The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, October 10, 1867, Image 1

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Z\\t Jails gttfftttflenm, ' «(KiiiMJi iiik vii'mi.kmhhinr building. ,1,1c „r Whitehall slreel. between AtaMM lUMt it ml ihe Railroad rroealng. I UIIMSIIKD DAILY ANII WKRKLY »Y JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, l'miirlotor. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. r. T h u r •<■•»_ worn I rt«,Oo«.l O. I DO 7. a.,each ol the lion. ft. I, Cos, at CoImm. b,t« Ohio. On tlic noth ultimo, till* gentleman (IdlvcrtMl ,i t'l.himlmit, Oltlo. tmo t»l the moat powerful S | H -i i lic.t iigainat reultMlitm wo have ever leml. Wo regret that wo have not apart tor It In Ihrao ,,,|nmn*. Wo itj'|H'iul. tiowevor, the closing Imukmi'Ii w hich wo havo no doubt will bo ac- ,, piitiilo to our roatlois, at thojr nru no lost in- ti nsled in thorn limit the pooplo ot Ohio to whom they were addressed . TIIK NATION At. DKlkT. Another part of this subject, though not of equal interest to you. is still too important to pus over—that is the oiloot upon tho laboring d isses of a heavy national debt. I am not one ol those alarmists who believe lieu ibis debt, largo as It Is, Is going to “swamp" ihe people of ibis country. If the country stood ,|,me by itselt ; if it was walled iu and abut otl H,.m ali oilier countries—as Mr. Horace Greeley mill tho whole school of liadical Protectionists lu< npeately wislird that it might be—and It in. ,'imunuuicatlon existed between it and any ol iiie lest of (lie world, then this debt wouhl lie the heaviest drag ever placed upon the Industry .it n people. When would the generations pass away before the incubus of this enor mous load would cease to lie lelt ?— Would it uot be a pall overeverytbing ? It would In the Old Man of the sea ehok'iug the unhappy mi,bad, and steering him towards his grave. Blit mving to the lact that we are in frevpient ami intimate communication with tho real of the world—that we are bound to other nations hv • os ol kindred, business, blood, and (nterna- noniil policy—there exists between them and us - i, h confidence, arising out ol mutual interests, i i,a* the weight of Ibis great debt is partly home la tin m. This debt mainly represents material .: war which was destroyed during the late Con ti •' flic loss ot this vast amount of wealth, r i ikcti out of our stock on hand ami not re- ; a nMied trom the outside world, would be more linn we could bear. But other peoples, buliev- mg 'hat in the course of time wo will be aide to l,y by enough to replenish this loss, agree in the nu-auwliile to lend us out of their own stock.— Tncy buy our bonds, and pay money lor them. I nis money we change Into mcrchamlisH, which import into this country, and thus replenish Hie stock ol materials wasted and destroyed in the « ,r. Nevertheless, the amount of our debt is so pu at, that although wc shall probably be able to pet along under it yet it will not bear to be in- ere u-i'il. I am opposed to increasing it lor nuy pur- pose whatever, no matter in what guise lluttpur- p,.— comes,believing that true patriotism consists m lowering the debt gradually. It is otlen somt- tning worse than false patriotism to ask for its in. lease. It is despotism and robbery. It is the , on ii loot of Radical power desirous ol wenk- .Mtug this people to a sultlcieui extent to enable ii in ride rough-shod over the land. What is it l.u this species of Machinvelism that appropri- aii-s fJ.iktO.iHKI lor reconstructiou, and flO.OOO,- Oii!i for Freedtnen'a Bureaus, and fCO,000,000 for bounties to bimuty-jumpers, and is aching • appropriate) 610,000,000 more lor a similar pe.rpose? What is it but the demon of party mu lias for its object the subjugation of this people; that with devilish ingenuity asks that me debt shall be increased to hold ten States iu military thrall or negro control? Aud always remember this: that for every million dollars increase in the debt, yon increase the annual in- tercst which you will have to raise, by sixty timusand dollars. You raise tip an additional aian who will go trom the ranks ol iudustry in n those of untaxed and unproductive iudo- leace, and who will desert the banner of free iu- siitniiotis to live in foreign lands, and to enlist iii the tanks of absenteeism and mock aristoc racy. iVaat lots been thu ellcet of the national debts ■ ■I the nations of Europe? A single word will b ii the story—aristocracy, privileged classes, aud cole. There are 150,000 bondholders in Great Britain. That 150,000 govern the country, and buy and sell all the people in it. Let Ireland be witness! We have already a military tyranny, expensive aud dangerous. "We are lo'ltave a ne gro tyranny, destructive and anarchical. In ad dition shall we have a moneyed tyranny, the rule of social snobs and nnt#**iU And now let me draw those remarks to a close. 