The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, December 28, 1867, Image 1

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?he Jinim I®®!®* «* »•' 1-iik ju'nrtii»w»« Building. "l,lo ..I W street belw«m Alt ham* street " .nil Hm lUHnwd cresting. TTIiuMIKlTTiAuTTNU I ABED IBWIlf WHITAKER, !• imi a * • T" . .v :■' » * ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ♦ S.iu^ny MornlnKi OWi M, 116? an kii> TMinar rl „., mi lhe* c.niii nlil tort I. don!, Ami Uhl III « aepalehre de«p .nd strong, tt iih a ureal white bandage about hi* head- el* bound with . thong Hi- ami* M l, (*0:1, .ml prajeiw arise |f,om lip* lli»l have writhed with p.ln, \A lu ll •ulli'11 ih'*p»tf elnttded over Ihn eye* (|[ ihu*r »lm wore Ihn chain* ’ lh« «l.ln I* wiped away— The t'h.ln (• broken, thank God ; \n oor.ii of mii*h' roll* tu with the day, avhi'ii nr *t.nd with our fool on the rod. Wear* (rue ' .ro wi> free? In truth I* the old lord deed I -lull hi* tl.ii( never wave on the l.ud or ten, Over leglou* to .mil hunger wed > H, ;* it,Mil, he i> dead, the mere dee* lotd, Ami M' hi* *ueee**or is come While the whole wide world to exulting la .Hired. Hv the • Lull of lit* cymbal «ud drum. AVrep. n rep, we never were *!»ve. before— Our* were but golden .trend* : no* hmig' I new lord who aland* at the do ir, Hold* nu iron crown iu hi* hitude. Ilcnaarkable raae of Tntkre. Vialona nr an Indiana Servant Girl. XIII. ATLANTA, GA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 18(>7. NO, 306. the friendly nal mdnlfettattmii bp which Ho Kotxi health and •tiwtie mbits. Daring the «tay «• ImumJl imd wile In Baltimore, they were the guceU ot Charles Howard, Esq., whare they qut- dir persona mol. Mr. l)avia appeared to be la Dari elly sojourned in the enjoyment oi social'inier- ‘ blend*.” course with personal I M laeeUaneous Advertisements. 'I* 11 Id OHUAT IlEMTinT. MADAME ZADOC POUTER’S CURATIVE COUCH BALAAM. Frlao—M, to, asd 7# Cents per BettlS' \irincn. ha* been favorably known and extensively JT lined lu Now York City and vicinity for apwarda of twenty Ove year*. rtie boat, che i|ia.t, and moat effectual Keaaedy tor < ongh*. Colds, Ac., Hie world ha. ever produced. Purely l ltc people livittyr in the vicinity ot Wliitelaml, Johnson county, httvc recently been very much cx,’iicd over tt matter which, to say the least, is wry strange. Several weeks since Mias Van Arsiiale, a young woman about seventeen years clil, living at the house ot a family near W’liilc Imul, in the capacity oi a servant, was taken sick with something like hysterics. She hail been conlined toher bed a little over a week, when, to all appearances, she dietl. The body, how ever, did not entirely lose its warmth, and a very .light pulse remained The people with whom die was living supposed that she was dead, anil #reic making prop-trillions to Imi v her, when the physician intcrlored, forbidding any such sltp. Al'tit remaining in this state twelve hours, const i •listless returned,and the girl pronounced hrrseli much bettor. She then went on to de- icrihe her sensations and experiences during tlic nance, avering that site had visited Heaven and !!ell, mid had conversed with the Saviour, and inniiv persons whom site had knowu on earth. She spoke of seeing persons iu Itoth places who had recently died ; in Heaven, a young man named IJumn, who, althougli at one time a pro te-on ot'religion, had iu the lust year or two ot hii lilc led a had life ; In hell, the two men, Httihell and Patterson, who were lynched at Franklin, on the night of October 81st, for the murder of Lyons, at Greenwood. Miss Van Atvlale sent lor a number of persons in the neighborhood, and not onlv Imparted to thorn news of lost triends, but told of sins committed by them, supposed to be unknown by any one Among otliets was a man who had participated in