The daily intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1858-1868, July 23, 1868, Image 3

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■OX ■mam ?hc Jaiht ^nttUiflftwcr. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Thursday Morning, July 23, 1868. Star Artist**.—John Templeton, lamed for bis theatrical management, opened his “ Spe cial Summer Season ” last night at Davis’ Hall It was a rare attraction. See his handbills. Homicide tn Savannah.—A telegram was received yesterday by Charles H. Hopkins sta ting that his son, Robert H. Hopkins, who was recently elected Tax Receiver of Chatham county, was killed by Isaac Russell in a fight. No particulars given. Melons at the Ice House.—Families and visitors by calling on our enterprising friend Emery, at the Ice House, can be supplied with fresh, cool, and delicious WATERMELONS, CaN- telopeb ifcc. Go there and get yonr supplies. They can be had early in the morning, and until late on the evening. Runaway.—A soldier came in from the Bar racks yesterday for ice, and while the home and buggy was standing in front of the ice house, the horse took fright at the cars and run ofl, up setting the buggy aud smashing it to pieces. He was stopped in his wild career by Mr. Thrasher, who caught him as he was turning the corner at .Maddox, Reynolds «fe Co. Query.—Are our city authorities aware of the nuisance iu the shape of an intolerable stench coming from the back lot of the National Hotel ? The merchants of Granite Block, one and all, would like to have it removed. The passers-by join in the cry. «. Let ub have Peace.—Our advent into the Union (ii we were ever out) was celebrated yes terday by several fights and a few murders. And in this particular our people are not so well pleased. As the Radicals have reconstructed, can’t they make good their promises now, and let us have peace ! Personal.—Hon. B. H. Hill arrived in the city yesterday looking well. Wo hope to hear from him to-day. J. P. Simmons, W. D. Kiddo, and R. T. Nes bitt, are at the American. Cigars! Cigars 1—If you want a good cigar call on Messrs. Beerman & -Kuhrt. They have two elegant establishments on Whitehall street, on both Bides of the railroad. There you can find the best cigars and tobacco in the city. Messrs. Chamberlin & Boynton—Have on hand all kinds of dress goods, staple and fancy dry goods,carpets, mattings, and window shades. They will compete with any house in the city. See advertisement. Messrs. Zimmerman & Verdky have received a large lot of all kinds of family groceries. Flour by the car load or less. Go aod see them—cor ner Broad and Marietta streets. The Richmond County Delegation will meet at the Democratic Club house this morning at o’clock. By order of the Committee. The Colored Troops Fought Nobly.— Adam Overby (colored) was insulted by one of the colored members who sits in the dark corner of the Legislature because he (Adam) was a Democrat. A fight ensued, and the member drew his pistol, but Adam was too much for him, and got it. He still holds possession. Let U9 have peace! Mysterous Affair.—On Tuesday night a negro named Dorsy Wells, went to a house oc cupied by a number ot negroes, on Ivy street, to spend the night. Yesterday morning he was found in the yard, insensible with a terrible wound on his head which will certainly result in his death. The parties in the house have beeu arrested, and the police are on the track of the-murderer. Jewelry! Jewelry! !—Mr. Er Lawshe has been so long established in his business in this city that all who know Atlanta know how reli able he is, and that he is emphatically at the head of his business. If you wish anything in this line, don’t fail to give him a call. See his advertisement in another column. Personal.—N. L. Hutchins, Jr., D. M. Du bose, J. H. Christy, W. F. Wright, Gen. Phil. Cook, and several other distinguished Georgians, are at the United States Hotel. Geu. A. R. Wright, of the Chronicle and Sen tinel, Gen. W. T. Wofford, and G. P. Burnett are at the National. Everybody is Coming.