The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, October 22, 1867, Image 1

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o F I '" I €1 K i THE NI'lllRKinilMK ■KII.DINIi \v,*t .ido of Whitehall street, belwonu Alaham* afreet owl I ho Kalltoad crossing. I lim.lMIKII DAILY AND WEEKLY BY- JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, l»r»» |»rlet«P. ATLANTA, OBOROIA. TuMdn Morning, Oct. 88, 1867. A Loiter iron, Liberia. The following loiter Irom n recent emigrant to l.ilteriit Into lioon iiIaoihI lit our hnnila. U who written liy a former servant of J. K. 4one, K»q, nu.l adilfooMHl to Hint gentleman. Doubiloiw many ol our render* know llio writer. The let- tor will t«> Interesting at Lliii* time to tlic (rood men ot Uolmiitm* ami vicinity, many ot whom *i* sorioiwly contemplating removal to I.ilo'ria. It lack* a groat tloal, liowevor, ot austninlng tlm ‘ ’clii" assertion* of a white Radical of tide vicinity, who, wo undoraland, ia telling the negroes that they will And nothing to eat in I .Iberia except snakes, lizard* and troga! We have seldom ,i'on a more ttattoring and inviting doscri|>tion Ot any oounlry, and llio *ini|dicity of its stylo lwe have corrected error* in spelling) as well a* tho handwriting, show* that It was written by ,.ne who has not the art to deceive in a matter of this kind •—fWumMi* Enquirer. IlHISMVILl.*, Ll*SKl4, ( August S, IMI7. I Mr .1. K. Junes: Dkah Silt—l write you a few lines to inform you Hint wo have nirivedon tho coast ot Africa, utter a voyage of fortv days, all well and in tine from Charleston May tup, I.s 1sites Wtl. I... I spirits. We sailed ami touched at Monrovia duly 8th. We had four deaths on the voyage, a woman and 'three infants. Our crow uumbered three hundred ami twenty people, Irom Georgia and South Car olina Maria and lietlie had tine health on tlm voyage; they have never been sea sick at nll.- ‘ ft ' ‘ ‘ ‘ " Hut 1 was sick enough to make up for them; hut I soon overcome the attack on sea ami have liven very well. I have a flue little daughter, tiorn on the ocean June 19; she is well at this time.— We are located on the Siuoe river, about two miles above Grceuvlllc, iu a large house, given in the emigrants lor six months. We have also mx months' provisions, brought from America, tarnished by the Society at Washington.— The Government ol Liberia gives tweiity-live acres ot laud to every family and ten acres in every single person. Twcnty-tlvo acres ■ I land in Liberia is worth more than 100 acres * i pine land in America. Lilieria is as great ,i rmmtry as there is iu the world ; all that a man will have to do here is to clear his land and plant il, giving it oue working and it don’t need any more work. But some of the people here arc so lazy that they don't make a support. This is a great couutry lor cotton; it is always growing. Sugar cane grows 25 teet high. Coflce grows in a wild state all over the woods; a man can gath er just as much codec as he may want out of the woods. I’ine apples, oranges, lemons and cocoa- uuls, and many other kinds ol African fruit that i am not accustomed to, grow here. I am told that this land will make over 100 bushels ot corn to tho acre. If a man cannot make a support here he will not make it any where. I expect to draw my land alsmt nine mill’s from here, up the liver. There is game ot all kinds in tlm woods to slmot—the ueer.autelope, wild hog, geese, ducks, turkeys and pigeons. There are monkeys up the trees in sight of the house; aud also leopards, an I nil kinds ol auiuials. This country don’t want anything hut popula tion, aud with it would be as great a couutry as tnere is in the world. Those emigrants who nunc out here last tall are ail doing very well. Give my respects to all. Father and his little family are all well. I will write to you again soon. 1 have not been here long enough to give i full account ot the couutry. Greenville is a little village at the mouth of the Sinoe river, with about 1000 people. The natives are very tricnilly to the settlers. I most now close nty letter. Albert sends his love to you all. Yours, very respectfully, Frank Simpson, Jr. “XKKOR 0KA8BB TO BB DANGEROUS WHEN REASON IS LEFT FREE TO OOMBAT VOL. XIII. ATLANTA. GA„ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1867. NO. 251. M liuiellwnenti* A «t vertlHemoiils, (l RE EE LEAF (or HEMP LEAF) BAGICIINU AND ROPE. TJIUK mulorsi^uotl tu*«vhy notify their Manila and *11 conaitmora of tho Hhovo iintnoil Ntaplo Hoods, that they rout In tic to mnnufNctiirc them in Louisville, Ky. They ho|»o muI ox|>eot to have it in their power to oxe- cute every order sent them this sctisou. All Letter* Promptly Replied To. W. A. Hlt'IIAItpHON A HON, Louisville, Kentucky. Jy*7-;ini 96th SEMI-ANNUAL EXPOSE. TOT A I. I.4IMMR* FAIR, *$21,271,672 57 JULY 1, 18(1 MlacellaneouN Adverlliuntunta. MEADOR 4c BROTHERS!, Tobacco Commission Merchants, (UNUBU UNITIU STATES UUTIL,) ATLANTA OhOnOIA. R ESPECTFULLY announce to the public that they keep constantly on baud an extonalvn assortment p „ of all the leading brand* known to tho trade, consisting In part, of RAGLAND'S VIRGIN, RAGLAN I)'R VIRGINIA. RAGLAND'S HONEY-DEW, ASSKTS (At Market Value.) Cash on hand and In Bank . Real Estate Mortgage Bonds Bank Stock U. States, State and City Stork, and otlu Public Securities... -f 515,836 U!