tit" execution of the men named above. She t M him that he had been there that night, .'imii lie acknowledged,) anti Imtji in sight ol d.. 1, committed murder. Previous to this, the names ol the hand had lift'ii kept a profound secret, and this man had ii t i ien been suspected. She narrated a good many strange things,"relating mainly to IndivUl- mls both in this world and the other, many of which it would have been almost impossible for her to have invented. But the strangest part of the story is yot to come. A lew hours after the expiration of the lira trance, she predicted that she would have mother, and told to a minute the time at which i’ would commence, and at which it would end. Everything turned oat as she had said; at the exacitime she fell into the same stale. In an ordinary trance, or cateleptic state, respiration is not suspended; hut in this case breathing could not be observed. She was to all appear- anew dead; but the pulse beat faintly, and the My was not cold. All sensation was gone. The physician made numerous experiments, pricking the body, opening the veins, and so lorth, to discover if there could be any decep- 'I h* "Cnratlv* Hainan" I* warranted, If turd ac cording to direction*, to • tiro tu all caaea. Culda, ('mnp, Whooping Ctough*. Aetlmia, aud nil alecllona of thr Throat anil Lung*. Madam* Zadoc Porter'* Bultain 1* a partly veget* i'xp«ctorant, prepared with g, rat car* and eden- tide t-Kill .from a combina tion of tho br*t rem, dies th" vegetable kingdom at forda. Ila remedial ipialltir* are hared on l a power to a* •iat the healthy and vise “lbfo out clrealatlou of t ha bfood through the tang*. It enliven* tins mnaclea and aa .lata the ekht to per- lomt the dutlca of regula ting tba heat or the avat, m and in gently throwing off the waste rubrtance from the .urfsec of thi body. It ooeeut Hi phMgm. ting, and induces t ee spitting, ■ able to the taete. a violent remedy,but emol lient, warming, learehlng, and effective, and can be taken by thr oldest parson or yott'igeet rliild ll you have n cold, if eve* so slight, do not (ait to give lit * mi n trial, at th* very low price at which It ia the sold bring-it w.thin the reach of ove y one, that they may always keep it for convenient it* >. Thu timely ti-o of a g;> cent bottle will often provo It to 1 e worth a bull- del t .m *lt«eo»t. Wohl by alt Drnggipta. UL'CKKL AUBNDKL. Proprietors, MBarclay 8:root, N ‘W York. DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS! TALLEY* BROWN & CO. Whlrahall Street, Fall and Winter Stock The Ladle* etpedally are invited to call and examine their tin# of tiou. In the end, he was perfectly convinced At tne expire that there was none. At the expiration of the time But by hersclt she came to, and in a few hours was well enough to leave her bed, and go about the house. The story of her experience n the second trance wss similar to the first one, ami was confined almost wholly to individuals. She seemed unable to describe the places she Imd been in, but gave histories of events and persons with remarkable minuteness. She also said that she would never have a recurrence oi the trnuce, unless she should commit some fla grant sin; her authority for this prediction was Unit tiie Lord himself had told her so. This is certainly a strange thing. The girl is uneducated, and has lived ubout as a servant ever since she was able to work. She has always home a good character for truthfulness, and is a member of a church. She is almost the last per son iu the world to have manufactured such sto ries, and one tiling especially noticeable is the tact of her sending for persons, to whom, before lnr illness, site would have been afraid to have spoken, and conversing with them without the !ea.