The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, December 25, 1867, Image 1

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Sobseilptlon art Mmtisiaf Rites ' OPKlOWl .MR !W«TIII.KNMHIND 888 8LD1NU. t ,7, Whitehall im*i b«iw«i* AUtuu street uvl *" '.ml the Matin** rrusstng. Dally, pur i “ IS a — ilAli.Y AND WEEKLY BY I*rED IRWIN WHITAKER, 11 l»ro|*r»«>t.or. “RKHOH GKASES TO 1)K DANGEHOU8 WilKN RKABOM 18 LOT WBMM TO COMBAT IT.”—Jtftnm, **ATLANTA. GEORGIA. w# dn«*!»«» Mornln*. Dm. SB, IMF. fYwn ft* LtmiirUI* Aw*,if. .... i.rans ihr Father of ska *«■••• •irnrtlaa "rheas*. i,i mav ttir|>rlao our rustier*, u* the -I "vrlalniy aurprlaa tin; but It la, ucvortUalfias, imUnii il»' which General Grant non! V, of KepraRMitatlveu on Tuesday, ae- ^to tlio telegraph, ww the following ro Unmwilalion. *“ » on a letter *i tisncral SlierManV RM|HVt!iiH>' forwartleil to llie Secretary of "utentiim i» Invited to Hint portion of the jjl j„ coimuitnleation which relent to Ilia con- tit too ut the L'uion uicu and iravUmtu In Texas, ■ ,o tlie poworleasnoas of tlio military in the ’ ' , n( .(.VC ol attaint to attord them |trolectlou. L (n ,!,« effect of the presence of the lroo|ta la , w .iv. A letv days njjo a squad of aol .Mi duly was tired on by cilirvui in Browns “lll fc iu m’v opinion, the great number of the mimleni ot t'nlon men and Ireednteu In Texas aliii’li are n 't ouly unpunished hut unlnveali- ‘ !( ji constitutes praciically a stale ol inaurrec- iion anil, believing it to bo the province and duly'of every good government to afford protec- Hon to the lives, libertiea, and property ol her riiiirns. I would reoommeud tbc declaration ol martial law in Texas. Toiecur* tlirse t he ueceaaity for governing any ttMiiou ol our territory by ntartiaT law la to be deplored. It resorted to, It should be limited In iij authority, and should leave all local authori- If, civil tilhunala free and unobstructed un it! thi’V prove recreant t > their duties. Martial io* would give security, or computliively so, to til classes of cl lire us, without regard to race, col* ir, or political opinions, and should be comiuutd u'lil society is capable ol proucliug itselt, or mid the State is restored to ite full relatione to He Union. The application ot maitial law In mt of these States would be a warning to all, tod, it necessary, con be exteuded to otlicre. Signed, U. S. Uux.ur. January S3,1S07. This reconimeudntion, be It obeerved, wee aide on the 2#ilt of January in the current year. It embraces five leading points. 1. Theassuuip- ion that no adequate protection for life or prop- — * that it py existed lu Texas. 9. The averment <u necessary that peace and good order ihould « enforced in Texaa until a loyal and republican ite government could be legally established — The advice that uutll then nade subject to the military authority of tho 'sited States. 4. The suggestion that It might « likewise to subject ell the real ot rebel States to the same authority. The necasaary implication that no legal State [overstnent existed In any ol those States. Such rt the views which General Grant officially nmountcated to the Secretary of War on tba rib day of January In this year. Mark the se- I'jcl. _ On the dth of February, only a week alter- rtrds, Mr. Tbaddeus Stevens, from tbe Joiut ommiitee on Reconstruction, reported a recon- tmetion bill, which, alter some modification, a. (i»s:i.’d on the 2d ol March over the l’tesi lent'e veto. This is