The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, November 06, 1867, Image 4

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RAILROAD GUIDE RtUtNli K. W. COLE, i n»r rtHnin main. Leave* at..... Atiivoal Augusta !«)» Aiuin*«» at. Arrive at Allania l.No mint run on Sunday > nimht ruanai tun. lean Allwll Altl.'O kl AUgU*l* leave Align* At AUl Arrive I Ktbu.ia. ...5(10 A. M ...6451'. N ::vml . 5.45 I*. M 515 A. M . H IM I*. M 646 A . M Tfao VoHMIi Cttinw-LM or (4Mi«n •■4 bfMMtillVM, The Fortieth iVinfTm, which a»**ml.l«d on the 4tb o( March, 18*1, according to « taw passed liy the Thirty- ululh Ibamw, I* roatpoeed 55 follow*: SENATE. Atlanta 4k Weal-rota* RaUiNl. i.. r. (hunt. mi riMBMoaa taiut—outwabd. nit raaimia raua—tawiaa. Leave Wat Point Antic it Altauli 15.40 F.M .5.501*. M »uni|«atrf 4k Waak-mial *allraa4. DAN1KL II. CHAM, I . 5.00 A. M ..1500 M. .1145 f M ,. 5.46 P. .15.55 A. .1150 P.M . 100 A. M 10.14 A. M 150 P. 4.54 P. 11 58 A. 1 I 46 P.M PIT nuiH. 1-cav* Montgomery Arrive el West-Point leave Weel-Potnt Arrive it M«nt||Oiavry leave Opelika Arrive il lA.Iiiuibii* I e.ive* Ai rive il OiH'ltk* eiininu tuun—ovntftt* and mioaioa l.oive Opelika Arrive it 1'olumbui l.eive Columbia Arrive it Opelika . itlaroa 4k WMlirB RattN5«. K U. WALKER, DAT rAH51I1 IB TBAtB. leave Miron Arrive it leave Atlanta Arrive it Miron leavei Atlinti Arrive*In Miron ... .. T50A.ll ... 1.61 P.M .. 165 A. M .. 1.10 P.M .. 1.15 P.M .. 4.45 A. M Wpatera 4k Atlaatle RsUivmK. 1 AMPUKLL WALLACE. i Mioar BzraBM rutimti tsais—sailt. TOC P. 4.10 A. leaia AttanU Arrive it Chattanooga l.eive Chattanooga.. Arrive it Dllton Arrive it Atliuti PIT rAllBltaia TB AIM Pally, except Sundlj*. leave l.eave Arrive At ChAtWnoogA leave ChAttinoogl Arrive it AttantA DALTON ACCWMMOBATIOII TBAIM. Daily except Saadiya. Leave Allan!! Arrive it Dillon Leave Dllton Arrive it Atlanta . 4.50 P. M TOO P. M . 1.41 A. V 8.45 A. M 5.80 P. M 158 P. M 150 A. M 1106 P. M . 8.50 P M .1195 P. M . 1.55 P. M . 11.45 A. M MaU Stage Line from Atlanta to Dak loaoca. Leave AttanU Monday, Wedneeday and Friday.. .5 A. M Arrive Tneeday, Thnrtday and Saturday 1 PJt COURT CALENDAR. t/frrtwrf DectmUr, 1800, hy BUUami A WtUhom.) SUPERIOR COURTS. IILI'B BIPOB CIBCOIT. Cherokee.—lit Monday In Mlrcb ind Augu.t. Cobb.—3d Monday in March and lit Mondiy in Oct. Milton—Ith Mondiy In March and ** Moalay taAnc. Por*yth.—l*t Monday In April.aad.4th Monday tn An Lumpkin.—5<1 Mondiy In April and 111 Monday la Be, Oawioo.—8d Monday In AprU ind Septemlyr Pickeni.—Ith Monday tn April and September, i iilmcr.-9d Monday In May and October. Finnin.—3d Monde, *n May and October. Union.—Ith Monday In May and October. Town. -Thuieday alter 4th Mo*U»tnMayandOctober. "but tbonld the buelneee oTuntoa Oonrt require it, Towna Court may, by order of the presiding Judge, be adjourned to Monday thereafter." aatmewtes cibcuit, Appling.—let Monday In March and September. Camden.—Priday alter 4th Monday In Aprl.andOct. < 'hirllon.—Mondiy after Ith Monday la April and Oct. i Minch.—4th Monday In March ind September. t’ortce.—2d Mondiy iu March and September. Eehole.—Monday after Ith Monday In March and Sept, tilynn.—Id Monday in April and October. _Thnr*day before let Monday In March and Sept Ware -3d .M.mday in March and September. Wayne.-4th Monday in April and October. chattahoocubb ctsounr. 1 Chattahooehee.—Ith Monday In March and September Uarrie.—5d Monday In AprU and October. Marion.—3d Monday in April and October. Taylor.—let Monday In AprU and October. cnanouB cibcuit. Bertow.—9d Monday In March and September. Catoosa.—5d Monday In Murand November. Chattooga.—lit Mondiy lo March and Baptambar. - ill. Mor-tevJp «"«H November. troTuUll. Ill mvIluRr ana HrvW»^a’^Nflmli Murray.—3d Monday tn AmUiad October. Walker. —Monday beforw&t M^Mm, Whitfield.—Ith lionday in April cownta ciucuit. March and Sept. iooivmib—4tb Monday In April and October. Feyette.—9d Monday In March and September. Fulton.—lit Monday In Apr" —* Meriwether.—Sd Mood Troop.—3d Monday In E41 Bryan.-ith Monday la April, end 5d Monday after Ith Monday In November. . „ . Bulloch.—Friday after Sd Monday tn March, and Friday after 4th Monday In October. and Sd Libwty^MMonday InAprlLsndMoaday slim Ith Mon- Mclntoeh.—Thunday after Sd Moadaytn April, tad Thursday after 4th Monday ta November. Montgomery.—Thnreday after Sd Monday In March, and Thnrtday after 8d Monday la October. Tetnall.—ad Monday In March and 4ttt la October run aneoiT. Bnttt.—Sd Mondiy In Mitch and Saptamber. Henry.—8d Monday In April Bad October. Monroe.—(tb Mondayln February radAuguit. Newton.—3d Monday Ixx Maxcti aad Septembm. Pike.—let Monday tn April and October. Spalding.—let Monday in February and Aaguit. Up*on“-l*t Monday in May and November. ■icon cibcuit. Bibb.