> . *218, m 02 . 6115,A5U 00 . Ot) i,o*i,:km 80 f l.tieO.Wfe! *27 ess Liabilities, ClaiiiiH not. due and unad justed .777,008 40 Net Assets 14,273,000 81 ANI) INLAND NAVIGATION RISKS. or \g vneira ill all the |>riovi|uil cities anil tmvnatu the Vlilted Slates. Applications fur tnanrance will he promptly attended OFFICE—With C. f. Brown, on cant aide of Whitehall afreet, one door Irom Alabama. Jy11»— N, L, ANQIBR, Agent. Sowing the Wish.—Suclt respectable gen tlemen as Dr. Miller, of Atlanta, Judge Irw in, nf Marietta, and Mr. Akertiim, of Elbert county, are no doubt actuated by the purest of motives in consenting to serve in the bogus Convention called by an army officer at Atlanta. They very probably think they may be ol vast service in checking wild and vindictive legislation, and pro- ,ho helpless white race against revolu tionary vengcauo,. w, n>,r thoooji. they arc making a fearful mistake, and that the prestige of their namea and respectability will only en- to still farther “lumps for- courage Radicalism ward’’ in -Its wicked career. They certainly reconcile many honest, well-meaniDg men to it, who otherwise would spurn it with loathing and contempt. What white man, tor instance, ot any decency and regard to wbnt was due his fellow- citizens and his children, would vote a ticket upon ntng, which appeared the names of Cote and Dunn were not their infamy covered up in a measure 1 iv the respectability of suclt men as Miller and Irwin? We tell these gentlemen that they nre sowing the wind, and that they will yet, m our judgment, reap the whirlwind. History is full of warnlug against such mis takes. The fate of Verguina and his associate Girondists may well be recalled, now when the Ka lical Mouutain, lead by the Ashburns, Dun nings, Bryants, and a lot of devilish, malignant blacks have so nearly clutched supreme power. When the edicts ol tin tese new ralers send Miller, Irwiu Ac Co. to the guillotiuc of a common ruin and degradation with all that is good, and pure, uud honest in Georgia, it will be too late to oiler its an excase for panic i pat ion in their mischief, the desire to control it. When liberty and law have been murdered, aud the white people of »ieorgia sold into bondage to tbeir former slaves, history will not spare any man wlto was found in company witli the perpetrators of the foul crime.—Macon Journal <t Memenger. A CllANTICl.KKU TUAT KNEW SoMETmNll.—A Democrat in a neighboring rural district says licit on the evening of the election, just about oils, he was EVERY KIND OF PLANTATION MACHINERY, ENGINES, HOUSE POWERS, GRIST HILLS, AGRICULTURAL IHPLBHKNTS Of livery description ill store, amt for salt) ul the lowest retes, by J. R. FI LLKR, 47 DEY STREET, aug97-4m New York City. NOTICE TO ARCHITECTS. A T h interim' of tho Hoard of Manngora of the Georgia Htate Lottery for the benefit of the . Masonic July ltlth, 1887, the lb I lowing rcaolutloua Phans' Home, were passed: Reeolced, That tho Managers advertise for proposals r the purchase or donation of TWENTY ACRES OF LAND in the vicinity of Atlanta, for the purpose ofen ef- ing thereon a MASONIC ORPHANS’ HOMK-vnid pro* tHicals to be submitted to the Board of Manager?* bv the fourth clay of September next. The title will be vested Masonic Lodge in the State ns will accept the same, should the Grand Lodge decline the trust, ft.ATre'-tfmrC «Vf'rwSftfA M"?...”,! r-AasSnic Orphans' Home,” to be submitted to the Board by the first day of November next: the said plan to be so drawn as that the building can he commenced with an expendi ture of fifty thousand dollars, during the first year, and that the same may be extended from year to year, with out destroying the symmetry of the architecture. The above named sum of live hundred dollars to be paid for the plan which the Board of Manages shall select from the uuinher presented. For farther information, address BOYD ft WILSON, Business Managers Georgia State Lottery, Jy35—tilnovl * m siaiu lAiuery. Atlanta. Georgia. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND halrntoRh. maryland. T he Sixtieth Annual See.inn nr the SCHOOL of MED ICINE, in the University of Maryland, will com- mourn on the 14th nf OCTOBER, 1967, and will end on the tat of March, 1969. F A C V L T Y Nathan It. Smith, M. D., Professor of Surgery. Wm. E. A. Aikin, M. D. LL. It., l-nifesror of Chemistry and Pharmacy. <3. IV. Miltrnmriiukb. M. D., Prnlcsaor of Obstetrics. Hiciiahu McSiirrhy, M. D., Professor of Principle, anil Practice of Medicine. CHBiaTornKR Johnston, M. D„ Professor of General, Descriptive, and Surgical Anatomy. Samuel C\ Chrw, M. D„ Professor of Materia Meillca and Therapeutics. Frank Donai.dson, M. D., Professor of Physiology, llv- glennc, aud General Pathology. Wm. T. Howard. M. I)., Professor of Diseasua of Wo men and Children. Iambs II. BUTI.RK, M. D., Deinoneti-nloi', and Adjunct to the Professor ol Anatomy SKTII HALSEY’S COMET, McCOIlKLB A BOWMAN'S (fUEKN OP THE SOUTH, MILPEIl'S BLUFF CITY’, PACE S CREOLE, MATTHEWS & WRIGHT'S ROSE MOUNTAIN, HOLLAND’S GOLDEN AGE, aud HOI,LAND'S INDIAN yllEEN, Also, assorted brands of CIGAHS aud SMOKING TO BACCO. All of which are offered to the trade on ai accommo dating terma as purchasers will find elsewhere, align—3m ORO. M. dkwev, of New York. DIBBLE, WORTH & CO., Commission Merchants, 188 PEARL IT,, NEW YORK. TJ ARTICULAR attention given to tho aale of WHEAT. A Parties requesting, will ho regularly advised of the elate of the market. HrrxRXNC-Ks.-J. D. Fish, Esq., President National Marine Bank, N. Y.: H. L. Worth, Esq., Cashier Na tional Park Bank, N. Y.; D. Heaton, Esq., President First National Bank, Nowberu, N. C.; ’ Meters. Jewst A Snider, Macon. Oa. Je‘J5— HARDWARE AND IRON. 75 COILS MANILLA ROPE. 75 dozen Short Handled Frvlng Pans, 90 colls Patent Packing X to 1 tnch,| SOU dozen Shorela and Spades, 1500 dozen Pocket Knives, 900 i 900 I 15,7 boxes Tin 1 . 'A“10 pounds Block Tin, 1000 pounds Bar Lead, *~l bag» 8h t. SO bundles Bright Iron Wire, 300 dozen Iron Wire Sifters, 50 Anvile, 75 Vises, 4000 pounds Smoothing Irons, 9000 pounds Grifllu’ ’ F '"1 do; — nig I • Horse Nalls, dozen Flics—assorted, 9000 pounds Galvanized Sheet Iron, 3 tons Cast 8tccl, 90 tons Plow Steely A. (Ill Gilt VAt,UAHI,r, MILL CITY PROPERTY AT CHANCERY SALE. ^TATK OF TKNNU8HRK, HAMILTON UOUNTY. Chancery Clourt at (.'hattunooga. •IomkI’H M. Bi.irNiiRi.L, AFaigueiMil LowiP,8|»ilzvr ft C?o. Lf.wif, M^itrkii ft Co., Hint rrcdilorH of euid firm. cUI order of said Court rendered iu line, at ita .Inly term, 1HU7, 1 will, M iNcmlluncoiiN A(IvorMRomonIn. HARDWARE! HARDWARE!! I RON ANTI HTBEIi. On 'I'llPMila y. Nov. IfMli, 1MH7, Iglitccn, umt Iwenty-fmir immlhs, taking notes with spumved security, hearing Interest from date, amt retaining a lieu mil il Hit- pur chase money lias all been paid—the following described property, which will he sold In lots to salt purchasers, UEHCRIPTION. The Heal Estate within the corporate limlta ofCliulla- Moore A Marsh, being Die lands on muni me naw m known as the Moore /t Marsh Mills, are situate, on West side of Chattanooga, together with all the Mills, aa Lots No. 5 and 7, on Payne street. In Chattannoga, on which the Fisher Mill property elands, logsiher with all thejwrsonel property, machinery, or other property on ■ry, and other property ul he Ship Y'arn nroiierlv, t, executrix of br. Tom- Also, ell the Ylnusss, Machinery, and other aaid ttrm on the Weat half of the leaned from Mrs. Martha I,. Fort llusou Fort, deceased. Also, the Houses, Building, and other property situate on lots S3,57, andSU, Market street, Chattanooga, winch laud lias been leased to said llrm by Mrs. MarthaL. Fort, executrix, Ac. Also, the Lime Kline and the Lime on hand, anil oilier priperty, on two lots, on which these said Lime Kilns are situated, and leased to said Drill by C. E. Grenville aud John Burke. Also, all property belonging to said llrm situated oil a tract of land leased by caul ttrin from G. W. Gnrdenhlrc, situated on C'ltico Creek, In Chattanooga. Also, the unexptred terma of the leases to certain real estate leased to said llrm by Mrs. MurllmL. Fort, execu trix of Dr. Tomlinson Fort, deceased, to-wit: The South half of Lot No. 53, South half or Lot No. Ml, South half of three-fourtha of Lot No. 67, on Market street iu said city, Oil which there Is situate Brick Bulldlrgs I lico in- pleted. Also, the West half of Ship Yard. Aud Jllso, unexptred lease of Luta in Chattanooga, leased by said ttrm from Gardenhlre, as shove, and Gicu "id Burke, ns above. vllle an; Anduiso, the tinexplred term of lease on certain pro- . Attorney In fact for Lindsay's heirs. Also, a Tract of Land purchaaed by said firm from Moore A Marsh, in the City of Chattanooga, aud lor r title, nuder the name of ttie which they hold a bond for Billy Smith property, containing three acres, more or less. Also, a Lot iu the city of Chattanooga, known as lot No. 3, 011 Branham street: Provided this lot No. 3 on