the fundamental act ot the »\mstruction scheme; and, for the purpose ol tabling our leaders to compare the scheme with hut General Grant had recommended e month dure the act was adopted, we hen give tbe wamble end the Aral auction ot the act: Whereas, No legal Swte’governments or ad piste protection for life or property now exists i the rebel State* ot Virginia, North Carolina, built Carolina, Georj ‘ oaisianu arolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama! n, Florida, Texas and Arkansas; and there**, it is necessary that peace and good or- reed in wld Stat . . jynl m l republican State guveramento can be legally tablialxed: Tbcrefon, Ut it cnactod by th* Strutt* and Hoimqf Reprt- rijfiwi of the UniUdStatm in Ctmyrmai — ' be divided Into '<4, Thst said rebel States shall tilitsry district* and made subject to military .athority of the United States as herdnaiter pre scribed, and for that purpose Virginia ahall oon- titute the lint district; North Carolina and *>ut^ Carolina the aecond district; Georgia, tlsbsma and Florida the third district; Mlaaia- ppi sud Arkansas the fourth district; and Louis as «nd Texas the fifth district Herein la embodied every one of the points nshroced In General Grant’s recom mondatlon; ad uo other point The act la e mem embodl Goneral Grant a month ■tut of tbe views which sfm had oommnnicated to the Secretary ol fir. If any reader donbta this, let him cam- olly compan tbe two. It la n case of simple ■pection. And there dovct was e plainer owel [he identity b manifest It is complete. No leccrning man can compare the .reconstruction — Gi ' “ with General Grant's previous-r*commanda- i to Secretary Stanton, end honestly deny ist the aol ia merely e legislative elaboration of ^recommendation. General Grant nndenlably tads confessed a* the father ot the reconntroc- »scheme. On this development comment la uoneceaeary. he development ipeeka for iteelf. General Irsnt belongs to the radicals. Their title toblin i clear and unquestionable. Let them take him. hey are welcome to liltn. Among the letters ihich accompany the extmordlnary endorse- mt under notice, we obasrve, is one !• which taeral Grant undertook to set before the Fissl- i the ewiul consequences of removing Sheri* sad Stanton, or either ot them. Tbe letter ndtbe endorsement together very effectually end to General Grant** political lmpor* The one shows that hie political pnnef- tre utterly unsound; and tha other ebows he la as deficient In political sense as ha Is i political sonndneaa. We for tome time have xpected as much. The fact ia, the truth conqernlng Geo. Grant Mbeen too long unspoken. He lea atnpen* ms humbug. And the sooner the' Ooeaarva- Ivee recognise the fact, and act open It, the bet* •t for themselves and for the country. Any bih*r persist sees is the opposite couns would It we an . _ I naotloait their 3le. Let ue rather take out the ■d whicn; by some inexplicable fbtuity, we an already put In it. For o«r ownpett,we < hi tbit we eremon dlMraeted withGen. Gi VOL. Xlll. M Inoollisiiesoun Aitvartlsemeuls. ■SWBH—S- ATLANTA. GA., WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 2!>. 1887. NO. 305. 