The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, November 09, 1867, Image 1

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■ on'icui niK .nriii.K»MMism building, "i ,nW ol WMwWUI hoj ' mil the Hatlreail i-H - urn |MIM> KAMA AND WliKLY W ARED IRWIN WHITAKER, i* »•»> ivriotor. X i [.AN TA. GEORGIA. ♦ smuMav Morning, Nov. 0, IMF. I*lir Diplomatic ('trn* , . r - nipountUry Alul Envoy* Eltraordloarjr %\ I'rvsrnt In Washington. /'•,»•« ft# IVtuAJn?foft Slur, \09. A r;... i, pn-n-niHilvf* of foreign power* who rs KesUlotU nt llil* capital, h*ve, for ,,, ; p:\ri. rviurnud from tholr luaunit trips ... i nto »n>i travel, *nA have settled down '. . mil oliM ivunce of men and politics u .niiinai o At no previous period have ,i , xiutiit, >1 so keen an interest in American j,'. r « u the coming excitement ol a vast r,.-.a.-ot: ,| vAiiipalgii and tha important issue* . v pi, %, no ,! to Hie November session of Con- ..;. in. oil \<-:c I the attention of all toreigu Mr' Kr-mc , (. l ire Toni, the First Secretary, . , ii.irce ..f the British Legation since lit* ■v!i el Sir Krcileriik Bruce. No successor to , frcfii r:ek Jjjua hern iippointeri, and Mr. Ford, u ., ,i it icrmorly the First Secretary ol the En- .... |,i ; :..,iii)ii nt Copenhagen, Is likely to re- i-m i.t <• urge lor llie present. M. Jules Ber- ,,„v. l, m w French Minister, has remained ;,.,e liming tin' summer, and lias beenasaidu- .«!(• ructge.l with the important husinesa of . (....• i i "i M Berthony is one ot the most .. . .. ii-.; hi. 1 I'ljilonmtiita ol Europe, and gives ... -lie ail hi-* ot this country nit closest ,1,1,1: .a, for the benefit ol the home govern ,< i:i r^cnor Don Gabriel y Tcssara, who has ,n the representative of Spain lor eight years, nei at present m the city. Senor Tessarn, be- : he came here, was in the State Department Mi,lriil. Biron Ocroll, the Prussian Minis- i in Washington, where he has repre- ...ncl hi- government for twenty consecutive ,r- Prior to ins coining here to a lull mis- ... l,o was Consul General to Mexico. Baron It wis a warm supporter oi the cause ol , l ii. .ii (.lining the war, and is a close, per- : friend of the Secretary ol State, f lfe.s-i.ui Minister, Baron Stoeckel, re- . .i.iye.iic trout a visit to St. Petcrsburgb, I 11. in ,11 here ever since. He was appoint- Washii.clon sliorlly alter the Crimean war. Mu, Sioeekel Ins just returned from Europe. Bar. i\ FloeeUel contemplates returning to Russia ati. r me final settlement of tho recent Russian ;. n iiory purcluse by the United States, i : e iu w Charge de Adairs, Barou ,i Fol; eusuiii, ins just arrived here to succeed i ,int Wydenltriiek, the lute Austrian Minister. B .ron Von F. Ikeu.-teln is not a lull Minister, but reciprocities with diplomatic exactness the course : tiiis Gov, rnment in sending a Charge de At- [.ilr- (Mr liavi to Vienna to succeed Mr. Motley, who iva lull Minister. Tin; Diplomatic Corps lias recently been re- ini,need by two new missions, newly created for litis country. Bisque Bey, a fine, scholarly- liking Fr,ncliuutn, has lately arrived as the Turkish Mini.u> r. Ha lakes a deep interest in American affairs, speaks English fluently, and lias made himself the target for many a good- nature,! joke by a remark made to tlie President ia iiis presentation speech, that lie saw no differ- , :nv l-.etweeu the institutions of Turkey and the ITiin-d States. He was a Consul to Naples, ; r r ’o his being sent to fill the first full missiou : i, mi- country irom Turkey. s under Ilia Rangade, formerly Minister of i F ' -ii Atiiirsiu Greece, is the first Greek Min- j . ,i to Wusfiiugton. He arrived here IasI sum- . ml is laboring zealously to render his i • untry popular with us. 'j I ne Italian Minister, Mons Cerruti, is the I -icv.