—3d Monday In May and November. Crawford —lit Monday In March and September. Uoely.—let Monday U April md Octapqz. . , 1« rebvnatypadAagmL WDOLS CIBCOIT. Burke.—3d Monday In May and November. Colombia.—let Monday In March uid Bcptember. Emanuel.—Sd Monday hi April and October. Jeffereon.—9d Monday In May and November. Jobnion.—Ith Monday in Match and September. Richmond —Sd Monde/ In Jauuary end lone, scriven.—1st Monday In May aad November. — sd Monday in March and September. MOBUBM CIBCOIT. Elbert.—Ud Monday In March mid September. Glasscock—3d Monday In February and August. Hancock —5d Mondiy In April ud October. Ilart.—3d Monday In March and September. Lincoln.—4tb Monday In April and October. Madlaon.—1st Monday taMwch and September. Oglethorpe.—3d Monday In April aad October. Taliaferro.—4th Monday in February and Augutt. Warren.—let Monday in AprU andOctober. Wilkes.—ttb Mouday In March and Saptamber. ocnoLan oincoiT. Baldwin.—4lh Monday In February ud Aogaat. Greene.—sd Monday in March ana September, darner.—4th Monday in April ud October, Jonua.—3d Mouday In AprU and October. Morgan.—1st Monday In March ud September. Putnam.—4lh Monday In March and September. Wilklneor..—1st Monday In April and October. FATAULA CIRCUIT. Clay.—4th Monday in February aud Aogaat, after the next Court. Eerly.—let Monday In April ud October. MUler.—Sd Monday In April ud October. Guitman.—fid Monday in May ud No/ember. Randolph.—let Monday In May and November. Stewart.—3d Monday In April and October. Terrell.—4th Monday in May and November. Webatcr.—Sd Monday In March ud September. ■outrun craouiT. Berrien.—Monday after Irwin Court. Brooks.-Monday after Lowndea Court. Colquitt.—Wednesday after 3d Monday in Mnyud No, Irwin.—(in Thursday after Telfair Oonrt. laturens.—Sd Monday in April ud October. Lowndea.— Mondays after Colquitt Court. Pulaski.—3d Monday In April and October. Telfair.—Friday slier 4th Monday In April ud October. Tbnntss.— Monday efter Brooke Court. Wilcox:—41b Monday hi April and October. eouTiiwesTBUN cibcuit. Baker.—3d Monday in May and November. Calhoun.—3d Monday in March and September. Decatur.—4!h Monday in April and October. Dougherty. 1st Monday ill June and December. Lee —(til Monday In Mureb and September. Mltebedl. sd Monday III May and November. Sumter.—‘hi Monday iu April and October. Worth.—3d Monday iu April and October. TAl.l.AI*<M»NA CIRCUIT. Owapbell.—M Monday m Fubruarf aud August. Carroll.—1st Monday in April islid October. Cowell.—1st Mouday In March and September. Floyd —Sd Monday iu January and July. iUralson —3d Mond iy lu April and October. Heard.-3d Mmiduy in March and Heplemlier. Paulding.—I»l Monday in February and Auguat. foie.-Ill, Monday iu January aud July. WI.STKUN rllll HIT. Banka—Isl Monday iu April and October. Clarke. Isl Monday iu February null Sd III August. Iny III Ajirll and October. in Man li and Sd lu September, ilebursliiim. -:td Monday lu April and October. Hall.—81 Monday lu March and September. Jackson-llli Monday m February and August. in.—llli Monday lu April uud Octolrei. Walton :.d Monday lu February and August Wnlli! 5lniid.iv Ullur 4lh April slid Oetohcr. rlMMUIll. John Cuuneea, Cornelias Cols oomtaoTiettr. Jtimes IHnm, Orris 8 Kerry hii.awa.iz (M> Kiwi Aid,Its. NUfnnf SauUmry. II.I.INOIS. C lrhard Yates, yuisu Truiubull. min an a. T .4 /MHtb, Oliver P Morton. IOWA. James W Grimes, James Harlan. kSNSAt. Edward G How. Samuel f I'omeroy. BBNTtrKT. Jamtt OutSri#, (Ainvt Dark. MAINB. Lot M Morrill. Wm P Fesaenden. ■AMaravaaTTs. Charles Sumner, llenry Wilson. MABT1.ANIV KfttrJy JMnam, yAiwmisMirann. ■ISSOUBI. John B Henderson, Charles D Drake. aicaiOAN. Zerberlah Chandler, Jacob M Howard. amaassoTA. Alexander llauisey, /Aiald w Morton. NKVAIIA. Win M Stewarl j James W Nye, nuw uammuina. Aaron It Craglu, James W Palleraou, nawtaasav. A G Cultell. F T Frellngbuysen, NSW VOBK. Edwin l» Morgan, ftoseoe Conkllug. onto. Benjamin K Wade, John Shermau. OBBUON. George II Williams, Henry W Cm blit. raNNSTLVANIA. Chart" K Uueiatr ic, Simon Camerou. BBODB I1LANII. llltaa Henry I TaNNsaeaB. /• T Putttnon- J s F'owler. vanaoNT. George F Edmunde, JustIn S Morrll. WEST VmOINIA. Peter G Van Winkle, Waltmaa T Wiley. wieroNem. Jamr* K DMIlIt, Tluiolby O llowe. MlaoollnumiiB Advertlaemnnta, MtaaallBMOitB Advertlntmanta. I ProfMalonal Cards. Radicals, iln Roman.) 40: Democrats, (In Italic,) UOUSR OF REPRESENTATIVES, i'A LI TO INI A. Hiw iAMmiBl* [Three member, to be elect [Three membere to )w eleet- 1 ed ta September.) ed in M«wb.) FURNITURE '■ FURNITURE I Manufactured by F. JC RUTIN A, MindlloEast HoustonRtieel. NEW YORK CITY, - • • NEW YORK. A LL THIS FURNITURE consisting of Parlor. Cbam her, Dluing Room, end Library Hulls, le of Hie latest Klyles. aiiirmsimfseUired of the very beet material, under llio personal su|ki vision of Iht proprietor, and 'psrtiosni the Soull.UusIrlng fiueJloMehold^Furnllure .... ng toeiamine ihla sloe rWAII goods wart allied. September. eOHMUCTICUT. [Four membere to be elect- ed tn April.) UELAWAM. John A Xictoltm. IUJNOIS. I. NBJudd. 