1 have as dearly as the nature of the case would permit, described to you the means by which the ■tinning are working to ovi trench you, and to make the Iruits ot their labor subservient to their private interests. I have now only to point out you, my friends who labor—for you in this y were always my friends in many a trying hour—the remedy against these designs, which he- in your hands. That remedy is the ballot box. Von have no other, and it behooves you to sec that tint remedy is used aright this lull. As your Iticml, 1 advise you to vole the Democratic tick et. and begin the redemption of this land from its hardens and its tyrannies! God help you to redeem my clear native Ohio! God help you to add to the chorus of victory which welcomed the tidings of victory in Connecticut and Cali- t 'inn, ami to which 1 hope the great Empire S’ tie in which I live will give its thundering rc- s-ponsc in November. All Morla. l.t'iiiT comes from the moon in one second and a quarter ; from thu sun, in eight minutes t from Jupiter, in tiity-lwo minutes ; Uranus, in ti. " hours ; from a star of the first magnitude, three or twelve years ; from a star of the fifth magnitude, sixty-six years; front n star ol the twelfth magnitude, four thousand years. Light which left a star of the twelfth magnitude when tin: Israelites left Egypt lias not yet reached the earth. Tug patriotic General Logan, whose loyalty at the commencement of the rebellion was un 11'intioaed and tindinputed, only charges six thousand dollars lor stumping Ohio for the Radicals. There is love of country lor you.— Motional Intelligencer. ‘'Feu, many a gem of purest ray serene, the d irk, iinlathomcd caves ol ocean bear.” A lady brushed a $50!) diamond breast pin overboard trom her bosotii between Norfolk and New York day. Hon. Edmund Cooper, of Tennessee, lias hi'iai appointed one ol President Johnsou's pri- vste secret lilies, in place of the President's son Hubert, who has left the city. i'ar.NTici: alluding to a recent particularly •"tire lie by the Jacobin organ at Memphis (the l ‘"'i in regard to Kentucky, pleasantly re- tnarlis: “We cannot decide whether the purlieu- I if devil that instigated this lie was Moloch or Mammon, the devil ol Imte or the money-devil. 'I lie inspiration of that pair ol infernal opera- liv's are alien too much alike to lie distin guished." 'Im.tiixu the war the residence of David L. I alee, ut Fernaudina, Florida, was sold by the fi ii'i'ritmeat lor non payment of taxes. About II year ago a certificate lor redemption was granted to Mr. Y , and the mouey paid ($1,700) returned to the purchaser. Mince then the fain* 'T have not been aide to obtain possession, until u lew days ago, when Mrs. Ytilce moved into it. Die same night, n mob assailed it, breaking win- 'hors and doing other dutnnge. Lkn Git ant has the blood ol tho Porters Miner-, Pmminis, Lalhrops, and Huntingtons in his veins. Illsaucessors arrived in this country May so, 1085. 't.n. Jos. i: Johnston lias resigned the Prc- Ht'li-iicy of me Alabama and Tennessee Hiver, horn Selma to Dalton, Mid bis place he.:,, filled l,y Hat elaoUon ol Franklin II. H'-'laad, .,r Now York. I<t.isn Tom is considered the best paying card 'hat has over appeared in Philadelphia. Anotiikh trouble with tint English style o railway carting,» is, that guards ol a curious 'd mind diuth along thu lop au<l peer in at w ",„. l i ll "'" ! t , ' IH - fine of them, who was thus u,,,..* !V gentleman aud ludv, was crushed ' m idee lor Ids impertinence. T WK, 't'S Broke open the doors of Bifilt- lUea ,„i"r ' ‘"'f' h with sledge hummers, anti ’t'eao,,nw i'.'r " 1 * h ' :r,mm * ro 'tt tile text, “ Our weapon* are uot carnal." " KlUtOH OKArtKM TO UK DANUttltUUH WHEN BEAMON 18 LEFT FUKK TO COMBAT VV-Jtfferwn. VOL. XIII. ATLANTA. GA., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1867. NO. 241. Isautivlllo Advertlwiaeals. BREEDEN St BRADLEY, LUMBER MERCHANTS, Anil Mannkctarer* of Bash, Doors, Blinds, Ac. —ALSO— PACK ISO BOXES OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Lumber Tsrd os Walnut, b«t. Ksst sad Floyl strssU. ■B^tijhst. Malu sad River, (one sgnsrv below tho New Galt Boose, )*lt-4m IOPIIVHK, KV. ****** MVTHUN MUSIC HOt'BItVl LOUIS TRIPP, (•cccsseos to TStrl* s cos so,) W HOI.IHALI sad Retail Dealer In Pianos, Cabinet Organs, Molndu- ops, and all kinds of Musical Mereban- dlse, and Publisher of Music. Catalogue U " f J I of music and price list or Instruments mailed (fee ou an. pllcaitou. Address „ . LOCIS TRIPP, JrH tm ** * ni * Jefferson at., Louisville, Ky. Mlsstiullitiioouss AdverUaunienu. MEADOR 4c RROTHERN, Tobacco Commission Merchants, ii'Niiaa raiTxn statis noth.,) A TLANTA.. OhORGIA. GREEN LEAF {or HEMP LEAF) BAflOINO AND ROPE. rptlR aaderstgnad hereby notify their friends aud all eonsnmara of the above named Staple Goods, that they continue to mannfhctare them in Louisville, Ky. They hops end expect to have It In their power to exe cute every order sent them this season. All Letters Promptly Replied To. W. A. RICHARDSON A NON. Jy97—Itm Louisville, Kentucky. Mlsoellaneoua Advertloementa. