The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, December 21, 1867, Image 1

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flit flailii 0»trfU(|cn«t. «» i' i' I « ' ■i *|| lll.ltMMIIhK Itlll.ltING. , „1„ tti Whortull street, twlween Alabama •U'w't 1 ,„,i ih<< li.llrosil ■ maslng. , , hi l-IIM> lUII.V AN I* M KKKI.V IIV jaUED IRWIN WHITAKER, i>rl«t«r. ATLANTA, GEORGIA ♦ • - — Saturday Mornln*, One. ai. I BOP. |'4,klnu t'lill-4'lial, l„ U nion, *liort »ln «o« urc nlmut all that mv a noon tin' strwln, tint tho li’lifftii In ttiadu lip wilhtill* evcnitijj ill.airs with their lung train*. I h- ii.I I a I'aisltinnithle lloston Inily, who went ,ii\ in that city tint long since, tlmtshe *y. i iln'iv ulmtil tin (1 rut of tho evening, tml n , i-iii of her ifrt-.M iliil lint ariivo until twelve ;,vk Kverylliing i« (oml, ami it in proiliotoil tint tho tanhioii will reign a- long an tiny ha Vo • ill .kills. For outside garments, looso sucks, a niilo lone r than Inst your, aril w orn. Tho Kng- h-h j n'ki t in a now ntylo ; it in nhort. mill tlln tho with (Moholnnit tho bark. It is roporlotl ih ii tho hair is to oonto down a littlo, Inti an yet „o has I won mado in that direction. , loins ottt'l down tho hack is commonly worn, mi l (Hvanionally two braids. It i, <aid ol tho lion Mix Dennis McCarthy, ; St i aonno, now npoudiuts tho wiuler in Darin, i ,i,t jin' dlosses nmgnilli'cHtly in a black tr ivet ,11,ss, with a train which roaoliea clear out into the other parlor' She wears a costly India .Iritvl, and throe large red roses in her linir. At tho opera, a few nights ago. in New Or leans. the head-dress of a voting lady, seated in a t>o\ ot the dress circle, was strikingly pretty, and attracted the attention of many persons id i ote. The hair was either black or dur'r ■ best- mil, parted in the middle, and on the sides smiiolhed down to the ears and lightly tucked itp on cither side in front, without the help ol iiii.Y; the top of the chignon, which was id moderate size, sitting horizontally with the h vcl ,.| the head. .Inst above and a little in rear ol Hie right ear sat a pure white lull hloom . amelia , l small si/.e, connected by a one-inch scarlet l.iml, edged with gold, to another one milch I irger placed near the top id the head near the riiigitott, one third of the (lower covering the parting ot the hair. A new and intense color in silk goods, known me man gold color, lias just been brought out ■ t \ T Stewart’s retail store. It is very ii. li I hnlliimt, and lets somewhat ol n deep mange Ini.’. Chute and checked velvets are being exlen- mv.'Iv bought at Mr. Stewart's tor walking d:esses. In the eltene velvet the groundwork may lie brown, blue, purple, green or blitter , .ih'ir, with a net-work of block velvet throwu over it. On the checked velvets tile checks are very small, and composed of bright colors in >ati*n, such as rose, pink, blue, clierry, red, etc. A very beautiful ball-dregs was seen at Mr. stewart's a few day* since. It wtminadu ot sea- green satin, very brilliant, with a pretty gored skirt, trimmed with white satin rotxiux aml with wide llotinees of while point lace, put on in the tmm .d an overskirt, caught up at the rigid side with an immense I tow of green satin edged with lace, and trimmed witharollot white satin. The waist was cut very low. - , and composed of white satin and hire, with a narrow hand over the shoulder. This would Ikj very pretty with HHA7.I1.1AN into SKOKUCKS. These cau be had at Mine. N. Tilmatt's as low as thirty-five dollars, and arc said to look well upon tile neck ol a ynupg lady. Eleven llrazil- i m hugs are mounted in gold and fastened to tire i h tin w liicllclasps about the Iteek. Del wren yucli I'H; a large pearl is sus|M'ndcd from llih . eltaiti. K a .hops are made ol pearls and latgs. 