The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, November 08, 1867, Image 4

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railroad quids OMtiM ■■Ilf 4. ■ W. OOI.N, iut mniim tun. I.e,*«t Atlanta At Arrive at Imn AiniuMt Arrive at Atlanta i.No train* m oa luk|.) MM ti Leave Atlanta Arrive at Aagwsl* Leave Algesia Arrive atAtlanta... Atlanta * Weet-Telal ■illuil, L. P. GRANT, i'at raeaanaaa tun-ecmiA Leave Atlanta TOOA.M Arrive at Weal feint IRMA. M aav raaeaaeaa nuia—unraan. _ „ leave tVeet Point 1M0 T. H ’ ~IP. M Arrive at Atlanta.. .An i NeaticMr? * Went-Pelal BaUreaA. DANIKL U. CRAM, t aav nun. ip.S Arrive leave WeaMVInl Arrive at Montgomery leave Opelika Arrive al Columbus.. Leave Columbus Arrive at Opelika . . iviniko main—orauaa and cuLnaaca. Leave Opelika. 1.M P. M Arrive al Columbus AMP. M Leave Columbus 11.18 A. M Arrive at Opelika . 146PM ,...IA« .... A4A ... tan A. M it. a) r m .... ADO A. M .10.14 A. M Itaron A Woolen* Millml. h R. WALKUL - DaT raaaanaaa mam. leava Macon Arriva al Atlanta leava Arlan la Arrive at Macou leavee Atlanta Arrlrca In Macon . 9.30 A. A . IMP. M . AH A. * . 1*3 P. A 7.18 P. M . 4 « A. M Weatera 4k AtUratle Mailt w«4. CAMPBELL WALLACE, I Me ur nraai ruanata mn-niar, leave Atlanta 7.0C P. M Arrive at Chattanooga. AI0A. M Leave Chattanooga... 4.» P. II Arriveet Dalton 7.80 P. II Arrive ai Atlanta. 1.41 A.* DaT raeainean raarn Dally, except Mondavi. leave Atlanta A45 A- M Leave Deltou A*) P. M Arrive at Chattanooga 8.18 P. M Leava Chattanooga AW A. M Arrive at Atlanta 1S.U5P. M DALTON ACCOMMODATION TMA1N. Dally except Mnndaye. Leave Atlanta AM P. M Arrive at Dalton.. — 1AM P. M Leave Dalton I.M P. M Arrlrttt Atlanta 048 A M .Vail Stage Line front Atlanta to Btk- loatca. Leave Atlanta Monday, Wednaedny and Friday. . .4 A M. Arrive Tnctday, Thnraday and Saturday 7 P. M COURT CALENDAR. 1 Recited December, ISM, by RUUamt 4 Wellborn.) S U P E R10 R COOITS. um at Dee ctncniT. Cherokee.—let Monday In March nod August. Cobb.—3d Monday In March and let Monday In Oct Milton.—4th Mouday In March and M Monday In Ang. —" ■ ‘ “ y In Ang. Korayth.—let Monday in April and 4th Monday Lumpkin.—'id Mouday in April and lit Monday la Sep. Dawaon.—ad Monday In April and Sept tuber l'ickcna.—1th Mouday In April and September. ' iilmt r.—3d Monday In May and October Fannin.—ad Monday In May and October. I ulon.—4th Monday In May and October. Towne.—Tburtday after 4th Monday 1 n May and October, ••hot should the bualneet of Union Court require It, T,,wn» Court may, by order of the preeldlag Judge, be adjourned to Monday thereafter." Camden.—Friday after 4ih Monday la April and Oct. r liarlion.—Monday after 4th Monday la April and Oct. Clinch.—4th Monday In Much and September. Code*.—3d Monday in March and September. Echola.—Monday after 4th Monday ta March and Sept. Glynn.—3d Monday in April and October. Fierce.—Thnreday before let Monday tn Much and Sapt Ware — Sd Monday in March and September. Wayne.—aril Mouday In April and October. (. DATTABOOCnXI CfltCCTT. cuattaUoochcc.—4th Monday In March and September. Harris.—2d Monday In April and October. Marl .n.—Sd Mouday In April and October. Muscogee.—2d Monday tn May and November. Schley.—2d Monday in April and October. Talbot.—ad Monday in March and September. Tavlur.—1st Monday tn April and October. (.mnoEEt ctncciT. Bartow.—2d Monday In March and September, catooea.—ad Monday In May and Novambar. Chattooga.—let Monday tn March and September. Dade.—4lh Monday In May and November. Gordon.—let Monday In April and October. Murray.—3d Mouday in April and.October. Welker.—Monday before let Monday In Much and Sept. Whitfield.—ith Monday In April and October. coweta emetnr. Ciavtoa.—let Monday In May and November, lie Kalb.—4th Monday la April and October. -let Mondey In April and October. Meriwether.—3d Monday In Febrnnry and Angnet. Troup.—3d Monday In May and November. laeTBSN CtBCDIT. Bryan.—tth Monday tn April, and Sd Monday alter 4th Moi ‘ ...unday In November. Bulloch.-Friday after Sd Monday tn Much, and Friday alter 4lb Mouday In October. Cbatnam.—2d Monday In January and May. . March,and Sd Efiiuirliam.—Monday after 4th Monday In Monday after 4th Mi ~ unday la October. Liberty.—8d Monday in April, and Mondnynftordth Mon day In November. Mcjntoab.—Thursday after 3d Monday In April, and Thursday after 4tb Mouday to November. _ t Montgomery.—'Tburaday after Sd Monday tn Much, and Timruiav nftsep M Mftudtv *n October. Thnraday after Sd Monday 'n October. Tatuall.—3-1 Mouday In March and 4th In October. FLINT CIRCUIT. Buna.—2d Monday tn Much and September. Henry.—ad Monday In April and October. Monroe.—4th Monday In February and Angnet. Newton.—3d Monday In March and September. Fike.-let Monday tn April and Octotmr. -Tin” Spalding.-lei Monday to February and Angnet. Upson.—li '■ ‘ -let Monday in May and November, nacon ciacuiT. B'.bh.—3d Monday to May and November. Crawford.—let Monday to Much and September. Dooly.—lit Mooday to April and October. Houston.-3d Monday to Febrnan and Angnet. Macon.