'run O HEAT riRMEDY. MADAMF. ZADOC l‘ORTEIl’8 CURATIVK COUGH BALSAM. frlee-M, DO, sad 71 Oeete per Settle. Wnirll hs. been fknvably known and naten.lrely JV nevd tn N.w York City and vlriulty tor upward* .ffiM’Insi KrwMy tot need. Portly of twenty Irt year*. The bMt, chcipe-l, and moat (foniike. Chid., Ac., tba world baa avar prodm vairetablr, coutaiu* no astner. l* or olkar duletarloua drug*. h* ’’Ouraly* Bnleaai" t- wsrrtnti d. If uatd ac- rinding to dlrectloua, to I nr* III all caaaa. Cold*, Croup, W hooping Concha. Arthur*. auiUU aaoeuoaa of the Throat aad Lungs. Madam* Zadoc Portar’i '~1la1aau> t* a pnraly Ttgata Me eipectorant, prepanel with gioat car* and actan- tide an ill .bom a coasMai- tluu of tba beat rawidla* »h • ragatabla kingdom at- lords. Ite romodlal qnsilttaa nr* bnead on I a power to aa- •tat th* haaltt.y and vigor- on* dmlatlon of ktblotd through thalanp. It aultvaua to* maaelaa and at tela tin ekln to per form th,- dull** of regula ting th* beet of th* aeet m id in geully throwing off i bo watt* nhatanc* to nhatanc* toons tbenrface of i hi body. It ooaaaa th phlegm, tndoeaa fa* spiulag.snd will b* found V»v ag ae- abt* to ih* taita. If tie not a eiolrnt ram dy,but • m .)• Uaot, warming, torching, and etfceslv*. and can b* takaa by Ui* oldest panonor you igest child the Bx a rm a trial, as tha »«*» low prlte at whlon .. .. -■Id bring < tt w rhia • ha reach of in y on*, that than msy a ways keep It for oonvaaltnt as . Tba timely n o ot a vs cunt hottla w 11 of aa pro to It to a worth a both d ad i as t iii post, bold by ell Drugglete. BUOEBL A HBNDH.- d-cS-em VroBrietore. M Barclay • reat, X w Tort. DRY MS! DRY GOODS! TALLEY, BROWN & CO. Whitehall Street, ATLANTA. GEORGIA, Are DULY ItECEIVlNO their Fall and Winter Stock OF DDT (iOODS. Th* Ladiasaspai la’.ly are invited te call and aaamtna I heir Una ol DHEpS GOODS, Comprising, to pert, Franch Usrtnos, French Popllaa, Empraas floods, Bombaitnaa, THE lit STOCK OF EmbsoMarlsa, Lac**, Dress Trimmings Aad Draca Battens Is.larg* and vartod. Tbay kaap eoaetaatty on hand, BLEACHED and BBOWM DOKESTIOB, PRINTS and YANKEE NOTIONS. «*P»- f, HARTFORD, CONN. INSURE IN TUTS Southern Life Insurance Co. G CUAKIKRKI) BY TUB LKUISLATURES OV TENNKHSKR AND KRNTTCKY. CASH CAPITAL, - - - - #300,000. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $1,000,000. tar EIGHTY PER CENT. OF THE PR0FIT8 PAID TO P0LI0YH0LDER8 ! Jfcl KMrail OrriOKHN. BRANCH nwiCK. I.OLINT1LI.B OPPICKIIM. BA Praaldant. Vlea-Praaldents. F. E. DAVIB, Troaanrer BEN. MAY, Mcratary. r. O. SPHNOEn. President. J. PHY LAWRENCE, Vtca-l'raaldant. A <l. 1IODOEH, Tranaurer. E. T. 1IOPKIN8, Becrotcry. ATLANTA, GA.I j t D. O. O'KEEFE, Examining Surgeon, Allasila, (ia. A. R. 8. DAWSON, Gen'l Traveling Agent. SlANk 1 ^ PERRIN, 1 0eueial ’Owr J. T. JiMklDi M Oo.*i Dpuk Storn, WhitehRlI Htrevl. wmmaassBmBsmmmmaBssgmaBfatBsss^ssrn BROOKLYN LIFD INSURANCE COMPANY. I88UB8 poLicies or all kinds, life and endowment. NO RESTRICTION OF TIiAVLL OR RESIDENCE. All Pollclea absolataly Non-torltsItabte, after Haoond Year. Dividend* Patd Annnatly, In Oath. . A Loan oil ataly 1 par eant. of tha Premium, and the Loaa-oot* la not a Lieu ou tba Policy altar tba Second Year. MUTUAL. Tbla Company oSars parUonlar ad ran tag** to tba Soothers paoplo, ard Is tbe MOST LIBERAL In tbc aoentry. Office, No. 141 Broadway, Now York City. WM. X. COLE, BeorsUry, I CHRISTIAN W. BOUOK, President renoM wanting ffabmgaootea, tad sntborlty to esavsae, will apply to L. S. SALMONS, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Oa.Oaoeral Ag nt tor Northaru flaorglaand Alabsms. GLENN, WEIGHT & CAEE, Mlseellsneous Advertlaomonu. IK. G. IIMLU, M.lmcsoS tun i,o is» Ail vo rt loo moss Isa. KHTABLIHUBD 17W. I». Ac. G. LOUILLARD, IQ 18 