The daily Chattanooga rebel. (Griffin, Ga.) 1864-1865, August 22, 1864, Image 2

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W.i.J'U i Ji- -ARMY i llfj THE DAILY )VAJ, ;iJin,irM. SATUPAY EVl'M.V'l, Al.d.'Jt, lM'll. Iy lor lln- Soldier. , ) i Nouni of Dili' exchanges bin c .it i- 1 ilu.i huge niiimiiilH or now lioasiiry i'"'1'1 1 i being Belli out to tin- dill', l nt deposilulie in tliu West. We trust that (I.i information in correct. Notwithstanding lllt'l'O ll m i' hcCII SI'IIIO drawbacks, which tin: imlilic run readily excuse, and tire dis posed to patiently bear, it has scented Hint nil un reasonable delay has oceui red in furnishing the new issue, nc.cnrdiiig to (In; c.uili'iiil'Uit ion of Congress, to redeem tint public I'uilh, ami 1 I coutiJi'iico ill the credit of the Cniei'iinu iit. Six months havo now elapsed since tin' I T I j of Feb-. tauf, tho day on "wliii-li the new issue was authorized. The tlnvoriiineiil. had one month llio start, by mi assurance tlint u new issue wonlil lie authorized. Wu uiidoi stand Hint every ui'ruiige rnont had been entered inlu tu change tin' plates prior to the passage of tin lull g n now issue of treasury-notes. Willi nlltl.o disudy:iiitnjre.i uudor which the Treasury Department has labui ed, in having ilit clerks withdrawn for the defence of Richmond, unil IhcVutliiig iff omnmunicut ions, it is not I. little singular what .-low progress has Letter lioni Ilnli. .1. 'V. nll. ol oiv .ll'IM'.V. llriu.iMiioN', , J . .1 oiio ' si ! . on. I'.lijnh '. hmlij, (Ir.iH'l S.i !: I'. ,',i.oi(, A'l'i mlinil, fu'.'.rr, Hill, mill o.'i. I , ,Vi.,'i,,.... (It'X I LCVICX - I ll.'lVO hilt thin lllull'ollt I, colled MHir kiml in it itl lull to itlloinl the c.del.i alioii In tho venerable Tuininun.v Society of the ainir, oi a iv ol' our National lndoioinloi'oo. Umi.; lo a pro existing engagement It will nol ho in my p nv ol'lo accept. l(.Toni.'.intf tli suned il) of your patriotic i-l foils unit desires, 1 must confess 11ml I urn nnl an niialed h v the h.uue hope that unpoars to r!ii in the bosoms of tho sachems ol' old Taiiiinaiiv upon the subject of a restored I'nion. I fully appreciate the spirit Hint induced 1 : i , aipi. ' i n d the lm s which their native land had I sii'.l iiue l Ly ihe pi iiinluio death of one of In r , I I'H. t .iih. AiTied al tin" ttiieieiil Imrial thuiiol ! of li.iihioiuin, the inilin .win removed from the lear-c, and the li ed remains cuiiiinHlcoJjii. ( I 1 1 m i f mothi'i 'oi.ith idst the ili-. ii and carno t li, ,n of the thou inula ll-sOlllilo. about the !! V UTIIOUITY, IM fif.lC ACTS Pii'-I ( inisiis nl the Coni'di'iiitc Mutes, Iili V has Thin unstooneiucul ol all iiiipnitaul - n i fiillen with ieeuliar hurdsiiip upon the oihi'er-, and soldiers or tho An.,)' of Toiinesyo. Wo are ad vised that they have not "eeeiveil h rent of pnv for eight months, ami many of them for u inuoli lon ger period TliouMindsof these noble n are ilependin,' upon their snmll pillanee for I'm iii.sliin ;.; their families with the means of living. All of tlioui could 'Hirehase veeelahles and fruits by hli they minht avoid disease and death, if they had a portion of the inadequate pay due llieui. Wo learn that there is real sullerin;: anions them i.i conseiiuenee ot the postponement of a snored duty on the part of the (loverniueiit. Tlu vbeio to discuss the neglect with billornos and niortitioa lion. A more unmuriiiurino and patient body of inun, under any oeus:ibie neglect of their (lov erniueiit, uever fought the battles of froodoiii. They have learned that the Army of the l'otomuo is not in that way nonjeeled by the (lovoruient. Wo know not what measure J' aeeurnoy there may he ill tins impression, but it has seriously obtained and is freely descanted on. Tin y know that their Government would not willingly and wilfully neg lect them when enuaoed in the ardiiini: and peril ous toils of cumpailiin,;. lint they siispeet that Government authorities somewhere are unfaithful to tho hi'h duty of doin tlioui justice. We have thus stated the simple truth, thai the Secretary of tho Treasury may see what evil is bein' wrought by a delay which ought forthwith to he corrected, and jusliau done to as brave and devoted patriots as ever gavo their time and labors, uud bjood for their country. Wo aincoroly believe that a spec ly attention to this business, by infusing greater tnery into the operations of the Department, than is su.-peeteJ to have existed, will impart new vi'or, to suniu extent, to our troopi. It will certainly contribute malcri ally to thoir health and comfort, and enable many or them to remit sums to their famines, which will roliovo them from want, and the soldiers themselves from that solieitado which they ncee.-irily fuel, in eousoquonce of having been unable to contribute to their support for Severn month?, on aeemmt of the negloct to pay them. We aro satisfied that Mr. Trcnlmhii, the new Hec rctttry of IIik Treasury, whose ability ani pnrrtor lira aro universally endorsed, will do everything in his powor to discharge this firet great duly devolv ing upon hiui as the Chief of the lixehciiiiorand wohore leavo tho matter in his hands, confident that our aulfering soldifts will iiutucdiati ly receivo that roliof in this cuiineotiou which justice, honor and good faith demand. We have net been in the habit of uttering com plaints or listoning to weak and unreasonable carp ing against the public agents, fully appreciating, as wo do, the groat embarrassments and heavy bur dens nnder which thoy labor in discharging their onerous responsibilities. Hut hero is a real griev ance which calls (or speedy correction, audit is our duty as a journalist, friendly to tho government, and daspising all factious criticisms, to a.-l; for its correction, having undoubting that it, is only necessary to advise the authorities of the ne cessities of tho Boldier, to procure a prompt nml speedy remedy. Further Particulars of tho Haiti. By B train which arrived from the break in the road, we have some additional pnriiciilais of the raid. At the point where the construction train was destroyed, about three hundred yards of the track was torn up. Tho locomotive was thrown off tho track, but in not so badly injured but that it can be repaired. The conductor, engineer and fireman of the train, together with eight or ten ne groes, wore captured and carried oil'. Aftor falling back from liear Crock tho raiders again struck tho road at Lovcjny's and at soveral other points above. . There was fighting last night al or near Jones boro between tho raiders and a llrigadoof our in fantry which had been sent to meet them. It is reported that the town of was burned last night, which if true, implies that our force thoro was nut strong enough to huld the ene my in cheek. Tho enemy after getting near Fayette il!e, divi dod their force, and we presume are acting in sepa rate parties. Ocn. Ross was known to be lighting ce of tho parties yesterday, and Armstrong and Jackson woro following the other, which they ap pear not to hnvfl f-uml up u.fti.. The telegraph wire is cut in many places uud ve are compolled to depend for news exclusively upon couriers and trains arriving from the brnuk, who bring the wild rumurs .of ihe country above. i I,, Inolic Jackson to utter the ruinous watch e . . 'h, "The I'nion must and shall be pie orieil." m, have placed so pre eluiuoully at Hie head ot . nil card of invitation; but it is clear In tin- mo t oi.H nary comprehension lluil ho homiiI only in the coustitulinual way, and not t hrotieli the e,,eioi , niihtarv agencies' uf the (lovel nuieiit. lie di-ih'! ly declares in his Farewell Addre-s: "ll'-neli n s'lrugle is once begun, and the ciliou-, ol ,u, section ol the country arraeil a;:am-t tn another, let the battle, no as it nun , toeie an end of the I'nion." lie behoved w ith Washington, and .-a u -soi led - " I li lit tho foundations of the I niou iiiu-t be laid in Ihe all'ections of tljc people," and then fore could novel' have ai' uircd Ihe illogical idea, that the strength of tho superstructure could lie in creased, or its perniaiioney secured by means ten ding directly to undermine these found oious. ltely upon it, tho only hope now, il indeed there is any hope left, is in "inicdiato cc-iition if tin hellish slaughter, and a speedy pear , and i vi u (hen. Ihu ri'st.,ia'ion i f the old I'nion will lo.s e to 'i he loner. il se;- li t) ol the Church of ICnvhind was road l.v the liroiiiers in law of the dii en .ed, ll,e ;,., ,1. (lal.lielt mid the Rev. Kicliiird tfnli. I, .01, in a inn U impre -si vo in, inner, I'oiice to the a ,h,'. of William S.uilb O'llneiil Mon have, hi-tei-i -l as to Ihe soundness of bis political jows. -Hi ramie Ik has boon looked upon as a wild vi. siHiiio v , l y nl'i us he Iuih been regarded as a pol ii leiaii of sound and luinimus inovs. That is a I., to common '.n nil limn iho take a prominent li-il 1 L .'