Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, January 16, 1827, Image 1

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Tuesday Jan. \G, 1821 BY MYRON BARTLET. rr?" The Telegraph is published weekly Macon, Ga.—Oflico on Cherry Street, near [], e Public Square. • I -TERMS.—Three Dollars per annum, if laid i# advance, or Four Dollars at the end \f the year. Distant subscribers must in all laics pay in advance. [ A(feertisements inserted at the usual rates. Yo\ume 1 JVo. 12. stone <$• coir HAVE just received, from Boston and New York, and are now opening, A LARGE ASSORMENT or SEASONABLE GOODS, among which, ake the following: luper Broadcloths ami Cassimeres !ue black end mixed Satinetts H ue j mixed aiid white Plains ilive Fustians tufflr and point Blankets ;,„j and White Flannels taid and camblet Cloaks Jiown and bleached Shirtings Jomestie i'lnids and Checks l good assortment of Calicoes and Bombaeets Cambric, checked, Jaconet and book Muslins dull, figured and sprigged Muslins Coarse and line Cambrics ijrown «ad colored Cambrics imitation and bulf Cravats j and cotton Handkerchiefs 'uncy giesn Scarfs and Sliawls j r , ls '(i(. Naples and pink green Handkerchiefs [liark Sarsnet, and Levantine Bilks iVliiteand green Florence Silks 'assimere and worsted Sliawls Striped Batiste, and Angola Tippets ’union and Italian Crapes fienred and Nankin Crapes itumiuti and Seotcli Diaper Ladies’ kid Gloves Ladies’ black horseskin Gloves jciitlerueu’s heaver and horseskin Gloves Leglmra and straw Bonnets Colton and worsted Hosiery Turk and Bounce Robes English Ginghams, Ribbands Ready-made Vests, . , Shell mid horn Combs Fashionable beaver Hats Fashionable roram Hats Black and drab wool Hats (ifatlemen’s common and fine Shops Ladies’ Morocco and prunelle Shots Boys, misses and children’s Shoes Nails. Salt, Castings, and cotton Bagging Cullcry, Crockery, and Glass Ware Tltev will also receive, by (lie first Boats, n large sortment of GROCERIES—all of which will ho old for cash only. WANTED Five hundred bales of COTTON, for which cash will be paid. •nov 7 GEORGIA LEGISLATURE MACON CLOTHING STORE. L. FITCH Sf CO. MERCHANT TAILORS, K EEP constantly for sale, at their Store on Mul berry street, A General Assortment or DRY GOODS ASP READ Y MADE CLO THING; which will he sold ns low as can be bought in Savan nah or Augusta; and they ‘solicit the patronage ot their former friends and customers and the public at large. TAILORING ' , carried on ns usual. Haviug the latest New York fed,ions nnd Workmen, Customers may depend on bating iheir work done in the best maimer and most fashionable style, with neatrjts.s and despatch. tV» return our thunks for past l'nvqrs, and solicit the patronage of the public for. the future. X. B. On Huud, 200 pieces of PAPER HANG INGS of different patterns, which will be sold low, Old Delis must be paid. dec 5 TO CARPENTERS. &JEALED proposals will be received, until the first- K7 alay of February, for building a MEETING HOME, in the town of Mucon—forty feet square, and Proportioned for Galleries. Further particulars may be obtained by application to MOSES MATTHEWS TARPLEY IIOLT THOMAS GARDNER .ion 0 11 Building - Committee. TO RENT. Fractions, Ferries, Reserves and Bridges. W ILL be rented, for tbo present year, to the highest bidder, on THURSDAY, the first day of next February, atKinnard's Ferry, on the Cliattahoochie, the Improvements on the Reserve at that place; likewise, at the same time and place, all thr Ferries and Improved Fractious on the Chulta- Wclne, in die Comities of Troup, Muscogee anil Lee, "ith the Bridges nt Lot’s and Calfrey’s on the Fede ral Hoad. And, on MONDAY, the fifth of February, ot the Gld Agency on Flint River, tire Reserve nt that P ace, consisting of four or five hundred acres of ‘Wired land, and a valuahie Ferry. The farm to lie divided to suit those who wish to rent. At the same time and place, all the Ferries, Ilo verves, ami Improved Fractions on Flint River in t|io counties, with the Bridges on l’atsaliga and bite Water on the Federal Road, terms—Credit until Christmas next,—notes with approved security. MANSFIELD TORRANCE. Commissioner for renting Deserves, Sfe.