The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, November 09, 1867, Image 4

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rsmr RAILROA iMtita JtaUita. W. CO LB, D Uivd Atlanta *t- Augusta at..... Arrive at Allan Ut..**.....**•»•»»j •»• •••••*%**\ (No tralna run oa Saadagr.) NlttHT rAMBM Atlanta.... * Arrt .*• at Aatfuata t.oave Aucnata Airtr* at Atlanta , MM ■m 4k Vm(.NM BnUml. L. r. ORANT, W ■ lUMk IINUM-Uri *r u< Bmnmiuu.n. n. Fortieth CofT.H, which aeeemhlrd on the 4lh of Much, 18*7, according lo • law paeenl by ltu> Thirty- •lath Congress, la cwnpuead u follow.: SBUTR-3 oaurowu. n»T riuni.n mm-cmmi. Atlanta . -. . Airive »t 71 eel Point IMOA. ui rtnmu mu-inru». Li'.t. W#*i Polut Arr.v* *1 AllUU -7«A.g II.CO p. M .AM P. M Jloulgoxnerr * HwANlI MIlMd. DANIEL H. CHAM, 1 iut nun. Leave Weel-Potnl t’ Arrive*! Montgomery Loot. Opel the. JJ'SC' Artie, .t Columbn..... i u Un Coluuibu* A* *• ■ Amec >i Opelika " irnMNo nuan—ornuAA and coldbdba Leave Opelika. . . . .. JjJJ-g 1 Mr. M Arrive ct Culambni. Lev. Colon. lm» Arrlv. .1 Opelika . .TTnrow At WHfcm Boll rood K 8. WALKER, Superintendent. uai nun. r. Muon.... TSd'S vo ot i f] f • 5 ro A llama {'24' F v* *1 Macon J-IP £• S Loav. Muon Arrlv Leave Arrive nr u y Allcuta J'jf f' 5 Arrlvn lu Macon .. 4.95 A. M TVeetern 4k Allanlk RhUlvad. CAMPBELL WALLACE, . jrianT liras** raeaaxesa vbain—daily Leave Atlanta J W ?• 1} Arviv. at Chattanooga. *•*? *• ■ Leave Cbatuiioojra Arrive at Dalton Arrive at Atiauta DAT rAlimail TAA1M Daily, except Sunday.. Leave Atlanta Leave Da lion Arrive at Chattanooga. Leave Cha.ianoog* iiSD u Arrive at Atlanta WW P. at DALTON ACCONNODATION TNAOI. Dally except Sunday*. Leave Atlanta Arrive at Dalton Leave Dalton Arrive at Atlanta. 4.M P. M 7 60 r. M 14i a. y 6.48 A. M . 9.50 P. M 6.96 p.m 1.90 A. M .. s.aor.M .19.95 P. M .. 1.96 P.M .. MSA. M a«U Since Line from Atlanta to Dah- lonesa Leave Atlanta Monday, Wedneeday tad Friday ...0 A M. Arrive Tneeday, Thnreday end Betnrdty 7 P. M. ™“cOURT CALENDAR. LJtnler./ December, I960, fry THOlamt A WtUtom ] Sl'PKBIoF COURTS. BLl*t BtDSN CimOClT. Cherokee—1st Monday In Maryl and Ahjnrt. Cobb.—3d Monday tu March and let Mondeito Ort. Milton—Ith Monday in March end 5dMoadwlalAn, Koraytb.—l*t Monday In April end 4th Monday la ABC. Lumpkin.— sd Monday In April and lit Monday la Sep. Uaweop.—3d Monday In April endI September. Pit. ken*.—4th Monday lo April KBd SntMBwr. Gilmi r.—9d Monday in May and October. Fannin.—ad Monday In May and October. Union.—4th Monday in May and October. To'vne—lhuieday after 4th Monday in May end October, ••but ebould the bnelne.e of Union Court require it, Town* Court mey, by order of ibe pre.tdtn* Judge, be ndjouratd to Mondav thereafter." eamewtoc cimcriT. eoNNeoricrv Jamee ton*, Orrla ft Ferry DELawaae. Geo Head Kiddie, WUUrd JeWefrvry iLLtNoia.: Richard Yetm. Lyviau Trumbull INDUNA. T A Hendricks. Oliver P Morion, towa. Jeatee Vf tirlmea, Jam** lUrtau Kama*. Edward Q Hoes, Samuel C Pomeroy auwrecNv. Jamee Grdhrie, Garret Haeie. aatNB Lot M Morrill. We PFeeeendea. MaetacaraiTTa. Chariee Mtntner, Henry Wilton WABVLAND Rererdy John*”.. Thomas Swan v Mtuormi John B Hendereon. Charles D Drake HI CNl Q AN Zachariah Chandler, Jacob M Howard. OS A'ertoe. N1TADA. Wm M Nlewarl.J Jamee W Nyo, new iianreHtne. Aaron 11 Craglu, Jaatra W tMlIcreon, Kiwnanv. A O Cattail, F T Fvellngtmjavu, mgmm Mleoollnnooue Art ver time. mmnUe. MIsMltoBMRi AdwartWants. OHIO. _ Benjamin F Wide, Jobu Sherman. (leorxeTTwmiama, Henry W Cot blit. ■■OP* BLAND. William sptMne, Henry B Anthony. /> r l\Ut*rton. J h Fowler. vnaNiiNT George F Edmund*, Jtttlin S Morrll. watTTinniNtA Peter Q Van Wtnhll', Waltman T Wiley. wiecoNetN Jjnut K Doulittk, Timotby O Howe TIE ARROW TIE AMD IEEE BAEDS BALING COTTON I AM INBURAMCB AOAINHT FIRE, WASTE, AID THEFT 1'NlqUAI.nii VON Simplicity and Rapidity of Adjustment SURPASSED BY NONE I FOR smicxorv AXV ADAPTABILITY TO ALL WANTED, Omlsus to Ootobor 15th, In kotR of FITE CEETS AED Off AIDE, $16,000 » SOLD, SILVER, and ORKEfBACEI, Jit ExolintiRD Tor Boots, Shoes, Leather. AND 8HOK-FINDINGS, A. t Low PriceHl! BURK THAS 1110 CASKS NEW 80008 OPENED THI8 WEEK!! And other* Arriving Dally. |V*(.'onutry Merehanl# are iiartlcularly Invltod lo ex amine uur atock, ae we will oiler them greater Induce nient* than can be bad eleewlierv HILL * BLANCHARD. ATTORNEY* AX LAW, ATLANTA, OA., ILL give prompt attention to atl builne**. both ariBlMlaad cml. animated to their cue. In tbe 0, State Oonrta and Circuit Conrte ot the \jnlted 'F , ICR^OnWh*tehal1 , over Force', ehoe etore. |), P, UlleId* M. 0. B LAN GUARD July 6th, 1667. Mr. BLANCHARD will continue the lueurence bnel- neee an heretofore, in the above law ofllcti. sjm&—8bi NEW 80BAUBBL TURPENTINE