—Judgiug from the number of straugers in the city yesterday every body is corniug to the great demonstration. The hotels were all crowded last night, but still it will repay any oue to come ; you will find shel ter aud good cheer, and plenty of good Demo cratic talk. Several Rads are following Old Thad’s indications, and will have a kindly feel ing for the popular party—only went into the other to get back into the Union, &c., so they s ty. Come on, we will take you ; and by your acts redeem yourselves. We are determined to have a white man’s government; reduce the army; distioy test oaths ; and restore the Con stitution of our Fathers. Will you join ns in the good work? A large number came in on the Georgia Road yesterday evening, and they report crowds corniug to-day. Two pieces of artil^ry were brought up from Augusta to assist in celebrating the day. We have quite enough arms here, and some commanded by good Democrats, but don’t object to our friends bringing the big guns to belch forth salvos for the cause. Let ’em rip, but don’t put balls in them for Grant wants peace. Poor fellow, let him have it; don't scare him. Justice Court Yesterday.—Business befoie Justices Butt and Gauldlng was very brisk yes terday. Bailifi Thompson made eleven arrests ou warrants issue from this court. Augustus Moore was up on warrant for bur glary. He broke into the house of W. F. Poole, and stole money, clothes, boots, and shoe*. Sent to jail lor trial before Superior Court. Anna Stubbs, Mary Stubbs, and Sarah Strib- lin, ^colored,) varying in age from 12 to 14, were up lor assault with intent to murder a white girl ot the same age. Sent to jail for trial before Superior Court. Webster Tompkins, (negro,) was arrested as the party who assaulted the negro Dorsy Wells. His trial was postponed until next Friday. Other cases stand over lor trial. Ifcrjjr Goods, Dry Goods. See advertisement of W. F. Peck & Co., who give notice that they have a large and well- selected stock of Dry Goods and Dress Goods, which they offer at a great reduction in prices. See “ Special Local*” column, aud give this en terprising and liberal firm an early call. fls* Peaches. We acknowledge the receipt from Messrs. Harden, Cole & Co. ot a generous sample of delicious Peaches, the growth of their “Atlanta Nursery." The sample is evidence of what may be done for the improvement of the Peach, and is evidence also of what skill and experi ence can effect in producing what both the cli mate and soil ol this section of our State, can produce in its greatest perfection, to wit, the Peach. Personal.—We are authorized to state that Aaron Alperoria Bradley, (negro,) i» not stopping at the National Hotel. Speaking Last Night.—The huge arbor was filled with an eager crowd last night, and seve ral splendid speeches were delivered. We heard CoL Cowart in a very happy and earnest appeal for the success of the Democratic party. He handled the platform and candidates in his usual style, much to the delight ol the audience, who cheered him throughout his remarks. Colonel Styles followed, and the meeting adjourned. Radical Mbetikg Last Night.—We went to hear the friend!» of General Grant last night, and heard a person named Gibson, of Augusta, speak. If he had brains enough lie might make a clown, but as he has not, he did as General Grant does—said notiling. It strikes us that a dozen such speeches would be all that ought to be necessary to elect the hero of . We trust history will fill up the blank and give Grant bis proper position as “ the most unfor tunate tool that ever was wafted by favorable gales to fortune. After the Inauguration.—When the Gov ernor had been inaugurated, there was a pile of shooting by way of rejoicing, and then the folks went down to the National Hotel, where they had quite a time. Governor Bullock received them in a most befitting manner, and in a very nice speech welcomed them to his bosom, and thanked the military for the manner in which they acted while they had the power to act. General Meade made a fine speech, and was mighty happy that the State had got into the Union. There were some other speakers, but as the Governor wouldn’t invite us, of course we can’t say anything more about it. The wine disappeared, and they had a happy time of it generally; but the people didn’t rejoice much. Taylor’s Drug Establishment.