—2d Monday In March and September. Twiggs.—Ith Mouday to March and September. MIDDLE CIECUIT. Burke —3d Monday lu May and November. Columbia.—let Mouday to March and September. Emannel.—2d Mouday to April and October. Jefferson.—2d Monday to May and November. Richmond —2d Mouday In January and June. i May and November. ty to Jnnnuyai Scrlven.—let Monday in May and No Waablugtou.—2d Monday to March and Saptember. NORTUEBN CIBCUtT. Elbert.—2d Monday to Much and September. Glaaecock.—3d Monday to Febrnnry and Angnet. i.—2d Monday in April and October. Hancock.- . . .. . llart.—3d Monday to March and September. Lincoln.—4tb Mouday In April and October. Madiaon.—l,t Monday to March and Saptember. Oglethorpe.—3d Monday to April and October. Taliaferro.—4th Monday to February and Angnit. Warren.—let Monday to April and October. Wllkce,—4th Monday to March and September. OCXCLnEE CIRCUIT. Baldwin.—4th Monday to February and Angnit. Greene.—2d Monday to March ana September. ISCpttBB. laeper —4ti) Monday In April and October, .roues.—3d Monday In April and October. Morgan.—let Mouday In March and September, l-ntnum.—4tb Monday to March and September. WilklnaoL.—let Mooday to Apnl and October. FATAULa CIRCUIT, Clay.—4th Monday to February nod August, after the next Coart. Euly.—1st Monday to April and October. Miller.—3d Monday to April and October. Onltmnn.—Ild Mouday to May and November. Randolph.—lei Monday in May and November. Siewart.—3d Monday to April and October. Terrell.—tlb Monday to Ma/and November. Webster.—2d Monday In March and September. southern circuit. Berrien.—Monday after Irw in Conn. Brooks.—Monday afler Lowndes Court. Colquitt.—Wednesday after Sd Monday to May and No vember. Irwin.—On Thursday after Telfair Court Lauroue.— 2d Mouday in April and October. Lowudee.—Mondays after Coir ■ ' “ _ _ Iqultt Court. Pulaski.—3d Monday in April and October. Tellalr.—Krlduy after 4tli Monday to April aud October. mm Ml BatWMhlkJrsa. The Fortieth Onagteno, which heesmblrd on the 4th of Much, IWI, according to n law paeced by Ibo Thirty- ninth Oongrene, to compoeed na follow*: SINATI* John Connena, OuacUnc Cole. JmrmVismt, Onto B Ferry. Sen shod RLLUe, mBtr* SonUbetry ILUROia. LymanTrulnbull MDlana. T A Hmdridte, rar P Morton Oliver I IOWA. •mat W Grimes, itaea Marian. HanietS Norton. ntvana. Wm M Stewart,; •laiuee W Ny«, Ntw Hanranma. Aaron II Cngln, Jamea W Patleraon, Ntw ninatT. A U fallen, F T Freltnghuyauu, NEW TOBR. Edwin D Morgan, Ruacoo ConklUig. onto. Btnlnmln F Wade, John Shermau. Mlaoollnuooua Advsrtlwsiuouta, THE ARROW TIE AND IRON BALING COTTON ! AN INSURANCE AGAINST Rama*. Edward O Roan. Samuel C Pomeroy SRRTUCKT. Jam$» Unthiu, Uarret Airis. RAIHl. Lot M Morrill. Wm F Fetaendea. ■aaearnuaiTTs. Charles Sumner, Henry Wilson wanTtaND. ReierJy Johntv n, ThemaeSicann ontooN. Georce II WIIIUlui, llenry W Coibltt. rkNNaTLVANIA. t barter H Buckal.w, Simon Cameron UBODI laLaND. William Sprague. Ileury II Autooii) TKNNisann. I) T Pattrreon J S Fowler. FIRE, WASTE, AND THEFT Mimomllmnmoum AdvsptlMmsntm WANTED, Pnvloui to Ootober 16th, In Lots of FIVE CENTS AND UPWARDS, $18,000 n 00LD, SILVER, sad QBEINSACKI, lit 33xolinii|go for Boots, Shoes, Leather. HILL Sc BLANCHARD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ATLANTA, CA-, ILL glee prompt attaatlon to all hnetooee, both tlTiLi, Rire prumpi anenuiin 10 an imaineva, ouin 77 criminal and civil, enlrnsftd to their caic. In the various Stole Conru and C'lrcnlt Court, of the United State;, to thla State. OFrlCK—On Wlillehnll, over Force'* shoe etora. D. P. HILL. M. C. BLANCIIARD. July 8lh, 1*17. Mr. ULANCHARD will continue the luaurnnee husi- lies* aa heretofore, In the above law office. ang#—Dm Dr. W. II. PEOfi AND 8HOE - FINDINC8, .1 NVt^HAl.KD FOR Simplicity and Rapitiity of Adjustment A t. L o *\v P r ices!! SURPASSED UY NONE nneouni John B Htndrraou, Chariet D Drake MirnioaN. Zacharlah Chandler, Jacob M Howard. Juatlu S Morrll wx*T riauiNU Peter U Van Winkle, Waltman T Wiley. WISCONSIN .fumes R Doolittle, Tlmolhy O llowe FOR A’77,'A SO III A.\l> .I/M / I lo All. MORE 7HAS li«l f ASKS NEW GOODS OPENED THIS WEEK !! And others Arriving Dally. IWi'nunlry Merchant* are particularly invited loer amine our stock, aa ive will oiler llicm greater iudure no-nla Ilian e*u lie had elsew here. S TILL lendars hi* Profcsalonal Services to the cltl sons of Atlanta; and from hl« long experience In i he protoMlan, he i« confident that be can give sallahc- .. . .. . - *-*— IbeTr patronage. Hun to nil who may fhvur him with Special attention given to ubatetrica. RKHtDINCI—Corner Forsyth and Petera streets. Jyll—6m WM. L. 1IKMSLKR, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC. ATLANTA, I1KOHOIA. XlsMllsnsotts AAvsKIssmsnts. NEW 80 BAURKL TURPENTINE STILL, EXTRA UKAVV BOTTOM, ALL COMPLITB FOR HALE MUCH BELOW COST. PT Stills of all alxea bn lit to order and DISTILLERS Filled oat at the lowest rate*, by J.B. FULLER, 47 DRV STREET, ang27—4m New York City. FARM AT TUNNEL HILL TO RENT. T HE "AUSTIN PLACE," at Tunnel Hill, Is to rent. Apply early to W. C. JESSUP A CO., sannur m w.. Aufurie.aaorgle, or J. OUT , Tunnel Hill, Georgia. x. i. nnoWN. wr, F. BROWN. IIROWN’H HOTEL, Miane 11 mneoua ^ A.