“ N. B. Persona wishing to tent, whoure strangers «> Hie subscriber, will do ■ well to bring satisfactory P r 9«t of the goodness of their security. M. T. janO ii CLINTON ACADEMY. J! , ‘"'iscriliers, graduates of Amherst and Cam- ,7* “‘|0ge Colleges, have engaged with the Trus- j s ,Ms institution, to' open a School in the Aca demy tuildiag, on the first Monday in January next. Z?: nl ! Ils Ptuctirablu, the services of a I^dy, quuli- ' ! ,0 mstruct in thfi higher branches of female edu- he engaged. O'* course of instruction and prices of tuition will m follow— „ e r Quarter. «'adiiig and Spelling $5 00 •-“Khsh Grammar, Arithmetic, Geo- „,Papy and Writing ...... $0 00 Lwic, Chronology, His- J“ r y, Book-Keeping, and Geogra- ..J 1 ,}!'" dh the use of the Globes, - - $7 50 . iatlie m a p lcS| i\-, ltura i Bn «j Mental rlnlosophy, Latin uml Greek Lm- Rddfies, together with Composi- ./''"‘"n-ISlieaking, ...... $8 00 ^ ra ' Vlu g* Fuiuting and Music, • |12 00 ru can be procured on reasonable terms. M ~ Ucv - 8 - n - Howe, and C. VV. Rock- Titk’i V ' av “? , ' a h—Edward Tracy, esq. Macon—or the trustees ol the Academy. * C. B. ELLtOTT. , JOSEPH GOFFE. canton, Jones County, Q a . December 10—|t-B A LIST OF ACTS Passed by the Legislature at their annual ses sion in 182G. To establish an additional electoral district in the county of Columbin. To regulate the intercourse between the Banks of the State and other institutions and Brokers. To create a new Brigade in the Fifth Divi sion of Georgia Militia, and to attach tho same to the Filth Division. For the better organization of the Mayor’s Court in the city of Augusta, and to change its name. To amend an act incorporating Henry coun ty Academy. To authorize Justices of the Inferior court of Lowndes county to lay off said county in militia districts. To amond the act incorporating D.eKalb county Academy. To alter and amend tho Bond Laws of Glvnn county. To change tho name of James A. Jarrcl to that of James A. Sweat. To incorporate the Brunswick Canal Com pany. To authorize commissioners to sell and dis pose of the lumber and site for the new court house at Wiley Robson’s, in Wayne county To alter the name of Solomon Jones to that of Solomon Howell. To repeal an act, 1823, so far as respects the county of Early. To incorporate the Roman Catholic Church of the Purification, at Locust Grove in War ren county. To incorporate the Baptist Church at Wil liams’s creek in Warren county. To sejl and dispose of Fraction No. two hundred and forty-one, in the fifth district of Monroe county. To amend the act incorporating tho Bank of Darien. To give further.time to purchasers of Frac tions, Lots or Islands at the lute sales of the Fractions, to pay for their lands. To authorize certain persons therein named to plead and practice in the several courts of law and equity in this state, under certain conditions. To amend the act passed in 1825, to organ ize the counties of Thomas and Lowndes, so far as respects tho holding of courts and c lections at the house of Levi Hall. To amend the road laws of this State. To amend an act for the better protection and security of orphans "and their estates, pass ed in 1799. To amend the act prescribing the mode of manumitting Slaves in this State, and also to prevent the inveigling and illegal carrying out of the State persons of color. To legitimate William Rose, formerly Wil liam Flority, and to make him the legal repre sentative of Thomas G. Rose, of Upson coun ty. To amend the act passed in 1810, so far as relates to the separate elections heretofore held at the house of Samuel Armstrong, in the county of Henry. For the relief of Benjamin T. and Talbot S. Rees, of Columbia county. For’tho rcliof of the heirs of William Bart con, deceased. ’ To incorporate the Flat Shoal Academy in Jones comity. To repeal the act laying of the State into Congressional Districts. To amend tho act of appointing Vendue Masters for the city of Augusta, passed in 1819- To raise a tax for the support of the Gov ernment for the year 1827- To define tho liability of securities on ap peal on stay of execution, and for the protec tion of bail on recognizance, boud, note, or o- thcr contract. To appropriate money to improve the navi gation of tho Savannah river. To amend the act passed in Juno, 1825, to dispose of and distribute tho* lands lately ac quired by tiio United States for the use of Georgia. To