The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, October 11, 1867, Image 1

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o»'FirKi niK ■vn.tns, , . ,1. of «m1 the Railroad rroeatag. ITIII.IMIKU DAILY AMD WEHLY T TARED IRWIN WHITAKXR, l'roprl*lor> atlaxta. eioaouT friitit Marti Ins, Oat, 11, 1007. The tin 4# la Ramm. T .,,-anl lb* eu<l ol lit* A ant* BMw • wri- lookinit geutleman m obwrttif In ftttand- .1 I, r twelve Iran Irom 7 Ull 11 In Iba even- .... n„ .o-upnilou aNi*to«#<l In watdilng tbe - mrt . Ill- tcnrcrly tpokt Uptown ooa- *,1, p ,| i profound miihority on everything coo- ,,.,,.,1 with lint*. So on* night whan (hart but tew io the room, be ana appealed tola \ Jiiipr/.t* • lii-ntlrmen," mid hr, “ you bate aalactad an n ,vmprimi Jmiga, 1 do not even know the KKHOlt OKA»Kb TO UK DAMOKItOL’U WHKN REASON IK LEFT FKKJt TO COMBAT VV.”-Jeftrmm. VOL. XIII. ATLANTA. GA.. FRIDAY- OCTOBER 11. I8K7. NO. 242. imulavUla Advartlaamanta. Mlaoellnnailua Advorliaomenla. i watching the game * mnl" BREEDEN & BRADLEY, MEADOR A. BROTHER!*, LUMBER MKRCIIANT8, 1 Aad Meaifectarare of Seek, Door*. Btlnde, Ac. packing boik» or xrxar dkscbjption. i Tobacco Commission Merchants, —Lawbar Yard, Dm. But lad KIotI itali. j “ d **•.<«; Jata UVItTIlM, KT. n atuc norns 11 LOUIS TRIPP, (•ccnamoa to Tatar a cmeao.i Well whr ha»a y»»u ,, ,»rnr,i!» t>ir more than ten yaam The .newer to raaily gi**n. I am terribly I nir wifr. »hr annoys ma cootlnuallr. It , * rrla**tian here to look on Without “.,., n g anything, »nd to Itrar thing* without un- ,lrT.i*ndin( thrtn." During •;hu T.-rror’ faw came to play at the ,i r Regence. People had not Urn bean, , u j „ wm nit plraaant to tea through the pane* th,- nn Nntring the condemned through the Hue «ti Honore to execution. Robeepierre oltrn ,‘,„l5 % a*!, but lew bad any wiab to play with j, im oicb terror did the iaaignifleant looking lit- •y in.a itrik! into every one’* heart. One day , vrrv h»m!*>tne young man *al oppoaita him, 'tml miule » move a* signal lor a game. Rohrs- Pierre reaponiled, and the stranger won. A se- ,-iind game *a played and won, and then Robespierre asked what WMthe stake. The head of * young man,” wta the answer, •who would lie executed to-morrow. Here 1* •:ie order tor lito release wanting only your tig- nature ; »nd be quick—the executioner will give no delay ” It ass the young Count B. that was thus ..ved. The paper waa signed, end then the great man asked : •But who arc you, citizen ?" •Say atiwnea. Monsieur—I am the Count’s eir lined. Tiianks and adieat P’ \ ipolenn I. in the days of his sous-lietitenancy, n'; o--.| chess in the same saloon, and very badly, fie always began unskiltully, and hail no ratinee with any delay on the part ot hia ad- v rr.ary He would bite hia lip*, stamp his foot, Torn impatiently on the diem-hoard, and nuke the pieces dance. It was still worse if he lost. He would dash his band down on the table, and make everything Jump. The wuter, who recited thla anecdote to our author ity tnd his friend*, said he waa surprised wbeu he heard that the sous-iieutenant, when he bo- FACULTY in Emperor, and had very skilful oppo M.rwaa R. **mi, M. D. Profe.eor of Sr.rg.ry. nenl* into it g las courtiers, newer 1-aot a single I W*. i. jl Ataos, M. D. LL D„ Profc»rurof Cl game, though be bad not improved in the slight- et degree. T ie most remarkable of the cbeas-playera ot Cafe were La Boordonnais, Phillidor. Dea- c: jppeiis, St. Amainl, Boncourt, Boisay d'Ang- i«. Bameviile. Thia last player would have een unable to endure the tedium of life without „ _ ^ LOCTa TRIPP. Nos. *1 sad M Jefftreoa *»., Loatswllle, Xy. GREEN leaf HKSfP LEAF) BARRING AND ROPE. rpn aadsistgasd hereby notify that* Mends sad all eoosamsr* of ths tbovs aaaad 8tapl* Goods, thst they eoattaas to waaoketare than la Lostsvllla, Ky. Tboy kopo sad sspaet to hsvs it ta thslr yowar to axa- eate every ardor amt thaw this slum All Lattara Promptly Replied To. W. A. RICHARDSON A SON, Louisville. Kentucky. icsnsa iraiTXii ,tatss botsi..) ATLANTA.. . (JkORG/A. Mlwellanooua AdvertlsemenlH. JyWT—Sm Mlsoellaneoua Advertisements. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND BSlTOtOBi, MABTLAXD. T HR Sixtieth Annual Session of the SCHOOL of MBD- ICtNB. in tu« University of Maryland, will eom- OE8PRCTPULLT announce to the public that they ■Rat keep constantly on hand an exten.1v- teeortment of all ths landing brands known to ths trade, consisting In part, of RAGLAND'S VIRGIN, RAGLAND'S VIRGINIA. KAOLAND'S UONKT-DKW, SETH HaLSKT’S COMBT. j NeCORKLR a BOWMAN'S qinBBN OP THE SOCTn, MILLER'S BLUPP CITT, PACE’S CREOLE. Matthews a w right's rose mountain, HOLLAND’S GOLDEN AGE. and HOLLAND'S INDIAN qUEEN. Togethsr with various othsr grades too tedious to man* tlon. B W”"* br * nd " of CIGARS and SHOEING T0- All of which are otfured to the trade on as accomsto* ‘luting m parctmaen will And <‘!aewhere. MdMm Don’t Wash Another Week Without Buying -1*1- 8REATE8T WONDER OF THE ROE! IIALL'M UMVLRMAL WA8HING MACHINE!! •ii'KCUL NOTICE TO THE LADIES. I T has long been felt and acknowledged that a Washing Machine wuald vat be Invented that would be aim- P'®> '•bmp, sad mors effective than any nf the Machines heretofore offered to the pnlillc. Such a Machine to now offered without fear of competition. let. One woman will do more with a Machine than ell can do without It. It will weeh five dirty thlrte (including wrlatbende and collars) perfectly cleun In from fonr to eight minutes—this we guarantee, or no rule. XlMoullsaneouas Advcrllacmenta. ltd. It require, no aktll to operate It, ..a girl lit year. ONS*I*IoLr'' 1 'I" A,UntJ) WUL'K DOZEN PIECES IN , thl. It takes at least one third lee. snap, and will pay for jtmlf every yeer In tha earing of clothing, aa It act. •o dislIrately no the fuhrlcN that bank bills can be winihud without breaking—4K>m«thing no other machine can do. *7 • *nanatacture tbeaa Macltinea in thia place, and ahaii •ell them at TEN i place, i UOLLAHH, Ifr xr .. 7 W»»H» IUI III .WWW Kir*, I RUTH !■ no Wanning Machina on tha market that can ba bought Tor even twice the money, and no Machine that will com- wuh It in the performance of ita wor . 1 bene Machin* a are on exhibition in thia city, at tha ■'tor* of JOHNSON A KCIIOLB. Whitehall atreet. .MMNTLT owna the Patent ttight ft*r thia remarkable Machine in aU tha Houihern Bvtea. Liberal inducement a will he oacred to gentlemen desiring the excltieive rtgh* to aell tbeae Machinea ineountieeanddiatricto, or Atale. tail on, or addreaa, D. 8. BJfi.NTLY A CO., , - r . _ , Rome. (ia. Any one infringing upon thia Patent Right will be FOTr JSJSTSli t£i‘K* M “L 0 rt4! Tln,< ‘“"’ ru “ A Great Labor-Saviar Machine. . ^*• the undersigned citlaen. of home, would eey, tn behalf of 'Hall a Universal Washing Machine," after full trial and nee, that, in consideration of its cheapness, the durability of the Machine, the ease and quickness of mo- tlou, the email amount of soap required, and the protec- public clothes, would recommend It .to a generom r 1 * A,55S BLT g 0 w - p LAMPKIN, vci' SAM. V. POWERS, ' v N. WEnT, JOHN W. NOBLE. JAMES NOllLK, 8a, J. J. COHEN. ,. . , _ Atlanta, May T, 1867. I I bought the Srat "Hall’e Patent Unlrersal Washing Machine hronght to Atlanta, and am now n.tng It to my “'‘•‘•ebon, and recommend It to all asagreat Lahor-Savtng Machine. Mas. CYNTHIA KILE, j DIBKCTIWNS for ink. Let the Msch ne down Into a common wa.b tnh, by ! entting uoichea Into the sides, for the lonrnato to rest in. until It comes within one inch of the bottom of the lull; ' nil with hot water ontll the water covera the iielihlea In : I UlAf'.btnoS fmt\ inehaa • a,vs Ik- aU.L... 1 . HARDWARE! HARDWARE!! I HON AND STBEL. 400 T °** BWBXDn AXD KEPTNED IRON. 40 Iona Plow Steel, 10UO kegt Nalls—beat brands. Mm pairs Trass Chains, BO Anvils, 100 Vtoee, MW) pounds 9. Way no Axlca, IV) dozen Sargent's Cotton Cards, '•*») dozen Arne's Shovels and Spades, IOO colls Jute tnd Manilla Rope, V) Smith's Bellow., MV) hag. Shot, 30 ton's Savory’s Hollow War., 800 Grindstone's, ISO dozen Collins' Axes. Also, a fine assortment of Cutlery and Mlacallanaona Hardware, for aale on the most hvorabla terms, hy BONKS, BROWN A CO., aeplg—1m Angnata, Georgia. THE ARROW TIE AND IRON BARDS BALING COTTON I AN INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE, WASTE, AID THEFT MIsoelUneouN Advortlmimontii ’nWEQUALlD FOR W ANTED, FroviouE .to OotolMr I Bth, In Lot* of FIVE CENTS AND UPWABDS, •1A.OOO » GOLD, SILVER, and GREENBACKS, I n IlXfihangn for Boots, Shoes, Leather. AND 8HOE -FINDINC8, A. t L o xv Pricen ! ! MO UK TUAN PS) CA.-iK.-, NEW 600D8 OPENED THI8 WEEK !! Aim! othnrn Arriving Dally. %9FCountry M^rchante aru particularly Invitcri to ex amine onr stock, aa tv** will offer them greater induce manta then can be had elsewhere. TO BOOT AND SHOE-MAKERS. ”Of all things under the ran,,' Hurrah ! there ia nothing like Leather. ' And If you consult your beat intercat. you will certain boy your supplies of I. T. BANKS, SitucripOos sad Advenwan K»w- T**a» op avaMNWina. Duly, par month IMIy, (waive Weekly, el* months Weakly, one year Single coots, at the cool ter SlagtoeopiaatoNwWi Soy, and Again. fl fO !0 Ol X Ml » Ml 10 For meb Mare of 10 ItnM or Ism. Ikr the Snt lasartu ■ 11, and far each nhaatwatlaewtloM IPMMW. and G. W. MiLTUrmsewas. M. D . Pro'mnor of Obstetric.. Ricaatu McsaaaaT. M D, Professor of Principle, and Pmctlcaof Medicine. Cnatunu Joaa.Tow. W. D. Professor of General, and Therapeutics. fain DoWiLneon, M. D., Proflwaor of Phyilolo jy, Hr- chew-board. H.probnblf aaked rome one ! 