STILL, IXTIt MRAFT BOROS, ALL OOMPLBTR FOR BALE MUCH BBLOW COST. ter HtUlaofail alaaa ballt to order aadDUTILLBRN Fitted out at the ioweet retee, ‘ *i.v eng97-4m oily. Dr. W. H. PECi« OT1LL teodera hie Profeeelonal Hervlcee to thacttl* B.M.bfJUUnta! andfromhlelong experience In ths orolMilGN. hs is GoaidiDt tsst he ctn five ssttsme- llos P tosil who msy fkvor him with thslr patronage. Boectsl Attestloa gives to Obstetrlce. ^Mt^Ccm-Oomer Forsyth and Paters streets. FARM AT TUNNEL HILL T O BENT. mtlE “AUSTIN PLACB,” at Taiinal BUI, la to rant. 1 Apply earl, to W . c . JBSSUF ACO. or J.OC^SISl' cs—lm Tunnel I WM. L. HUN8LEB, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC. ATLANTA, OBOBOIA. Order* may be left with H. Branmnlter, Whitehall treet. ' The lleea of Coiumeroel Radical*, (la Roman.l 40; Democrat*, (In Italic.! UOUSI OF REPRESENTATIVES caLtronma. n»w naanaiai [Three member* lo be elecl IThree member* lo be elect- 1 ed la September ] ‘n ““SV.m* CONNBCT1CVT. [Four member* to ba elecl- u.Inch.—itb Monday In March and Septeaabar. Cottee.—Sd Monday In March and Septembw. , Echol*.—Monday after «h Monday In March tad Sept. C>:vnu.—'W !dondey in April and October. Fierce —rhur*j»y before let Monday la March and Sept Ware —Sd Mouduv in March and September. Wayne.—4tu Monday In April and October. caarTABoocaxa ctacvti. 1 C tattahoochee.—4th Monday in March and September. Harris.—id Monday in AprtI and October. Marl a.-ad Monday In April and October. Muscogee.—Id Monday in May and November. Schley.—9d Monday In April and October. 1’albot.—sd Monday in March end September, j'iylor.—let Monday In April aad October. cnsBOKXX ctaotnr lturtcw.—2.1 Monday la Jlarcb end September. Catoo**.—tid Monday In May and November. Cnattooca.—1st Monday In March aad September. Dade.—4th Monday la May aad November. •Fordon —t»t Monday In April and October. Murray.—Sd Monday in April and October. Walker. — Mondiy before let Monday In March and Sept. Whttdeld.—Itb Monday In April and October. coweta ctncriT. Clayton —1st Monday In May and November. lFetcaib.—4th Monday In April and October, Fayette.—2d Monday In March and September, l'uttou.—let Monday In April and October. Meriwether.—sd Monday in Febrtmry aad Angnet. Troup —8d Monday In May and Novembar. xanin ctnomv. Dryan.—tth Monday In April, and 9d Monday alter 4th Monday in November. . „ .. Bulloch.—Friday after Sd Monday lu March, and Friday alter 4th Monday In October. Chatham.—cd Monday lu January Md Mar Effingham.—Monday after 4th Monday In March, and 9d Liber ty*—3d 1 Mouday SfAprufMdMondnynfwreth Mon- Mcfntoah.—Thursday after Sd Mondayln April, and Tnuraday alter 4th Monday In Novembar. Montgomery.—Thuradey after Sd Monday In Much, and rhur*day after 3d Monday'n October. v 1 atnatl 3d Monday In March and 4th In October. Kin ctaotnr. Batu.—U Monday In March and September. Henry .-3d Monday In Aprllind October. Monroe—4th Monday ^February andAiteuat. Newton.—8d Monday In March and September. Pike.—let Monday in April and October. Spalding.—1*1 Monday fa Fabnury and Angnet. Cp»on.—l*t Mondav in May and November. MACON CIRCUIT. Bibb.—8d Monday In May and November. Crawford.—let Monday In March Mid September. Dooly.—let Monday In April and October. Uouiton.-3d Monday In.rebrnaty and Angnet. Macon —9d Monday In March ud SeptemSer. Twtgx*.—4th Monday In March and September. MIDDLE CIRCUIT. Burke —8d Monday In May.and November. Columbia.—let Monday In March and September. Emanuel.—Sd Monday In April and October. Jefferson.—tid Monday in May tad November. Johneon.—4th Monday In March and September. Richmond.—ltd Monday in JannuTand June. Scriven.—let Monday fn May and November. Waiblngton.—8d Monday In March aad September. HoHTHaait ernotnv. Eibert.—9d Monday lu March and September. Glatecock.—8d Monday la February and Anguet. Hancock.—sd Monday In April and October. Taliaferro.—4th Monday In February and Auguat Warren.—let Monday In April and October. Wilke* —nil Monday In March end September. ocxvLotn otnctnv. Baldwin —4th Monday In February and Angnit. Greene.—2<t Monday in M*rcb and September. Jaiuer —4th Monday In April and October, Jonee.—8d Monday In Ap*t! and October. Morgan.—let Monday In March and September Putunra.—4th Monday In March and September. Wtlklneor — l*t Monday In April end October. VATAtfLA CIBCCIT. Clay.—4th Monday lu February and Auguat, after tbe ■a *?.*—laiMonday In April and October. Miller.—kJ Monday in April and October. Wuitmen.—3d Monday In May and November. Randolph.—let Monday In May and November. Btewari.—3d -Mumlay in April and October. Teirull.—Uli Monday In May end November Wehitor.—2d Monday In March and September. aocmann cuccit. Berrien.—Monday alter Irwin Coart. Brooke.—Monday after Lowndee Court. Colquitt.