amend an act passed in 1824; laying, off Emanuel and Tattnall counties into election districts, so far as respects’ Emanuel. To incorporate tho St. Andrew’s Society in the city of Augusta. To establish and regulato district elections in the county of Wilkes. To authorize jho Justices of the Inferior court of Gwinnutt county to remit a forfeiture iucurred by Samuel Ellison. To divorce Patsey and Elias Crocket To ulter the time of holding the Superior court in the county of Columbia, and tho win ter session of the Inferior court, and for other To establish and regulate an additional e- lection district in tho county of Liberty. To amend the road law in reference to the li ability of commissioners, and for other pur poses, so far as respects the county, of Elbert. To divorce Ilmmati and Sherwood Norman. To divorce John Smith and Sarah, his wife. To authorize the Justices of the Inferior court of Franklin county to levy an extra, tax for tho purpose of building a court-house. For the relief of James CartlcdgOj tax-col- lecior of Columbia county. To Divorce Mary Gorham and Thomas Gorham, her husband. To explain and amend an act passed in 1825, forming Taliaferro county. . Tp incorporate the Oak Grove Academy in the county of Morgan. To incorporate the Corinth Academy In Baldwin county. . To authorize certain Commissioners to es tablish a Lottery to raise two thousand five hundred dollars for tho purpose of aiding the funds of Eutonton Academy. To legitimate and change the ntmc of Alox- andet Meads to that of Alexander Harrington. Authorizing Commissioners to raise by lot tery, a fund for the erection of Monuments to the memory of Greene and Pulaski, in tite ci ty of Savannah. To repeal the third section of in act, passed in 1819, so far as relates to the times of holding the Superior courts for the Middle Circuit, and to alter the laws on the subject of drawing and arranging Grand and Petit Jurors, so far as relates to the county of Richmond. To pardon Hugh Gallaher. To divorce Auna and James Moon. To change the name of John Bcllah to that of John M'Daniel. To change the time of holding the Inferior courts in the county of Telfair. To amend the act appointing commissioners for ascertaining the boundaries of the towns and commons of Brunswick and Frcdcrica, in the county of Glynn, passed in 1796. To change the names of certain persons therein mentioned, and to legitimate the same. To extend tite time for fortunate drawers in the land lotteries of 1813, 1819, and 1821, to take out their grants, and reduce the present price on lottery grants. To pardon Levi White. To incorporate Towoliga Academy in Mon- roc connty. To authorize and empower Jonathan Phil lips of Pike county, to establish a ferry across Flint river. To continue in force the act in relation to vacant land, and land surveyed on head rights and bounty warrants, passed in 1825. For tho relief of Henry T. and Sarah Hall. To make it tho. duty of the next tax-collector, and tho receiver of tax-returns for Lowndes county, to rcceivo the tax returns and collect the same of citizens of said county, whose tax are due the State prior to the year 1825. To preserve tho timber in the vicinity of the town 1 of Macon, for the preservation of the health of the inhabitants thereof. To incorporate the town of Crawfordville, in Taliaferro county. To divorce Elizabeth and Elisha Palmer. Pointing out the mode of compelling the at torney general and the solicitors general of this State, to pay over moneys collected by them for die State. Assenting to and confirming a purchase made by tho United Siatos of a piece of land situat ed near Augusta, Georgia, and ceding juris diction over the same. purposes. To repeal the act passed in 1824, further defining the duties of tax-collectors in this State. To incorporate the Jefferson Academy in the county of Newton, and appoint trustees-for the same. To appropriate money to reimburse C. R Parker for taking tho Portriats of .Washing ton, Franklin, Jetferson, La Fayette and O glcthorpc. T.o authorize a Lottery for the benefit of YVrightsboro’ Academy in Columbia county: To incorporate Monaghan Academy in War ren county, and Brockman United Academy in Grqcne county, and to appoint trustees for said academics. To incorporate Arthur Academy in Ogle thorpe