8f d,^. of Wo . known to have done, 4 *Whnt mac and children. oco. x. drwst, of Xeu> York. DIBBLE, WORTH A CO., i w, auu viurEihKi aiisiuiuv. ^ , , S"uTic? D,Prof '"* orof su,<rl * Medu '* Commission ATerchants, 199 PEARL 9T„ NEW YORE. is Mviipertiito i. • <>uid he Hint to do outaide of a coflee bnuaef A MrsiaTitm'a Idea or Caonu —Rev. Dr. T. D“ Witt Tulimffe, ot the Second Dutch Re- ■ "n«t Church, ot Philadelphia, ia the correa- .'-nt ot i rclifftona paper in New York city. If - l i-t arlclc waa upon the .object of church um-:c. The 'eari.ed and courmgeoua minister ia oiv --1 to modem choir singing, and expresses h;» ■• ►• iLit-footedlv, as lollowa ; IV e>n four woodlark* are allowed to do all fie -m.-ing in the forest, and lour aerapha all 'he-incing in heaven, theo can our Protestant vi relies a lord to depend tor ainginff upon four penona, »'ho stand is the loll, with their throats v -t trout singing at the opera, executing 'inor l lime tune and torturing our good old hymns in the following style: " Oh l for a man On 1 for a man Oh l for a mac-.ton In tha aklaa." " We ll rated the daa We'D eatoh ibe On er;i eatca cne nee-ung Hour., '• Pity onr pol Pity onr pol PUyonr pol-lstad aonls." " He.l taka the ptl H*' 1 rake tne pU He'D use the pll-grim born*.'' With reveniee let tbaealnta appear And bow—uw—ow before the Lord.” The Tiustration is not original, but it la perti nent to the argument ►VhO IS P.KSPONBIBLE FOR THE DEATH Of 'l aiiifLU.v f—It seems quite clear, from the -Tei.uiona ot the European preaa, that the Tr-nci; military authorities in Mexico forced ..-.n Maximilian the bloody policy which waa utervarria invoked for his own destruction.— oenerti 3'iz.nne is proved to have demanded it i if- hand, and to have enjoined upon bis offl- ■ -n to take no priaonera. This greatly aggra- tfi- 'he odium heaped upon the Emperor. On .tiicr hand, it i.i charged, in high Imperial irterq iu Paris, that Xapoleon was induced to . .-i v h.s army irons Mexico, and thus aban- -n Maximilian to hia Cite by promises on the oi our goyernment which were neverlul- Ii has is en said iliat Mr. Seward, through :re . ted official, assured the Emperor that, ..•• loui i withdraw his troops, we would be- ie responsible for the safety of Maximilian, ind •••“ '•■ it that no disastrous results should • ' V It was in reliance upon this promise i' ' •• French ar.ny was withdrawn—but the P n c itself tv ,.t fuliilicd. We are not in /•<.-. ,n in know w.,.-u foundation there ia for ■ions allegation ; but wa do know that P ARTICULAR attention given to the Mle of WHEAT. Pertlee reqqe.tlng, wifi bo regularly advised of tha .tste of the market. Rk.enescz. —J O. Ftoh, Eeq.. Pretident Nations! Tke Unlvwslty Hospital (or InArmery) atterhed to the ' tu,na‘l“pa?k k 6mik Y 'ji. Y • L D 'lloimo ,U< ia(i < ‘*i^Mid*nt I College rtass among tha dm i tunica! schools tn the 1 Klrat National Ben^Ner- - “ > rrevuteht | the machine two incnee; wet the cloihee In warm water, (it hi butter to H«>*k clothes over theu ruo u ,ttt!e * 1 iof»eo*p on.ll the .lirtv place*; thuii put the clothe* • | *“ roth « machine with the pehhlee, end aiwayttlil the ma- ! , c h»n« half lull of doibea. ebakiug them out ai* they arc Mil in; then Clone up the door and mrn the crank irorn three to five minute*, aeepintf * alow. »te*i<iy motion un til the dirt iaoui; then run tnrouuh a wriuy;er ; then l**7il i aaiteual; then put the r.lotbea back Into the machine I ■ with the tuo full of cold water; give the machine eiuht or t un»«»n‘1y o ur clothe* are ready for the biUlnx water, i I and then hang out to dry. Mover turn the machine when empty of dothea. aa It breaka the atot Simplicity and Rapidity of Adjustment SURPASSED BY NONE i Because he makes “ Quick Sale* and Hfnall ProJtte % and ' aelll for caah only, thua Iravlnj® no hAd debts Uj be made j up in extra profit*. | PTUtmeaiber Ibe Place and Nlge, I. T BANK**, Itiwwn'. Building, cor. Whitehall mid Hunter hta. septan— FOR STRENGTH AND ADAPTAlilUTY TO ALL J*z*« H. Bctlss, M. D.. Damonstrstor, and Adlunct to tha ProfhMor af Anatomy. Tha be* tor the fall coarse art 1110. For Matricula tion. gs. For PracUaal Anatomy. $10. empty of ciotnea, aa It break, the atones. If any of the pebbles become broken, pick them out. For eels by JOHNSON A KCHOLM, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. MORE NEW GOODS. country. Beta* the Aeamxn'a Hoeplhst of the port of ^nldei Bxitimor*, aa well A* * civil hoapitai, it affords a /rear ▼srtty