—Wednesday utter Sd Monday In May and No- vambsr. Irw u.—on Thnreday after Tellalr Court. Laurent.—till Monday In April and Octolier lowndee.—Moudaya alter Colquitt Conn FukieSI.—3d Monday In April and October. T« hair —Friday alter 4th Monday In April and October. Tkoma*.—Monday after Brooke Court. Wilcox —«th Monday lu April and October. aoCTnwxaTMN circuit. B ’ker.—3d Mondav In May and November Jalboun.—3d .M onday In March and September. Decatur.—4in Monday in April and October. Dougherty.—l*t Monday In Jnne and December. Lm —4th Mouday lu March and beptember. Mitchell.—2d Monday In May and Novembi r. Sumter.—2d Monday In April and October. Wurth.—3d Monday In April aad October. TALI-arOOlA CIBCUIT. lAngutt. Campbell.—Sd Monday in Febraery and An* Cenoll.—let Monday In April and October. Coweta.—let Monday In March and Septemb Floyd.—Sd Monday In January andi July. Urnleon.—3d Monday In April and October. Heart.—3d Monday lu March aad Beptember. Fenldlng.—lat Monday In February and Aognal. Pul*.—tin Monday In January and July. WeeVKHN CIBCUIT. Banka-let Monday In April and October. Clarke.—t*t Monday lu February and Sd In Angaat. Fran Bln.—2d Monday In April and October. Uwlnnett.—let Monday In March and Sd In September. Haberaham.—34 Mouday In April and October. Sail!—3d Monday Iin Much ami September Jeckron.—4tb Monday In Febrniry and Augurt. Halnm.—Itb Monday In April and October. Walton.—3d Monday In February and Aognrt. White —Monday alter 41h April and October. . v. watuta can*, a. vaanca. PEARCE, WHELE88 & CO., COTTON FACTORS AND CommtHslon Morohatiitu, JA0MS0N STBKKT, AVGUSTA, OtVBOlA. ad In April ] dolawabi. John A tncMton lLUNOIt. 1. NBJndd. u S. J F Farneworth, 5. E B Waehburne, 4 Aaron U Harding, 6. Ebon C InaeraofI, T BPH fiSSrolL 8. 8 M Cntlom, «. Xewie WBou, 10. a a toor, 11 ss Marahall, 11. John Baker, U OB Baum, I. Wm JfA'lfrtoc*. S. JfiMoef CKtrr. SMC Hunter, 4. tn* S Holman. 5. Geo W Jnllau, 6. John Coburn. 7. H D Wnehburn, 8. Ooodlove 8 Orth, 9. Bchnyler Collhx, 10. Wm wlUlara*, II. J F C Stank*. town. 1. June* F Wilson, 9. Hiram Price, 5. Wm B Allleon, 4. W M Loughbrldge, 5 OM Dodge, 6. A W Hubbard. KANtae. 1. Sidney Clark* uatuav. 1. Trimbit, а. — JJrou'it, 9. (Vacant.) 4. — Knott, б. — etorrr, 8 — Jontt, Btck, 8. Adamt. 9 — Yoong. MAINE. 1. John Lynch, 2. Sydney Parham, 3. James O Blaine, 4 John A Peters, 6. Frederick A Pike. maiitland. 1. Hiram McCullough, 9 8 Archer, 3. CAPfodpi, (c.i 4. Francis Thomas, 5. Frederick Stone. MASSAC HU * I IT *. 1. Thornes D Elliot, 9. Oakes Amo*, 3. Otnery Twitchell, 4. Samuel Hooper, 5. Ben) F Bntler, 6. Nath'l P Bank*. 7. Geo 8 BontweM, 8. John D Baldwin, 9. W B Wathbnrn. 10. Henry L Dtwe*. miuouiu. l Wm A Pile, (c.) а. C A Newcomb, 3. Thoi E Soell, 4. J J Gravelly, 5. J W McClure. б. D T Van Horn, 7. Ben) F Loan NEW TONK. I. Stephen Taber, •I. Pern ae Unmet, 3. IV K Roblnton, 4. John For, ». John Morriteg, rt. TKSteieart, 7. John \V Chanter, 9. Jamee Brooke, 9. Fernanda Hood, 10. W H Robertson, 11. c II Van Wyck, ia. J H Ketcham, 13. Thoa Cornell, 14. J PL Pruyn, 15. J A Grl*wold, 16. Grange Ferrla, 17. C T Holbnrd, 19. Jaa M Marvin, 19. WmC Field*, so. A H Lafltn, 91. (Vacant.) 94. J C Churchill, 43. Dennis McCarthy, 24. T M Pomeroy, 43. Wm M Keltey, 46. Wm 8 Lincoln, 47. Hamilton Watd, 48. Lrtrte SHW, 49. Hurt Von Hon, 30. JM aemthrn, 31. H Van Aarnem. OHIO. 1. Ben] Eggioeton, 4. KBHayea, 3. Kobt c Schenck. 4. Wm Lawrence, 6. Wm JAmmh, 6. Reader W Clarita, 7. B Bhellabargar, а. C 8 Hamilton, II. John T Wlleou, 14. P Van Trump, 18. O WMorgan, (c.) 14. Martin Welker, 16. Toblaa A riant*, 1G. John A Btncham, 17. Eph R Eckley, 19. R P Spalding, ft) Ja* A Garfield ORISON l Rufue ilallory PENNSYLVANIA 1. Sam J Randall, 4. Chariee O’Neill, 3 Leonard Myer*. 4 Wm D Kelley, б. Caleb N Taylor, u. BeiJ M Boyer, 7. Jno M Ilroomall, 8. J I. (Jilt, 9 Thad Steven*, 10. llenry L Cuke, 11 B -If Van Aulen, U. Chue Bennieon, 13. Uiyiee* F ilercur, 14. Geo F Miller, 15. A J GloMbrenntr, Id. Win H Koontc, « in n noonti. 17. Daniel J Morrell, 18. SF ll'i/aon. 111. G W Schofield, 40. Darwin A Finney, 41. John Covode, VI. J K Moreheao, 43. Tlioa William*, 44. G V Lawrence RHODE ISLAND. [Two memnera to be elect- ■(. Dcm r iaiib. ed in April.) 8 J F Beniamin, TENNESSEE. 9 G WAnderaon, t.c.) [Eight member* to beelect- MicmoaN. ‘ 1 Fer. C Beaman. 9. Cbarlea Upton, 3. Austin Blair, 4. Thoa W Fen y, 6. R E Towbrldge. «. John F. Drlgg* MINBaaoTA. 1. Wm Wlndom, 2. Ignatln* Donellv. NEVADA. 1. Deloa P. Aahley. NEW JBB1BT. 1. Wm Moore, 9. Chae Haight, ed tn Auguet.] VERMONT. 1 F li Woodbrldge, 4. Lube I’ Poland, 3. Wm C bmlth, WEST VIRGINIA. 1. CD Hubbard, 4. B M Kitchen, 3. Dantcl Pooltey, WISCONSIN. t. Halbert E Paine, 4. Ben] F Hopkins, 3. Amass Cobb, 4. Chae A Eldridge, 6. Philctns Sawyer, 6. c C Waehburne. 