county. Amendatory of an act organizing tho coun ties of Thomas and Lowndes. To amend the acts distributing the Bank Dividends and other nett proceeds of the poor school fund amongst tho different counties of this State, so far as relates to tho county of Franklin. . , , To authorize and direct a further sale of lots in the town of Macon, and to enlarge the ^commons of the same. To amend the fourteenth section of an act passed 24tli November, 1818, to protect the es tates of orphans, and make peraianont provi sions for the poor, so far as respects the coun ties of Burke and Elbert. To consolidate the Academical and Poor School Fund set apart for Decatur connty. • For the division of Upson county into e- lcction districts, and to establish an additional election district in It ibun county. To add a part of the county of Lowndes to the county of Thomas. To incorporate the Savannah, Ogochee and Al’--in-ilia Canal Company. To change and define tho compensation of Secretary of State, Treasurer, Surveyor Gen eral, and Comptroller General, and to give to each officer a permanent salary. Toautliorize Elijah Phillips to erect a bridge or ferry over the Towoliga river, in Monroo county, on his own land, and to establish the toll-rates.- To dispose of the land lying in the twelfth and thirteenth districts of YVare, formerly Ap pling county. To alter and fix the times of holding the Su perior Court in a part of the Southern Circuit, and to alter tho time of holding the Superior Courts in the Flint Circuit. To regulato the trading of Merchants, Shop keepers and others, so far as regards the coun ty of Liberty, and to punish those who may attempt to defeat tho same. To authorize a Lottery for tho purpose of raising the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, to bo appropriated to the building of a Masonic Hall in tite town of Milledgo ville. . To authorize the Church wardens .and ves trymen of the Episcopal Church in Autrusta, called St. Paul’s Church, to sell a part of the lot conveyed to the ’Protestant Episcopal Church in the city of Augusta. To add a part of the county of Washington to tho countv of Baldwin. To lay off, define, and keep open the main channel of Flint and Chatnhoochic rivors, so far as to peevent the obstruction of the passage ol boats and fish, and to appoint Commission ers for tho same, and ( also to appoint ono Com missioner for the OcWlgeo river. To incorporate the Unitarian Society in Au gusta, Georgia. To provide for the improvement of the navi gation of certain water courses therein expressed. To establish a ferry across Flint river on Fraction No. one hundred and seventy-eight, in the fifth district in the county of Dooly, and to vest tho right of said ferry in William Lam- kin. To legitimate and change the name of Ma ria Elizabeth Breton to that of Maria Elizabeth Humphrey. * .. To repeal an act to exempt from road duty, on cortain conditions, all male slaves on the isl and of St. Catherine. For the relief of Levi Reynolds. To authorize a Lotterv for the benofitof the To appoint trustees for the Poor Scliotrf Fund for the county of Tattnall, &c. \ To authorize the Commissioners appoint- .Poor in the county of Burke, ed to lay off the town of Macon, to lay off and _ To lay off and add a part of set apart a suitable piece of ground, in lieu of ono set apart by said commissioners, for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church in said town. * » ^ To prevent the testimony of Indians being received in courts of justice. For the division of the county of Jefferson into election districts. To authorize certain commissioners to raise by lottery three thousand dollars for the use of DcKalb Academy, &c. For the relief of Alexander Ware? To amend tho several acts for die better re gulation and government of the town of Mil- ledgcville. To define the line between the counties of Newton and DcKuib, and to add a part of the former to the latter. To authorize entry upon the lands and cm closures of individuals, or of corporations, in Richmond county, and to take ilierefrom ma terials necessary for tho construction or rc- paiwof roads. For tho relief of Lewis Lynch of Putnam county, 'ft • ■ For tho relief of Mark Donald Clarke, of Bibb county. To chahgo the names of cortain persons therein mentioned. i To