The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, November 09, 1867, Image 3

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ffOt JlnUif ^ntrUiflmcrr. •\ i'IjAN 1 a, olohoia. Sntur mv Mornmn. Mov. O. n i hum >h Job Printing Office and Booh 1 " " , completeaade«leualv* U»lh» 1 l„ in • miiliT tin* mulrol of expert and * . ii „ will! I ho tateat aud moat 1 ' .. n,.m iho hoot maimfaetorle*. ami with ''",l ik "I »M H '» omaiuvula, cula, ' "." II l" to execute atary du ll...k jiii.l -l.ih Pi Inline, In Ihom.ial nrllallr ’ , ,,, .iir t wi-«.-.l I.) any ulhor almllnr ee- ., „i in.- South pi,.grammes, atirlinn hill", in veucs, deeds, cards, hi ■■ rh , , n ;,y variety of hlankaaru ’ , ,1 ,,'rirmaullhe style »• ihl* office. It la pro- . , t,. print ami bind |«ni|>hleta. books, briefs, ' ,1 I„.,.k*, t. ilk.-n., ole , III a aii|ierior mauner, “ 1 . OI.'I 'l.nMni! alao done; In fad. everythin* '1-0.1 m > Jot' printing ollloe. The |irlooa ..f any other establish- Irttl tloheta (iri-nlara. lua.llnjia. ! . . r * O.ltTrtlO antile Irion,la to amid In their or- 0 ",... an ato that ii baa boon Ibo citatum of many |,ill* of printliii! mini In New York at ' ^. are |.urohaa«il. Thla they have a ! “ |,I I.,.'Ill no ixoioat ttial It la an Illiberal 11„- ini.-. - no,barge are but a amall adranea on .( y n l. ik. amt hence there can bo littlecanee ".'iil.'alut on it,at aero Healdoa, printing eetahltab- , tiuim i iui»!o.uM iii thorn, do not nuud to New ' 'jYnM tv muunlity th»t cun bo pnrch**od la At ‘ llur fr.« udf *ro roquonted not to Iom eight of tho A 4|ioll rv .s»nr.,5 upon thorn to ®u®tata Acme Inetlht liitolllti«'nrcr Kubicrlpilon Hale*. i ,u\ lMti.t n.r\» eh, per annum,. $10 OB i**u t 1>TEUuikn* eh, i*ix Hiontlia,.. .... . 6 OJ , \ lsTBiaUuBHoKR, one month, 1 011 ,v n ki \ l>rtt LtoKNOKB, per auuum, ii t4l utistv Ist»:lu«knoki», *ii month®,.... V IRI v Hjf oopioo at the counter, 10 cent# ; to uew® twyn i, t:.t tjUitutity,5cent®. Inlelllnelirer AtUeriftaltig HnCen. , v dollar per pqunre for the flr«t insertion. [For con- ■ • silurti-eineut® eec the rdiedulo of rate* on the Aral from which then* i® uo departure iu any instance.] \ ; . r t>,".rents under tho head of** Special Notice®" in- . .inUt.o cent® per line; under the head of *' Luca , : cents per Hue, for the tlrat insertion, and :; th >sr rates for each subsequent insertion. Marriage ,;.vi iv. li notices $1 each. Obituary uotices charged a® l( advertieemeuts, according to length Vue Weekly Intxi iiuxhcer i,.- . »^*e clreutatluu throughout tho rurni regions, 4l .j ,u the country towus, and may, therefore, be ct»u- »iJi',cvl a good m. dium for the morchania of Atlanta, • • i.iuors. to make knowu their bu®lucss. »MT iitHillNH fee a. W. AOAft’b ffdrarUaamant of u Ibml- ■mno Went End HcalileocM," Building Lote, Mansion*, Cottage*. Ac. In ererjr part oftlm city. Gl»e him a call and wa warrant lie will aupiily your wanu at naannable priem. Notice alao that the wall known Arm of D. P. Ki.rhino ® Co. No. 8 Hayne, corner ol Church alrcvl, Charlaaton, South Carolina, offer lor ml a direct front the mannfkctoriM, IMM Caaua llmita and Shorn, at lha lowcat market prices. Sea advcrtlaament LOCAL NOTICKM. UrUtiAHuiANa, Executor*, and Adminis trators are remladad that lha late military Order No. 4a dona not apply to them. It haa burn the cualom huh- erlo, lu a areal many Inatanrca, fur amh persenato trails- act Ihulr advcitlalng bualueaa through the Ordluarlca of their cnuntlaa. Thla hae been a maltor of |wr*ona1 eon- voulunce, and not a requirement of the law, and lienee anch of onr old aa may wlah In cnnttuiiu ad vurtlalua In thla lonraal auoh maltum, are al liberty to do to. We ehall, aa formerly, be glad tn receive aurb boelueee favor*. Onr terma remain the Mine. HOTKL ARRIVALS, t'NITBD KTATKI HOTEL. wniT.KKH a s.sslti If. H. Tunur, VM. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER.9. 18117. Wm (lleaaou, III J F Moreland. Ua Hobl FUkioe. Ill R E White, (la Kev 8 lien, diet & eon, Ga J B McDaulel. Ga Mlm I'lcavulaml.Ga A C Carrall, Tcun K i'.i Kuubro, il» T A Barrert, (lit J T Waggam. Tenn M (luUlemilti, S C I'HorniiTuna A Laugderaul, Ga DHelgher, Tenu .1 M Richaida, Kla lady A) Mtaal .. . II W Morgan. Ua W II Glaze, (la 1) Cuivut, Ky J T Reeae, lady A1 chit, GaMre Colee, Ga .1 I) Rerihune. NO Lewi. II Hall, Ua H (1 Harper, (la Mra (lullirl.-, Ua W A Howard, Ar, Ua The Following are Members of Robluaon'e Show. i Hohlnenn, Sr, Fro W H Hough, ,lno Robinaen, Jr U N Uobiueou, Jae Uoblnaon Fruk Robinson Jno LoWlord Tboa (Knham Mra J Robinson Jr Mr J D Kobinaoa Mra J D Robinaou M'llc Alice Mlta A Rowiy La Petite Meg Commercial Xnttllifene®. Atlanta mark*! Ripen. SATcauav, Noy. Frlrea In Ihla awrket remain aa follow.: wnoi.aaai.i rntvia. Corn.—While Corn • •- Mixed or Yellow • - New, from wagou* .. Ml • 100 Baiun— Shoulder* • 10J6 Plain llama 88 O 83 Canvass Hiigar-Cnrotl llama 83 a 88 Clear Ribbed Bide* O IOM Clear Bides tt 80 I.ahii — lu Barrels tt 18 In Keg* and Uui* tt I" Viiminia Halt.—Per sack 8 75 Liverpool Halt tt 8 80 Flour.—Now Family, aacks of MB t>. .. 7 UO 0 7 80 Extra .. A U0 0880 Superfine .. 8 80 0600 Shall Ukain.—Bye,per bushel a l *> 0*1* 76 O 60 Wiikat—Prime While .. 180 0 8 00 Prime lied .. 3 10 tt 0 80 IIav, per rwt .. 1 80 • 1 78 Bauuinu.—Gunny ... 3(1 tt 88 ■lump tt 80 Ron— Machine a u Hand made am Iron Tl«*.—per •> tt 11 OsNABUMS 1H tt 10 SlIIIITINOS.—Ij 18 tt Id HnatTiNo.—41 ... 14)40 »J4 Cotton Yarns ... 1 «6 tt 1 76 Ilinas.—Dry tt IT Green tt 8 Linn.—per bid .. 8 60 tt 8 00 Slat* ItooriNe — per eq are 11 80 Gold,—Buying at 3T cents; sailing at 40 cants. SllTar.—Buying at M cents; selling nt 88 cents. a wn a-tiiew, ua Mra Franklin, (la Wm Thompson. Md .1 Carrall, New York t> K Thomaa, (la Mesera Voge A Agert. Metre Fuse A Ebne ' A Caeipbell Jno Wilaon George Sloman Mona Caatello J Johnson John Osborn Henry Banmnl Win Thomeou 3 Carroll B Al Stevens HYMENEAL. RLDER -PITTMAN.