The daily Chattanooga rebel. (Griffin, Ga.) 1864-1865, September 03, 1864, Image 1

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Number I J I - I 'I " FmsmBinM arsae m far?1, w . .I. 1 . amO. Tama Caml . . .v..i. DAILY U 8ATXTBDAY JIQRN1NG - 1? THE f . . ' 1 . tLt-.-u.' 3M OP t titer -dr.CaKaaoBia w laHstoA a gyr. TV A13tlocJ ntiy our 4 by thf ygrtorii TV laToncAon nvaTed from A.tUaU learn bo reoa t aosbt tutt lb city u crkca&tod vj oar ttoaof Ifaeoa read by tl wkidj", bo moot of azU, aahodtf lilww caa kaAdr4 aad.'iUlT aa4 twa LaadW firait aar aadfwxlataaiBtf ray ieitroyaJ, Wore ear fartaa Ift. 'Taac7lo. i feeard Wedseaday aifaW wera eaafed tfu - aataanitioa la ta ear vhtch were dealroyed." Tb Plslla at lorrjoy. V TVa eaaaaaaalag fat the direciioa of Loryoj ylrlay araaix vaa hsary and ecBtiasaq ia dtoaac a VaUla ia gxograta, At tbe tkae it H - tias tM parafrapa wa hare ao aewt from the araiy later thaa aooa. At that time the' coney ware .- Balisj aa heary attaek apoa oar fortuied Usee,' aad fact Vrare aeye were repTeeentai to be ia tbe U!taA tslfita. It if aappoeed that a aortioaat 'aot, eC ear . troepe freai AUasU, - weald make a iatfa wiOi BavdM loat alfht, aad taaa'asaka ki peeUioa enthaly aaeara . " & : -ae-i'' ; : " Han read Accident. -W are paJaed ta aeeerd. a dtstreaHay rail road Maidewtwatea aaearred Tceterday, oa the Of aooa. aad Wartara &oad sear SarBaerilleJ '-A freight treia asaatex ap aad a Jafge traia eTereeadsl from thd aaitSeU'af Vedaeaday raa togtber, aad we a fa farfbrgsi JOuX avet leai thaa twenty were IXIad. Of t&a aamhar ef woaoded we have ao ee- '.liere ia eartaisy a rary fcarfal reepacsIhilUy iubIXj; apoa worn oae far.thi terrihle ad err, hum ' aalaaaity. It U Wd aaoagh-ta Wre ear brae f aiiiea mmjfiml hy the enemy; bat Uk oeUfoni, after thy are ao woeraded aad are' aaSerias frpaa ftfar ada, thai thar aheaU he embed aad V powder by raSroad oSeiai. A merwafir fwa TyW Bricada ." ef - Hardee's Corpa, aattead kere bee the bU ef .batlle .yester day mwmSms, hxtU3e&st ftjat. rcreJie aa tie foSewiaj partiet;7r ef the tght ot .ITniHeeday. ' . e- ' . The efoamy atUaked aa ia oar enbeaehxaesta " L aeaiy xoree aad were three time repeJeed widk raa Ia their fcertk ' tWj the extreme rickt ef-aw Bae 'waWb beid by 8evmca aai Xewla'Brisadea,' aad after a bleed aSreQe eawinljcl la aaptarfaj; the-greater part ef thai tit aad 7 th Arkazuaa Beiaestj,' ef Gora' Brigade, aad the 2d aad 6i2l , Ky i -!gL men ft ef .Lewie pWgade, aaabedax fvor or fire kaadred mew. Oar army afteward feU back to a position be! twees Joaeaboro aodLovefayV tukn' wbere they kaTe torLivd a eoiamaadiof raage ofbilla. Ov.iatfqraaiif araiabea ae with the foUowog Eat' of eayiamea ia Tyler" brigade on Wedae days ."-;-"-" ;: CoL Gracd, lrih Tenaaaaee, killed. ; ' -Ujor Oathrie; Teaaeaeee, kJed. . CaGhJatoaVt7lb?Gorsia,:kBled.-' 'i ' Cap. Wax. Hatcbeeea, 37th Georgia, woaaded. O. J. Ererbrt, 87th GfofgiaV-woacded. - " fc J. C. EaSey, S7U Georgia, woasded. ' - G. DaaU-I, S7th Georgia, woooded. . - y Cspl.' Lewis Clark, ICtk Teaaeaeee, wooaded. " PeoAerjreit, 10th Teaaesaee, wooaded! tali Lleot.'Caafifl2 lOMx Teaaeasee, woaadod, . LhnJL IHrkaA, Tecsesace, woaodeJ .arfemwoba iireeaiaa, scth Trna, wooadad.- ' CoL J. . Tvrwer; JOA Teaaeasee, wenndea.,r: Cap. Tawer, SOtk Traaeaaee, woasnJedV ' .? ' " . CapC DovglaM, A. A. G woaaded. . r Kar Taakenlry, S7U Teaaeaeaa, roanded. CoL aWbtuoe, 2d Teaaaeee,'readed."''" r Kir Drirer.j Traeaae jblW. ' ; . , Joho mtaryt let Teiuteaaae, killed. - "i CeL Gee. B.'aryera,S4th Jiiaa.. kiUei . : . V; OefatartjhiakE thai fifteea baadred win rer.tha eagre loea la Hardee corps is tbel t e7.Wcdaadsy. Veil ! . f Ts tb, CltUraas af Spaldlaf . aad Adlaceat "-.- CaeLatias. Tbs ladles ef the Soldiers jtalkf -ScaetWeaxev swiy tppeal to yoa for assist tsee ia reaVriag tbe "Ssitriass ef the a4;k aad wausded aoWiers. who 1 . srt daiy brcrajt ta oar tzXj. V , SbaS war aaU b ta vela t Shall those wbo'beva ptsCedtlWirEveaeataaaaUledd in deftaaaed oar boama, aad now, with their bodies mntGated . er ftoatrtted by We, be left eaWy drpndc' r w Kumxagm os taatr sarciaga to tbe meagre ' aacomraodttioa, which erewded miLiary Hoepitam aijra..-dt tseatcd taa power -f tbe eScere or tbesa .bsstitatwaa ta praeara.tke .aeceasary sap-J Plea, Hora aaf of yoa asUer'ooe.ia the.armj? raraapa wzua yea are ttataisteriag t the eoiasart asssaaager, sees atraagsr may be at&after&s to the sosaf of aesae eae dear to yea. " J n Oar Seetsty Is s, aead ef u?f t3s of e'kfcJC Va sat. ft deaaiiaaa af pswriaJoaavda sapplyaeea. .ooa aatbsatrv. We, t iaeee sere, awl for these waa Ceefcsd rreriaism, baeaa We fcaar e-W e5ciaaa, gr. sjiess asj bitavri-.-' a4 ITeaaa'Ssra laaeed 6f toatdagM Hsi'.wwa sad all ajoisf, la rtsaVftir rseiad 7 scaw at ra mstsiy ali Jrs 1 . HI . . ' . - . '3XASaV.; CatnliTar.' Thai. Ccarlestesi Jiar, f ar.S7tais9 bat a'svrn teraal. :s rI tTatt tlij kctwosii tex sadjtrr - r n CiPtMJ Tirrsa UEtrfr!ijrad bene -tl'vut fcjra aa. Jy tie rc-, - ' rS9A"CJiU -rs satTwsi ay -SLi. -jys ' 1'- '5 iaXSLi iS ta'aravV-aSftjleis W iil'tallsa 5 5 Sri 14 a?sss??7i3 sM aaaav a)ee!sasMifraBCsatVa aavPetMaaa t yafc. - a.4ceeaaras3E;ii33bat tea a tTa tal er"a opfrtOjaaaTU asKa'a rjw. li.t&raa pto til taaCaatalMeehta aaeTe Boawell on the aib ef ISJJ asd tie aSraaaa optratad Vknt trig t on the read iAeTrcrt Ue JJaas, crose4 the waa. cirex twes'-j Ejta a,traiat rajirond hrUre, aadilMB4xtkejdrrh;iKfofeta mi an attack by 1500eaYairy-eaa?ajrd 3T75eO bs,no'miles earY of CalhcirMpiSe:,i:i Crbra. k attle.- The ytakMtf weraaesJaaal wreidlredtiaii, and aey w asaansMM -m euu wera-eaptarea aad eaaied, ) -- ir-z'.-i : - AtnMaaaeruaeGi'TayreedMrwea Calhoaavaad 'y!?,? a, diaunca. at four Oa the Uktk ar eTMKikA Vfnr Tttaii H deeaaaded t9 &me4E Tki (bif aaterlflg the rauioreeomueyAsey jrasa. 