The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, October 17, 1867, Image 1

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Subscripts and Advertising Nates. nr »•' I «' I'! • nriiiKxnBUK Mnininm. „( .mH.UKi»w« nr.. «•-' *'" linlnwA ... iMiKlt IIAII.V AND \\ KKK1.Y BV JARED IRWIN WHITAKER. l* r«»I* tfl** • »• *' ATLANTA. OEORQIA. Thur*<i«» Morning, Oot. 17. 1807. prealtr* f»is 014 Thssrlossr W«rd. .Ioi Somf.ih.ui TtStv—Sitrpt Iw lias " KltliOlt CKAtSKH TO BK DANUKUOUB WtUCN KBASON 18 LKFT FRKK TO OOMBAT IT."—Jifsrmm. TKItMB OP SUBSCRIPTION unity, psr month Dally, 1)1 month* Weekly, 8 months -• Wraltlv, 1 jronr tinglo cop.os at thoeottntirt-..• »ir.;;l« copie* to Now* Bov* and Agent* HATES OK ADVERTISING. $ 1 (JO It) (ill . S Oo n oo 10 VOL. XIII. ATLANTA, LA., THURSDAY. OCTOBER IT, 1847. MlHvolIntiooua Advui'tlaeiiU'nta. | Mlaowlli.iiooiin Atlvoril,uni«nta. . ,..'v.e.l ill soihp qimrteia Unit the I.ouU- ;‘n,, troiii luiug a sliiuuch Uiiott pup,a n I'onlwlornm organ, nml now going mg torwanl urge* arnicil revolution ,|„. constitutional utuhortllp* of tin* lain! 11 s.lvim'i' bank ward K Iiowpvpi, easily ex (. RKKN J.KA F (or UKMP I.KAFi IIAOUIKO A\l> lion:. tli: \lkOII Ac BRDTIINRM, Tobacco Commission Merchants* plaints Mi I’rvntU-o win. umlcr llio stats " d'bars locclIuM with another relnd olllcpr, ini'll a.lniilte.1 into the concern.— !,c:n« ol the Memphis UnUttin, aiul tln> W iivillo ; •./.>'1, the oM proprlvtorn «b|Kiir to I'mu- quietly smvnnilioft t» the new joint part- ip , _ J7. ..V.'if tr.r.t "|Mh« ' -'ll ure a goniUbr-mitltlng oltl slut) I nr rtiiulow You eiuniol tell the truth.— 'I'm,It eieii it V..II were to atlelii|>t to utter it, us .ii never .h\ would perish upon your pcsttlen- lllix .»iii \Ve have not urged or in any wav ' neon raged " armed revolution against the eon 1'iiullnnal authorities ot the land." There is ; ,",i hi pa|ter one sentenee that eun justily oi ; .' llrtie t our Statement that we have done so vu.l ilien aa to your “easy explanation,' a- mil see tit to eall it. explanation h a-> ■ ,a.* V " a* your virtue would lie it you were a wouiau instead ol an old one Y on - ly. ,j m . 0 the termination ol hostilities, a son ..| who was an olllcer in the ivl). 1 some.-, I., other ttiili another rebel otllecr, "lias heeti .i t milled into the Journal eonneru.” We have ton son, and he, two years ago, lor his mtn .imnement, acted a* n local editor of our pupei :,m„ weeks Without compensation, savin,. Hoi II., word about polities, and tin'll t'elii. d lo it .' ii baud at something In' liked belt. r. le' lie commenced playing Ids seven week-' y • ,.l' local editorship, the polities ol the / l,i,| hien exactly what they mu now aiul wlial a,, intend they shall eontiuue to be. No otliei •.. i ,** 1 otllecr hiis been ronneoled at all w it ii the ' puns much lor your calumny, old Thuilow. You ought, if your ancient joint* are not too rlniiinatie or gouty, logo down upon all tours , with a tile ot vour paper under your drooling month mid lick out your sUudera. Before a part of the could be done though, ymu ivii«.inoua old longue would wear out, and lliai's f|1Mt undersigned he-eby notify their tllt-lnls amt .11 omstitncn of the above named Slap’,a Omuls, that they eoiitiiuie to manufacture them In l.oiilavtlle, Ky. They hope amt nxiu-rt to have tl In their power to .,se rine , very outer sent thorn this season. All Letter* Promptly Replied To. W A lltCIt AKDHON * HON, lv2J «Im I.ouIhvIIW*, Ktftilurky. 96th SEMI-ANNUAL EXPOSE (eNIIXII IINITRK STATX" UOVZt I ATLANTA . UhOROTA. R EHPKOTFU I.I.Y announce to the public that they keep eonatantly ou baud ao extunalvo assortment .rands known, emulating inrAt. i.ttxxK* ■•Ain, -S21,'271,D7%S r>7 ! J L T L, Y 1, 1 8 0 7. In pari, of RAGLAND'S VIRGIN, KAUI.AMI'H V1RMINIA. ItAm.ANII K 1IONP.V t»KW, SId'll II XI.SKY’S I'llMKT, Vu'OHKI.r. ,t BOWMAN'S IM'KKN OK TIIB HOPTII. MII.I.KR'N IH.irKK CITY, PACK'S OHKOl.K. i MATTIIKXVft ,V WItI.HIT'S ItOSK MOUNTAIN, | HOLLAND'S OOLItKN AUK, and HOLI.ANP'8 INDIAN (p'KEN, At Ittnl.'i AilvortlMwmtxntM. j Mlucolhinooun Atlvin'tlsementw. NO. 2^7. MlNCi'IInni'oiiN A <1 \ <*rl Nrinrnl « 1867 FAU AND WINTER! 1867 HARDWARE! HARDWARE!! IKON AND MTIillii].. w a x r r j ; U , DI1Y filOODS ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. JOHN M. CANNON, Corner XVlittrlioll CC f (i.i lit «-r tsMm. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, 400 TOSS sWKRDK9 AND hkkinkd iron, 40 tone Plow Htenl, lino kegs Kalla—beat brands, WOO pair* Trace Chains, Ml Anvils, 100 Vises, ft 100 pounds H. Wapou Axles, 100 dnaen Sargent's Cotton Cards, t!U0 doann Ante's Shovels and Spades, 100 colls J ate and Manilla Rope, ftO Smith's Rcllows, *1X1 bags Shut, :kl ton’s Savory’* ll.illew Ware, Mai Ctrlndstone'e, I no dozen Cnlllua' Axea. Also, a flue assortment of Cutlery ami Miscellaneous riVE CENTS AND UPWARDS. Hardware, for sale on the most fnyorablo tcrms. by BONKS, IlltOWN A Cli Augusta, Georgia. seplft—1tn THE ARROW TIE AND IEOH BANDS •15,000 IN HOLD, SILVER, and GREENBACKS, In I'.xcliulign for Boots, Shoes, Leather. AND SHO£ • FINDINCb, j\. 1; J.s o \v Prices t t MOltH TU I.V list t AUK'. NEW GOODS OPENED THIS WEEK !! Ami ol licit* Arrivin'? Dully. BALING COTTON I j mr’Country MorclinuH urc pnrtii ularly invit* d to vx amino onr Block, ns w« will offer them *. r reatrr imiura I incnts Hum fan !)'• Inti f.-lHiuvlnM-f. f£1AKK(S plfiiiMirein iuronniiiK liio Iiu ihIh iiimI tlio |»n1» liotlmt hiHHtork of FALL AND WINTBR OOODH in now complete in every (tepaiimeut, and is ono of tho Ini gent nml bent nevorted over lironeht lo llile mnrkot. All mail biiveru nre r<n»po<*tfully invited to rail and «* amtiiv Ihln AN INAIIRANCK AHAlNRT FIRE, WASTE, AND THEFT to Boot and siiok-makkks. "Of nil things III,del I lie . mi Jturruli! tlion* in. nothin 1 ..' Hite l.mlln And If you consult yu buy your auppllet* »»t ;ii.VA^i Ai.Ku roH 1. BA MiS, ASSETS (.if 3far kit Value.) nl n l in Ilnuk . iMii««inoiis olci tonjruff inat what should be , _ Au.l now a word to our neighbor of the A c rat He publishes n letter Irotn liis New Yuik lonwpondcnt, embodying Weeds false und •l.imlerous paragraph, und adding very insolent ••• e .rnmcnis upon it. Why does iic give such a Muttcngn (105,It5u 00 vile letter to tue public, knowing that it is a vile u,nkStock... . i,ono,4iXi 00 i,e and afoul calumny? Has, he any rnuiclu ,, btllU ,, iSutu liud Clly 8tot .„, „„ d olllcr urteil Can he plea.1 inadvertence? It so, he suuld couault bia own reputation by not incur-' I nidic saauritica i,»i;i,'!03 00 rin.. the necessity ol such a pica hereafter.— [ZmlU Journal «M»,W s? ,, LlablUtles, Claims not dnetnd rractlcal Joking It* High (.ire. Jailed flic Paris correspondent of tho Loudon GbU k,.* Asset, Also, assnrlcd biun.ta of CIGARS and SMOKING TO | bacc6. All of which arc olTered to the trado on a« accoiumo- " "i v ’ l datlnc terms aa purcliaacrs will Unit claeivliure. 'jis.iki:: O') I nagS—8m Magnificent Stock of Goods! Simplicity mill Kapidlty ol Adjustment Hi view Hint priced cuuuot bu.nurpa«8ed. If you douht If, ciill nml you will be convinced of the fact. Because li« makes " Quick .sv/rt uu.t .Smalt /Vqfltj, mu eelii for caiU only, thu8 leaving ii>> lutil itcbtH \>> in* imub up In extra profit PTRcuicinlMir tlie Place and Mitn. I. T. BANKS, \\ bileii.ill .*ru) limiter M AND inla>u risks. 377,6fi6 40 ■4,373,369 61 writes: “ Piaciical joking, I had thought, died o .1! long ago iu all decent society ; but, it m:Wn- pipers are to be believed—a thing »f which 1 11 not at all ccrtaiu—(I speak, of coarse, only j f tliose of France uudtho rest of the couliueut) |N AVICATION -it still Ilnii'UUos in the highest society of this ( ■ inirv Here, lor example, greatly condensed, i t-#r A-cncle-a in all ihs principal cut** aud towns iu J ... , , r , . the United Sum. . a st„ry I nnd iu ono ol the journals ot rails Applications for Insurant 1 * will b* promptly attended . distinguished party were a fortnight ago the j ,0 off,CE—With C. I Brown, on aide of Whitehall iiesbx of Hie Marqui* de Gil—, in the chateau ot j a’rer*. OD » door from Alabama. —, in the neighborhood of fronvlllc. Tho — ^ —-— plies of the party being bored, resolved some ,-hat uugratetully, in order to uauso tliemaelves, , > play oil a joke oa their host So one night 1 lev placed a quantity of flour between tho I ■ , |,|. , ? a, ,U h,vnr II,„ i 8NOINKS, HOtlSF POXVEHD, UII1ST leels of hi* bed. At his casloiwoty hou, the 1 1WIH.N, AOHICCE.TUHAI, lurquis retired to to rest, but tho Btrauge sul>- i.siplements lame .xstonishad him, aud he jumped up. it EVERY KIND OF PLANTATION MACHINERY, exo. k. pewar, of \«w York. DIBBLE, WORTH ft CO , Commission Merchants, 188 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. pAKTICULAR attention given to th* ealaof WHEAT. ( >ne Price Only ! QUICK. SALES ANI» SMALL PHOEITS1 SURPASSED BY NONB liaweoii’B BnlUllm?. BOptSO— | FOR STRKXOTH AND .4DAPTABILITY TO All. \ DRYGOODS! DRYGOODS! .late of tli* marl Refercnci*.