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND RAL TillOK A, MARYLAND. T HE Sixtieth Annual Session of the HCHOOL of MED ICINE, In the University of Maryland, will com mence on the 14th of OCTOBER, 1867, and will end on tho 1st of March, 1WI8. FACULTY: Nathan R. Surra, M. D., Professor of Surgery. Wa. K. A. Aikin, M. D. IX. D., Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. O. W. M iLTXNBEaoaa. M. D..Protestor of Obstetrics. HiciiaUD MoSaanaT, M. D., Professor of Prluciplot and Practice of Medicine. CnaitToruia Jobnstom, M. D., Professor of General, Descriptive, and 8nrgical Anatomy. Bahusl C. Chew, M. D., Professor of Materia Medics and Therapentlos. Frank Donaldson, M. D., Profeaaor of Physiology, Hy. glenne, and General Pathology. Wa. T. Howard, M. D., Professor of Diseases of Wo men and Children. Jakes U. Bctlno, M. D., Demouatrator, and Adjunct to the Professor ot Anatomy. The fees for the fall coarse are $180. For Matricula tion, $5. For Practical Anatomy. $10. The Untverelty Hospital (or Infirmary) attached to the College, ranks among the flret Clinical Schools In the cuuniry. Being the Beaman's Hospital of the port of Baltimore, as well aa a civil hospital. It affords a great variety In the forms of disease always under treatment. Surgical Operations, and CUutcal Lectures on Sdrgery, Practical Medicine, and the Dieeuses of Women and Chil dren, are constituent parts or the dally ins'riiction given by the respective Professors of the Institution. Students desiring to perfect themselves to tpeeiaHUet. can take courses or private instruction from Adjnucte at tached to the various Chairs. GKO. W. MILTENBERGER, M. D„ Dean. aepT—lawfiw PRATTS, EDWARDS A CO., Commission Mercnants, Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ca. JN STORE AND TO ARRIVE: 90000 pounds Clear Sides, 10000 pounds Clear Rib Bides, 6000 pounds Shoulders, 95 barrels Lard, 140t0 ppundaArrow, Cotton tu 60 pIseasKantucky Bagging, 900 colls Rope, no barrels Rosendale Cement, 60 barrels Louisville Cement, 800 bags White Corn, 10 barrels Cider Vinegar, Cast Plows, Manufactured Tobacco, &c. All rash ordora promptly filled. Consignments eoli cited. aeptO—3m PRATTE. EDWARDS A CO NOTICE TO ARCHITEOTft. A T s meeting of the Board of Managers of the Uoorgfc Htatc Lottery for the beneltt of the “Masonic Or phans' Home." July lath, 1807, Ihe following resolutions were passed: ... Rewired, Thai the Managers advertise for proposals, for the purchase or donation of TWENTY ACRES OF LANit In the vicinity of Atlanta, for the pnrposc of erect ing thereon a MASONIC ORPHANS’ HOME—said pro posals to be eDbinltted to the Board of Managera by the Riurth day of September next. The title will be vested in ihe Orand Lodge of the State of Georgia, or such other Masonic Lodge hi the State aa will accept the same, should the Ursnd Lodge decline the trust. Retailed, further. That Ihe Board will pay $5110 for Ihe Draft of a Granite Building for the “Masonic Orphans’ Home," to be submitted to Ibe Board by the first day of November neat: tbeeald plan to be so drawn as that the building can be commenced with an expendi ture of fifty thousand dollars, during the first year, and that the same may be extended from year lo year, wlth- ont destroying the symmetry of the architecture. The above named sum of five hundred dollars to be paid mr the plan which the Bourd or Manure's shall solect from the number presented. For further information, address BOYD * WILSON, less Managers C lyjfi—tltaovl R ESPECTFULLY announce to the public that they keen conetantly on hand an extensive assortment or all the leading brand* known to the trade, consisting In part, or RAGLAND'S VIRGIN, KAQLAND'S VIRGINIA. RAGLAND'H IIONBY-DEW, SETH HALSEY’S COMET, McCORKLE * BOWMAN'S QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, MILLER'S BLUFF CITY, PACE’S CREOLE. MATTHEWS « WRIGHT'S ROSE MOUNTAIN, HOLLAND'S GOLDEN AGE, and HOLLAND'S INDIAN QUEEN, Together with varloua other grade* too tedious to men tion. „ Also, assorted brand* of CIGARS and SMOKING TO- BAtvO. All of which arc offered to tha trade on as accommo dating terms aa purchasers will fiud elsewhere, align—Sm *1 laiiolliineona AdvertiMomonth. Don’t Wash Another Week Without Buying —Till — GREATEST WONDER OF THE AGE i HALI/IS UNIVKHHAIa WASHING MACHINE!! SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE LADIES. S T hai long licun felt and acknowledged that a Washing Machine would vet bo Invented that wnnld be aim- •, cheap, aud mom effective