4. John Hill, eJiiS^(lifRoman,) 198; Democrat*, (In tulle,) 44. rjlHEY are mauulactured lu LIVERPOOL, of the beet English Iron, under the personal enpervlaton of the In ventor, formerly a realdoul of New Orleans, La. The ARROW TIB la preferred by Shipmasters and 1 Compreesmcu, as It le worked with one-etghth lo one i inch (lack, while all SOLID TIES require Hue* to five | turlies, which, tn running through a cargo, Involve* a heavy loss to the Shipmaster. Use the Arrow Tie and Band*, 1 AND SAVE MONEY IN FREIGHT and INSURANCE! Arrangemaat* have been mad* to ieenrean ample tap- ply of the ARROW TIE and BANDS for the coming ***• aoa. JAMES A. IIALL, Agent Middle and Bonthwaat Georgia. ANDREW LOWE & CO., General Agents, Savannah, Ga. The undersigned it prepared to farnlah the ARROW TIE to (h* trad* at SAVANNAH PRICES, forwarding and transportation added. FBATTE, EDWARDS * CO.* Agent*, Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ga. HEAR THE IN8URAN0E A8ENT8! Sa VANN AM, Mat 7th, 1M7. Tb* recent fire* In thl* city having proved to our entire satisfaction, by a thorough te*t, the superiority of IRON BANDS for baling purpose*, w* wrongly recommend them to the nee of “he Planter* or Georgia ae tn eflclent agent in restricting lots by fire; and we agree to discrimi nate, when practicable, tn fkvor of cotton thus (scared. A. WILBUR, General Insurance Agent. CHARLES GREEN A SON, Ag't* Liverpool, London A Globe In. Co. CHARLES L. COLBY * CO., Agt’t Son A Atlantic M. Int. Co., N. Y R. ir. FOOTMAN. Inkuranea Ageut. WOODBU1DGE BROS., Ins. Agents. J. T. THOMAS, Inenranco Agent. J C. McNULTY, Sec’y Southern Insurance A Trust Co. JAMES T. STEWART, Agent London A Lancaster Ina. Co. LANK A WEST, Insurance Agents. AIacon, Ga., May link, 1667. The recent fire at the Warehouse of Mr. B. T. Chap man, in thl* citv, having fully demomtrkted the advan tage of the nse'of Iron Banla for baling porpoise, at a security agalntt lose by fire, we, the undersigned ln»u- ranee Agente, Macon, Ga„ take pleasure In endorsing tbe action of tbe Agent* at Savannah, Oa. E. C. GRANNIS8, Agent for several In*. Companies. .1. W. BURKE. Inenranco Agent. C. ,1. JOHNSON A UO., Insurance Ag't*. ,T MONltOK OODEN, Insurance Agent. J M. BOARDMAN, Inaurance Agent. JNO. U. COBB, lturance Agent. niayilT—Gin KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY! TO BE DRAWN AT OOVINOTON, KY. CLASS V, NOV. 16TH. CLASS TV, NOV. BOTH, 1887. GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. | Frig* Of 1 prize of 1 prize ot 1 prize of 2 prizes ol 20 prizes ol 03 prizes ot 0 prizes o( 0 prizes of 155 prizes of § prize* of 220 prizes of 18 prizes ot 261 prizes of FALL TRADE Ol?" W. W. CBAPXAN. J. W. BUCEKD. CHAPMAN, RUCKER A CO., Wblteliali Street. pyainr. and **U Uotluu and other Produce. Bagging and Bop* inmtehad at market prlqee. **p7—8m Prizes Amounting to $230,050. 89,000 NUMBERS AND TSS PRISES. Tloksts 919, Halvsis^fO, Qusrtsrs $S. The above Magnificent Single Number Lottery will be drawn In public, in Covington. Kentucky, by Sworn Com- mltetonere, *t 1 o’clockTjr. M., at the corner ol Fourth end Scott etreet*. Tbe Kentucky State Lotteries are no Gilt Enterprleee, but rtipontlbl* Mousy Lotteries, (bat are drtwn under the aatbority of a charter von the state, and bond* are given for tb* payment of all prlz**- Tbe drawings are pnbllihed tn the New York Herald and Cincinnati Commercial. AV .... . ... Tbe above echem* will b* drawn themlddltand laet of each month during 1867 and IMS. Circular* of Lotterlea drawing dally eent by application to tb* Managers. ter Agent* wanted. Addroe. .11 order, for tick... ro y ^ ^ aogan-ly Covington, Ky. TJAV1NQ added another member and additional capi tal to our firm, ws are now extensively engaged In lb* Commission, Grocery and Produce Business W1 WILL Dt*L IN ■•eon, Flour, Oorn, Lard, Coffao, Sugar, Molassoa A Syrups, And every article usually found In a fint-da** Grocery Store, AT iVHOLKSALB EXCLUSIVELY (HTThe City and Country Tradeare invited to call and axamlaa our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ooS-Srn IV STORE AND TO ARRIVE: i AA BAGS FAMILY FI.0UB. 100 beg* Extra Family Flour, 900 bag* Superfine Flour, 16000 pound* Tennessee Baron Hid**, 600 bag* Vlrtlnia Salt STEADMAN A SIMMONS, octo—lot Marietta Straet, Atlanta, Oa. NOW IN STORE. e/V BARBELS NORTHERN POTATOES—sound and OU prim*, 10 calk* Bacom Shoulder*, 76 barrels Whleky—*11 grades, 23000 Havana Cigars, 26000 American Clgere. tt tone Reed’* Pbotpbate. To reconstruct «b* poor land* ot Georgia—the recon- -8S»5BHr r,,, " w - LANGSTON, CRANE A HAMMOCK, nav* ate Commission Merchanf. LEND TO THE LAND! Uniox Point, Ga., October 18,1*66. Mitere. BrtgidweU A Barrow: Ginti—1 need yonr Phosphate on my Cotton at th* rate ol SttO pound* per acre. 1 am satisfied that I will reallae at least 160 per cent, on th* amount spent. I am eo well pleased that I expect to nee more on th* next crop tbau I did on thl*. Very truly yours, (.Signed) P- W. PRINTUP. Amxmcui, Oa., November 1,1898. ileeere, Brightuelt A Barrow: Gbnti—The twenty (90) ton* RBED’S PHOSPHATE I bought ol yon thte year, I need on Corn and Gotten. X am eo well pkiaeed with th* effect on my crop, that I Wtah to purchase of you for next year's crop, oa* hundred ton*. Your* respectlully, JAB. A. COBB. Thl* Manure, manufactured In Georgia (th* virus* for which ere attested by pel) known Georgia cUlxeas, and which I* calculated to do so much for •’Beeonetructkn” In Georgia) I* for sal* by LANGSTON, CRAKE A IUMMOCK, Sol* Agents, Alabama Street, Atlanta, U*. 8ACK8 AND WHEAT WANTED. 8ickt. Second-Hand Quanta* and Burlap*. CAA/t Bicka. Second-Hand Goa DUUU ,’rODO \>u*bele Wheat. LANGSTON, CRANE * *upl8—4m HAMMOCK, Commlaaloa Merchants, AJahama 8 treat. OYBTIRS AND FI«M. Frias Radoasd Wlthia th* Beach ef All! A SUPPY of the celebrated “Fltagerald Freah Norlfulk A Oyaterv.” In wood and tin peckagea. cun.tanlly on £nA Also, a ganeral ataortmernt of Fre*h Fl»h. ggroyater*andFlehpickedluloyforan^ftof ibe country. At t,nte lee IIoom, oa Bldd’a lot, ‘•••“•'fcastteawsr*, CUSHINGS & BAILEY, WHOLESALE BOOKSELLERS AND 8TATI0NER8, No 964 Baltimore Street, lialtlmoic, • Mnrylnud, Sellout Book*, Medical Hook*, Law Book*, Mi*cellan«oti* Hooka, Paper Kuvelopee, Ink*, Peu*, rcnclie, and Slallonery of all kind*. Book-Binding af Every PaaartpUoa. HT* Order* *u’,icu*a tram Ltbrartaa, Schools, Daaiara, Cleika, Ac. ttM-BB TO BOOT AND SHOE-MAKERS. "Of all thing* under the *nn, Hurrah l there is nothing Ilk* Leather." Aud if you consult your li***t Interest, you will certalu buy your supplies of I. T. BA-INICS, Because U« makee "Quick Sale* and SiutU/raeG( and Mill for cash only, tliue leavlug no bad debti lo be made up In eatra profile. tETHemimber tb* Place and Sian. I. T. BANKS, Rawton’s Building, cor. Whitehall and Hunter Sta. acpttiO— STATEMENT OF B0SIMKSS DONE SIMCK APBIL let, 1SS7 it na Southern Insurance Co M a. a. mown. BROWN’S HOTEL, OITOSITt DIPOT, MACON. GEORGIA. Dr. O. S- FROPHITT’S F4MILY 9IEDI«|\|; m For Halo 1> y J. T. JENKINS * CO , Atlanta. <),. BRAD FIELD * CO., UUrauge, Oa JONES * COBB, Draytou, Oa. P. J. IIKWKTT * CO., 813 Main at., Memphis, Ten,. MORRIS A CO., Opelika, At*. PHILLIPS, SMITH * CO.. Dadevtlte Al. RAGAN, WEBB A DAVIS, Couyer*. (4, N. N. EDGE, Indian Springe, Ga. B. F. JOHNSON * CO., Katonton, O* W. A. KELLY * BRO., Montlccllo. Oa DAVID KNOTT, McDonough, Oa LEE * BETTS, Jone*l>oro' ( Ga., Conelrttna of Liver medicine. Pain Kill ft. Antt-wih,,., PtUa, Female Tonic, Dyaeniiry Cordial, Ar ht ° 8 "WPUITf, at Covington, n. nl* Proprietor. >*pll-tn, aug47—ly_ B.B. DEOWN * EON. DRY GOODS'. DRYGOODS! NASHVILLE. TENNESSEE. Number of Policies Issued 911 Amount ol Property insured {1,748,938 no Amount of Premium Note* Deposited with said Company 65,808 61 Amount of Cash Premiums and Fee* Re ceived 43,519 43 Chartered Capital. - - Accumulation* since April 1st to date $111,830 39 K. H. THOMPSON, President. John R. Bfimr, Secretary. L. B. DAVIS, Local Agent, Atlanta, Georgia. HARRY M. SCOTT, ocl5-lm Bpedal Agent THE BRIDGEWATER PUNT END COLOR WORKS, MANuracTuaane ov White Lend end Zlno Paint*. And COLORS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Dry and Ground la Oil. BRIDOEWATBB METALLIC PAINT, BRIDGEWATER COTTAGE COLOBS. ROB'T REYNOLDS, Iwrsttry. OFFICE—74 Malden Lane, NEW YORK. FACTORY—4M St., near 3d Avenua, South Brook- lyuu, and Factorlee, Bound Brook*, New Jersey. ocl6—6m* TALLEY, BROWN & CO. Whitehall Street. ATLANTA. GEORGIA, Are DAILY RECEIVING theft Fall and Winter Stock OF DRY GOODS. TUe Liche* MpecUii; are lavli^d tu ctU tad tstml&t their line of DRESN GOODS, Comprising, tn part. Silk*. French Merinos,; French Foplftu, Empress Goode. iknubaalaet, Alpaccae, Delaines Ac THEIR STOCK OF Embrolderte*. Lace*, lire** Trimming* And Dr**» Bntton* la large and varied. They keep constantly on band. BLEACHED and BROWN DOMESTICS, PRINTS aud YANKEE NOTIONS. *cp4U— F. CORBA, Whitehall Street, Weet 8lde. A few doom from Alabama, adjoining Holbrook’* Hat Kmporium, ATLANTA, - GEORGIA, VALUABLE MILL CITY PROPERTY AT CHAN0EBY SALE S TATE OF TENNESSEE, HAMILTON COUNTY. Chancery Court nt Chattanooga. Jottvx M. Bluxdiu,, Assignee ol Lewis, Spltzar A Co. Luwie, SriTzan A Co., and creditora of said firm. Pursuant to a decretal order of aaid Court rendered In the above entitled cause, at lta July term, 1867, 1 will, On Tuesday. Nov. 10th, 1807, On tbe respective premltee, sell to tb* highest bidder, on a