-sor of M. Bertinatti, (so well known in I Washington,) and was formerly Assistant Store- j i iry it Mate at Florence, aud afterward Minis- i.r to Constantinople. He is at present in ; Washington. I lie Mi,listers from iho Neilierlunds and Bel- i ciiiin are necessarily smaller stars in tlie Dipl"- i, rirmameut. M. Maurice Del Fosse, ol the Utter Kiugdom, lias been hero about eighteen j ia, utlis, amt M. Mozet, ol the former, has been | a Minister Resident aisjut live tnpnUll i:TUe> l are now in liie city. t The Diplomatic Corps do not recognize the Mexican Legation, for the reason that none ol VOL. XU1. "ERROR UKABM TO BB DAMQSBOUB WfflTO RKAflON IB LOT VKE* TO COMBAT IT.’WrflwBw. SjpfiuMTunftisiiig Hates. M Ison) lancons Advertisements. ATLANTA. GA„ SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1867. 96th SEMI-ANNUAL, EXPOSE. Qfg|{ NfiV8—GlflllOtS NlWS. TOTAL LOHM PAID, #21*971,972 ft7 JULY 1. 1 807. ASSETS; (At Marktl Valin) Cash on hand and in Hank.. Real Batata.i Mortgage Boqda Hank Stock 1). State*, State and City Stock, and other Public becurlttoa... 9 616,StM SO •Ms.wa os 895,550 00 1,806,4(0 00 1,064,308 SO $1,680,088 r l.eee Liabilities, (Salma not doe and unad- 377,668 46 Ne t A sect e $4,878,*80 81 •’•RE AND INLAND NAVIGATION RISKS. ^Application* for tasoissc* will be promptly attended etmtfi'SaSJfr, 0 - 1 -- — ,ra ' 01 •"* of JylS-Uwip. Crum Alabama. ^ N. L. ANOIER, Agent. JOHN. B. FULLER, 47 SIT BREST, New York City, VaKcVACTcaxa and Dials* hi POBXABIili AND HTATIONABV STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, FROM 2 TO 950 HORSE POWER. it spprored Circular aud Upright Saw Milla, Oriat Sueur Mills, tod All kinds or Minins’ tion Mtchliwry on band and bo lit to order. A KINO OOHON OLIVE OBOIN! Grout Bxoltsmsnt at tho FRENCH BAZAAR I By E. BLOCK, No. 4, Pesohtrs# Stmt, AtlnnU, Gsorgia. T HBFRENCU FAMILY la coming In a ISw days, with ■ large etock, couilatlug of DHR8H GOODS, DOMKBTICS and FANCY GOODS, CLOAKS and SHAWLS. BOOTS aud SHOES, HATS aud CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHINU. All of tho Latest Importation I I have the honor to Invito every one, big aud amall, Ksssf.aaMssiteTSia'sssjir"' i? ■SSF^BSSawtaara loata rswud. Country Marchaau are pnrtlenlarly re- qnoeted to cull and ezamiut my atock or Dry Goode, .fwcharloeton Bill* of Good* duplicated aud forward- NO. 207. TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily, par moath • 1 00 Dallfi li SMOths 10 00 Wsskly,• mouths 8 00 Wsokly, lfssv....- 8 00 ■Ufta soptss atthsoomntor... iu Stag is soyiss to >sw* Boys ssd Agost* a RATES OF ADVEHT181.NO. For each aqaare of 10 line* or leee, for the Aral liner- lion $1, and for aach aubaequcDt inrertlon 60 cent.. Atlanl n Advertisements. W. W. OLAVTON, AOO. U. AUAtlt. CLAYTON Sc ADAIR. COMMISSION MEMH1NTS, —AND— Wholesale Dealers in Groceries & Produce NO. IS ALABAMA NT., INSURE IN THE Southern Life Insurance Co. CHARI BRED BY THE LEGISLATURES OF TENNESSEE AND KENTUCKY. CASH CAPITAL, - - - - #$200,000. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $1,000,000. A'I'i,ANTA, GEORGIA' “A La VUIa Late ot tha arm, I of . A Lyons, leetoa, 8. C. KEEP COKSTAKTLY ON HAND: KLOUH, BACON, CLAUD, COHN, HAY, SALT, TOBACCO, t COFFEE, SUGAR, HYIIUP, MOLASSES, CANDY, SODA, CANDLEH, LEATUKR, bOAP. Ac. Also, are 1867 Fill AND WINTER ! 1867 lug. PtltleL Lsa'her aud Bubber Belting, t of lrpn acii Wood working Machinery. * nd BsUroaS anppllea in etore, and ahipped at the loweet rate* auz87—4m DRY GOODS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HARDWARE AND IRON. 75 COILS MANILLAJtOPE, 1600 dor.a Pockit knfvea, 300 groea Table Cntlery, SOO dozen Curry Combe. AALtibua nvrA. 75 doaen Short Handled Frvtng Pane. *0 colla Patent racking H to f inch.i SOO doaen Shovele and Spadee, JOHN M. CANNON, Ageutu for the Sale ol YARNS, OSNABURUS, STRIPES. SHEETINGS. SHIRTINGS, And Great Bead Co.’e Scales. Ordere promptly dlltd. Conaignmanta ao- lldtod. augi-am var EIGHTY PER OENT. OF THE PROFITS PAID TO P0LI0YH0LDER8 ! JEf MEMPHIS OPPICEBM. R-TBSKLiT" Pr ”' d * n ' BRANCH OFFICE. ■.OVISVILLIt OFFICERS. C. O. SPENCER, Prealdent J. FRY LAWRENCE, Vica Prealdent. A. O. HODGES, T-eaenrer. E T. HOPKINS, Secretary SAMUEL^TATE,} Vice-Preeldent. f ATTA -»jm A aA ! Em M*7v S i TMM ’ ri,r , ATLANTA, GA. BEN. MAY, Secretary j _ _ D. C. O'KEEFE, Examining Surgeon, Atlanta, Ga. A. R. 2. DAWSON, Gsn’l Traveling Agent. nnaviryw !' General Agents. tef*Orer.I. T. Jenklna A Co.’e Drag Store, Whitehall Street. ’ ocM—8m DREGS FOR THE MILLION. The Largest Stock Ever Brought to Atlanta ! ! 