4siwk mi. tatar aneaoata reni euaat that -KUaairfek U in parsala af OearU likseief.'-Kaee tka)atteri oo- ewpacoa of CeTelaV b' awtamanii bare been TaTymltaVvaa,;:.:'.. ... i a, eawwatiai eeimpaCem oXiha Weidoa -BaU m&-uugtm n$iitBlt at the Sferta. The oremwit irretfretoiftd'lteWnattwidwf lth the mo-l .riSUat? hi reii V rebela are laid toapeea d4Smielri, great keaea their ei tekapU eaTbakradav -end FrfciT ta d!laA tk FifUi eorpa. ' r -i . r r. vTbe H nJ ' pa;c tf rr rarolu freai tale im porUj;t moremej.t:. Tkaloi m , "koldioa'the poei tidd kaa a4 Jbewa aeerijaaeaVet parOa) aetaraa ladieaie tai it lejweeev - jt- - v - . Matterr -eewtiai a ief e '&9aerar rtJerr line. TraaAl'DaUallep'ia piiairiag fa- . Kaihi&f; bt eepertei Iron Atlasta ef special ha- puriaB.--c j--. .arv -it.4. w. f . s The er3 ealre Utfl bt'tti jt,the Pri Tata'Tj2Iiaeil;At!ka waa re- aeyiH4lM tha Xaamaav' JSkaUadoaU eercw faoq tmmaraaidwa:aatatoaaaa4.waeof thai elaas ef - steam erg lMfcabad. Caatpia-bwaee meas srtmrtf rirebr3 t(nM.r. V-- .- A. a 4 . m. A .' Ai tte faipieacy f the iVreeeat eampaia the Jorthera pree ealte.1 loudly for waocDethude eisire.' wkhoot aaQtary laccees, it waa admit-tf-d. tbe United HtsXi wroatd be tmt oat ff6ea the a amber cf fcreat attaena tar V avtxt hundred eara. The epia gceme&tt of IH waa declared a distinct "tor for ncfht ta knsiew bixiarr. aa wrv 1 the barUes of Haratbpa of Tovra, of Paltowa, or "iuu.. wta mupwjp u nearly over. Tbe Yaakeee bare eomeap SMaAtlly to the sham ble and beea'eiaswt ttereeU-Tbe meet eolosaal at tempte that eoetd be orraaiaed for oar deatrnc tioa, have sioally failed, asd aa predicted, Tan keedons bids fCr W -die the yeoogeet St great ro publiaa." '-A. tonvixiiTn-AeejiiAa Vm. Uken haul of .wa poblie xniad a the North tfaat oar destraeUea ia a tAaaelme tadrtkia. The war ia fatt aasammf - liiemava etareter on tbe par of tbe eneasr. trtte bcJUT declare that here am Oew4ie wtit (Hctate the movement rf dm : O r U Thewar is. faat drawing to a close. The uoa.c wa .ejav ute aea i ai area aww. Ulal ba T 1 1 ni i ' IT tae trmfl ante a,':, atut aere aimoet gourely . JaeCkihicBswafbr'tlielVa peace ssus, aad all eleeaVxia esra anless some great eaUoity 'blil ' aa Were ScMsber- He will taksva WJ4'dirajaed . aad- manly stand for peaea, apd tbe maeasi will sustain hiss.' Tbe pilt Is wertiag weftT tm Wtetaabi firm and learlesa, pusbinj; tbf abedly. b4dilaspr Jtad deeper into tie mire af -csiivSM t . fiaaty -ser riitseria j: kaye. aeuVacm lata taevasetoy's IsaeV the peace party saiaada3afr9saea:w4o and ra lorreei33gfeiUtUa oa terms cf our v-w m -t ,iLuswa ur avessje uie eampai,ga of -14 wiQ doltardbaaeepla-of tbe Con federasacaHaaea. - Lsnau-fnt eet Uir ngUre strength aad .erareetf -dssejt,aac8- tbe great -vitbrage'ts Wiet.-a.. i'tiQa-aa are the balmy brefses twiig tbtflT, VitsX JTcre wswrs af gea. al, laugkiax imte's, . gaaontrasrsblerfaa ruination is ail we b eV Tha r icrpelUed, tWstakwd wretch ee ! scare btadfTtrJUal ra!2aar beaatse the Bonu peeple'; e ikf g jLai f WeaWn crop instibssSV wtimSlsbira: TWsiaWa the skrde of civlliiaUea sai &etaal erk&3$tMH1Jmm CUt 1-" wMWMjTvuny avs 'afasurcai sags this aiqgxriieg stary raf cZrj. ; J. Qa butflsJMaVJi KtiWLai Uld, akoat auw nana w ajmsv, Hatrv ooaaty, aart of the ciaiitia efatereil the pit ttf aaoare beeaes wUk - ti' bi aarrViesnasi ih call r ueaeral rtAdJylwvgri umieama for a. ward aad ptaeedtaAiAea iervSeaaf tbeo ferrteaafxheeoys seL. aaectr. jue ataed, wasch sJ afoaistlhafriead a xa a treeeer waa f taarto leave Soea ststrVuthaeoasBS& with bias wbea the ladr aad Towwuiy, aertse. aad la efcted that the saassfcaaSAidd also : dedaty. AI fldP Sa'lSPbtioaA epitbeta to tbe Ualoa gW, who ia tara beeaaaaarrT aad sjtaefeedJtwr Aaiifia rVtrrifadaa tbaa Jaiiii i apoa ber, aad paaaded away SeHibia rate. lS&At" Asaa bas, but they dida't stay purtad, aad wera aocn ?hX,.'y ' f BTpaayiJ their Caows With SniSi 1 imfi'- "-Tms n .. r Lsresaee wmasoea bj abrad t asar heatirali ii.i.i . Wave tbea daly cartertW by frJaedaT -i Tsers fc aa aVtkaiai r aataiUr ee rared at tbe time sad jlsoa reused abevav u anl ef taa Gwatry ejf ivmmli . , 11 il MJlJlr. 1 1.1 n ri'T'-r-'; I GaxAV Fiaa 1 Arancrs At t P. j tv- Vtoek bS of mnevrariiictaeia! Ameneas,- ead bcrasd STasaJsmn'a? tbe only erst saved, b'esxrf fire cTffcuea were daatKrriCef 4 ttwrtaad bmul ev destRrntdrerSb'sa beioei la ths GeveraBrtA.. etaea'assi&iia Sera aisa eormrwaa. .m re a-'i.'-T1vqaP0d to ba work af aa JconCMry, v tt oaated ia a kail i J--rwkiiki4i5fi tsl aa btsea aavfirsieraks vrIlrj.T!i"HP ''T'fv r eijea. ct r: - x-T.e JPJJfFri,si3i the wise speak . 'a"a S Fastea Sjite rruoasrs. rI J"; .. I Aaaerisav. wif: J tS Ssva-.. - - '' in '1 i sHjil a J '-'VJ 2.4-ij.' tifl xa ts lea "is ' i tta(i.r mi ? "vTlrsad It US ersfoitt? 'e?'aT tiAv Tt'SiS Si ba 1 to. Janes Caflafcan. eea of lha cOats aft s Sbd eweitc-u'i ti iruia saoay nwt, aoa9 VQ4i p-avras iiis5 runt to UMoortaerara at oa, ifts4;w'"icairj aad mainsail, th a -TailEiiaiEfite IJ kasfW? timittmiii We did oidi6ovr tke1riftr saIailla bou two aaUea oi tRraJ t )VJat!SSa5fct wa avasgo i&e we axopd od afaaailabr ajadiawereTchtoctiti'tfe.'