.,', lie. luegreaiesl ioaeneai I'a -id at thefoiitlh seMsjon, w Inch wnn boefiin and held ill the citv of Hichmoinl, in the Stale of Vitcinia, on Moinlav, the sevenlb dnv of Ho-t-iiiber, A. I., l-i,.;, ami' ended on Thursday, the ei);!,leeiilh day of February, 1 jiil. Cm ie. mi, -An A el In amend no act entitled "An m l to lav laxos for the common defence and carry on the Government of tho Coiifodenite -tales, iipprovcil April Iwenlv-foiirlh. eighteen TiaT'slnr.- KTiTtr:iTr"'-.l.e,T.'" TTie' nam 1. 1, . I k for the old I'nion to arise beautified and ::! r !i d from tho yet warm ashes of desolated Homhcrn houies, I'loin the blood of kind ie-1, slcl in cii .1 strife, from the fierce hale that the dying- - hall breathe forth as n legacy to those who simile them, mast surely finagino a vain Iking, t'noot the gravest delusions in an age abounding with liini, is that whieh urges the eiti. un "to s eoi .o the hist dollar and tho last mall" in a blind i loli Inry for what is called Ihe I ninn. I hava as siioiu a love for the old I'nion, as high an uprei iati n of its benefits, its gloriouj ori;,'ii, mid its illii: tri als memories aJ any man ; nay, more linn tin-; 1 was labeling to prs-evve il, when thee modern patriots, who are now so much in lovo with il, wcio "n d ling In lot il slide," aye denouncing it, n - "a league wilh hell and a covenant with death." 1 am n,,t, however, fanatical enough to porini'. a mi'.', s, n limcnl to lil i ii 1 me to facts, and deaden my scum. bililics to the i "istcnoo ol higher ami more inon-ent iuih issues. I will always put Liberty before I n- ioii. The per.-ervation an t the soun-rnly of ihe r-ta'es, arc ul'iufluitcly more iiuporlniice to nie ill in mere hieadth)of territory which musi beoceiiU,"l by slaves ; more important than Federal p-iwvr: if that power is to be wielded by a iirs,ii s r and a I tyrant, biberty we must and will have; its ;m,;- to the life of evciy free b ru American ; the I'nion is nut necessary unless a. -o-eiatcl wilh tho first. Of what value is 1'nion to tho citi.en who limU I all his guaranteed rights in the amen, Inienls to j the Constitution entirely gone'. His right lo fn-e thought, fre speech and a free press go-r., ov swallowed up in the uiaelstioiu of a Liaiieii solulated military ilispotisui V A I'niou is a very good thing to have and to bold; but if in order to secure thai Union 1 must lie content to sec that constitution overthrown, the re-erved rLols of the States and the people annihilated, tho war power one of the attributes of The Kxeeutivo. ami orvsclf giuing nl it through tl e burred nod bol'ed windows of Lincoln's bastilcs; then I woohl train oil' a thousand such Unions for one liMo .;n Marino among barren rocks, w here the rights so cured by .Magna Churta were respected, cud where oppression and usurpations are unknown. Hut supposing the Union could ho roston d, how long, surrounded by the nieinorials of the pa t strugel,, here at the North would it vmlmv ? ( er tainlv every thoughtful man must admit that the statesmanship which suggeMed inscribing on the regimental colors, symbols c inunemoratii e !' their having been borne triumphant iu our bloody fraternal conlliots; or of erecting' inoniimctiH as nieinorials of our bloody sti tingles, could never have contemplated a permanently restore, 1 Union. Tho memories of these iritterinil conllicls inu i In buried in oblivion beforo a permanently restore. 1 Union cm bo secured. The heathen ruler-' a' d mnu -in, n nniiinsioo'r-TmTTnneipTn rrrrnri'iriiT Tn'" lure, apparently much better than the piof-. s.-rdly cnlighlcncd Christians of this noon of tho nine teenth century. It was Tiberious w le,, n lien the Itoman Seiiale prbposed erecting an al ar to v. m geaneo to commcinorato the d 'ath of lh-o replied, " public monuments should eoniniciiiorate lorcioi oon'piosts, not domestic calaiuilics." C.e.-ar, ,m his return from bis African campaigns after his great victory at Thapsus, upon celebrating his Four Triumphs, wisely and carefully avoided all alhisious, by banners or otherwise, to what, per haps, wcro the most brilliant of bis achievement.---pis victories over bis own countrymen. In Spain ainf Thcssaly ho bad routed tho disciplined legions of the Honiaus ; "but their defeat," bo most truly said, "brought no accessions of honor to the lie public. Tho glory it reflected on Ihe victors vas but dubious and barren." This Christian nnt'.us should bavo learned wisdom from the example of henthenriilors and statesmen. If the settlement of of this question reduces it self to separation or Southern subjugation, then I am for separation a thousand tunes, because the iullueuees and usurped powers must he evoked to execute such a li.-inlisli judg ment would establish tit the North a despotic power worse than (Ihenghis Khan or Tamerlane evir controlled. Such results a subjugation and annihilation have been accomplished where the w ill of the despot was Ihe supreme law, in sm 'i devastating wars as the 1 imours anil .tt Has ol the world have waged, where the grass never grows where the hoofs of .their charger, pro-sod, and the smoke of the. country went up behind tio ia "like lH: smoke of a l'urn'ace"- -uen,r, sorely, bv a Ili'piiblic whose chief corner-stone is "the con sent of the governed," and Ihe avow, d object , I whose Constitution was "lo establish justice and insure domestic tranquillity." Yours, rospectfullv, Jamli W. Wai .!.. thai I'll ;'l .111,1 ei'ei' saw - l.dinund lolilii was not eeni,l Iroiu ii, I i v i ii his int. gnly a e oi'i .toiiev h.'l'.e been soiiiolilues coiileeled. - Those of William S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (I'llrieii never were. All ioiie'd in .'oiling that he was the soul of honor--Tho e who4m",v lino fi rs-mallv, hoed him ; those v ho billowed his political principles admired him ; tho .e e en w ho dill, red li inn him re-pecVd him. I , r " "f lh" new s of his demise reai ICS one of 1 1 i-h birt! i or descent, sorrow w ill prevail. In the land of hi birth and of his w armesi lovo, bowel or, the deep,-.! :IHT,iw will reign for many a long day li,!' Ihe In-. of one ot her tl llest ulld llohll'-t sun , Will, am Smith O'llrieu. a--- From the N,-w York Mein-polltaii lleeonb 'Hie Adniinisliatioii UaiiN upon White Men. We are told that the Administration intend to call for allot her three, or live hundred thousand 1, M'o men and ii,g;'oi rrr hundred and at vty three. The C, n '.'res ol'lho Coiifederal e Slalet of Amor , ; iea do enio'i, That nu act entitled nil net lo lay ., I lave-f,,r ihe coinuion ib feneo uud carry on the I ou er .ment ot nie i oniciicrnte Mates, npprnvoil : April tiveiity fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty three, he, and Ihe same is hereby amended, so as to rend as follows: . j Si , rio 1. That every person engaged, or in t, mling to engage, in mi v business iiauieil in the j loin lh s ciioii nf this net, shall, within sixty davs j ifter the pa .-ago of Ibis act, or at the time of In;, i ginning business, uud on the lirst day of .laiiiinrv j in each vear thereafter, register with the district colh etor, in sucji bii'm nt the Coniiiiissionei' ol Taxes shall prescribe, a true account of the name ami residence of cUch person, firm or corporation engaged or interested in (bo business, with a -latement of the time for which, find the place anil in a nncr in w liicti, the same is to he conducted, and of all ollu r facts going lo ascertain tliu amount of upon such, business, for the past or tho future, g to the provisions ot tl f.r , r,,,.,, il Wllf. ,,,, I "mis '" ii,' " " ,s,,,i, ,,i mis nei, ,u iue llorllos, a lael upon ihu laooi m n ,,, ban a r i and The nrtielo which appeared in the Iichcl this morning under tho caption of "The .Manifesto of the Confederate States," should have been cred ited to the New York Metropolitan llccord. It is a most excellent and able article, and indicates a aoundncss of sentiment on the great principles which lio at the basis of the war, which is rcl're. li Ing in a Northern journal. fT A news-boy liailed'us this morning with "buy a Macon paper, sir?" "No," we replied, "we are niakin papers ourselves," and with an in ward chuckle at tbtf boy's confusion, we proceed ed to "smile." The Philadelphia Ledger savs : "ll is th" opin ion of those well informed here, that the efforts to raite recruits to uny extent at the South for ser vice in the Northern army, w ill bp a failure, ll has been calculated that possibly from lti ',0 ,0 to 150,000 dusky warriors could be obtained iu the next two mouths at the South, but the chances are that not one-tilth of even the smaller niinib-.r will be obtained." A OnitiT Lilt. The ynnkecs arc the most incor rigible liars on tho face of Ihe earth. They as-srl that when Gen. Beauregard exploded his expen mental mine tho other day, our troops assaulted their lines and were repulsed with terriblo slaugh ter, Jiut their loss was small ! We know nothing of tbeir losses, but wo d i know that wo did not make, an assault upon their lines, and did not lose a man. m-StntiiteK ..