160 boxea 1 m. *000 pound! Block Tin, 1000 ponnda Bar Lead, COO hag* 8h (t, 80 bandit. Bright Iron Wire, 800 dozen Don Wire Sifters, 60 Anvili, 75 Vitee, 4000 pounne Smoothing Don., *000 ponnda Griffin's Horse Nall.. 500 dozen Files—aeiortcd, 8000 ponnde Galvzntzed Sheet Iron, S tone Cast Steel, *0 tona Plow Steel, 300 tone Swidea and Refined Iron, 00 ton* Band, Hoop, and florae dlioe Iron, 16 ton* Oval. Ha f dval, and Half Round iron, *5 tone Boiler, Plate, and Sheet Iron. Foi eale by W EEDS A CORNWELL, Noe. 150 and tot Broughton Street, j Savannah, ua. COFFEE. tlie European powers represented here recognize | Q^Alh bags m,t received pm lue Juarez ;;-»ermnenty Me x item - 81 yv per Lrliiati Spring, For sal* by ' ' idiriicai, Hit- fifat Nbcfetury, is now acting Mexi- — W*H» * CORNWELL, Noe 159 and 161 Broughton Street, Savannah, Ga. s O U T U E R N Seed and Agricultural Warehouse! McROBEBTS & CO., van Minister iu tho ubseuce ot Senor tfo mero, wlin fia-< just sailed for Mexico. The new Pnrtngese Minister liere is in town, in I tiio succe-sor of Colonel Roum&in, the Hay- n«n Mini.-l'U', divides his time between New Vi k uii.l Wastdnglou. St-noi-i.ui-, Moilns, the Xicnragnan Minister, in- been ricalli'il, nud left Washington in Octo- li>-r fi.r Central America. Hinnidu Wetterdedt, the Swedish Minister, ited permanently at Ellicott'a Mills, Mary- ■ a i and doe3 not make his residence here. ' T:.a Vem-zuelean uml Brazilian Ministers have ; been » nt for some time. Their first Becreta- j iiv? me in charge. — ♦ No. 4.0 mtid 44 H. Mnrkot Street, '. ai.i andigium on Bingham.—V allandig- •i-paa-riii NAsnviLLE, tenn 111 » recent ypecch, thus referred to John I AGENTS WANTED FOR a l. innn ■ isiiikjlmm lins clioaen to speak ot l \ il. milighair ' ' ' ' '' ‘ STOHAGK, FOKWARDINC, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Aud Deuh-ra in Agrienltural Implements, Produce, Grain 1 1 Field and Garden Seeds, Farm Wagon., Thresher*, Ac., Ac. Agents for Wood's celebrated Reaper, aud Moivere, Corner Whitehall 4k Hunter Hte. ATLANTA, GE0BGIA, ; fjl AKES pieaaure in informing hi* friand* and tha pub lic that hlz etock ot FALL AND WINTER GOODS 1* uow complete tn every department, and la on* of the largest and bait aazorted ever brought to tbl* market. All cazh bnyere are reepeetfblly Invited to call and #1} amine thl. Magnificent SM'of Goods I Styles and price* cannot bs.anrpaaaad. If you doubt It, I cull and yon will be convinced of the fact. One Urice Only I QUICK MALES AND RMiLl PROFITS I im m 'i-tickiog out his neck like a ' run ■■ ami gibbering like a glioat.' Let me tell that it ii not the ghost ot Valiandigham iuhi Jibtuih* iiio nei"uiiy. Vuliandighatn is still . l:v.; uqJ able in ilusli to vex ilia toes. [Ap- I ihiiic | It ia the avenging Bpint of that un happy woman, who Hits before his vision at i.-..ui l;iv, ami glams hciom the meditation of his guiliy conscience at midnigiit. It U the glioq ot his victim that dogs hU footsteps, mocking, and threatening, and tormenting, and b e vravutiiuf, and driving him to the doom ot a "uici-le. [Applause] Says this counsellor of a murderous conspiracy, "the negro is just as fi to vole ua tim tail end ot a wheelbarrow,’ in.-uning thereby the lord working Irishman.— Ii i" lie not read the history ol the Emerald Inlet V. iv* he nothin" of her states me a, her scholars and her warriors V Has he never heard ot her orators, carrying multitudes captive with their re-hilesa power ol native eloquence? Of her l'''vt«, thrilling the heart* of humanity with their songs, and immortalizing the land ol their birth and tlie race Irom which they sprung* Must the co at and the gillcd and the good be thus in- Milled by ignorance and malice? I shall dismiss the unmanly reviler of geuiua from further con sideration, and it lie wishes to discuss the merits "• the irishman aud the Atrican, let him produce bom hi* negro pet* a record that will compare with that of tlie people he assails.” Stonewall Jackson—A Characteristic Incident.