- jea soioraoopt uriacYitiui-jui woajea vac water. Toe priratear fired a&ei at aa freu har: r. v wuu ran w, k tickfa iaw tro at tte. uair TJ ertesr iwr J ' ir tMatuge ha- TriU&anf aatf Balneal teaaT T a . ... " i moo. .aiin apjsa f7 BMf- At 3sSW etireH Fradiax thaa tWefcatvswr wee- Kaiaaias ie. Ba so rapidly, and at. the earnest aoliutiem At . W passengers, I bore to, aad tbe privateef rasged alongside, and I waa ertferadeei board oT bei' with my papers. This I eompUod with aa seaa snejflr nuastances would pernUa. ' Oa teeejitestdm aekI toand CapL John Taylor ,W ood , Jgted ia aa ana obair. Ar I reached him IS said: Wisil. s5r." biW do yon do - rretdiod, -Terr we9l Mf. ' beer d-' you 4o7 v Why, sir, ma .yew aVawpt to aeeapa from me ? " "I didn't like the looka of .that ix ea yonr siaff," wai mj reply t an4 harioe a,7a,,.nhi boot and twd rtssnrers oh beararaaa beiasr Xii sailor, I thought I might possibly oQtsail yoa ; bat Hading your shot comics .so faftaadToaa resaal gaining on as to rapidly, I concluded tajteAreto, aa there seomeV fit be ao chancer of eacxpe. ' "Tda gave me quite a race. Are yda tb Csmtaia'oT tbe boat t " sai4 Wood. I rejOiedf ea, Mi" ..2?ew, air," said Wood, "which is the fastest eeil&r,.f3er 2i I ". I replied, "22 is the fastest at preeao.ttit when tBe waflam Bell is properly trfmmed, she' ill Im( thA JtmM Tmkp nitit. m ' . - . While bu conversation was gni&r ssvinw an Out ataasw xr wii iw warerea man osuaa jrua Ke artpea crew, who were scat oa bbardbA Boll and stole everything rrable raadraat, eompksseir, 'ene roid, barotneter,' spy.giaiises, cherts, tablo-Hnea, blankets, coanterpanes, bags of cloth in ooata, bate, bos, shoes, shirts ia fact, cleaned her ont. After this CapL Wood balled the "board! qg offloer, and said, "Turpencine hex and act her oalire." I then polituiy requested 'the eaptaia ta aimer ne . A . I a k a " . . . . " . to give bonds for the boat," Uejuiid. "o. tsrj I Hiioa x cnuuoi. 1 men ouerea to give pus bonds foe thirty tboasend dollars on a saoBSaatlsjr-merchant in X,jw yrk. mmi "Piitot, t see ret? sorry for you; but 1 cannot hcb ii, t aaaa bra vkasa ntLnS Vvn& ' ' 4;, w 7 ,v , . . . i. t. t t . uereiy. une o g. t oSr cf ber before the flames wen Oosnmir. ns thc.hst.cbes. I fcli sick at heart to sea that beuoti- All knf Kn,ilii)ii vs t9 maviiC4 J a owee rnrw-j e.arej azpkded ahoat oaaf hafidred" fcystfea: BUt?tt iter, and at trrt yettigiiyl atka jr'.i&L mmd ... v..v,, bi ireiHggiM saTOTTte antkiwBt ivsni ue an w 113 in uis coursa iron uiuacu mi irr one oi 1 iie oesx mcrcnants in uiis city la tTventy minutes she was all ia lamer.' t " " " " mwalewa j ia . - . , , 811 Ol .a y Aa AilltcratlTC Bosaance. . EaeStnbbs strolled slowly, sarreyior raaseVs serene spienaors. Domoer snaaes GolemalT snr- ronnded sylraa rcenes. Sweet songsters softly sdbg mvery strains, eiujues roejnea Stepping SioeAlBaV shod skyward, stiniageoundoothing sense, suggest ing sentiment, stmtng strife, silencing sorrowiag sunerifig. cicep seomea steaxuuty steaung sluggish souls. Sam Stubbaseetssd sad. 8am 8tabbs sighed! So simoons sweeping severely southward avmeumes sign, cam fttubbe signed eonereusly. Still Sain snntore-i silently, eeemingly subdued, 4pttend. scraphised. Sam'a aoft auaeeptibilitr sur- rcaicrel lonMuu atnee, (so sunory sags spinsters say.) Earapbine SUggiaa saw sometbug eatBei- eatiy sapient. Vo surely Sam Bmbbe sera rut gm. phtna SUzgins. Sam's steps sn a ashed aaowdrone. eowbugs, sorrel. Striped enakee stung Barn's stoat soics. pnrrows snugly settled, enruaa ae.wia -ly. seeinc 6mm -at-mi eawe" strides. . Htiii Sam saanteredsilentlr. SevddenJy. aemibosTy earlaked "SanmJ Stnbb.'" Sam staggered, saddsstsseiwrr stoppod surveyed sarrovn drag speee, spied fWim phina sitting sqlus simpering sweetlyk Be Sam stammered, "Servant Beraphma."- Ehe essssad aa tiuentiaUy satisSed. So Sam seeiag SerafhL,' na's susvity, said "slick sunset" Berrpbiaa' said "splendid; sweet." Somehow speech, seesaed as area. Saju s s7utaxsloped.( Serapama's silvery symbtea scampered shamefully. -.-So aUtiaav ealeatt'K fioan stroked Yarn's shins. Serapbina stroked Berapbl- na b seveo-sniiiugsouur.aipirt laoaow -bTspet-oa signed. Soon she said soUmnls.-Serely, aea- tunentai aouis seaa sympaiay; -surely, UsmSu. saeV ness somstimes steeps sympatheUb souls." Sam's speech sarely. stajd some where.- Sees atattwMdV , spattered, summered, .Sam said 'SSbsf SbaksH sperian shades! See Seraphiaa rtartia(; suddenly, standing soornfally, scanning: Sam's sprawiicr symmetry. She sibilated. - Stpid aieaptsenil shabby, sheepstealiag saeaking snirallsr! subesT,--vient subaltera! Sooner shall Seraphic Sttggms seek scaaty sabsisteboe scrabbiag sta&s, "stocr eeoar small sized staves; sooner skin suakesVstaal steamboats, swallow s Kin-stamps: sooner sweep streets, sew shoes, sp&t sails; sooner shingle oae J lAiifieR.nnMja .V.'.. . . .J 1 euBg Booroiuuy.- come sugieeouji sea soma sugat severity sprinkling SerapUiaa's-epeeoa. Should such scornfully survey. Salt's smJ Jssai snid 1lmtT. Since S amas slip seventeen senimess laUamdaelW yuiarve sablaaarmos. Saow,' sleetp otrew.. sin.4 mwt wrmifj niwrnua smiung SOulS, "TWvrmamt Sammeasbowetssteairodartiwwkifj. thtnr aorw -KM mprtrntBTd.ov6titQ tbousaad pris- aeams. ."vutn wiivwi urn wmm. wiyxj Otuoor sola supports Beraphma &luito; Among (he many Jneideafs cC tie Igbt 'ia froot.of PeUrsburg oa the iOth.'the Kxpiiss stiitos one every ws.y worthy of being, repeatait ,1 . Daring the progress of tSebsUepf ITrtda'y'afterJ L Ron, two privates ef tbe 12th Va Iafct?v-Gae 1L Max.- Co. A.gad - MOssy CSevlaV-wad bap- t irwnna w 4ti(ewo,Mnea.eaAtoioia.tss!esK menu. ..They bad their rliJee. with feovaadoa. aearing the stuf aatloa, were eompslled to ad vance through s iskk skirt of wocdsioa ratbet to ops side of itbe ccmbaXaats. They bad goaa soiBedistaeeutotbathkkat. wba to Ibeir ear. pries they beerved a parly of Taakeea advsneiag te wards Uata. To"retareaLwouU be' dtata: l,a i stand would, to all appes maces, be tauaediats eb-I . ai a . " 1 i a a . i . - t trecs,'beM a basty consul tatieu sad- renotred to pat J a bold faee atMW the natter. Piiraft-rVtii.t iv. 4 tmro. x u wa ino coupneieu tnemseivaa haAtnri 1 sp4kwuaa, aad PrivJMllaipUyedlbs p4rt af a j Yaaiecs fii : arcired v:.toSt I JfTUaaahia. al.... XT.- 1 . . . . 