<rvwirt 1 ne m tTrtu, Dr. 6. S. PROPHITT’S ^ FAMILY MEDICINE!, For Sale l»y o prosit a dkput, MACON, OGOROIA. B.E. BROWN dr SON. THE BRIDGEWATER STATEMENT OF BUJINES3 DONE SINCE APRIL lat, 1S67 PAINT AND COLOR WORKS, ’Flic l m'H tif i '.till llii'fo.i 1 Radlcala, |ln Roman.) 40; Democrats, |ln Italic.) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ceLiFORNie. saw HaureuiHi [Three members to be elect [Three members to he elect ed In September.) “—'' 1 CONNBCTICVT. [Four member* to ha elect- ed to April.) uxuawaHi John A NteheHon. ILLINOIS. 1. N BJndd, 3. J F Farnawortb, 9. IBWasbbnrae, 4 Aaron C Bardina, 6. Ebon C Ingaraoil, 4. Burton C Cook, 7. H P H Bromwell. UM Cnllom, 3. Uwit W Sou, to. A 0 Bust, 11. SS Marshall, 13. Johu Baker, 18 0 B Ileum, Al large, J A Logan INDIANS, t. WmKNMach. 2 MieJuut C Ktrr, ) MCHnnter, 4. Wm SIMmaii 6 Geo W Julian, «. John Coburn, 7. H D Waabbuiu. 8. Uoodlovs » Grib, ed in .March ] NEW VOhK 1. AfepAxi To her, 2. Ihmas Barnr*, 3. W K Jtobituon, 4. John tax, 3. John IIorrifti/. 0. TKStiwart, 7 John WChanhr, 0. Jamu Brooli, •J. Ftntantlo IH»i/, 10. W II Hoberlsou, 11. V H Van Wyck, 12. J H Ketcbam, 18. Tbos Cornell, 14. ./ I' l. I'ruy,,, 13. ,1 A Griswold, to. Grange Ferrl-, 17. CT llulburd, IN. Jas M Marvlu. lit. WmC Fields,' 20. A II Laflln, fJIULV arc manufactured lu the Inal English Iron, under the personal supervision of Hie In vaiitur, formerly a resident of New oil, ana. La. The AliKOW TIE Is ptc-furred liy Shipinaslers and Comprcsameii, as it is worked with one eighth to one Inch slack, while all SOLID TIES require three lo five inches, which, In running through a cargo. Involves a heavy loss lo the Shipmaster Um* Hip Arrow Tin ami Bauds, AND HAVE MONEY IN KIIKIUIITaiid INSURANCE! 10. Wm Williams. It. J P C Shanks IOWA. 1 James F Wtlsou. 2 lllram Price, 3. Wm B Allison. W M Loughbridge, 32. .1 C Churchill, 23. Dennl* McCarthy, 24. T 81 Pomeroy, •Pi. Wm M Kelsey, Al. WmS Lincoln, 27. Hamilton Ward, 28. UutfSBye. 20. Burt Van Horu, 30. J M Humptu/i, 31. U Van Aerucm. onto. Arraugements have becii made to secure an ample sup ply of the ARROW TIE and BANDS foi the coming sea- .1 A.MKS A 1IALL, Ageut Middle aud Suiithwcsl Ueoigia. ANDREW LOWE & CO , General Agents. Savannah. On. 1 Beni Eggleston, 2 R Ulluyes, A Loughbi . GM Dodge. t> A W HubbaiU ESNSSS. 1. Sidney Clarke KENTUCKY. 1. — Trimbii. 2 Broun. 8 1 Vacant.) 4. Knott. 5. (Hour, 8. Jonti, 7. Btck, 8. AiatM, 3. Tour.y. RSINK. 1 John Lyncn. 2. Sydney Par Bam. liuyra, Kobt c Scbenck, Wm Lawrence, t. Reader 1 S Shellabargcr. CS Hamilton, ». R P Buckland. 10. Jamta M Aohley, 11. John T Wilton, 12. P Van Trump. 13. <J \Y Morgan, i.a / 1.1 llaFlillU'irllffit 3. Jam** G Blaine, 4. John A Petera, 5. Frederick A Pike. kaliTLAND. 1 lli ram Ik Culloug '■, 2. a Arcfur, 3. V A Ph»ip4, (c.) 4. Francis Thomaa. 5. Frodtrick Storn KAtSACRUaiTTa 1. Thomaa D Elliot, 3. Oakes Amc*. 8. Glnery Twitched, 4. Samuel Hooper, 14. 8Urtln Welker, 15. Tobias A Plants, 16. John A Bingham. 17 EiibKEekley. 13. R P Spalding is. Jas A Garfield. ontooN. 1 Itufut Motion, i’XNNSTLVANIa 1. Sam J Ramtail, 2 Charlas O'Neill, ‘ibe andeitigiied is prcja.rca to lurnisb the ARROW TIE to the trade at SAVANNAH PRICES, loiwarding And tranaportation added. To Boot AND shoe-makers. Southern Insurance Co., MANl'PACTI HKKa OF Wlilte l.eiul ustd SEIno P*itliit«. And COLORS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, J T. JENKINS A CO., AllonU, Ga. mt tDFlELD ACO , LaGrenge, Ua. JONES A COBB, Drayton, Ga. P. J. I1BWETT * CO., 313 Mato at., Memphis, Tsui. MORRIS A CO , Opelika, Ala. PHILLIPS, SMITH A CO., Daderllle Al* RAGAN, WF.IIB a DAVIS, Conyers, O. N N. EDOK, Indian Springs, Gn. 11, F. JOHNSON A CO., Eatonton, Oa. W. A KELLY A URO., Monllcello, Ua. DAVID KNOTT, McDonough, Ga. LEE A BETTS, Jonesboro', On.. O H UROPUll?, nt C° T m?<in^Gs, KSTABUSHKb 1760 P. Ai O. LORILLARD, 16, 18 and 20 Chambers 8t., N. York. PLUG TOBACCO. A la Roe stock of Ping Tobacco, embracing all the grades from low and medium to very fine-man, Cif which we receive direct from the beet inauufkctnrer. to Virginia and elsewhere. Fiue-Cut Chewing Tobacco. In thepe goods we h»ve flvt different brtad«- anujug them our celebrated “Centary,” whicb la now $u pen or to. and more popular than any made. la oar Cea- tury;Foil we oontinjie to ptek daily. oo« hondiwd dollara. •«H Hit thiti)*)* under ihi* mui, Htimtlt! llitMi* 1$ not tun.', iik<* NANHVILIiK. TRNNEMSKIC. Dry and Grfuiud in Oil. And II you cmiButt ^ buy your aupplit » u • h *t inlcrcst. you will crrtaiu j X. BANKS, Ucruuee lie makcH "Quick .Sait* and dmaii Profitand •<*111 for cuidi only, time Icavin)' no imd deliti to be made up in extra proliii*. Urilemeuibrr Hie Place and Sinn. I T HANKS, HawBon’a Huildiiii*. cor. \\lilteiiall and lluutcr Ste. HuptV.M - DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS! Number of Policies Issued 311 Amount ol Property Insured #1,728,038 00 Amount of Premium Notes Deposited will) said Company.. 