-t restraint, and telling them stories and facts not the most palatable to worldly people. She was visited by a great many people some ot them eminently respectable, who vouched for many of the statements of her illness. The physician in attendance is positive as to her condition during the whole time, and had it not been for him she «"iiM have been buried alive.—tnUianapoiia Her- ■<l'l, Dec. 14. Embroideries, La eta, Hr*** Trimmings And Dross Bnttona Jsjarge mid varied. They keep constantly on band, BLEACHED and BROWN DOMESTICS, PRINTS and YANKEE NOTIONB. Fivm the Montgomery Mail. The League In Trouble Again. I: ind Thompson, an Intelligent negro, Quit* the Con- "..n—Ilia Letter ol Withdrawal—He Join* th* Con urvatlve Party,.Ac. Ac. • The despicable “Loyal League" of Montgom tv has lost one of its ablest and most influential members, in the person of Holland Thompson, intelligent, prominent, and obedient negro. Holland Thompson was born and reared in this tty. and has always, whether as a slave or a df freedman, possessed tho confidence and respect, m an eminent degree, of all classes of our com munity. He is a consistent and worthy minister ut i lie Gospel, and enjoyed the confidence of, md exercised a more powerful influence over, bis own rare than generally falls to the lot ol any one. The intelligence of Holland Thomp son, unit Ids desire to do right under all circum- stances, has induced him to sever his connection Kith the midnight League conspirators and Car- r*» i»n^ iiuMiy ■t.snttnimiii<>tf| iiihi iiiivi; it imiiu: ill tniks of the Conservative Constitutional Union 'iinn of his section. Tin more intelligent negroes are beginning to -<t the results of the dlsgrace- l il workings and iniquitous iutentious of the Usages, and are leaving the concern like rats hum a sinking (and stinking) ship. We com- imnd the course of Holland Thompson to all ol r »ce in Alabama. Ho has sot an example ■vorthy of einnlntlon by every member ol the Uague. Let them show their freedom and iituty ol action and thought by dropping forth- ''•i , li all the Leagues and Leaguers, and array 'uem.clves on the side of their true and only mends—the Conservative, law abiding whiles of ■lie South, Let all read Ids letter Moktoomkhv, Ala., Dev. It), 18(17. I: ‘ '!"• tolitore of the Mail— StitH: i have ever esteemed you us my best snd dearest friends, and I have never hesitated v> tell you, without reserve, my thoughts and ueaigus for the future. 1 Imvo now something ncommunicate, wldcli, I believe, will surprise Vm as much us it has startled ms. It is this: 1 i^l’mghecn u mcmlnr of the Loyal Length . ... _ >ya „ , 1 , ,M l| iui association has gone outside o! reason, nave tca- ecl to l>u a member, and you will iwitse to number me, hereafter, with the Con "furtive parly. I mu, with much rcapcrl. spec Holland Tiioxii-son. thi K - ,,N *1 Li'T’Eitso.N Davis sailed IroiiiJlul V,.‘b Hie steamer Culiu, on Thurduy last, fur Jurp Jrl,:aus ' The tini, i u uoticing his denar- liruwii'. •••"* |rvimi|in II.T3UIII7IVII W|l 'vhurl lo witneHK iftie (leimrlurc «f thu •iva having been drawn thither In* -i.''. ii see Mr. Davis, i.hliuughtlie fact ol it'll d ili'ii irlure by this sleiinier had laten TU' l as possilile. Abiml a quarter of uu Mr- |V' ' “T ftme ol tleparturn, Mr. and “t drove on the wliurl iu the private ^tkedw'k i raoT *H ATLANTA. GEORGIA, Ate DAILY liECElVINlI thatr UP DRY GOUDt. DBE88 GOODS, (omprieing, in part. Fronch Merinos, French Poplin*, Empress Oooda, Bombasine*, Dalaintt. Ac. THEIR STOCK OF »ep‘A>— HARTFORD, CONN. 96th SEMI-ANNUAL EXPOSE. TOTAL I.AXXEX l*AIO, S31,‘471,97a 57 JULY 1. 180 7. JNSTJRK IN TUB? Southern Life Insurance Co. CHARIERED BY THE LEGISLATURES OF TENNESSEE AND KENTUCKY. CASH CAPITAL, - - - - $300,000. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $1,000,000. EI6HTY PER OENT. OF THE PR0FIT8 PAIO TO P0LI0YH0LDER8 ! nUMPHIB OVJPICKHS. President. BBUtrn oi i'H i:. I.OITSVILLB OFPICEIW. SAMUEL TA%. } Vice-President*, j" . „ f . - , i&ttwyssr r lrjANTA ' aA C. C. I'l’ENOER, President, j, lefty i,, —— -*■ - LAWRENCE, Vice-President. A. il. H'IDQKH, Treueurar. i„ T. HOI'KINS, Sen clary. B. C. (I'KEIil'l!, Kaainlnlnc Riirgcon, Atlanta, On. A. R. Z. DAWSON, Qen'l Traveling Agent. WM. C. MORRIS. i f! . nm . a , FRANK E. PERRIN, l 0enwal Agents. oc«-8m **'*°’«r T. Jenkln* A Uo.'e Drug Store, Wlntclmll sira^t. BROOKLYN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. ISSUE* POLICIES OF ALL KINDS, LIFE AND ENDOWMENT. NO RESTRICTION OF TRAVEL OR RESIDENCE. All I’nliolc* abaoluloly Non forfultahlc, altar Second Y. ir. Dividend* Paid Annually, iu Cash. A Loan ot aj l»sr cant, of flu I rouiiinn, sml tho Loan unto in not a l.len on tho Policy nflor the Hocond Year. MUTUAL. Thla Company mtora particular advantage* to the Southern pe.iple, ai.d ie Ihe AfObT LIBERAL In tho tountiy. Office, No. 141 Broadway, Now York City. WM. M. COLE, Secretary. I CHRISTIAN W. BOUCK, President. \9 Pvrenns wauling Snli agouriea, mid authority u,*.«111 apply to J*. ». (SALMONS, lcc4—H», Wiiltahall Stiact, Atlanta, On.aenarnl Ag lit for Northern Gaorgl* and Alabama. Mlaoellanaouw Atlvei'tlecmetit *. H. G. BEL I CROCKR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, DEALER IN PROVISIONS AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF MlNKell.IlK.OII- FftTAULlUllBU tm 3». A, G. LOHILLAHD, 10 18 and 20 Chamber* St. N.York, 1‘LUU TOBACCO. A LA HOE nlork lit Plug Tobacco, embracing all th* urndca from low end mcdlnm to very dae—arany or which wv receivu direct from the beat manufacturer# Iu Virginia and clecwhotc. Fine-Cut Chewing Tobacco. In thoBo goods wo h.tve flvo dURjrent bfindt— ninong rbum our culuhratod •‘Coutary,** which I* Rpwio» itcrlor to, and more popular than any made. luonr Cen iiry Full'we continue to pack dally, one hundred dollar*. »n Monduya ^ 1 «>:>, Tueaduya two $50f, Wudaeedftys five - • Friday*.twenty $6a. and «•?/- f Thtirpdityn ten %Ioh, Fridays twent urdays flity making eighty-eight bill* of different dcuoiniuatiojiH planed (u the same number of pepereot tohaf^io each week: consequently, thu consumer* or Cen tury Foil Fine Cut Tobacco arc daily getting priiet. HNUFFN. As heretofore, we make all the different brands of Snuffs for which thin ITonso has been for many yetracele brated. CIGARN. Of these goods v:o have a large and superior atock at prices that cannot r »ll to please. Jobbersand large deal* «ra w flml it to their interest to examine these goods before making their purchases. STROKING TOBACCOS. These good* wo have in groat variety, and all grades, from very low priced to tho finest. Our stock if* very complete in all Its department*, and ‘nvft * ‘ ‘ ‘ merchants arc Invited to give it an examination before P. As O. LORILLARD, 16,18, and 20 Chambers Bt„ New York. Bcp7-km COUNTRY PRODUCE, Below Roark’s Comer, GLENN, WEIGHT & CARR, COTTON FACTORS, Storage and Commission Merchants, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. SITUATED ALONO SIDE THE RAILROAD, ENABLES US TO RECEIVE AND SHIP FREE OF DHAYAOE. OUR COTTON WAREHOUSE I* of large capacity, thoroughly FIKB-PBOOF, and onr f icIUHc. for handling COTTON nneqnaled fcy any In the South. We will Store and Soil Here, or rthlp from thi* or any other point, to PHILADELPHU. YORK, BtLT.IORi SAVANNAH, CHAR I.KSTON, «r LIVERPOOL, Making (TiaBEItAL CASH ADVANCES,^ when desired. Under the Revenue Reg eo..I. i ;MnJ& h '» -J -Mon AS- facIlTHea^tunTdlve^VagRal^roadih e^klea'ite - ""1—r^.rnn With Banking hip Cotton in n v 13 i i' e c t l o n . WF. KELL J it i I'.! : WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA, OA. LEND TO THE LAND! Union Point, Ga., October 13,18M. limn. BrtgMwell it Barrow: Oknts—I need your Phosphate on my Cotton ut tho rat* of ISO pound* per