credit of six, twelve, eighteen, end twenty-four months, taklug notes with approved security, hearing a —■"lining* lien until * v r _ldHM following l will be aold In lot* to ^snlt parchaeera, there property, which win be sold in lots to unit purchasers, except t ho Mills and Machinery attached to the freehold*, which will not be separated: as also that on which there It specific Hens: DESCRIPTION. Tb* Reel Estate within th* corporate limits ofCbatta- uooga. purchased by laid Lewis, Bpitaer A Co., from Soor7 AMerah. being the land* on which tb* Haw’MUIs, Mown ae th* Moor** Marsh Mills, am altoate, on the 71 eat aid* of Chattanooga, _ . fin mree, implement*, and appamtne ueceeaary and aaed am 1 belonging to tain Mill* and on -aid landa, and ull the Lu uber, Building Material, or property ot any kind or cha utter, mal, personal, or mixed, and belonging to aald firm Al.w, th* MIU and tbe Lots on which they eland, known as Lot: No. B and 7, on Payne street. In CMtteuooct, on which the Fisher MUI property *tmd*, together with ill the personal property, machinery, or other property on mid: Iota belonging ro aald firm. Also, all iheHouta*. Machinery, and other property ol ■aid firm on the West naif or the Ship Yard properly, leased from Mr*. Martha L. Fort, execatrln of Dr.Tom '‘hUo^thsHoa*** Building, and otto proparty situate oa lota 63,37, andBA Merkel *tr«*t, Chattanooga, which •n< has been lasted to mid firm by Mrs. Martha L. Fort, •MCitifs* Also, th* Urn* KHne and th* Lime on hand, end other Dr>Derty, on two leu, on which th*** aald Lime Kiln* are (1 tasted, and leased to mid firm by O, E. GroavHls .. ■- in chat „U FDR, deceased, to-wit: Th* Booth South half of Lot No. M, Booth half Lot No. 67. «a Mukatltmat lu a*M wall situate Brick Bulldlrg* Incom- Also, th* Waet half of Ship Yard. —expired lease of Lott In Chattanooga, rm from Qardtnhlrt, a* above, and Gran aa above. aald firm situated on a from Q. W. Gardeahlro, In Chattanooga- American and French Confectioneries AND FANCY GROCERIES. Fla* aasortmant of WINES, COGNAC BRANDIES, LIQUORS BITTERS, CORDIALS, STRl’PS, CHAMPAIGNS WINES, NATURAL FRUITS AND PRESERVES, select variety of TK AS* SUGAR, COFFEE, CRACKERS, BUTTER, CHEESE, HAMS, DRY BEEF, RICE, MACARONI, VERMICELLI, Ae GREEN FRUITS, Nut*, Almond*, Ration*, Ac. Large tfiortraent of PIPES, Cigars, Smoking Tobacco, Suutl, Perfumery, Soaps, Fancy Articles, Ac. W. M. WILLIAMS k general Commission Merohants f axp pttt.uae m GRAIN, BACON,LAED,FLOUR And all otbar article* la th* Frodac* Un*. GROCERIES, LIQEODB, TOBACCO, COTTON YARNS. *8, OLD STAND, DECATUR IT., - - • • ATLANTA, DA ON HAND AND TO ARRIVE f£|HREE HUNDRED BABULS TFHIBKY—all grade* Also, BRANDIES. GIN, Ac., ' which w* offer to th* trad* oa moat fcvorabl* tana* W. M. WILLIAMS • BRO. LIME, LIME. W E are sole Agente for ROGERS' BIRDJtYE LIME, which 1*^superior for Ml purpose* to MVLJ"’ brought to this market. Plrtlea wtatlng w Burchaae a guaruteed good and freah article, wtU fiud ltw theft In terest to call end •** nt, or lend ae their order*. W. M. WILLIAMS * BRO. IRON AND STEEL. T WENTY THOUSAND LBS. Round, Square, and Flat Iron and Steel. On hand and for sal* by oc9t—3m W. M. WILLIAMS •ESQ. BRITISH PERIODICALS ESTABLISHED 1760. P. Ad G• LORILLARi), 0* IS and SO Chambers 8t„ N. York. PLL'O TOBACCO. A LARGE stock of Plug Tobacco, embracing all o, grades fTOm low ana medium to very fine-tr.kev Of which WsrscelT* direct from tbe beet manuianum. In Virginia and elsewhere. Fine-Cat Chewing Tobacco. la the** goods we have five different brand— among them our celebrated "Century," which I* now m- terior to, and more popular than any nude. In our ( ary Foil w* continue to pick daily, one hundred dollar. O#io -i — * 4A " *•*— j — — nrday* fifty denomlnatl placed lit the same numher of paper* of tobacco each week: consequently, tbe container* ot Oi. tury Foil Fine Cut Tobacco are (tally getting prize*. SNUFFS. A* heretofore, we make all the different brand* of Snuffa for which this Home ba* been for many year* celt- heated. CIGARS. Of that* goods we have a largsand eupenor atock at Iricea that cannot fall to plt-a-e Jobber* and largo deal ora will find It to thoir lntereet to examine there good* before making their purchases. SMOKING TOBACCOS. Thai* goods we have In great variety, and all, fTOm vary low priced to the (Inert. Our stock te very complete in all lta department*, aoa merchants ar* Invited to give it an examination before Durcbsslnz. P. A O. LORILLARI). aepT—8m 16,18, and 90 Chamber* 8t., New York PHILLIPS & FLANDERS W OULD respectfully Inform th* public that they ar* now recalving their stock ol . Fall and Winter Goods, coNitiTiNa or ^{Int*, Delaine*. Merinos, Alpacux, Cuetmeree, Jeans, Flannels, Hate aa* Gaps, Boot* and