and ao OhEmtoerB It. N. York. GROCER AND C0MII8810N MERCHANT, DEALER IN PROVISIONS AND BVBRY DESCRIPTION OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, Below Roark’s Comer, WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA, OA. LEND TO THE LAND! PLl’U TOBACCO. A LAROK aleck of Ping Tobacco, embracing all the grades fruin low and medium to eery flna—many of which wo receive direct from the beet manufacturers In Virginia and elsewhere. Fine-Cut Chewing Tobtceo. fn these good* wo lixve Bve different brands—- Ninon? them our celebrated “Century,'* which It DOW M* porior to, and more popular than any made. luoErutn- tnry Foil we continue to puck dally, ont hundred ooiiart. On Mondays *10n, Tuusdaya two $50«, $20ri, Thursdays tun |lUs, Frida vs twenty $5 ■. tnd»at- urdays flfry |‘is—umkiu^ ci?hty-eight bllla of dlnerent denomiuathiuF placed in tho rume number of 1 tobacco each week: consequently, tho coninmer* oi wb* tury Foil Fine Cut Tonaoco are daily gottlng pri*o«. SNUFFh. Ab borotofore, we make nil the different brands o! Bnuffs for which this House hae been for many yearaoeio* bra ted. CIGARS. Ut the«e good* we have a large Buporlor »tooh El prices that cannot fall to please. Jobbers and large deal ers will find it to their interest to examine theae goods before making their purchases. SMOKING TOBACCO*. These goods we have in great variety, and all gradee, from very low priced to the finest. Our stock ia very complete in all Its departmanta, ana t. a_ J .....- .1 la osw awsmltiaflnn kafftr* merchants are invited to glvs it an axtmtnatlon before purchasing. sepT - 8m P. A O. LORtLLARD, If,, 18, and 80 Chambers »t-. New York. GROCERIES AND PRODDCE. FALL TRADE OF XSG7. W. W. 0OAFK4S. t. w. snexxs. CHAPMAN, RUCKER A CO., Wblteliall Street. Umov Point, Qa., October M, 1888. Mutr$. BrumtutU 4k Barrow : Ousts—I need yonr Phosphate on my Cotton st tba rate of ISO pounds par sere. I am (stlaffad tbst I will realise at least 180 par cant on tbe amount spent. I so so woll piss sad that I expect to nt* more on th* next crop than 1 did ea this. Very trnly yours, (Signed; P. W. PRINTUP. JJAVmo added soother member sod additional capi tal to oar firm, we sre now extensively engaged In the Commission, Grocery and Produce Business WE Will DIAL IS Bacon, Flour, AMinirus, Ui., November 1, lfirx Messrs. BrifhtwM A Barrow ; amts—'The twenty (XU) tone HERD'S PBOSPOATS I bought of yon this year, I need on Corn and Cotton. I tm to well pleated with the effect on my crop, thst I with to pnrehete of yon for next yetr'e crop, one hundred tORfe* Youra reapacttnlly, COTTON FACTORS, Storage and Commission merchants, JAS. A. COBB. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. fITUATBD ALONG 8IDB TH HAILHOAD, ENABLES US TO WE.'EI^E AND 91111* FREE uF kBAYAOI. 96th SEMI-ANNUAL EXPOSE. TOTAL LOEBBM PAID, sai,071,972 5T JULY ktukidsl diA tfic HffdiMb, M 1. F~ a ASNRTfii tAt Mark* Fatos.) Otekfot hesrisad la Bask Real Estate Mortgage Bosds 18 0 7. • 815, we w M8.8M Off WLWOOO M8LWOOO W- Mates, Etete sad Ottp Btoefc. sad other PsWte leenrlUe* 1,884,108 W rant *«wt have aver boaoMMff wUk any pobUo ■fool any party. Tban <•« mssnnrts ia Us ■Ming for tlie PresIdraey which is Insxpwwl *J»lclteDing. W ANTED, NvIoue to Ootobar (Sth, In Lots of FITE CENTS AID Of THIS, sew n sou, asm, u< tsssssstat, ia ExebsoE* For Boots,' Shoes, Xdeather. AND SHOE • FINDINGS, At Low Prices!! (4,880,1* r Loss UsMUttas, Claim, not dne tad uad- j( 