- Poetry is the flower of liOT.ituro : prose is the corn, potato.":, .stul meal; satire is the a'piafor lis ; wit is the i n n and pcpp.r ; love letters arc the honey and suur ; letter; cout.i'uiii reuiitt.iuees ait apple dumplingi. I It i: L AND. WII.UAM SMITH o'littlK.N Tilt; I.NTi;l;M!;.-i'. From the Morning N"i w - J Limeiiii'k, Juno 21, l.-ti I. I In this day all that was mortal of William .'-'mill) O'llricn truo mid tried patriot, honest and ciisi-,. tent in every stago of bis career, respected alike by friends and foos was committed to the earth. Although ho departed this life in a foreign clime, hivinu I'rovidenee ordained that he should be in terred in his nativo land. Tho columns- of the .Veen havo already homo witness to tho high .-ens.' entertained of bis character by tho reception of his mortal remains on their arrival nt liiibliu on yes terday morning. F pially enthusiast ie would he ', e becu the duniunstrutiou iu this citv. Inrt f',,r Hie ,,i rongly ei,i;ssi:it wisnes ot ih i,,ire relatives ,,f tbo daoarted patriot. Still, however, every possible means were taken to show the feeling which the people nl' this city entertained for tho loss which Ireland had sustain ed by tho premature death of one of her truest and noblest sous. As has been already stated, almost every shop wns partially closed, and the quarter sessions, which were being held, were adjourned for sumo hours, in order to allow those engaged at tle iu to attend the funeral College. Tho funeral proecs-mn left. Cahiriuoyle at half past twelve-o'clock this day for the llathroiiaii Churchyard, in which the members of Ihis great Celtic family have been deposited for cetitiiricv Tho funeral procession was uio which reflected honor alike on the dead and the living. Tho chivalry of William Smith O'Frieu's ehar ae'er, his consistency and divntcrcstclnes--, w.,n for him tho regard of all, without distinction i '.' class, or creed, or polities. The gentlemen of b; native county mustered strongly, lorg"!ling all dif ferences which might bavo ever existed -between them and him who.-e dust they were about to hoimr as far as in theiu lay. At that solemn timo they only remembered tint the m issive oak coffin bctoro them contained th"" mortal remains of ono who loved bis motherland with h true and unshrinking affection, who iu her servico cast asido all thoughts of rank and wealth, and gace himself wholly to the people mid children i of Frill. Respecting bis high-iuindcdness, his integiity, an I his consistency, they forgot nil political dill r ences. Ii'or were tho Catholic clergy backward in I doing honor to his memory. About a store of the neighboring clergy took a ' 'imminent part in the procession, amongst whom j we observed the Itev. .lames lialcbh, I'. I'.; the I Hov. .lames Knright, 1'. l'.j Itev. ,1. O'brien, I'. 1'.; j Uev. ,1. U'Shca, 1'. 1'.; Uev. F. O'Donoghue, C. ('.; Itev. Mr. Kyan, C.C.; Uev. L. (ilessoii.C. ('.; K, v. ll. Meanv, C. C; ie., ic. The hearse was pro, -I ded by some two or three biindiYd t-ininls uf the i O'itrieu estato on horseback, wearing scarfs ami j hatbands. The mourning couches tollowmg con tained Mr. lidward O'llncn.J. 1'.; Mr. j o'ltncii, Mr. Iinnaiigh O'llrieu, and Mr. F Murmgh O'lltii'ii, sons of the lamented deceu-ed; bis bro'ber, tha lion, lidward O'lJncn, and the ii iu. I and Kev Uichard O'Hrien; and Ihe Hon. Stephen , Ii. Kiee. Large nuuibers followed the tuncral Uoe"ssion with the ntniost order and n gul.intv. j lojw jug by their demeanor that the ilioou:,;l,l . I l,,l- of tlio "loyal" Slnlcs, a laid that carries oil wilh it tho v.'i.i ov's only hope and suppoit, the w ile'- j,,,;,! dep, II b'lice, ho helpless latiler's"hl-t r Is hveeii himself and the poor house. It is I upon tile farm and the workshop, upon city -ant i v, n raid not for the purpos, ,s of plunder, Ion li r the gathering together of victims to be sleught' red to the insatiate deimoi oi' A b diliouisin. M lui tn in beings are to bo di ii en bi.e cattle into l.oieolu's ,-la!i!;ber ,ens guore violin,, aru wauled ) a"1 bo' Hie shall, b'cs. It is vml fell iW-eitii'lls bo ve i . . ' . . , . sJ t.ii ni 'i's or intiorers, or iiieclinuies, who are now to till up tho huge caps in the rapidly dimini-liing anna.- of t'c I lumbal land and ihe I'olomnn. Are ye ready f- 'r the raid? Are ye ready to take your places iu Ihe slaughter pens that arc al.vays open, dial are filled with Ihe living and the dead, licit are ho'ivy with tho flench ari-ing iieni pnlriiicd ami pal i il'ving human tle-h ''. I,,m t "id Abe, it is said, will only require thrcu or live Jniiidied thousand nioro to tini.-ii iii the South ; but are we sure it is not the N, rth he wants to lini a. lie has tried no less than two millions an I a hall upon tho S"iilh with poor cl;.el, ami he en, only "light to be satisfied that one-ei tl-.ii number would be utterly useless. It Ihe N'orlh, lherero;e, ho has his eyes up in the t- iil. it ;.- three ,r live hundred thousand men ho wants lo g -I 1,-oin our voting force that is nil, and it any prove siinieieut to secure h's election which is Hie all important point just now. lie knows well tlio moment hu leaves Washington and bikes, his ,l.,ee once more among the people, It" will havo a number i,f private ace, units to settle with v:u. os panics', against wluiin he ha) been running up ipiite a long score. T oi-, there! is one of Ihe grand objects of the pew r.ii I upon the North ; it is n raid not only to li II up the s!,iiiL'h;er pens, but to increase the voting ai my of the impel sous! ion of Presidential honesty. V ;ile m u and l.egrocs political miscegenation ! It has co, in,; , Ihi., at last, but who can tell where it will end. However, h t tis look out fer.Lineolu's U' w rai i, the rai l upon the orphans and widows d ep 'iideoee, the raid upon the linrd wnrkinj, a tilers of r families, the raid upon tho clergy, lor they w lioni i en jiag ins excepted are not exempt in this I'hii-lian an 1 ej llized cnuulry. Truly this is the age of progress nu 1 enlightenment, this is tho tri umph of Aboliiioni -iu, this is tho Apotheosis of as may lie due upon sales or receipts in such busines nt lii" lime o such registry, as herein pin', hied; and Ihe collector shall give to the per son making such registry a copy (hereof, with a receipt for Ihu ainoiint of Ihe lax then paid. Si;c. 2. That anv person failing to make the reg istry, and In pay the lav required by the prece ding rooliou, '.hull, in addition to all oilier tnxr h upon bis business impu-ed by this net, pay double the auioiinl of the specilie tax on sin h business, 1 a like sum for even' thirty dnvs of such lait- XI. That ni'i V place n lu re haul lueiils of any kind ure pr,, id d for en and sold for con-uinpiion iln-i -in, boarding house in w hieh there ' hail he crs or more, shall be doomed aa , anng dor Ibis act. ML' lllokeis shall pay Inn hiioei Anv person w hose bu aiics, n i, iipms soil slocks, coined lleaiey, bank logo , curilies for thenisehe or other-, m w h , exchanges relal ing to iionii y , -.hull bo i broker uudertbis m l. XIII. f'nmnierenil bioliei's, oi commi chants, shall pay two hiimli i , d,,lai .. a:. a hull' per ceiilnin ii all : a!, - n, person or linn, cveopt on,, ,- , ,i, wholesale denier oi'ii banker, wh , e I..,, ns the iigeut of olhei lo pm . In ,. , , or seek orders thci , for, in ,,i o innl or packages, or prod '"-' no d lv ,,i Ihe producers, lo inainig" bo-nn , matt, OWIIelS of vessels, or I'm the shipper , ers of goods, or who-e bu-M , it i g,, rent, hire or sell real e-iibe or u, - i oe-, deitined a eninuiei cinl broker or e inn,.; cluiul. under tins act. XIV. Tobae(oiiisl, shall two and a half per eenluiu i of sales. Anv person w bos lit retail, scgai's, -null' or tobaci shall be deemed a lobaecoiio i urn registered wholes, tie and retail do; taxed as Inbacenni-ts. XV. Tliealers shall pay live h and live per eenluiu on nil lee, shall be paid bv the owner of the oiy edifice used for the purpose ( rcseutntious, jduys or pel toi inane eluding halls rented or n 1 nee; certs or theatrical rein leni niim,- r I, lie h- ll l-lllll s d .bill.. do ,1 . I ll lift . the'i ii -i 1 1 1 -l,:,;i lo it: - t v lorm, hi- no; hot -hall nol In- ed dolt,,,-., which t,i I'.lliO 1,'. id not in ly for en- ,,1 iifl itu jiiuiol- LhlA muU .iiiitoii lureim of lo I. si,. e i ' hllnli, tl V -h.l'l b, e.xhjl.oliol Iisplailg.lioii of I idniiind Kirk," nliinit the Ills Visit to Kiclinioiid. Foston, July 2.1, I S ii ( . A ou! 1 fi'oin "Fdinund Kirk'," whoso real name i - Junes II, (i ilin, , re, ."7 West Aim street, Fusion, 1 i'i I' " '''' in rii.t I' il 11-7T ?tr.TJiTii"i'c .