than auy of the Machines Heretofore offered to tho public. Stick a Machine la now ofiered without fear of competition. tat. One woman will do more with a Machine than atx can do without It. It will waab five dirty shirt* (Including wristbands and collars) perfectly clean iu from four to eight minutes—this wa guarantee, or no sale. lid. It requires uiuklll lo operate il, as a girl 13 yeara "Id turn washed (In Atlanta) POUR DO/.KN I’lKt.'KS IN UNB 111)UK I 3tl. It UikoH at loaet oua third l«sa «oap, and will pay for ItMlf evury year In the mlyIur of clothinir, an it act" ■o delicately on the fabric# that bank bille can tw waahed without breaking—eoniethlnu no other ninchinu can do. JJe manufacture thoeo Machine# In thla place,and shall •ell them at TEN DOLLARS, the same price they are sold for Iu New York. There la no Washing Machine ou Ihe markut ttiat can bo bought for even twice the money, and no Maclitnu that will com- pel* with it In the performance of its wor . 1 hese Machines are on exhibition In this city, at the "tore of JOHNSON A ECHOLS, Whitehall street. Ma.BKNTLY own* the Patent Right forthisremarkable Machine In all the Southern States. Liberal inducements will he offered to gentlemen desiring the exclusive rlglP to fall these Machines In conntleaanddistricts, or mate. Call on, or address, I). 8. UENTLY A CO., __. „. Rome, Oa. KETAny one Infringing upon this Patent Right will Ik prosecuted according to mw, and any one giving iuloruia lion of the same, will he liberally rewarded. A Great Labor-Saving Machine. We. the undersigned cltlseos of Roma, would aay.ln behalf of 'Hall'eTjntversal Washing Machine," after hill trial and me, that. In considerat ion of its cheapness, the durnblllty of the Machine, the ease and quickness of mo tion, the ainall amount of soap required, and the protec- tloil nf lliu oL.iho. ....... 1.1 .A i'll ... _ * MlNoollitnnmiH Actvor(lassmental. public. P. M. 8IIEIBLY, J A. STEWART, WM. WEST, JAMES NOBLE, Sr., G. W. F. LAMPKIN, BAM. F. POWERS, JOHN W. NOBLE, J. J. COHEN. oxo. a. dbwbt, ot Neie York. DIBBLE, W0BTH ft CO., Commission Merchants, 188 FEARlf ST., NEW YORK. P ARTICULAR attention given to the sale or WHEAT. Parties requesting, will bo regularly advised of the state of the market. RtcranxMcxs.—J. D Fleh, Kaq., President National Marine Bank. N. Y. : H. L. Worth, Eaq., Cashier Na- <'!^«1 Park Bank, N Y.; D. Heaton, E^q., President First National Bank, Newborn, N. C.; Me,ere. Jewel A Snider Macon, Oa.Jefij— STORE AND DWELLING FOR HALE. W ITH a view to return to Tennessee, I offer for sale my Store Honeeand Lot on Peachtree street, 83k "S'l' 1 ?. feet, w«dl bntlt of brick, and covered with tin. Will also sell the Dweling iu which I live, on Peach tree street, considered by mauy the moat many reapecte, of any In the city, octl—tit JOS. L. KING. HARDWARE AND IRON. 75 COIL8 MANILLA ROPE, 76 doaan Short Handled Frying Pans, 20 colls Parent racking M to finch,| 9U0 dozen Shovels and Spades, 1601) doxen Pocket Knives, 9U0 gross Table Cattery, 9110 aoxen Curry Combe, 160 boxes Tin Plate, 9000 pounds Block Tin, 1000 pounds Bar Lead, OdOhagaSh'L. job hoxeu Iron Wire Sifter*, 60 Anvilc, 75 Vises, 4000 pounds Smoothing Irons, 9000 pounds urlfiln'a Horae Nalle, 600 aoxen Files—assorted, 3000 pounds Galvanised Sheet Iron, 8 tons Cast Steel, 20 tone Plow Steel, 800 tons Swede* and Refined Don, tone Band, Hoop, and Horse shoe Iron, . tone Oval, Half Oval, and Half Round Iron, 96 tons Boiler, Plate, and Sheet Iron. For sale by WEEDS A CORNWELL, Nob. 169 and 101 Broughton Street, Savannah, Ga. COFFJEE. per British Brig Spring. For sale by WEEDS A CORNWELL, Noa. 169 and 161 Brooghton Street, I Savannah, Ga. ,. ... Atlanta, Miiv 7,1867. 1 bought tha first "Hall's Patent Universal hashing Machine brought to Atlanta, and am now nalng it to my perfect satisfaction, and recommend It to all aeagroat Labor-Saving Machine. Mae. CYNTHIA KILE. DIRECTIONS - FOR USB. Let the Machine down Into a common wash tub, hy cutting notches into the aides, for the lonraals to reet in, Itwithin one Inch of the bottom of tha tub; fill with hot water until the water covers the pebbles In the machine two Inches; wet the clothes In warm water, (It la better to soak clothes over night,) then rub a little *ol> soap on all the dirty places; un HARDWARE! HARDWARE!! ■ HON ANII HTKKL. 400 T0NS RWBBDES AND kepined iron, 40 tons Plow Steel, 1000 kegs Nalls—heat brands, 91100 pairs Traro Chains, 60 Anvils, too Vises, 8000 pound* S. Wagon Axles, 160 doaen Sargent's Cotton Cards, 90) doxen Arne's Shovela and Bpadea, 100 colla Jute and Manilla Rope, 50 Smith's Bellows, 8(10 bags Shot, 30 ton's Savory’* Hollow Ware, 600 Grindstone's, 160 doaen Collins’ Axes. Also, a fine assortment of Cutlery and Mlacallanoona Hardware, for sale un tho moot favorable terms, by BONES, BROWN A CO.. eepl8—Im Augusta, Georgia, Into the machine with the pebbles, and always fill the ma chine half full of clothes, shaklur ----- -■ put In; then close np the door am en put the clothes id always fill the ma- H.