In the forma of dlaeaae *lw»ya and ;r inarment. nurftcat Operationa. and Clinical Lecture* on Murn«rr, l Bank, Newbern, S. C.; Me-ara. Jewet Macon, iin. • ?t A 1 wt.h resily nice ber«c or Fine | vX FKKNCll CALF SKIN »HuEM, . uher ol the Con- Baimorul, Strap, or Oxford-Tie pattern, can now Practical Medicine, and the Dlaease* at Women and Chfl- draa, are constituent parts of tba dally ina^rnction 41 van | by the respective Professor* of the lne»it utton. ! xtedeets deatrine to perfect tbemselvea In epeeiaiUiet. eea take coarse* of private instruction from Adjuncts at- 1 taehed 10 the variona Chairs. GEO. W. MXLTCNBKaGKK, M. D . Dean. 1 •epT—lawffw i HARDWARE AND IRON. PXATTE, EDWAXDS A CO.. Commission IVEercnants, Forsyth Stroot, Atlanta, Oa. JN STORE AND TO ARRIVE xjuuu poanaa u*ear eioee, IOTiQO pounds Clear Rib Aider, 1000 pounds Shoulders, as barrel* Lord, 140rff pound* Arrow Cotton Tie. ISO placet Kentucky Begging, MM coll* Rope, Ml barral* RoModal. Csounc, 8(1 barrel* Lonlavllto Cement, ano beg* White Corn, 10 barreto Cider Vinegar, Cast Plow., Manufketnred Tobacco, Ac. All cash order* promptly filled. Consignment* zoll el ted. sept.V-Dm PBATTK, EDWARDS A rQ NOTICE TO A&CHITECT8. A T » meeting of tha Board of Manager* of the dnorzlk State l-oT.tery for »be benefit of the “Masonic Or phan** Home." July lfith, ldfi7, tha following resolution! wera passed: Heeolned, That the Manager! advertlae for proposal* for the purchase or donation of TWENTY ACRE8 OF L AN D in the vicinity of Atlanta, for the pnrpoae of erect- ; ing thereon a MASONIC ORPHANS’ HOMK-eald pro- | poaaia to be nubmitted to the Board of Manser*-™ hy the fourth day of Heptember next. The title will be veeted m the Grand Lodge of the State of Georgia, or each other Masonic Lodge in the tttate aa will accept the same, •honld the Grand isOdge decline the trait. Rmnhmi, farther. That the Board will pay $!W0 for the Draft of a Granite Building for the -Masonic Orphans’ Home," to be •uhmitted to the Board by the flm day of November next: the Raid plan to be so drawn as that the building can he commenced wtth an expendi ture of fifty thousand dollars, during the drat year, and that the same may oe exreiide»i from yar to year, with- .out destroying tlie symmetry of the arch 1 tectnra. The j*-.! in iii4h cirr.liHi in P-iria m extenuation above named ram of five hundred dollar- ro be paid for • ** — — the plan which the Board of Manages shad select from the number prevented. For further information, addrera ..... B<JYD A WILSON, Bnalneee Managers Georgia State lottery. tyKS—tllnovl Atlanta. Georgia. 7 ^ COILS MANILLA ROPE, # / 73 doxeu 3hort Handled Frying Pans, DO coils Pa ent racking K to 1 inch.! *M) doxen Hhovela and hpadee, 1300 doxen Pocket Kniven, *"> gross Table Cutlery, £ri) doxeu Carry Como*, IV boxes Tin Plate, 2WJ0 pounds B>ock Tin, 2000 p jundn Bar Lead, QdO nags 8h t, bandlea Brlgb Iron Wtre, #!) dozen fron wire Sifters, W Anvilr, 73 Vies*, iOOfr Tmmtrt ii*>Tb« asu*, 500 dozen FI leu—assorted, BUKO pounds GtAivanixed HUuet Iron, ■T r.oua Cast Steel, ?0 toua Plow nteei. .100 ton^* aud Refined iron, **) tons Bund. Hoop, *nd Horae Shoe Iroa. 13 tone Oval, Half Oval, and Half Round Iron, 25 tons Boiler, Plate, and sheet Iron. For Mle by WEEDS A CORNWELL, No*. 180 and ldl Broughton Street., Savannah, Ga. COFFER 9 AAA BAGH Juat received, from Rio da Janeiro, Ovvv par Brltiah Brig Kpring. Foraaleby WRKD!. ft CORNWELL. Noa. 130 aud mi Broughton Street, maylD—Dm savannah, G*. TO THC PUBLIC. I nnd the latest style and moat approved manufacture at I *8* 9tl,n . rtlore I* Raweuu’s BuiidiiiK, corner 01 j Whiteha.l and Hunter streets. i » n *V«— I. T. BANKS. i PIIILLIl** At, FLANDRU*, Next to Lodd’a Corner, Whitehall Street ■y^OULD mapacttblly call your attention to onr VAMIIBTT XTOCK Off GOODS. 'T'ltaa Uaea of Commeroe! 1 IJ1HEY are manntoctnrad in LIVERPOOL, of the beat 1 Engltoh Iron, nnder the peraonal anpervlalon of the In- vanfpr, formerly a realdant of New Orleana. La. The ARROW TIE to preferrod hy Shfpmaotara and Compreazman, aa It to worked with one-eighth to one inch alack, while all SOLID TIES require thro, to fivo Inches, which, tn running through a cargo, Involvea a heavy loaa to the Shipmaster. Utt the Arrow Tie aid Baidu, ' AND SAVE MONET IN PREIGHT and INSURANCE! Prints.. from 10 to DO cents Doraeiiici from 1.5 to 9) cents 1 Ticking 11 *“ t\™uu ArrM * em “ u hoou to •«<«••« »“pi« •«!*• kKj“a* . ESEJS feS SK i pl/ “ f th * AR, ‘ HW T1E “•» BAJJD9 tha coming aes- Ginzhnaa*.. and a v,ir;et^ and Table Cloth 1 iiuuin;keepers, Builder*, am FLRNITURE IN LARGE QUANTITY. Ikdeteada from $ 4 to $:A ! Bureaus from 7 fo 15 1 Wardrobes from 10 to 18 | W**n bunds from 3 to 10 Tables.. from ti to 7 Work brand* from a to 4 b«*lde* many other snicks too nuroerou* to mentioa. 