1 oemaudeda swweaer., 41, aefeadwbis rTsmtnil wUh tbe sUtamSal thai a rs4mt mi j. t. J ww.wu.dw i insir niwir Birrraa r sawn at orthi down -- Uermfb?Se ocs auewuig sossa BeeftaUfett. was sooa, sameed by tbe -threat eTMjeirpewadiqt aUtftr being sberfly apm Wi Tbwfcetvrfdir ed thesaselvee aad tosacbed' in double Sia' to the1 spot wbsre ear bold prtraeee were-j1a!tikff:: in-' eae Capita, eaeLsQteaanta8d" twwety.S vs ?prf! vame. rTeit eberrta wfc .IbdeeeJbbrrw'tSey 1 uvunw miRj ssa wra-secaaat. .- ' - 5? VtrrB-Tbe Editor at tbi Ciritiaa lita rtv4"? f reMreearjr. aaya ribntsses nirK iav r .rVrrwm SMSUS tbair9as of l Tffwf ana iti cfthe assr. shells As tiib cf fee afisjT. i&lTses beasb-aeauj. ,W4 , b;t, S . i - a . - a sear of the eoaisen; carried tteaVwIWy 'to atrWl er gaard. . Tbaprlseaars zrsftnbered tmiaiiiiuim. f'eMkakaaaebairtj mfr.viiiZJM i ,tw- --e- fc- - aa Almbraererm atM.t 01. tioa aad eardelreanMv P3I Wa- tf)43 eure. . Wa bavw -.""-"t 4 fw H3.2b ia ss Her dew S4fe. -"S- ?rlCZl. vJr-wj?, - -'3 Jff.JrB-fkj Kts.V .Jl-j. VI -L - 'CfiiarEiair"" JSaaw: !s same sWteet'aatoas. Tbexe's. rived at tbe Long ljck, t dry, bsvieg a lKrd tc . v. . 1 rkseoti &wa-A'eraik, pad Isec it liptottewrty'sftst ta I t4f3es.t jtambm . zaessyeoe?" a j . r :ra, wtta bare tsts tit s&-fe js..aasi ta.tha Usioa tmr. laoy a aJrasffa arrrd TaatisLef rekish ' etMaraace. alf sse iaaiSir;fsrft' tffcan tarpectteiL tfie ? i$itor t bald dtaliMieraLa epeHwTiiaa lae anpn spaeo. of .tweiTe oar, ssada xbeH&vhxrtHiUGQhit- vaxsIa 4XiZmf. Boek; Keer rrkrt Perttead. i?.tf3Si f 3ditbe iHaJtr ef Cabe abta Tba S5ahaae4a aa iro etbetner of about 5V0tons barihaa, has a powerful engine, aad is furaishod With two asreera and la the n lAnt -oyan "steam- ahjp ia ateteead(ala ecrvioas befog cepable, aa- teceaw3ttmlae4 steazdmaiaa frwm 18 ta 3 ea4B iiaa 4 r.Enif aideataak-atacVL1 peuaxa iMMt aertwtoeROjene caiv IV rpsabttu.Mrira tra.aaverati the bow Bs4iitr ai tb aksra. aML atee? af bra sa ord. bm aceajteitea; trrvthr forrvxut. Tht Tp.'-siaestj is eaiimail ti le Cawtai Jo!ia Jtyisr Wosd, said to be A aepliaw9 1 Jeffersn Da via. Prtaadeat tllie CaBlVderase States.- and mas a eMyBfpsgdaof teadre4 aaaa rr?he-i waaswjilia, JIMSag?-'-?? tva-year -cad a half ,andl,tisfiir-so.,tuaa eaiptoyedv waecaeefaJ M naBmif ih. Mockada .iata aud ftawi WUnrtcKa'tsili Ua oat aa a 'eruiacr C the letter 91 fH" n't sba sailed on. lbs fiaaf t&apr?ji.ii!t, -"vsc J urs since captared, boraad or V J?s2 t!a I f -1,. tlilrtv-4bree Fed- aaa aastroyad sue TasaeiST ooe of them bolo The large ship Aetio, vd'A which ia ronadinz to euliV- deeV wUh the steamsr, carrying away the-J 'Smait of the utter, bttt'dil'aQS to othiar damage, between owuy aooa aim vujpo. cwuu several (aaircnuia iJt a prey to the vSgiliutce of tbs entiseJS and aar tha latter place she ttfc and dosttored ecrea Tjeis, and landed their jBWsrt Yajioouth.j N, S On Wednesday night botweea Cape Sable and Halitx, .the. Tallafcaseee eaptarad and -brnt '.throe, small American soaooners, aad put their crews- ashore at some poms on the eoast.- Tats' cruiser appears to be well oeleerod: amdiadzioo' from the anbearance of things good akiipUne is maintained eu board. Tb eogine ire were informed by one of llhe eCiocrs, are under the control of the best aad most-, expem eoeod engineers wlaeaa certkes it were possible to eeoare, aad tsavfrti dspertmvnt.Ls most etSeieetly saaaatfed. la th cabin are large nupiWsr vfabip .catoaomerars, aad a variety ufartlcUs, iucludiug aaaj swords Qi amaU arms. There axe, too, eer etal eases of elotbing which with 'other eomtnovtl tasa, ware takeaXtom the craft captured the ere is a. In coming out of .Wilmingcan the f allnbassee was chased . by ane of tbe blockading efcqoarou, aad several kbota Were Yrlianc.-.l hut sit tlio mi. test ia speed was a. very uaequal one, ho Federal- continaed on her coarse. ' On ucoring IlalUajc ilarbor, oa Wednesday night, the TaUabasse sighted the atoaascr FraaeoMa from this port for Pnnee Edward kmi the eoaimander of the former. ' pvekoming that - the- latter aaa a Britwh - mail and 1 passenger eaaaeli. did mole.t her. ilad the crueer peaeenfrer vaaseti, uva moletA tier. Uad tbe cruizer opt beea sbert ef ooala sb-r would doubtWaa We met with, aad destroyed aaioay4aer vaeeebt tn the 1 v4einitT af Caae Sebla. bat ia. eoasennenee of the I badl jjuaatitj off foel on beard the capa was re- I iupimuj txcpuei. o akfuto airect lor una mi iucimu oompeuea o naaao atreex lor Uiie port to. 1 f a uapprr, isa waa tneretoce not in a iosi I tiQ to jnstify him In r nd in u-a??r6?h lima ir 1 setrchjn for shippingalttociirli bacaitarel evorv I V.J HM I . t 1 V . . . V ,F r ' r lnntngion to this city. Yesterdav aLernonn the'TaliAliaiuwx v.. tn'saut !by tbw JfepiiriHt o tar to Woodside wharf, oa the partmoato shbre', and during the eventngiook on poara a saivo ejuaanty or coats rram the I'rosalun brig Maria rifswold. " Soon after the cruiser ar nvod bare the authorities communicated with her ooenmaader, aotifjring hjm that tlio vessel could not bo permiUeti to remain here lonsrer than twenty-four lunrs, so that it is very probable she will leave here some time this morning ; but, of SOarse, we know nothing of ber destination, vet it is evident she will pursus the object of tbe mfaxion for Whioh she wsa equipped. One of tlio'oiUcer affirmed that tbe aiatemrnU contained in the Fed eral papers to the effect tbat.thj captain of the cruiser exercises much cruelty to those U ho fall in hit power, baa not a ehadow of foundation m tact, and allej-ed that, upon the contrurv, the com fnrt of the cscitnred peraojna iaiiU sribfvattav'TBd to aa far as the otreeoistaocee ef tiio ciKu will pes mit. Tlie crews of eautured vessels, liir'savrn urc always permitted to take with thetu, when landed, all their clothing and otherapersonal property ahroootneters. being exceptod, which are kent a.a setsure. Ttoa War News. From the BlebiMiad TKupctth, ITthJ - Tbe'ewi-Jxbf& Peterebnrir rptrrfv tbriil Of "'pie ts ore" through our conioiuoitv, u- i ouiy on accoont ox toe. schraremetr aoncuncd, bat beCaasetrcsvs so' assurance that tbe YanLeos vera not to fee eennitted autstlv ta hnbl tbrii-n. aitioa oa tbe Wirfdon raib-osd, and that -our Gen- S)4a are loahac no opportunity to annoy and in- pbua diM kpea bj omf cammeDding general, a -worn w troopa, unuer uen. a. r. mn, WaS SOat arMmd the MiW'r'a lrt In a mH. in Bit rear.. 