-ln out ns they are turn the crank from three to five minute*, keeping a slow, steady motion un til the dirt lsout; then run through a wringer; then boll •«»*?»'I thenpnt the clothes back Into the machtue . ...en pnt with the tub full of cold water; give the machine eight or ‘.V™."* > our clothe* are ready for the bluing water, and then hang out to dry. Never turn the machine when or clothes, aa It breaks the atone*. If any of the i them ont. JOHNSON A RCHOLS, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. empty of clothes, aa It breaks the *i pebbrea become broken, pick them e For sale by mays—tyjanl MORE NEW GOODS. w . ho wleh ronlly nice Serge or Fine \X FKbJSCU CALF SKIN HHOJStt, i itker ol the Cou- E o»e Balmorel, Strep, or Oxford-Tie pel tern, can no* id the lAtevt style and most approved mauuiacture at l £'Lhrt*\t* h '> e .* u ' ro * n R*twsou'e Builittng, corner ol Whitehall and UuuUir streets. ‘.I T. HANKH. PHILLIPS Ac- FLAND EHH, Next to Dodd's Corner, Whitehall Street. "^OULD respectfully call your attention to our VARIETY STOCK OF GOODS. from lOtoSOcents Domestics from 15 to 90 cents ““•cling fro,,, 15 to 40 cent* Ticking from 22 to 60 cent* Figured Muslins from 16 t«60cent* Kcutncky Jeans from 25 to 50 cents Ginghams from 20 to 85 cents Cottonades. from 2d to Uu ceui* and ?'ab!e*cf Va D ^ Ce Goods, Linens, Towellngs In tha HARDWARE Department many articles for Housekeepers, Builders, and Mechanic*. FURNITURE IN LARGE.WAWBOTf a 10 >10 Bureaus from 7 to 15 Wardrobe* from 10 to 15 Wash Stands from 8 to 10 Table* from 9to 7 Work Stands from 9 to 4 besides many other articles too numerous to mention. Sugar aud Coffee, Bacon, Lard, and Syrnp. Caet'stcel at 9o cent* per ponud Bar Iron at 6 cents per pound Square Iron at 8 oents per pouud Band Iron at 6 cents per pound Smoothing Irons .at 8 cent* per pound Andiron* at 7 cent* per pound In tha District Court of tha United Mtatea for the Northern District or Georgia. In the matter of Isaao BOSXMrXLO, mo' 96th SEMI-ANNUAL EXPOSE. TOTAL LOSSES PAID, $21,271*972 57 I TO THR PUBLIC. Tit Otforp Insurance Go. OF SAVANNAH, GA. H. W. MERCER, President 0. 8. HARDEE Vies President J. T. THOMAS, Seoretary HOARD OF DIRECTORS: gan. C. S. Hardee, of Erwin A J. T. Thomas, Ina. Agent. Itardeu. F. L. Gue. Planter. W.M. Hunter, nf Hunter A A. A. Solomons, of A. A. Gammell. Hoiomona A Co. . Puru-r, President Ban* J. Lama, Importer ol Wines Siale of Georgia. iD. G. Piuae, of Parse A J. Stoddard, late Planter. I Thomas. W. Heoiaharr, retired Mer- J. McMahon, of J. McMa chant. I fion A Co. t? U> u( ma . . tic* that I have bean duly appointed assignee of the estate of Isaac Roseufeld, a bankrupt, of Atlanta, in tbs district aforesaid, who hat- been adjudged a bankrupt on hi* own petition by the District Court afnroenld. September 17,18(17. AUGUSTUS H. REINHARDT. Assignee. Printer's fee 75 cents per square for each fueertiun. septl—lawHw JULY ' *> 18 6 7. A 8 8 ET N 1 (At Market Value.) Cash on bind and In Bank $ 515,0S6 SI) Real Estate. 918,993 09 Mortgage Hoods 693,550 00 Bank Stock LW.tnO 00 U. States, State and City Stock, and other Public Securities 1,084,808 88 $4,660,938 27 Less Liabilities, Calms uot dne aud nnad- Justed 377,068 46 Net Assets $4,978,969 81 AND INLAND NAVIGATION RISKS. tr Agencies Iu all the principal cltie* aud town* in theTlnlted Htatc*. Applications for Insurance will be promptly attended ^OFFICE—With C. I. Brown, ou east tide of Whitehall street, one door from Alabama. JJltL N, h. ANGIKII. Agent. ATLANTA, n. A. Crane, ot Crane A Grnyhlil. M. Hamilton, of J. F. A M. Hamilton. M. H. COUKN, Commission Merchant. J. W. Novltt, of Lathrop A Co. A. Fullartnn, nf Wilder A Fullerton. G. Butler, Matter Builder. F. W. Hlius, oi Sima A Co. R. Lnclilison,Iron aud Rraaa Founder. E. F. Clayton, Augnata, R. P. Clayton A Co. J. W. Knott, Macon, of Knott A Rowes. B. F. Ross, Macon, of B. F. Rosa A Co. L. J. Gullmaitin, of L. J Gollmartln A Co. The Oglethorpe Is a candidate for yonr favors. Tit well known reputation of the large number of leading merchant* and property-holders of Savannah, who art aunounced as cunuecieuwlth It* maiiagouicut, is a snfll cleat guarautee that all losses will be speedily aud equt l ib 1 v adjusted. Keeking as It does to build up our own iuteruate, and retain a iwrilou of the means of the Houih at home, the Oglethorpe asks for a chare of the Insn- ranee huelnesa of the Kontheru merchaut* aud property lioldera. Ineuranco effected at equitable rates by calling on aepIS—lm eqnltable rate* by WM. W. CLAYTON, Agent, tttanta. Oa. THE IHIIWEII SEDGE WICK'8 Boardim and Oa? School for Yount Ladies, Oar, Washington A Telfair ID., Anfuata, Oa T HE duties of this Institute will be retained OCTO BER SECOND. Circulars containing terms and particular* may be obtained by applying to th* Frtacl- >M |tiriniMona.