—J. D. Fish, Esq., rrtsldrat National Marine Bank^N. T.; H. L. Worth, Era., Cashier Na- ' ~ ' ' " MS, “ '• tlimal Park taiik. N'. Y.; D. Heaton, fiaq., Preaid,mt First National Bank, Newborn, N. C.; Messrs. Jewel A Suldnr. Macon, Oa,Jc35— HARDWARE AND IRON. 75 doaen Short Handled Frying Pans, 30 colls Pa.ent racking M to 1 Inch,! 300 doaen Shovels and Bpades, IMM doaen Pocket Entree, fcund himselt as white M a miller from head to ■ 01 oxvr.v description in -tore, and for sale at the lowest $ot. A few moineuta* reflection convinced him I rele '’ ,v - - ^at lie was the victim ot a trick. lie coolly tec boxes Tin 1 ■««, 9000 pounds B.ock Tiu, Thus* principles in tiadu 1 Uud, liom paal ecpeilance, to bo as Immutable at truth Itself, when strictly carried out. They ehall In the future, as in the paet, be faithfully adhered to In thla Establishment. Every article In thl* house must sail Itself, aa w* will not in any cast resort to the trick of citing one article at a sacrifice and ina king a double profit on something else. We guarantee every article we soli to h* what it Is rapraaauted. Merchant* are specially Invited to examine this stock before purchasing elsewhere. We have always on hand 1 splendid RESERVE STOCK In svary Department, and will sell them to Dealers cheaper than they can lay tbom down flrom New York. Bpac* will not permit more than mention of a few articles In th* d.derent Departments Ttss Lae* ot' ('omineroe 1 rjIHEY are manufactured In LIVERPOOL, of the heat English Iron, under th* personal anpervlslon of the In ventor, formerly a resident of New Orleans, La. The ARROW TIB Is preferred by Shipmaster* and ■ Compressmen, as It Is worked with one eighth to one '■ Inch slack, while all SOLID TIES require three to five ■ Inches, which, In tunning through a cargo, tnvolvaa a heavy lose to th# Shipmaster TALLEY. BROWN & GO. Wltltalantl istroet, ATLANTA. GEORGIA, DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT T. Black and Fancy Stlks, Plain and Fancy Poplins, French Merinos, Kapa,Empress Cloths, All-Wool Delaines, Chene Poplins, Alpacoas, Romhnztnea, Mohairs, Ac. Use the Arrow Tie and Bands, AND SAVE MONEY IN FltKIOtlTand INSURANCE! Are DAI! V J!ll, LIVING Hit I'all and Vi inter M(»t*k Fot utch nqiian of lb linen or K*aj, for the lirot im i • tton ♦!, und fir I'uclt HtibBCQMotil !m*rrt!on U) cult-. | vi(tnnm w r"“ £ s g g* 3 § i z • 1 ?, ?, rt *2 3 8 * . : 1 | *Mr|)ttoti| 1 v. i. V - ■> :• r- ? | , f|irioui f S % % 3 ^ 8 8 S ^ £ 5$ -j# if £ 13 f- { itatati tl .^28388. : . m ~ ** ** •MRU ii ^ 2 ?. 2 ? 3 w t- © »• j- H* ra< ras »• . •H3UM1 (J 8 3 3 3 3 8 WDUM.I f. A & S £ ti S ■ 1 >.>tn!| t: 1 . j ■mtllliz 1 I | £ a g i 8 s s 2 . 1 •ff.Ullllllvj 1 . . 5 9 ' ■ ‘' Special Notices, 20 cuntfi pur line fin*t. in-urlion i j lo uontB per line for ench ptibucqucnt Insertion, i Advurtirtuinentu iubertud .it, inturvulu to bo dmr^td j ii«w each luncrtloi. 1 AdvertincuieiitH ordered to remain on nny partictihir | page, to be cliargud as uew each iu^crlioii. j The money for advortlaln? conaiilcrcd due nftirfir.-t insertion. All comimiuicaUonB orluitarr on hitriinoHi* ii)tcud< d for ; this office Hlifutld h«* mldr‘-sfd m •*Tnt Atlanta Iktki i uoKNn:«.” .IARKD IRWIN WIJTTAKKB, j Broprletoi. m M. WILLIAMS & BR0„ Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN JuRAIN, RAC0N, LARD, FI.0JUR | W serai 4-i- Foiuiei DECATUR ■ 1 I ’l-OtllH-C l_v (U.l) STAND, ly Theiivi. now Fbofnix Building, ST., ATLANTA, 0 4 ' W E u ^ a ' 11 astttbliehuu 'tuinclrua in onr former huelnees, hi the OLD STAND, and be« to tender our iu vices to former friends and the public generally. \V tuve a large and commodious store, and with our pa* experience and ample facilities. tru«t we shall receive an inent a liberal patronage. IN STOKE AND TO ARRIVE. BUSHELS vary cholca Taiiudiaeo Com 4u000 lbs Bacon—-Sides, Shoulders, and Uain6. WM M. WILLIAMS ft BRO. 1 i.lilL, LS.HE. I-- Ay..uila Icr life . ol Uc-gc-I- IIKIO pounds Bar Lead, 1 ponn l bags HOUSE GOODS DEPARTMENT. fax) dozen Iron 50 Anvilc, 75 Vises, 4000 pounds Smoothing Irons, fang tor his valet, made the man scrape him nr-J hash him and change the sheets. He then re lumed to bed. "The next morning he said not a word ot what had happened. Three evening* alter ho pro posed a drive to a small shooting lodge in the neighborhood, where there was u splendid view, aud when lie got there he offered the ladies tea. The cube served with t je liquid was extraor dinarily good, aud the lair dumes did ample justice to it. They declared tlint they had never wen anything like it in Paris. 'Yet untiling •no'ild lie more simple than to make such cukes,’ said (he Marquis. ‘First take your flour,’ com tiuuud he, with till the solemnity of a cookery book,'and then roll a man in it.’ Tim Indies looked aghast. 4 Yea, rnesdam i, the cake is J. R. FULLER, 47DKY .'THKLT, New Yiirlt i lity. NOTICE TO ARCHITECTS. A T a meeting of the Board of M*ua#ur» of ih* Ooor^ta ! Lottery for the boneflt of tho “Maaouic Or- ! phana* Home,” Jnly 16th, 1867, tho following rcaoluilooB 1 were par ked : titsoUed, That the Manage r* advcrtiso*for pronoBalu for tho purchase or douMtion of TWENTY ACHEe* OF : LAND iu tho vicinity of Atlanta, for tho purpose of erect- , lujt thereon a MASONIC OltFHANS’ HOME-t-ald pro- | pMsah to lio HUhmlttvd to tho Board of Munanere by the fourth day of September next. The title will be vested tii the Grand Lod<je of the State of Gcorirta, or such other Masonic Lod^e iu the htato as will accept the same, 1 should the (.irand Loibc decline the timt. h'^folred, further. That the Board will pay $5<a» : for the Draft of a Granite Building for the , *MH8onic Orphans* llome* M to l>e submitted to the Board by the tlr-t day of November uuxt: thcKuld plan to be so drawn 1 as that the hnildiin; can be commenced with an expend!- ture of fifty thouaaud dollars, during tho first year, ami I that the sumo mny be extended from year to year, with- j out destroying the symmetry of the architecture. Tho I ftOO dozen Files—assorted, 0000 pounds Gulvaoized Shoot Iron, 8 tons Cast Steel. SO tons Plow btoel, 0O0 tons Swedes and Refined Iron, 6d tons Band* Hoop* and Horse Shoe Iron, 16 tons Oval, Half Oval, and Half Rouud Irnu, M tons Boiler, Plate, and Sheet Iron. For sale by WEEDS ft CORNWELL, Nos 160 and 141 Bronghton Street, Savannah, Da. 4. 0,10, U, and 13-4 Bleached aud Brown Sheetings* 4, 7, u, 0, and 10 4 Blenched nnd Broun Tilde Linen*, All tbs favorite brandu of Bleached and Brown Shirtings, Napkins, Doylies, Towels, Mai sallies, Quilts, 42 Inch and 6-1 Pillow Case Cotton. WOOLEN DEPARTMENT. Arratiktetacnts have huun made to secure an maple sup ply of the AIIRdW TIE and BANDS for the coining sea son JAMES A. MALI*, Agent Middle and Southwest Georgia. ANDREW LOWE & CO., General Agents, Savannah. Ga. VIrfif vf Birds-Eyo Lime, and will continue to kivi» **.i stautly on hand a good supply, fre h from tho hilne. pn floa warning good Lime, will find it to their ir.UTcat i call and see u**, oi »**n<! na their older*. April-8m W.M M WILLIAMS 4 BR(* The l.ud i «•» their line of D 11 10 19 Hi U OODS, Just Received and now In Store, A LAHOK Itit of Round, Squat.*, anil Flnt Iron nml Steel, which we offer upon terms thnt must suit | purchnecrs Also, 17 tlerce8 a cholcc Snpfli^Cured Hama. 1 Jel4—c COFFEF*. sSOOO BAGS Just received, from Rtode .Inuelio, per British Brig spring. For sale by WEEDS A CORNWELL, N’os. 153 aud Ittl Broughton Street. savaunah, ua. t’lstn aud Twilled White Welsh, Shaker and American Flauuels, I'laln aud Twill.d Red and buy Flauuvle, A eplciidtd nssortiuent ol' 1‘Inln, I'latd, and Spoiled Opara Flannels, ii 4 Black uud Colored I'loll.e for Suck, slid Cloak., n 4 Wuter-Proof Cloaklug, 10,11, and 13-4 line All-Wool Kiblion-Buund huq- lieb Bed Blaukets, 5uu pairs Brown, Bine, and Oray Blanket.- nil sizes and qualitlos. 'The uiidereigiierl la piepau-d to liirnl.h the ARROW i TIE to the trade at SAVANNAH I'RICES, forwarding ! and transportation added. Fiench Meiiuu*,. French 1 - Ilinpi. PRATTE, EDXVAHDS 4k CO., iaenls, Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Oa. l.omh:iz.luu8, Aliiaiciis, I'eluilies Ac fltlLIH hi. II 1C 1*1 TO THE PUBLIC. above named auui of five hundred dollan* to be paid for in ill.* of the flour in winch it was your pleasure j KllmV-r'pre'^nied urU ‘' f ■* khM acl,,ct from i should be wliitencj the oilier night !’ ff.trreur ' 1 For furtlivrlnfomuitlon, udehv— ,, , , „ ...” , BOYD* WILSON, V««.f w.rrenr. .creamed they. : Unsluea. Munn^er. Georgia staio Lotierv. ♦ - |y26— tilnovl Atlanta. Gcorl'ia. WHITE BOOBS DBPARTallENT. Hwlaa/Jacronet, Mull, Nalntotdr, and Tarlcton Miulin**, Plaid aud Striped SwIpm Jacconet and NaiueooL, Dotted Hwiaa, Hue Iriflh Liu eun, Heavy Iri»h Linens for Ladies wear. JJnen. Lawn, ai.d Cambric I*. C flanUken luefs. IHEAR THE IN8URANCE A6ENT8 ! S.VA.NNAH, ,M.