—The enter prising Proprietor of this popular Drug Estab lishment, Dr. J. A. Taylor, we are pleased to learn, has secured the services of Mr. Burch- artz, one of the most skillful German Chemists and Pharmaceutists that there is in this coun try ; and is now prepared, in addition to furnish ing English, French, or German prescriptions, to analyze Ores and Metals, and perform any other service required of a skillful apothecary or chem ist Miners in this section of the State, and in upper Georgia, need not now repair North to have their ores analyzed. They can have this done as well in Atlanta, and upon as reasonable terms a3 there, by calling upon Dr. Taylor, and securing the services of the gentleman, Mr. Burchartz, who is, we are as sured, an eminent practical chemist. Dr. Tay lor, we are pleased to see, has on hand a fine stock of fre9h drugs, medicines, perfumery, &c., and is daily receiving supplies of the same. An experienced druggist himself, with such assist ants as our. young and popular friend, Mr. Tiff Mead, and Mr. Burchartz, to prepare pre scriptions, he is doing a fine business. His Soda Fount, from the run made upon it, demands constant attention and supply. Strangers will find “ Taylor’s ” on Decatur, near to Peachtree street, a minute’s walk from the National Hotel. LOCAL NOTICES. irar-PRY Goods ! Dry Goods !—A large and well selected stock of Silk Grenadines, Muslins, Mozam- biques, Ginghams, Bleached and Brown Domestics, Pant Goods, Notions, &c., can be found very cheap at W. F. PECK & CO.’S, 9 Railroad Block, julySS-lt Opposite National Hotel. I^Dress Goods! Dress Goods!—Great re duction In prices. Silk Grenadines at $10, worth $15 ; Mozambiqnes at 20 cents, worth 35 cents; Leno at 30 cents, worth 40 cents ; Grenadine Leno at 35 cents, worth45 cents ; Mus lins at 25 cents, worth 35 cents ; French Lawns at 35 cents, worth 50 cents, at W. F. F. PECK & CO.’S, 9 Railroad Block, julj23—It Opposite National Hotel. EITRally ! Rally ! Rally ! Rally '.—Every body wanting to buy cheap Dry Good?, will rally to W. F. PECK & CO.’S, 9 Railroad Block, jnly25—It Opposite National Hotel. t3r"Thff Cheapest Stock ot Dry Goods ol every description, at W. F. PECK A CO.’S, 9 Railroad Block, July 13--It Opposite National Hotel. Wanted.—A good Baker, and also a Can dy-Maker. Apply to JACK A DAVIS, julyl9—4t Corner Alabama and Whitehall streets. Ey Enterprise Insurance Company, Cin cinnati, Ohio—Capital $1,800,000. L. B. DAYIS^ marlS—ly Insurance Agent and Notary Public. Military Commission.—The Commission has suspended operations for a few days. We hope to soon chronicle the fact that it has been dis solved, and the prisoners turned overto the civil authorities. £y Kayton’s Oil of Life—Cures Rheuma tism and Neuralgia. mar-1—6mdw Kayton’s Oil of Life—Cures Headache and Toothache In half minute. martl—8mdw iy Kayton’s Oil of Life—Cures all pains and ache*. martl—6mdw gy KJyton’s Oil of Life—Cures sprains, bruises, burns, earache, swellings, corns, «fcc. pT Kayton’s Oil of Life is a household remedy, and everybody should have a bottle. sy Kayton’s Dyspeptic Pills cure sick head ache, and all bilious disorders. martl—6mdw ty Kayton’s Magic Cure.—Cures Diar rhoea, and Cramp Cholics. martl—fiiadw ty Kayton’s Dyspepiic Pills Cure Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia. mar l—6mdw |y Kayton’s Magic Cube.—Cur -a Coughs, Colds, and Sore Throat. mar ;1— Cmdw ty Prof. H. H. Kayton, Savannah. Georgi. , Proprietor of Kayton’® popular Medicines. gy Red wine & Fox, Atlanta, Ga., Wholesale Agents for Kayton’s Medicines. martl—6mdw TO OUR CITY GUESTS. M y office will be open for the transaction of buginesa from 7 to 8 A. M , and from 8 to S F. M. Will be glad to welcome old friends, and make new acqnam- UuiCes - A. K. SHAGO, Commission Merchant, jnly23—It Corner Forsyth and Mitchell streets. CHANLER HOUSE, Fourteenth Street. New York, Opposite New Tammany Hail. BOARD $2 60 PER DAT. L. C. DUNCAN, Proprietor. JuJySS—lm BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK ASSOCIATED PRES8 DISPATCHES NOON DISPATCHES. DlMcnlty la Savannah. Savannah, July 22.