—Hon. C. J. Janklna, O. O. McWhorter, Esq., Hon. K. Ht .rnea, Dr. J. P. Garvin, Prof. Geo. W. Rain*, Col. K. H. Bullock. Dr. 8. W. Bailey, Hon. Wm. 8. Gould, Jams* Miller, Esq., Geo. M. S hew, Esq., An- uuxtn. Us. >enl7—lm TO RENT OK LK49K. A N ELIGIBLE VACANT LOT, very conveniently located tor business, near the corner of Alalann* and Foreyih street*, la ofiered for rent or lease on most favorable terms to any ona willing lo Improve It, Funde may be advanced to the leasee, If term* are made satis- ta'fnry. Inquire at till* office. sep'41—9t House on Pooohtroo Street to Beat f WILL RENT lo *u acceptable aud prompt A8th LsstisasBrtrssi'rJSsN '•JO' 1 ?™' a. w. ami*. SOUTHERN Seed and Agricultural Warehouse McROB£RTS Sc CO., ETOMAOB, FOKWAKDINO, AND COMMISSION MKRCUANTS, And Dealer* in Agricultural Implement*, Produce, Grain* Field and Garden Seeds, Farm Wagons, Threaktre, Ac., Ae. Agents tor Wood’* celebrated Reapers and Mowara, No. AO ona 44 M* Msrkdt NtNnt, eapM—ton NASHVILLE, TENN, 1 1 >, !• In MAY CM Bankruptcy. CONCERN: 1 hereby giv ““ ’ ‘ iTgn T U 1C iIVE DRUG HOUSE, OOBHBR WHITEHALL AND ALABAMA STKBETS, GKOliOlAt THE ARROW TIE AID IEOH BANDS BALING COTTON I AN INHURANCK AGAINST FIRE, WASTE, AND THEFT ;mrxquAi.aD ron Simplicity and Rapidity of Adjustment SURPASSED SY NONE FOR STRENGTH AND ADAPTABILITY TO ALL The Uses ot Commerce I TjlHEY are manubetured In LIVERPOOL, of the best English Iron, under the personal supervision of the In ventor, formerly a resident of New Orleene, La. The ARROW TIE Is preferred by Shipmasters and Compresamen, as tt Is worked with one-etghth to one Inch slack, while all SOLID TIBS require three to five Inches, which, In running through a cargo, involve* a heavy toe* to the Shipmaster. Use the Arrow Tie and Bands, AND SAVE MONET IN FREIGHT and INSURANCE) Arrangement* have been made to secure an ample sup ply or the ARROW TIE and BANDS for th* coming sea son. JAMES A. HALL, Agent Middle and Bonthweat Georgia. ANDREW LOWE The undersigned is prepared to furalah th* ARROW TIE to th* trade at SAVANNAH PRICES, forwarding and transportation added. PRATTE, EDWARDS Sc CO., Agents, Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ga. !HEAR THE IN8URAN0E AGENTS! Havxwkah, Mat 7th, 1887. The recent (tree In thte city having proved to our entire satisbetiun, by a thorough test, the superiority o' IRON BANDS for baling purposes, we strongly recommend them to thense of the Planters of Georgia as an efficient agent in restricting loss by fire; and we agree to discrimi nate, when practicable. In hvor of cotton thus secured. A. WILBUR, General Icsnrance Agent. CHARI.ES GREEN * SON, Ag'ts Liverpool, London A Glob* In. Co. CtfARLES L. COLBY A CO., Agfa Sun A Atlantic M. In*. Co., N. Y R. II. FOOTMAN, Insurance Agent. WOODBIUDGB BROS., In*. Agenta. J. T. THuMAS, Insurance Agent. J. C. MoNULTY, Sec'y Southern Insurance A Trnat Co. JAMES T. STEWART, Agent London A Lancaster In*. Co. LANE A WEST, Insurance Agents. Macoh, Ga., May 10th, 1887. The recent fire at the Warehouse of Mr. B. T. Chap- W I INVITE the attention of the public to our supe rior stock of Drill, INedlcluea, Paints, Oils, Window Ulase, Ac. Baying in targe quantities and original packages, directly from Importers and Manufac turers. for the CASH, we are able to offer Inducements to purchaaera, either BY WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Our stock Is frill, and coastals of every variety of Foreign and American Goods, from the Cheapest to the Finest. OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT Is complete aud accessible AT ALL HOURS DAY’OR “lUllT. Ring the Door-liell at Night I Onr Beautiful ARCTIC SODA FOUNT And PURS FRUIT SYRUPS are still attracting crowds whose thirst Is allayed by It* gushlug waters, aud sto machs euorgtxed by tha tonic effect of the Carbonic Acid Gas. The Atlanta Mineral Spring water Is kept on draft a the ARCTIC FOUNT, ana many of our afflicted ellixen are being greatly benefited by Its use. Close cash buyers are luvi.ed lo examino o r stock. RRDW1NK A FOX, Corner Whitehall and llunter elreets. )nly«5—e.Atlanta, Georgia. man, In this city, having fully demonstrated the advan ** on Bands for baling purpo by fire, we, the undersign' 1, Ga., take pleasure in endorsing the ned iusu- •eeurltv against losa by fire, we, the nnaenli ranee Ageme, Macon, Ga., take pteasnr action of ihe Agents at Savannah, Ga. £. C. GRANNISS, Agent for several Ins. Companies. J. W. BURKE, Insnraoce Agent. E. J. JOHNSON A CO.. Insurance Ag'ts. J. MONROE OGDEN, Insurance Agent. J. M. BOARDMAN. Insurance Agent. JNO. B. COBB, leurance Agent, may27~6m