\V 7lh, 1967. The roeeut Hie. In this city having proved to onr entire uti.fnriioii, by a thorough lest, the superiority u' IRON RANDS for haling purposes, we strongly recommend > the u.e of the Planters of Georgia ' And Ihe.s lliiilnns I- laige 1(11,1 vailed. They keep couvliiully nil Imlid. Iti.KACUKD aud BROWN HuMESTICM, PRINT 0 nnd YANKEE NOTIONS. Ih. in lo t sep-.H) lam era of Georgia a* an eltlcient faE Seven Ancient Wonders of the Would —1. The braes Colossus ol KliodcR, one lioiiilred and twenty leet high, built by Caron, A. 1 F D. 288, occupying twenty years in making. Ii stood across llie harbor ot Hliorlessixty-slx years, and was then thrown down by an earthquake, if was bought by a Jew, from the Saracens, who loaded nine him lied camels with the brass. 2. The Pyramids of Egvptr The largest one engaged three huudred aiul sixty thousand work men thirty thousand years in building, and 1ms -too:) at least three thousand years. The Aqueducts of Rome, invented by Ap pals Claudius, the censor. I The Labyrinth ol Psammeticus, on Hie links o< the Nile, containing within one enntin- d wall, one thousand houses and twelve royal palaces, all covered with marble, nnd having only one entrance. The building was said to contain three thousand chambers, and a hall built ot marble, adorned with statues of the gods. 5. The Phraos of Alexandria, a tower built by •rdrr of Ptolemy Philadelphia, in the year 282 H It was erected ns a light house, and con tained magnificent galleries ol marble—a targe marble lantern at the top, the light of which was nearly a hundred miles; mirrors ol enor- ninns sizes were fixed round the galleries, reflect FRbIHAND PIHNIZT. C. II. PU1NIZT. J V. BUKDELI.. I OF SAVANNAH, GA. 4 LOAK UEFA H‘fi',11 GN1, 6UU beautiful Plnaks, newest styles, llavinii made a -pecl.lly ol Hit. Hep unle, when practicable, iu favor of cotton thus secured A. WILBUR, General Insurance Agent. CHARLES GREEN * SON, PHINIZY & CO„ COTTON FACTORS AND < 'ommiscsion JNLerobanfs, Mavlnn made a specially ol this Ucpurtnionl, .ve me prepared to oiler grcni inaucnmonts. All our cloaks are - made to ordor, and are rouseipuintly much cheaper than If bought of jobber.. The finest ns well an th- lowest- priced Cloaks manufactured can lie found iu this splt.ii •\l tlielr New Fire-Proof Waichnu -c, H. W. MEltCF.R President C. 8. HARDEE, Vice President did assortment Sill A XV L UUF AHTAIK VI'. JACKSON STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Och—8m J. T. THOMAS, Seoretary UMdLong ami Square Shawls—Black, Plaid, aud Faucy, filly dilfereut slylee ard qualities, con elstiug of French, Scotch, and American goods. A Large lot ol BrcaLfnet Shawls, Niiniiu;. Nubias, Scurfs, &.. ClfARLES L. COLBY * CO., Ant's Sun * Atlantic M. Ins. Co., N, V It. if. FOOTMAN, Insnrauc* Agent. WOODB1UDGK BROS., Ins. Agents. •I. T. THOMAS, lneuraure Agent. .1 c. McNulty, See'y Sniilhern Ineuranco It. Trust Co. .IAMBST. STEWART, Aoent London A Lancaster Ins. Co. LANK A WEST, Insnrsuce Agents. IrEND TO THE MlVII ! UNIVER8ITY OP MARYLAND DAT TIMOR h. MARYLAND. For Buy* ami Oeutu' Wear, lit I AltO OF DillEOTORS -kin, eoii-li Tweed- 1 1UK Sixtieth Annual Socelon of thu SCHOOLof MED . ICINE, in the University of MnrvliitH), will rom- munreon the 14th of OCTOBER, 1W7, riiul will * ml on the Int of March, 1»ji». F A C U L 7 \ II. W. Mt n. AiulerHoii. U. S. March' Hardee. W.M. Hunter, of Hunter ft Nathan R. Smith, M. D., Profewor of Suinei v. Wm. E. A. Aikik, sM. D. LL. 1)., Frofearur of Y:ii.*n* pfr \ and Plpirmitcy. f*. \Y. MiLTir.vHEimRR. M. D., Pro<enror of Ohatetncn. ftiijhard McMiekky. M. D , Profetjicor of Principles unci , Practice of Medicine. Christopher Joiinstox, M. I).. Profoeflor of General, | (iumniell. if Mui'cer ft K. Morgau, DuWilt ft Mor Kan. tl. T. ThontHM, Ina. Agent. F. L. One, Planter. A. A. Holomout*. of A A. Soiotnons ft (.’« of Krwin ft Black French Broadcloth and D« Gold and Silk-mixed Caa:dn»en#, and Casaiineres, S.ittiuets, North Carolina and Kentucky sleuua Englinh P. t< rrltatn <'lotlie,»; I Eug. t Jxlont cloth. Macon, Ga., May lfttli, ls«7. Tho i***4 cut fire at thu Warehouse of Mr. B. T. chap- man, In thl# city, luiving Billy demonstrated theadvan- t!!);o of the ure of Irou Banin for Ualinjr purposes, as a seentliy mialnat loss b» fire, we, the underpinned Iusu- ranee Aponta, Macon, fin., take pleasure In endorsing the artion of the Agents at Havuunah, Ga. E. C. GHANN188, Agent lor several ins. Companies. kl* fllTIlirf Injn.u,,n.i fi UOHESIK Cukw, M. 1)., Professor of Mateiia Mefiica und Therapeutics. Frank Donaldson, M, D , rrnfuaaor or Phy>lolopy, IIv rlenne, and General Pattmlorv. Wx. T. liowatm, ,M. D , PiulV'S •> of Disvascs of Wo men and children. JaNK-* II. J'UTLKit, M. D., Deuioustrator, and Adjunct to • , I tho Protesror of Anatomy. every tiling on tho PCd. A common loVYtti h! The lees lor the full course are $120. For Matncnli- A. Porter, Preeideiit Buur tf. Lnuia, Importer ol Wine** State of Guor^ia. tD. G. Piline, of Purso ft .1. Stoddard, lute Planter. | I homns. W. lieiuHharl, retired Mer J. McMahon, of J. Mr Ma chimt. I hou ft Co. H. A. Crane, ol Ct-aue ft;F. W. S|ms, ot Siins ft Co. Gray hill. Jt. Lachli*ou,lron aud Brass M. Hamilton, of J. F. ft M. Founder. IlftmilYou. £. P. Clayton, Augusta, K. BKPABTitlkiNT. lurifttn Prints 1U0U piece** French, EijkIi-Ii, vOd pieces Plaid Linney. 