-al s, of (iic e. ;e,crell,l, llol, tol. I ac'j'ii .', as follows : "Wilh his (, lac, pies') supposed "mission". I had nothing to ,1.,. 1 went with him, or rather he wi nt wi;!i ii, e, lor my pass directed ( to allow J. , II. ll il'i'.ore an 1 f.-iuul to pa -i our lines to go South, S to ll on Sunday last, and 1 can say I nncqiuvoi a:iy that the l'resnlciit biicw uolli ng ol his aeconinany iug me. "Mr. I.iiic.ilii, tliongli nn old-time friend and jicipiaitilanco of Coloind Jacques, .has not even seen him for nearly tliiee years. "How the newspaper statements in reference to our visit to Mr. Havis originated, I do not know. Until 1 J o'clock last night, when I returned to my home in this city, I had communicated to no hu man boii.g, except (lens. Butler uud (leant and the Fic-ideiit, the fact of having been in the rebel nl all. "1 am nut, and never have been, connected with the New ork Tribune. At the earnest solicita tion of Mr. lid. Howard (lay, the managing editor of thai journal, f w ho is a very dear ami intimate friend of mine i 1 did consent, nearly two years ago. lo the Tribune Association publishing cheap editions of my books, 'hut that nrrangeiuout was long since discontinued , and I did, in July lust, write half a dozen article for that paper. "I have not, liowerer, exchanged a word with .Mr. llroclcy, or even seen him, for fully three month-, ami. I have no connection with him: in t'o't. I know absnlutely nothing ol'his 1ncgolia!iol:s., Tiiis mu Ii, however, in reference to Unit inu i talked of matter, being a, 1 can guess, il will result in nothing. JclTerr-ou Uavis said to me S ir.dav, 'and wilh nil his faults I believe him a man ol' truth.) 'This war iniirt go on till the last j of this gi:o, ration tall in his tracks, and his cbil- j Iron sioe bis lau kct and ligU our battles, unless you aeknoule ago our right of self-government. ' Wo are in, ! lighting for shivery. Wo are light, ug ' for in b pe'i Ictiec, and that, or cxlcnniuatibn, wo i ni'i have' " 4.4X- EioiTors of War. Tho following letter speaks for itself. The wri- j I 'i' i. the y.,ungest daughter of (he lion. Alexander II. 1',' iclcr, of Jefferson couiilv, Virginia, detailing to h; r . i.-lei- the burning of their homo by order of i (loin ml Hunter, and also the residence of Fdinund .1. Leo, whoso lace adjoins Mr. Holder's. Foun tain U ek, alba led to bch.w, belonged. t0 Mrs. Hot- Mr. A. It. Kolelcr -win a member of '.be Ji.i . II. That e wept w here herein otherwise pro led, there -linl! bo n separate registry and tax for etieh bu-iness mentioned in the fourth section of this nol, and for each place of conducting the same, but no la x shall be required for tho mere storage of goods al a place other than the regis tered place of business. I pon every change iu the place of conducting a registered business He re shall be u new registry, but nn additional lax shall be required. I pon the death of any per son conducting a business, registered and taxed in. herein r, piired, or open the transfer of the to am th, r, tin' business shsll not be suh iect"d to an additions! tax, but. there shall he a hth u uev registry in the nam" of ihe pei.son authorized no-l be 1 bv law to continue Ihe business. Si. c. I. Tli.l iipuii encii trade, business oroccu p.liou hereinafter muoed, Ihe following taxes shall be n cii-,! ami paid for the year ending on the tiiii tv-lir-t of December, ei ghteen hundred and -i'.tv thiee, and for each and every year thereafter, i: I. Hani. . i s shad pay live hundred dollars. Fvery person shall be deified a banker within tin; ineiin ingof this ni l, who keeps a place of business where credit, are op.ed in favor of any person, I'll in or corpoi ulii'U, by the deposit or collection of ninnoi or currency, innl bv whom the same, or j any part thereof, shall be paid out nr remitted, upon the draft., check or order of such creditor; ; but nol lo include nnv bank legally uilthoi ized to j i --lie not, s as cii enh, lion, nor agents for the sale ' of nu lor account uf producers or man- J l.faelul, s. ' 11. Auctioneers shall pay fifty dnllara and two an I a half per centum on the gross amount of I soles made: Provided, however. That on all sales J at auction of slock or securities for money, the tax shall be one lout I Ii ol ono per centum on the gi'o-s aiiiount of sales. Fvery person shall be declined ail auctioneer, w ithin the meaning uf this act, u hose occupation it is to oiler property for sale, lo til" highest or best bidder, nl public outcry. 'I he lax upon the nuetioueci's shall he deemed a tax upon the personal privilege, to be paid bv cu'li 1 1 1 1 i i . I dual engaged in the business, and with out i, .aid to tilt' i'hiee at which the same is con duct, "I. No tax shall he required upon .miction sale, made for dealers in a business registered I t i v ol. and nt their place of busines., uiioti WW., I, -M. "T ,11,, lol loiharl II In II bi les. Illlo i nrr-xeer Hie iiuuiii space, or ,u ea, w hero foils acrobatic sports me exhibit,-, lis a circus under this act. persons exhibiting shows, .-! livery person w ho performs shall' be regarded as a jug i'lovidcd. That no registry shall be held t" nutlnu i,e i Slate, nml but one p li'Mllls llol to llll'll live Stale. X I. lloobn ; all, ;- pay fort;, iloil.u s ;,,r e . registered, w Inch In b thereof. I'i'. cii place ol thrown, oi billiai ds pint lie with or without price bowling alley or billiard 1 oom, ib r Ihisnel." X II. Livery slable keepers Jars. Any person w lee ceiq il is to ke'. p hiiises for bin or h d, d in ll li', el",' - Inlile keeper il .Will. Cattle broker-- -boll i dollars, and I.mi uud u hall gross amount of sale- mad", business ii is lo bill and sell : horses, hogs or sheep, .'.hall be broker. XIX. Butchers and baker- - h fifty dollars and one per n u! amount of the s ib s mud", business it is to butcher and s, in open market, or ol'nei ,, i ,e, I hogs or sheep, shall be ileooo d this act; and any person v. to .-, bake aiid'scll, or oiler he deemed a baker under this ici. XX. Peddlers shall pnv I l:y inul a half pel' rent, on the i.i,, Rim, except persons engaged i sivelv pel iiniioiils, hooks, new . in Ihe Coiifederale Slat, .-, , I I tracts, who sells or ollei s to wares or oilier comiuocnies, goods from place lo place, through ililli reiit parts ol tin deemed a peddler under thi - u any peddler who sell. ; oiler, foreign or domestic, by one or cos or packages at one line', n son or persons asnlor, said, sit dollars and two am! a half p. ; sales; and any person who pc pay fifty dollars and two and on Ihe gros. sales, l no tax up he lleeined a tax on the per iii.i paid by each individual ongi:"' without regard lo the place ai conducted. XXL Apothecaries sba'd pnv on W ho li i id , olio pay till .- ' rdeigbl I'll IIT, s ii, an : bllli: id In. I d laid" I d ,i cailh ol lv all pay one hundred dollars ulld ten on ill' gross nniount of nil sales .ijr. A. li. Jmicier -was Ileum of Hepresenlnlives in LSiilt -'ill. Captain Mart'.nd.ilo was infornicd by one nf Mr. ll.dc'er's ,'euiglili rs that tho property was not her l.i'.hcl's but that of her mother, bavi-,,; been con. viyed to her many years since. She nl';cnvard sent word to (oier.crni Hunter lhat all ho deslroye I belonged to Mrs. Holder, who was absent fi-mi h"me at Ihe time. No one was there exupt'Mi'. Holder's two daughter.- and Ihrce lit l!" r.iaud children. Wo envy not the man or men wh" c,m en j. y such deeds ore miiiiit ?U"h wrings: SiiKi'iir.itti-trowx, JerrEissoN Co.. V.t July :'u. Isiil. M Iic.uiKsr Sisriins. I sup, use you will havo heard before tins reaches yen that our d ,'ir. beiuili fel h' .1,1 : is in ashes. V, leni iv, just after dinner,, Ic r Ibreo I I litilo child.s ii ari l 1 b"ing at homo, lifteen r"l liers of Hi- 1st .New York Cavalry, under Captain tind.ile, e.iine wilh orders Iroiu lien. Jlunle tic otlicers, or by personal representatives, guar dians or coininitiees. 