Shoe*. Ready-mad* Clothing, Ladles' and Minas' Shawls, Blanket*, Nnblas, Bontege, Rletori Hoods, And all other article* usually found !n a well selected stock of STAFLB AND FANCY DRY GOODS. KE^Moet of theft good* have heon bought since the late decline In cotton, and thay will sell them at th* low est figures. PHILLIPS U FLANDERS THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW (Conservative), THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radical), THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Fro# Church), —AN®— BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). T HESE Periodical* ara ably *aatalned by the oonftl- buttons of the bnt writer* onSdaace, Mtgtoa. and General Literature, aud stand unrivaled In the world of tetter*. Tnayanludli iblato th* aohoter and the professional man, and to every reading man, as they fur nish a better record of the current Uteruturoof the day i than can be obtained from any other eonree. 10 TERMB FOB IEEE. For any on* of th* Bevlein I For any two of th* Review* For any three of th* Review* ... For all four ol the Revlaw* .. For Blackwood'* Eagasln*.. « For Black wood and on* Review..... 7 For Blackwood and any two of Dm Ro- *0 For Blackwood and three of the Review* 15 For Blackwood and tho four Revlaw* 16 Have a Large Lot of FUHNITUBK jixvstiST**®* vllle and Burke, Mfcw.v- . And mao, th* unexplred term of teas* on cortain pro- — in Chattanooga, tewed, by *ald firm from W. W. ... i n (act forLlndaay'aheir*. of Land pnrehaaed by aald firm from , lu the City of Chattanooga, and fur .bond for tttte, under th* name of the EsV&ttoraeylafhct for Uadroy’* hefts. Also, e Tract r — Moor* d Marsh, which thay hold a bond — Billy Smith property, ooutetnlag throe ten*, more or *Ai*o, * Lot In lha city or Cbatuwooga. known na lot No. Aon Branham *troet; Provided ]M* lot No. 8 on Bninbtm etreot has bean sold lo on* David Froldmnnn for te* sum of $7,000, Friedmann having pnW $100 on the earns and contracted to pay $308.75 on hi* lien held by Chariee Baadqitat on ttoanmo. Also, Lot known an 39 or 41 Poplar street, In said city of Chattanooga, (there being Utlgatlon now as to tee lombir of till lot j Also, all other property, real, personal, or mixed, which tee said drm may own, or to which they may become en titled without nay reservation, whether tee earn* shall have barn Hated In tela advaettaameot or omitted from thaadpfRorees, four bead of Mnlea, and All of eetd real eatet* belonging to eald dra will be told la her of tee eqelty of redemMten, and te* property leuevd will be sold euhject to. nil tee rights, UmltttTon*. equities and restrictlo«a tpedded and mentioned tn tee r.opt ctlvf tea*** thereof. The nurebaaer or naichaeaw atendtagte tearoom and*>*odwth*oetgtnalte**o*n Th* terms, roatrictlon*. Umlutton* Ae., ofaatd leases, with the length ef time the eeld leeaea have te run, ertti be made known on day of sale; or letter* addtaaaid to a * Clerk sod Master of this Court will he promptly an swered, giving nil tea information sought le* tied Or to- J. W. JAMES, G. AII.' ov9—Id By Dan J. Dwri, 1). C. A M. FACTORY GOODS. s_ T ^ wholeeele, at WhMteaD ocds-lm or rut* own XANuracTUU, con»i»tin* or Bedatead*, Bureaus, Table*. Chain, Wash-Stands, Wardrobe*. Maltreats*. he, Ac., Ac. They also manufacture and sell COTTON YARNS, 03NABURG8, AND SHIRTINGS AU at the loweat price*, for cash. Giv* them a call bo- or» ton purchase. oc8-3m 0. 8. DtaaLI, Late of Newborn, N. C. ■so. x. DXWiT. af New York. DIBBLE, WORTH A CO.. Commission [Merchants, IBS PEARL ST., NEW YORK. T> ARTICULAR attention given to the sale of WHEAT. MT Partin requesting, will be regularly advteed of th* ittt# of tki nirkot. RanuNoa*.—J. D. Flab, faq, Pneldent National Marin* Bank, N. Y.; H. L. Worth, E*u., Caehler Na tional Park Bank, N. Y.; D. Heaton, E*q., President Pint National Bank, Newborn, N. O. •, Me**rt. Jewel A Snider, Macon, O*.J«36- FALL AND WINTIR D K Y GOODS!! T HE attention of the Trade le epeelaily Invited to oa FaU and TTlatar Stock ol Foreign snd Domestic Dry Goods, Which is now complete tn every Department. MARSHALL, BURGE A BOWEN, •j; t importer*aad Jahhara, aepl9-Sm 148 Masting atwet. Charleston,». C. ARMINIETBATOR’S BALE. |Y vlrtae of fin order from the Court of OTOtnan of lyton county, Oa., will b* sold, on th* diet Taee- Member next, at th* court boas* door in th* town of Jonesboro’, Clayton county, Ga., between the ‘ W asmteof v klK.1(tQ MS 5 Y vlrtae of ai Clayton coal In December town of Jonetbort. —. legal boat* of eale, the land heloagll. CLUBS. A discount of twenty per eent. wlU he allowed to club* of four or more person*. Thus, four copies ol Black wood, or of on* review, will be tent to oew aid free tor *19 89. Four copies of th* four Review* and