—in the Jitligioui Herald for this week -a find the following interesting incident In the id,- of <i. n T. J. Jackson, which give* us an in- ’•'-lit into some of the thoughts tlmt occupied 111* mind the day alter the great battle in which he ""ii the immmtal sobriquet ot “Stonewall” A |.-.v Java after tho first battle ot Manassas »u i Hirer, aiixion* crowd was assembled at tlie fi office in Lexington, Virginia, on tlie arrival i the mail. The greatest excitement prevailed, id thing* “iroin tlie troni" were eagerly sought after. The venerable Dr. While (pastor ol the Pres ton nun Church! took a teller from the post ol- ii' '-. and recognizing it as in tha handwriting ol It:.Tidier ticueral (tlterwarda “Stonewall”) I v i- hi, Ik- “ iid to the crowd, “ Here ia a letter in. u Ci-neral Jackson—now ive will Imvc full i i iiuilienlic imrticiilnr* ol the battle.” The "■ v-l ea rerly asked him tn read aloud, and I' 1, " I around to Itear the expected stirring 1 --hum the Held of conflict. He broke the " ' and to tlie gn .it disappointment of all, 1 -"oid only these lew lines ' Manama* Junction, July 82,1801. l/y />-,(/' t'atior—i remember that mvsub- ■'tnpiiun to Domestic 3lissions i* about due — • lease find enclosed $ri0. very truly, "T. .J. Jackson.” i. i* i Wi, i ' il1 ' 01 ' 1 •h ,! great bailie In whicli he bid played . eunspicuoiH a part—no lime or in- ''• l "'l , "*l( l" tell ol I hose lieroic deeds which I'.'i !'. r . forever, "dtoncwall Jack sou v.'J Uic-btO". "Oil Brigade''—but he could atlord ‘ himi l i i -end in hi.- pastor money which lie "‘Pmuuwd to the treabtiry if the Lord, teuehi ''"I tM* great snd good utsD U " hhdl many would do well to ,,t Vv-!, 1 1 iu j I li'!/,<. Uelemiz lb* cottou tat i. ‘ ■ ''I' ” P”'fi»'l upon tlie ground thst it la l , u , ' 1 im*teased to be a monopoly. U, and! Kln «' Viceroy, orcverfBa I'niieO "h'l'iy is no longer Irom the l, , i' as ihii . .‘ ‘ ''I'm Jndia, from whence, ere mu,mt j| -e’ 'he United BtaU-atuay even | i will I,, "" /.'•-'mat admits that tho treed- -lav-s, 1,1,1, i,v l ! y,,l , u a- iniv-li cotton as the in ii,, ,,‘ 1 ‘ " hnl-sion we did not expect n„,t "hr. B 4 why noty Tney hsvethe Tin,«s principle* in trade l And, from past experience to be a* Immutable as truth ltaelf, when strictlj carrlt out. They shall in tb* future, as In thspaat, b* faith full adhered to In thl* EstabUsbmant. Every article In this house must sell Itself, as we will not In any caae resort to the trick of - elllng one article at a sacrifice and ma king a double profit on something tlie. We guarantee every article we tell to be what It I* represented. Merchants are specially Invited to examine thl* stock l before purchasing elsewhere. We have always on hand F 11 E GRAYJACKET8, ' apleuald RESERVE STOCK In every Department, an i will sell them to Dealer* cheaper than they can lay them down from New York. Hpace will aot permit more than > mention of a few articles tn tha different Departments. And hoiv they Lived, Fought, sod Died for Dixie, WITH Inaidenta and Sketches of Life in tha Confederacy Send for circular*. Address , . JONES BROTHERS * CO., oclH—lm* Broad street. Atlanta, Ga. '*r«,n« half the crop *•’"'itim, U '""'dmiarthr the cxpcniMof , i; y. i ,(Ini,'"'"dtig hut theirIntepc* vuut t" 0 " Urg ,„ ' wahIng numbers, u> pn- •ww. ana bei„rr J f ,V ""i' ll a* was raised in ••»' that Kiev sted 'a l(! will not sd- ®TuJ$$ a. o. joilin. n. j. MKNzru. .'. w. ucnklxs. BURNET HOUSE CINCINNATI. OHIO A, C. J0SLIN A CO., Proprietors. 