1 Whole-ale dealers in liquors, of any and every d 'sei ijitiou, including distilled spirits, fer mented li 'plot's tni'i w incs of nil kinds, shall pay two hundred dollars and live per centum ou the gross amount of sal, s made. Fvery person, oth er than I he di -; i Her or brew er, who shall sell, or nP'or li r sale, any such liquors orwines, in quan tities of inure than three gallops ut one time to the ; a purchaser, shall lie regarded as a whole sale dealer iu liquors within the moaning of this act. Ail persons who shall sell, or oiler for sale, nnv such liquors or wines, in qiiiintiles less than three gallons nt one time to the same person, shall be regarded as a retail dealer in Honors. IV. lictail dealers in liquors, including distilled smrits. fermented liiiuors, and wines of every de- sci'lpl lull, si per centum made. V, Ib't.iil dealers, wboie quarterly sales shall exceed one hundred dollars, and shall be less than live hundred dollars, shall pay twenty-live dollars and two and a hall per centum on the gross a nut of sn'!.,, made, and where quarterly sales exceed live li' inlred dollars, the specilie tax shall be lilty dollars and two and-a half per centum on Hie gross amount of sab s made. Fvery person w bos ' business or occupation it is lo sell, or oiler to sell, groceries or any goods, wares, inerehitn f. -e, or oilier things of foreign or domestic pro ibietioti, in le-- ipianiilies than a whole original on ce or package at ono time to tho same person, ,'nol including w ines, spii itunus or malt liquors.) ...hall be regarded a. a retail dealer under this act: Provided, however, That any mechanic who shall seii only the products of tho labor of himself and bis ,,',vii family, shall be exempt from this tax. I. Wlndi sabwhalers shall pay two hundred dollars and two uud u-hiilf p reuntiiui on the gross amount i f all sales made. Every person w hose business or occupation it is to sell, or oiler to sell, groom ins, or any goods, wares or inereluin di: e nl foreign iir domestic production, by one or n ore orhgitiiil p: ckages or pieces at one time, to ihe sainf pm chaser, not including wines, spiritu ous or mall li piors; and every person whose busi ii, s it i to sell, or oll'ei' to nell, slaves, shall be ih onii d as n w h'desale dealer under this act; but haling been registered as a wholesale dealer, such person iniiv also sell as aforesaid as a retailer: Flan n led, That eoiitraeloi's working for and sel ling their own products exclusively to the Confed eral,' States, to an amount not exceeding five thou sand dollars a year, and such dealers as sell exelu si'.ele to con iimers, and not to others Ki sell again, shall not be regarded as wholesale, but us retail dealers. VII, Pawnbrokers shall pay two hundrid dol lars. Fvery person whose business or occupation il is to tnkoim- receive bv way of ideduu. townr exchange, anv goods, wares or merchandise of ..., i;,,,l ,,r ,'.i',,M!,l nronivtr whatever, for the r, ,, ,,,..,,l ,.) sel'lli II V III IIllJlll v lent thereon, shall tiee, (which time tie Ueemeo ll jiieoiuiuMi uu, i n,,.s ...... VIII. Uisti'llers shall pay two,, hundred dollars and twenty per eenluiu oii the gross amount of all sales made; ami also twenty per centum on the value of all liquors distilled lor any other person, and the tax ou distillers shall bo n lion on Ihe still or stills used, and upon the other fixtures and ar ticles for currying on the business, and shall have 11 other liens oreljinis. hieryper I nt r, I: Pi llp.i.v. ,-, nt. o: lies j,-. 1 i...,V i ,m p, I mill I i v.l I til" , thoie shad he ilciluelcd the cost of labor, Kind ami i e , hi i repairs. Ml ll the incline li, derived fin m ravigntiug e';, l rise ,, I oei e shall be lied licti'd fro ill Ihe gross i .. one: , including the vijlue of frelgllln on goods -; ii'io d bv He' pi'i sim ruiiiiiiig tho ves.-el, Ihe lure ol i i I," a! or v." s,-l, it not owned by the person i i ii : the -ahie, or if owned by him, a reason- no1" iiihev , i.eo liu- ihe wear and tear of the same, i " i ' e ' e i d 1 1 1 ' t , o i por centum pel an ii inn , and al o lh" e, , ' , i i ii lining 1 1 e bout or t esse I. ll the lllOoloO bo lb-liv ed by llio t II T paVl'V oat or bin building, (here shall be deduct. el li'-iii the gin... reeoiiils of Ins occupation, in e'o ling the i able of the bout or ship w lieu finished, il hiiJi I'.u hiiiisell, tin t of (be labor netunlly hu ,d ,.in I paid hv himself, innl the prune cost of the ii,. ,ioi ils. n' pi,i','base,l by him. " V, li ih" inr.ane be derived by I he tax payer, f. I.I Hie sale I, I loo I elillllill' e or nnv other proper n , real or i" I', there shall be 'deducted from lio' gros . iiui Hint of sales the prime cost of Ihe pisei- rty sold, including the nol nf transportation, -,,i,.i ii - iil'cii'i k.s actually paid and llio rent of the boildings eiii'd'", e,l iu the bu .iuess, if hired mi l 1,.' owned by biei -elf. v I. ll the iiiii mo be derived by the taxpayer ill,, ,.i any other upatii'ii, profession cinploy- loeiit oi loisiiH's. , there shall hu deibicled from I t. e .io s iimoiini of fees, oniiipe naiilion, profits, e. iiini.'i or commissions, the salaries of j eh rks i.cinaily paid, and the ronl of the ollico or ' i tli a1 building n-i d iu the business, if hired ami I nol "Mo ii by himself, the cost of labor actually paid. an, I not owned by hiniself.atul the cost of ma- h ii ,1 oilier tlniii machinery purchased for tho us,, j of his business, or to be converted iulo some oilier I hum in Ihe course of his business, anil in the ease j of mut mil insurance companies I h ' amount of loss- is paid by tin iu during Ihe year. The in' i- eiiiolovnienis piirsio d by tloun within the Cou i I', ,! :':i : - Males; and ill estimating incomes there -hall be included Hie Interest, dividends, profits or 1 e'ber pi oceedrf of money or oiciiu of every d"- r a iiili.m, on which such interest, dividends, i prnl'i; or ot lii r proceeds shall have accruod for the v eai ,v, hi t Iu r in eM cii or not, anil me vaiue ot ino , tn., ited atinnal rental of nil dwelling boiues, lniihlir,L's or building lots in cities, towns or vil 1 , oecapi' il bv lio' owners, or owned and not .e'en:,., ,1 or hue i, and the vnbio of the estimated ,, mii'iil hue ol all slave-', ti"' engaged on pulia tion , or lai in-, mid ml employed iu some busi lie ... or occupations, Ihe profits of which are tit x r , as Income under I hi" net. When the income be ibus ascertained, all of tboso which do m.t ee, c I ll.e bulull'ed llollal'S per lllinillll, shall ho e'.oiiipt from taxation. On nil incomes reeeiv , d dm in., th" v ear over ll.e hinidreil ilollam, and n it exceeding lilte n hiindreil dollars, a tax ,,l bve per cent, shall be paid. On ad incotoes r liitoi'ii biiudred dollais, mid less thin three ll, in-and doli irs, live per cent, shall be paid on Ho in. -i ti!'i"iii hundred dollars and ten per ,. ;;l, ,.n u;i ex," i. On all incomes of or over," thousand dollars, and less I hull five tliou- :.i;il do'.lai -, ainx often percent, shall be paid. Cii all incline , ol or over live thousand dollars, and I," s '.ban h ii thousand dollars, a tax of twelve and a ball'pi r eeiil. klinll be paid; and on all in ,., me; i f ,,r; overlcn lliousaiul dollars, tax of hh, on p. r eenl. vlii'll be paid. All joint stock ,, aiii . s ami crpoi nlions shall reserve one- ; . . , r i i o! th" lunula! earnings net apart for ilivi ii, i,d in i ro-orvod fund, to le paid to the eollec I ,, ,,i H,,. Confederate tax. "u" t i i o dividend then p id in ihe stockholder shall not be estimated ns a i", 1 1 ,,' hi- income. for the purposes of this act. -mis shun give in nn estimate ot their in ml nrolits derived from anv other source nimtev.-r, and in so doing shall first statcthe gross nimum! ,,l iheir rein ipis lis indivnluals or mum ; i s ol a lii ni or partnership, and also state piu -tieul.u'lv each item I u"whieh a deduction is to be m ad" ami lie' aiiiount to be deducted for it : Pro i, l 'I, That lie' incomes and profits upon which h ,v o I ix is tn be imposcu, mini not or ooeui' uni'ide the products ot lands, which are I in bind as In ri iunlter described: Provided oo. That in case the annual earning ol said sioci. c.iiii'iaiiies and cm , orations set apart ,n, '.'.aid. sluill giie a profit of iiimi than ten s.1 ilii.n tweniy percent, upon their capital , !,;,l in, ono eighth of said sum so sot opart id ns a tax tothe colli cloraloicsnui, anil I sum -" set apiirl shall give a profit of lour ibsn tweii'v per cent, on their capital siock i', in I in, one sixth (hereof shall bo reserved and i, od as ai',, re-aid. The Ux levied ill this section sl,all b" paid on the lirstd.iy i.f.lanucry next. and . . i. ... .1 , . n-e , ,r len , ,, ar I oer"" ,' -, "i. ... ru-rrTr-Tnftr coll, -ell thai ,e is ,, ; , i . i , ... eoll,,, ii and leliaeeo ,', ,,i 1,0 : . ,. at Hie Ilines In"-, It ,l I". i'. llliil'e I II -.!! t U"l , ,- lull, s Ii I ! , , It ll"l d, IV ' '.si lo 10. I,,,,. . shall 1',' ll ,1,,,' I,, 'i .1 II V , I o p,, ti,,ii lior, . a ! i.,'l, ell, , I. d I i li, r, in ,11. i j.r. sei- l I: I'i, ... I, i , t, rs iiiuv , r, , l . , a ,1 i, ti in,' w ninn ii , ir. . a !. , , i i nml, r ll," so o l i i , . i 1 . hicors lo.ll he p.o.t l , . i Hi, ir lulu's lion, in, I . ,. i ili'liv, rv. in il,, i .a , ' -e '. I i o l , -1' 1 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 111 1 il" S 1.0 , Slli'liil, I'Vel V, Vllli'll !' ," ': ,. , Is, shall belie,,!,' II, I. ,-ie - ' s'iu.,;ird ol'vv, e:llt 1 to, I'i- . , rune-Ill snail he boo i, I i ' ,' ' " ,,r III" ,1, III "I'V el' se-'il .11 ' .