Blackwood, for $48, and to on. POSTAGE Subscriber* should pro-pay by te* quarter, at the oEc* or delivery. Th* postage te any part of tee United State* >• Two Cmin a number. This rote only applies to cur rent subscription* For hack number* th* poiteg* 1* double. Premiums to Nsw Subscribers New lubacriben to any two of tee above Periodical* for 1868 will be entitled to rootlve, grttl*. any one pf the four Review* for 1817. New eshecrihei* to all tv* of tb* Periodical* for 1881 m*y receive, gratl*. Blackwood or »ny two ofth* "Four Revieere” tor 1887. Subscriber* may obtain btck number* at tb* following 1688, to December, Westminster from " London ieduced rete», viz: Th* North British from January, 1867, Inclusive: Edinburgh aad the .. —r—-- April, 1884. to Dacember, 1887, lnc1u*lv»jnndth*L Querteriyror the year* 1866,1(06, and 1H9T. at the ml* of 8160 a year for each or anyRtvkew: also, Blackwood tor 1868 aud 1867, lor $* 60 a year, or th* two year* together tor $4. ^■Neither premium* to subscriber*, nor discount to elubt, nor reduced price* for back numbero, cun he allow ed. anises the money Is remitted direct toth* publisher*. No premium* ctn be given to club*. The Leonard Scott PnbUshtng Co., J AO Fulton Etraot, N. Y. Tb* L. 8. Publishing Co. alao publish th* FARMER’S GUIDE, By Hihut Btxmkx*. of Edinburgh, and tea lata J . P. Noarox, or Yale College. 8 vole., Royal Octavo, 1800 page*, aad nnmerone engraving*. Trice $7 tor te* two volume*—by utall, poet paid, $8. ADMINISTRATOR'S BALE. A GREKABLY to an order of tea Court of Oretuan of A Campbell county, Ga., wHl be told, oo tee ii« Tuesday la January next, between tee Tagil hoar* of sale, baton te* coart bone* door r bell county, «*.. n pUatcUon bale Thomas A. Latham, deceased o Coweta ^now ’ CempbelP «>Mty. Ili tontelulng'tbovil mlleeirom tee A. AW. F. RaUrood, aad eighteen mUee West of Attauta. That* leo* teat of river bottom. A mantatlon ornb ration. Good dwelling hou**, out L - . —. •mu now offend for sal* la th a* the property of Thomas A. L— beoedlof thehelro and rrodltoro of* Terms cash. Add.^Atle.te'Oe wuter’.fo.tio Notice to DoMoro aal CroAltoro. N OT m‘^wSte“o,* u wrr%£^ tssKJaSSraf i^tpssrfi madrate payment to mo. r ROOT. nov7—43d HNWI A Wl fi Kmpoftani TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON, 4c,, ATLANTA, GEO., to BALTIMORE, via CHARLESTON, S. C. TU SPLENDID SCREW STEAMHIP5, TALOOH, . . E0. SEED, Commander, 8EA GULL,. N. P. DUTTON, Commander, Of Large carrying capacity, making average trip* of 55 to 00 hours, leave Charlestou once a week for Baltimore, and offer auperior facilities lor through freights to and from that port. ADDRESS COURTENAY & TRENHOLM, Shipping and Commission Merchants, Union Wharves, Charleston, S. C. Ob, H0BDECA1 & CO., Agents, Baltimore, ,Md. Dr. H. Sills, President. Andrew Ih nn. Seat-ury R. P Glenn, Treasurer. GEORGIA. LOOM AND MANUFACTURING CO Y. MANUFACTURERS AND PLANTERS, LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! AND CALL AT Offlow, Ilall-Johnron Building. XSZT DOOR TO EOBT OPPICE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, AND tEB IN OFSRATZON MwidtnhaU't Improved Self-Aoting HAND AND POWER LOOM! EASIER UNDERSTOOD, EASIER TO OVER ATE. AMD BORE RkLUBLs P088BB8ES SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES Over all other Hand Loom*, AND IS MORE SIMPLE AND DURABLE 1^ Planters can be Independent I By Weaving aU their Good* for Home Wear on th* KXMDXVXALL IMPROVED HAND LOOM! From 15 to 30 Yards per Day Can tom Woven on ttolm I-ooni 5 IT WEAVES AS FAST AS ANY FACTORY LOOM! Half the C®*» of the Clothing of a F*mtl> c»u be Saved by uec I From $6 to $10 a Day can be Made oh it! ITS PASTS ARE SEIF-CUASQIXQ ■ By th* Turning of aa Kaey Crank, ft lei* ihe Werp wind* cp th* Cloth, tratd* th* Trrodlro, and throw* tb* Shuttle/ IT WEAVES Jean*, Satin*!*, Unaey*. Bl*nk*t Twin, Double-Pi* 'j doth, verlou* kind* of Ribbed Good*. Fancy Tail!.. Ill kind*, FUx, Cotton, Tow or All-Wool Cloth, Bka’flne- Toweling, Table Lm*n, Balmoral Skirl*, Woolen, Lineu andHtmp CarpeU. In fket, anything, from a h-indwnie Silk ton Rag Carpet. It !■ email, neat, aud light - not arger than a common bniUiit table. It |$ m*d* In Iht most workmauUkt manner, of material, and baadeomely v*rut*h«l. It I* very elmple and (tally underetood-wetythlng i* performed by turning * trunk. L$$u ud County Rigbtsi for Sale. grtor further particulate. bUI oi price*, detcrlptlv circular*, and sample* of weaving, addree* KUSH TRATT, Agant Georgia Loom and Manulkcinring Co. mar**—ly Briant*. tjagu;. w. R. JOHNSON, (lucct$$rr to HoUlnffworth A Jokotou.' MS. Chari** Btreat. Baltimore. Maryland, MauafiKturvr. and Dealer In DRUGGISTS' AND CONFECTIONERS' HP FEN AND FLINT GLASSWARE- W. A JOHNSON, M Chariee Btwet,