9. J F Farnsworth, 8. K B Waihbnrne, 4 Airon C Harding, 6. Ebon C Ingenoll, 1 Burton O Cook, 1 H P H Bromwelt, 8. S M Cullom, «. Ijtwit WRom, \i: ^W&Ziii.- 11 John Bakar, 13. GBBanm. At targe, J A Logan. INDIANA. 1. Wat K mblacli. 9. Michatl C Ktrr, 3. M C Hnnter, 4. ll'm 5 Jfcfmun. 5. Geo W Julian, C. John Coborn, 1 IID Wnehbnrn, ». Goodlove 8 Orth, *. Schuyler Colka, 10. Wm wllltame, II. J P C Shank*. IOWA. 1. James F WUiou, 9. Hiram Price, 8. Wm B Allison, 4. WMLonghbrldge, £?*!&rd, BANIAS. 1. Sidney Clark*. NSW TOBk. 1. aitphtnTabtr, *ftor, 1 Mon rri«v, «. TKSItuiarl, 1. John W ChanUr, 8. Jams* Brook*. . «. Frmaiulo Wood, 10. W M Roherteou, 11. O H Van Wyck, 19. J H Ketcham, 13. Thoa Cornell. 14. J VLPruyn, 15. J A Griawold, l». Oretue Ferris, llJM Marvin, 11 WmC Field*, 90. A H Lallln, 91. (VioMit.) 99. J C Churchill,. 93. DeflUll McCarthy, 90. WmBLInroln, Uton Ward, Trimblt, 9. Broun, 1 (Vacant.) 4. — Knott. 5. — atom, 5. Jonn, 1. Boct, 8. Adam, 0. Toting. MAINB. 1. John Lynch, 9. Sydney Parham, 8. James Q Blaine, 4. John A Fetere. 1 Frederick A Pike. MAUTLANn. 1. Hiram McCullough, 9. S Archer, 3. CAHutoe, (c.) 4. Francis Thomas, 6. Frederick Stone. ■ASSACBU1BTTS. 1. Thomas D Elliot, 9. Oakes Ames, 5. Glnery Twitched, 4. Samnel Hooper, 5. Bead F Butler, 6. Neth’l P Banks. 1. Geo SBoutws l, 8. John D Baldwin, 0. W B Wnshbnrn, 10. Henry L Dawes, MlMOtmt. 1. Wm A Pile, (c.) tyiiriis:- 4. J J Gravelly, 5. J W McCInrg. 8. D T Van Horu, 1. Betti FLoan. MICMISAN. 1. Fer. CBetmin. 8. CblriM Upeon, 5. Austin Blair, 4. Thoa W Farty, 5. RBTowbridge. 8. John F. Drlggi. 1. BenLBggtaatos, 9. RB Hayes, 8. KobtC Schenek, 4. Wm Lawrence, 10. Jam**MAahley, 11. John T Wilson, 18. P Pan JVniftP, IS. p WMorpan, (c.) 14. Martin Welker, 15. Tobtai A Plants, 18. John A Bingham, II. BphRKckley, 18. R P Spalding, IV. Jat A Gardeld. onkooN. 1. Bufue Mallory. raNNlTLTAMIA. 1. Sam J BandaU, 9. Charles O'Neill, 3. Leonard Myere, 4. Wm D Kelley, 5. Caleb N Taylor, 8. Beni M Boyer,.. 1. Jno M Broomall, 8. .7 £0*0, : V. Thad Stevens, III. Henry L Cake, II. It MVanAuken, 19. Chat Dennison, 13. Illyseei F Mercnr, 14. Gen F Miller, 15. A J uloetbrmnir, 18. Wm H Koontz. 11. Daniel J Morrell, 18. 8 F mieon. 19. G W Schofield, 50. Darwin A Finney, 91. John Covode, 59. J K Moreheid, 38. Thot Williams, 94. G V Lawrence. THE ARROW TIE AMD IRON BANDS BALING COTTON ! AN INHUHANCK AGAINST FIBE, WASTE, AND THEFT It'NBquALBU run Simplicity and Kapidity of Adjustment SURPASSED BY NONE Foil STRUKUI'H AM> ADAPTABILITY TO ALL *1*110 I sr-H or Commeroo I f|lHEY are manuractiiml In LIVERPOOL, of the best English Iron, under the personal supervision of the In ventor, formerly a resident of New Orlenne, La. The ARROW TIE ta preferred by Shipmasters aud Coin pressmen, is It li worked with oneetghtb to om inch slick, while ill SOLID TIKS require three to live inches, which, In running through n cargo, Involve* a heavy loss to the Shipmaster. Urn the Arrow Tie and Baade, AND BAVK MONEY IN FREIGHT and INSURANCE Arrangements have been made to teen re an ample sup ply of the ARROW TIE and BANDS for the coming eea- ,TAMES A. HALL, Agent Middle and Southwest Georgia. ANDREW LOWE & CO., General Agents, Savannah, Ga. The undersigned le prepared to furnish the ARROW TIE to the trade it SAVANNAH PRICES, forwarding and transportation added. PBATTB, EDWARDS Ac CO.* Agauts, Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ga. HEAR THE IN8URAN0E AGENTS HiviNNiM, Mar 1th, 1881. The recent fire* lu this city having proved to our entire satlehotton, by a thorough test, the superiority o' IRON BANDS for baling purposes, wa atrongly recommend them to the nse of the Planter* of Georgia at an efflclent agent In restricting Ion by lire; and we agree to discrirti- nate, when practicable. In favor of cotton ttani secured, A. WILBUR, General Insurance Agent. CHARLES GREEN A SON, WTN T K 13 , Previous to Ootobor 18th, In Lots of FITE CEETS AND UPWARDS, |1»,000 M GOLD, OILVIE, and OKEIEBACKI, In Kxolinngo Farr Boots, Shoes, Leather. AND SHOE-FINDINGS, j\. t L o w P r i o o 8 ! ! BBODklBLaND. [Twotnempw*' 1. Wm Wlndom, 9. Ignatlns Donelly. Havana. 1. Delos P. Ashley. saw JBB11T. 1. Wm Moore, 9. Chae Haight, pHlfl, to be elect ed In April.) tbmnxmbb.^ eSIn Augnst.) vemiont. 1. F K Woodbridge, 9. Lake P Poland; 3. WmC Smith, WEST TtMIKIA. 1. C D Hubbard, 9. BM Kitchen, 3. Daniel Poolrey, Wisconsin. 