- ... pat in -.'b tor ti.i!,-' ' " ,l,i,', rs ,,f lii',:. , s i,.',, i 1 ' ; ,1,1,'. 'I ie- s s . -, -, , i ' .. i . ' I Le on iiiig la in in". "I d - i o" III" l.i.l. I'll'l.'lll. -o d '- lo pi , d to e, !'. I He . .'- . '.I li, ss ti , lo ic, oo ; , i vi i it of li, ri lie-; -s. , og i v 'lo ,11 sella! ,' p, o.oiial l r ., ,i'. a n ' ; ,-r ,,r, i-e,,;, ie. hel oi o - 1" ' ;o , III. IV he l, ,' .' V Lo lie o " i Hi, -'nn r, .il.'i' -a. 'I - If. oil' III the maimer .:!..! I..- el ed 1,1 Ihe l.,- o, Ihe - ',' ...! " -- -personal prop. IT.; a-d H. - d " .. be I'Veeul, ll le. I lie la' '"I . 'or. bv ),iii ,.r l1. .1 .in ! " ". a,. I ' Hie VV'lliHilil shall !. ' o'ili. d I i '- s I'd ill Hie IC'i e.'l V" S I I . I ' ... tl-ri Ineia.s; -aid t'- ,... 1 1 .. ., ' l'rovld, ,1, 'I hat in a I ."i s i. :,, ;e , !IViT liu'l'",' oil Hl-' .'lee. -10, ol o I i;, III 111,' pol'lioli 111, reel' I, I VI 1, . !l 10, I no oilier a.-n'- on, at shall h i llL'l','',i oil- lo.ll he I', d 0, ,1 ! . ..r '..'; if ah, I la s r , , r a lio.- 1 IIS ll," ,-sS. a , O ' . . d l,r ll, ' , is i;e. I 1. 0, I I- 0" li. HO. 1.1 senlllled, hel li, , -1 111 oil lei : red le, :l,o , 1 I 1" ,'" .', I le,' I if. ! I.e I,-! I, 1 lie 1 1 I oil I r -m"S'Tnrr tr tlisintistiert is !,,! I"'.'' d t, Ida to I'l'U son or co-pin tui'i ship w ho disHls or niainilaclnres spirituous liquors for others, or for Mile, shall he (1, e l a di idler under this net: Provided, how ever. That distillers of fruit, for ninety days or hall pay sixty dollar.-, and also lilty cents per gallon nil tin' Ill's! leu g iilolis, ami nvo sonars per g illoii mi nil spirits di.-;i!led beyond that quantity sa'cs made. Fvcrv iier- building where medicines nl mpoaiid. ,1 m pie- pared according lo pi'esci'ipii'Ois of pbv .-icians, and sold, siiall be regarded ns an up oh, caiy uu dor this act. XXII. Pholograpbcrs hall p.iv lh - -. -m ,. dollars and two mid. a half peri i:l:ia: , :, ll, : -amount of Miles made. An v p- i - im ,,r . . ,- who make for sale iliolourupt;s, :iml.n yp. 4.i gueireotvpis or pictures on gl:i--,un lai, p .i r , i other material, by the action ofln.lit. ...hail le i garded a photographer under this act. XX I I I. Lawyers, actually engaged in piaelie", shall pay fifty dollais. Fvery p o -mi whose bn-: ness it is, for feu or row aid, to pi ,,-ecu ie or dot" ml causes in any court of reeoi d, or other jndioi il I . , bunal of the'Confci'erati' Stales, or of any S:aie, or give udv ice in relation to causes o: ir.a'iis pending therein, shall bo deem da I aw y or w u bin the moaning of tins net. XXIV. Physicians, surgeons am! ihu':.: , ac tually engaged in the praciifo, -.hall pay lit s dm lars.' Fvery person whose bu -incss n i, '..r t- " or reward, to prescribe ivmcdv.i r p-'if-ri'i --ir gical operations for the cure of ane b nhl v lii-,-:: e or ailing, shall be doomed a phy-iriau, si,r , n or dentist, within the moaning of thi , aci, a- ;i, i . o maybe; and the provisions of paragraph i,iinil."-r l,.-.l,o,. whntt t, i.t evlend I,, l!i,sooap; who keen nil band medicines ,,elv for io.i ,,,"' of I making up their ow n pre-ei ipti. patients. The tax iq l.nvv i r geuns uud denlist-, shall be ih " personal privilege, to be paid I. iu the business and willioul n which the same is comliiel.-.l : i ', m idi-d, ' !.ai ; oo provisions of this iu t .-hail not applv I . phi -no u, -and surgeons exclu-iv ely i nga. I in ', lie i .'..ufed orjile S' n ice. ,.V. Colifeclioners shall p v hi'y ibdla: - an i two and a-half per eciilum mi I'..- i os- an. omit of sabs. Fvery person vv Tin sell-, at ret.,.! c..:,f, c tionarv, sweet a, cats, coin Ins or othei enf ; -. in any building. shall be regarded , n ,- "d. e'i :o'r un'der Ibis act. Sko. 5. That every person ivgi-teroil nml ia, d upon Ihe gross amount of sales as aloco-aiil. -ar il be required on the lirst day of .Inly, eight -ii ono dred anil sixty-three, to make a ii t or l inrn tho assessor of Ihe district, id the gi o-s niiooiiit of such sales as aforesaid, i.i I'min tiie pa-sago of this act to the thirtieth day of .lime, i -sUl eon Inu dred and sixly-threo inclu-ive, ami id ihe end ,,:' every three months, or w ithin l.v only day tin re ader, after the said lirst day of July, ei .lite, u biiu dred and sixty Ibreo, imik. a list or i etui a lo ihe assessor of thi' district of the grin--; ainoeut ol uru sales made as afotesai l, wilh tho iiiuouut i f lax which has accrued or shoti'd accrue tin i w hu h bsl shall have annexed therein a declaration under oath or iilliriuation. iu form or inancec as io :v In" ..w.wpiW"d by the ci,onoi""i"!i "! o;'t,,,,, .. ::.,,: ih same is true'iiud coi'i'iu't, and shall, vv niiiu sneli time as the collector may ib si.-nat", by I n -! - mo hall not lie less lo.,:, I, n e,, lliiwv ibivs t'r.on Ihe d ije ot' such no tice,) pay to the collector the ameuni of in i Ihei e upnii, as aforesaid, nml in default thereof, siiall pay ll penalty in doiiblethe amount id the lax. Sue. il. That upon the salaries of all . ..I.iri. d persons, serving iu any cnpacily whalev or, except upon the siiIhi i"s of persoiis in Hi" nnlii.ti i or naval scivice iheio shall be levied ami i d leeted a lax of one per centum , n the ,;! , .. amount of such snbirv, when not exceeibeg i,,,,- . hundred dollars, and two per c utum u!"u nnv excess over Mint anion nl, lo be hv i" i and c ll -i-ed at the cud of each yinr, in the maim r pi " - ih rd for other taxes euuineral' d in this n-" i' -i-j vided, That untaxes shall he imped b, v.. in ,f this act on the salary (if nn.v pel -on ivith in ; n sahirv not exceeding oin thous.iiid ibd!..r- o o an wilh tho slaieiiieiit or estunate ot incomes anil niotits ileiavod lioni any source whatever, .other ihan pioi'iiets in kind, which the tax payer is re al led to r. older, or with any deduction claimed '.,. , av, r, he shall select oin) disinterest , I , H , n ,d the v ici ii a go us a referee, and llio tux ,.,,! -hall ."1 el aiiol, iiiid I he two I bus seleet ,1 . iiai, j,; tt !hiid, who shall investigate ti ml o, 'ermine the facts in reference 10 said estimates a'i'1 deduction i, and lix ihe amount on income and , . , . , . i .. 1 1 i. . - i 1,1 oti!,, on will. II the i;i-iav ei .souii ie nssesseu, I n eorlihcate. s!"lll'll bv B IllllloritT Ot the n lori es shall be conclusive as to the amount of ino, 'ini' nml profits on which tho titx-payer shall be'n-s' ssi'il; Provided, That if any person shall. I ,d ,,r reins,' io rvmler the statement or estimate e! oi o aid, or shall fail or refuse to select u referee :,s n e-aid, the assessor sti it 11 select three i, -!,"-. ,.s, vv h -i sluill lix the amoiiul of income and pi-oi'!- nil wliieli Hie tax paver ahull be assessed, ii oin ihe le s' i . idence Ibey can obtain, and a ccr tiii' iiio signed b'i a majority of said referees, shall b i iiiebi' i , e o'n the tax payer: And provided fin lie That iu any case submitted to referees, if Ho", , or a inajoi itv'nf them, shall find and certify thai ihe -tat' no'iit or estimate of income nnd ri 1 ii ! - rem le re, I bv the tux payer does not contain ni,,i -e than foiir-iiftbs of the H ue and real amount ol i, is taxable income and profits, then the tax- i', iu a hiltion lo tho iiicoine tux on ihe true nu! of his nn'oi.i,, and profits, ascertained and a- , --d bv the referee:!, shall pay ten per centum 00 llio ninoiiul of said ineoina lax, and tho asses sor I, nil be eii'itled to one liflh of said additional I, I, p, , eoiiiimi over and above nil other foes and alio.'.anee-: And piov hled further, That the tisses--"! in. :v in in ii in-" ! oaths to refeiees, the tax-payer, iiui! nnv 'wi!i, i - before Ihe referees, iu regard to s.ioi csiimate an U any deduction claimed, or ..ii , fact in reference thereto, in such form us the So .-tup of tin' ft' i-aiary t.iay prescribe. Si -. .'.On all proiiis made by any purson, part nei .-Ino or corporation, diirini; the year eighteen biii: ba'd and sixiv two, by "'o purchase, within the Coil", I 'late S! ntes, mid sale during Ihu said v ea:-, o nnv Hour, corn, bacon, pork, oats, hay, 1 c",' odi, iron, or 'he manufacture's of iron, sugar, no hi.