—Married, on Thursday evening, November 7tb, lMf. at the residence of Daniel PlUmaa, Keq , by the Rev. 0. C. Uornady, Mr. W. R. IlDin, or Campbell eoanty, Ga., and Mlaa Am Firms, of thla city. nova—H .SPECIAL NOTICES. K3*lir»rirla Ntato liOtlary, tor tho Pane- Ht or tbc orphans' Home. Combination Class, No. til). Tho following were tho drawn numbers, Novem. i her 8. 1SG7: I 86-61—87—48-88—64—18—6—17—04—71-11 I unvtt—It BOYD, WILBON A CO„ Managers, NATIONAL HOTEL, .I'liurmi'.'ion. Acrldent. A most untortuiiiitc uccUk-nt occurred on yea- do iiltcinoon at about two o’clock, nt the quarry ,,n Peachtree street, kuowu ns Peters' quarry, by which s Mr. William Vaughn, was severely iu- Min-l l.y a premature explosion ol powder in blasting rock. Dr. Lewis II. Orme, who waa .-iillcii to attend the unfortunate man, assisted by L)u. Henry Orme, Asher, and Burrow, amputa ted both his arms, one at the elbow and the olh- u seven indies above the wrist, ll is thougnt that the sufferer will recover, bnt with the dread- mi loss to which wc have referred. The owner ot the quarry, we learn, was also injured but not seriously. Le Petit Tinkle Bell. I mi is the title of a musical composition, re- i- ftvcd at this office, consisting ot eight lull pages, composed expressly lor the purpose of testing the uiiilitt I “ Blind Tom,’’ on Friday, September bill, itjoT, at Concert lint I, Philadelphia, by the author, August Strate, betnre a very large and l.oLioniible audience. “Tom" hearing it once pl.-tyed by tlie author, immediately executed the pin-e in the most masterly style, which was ad milted by nil to be oue ot the most astonishing ti,in.m ever witnessed by the first musical talent in that city. lid- piece having created so much interest, is jn=l published at .Marsh & Co.'s music store, No. Chestnut street, by permission of the au thor, and Mr. Howard, .Musical Guardian ol “Blind Tom.” Price, 00 ceuls. Wc shall turn the music over lo some one ot our (air readers in Atlanta, that wc may be pre pared to pass judgment upon it alter hearing it played. Itoliluivoii’a Mammoth t lrrua. i hi: uuiiT mow or the sue. I’liiietind to time, this Mammoth Show reach ed urn city yesterday morning, and preceded by i' . tn igniiiecnt band “discoursing sweet music" the principal performers in the “ring," ladies and ii- iitii-nn n, splendidly attired and magnificently mounted, paraded over our principal streets ad- mind In the thousands, grave and gav, old and i.-uiig, that gazed upon tlie brilliant spectacle.— "i ij n John Komnson,” in the Circus and Show business, cannot be heat. 11c is always welcome i" Atlanta, for lie is always at the bead of the t lialiu-t mid most popular company of equestri ennes and equestrians, that can he found in America, while his "Kgyplian Caravan” is al- ways wonderfully attractive. We have not yet been In the great .show, but expect lobe there ihc first opportunity, as almost everybody else does in our city. Wc shall say more of it when we see it. Sinn- writing Hie ioregoiug, we have seen the great show. Under the largest canvass we have ever seen spread, thousandi lust night, as well as mirself. witnessed the performance ot “Old John itoui.vson's” great equestrian company, with immense satisfaction. Where all did so well, we ti-i-l disinclined, at the late hour especially in which we peu this brief notice, to discriminate, tmflie it to say the immense audience were de lighted with the performances throughout, which they manifested by tire heartiest applause. Pre vious lu the circus performance, the magnificent menagerie u( wild animals and collection of wild hints underwent the inspection of lbs audience. Ail hi-i mill interested, anil many delighted with tins part of the show. Wc have never seen as many persons present at any previous Circus pcrlornmiico in this city, as were present last night. We estimate the audience at little, ii any, less than five thousand. Excellent order prevailed throughout the whole performance. T rty years of experience have not been lost up- mi Hie ckiiphiktoh ot lids great show. Hu knows how- to “ran a show" it auybudy does, and Ims a large number of warm personal hii inis in ihu South, uot a few of whom may be Mild in Atlanta There will be a perlormattce litis afternoon at two ii clock, and ugaiu at uiglit. We doubt not Hint tlie immense canvass will again have thou- i-.ftii Is under it on each occasion. «. A JI tidies I CnnveMtlou. 1 l,e physicians of the Ntato ol Georgia are re- quested to meet in Convention, iu Atlanta, on the Sfilii, day of November, 1807, at the City Hall, at 10 o’clock, lor tlte purpose of organising » State Branch of the Medical Association ot fee United Stales ol America. All physiciaua, "I Ttijulitily rhiirleml Medical Colleges, may be- 'mite members by paying the initiation and Di ploma fees Uy order ol the Association. I. .1. M. Goss, M. 1). V ice President lor Georgia. hliei papers will please copy. November fi, 1807. ♦ The Ladles' Home IlIHlII. unlive the loilowliig announcement In the U '"* U'i.rlle ol ibis lieimilig's date : 1,1 nut tTiii.Mii — We have this day Irani i | , r , i] Urn Ludii h' Home Gazette to Messrs, bcolt ’".‘ I I’liiiiiun, proprietors ot “Scott’s Magazine.” 