1D0 pieces Bed TickiUR, *.* 0 pieces Dennn’*. Htrlp.-ii, Plaide, and CIaim-Us, Bales of Autrusta Hhlrfinga, MlieatlitHS, <»Fimhii Drilling, French aud Bcoiuh Gin*diiimH. M. Merchant, •I. . Nevltt, of Lathrop A A. Fullnrton, of W ilder ■ Fullarton fJ. Butler, Master Huildor. Liu »tt, Macon, of Knott ft Howes. B. F. Hoes, Macou, of B F. Boss ft LN L. .I, Gui'uiaitiu, of L. J. Giillmartiu ft Co t'P Skills, how erected in it8 place fi. The walls of lUby miramia, ur Nebur ltadnczz ir.and lini die.l in one tton, |r». For Practical Anatomy. $10. The University Hospital (.or Inflrni.iry) hltndted to tho li. Tin* walls nf fUhvInn Liiilt hv ordor ot So- ! College, ratikn atnon^ the first Clinical .Schools in tin* i m wans oi lilt)} ton, mill tty ortut <>1 cuniltry . Unlug the Bt-amau'n llosnltsl oi thv purl ut ™""“ "" v ■’—'"-■*— 1 “—'■“ 1 ! RiUtiiinn'. »- w—11 «« a civil hnspR-il, It afford* it — I.. , -ri. ...I vnrloty In the funua of disease always nutlur ir J at tty two |iilh'trt:(l thoilfianil lilt tl. They ivrrt -urgl-at Opcnitloii*. and (,'llntcal l.—t nrv on Surpviy 'it IrnnicnM thirkiicsa. Tin* Temple of Diana, ut Eplnutp, cotn- pluled in the rt.-ign of Servius, sixtli king ol ik'iii'. It wai lour Itumlred and fifty leet long, V*“ ituniJnid broad, and uupportcd by ono linn- j 'T" 1 an '| twenty-six marble pillara, ttuvenly feet I "Sk. 1 lie beams and thiol's were of cedar, lit- j "••' ut 'he timber of cypress. It wus ilcsirnyed by fire 805 B. C. leal Medicine, aud the DUougon of Women and chil dren, are countItimnt partn or the daily ins^rnctioti utim by tho respective ProreaHors of the In-titutlon. &tuuents desiring to j»erii*ci tht in-elvc- in eiwhiWU*. turn take course- ot private Instruction fium Ailjuu<’ti :«t (ached to the various Chairs. GKO. W. MlLTfLSBURGHi:, M P l» vi sep7—lawfiw Tin* Oyldhorpu is a candidate lor your favors. Tin null known reputation of the larjre number of leadiry mci'chants and property-holders of Havanuah, who are I auuoiiuccd as connected with its management, U a suttl clflid K'tnrautee that nil looses will »»o sueedlly and equl- ! tuhty aUiUtfteil. HeekitiK as it docs to Ituild upouru’wu interests, and retalu a portion ot the means of the As Adams Spisaes.—John Quincy Adam-, ol 'usscliuHctta, the Democratic nomiltco for Oov O. W. ADAIR, Auctionenr. FRAMED STORE HOUSE holders, (neural septa - lm thu South ! the Insu lin* Southern mer'chains and property M*imia:s. Mime*' ami Ludici’ Balmoral and Ho Flue French aud Domuatic C»>net«, I.tidies’ and 0* nt-* Paper Collain, 1 sdles* Rngtiiih, German, and Hus*’ Mieses' and Childrens' Wool end Mertuo Hose, l.ud let’ Meriuo Luder Yuste, Gents’ fine Fitglith Half Hmh«- Nilk aud Printed Cotton IlhudkofC’ItiulV holts, Lares, Embroideries, Rruids, fte. Always on baud, a full line of NOTIOi^d At GANNON, rcpiH— Coruei WitUehall and Hunter streets .1 W. BUUKE, Insurance A'putt. E..! JOHNSON ft CO., Iusnrance Ap'ta. .1 MON HOB OGDEN, Inau ranee Agent, .1. Al. BOAKDMAN, Insurance Atjent. tINO. B. COBB, Itmiaure A^uiit. Union Point, G a . netidier id. UuitJ. Mensrt. Hi whhvtU A Barron . Gents—1 used your Phosphate on my Cottou at the rate of 250 pounds per acre. lain initialled that I will realize at least 1T0 per cent, nu the amount upent. I am ao well pleased that I expect to u«o more on the next crop than I did on this. Very truly yours, (Signed) I* W. Pit INTI IP. J U -L. Y ‘2 5, 18 6 7. A > g:i:d Mee.ux. Brightd'rU .f Barron Gbstc—The twenty (20) t* I hought ol you thin year, I used "ti < ’*»rn tun t-o well pleaded with the efiucl on my • to purchase of you Idr next yuat ’a u* Plltispii \TE op, that 1 wish , one lmndll’ll ;uacon. I r;iUWl LBS TENNESSEE CLIJAlt SIDKS, I. 5000 pounds Tennessee) Shoulders,| 6000 pound* Tennessee Hams, 1000 pounds Tetinesseu Bibbed Hides. ,I m*t received aud for sate by FAINS ft PARROTT, No. ? Peach-Tree street, A.Uuta, Ga. ton-* Yours respectfully, This Manure, maniifiictnivd in <n oi.;i.! - the \irtuea for which are attested by well known Georgia rltl/.eus, and which is calculated to do so mm h for " Hm/wtruction' iu Georgia) U for sale hy } COHN* LANGSTON, ORANK A MAMMOCK, Hole Agents. Alabama Street, Atlanta, Ga. i OTTO\ WA ItliHOl SL . 