'I'lnibiie i- ot a rich greet) hlemle.t with black amt gold. In necklaces onty the back or shell of lire bog is no d, which henrs a strong resemblance to the luck of a small turtle. Ear-drops made <>( pearl and gold, with precious stones for tho eyes, iu form ot bees, are very fashionable. PKOMliNADE UKAD-DUKSS. t'pon a wide and long French gold chain there were fastened three hunches of tue deep wallet pomegranite blossoms, with buds and eaves. Tito price ol this, with the bouquet ik uig', was but tlltcen dollars. Just the thing t .r a brunette. Another head-dress—price twelve dollars—was made . .1 small hunches ot Malaga gra|>C8 and clusters of love-roses, (listened u|Km a gold chain. BRIDAL WREATHS. These can lie obtained at all prices, with the '•il included, tor from twenty-five to sixty dol- The wreaths are made’ot orange blossoms .rut clusters of half-opened buds, with long ends trailing vines composed of orange buds and white tuoebias. All of the above beuutilul goods m lie seen at Tiluian’s, on Ninth street, oppo site Mr. Stewart’s store.—.Vet* York i[nit. VOL. XIII. “ERROR 0EA8K8 TOBEDANUKROUSJ WHEN LEA SON IS LEFT FREE TO OOMBAT \T. n —Jtfmon. ATLANTA. GA. SAT l T R1) AV\DEGEMBER2h 1867. no. m Ilia liim-ral will taku place upon the arrival of Ids brother, tlcncrnl Johnston.—.*>Y Limit tie. puUiean, lleeemher 10. Mix Margaret A. Johnston died iu tit. Louis mi Hontlnv, a tetv hours after tlir demise of her litediuml, william Edward Johnston, a brother of Gen. Joseph K. Johnston. 5JS AIIseellmteous Advertisements, ■r ii id n i\if.v'r kum iTd yT MADAME ZADOC l’OUTER’8 CURATIVE COUON BALSAM. Trias -26, 50, and TO Cents par Bettis. W IlK'H has hri-n fSvo sldv known snit extensively ns«l In New York City and vicinity for upwards or I wen tv live years. The h",t. eiieipc t. an.l most effectnal Remedy (hr » ’"khz. Colds, Ac., tin) world hassver produeod. Purdy contains no mlm or other d trtvrtou* is warrant'd. .. cording to dlroctlous. to • lire to sit macs. Colds, < roup, Whooping Coughs, AMlima, and nil sanction* of tho Throst and Lungs. Maila no Zsdoc Porter's ltalsam Is a |Hiroly vegeta- blo expectorant, prepared with ran and nelen- tittc m.iII .from . comhina tlunof tho best mim dies •Ii - regotshle kingdom at- lorda. Its remedial qualities are based on t s power to as sist the healthy sod vlgor- oue circulation of t he blood tlirongh the lunge. H eiitlvena the mnncle* Slut as-lsta the skin to per torn) the dalles of regain- ting tho heat of the svsti m and In gently throwing eg the waste .ubstauce from the Mirlacc of the body. It oosene th phlegm. Induces t ee apttting, and wilt he found vtey agiec- sblc to the taste, It is not a violent rein dy.hut emol lient, warming, .earthing, sud efl'i'cttvc, and can be taken by the oldest person or yoilMgest child If yon have a void, if ova• so sllgli', do not tail to gits tile tt i s mi a trial, as the verv low price at which It la sold bring- it w thin t lie reach of eve y one, that they may a'wnvs keep tt for convenient use. The timely use of a 96 cent Initile wtl often prove It to' e worth a tinu- 1 Inn * ita VI-Hill •osi. Sold by alt Drngglsta. IIUOKEL A HRNDttl,. Pronriet it, Now Proprietors, 68 Barclay S.rect, Now York. suicide or t Fatalist and a Philosopher. A few tlnys ago, near Fond du Lac, Wis., the badly decomposed body of a man was found in ri ooscure place among some torcst brush. The • h-censed was n man of medium si/e, and was dn-.-scil in a dark sack coat, light brown pants, Mack teit liar, and congress gaiters. Ilis hair •>( reddish cast. A pair ot pocket combs, a ring containing a large brass key and tour smaller ones, a pocket diary lor 1807, were the only articles found on his’ person. The latter •ontiiined all that is known of the man. The nving statements were lound in the diary, id were wiilton in a good, steady hand, and, with one or two exceptions, every word was cor- 'tty spelled: vrcKDAY, September 11. — In all well regu lated communities not among the least officers watch over t lie welfare of its citizens is that of cornnor. it is a clu ck to crime, and conducive to the morality and welfare of society. "Believing that Hie good town of Fond du Lac Ins among its representative officers a coroner, these line* are most respectfully addressed, be lieving tlmt it will aid him and his jury in ar riving id their verdict, should they be called in mv case ns they undoubtedly