877,8*48 Fat Assets *078,1* 81 OUR COTTON WAREHOUSE Is of large eepsclty, thoroughly BIBW-PBOOF, end ottr tscllitlee for handling COTTON neeq-i.i-d ty say ta the ■oath. W# trill StOr# And Sell Here, or chip from this or any other point, to ■MTOIV, PHILADELPHIA, SAVANNAH, *BW YORK, BALTI.VORK, CHARLBETON, This Manors, manntoctarsd In fltorgla (tbs virtues tor which art aeteetad by wen known fleorgta ol titans, and which Is etlealsted to do so mnch tot "BtetnkrwHoh" in OeotgU) Is for Hie by LANGSTON, CRANE & HAMMOCK, Sole Agente, Alabama Street, Atlanta, Us. BAOBB AND WHEAT WANTED. 5000%M?. 4 «° LANGSTON, CRANE saglSpdm Oanulea and Burlaps. * HAMMOCK, ■ ion Merchants, Alabama Street. Corn, Lard Coffee, Sugar, Molasses A 8yrupe And tvc.ry article ttcnMly found In a flret-claee Grocery Store, at WHOLESALE EXVL USrVKL T. tor The City end Country Trade are invited to call end examine obi etock boforo purchasing elsewhere. L. COHEN-, IMPORTER OF . Wines, Gins, Cigaie, &o., tKD DELEU IN •r LIYERPOOL, Making LIBBRAL CASH ADVANCEH.JH ivbau desired lading, by ctlllug apt n Ae- 1 iii portent Cotton Market. WUh Banking Direction rsctmtH, and di 3WS hip Cotton in Any WE SELL TI(E BEST IMPROVED COTTON GINS. Aim, Butin, Bw, ui Sweet’i patent in tt, tie Beslia Ust. Rye, IJourbon, da Manongshsls WHISKIES, WHITEHALL SIRE£T, ATLANTA, QBOBQIA. dec! 8—8m BRINLY, MILES * HARDY, I.OUIBVILI.E, KENTUCKY, Sole MannUtctnrers of HHTXL F’8 UN1NBR8A L PLOW, (Patented July, 1888, end Aagaet, 1*T ) will be cfrcnlor FIRM AND INLAND NAVIGATION RISKS. gpAgeheMtls theUnlted Sums. Half thaprtaefpal ettfee and towns la Applications for Insnrtaes arm be promptly attended OFFICE—With C. I. Brows, on oast tide of Whitehall street, one door from Alabama, Jyli—ltwly N. L. ANOBB, Agent. Portables Orlet MlUe, for Hand, Horeo, and Hilostui Power. BM1TI MACHINES, TURBINE WATER-WHEELS, HICKS' STEAK ENGINES AND BOILERS We Receive end Dali os Commission*, all kinds of PRODUCE and PROVISION?: Com, Oat*, Wheat, Flour. Baoon, Lard, Salt, &a., &c. Oar IkctHtlsa tor Storing sud Selling If AT sr* nusarpsrecd. LIQUORS AND TOBACCO IIS LARGR SUPPLY Of Varlou* brands and nuallili-s. HARDWARE AND IRON. s> tsLfsse£g~' XOO gross Table Cattery, BOMB THAN 100 CAABA KVI00D8 OPENED THIS WEEK!! And others Arriving Dally. • wtatry Merchants sr* particularly lnvttod to sx •■tosur Mock, ss ere will off* tffsm greater teds* tksn can b* bad ateawhara. TO BOOT AND SH0£-NAKER8. ^>'w?a'^XVf°" W rm will cartel* 1- r l\ UANKH, “Of *11 thlog* and* tba ana,' Hamh I there ia nothing IUw LtaUnr." WEEDS A CORNWELL, sue IN ■rooshton Street. Savannah, un. Hensriulter tho anri Riga. . I. T. BANEN, •I Mau.uu*:, cor. Whitehall aad Hunter Ste. '^siasfriKABjs* SnSSDsJaw liar. Plate, wdihaM Iron. Nos. 118 COFFEE. Nos. US aadltl BroaghtonAtiaat^ COTTON YARNS. W'fTSNTSSi!U5JS # 4V. 004 ,, • ort "• B,0, Osviacton Bad It—dasn Cotton Mills, ATWROLABALMOSir. MTOhBerp dllad St YMIery priros. 4 STEADMAN A SIMMONS, {W^Bewai* ot Imitations. All lnfrlngar* prosecuted to th* axtont ot tha law. Sena for and price list. MoNADQHT, ORMOND A CO., Agautt, JAMES BTOONBR, Ag*nt! to *“ , ^®®*■ Angoatt, Georgia. de- 8—Sm CHAS. BOHNEFELD, ATLANTA,..... GEORGIA, UNDERTAKER, Agsnte tor tkeealeof PLOWS, and othor Farming Implemoe’e. flo r/to and Ateleima LIME, and Georgia HOOF1NO SLATE. Will be pletee. to dll ord t# tor COTTON GOODS or other Merchandise GLEXX, VVRICiUT & CARR, ATLANTA, GEOMfllA. JOHN. B. FULLER, 47 SIT null, Vew