acre. I am aatlsded that I will realise at lea it ISO per cent, an the amount apent. I am to well pleated that I expect to nte more on the next crop than 1 did on thi*. Very truly yonra, (Signed) P. W. PRINTUP. Amanovs, Ga., November 1, ISM. Mmn. Brightwett A Barrow : OSItTe—The twenty (X)) ton* HEED'S PHOSPHATE I bosght el yon title year, Inaad ma c« *«e Cotton. -I aru eo well pleated with IbeeSact on ay crop, that I wlah | to pnreba** of yon tor next yeer'a crop, one hundred ton*.; Yonri retpecrinlly, finnfi l'ALL TRADE OF 1 1897. w. W. CHAPMAN. J. W. RUCKER. WM. LOWS. CHAPMAN, RUCKER A CO., "Whitehall Street. JJAVISO added another member and additional capl* tal to onr firm, \ve are now extensively engaged In the Commission, Grocery and Produce Business WE WILL DEAL IN Bacon, Flour, Corn, Lard Coffee, Sugar, Molaaaas it Syrupa JAS. A. COBB. This Manure, manufactured In Georgia (the virtusafor which ar* attested by well known Georgia clttxene, and which is calculated to do to much for “Becanetrnctton'- In Georgia) i* tor sala by LANGSTON, CRANE & HAMMOCK, Solo Agents, Alabama Street, Atluutn, Ga. SACKS AND WHEAT WANTED. 5000 MOO 'bu*beii , Wj^eat. GUUnle, ^ ® nrl “r ( - a eglg—4m LANGSTON, CRANE A HAMMOCK. Conunlaeton Merchant*, Alabama Street. And every article usually found In a drit-clas* Grocery Store, LIME, LIME. to , r KOOER*’ B, RD-EYE LIME, h7nV.^h. W .T^7,i > ‘"Pgdor tor *11 purposes to any Lime brought to this nrarkut* Pnrtios wintlpg to nurchssuA «sss9iasfsssaA'i!Kfc£ aeB AT WHOLESALE EXCLVSIVELY. Bff*The City and Country Trade are Invited to cell and examine our stock before purcliaBlng elsewhere. oc8—3u» L. COHEN, IMPOKTER OF Brandies, Wines, Gins, Cigars, &c., AND DELEK IS Kyo, Bourbon, dt Manongahtla WHISKIES, WHITEHALL 8TBEET, ATLANTA, GEOEGIA. BRINLY, MILES & HARDY, I-.OUISVIL.L.E, KENTUCKY, Sole Minnfocturers of I! U 1NL V' 8 UlflNERFtA L PL 0 W, (Patented .Inly, 1S«I, and August, 1807) ^■"Hewarc of Imitati -n* All Infringer* will he uteit to the extent of the law. Send for circular mil price list. A. » H E X H : (At Market Value ) Cash on Imnil and In Bank g 51fi,H8fl 31. Real Estate tMH,«M OS Mortgage Bond* tilth,WO 00 Bank Ntock t,sn«,4no (si U. State*, Slate and City Stock, and other Public Kecnritie* 1,084,808 «l 81,1180,038 97 Lose Liahililies, Clitinin not due and oiutd- J listed 377,<018 411 Net Asset* 64,978,000 81 l 'l Kird AISO INLAND NAVIGATION RISKS. CN-Agcnclcs In all the principal cltlct and town* la th<> United Slate*. Applications for Insnrnnre will ho promptly attended OFFICE—At It,oiilcii Warehouse, on Forty th street, jyllt—tatrlv N. I,. ANG1KK, Agent. HARDWARE AND IRON. 75 COILS MANILLA ItOPIC. 7(> damn Short Handled Frying Pima, ’.ti coil* Patent Packing H lo bini li, 900 ilu/.en Shuvcla and Spades, ICMJO Pocket Knives, •am gro** Table Cutlery, •NX) iloaen I mry Comb*, llw )ifiT,‘* Tin Plate, 91*10 pound* Block Till, IMPROVED COTTON GIW, McNAUGn r, ORMOND A CO., Agents, , Georgia. Atlanta, < JAMES STOGNEH, Agent, Augnata, Georgia. Also, Bagging, Rope, anil Sweet’s Pateni iron Tic, IlicBestiu Use, l*or|nlilu Grist Mill*, lor limn!, liniue, 8!U 01 MACH1NK8, anil Itiloam l'owi-1. tuhhlxh iwimii- hhe/ms, HICKS' STEAM Exnrxiss A XII nnil KIC We Receive and Hell on Coninilafdons, all kind- ol • ItODl'CE and I'liOV ISION.i: Corn, Oats, Wheat, Flour, Bacon, Our (ltd 111 leu fovSIurliv mul Hrlling It \ Y are IJQUOUH ANI) TOUAGCO I IN Oil A S. HOIINEFELD, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, I.ard, Salt, &cc., &c. i* uiihurpasecd. ) V KGK ISUPPTaY oi Vai > III 411 ll 1F t 'I «f"-‘ Agents tor Ihe sale of 1*1*0WM, and other Farming luij.l mul A'uiamH I.IMF, and Oonrgfa ROOFING BLATfi. Will ho pleafo - lo Qll oftloru for COTTON GOODS or other .Me return! I no. «LH!VSr, mtltiHT A CARR, A TX.ANTA, GEORG I ,V., JOHN. B. FULLER, 47 DXT STREET, New York City. MsNCrACTiinrn and Dkai.kii in POKTABliB AND RTATIONABY 01:0. ji. liltwtir, of Xew Fork. aga Mb I, 3d bundles llrlch: Iron Wire, 11Wire Milter*, 3oo Iron Ml Anvil*, 73 Vise* toon ponn lsMinooIhlug Irons, 9i>i0 pontida UrIAlii * lTorau Nalls, 1 pn t Files--aasorted, :«NN> iHiunda G'tlvanlatal Mbeet Iron, 3 tone Cast Hlvel. 