1 ll 'jsarrangement Hie Gazette is merged i. ,! ! .Magazine, with which our subscribers ■ -m m,h,line he supplied regularly until their l"D'l "iioiipij„ llS NU || imvo expired. Tteail- ('"in u'is will he carefully aud odvan- , ' ' "'l.V liilhlieil tliroiigli tin* pages of the U. D. Harris, Clerk. FIUDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1807. t H Handy, Tumi W H Goddard, Teiaa "Komreopatby i Am Explanation or Wb*t It la—with tha design of eor- ructlng exlattng orroneoaa impressions concerning It, and of showing Its claims to be regarded aa the superior method of medical practice." By F. H. Onxs, M. D. Price SO rents. For sale by Phillips A Craw. nov8—8t A B i'lnricu, Ga K T PilltUmry, Ga Dr. M l) Mooney, Ga F O Welch, Albany Col. B Smith, Albany M T Summer, Ala H W Kremau, Macon 1 F Warren, Ala I F Johnson, N Y I C Griffin, Vs C B Spillman, Md D J Smith, Md Jr. A Jobe, N O GWTerby, NY IT Rowland, lady A child, W White. Ala Georgia T D Leers, N Y I M Oulmsn, Ga G Leaiwsler, N C I M Ramsey, N Y G H Ham nor, N Y W L Daulev, Ga L M Dyer, Oh U A Elba, N Y Mies Maya, Ga H C Haslett, N Y F T Witte, N Y JW Kidd, NY Mrs. J M Satble A ton, Ga AMERICAN HOTEL wairs a waiTtocn PBormtToHa FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 18(17. J M Coleman, Gt OR Logan, Marietta J R Knott, Ga * ” " ’’ J M Barnwell A wife, Ga H T Finley, GreeuvUle J B Phullpa, LaGrange R K Bryan, Dehlouega G McCue, S C H W Goodwin, Ga J S Freeman, Boston. J J Green, Ait 11 M Thomaa, S V J W Kuubro, C'tesvllle. R H McLeod A son, Ga S C Lowley, South Am. 3 Henry A lady, Ohio i) F Wilcox A wife, Qa M W Mount A lamlly, (is J D Shannon, Ky T Bowden, Ky I, E Moore, W A A It H B F George, Decatur P H Howard, Memphis MINIATURE ALMANAC FOB NOVEMBER. SATURDAY NOVEMBER tf. Sun Rises.... d.ilS ;Sun Set* 5.0! Moon feta fth, torn moruiug. PHaass or THE MOON. Fuat Quarter—4d. »h. Wm. morning. Full Moon—ltd. 8h. dm. evening. sr—lsd. llh. 58m. moruti -Ibid. Oh. 3m. morning. jTjiv Look Horo.—€lalo Clip Loam sad Bn tiding Association meets Saturday Bight next, Ath luttent, at Judge Smlth’e office,over Lovejoy’e More. Payments may be made at the Atlanta National Bank. J- R- WALLACE, Pres. N. It., Sec’y, nov7-tt |^2^Tilley< Brown A Co. fcovo on linnA 78 piece* of heavy Jeans, which thay ate of fering at very low agnree, ;by the piece. la order to close out their prceent stock of Dry Goode by aezt Feb ruary,they will tell all good* at,and even below New York coat. Buyer* will flndltto their interest to examine this stock before nuking tholr purchases elsewhere, nov.-v—lw H. G. BETjT GROOKR AND GOIMISSION MERCHANT, DEALER IN FROVIWIONN AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF COUNTRY PRODUCE Below Roark’s Corner, WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA, GA. THE NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON, 1807, 3. J. Decatur Street, - - • Four Doors Below Old Masonic Hod. o M O > H e 30 0» H 30 m m H I l®ko iiIommiim* tn Informing tin* 4*it iron® of Atltnta and tlio HiirrounilinM rountry Hint I Imve rut nr dpi I from New York with n VRRD1NAND FHINIEY. C. B. PBIMIEY. I. M. BURDRLL. F. PHINIZY & CO., COTTON FACTOR® AND Gommission Merchants, At their New Fire-Proof Warehouse, JACKSON STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. och—8m rs* Oranxee I Oranges 11—-Seventeen Barrels Freeh Bweet Oranges for eale cheap, to cloee consignment. octS4- J. M. A J. C. ALEXANDER. A Cough, a Cold, or a Sore Throat, Requires Immedlato attention, end should be checked. If allowed to contlnne. Irritation of the Lunge, a Permanent Throat Disease, or Consumption, Is ottfii the result. BROWN S BRONCHIAL TROCHES Havings direct intluence on the parts, give immediate relief. Fur Jiivnchills, Asthma, Catarrh. Consumptive and Throat IHscuse*. Troches are need with always good success. singers and Public Bpeakers use tbera to clear and atreuctheu the voice. , , Obtain only “Bkown’r Bronchui. Troches” aud do rot take any of tho worthless Imitations that may be of- fered. Hold evehtwreke. oc.»)-eod4m l^nMri, Winslow's Noothln* Syrup for Children Teething, greatly facilitates the pro cess of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all In- dammattou—will alley ell pain and tpaimodlc action, and la sure to regulate the bowels. Depend npon It, mo thers, It will give rest to yourselves, end relief end health to your infants. We have put up and told this article for years, and can say In cnnlldence and truth of It what we have naver been able to tay of any other medicine—never haa It tilled In e single Instance to effect s ears, when timely need. Ne ver did we know tn Instance of dieaetlilhctlon by any one who naed It. On the contrary, all are delighted with its operation, and apeak In terma of commendation of lta magical effect# and medical virtue*. We speak In this matter “what we do know," after year* of experience, ami pledge our repuUtlon for the fUAUment of whet we here declare. In elmoet every Instance where the Intent is sintering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found In fifteen or twenty minutes after the eyrnp It admlnia. tered. Full direction* for using will accompany etch bottle. Be sure to call for “Mra. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,” having the Ihc-almtle of “Curtle A Perkins" on the out side wrapper. All others are baae imitations. Hold by druggists throughout the world. Price, only 85 cents per Ivottle. offices:—SIS Fulton atreet, New York; SU# High Hoi born, London, England; 441 St. Panl atreet, Montreal, Canada^ »ep4—ttm ijLuv or Humanity, In relation lo Social Kvtla.—An Essay for Yonng Men, on Physiological Errors and Abuses Incident to Youth and Early Manhood, with the humane view of treatment and cure. Sent In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. BKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Asso ciation, Philadelphia, Pa. sep>6—8m J. M. DAVIS & CIO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, No. 155 Main St., - - - Louisville, Ky. 8moking Tobacco aud Cigars. CHOICE LOT of Smoking Tobacco and Clgart, ■ factory prices, to close out consignment. } V PRATTE, EDWAKDS & CO. NUHAR. ,-y (. BBI.S GRANULATED SUGAR, prime article. Ate) For sale cheap ' novl—lit > to close consignment. PIIATTE, EDWARDS A CO. GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. FALL TRADE OF 1807. W. W. CHAPMAN. J. W. RUCK1K. CHAPMAN, RUCKER A CO., Whitehall Street. FA8T EXPRE88 LINE TO THE NORTH! ATLANTIC* COAST LINE RAILWAY ! A NEW AND FAST SCHEDULE ! t Now In operation, with complete and continuous connection* from NEW ORLCANS, MOBILE, and MONTGOMERY, Yla ATLANTA, (or via COLUMBUS, MACON and MILLBN,) to AUGUSTA; Thence via ; KINGSVILLE. WILMINGTON, and WELDON, —TO— RICUMOND, WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE, PH1LA DELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOBTON, And all Principal Point* North rer.No omnibus transfers now at Petersbnrg or Rich- mond. Trains iuu through from Weldon to Acqnla 1 a‘i WELDON, passengers hava choice of th* following Ruuies, via - CHMSFrXLD AXD ANAMKSSIC LINK. WASHINGTON OR INLAND LINK, BALTIMORE OR OLD BAT LINE. XWTickets good by either Ronte.