65,808 3i Amount of Cash Premiums and Fees Re ceived 43,510 43 BftlJ>ak»AI‘hft MKT A 1.1.117 PA IS T, BHlliUh ll'.4 I Kit POTT AUK C0I.0BS. Cliavtered CKpItul. - - 0.100,000 Accumulations since April 1st lo date #111,330 3*2 R. H. THOMPSON, President. John R. Rebut, Secretary. L. B. DAVIS, Local Agent, Atlanta, Georgia. HARRY M SCOTT, ocl8—lm Special Agent ROB'T REYNOLDS, Secretary. OFFICE-74 Maiden Lane, .... NEW YORK. FACTORY—83d St, near 3d Avenue, South Brook- lvnu, and Factories, Hound Brooke, New Jersey, oeltt—8in* ff. M. WILLIAMS k BRO. GENERAL Commission Merchants, TALLEY. BROWN & CO. C O Ft H A , AND DEaLIKb IN GRAIN, BACON, LARD, FLOUR, Whitehall Street, West Side, Ami aii other ankles in the Produce line. Whitehall Street, PR.ITTE, EDWARDS At CO., .Insists, Forsyth street. Atlanta. Oa. HtAH Trtt iNbUft/iNUt AGENT3 ATLANTA. GEORGIA, A few doora from Alabama, udjoiuiB. liolbtook ; iiat Emporium, ATLANTA,- GEORGIA, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, TOHACCO, COTTON TARNS, dec. Are DAILY RECEIVING their OLD STAXD, Fan and winter stoc k! American and French Confectioneries DEC ATI R ST., ATLANTA,GA tobacco each week: rouaequently, theconramwraof C«a tury Foil Fiue Cut Totjacco ore daily getting price*. SNCFF8. As heretofore, we make all the different bra&ds of ^nuiii* 1 or which ibis lit.use bas been for many yearscel«- Of these goods we have a large and superior stock ai that cannot fail to'please. Jobbers and large deal ers will find it to their interest to examine these goods before making their purchases SMOKING TOBACCOS. These goods we have in great variety, and all gradri, from very low priced to the tlne-t Our Ktock in verv complete id all its dep*rtmeut*, aud merchant!* are invited to give it an examination bafor« purchasing. IV A G. LORILLARD, •ep7—-im If. V\ and 20 Chambers St., New York {Important TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON, k, ATLANTA, LEO., to BALTIMORE, via CHARLESTON, S. C. THE SPLENDID SCREW 8TKAMHIP9, FALCON, ■ , H 0, RKHlj, Oomuuidtr, BEA OULL,, N. F. DUTTON, Ooauuuider. haVANNSB, M*v 7lh ls67. the rucunt fliua lu this , ity having proved to our entire autlsfiictioii, by a thorough test, the'superiority o r 1KUN _ Nuth'l P Bank*. 7. Geo 8 Bontwell. 8. John D Baldwin, 9. W B Washburn, in. Henry L Dawes, KliiOURI. 1 Wm A Pile, (C l 3. C A Newcomb, 3. Thor B Notil, 4. J J Gravelly, 5. J W McClurg. 8. DT Van Horn, 7. Ben] F Loan, 4. Wm D Kelley, 5. Caleb N Taylor, u. BenjMBoyo, 7. Jno M Broonmii. 8. -/ L Gtiz, fi. Thad Stevens, I, 1. Henry L Cake, II. i) M Van Aukili, 12. Vha» Dennltcn, 13. Ulvssee F Mercur, 14 Geo F Miller. 15. A J Olombrenner, 16. Wm H Kooim-., 17. Daniel J Morrt-li. 18. N F mieon. 10. G W Schofield. •20. Darwin A Finney, •21 John Covode, 33. J K Moreheau. 23 Tbos Williams. St. 0 V Lawrence. KUODE l 4 L»Nll. iTwo nu-uihers to be elect ed in April.) TENNCSSFE. ; BANDS for baling purposes, wo sirougly rei OIUII)(Mill 0 f ,ho Planters of Georgia as an effieient them to tbeuse 1 agent to restricting loss br fire; ami we agree lodlscrini- i niile, when practicable, in favor of eottou thus secured. A. WII.BUH, General Insurance Ageut. ( Gables green a son, Ag'ls Liverpool, London A Globa In. Co. CHARLES L. COLBY * CO., Agt’s Sun * Atlantic M. Ins. Co . N Y R if. FOOTMAN, Insurance Agent WOODBIGDOK BROS., Ins. Agents J T. TIH>MA8, Insurance Agciit. I C. MeNl LTY, Sec'y Somhern Insurance * Trust Co JAMES T. STK’.VAKT. Agent l/mdon A Lancaster Ins. Co LANE WEST, Insurance Agents. OF DRY GOODS. 01\ HA.ND AND TO ARRIVE The Ladies their liuc ol ire inviird to caii aud FANCY GROCERIES rjtUREE HUNDRED BAR,.ELS WHISKY-ailgrades Also, BRANDIES, GIN, 4c., Which we offer to tbe trade on most favorable terms. Fine neeortment of I) 1? i: S I-S GOODS, WINGS, COGNAC BRANDIES, LIQUORS W M. WILLIAMS * BRO Comprisibg. tn part BITTERS, CORDIALS, SYP.UPS, LIME, LIME. Oa., May lOih. l-u7. Ti.e r.-cenf flic nl the Warehouse of Mr. B. T. Chap man. In ihie city, having fully demonstrated the advnn tape of the nac of Iron llanJs ui ,1,« use v, ii,u for baling purposes, as a security against loea by fire, we. the undersigned Insu - n, Ga., . .. Thumas.—Monday after lirimka Court Wllcni.—till Monday lu April and October. SOUTH WESTERN CIBCUIT. Uuker.-8d Monday in May aud November 1 March and September. Jalhoun.—3d Monday In I Decatur.—fill Monday in April and October. Dougherty.—1st Mouday in June and December. Mitchell.—2d Monday In May sod 1 Sumter.—2d Monday in April and October. Worth.--.Jd Monday lu April and October. TAl.I.AFOOSa CIRCUIT. Campbell.—3d Monday lu February aud August, i arroil.—1st Monday In April aud October, i-'owebi.—l*t Monday to March and Septemlmr. Floyd.—2d Monday lu January and July. Haralson — 7Jd Monday to April and October. Heard.—3d Monday In March and Hepiemlwr. Paulding.—1st Mouday lu Fehruary and August. Polk.