York City, Manorecveua am Diolsb di NBTABU AND BTATIONADY STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS FROM* TO 900 HORSE POWER. C. 13. MINN1CU, Light Carriage and Wagon Maker, Vh Oermst) street, betw een Per* and Enlaw, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. I AM prepared to execute ell orders tor Carriage* sad Waguue. ltepat.tug i.uuu ivllh uuatueas and dm- Most approved Circular aad Upright Saw Mills, Grist Milt*. Sugar MUte, aad all kind, of Mining and Plant*- itoaMsDtesryoa head sad built to order. |T Maahtnary aad Railroad sspptlaa tn store, and shipped at th* lowaat rate* — a. a. aaown. w«. r. aaown, BROWN'S HOTEL, MAOON, GEORGIA. sagffl—ly D. D. DDOWH A ON, oro. u. dewet, ot .Vew I’orf, > DIBBLE, WOBTH A CO., Cpminiesion Merchants, 188 PBAHL IT., NEW YODD. P ARTICULAR attention given to th* tala of WHEAT. Parties rcuneetlug, win b« regularly advised of the uneetlug state of the market. KiruiesctVr-J. D. Fish, iCsq.. Presldsnt National AIVU, DEUii • Marine Iteuk.N.Y.: II. L. Worth, • tonal Park Bank, N. Y.; D. Uaatok. First Natioual Bank, Nawbara, N. 0.; Kiitdur. Mneon. Ua, Oaaklar N* Jaq., Praaldant start. Jewel A MANUFACTURER of CoKne, and Daalor ln Matel - - He Burial CeesSj Csolsils, Ab , and amt lor Crons, Heed A Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Also, nmnufieturcr aim dealer in tomltwa. FACTORY—L ickl* Htreat, near Walton Spring*. ' ■“ — site wealay M'AKEUOOMa—Paaehtreo Btraat, oppoal Chapel. novXT—3w NEW 80 BARBEL TURPENTINE STILL, EXTRA HEAVY BOTTOM, ALL COMPLETE FOR SALE MUCH BELOW COST. nr Stills or all tlx* bnllt to ordtr and DISTILLERS Fitted out at the lowest rate., bv J. ». FULLER, 47 DEY STREET, New York City. angi.’^Aru atl ^' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ninth 91 0| Daily, 19 Weekly, 6 mautha Weekly, I year Single eepi* at tha eounter •ingle eepi* to Mown Bov* and Agonta RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each eqnare or lb llaea or leas, for Ue first tlon *1, and tor each sabeequent Insertion 80 ccnte 10 Ob' 9 00 b 0) H ■qtaota | eutubg « H n i S fTl SHHR«»8H»8 “8*64 i irm Siaimiiii ■gTfTTS i r; • a a a * * TTTTTr « * s a b '8TFT8 8" • a a a iTTOT « •• a a a TTFTTT - - • • a a ~S 6 8 8 S 8' 8888888880 aessewmma,^^ * rt 8 « V 8 8 h s s s s Special Notice, SO cents per line first Insertion, s.-.i 10 cute per line tor each eabeeqnent lneertlon. Advertisements Inserted at Intervale to be charged ae new each lneertlon. Advertised ante ordered to remain on any particular page, to be charged ae new each lneertlon. The money tor edvertlelng considered dne alter 81. lneertlon. AU communications or letters on business Intended .>.r this office should be addresaed to “Tag atuku Ilik; LIomega." JARED IRWIN WHITAKER. Proprietor. Atlanta Ajdvertlaseisieii tn. U. H. WILLIAMS & Mu, GEN Eli AL Commission Merchants. am nsoLiaa nr GBAIV, BAOOX, LARD, FLOUR Aad ail other article, in the Prodaw line. ODOCKD1XE, LI QUODS, TOBACCO. COTTON YABNM, Ac. OLD STAND, DBCATUB ET., .... ATLANTA, UA ON HAND AND TO ARRIVE: rjIHREE HUNDRED BASAELS WHISRY-ail grades Also, BRANDIES, OIN, Ac., Which w* offer to the trade on moat favorable term,. W. M. WILLIAMS * BRO. LIME, LIME. BIRD-BY* lime, wraettocolYtnd tee STw send m I'ueOmilm. tielt ,B ' l eee ns, or send ni their oitera. W. M. WILLIAMS A BRO. IRON AND STEEL. T W ^ I Don T 2S^ n) o^uid^d%r“ d W. M. WILLIAMS * BRO. FRESH PORK. W E tre yow rewiring Fat Hogs, and art having