will. "Be it known to whom it may concern, that 1 A fi. Alden, Imvc this, the 14th day ot Septem- r, in tlie year 1807 ; being in a sane slate of n l, tailoring under no excitement, enjoying t Isidily health, have taken iuto my stomach grains of morphine (or the sole purpose of putting me into an eternal sleep; yea, the sleep if death. ' My reasons are of no importance to tho pco. pie In-re. I will only say tlmt 1 am a latalist, have a presentiment tor the past two years tlmt I would come to this, nnd there is no use in trying to stave it off ; it is sure to come, and there is no titter time than to-day. If there have been '•loads in inv life, the sun shines on me now, and mi not unhappy. "I am expecting a small amount of money by mail; enough to pay a small board hill ol two ks and my burial expenses. I have nothing more to say. A. O. Ai.dkn.” <)ii the opiMisite side of tlia sheet is the lollow- g : "I have just taken it with peaches, and calm ly await the results. My pencil is so blunt 1 n Imrilly write. I should Judge it was about «• o’clock. Where will I lie to-morrow at one lot k'! Echo answers, Where!’ "9 o’clock, i*. M. ’1 have made a mistake; 1 should have taken Unity grains. I must leave it till to-morrow. ".Sunday, 15lh. "Twenty grains to-day will finish the job. tl Imvc h it rather sick tins morning, Irotn the of- I" ts of t| 1( . small dose, hut thill will soon lie another page, not written in as good a h u"l as the preceding: My pulse is growing weaker; 1 think it will imvc ns intended effect, although 1 one day took ice ounces ill oz.) of laudanum, but my strong constitution and strong vitality threw it oil’; it did not even make me sleepy; but il ten grains ' morphing do not do it, 1 shall think I am the cond edition of the Wandering Jew, bnl I im- i;»i to fed tlie etloots of it through my system. “ | have always thought that 1 could meet calmly, and find il even so; I feel period- iy happy and resigned to my fate." n order to Hu- ... ....... ami imprisonment " Mi. Kols-rt Maxwell. Nocause assigned mil - . H 'd imprisonment, except ‘‘until further o"'7' ’ This man was arrested a short time 1 »y the civil authorities, charged with flu- "ardcr ol Stephen Iliil, a colored limn. Tlie •‘ ‘gistrat.-’* trial resulted iu Ids discharge, the I 1 ''" developing two tldrigs very clearly: , 'Itolsert Maxwell did not do the mur- . "'"I secondly, tlmt another person did. m' Vcrtheh.'SH, this inan Is again arrested nnd Vei u' ; .' r "* l: 'l llt l, " : w * 11 "* '"if military rulers.— L'lily wij onjlit to lovo mill luuwtr mir iiui uml n: till, DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS! TALLEY, BROWN & CO. tV Ii It oil axil Htl'oot, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Arc DAILY RECEIVIN'!} ftiwir rail anil Winter Stock OP DRY GOODS. The Ladies especially are invited to call and examine their line ot 1) BF.SK GOODS, Comprising, in part, Silks. French Mr riiif.*.’ Kiench Topline, Empress Goode, Ilombaztnea, Alpaccas, Delaines. *c. THEIR STOCK OF Emtiroiderics, locus. Drees Trimmings And Dress Buttons teilarge and varied. Tbey keep conatantty on hand, ttbEAOHEO and BROWN DOMESTICS, PRINTS and YANKEE NOTIONS. IK'P'Xl— el HARTFORD, CONN. 96th SEMI-ANNUAL EXPOSE. TOTAL LOSSES PAID, 821,271.972 57 JULY 1. 18 0 7. -ASSETS: (At Market Vaiut i Pash on hand and in Bank f MB,886 SH Real Eetate MS,093 09 Mortgage Bonds 696,660 00 Bank Stock 1,900,400 (XI 1.1. Status, Statu and Pity Stock, and other Public Hee.ilritiea 1,081,308 8« 11,060,908 97 Less lilabilitice, Claims not. due mid suad- Jnstcd 377,008 46 Net Assets $4,973,909 fit FlltK ANI) INJiANI) NAVIGATION RI8K8. I^fAgcnrlcs In all tlie principal cities and towns III the United States. Applications for Insurance will be promptly attended UKKIPK-—With P. I. Ilrown, on east aide of Whltelmll street, one door from Alebatua. Jy19~lawly N. L. A NO I Kit, Agent. HARDWARE AND IRON. AtmwjTKi).—General by i !" m ''anted the arrest and • - nuglit to love nixi himur tmr .jiial and ' l "."" ‘‘"vonmicnt—“ the Im'sI tins kiiii cvei Its red peel |nr the liliertie.s of tin ,, , , "'l lll "l the protection It extends to us lire ', 111 ''".'nirnm miderslauding. Oh I great and » 1 “ i I niiiu !