—tlb Mouday in January and July. WiJHTKKN 0IIICI1IT. Banka—1st Monday III April and October. 8. J F. Benjamin, 9. G W Anderson, (c) HICniOAN. I. Fer. C Beaman. 3. Chariet Upson. 3. Austin Blair, 4. TboaWFeny. 6. KETowbrtdge. C. John F. Drigge. MIKES SOT*. 1. Wm Windom, 3. Ignatius Donelly. MKT ADS. 1. Delot P. Aabley. MIW JEK1XT. 1. Wm Moore, 3. Chat Balght, 3. Chat SUgrtava, 4. John Hill, 5. QAHalsey. Radlcala, (In Roman,) 138; Democrats, (in Italic,) 44. i August i VERMONT. 1. F E Wo idbrid^.v it. I.uke I* Poland, :i. Wm C Smith, wept vnniNiA. l.CD llubburd, 2 UM Kitchen, 3. Daniel Pool$ey, WISCONSIN. 1. Halbert E Paine, 2. Benj F Hopkins, 3. AmasaCobb, 4. Chat A Eld ridge, G. Philetus Sawyer, 0. C C Washburue. rauco Agents. Macon, ua.. take pleasure in endorsing the action of the Agents hi Snvuuush. Ga. IT. C. QKANNI88, Agent for several In?. Companies. J. \V. BURKE. Insurance Agent. E. J. JOHNSON & CO., Insurance Ag ta J. MOXKOE OGDEN, Insarance Agent. J. M. BOARDMAN, Insurance Ageut. JNO. B. COBB, iBiirnnce Agent. mayiT—bm i Merino?.; French ropiiUf, Empress Good?, ilombaziue?, Alpacca?, Dei&ir.cs. <kr. THEIH STOCK OF CHAMPAIGN K WINES, W E are sole Ageut? for ROGERS 1 BIRD-EYE LIME, which is superior for all purposes to any Lime XA TI’EAL FRUITS AXD PRESERVES. brought to this market. Parties wanting to purchase a guaranteed good and freah article, will find it to their in terest to call and see u?, ur ?cud ua their order*. Select variety of JE A8, \Y. M. WILLIAMS dt BRO. SUGAR. COFFEE, CRACKERS, KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY TO BE DRAWN AT COVINGTON, KY. GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. CLASS V, NOV. 1GT18, CLASS IV, NOV. 30TH, 1867. I Prize ot prize of 1 prize ol 1 prize of 2 prizes ol j 20 prizes ol 63 prizes of .00 FAI.I. TRADE OF 184J7. 9 prizes ol 9 prizes of 155 prizes of 9 prizes of 5 000 220 P rizc9 of 000 P rizc8 °* 400 261 prizes of *i“o 8. 7.0! 200 50 1. 50 Prizes Amounting to $230,060. 33,000 NUMBERS AND 78S PRIZES. Ticket* $12, Halves $0, Quarters $3. j The above Magnificent Single Number Lottery will be drawn in public, in Covingtou, Kentucky, by Sworn Com- ini?t*inners, at 1 o'clock. P. M., at the corner ot Fourth l and Scott afreets. The Kentucky State Lotteries arc no w. W. CHAPMAN. j. w. nucKEn. WM 1.0WE. ! are drawn under the authority of a charter from the state, and bonds arc given for the payment of all prize?, j The drawings are published in the New York Herald und Mh|a * ma ma m mn gm | ■ an |# ■# am a am* j CillCiOliati COITHn C TC i R1. CHAPMAN, RUCKER Of COa, | The above scheme will be drawn the middle and last Whitehall Street. ries drawing daily sent by application • to the Manager?. PF” Agents wanted. ! Addre?* all orders for tic kets to MURRAY, EDDY & CO.. Covington, Ky. JJAVING Added another member and additional capi- { tal to onr firm, we are now extensively engaged In the LEND TO Till'. LAND ! EmbrciUurii.! Lacc*. Dres* Trimminv* And Dree* But'.or.e le large and varled. They keep constauiy on hand. BLEACHED und BROWN DOMESTICS, PRINT- aud YANKEE NOTIONS. *ep’2U—’ BUTTER, CHEESE, HAMS, LP.Y BEEF, BICE, MACARONI, VERMICELLI, Ac GREEN FRUITS, Nutt, Almond*. Rations, Ac. Larifc assortment ol IRON AND STEEL. rflWENTY THOU8AND LBS. Round. Squara, and A Flat Iron and Steel. On band and for tuft W. M. WILLIAMS A BRO. BRITISH PERIODICALS. VALUABLE MILL PIPES, Cigars, Smoking Tobacco, Snuil, Perfumery, Soaps, Fancy Articles, &e. THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW ^Conservative), Of large carrying capacity, making average trips of 55 to 60 hours, leave Charleston once a week for Baltimore, and offer superior facilities for through freights to and from that port Address Or, COURTENAY & TRENHOLM, Shipping and Commission Merchants, Union Wharves, Charleston, S. C. MOBDECAI & CO., Agents, Baltimore, Md. CITY PROPERTY! Phillips & flanders AT CHANCEB7 SALE , ^jyOULD rospectfnlly inform the public that they ere now receiving their etock of . TUK EDINBURGH REVIEW iWhigi, THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radical), THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church). BLACKWOOD S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). j^TATE OF TENNESSEE, HAMILTON COUNTY. Chancery Court at Chattanooga. Jnaxpu SI. Bluncxll, Assignee ol Lewis, Spitzer Jc Co. Lewis. Sjmtzeii 2c Co., and creditors of said firm. Fall and Winter Goods, CONSISTING OF Pursuant to a decretal order of said Court rendered to the above entitled muse, at Its July term, 1HI7, 1 will, On TncRdny, Nov, Ttlt li, 1807, On the respective premises, sell to ftie highest bidder, d twenty-four on n credit of six, twelve, eighteen, am. mouths, taking notes with approved security, bearing Interest from date, and retaining a lien until the pur- chase money has all been paid—the following described property, which will he sold in lots to suit purchasers, > also that on which there DESCRIPTION, The Real Estate within the corporate limits ofChattn- nooga, purchased by sniil Lewis, Spitzer A Co., from '■ n & Marsh, beiug the lands on which w *,.