1. HalbertR Paine, 9. Ben) F Hopkins, 8. Amass Cebb, 4. Chat A EUrldge, 6. Phlletnt Sawyer, li. C C Washburne. ndpi.1. Q|, Roman,) 155; Democrat*, (In Italic,) 44. GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. FALL TRADE OF 1807. w. w. caiman. i. w. aucsin. CHAPMAN, RUCKKR * CO., Wblteliall Street. JJAVTNO added another member and additional cap) tal to our firm, we are now axtenalvely engaged In the Commission, Grocery and Prodace Business WE WILL HEAL m ■•eon, Flour, Corn, Lard, Cotton, Sugar, MolaoBos * Syrups, And every article nsnally found in a flret clm Grocery Store, AT WnOLMBALK EXCLUSIVELY. gETTbe City aud Country Tradeare Invited to call and examlna onr stock bettors purchasing elsewhere. oc8—8in 1 yora win ana •k b' flire purchasing elsewhere, riant.ol. jrtl—5m KEHTVCKT IN8URAHCEIC0MPANY, OF LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. CunIi Capital, 8400,000. W. P. I.EDGWIUK, Secretary. JNO. S. VAN WINKLE, Preeldeut. W ILL Issiiu I’nlliies on Finn slid rity Properly. AHo. mi MerchendUe tml Lire Slock for suy li-riu not etreedlnu five yrsia. Grori'lenv, ymir iuterrstaare ours I'strniiir.c Sonlh- aru liuiilutiiius. WELLBtiRN A DALLAS, Agenl*, Ga D. R. KFI.BOUItN, General Agent State ot Georgia. m-HI—r,f IN 8T0RE AND TO ARRIVE: 400 BAGS FAMILY FLOUR, ikXi Imgs Extra Family Flour, >1.1 liuft* f-'uporfinu Flour, liatll iMinndi Tentietseo Itaruu Side*. CHI lugs Vlreluls Sail. STEADMAN & SIMMONS, ucVU-Uil Msrletis Klrvol, Allsuls, (Is. Take no more Unpleasant and Unsafe Remedies NOR nnpieesenl sod deugemni dleossee. lie* IIxlu J bold's Buonn and Iwruuvan Rost Wan Til i^ts LDrerp«»L London^Globs In. Co J L. COLBY * CO., Agt'B Son A Atlantic M. Ins. Co., N. Y R. if. FOOTMAN, Insurance AgenL WOODBRIDGE BROS., Ins. Agents. J. T. THOMAS, Iusnrance Agenl. ,1. C. MoNULTY, . Sec'y Sonthem Insurance A Trust Co, JAMES T. STEWART, Aaeut London A Lancaster ine. Co. LANE A WEST, Insurance Agent*. Macon, Ga., May 10th, 13S1. The recent fire at the Warehouse of Mr. B. T. Chap man, in this city, having, tally demonstrated the adran tags of the use of IronBsnle for baling purpoMS, as i security against loss by fire, we, the undersigned Ineu ranee Agents, Macon, Ga., take pleasure In endorsing the action of the Agents at Savannah, Gs. E. C. GRANN188, Agent for several In*. Companies. J. W. BURKBJnturance Agent. E. J. JOHNSON A COTlnsuranee Ag’ta. J. MONKOB OGDEN, Insursnca Agent. J. M. UOAKDMAN, Iuturance Agent. JNO. B. COBB, Ienrance Agent. msy91—>im HILL Sc BLANCHARD, ATTORNEYS AX LAW, ATLANTA, OA. t YtflLL glvo prompt attention to all bnelnes*. both TV criminal and civil, entrustedi to.their cate. In thn various State Courts and Circuit Uonrta of ths United H 'oKpfCK-On'whftehall, over Force's shoe stare. M.C. BLANCHARD. July filh, 1881. Mr BLANCHARD will contluna the Insurance bnsi- ues* se boretoftoro, In the above taw ufllce. nuK^-Ura - . Hlaoallanoous Adrartlacmnnt*. NEW HO BAItRKL Mlaomllmneou. AdvePti^m^! Dr. O. 8. PROPHITT'S TURPENTINE STILL, FAMILY KXTBA HEAVY BOTTOM, ALL COMPLETE FOR SALE MUCH BELOW COST. ■gr Still* of all elaea built to order and DISTILLERS Fitted ont at the lowest rates, lij i. H>ICT7—4m Vji dey‘kmiS?t. New York City. Dr. W. II. FEOfi S TILL tenders his Professional Services to the cltl- sens of Atlanta: and from hta long experience In I prolesslon, he is confident that he can alve satiate' tlon to nil who may favor him with tbeTr patronage. S^ttentlonffen to Obstatrica. INGKHMOLL’H HAND POWER COTTON PRESS. MORE THAN 100 CASES HEW G00D8 OPENED THI8 WEEK!! Aud others Arriving Daily. Mr Country Merchants are particularly Invited to *a Ine onr stock, is we will odor them greater Induce meats tbsn can be bid elsewhere. TO BOOT AND SHOE-MAKERS. "Of ell thing* under the mil,! Hurrah I there is uotlitiiK like leather." And If yon consult your best tntarait, you will certain buy your enppllcs of I. T. BANKS, Because ha makes "Quick Sates and SmaU Profit, aud ■sill for cash only, thus leaving no bad debt* to be mad* aptntoxtra profit*. MTRamamber ike Place an* Elen. I. T. BANKS, Rawson’e Building, cor. Whitehall and Hunter St*, sept*)— WM. X*. HKNSLER, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC. ATLANTA. OROROIA. Order* may b* left with n. Branmnller, Whitehall KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY! TO Bl DRAWN AT COVINGTON, ICY. CLARE V, NOV. 16TH. CLASH W, NOV. ROTH, 1807. 