—A difficulty occurred last night in a drinking saloon between William Robert Hopkins, Tax Receiver, and Isaac Rus sell, Deputy Sheriff, resulting in the shooting of Hopkins, killing him instantly—Hassell claim ing, in self-defense. The affair caused great excitement among the negroes, who, at the signal of the drum, assem bled, several hundred strong, armed with guns and clubs—threatening to lynch Hassell and demolish his house. Learning that Hassell had been taken to jail, they proceeded to attack it, but were dispersed by the police. The excite ment is somewhat abated this morning. The prompt obey an ce of the signal shows that the negroes are tolly organized in this city. CoscMwIoaal. Washington, July 22.—In the House, Kel- logg, of Alabama, and Tift, ofjSouth Carolina, were seated. A bill was passed removing the disabilities of Simon Carley, of South Carolina, Michael Hahn, of Louisiana, and John Milledge, of Georgia. Stearns made a personal explanation denying the remarks attributed to him about paying bonds in gold, and denouncing the papers attack ing him as rebel and half rebel, and all in bond holders’ interest. The Speaker made a statement regarding the tax bill, in answer to questions, and had the mes sage from the President read, in which the ap proval of the tax bill was announced. The Secretary of the Treasury and the Com missioner of Internal Revenue had advices that the bill was not signed. The Speaker had no other information than that contained in the President’s message an nouncing that the bill was signed. Amendments to the Alaska appropriation bill were disapproved by the Committee of Confer ence. Bill extending the time for the completion of the Southern Pacific Bailroad—passed. In the Senate, Robertson and Sawyer, Sena tors from South Carolina, seated. Sawyers’ seating excited a prolonged discus sion. The affidavits of 0. C. Bowen and Thomas J. Mackey were read, declaring the belief that Sawyer was ineligible; that he was a share holder in blockading and a member of the mil itary organization in Charleston in 1864. Senator Conkling said he was free to say that he did not believe oue word ot the charges against Sawyer and Robertson, who had been previously seated, so be might speak and vote in Sawyer’s case. He had heard none ot these charges in the South Carolina Legislature, and he believed them unfounded, and brought up by the disappointed friends of Dr. Mackey. The question ot adjournment was resumed, when arming the Southern State Governments was again discussed. The bill will undoubtedly become a law be fore Congress adjourns. Concurrent resolutions to take a recess from Monday to the third Monday in September were passed. The Senate then adjourned. From Washington. Washington, July 22.—The President pro claims the adoption of the Fourteenth Article by the alleged Alabama Legislature. At the meeting of Southern members of Congress and Union men, Whittemore, of South Carolina, was President, and H. T. Fisher, of Mississippi, Secretary. A committee of five were appointed to draft resolutions. John C. Fremont introduced a resolution stating, that in view of the President's threatening attitude re garding reconstruction, Congress should remain in session untill after the election; Congress should immediately give Virginia, Mississippi, and Texas, loyal State Governments; Congress should pass a stringent law for the enforcement of 3d section of 14th amendment. Pending consideration of resolution the President should be impeached, pledging themselves to resist ad journment or recess until his removal is accom plished. Meeting adjourned till to-night. The uncertainty about the tax bill creates orach excitemqpt. It seems probable now that the President tf ill veto it on the ground of inno vations on the appointing power. The Senate will disagree to the House amend ments to the funding bill. The President has nominated S. Ferguson Beach District Attorney for Virginia; Alvin Hawkin9, Consul General to Havana; William E. Wells, Collector Fourth Virginia District; William Seldon, Second Virginia District- The Fenians tn Connell Again. Buffalo, July 22.—A mysterious Congress ot Fenians from all parts ot the Union assembled here this morning. They are in secret session. The approaches are guarded by armed men. From Montgomery. Montgomery, July 82.