SALT! SALT! Liverpool Salt, Direct Importation, Always on hand and for sale by YVRST A DANIELS, eepK—im Jons*’ Block, Savannah, Ga. Louisville Steam Bakery F. W. STIMMEL A CO., SOS mid 1910 West tireon Street, LOUISVILLE, KY., Wholesale Dealer* and Manufacturers of all klnda of ORA.CKER8. Agents for Btlmmors celebrated QUICK YEAST. leptS—3m ^ J. A. YOUNO. M. I*. WH1BTON. TO SOUTHERN MEBCHANT8. _ . — fry best description* and styles or ALL-WOOL CAHBIMEMR8, and with the most durable JEANS aud KERSEY labrlcs, al. free from shod dy and other Impnritica, order samples from Ihe sub scriber, and they will be torwarded, with prices attached, daring the month* of July and August. Prom these aaui- S lee you can make yonr eelectloue end retain yonr nr- era, and the goods will be forwarded directly from the Maaabctory. Jafi—4m 1.1. raanen. w. t. wuku-s. cue*. *. rxauca. PEARCE, WHELE88 A 00., COTTON FACTORS AMO Commiasion Morohanta, JACKSON STREET, - - - AVGUSTA, GEORGIA. | |W*Btor* and sail Cotton and other Produce. Bagging I wad Rope tarnished at nurkatjprtfi**. **$7—I Mlnoellanomia Advertlaenirnt*. WAN T K D , Previous to Ootober 16th, In Lots of FIVE CENTS AND UPWARDS, 618,000 IN GOLD, SILVER, and GREENBACKS, In llicliiingc fop Boots, Shoes, Leather. AND SHOE - FINDINCS, A. t Ia o w P r i u e » ! ! MORE THAN Kill (.ASKS NEW 00008 OPENED THI8 WEEK !! And ottaora Arriving Daily. WCountry Mortfmnte arc particularly invited to ex amine our stock, ae we will offer thorn greater induce mente than can he had eteewherc. TO BOOT AND SHOE-MAKERS. “Of all thtngH under the t>un,i Hurrah I there is nothing like I*ath0r*'' And if you consult your best intercut, yon will certain buy your aupplies of I. T. 33A.]NK:«, Because he makes "Quick Sale* and Small Profit, and eelfi for cash only, thus leaving no bad debts to be made np In extra profits. 0'*Hemeniber the Plaee and Sign. f. T. BANKS, Rawson'a Building, cor. Whitehall and Hunter Sts. *ept30— BUT GOODS! DRYGOODS! TALLEY. BROWN & CO. WlxtleUall Htreet, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Are DAILY RECEIVING their Fall and Winter Stock OF DRY GOODS. The Ladles especially are Invited to call aud examine thoir line of DRESH GOODS, Comprisin',', In purl. Bilks, French MerluoB, French Poplins, Empress Goods, Hombaxinss, Alpnccaa, Detain**. Ac. ITHEtR STOCK OF Embroideries, | Laces, Dress Trimmings And Dross Buttons Is large and varied. They keep constantly on hand, BLEACHED and BROWN DOMESTICS, PRINTS and YANKEE NOTIONS. sep JO- VAN EPPS & EVEHY XIND OF PLANTATION MACHINERY, EIUINEI, HORSE POWERS, ORIST MILLS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Of every description Iu store, and for sal* at tho lowest roles, by A. R. PULLER. 47 DRY STREET, ang97-4m New York City, FOR KENT A GOOD BRICK STOREROOM In Cartorsvillo, Oa. For partlcnlars, inquire of oefi—fit BLAIK BRADSHAW, Cartersville, Ga. it O M IS AGAIN. Boots, Shoes, Leather, Ice. I WOULD respectfully call th* attention of th* public to the tact that I have moved hack to my old ataud, whi r* all tho** that want good goods can be accommo dated. I intend to keep the heel goods made, and will sell them a* cheap aa tho cheapest. Extra Inducement* to wholesale buyer*. GEO. W. PRICK, Markham's Building, Peachtree street, aep9fi-9w» Atlanta, Oeutata. FLOORING. 9 FIET Prim* I gnes.w Cl IX THOUSAND FEET Prim* Drawed Kile-Dried D Flooring, GROCERS, AND Commission Merchants, ALABAMA STREET, In Store and to Arrive i FLOVB. CORN. S VO A It, COFFEE, BACON, HAMS -AND, MOLASSES. And n general assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries. |vI3—8m VAN EPPS A TIPriN. Tina* oa auasoaiptton, Dally, tier month Dally, twelve month* Weekly, all month*..! Weekly, one year Single copies st the counter Single copies to News Boys and Agents,.... attw or nmtimm For aneh aqate of 19 lines or lass, for th* Brat tasertn ■ |1, tad for each taheeanant insertion BSesata $1 (b 10 0» 2 CO 3 (II 10 II ! ‘•qiuoux b 888888688 8 8 I i i S ( S 8 j cqiuota t 886868888 8j SCSI! 9 ID H X s| | *tnaom i 888 3888888 S 2 8 S 8 * 8 fl 8 m i ‘Man If 8 8 8 8 3 8 : * S 2 2 * 3 ; •**mit9 8 fTTTT: : : : n i* o * i* h : | * jl ‘Man 9 8 8 8 8 t 8 : : : :i « • • S 2 ft : : i| 1 ■■smite S '8' $ '8 'fe r> ~8 : : • * a a a 1 ** . : ; : : | •Mont |! 