— \\',nliiiii/t'iH(tJii.) Ornette, .1 i'’Vv'ln'c', 11 /. M We o'eo rvts that Gap), win.'it . ‘••"Wrtved hi* prnprii-tun-hip I/,.„• b 'imlar nuwiipuper, tliu Mmitgnmerv mu ot ii „ '*[" K' 1 " 1 know that bo is retained ’“*• »•*« oditnr* of the Mail. ITSTMTJRK I N Tl TK Southern Life Insurance Co. CIIAIt'lF.RKD BY THE LEGISLATURES OF TIi.NN’HSSKU AND KENTUCKY. CASH CAPITAI), - - - - #300,000. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $1,000,000. oar EIGHTY PER OENT. OF THE PR0FIT8 PAID TO P0LICYH0LDER8 \~m ntkmpnis officers. r—:— President. SAMUEL'Vjmi, } Vice-Presidents. | l F. 8. DAVIS, Trcsanrer. BEN. MAY, Secretary. ■IRAMII OFFICE. ATLANTA, GA.| I.OI ISVILLE OFFICERS. r. c. SPENCER. President. .1. FRY LAWRENCE, Vicc-Prcaldent. A. li. IIOIHIKS, Treasurer. K. T. HOPKINS, Secretary. D. C. O'KEEFE, KxamtnlnK SnrKCon, Atlanta, Ot. A. R. Z. DAWSON, Gen'l Traveling Agent. FRANK^PERRIN ! 0eueral Agenta. W Ovsr ,1. T. Jenkins A Co.'s Drug Store, Wlnlt hall Sired. ' ' nci9 -3c BROOKLYN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. ISSUES POLICIES OP ALL KINDS, LIFE AND ENDOWMENT, j NO RESTRICTION OK TRAVEL OR RESIDENCE. All l’o 11 c I cb nImoI u teljr Non-Co r frl t nhl e, aftor Socoml Year. IMvIdendfl rnid Annually, In fanh. A Loan of H8 utelv |»er wilt, of the ft*r«imnm, and tlie Lnan-uoto Ih not a Lion on the l*oilc’y aftur III** Mccotid Year. MUTUAIa This Company offers particular advantages to the Snuthurn pimple, and la tho MOST LIBERAL In the country. Office, No. 141 Broadway, New York City. WM. M. COLE, Beoretary. | CHRISTIAN W. BOITCK, President. ^Persona wanting Snb-agenclue, and authority to uanvaas, will apply to L. H. HALMONH, cl—3m Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Oa.Genernl Ag ut for Northern Georgia and Alabama. GLEffl, WEIGHT & CARR," COTTON FACTORS, Storage and Commission Merchants, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. situated along side the railroad, enables us to receive and ship free of DRAYAGE. OUR COTTON WAREHOUSE I. Of large capacity, thoronghly FIliE-PROOF, and onr facilities for handling COTTON nneqnalcd ty any in tho Booth. We will Store and Sell Here, oreldp from this or any other point, to BOSTON, PHILADELPHIA, NEW VORK, BALTIMORE, Making or LIVERPOOL, SAVANNAH, CHARLESTON, 'LIBERAL CASTI when desired. ....L nde M h S R r cn ? e Keftulation, COTTON can be shipped to this place nndcr bill ol Imlln- bvcallinc nnnn As- aeasor or Collector at point of shipment, without pre-payment of Revunnu Tax 5 “" lnR npon A ' fncIhMcs^ami^lvurging RnUroads^cnmiTua'uB to Mk "« " “ ‘'"P'TtantCotton Market. With thinking hip Cotton in Any .Direction. WE sell the BEST IMPROVED COTTON GINS. Also, Baninc, Rope, and Sweet’s Patent Iron Tie, the Best iu Use. •w* COII.H MANILLA Rol'K. | t 76 dozen Short Haiiilli'd Frying Pans, *AI rolls Puiuut l arking H to f Inrli, aoo Shovels and Kpaitus, tmai doz.uii 1‘oekut Knives, •jixi grosa Table Cutlery, tau dozen Curry Combs, 16.) Ikixus 19(1 Plate, taxxi itouinls Bloek Till, liaai iHiiiinla Bar loiail, mat tMga Shat, an bimilles Itriglit Iron Wire, 3ISI dozen Irou Wire Sifters, Ml Anvil*, 76 Vises, •Mast ihiuiiiIs Hinoothliig Irons, maat pounds Grinin'* Horse Nads, MSI dozen Files— assorted, Halil pounds tlalvanlieil Sheet Iron, u ions Cast Htiad. •JO tons Plow Steel, :«m tuna Swedes and Iteltni'il Iron, Ml tons Hand, lluop, and llorse Shoe Iron, 16 tons oval, Half oval, and Half Hound Iron, 96 ions Holler, Plate, and Shunt Iron. For ante by WEEDS A CORNWELL, Nos. t6!lanc till ilroiightiin Hlreet. Savannah, ua. COFFKK • >Aftft IIAGS (oat received, hum Itln do Janeiro, ilUUU per Billiali llrlg spring Foraalehy WKKIIS A CORNWELL. Nos, 169 and till Broughton Street. inaylU—9rn Savannah, <ia «I<||K PIIRLHI will iM'ar In niliiil that the lutelll I gciicer has atuebed to Iu Prtntliuf Ketebllahment, ■moor the most extensive Binderies In the Stele, will workmeu superior to auy, wliuru all kindaor Baling and Binding U.executed with neatuui* and