9 prizes of $300 9 prizes of 260 ifi prizes of 200 9 prizes uf 160 10 prizes of 126 18 prises ot 100 prizes of 60 to $280,660. Frizes Amounting ES.000 NUMBERS AND 788 PRIZES. Tlokets 919, Halves 98, Quarters 93. The above Magnificent Single Number Lottery will be drawn In publlcTmCovington, Kentucky,by Sworn Com- mtaelonen, at i o'clock?. M.. at the comer ol Fourth aud Scott street*. The Kentncky State Lotteries sre no Gift Enterprises, but rssponsibls Monty Lolteriei, that are drawn under ths inthqrttTr of a charter from the State, aad bond* an glvramr the payment of all prizes. The drawings are published la thaNew York Herald and Cincinnati Commercial. The above scheme will bo drawn the middle and last of etch month daring 1881 end 1858. Circulars of Lotteries drawing dally sent by application to the Manager.. B^Uorders firtlckgtato ^ ^ sng99—ly Covington. Ky. LEND TO THE LAND! Union Point, Gs., October 18,1868. Mean. BrxqMutU it Barrow: Gbnts—I need yonr Phosphate on my Cotton at the rate of 5(10 pounds per sere. I am satisfied that I will realize at least 150 per cent, on the amount spent. I am so well pleased that I expect to uee more ou the next crop then I did on thle. Very truly yonre, (Signed) P- W. PRINTUP. Ambbicus, Ga., November 1,1888. Mtttrt. Bright well it Barrow : Gents—The twenty (90) tons REED'S PHOSPHATE I bought ol yon thin year, I used on Com and Cotton. I am *o well phased with the effect ou my crop, that I wish to purchase of you for noxt year's crop, one hundred ton*. Yours respectfully, JAS. A. COBB, This Manure, manufactured lu Georgia (tb" virtues for which are attested by well kuown Georgia citizen*, aud which Is calculated to do so much for “llecunrtritctlon" lu Georgia) Is for sail- by LANGSTON, (JlfANK & HAMMOCK, Hole Agente, Alabama Street, Allunla, Gs, NA4IKN AND WHKAT WANTK59. Rt kill k Hurl;*, Hecond-llsnd Gunnies and Burlap*. MMnk bit.bell Wheat LANGSTON t‘HANK A HAMMOCK, rouimisslou Merchant*, tuglR-lm Ataliema Street. CUSHINGS & BAILEY. WIIOLEH.M.E BOOK SELLER 8 AHO STATIONERS, No. 5C5 Baltimore Mrent, Mur) Lind. Si b'ial Book Law It- I'api Ileal Book*, Ml*< ellaueolla ll.nil a. 1 uvelnpe*. Ink*, Pen*, I'CII' It*, Slid Klsllonery of all kind* Book-BluiUng «( ivory Description. 5jr*Urders volt ilod from Libraries, Schools, Dealer*, Clcrua, Ac. utlt fim DRY GOODS! DRYGOODS! TALLEY, BROWN & CO. Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Are DAILY RECEIVING tbelr Fall and Winter Stock OF DRY GOODS. The Ladies especially are iuvited to call and examine tbelr Hue of D R K N 8 GOODS, Comprising, In part. Bilks, ; French Merinos J' French Poplins, Empress Goods, Bombazines, ' AlpsccM, Delaine*. Ac. THEIR STOCK OF Embroideriet, Laces, Urns Trimmings And Dress Buttons Is targe and varied. Tlay keep constantly on band, BLEACHED and BROWN DOMESTICS, PRINTS and YANKEE NOTIONS, aep9l)— i ! ■ VALUABLE MILL CITY PROPERTY AT CHAHCEKY BALE. s TATE OF TENNESSEE, HAMILTON COUNTY Chancery Conrt at Chattanooga. Joiara M. Blundell, Assignee ol Lewis, Spltzer A Co, t«. Lewis, Smut A Co, and creditors of said firm. Pnranant to a decretal order of said Court rendered In the above entitled cause, at Its July term, 1811,1 will, On Tuesday. Nov. lOth, 1807, On the respective premises, sell to the highest blddet, on n credit of tlx, twelve, eighteen, and twenty-four months, taking notes with approved security, bearing interest from date, and retaining n lien nntu the pur chase money hie ill beon paid—the following described property, which will be sold In lota to »nit purchaser*, except the Mills ud Machinery attached to the freeholds, which will not be separated: as alto that on which there la apecific llena: DESCRIPTION. jyll-fim inter Forayth and Peter* atreeta. Da*. .J. P. LOGAN, . . * Maryland. Baltimore, ..... RESIDENCE—Entaw House. OFFICE—No. 41 Liberty street, comer of Lexington. •eptS—law4w Tbe Real Batata within the corporate limit# of Chatta nooga, purchased by said Lewi*, Spitzer A Co, from Moore A Marsh, being tbe land* on which the Saw Mill*, known u the Moores Marsh Mills, are situate, on tbe West aide of Chattanooga, together with all the Mills, fixtures, Implements, end apparatus necessary ud used ud belonging, to said Mill* ud on raid lands, and all the Lumber, Building Materiel, or property ol any kind or character, real, personal, or mixed, aud nelongfuglo said firm. Al*~, —. ........ —. — ......... as Lota No. 5 ud 1. on Payne street, In Chattanooga, on which Bit Fisher Mill property stand*, together with all the personal property, machinery, or other property on ■aid lota belonging to eald firm. Also, all the House*. Machinery, and other property ol ■aid firm on the West half of the Ship Yard property, leased from Mr*. Msrtbs L. Fort, executrix of Dr, Tom linson ForLdecessed. Also, the Houses, Building, and other property situate ou lota fifi, 67, and M, Market atrect, Chattanooga, which land has been leased to said firm by Mrs, Martha L. Fort, exeeutrix, Ac. Also, the Lime Kline and the Lime on hand, and other property, on two lota, ou which these said Lime Kilns are sltuted, ud leased to said firm by C. B. Grenville and John Burke. Alao.nll property belonging to uid firm situated on a tract of land laued by aud firm from G. IV. Gardenhire, •Itnated on Citlco Creek, In Chattanooga. Also, the unexplred terms of the leases to certain real eatate leased to eald firm by Mra. Martha L. Fort, execu trix orDr. Tomlinson Fort, deceased, to-wlt • The South half of Lot No. 53, South half of LotNo. 