0 N im 8 «P ,e “'>*t. w« bought from Capt. 8r F. Miller the entire lease of furnltnre aud fixtures of tn* Burnet House, and we will continue the Hotel busi- neat In tbit well known establishment. A. C.' IOSLIN A CO. 1 steam, gas < AND WATER PIPES,] BOILER FLUES. And ill klndz of Brasa and Iron Fittings. Tools, Ac., for Steam and Oae Fitter's use. BF* The beat snd largest assortment In the city, and at graatly reduced prices. aend_for_Prlco_Llst. augffl—4a 47 PeyStTOt.NetYor?nr SALT! SALT! Liverpool Balt, Direct Importation, Always on hand and for sale by WENT * DAMKLH, —pl7—8m Joue<’ Block, biivaimali, Gti LIFE AND CAMPAIGNS OF CEN'L ROBIRT E. LEE. Hr Jans D. McCabe, Jr., of Va. Tha Standard Biography of the Grant Chieftain. I TS popularity la attested by the eale of oyer 10,000 co ulee In a single mouth, which 1s e sufficient gunruu- lee or Its superiority oyer all competitors. AGENTS WANTED.—Send tor Circulars and see onr terms, and a toll description of the work. Addreea NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., ocl*—dlmw8t Atlanta, (la. LA MIRAN0E8 FRENOH REMEDIES! Hav* Saved Thousand* all ovtr Xuropo! H AVING been lor n Professor La Mil and having been India country, lam now preperod to furuieb hie celebrated remedies Mr CONSUMPTION, RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA, Ac. I Also, tha Geaalne Imported Vitella, Health's Grand Beatorer ! The only certain cure for a conetttutinn shattered liy the excesses end abuses of yoatb. Do not he tampered with by Inexperienced pbyelclaue. Address your communications to Da. U, W. PEKNlElt, 185 West 471b Htreel, New York. Ativirz Ukatii.—But If yo* givo us the lull history of your case, the consultation fee of three dotlara should he enclosed. Ladles may addraas n* In toll eoufidencu. novH— 1y Important to Amateur Gardeners I This la the beat svaioti for p'sutlng STRA WBERRY PLANTS, BULBOUS ROOTS, FRUIT 4 ORNAMENTAL TREES. UR APES, ROSES, SHRUBS, VINES, de , Ac. (^Catalogues can be bad ftec of charge. Ordcreao- llclted and promptly illad. hr E. VAN (iOlDTHXGVKN, HotHeaHnral Agent. Whitehall Btreet, (Next door to John llyan's Dry Gouda Wtoru.i novH-at • Atlanta, Georgia DRKMN MAKING. VffBS. TEHIIUNK * Midi BLACKWELL offer their iu sanies# lo tho oadlet of Atlanta and Its vicinity, MMhtonabl* Orest Makars. JRoem la Rawaon'a Hulid sar^KaastsSsSsssi'sai^ m*. whi DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Black and Fancy Stun, Plain and Fancy Poplin*, French Merino*, Repz,Emprett Cloth*, All-Wool Deltinez, Chen* PopUnt, Alpzcraz, Bombazlnez, Mohalrz, Ac. HOUSE GOODS DEPARTMENT. 8,9,10, II, and 13-4 Bleached and Brown Hhtetlnga, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10-4 Bleached and Brown Table Linens, All the favorite brand* of Bleached end Brown bhtrtlngs, Napklua, Doylies, Towels, Mattelli Qufite, 41 Inch and 5-4 Pillow Caae Cotton. WOOLEN DEPARTMENT. Plain and TwUled Whit* Wtlah, Shaker, and American Flannels, Plain and Twilkd Red and Gray Flannals, A splendid aeeortment of Plain, Ptald, and Spotted Opera Flannels, (i-4 Black and Colored Clothe for Sncke and Cloaka, 8-4 Water-Proof Cloaking, 10,11, and 13-4 fin* All-Wool Ribbon-Bound Eng lish Bed Blankets, 500 pairs Brown, Bins, and Gray Blankets— all site* and qualUlaa. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT. 8wUe, Jacconet, Mull, Nalntoek, and Tarlaton Mneltna, Plaid and Striped Swiea Jacconet and Nainsook, Dotted Swlsz, fine Irish Ltnene, Heavy Irish Linen* for Lad!si' waar. Linen, Lawn, aud Cambric L. C. Handkerchief*. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. 6U) beautiful Cloaks, newest styla*. Havlnif made a specialty of this Dapartmant, wear* prepared to offer great Inducement*. AH onr Cloaka are made to order, and are consequently much channor than If bought of Jobbers. TbefikeTta. wril aVthJtowaet- priccd Cloak* manufactured can be found lnthlaaplen aid assortment. SHAWL DEPARTMENT. luun Long and bquara Shawls—Black, Ptald, and Fancy, fifty different style* and qualities, con slating or Freneh, Scotch, and American good* A large lot of Braakfkit Shawls, Bontags, Nubias, Hrarfs, Ac. For Boys and Gents’ Wear. Black French Broadcloth and Doeakiu, Gold and SUk-mlxad