atmoderatu fig- Portable Grist units, SMU7 MACIITNKS, For IlniKl, florao, nnd Steam Power, TURBINE IF. I TER- WHEELS, HICKS' STEAM ENGINES AND Bo/I.ERS We Receive and Hull on Commlaeloiia, all kinds of PRODUCE and PROVISIONS : Corn, Oats, Wheat, Flour, Bacon, Lard, Salt, &c., &e. Our foci lit Iph lor or in j mill Stllinj HAY nro uiiHtirpaHetid. MtiUOIIM AND TOBACCO TIN LiVRGII SUPPLY Of \arioua hrmidH nnd qualities. Agents far tbs sale of PLOWS, nnd other Farming Implemvats. Georgia and Alnliaina 1.1.M 1C, nnd Georgia ROOKING SLATE. Will bo pleaso,: to flit orders forCOTTON GOOlitt or other Mcrclianillsn. WliElVRl, \Y!U 4s in & (IRK, ocl9—3m ATr.AIV'rA, OF.OHUIA. JOHN. B. FULLER, 47 DEY STREET, New York City. MANVTAOTUREn AMD DZAI.ZR IN PORTABLE AND RTATIONARV STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS FROM 2 TO 250 HORSE POWER. Most approved Clreulsr and Uprlcht Saw Mills, Grist ... " itaoH ‘ m baud aud l>u "Si and all kluda of [lit nnw Alins, iirisi. Mining and Plauta- urder. Putties, Lia'her and Iluhlier Belting, Mills, Sugar Mills, aud all kluda Maeliluery on baud aud built to order. , ■ tiiiitip. ia’R'iht mm miiiimr jm'iii Iron uml Wood working Machinery. HT Machinery and Railroad aupplicH in ator«% and shipped at the loweat latea aiij?5»7—Ini B. B. BROWN. WM. r. BROWN. IIIIOWN’H IIOT14L, oi'i'osiTB tiaeoT, MACON, GEORGIA. tagOT-ly B. B. BROWN A ON. riHi>iNANi> rniNizr. c. n. i-niNizr. j. m. nuimzi.i.. F. PHINIZY & CO., OOTTON FACTORS AND CommisNion Morchan is, At their New FlreProof Warelionse, JACKMN ITUET, AUQUITA, OEOBOIA. MlnoelluneoUN Art vert iMtsnaeii i • H. C*. BELL, GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, DEALER IIV PROV1HI4I1VS AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF COUNTRY PRODUCK, Below Roark’s Corner, WHITEHALL ST„ ATLANTA, OA. LEWD TO THE LA1VD! Union Point, Oa., October 13,1866. Mum. Smut well A Barrow: Hunts-I need your Phosphate on my Cotton at the rate of *60 pounds per acre. 1 am satisfied that X will realize at least 160 per cent, on the amount apent. I am ao well pleased that I expect to uae more on the noxt crop than I did on thla. Very truly yours, (Signed) P. W. PRINTUP. Airmens, Ga., November 1,196A. Meters. BrighlweU if Barrow: GiNTa—Thu twenty (90) tons REED'S PHOSPHATE I bought ot you this year, I used on Corn and Cotton. I am so wall pleated with the effect on my crop, that I wish to pure hate of yon for next year’! crop, one hundred tone.; Your* respectfully, JAS. A. COBB. This Manure, manufactured In Georgia (the virtues for which are attested by well known Georgia citizens, and which la calculated to do to much for "BecooetructUn" in Georgia) la for tale by LANGSTON, CRANE & HAMMOCK, Sole Agent*, Alabama Strtet, Atlanta, Ua. SACKS AND WHEAT WANTED. KAAA Sack*. Second-Hand Gunnies and Burlap*. OUVU 6000 bnahela Wheat. angl»—4m Alabama Street. BRINLY, MILES A HARDY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, Sole Manufacturer* of BRINLY'S UN1NERSAL PLOW, (Patented Jnly, 1866, and Angnet, 1807) a# Beware of Imitations,. All Infringers will he prosecuted to the extent of the law. and price Met. Send for ch-cnlar MoNAUGHT, ORMOND A CO., Agenta, Atlanta, Georgia. JAMES STOGNBR, Agent, i Augusta, Georgia. CHAN. BOHNEFELD, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, UNDERTAKER, M ANUFACTURER or Coflna, and Dealer In Metal lie Burial Canes, Casket*, Ac., aud agent for Crane, Heed ACo., Cinelunail, Ohio. Also, manufacturer aud dealer in Ihrnlturi). FACTORY— L ickte Street, near Walton Spring*. WAKEKOOM8—Peachtree Street, opposite Wcstoy Chapel. IIOV97—3m C. E. Af INN I C! K, Light Carriage a lid Wagon Maker Gonnmi «I root, butwem Turn ui-d Rntnw, UAf/TIMORK, MARYLAND. I AM prcpnti'd to exui ulo till for Curiin^en and lt«*|*fiii lnR itnitc wiili u<vitui‘FH nud ilia- pAtoli. ocis-.'im ok». M. mcwBY, of Mew York. DIBBLE, WORTH & CO., Commission JVtei’cvhantH, ISS Fit AIII. ST., NEW VORK. P A KTIf’ULA If attention given to the sate of WH EAT. J*i»i Men requesting', will he regularly ndvienl of the vtateof tlie nmrkel. Kkkkuknchs. ---.I. J>. Fiali, Keq,, President National Marino Ifouk, N. Y.; II. I*. Worth, Kao., Ctaaliier Na- tional Park Itank, N.Y.; l>. Heaton, Kaq., President Flint N>ition»l Rank, Newbeni, N. l\; Metart. Jewel dt Snider Mueon, Ua ZZT A C.Mii).