siAogbterM dxiiv to meet demsBd. panoita iiu. i&weDtaajerj wTth toy nnaber ood else desired. Persons Uv"- marketrate* ”*gg*St"yj!! Ballroad* letdtog ; promptly Sited by Xxpreaaor Freightlaaperlaitraci 0< * i ~ 8l> W. M. WILLIAMS A BBO. COTTON WAREHOUSE. Libertl Cash Advance**! r. a. ■'RAiriDL. O. U. STDOlfe. McDaniel, steoi & go. COTTON 'WAREHOUSE —AKD— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, li MIRANDE8' FRENCH REMEDIES! Hava Saved Thousands UI over Europal H AVING been for many yeats the First Assistant at Profeseor La Miranuea'" ’ ~ ’ U Profeteor La Mirandes’ P. '.vaie Ooapttel lu Part*, aad haring been mdneed to cetabltah a branch In thla country, ism now prepared to furnish hit calibrated remedies Kir OamUBPTIOH MBf.UMATJSM, SCROFULA, Ae. Alio, tbu Genuine Imported Vitella, Health's Grand Restorer! Tba only certain cure for u rimatliatiou shattered by the exoeatea cud abutes iii youth. Do cot be tampered with by Inexperienced pliymeiaui. Address your communications to Da. G. W. FERNIEK, •J'ii \\ act 47th street. New York. Asvirt Gratis.—Rut if you give us the lull history of .u. -■ ohoulab* year, tbe coueulutiou lee of three dollars acclovcd. Ladles may addrus. ns to 'nil oinadcnce. uov8—ly LOOK AT THIS! I OFFER tor rale my thr. e-vtory BRICK IIOUaK, and tbs lot on whicli It s ai ds tm Deoitur streat, in tbc earner ol tbe city, and oue uuudred yard* from tha Pea- Tha Uouso has FIFTEEN ROOM', each with fireplace and two lurco windows; a diulng room 41 feet long, baring two tlrcplnces It hne II closet*. Ktl necatsary out-betldlngs are ou the lot. ~ KIND ODnOD ALIVE A6AIN! Orest Exoltement st the FRENCH BAZAAR! By E. BLOCK, Mo. 4, PofioktrH fitmt, Atlanta, Goorfta. HbUEAY PDBSBNTE f ECEIVED, 1 Holiday Preoeste. J^ECEIVINO, every day, new good, consisting of JU8T RKCKIVKD, s sew lot of French flood* tor FURNITURE! Qroot Roduotion In Purnlturol H. F, FARBIK6WS OLD STAND. HHtut! MlOantl Street, NEW YORK. (gsTaSLiesso 1843.) ibw Suite, wesmsimm. AMRHR WEST BND AOADCMY. f|1HS EXERCISES of this Instlliitlonwtll iip. il on tbe FIMHT MONDAY IN JaM’AIiY next, under the Kbit) of Cot. S. Fot’cni. Tho quiet situaiton of lids liistrtutlon. amidst elei;auisuhurUn resldrnces,rrn- Mill MIEIUHfilVI'. *l»l»ur% i ■uhm. .•**** tiers It pccmlsrjy *UglWe *,jt teul_of iMfnlUjt. Fupjl* can obtain board upon mod. rale lerma, with the 1‘rlnr.l pal, nr e .c lient fkuill ea lu the vicinity ilccld—codlw UGMOVAL. U r M AUKHAl.l.. Dentist, liae removed Ills ofilca I torn L. Itiwsou'a Corner to Kr. Luws'ie'n New Bulldiug Wltlleliall straot, between Hooter and Alabama. - * * * ■— in nit DRESS OOODS, DOMESTICS and FANCY OOODS, CLOAKS sud BRAWLS. BOOTS sud SHOES, HATS sud CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING. All •i th* LHtost Importation ! I have tlw honor to Invite every on*, big end email, young and mil. te examine my etock aad convince them- selvae thst tiila to positively A ONE PRICE HTOtlK. Wholesale price* tea par east chaapar than can be bad la Charieaton, with tba axeaptlos of Domestic* and Coat*’ Thread. Country M irchants era pertlcnlarly re- ^neatad to fall sad axamla* my stock of Dry Goode, (•^charleston Dlls of floods dspllested sud forward ed to order*. E. BLOCK, “A Im Villa De Pari*,” Utt of the firm, Block A Lyi of Charleston tiding* Tbe lot Is large eumigh to build e good wsreboue* or other basmee* bouse upon. AUG. A good Farm lu tt hitltc-ld cuuotv, ou the Conneeeeuge River, nine miles from