1.11**-t*n 1 <’is-*li Advnnonw! MCDANIEL, STRONG k GO. COTTON WAREHOUSE *—A NT) — COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Prior and Hunter Streets. ' In eight of tho Passenger Depot, ami near the liiili-il Slates nu J American llntelt, ATI-ANTA, GEORGIA, W E lnvll* the nllentlon of PLANTERS, aud all r.tli *ia who deal In COTTi iN, lo the fact that we ure now ferings* great facilities aiul Inducemente ft.r the STu RAGE and SALE of their COTTON In A Hants as ran hi afforded them in any oilier market. Our Warehouse is l ustu passetl lu tile Slate, being large and commodious, aecessihle to the vutloue Railroad", completely sheltered, and nlniosi enl Irely ffre-pronr. We particularly direcl their attention to (bo fuel that Atlanta hnow a Cottuii MaiL.t, where the staple can u! ways he disposed or at as high prices, relatively, na iu auy other—leaving to the various Planter* ou tho linos ot the different Railroads leading into Atlanta, no Induce ment to ship beyond. To all parties residing iu this Collection District who may desire to ship to ua, we will bullish the permit ol the Collector to make such shipment will,out pn-im, men I qf Taj. We ate also prepared to u.ul;e MI1KEAI. t .V'otl/,1' VANCES on consignments, aiul in a 1 respect, will oft'et as liberal inducements as auv other House of respond: hilily. The large cxpeilenre in Colton of all the meiu hers of our firm is a ettaranly tint rouslgnments vu trusted to our care w dl lie prompt lv ai.d satisfactorily at tended to. sepl-hut 300 S ‘al K b> ' 1KNNKSSKK WHITE CORN. Louisville Steam Bakery F. W. &TIMMEL & CO., 808 tout tilts Weal Csi'ecn street, FAINS * PARROTT, No 7 Peach-Tree atroet, Atlanta. Ga. t eqitliame rales hy calllt WM. W. CLAYTON. Agent, Atlanta, G*. S 0 U T U B U N eraor it, i| le jj„y ,-Jratc, it will be serai front hi- llh r i'i * CC *Pl8l>C0 l in a chip of tin: old block. M A 1SI lOl l’A S l'KKll J’. Seed and Agricultural Warehouse! MoROBfiRTS & CO.. PRATTE. EDWARDS & CO.. ('omirnssion M!eronants, Forsytit Street, Attanta, Cn. | N ST Hit K A S' D I'd A Itii l V E hAlitS AND WHEAT WANTED. : IfW I 3m k«, ‘"ccotid Hand Cumutt:. aiul Burhipa. I etytytU ?m\ bu«hel* Wh«*n* I.ANGSTGN, CRANE A HAMMOCK, Ciunmliflloit Meic1mtit<*, 21c- -4m Alabama St reel. % KIT C AVION \VA.\Ti:U FA I NS ft PARROTT ! No. 7 Peach-Tree-treet, Atlanta, t4a. j SLI'EttlNTENDENT i>r a_l'lour or Saw Mill, hv i a.*, a practical Millwright uud Muchlnlt-I, who hits hud yettrs' experience in the manulhetiire of l-’lom nnd Wttiild an luicrost in ti ttll'I'EE. | j. ■■ '•"'-.|nisi|.. ( : | |R u ( ||||# «J| ills; Kill IHUUIV. unto lm grantl ratln-r. in the war of 1818-15— "hen inost id Mitssaclinm-Us men went the oilirr . WILL diet.I. at 4 o'clock In the w '|y--be take* strong ground for Democratic I * DAY, wd Instant,.that FitAMhu sTguk iHiI.m. hvdorFlv*B U 'n 'n l '" n,,t hl ' sil ll 'i U ' B P , ' l ‘ k 01 ll " ! rata sTraSl'.' betw «i '.I inly us old Democrat*) Htieuk of them. Olil ! Maaooio llall, held "dm Adams himself i WILL KKI*I« nt *1 o'clock In thu i-v» n nu. on l l*li:S DAY, M luaUnt. that FRAMED hTOKH IIOU^I now ocrnplud by Mr. wllloy, on tho north >*fdo of Mari ‘ un Bull’# t-ontur Comer rind the new ig tt0xlu5 fuet. Thu hnlldlmt to t»f re- an urrBii;»oin«*nf - — u’hq ii(*v(*r mo r c oulKnokni moved by tho ptircltarur* nnloM h^mukr* <I‘W hi, gn-Ht-guntlsotL n« calls the Misting I wllh ,lM! ow !”' r ,,r " l0 '" r 11 N T tlRtli K, FORttM SDINfii AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I And Dealer* iu Agricultural Implements, Produce, Grain' Fluid and Oarden Seeds, Farm Wagons, Threshcn, Ac., Ac, j Agents for Wood's celebrated Reapcra aud Mowers, ha* made so tiiany MuBsaflmscii . en rich, "legalized rolihery," uinl declares llist Kth. n "f •Id-tslil.V removetl, it will ''afford Hit- »,i.„“ ,,e .'. lux 'l ,a yera ol the uoiinlrir 'lie sem- JffffwhMi fur repndiatiun." Honest in- uniiL lL" ' *’, ,nu,: h hlantlerlng, he regards a eioiHs 1 .-' ,r Adamaendowea the prlti- llighla ns laid down hy the M»v nut an t 1 ’* 1 'he I)eni(X'rati<: platforin, •oithnil out.—.V. T. Krurem. ' Term- ra**h. Sal* jmiuIiIv WM r RltOMN. ■ IKOWN-H I'lOTKIi I *-IFK AND f'AMPAl'i.NH OF CEM C ROBERT E. LEE. 111 J *st* D. McCs.z, Jr , of Va. * BU#4 “ 4 Slfiflrsplty or tho Orest UhisHain. I hy the sale fit over HI,GW co- '-'It Its -•merlurifvft!!’ 1 "' .^hh'h is a rulllcicut guaran aUXN'l Hwll'T,?’" * 11 cumpeniurs. , ' , “*. *ud s rail a?."