1 Mugur and Coffee, Baron, Lard, and byrup. Cast 5 tee I at J) cents per pound j Bar Iron.. . 3 cent* per pound 1 Square Iron at fi cenu par pouud j Band Iron at ft cent* per pouud Hmoothing Iron* at A cent* per oonnri • Andirons at 7 ceuta per pound j | 1* ! I In tha DlatrlcX Court or tho Called flialco 1 for the NorXhorn Dlotrlel of Krorgla. ME8 A. HALL, ANDREW LOWE & CO., General Agent*, Savannah, Ga. :: Tie OgleUmme Iinma Go., OF SAVANNAH, OA. In the matter of Iaaao RoazaraLn, rpr - Ia Bankruptcy. IT MAY CONCERN: I hereby glv the eatate of taaac Koaenfeld, a bankrupt, of Atlanta, in the dlatrtct afor-aeld. who he. h„en adjudged a bankrupt on hia own jx-tlMon hy the Dtarrlct < onrt aforennid. September 17, 1WI7. AUGUSTUS II. REINHARDT. A..ignce, Printer * fee 73 rente per aqnere for each In.e-tlon, aepfit— lewflw T II K us Emper »r’e conrse.—.V. 1. Time*. B. W. KEBCBB, C. 8. HAKDEX, J. T. THOMAS, . Preaidant ▼lea Praaldant Saeratary LIVE DRUG- HOUSE, comna whitziiai.i. ,«» alamama ■tuzkt,, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ' Mite. Lincoln’s Wakdrose Again.—The T>rlA aaya : “ Y'toierJay the rooms of Mr. Brady, (WO ii -pJway, were filled nearly all day by ladies 1 .1 gentlemen, who came Co look at the goods iyed for sale under such unlortnnate circum- ■•■•irunk During Che day Chree United States '•tutors, whose name* by requesc we withhold, 1 Co see Mr. Brady, and on juac such a mia- A large n mu her of lcCCers from all (tarts ,e country have also been received hy Mr. : asking lo know the truth, and making i: .'nunc protest* against permitting a forced - iminaiion of Mrs. Lincoln plana. ’ • tales yesterday did not exceed $150, not- .-urjding tiie large nnmlier of ladies that M my no doubt were prompted hy curi- •hp! after examining the gootla lo their sat- i-.ii, retired without purchaaing. Among - wiei called were the wives and daughter, prominent merchants. previously anno meed, it the greater part • n .u.tory ia not disposed of within a few • .• v '.vill he put up at auction, and sold ' '• tiiey will bring. v Suor’’ on the Cholera.—The piiiiwr it of Wednesday tells (his: iri planter gave employment, during V it 96th SEMI-kNHUEL EXPOSE. TOTAL LOUBfi PAID, 821.271,972 B7 ! -t to thirty or torty negr'iea. The "i broke out among them, and a physician •■•el. whose treatment promised quick ’• An old negro among the number, bow- ' it not zatisfled with the pro'greaa ot af- * ‘ I v th a great show of religious zeal and ( cub on band and in Bank. dire, mvle it known to bin fellows r- i had appeared 'o him and revealed the !•*' t ’hat, .1 the cholera-smitten negroes procur - one handful of salt and the Other ,rei ,it Ijemrath a sycamore tree aud v’..e coniears of both hands, taking first • ‘till of , i|t and then A bite of the flgs, • ■'■ ir>- t|,.it would ensue would be sutfl- ; mr tculnu to show a direct Provitlenlnil ‘Tt-rence tn their tielmll. Accordingly twelve ' thr w away their “doctor 8tuff," and, . >■! ’.heinselves with the figs and salt, anil - ' -emm-lve* under the charmed sycamore, " d-d lo lose themselves as directed. The * •’ fattier, for eleven of them •" vtt the ,p it ! Toe dose killed thuis. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: II. W Mercer, of Mercar ft R. Morgan, DsWItt ft .Mnr Ander*f>n. | /an. C. M. Hardee, of Brwln k J.T. Thomsa, In*. Agsnt. Hardee. F. L. One. Planter. WM. Hunter, of Hunter AlA. A. holomona, of A. A. Gam me II. ' Ho omoos A Co. A. Porter, President Bank J Uma, importer of Wines , State of Georgia. ,D. «*. Purse, of Purse k ; J. Htoddurd. late Plants*. Thomas. W Hem-hurt, retired Mer-J. McMahon, of J. McMa ftbsnt. ! hon k Co. H. A. < nne, ol Crane A F. W. Mims, or Sima A Co. 1 Grsyhlll. ' fl. Iwiehli-on.rron and Brass • ,M. Hamilton, of ,1 V. A M.i Founder. Hiimiliou IK. P Clayton. Au/ustx, R. Vf m. coil BN, Commission! P. Clayton A Co. M**rrhant. J. W. Ku #tr, Macon, of ; -l W. Nevitt, of I«atbrop Al Knott A Howe*. C'f*. |B. K. Ko-*, Macon, of B. F. A Ful'arton, of Wilder Ai RoksACo. KulUrton. |L .1 Gul martin, of L. J. • G. Butler, Master Builder. k Co. Drags, Msdlrlnsi, Faints, Oils, Window Ulaoa, Ac. Buying in lar^e quanLltiea and original packsKus, directly from Importer* and Mnnufar- tarera, for the CAHII. wo are able to offer Inducement- to purchasera, either Tho underBigned ia prepared to furnish ths ARROW TIE to the trade at SAVANNAH PRICES, forwarding and tranaportAtlon added. PH ATTK, EDWARDS dk CO., Agents, Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ga. SHEAR THE IN8URANCE ABENT8! Mavajimag. Mat 7th, 1M7. The