—Good rains have fal len in different portions of middle Alabama in the last lew days. Some planters report that the long drouth cut the corn crop off one-half. The cotton has also been injured. A bill was introduced to-day in the Senate to stop every suit now on the difierent dockets that begun at a period since April 16th, 1861, and up to April 18th, 1868, and make them null and void. The House adopted a resolution providing for the appointment by the Governor of three of the best lawyers ot the State to conform the present laws to the new Constitution. At 12 m. the Legislature met in convention to elect a Senator for the term ending 1871. Gen. Warner, late of Ohio, received 43 votes, R M. Reynolds, late of Wisconsin, received 28, J. L. Pennington, of Alabama, received 21, A. C. Fel der, of Alabama, 9, and Gen. D. E. Coon, late of Iowa, received 11. They are all Radicals. Mr. Pennington is the choice of all the mod erates. From South Carolina. Columbia, S. C.—A bill was introduced in the Legislature to-day reducing bonds of offi cials. The Governor will veto it, on the ground that it will permit irresponsible parties to fill of fices. Northern speculators are here trying to get in possession of the line of railroad. The Republicans are anxious to elect Gov. Orr Chief Justice. Steps are being taken to re move his disabilities. The Legislative work progresses slowly, and expenses promise to be unusually great. COMMERCIAL HfTELUGEHCE. BY TEtZQRAPfl. ! . : 1 J - # New York, July 22.—Cotton market opened quiet, but closed heaYy. Sales 500 bales at 31 to 31$. Floor, State $6 25 to $9. Ohio $810 to $12 50. Southern quiet; common to fair ex tra $8 20 to $8 SO. Wheat a shade firmer; am ber State $2 32; Western $2 35. Corn scarce; mixed Western $1 05 to $110. Oats active and a shade firmer. Mess Pork firmer and quiet at $28 20 to $28 30. Lard 17$ to 18$. Groceries doll. Turpentine 43$ to 44$. Rosin $2 90 to $7 50. Tallow 12 to 12$. Freights lower. Gold 43$. Sterling unchanged. Money easy. Government securities steady; Tennessee sixes 65$; Virginia’s, new 54; North Carolina 73$. Louisville, July 22.—Flour $6 25 to $6 75. Corn 95. Mess Pork $28 50. Lard 18 to 18$; shoulders 13 to 13$; dear sides 17$. Cincinnati, July 22.—Whisky 35 to 40. Mess Pork $28; shoulders 13; clear sides 17. Lard 18 cents. St. Louis, July 22. Flour firm. White corn 84 to 86. Provisions dull. Mess Pork $28 75; shoulders 12$ to 13; clear sides 16$ to 17. Baltimore, July 22.—Cotton dull at 31$. Flour quiet. Wheat firmer; prime red $2 21$ to $2 35. Corn advanced; white $118 to $121; yellow $1 20. Oats steady at 85 to 93. Rye dull at $1 00$. Mess Pork firm; shoulders 14$. Virginia sixes inscribed 45. Old coupons 56; new 55. Mobile, July 22.—Cotton market dull. Sales 75 bales. Low Middlings 27$ to 28. Receipts 1 bale. Exports 129 bales. Foreign markets. I by thb cable like.I Liverpool, July 22—Evening—Cotton closed heavy. Uplands 10$; Orleans 10$. Breadstaffs quiet. SPECIAL NOTICES. t^gr-Georgia State Lottery, for tbe bene fit ol the Masonic Orphans’ Home. Combina tion Class, No. 398. The following were the drawn num bers July 22, 1808. 18—1—77—43—70—7—41—32 —25—13—64—24 jy23—It HOWARD & CO.. Managers. Dividend.—The Directors of the Empire State Insurance Company, having de clared a dividend of three and a half per cent., the same will be paid to the Atlanta stockholders at the At lanta National Bank. Assets, July 17th $322,432 21 Cash Receipts lor Assessment $9,441 00 DIRECTORS. E. P. Clayton, H. H. Hickman, S. D. Linton, Edward Thomas, Gen. A. Austell, J. J. Richards. C. F. McCay, President. Insnrance taken by this staunch home company at the lowest rates. Jnl$83—3t JNO. C. WHITNER, Agent. Improvement In Building Tanne- RiE9.—For particulars, address H. Reed, Box 464, Atlanta, Ga jaly22—4t* Bead the Following, and Don’t Forget It.—We are now receiving daily, a large and well assorted stock of GROCERIES of every description, and we request visitors to the city, as well as others, to call and see us. We buy all our Sugars from first hands, our Coffees from Importers, at cash prices, iu gold, and would say that our facilities for selling goods at lowest rates are not surpassed. In addition to the many articles too tedious to mention, we have fifteen hundred sacks of choice White Com on the market, fifty hogsheads of Bacon of all sorts, and thirty thousand pounds of Iron, at low figures. Come, or send your or ders to HENRY WEST & CO., Wholesale Grocers, july21—*t Peach! ree street, Atlanta, Ga. The Cheap Ale Depot.