911 ton* Plow KlocI, 3iHi toiia Mw. di n and Reflin d Iron, Ml tona Hand, Hoop, and llorae Hhoe Iron, 1.7 tona Oval, UaK Oval, and Half Round Iron, 9t ton* Uoller, Plate, tnd Mbeet Iron. For sale by WEEDS * CORNWELL, No*, ltd ane 181 Rronghton Hired IJ^UYtlll DUFII. Hftvannsh, Ga. C’O ICFKIO. ii AAA BA03 Jest received, from Rio tie Janeiro, J000 per British Ht^rln^For^y Nos. I&9 and 101 Broughton Street. Mavannah, Oa. may Id-ton Rinding B ANKKBN can have their Prim gone al cheap rates, hv appllratln IIBtHAjVn and «<iliurs who wish I heir Wim- UUMtHANIl anti oihurs whu wish Iheir frirn- ^SSaW STEAM ENGINES k BOILERS from a to ato house power. oat approved Circular and Upright Saw Mill*. Grist —ir Mills, and all kind* oil [IIV OI4W evil tie, «.»! IOV dud* of Mining and Plants- ilutry an hand sad built to order. UF-fihaRIng, Pulllea. Leather and Rtibhor Belting, and all kinds of Iron and Wood-working Machinery. and_ Railroad (applies In (Hire,] and Iat Um lowest rate* we, p. shown. BROWN’S HOTEL, orroatTB tot cot, DIBBLE, WORTH & CO., Commissi on Merchants, 188 I'KARI. NT., \li\V YOBK. UNDERTAKER, M ANUKACTtTRFR rtf Coffins, and Dealer in Metal Mr Burial Case*, Caskets, Ac., and agent (or Crime, Hi ed A* fo,, Cincinnati, Ohio. Alsu, iiiiiuiifaclurer and dealer in fninilnru. !■' \('l'( IIIY—L'lekio Street, near Walton 8prtnga. \VARKII' >*uacli".reu Street, oppoaltoJWesley Chapel. T nov97—3m KING 00H0N ALIVE AGAIN! NEW 30 BAHIiEL TURPENTINE STILL, EXTRA HEAVY BOTTOM, ALL COMPLETE FOR SALE MUCH BELOW COBT. „fMT Stilts of all sizes built to order and DIHTILLERB Flood out at tho lowest rate*, by J. B. FULLER, ST DEY STREET, ang97-4m New York City. LA MIRAN0E8' FRENCH REMEDIES! Hava Saved Thousand* all over Europe! H AA IVO hoen for many years the First Assistant at sf. Profossor La Mitandes' Private Hospital in Parle, and having been induced to estahlieb a branch lu this t.'OXSVMTTJOX, RHKUMA T1SM, SCROFULA, ie. Also, tho Genuine Imported Vilella, Health’s Grand Restorer ! The oulycertaiu euro for a constitution shattered by the excesses and abu*es of youth. Do not be tampered with by Inexperienced physician*. Address your einuinuiiicutlous to Dii. G. W, FERNIEK, 935 West 47th Street, New York. Advice Oiuti*.—But if you give aa the rail history of your case, the consultat Um Tee of three dollars should be enclosed. Ladle* may addre** n» In full conflilsnco. nnvfi—ly LOOK A T THisf I OFFER Cor sale my three-story BRICK HOUSE, and the lot on which it aland*, on Decatur etroet, In the center of the city, and one hundred yard# from the Faa- I'ltc House hue FIFTEEN ROOMS, each with fireplace and two large window*; a dlulng room 41 feut lone, having two fireplaces It hu* 14 closets. All necessary out-hnUdluge are on the lot. The lot ia large enough to build a good wnrehome or other bualnesa house upon. Al.SO, A good Farm in Whitfield couuty, on the Conneesauga Rivtr,iilna mile* from Dalton, and one and a half miles front Tilton, on tho W. A A. R. it Itcontalna flva hun dred acres-three hundred acres of It are In one bodv on tliu river, being rich river hind-one hundred and thirty arre* are cleared. It ha* fine water facilities, and a good Peach Orchard ia on the place. Hnlldluc* mode- rale. ALSO, Great Mxoll omant ut: t Itu P ARTICULAR attention given to the sale of WHEAT. Pari tea riupieaiiug, will he regularly advised of Ihe Parties reipieaiiug, stale of the mnikct. Keikiiknck*.