Very truly yours, (Signed) P. W. PRINTUP. Western Produce Generally OLD STAND, Formerly Theater, now Phoenix Bnilding, DECATUR »T m .... ATLANTA, GA h** 0 again established ourselves in our former business, at the OLD STAND, and beg to tender our ser vices to former friends and the public generally. W have a large and commodious store, and with oor pas experience and ample facilities, trnst we shall receive an merit a liberal patronage. IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE* 10000 BU8HEL8 very choice Tennessee Corn 40000 lbs Bacon—Sides, Shoulders, and Hams. WM. M. WILLIAMS A BRO. LIMB, LIME. W E S!?/°L e A S e 1 nt « tor the sale ot Rogers' celebrated Blrds-EyeLlmc, and will continue to keen con* ®A g ?? d fre h from the kilns. Pa”- e!oi 2J.A n !L2,*„ K00d ft'® 0 - W L" flt >(l it to their interest to call and see ns, or send ds their order* apr91- 8m WM. M. WILLIAMS A BHU. Jmt Received and now In Store. A 4n£ K Ji!! S f n °'i nd > 8< iusrc, and Fist Iron and •f—-, Steel, which we offer upon terms that must suit rces choice Sugar-Cured Har W. M. WILLIAMS A BRO* Commission Merchants. COTTOK WAREHOUSE. r. B. M DANIIL. B. r. MOSES. „ STRONG & CO., COTTON WAREHOUSE AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Corner Prior and Hanter Streets, In tight of the Passenger Depot, and near tha United States and American Hotel*, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. invite the attention of PLANTERS, and all oth ers who deal in COTTON, to the fact that we are now of fering as great facilities and inducements for the STO RAGE and SALE of their COTTON in Atlanta is can be afforded them ln any other market. Oar Warehouse is Unsurpassed In the State, being large and commodious, accessible to the vatlons Railroads, completely ehclttred, and almost entirely flre-proof. We particularly direct their attention to tho fact that Atlanta is nou> a Cotton Market, where the staple can al ways be disposed of at as high prices, relatively, as In any other—leaving to the various Planter, ou the lines of the different Railroads leading into Atlanta, no Induce ment to ship beyond. To all parties residing in this Collection District who msy desire to ship to ue. we will lurnish the permit of the Collector to make such shipment without pre-pay ment qf Tar. We are also prepared to mike LIBERAL CASH AD VANCES on consignments, and in a 1 respect - will offer as liberal Inducements as any other House of responsi bility. The Urge experience in Cotton of all the mem bers of onr firm is a guaranty tnat consignments en trusted to onr care will be promptly and satisfactorily at tended to. sep4—3m JULY 2 5, 1867. BACON. 1 KAftft LBS TENNESSEE CLEAR SIDES, iuvvU 5MD ponnd* Tennessee Shoulders,| 5000 pounds Tennessee Hants, 1000 pounds Tennessee ltihhcd Sides. Jnst received and for sale by FAINS A PARROTT. No. 7 Peach-Tree street, A.lama, Ga. 1 300 SA [ K b S TKNNKSSEK WniTE CORN, FAINS A PARROTT. No. 7 Peach-Tree street, Atlanta, Ol. Amxruus, Ga., November 1,1866. Stetere. Bright u til A Barrow : Gnnts— 1 Tho twenty (80) Ions REED'S PHOSPHATE I bought ot you this year, 1 used on Corn and Cotton. I o well pleased with tho effect on my crop, that I wish to pucbiae of you for next year's crop, one hundred tona. Yonrs respectfully, JAS. A. COBB. Thi* Manure, manufactured ln Georgia (lb* virtue* tor which ire attested by well known Georgia citizen*, and which 1* calculated to do so much for “Reooiietruotion’ In Georgia) I* for sale hy BUTTER. -I X FERKINS FRESH Y’ELLOW BUTTER. X O sale by FAINS A PARROTT, No. 7 l’each-Treo •tree!, Atlanta, G». COFFEE. BAGS Prime to Choice Rie Coffee. FAINS A PARROTT No. 7 Peach-Tree street, Atlanta, Uu. A FULL LINK of Refined and Raw Sngan. For tale h)1 LANGSTON, CRANE & HAMMOCK, Sole Agents, Alabama Street, Atlanta, Ga. FAINS A PARROTT. No. 7 Peach-Tree street, Atlanta, Ga. LINBBBD OIL. J BARREL LINSEED OIL. Fo aal* cheap by iy98— _ _ FAIN8 * PARROTT, No, 7 Peach-Tree Street, Atlanta. Ga, SACKS AND WHEAT WANTED. ROAA Sacks, Second-Hand Gunnies snd BuaUpt. OWU fiffOff bushels Wheal LANGSTON, CRANK A HAMMOCK, Commission Merchant*, •«jl8—tm AlabMts street. A SITUATION WANTED V S SUPERINTENDENT or a Flonr or Saw Mill, bv a practical Millwright and Machlulat, who has bad 95 years' experience In tho manufacture or Flonr aud l.nmlwr. Would prefer to rent or take an Interest ln a Country Flonr Mill. Addres* ln * septfr—lawtw _ . . SAMUEL HAND. Car* John Hart, Savannah, da.