^R H WKLYKaT. Wedding, aud Bualnw* Card* “'J’*■ 'haart, with dlapateh, AVINO added another member and additional capl- our firm, w* are now extsnatvely engaged In the Commission, WX WILL DISL IN Bacon, Flour, Corn, Lard, Coffao, Sugar, Molasaas A Syrups, And every article nantlly found In a drat data Grocery Mure, AT WHOLESALE EXCLOSIVELT. ,mr—Hia otty and Country Trade are iuvlled lu call aud exainln* onr atock before purchasing elsewhere. oc8—Rm . WAILEY’S Meir.k'antanliiB. Wrouglil Hum BUCKLE TIE! |,'l) H COTTON UAL UG, dko. Mauufaclared and for sal* by 8.8, LOW, Vulcan works, CHATTANOOGA, • • • • TENNB.RMM Manufacturers of all kind* of Bar and Plantation Iran, Car aud Bridge Moll*, c*r Aile*, *c. Above ‘lie aud Iruu fur ale by MuNAUGIIT, URMOND A CO . •rW-lm Agents for the Mannfoctnrere. THROUGH FAST GOING via Wilmington, Weldon, Richmond, and Washington. LEAVE New Orleans Mobile Montgomery Culumbns Macon Atlanta AUGUSTA Kingsville Wilmington Weldon Petersburg. Richmond Washington . . ‘Portsmouth llaltlmure Crlsfield. Md. EXPRESS TRAIN NORTH, via Wilmington, Weldon, Portsmouth and Crl afield, (Auoamesatc.) 4.(0 p. ni 8.80 p. m , b ill a m 18.48 p. m 6.88 p.m fi.4fip.m.. . 8.40 u. m 11.80*. m 8.80 p. m 6.80 s. m 6.46 a. m 11.10 a. m . 7.00 p. m .... (Midp.ui 4.00 p. . 8.80 p. . 6.00 U. I 18.48 p. . 6.86 p. 6.45 p. . 3.40 a. .11.30 a. . 8.80 p. r.iua. 6.U0 p. ..UA7p. .. 1.30*. 6.80 a. West Philadelphia.. N. York (arrive) a. m -■•••• , •To go North by Old Bay Lins, lave Portsmouth 7.1 p. in. . Passengers by this route retch Now York M soon by any other, sod 18 hour* In advance of the Columl Danville, and Richmond isirBAaaAac checked though. Elegant Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains, Traveling Agent, nov&--6a P. H. LANODON, Ueuertl Bonlhum Agent LARGE anil WELL SELECTED STOCK Of MILLINERY GOODS Unequalled In Choice Variety and Cheapness, comprising tin- LATEST J?_A.IiISIA.N NOVELTIES. Also Hilks, Velvets. Ribbons,Crapes, Laces, I.lnslous,Hnclies, Blonds, Nets, Embroideries, Ornaments, Fringes French Flowers, Ostrich and Fancy Feathers In great variety, Dress Buttons, Nallliesds, and Trimmings of every description. Also, a complete slock of Di-c-hh Hoods, Fancy Goods, ItalnioiuU and Hoop Hkli-tH. WOOLKN DODDS kreti variety. A most snpsrb stock of CLOAKS in nil the uiosl fashionable d<- signs. Par' ‘ ' " " J “ “ Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, In gral variety. A most anp Particular situation la called to my most niasuificent selection of Shawls, Sontags, Nubias, and Hoods of Every Description, Together with e large stock of ENGLISH AND FRENCH CLOAKINGS, METTONS, CLOTHS. Ac. Ac Especially would I call the attention of the ladies to my most beautiful selection or HUMAN HAIR, CURLS. SWITCH®® WATKRFALL8, Ac. Thu Novelties of the season, a ImndJome variety of FUltftrand many otherarllcrea too numerous lo mention. . , Having bought my goods exclusively for caeh, and since the late decline, I am confident thntl can ofler great Inducements, and request yon to examine my stock before purchasing else* bere. Remember the place, AxnYxaads -v AHamnnc oct8»—tlljena# HO! FOR CHRISTMAS TIMES! MAKE THE HEARTS Little Ones Glad! HAVE ON HAND AND FOR SALE: BBLS PUGH'S BOURBON COUNTY WHISiKY- 6 year* old. S4U0 BBLS MILLER'S WHISKY, *W BBLS MATTINGLY WHISKY. 2U0 BBLS McBRAYER'S WHISKY. 300 BBLS SIMPSON’S BOURBON, 7fi BBLS DIADEM WHISKY. 60 BBLS PEARL WHISKY, 7fi BBLS OLD KY. WHISKY. 75 BBLS OLD VA. RYE. Ml BBLS MOUNTAIN DEW RYE. oc3t—lm "SANTA CLAUS' Hz..-: ARRIVED I JACK’S TOY EMPORIUM WHITEHALL STREET. In addition to my unexampled assortment of CANDIES, both Plain and Fancy, and mv CAKES, BREAD, and CRACKERS, a part of the former, and all of the latter manufactured at my Establishment, I now hava on hand for Inspection, a tremendous stock of MAGNIFICENT TOYS! Wintry Wwifefy. Major General Jem Pops, U. §. A., commanding Third Military Dfetrlet (Georgia, Florid*, and Alabem*.)- Offlce at Headquarter!, on Marietta street. Colonel J. P. Muum, Chief of Bureau of Civil Affairs, and (I a oral Inspector of Registration for Third Mili tary District. Office at Headquarters. Brev't Brigadier-General Wa. McKuu Duror, Assistant Judge Advocate General U. 8. A., Jndge Advocate Third Military District. Office at Headquarters. Lieutenant-Colonel B. McK. llirnson, U. 8. A., Aeelatant Inspector General. Office at Headquarter*. Captain O. K. Baauiaoon, U. H. A., Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Office at U -adquarteri Brev't Brigadier General J. J. Mii.iial-, Surgeon II. S. A. Medical Director Third Mllllary District. Office corner Broad aud Marietta atreet*. Brev't Brigadier General Hums Hsxtkk, Chief quarter master. Office at Headquarters. Brev't Llaatonant Colonel II. 3. Fakxbwoutii, Depot quartermaster. Office Forsyth street, near Railroad. Brev't Captain C. A. RooKwmx, Chief Ordnance Officer. Office comer Broad and Marietta streets. Major E. D. Judd, P. M. U. S. A., Chief Pay Master and Disbursing Officer Third Military District. Office for tier Brood and Marietta streets. Lieutenant C. S., Post quartermaster