58, South hair of three-fourths of Lot No. 67, on Market street In said city, on which there I* situate Brick Bulldlrga incom pleted. Also, the West half of Ship Yard. Aud also, unexplred lease of Lota in Chattanooga, leased hy eald firm from Gardeuhlrc, a* above, and Greu vllle anti Bnrke, u above. And also, the unexplred term of lease on certain pro perty In Chattanoofa. leased by eald firm from W. W, Lee. Attorney in fact for Lindsay's heir*. Alto, a Tract of Land purchased by aaid Ann from Moore A Marsh, In the old a bond l property, containing throe aero*, more or which they bold a bond for l Billy Smith levs. Also, No. 8, on Braultaiu . .... Branham street hu been eold to one Dtvld Pruldmami for the sum of |7,U0U, Friedmann having paid S WU ou tliu mime aud contracted to pay 5309.75 ou Ills lion hold liy Chsrlessnudqulsl on the same. Also, Lot kuowu as 89 or 41 Poplar street, in «ald city of Chattanooga, (there belug Itilgattou now as lo the number of this lot.) Also, *11 other property, roal, personal, or mixed, which the *ald firm may owu, or to which they may heroine on- tilled without auy reaorvatlon, whether the same shall have been listed lu this advertlnemcnt or omitted from the same, subject lu every case lo all valid aiiMaling claims aud lleua which may be now on said property, placed there by reason of unpaid purchase money, min i. gage*, or deed* tot trust or mhorwltc. Also, sight head of Horses, lour head ol Mules, aud twelve Wagons and Harness. All of said real estate belouginp lo said firm will lie sold in bar of the equity of redemption, anil tlie property leased trill ha sold iildcct to all tbe rights, limitations, equities and restrictions specified and mentioned In I he r< sp,dive lenses thereof. The purchaser or |iun ba*ers standing In the room and stead of the original lessees. The terms, restrictions, limitation* Ac., ol said lesst-s, with ths length of time the said lenses have lu ruu, will hr made known on day ot sale; or letters addreso-d to tl o Clerk end Master of this Court will In' piouiptly an swered, giving all lb" iulurnuiUuii sought. Issued (Mo- her 1, U3I7 ,1. W. JAMES, (\ A M. ncto—td Uy Dsn J. Durrx, D. C A M. STOVALL’S BXCKLBIOR MILLS, A M|(tl*s| It, 4 a 4MV I'M In* 9IT 11KAT WANTED.—Ths undersigned Is sgttn ope- If rating hie eaienslve Mills, ami Is prepared “Scfr-YK purekM " ul wa * a thos. r. stoy all. STATEMENT or imaiM done since apeil i*t, iae7 BT Tkl Southern Insurance Co., NASHVILLE. TENNESSEE. Number of Policies lined 811 Aaaonntol Property Intnred $1,198,538 00 Amount of Premium Notes Deposited with laid Company 66,808 81 Amount of Cash Premiums and Fees Re ceived 48,510 43 Chartered. Capital. - - 3500.000 Accumulation a since April 1st to data $111,550 59 R. H. THOMPSON, President. Joan R. Bnai, Secretary. L. B. DAVIS, Local Agent, Atlanta, Georgia. HARRY M. SCOTT, oclB—Ira Special Agent t, t. raiacB. W. T. WHILES*. L-Hsa. a. F1ABCX. PEARCE, WHELE88 & CO., OOTTON FACTORS AND Commtflwion Merchant*, JACKSON STREET, - - - AUGUSTA, OBOROIA, lor* and aell Cotton and other Produce. Bagging and Bop* lurnlahed at marketlprlcee.aep7—3m F. COBRA, Whitehall Street, West Side A few doors from Alabama, adjoining Holbrook’s Hat Emporium, ATLANTA,- GEORGIA American and French Confectioneries FANCY GROCERIES. Flue assortment of WINES. COGNAC BRANDIES, LIQUORS BITTEBS, CORDIALS, SYRUPS, CHAMP A1GNX: WINES NATURAL FRUITS AND PRESERVES, Select variety of TEAS, SUGAR, COFFEE, CRACKERS, BETTER, CHEESE, HAH* DRY BEEF, BICE, MACARONI, VERMICELLI, Ac GREEN FRUITS, Nuts, Almonds, Ralaoni, Ac. Large assortment of PIPES, Cigtrt, Smoking Tobacco, Snuff, Perfumery, Boepa, Fancy Articles, Ao. PHILLIPS Sc FLANDERS W OULD respectfully Inform the public that they aro now receiving their stock ot „ Fall and Winter Goods, coNatsTiHs or Print*, Delaine*, Merinos, Alpacca, Caaalmarea, Jean*, Flannels, Mata and Capa, Boota and Sboea, Ready-mad* Clothing, Ladle*' and Mlaaea' Shawls, Blsnkata, Nubia*, (outage, Rletorl Hoods, And all other articles nsnally fouud In a well selected stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. tETMost of their good* have been bought since the late decline tn cotton, and they will sell them at tbe low e*i figure*. PHILLIPS Sc FLANDERS Have t Large Lot of FURNITUHE or thkir own MAXi'rseTiina. (-iinsixtinu or llodslosda, Bureau*, Table*, Cliiir*, Wtth-Hlaud*, Ward roll**, Msllrasaet, Ac., Ac., Ac. They sl*n mannfariure ami aril CUT ION YARNS, GSN.iUUliUS, AND SHIRTINGS All st the lowest prli-ce, lor cash. Give them a rail lie ore you purchase. ors -3ni Cotton Rags, Rope, Bagging &c. wanthn. I WILL pay tbe htghMt price for Cotton Rags, Rope aud Ragging, t)nllt Oiilliugt, Old While Paper, Old Capper, Bra**, [rad, Ac. MAX SBLEG A CO., Masonic Building, Decatur Street, Atlanta, O*. 