Branham atruet has been sold lo one David Frcidmunn for the sum of J7.000, Friedmann having paid * KKJ on the same aud contracted to pay $:snw.75 on Ills lien held by Charles Siindqnist on the same Also, Lot known as 311 or 41 Poplar street, in saiil city of Chattanooga, (there being litigation now as to the number of this lot.) Also, all other property, real, personal, or mixed, which the said Arm may own, or to which they may become en titled wlthont any reservation, whether the same shull have been listed iu this advertisement or omitted from the same, subject In every ca- <- to all valid subsisting claims and liena which may be now on said property, placed there by reason of unpaid purchase monev. mort gages, or deeds of trust or otherwise. Also, eight head of Horses, four head of MuI, 4-00 T0NS SWKGDKS ANU XKFINKD I RUN, 40 tons Plow Steel, ImU krga Nalls—licit brands, 9UD0 pairs Trace Chains, 50 Anvils, lIMt Vises, WAX) pounds H. Wagon Axles, IM) doxeti Sargent's Cotton Cards, ISSI dozen Amn'a Shovels and Bpades, 1IAI colls Jnte and Manilla Hope, 50 Smith's Bellows, :xxi hags Shot, 30 Ion's Savory’s Hollow Ware, MX) Grindstone’s, 150 dozen Collins' Axes. Also, a tine assortment of Ontlery and Miscellaneous BONKS, BROWN A CC.. Augusta, Georgia. THE ARROW TIE AID IRON BANDS BALING COTTON ! AN INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE, WASTE, AND THEFT JlINKqUALin KOH Simplicity and Rapidity of Adjustment SURPASSED BY NONE FOR STRENGTH AND ADAPTABILITY TO ALL The Usea of Coinmcree! rjTHEY nre manufactured In LIVERPOOL, of the best English Iron, under the personal supervision of the In ventor, formerly a resident of New Orleans, La. The ARROW TIE la preferred by Shipmasters and Compression, as it is worked with one-eighth to one inch stack, while all SOLID TIES require three to five Inches, which, in running through a cargo, involves a heavy loss to the Shipmaster. Use the Arrow Tie and Bands, AND SAVE MONEY IN FREIGHT and INSURANCE I twelve Wagons uud Harness ild real estate helnuging to said llrm will tin sold ] A rrangemants have been made to secure an ample eup- and ' i'^- v ** 10 ARROW TIE and BANDS for the cotniug ecn- 16 tons Oval, Half Oval, and Half Round iron, 95 tons Boiler, Plate, and Sheet Iron. For sale by WEEDS A CORNWELL, Nox. 15B and 161 Broughton Street, Savannah, ua. All of sail _ . n in bar of the equity of redemption, and tlic property ! leased will be sold subject to ail the rights, Umhutions, equities and restrictions specified and meutiuned ill Ihc n epective leasea thereof. The purchaser or purchasers staudiug in the room and stead of the orlglnul lessees. he‘ r umd:rnSwT» ( tt e Clerk and Master of this Conrt will be promptly an swered, giving all the information sought. Issued Oeto- | her 1, 1*67. J. W. JAMES, C. & M. ocil—id By Dan J. Doty, D. C. a M. COFFEE. IIAAA BAGS Just received, from Riodu Janeiro, OUvV per British Brig Spring. For sale by WEEDS A CORNWELL, Nos. 159 and 161 Broughton Street, Savannah, Ga. TO THE PUBLIC. Tie Ogtetlorpe Insurance Go. The fees for the fall course arc #190. For Matricnla- iy. #16. six o’clock, tlifi timo lor closing tliepol nliout sitting down to tea, when he told hie wile lie believed be would go to the city to hear the election news. “It may be bad,” snid she. “Il I lbought tto I wouldn't go,” he replied. Just an old rooster, tlmt spends his nights on a tree close to the house, commenced crowing lustily, and continued it for some time. This occurrence was such an unusual one for a cock to crow when he has just gone to his roosting place, that the wife ssld, “Yon need not fenr to go, I’ll hot the news is good; this old rooster knows it;” snd he did go, and was so elated at tion, #5. For Practical Anatomy . Tho University Hospital (or Indrinary) attached to the College, raitka among Ihc fir-1 Clinical Schools in the country. Being iho Seaman's Hospital of the port of Baltimore, aa woli aa a civil hospital, it ntl'ords a great variety in the forms of disease always under treatment. OF SAVANNAH, GA. liuding Hie old cock was right, that he didn’t get home till next morning.