—What la Tahiiant's Ekfkb Ai'znrzNT, and what are tte effecta? These are iiuesttous wliieh tlie great American public luis a light in ask, and It liar, slim s right to expect* candid Hint sniltlhi'tnry reply. Tlie preparation 1* a mtid unit gentle Sulim'cathartic, alterative anil tonic, and ia must carefully prepared iu tlie form of a snow-white powder, containing all the wimdcrfiil medical properties of tho lur-fsuied Bottler Springs of Germany. Of IU effect* we would ray that those who have lusted tlie preparation are the best judge., amt they doclnr over tfielr own sieutuuri*, Inal liiv preparaiioii will promptly relie* e liidigeelIon, rugalale the How of tlie bile, cioe every species ol lieiidiiche, trauqiltlixe the iiervou* system, rclrcsli and Invigorate the weak, mitigate the i n : ol ilinmoill.m, m'lilrallz.e m id In the sioniai tl, clean SI- unit loi'o the liowels, ksslsl the failing appetite, cure I lie tieartliurii 11 you are a siittiTer give thla remedy one trial, and Will convince you ol tlie above fads. TARRANT A CO., role proprietors, N*w York, hold by all Druggists. ••pad— )y 1'. At «>. LOU1LL 10 IQ and 20 Chambers St. N.Yorh PLl'It TOBACCO. A LARGE stock of Plug Tobacco, embracing all il L'Didci from low unu mudlum to very nno—man, of which wc receive* direct from the beet mtuflfocturerf iu Vir^lDu uud dec where. Fine-Cut Chewing Tobacco. Ill thctfo kinhIk wtt Imvo five different brancU— nmoiij' them our celebrated “Ccutury,” which !■ now mb- nerlor to, and more*, popular that* any made. In onr Ccn fury Foil wo continue to pack daily, oue hundred dollar* On Mondiiys $10u, TuusdayH two f jOf, Wcdneaduya five $21 m, TlniiF(ln>M tun $H*n, Friduya twenty $5n. aud Hat tirdayn fifty $24—making ci«hty-flglit bills of different denomination* placed in the Mime nnnitmr of papem of tobacco each week : conaequently, the conaumera of Cen tury Foil Fine Cut Totmcco urc daily gettlug prizes. SNUFFS. As heretofore, we make all tlie different brand* ot Hnuffa for which Uub ilouee ha& been for inauy ycaracele brated. CIGAltS. Of these poo«I« wc have a large and superior stock at prices that cannot foil to plea se. Jobf>ersand largadeal ers will And il to their .tr-rest to examine these goods before making their p*m iiiises. NltVOKINO TOBAffON. These goods we have in great variety, and all grades, from very low priced to the finest. Our stock Is verv complete in til its departmente, and merchants are invited to give’it an examination before purchasing. P. As«. LORILLARD, sep7—Sin 111, is, nud 20 Chambers 8t., New York. GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. FALL TltADE OF 1807. W. W. CHAPMAN. .). W. ItUCKEII. CHAPMAN, RUCKER A CO., 'WliitefiHll Street. H AV ING added another member aud additional capf ul to onr firm, wo are now extensively engaged In the Commission. Grocery end Produce Business WE WILL DIAL IN Bacon, Flour, Corn, Lard Coffee, Sugar, Molaaaaa * Syrups And every article ntnally fonnd in- a ttrat-claa* Grocery Store, itr WHOLE SALK EXCLUSIVELY. 9T*The City and Country Trade are invited to call and examine onr Block before purchasing elsewhere. oc9—Sm L. COHEN, IMPORTER OF Brandies, Wines, Gins, Cigars, &c., AND DELER IN Rye* Bourbon, Manongahala WHISKIES, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, QEOKOIA. NEW 30 BAItREL TURPENTINE STILL, EXTRA IIKAVV BOTTOM, ALL COMPLETE FOR SALE MUC11 BELOW COST. PW* Stills of all eizee built to order aud DISTILLERS Fitted out ut the luwe.