«•«w, ...MB ,..r ia„uB .11. nmeil the Saw Mills, known as the Moore A Marsh Mills, are situate, on Ibe West side of Chatlanooga, together with all the Mills, fixtures, implements, and upparatua necessary and used and belonging to said Mills and on -aid lands, and all the .. , Building Material, or properly ol any kind or WX WIl.L DEAt IN Baeon, Flour, Corn, Lard, Coffoe, Sugar, Molasses A Syrups, And every article usually fouud In a first class Grocery Store, A I' WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY. |M*Tbe City aud Country Trade are invited to call and examine our (lock beforu purchasing elsewhere. ncS—8m IH STORE AHS TO ARRIVE *400 UAtit> KAM,IA F, - <),ri ' *U bag* Extra Family Flonr, *rll bags HupcrSue Flour, 11**10 pound* Tennessee Baeon Sides. Fra.iklin.—2d Monday lu Ajirll aud October. Uwlnuett.—1st Monday In March and fid In September. Habersham.—hd Monday to April and October. Hall.—8d Moiiduy in March and September. ilatiun.—Ith Monday in April and October. Walton.—ad Monday lu February and Auguri. White —Monday niter 4tb April and October. w. t. whklcs*. cua*. a. rcAMK. M*l bag* Virginia Sail. STEADMAN A SIMMONS, it __ Marietta Street, Allan!*, Ga. NOW IN STORE. Rf\ BARRELS NORTIlEItN POTATGES-sneudand ()U prime, PEAROE, WHELE88 4 00. COTTON FACTORS Commission Morohantn, JAUKSOS STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. tarstor* and *oll Cotton and other Uroduce. Bagging MUtoMUKBilWt mark* prime. HFTHffii HI cask* Bacon Shonlden, 75 harrelt Whisky—nil gradci, 2JUU0 Havana Clgat*, 251*10 American Cigars. 21 tons Reid s Phosphine. Union Point, Ga., October 13, ldfifl. Mtwt. ItriQ/iUotll A Barrow: UnNTs—I used your Phosphate on my Cotton at the rateol 350 pounds per acre. I am satisfied that I will realize at least 150 per cent, on the amount apenl. I am so well pleased that I expect to use more ou the next crop limn I did on this Very truly yours, (Signed) P. W. FRINTUP. Aiieuii us, Ga., Novemlier t, 1888. .IftM/s. Uiiyhtdrtl ,1 Bill row: Gznt* -The twenty (20) tons HEED'S PHOSPHATE I bought ol you thi* year, 1 used on Corn and Cotton. I am so well pleased with the ofloct on my crop, that I wish to purchase of yon for nexi year's nop. one hundred tons Yours respecllully, JAS. A. COBB. This .Manure, mumiliiriiin d in Georgia (the \ blues fur which arc attosted by well known Ueorgiu citizens, and which It calculated to do so inurti for " RfonintructloiY' lu Georgia) I* for sale by LANGSTON, CRANK Jc HAMMOCK, Sole Agent*, Ahitiaiei! Street, Atlanta, Ga. Hit AND WHEAT WANTED. Lumber, _ character, real, personal, or mixed, and belonging to said Also, the Mill and the Lots on which they stand, known as Lots No. 5 and 7, on Payne street, iu Chattauuoga, on which the Fisher Mill property stands, together with all I'Afki k Barks Heronit lland Gunnies and Bnrlnp*. 7J\Ja*vl m*hi tnislieis Wheat. Atatianiu Street. CUSHINGS & BAILEY, WHOLESALE To reconstruct tlic poor lend* of Georgia—ttm recon struction most needed Just now. Ordera solicited. LANGSTON, CRANE A HAMMOCK, Commission Merchants, BOOKSELLER8 AND 8TATI0NER8, nov3 etc OYSTCRS_ANO FISH. Price Bedaeed Within tbe Reach cf All I A HUPPY of the cslelireteri “Fitzgerald Fresh Norlfolk _ Oyster*," to wood cud tlu packages, constantly on IJBiVfV| 881 Wv*ril HIIU 8681 |mv*lik ,I *t AAtHCl* hand. Also, n general aaaortmeut of F rush Fisli. J - - —" ■* *- ■— ^. Oyeter. end Utah ,-ckcd « Atlanta Ice Hons*, on Kidd's lot, Inreu<-' *or#-8w 1W8II IW6 nUHIVt Ull MUM 9 IWI, t of M. Lynch A Co.’* Hook Store. Ptoattof MUiued, Atlenu, Ue. ,Nu. 2U2 Italiltiiorc Hire llnltlniovo. Muryliiml. Schonl Hooka, Aledtcnl Ihmks, Law llouks, Misi ellaneous Hooks, Paper Knvvlo t ies, Inks, Pens, Pruetts, and Hiatlonery ol all kind*. Bock Blading of Kterjr DeeeripUon IWOrder* soUcltT'l from Libraries, Schools, Dealer*, CtwW. 8c, “•* — the personal property, machinery, or oilier property ou *uid lots belonging to said firm. Also, ull tbe Houses, .Machinery, und other property ol said firm on too West hair of the Ship Yard property leased from Mr*. Martha L. Fort, exeeutrlx ol Dr.Tom- linson Fort, deceased. Also, toe House*. Building, and other property attuite on lot* 53,87, tod56, Market street, ChaUanuogt, which land has been leased to said firm liy Mrs. Martha L. Fort I executrix, Ac. Also, tbe Lime Kilns end the I.ime on hand, aud other property, on two lota, on which these said Lime Kiln* are situated, end leased to said firm hy c. K Grenville and Johu Burke. Also, all uroparty belonging to said firm situated ou a tract of land leased by ssid firm from ti. W. Gardenhlre situated on Citico Creek. In Chattanooga. Also, tha unexpired terms of tbe leases lo certaiu real estate leased lo said firm by Mr*. Martha L. Fort, execu trix of Dr. Tomlinson Fort, ceeeaaed, towit: Tbe South halt of Lot No. 68, South half of Lot No. Ml, South half of toret-fonrtoa of Lot No. 67, ou Market street to said city, ou which there i* situate Brick Bmldii gs incoin- plctcd. Alio, the West hair ot Hlilp Yard. Aud tl*o, unexplrud lease ot Lot* lu Chattanooga, leased by said firm iroui Gardcnhire, us above, and Gieu villa- and Bnrke, na above. And a.