—(fin. ~ . Rnq. “ Bkthv, my dear,” said Stubbs, giving liis ' ' lies, “h w ife a damaged pair of unmentionables, “ have tlie goodness to mend these trowsers; it will be as good as gfiiug to the play to-morrow night.” her needle* but < Mrs. S. look her needle* but confessing she could not sec the point, remarked, " How soT" “Why, my dear, you will sec the wonderful Ilavels m the |.»nt-0-mine.” Mrs. 8. finished the job and handing hack the unmentionables, said to 8., “ That's flamed good." Practical Medicine, and the Hineum** of Women dren, are conatituent parla of the daily iuatruction given by the respective Profennorn of the Inatltutlon. HtadenU deniriuu to perfect theinaelvea in enedulltUfis of private Instruction from Aujuucta at- can take conraea Inched to the various Chaira. GKO. W. MlLTKNHKRGFsH, M. D„ Dean. aep7—lawttw C. W. ADAIR, Auctioneer. FRAMED STORE HOUSE H. W. MERCER, President C. 8. HARDEE, Vice President J. T. THOMAS, Secretary liO A It I) OF DIRECTORS: II. W. Mercer, of Mercor A G. S. llaniee, of Erwin A Hardee. WM. Hunter, of limiter A Guinmell. It. Morgan, DeWitt A Mor gan. J. T. Thomas, Ins. Ageut. F. L. ttne. Planter. A. A.Voiomons, of A. A. Soioraous A Co. MARIETTA STREET. WILL SKI.I. at 4 o'clock in the DAY', 99d instant, that FRAMED STU now occupied by Mr. \Wlley, on the north side of Mari tut streci, bctwuuu Hell’s Center Corner and llio new A. Porter, President Bank J. Lama, Importerol Wines Slate of Georgia. “ ' * ““— * Stoddard, late Planter. VV. Iteiusliart, retired Mer- cliai.t. II. A. Crane, ol Craue A Grayblll. M. Ilniiiillon, of J. F. A At Hamilton. M. H. collKN, Commission Mediant. J. W. Nevltt, of Lathrop A D. G. Airse, of Purse A Thomas. J. McMahon, nf J. McMa In.n A Co. F. W. Sims, ot Sims A Co. It. I^chlisuu.Irou and Brasa Founder. K. P. Clayton, Augusta, K. Wil&f ler ft A. Fullartnii, of Fiillarlou. G. Ihitlnr, Maatnr BuHdor. , l . vinyiuu, niig P. Claytou A Co. J. W. Knott, Macon, of Knott A Howes. B. F. Ross, Macon, of B. P Ross A Co. L. J. Guilmartln, of L. J Gullmartin A Co. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GRAY.TACKET8, And how they Lived, Fought, aud Died for Dixie, Incident! snd 8ketchst of Lift in tho Confederacy Huiid for circular*. Addreaa . JONKA BKOTHKRK A CO., Broad atreet, Atlanta, Ga. more new goods. {-i E ^TLKMEN *ho wlah really nice Hcrge or Fine JltKNC'H CALF HKIN HIIOKH, cither of the Con- Maaontc Uni I, lM?lng *2. r ixl05 feet. The building to be moved by t he purchaser, v f , tuilcHH ho mnkeH an urmngoim nt with the owner of tho ground for it to remain. Terma caah. Hale punitive. ft. W. A DA IK, Ileal Ktftnte Agent. Office Whitehall Street, Near Kailroad tVoFFing. octlO—til V. K. DllOWN. VM. K. HIIOWN. IinOWN’8 HOTEL, OPPOSITK DBPOT, r »«« Halmural, Strap, or Oxford-Tie pattern, can uow mi a...*- ■— - .J manufacture at fiicl the latest style and most approve Store In Itawaon’- ” un H,ll ‘ e nss. IU use wi.lteimii and Hunter stroets. Bnildwt, corner ol I. T. BANKS. NOTICE. THANsronTATinNOmna, Giobiiia Raii.roai>, i Atlanta, October 17, lntt7. ( R ATE .... COTTON from Atlanta to New York, via Uu.rli.ston, lx #l.» iper HX) As. I ms includes wharfage aud drayaga at Charleaton. WI9-XW GEO. T. ANDERSON, Agent. J J I’EAnca W. T. WUBLBSa. . HAS. A. PIAIIOg. PEARCE, WHELE88 ft 00., COTTON FACTORS MACON, GEORGIA. au(«97~Jy K. K, 18110 M N A Mt.V- HOUSE FOB SALE ON LONG TIME. | HAVE A NEAT, COMFORTABLE IIOU8F. w lip four rooms, heebies storerimm. kitctmn, and servant’s room, and a good, new -stable, on a — half acre lot, with shade trees, fruit trees, vineyard, a No 1 garden, in line cultivation, ami spl.-ml.d water. In three minutea walk of the City Hall, ami rnuils on Fair street, whif'h I will sell lor #»,f.ix,; ) RSI cash, ami the re mainder in four yeaily Instalments •>( #.Vxi earn, Tltlea good. This Is the opportunity to buy a comfnrlalile Immc on i ti •" ‘ ■“ “ wry favorable tcriua. JAMES A. HALL, Agent Middle and Southwest Georgia. ANDREW LOWE & CO., General Agente, Savannah, Ga. PBATTE, EDWABDS & C0„ Commission Mercnants, Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ca. STORE AND TO ARRIVE: The undersigned is prepared to fnrnlah the ARROW TIE to the trade at SAVANNAH PRICES, forwarding and transportation added. PRATTE, EDWARDS Ac CO., Agents, Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ga. 90000 pounds Clear Sides, 16000 pounds Clear Rib Sides, 5000 pounds Shoulders, 95 barrels Lard, 14000 pounds Arrow Cotton Tie, 50 piecos Kentucky Bagging, 900 coils Rope, 50 barrels Rosendale Cement, 50 barrels Louisvlllo Cement, 300 bags White Corn, to barrols Cider Vinegar, Cast Plows, Manufactured Tobacco, Ac. Consignments soli HEAR THE IN8URANCE AGENT8 ! Savannad, May 7th, 1887. The recent tires in this city having proved to our entire satisfaction, by a thorough test, the superiority o f IRON BANDS for baling purposes, we strongly recommend them to the use of the Planters of Georgia aa au efficient agent in restricting loss by 6rc; and we agree todiecrlni- uale, when practicable, in favor of cotton thna secured. A. WILBUR, General Insurance Agont. CHARLES GREEN A SON, CIIAIILKS L. COLBY A CO., Agt’s Situ A Atlantic M. Ini . FOOTMAN, Insurance Agent. All cash orders promptly filled Cl »cplS-3m PRATTE, EDWARDS A CO HA MB, U. IA. r Wl.UAil. tuauiaucc AKDUI. WOODBRIDGE BROS., Ius. Agents. J. T. THOMAS, Insurance Agent, j. c. McNulty, Sec’y Southern