and Com mlsaary Subsistence, Office Willingham Building, cor- ner Ivy and Decator streets. Brev't Major Wa. II. Smttuc, Captain lfitli U. H. Infan try, Acting Aatiatont Judge Advocate General. Office at Headquarter*. Brev't Major T. C. StiLMVAK, (1. S. United States Army, Chief Commissary of Subsistence. Office, Room No I Willingham Buildings, earner of Decatur and Ivy streets. Brev't Major Fud. Moskbach, V. II. Sub-Aatt. Com. Hub-District, Atlanta Bureau H. F. and A. L. Office in Granite Block, No. 1, room No. 5. POST OP ATLANTA, Composed of the conntics of Cobb, Fnltou, Campbell. Carroll, Coweta, Heard, Fayette, Clayton, Spalding, Henry, Newton, DeKalh, Milton, Gwinnelt and Butts. Brev't Brigadier General Tuonas II. Ri-oub, Colonel :t(d United States lufantry, commanding Post. Head- quarters, room No. 3 Willingham Building, corner of Itecatur and Ivy streets, Atlanta, Oa. Brev't Captain O. C. Knapp, lat Ltentenant 33d U. S. In lantry, Post Adjutant. Office at Headquarters. First Lieutenant C. 8., 16th U. S. Infantry, Act- ing Assistant Quartermaster and Acting Commissary Subsistence Post. Office, room No. 7 Willingham Building. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. FOR THE TEAR 1807, I. E. WUiiame, Mayor 13,00(1 S. B. Love, Clerk of Council l.CtKi J. T. Glenn, City Attorney 600 Robert M. Farrar, City Treasurer bdO E. J. Koache,Clty Physician S Jus. F. Cooper, City Engineer Ilobt. Crawford, Commissioner of Public Works. George Stewart,Overseer of Streets Jo. 8. Smith, Tax Kccclvcr and Collector Pat. Pitzgihunn, Hull-Keeper wa. alde"I7men. tost wans. M. T. Castleberry, ltichard Peters SECOND WARD. fe K Reweou, A. W. Mitchell. THIRD WARD. George W. Terry, W. C. Andersen. rouuTn WARD.. J E. Gullatt, W.B.Cox. riFTR WARD. ■J. A. Hayden, E W. Holland. POLICE DEPARTMENT P. Thomas, Chief Marshal #1.600 C. Murphy. Deputy Marshal 1,300 L. Johnson, 1st Lieutenant ol Police 1.600 C Mnrphy.Sd Lieutenant of Police 1.006 roLICININ—(#2 35 PER DAT.) 1,000 1,6(10 1,000 DRUM.I Furniture Sets! WAX DOLLS! uorxcjxu HALLS /a WAGON» ! invite City aud Country Dealers to call and purchase their Slocks for the CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS! ; is the largest ever brought to Georgia, and for beauty, challenges competition : aud 1 purchased it with a t oHIlfing orders "for every town and village’in upper Georgia COTTON WAREHOUSE. Liberal Cash Advauoos! For the vile Dealers ties. HEADQUARTERS OF “OLD SANTA CLADS!" •next two month®, my K®tahli«emeut will be the “headquarter*;’ of the above Individual. We in- i to call in time to make their selection* for the ttockiu^e of all the little, ones iu their respective locall TIMBS ! and do nojlose sight ofthefact that JACK-eTOY street, is the place Send your orders, or come yourself. to make your purchases for the Christmas Holidays. oc-JA—tfijanl Clerk of First Market—Theophilna Harris. Clerk of Second Market—Frank T. Ryan. Sexton—G. A. Pilgrim. City Assessors—R. 8. Waters, W.c. Humphries, and , F. Wood. Assessor of Land takeu for Opening Streets— Levi c. Wells, sndF. P. Rice, STANDINO COMMITTHS OP THK CITY COUNCIl, FOR TXk FISCAL TEAR 1667. Finance—Peters, Mitchell Rawson. Ordinance—Mitchell, Hayden, Peters. Streets and Sidewalks—Gullstt, Rawson, Hayden. Wells, Pumps and Cisterns—Cox, Anderson, Cattle- "err.v. __ nd Gas—Hayden, Terry, Peters, lastleberry, Rawson, Terry, Gullatt, Hayden. -Hayden, Castleberry. Holland Fire Department—Gullatt, Cox, Terry Police—Rawson, Cox, Anderson. Cemetery—Terry, Mitchell, Rawson. Public Buildings and Grounds—Anderson. Terry, Pe ers. GEORGIA, Henry Countt. a HA R. BROWN, administrator on the estate of Henry Stokes, late of said county, deceased, applies to 1 f rHDKCB, JRIC Ul MIU COIIUIJ. UCLCUntti, ojh/ih o lor letters of dismission from said administration These are therefore to give notice to all personae rerued. to file their objections In my office, in termso Hie law, if any they have, why said applicant should uo receive letter* of dismission as prayed for. Given unde my hand and official signature, May 33, UK17. may.ftl—lamfini q. R. NOLAN, Ordinary. Printer* fee $4.50 P. I. M’DANIIL. ». P. GEORGIA* Clayton County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. T homas Johnson, administrator or coiviiie a. Crumble, represent * to the Court in hi* petition, duly filed and entered on record,‘that he 1m* fully admin istered Colville A. Cromble’* estate— These are therefore to notify all peraon* concerned to ■how cause, if any they have, in term* of the law, why Bald administrator should not be discharged from hi* administration, and receive letters of dismission on the drat Monday in November next. May 7,180*7. C. A. DOLLAR, Ordinary mayl4—lamfim Printer’* fee $4 60 MCDANIEL, STRONG & GO., COTTON WAREHOUSE -AND— COMMISSION MEHCHANTS, Corner Prior and Hunter Streets, In sight of th* Passenger Depot, and soar the United Btatee and Americas Hotel*, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. GEORGIA. Gwinnett Counit. G EORUK W. MILLS, administrator on the estate ol CinthiaA. i.Uls, deceased, represents lo tho court iu hie petition, duly filed and entered on record, that be has fully administered said estate— This (a therefore to cite all person* concerned, kin dred aud creditor*, to ahow cause, If any they can. why- said administrator should not be discharged from his ad ministration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday In December, 1867. Given under my band and official a,g«.ure. “‘VWkSTRAW, Ordinary. raaySh—lamfim Printer's fee 64 60 vxtb Invito the attention or PLANTERS, and all oth- •ra who deal In COTTON, to tha fact that we are now of fering as great fhcUitlaa and Indncauanta for tha 8TO; RAQB end SALK of thalr COTTON tn Atlanta a* can ha afforded than In any other market. Oar Warehouse is Unsurpassed In tha State, being large and