«o, tbe unexplred term of lease on certain pro- uerty in Chattanooga, leased hy said firm from W. W. Lee. Attorney In Ikct for Lindsay's heirs. Also, a Tract of Land purchased by said firm from Moore A Marsh, in the City or Cluftanooga, and lur which they hold a bond for title, under the uameofthe Billy Hiiiilh properly, containing thicc acres, more or lu*s. Also, a Lot tn the city of Chattanooga, known a* lot No. 3, on Uruuliaiu street: Provided this lot No. 3 on Branham street bus tieen sold to one David Frcldmaim tor il,o hiui of #7,bOO, Friedmann having paid #**i ou the Hume and contracted to pay #3011.75 ou hla lieu held liy Charles Sundqulatou the same. Also. Lot kuowu a* 311 or 41 Poplar street. In said city nl Chattanooga, (there being litigation now as to the uiunberofthlslot.) Also, all other property, roal, personal, or mixed, which the aatd firm may own, or to which they may become en titled without nny reservation, whether the same shall have been listed iu thla advertisement or omitted from the same, aulijtict to every cate to all valid subsisting c'Utme and lien* which may be now on eaid property, placed there by reason of unpaid purebasu money, mort gages, or deed* of trust or otherwise. Alsu, sight bead of Horae#, lour head of Mules, and twelve M agon* and Htmeas. All of said rent eatate belonging to said firm w 111 be aold In tuir of the equity of redemption, and the property leased.will be sold subject lo ull the right*, lliuUmion-. qultles and restriction# specified aud meulloked to the Prints, Delaines, Merinos, Alpacca, Casaimeres, Jeans, Flannels, Hata aud Caps, Boots and 8boes, Ready-made Clothing, Ladies’ and Misses’ Shawls, Blanket!, Nubias, Bontags, Kistort Hoods, T HESE Periodicals are ably sustained by tbe contri buttons of toe best writers on Science, Religion, and General Literature, and stand unrivaled tn tbe world of letter*. Tncy ere Indispensable to the scholar and the professional man, and to every reading man, as they fur nish a better record of the current literature of the day than can be obtained from any other source. STAPLE AND FANCY’ DRV GOODS. TERMS FOR 1808. For anv one of the Reviews For any two of the Reviews For any three of toe Reviews 10 For all four ol the Reviews . 1 < For Blackwood's Magazine 4 For Blackwood and one Review 7 For Blackwood and any two of the Re- vtowa 10 For Blackwood and three of tbe Review! 13 For Blackwood and tbe fonr Reviews. .. 15 # 4 per annum #$f~Mnst of Ibeir goods have been bought since toe late decline to cotton, and they will sell them at the low est figures. PHILLIPS & FLANDERS Have a Largs Lot ol FURNITURE or TUEIB OWN MaNLTaCTUHX, CONSISTINO or Bedstesds, Bin cans, Table A discount of twenty per cent, will be allowed to i tubs of tour or more persons. Thus, four copies ot Black- wood, or of one review, will be aent to one add we tor #12 8U. Four coplea of tbe fonr Review# and Blackwood, for #48, and so on. POSTAGE. Subscriber# should pre-pay by the quarter, at the office of delivery. The pottage to any part of the United States i* Two CiNTe a number. Thla rate only applies to cin rent aubtcrlptlone. For back nnmbera the postage!* double. j Dr. II. Selia, President. Anskew Don. Secretary R. P. Glenn, Treasurer. GEORGIA LOOM AND MANUFACTURING COY. MANUFACiL'REliS AND PLASTERS, LOOK TO YOI'R INTERESTS! AND CALL AT Office, oiliit»on BulldiXiff# NEXT COOR TO POiT OVTICS, ATLANTA, C E O R Gil A. A VP SEE IN OPERATION Mendenhall'g Improved Self-Acting HAND AND POWER LOOK! EASIER UXI'ERSTOOD, EASIER TO CT IB ATE, AMD MORE RELIABLE Premium# to New Subscribers. Chairs, / Wash Stands, Wardrobe*, Maiirii*).' *tv They al*u luuuufanure unit *ell New subscriber* to any two of the above Periodicals lor 1868 will be entitled to receive, gntte, tny one cf tin fonr Review* for 1867. New subscriber* to all five of the Periodical* for 1866 may receive, gratia, Blackwood or any two of the -Four Review*" for 18e7. Subscriber* may obtain hark number* at the following leduced rates, viz The North ftritish trom January, 1863, to Decemticr. Edinburgh aud the COTTON YARNS, 03NABURU3, AND SHIRTINGS All at the lowest pi ices, lot cash. Give them a call be- ore \i>u purehave. oeH—3tn qko. u. newxv, of Sew Fort. DIBBLE, WORTH A CO , Commission Merchants, 188 PEARL NT., NEW YORK. P ARTICULAR attention given to llie sale of TV HEAT. Parties requesting, wilt tie regularly advised of the stare of the market. ItorkHUNrcs.