- cs, made of enno, leather, woolen cloths, .,!oio., bonis, blankets olid cotton cloths, a I.: . el' ton pel' ecu I urn shall be levied and colluded. i , b. jail on the li t--I day of July next : Provided, I hat lh'' lax imposed bv'tlus section shall not ap ply I, purchases and sab s made in the due course i I til i, gu'ar retail business, and shall not cou ncil" l v oiol Cm present year, s i , lo, Tl, u ,.ieli farmer in., 1 planter tn the Cf,r,rcd-s-jao. si,., d p iv nod deliver to the Confederate i:.,r, rue 111, of Ha' 'pi'mlaets of He' present year, one I, i,i ,,!' ll," u Ic al. ca n, oats, rve.hiiek wheat or rice, Irish p,,i ,!, . and of H ll"! Ili.vtillil fed, hi; also oiie-t, alii ,,f Hie m..r. iii"l:l-ies innde of eiuie, or of 9',rhiiin,vvdi,'re il,.,,, loiiiv e illoii , are mad", cotton; wool and to- , o .tl.', eiioi, ! ""I I o-li' '1 in " hi,. ,o -Iripp.iland pack, 'it lil I' ei I': .1.1. v cry hurii I, ,.,1. g ai'.l tils', and. in wo! I hove I ihe linn :ur . ot lii lh big under is-!' ou the pbices of A. It. F imnml J. Lee. 'liny came to us twenty minutes after their arm al, it an ions to enter the house. Of ir . we s,,ve I two little rocking chairs and r cii airs lioni the porch. This is lia'rally ba, ii, iu w hu ll wus stored all the bay, rv V., .',,11 ,,,,l.,.,l dollars, nml lllllll, 111 H! a I1KC ,ioo,. , ,, ,,-. , , . ' 1 . ... .. . ,i , longer or shorter. I" on Fv 1. just cut, the servants bouse, and library, with the b" ,!;-, c ibiuei..of iniiieriil.-', valuable historical p.i peiv and documents afl are gone. The meat-house and d.i.ry am still standing, as tho wind blew from them. V.'iiiin ; this is harder work than I thoulit it vv nil I'-, ,ut,-r all I have gone through with, 'l h y pilcl up ihe furniture and, with caiiiplune, ic, built Hu ore that has buriicd deep into ' .r a:, ! I ;ir, at Aunt ,ann:os; d childr on at toe Oruve. .Mrs. Leu has r ! 1, and Fountain Uock and lien- ford are I oth ib s- l.iicd. .My heart aches to bavo in h tciiiido ti dings ,,(' (ho dearest sp,,t in ail the woii 1 1,, y I I -el I lovel it too mucn, but my grt'.ii, .-t gri' f is f-r our darling parents. We are yoii'u: and can b, ar sneli changes better, but their bto-ti, .s v.a re formed and rivaled there. I'll write ni"re iu the morning win u fil'er for it. How many will bo m.rry to hear all thi-I I rea l lluater's cr br niyiel!' had it in my bauds and trie 1 to kc, p it to send Papa, but it was taken out nl my hands. Your devoted fi-ter, Tun;. the gross amount i-rson who niauiilaetures ; name or doserqitiou for i ill part, shall be deemed ti. d i two and a-l of sab's niiid fermented liquors, sale, from mail.' w I a brewer under i.iis :ic. X. !L,to!, inns, taverns ami eating bouses shall be ei ossified ami rated according to the yearly rental, or if inn rented, according to the estimated value of the lion, c or property occupied, or in tended to be occujued, as a lintel, inn, tavern or eniiii " li. ease, a-I, dbovs, , in cases wnero ino ' ai'IiiaT or I'stinuiicd rent shall itinnunt to ten thou i h ind dollars or inore. tin y shall constitute Ihe lirst 1 ok..- and nnv an annual nun of five hundred (lol- 'lars. In ca-'s e. bore said i cut shall be live thou- ! sand, and less than leu thousand dollars, they I .-hall consiitute tin- second class, and pay an oiiini , nl -'ini of three bundee'l dollars. And in cases ' re laid rent shall b" two thousand live bun- dred dollars, ami le.-s than fiv e thousand dollars, I time shall con-'ilute the third class, and pay an annual .sum of l.vo hundred dollars. In cases j where S "d r ,-ut shall be one thousand dollars, and I lc-s than twenty-live hundred dollars, they shall uistilut" the bmrtli cla-s. ami pay an annual sum cases where said I. "I, oip lale 1 1 Sec. i. 1 hat the ..'ei'oiai v ot i: cause to be assessed ami asccrt.;, day of January imx t, or a i soon li tie'able, the income and profits ,1 person, joint stock coiiqiany ami ' evcrv occupation, cuipiov ii ' io whether registered or not, iu w hu h been engaged, and from every in" skill, nrrmertv or money, and tin nrofits derived Inun anv sou salniivs, during the calender year preei.-d, said first day of January in vi; and ti income ami profits shall be no ! !niit",l, n nnd taxed in the inanm i herciiiao. - in e , : I. If the incoine be dviivcl liom ihe rent scs, lands, teiicineiils, inaiiui' wt.ii ie.g ri establishments, fixtures and machinery, springs of salt or oil, m veins of coal, iron " minerals, there shall be deducted I'iomth ninonnt of the annual rent a sum sulh. n nt I necessary annual repairs, not exceeding I centum on said rent, except that the i n I from housessliall he subject to a i . - l ie j exceeding live per centum for aim ml i t II. If the income be derived Iroiu a: v .all be Is Of til" V I first, the rent of the establishment ami hxtui -h til scare noin tlie cotton d It him on or h, r,,i'c ll.e (li st day ,.r .March. -., h i ,,r h, f,.!.' ihe l'e-l dsy of .Inly, next i.,n. i::i,'li raire r or p:m,n r snail I, ,,lc Ihc.cinuieiiL for us use, "iic- p, as, be on and gr "Mini peas, pro,lii,cf"i nnd 'imn'dioin llio present vear. As Soon ss ,1'el'e: 0,1 crops are lil'ele r's'lilv for nuvrki'l. the ill e,-c ol'dra.", ,'lneiit bclwecii him and til" l.all ,i -I ,!,. , I tilieite the same, in tint fol io r 'I ii" a-s,- -s..,' nnd tax -pav er shall each sc-e-,-i ,1 freeholder from Hie vidua":", wlio.may in eiisa a .hl.eivlici' of i. pinion, to Fettle ii',!, - a'e: o.-ifHie tsx-pav'cr neglects or r .... ooe so'di fr,, hold, r. the, said a-s "orsiiall ,. ,, -i, niipr I le a -i ss the crops ns herein I ;.. v shall itse.-itnin tiiii nniount ,,f tin' crops, In ,f aieas irelil.'ll! or by conipllllll.' the Mil- , r honses in who h ilnw sr.' held. hen ,,., , t,i.-n i- pr ic'drahie s.tell a nn Hind, r n's. i's shall li. n e-l!mtc.' under otli. Hie ,.,ililv ,'fsaid ei'ios, inclmlbig " till lil.iv ,1,1 ,,r co'ns'iin, dbv liie producer, prcr to -:iid li- 'h-r iciiher d or nol, excepting from said ,,-o pMiii, , it ,.f - ,i,l crops ns iint.v ho ie ccsssry l.,in ii th.! Ices ,-f nu ll farni-r planter or nl' I'r.-vl,'. d 'I'liat Hie f..;ioimr tw.ii m,-i,l ,.ft!ic lux in Mini, in .1 from ,-i "I a lain: e I' ') v i.: not vv ,ri'i nioro Hisn five tin !, u "f a , f nv-c Job if, in (. Jr.. died of loiisumpti, ,.;i tloj Hh iul. ei at his ..e i i .. l .i,,:; ,es nl in rent shall be li sstiinn one tiiousaiid dollars, they turing or mining bu -inc. s, l! .!,.. n .,... ,ii,,i tl,,. mil, and nav nn annunl I from the gross value ot the p l, , ,-t e , I,, Hire levro'V l.laci! wlierO food and lo.lg'.n or lodgings onlv, arc prov.Oed for 1 netunlly rented and not ..a ..... T ,!.,..'. ,,r i..,.,r',lpr in vi,...- nfnNV- I nrosecu t in 'l the huine-: m lit th, r, 'or the income or receipts rrnm wtnen , latinr actually inrci ami paoi i u. i amount t,, live hundred dollars from (hat source, est of the raw material puro.i.i,, d i,.n I,. ,-, - ,, d..,l hole mu or tiive-i n. u niter this i lureu: noil in, n im '"" '" t b.r H t, n 01 ,!,:,; , I! li'. leibietcl bv th, ml, th" eo 1" lild, III" j production of pii; meial Ol blooiu loaliltt 1 1 "in ' i l "in t a f.inl'r wiOi nifnor rliildrcn, not ,- hiitpt: d doliars i',,r hinis, if, nnd one e.o h minor fivini; with hint. Slid Ave idihliotl Htcrclo f,r curb, liiiii'T son i- i, .,',,, ;..-!, or Ii.kI ilKibl. J 111 tin- mfi sald: r , r Beaninn. In th' winy "r cvv, ici ai. . ! i lo r, from for vvoiu. Is and Is i,.,ii-a:id (h.hli-s. ill",,-, r. uo'elier or S''JV!li:vn, who i, , i -rrv.e.,, the wldovr not ,..', i . irv I'rnvld 'l, Tilsl r s- i ''in'., r ,bs i not t,r,bir, i pcoil-s. tvro hiilidrt'd : i a .!,, Is "t pi ss and nesiis, li" 0, in in kind on wild articles, "I 1. . i-r:i.o il rivd front ti e corn ino! i'i a!! cas'-s whfrc the crn is Hi- i'sh-o: nnv f;ir!ll, r"r pi.tlitir, -'," ,-c lla.n lull ooiinds ,-f vv,.-i. .,r nmre ciiiiiedcctr-.n b.r ra-h lie a h, r of -1,1 '' ct lo. u 1 lav in kira I. The !.,v as-os-. in.- tl..-.-X lopti-n" snlii'Tir'sl intiu-Siic- s i,,c T.,1'1,' ,,i' Ui" p .riion of ld rrops to ..raiti- 1,1 f u:,'i hid live wrtt- ,f his , st, mat.- t , l tie i- Ii-'tor, Slid a cony Hi" prodne r Tne .:iid prrsincer sniilU hv er tl;" V-- a. t. crn, os'., r'f, t.urkw lies!, cir ,i I :iv sad fodd-T, Sllr, ni'-lass, lf a,.' vv ,,l. tin; I" I"- paid s titrji-In kimk ,., , !iin.i!, I ss aforesstd, in such f nu n n k, '.-line c"ii,iiti,,n as inxy b" nssa! in the ,-i, tie v nit" bo delivered, within thirty t us of nfujmo i,j tkt ''il I i-.-f . the as:. .- ,,r i i i ll,,' Hit , r ai,,l ! , si in,., i , li, ,. ia r- ' I le-r, Vi hell a :l'l, nil Mini ,:' If p:illii"lll he mil'' - hv a 0 oe'i rent In kind. Hie n lei. I'"1 "I paid in hind be Ino i, n a,! lo i Ihe lux "I'thc less,,:-, a -..:.! i.o (,i",'liiilCI:t ,,li;e, r -o CI r. ' ' L'atioll to llteioile see:. I, ol o, ,. cine; nnd disc!.,, , :::, n n oo lo llio le-sor. s-i.c. JI. '!,! ev. i;. t.ul." ;. ' person vv ho -i.cajiil,'! '," -. I, It ornbolll Hi" lii" i "l V ii'ai. four. I'll it' Col. nt "t ol - la I" . " -illce Ihe pas-:, flh: :'. 