commodlona, aceaaaibla to the vailona Railroads, completely sheltered, end almost entirely fire-proof. We particularly direct their attention to the fact that Atlanta le note a CWfen Markst. where the staple can al ways be disposed ot at a* high prices, relatively, tain any other—leaving to th* various Planters on th* lines of the different Railroad* leading Into Atlanta, no Induce ment to ship beyond. To all parties residing In this Collection District who may desire to ship to os, we will furnish th* permit of th* Collector to make anch shipment without pro-pay- mtntgf Tate. W* are also prepared to make LIBERAL BASH AD- VANCES on consignments, and In ad respects will offer as liberal Inducements as any other Hone* of responsi bility. Tho large experience In Cotton of all tho mem- hen of onr ffrm I* a guaranty that consignment* en trusted to onr care will be promptly and latlefhctorilj at tended to. *ep4—8m IV STORE AVD TO ABBIVS JAA BAGS FAMILY FLOUR, ^ 300 hag* Ixtre Family Floor, 8(10 bag* Bnperffne Flour, 1UOOO pounds Tennessee Bacon Sides, (00 beg* Virginia Balt. BTKADMAN A BUOtONS, ocao—tot Marietta Street, Atlanta, Qa. 50 CUSHINGS & BAILEY, WHOLESALE B00K8ELIEII8 AND STATIONERS, No. 883 Baltimore Street, Maryland. School Hooke, Medical Book*, Law Hooka, Mlecellaaeoai Hooka, Piper tavstopea. Into, Pen*, Pencil*, tad Malloasry «f all kinds. ■oek-Blndlag at Bv«jr ®8Mrt|tt*H Orders toltctUd Earn Libraries, BRooK Deafen, NOW IN STORE. BARRELS NORTHERN POTATOES-eonnd apd prime, 10 cash* Bacon B boulder*, 76 barrels Whlaky-all grade*, 80000 Havana Cigars, 88000 American Cigars. » ton* Reed's Phosphate, To ncoaetroct the poor land* of Oeorgla-the recon- etruction moet aoedeajuet now. W * < °LANOBTON, CRANE * HAMMOCK, novs-ito Commleelon Metchinte, |JM* Order Olwb*, Ac. OY*TBR«AND PI«H. Price BtdusA Wlttta tt* Bank of AUI ArffiS¥aassB6SS?« TRY IT A QUARTER t A new quarter of “Moore’s rural new YORKER,” the Great Rural and Family Weekly, beirin* t October 6th, and the IS number* (October to Jan uary.) will be seat, cm trial, for oniy Fifty C^ntn. Full rice, $8 a year. Vol. XIX begiu* lu January. Try it a hinrtet or year. Addreea __ . . .. „ ociO— D. D. T. MOORE, Rochegter, N. Y. ADMINISTRATORS SALK. B Y virtue of au order from the Court of Ordinary of Fulton county, will be Hold, on the flrat Tue*day iu December next, at the court house door in Atlanta. Oa., within the legal hour* of pale, a valuable bueine®* lot on Prior atreet, between Alabama aud Hunter street*, feet front by 185 feet deep. Alao, three 10-acre lot®, located about one-half mile from the city limit*, fronting about 500 feet, each, on McDonough road. There are beau tiful building site®, in fnll view of the city, on each lot, and 1 sting springs; some timber; finely situated for subur ban residence*, and gardening. Soid a* the property of i’. T. O’Keefe, deceased,for the benefit of helm and credi tor*. Terras: one-third cat*U, one-third aix,and one third twelve month®, with legal interest. A plat of the property can be §ceu at my oftlce. October 2f, 18*»7. WM. JENNINGS, Administrator. oc$)—id Pi inter*® fee $5 GEORGIA, Gordon County. D B. BARRETT, adminietrator of the estate of Jacob • Abbott, having made application to me for letter* of dismission from said decea®ed’s estate— These are therefore to give notice to all concerned, kin dred aud creditor®, to appear at my office, withiu the time prescribed by law, and file their objection®, if auy they have, why said letters should uot be granted the applicant. Given uuder my June 87,18*;7. Jy8—iamfim , ana me ineir oojecuun®, u »uj iters should uot be granted the ■ my hand and official signature, D. W. NEEL, Ordlnsry. Printer'sJee $4.50* ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. B Y virtue of an order Rom the Court of Ordinary of Claytou county, Ga., will be sold, on the first Tues day lu December next, between the local hours of sale, at the court house door in said county, the tract ol laud iu said county whereon Thomas M. Jones resided at the time of hie death, containing ISO acres, more or less, ad- olnlngjand* to Hartwell Jones, J. W. Ocbnrn, aud A. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Fayette county, will be i*old, before the court house door In the town of Fayetteville, on the ffrrt Tuesday tn December next, the following property, to-wit: The north half of land lot No. 187. and 1*5 acres of land lot No. ttS, in the 9th district of the countv aforesaid. Sold as the property of Mai. Kite, late of said county, de ceased, for the benefit of the heir® and creditors. Terms cash. October IU, 1867. NATHAN EASON, Administrator. ociO—td Printer* fee $5* ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. B Y virtue of an order of tho Court of Ordlnanr Fulton county, Ga., will be sold, on the first Tues day in December next, at the court house door in said countv, within the legal hours ol sale, in the city of At- lanta.’lot of laud No. shW, containing ‘JOtJi acres, in the 17th district, and SSS acres in the 7th district of originally Heurv, now Fulton county. Sold as the property of Nancy Sweat, late of said county, deceased, bald land lies five miles West of Atlanta, ou the State Road. It is well timbered, with about dft acres cleared, and a small cabin ou it. Terras: One-half cash ; the balance iu six mouth*. October vlnt, I8«i7. E. M. DONEHOO, Administrator. oc23—td Printer’s ff eu $5. GEORGIA. Henry County. J AMES FINDLEY, administrator on the estate of A 0. McKebbin, late of said county, deceased, having iu proper form applied to me for letters of dismission from said administration— This is therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned, kindred aud creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his adminit>tratiou uiul receive letters ot dismission within the time prescribed by law. Given uuder my hand and