-.l. D. Fl-h, Esq.. President National Marine Bunk, N. Y.: U. 1,. Worth, Kau., Cashier Ns- ■tonal Park Hank, N Y.; D. Heaton, Esq., President First National Hank, Ncwbcrii, N. 4). j Users. Jewel A Snider Macon. Ga. Je26— r. sp ctlvc leaae* thereof. The purchaser or purchaser* ' - •• ■ " 1] •landing tn llie room and atoad of the nriglnul leaseea. Thu term*, restriction*, limitation* Ac., of said leases, with llie length of time the said lease* have tn run, will he made known on day ol sale; ur letter* addressed to G e Clerk and Master nr this Court will he promptly an swered, giving nil the inhirninliun sought. Issued Octo ber 1,18417. „ J. W. JAMES. C. A M. mil—Id By Dan J. Di rer D. C. * M. FACTORY GOODS. ucto-lm S hirtings, sheetings. Drills, Stripes, By wholesale, at factory Mlean. ^or^aale*!!.?'*" 1 *’ ** |HKKUII4Q * LEYDKN, WkitekaU •Uu*t?7ti«Stk l > %k- FALL AND WINTER D R Y GOODS!! T uft Attention of the Trade to incrlaily Invited to oa Full und Winter Stock ol Foreign aud Domestic Dry Goods, Which it now complete In every Department. MARSHALL, 11UHOE A 1IOWRN, Importer* and Jobber*, «epl2—9m 113 Meeting street. Charleston, 8. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S BALE. B Y vlrtuo of an order from the Court of Ordinary ot Clayton county. On., will be (old, on the 8rat Tues day In December next, nt the court house door in the town of Jonesburo*, Clayton county, Ga., between the 1867, tuclualve: Edinburgh aud the Weetinlnster from April, 1864, to December, 1867, tuclualve, and the Loudon Qnirteriv for the year# 18o6,1*66, and 1867. at the one of #1 50 a veer for each or any Review: also, Blackwood for 1666 and 1867. for #2 (al a year, nr the two years together for (4. Etr-Nelther premiums to subscribers, nor discount to eluhs, nor reduced price* for back numbers, can be allow ed. unless lb 1 money t* remitted direct totbe publishers. No premium* can be given to club*. The Leonard Scott Publishing Co., POSSESSES SUPERIOR ADVAHTAOES Over all oilier ftand Looms. AND 18 MORE SIMPLE AND DURABLE 1 Planters can be Independent I By Weaving all their Goods for Home Wear oa the MENDENHALL IMPROVED HAND LOOM I From 15 to 30 Yards oer Day tie Woven on till* Loom I IT WEAVES AS FAST AS ANY FACTORY LOOMI Hull toe Coal of the Clolhtogor a Family can be Saved by e’*e I 1 11) Fulton Ntrcet, IV. V. The L S. Publishing Co. alao publish tbe FARMERS GUIDE, By IIknry Stevbik*. of Ediuburgh, and tbe late J. P. *»,) iimiu 1rrahrir, wt Bkuiuuuigu, aim me lairti. r. Norton, of Yale College. 3 vote., Royal Octavo, 1(221 page*, and nnmeron* engraving*. Price #7 for the two volumes—by mail, post paid, #8. novtk-dh ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. B Y virtu* of an order from the Conrt of Ordinary of Clayton county, Ga., will be sold, on the firet Tue* day In December uext, between the legal hour* of sale, at tha court bouse door iu *aid county, the tract ot laud In eald connty whereon Tnoma* M. Jone* resided at the time of hie death, containing 130 acre*, more or lee*, ad- ^ >1010# land* to Hartwell June*. J.W. Ozburu, and A. . T. Htne*. Term* cash. October 14,1867. E. G. JONES. Admintatrator. oclO—td Printer's fee #6 GEORGIA, Go noon Covntt. rotation from laid admlnWi , Thaae ar* tkarelbr* to ettn and admoaltk all and tlnn- lar, tba kindred and creditor* of eald deceased, to be and appear at my oMce, within the time prescribed by law, and ehow cane*. If any they have, why eald letter* ehonld not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and offi cial elgnatnre, June 27.18117. • . D. W. NEEL, Ordinary. Iy8—lamCm* Printer 1 * tee $1.50 •*••!, eeenw wt nwi'i wmhi#| wihiwim , lltO. 100 b the lith district of orIgtoally Hearv.then Fayettnnow T8 DOfeD. Admtotatraty jSSjt GEORGIA, Gokdon Conttr. G EOROII H. noGAN, administrator of the catnte ol Jehu Nablett. Into of aold connty, dereaaed, having CeeatateofaatddeeMM? kdmtotatratton ol The** erai tkeretoro to clto and admonlak nil and all t ueae are inerenire to clto ana admonish nil and nlan- Inr, tha kindred and creditor* of aatd deceased, to beand appear at my office, within the tint* allowed by law. and I From $5 to $10 a Day can be Madi on it I ITS PAM'S APE SET.F-CUASQINQI By the Turning ot au Easy Crank, It lets the Warpril. wini* - -* ’ - • h * ' IIIV tut IU4I2, »*» 111* IMtri Viuiin, ti 1»I» ’ ■ids up the I'lnth, treads the Trcadlos, and throw* tn* Shuttle. IT WEAVES Jtvmt, Sntinet#, I*inse>*$, UUnki't Twill, Pouble-Ptoi® Cloth, virion# kltuln of Kilihod Good*# Finoy TwUltol •11 kind*. Flax, Cotton, Tow or All Wool Cloth, ItaffflBf* Toweling, 'Pahle Lmon, llniiuoml Skirt#, Woolnfi, LlnWi •lid Hemp Carpet»*. In ft#ct, anythinjf, from • hnudio** Silk to • ling Curprt. It to •null, ueal uad IL’ht—not Argcr than A comooi br«Akfk6t table. It to m ule In the mom workinnulikti manner, of feed material, mid hmid»omdy varutohed. It to vety •impte and eaeily mutor*tood—tvarytklBl to perfonned by turning a crauk. Looms and County Rights for Sole. IT'For further paritculars, bid of price*, daicrtpttv circulars, and samples of weaving, address RUSH PRATT, Agent C.corgi i Loom and Manuthctnring Co. mart!—ly Atlantn- flgfe. _ R. JOHNSON, (Successor to Ilolltngsworto A Johneon,) S3 8. Charles Street, Baltimore, Matjland, Mannfsi Hirer, aud Dealer In . DRCOGISTS' AND COSFKCTIOSKRS' &. OR ESS AND FUST GLASSWARE W. R. JOHNSON, W Chariet Street, tmeta, Ac.