80LUBLE PAOIPIO GUANA. 20 i For ( Ju * llr col( 'hrated FERTILIZER r sale by OCffT—fit CLAYTON A ADAIR, Comtalseloa Merchants, No. 19 Alabama Etraet. vr . Sole Proprietor. j^j i KSTABLISIIKU 1701. P. At d. LORILL4HI), 16, 18 and 90 Cham here St., N. York. PLUG TOBACCO. A LAHOE clock of l’lng Tobacco, eml,ratio* til tb. grade* from low and medium to very finV-mtL, of which we receive direct from the bc«t insiiudcturw. In Virginia and elsewhere. Fine-Cut Chewing Tobacco. In these good* we h»v# five different brands- among them our celebrated "Century," w hich I* bow «d perior to, and more popular than any made. In onr Ce*. lury Foil we continue to pack dally, one hundred dollar. Ou Monday* |KJ0, Tue*day* two |50s, Wednetdara a,* 590*. Thuredays ten fiUl*, Fridays twenty fid*, ud Sat urdays fifty |i*—making eighty-eight bills of dlftrtst denomination* placed In the same number of paper* ol tobacco each week: consequently, the connmersofCes. tury Foil Flue Cut Tobacco are dally getting prize*. WHUFFS. A* heretofore, we make all the different brand* ot Bnuffa for which this Honac baa been for many year* cel*, brated. CIGARS. Of these good* we haves large and mperior stock tt price* that cannot fail to please. Jobber* and large deal, era will find it to their interest to examine these good, before making tbelr purchase*. SMOKING TOBACCOS, These goods we have In great variety, and all gradei from very low priced to the finest. Our stock la very complete in all It* department*, ud merchants are Invited to give it an examination helori purchasing. V.A G. LORtLLARD. eep7—3m 16.13, and 90 Chamber* St., New York. For Mulu 1*y J. T. JKKKINH A CO., Atlanta, (1,. lift A A CO., laifiraiige 'i* JONKH A COIIII, Drayton, tt, I*. J IIKWKTT A CO., 818 Main at., Memphis, J in,;, MOIUtlH A CO., Opelika, Ala. 1'tt.UPH, HMITII A CO , Dadevllle At. ItAOAN, WKKIt A DAVU, Couyer., («. N N. KDOK, Indian Hprlnga, Ga. B. F. JOHNSON A CO., Eatonton, 0, W. A. KKLLY A BRO., Montlcello, („ DAVID KNOTT, McDonough, Ga LKK A ItKTTB, Jonealioro', Ga., itlng of Liver mcdicinr. Tain Kill It Anti t.m Pills, Female Tonic, Dysentery (V.rrlial jp.' Wll "« [Prepared by O. H. PltOPIIITT, at Coving,n, o. CONVENIENCE, ECONOMY AND CHEAPNESS Greatest Labor-Saviag Machine Tbit can be pat on $ Plantation 1 OPINIONS OF THE PEOPLE. ALL5KDALX, BAaWWXLL DtSTklCT, 8. C., 1 March 1,1801. f Mtttrt. UUD A Marshall : GaHTLimt—I used, during tbe put seuon, one of ‘-Ingersoll'a Portable Cotton Preites," purchased of yon lutBeptember. I have always been predlndiced In favor of the r 'Screw Proas,” and nothing but dire necessity In duced me to try any other. I take pleuure, however, iu adding my testimony In favor of Ita entire adaptation to the wants of a cotton plantation. It bu surpassed my Ins expsctloDs. I hsve packed with but two . —*— , two n each lever. My bales all . The first lot I sent to market averaged 805 ponnds. My Impression Is, that 500 ponnd* is about the capacity of the Press, and a greater number of ponnde anbject the follow-block to too much risk, nn- leae the eides of tbe cotton box w*« Increased. It would add greatly to the value of the Preu If the cotton box wutan Inches longer. In hute, I am, very respectfully, yonr obedient servant, Ac., g w P. 8.—I took my Preu down and carried It some font mile* to pack the crop of a neighbor, who failed to have a “acraw^bnllt. He wueomnch pleased that he ha* determlnad to abandon tb* “Bcrew” *" a nnrchaae "in. gereoU’a Preu.” oat sanguine expeetlon* mde, vet I prefar four—t etgbea aver (00 ponnds. ' and purchase B.;W. L. Omea or Kwo’a Mouwtxih Ran-wiiD Co. , i YoakVILLB, 8. C., AprU 15,1987. ( Gimiin: I have )uat received yonr letter of Feb; rnary—upon my retnrn to this place, after an absence of two'month*—and this reply may be too late for youi "Descriptive Circular of Ingeruirs Cotton Preu." cSurjaarja/Sbstggsrgt good acuvahanda to work It, I am satiafied that from eighteen to twenty balu might readily be packed In a da; preaslng force, with little motive power, and “U*t, bnt not least," It Is worked entirely by Band, thus uvlng ^for the farm horse* the hard labor Imposed upon them by the ordinary “Screw.” Respectfully, Ac .^onr*^^ To £imi A MaaskALL, Charleston, B. C. WFor ‘ ddre " Agents for the Ingenoll Cotton Prose, “ No. 140 Meetiiut etreet, Uppoalte Pavilion Hotel, Jyao—9aw3m Charleston, 8. C. FARM AT TUNNEL HILL TO BENT. T HE “AUSTIN PLACE," at Tnnnel Hill, is to rent. Apply early to w. C. JESSUP A CO.. ▲ogutU, Georgia, or J. GUTHRIE. ^ oeff—lm Tunnel Htllq Georgia. WM. F. »80WK. BROWN’S HOTEL, orrosiT* naroT, MACON, GEORGIA. nngfil—ly B. E. BROWN 4k EON. THE BRIDGEWATER PAINT AND COLOR WORKS, HAzrurACTuaxu or Whit* Lead and Zino Paint*. And COLORS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Dry and Ground In Oil. BRIDGEWA TER METALLIC PAINT, BRIDGEWATER COTTAGE COLORS. ROB’T REYNOLDS, Secretary. OFFICE—74 Malden Lane, NEW YORK. FACTORY—99d 8t., near 8d Avenne, Sonth Brook- lynn, and Factories, Bound Brooke, New Jeney. 