0" 111., deliver, ol'tai- i -lllll.C' t" II, rcl.ial'ier ia, nil' I. ! ti"' pl-iatcf. L-rai, r, "I' ol a, r p' r n, ,, liver nn cjiiii a1, ail fee ' : co, t. a! tin- r.ih "!' i v , v i -' 1 : ., ' 1 .-. vvci. lit "l'p"i'l.. I l' ii "ii il" n' hundred and si'.l.v -!a,e". '-In-iaiabi-;'. i, pr' vahd.".:,.- , - mules no! I1-, d ill ,' l 1 . ' :e pel-,, 11 ill I'e I '! , .'.' -a,,! owtn'r -.I.' i e. 1, -0 , ll.e lil.-l lll.vol .1.0,1, I" ' plnnl, ror f .run r s.i o: ot. o --,: f Hits ai 1 and priori !ii" le; gross pr," c 'is ,,1 ocl. r ii, - -o as Income, alter d"'h" Hi, - th.i j paid I'"!' the pnrc!i;i-c "1 11,1 inn l.v pui , ,,,, - ,, , sullied I'V I lol it. '1 ll" e !:.oo lliaile, ill C.i-e ol d! .1,-1' ' He I'' lav-pa'i', as m r in rv "" i tax: l'l-ovid. ,. 'I l, :U l.o i." in, ,'. Person, vv ho shall lo I -I oi. in and liliv poiileis of lo l p Jeet lo th" lan.ll Ida, in i, Ulcer, soldier or s. aini.ii or who III iv ll.ivv hee'l ill-' WOIIIids. t,r pnv sled dl-al i.llieor. sohliM- or in, i:oi. , does no! own more u. i i-.o e, ., s cvenipt from lii" I-'', ii"i'"" d hy entile. SC. 1'J. 'I'liat Ihe S, . o ! a "I v i: vi, 'the iuarlermao, I-- ,. olio, - oil nercin lh lion, 'lolled p- ! .' I'ollecln.ll "I'thc ar',,, I, - i ...'I !''' ' i' j oilier for di-ii il.niio'i i" i'i" p. i" r ; I the utility, and I'm' il'iiverui . , ei,e. I ng.-iils "f Ihe s", r, Ian "I the 'I a- nor shall Ir tle-l, r Ihe i slim: '" oi - :" person by way of. t tav in hind, to i p'ISl ipiartel'lll-islel'. laklli:: tl 1 I IM'eipl. Which deill helhed v 11 Voe ' colleelor in s Ollill:' he. ace. a!. ,'l .had he fnndsl,, d l.v III, -eo !'.: Ilina Hi" I"'-! ' ro,:e-'. i ..-i. hill,. 'I li, posl , 1. 0 I' I i: :.. !' !' I ' ' shall collect ir 'ill th" lav p.-,, r 10,' ., lies, nnd V, hi, 'II l i I," o ,1 '" p..; ' the ( "id'.-d, rale liovelio," i,l. I ,-" shail he liable ,,f Hi, s . ' n l"d - In Id- care, and sliolb ....... 1 1 1 , t. r l: riJ.vme I'niVrH'i'n dellvre't "i !- i" evi'lciici d hy llicir '-, ' ipis. '1 1, -ti rs shail lll-o slah' II:,' aeco Old- oi l reiving front him He' ;, 1 1 i b , ,1- hv, luxes ill hind nl hi 'l,'h"i, :ool , :. I Hie rill!'' ll, Sllcll 'alii , I US llle S. C, ll.t'X ii.'l, al, : Provider 'I a. I in '-.-" lh" P" .llllllb.'lin.ll'lel. I, ' I ih" I. IX I'I ho. I stilll.'lle .1, iiv orci lo il 1 1 il a- - d'l. ll Ihe di-tl ici lax cii, , o.r -a ,i , -: mi Co -i- distri'SS WillTiOtl illll I."' i-'' '1 I" I ' t- .11- I. tiicr.'for, and foi'vv :,r,l Hi" svin,-1,, i t.c ," i il credit in lh" stai, -incut "1 1 he ae. ,-i. nl tcrnt.'ister l'f'V id, 'I. anv 1" ;id tax 111 kind shall he cadm s. ,1 ,oi - id , -e lIverliiL' Ihe Mime to t !u- .li-i n ! i , c.h nml the rcccipl iv en lo I, on I e, r,e.,r hy colleelor. shall S if.V S'leh ; 110:1 p .; nrllcles tiirs cilcclcd'. II, - '11 ill l"e .,.. kind h.'ive been r, c ived al He- Oepei : shall bo ili!rilll,-d to Hie a .' nl- ol H.a Trciisary. if ibev e ,n-i-; ,,1'c inn: . i i..' Sliilal, le"f,,f for a.',- or s,.h ,i..l. u.v. !.. - : siicli inanncr as i he s, i ,,-v ,.; vv .'-io IVonl clh-c!. , Ulalel thl-io I ' had h ' Ullal'ti I'lllils!,-!' s Or p ,rl a I S, ,'!', t.ll V of W al flal lie.t - ddec thus paid in Hid slli'.,!,." iie iei'.i ' " has-hi , ll or will bc,,i'"-il,d n: 1 . i" "H Used either direclly or in, hi , , i iy f. - ll shall calls,' the same to he -e ! ll, r, ' I Hen plesci'il,". it-,,! lit" J,!' ! "i I'''!, a e ' Ihe TreHMirV "f II:" ' '"Uf' 'I "Ue '-::' '. : tile S r"lafv of a.' ll"lil! t.e S, , , 00', . II' l! il would he ill, pr, rile h!" l- i 01 " ''' illlleles laved ill I. Ill, I. "1 M,V i!i- 'I '"' Cerlaill di-llicls ,,!' h,,". 0 -. 1 e it i'e -, 'rreilsiirv shall pi'ce, I I 0" "he , ,,. 0 I til.' lllolt, V Vailic of - od el t','!, - ,,. i ,, , o and not rcoiii', d in ,: d, . .,,' :-., el t.e .e ihl". 11 Ha ih .1 del ol, hiliO . I ', it e a h led be edict, d ils so, ii th, lc..'l, r :o: p. "lie In disll'iel- her. h,h re. or " 1 , ; - -1 . lo ,1 1:- , tililleil to he so hnpl'io !io,l lo. 'o r: e '' ". 1 srlries ::,rv li:' w ilil Irot , il I , . . : ed 01' may lie, "after c ,'lhel li." i !v ' tlleirlll.v'ill hi! '1. He !' c i) '!- ' ! ' ': ', Clod t" the nrodi.e, r- n.ia i 1 1. - ;. vtihic of lil-ir lav.!" t Itsmay have I.e. it or in iy ho le VV Iter,' ass, s-tllelli - ill !' " i ' ' ' " and triui"f,'i'"'l t" p i'i ,' ' I "i Is dillicull lo b" oht eo .1. ii . oi ; ti.'ielit. or tie' ill. too it "1 ;: " -. : " , ' lustily the . y.. ,- ' "I "el et !:. with approval of tin ir -n; .-i i"i' m' to transfer th" , .-.liinnn s lo 1 1 -' i . lect-'d III tlletr III'MIA' V el oh . t-re. Ht. '1 ha! the " s-o".. v. li, lie' locslinnllc the lav,., in I. .!:',. the of War, .-in-'i Hi ,,' '. :: nnd Ihe dilliis shall h- ' . ' Ho 'I ii- lb serihi.l l.v sections. . II.. i-v , , .0-1 I v, cl,.,. ' the celiloat. - l.i't' !. "h- iiu'rlciill'ir.d pri'.bicls a.,, -I il:.!" - l, one iss,.ss. a ,, j p, -in,, ,, ,, , , , iu,,! he shail tal.e Hi" , a!h 1 - .' ' " prcaoiihcd hv s.-i li,ni live ! Ihe a" and colh cln'li of t::xc ;, o , . '. ' ! , -dred ill"! sixl.v-llir, e. vv hn h oslh I. Sllcll ullieer as the S. cm ,- ,,f o the iisscssor , ,.l' oev'-' Sn WO..I -1...U 1 lllll't fl-OIII th" ll.-.e-.o, of I.e.OeV I - V tollte CXclllsile dll'ccii'.il :oel e ''0 I'lirllil.'ttt, lUt'l shall ri c- i ,c !:. ' 0 : such t ilin- as He y in-i.v I"' ' ' 1 " ' '" Ul.'clllS of liie !,'.., I, Hi 4 I l'.. H i o r-t". 1 I. '1 lint Ihe coin, m - ..( 0 lli.Ul !l,,c paviiiiie in Kind. ..."', '" f.-r Hi" .'iiiioan! "f Hie sp, , ;.' i.. lllen! s, biisnnss :m,i pr.!', .- -i,,es. ;o,d , Slelll hedeliV cl.d hv ill.' it: " -t "!' ! di-Irh'!, vxln. .shuil fcive Ion, at,. :pi th,' said itssc- sor si. ,!1 lih io- r- . ih colh , ,! of the Mate, al" I Ihe ce' holdili" said , -lii!.. tl. - -I ,', io. ::' "I I to coll, el llic sal,," IP .1.1 H" I : ' ' Che' !''! shah I"' p.00 I" :necn nnd till' es!, males, ... ho ii'Tulli." d l.v ll.e a " Iliad. - from li.. m in I h" pltiposrS .' 3::i!l'., "I ' .' nj.-'il act. See. I,".. Tl .it ev ' V 1 tnior, cii!-::! r or e.ioioi or as ai:"!!', .!',. rie " lo persons, vv ii. : her r. -b . not. and ev.-rv !'.-" I v other ollic-r 'il e v c. doiai: ..fall -'e h ...... I .piir, ,1 to bo d o'" la .. Ill,, uev. pt'.a.el I ". p!'"'l !l'.. .'lie! lil" P V 111 0' ' j be it, I" iC. d OL' Oll-t j pay,,,, .,!- oil ae, mil -iia.l I"' l'c-p 'll-ll'ie h I b ir , in.-, itiom y or p.,-1 I ,h r Iheir eo!i'r,,i, t-r.o. lti. The ii eoine I buns, eblir, 'he-, -c. on . from tiiMi'h'ii in, d- i' i ire. 17. 'I ba! .1." - c be ish.'l.'hv i...!!.'.l d 1 " lioll- 11" I'.' 1" h : I ! IllCiinsi-O"!' I" !' " ' '' !-a.i l-x I ill , "' ii I " t!, ,,V01.:'l"O oi 10' I'I' " I Imp,, s,.d I r to. p.--. oi v, I I. rood each V at lil. i".n'' r herein pi "s.'l iis d. a'l'l h ! I ititb"" Hu- nol -1, ,11 i -"' Appiovid K' l i ,!,:; IT, 1- ,f llal d for- I kind sl,,: l. a, nl, e- and l',,r ,,,., pi "f 111, 1 1 -ril all :t, "t : 1 1 h. Hailed Oei -'Si' - I.-IV" . 1. ,1 .,'d 0 ;.l lillic. Ail, 1 ,,: I ,; ::,.' I i n, a-!, !' 1 , liie . aid I n me I' il, i tiled ho .lie llli::dl.,l , r ele.alc, ll Ic as -III , :,, :, Va'oie 111,, he p.,l "11 aelllliilv lo he, 11 : I a , 1,01 1,1, ,, her ell, ,1 ,1,1 of ..."li who ', .11 , -lei s, f.if IliO - ill hind. ICel Hi" ,i,i - p... sappl.vl:, 1. 1 leauro, lo III,, .-. 'I he lax a-s. s- :. s di,,, ti,.ni ,Meh le ,h,!v au!li,.ri,,l mi ipi .1 'ci ii.a-i. r a .er null In- chief e "O ,, III' I , ipt ,r 0, i li tor s 1 - a- :. i e . a alii-l ' lie: il ' v ll'li.ll ' p.- -' . ::.:: I, rill e Icr l,,c ;. s pi a" l-e i ill p: norm is-e-l rs 1,--l:i, nt of ir li. iv ,l, s !: t Ilia -let-eh 0 1 , III" ,1 ,1 I...V II llal li: .1' Ih, s-,-e:h j,, o.:.r:d pro- 'e .1. o:h"l Im pOipoSl X 0 .r ... he 111,1V il,,, pod into e.hh h vv, V, r, lii, 1 1, 'i-'ir. la ill II h" . .1.1 el I ..I I r i aid wh ,-, -!!, el- p.,l!ii,II , f hi he held d. And 11 Ileal" ill ol .:; lo . I -,' :o:lh,,rled I-. I" he eei- ,:,d he loa'i. f- - -ed on re ii;:,,- -li-1. ti I, . hind, - -op lit. I, hum red to A 1 1. 1 ..III he "I;! ieel .lie VS.,1 He 'I-.II, fi'l 1 il, ' , f 1 I ,. lh" e. and , f !... ! - l i-i I r I el I" ' I : KOAST1M; MAlt-i u S i I .i) i (Mi T ill: Alt.tlY OF i li x M is. OI'II jtallant .soldiers ar" ia iii'j -.'ins, and I I,, ' 'I to of Spalding to d, llv. r ., ..." 'Mi,:- :.. they can spurn i ;i 'la- "',' . . .. day s "f ea, h.wa , i;, t r w h !i I . :: .: : ! the Chief lJistii'.t (.' -nun,--ury ! . p-.v ti, ! r.rice. A- U'l'.M A'sLlat.t I'i.tM-.l'.l. Orin'n, Aujus, 11, ''I, ' I' .'"'I ,c 1','TI , . i':y '. ,. i.o -iitij,--II. d I..' i t