Caasimers, Scotch Twee and Caaalmerea, batttneta. North Carolina and Kentucky Jean* Kuglish Petersham Clotha, 6-4 Eng. Oxford Cloth DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. tuuo placet French, English, aid Americas Prlsu, IKK) pieces Field Ltaaey, 1U0 placet Bed Ticking, (SO piece* Denims, atrip**, Plaids, and Checks, Bale* of August* Shining*. Shatttagt, Otnahurga, Drilling*, French aud Scotch Ginghams SUNDRIES. Misses' and Ladle*' Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Pint French and Domestic Corsets, Ladle*' and Gent*' Paper Collars, Ladle*' English, German, and American Hot*. Mlessa' and Childrens' Wool and Merlao Boa*, Ladles' Marino Under Vast*, Gents' In* English Half Boat, Rllk and Prtntad Cotton Haadkarohiafo. Belts, Lac**, Embroider!at. Braids, Ac. Always oa head, a foil Its* of KOTIONB. JOHN M. GANNON, aap»- Corner WhitaAaU aad Knatar atreata. PRATTE, EDWARDS A CO., Commission Mercnants, Forsyth 8tre«t, Atlatnte, Oa. JN STORE AND TO ARRIVE: 30000 pounds Clear Sides, 16000 pounds Clear Rib Side*, 5000 ponnda Sbouldara, 85 barrel* Lard, 14000 ponnda Arrow Cotton Tie, 60 places Kentucky Bagging. 300 coUaRope, 50 barrais Roaendale Cement, 50 barrel* Lottiivllle Cement, 300 bags White Corn, 10 barrels Cider Vinegar, Cast Plow*, Manufactured Tobacco, Ac. ettad 04,11 0rd * r ' promp,ly an * d Conaignmenta toll «*pl6-8m PRATTE. EDWARDS A CO BOUQ-HT FOR CASH, STUlroctlj from the Imporfera and Mannfaotiu'ers.JB ‘iqiDoto j; 8 *8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 * S ii 8 * 8 8 S W w •qiuouj fi 8 8 8 8 8 3 8 ^88 2 a 8 il 5 8 ii f i 8 ¥0 qinotn 1 8 8 8 8 8 S"i 8 S"8 s s a ^ * 9 g 8 IS •»l»« 3 8 8 8'fe 8 * S 15 9 15 S : ’•am|i 9 8 OTTf : ! ‘ *» T* ; ; ; •reran q 8 8s 888: « « » K «fo ^ **• ^ •emu* a 8 2 8 8 8 : -» Mi 1- O CS fift m ** M remit V. 8 S S 8 S S : «4 ®9 *-0 * O 1# •••*11 R a s s s 2 s «* ■emu t ss88888iio w" ltTO °KX!«! 'eoranhg O O 3 5 e-e T# M* -w 0 5£> F» ?! Special Notices, 30 cents per line first Insertion, and 10 ceate per line for earh subsequent insertion. Advertisement* Inserted at Intervals to be charged at new each Insertion. Advertisements ordered to remain on any particular page, to he charged as new each Insertion. The money for advertising considered dne after first Insertion. All communications or letters on budneas intended for this office should be addressed to "Tut Atlakts Iethl- Liacitctn.” JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, ' Proprietor. OILS, LOOK AT THIS! 1 °.hTS5 Sf ‘hree atory BRICK HOUSE, and tha lot on which it stands, on Decatnr street. In the aengsr Depot 0 " 7 ’ 0B * huBdr * d lafda from the Pae- *«* Hones ha* FIFTEEN ROOMS, each with fireplace HS. tw .° u !8* windows ; a dining room 43 feet long, biylaftwo fireplaces It baa 14 closet*. All ncceetary out-bulldlnge an on the lot. The lot la large enough to builfl a good warehouse or other business house upon. ,h * A R- R It contain* five hun- area acres-thrn hundred acre* of it are in one body ®“ ‘ h * rlT «f. being rich river land—one hundred and *“!g/g**K£ cl y* r t d : It ha* fine water racUIiles.aud •to®* Pe#c “Orchard Ii on the place. Building* inode- ALbO, Ten Lota of laudju the Cherokee eountry, one tteing u WINDOW GLASS LEADS, “THE LIVE DRUG STORE KEDWINE & FOX | ComMndMun and Alabama Streets, " " Georgia. Atlanta, Putty. «” <0 * nrpoM", Our Prescription Department •cripttoai with —ttifRction, oeataest, and dispatch, at all hours. We are therefore abie to fill Pre- ocli—ly DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU EXAMINE OUR BTOCK AND UHICEq I REDWINE Sc FOX, i’uruer Whitehall and Alabama Stre^ta, Atlanta. Ga. Don’t Wash Another Week Without Baying — THE— 6REATE8T WONDER OF THE A8E! HALL’H UNIVKBHAL WASHING MACHINE!! 6PKCIAL NOTICE TO THE LADIES. I T b ® eB , W* »ud acknowledged that a Waahing Machine would yet be Invented that would be sim ple, cheap, and more effective than any of the Machine* *° ‘i 1 ® P u bfic. bitch a Machine is nov. offered without feer of competition. ••'■ ?