Insurance A Trust Co. JAMES T. STEWART, Agent London A Lancaster Ins. Co. LANE A WEST, Insurance Agents. LARD IN It KGS, CANDIES, PICHliES, | FEAVJIEN IE CAES, Macon, Ga., May llhb. In',7. The recent lire at the Warehouse of Mr. B. T. Chap- Pine Apple* In Cans, Lobsters, Tomatoes, Oyster* in Cans, Jellies, Golden Syrup, Cider Vinegar, Ae. •Tumi reeulved and for sale by COTTON _VAN EPPS ATIPPIN. VAHIN8. i nee of tlio use of Iron BauJs for baling purposes, as a security against loss by fire, wc, the unaerslgued Insu rance Agents, Macon,Ga., take pleasure in endorsing the action or the Agents at Savannah, Ga. E. C. GRANNIS8, Agent lor several Ins. Companies. J. IV. BURKE, Insurance Agent. E. J. JOHNSON A CO., Insurance Ag'ls. .1. MONROE OGDEN, Insurance Agent. J. M. liOARDMAN, Insurance Ageut. JNO. B. COBB, leurauce Agent. mny97—8m JULY 25, 1867 W E keep count tint ly on haml a good at>*orfmuiit ol YARNS, manufactured by (he Covington and Steadman Cotton Mills, j AT WHOLESALE ONLY. IWOrders tilled at Factory prices. STEADMAN A SIMMONS, ocl—Sui^ Marietta street. Atlanta, Ga. FALL AND WINTER BACON. I KtU\n LBS TENNESSEE CLEAR SIDES* XfiOOU potiud* Tenoetutee Shoulder*,| f>000 pontida Teunesaeo llama, lotto pounds Tenunssee Nibbed Bides. .liird received aud for sale by FAINS ft PARROTT, No. 7 Peach-Tree street, Atlanta, Ga. DRY a O O I) S ! I The I Iglctliorpc is a candidate for your favora. Tht ell known reputation of the large number of leading errhunt* and property-holders or “ *• “ ~ -— r ._. Savanush, who are unuoanced as conneeied with ita management, ia a aiiffl- clent guarautue that all ioaaes will lie eocedlly and equi tably adlusted. Seeking as it does lo build np nor own rjii Interests, and retain a portion of the means of the South at home, the Oglethorpe asks for a sliare of the Insu rance business of the Southern merchants and property iiiiicrn. Insurance effected at equitable rates by calling WM. W. CLAYTON, Ag , Agent, tlanta, Ga. SOUTHERN Whicli ia now complete In every Department. MARSHALL, BURGE A BOWEN, Impmicrs and Joldtcrs, sopI9-9iu _ 143 Meeting sired. Charleston, S. C, Seed and Agricultural Warehouse! McROBEBTS & CO., 8TORAGB, FORWARDING, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Dealers In Agricultural Implements, Produce, Grain* Field and Gardou Seeds, Farm Wagona, Threshcra, Ac., Ac. Agents for Wood's celebrated Roapora and Mowera, L'limmiHiilon MorclinntM, Jackson strrkt. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. «:*•» * ,ul "* ;l1 ,;u,u * u »"'* olhor Produce. Bagging 11 itope lurnlshadat nisrkct'prlcM. aepT—3m T * k * M »«• Vapltaaaat a ad Oaiafa lUaadiH P^telnX" 1 M,d JVMferons dl ■ frUUKO ABd mna. 1 Possession lilveii 1st November, G. w. adair; Real Uslale Agi-nt, Whitehall etrocl, near ihu Railroad Crossing, oelh—6t (J. 13. MINN1UK. Light Carriage and Wagon Makcr f 78 German atreot, between Par# aud Kutuw, BALTIMORE, • MARYLAND. No. 40 and 44 M. Market Street, septtl—9m NASHVILLE. TENN. I AM prepared to exccilie all oolera for Carriage, and Wagons Repalilug done will) roatuess ami dia- patch. MlfiS ANNIE KENT, la'nMlilotiiililx. Dpoas-Miikpr, • nvoan Aad lirraovan Kosa WAsi llaa Haul- yl7 C 1AN be found at Mrs. White's, oil Ivy. street, next to / Mr. Jpliu Gleu's residence, wlicre slic la prcparod lo do alVwork In her line, snd respect frilly sulli Its thu ua- trouage of the ladlea of the city. octfi—til* 47 JOHN. B. FULLER, DEY STREET, Hew York City, MANOrACTRHEn AUD DBAL8* IK PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS FROM 2 TO 250 NORSK POWER Most approved Circular and Upright Saw Milla, Grist Mills, Sugar Mills, and all klnda ol MUiing aud rlauta- tlon Machlr dnsrr on hand and bnllt to order. ’ Shafting. Pullles, Leather and Itubber Baiting, I ktuda of Iron and Wood working Machinery nr Machinal# and Railroad aappll** In alort, and shipped *1 the lowaet rate* aagfl—4m on A SACKS TENNESSEE WRITE CORN. OUU sale by FAINS A PARROTT, Peach-Tree street, Atlanta, Ga. Foreign aud Domestic Dry Goods, RUTTER. Mlnnollunnniiu A at vertlHCmonta W A. JST TED, Previous .to Ootobor 16th, In Lots ot FITE CENTS AND UPWARDS, •15,000 IN BOLD, SILVER, and 0RZEKBACKS, In l'7x«liunu;<’ •'«»«* Boots, Shoes, Leather, AND SHOE • FINDINC8, At Low Prices!! MO UK Til A .V 100 CASKS NEW GOODS OPENED THI8 WEEK! And otliur* Arriving Daily. |ST"CouDtry Merchant* are particularly Invited to ex amluo our stock, aa we will offer them greater induce menu than can he had elMewhert*. TO BOOT AND SHOE-MAKERS. “Of all thing* under the t*un,J Hurrah ! there it* nothing like Leather. And if you commit your bent intorurt, you will certain buy your Hupplioa of I. BANKS, Because he makes “ Quick Kales anil Small Profits, and aelll for caah oulv, thu* leaving no bud debra to be made up in extra profits. HTHomember 111© Place and Sign. I. T. BANKS, Rawaon'a Building, cor. Whitehall and Hunter 8ta. icpt30— DRYGOODS! DRYGOODS! TALLEY. BROWN ft CO. Wliltt'Iinll Htrcct, ATLANTA. GEORGIA, Are DAILY RECEIVING their Fall and Winter Stock OF DRY GOODS. The Ladies especially are invited to call and examine their line of DRESS GOODS, Subscription and Advertising Rates. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, Dally, p« momth * <«l Doily, UsNBths 10 00. Waakly, 8 month* 9 00 Wt*kly,lyt*r 9 00 •tafteaaylM at tt* malar 10 llogl* coyiaa t« Maw* l«ya and A(*a ta 5 RATES OF ADVERTISING. For oaoh squant of 10 llaea or laas, for the flrst Inior- ttop $1, and tor each subsequent Insertion 60 cents. 8 » 8 8 8 3 9 * X 3 8 8 8 8 '8 8 “8 8 8 8 8 a V 9 « ? « B 8 8 8 8 3 3 8 9 *•« fi m " * "8 8 8 8 S 8 » 9 8 8 8 a a p 3 8 8 8 8 i s a s s 8" 8' 8 3 8 8 8 " 55 8" 8 o* no S 8" "3 8 3 8 3 S a 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 3 3 8 8 8 8 8 sajenhg 3 57 9 Special Notice*, 3(1 cent* per lino first insertion, aud 10 centa per linn for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements inserted at intervals to be charged as uew each lnaertion. Advertisements ordered U> remain on any particular page, to he charged as new each insertion. The money for adrertislug considered due after Drat iuxertiou. All communications or letters on business intended for this office should be addressed to “Tag Atlanta Ixtil- loiNCM." JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, Proprietor. WM. M. WILLIAMS & RRO. Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN GRAIN, BACON, LA&D, FLOUR Western Produce Generally OLD 9 pi'AED, r, no% uoeuix Formerly Theater, no* ucenix Building, DECATUR ST., .... ATLANTA, GA ■^j^K have again established ourselves in our lormer business, at the OLD STAND, and beg to tender our ser vices to former friends and the public generally. W have a large and commodious store, and with our pas experience and ample facilities, trust we shall receive au merit a liberal patronage. IN STORR AND TO ARRIVE. 10000 BUSHELS very choice Tennessee Corn 40000 lbs Bacon—Sides, Shoulders, and Hams. WM. X. WILLIAMS A BRO. Liras, Liras. W B KL*°!? lor tke tale of Rogers' celebrated Birds-Bye Lime, and will continue to keep con- ties wanting good Lime, will And it to their Interest to call and see ns, or send us their order,, aprtl- 3m WM. M. WILLIAMS A BRO. Joit Received and now In Store. A LARGE lot of Round, Square, and Flat Iron and Steel, which we offer npon terras that must aalt purchaser*. Also, 17 tierces choice Sugar-Cured Hams. . W. M. WILLIAMS A ER0., Jel4—c Commission Merchants. French Merinos,: French Poplins, Empress Goods, Bomluzines, Alpaccat, Dolalnet. Ac, ■THEIR STOCK OF Embroideries, | Laces, Drosa Trimmings And Dress Buttons It large and varied. Thoy keep constantly on hand, BLEACHED and BROWN DOMESTICS, PRINTS and YANKEE NOTIONS. sep90— Liberal Cash Advances! r. b. m'danul. C. ■. STBONO. a. r. kobei. MCDANIEL, STHONG ti GO. LEIVII TO THE LAND! ^jfE invite the attention of PLANTERS, and all oth ers who deal In COTTON, to the fact that we are now of- Uhion Point, Ga., October 13, 1966. Meetri. Bnontirell if Barrow : Gbnts—I used yonr Phosphate on my Cotton at the rate of 950 pounds per acre. Iain satlstted that I will realize at least 156 per eeut. ou the amonnt spent. I am so well pleased that I expert to use more on the next crop than 1 did on this. Very truly yours, (Signed) P.W.PRINTUP, ferlng a* great tkcUltles and inducements for the STO RAGE and SALE of tbeir COTTON in Atlanta aa can bo afforded them in any other market. Oar Warehouse is Unsurpassed Amkmcus, Ga., November 1,1966. JfriMi-r. Bright well <t- Barrow : Gsnts—Tlie twenty (90) ions KEEIVS PHOSPHATE I bought ol you this year, I used on Corn and Cotton. I am so well pleased with the effect on my crop, that 1 with to purchase of yon for next year's crop, oue hnndred tone.; , mir. TAg A ( , onB Yours resperllully, This Manure, manufactured iu Georgia (thu virtues for which are utlusted by well known Georgia citizens, and which is calculated to do so much for •' Riomutruction' iu Georgia) Is for sale by the Btate, being large and commodious, accextible lo the various Railroads, completely sheltered, and almost entirely fire-proof. We particularly direct tbeir attention to th* fact that Atlanta U nou> a Cotton Market, where the aUple ean al ways be disposed of at as high price*, relatively, as In any other—leaving to the various Planters on the llnee of the different Railroad* leading into Atlanta, no Induce ment to ship beyond. To all parties residing in this Collection Dletrlct who may desire to ship to u>, we will furnish the permit of the Collector to make such shipment