—J. D. Fish, E*q., President National Marine Bank, N. Y.t II. L. Worth, Esq., Cashier Na tional Park Haiik.N. Y'.; D. Heaton, Esq., President First National Bank, Kewberu, N. C.; Messrs. Jewel A Mulder. Macon. Ga. je96— WEST END ACADEMY. mill! EX'KRCIMEM of tld* InalRutiou will open on the X FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY next, under the MACON, GEORGIA, anfitf—ly K. K. RBOWN 4k OK. FTJRNITTJmC! Croat Raduotion in Purnltura! H. F. FARRINGTON’S OLD STAND. rectorship of Col. N. Foticuc. The qniet situation of thla Inalitiilio'i, amidst elegant suburban resldeucea,ren der* It pecnllartv eligible a* a sent of learning. Pupils ran obtain hoard upou moderate term*, with the Prlucl pil, or excellent fauitl ee In the vicinity. declN—eodvw FRENCH BAZAAR! By E. BLOCK, Vo, 4, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia, HOLIDAY PBE8BNT0! J UST RECEIVED, a new lot of French Good* tor Holiday Prcseule. R ECK1VINQ, every day, naw goods consisting of MEAT MARKET FAMILY GROCERY I P. CALHOUN has jiicl opened, on Alabama street, . next floor to ihe New Era ilthee, a MKAT MAK- 8M and HtH Canal Street, NEW YORK. (KITAULIIRKD 1843.) Enameled Walnut and Chaatnnt Chamber Salta, Alao, Parlor aad Dining Room Furniture. ltaMtooUi* by boat omT warrant** MtomDk Ixi.T, from which Ihe people can be aupplled with Fresh M-aisoi all kinds, a low rale*. Noue but good, fresh “a HiUsti'ick of STAPLE ANDFANCY FAMILY GRO cicttlKS kept con-taut y on hand. Good* dl l vert'd a y where Inside Iho liu orporalion If kel lor your Faintly Mippllea. DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS and FANCY GOODS, CLOAKS and SHAWLS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CATS, READY-MADE CLOTHING. All of tho Latott Importation I I have the honor to Invito every one. big and email, aad convince thern- yonng and all, to examine my atock x.»„iu,. me selves that tbl* I* positively A ONI PRICK STORK. Wholesale prices tan par cent, cheaper than can be had In Charleston, with the exception of Domestic* and _ . Merchant* am particularly re Coata'Thnad. Country .. .jiieeied to oull and examine uy stock of Dry Uoods, tOrcharlceton BUI* of Goods duplicated and forward ed to order*. R. BLOCK, “A La Vllle De Paris," Late of the firm. Block A Lyons, ocAl — end 1m of ObarlenUin. M. O. Tcu Lots of land in the Cherokee country, one being a gold lot that pay* fur working It. * Thla property WILL BK MOLD, at eome price. Term* easy. Calf at once on R. J. COWART. rn'38-flm Atlanta, da. Dr. O. S. PROPHITT’S family medicines For Sale by •I' T. JENKINS A CO., Atlanta, Ga. HK ADFtEI.D A CO., Laffrauge, Qa, JONES A CORD, Drayton, Ga. P. J. HKWRTr * CO., 313 Main at., Memphis, Tenn. MORRIS A CO., Opelika, Ala. PHILLIPS, SMITH A CO.. Dadevllle, Ala. HAGAN, WBHlt A DAVIS, Couyera, Ga. N. N. EDGE, Indian spring*, Ga. It. K. JOHNSON A IU, Eatouton, Ga. 11. A. KELLY' A IIRO., Mouticello, Ga, DAVID KNOTT, McDonough, Ga. LICK A BETTS, Jouiaiboro', Ga., Coualstlug or Liver medicine. Pain Kill It. Aml-blllou* I III*, 1 emalt' Ionic, Dyeentery Conliai, Ac. . f*r*>>T">n"l hy O. S. PHoPIUTl'.al Covirgton. S.du Pnxprlutor. Ga., *t'|dl—Im Subscription Md Advertising Rates TERMB OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily, par month. »1 Doily, IS Weakly, • Weakly, 1 “ ®. u Hngl* atptaa at tho *- Unfit oopiM to Vowi Boy* aad Agasta BATES OF ADVKRTUlMU. For each aqnar* of to Unas or taaa, for th* firm nuev tloa |1, and for each subsequent Insertion Bo cent*. ••mill 'rrrrmmi fiumiiM g-s '8~8“r*nn s s gR8B888Sr§ TTTT1 4TT“STi 8 ss8*8«*a«* Trnmr • i ® a a a * » TSTTIT 'gTTTYl' W lO !