-t rate,. t>\ J. It. PULLER, 47 DHY STREET. nug97—4m New York City. Great News-Glories News. KIN6ICOTTON ALIVE AGAIN! CD reat Exoltement rvt tlie FRENCH BAZAAR! By E. BLOCK, Ho. 4, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS aud FANCY GOODS, CLOAKS and SHAWLS, BOOTS and SHOES. UATB and CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING. All of tho Latest Importation ! I have the honor to invite every one, big aud amall, young and til, to examine my atock and convince them- wives that (hi* I* positively A ONR PRIOR STORE. Wholeeale price# ten per cent, cheaper than can be had in Charleaton, with the exception of Domeetice nnd Coate' Thread. Country Morcnanta ere particularly re created to call and examine my etock or Dry Goode, li^Charletton Bill* of Goode duplicated and forward ed to orders. LA MIRANDE8 FRENCH REMEDIE8! Have Saved Thousands all over Europe! H AVING been for many years the First Assistant at Professor La Miranilcs' Private Hospital in Parts, and haring been induced to establish a branch in this country, 1 am now prepared to furnish his celebrated remedies tor COXSUMPTIOXi nilF.VM.lTISM, SVBOFVLA, <fr. Also, the Genuine Imported Vitella, Health's Grand Restorer! The only certain cure for a couetMillion nhittered by the electee* and ahuHot* of youth. Do not he tampered with by inexperienced phyficinnp. AddrvftH your coimnunicalioiiH to Du.G.W.FEKNJKK, Va Went 47th Htreet, New York. Advice Gkatir,—Rut If you give u* the lull hiatory of your canc, tlie couDulUtion fee of three dollars vhoulube enclonod. leatlie* may addre** u« In hill eonfldence. novO—1y ii.' O OK AT TIIIH! I OFFER Tor Kite my thrci' storv IIItlCK HOUSE, nnd the lot on which il. maud*, on Decatur street, lu the ('.enter of the rtly, and one hundred yards from tlie Pas senger Depot. Thu House has FIFTEEN ROOMS, each with fireplace and two large windows; a dining room If feet long, having two ffreplures. It lias 14 closets. All uccessary out-building* are on the lot. Tlie lot ta large enough to other business house upou. ALSO, A good Farm In Wliitlleld county, on the Coimeaaanga River, nine miles from Dalton, ami one and a half miles from Tilton, on the \V. A A, H. ft. It contains live bun died acres-lliree hundred seres of it are in oue body on till' river, being rieti river laud—oue hundred aud ihirly acres are cleaied. It has flue water tommies, and a good Pencil Orchard is on the place. Buildings mode rate. ALSO, Ten l.ols ol land in the Cherokee country, one being z gold lot that pays lor working it. This properly WILL BE SOLD, at some price. Term* H. J. COWART, Atlanta, Ga. COTTON MACHINERY. OPTICZ Nero!* MAKITArrimraa Compawt, t Macon, Ua., Dee. Ilk 1867. | T ills COMPANY offers for ante the following COT TON MACHINERY, In good condition: 1 Cotton Willow, or Opener. 9 Whitin's Picker*. 3 Dresner*, with Pipe’.Dryera, 3 large Flue llollera, HS-luch diumetei. 4 Whiten'* 30.lurh Card*. 9 Higgins’ English Speeder*,•or.8luhb.ra. 4 Higgins' English tine Speeder*, tl Pulllea, 36 h.v 16-Inch face, Aildrcs* J. E. JONES, Agent. Mm on, Georgia. deelll—till* Subscription and Advertising Rates TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Duly, per mogth * • Dally, 13 meatha 1,J Weekly, 8 month* 1 Wtikl/, l pur ^ ; ■ingl* eopiM at the counter 1< - •U|lo eopiea to If ewe Bey* aad Agente KATES OF ADVLKTlSiNo For each equara of luluaeor now lor n * ..•• ui tton »1 and for each Riihavqucnl ii*peri.*>n • < • jl’.v I ! i j » Z ‘ * *m« I *6 * - V. Hi z 5 S 3 O ft 5 f. S 3' 8 8 8 3 = 8 8 3 3 3 7. Ii S 3 2~3 g S B S I 3 3 3 3 3 3 l- c 3 3 3 8 8 3 ts a c 3 8 S 3 3 3 » A- * 8 8 8 8 3 3 S g * * 'eeirobg — a, n 5 6 S s S R Ii Special Notice!, 90 cent* per Hue first Insertion, a;. .• 10 cent! per line for each snhecquent Insertion. Advertisements Inserted at Intervals to be charged a* new each luaeitiou. Advertisements ordered to remain on any particular page, to be charged aa new each Insertion. The money for advertising considered due after fiis Insertion. All communications or letters on business Intendod lor this office should be addressed to “Tax Atlanta Iktkl MttlNOEH.” JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, Proprietor. Atlanta AdvertlaementM. V. I. WILLIAMS & general Commission Merchants* AUD DKALXB* IN GRAIN, BACON, LARD, FLOUR And all other articles in the Produce line. OROCBHIBS, LIQUOHS, TOBACCO, COTTON HAHNS, Ac. OLD STAND, DBCATVR BT m ... ATLANTA, OA ON HAND AND TO ARRIVE: f|lHREB HUNDRED BARRELS WHISKY—all grades Also, BBANDIES, GIN, Ac., Which we offer to the trade on most favorable terms. W. M. WILLIAMS A BUG. LIME, LIME. _W B Agents for ROGEUS' BIRD-EYE LIME, ,up ? rl f >r (S r t* 1 purposes to sny Lime Settles wsntingto purchases ; S™,***^* n<1 fre,h » r “e*e. will find it to their tn- i’ rest to coll ana see ns, or tend as their order*. W. M. WILLIAM6 * OKU. IRON AND STEEL. T WENTY THOUSAND LBS. Round, Square, and Flat Iron sad Steel. On hand and for *«e by W. M. WILLIAMS A nKO. FRESH PORK. vlT E f r « ?