rerent Area In this city having proved to our entire Mtisfnction, by a thorough test, the superiority o* IRON BANDS for baling purpose*, we strongly recommend them to the use of the Planters of Georgia as an efficient agent in restricting lose hy fire ; and we agree todiscrini- nat#*, wh**n practicable, m favor of cotton thua securtwl. A. VVILBUK. General Insurance Agent. CHARI.KH GRKKN A HON, Ag’rs Liverpool, London A Globs In. Co. CHAR1.KS L. COLBY A CO., Agfa Hun A Atlantic M. Ins. Co., N. Y R If. FOOTMAN. Insurance Agent. WOOD BRIDGE BROS., Ins. Agents. •I. T THOMAS, Insuranrc Agent. ,r. c. mcnulty, Hsr.'y Houthern Insurance A Trust Co. JAMKH T HTEWART, Agent L«»ndon A loincsster Ins. Co. LA NK A WEST, Insuranre Agents. Macow, Ga., May 10th, 1«*,7. Tbe recent tire at the Warehouse of Mr. B. T. Chap man, In this city, having fully demonstrated the sdvan tage of the use of Ironliani* for baling purpose* a* a secnrlty a»/Hinst loss by fire, we, the undersigned Insu rance Agents. Macon. Os., take pleasure in endoraing the action or the Agents at Havanimb, Ga. ft. C. GRANNISH, Ag* nt for several Ins. Companies. J W. BCRKK, Insurance Agent. K. J. JOHNHON A co.. Insurance Ag’ta. J. MON»(OK OfiDKN, Insuranre Agent. .1 M. BoARDMAN, Insurance Agent. •INO. B. COBB, Isnr ince Agent. n»ay?7 dm BY WHOLIIAll OR RITAIL. very v.rl-'y JULY 8 G 7. ASSETS (At MarkM Vahu.) Ret; Estate Mortgage Bonds Bunk Block - V. HUtea, State and City Htock. and other Public Becurlties... The Oglethorpe 1# s candidate for your flavors. Th* wall known reputation of the large number of leadti.g merchants and property-holders of Havannah, who are announced os connected with ita management, ta a suffi cient guarantee that all losses will he speedily and equi tably adjusted. Meeking aa It does fo build up our own interests, md retain a portion of the means or the Mouth at home, the Oglethorpe asks for a share of the Insu rance mislneaa or the Houihern merchants and property- lolders. Insuranre effected at eqnliable rate* by calling on WM. W. CLAYTON. Agent, aeplff—1m Atlanta. <»a. W5.350 'C\ ,-lf/b,Pi0 'f, : ,n64,aoB nr. $1 rAO.OQH 17 •as Liahiiltlea, Claims not dne and unad justed 377,tWW Wi N«t Assets |4.173 Ml HI A*ND INLAND THK JIIA*e* RKMRWICK'R Bo^rdinian4 Day School for Toddz Ladies, Cor. WMkiaffton A Tslfsir Its , AaftuU t Ot rilllK duties of this Institute will he resumed OCTG- i E BKK MKCOND Circulars c^mtaming terms and i : particniars may he obtained hy applying to thn Princi pal-. P.arCHXMCM.—Hon. C. J. Jenkins G. G. McWhorter, Ksq., lion. K Ht.rims, Or. J P. <*arvln, Prof into. W. Col. It. B. Bullock. Dr. M. W Hattey, Hon. Wm ... .... - — “• - An- 1m Onr stock Is hill, and constats of of Foreign snd American Goods, from the Cheapest, to the Finest. OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT tt« and Acre«slhle AT ALL I King the Door-Bell at. Night ♦ Our Beautiful ARCTIC SODA FOUNT And PURE FRTJIT HYRT’F*M are still attracting crowds whose thirst is allayed by Its gushing water*, and sto machs energized hy the tonic, effect of the Carlionle Arid fins The Atlanta Mineral flprlng water I* lojit on draft at the ARCTIC FOUNT, and many of our afflicted citlaen* are isdng greatly tmneflted by it« use. Close c»9h buyer* are Inv, ed to examine o- r stock. If Mi WINK A FOX. Corner Whitehall and llnnter streets, JralySft—e Atlanta. Georgia SALT! SALT! Liverpool Balt, Direct Importation, Always on hand and for sale by WENT At IIANICLM, seplT - im Jones* Block, Havannah. Ga. DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS! TALLEY. BROWN & CO. Whitehall Htroet, ATLANTA. GEORGIA, Are DAILY RECEIVING their Fall and Winter Htock OF Iflir GOODS*. The Ladle* especially are invited to call and sxsnv.ns their line of D It E S H (jtOODM, Comprisin'.', in part, ftilUa, French Merino*. French Poplins, Empress Goods, rombnzines, Alpaccas, Delainsa Ac. rrnRIR HTOCK OP Embroideriaa, | Laces, Dross Trimming* And Drees Buttons ■ la large u» l varied. They keop constantly on hand, BLEACH: D and BROWN DOMEHTfCB, PRINT- and YANKEE NOTIONS. sep90~- VAN EPPS & TIPPIN, GROCERS, AND Commission Murchimts, ALABAMA NTRKKT, ATLANTA. - . rotmu. VltlSTOg. M. Gould, Jime* Miller, tf*q., Geo. M. Hhew, Ksq., gusts. Ga. umAT— SOUTHERN ^•laB.vrAL D..\tii.—Mr. J*mm Swan wuNAVICATIO “ • 'n Vw llrw q ,y ol ibt* month by the fall- I RISKS. Seed and Agricultural Warehouse! McROB£RTS 6c CO., ' Hr. »j, j n CorlnjLin on that I • : n :' r ' 1 :r " Uoine hia liorae atumblwl, 1 1 *’ '* r '’•* »!•. u;,on Di« ffround and eana- , r,1 ' n '' ! -v.' 1'Mtii ilHaon waa near him " " ii'leni iHxurreil, but before he reach- • - «ii.