'Til mOVamntlS nraa not dimfinvnrA- . 2 peaa waa gained about two mues eiew tfteaaaa' atattost and twelve trom Pe be eatirebr tivAAtuMA.. a k. rn tasir rear. iS tfTfZt? V3. e'l" I ii, t&CdS the attack about live o'clock p 2.PU,M m ,a about live o'clock oa TUttrsdsjr afternoon. . The movement was a aompiesa sacttsns.' For two ho-irs tbe battle nhrod BcrcelV.' fcet lias ebemv.Wat finally forced. b-ck aaa (U1t2Zmt. witir a ioea of from ?lfMn hnn.1r.rl vo swa vaoeasitg twtaonera. niae b mwi r.r ri il'rt- tarre oomBttiMsr-r brd and wsunded. It is tufted that tbe Yan kee CoL. Speer, of .raiding dotonetv.; is among tbe 25?JS?4: 4 this affair is not beavy, niid wis ksaja thtCt okr commaa1ipggeoeral u peHectly SfiaSad eritiVtlia result. : . x oaers. ynwae a eotnplefe flank movement and SXecvted wiia Mmtratnzasfe skill. The egbliag wa sorere fc tbe time it lasted, but we havajjie reiterated assorabee that oar Lisa is naitifw wMld- tliet itt ttt mmy is bcavy. Among the Wouadad. asa Hrfjr.-tScn. Abdewon, of ' Ueonria. aaatiarstantMU-,of Fauquier ooeinty,- Virginia; Bitbe 0 1 - ' - 4 1 te-Tba loaiitaairv nf th. Idle) gijfiUtefr .siivs i , :-. xiev.J'.jtli iDavU. 'Methodist PbotosUot mlntatee -cf Uisakyv aa aaa visit to the sharcfa at Green- rUJa an Basaay wsmb tip news of tbs expected attack; oa tb mt Vsaebad that rlsor.- After elos iuaaafaSntaeraso lie addressed tbe audience -briaSy apes thaeaaraetsr ef tbe information whMr bad bsmawaakradsaayteflr that be bad jest perform. ei ess jH2T-ficiayet -aaa aaotner te' dtsebaraw-j Oar eaesaiesAha aaatlas of -aw eoantrv tt-iiit i -ais tareatwtbaaapltot of euv State, uit ia my satyr ssua iinia-'j'oaja, .to aastsa to its de&mee. " IX-aa gidst3r4ad I'.waat 4 eveiv man Tkera who is wQKar svjstt--wsdyn soritw- wHh, me itmy BHimmv,. iaaa ijSftaptt ereryliand In a vsese wtw rasvsest, aad saints Bsiast easppase Jijiwkraiiac abtM-wh;a-,pii4-aaimateatea peopla wusyjjwi,ta, acara the , saamaatiaas f ear fiusatieiU iaear-1:-.- r . ; ' i. A S..Mla i i " ' - J:;-- '.' ' . 3' jrWaVc or riAiftjiJ6.'-A eoaaarysaasrn aw wayjto tbe . cUy with spnbM to seH.' eaeced a'l'eexkla Fxfi :n mr-r. ivoC trira ik.n fA jelcrgWnerft rcparauona were -made -for an attack, The ' Yankees, iliteoUy watching their front, WBtch lEmr lied ntramrir CariitinA miJ tr. ty 'saiiaS ti sadi-&ied kls apples at tw dollars" J 11 wy now be bailed dowa aaise-repidly to about Awt-"A tr&S tA4' .aiwraet aMIr.W Vkk.a: aablllalf ka nrtartriBl llnlfe-; aAaMtllUt lh. Saaua - f5fj. -A i-fcag Ui)y sooa struok a jbtrula, wiih M fptae ossa,; Jiarlug tarn s bid dve at its- - - " 'a at. T" f !I a.L lsi a a fa a ',?Ir, W .oouarvgoea esrreissy, fracts. ,9 . -j- ue-rast as. tba reung unuee eoehsxrUie wljewoaatt,, oeisgeasiaaart'ia aa ji UtltJad pm rUevad kiaa af bis sqppiesl Kbfa-iQsaa? by fObai bU peekeu with kbir. qawarcsi a siijiaiyjii taa.asw aauar pneaai to pay. watrrta3tattBMftrered btrmistaks, betrsef L"f was; Ja'tmistO' vtssog that be ea apmsT Jsa 'awa srif Csdlartbat M bad bafidr bfT-Wffafefe&jaia' -' 5.:.. ?r : :j?v fid.- aaVarJailsij go taa geed itafioT) fesuwaa tst Ika Matrttot. s ea law. li' - - ; . ' aat',a,ap lamaym fc. ayajtr; JJaallfc . 'tfSW r-T a-SU-S fcSW ... ci jtUi til ' ;$x iXCTtoexi.'' Atjp-tjasatittatacfid L aebileis wiras . Witbblraitg.1iosa, a-raiBaa baad, l-AfMf tin. rtattila-ltia lai - ' r 1 Wlille liberty mod peace fie bleedlatf c - ' " f To armf ! srfms I ye brave ! , -.:'.'.! eTbeaejis:WawoKinBebMlbar v 5f arch on ! fli relied ! all lartl reared. -NewTa ffjr pip angeroat storm a tjCiag, : rtresgamukran. eoaledexaia raise: IfhW T ' "ThCdoM-of traKfetloe, are bewCg,. r b4 bT.esTBldi and eitiaa blase, . Abd shall we baaefjr !ew tbe raid;''. - : rWiKb Trthnertattlod bbi bands isabraingt.. i I'o aVms f.itaafmt y orava r; ." . f - - .V. . H avwigieg eword narheaibe ! , . s ,;?lsreu obf marea on ! sir hearts reaalTad - 1 On viftoi(y-or death., , . - .5 i'4' ' r'J-s '- "e- O Liberty esa aaaskaeega taea, Ones bavlae fcU thy e-entrpas fmo ? . rW, vr wmpa-uty aweieepirii tamer Too long tbe world bae wept, bewailiafr. That fabjahoodU dagger tyraats wialdf ' Boji fxtodafs is oar sword ead shieM -And all their arts are aaavaiUag. -. To arail ! to arms! yairave I Tbo arengmg sword amdeatfaa ! 3frobon! much oa fall hearts resolved . -tm victory or death I - ' From the Blcbmond Dtepatdt . ' " -fti In tbe JYkig of yesterday was abiiahed a leiUf frum Francis. P. Jjlair tq f Ward Svaratt, dated August ?lth, ISSi, the original of which Is ia tbe possession of the lito'Of the Whig. ' At tbe time, Everett appears to bars been aeekius) some misrioa. prabably that to iCrance, and had applied to Blair for bis interest.. Iia reply, .-Blair tells him tbat be should be glad to iissist him, bat that the iaterest f TburloW Weed witbfieward is too strong fur him. 