without pre-pay ment of Tax. We are also prepared to make LIBERAL CASH AD VANCES on conslgumcuta, aud In ad respecta will offer as liberal Inducements as any other House of responsi bility. The large experience in Cotlou of all the mem ber# of onr firm Is a guaranty mat consignments en trusted to our care will be promptly and satisfactorily at tended to. sept—8m LANGSTON, CKANE & HAMMOCK, Sole Agents, Aluhsmu Street, Atlanta, G*. •SACKS AND WHEAT WANTED. -i pr FKKK1NS FRESH YELLOW BUTTER. X el sale hy ROAA Hacks, Second-Hand Gunnies and Burlaps. fJvrV'xX 6600 bushels Wheat. LANGSTON, CRANE A HAMMOCK, Commission Merchants, angiS—4m Alabama Mi rest. FAINS tk PARROTT. No. 7 Peach-Tree elrout, Atlanta, Ga. PHILLIPS Jt FLANDERS, THE BRIDGEWATER PAINT AND COLOR WORKS.! MANUVACTITRFRS OV pj - BAGS Prime to Choice Rlc Coffee. Just received White Lend and *lno Pnlnt*. And COLORS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Dry and Ground In Oil. BRIDGEWATER METALLIC PAINT, BRIDGEWATER COTTAGE COLORS ' and for sale hy FAINS A PARROTT No. 1 Peach-Tree street, Atlanta, Oa. A FULL LINE nf Reltned and Haw Sugar*. For sale hy FAINS A PARROTT. No. 7 Peach-True street, Atlanta, Ga. ROB'T REYNOLDS, Socrstary. OFFICE-74 Maldon Lane, NEW YORK. FACTORY—9*d St., near 3d Avenue, South Brook- lynn, and Factories, Bound Brooke, New Jersey. ocllt—4tm- _ LIFE AND CAMPAIGNS OF QKN'L ROBERT E. LEE. Bv Jams D. McCann, Jr., or Va. Th* Btoadord Biography of th* Ortat Chieftain. LINMEKD OIL. BARREL LINSEED OIL. Fo- isle cheap hy Jv’JfV- KXB<!l'TOH*B MALE. B Y virtue via decree of the Superior Conrt of Fulton f-ounly, will he sold, on the first Tuesday iu 1H>. cumber next, before the conrt honso door in the city of Atlanta, tu-tween Hie usual hours ol aale, the following properlv, lo-wlf: !'*! erres off ofiot No. 1ST, 169* JT8popularity taaHestcdhjr the J^o^pver RttlOco- A slagta month, whirl) it a sufficient guaran- ‘Tdd'ra- • "TiaCnal PlfSefeaiNQ co.. ocll-dlmwtt Atlanta, Ua. proper tv, to-wit: acres off of lot N<- — - — -, all In the t4th district of Fulton eouuty, five mile* South nest or Atlaola, ou the Green A Rowell's Ferry Hosd Mold as the proiicrty of Claboru Ilawa. deceased, for the purpose of division between the legatee*.. Terma rath October lfi, 1367. ..... „„„ „ WM. A. W If.SON, Executor. Mna. E. R. HAWS, Executrix. oct7—td Printer's fee |5 Next to Dodd's Corner, Whttoball Street, ^^OULD respectfully call your attention to onr VARIETY STOCK OF GOODS. Prints lomcstics. Ilcachlug.. ....from 10 to 90 cents ....from 16 to 90 centa .. .Irom 16 U> 40 cents from 99 to 50 cents from IS to 60 cents ... .Irom 15 to AOcanta inghams from 90 to 96 cents Cotionados from 90 to 30 cents aud a variety of nice Dren Goods, Linens, Toweling* ■ clc-- ■ Ticking Figured Muslins.. Kcutucky Jeans aud Tablo In tho IIARiDVABE Department many article* for Honeekeepcn, Builders, and Mechanic*. FURNITURE IN LARGE QUANTITY. Bedsteads....... from # 4 to gift Bureaus from 7 to U Wardrobes from 10 to 16 Wash Stands from 9 to 10 Tables from 9 to Work Stands from 9 to besides many other articles loo numerous to mention. Oast Steel. liar Iron Square Iron.,, Baud Iron........ Smoothing Irons. Andirons Jel'i at cents per ponud at 6 cents per pound at ft oeuta per poum I at ft centa per pouui at H cents per ponm at 7 rents per poum FOli KENT. ^COTTAGE HOUSE with four roorns. good ffi lot, with good garden Walker street, above Col. Collier’s. Apply to mo on t promises. or*—Kuwtw B. A. FEW. COTTON WAREHOUSE £—AND— 0MXI8BI0K MERCHANTS, Corner Prior anil Hunter Streets, tight of the Pamnger Depot, and near the United Statee and American Hotels, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Louisville Steam Bakery F. W. aTIMMEL A CO., 306 and 310 West Green Street, LOUISVILLE, KY., Wholesale Doatera and Manufacturers of all kinds of CRACKERS. Agents for Sttmmel's celebrated QUICK YEAST. tepid—3m STEAM, GAB AMD WATER PIPES, BOILER FLUES, And all klnda of Brass and Iron Pitting*, Toole, Ac., for Steam and Oa* Fitter'* u*e. . J" The beet and largest assortment in the city, and at greatly reduced prices. Send for Price Ltat. J. B. FULLER, *ug97—4m 47 Day Street. New York City. SALT! SALT! Liverpool Halt, Direct Importation, |Always on hand and fbr sale by DANIELS, Jones' Bloch, Savannah. On. WEST At acpl7—9m \y McKesson a robbing, Importer* and WholeaaU Dealer* In amroa, mbdicinbi, Druggists' Fancy Goods, dco., &o„ •1 •• Faltota Maw York. S °V8R established in IBM. One of the largest and beet In Ur* city. Doe* a heavy Doutheni trade- laverv liberal In Ita Indalgence to Southern custom. „ **Y liberal In IU Indalgence to Southern custom, Mr. J. T. Heard, of Georgia, laaealeaman la the House—is e verv polite and accommodating geutlaman. htow —