• *8 8 8 8 8 8 99 w fiP «D o m ■gTYTTY’ 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 1~1 l ZUL* re '•aionbg r< 91 CQ W IC tg Site e : tl ?! Special MoUoaa, 80 cents par lisa first taaemon,*;. t 10 cent* per line for each snbaeqnent lasertton. Adrertlaemcnta Inserted at Intervale to be charged ae new each Insertion. Advertisements ordered to remain on any partlcnlar page, to he charged a< new each lniertlon. The money for advertising considered dne alter fir* Insertion. All communication* or latter* oa basinets intended lnr thla office should be addressed to "Tn Atlahtj Ixtel liqxhcxb." JARED IRWIN WHITAKER, Proprietor. Atlanta AdvertlaementM, ff. H. WILLIAMS k GENERAL Commission Merchants, AND DKALtRS IN GEAIV, BAOOV, LARD, FLOUR And all other article* In the Produce line. OBOOBBIEK, LIQUORS, TOBACCO, COTTON YARNS, Ac. OLD STAND, DECATUR »T., .... ATLANTA, GA ON HAND AND TO ARRIVE: rjIHREB HUNDRED BARRELS WHISKY-ati grade* Also, BRANDIES, GIN, Ac., Which we offer to th* trade on moot fkvontble term*. W. JL WILLIAMS A BRO. W. M. WILLLaMS A 9RO. IRON AND STEEL. mWENTY THOUSAND LBS. Ronno. bonaie and X Flat Iron and Steel. On hand andftr wSeby’ W B •« f. ow i e J c * lvlD * p <“ “d ate having . ’ V Slaughtered daily to meet demand. Person* Hv? lug in the city wlil be supplied at lowed market rates JTIIgISSJJ 10 ? 16 ®' “ d deBire<1 ' by calling or sending i^ji2p r “ erit 9. ottr ^rd®ra from partlei st point» on different lines of Railroads leading from this place promptly filled by Express or Freight, as per iusirucijMts' oc9t—8m W. M. WILLIAMS A Uhfi. W. M. WILLIAMS A BRO. FRESH PORK. COTTON WAREHOUSE Liberal Oaah Advonct r. a. n’UAittxi. c. a. stkoko. b. f. xoaxs MCDANIEL, STRONG k GO., COTTON WAREHOUSE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Prior and Hunter Streets, In right of Urn Passenger Depot, and near th* United Btatea and American Hotels, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, yy* lavlt* the attention of PLANTERS, and all nth ers who deal In COTTON, to th* fact that we erenow ol- fering ia great faculties and inducements for the BTO RAGR and BALE of their COTTON in Atlanta as can he afforded them In any other market. Onr Warehouse Is Unsurpassed In the State, being large and cummodlone, accessible to the variont Railroads, completely sheltered, and almost entirely fire-proof. We particularly direct their attention to the fact that Atlanta l» now a Cotton Market, where tho staple can al ways be di.posed of at a* high prices, relatively, as in any other—leavlng to the vtrloue Planters on the lines ot tho different Railroad* leading Into Atlanta, no induce ment to aMp beyond. To all parties residing In thla CoUectlon Dl.trtctwho may desire to ship tona, w# will Inrniah the permit ot the Collector to make each shipment without pre-rag. WVIU Qf JXUPe „!l , * r “ 1,0pr< ? tred 10 ""“W LIBERAL CASH AD VANCER on consignment*, end in a.l respect* wUI otter lo b ^.. , "? UC *“* ,,U M °* n R°h»e of reaponai- bUlty. The large experience to Cotton of sU the mem ber* of onr firm ta a guaranty that oonaignmeut* en- trueted to onr care wtll be promptly and wtisbctorily at- 10,1,18,1,0 ' *ep4—3m JUST RECKIVCD. J CAR LOAD KINGSTON LIMB, fiO barrels pure Proof Cora Whiaky, 85 tone Reid's Phosphate, 10 car load* Virginia Balt, LANGSTON, CRANE A HAMMOCK. Alabama Street, Atlanta, Ga. 8A0K8 WANTED. 10000 •* OOIH> - ,UND GUNNY SACKS, 10000 second head Burlap Sacks. LANGSTON, CRANE A HAMMOCK, ^Wholesale Dealer* It^Grocvrlc* end Produce. norto— c COTTON MACHINERY. Orncx Macon Maxuracrtraixe Coxraar. | Macon, Ga., De . 10.1887. ( IIEMOVAL, BOARDING. RS. M. A. JOHNSTON takes this method ol MAItSIIALl.. Demist, Ii,;.* r Mv.oViVl hl« olHcu Iron) 1 ‘ I* Now HmlUuu A.t. 1 * '** »* ‘WH'W'f .Now hui o I Whitehall «tre»i, Iwtwvea II inter .ml Alabama Mr. lAIVtltK It.>•< ee ne ..I ..I .......a .... . i 1 Cotton Willow, or Opener. 8 Whilin'* Pickers. 8 Dressers, with Pipe Dry. re « large Flos Boilers as-iuch tametei. 4 Whiten'# 80.tnch cards. * “1®!!“*’. !? , ' , ' 8h or Slubbers 1 *&”*'*"* U * bpMders 8 Falllaa, M by Ifrtoch toe*.