-r -lent:> 1i«j1 firmly graaped ita victim. I ’ •' ,ir r 3"»r. ..I iiEtt, and althoiiKh , , ,r *‘*m- lau t,, inuny virtue. ,. ^,'";'‘'' ! 'r»l L'in to hi. Umily and neigh- | EuUrpnm. .peech at ; '•..Inv evening, In apeakinn of ”' r -'• | tuut Hit. ffeuernilon oiiuht ■■ 't<t to i i ■ i li.ll.irof theurinripal j-niTiLi.n will Im larffer ia amt the Imnlen that woald •i '.iib man cun lie borne enaily ' er ill 1 Ihe y., g O^Affaneli.'. la all tha principal cilia, anil town. In [ dw Unlteft State.. Application, fnr Inturanm will I* promptly .tt-ndefl U>. OFFICE—With C. I. Brown, on asst side of Whitehall street, one door from Alnhems. jylts— N L AMOUR* Agent 0TBAM, GA« Aft* WATEIt PIPES, BOILER FLUES. ' And .11 hind. >r Iln«« and Iron fflttmir*. Tool* ft- . for iiuaiii ai'il G» Kilter'* ii»*. ■Th. heteuid !.r^r*t »»w>rtin*ii» lu tli.cliy, nnd nl rrwtlr reduced :ir:r-. jj.nd Krlr. I.l*r ‘ 1 J. ■. ffDURR, ,..17 «n 17 f>-y atreat, Nr* York City. ETORADR, ffO»WAM»IN«, AND COMMISSION MKR CHA N TS, And OMl-r. In Affrtrollur.1*. Prndnra. Gr.tu' ffl.ld »nd Garden Siwda, ff.rm Wagon*, Tlir*«h-r*. Ac .Ac. Agent, tor Wood • r«|ul,r.iud l(enp<'r. tnd Mow.r», No. 40 nnd 44 M. Market. Mtreef, jrep*4-*m NARHVILLE, TKNN FARM AT -r ci TUNNEL HILL ft ENT. rflOE "AU8TTN PLACE, ' M Tnnnel llill, to lo rent X Apply early to W. C. JKfMUP ACO.. lain, Georgl., Angn.t. GUTHRIE. Tunn.l llill Gmrgln. TO 80UTHXXH KX&CRAHTS. Rock 1st.ami* MAgurar tcrimo Co., l ( IIAKI.OTTR North f AHOI.IMA f I F you doslra to supply yourselves for your Fall sad Winter trade, with the very best descriptions and styles of ALL-WOOL CAMMIMKKICH, and with the most durable JRANM and KLKHKY labrlcs, «l fro#* from *bod dy and other Impurities, order samples from the sub scriber. and they will l>e forwarded, with urires stiaclu d. during the month* of .Inly and Angu-f From thes*# smiii plea you can make your selection* and return your or der*, and the goods will be forwarded directly from the Manufactory JOHN A YOUNG, President, j eft- dm t'harlot ie N C W. T. WHS!.***. PEARCE, WHELE88 k CO., COTTON FACTORS AHT» Commlfwlon MftrohAntu, Louisville Steam Bakery P. W. STIMMEL A CO., NO%nn*l fllO We*t, Urnnn 1.01 INVII.I.R, KT., Whnle.aln (<eal.r. and X.nnfv.tnrera nt .11 hind, of C It A C K E R H. Agents for Htlmmel’a celehrstod Qf'/C/C YU AST. aepn -3in EVERY KIND OF PLANTATION MACHINERY, RNCilNRft, HORXR ffOHRRI, «RI9T NILL*. ALRH I I.ri lllL ■ 9PI.KNKNT. Of every dearrlptlon in .tore, and tor at the Inwoat rete*, hy J. B. PM.I.KR, 17 DRY sTKKKT, augfi7-#a New York city, II O M lu AGAIN. ■loot«, Shoe*, I,ent her, Sc. r WOULD respectfully call the attention of the public to the fart that I have moved hark lo my old stand, wh'-re all those that want good goods ran he accommo dated. I Intend »o keep thn best goods made, »nd will sell them as cheap a* thn <:hr*|M»*t. Extra Inducement* to wholesale buyer*. ORO. W PRICK. Markham's Building, Prai-htree street. —iMB—f jk* Atlanta, Qsotfln. IRON WORKS FOR SALE? A HERAT KARA A IN I JACKSON STRKKT. At/OrsTA, or.ORO!A. ERTgtnr. and Mil ration aud othar Produr. Itaggiug and Hop. Inrntohnd nt renrltet^il***. Mp7—X " vreat iMrg.ln. The lurna-e will mnk. from three nnd n half tn four ton. of Iron je r day. It I. now runnlug, and everythin. In eompleie onler for •iiree.etol work Per tlee wtolitng tn purrheae ran eiamtn. tha hnnka nf the preaent leeaeaa, and thua aatlafy ihemaetvoa of monthly nrofita. Por further tntormallnn, apply tn k|a*ar*. M.-Naught Ormond ft Co , Atlanta, ft. , J I, Ito.rer* Marietta, nr John Wofford, on the proparty Mfll-lU , II •qiaoag 1 |fS£SS88S,8? S S < « S S « 1 1 f 4» — ” ■Uiuoma *T1T1 rm a e SflS83«**Sf «» ! '9k*o« | s 8 8 8 mrm S28S8S9S** m i 1 -Mnttf HI *"*"* "V": : : • a S S X S : i 1 'eetoll» ]| aTTTTT": : : n ** S « m 8 as i '! '••■nt 8 8 8 STITT : *••998 j : '“"nk i 8 8 8 8 8 8 i “ « « f e « s ss : : : : 8 8 8 8 8 3 « V • » c s as ~ *MV|t g 8 8 8 8 8 8 : h « w « f s : as : : : : •~.m| llllllHir j Jeieij*ijteSSI! bpaeinl N oticaa, 9u amta par Una Int lnaartlo*, Md 1C cento par line for each anbaaquent Inaartloa. Advertlaementa laaertad at Utervala lo ba ebarffad aa new each Inaertlon. Advcrtiaementa ordered to remain on toy panlcul.i page, tn be charged aa new each Inaertlon. The money tor advertlalng eonatdared dee after firat Inaertlon. All cnmmnnlcatloni or letter* on bnelne** Intended Ir i thia offlee ahould liaaddreaaed to “Tha Atlanta latent gencer.” JARED IRWIN WRITAKXS, Proprietor. In Mf.orn nnd lo Arrlvo : FLOUR. CORN. SCO A R, corner. RA CON, HAMS ..A RD, U0LASSKB. And a general .amrtmant nf Staple and Fancy Groceries. IvlV-dm VAN P.PPft ft TIPPIN I.F.M) TOR THE 1*A.Y» ! Z T*mio» Pftixr. Ga., October 13, 1 Jfour* Brujntu rU ,f Harrow: (irmts -I used your Phosphats on my Cotton at the rate of 830 pounds jmt acre. I sin astlsffsd that ! will realign at least 130 i»er cant on tbs amount a pout. I am well plsasnd that I expert to use more on the next crop than I did on this. Very truly yours, (Hlfftied) P W PRIKTUP. AMRNtrrrs, Ga., Novemloir I, IMA. MtJtrt Brightw*Jl Harrr^i ; (*»STA -The twenty CiO) tons HKKD'.H PHOSPHATE I bought o! you thl- y* ar, I used on Corn and Cotton I am so well pleated with the effect on my crop, that I wish to purchase of you for next year's crop, one hnndred tons. Your* respectfully, jab a. conn. This Manure, manufactured in Georgia (ths virtue* for which are aft«'.