official signature, May 98,16<t7. maySl—lamttm Printer's lee $4-1 GKORGIA. GoanoH County. J E88B MILLER, administrator on the estate of Jeeee N. Miller, deceaeed, applies to me for letter* ol dis mission from said administration- „ Thee* are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar. th* kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at mv office, within the time prescribed by law, and ahowcaooe, if auy they have, why eald letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my bend aud offi- daT signature, June 37,1807. D. W. NEEL, Ordinary. ]j>—lamfim*Prlntera fee gt.hl IQIA, QORDON COUNTT. Q,lQltOI_H, HOGAN, admlnlatrator of the eatate oj Jehu Neblett, late of eald county, deceaeed, bavins K itittoned for a discharge from hie administration ol seatst* of eald deceaeed- Thee* are therefore to cite and admonlah all aud elngu- lar. the kindred and creditor* of eald deceaeed, to be and appear at my office, within the lime allowed by law, end show cause, If any they can, wby a*ld letter* should not tune to tho anpltcant as preyed for. Given under my hand and offid |e7—lamfim 1 signature, June 6,18(17. D. \V. NEEL, Ordinary. Prtuter'a fee 64.60* A DM IN 18TB A TOR'8 HALM. B Y virtue of an order of the Conrt of Ordinary of Mil ton county, G*., will be sold, before the court house door In eald county, on tho flrat Tuesday In De cember next, between the legal hoars of sale, lot* ol land No*. 470,481, and 488, tn the 1st district and 8d aectiou of said eoanty, containing 180 acre*, more or lea*. Hold u the property of R. H. IMRH, de eased, for tho benefit of the Mire and creditor* of **|d doee*«ed Term* cash. - W. H. NE8BIT, Administrator. Primer’* fee 0S ADJHINiaTBATOR'H .. JEABLY to *n order of the Ordinary of county, will M sold on Tuesday, tlie third day of ntor next, betweenJko usual hour* of wile, before ty of Marietta, conn coun ty, Ga., a farm, situated ou Nlckajock Creek, In said countjr, rontalnlnyJWOacreaof land.moreorlea*. This I* alao a fine waj — Chattahoochee grain and stock raising. On It iter power, ll lie* about four mile* from Midge, W. A A. R. It , the asm* being a part ofith* real eetel# Mlonging to Andrew Reid, de- raenii lata ot Putnam county. Us. Bold for dletrtbn- rionTTerm* carit. Mr. J. Vft Stenhaek, on tho place, will show it to any ono wtehlng to examine tt. Novetn Mr 5, llfff. WM A RE , D , A B. REID. Jit.. 1 Adm " novS—dewtd ’ Printer’*fce|» mire. GMOMGIA. UWIMNSTT COUNTT. „ , rnwo month* afterdate application will be made lathe T Co"“or Ordinary oV aald. county, at the llr.i regular term after the exiiirallou of two monlha from thl* notice, for leave to sell the lauds heiuugfog lo the elate of John P. Unleliiu*, l»le of said couuty, deceased, hep Umber 84,1N«7. N L hdtcHINB, Jr.. Executor. Vrluler'* fee 8« GEORGIA, PtrKXNS County S ION A. DAItNEL. administrator of David A. Unde down, Jr., represents to the conrt lu his petition duly filed and entered on record that be has fully admin istered said estate, aud prays for a discharge therefrom- These are therefore to notiiy all person* concerned to be and appear at my office, within tbc time prescribed bv law, lo snow cause, if auy exists, why letters of dismis sion should not be granted the applicant*. Given undet my baud at office, June 13,1888. Join—lamfim tV. II. HIMMONS. Ordinal Printer's fee nary. 64.50 GEORGIA, MimwXTHXB Countt. J OHN S. BROWN, administrator on the estate of Ho bert Brown, deceased, represents Ibat he baa folly administered said estate, aud applle* for letter* of dta mission— . These are therefore to cite all person* concerned, kin nred and creditor*, to ahow cause, if any they can, v “- satd administrator should not be discharged from Ins ministration, and receive letters of dismission within the time prescribed by law. Given under my Mud and official signature, April 35,1867. mavfi—lamfim J W. BANNING. Ordtm Inary. 61 80 EXECUTOR'S MALE. B Y virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Fnlton county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday In De- reniber ncxi, before the court house door in the city of Atlauta, between the usual hours ul tale, the followini; property, to-wit - 170 acres off of lot No. 887, IBIJi acres off of lot No. tie, and M seres off of lot No. 848 ; all in the 14th district of Fulton county, flv west of Atlanta, on the Green A Howell's Hold as the properly of Clsboru Haws, de purpose of division between the legatee*. Oclulicr 16. 1867. all in the 14th district of Fulton county, five miles Booth west of Atlanta, on the Green A Howell’* Ferry Road, ' of Clsboru Haw*, deceased, tor th* Term* cash WM. A. WILBON. Executor. Mrs. K. II. IIAWH, Executrix. Printer's fee 63 GEORGIA, Pickens County. [CKRO 11. TAYLOR, administrator u|hiu the e*t _ or Mary Ilolbert, represents to the court In hie pe tition. duly filed and entered on record, iMl be Ms frilly administered Mary llnlbert's estate— These are therefore to require all peraon* concerned, to he and appear al my office, on nr before the first Monday u February uext, to show cause. If auy IheyMve, why ar letters of dianilsslou should uot be granted the apuncai Withes* my baud and official signature, July 86,13U7. W. 11. 81MMON8, Ordinary. aug3- tanifiiu Printer'* fee 64.60 GKOUGIA, UKNhV COUNNV, oHDiNsat * orriog, max 1, 1867. W H. Mct’OIID and Moses Manu, administrators ou , the estate of James 8. McCord, represent to tbi* court lu tlioir petition, duly filed, that they Mve folly administered said estate— These are therefore lo uollfy all persona concerned to show canoe, If auy they bare, why said administrator* should uot be discharged from Ibelr said office, and re ceive Iclter* dismlssory In term* of the law. Given au- der my hand aud official signature, April 30,1867. Q It. NOLAN, ordinary, may!