0C16—6m* ff. 1. WILLIAMS & BRO, GENERAL Commission Merchants, AND DBALBBS IN OBAIH, BACOH, LARD, FLOUS, And all othtr article! lu the Produce line. GROCERIES. LIQUORS, TOBACCO, COTTON YARNS, Ac. OLD STAXD, DECATUR ST. ATLANTA, GA ON HAND AND TO ARRIVE: rpHRKE HUNDRED BARAKLS WHISKY-ell grade* Also, BRANDIES, GIN, Ac., Which we offer to the trade on most favorable terms. W. M. WILLIAMS A BRO. LIME, LIME. W E are sole Agent* for ROGERS' BIRD RYE LIME, which I* superior for all purpoau to any Lliue brought lo this market. Part Ire wanting to punha*e a guaranteed good aud fresh article, will find It to their lit- trrrat to call and *re ue, or aeud ua their orders. W. M. WILLIAMS A BRO. IRON AND STEEL. T WENTY THOUSAND LB*. Round. Square, ami Flat Iron and Steel. On hand aud for sale hy oc9l—3m W. M. WILLIAMS A BRO. ADMINISTRATOR'S RALE. B Y virtue of an order from the Conrt of Ordinary of Clayton county, Ua., will be sold, on the first Tur* day In December noxt, between the legal hour* of sale, at the conrt hour door In uld county, the tract ol land in •aid county whereon Thomas M..tones resided at the time of hi* death, containing 180 acres, more or lea*, ad- , otntng lands to Ilart well Junes, J. W. Ozhurn, and A. II. T. lltucs. Terms cash. October 14,1967. R. (I. JONES, Administrator, ocio—td Printer’* fee #6 GEORGIA. UoanoM Coi ntt. TESSE MILLER, administrator on the eatate or Jeaae •I N. Miller, decuaed, applies to me for letter* or dlo- mlaalon from uld admlalstretlon— Thou are therefore to elte and admonish all aud singu lar, the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to be aud appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. aud ■how ranee, if any they have, why uld letter* ehoald not by granted the applicant. Ultra under my baud and offi cial signature, June 97, lfiFI. • jyfi—lam(m* Prtatar'e fee Important TO SHIPPERS OF COTTOI, k, ATLANTA, CEO., to BALTIMOBE, via CHARLESTON, S. C. THE SPLENDID SCREW STKAMHIPS, FALOON, , , E, 0, DEED, Oommander. SEA GULL, ■ V. P. DUTTON, Oommander. Of large carrying capacity, making avenge trips of 55 to CO hours, leave Charleston once a week far Daitunore, aud offer superior facilities for through freight* to and from that port Address COURTENAY & TRENHOLM, Shipping and Commission Merchants, Union Wharves, Charleston, S. C. Or, MOBDECAI & CO., Agents, Raltimore, Md. Dr. H. Sells, President. Andrew Denn. Secretary R. P. Glenn, Trea*nrer. GEORGIA LOOM AND MANUFACTURING CO Y. MANUFACTURERS AND PLANTERS, > . O O K TO YOUR INTEJUfeSTSt AND CALL AT ■ W )fflce, Bell-Johneon Sulldlugt NEXT DOOR TO POST OPPICX, ATLANTA, CEOROilA. AND *£( IN OPERATION Mendenhall's Improved Self-Acting HARD AND POWER LOOK! EASIER UNDERSTOOD, EASIER TO OPERATE, AMD MORE BIL1ABLS POSSESSES SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES Over all other Hand Looms, AND IS MORE SIMPLE AND DURABLE I Planters can be Independent I By Weavlug all their Goods for Home Wear on tb* MENDENHALL IMPROVES HAND LOOK! From 15 to 30 Yards per Da? Can toe Woven on till* Loom ! IT WEAVES AS FAST AS ANY FaCTORY LOON I Half the Cost of the Clothing of a Family can be Savrd hy Use) From $5 to $10 a Day can be Made on it! ITS PAIiTS ARK SELFCIIAXOIXO! By the Turning of an »*? °>“ k '}} lct *L , , h ! h ^S ta* wind* npthe Cloth, iread* the Treadle*, and throw* ta* Shuttle. _ . IT WEAVES Jeans, Sstlnrl*. Mnaeya, Blanket TwlU. Cloth, various kind*of Itibhed Goods, Fancy 7will*"' sit ktud*. Flax, Cotton, Tow or All-Wool Cloth, Bagging. Toweling, Table Linen, Balmoral Skirl*. Woolen, Uu«J end Hemp Carpet*. In fart, anything, from a haudaesi* Silk to a Itag Carpet. It I* small, neat, aud light-not arg«r than • commoa breakfast table. . Il I* made In the most workniaulik* manuer, of *oea material, aud handsomely varnished. „ It I* veiy simple and eselly understood—'everything performed hy turning u crank. Looms tinil County Rights f§r S»lf* |R*For farther particular*, bill of price*, do*crlpH» circulars, and wimple* of weaving, addret* RUSH PRATT, Agenl Georgii Loom and Manufacturing Co- m*r9l—ly _ Atlanta. Oeo^U . w. R. JOHNSON, (Successor to Holllugaworth A Johnaon.) 38 8. Charles Street, Palllmore, Miryl*!" 1 - Msunfarlarcr, and Douler lu DRUGGISTS' AND CONFECTIONERS' - OREKX AND FLINT liLASSn-* 11 W. H. JOHNSON, 38 Charles Street, Meuufaclutee Honey. Ofrcerlne. l’elim OuM'esnfi^ijJ' Toilet Soap*. Also, Pomade*,*P*lr OIH, lx>, ^-4» tr$et$, die*