'Till. said tpwards the close of tbe loUer. Hut it opcu witk.ilhe expfeasioa of a fear that the l'rrwiurrt is too mica preseea ay oiaer earea to de- vote much of bis timo to. thwarting the iatrlroes ef ! Britain 1 which cower be aoceaee of eadea- voting: to unite" the Great . Coatinental blonarofaiee in an :nort to put a stop tu sue. war ay aivtamg what he calls -'tbe .RDublio." Jle attrObutes these intrigues, of coarse to the jealousy of Great Brit sin oa ibo marine tmd commoruial iuestic'DS. It sccuis (hat b aud Everett ajtreed thataa ef fort 1-r maoV te form an alliaae wt. I 1 rauce, nsainai "" "f.f' fi. jfeata(sjlrU aeeeasary.) great -v a it-ti.i i.jjJiaaafit'ia rw oojti tnercif-i a " Bu.uiwuu-.sccuriiiea m ma dnaty. . "utif ho- should rufue. then aa offer quite "as tempting was to bo mads to Bassia which p oirer would, no dubt, come tats measures.. liLair apprebsniiynsKitaeeass, bad beea roneed by a delnUo tu j,be .House ol ttortlr, la whieb soma mombers . iadiosUjd a .strong desire to get Carope united in a movemunttq stop tbe effusion of blood. As be has always 'been oae of tits most influential persons about Lir-ooln, there eae be litlM,doubt mai me iuieu.pi iroe iaaue wpou xtapoieon, ana that itftiilcd. ' MThetber It wns tosde npon tbe Emperor of &us'; sia, and whether that potelttate is now in alliance 'Sth Yankeedom, wo cannot say.' But we think Mr. Blair was mosl; uanecessr-rily alarmed. We do not seo tv hat better ally Yankeedom wants tbaa EtiiHttfid if jicd "2; is far more t) the interest of England tbat thers shooIi be no mediaMoa in this mntlcr than it is to tbo iaWest of -Yaakeedoia. Seward kucvA bow- tbo land lay far better than Blair when bo tol l the Prcsidsut, as stated ia this letter, that thero jit as no cause for apprehension, that England w. all right," and that " Lord Lvo-i! iru out friers J abroal," (that is, the friend of Liuuotu, iSewar.l, and the Yaukeo cause.) . Lord Lyon, HwiUfca iveonectd, .was thon absentia 1'raneisT. Blair has be so long withdrawn from publio life thnt it rosy b neeezsary to remind our youngtr n-aders who be is. He wastheinti malo friend ard biographer of tleaeral Andrew JivrtaMiwaS taaole editor for twelve yean of tbe celebrated Olobw newspaper,- the orgaa or tbe Ad miniirations of Jnckson and Van Boron. . .. ilo retired from tbo Ototnm 181A, when Polk became ' Pres'-dent, having made a large fortune ta the nowspaper busiuesa his office as printer to both llouacs of Oongreser Ije Is the father cf Montgomery and Prank Blair. ' ' - - T laaofactaro of Kagar froax the Cits. . lKsse tiarar Jaae. -. The lusnrianco.witb wbiob the'Cbmese Sugar Uano nourishes in tbe south, taKen in oonncction wjth tbe scarcity sod conaequewLJiigh price of su- Lgrir, renders . it a uucstioa ot great ienporitsaca. wuetucr, at icsst, tt parual aupnty (nay not he ob tait'ud from this abundant product of oar soil. It isthe intention of the writer of this article to Investigate the. subject thoroughly, bales vbapres- cui utiiii iut wi: .u iw biitbovw ior piaaiars &,ch win 1WlHgent planters to decidi the .;., iti.nil. r,nr.i. UV., n. ' - J mvmm " waw w va w aesvwe I Kusv nut ngsr. am iOTBies. . loana and cane susrar. The tornter. caioil' in fruits, ia moderately sweet and can be crystalised o.ilv wltU-great difScnltv The latter. constituting tasigar4if"aocamera,'caB easily bo crjstalrxcd, snd .can also XftiJ bo converted into tlio former Tiy tlio hctioj or heat, fr chenRcal agents.' Both .of .these, according to reliable ahaly sia, are eontained it Sorgho; the relative qnaiiiiee' dcpendiiStr- aptvevrhat wpoo tbs soil in wiucb It it groan, but. taakatv -upxm tfce -stated of growtii st wbkh it is cut.. The ripe' etas alone fa tnl table for tuanofasturrercaao earar aad 1 this irfS date- rioodo rapidly if ibncb broke a. or brui&edftir if al lowed to remain log after beioe; gathered. It is unportanvthat thejotoa-baiiraassd out, ittraiaed, elariHcd aaa conetutrated to about half iu balk as soon as possible-iixUr tbs plant iacet, in oedisr to "lrcycut,Uas (WttAuaon of glucose. Tb flattff on eentratian should be etSected with caution over a sow(re tojpre vent tbe aoavwsioo oferystalisabla iolo nncrystalxable sugsx,tbo priucipsl iogredi entia m'olktsea, T : s ' . .,',..-.. Tbe analysis of ba aUt'cf Loaivilla-&ml aVr. daclrseo, orltottoashaw. tbat tbe rbpe stalks eentain agouti wo percent, of segar, aad from iwo to three of grape sugar, wbieh were eaeeeetfulr ly sopors ted on a Small seals. Tbe ful lo ing directions, token BsaiLuly frota their articles on tbe sabJecC rais easily . be followed, aadarOl, U Is hoped, yittld fa'toSSble results. . - .In t'.rp first place, titer tbo Jules of tbe plant, as it braes from the mill, in oroerto remove tbe-eel-balbso aad' 'fibretur matters," aad the st'kreb, all of, wbioli are present la t when expressed. A big Al ter or a bUak'et pls?al-;in a basket will aasweg tbe purpose. ; Vest,' treimsaf add a re!SaiBcy boa t oae oiiBte t,Aja of 1 gaUeasyernrllk or lime, (tkat ia, limo slskd tnfmlied. Witb' water) to the Juice td rtm.ler it rfl-btly slkaitna, as ibOwa by it ebasg ing reddened nteu.os paper to blue. ' A amaU axeees of lhae is DoTinjlurtBns." After t&ls addhiaa, the juice sbeoJba'bobabT about 'flftaea tain etas. A. lbik kreenlatt loam "rapidly eoUeetr oa the sur face, which is to la removedby a'slozucsar, aad tbett the litidid sboald agaia be attecad. It will new be' of pale straw hauler, and ready Bov evappratioa. half, k origlaal bulk, aftsmrbtebtba flrc'feaaat ba kept kiw .tkC essporStiesf to ba eanisdiaa - wh great eas&mt sndctbaaynrp oomUatry tarred to pasets t it frees laaiaix;ka batSom af tbe- kdUle &r va$matia pfiaa. rPUo af tbesyrap sea to ba UeoaV&Mfan te tmM,-atd elWed td-eaoL moeo if tt ia deaiiaeaoara taerratalrie. ' Tt shftaid ba about aa Aaia;sa$aribdBae- mlsiCtd, or rait, Wbea'Tchas veaebed tMs ectodUieS.t msaw ba wlfkl t a am sa . , - . . t a r r. . . r arawu in tr .avai i a-C,'-1 . 