“« w fP»n will do more with a Machine than • l * do without it. It will wash flv* dirty ablrta fenr w d .* coll "*> Perfectly clean in from four *9 e jjbt minutes—this we guarantee, or no sale. ,«• ** requires no akiU to operata it, as a girl 18 year* ONk’hOUR?' 1 (•« Atlanta) FOUR DOZK.VFIECKS IN r *7; at least one third less soap, and will pay for ltaelf every year In the earing of clothing, as It trie fa bric* that bank bills can be washed o‘ber machine can do. sell Uiem at e ” re “ Mavnluce In this place, and ahall TEN DOLLARS, •b**""®,Price thev are eold for in New York. There is - no Waahing Machine on the market that can be bought !° r ®t*“ t *ri®® the money, and no Machine that will oom P«ta with it In tho performance or it* wor -. The** Machine* an on exhibition in this citv at th. "m2 0 R f n , N °T H , I i. 30N AECHOLb'wLitehtllstreeL' St **“ “Sf P * t « n ‘ p or this remarkable Machine to all the Southern State*. Liberal inducements ro ia^,h!^rS. t ?K? tnt f mcD i «*'ring the excinelve righ- *°,?Wg®*¥f?buie» in countieeend district*, or btate, Call on, or addrese, t>. S. HENTLY A Cq., P n * “‘•ringing upon this Patent BlgStudfib'. \ Great Labor-Saving Machine. 1 5&kxe GLENN, WRIGHT & CARR, public. F. M. 8HEIBLY, J. A. STEWART, WM. WEST, JAMES NOBLE, Sn., G. W F. LAMPKIN, SAM. F. POWERS, gold lot that pays for working It. Thl* property WILL 11E SOLD, at eoine pi Ice. o»IL»t once on H. J. fioWART, Term. IT, Atlanta. Ga. WAILEY’S Holf.h'nstonluw, Wrought Iron BUCKLE TIE! roil COTTON HAlfEH, A«. Manufactured and for sale by S. B, LOW, Vnlcaii works, CHATTANOOGA TENNESSEE. Manufacturer, nt all kliidi. of Bar and Plantation Iron, Car and Bridge Bolts, Car Axis*, Ac. Above Tie and Iron for tale by oc8»—1m McNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO., Agent* for tbe Manufacturer*. MEADOR Ac BROTHERS, Tobacco Commission Merchants (UNDIB UtttllD STATII BOTZL,) ATLANTA GEORGIA. R ESPECTFULLY announce to tbe public that they „ k*«p conatantly on hand an eztensive aeeortment or all the leading brands known to tha trade, coneletlng in part, of RAGLAND'S VIRGIN, RAGLAND 8 VIRGINIA. RAGLAND'S HONEY-DEW, SETH HALSEY'S COMET, McCOBKLE A BOWMAN'S QUEEN OF TBE SOUTH, MILPER'S BLUFF CITY, PACE'S CB10LE, MATTHEWS A WEIGHT'S ROBE MOUNTAIN, HOLLAND'S GOLDEN AGE, and HOLLAND'S INDIAN QUEEN, ^AhK^aaaorted brand* of CIGABB and SMOKING TO AD of whteh are offered to the trad* on as accommo- datta^ t^ma as paichaatra wlH find alaewhare. JOHN W. NOllLf:, J. J. COHEN. t bought the first "Hull * Fnteut UnH-'craaf \Vaabing ,0 A, J» nU ' “d am now natng It tom? perfect aatiafitcUun, aud recommend it to ail aa a great I.ahor-baving Machine. Jins. CYNTHIA KILL* : , ,DIRECTIONS - for use. i _ Machine down into a common wash tub. by I n0,clle * Into the eldee, for the jonrnale to reet In* 1 nfI™ e • within one inch of the bottom of tbe tub fill wlthdiot water until the water covers the pebble* in the machine two inches; wet the clothes in warm water (il is hotter to eoak clothes over night,) then rub a liii t! soap on all the dirty place.; ili. ii put rife Soihea mlo tire machine with the pet>b)e«. and nlwaj still the roa cl.ineha f lull of riothca, shaking them out "a they aro r.-c fio flf'n lnn."!’ 'I'"' l '" 0i ,llru th ° w unk from ThJ^tSr " ®i9. ,v ;'" , ®? a y. ■ooiionuu- ieu uang uiu to rtrr. nptr of clotTios, as It breaki* tbe pcl»bfe« become brokoo. pick ilium out.’ JorMie by .JOHNSON & ECHOLS _may8— ll|)an1 ___WhUuhnll street. j\tianta t (ia. ATTRNTION FAMILIR8 I JUST received a foil assortment of choice FAMILY OROCERIEfi, BRANDIES, ESSENCES. SAUCES, JAB PICKLES, and PICK1LB la Barrels, PRUNES, CURRANTS, CITRON, RAMINS, NUTS, CANDIBH, SPICES, CAM FBCITn, CAN VXGBTABLEb, OYSTERS, LOBSTERS, SALMON, MACARONI, VRRMICILLA. SAGO TOPIOCA, ARROW ROOT, CHRRBR, CRAOKIRb, Extra Goshen RUTTER, TIAS, OOFFRES, SUGARS, BRIAKVART RACON, Re., Ac. novi-c ALBXARDMR « CARRRM, COTTON FACTORS, Storage and Commission merchants, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. SITUATED ALONG SIDE THE RAILROAD. ENABLES U8 TO RECEIVE AND SHIP FREE OF DRATAGE. OUR COTTON WAREHOUSE U °' ^ C,P1C “ y ’ ,h0r0n,,,,)r WS-noOF, and onr facilltle. for COTTON nneqnaled by any In the South. W. will Stora and toll Hnro, or .hip from tbit or any other point, to ROSTON, PHILADELPHIA, SAVANNAH, NEW TORE, HALTIMORE, CHARLESTON, ° r L,VB * POOI ‘' Making 0TUBEBAI, CASH ADVANCES.