—K e n n y is in town once more, fresh from the New York Convention, and has determined to lead the way in home enterprises. He thinks he can sell as cheap Ale and Whisky as they do in New York, and will sell to his friends from this date, Drinks at Fifteen Cents I Hie place is the old'place on Alabama street, next to the United States Hotel. Wholesale prices unchanged. Poplar Log for sale at 15 cents. julylO Alexander H. Stephens* Great Work—The War Between the States.— By special arrangement, Phillips A Crew, under Na tional Hotel, are authorized to fhrnish this invaluable Work. Everybody wants it. A. L. DAVIDSON, JulylO—Agent for Atlanta and vicinity. r^“Th« Democratic State Convention, called by the State Central Executive Commit tee, will meet in Atlanta on Thursday, the 22d day of July, 1868. The several counties will do well to elect their dele- gates at an early day.july9—ti1jy28 jKjgp’Demoeratle State Convention Post- poned One Day.—To avoid interference with the Commencement Exercises ol Emory College on the 22d instant, the Central Executive Committee have de termined to call the Convention to assemble at Atlanta on the 23d instead of the 22d July, as at first advertised. Published by order of the Committee. E. G. CABANISS, Chairman. In order to conform to the above, the Mass Meeting will also be deferred one day. J. F. ALEXANDER, July9—tiffy23 Chairman Pern. Com. Fulton County. ooms Democratic Central Execu* tite Committee, Macon, Ga., July 7,1868.— The Democratic Party of Georgia is again reminded of the Convention to be held in the City of Atlanta on the 23d instant, and each county is requested to appoint delegates without delay. The several railroads of this State will carry delegates to the Convention, and all persons attending the Mass Meeting of the party, for the usual fare going, and return them free of charge. Able and distinguished gentlemen will be present to address the meeting. The crisis demands a full Convention, and it is earn estly hoped that no county will fail to be represented. E. G. CABANiSS, Chairman Central Executive Committee. Democratic papers are requested to copy and publish tbe above until the day ol meeting.july9—tiljy23 What is the matter with Ton ?— This is the familiar question put to every invalid. In many cases the answer is, “ I don’t know exactly, bat I don’t feel well.” Look at the countenance ofthemanor woman who makes this reply, and yon will generally find that the eyes areduil and lastrelees, the complexion sallow, the cheeks flaccid, and the whole expression of the face dejected. Interrogate the invalid more closely, and you will discover that Constipation, the result of a disordered stomach and a torpid liver, is at the bottom of the mischief. “That’s what’s the mat ter.” Whoever has experienced the effects of Tarrant’s Effei rescent Seltzer Apperient in such cases, need not be told to recammend it as a remedy. TARRANT A CO., Wholesale Druggists, 278 Green wich and 100 Warren streets. New York, Sole Proprie tors, Sold by all Druggists. Jy7—tll?ep20 HO! FOR THE COHVENTIOM. POST OFFICE SALOON, ALABAMA STREET. M cGUIRX, ot the Poet Office Saloon, as Delegate at Large to Hie State Convention, thinks it constitu tional in inviting the Convention to the fact that he keeps on >»-««< some of the best Wines, Liquors, Ale, Porter, Beer, and Cigar* in the city. Also, the celebrated Poplar Log Whisky for sale. HTLunch from 10 to 12 o’clock every day. jnly**—8t - G\ C. ROGERS, D«oatur Street, - - - Atlanta, Ga., H as JUST RECEIVED a huge lot of Baby Carriages, Wagons, Rocking Horses, Whips of all kinds. Buggies, Boggy Umbrellas, Harness, Saddles, Hardware, Ac. Also, a fine Victoria Carriage.ju y22—2t* 6EORGIA, Fayette County. T WO months niter date application will be made to the Coart of Ordinary Of Fayette county, for leave to sell the real estate or v>. u. Norton, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs snd creditors. ' WM. 8HADRICK. Adm r. jylT—2m Printer’s fee $6 ESTABLISHED IH 1854. f. M. & R.