- lamfim Priuler'a fee 64 So C tENRATIONS, Railroad Conteanlea, and In A GHKAT MAMGAIN! A N clegaut two-horse FAMILY CAHHIAUK, a* good M uew ’ “ “ “ • « re Y,TJfo* STbRO.. jrovfi-31 Forsyth Street S HOWMEN can alway* be supplied at thla Office with Postsre, Blrsamsrs, *«., at isasonabl* rats*. I .1. Cook, F J. Bomar, D. Hogan. E. A. Center, F. T. Kicklighter, J. A. Hinton, Hall, J. L. Crenshaw, G. W. Bowen, C. M. Barry, A. Jarrard, U. F. Woodliff, Jasper Oroves, W. it. C. Cowan, J. B. Holland, It. D. Haynes. D. queen, J. H. Love, J A. Lang, K. B. Hutenins, J.M. Counally, Green Holland, H. W. Wooding, H. J. Holtzdaw, M. W. Baaberry, J. F. Barnes, T. G. McHau, J. A. Lanier, „ -'erry, Holland, Caalleberry. Salaries—Cox, Mitchell, Holland. On Printing- BOARD OF HEALTH. First Ward—Dr. J. M. Borlug. Second Ward—O. H. Jones, Esq. Third Ward—L. P. Grant, E#q. Fourth Ward—Dr. Chaa. Pinckney. Fifth Ward—Dr. J. N. Slmrnou* WARDS or TUI C1TT. The City or Atlanta aball be laid off Into five wards, as follows, to-wit: FIRST WARD. Commencing at the crossing of Whitehall street with tho Western A Atlantic Railroad, and rnnnlng np the south aide of said railroad to the incorporation line, then down eatd line to the center of WhiteMlI street, then north along the center of eald street to the etartfng point, and which ehall be known and constitute Ward number One. SECOND WARD. Commencing at the center of the crossing of Whitehall street, at the Western A Atlantic Hatlroaa, and running east down the railroad to the creasing of Calbonn street, in the rear of the Georgia Railroad workshop, then south along the middle of aud street to tho center of McDon ough street, thenee along the center of McDonongh street to the Incorporation line, then along said Hue to th* ecu- ter of Whitehall atreet at lta croasiug at the incorporation line, then along the confer of said atreet to the etartlng point, which stuff 1 be known and constitute Ward num ber Two. THIRD WARD. Commencing at the center of Calhoun atreet, at it* juth crossing of the Georgia Railroad workshop, aud running down the south tide of eald railroad lo tn* In corporation line, theu along said line to the center of Me Donough street to the starting point, which shall consti tute ana be kuowu as Ward number Three. FOURTH WARD. Commencing on the north side or the Georgia Railroad, in the center of the creating of said railroad by Loyd atreet, and rnnnlng down the north side of said railroad to the Incorporation line, then along said Hue tn Ivy- street, then along the center of Ivy atreet lu Decatur street, theu along said atreet west to the center of Loyd to the etartlng point, which sMll constitute and be ' uown ae Ward number Foot. FIFTH WARD. Commencing at the north ot aaid railroad, at the cen ter or the crossing of Loyd etreet, aud running west along the north side or the Western A Atlantic Kailrourt lo the Incorporation line, then along said line to the cen ter of Ivy atreet, then aonth along the center of De catur street to the center of Loyd etreet, then along the center of Loyd street to the etartlng point, which shall constitute and be known ae Ward number F Ive. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer—Thomaa Haney. First Assistant Euglneur—Henry Gullatt. Becond Assistant Engineer—W. G. Kuox. Secretary—B. F. Mooie. Treasurer—Jamee K. Gullatt. Atlanta Enoins Oohfant No. 1 Maj. W. B. Cox John B. Norman Samuel Wilson... H. Mnhlenbrtnk.. CMrles Schnatr... John Berkele John Wtlby J. H. Ellsworth .. P. J. Bracken M. L. Collier O. Warner H. Haney, I Wm. Krogg, | ' " M. L. Robert*. President Foreman Secretary Treasurer First Director Second Director Third Director Engineer First Assistant Engineer . .Second Asalstent Eagtneer Third Assistant Engineer Axemen J. E. Gullatt J. G. Kelley W. D. Lnckle, Jr. O. H. Jones E. Butce Isaac Stelnbelmer .. G. W. Terry Joel Kelsey James Daniels J.M. Toy G. T. Anderaou, ( W. F. Woods, | ' J. M. Butce, Joseph Wile; . Delegate to Fire Department Mechanic Enoins Coxfant No. 3. .President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer First Director Second Director Chief Engineer First Assistant Engineer Second Assietant Engineer Third Asalstent Engineer Ptpemeu Hey, | *«“*“ J. F .'Alexander Surgeon M. L. Llchteuetedt... Representative to Fir* Department Tsm.ui.ah Bnoinh Co nr ant No. 3. S. W. Grubb Pretldenl. R. A. Center Vic* President. W. C. Shearer ..Flret Director. George Thompson Second Director. J. J. Roger* Hose Director. John D. Clarke Secretary. Lewis H. Clarke Treaaurer. John A. HIU Axemau. A. Thleme..... Axeman. H. 8. Orme, M. D Burgeon. W. R. Bigger* Delegate. Atlanta Hook and Laddib Co. No. 1. C. F.8. D’AIvtguy i J. 8. Yarbrough Gto* Johnson** * *. * Rd. Holland Representative to Fire Department Secretary (W A Card.—What la Tarrant's Effer- vkscknt SKLTaxm Afnbinitt, and what are It* affect* t VEnvKHT DffLTUM KTffMIffnTi HUM WSMffl HIM IM MffiWVM r These are question* which tM great American public Mi a right to ask, and It has also a right to expect a candid and eatlafoetory reply. The preparation la a mild am tip ... ar, Of It* eflheta wo would say tMt those who Mv# tested and gentle aalln* cathartic, alterative and tonic, and I* moet caretolly prepared tn th* form of a enow-whit* powder, containing all the wonderfol medical properties effects s are tM beet lodge*, and they declare itnrae, that tM preparation will jetton, regulate the tow of IMMie, cure every specie* of headache, tranqnllli* th* nervous system, refresh and invigorate tM weak, mitigate tho pang* ot iMnmatlam, neutrallxe add In tM atomarh. the preparation over their own alxmati promptly relieve tudjgtt! 'reorM owelt, assist the falling appetlie. . inmatlam, n cleans* and ton* th* boo care IM Mart born. If yon are a cofferer gtr* this remedy one trial, and will convince yon ol th* above hete. TARRANT * CO., sol* proprietor*. Now Turk. Sold by all DreggtaU, sepao—ly