1 Cxvaitla'tif an car tf titeiittt fovm-J'rr; thrf Jtj, es v-eed lostr' CtiJtalii45i asay W iMeaed. by i . . -S"it " aaa, UUVlat 1 W nSUW lbf brown sugar i a. little. P'slverUelwbita sugar; Art ar the rrnp baa crvstaiiae it mar lie iL-voaA Lia4 laysdejrse.epe eJot&er'eiFsvaas sad la' this wayaedbfwa kagar toay-be irmei.. .', Platen wba dtay aa.ladteeed ntioas wCl eotcfbr a'fave by. delgsxtka .'.llaiir oaaj.Jaiy wi-.Tfy . f .r.. -a - '-...- For once b dstoaed lied fven - - Bat ta rsvasra tost Sullen win-. - There are two kinds of sugar commonly meH v n lfllv RA. w tt if..i- r k tt with i-a fruits and plsnts. naoTely, grape sugar or m' 15Uh N lfc c 6ta K3" v-."?. a- aiain'l-'4ri;-? lintwl scrdia r ta Aef C&iajisstwi 'fmr,ftA W- twaasas pt the Ol-eVs-J Jee ml uiW t v Jl!LTT!iT, JoaajosTe lutMfcr me afiasra . 1 . i Raa tiff 1ttmim lvi.- Mosoaj 3opt, ral,farfnratiieii Taoaivad Crwa North itJasisabf savir 8laJ6V forcas "art eartakir(otraaUif,t Wf hk" Jargajaiief Cbstrsrmy U Wasg saatea:eAatfsaa-r 1 v a , 1 a avatsoa goes to vTfj4iIan4 ColaTy t S2asoa v . .. l rea PaeeigeiiJ ' J ' I erly, pay ebargea, and take tbe boy .way. . MoiiBtSpblaL--l WaiiL,r: aag2-lw. - J- H. WOORt JsM lived: St Ffcsoa rbajai veeteerr . WU ik .'ta tbe tkaxdiirsWi aargaaaa tt brwoirtstCk tmmber of Wtw Orteaiis aales, l -... - , xaa x$w urnsxa cbOins dUt CohfndaraU, cam&st TldaQi.weaf af tiatMsipvUeverw waa imrpnaea. Tbirty-eightT3Oi Jkoraee rintnrW .taaan'Pl ma;dbcrjm Jbwaywl up sriEtt a presfact tfaam( a.w, -tu- .it TboEraiabrsggiaff ovetF the IPedetaJ rvldon Cliatoa, La. II! claims to Unve dajsaged the Cra federrtcs to thi im9hnl of three hundred tboa. saad dolla,rsva4id aduula.tlva4-tbir soldiers ea ricbed themseiies with ptofldar? ' .- Tbs Hcayaae'sacconniesvs war. loea was 1Z killed aad wotrnded. TbeV .Tfdtifil lets; sO killed aad 20 'woundetL The eswjjesi "r tamed to Ba ton Ilooge, wMlu t to ft cepearcdtaiiooB. Tbe Fed eral anrulimeat begins forthwith at' Tkksl5arg and Katchez. . One baadred arul ayjsry-Sve ta oae bandied andaigaty CoaOsderaie aaiigeoas arrived at MobOa. ; ' - . ' ' . One ironclad ran agroei.dJnst below our eb structioAs siaee yesterday . Tbo reported .raid on Pollard is untrue. . Gbajtt -Sarrsas Pm vo'raa Farxca Vicxr I Comu. ermat has refaeod a nataiare down tbe I James river to the repeeytvatatlv Hi Consul of France at - KiohnioaoV wiOk-'dispstcties for tbe French Miniates at -Washington, It appears that on Sunday tbe fios Onmeal pceeeeded - to Yarina, and ia ataarda&aa esith a' arivitareT heretofore freely aaotedad aeeemeobiapassskge by tbe flag of troon Doa t, waii..aaaigaeQ. a siaxe-JBoni, aad made every amagemenwfor the joaraayi At Bigbt tbe boot waa viaitec. by Grant ia person, wba, withowt the kaawbKlgaof tbe Vioe-Ciosal bad aa iater viow With Maoi- JfuITord, and instruotod tini to refuse a pitasagii in tbe boat t that oflMlal or any as else. Tbe .Uasequenca was that tbe Vice Con sol had to return to Biobmond with bis dis patches. Taa Gbihav Paras Art PaxyoxT. The BostoA iPtoneer ssys that tbefv artr only ttx' German pa lmers ia the Caion which advboate.tbe eaase of Lincoln, while twenty-six bare hoisted Gen. Fre inont's name. .Ail tba rest seems to .prefer him urainst all ethoif candidatss. In Illinois, Mr. Lin ed In 'e bomev isr bat aaa Germaa piper, the "tStasts Zeitaog," supportiag bis elaim. The "Helvetia," a Swiss papery published in Tell City,. Iadbiaa, baa hoisted Gen. Fremont's name. Liaoole's vote, aanong the Germans will le limited and scattering. They are almost ail ii gainst mm, Report of Hospitals 18G4. Admissions and Deaths in tit GrlCln, Oan September 1st Tbe following named soldiers were admitted into thf HosMtals at this post to-day t ' ADMrTTJ'.D IXTO CATOOaS BOeMVAb. laiont Is L Bubertroa, ,2d Hies ear; Lieut D Johnston, H, IX Miss par; James Heassaeas, :ttb Tenn; J 1 Kraniagton, C, 57th Ala; Capt T J Barret, I, 4th Tenn. MBlti AT CAVOOSA BOSmALa. Bgtil d Atjmrn, P. th Tea. ' Jb aoarrrr.D ctto briacntoa kosmxax. WD SodiMiis,F, tthLalat; Sgt D W Bery f, (15d Oa) Sgt A W Martin, D 28th lflss ee; Corp h. zt wusoa, D, xath Silsu ear. AJBanfBB IXTO Q9IXTAEB gOSritAL. J A kloClnre, K, 6tk,Tox avj Saaowel Keteeo, Jackson's Beeerts; Albast Bobineot. O, ftb' kys Corpl J Odem, D, 27th Ala; P X Keanedv, T. 7tb A Dmitri jtvo . v. vseas aesriTAX. " B F Casoa.'A, Jst Tean; GxTr'SJi Paxwortb, B. iityh Als; S P tjlojoeb, D, 1st lUseivj Q W Jnes, D, 1st M'isc eav? S J Aaleraoe, D, 1st '2ZU sav: P 8 G las row. 1IL 1st Miss ear. H B WCrinawa. C. .Yd MUs esvi J M af eCaaley, B, 2d Miss oaV Tat- trk-k MsCoae, 1 , 2d Miss es,n 3 J Haog iSaakJa's Battery; J T U artin, E, 39 0 Miss; J D Qaattto B. C. POSTER, 4tb, Surg, ia ch'ge. of llosp. p IrlBIS LISTtEa P.1PCR JTOR sals at the JLSBEL OFFICE. A Kt'CUY AND HAItWCS AKD OHE TOO notBB-WAOOS. ; rWILL sell t the Mjsberf Udder on Setarday, 3id Septaat.iar at 1 . sa, One splsivUd Open Te0 Bstgry snd Ilaraisr. -One troed Twe Hawia Warea. - ; 4-i - . " scpl-St r. ). IVlJta. J. N. CARSOX. A . XOST. '. TESTEBBAT kt Wd Grim a, a Ifgbi' feafiMf A. Pocket Beak, eeattOalag $75 U aewiseaa'alril M ia silver. Tbe tads wOl be suitably rswkrd ed ay Uvsviag it at tbs liebet'eOee.- - rtpl-Jt . -" '- ' -7 ' '.T' COUH QUICK Tf A SMALL laf ef Eavelapee fnr sale at the .Mw-tf " - V";:' jlKBatb arrtCH. SCSSOIUjB.pUii i:XCEIJIlirPSiTEEtSElTS, For sate at tba ... ' . . -.1 .'If- -.-Sfc.Vi ' KtBZC '-fit 11C& - Ilsvirg xmriiblsed ate of tbelsbrzest awl bast sp- paiststl priatiiig ss(eMlehMuuU bt tba Cbafederaey, wa (iffar for sea the BUftsrlst fbntrTj Used fa the pani3ca4l3n of ths Dai txsi totksr with tba Tfta mvs ailiae H rppliC wib. every I-tm am ' -. ' 1 - - - - ' Tba iterntewMir typa a-iss eBeea-ge.s asd ITla-. kst,wil' a kaiiJllsa af twtf Jtotr.lJ.a - -.: Taaob la well ssSJ wf tifi U able las eyralwiry - wlS, 696cr .'ekllrlfeaW ?VW',sJto oo'wurairsMS!i' fckiiy- letter. aaaaaa- ilMnaiL IWF il.s. A . e .""4is stlra)iuALal lJl t-aod erder. aad will ba -'rtF-v -'-i.. r.