~cT CLARKE, Importers t Dealers in Foreign 4 Domestic Hardware, Orders from the country promptly attended to. 8 ca n ’ AGENTS FOR Falrbank's Standard Scales. Knoxvilla Ivon Works. SIGH OF BIG PAD LOCK. Peachtree street, Atlanta, Georgia. jylO—6m ATLANTA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TOBACCO MERCHANTS. JORDAN, HOWARD AHARALSON, Tobacco Com mission Merchants, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Georgia, keep constantly on hand all grades of Chewing ana Smoking Tobacco, Cighra,!4—ly JEWELERS AUD WATCH-MAKERS. WM. BOLLMAN, DealeTTn Watches. Clocks, Fine Jewelry, Gold Pens, Spectacles, etc., Whitehall street. Repairing done and warranted. je!4—8m BOOTS AND SHOES. G. H. A A. W. FORCE, Wholesale Dealers in Boots and Shoes, Whitehall street, keep on hand the largest and best selected stock in Atlanta, and will always sell to country merchants at New York prices, with freight added. maySS— ly CON FECTIONARY. G. W. JACK, Confectioner, Candy, and Cracker Man ufacturer, Whitchallstreet.mySB-ly DRUGS AND BCKDICINBS. C, A. KING, City Drug Store, Norcross corner. Jel4-ly RED WINE & FOX keep the “ Live Drag Store.” ly WILLSON A CRANE,Druggist, Deelers in Pare Medi cines and Chemicals, under National Hotel. my28-ly J. A. TAYLOR, Wholesale and Retail Druggist—sign of the Golden Eagle. maySl— LIQUORS. M. E. KENNY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Bran dies, Wines, Whiskies, Gins, and Cigars, No. 14 Alabama street, Atlanta, Ga. July22—12m Customers I AM now giving to all Cash HE benefit of Cash pur chases, and long experience in the purchase of OOT9, Shoes, Leather, and Shoe Findings. Am receiving every week B receivin A LARGE variety of these Goods suited to the wants of the trade, and guar antee that N shall offer better inducements, O one in the Country K, NO WING as I do from many years’ experience in this business. In Georgia, the wants of her people, and being determined to excell in quantity, variety, and price, I can, and will IT AIN the best Shoe and Leather House in the Remember tbe piece and sign, mayl5—c I. T. BANKS, Rawson’s Building, Corner Whitehall and Hunter streets FOR SALE OR LEASE, TEN ACRES. One of tbe Rest Residence Sites in tbe State! I WILL sell for cash or on long time, or I will lease for a term of years, TEN ACRES, situated in tbe North Eastern suburbs. It is partly improved, and on it there is now a considerable crop. The building sites are elevated and well shaded with Forest Trees. On it are Springs, and two Running Streams; also, a good Well at the present building. It Is distant just one mile from the car shed, and is close to the most improved section of Peachtree street. I also offer for sale, at low prices. Four Dwellings and several vacant Business and Residence Lots. WILLIAM GABBETT, at store of Wm M Williams A Bro:, j>15-lm Decatur st^-C. WYLY & CARROLL, BAST SIDE WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, R ESPECTFULLY call the attention of Merchants, and others visiting Atlanta during the sitting of the Legislature, to their large and select stock of Pro duce and Groceries. These goods have all been bonght Irom first hands with ready cash since the first of May, and close cish buyers will find it to their interest to ex amine our stock. We intend to keep ample stocks to supply the wants of the Trade, and will not be under sold. Cal! and see ns. 50,000 pounds Bacon—C Sides, C R Sides, and Hams, 60 barrels and kegs Choice Leaf Lard, 6 hogsheads Prime Porto Rico Sugar, 50 barrels Powdered, Crushed,A, B, C, and Ex. C Sugars, 50 bags Rio Coffee, 20 barrels Baltimore Syrup, 30 barrels Molasses, 50 Boxes and Half Boxes Candles, 50 Boxes Assorted Soaps, 25 Boxes Soda—M, X and 1 lb papers, 25 Kegs English Soda, 25 Boxes Pearl Starch, 59 Boxes Assorted Candy, 20 Cases Oysters, (1 lbs) 20 Cases Oysters, C* lbs) 20 Cases Pickles—assorted, 20 Cases Concentrated Lye, 20 Cases Potash, 50 Bag* Assorted Shot, 50,000 G D Caps, 25 Jars McAboy Snuff; 20 Boxes Soda Crackers, 20 Boxes Batter Crackers, 500 Bags Virginia Salt, 3,000 Poands Iron—1.X aod X r<Tt two-horse wagon tyre, And many other goods, such as Pepper, Ginger, Spice Blacking, Wrapping Paper, Sardines, Ac. WYLY A CARROLL. may2»—3an RANDALL'S PRINTING INKS, MARI