*tod hy well known Georgia citizens and which l* calculated to do so much for "BemnstraetUm' in Georgia) Is for sale by I* A NORTON, CRANK & HAMMOCK, Hols Agents, Alabama Htreet, Atlanta, (is, WM. H. WILLIAMS & BRO, Commission Merchants* AND DEALER* fW GRAIN, BACON, LARD,FLOUR AMD Wo*tcrn Produce Generally OLD STAND, Formerly ThuMr, now Phoenix Building, DRCATVB NT., - - • • ATLANTA, Cl Iff E have tgaln nubllrhed our-elven In onr former huelneee, nt (he OLD STAND, and heg to tender onr eer vice* to fonner friend, end the public generally. W heve e large and commodlou* .tore, end with onr pee experience and ample fecllltlea, tru.t we ehnllreceivenn merit n liberal patronage. IN 9TOBR AND TO ARRIVE. 10000 BranELS very choice T.nne.eee Cor* 4tXW) lb* Bacon—Side., Hbonlden. end Hem*. WM. M. WILLIAM* ft BRO. LINK. Link. W E .ro *o[e Agent* for the *iilc of Roger*' eelehretod Bird*-Eye Lime, and will continue to keep con- •tHiiily on hand e good *npply. fro h troni tho kilne Per- He. wanting good Lime, will find It to their Intercut to null end «ee u«, or .end n. their order*, nprttl - dm WM. M. WILLIAM* ft BRO. Juat Received and cow Ia Btore. A LARGE lot of Round, Bqaxrs, sod Fist Irso sou ntssl, which ws offer upon terras that sasst suit purchasers. Also, 17 tlcrces^bCMG: Hngar-Cured Hsn*. 1el4—s Gom mi Nil on Merchants. COTTOX WAREHOUSE. P. I. x'damixi*. o. I. STSOMO. MCDANIEL, STRONG & GO., COTTON WAREHOUSE igD— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Prior ai4 Hnnter Streets, lD«lghtofth»P«*renger Depot, tnd near the United btetae end American Hotela, ATLANTA, OKOROIA, ^yFl Invite th* attention of PLANTERS, nnd nil eth er* who deni In COTTON, to tba fact f h»t we ere now of fering ougrant fecllltlea end Inducement, for the STO RAGE nd SALE of their COTTON In Atlanta i. can lw afforded them In any otb«r market. Oar Warehouse Is Unsarpawed In the State, lining large and eommodlone, tceeealble to the vnrlone Railroad., completely .hcltered, and alnio.t entirely fire-proof. We particularly direct tholr attention to the feet that Atlanta to note a Cotton MarkM, where the elaple can nl- way. be dlepored of at ae high prleee, relatively, 04 In any other—leaving to the verloa. Planter, on the Hum of lending into Atlanta, no lodnce- mnnt tn ebip beyond. To ell pertle. maiding In thin Collection Dtotrlct who may dnalre to ablp lo na, we will fnrnleh the permit of the Collector to make aiich ahlpment without prw-peg mint of Tax. * We are also prepared to make LIliKRAL CASH Alt VANCRd on eon.lgnmenta, end In e I reapeet, will offer ae liberal Inducement! aa any other Houeeof reepnnel- hllity. Tbe large experience In Cotton of nil the mem ber. of oar firm I. n guaranty that eon.lgnmenta an- trueted to onr rare will ha promptly end enttofeetorlly at tended to. eep4—tm JULY 2 5, 18 6 7. ;bacon. 1 r,nnn LBS trnnrmsrr clear silt ns, A»IUvl/ Him pounde Tenncee Hhonldera, tend pound* T.nne.eee Hum., IUI) pound. Tenn.aMe Hlhlied Side.. Juat received and tor M.e by PAIN8 ft PARROTT, No. 7 Peach-Tree etrevt, A.lanta. Ot. 300 TKNNK,,M * ,c WIIITK CORN fo „ _ PAINS ft PARROTT, No. 7 Peach-Tree atreet, Atlanta, fie. DtJTTKB. 1 K PERKINS PRKMH YRLIcOW RUTTER. To J eft Mle hy KAINH ft PARROTT, No. 7 Penrh-Tree .treat, Atlanta, (in. .. . . Jnet received end for .ale hy „ PAINS ft PARROTT No. 7 I'eeeh-Troj *lreet, Atlenie, Ae. — ■ (toft MB. PU IJ* LINK of Refined end Raw Sugar.. Por tele _ „„ ^ PAINS ft PARROTT, No. 7 Pew-h-Tre* etreet, Atlanta, (!•. (4( HR AND WIIKAT WAN'PKD. ,*7/k/h/h Sack. Heennil II,nd Gnnnle. and Riirtap*. MINI hneliel* Wheal Langston, f rase v. iiammoi k. CoinmlMlon klerrh.iit*, enfflA-im Alehem. Ntreel. I.IN9KKD Dll,, ^ barrel linukkd oil. Po Mle cheep by . „„ PAINS ft PARROTT, . No. 7 p*»fh Tree Htreet. Attonte A*. A RITVATDR WANTDD 4 s 8UPRRINTRNDRNT of a Plonr or Mew Mill bv J» a pr.rtlr.i Millwright and Mar’ Inlet, who he. hud rfi war. e«i>»rl«ncr in the in.niifeelnr* of Plonr tnd (?"»rej p«ir*5u , .r 6r, * ,M •• •eptiv-l.wlw Car* John ikr?, a.VMftth,^)*.