8 8 8 8 8 3 ' a 6 « « e r « " a : 1 eomn ( I- - a 3 ft 8 S S : n n v a i< a m : emn t IsiifFIlI! j ‘Mjvnbg j j jim m bpecut Notices, *. cents par Hne Bret Insertion, end tt cents per Hue for each anbueqaent Insertion. Advertisement* Inserted at Intervals to b* charged a* new each insertion. Advertisement* ordered to remain on any particular page, to be charged aa new each insertion. The money for advertising considered dne after Brel Insertion. All communications or letters on basinets Intended lot this office should be addressed to “The Atlanta Inteid gencer.” JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, Proprietor. We*d.e WILLIAMS k fifiO. Commission Morohants. AND DEAI.BR8 IN OBAIN, BACON, LABD, FL0UB OLD STAND,j ‘ Formerly Theatm, now Phetnlx Bnlldlfag, DECATUR ST., - • - - ATLANTA, GA ■y^'E have again established onreelrcs hi onr former business, at tbs OLD STAND, and beg to tender our ear vice* to former Mends and the public generally. W have a targe and commodious store, and with onr pa* experience and ample facilities, trust w* shall receive an merit a liberal patronage. IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. 10000 BUSHELS very choice Tennessee Com 40000 Ibe Bacon—Bides, Shoulders, and Hams. WM. M. WILLIAMS A BRO. LIMB, LIME. W Eare eota Agent* for the sale of Rogers' celebrated Birdt*-five Lime, nod will continue to keep cou* ♦tanrly on hand a good «npply, fra h from the kttne. Per th* wantlutr good Lime, will find it to their interest to cull and eee ns, or eeud na their ordrra. aprti- 8m WM. M. WILLIAMS A BRO. Juit Received and now In Store. A LARGE lot of Itonud, Square, and Flat Iron and Steel, which we offer upon term* that mnet suit purchasers. Also, 17 tierces choice Sngar-Cnred Hams. W. M WILLIAMS a BRO., Jel4—c Coin illusion Merchants. COTTON WAREHOUSE. Liberal Cash Advaiioei' ». t. vom. MCDANIEL, STRONG & GO., COTTON WAREHOUSE AKD— COMMISSION MEBCHANTS, Comer Prior and Hnnter Streets, In sight of th* Passenger Depot, and nanr th* United Stats* and American Hotels, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, ■yyE Invite the attention of PLANTERS, and all oili er* who deal in COTTON, to tho fact that we are now of fering as great facilities and Inducements for th* STO RAGE and SALE of thetr COTTON in Atlanta as can be afforded them In any other market. Onr Warehouse is Unsurpassed In the State, being targe and commodious, accessible to the various Rallroada, completely eheltared, end almost entirely fire-proof. We particularly direct their attention to the tact that Atlanta it now a Cotton Market, where the staple can al ways be dlejneed ot at as high prlcea, relatively, as in any other—leaving to the varione Planters on the line* of the different Kailroade leading into Atlanta, no Induce ment to ship beyond. To all partlca reaiding in this Collection District who may desire to ship to ut, we will furnish the permit of the Collector to make such shipment without pre-pay - mentof Tax. We are alto prepared to make LIBERAL CASH AD VANCES on consignment*, and in a.l respects will offer ae liberal Inducement* aa any other House of responsi bility. The Urge experience in Cotton of all the mem ber* of onr firm la a guaranty that consignments an- troetod to onr cure wlU bo promptly and satietactorlly at tended to. aep4—Sm LEND TO THE LAND! Ukion Point, Ga., October IS, 1806. Steeere. Bnqhtwetl <6 Barrow; Gxnt*—I used yonr Phosphate ou my Cotton at the rate of 956 pound* per acre. I am eatlsfird that I will reallx* at least 160 per ceut. on the amonut spent. I am ao well pleated that I expect to ns* more on tho next crop than I did on this. Very truly yours, (Signed) P. W. PRINTUP. Aaxmcnt, Ga., November 1,1866. Mettrt. Brightu ell Jt Barrow: Gntte-The twenty (20) ton* REED’S PHOSPHATE I bought ot yon till* year, I need on Corn aud Cotton. I am ao well pleased with the effect on my crop, that I wish to porches* of yon frir next year's crop, oue hundred tone. Yonr* reaperllully, JAS. A. COBB. This Manure, manufactured in Georgia (th* virtues tor which are attested by well known Georgia clllaent, end which le calculated lo do so much for "Ri.vnetruction' in Georgia) la for sale hy LANGSTON, CllANE & HAMMOCK, Hoi* Agent*, Atahama Street, Atlanta, Ua. BACKS AND WHEAT WANTED. 5000 *3oS""’’•p*- aaglB—tm LANGSTON, CRANK A HAMMOCK, Commission Merchants, Alabama Bunot. JULY 25, 1867. BACON. 1 SnOO LBS TENNESSEE CLEAR SIDES, I-UV/vlf 5000 pound* Tennessee Shoulders, 6000 pounds Tennessee H»ms, 1000 pound* Tenucseoe Ribbed Side*. Just received and for aaio by x . FAINS A PARROTT, No. 7 Peach-Tree street, A.taut*, Ga, CORN. 300 8 sataby TENNES8EE WHITE CORN, For „ . FAINS a PARROTT. No. 7 Peach-Tree street, Atlanta, Oa. BUTTER. 15 F Mtab^ 8 FRKI,H YELLOW BUTTER, For „ „ . JAINS * PA It HOI T. ^ No. 7 Peach-7 ree street, Atlanta, Ua COPPER. 75 ^nd^tor’eale’hy Chol “ Rlr Jn,t r * c * 1 ' wrt . u . FAINS ft TARROTT No. 7 Paach-Trej street, Atlanta, Ga. SUGARS. \ EINB of Refined and Raw Bugera. For *•]( Nn a u a £ AINS * PARROTT, No. 7 Fsach-Tree street, Atlanta, CS. LINSEED OIL. ^ BARREL LINSEED OIL. Fo ■ eat* cheap b] Itm— w« PAINS A PARROTT No. 7 Peach-Tree Street gtlanta A SITUATION WANTED A ® SUPERINTENDENT of a Flour or Bow Mill h« n practical Millwright and Machlnlat. who has had Lunvhnr * eB® r S 1 ** *!' , * le manufacture of Flour mid &^FS?a.rS5&r ** u sepK-lowSw Oar* John