ETTA, GEORGIA. I AM now prepared to fill all orders for News and Book Inks at New York prices: News Ink, per lb *7 cents News Ink, fine, per lb 30 cents Book ink. per Id 40 cento Book Ink, fine, per lb so cents Book Ink, extra fine, per lb 75 cento Book Ink, superfine, per lb $100 My object is to build up a Southern trade, and onto that end 1 shall spare no pains or expense to make my Inks just what they ought to be. Every Press in the Southern States can. If they see proper, publish this advertisement one week or one month, and receive pey for the same by purchasing four times the amount of their bill from me. jylS—lm B. A. RANDALL. GOOD WORK OR MO PAY. B LACKSMITHING in all its branches, Mffl and Ma chine work. Patching and Repairing Boilers, Bolts fer Bridges, Mill Irons, lip indies, Ac. Also, Wrought iron Fearing for yards and cemeteries, Ac., made to or* der at the old stand of Hoge, Mills A Co., on Marietta street, on the railroad. . je30—lm 8. J.PKRBY. GEORGIA) Gwmuxtt Copxtt. T WO months after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Benjamin Rice, deceased. Jaly 6,1858. ... July*—2m WM. HICK, Administrator. A. SA.3FB, CERTAIN, aam Speedy Cure FOR NEURALGIA, AXD ALL NERVOUS DISEASES. It* Effect* are Magical. I T is the unfkiling remedy in all cases of Neuralgia Facial!#, often effecting a perfect care in leu than twenty-four hours, from the use ot no more than two or three pills. Noottw form ol Neuralgia or Nervous Disease has foiled to yield to this WONDERFUL REMEDIAL AOEN1. Even in the severest cases of Chronic Neuralgia and general nervous derangements—of manv years standing —effecting the entire svstem, its use for a few days, or a few weeks at the utmost, always affords the most aston ishing relief; and very rarely foils to oroduce a complete and permanent cure. It contains no drugs or other materials in the slightest degree Injurious, even to the most delicate system, and can always be USED WITH PERFEC1 SAFETY. It has long been In constant nse by many of onr M0S1 EMINEN1 PHYSICIANS, who give it their unanimous and unqualified approval. Sent by mail on receipt of price, and postage. One package, $1 00, Postage Keen to. Six packages, 6 00, “27 “ Twelve packages, 9 00, “48 “ It is sold by all wholesale and retail dealers in drugs and medicines throughout the United States and by TURNER 4c CO., Sole Proprietors, 120 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. jan21—flm CHARLES BOHNEFELD, UNDERTAKKR, ATLANTA, OXOROIA. M ANUFACTURER of Coffins, and Dealer in Metalic Burial Cases, Caskets, &c., and Dealer In all kinds if Furniture. Also, Agents for the Julius Balke Billiard Tables Jenny Lind Tables, and Bagatelle Tables. A foil supply of which are always on hand. FACTORY—Luckle street, near Walton Spring. WAREROOMS—Peachtree street, opposite Wesley Chapel. apr29—8m ESTABLISHED 1858. L. L. ABBOTT. W. L. ABBOTT. B. r. ABBOTT. ABBOTT A BROS., Commission Merchants, And Wholesale Dealers in PRODUCE, PROVISIONS & GROCERIES Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, BACON, BACON. LBS Choice CLEAR SIDES BACON, O K AAA LBS Choice C GWjV/Uv fresh packed. For sale by ABBOTT A BROS., Commission Merchants, Whitehall Street. Atlanta, Ga. NEW WHEAT FLOVB. 75 SACKS WHITE ’VHEAT FLOUR. Just received an<ttor sale by ABBOTT A BROS., Commission Merchants, Whitehall street. EXTRA FLOUR. 150 SACKS EXTRA. FLOUR. For Ale by ABBOTT A BROS., Commission Merchants. Atlanta, Georgia. SALT, SALT. 1,«X> July22—tiloct9 SACKS VIRGINIA SALT. For sale by ABBOTT A BROS., Whitehall 8tree Atlanta, CARPETS? CARPETS! P ERSONS in search of CARPETS of all grades, from a common Hemp to a splendid English Brussels, will find them at the Carpet Store of S. S. Kendrick, on Marietta street. OIL CLOTHS, new and elegant patterns, from 3 to 13 feet in width, just opened. WINDOW SfLaDBS of all styles, new and cheap. New Goods constantly receiving, at prices that can’t foil to please. Members of tbe Legislature will please exaxiine my n lock, which I intend shall always be at the lowest prices. ▲ splendid stock of Cornices, Lace Curtains, Damasks, now uj store, with many other goods not enumerated. 8. S. KENDRICK’S CARPET STORK, . Bell’s Marble Building, Marietta Street. jtuj23—2t