^! when desired a#a«OTcJ r col*2S7a{ j5SR,f auTn^MriSSyii-MjSSit of RevrauVra" bl1 ' 01 Udin ' f ' by Clllln * upon A ®' it an Important Cotton Sh.ip Cotton in Any WE SELL THE BEST IMPROVED COTTON QIN8. i Market. With Banking Direction *1 Alio, Bagging, Bone, aid Sweet's Patent Iroi Tie, tit Bat in Use. Portable Oriat SMUT MACHINES, for Maud. Horae, and ataam Power. TURBINE WATER-WHEELS, HICKS' STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS W# Receive and Sell on Commlttloni, all kind* of PRODUCE and PROVISIONS: Corn, OatB, Wheat, Flour, Baoon, Lard, Salt, &o„ &cc. Onr tocllltlet for Storing and Selling HAY are nninrpatavd. LIQUORS AND TOBACCO* IN LAROK Of Varlona brand* and qualities. SUPPLY ^ ^'•“*•‘6 0»”rgla and Alabama LIME, and Georgia ROOFING SLATE. Will be pitta*: to *U order* tor COTTON GOODS or other Merchandise. * CrLEWW, WRIGHT A CARR, ocK ~ g81 ATLANTA, GEOllUiA. T HE PUBLIC will bear In mind that the Intern . geuMrha* attaohed to Ita Printing Establishment, ' on* of the moat axteuafv* Blnderlee In tho State, wuti workmea superior to any, where all kinds of Baling and Binding I* executed with neattee* aad at moderate fig. Mr. c. IU. MINNICtt, Light Carriage and Wagon Maker, W Genua street, betwevu Face aud Eutaw, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. 1 AM prepared to execut* ail order* tor Carriage* and JVaffow. Repauiag seat with nutaeaV and “a — eels—Sm moo FOR IO CENTS. O NLY a few more aubacrihc are required to luanro the speedy leant of the Great Iliuerruted Paper, THE WEEKLY PM, appearance wiU reaembl* HARPER b tion **’*’ but ,n v * "* w111 f,r mnecend that pnbUca- THE PKESb W rir 1 ?ff l ? n ? 1>0<U f ne i‘,t of tl L® "P'rit of the age. "rifi aparkle with the geuloa of th* moet eminent writers of th* day. An ORIGINAL SERIAL STORY firet h nnmb*r brlUUnt ch,r * c,er wlu b ® commenced to th* THE ILLUSTRATIONS and uature lr * 1V or **' ntl ’ * nd ol,h * lno • , atlractive etyl ?j* K!®®t axpenae and labor Involved In title enterprla render It nece.aary that w* should start with *u ENORHOU8 CIRCULATION. loortfflo do thl*. we shall do te follow*: <h! m * l0U > w , ul 2e dlattibuted through 2ni^ tULnSKSP- * r ® r 7 * lv ®n uninber of paper* $m arlll be aUottad. Every copy of the PRESS wfu be en tL>?mSmSeekP t J![l? pp f^ ,h £ P*P er * containing the greenback*_will not be known by tbelr egternal ap- K?JSmon«ufSftr , *" WlU *“ T * “ w » n * 1 ch,ucu ta5^co^*aoftb?edi!lo’n 0 fo*ulefol| b w| l ng CIO, *^ l “ GIFTS r 6 Grand Pianos (Steinway' t Grand Ptaaoe, (Chickartii e, from O. Witty’i 10 5 Melodaona 10 Lady’l Gold Watches 10 American Blivet Watches... 6 Mule Bose* .) value !*,) valne Repository.. 300 150 I7u » MUBIU DUAS1 a? 2 Sl ,pt ! # ^Sefcffttxcb Sewing Machltiu!!!! 50 8 Wheeler A WUeon e bewlng Machine* ?5 * P 1 ?, 1 ?’ Sewlug Machiuei 45 50_Photograph Albums... ,,, The balance to conaiet of Accord*on.. Te* Seta,'silver JjarajAc^ No dollar Jewelry-no gift worth 1st* than raeatot of^^ ,0 any addreu upon tho u5S, P L? r AS’d“«y%r 0 S5 eleTenC0 ‘ ,le *^ 101 ^Sl'Wy- Addreaa, STUART A CO., novfi—Im No. 81 Broadway, New Tork’city. MoKGtRON Sc BOBBINS, Importers and Whole—1c Dealers lu DRCGft, NBDICVNBR, DnxggistB’ Faaoy Goods, <Sto., Sec., SI tad SB Fallow si.. New York. 'Si 833 ?“* of ••*« ‘6»««*t and bS^feSi.BiASg.iaaftas: HnEMiRE Q*on^aq it a ftleaaia ta tha v.SE^»i k JliS'T w,,a * u Tahkant’8 Gffeb- Of Ito effect* we would raythat thoMMeheTCam twu *^*‘® m '.'•t^Aand lnvlgoraio tho^weak* mltlgaiTth’ •n th*itomari'. cmvitk*hearlbun!* bow ® 1 *'•“••• * h « falling appetite, 0M,rW ’“ d mUJoStNgiiC 1 * proprtHo *^ Tork