°' T receiving hat Hogs, am are ueviu. v* slaughtered daily to meet dcm.ud Per-uii* v a in the city will be supplied at lowe.t mark., ^ics . * n<1 "’- 0 desired, by calling or c. m. .g . oeir oraen to onr store. Orders Irom partTeo at'"jiui* on different Unes el Railroads leading Iron, ihif’nlace. promptly filled by Express or Freight, a* per luitrectloiTs oc94—8m W. M. WILLIAMS a BRO. COTTON W ARZHVl» h. A .ibural Cash Advn n *• * DANIIL. 0. I. STRI NG. H r. Morn. MCDANIEL, STRONG k GO., COTTON WAREHOUSE —AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Prior and Hunter Streets, In tight of the Passenger Depot, and near the United Btatoi end American Hotels, ATLANTA, GEORGIA , Invite the attention of PLANTERS, end ail oth era who deal in COTTON, to the fact that we are now of fering aa grant facilities and inducements for the STU RAGE nnd SALE of their COTTON In Atlanta aa can he afforded them In any other market. 0*r Warehouse lu Unsurpassed In the Btnte, being large and commodious, accessible to the various Railroad*, completely sheltered, sud almost •nttrely fire-proof. We particularly direct their attention to the tact that Atlanta it now a Cotton Market, where the staple cau al ways be disposed of at ae high prices, relatively, as tn any other—luaviug to the various Plautera on the lines ot tho different Railroads lending Into Attauta, uo induce ment to ship beyond. To all parties maiding tn this Collection District who may desire to ehlp to ne, we will furnish the permit oi the Collector to make »nch shipment without vro-vau- menlof Tax. We are alto prepared to make LIBERAL CA8II AD VANCES on consignments, sud in a J respects will oiler as liberal Inducements as any other House of responsi bility- The large experience lu Cottou of ell the mem ber* of our firm Is a guaranty that consignment* en trusted to our care will be promptly and satisfactorily at tended to. sept—3m JU8THECEIVED 10,000 »K BUSH. BURLAP SACKS, 10 hogsheads Muscovado Molasses, 1000 seeks Virginia Salt, 60 eacke choice Flonr, HO barrels Whliky, Jtc. Orders solicited. LANGSTON, CRANK * HAMMOCK, navOO- 8wc Oommleelon Merchant*. TOYS ! TOYS f TOYS I oc3l -rodtm R. BLOCK, ‘‘A La Vllle De Pari*,'' Late of the firm, Block A l.yona, of Charleston, S. O. z. n. easazzn. n. w. vonn. h. t .mithdax. SASSEEN’S UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTA, OEOHOJA. IAMIM, TOM * JOOMAU, Proprietor*. dscH-lm MEAT MARKET FAMILY (4UOCKRY S I P. CALIIOUN lias lu.t opened, nn AUhumtl street, » next door to ttie New hrn'like, * MEAT MAR. Khl, from which the peep:.- • an be supplied with Fresh M ato ui all kirnto, a low rna *. Nunc Inn uood. livoli meat* kept. * * A toll. Kick in MTAI'LK AND F \NCY FAMILY GKO ChKIhS kept eou-laul y oil l> not. Good, del vered a: y where iiisltlu tlie lucorisiration If dewtred. Consult your own Inturct, a.ul call a; ltd* mar ket lor yonr Family buppUe*. devb-lm CONFECTION ERYI! S SANT A CLAUS baa uot yet arrivvd, hut he ha* scut on hie stock of ChrlsUne* Toy*, Confcclloucry and FIREWORKS, and established hi* depot el John Henderson'*, on White- h ? *'V^!l "PFO'M* National Uotel, where all kind* ot Confectionery end Toys may be hed. Toys by th* Whol«s*l« or R«tali. ei! s r ’. un * lnt * od,n * •« "«eke I'hrlstmt* present* ere m-^u.myetock.b.tam^g^l^uewher.. ,..n, , " blteiull Street, opiNWite National Uotel iit»\w4—im REMOVAL. U Marshall, Denuat, ha, .- «ved lu* nUce ir,. I • IUw»rtO * Curuor t » Er. Liiwi'tu'y Itnalaltii . o» •Vuttehall ai'eei, Iwiwecu ll t* Alabama ^ ' Mr. Lawshehusr uetncied four el gaol fo . iu W Wte of kV. ^^ ,11*“'" ptv ' l “ reU «° to Mai ,—othe (teO-l