--.- I S'?gSS&t ri:.;r 'i' -vi A MTXCSt IJCT with yasag aalX Xaqalrs "ef O-Xa. s. 2. EIlLJiJlAN aaasr is, iste. XV kto aXL?E05QE' resaajaiS'sUet, I uu aionaay, eta uetiuaaar. ' 1 . 1 . r I . VM V. . . . Cf.4,? " rtUwittiatW, , agf-iw MR3. jorry o. ctiXK. v; MOTICC TjnOCGllT to ways Ajr. uuain. vs adbvwut. 1 na no .... eld, abeai feet high, weighs 12ft fee bar .betUf t fi beard, sad says that be is a barber by trade. 4 The owaaf. will please come forward, prove preW ' il rnrAua ihiuri tffi-. r ' ---' - . ITORS. r - a AL parserif ladctted to Cbartee Ooawaa aad Pat Crone n, ere reoaesead to eaJaTaa Am A. mU miuu ltw aUSmS ..j ....iLimnllltr aalaW. . tbe Jail of Troop eownrr, r j! 1' .UaAaj.W. abngbtmuUtto boy wUe, : - f V ae aaoM is Joe, aad that be beloasa to-1. , i' killadafeetyJVV V. " lRrrrie-J Aars"t 2i4, 16U. tJTajfur..,! tat TSealck and Weaaded at tbe t ,k otecnanonc ueevttat at aasi iwil vo 1 aaat oatbe ears. Persona having straw to dispose ef for the ebeve purpose will please leave their names with Me), h. A. KtrAy, Doiipiial Q. M., who wDl send for it. 'A tlbesal arioerill be paid for it if respired. Those baviag tbe means to bale the straw will "be rendermg ac essential svrvioe by bavins it doae. aag2t-tr T. 0. SULLY, Agt HospX GEORGIA, Bails County-Uroarbt to Jail la tbe eountv, ua tbe 21st lost, a Nerve ssasrwao sevs (bat bis aame is Bill, of dark . complexion. medium else, end says tbat he belon gs to a maa by the uuno of Bleodworth, but sny s be is tbe Wagoa Master (or a Waxun Master) in Boss' Brigade e Cavalry, and th tfo, tbo hoy, got lost from tba Waffon traia irwu it was ordered to fall back, from Atlanta, 6a. Tbe owner of said bey is reaqested te ootoe forwatd aad take said boy away. aur27-10t W. K. BANKSTKH, Jaikifc ONETUOVHAHlfDitiiTAnH HUlVAKD! STOLEN from my quarters, on the night of Au gust 21s), my liorse, bloed b5 fi(Uea aad a ball baa da kb, black mane and tail, black lags, lotog, round tody, andlnrge full eyes. I will pay One Thousand Dollars for tbe delivery of tbe Horse to mo or to Maj. en'L Cheatham, Army of Tennessee, or for information that - Will lead to his recovery, snd no qusstions asked. W.F. ERSKiyE, Chief Quartermaster Artillery, A. T. Atlanta, August 24, 1664. HTTbe Macon Tsleirraph, Montgomery Adver tiser, Columbus Times, MiMisaippian at Selrn, aad , tbe Meridian Claw on, will publish the above que i week and send bills to this office. aug20-lw . -m LIST OF FRCIGIIT Rexaalnlajf In the Southeru Express Ofilee, Garrriir, Ga., Aug. 23, 186-L 1 Bundle, Mrs M A Douglas; 1 Trunk. Mis A P Fletcher; 1 trunk, Mrs llollie Hmith: 1 trunk, CF Newton; 1 trunk. Mrs R E Wilson: 1 box, Mrs Duke: 1 box, Mrs .Samuel II Suiith; 1 box. A M Taggtc; I knap sack, Jacob Chsmpion; 1 knap sack, Kilev Connell; 1 box, C R Williams; 1 trunk, Capt T M Juries: 1 trunk. Dr C P Gordons L pack- - age, Miss Eliza J Gibson-1 package, J no P Anderson-1 parcel, Capt O C Myers; 1 psreel, Hon Jsa McCuUaxa; 1 burdle. Miss K Piechardjl package, Mrs 8allie W Smith; 1 bundle, N Hams; 1 bundle, . David Stanton; 1 parcel, JU rs T P Holland; 1 par. eel, Mrs iiary White; 1 trunk, Mrs S Settle; 1 box, Mrs Mary F Head. Conaigneea will please call at ooce, as all freights are stored st owners risk, and expense. aoggStf J. II. LOGAN, Agt. OMG TflOllHANO LMJL.L.ARS ItliWABD. OT0LN from my hcaik.aai-ters, near Atlanta, 10 Oa., my Mare, bright bay, bald face, Mack msne and tall end black legs, with the- exception os rwo small wblse spots on the inside of each bind too., carries a high bead aad altbogetber is a very ray locking aaiaal adder tbe saddle I wis. per $500 for her delivery to me at this p'ace or to idaj. Uea. Cbeathsm,Army of Tennessee, or for informa tion so tbat I ean get ber. And $300 for tbe da- 1 ' teeUoa of tbe tbWf that stole her. '' B. J. BUTLER, . ' , GrliBn. 0a., Augurt 12. MsJ. ard C. 8. . tevTbe Macon Tdegrapb, Mooegomenr Adveiu r tiser, Oalumbas Times,Missisaipplan at Fefm-, and tbe MestdUa Clarion, will pobluh tbe above oe Veek aad sand bills to this oBce. aagl2-tX. - TW CliatttiiioogcbTou.iitAry LOCATED AT GRIFFIX. GA. ABE exchanging HOLLOW WARE of all kinds aad SYRUP KETTLES at old prices for old CASTIMUS stt!d prices, or they will give the blxbist eash price for old CASTING, Je tf. T. WEBSTER, A CO. 1LCGAL. BL.ANMS. rii kave aa bandit this offioa, large supply of I y tba Blanks used by SUorifl, Qsrks aad Or- tuaanssna tnu Brate, beannraiiy printed on fine white peptr, wkleb ws will sell at tbe earns rates feftf ftauasd' for the blank paper alone. BAGSl RAC41I TXrE pill pay tbe highest market price for good w w a cotton or linen rags r give in exehaage for flne LafHisfa letter and can paper, er Eavel opea. Apply at tbe ' REBEL OFFICE. GEORGE DIXON, . ' , (roaasstT or asarsis, vavs.) ATTORITOY AT LAW ; BICUHONl), VA. All ezalms against tbe Confederate OovnrniaeBt. J adjusted aad collected. aj,iarUcTiIsx atteauoa paid to Soldlenr elstms. Jef tf. . ' ATTEMTIOK. - - " Oairns, Ga., August A f4. THE foIUiwlag named negro men, tianW off by, . the enemy from Carroll county In this. State, . bars been eaashs snd erenow in J possaaalea.' ' UVMHstU mtmm furmmrd, p7 tfuargea Simon, 0 lest J Incbcs nign, oiaca, rears . . ... t , . rv belocrs id thm estate of Reanc, and hired t Dr. J1 B. Hood, Lkkeklllet, Carroll county. - ' -Claiborne, feet biifh, black, 22 yeaa eU,vb. Claiborne. IrvM m 1. Immmm NeWttfU. - x tmmt 7 inches birb.blsek. kalM to Jesse Roberts. ' BltlL KUWTOX. aagt tf OlwlEl?! Mr AfATrtf Iba csfistsMd are new pwpared to fill srdets t Ve sirrizitios j kl ri TRY THEM ji Tbsy ars i a!-'" y good as ay ysalas tSait-ies' Ajaarasa - ' -w rAtIitM nnuss-,ono5T.-' - .,.V '- 4 v twmrn Mifvt MSV$ ViWV3. 4 - 'Vi r5 - ." ' : . . -- ' i