Dnltou, ai.d one end s half mile* from Tilton, ou tbe W. & A U. R It contains five hun dred acre* - three hundred acres of It are luone body ou tbe river, heluc rich river* hundred ana thirty acre, are cleared. Ir Ims flm: water facilities, and u ijood l'each Orchard (s ou the j lace. Building* mode- ALbO, Ten Lots of land tn the Cherokee country, oue a gold lot ti tt pays tor working u. . Tbit property WILL BE bOLt), at some pile*. Terms •say. Loir * 1 one* ou it. j. cowart. oc*—5m Atlanta. Os. MEAT MARKET —APB— FAMILY GROCERY! CAJ.HOCN bts lust onensd. on Alabama street, «I next door to the New Era Office, n MEAT MAR- aT, from which the people can be supplied wltb Fresh mists hip*" klnU "’ " ' uw »•«»• Noue bat good, fresh A.'fiL'L 0 *'! of 8 T A, ' LE A ? D FANCY FAMILY ORO Is sight oTths POMeuger Depot, sad sear the United Btotoe and Ameriotn Hotel*, ATLANTA, OEOROlA, ^^E invite tt* Atteutioa of PLANTERS, aad all oth •rt whu deal ta COTTON, to tho ibetthat wsanaow of fering aa great toeUltiaa aad tadaemeate tor the BTO RAGE aad EALE of their COTTON hi Atlanta it can be afforded them to any other market. Oar Wirehoiae is Unsarpassed In th* State, bring large aad commodious, acoeesibie u< the vaitouaBaUroada, completely sheltered, and almuei uutlrsly fire-proof. W* pertieetsrly direct their Htteodou to th.- : u - 1 Atlanta it am* a fbMen -VirUl. When, th* .tuple ra„ .11 w.iy* be disposed 01 si as high iwlces. relstivelv, “ v other—leevlug to the vnriou* Planter. 011 tuc- euc. c the different Railroad* leading into Atlanta, no induce ment to chip beyond. To all pertlee reriding la thte Collection District woo may desire to ship to nt, w* wUl lurntsh tbu permit 01 the Collector to make each shipment without nrt uau mmtot Tan. W* are alto prepared to make LIBERAL CASH AD VANCES ou oonalgnmeau, end to a 1 respect will idler t* liberal tedaeemaateaa any other Bouse 01 blllty. The large eaffurteue* ta Cotton of all the mem ber* of our firm U a guaranty that coaelgunienu en trusted to our ear* will be promptly and eetivfscuirlly at tended to. *ep4—3m JU8T RBCCIVHD. | CAR LOAD KINGSTON UM1, M barrels port Proof Coin Whisky, ts tons Retd’s Phosphate, 10 car leads Virginia Salt, LANGSTON, CRANE * HAMMOCK, Alabama Miuet, Atlanta, fla. CRHIKS kept con-t»nt y on lend. “ ' delivered ae) where Inside the Incorporation If doelred. Consult your owu lutvrest, sud coll at this a hot lor ycur Family supplies, decs—7 UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. uc.'tl - .ndUn uary the Faeolty w II appoint twenty merltnrlon* yoemr lueti, reatuemea tbu btuto, who will be admitted with. out charge tor tnltluu or room rent. Appll -ante for theca wig >> *ti|K>lutmcnt* should forward testlmoiilal* of uatllSca- I turns of good moral character, and of Inability |o pay lou U, 4*Vi the to tlon l*ee—stating, also, a:;e uud it-sldenr*. Only - ou ’.*'lV.-_ one i wlll be appointed Ir.-m a mmily. Alt atuilonta who doalgn fa bp'of the Miuls ry „i auy ifinojlTnltlon wlli Iri admitted without chsr);e tor tuition. Those who dc 8A0K8 WANT1D. 10000 G0NNT DDS seeowd kand Bw-lap Sacha. LANGSTON, CRANE A HAMMOCK, no*lo3 hoUm> ' '* Grottrtc * «»<1 Prodsc*. COTTON MACHINERY. omea Macon Utumkomon Cohpaht. 1 Ksoun, Go., Due. to, iml f I Ootteu Willow, or Opener, * Wkltin’e Pteker*. 3 Dream, with ripe.Diyere. 8 large Flu* Betters, is-lach dlametei. 4 Whitest’* Sfi-lnch Cord*. iggasasar- 8 Fulltee, M by U-teah too*, SgJKm* J- B. JOXIE. Agent,