*i-T. lh| 88 for ChcuUrs und uee our Nddn-ra 1,1 ">• work. 0 ' l t-<iitnnji National pcuushing Atlanta, Cs. 'ei-n-irz jirrnr, I >0.40 anti 44 ra». Mui'kot Mtrunl. I sopM-lm NASHVILLE, TBKN- i JOHN. B. FULLER, 47 DEY 8TEEET, New York City, MANl'raCTVRXR ANU Dr.Ai.XU IN PORTABLE AND STATIONARY MACON, CKOItOU. *tlp77-ly STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, aitujd p.iunds t'tear Side*, US-Ill p'lmids Clear Rib Sides, thud pound' Slicmldors, 3.7 barrels Lard, l in. it pound" Arrow Cotton T.e. Tid idee*. Kentucky Bngglnp, •JOO coils Rope, Mi barrels thus-nUalc t'etiiuitl, ral h.irrels Louisville remeht, ::i*i hags Wldlo Corn, 10 barrel* cider Vinegar, Cast l'lnu'1, Mnnuhictitrcd Tobacco, T ra DAtifi Prime to Choice Hie Code -I .and for sslc hr dust received ' LOUISVILLE, KY., W li.desal* Dealers and Manufacturers of all slut!.* of ( ' n u\ c iv e n s. \gn.t- tor Siimmel's celebruled ijritN JE.IV7. cj»1 5 .m STEAM, GAN A VO WA FIHI PIPEN, Lumber. Would prefer to rent i . Country Flour Mill. Addrc— SAMt'KJ. hand. -'pan -tawttw Ctrc John Unit, Savauunti. Cm - ~ BOILER FLUES. FAINS A PARROTT * ^ -'k- k‘ LAN lkFsRfot, i And all kinds of lira;, and Iron Fitting*, Tools, ,Xe., tor No. 7 Peach-Tret street, Atlauta, Ua “ ] Steam and Ua* Filter'* nee. Next to |)od 1’* Corner. tMi.iclnnl i'dicet. I 8^ *• best and largest assortment In the city, cud at pieatly reduced prices. Send for l*rlcii Id-T. ttnllv call vour atlenlion to onr i linger -Iill 1, D-v*^Street. W»-Vc?H?CT*v vrtaHs. ^jyolT.U reap. VARIETY ir ntlnntion to mir stock or s.mmx. : A hjj FAtNS A PARROTT, i Peach-Tree street. Atlanta, Ua. Prints.. . Duincstic* Pleaching. All cash orders protnplly tilled. Consignments soli cited. s»pl»-Hm PRATTE, BllWAIIDH .» CO K. It. IlltSS\V N A MSN Itlll ICI'.N'I'. CGTTAOK ll'il > i, a.Hi futr room*, good illdht: * i rad xard< Walker street, aUm ■rsnilss*. •Sl-SUsrSw A CWTTAOK It'll t i, rt.Hi t Mir room*, good /TON oulhtilldhi: a and |;«i"il outer: it half jtcro lhj|ii lot is situated on t.iil", r's. Apply to utu ou the B. A. FEW. FROM 8 TO 350 ffORSK POWER. Most approved Circular snd Upright Maw Mills. Griat Mills. Sugar Mill*, aud all kinds „t Mining aud Plants- lluu Msehtuery on baud and built lo order. Shafting, Pntlle*. Les'her and Ituhber Beltlns. snd ul! kind* of Iron and Wood-working Machinery, S- 1 IT Marhtnsry nnd Railroad suppUss Ik stors, sni shipped at th* lowsst rntes. iigTT—s«n H A M H. LARD IN BEUfi, S ANDIES, PIl'KLEh, PFACIIRS r.X CASS, Pin* Apples lu Caus, l.nhstcrs, Tomatoes, Oysters In Cans, Jellies, Golden Hyrup, Cider Vinegar, Sc. Jntt received snd for sale hy VAN EPPS A TIPP1X. LINSEED OIL. RAHItl-l. I.INSKKD OIL. Fo sale cheap hy FAINS ,t rARROTT, Jy-tl - No. 7 Peach-Tree Street. Atlanta. G*. MORE NEW GOODS, J t LNTLKV.LN who wish really nlc* Sorgo or Fine It FHKNCH CALF SKIN HHOBM, either ol Hie C< gross llalmorzl, Strap, nr Oxford-Tie pattern, ran no* 1 —' - Cd luaniifai tore at liud the latest style and inosi approvi . tbs New Slum Store lu Itaw-im's lluildtuz, coiner »i Whitehall and llimter sheets. m»vfi - I. T. HANKS. Thin MD*r* Unpleasant and Unsnfs lUaisdiss Dsut- Yll a "‘*- FtfibrtNl KuuttU'ky «li , niiri. GiitalMiUH i'OtlOIIHiU'rt nml u vnrloty «>r ni.. i>.. *; fturt Table Cloth.*. In I ho IIA IttiNV Mil: Ht-i’.K nou*i'k»M»i»or*s Butlih r-. nml M FFRNITI is’F l\ I Mt BodatoiiL Riucniitf. . Wurtlrolu’r* Wm»b Mat.tD TabU-t* .. . WorkHUnda bt*riislcaninny o'lu r hiii. h Suyarttiid k'od'oi, I'.o <• i.„ rant Bar Iioii . bqtmrolron. Band Iron HmoothiiiK Irou* ti4im in lsi vnroitti* tikiiu J5 lo ill cent* j .i nmi 15 to 40 ivnth ! I it *m 22 to 60 cent** i fr«»m 15 to N* ivnti* I • i«>iu •.*.» to :h» conit! : irom \g to x. t-fitiH • . II.till *,M III s'iOlVIltl* I I tl.n-ti Tow 1 lilt '- SAT.T! SALT! Liveipaul Suit, Direct Importation, Mwava on nnd for i.tlo by >n.Nr »v ilvmllh, yi»L __ siono.-)' Block, Savamjib, Ga. »*Ut limit.) Ml Itniii !•: ANTITV i McKiausoN uonmrsra, Importer* and Wholesale Dealers In llstlll VI It. Ill ’ t i** I** i.tomii B Kiftli, R KD1CING8, , Dru^uitB' Fauo> Goods, &cc. % &o., Dl Hint u3 Puliou si., Nht York. Andirons.' JeU '! !'.'’ 1" ' pound • -tod le v iry liberal In it* tndulgenee to'Southern cnal"i<. •a n rent* j»-r pound i era. Mr. J. T. Heard, nf Georgia, Is n -alonmin In th.' | R'lii-c L-n veiy polite amt ac.immodittiu-gcutlomsn I * t«*i' ponti.l I I Ol'SR established In isn. one of the largest kh i ul* !«-r I'.nin.l II heat in the city. Does a heavy Southern trade ..ut 7 rout* pet pound I and wmiWhe i4fiSdl» ffw hiTOr.*W®5a | call, ou visiting the city.