authorize the establishing of a lottory for the purpose of raising the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to bo appropriated to tho construction of a turnpike road from A- thens to Augusta. To change tho name of Levi Sattcrwbito to that of Leroy Driver, &c. To qmend the seventh section of the second article of the Cbnstitution of tiic Stato of Georgia. To divorce Riley and Mary Finley. To doiine the liability of endorsers of pro missory notes and other instruments, and place them upon the same footing with securities, To divorce Dennett and Cynthia Taylor. To make permanent the site of Jackson in tho county of Butts, and to incorporate the same. part or the county of Dooly, to the county of Pulaski. To divorce Joseph and Jtuio Drake. ' To extend tho time for District Surveyors to make their returns in the contemplated lot tery, and to 1 authorize the governor to fill all vacancies in certain cases.’ To incorporate Louiccra Academy in Bald win county. To authorizo and ompower tho trustees or commissioners of tlio Columbia County Aca demy to sell certain real estate belonging to said institution. To repeal an act to regulate tho town of Lexington, passed in 1806, and other acti a- mendatory of, and concerning the same. To divorce Susannah and Elijah Melson. To autlmrizo certain persons to plead and practice law in this State. To divorco John and Mary Ray. To extond temporary relief to purchasers of the State’s interest in the lots of land in tho counties of Bibb, Houston, Crawford, Monroe, Pike, Fayette, Henry, DeKulb, Newton <gid Butts. Further to amend tho act incorporating tho Bank of tho State of Georgia, passed in 1815. To regulate tho Battalion and General Mus ters of the county of liberty. To repoal an act passed in 1824, Laying off Emanuel and Tattnall into election districts, so far as respects tho county of Tattnall. To repeal in part the twelfth section of tho act passed in July, 1825, disposing of and dis tributing tho lands acquired of the Creek In- diuns. To appoint trustees of the Poor School Fund for the county of Lowndes, &c. To spU Fraction No. two hundred and forg one, of the fifth district of Monroe county. To establish tho name of tbo Fcmalo Aca* demy in tho countv of Elbert, and to incorpo rate the trustees thereof. To repeal an act to lay off the county of Doo- lv into election districts, aud also to make per manent the site of the public buildings in said from the Creek Indians. ' To fix tho timo ot holding the Inferior court of the county of Lowndes, and to appoint two additional Commissioners to assist in fixing thopublic site for the same. To change the time of holding tho Inferior court in the county of Butts. To incorporate Crawfordville Academy, and to appoint trustees fur tho same. To require the present tax-collector of the connty of Baker, to collect the tax due from tho citizens of said county for the year 1825. To alier the mode of filling vacancies of sheriffs, .clerks of the Superior and Inferior courts, and tax collectors, and to provide for filling tho vacancies of receiver of tax returns. To amend tho sixth section of an' act to dis tribute the Bank Dividend and other nett pro ceeds of the Poor School Fund, among tho different counties of this State, passed in 1823, and also to amend the act distributing certain funds for the use of tho several Academies in this State, pa.-sed 1822. To amend the Penal Code of the State, so far as relates to costs on indictments. To divorce Marian and George W. Desha. To establish Free Schools in the county of Gwinnett. To incorporate the Washington Academy in tho county of Bibb. To amend the several acts incorporating the town of St. Mary’s. To amend an act to sell and dispose of the State’s interest in lots of Land which have been, or may hereafter be, condemned as frau dulently drawn in the counties of Bibb, Hous ton and others. To establish and regulate district elections in tho county of Jones. To appoint trustees for tho Poor School fund in the county of YVare. / To define tho mode of proving accounts due tho Penitentiary. To incorporate the Constitutional Hall Aca demy in the county of Jasper. To legitimate and change the names of con tain persons therein named. To divorce Qordy D. andThency Stokes.^ To incorporate Lake Academy in the cou^. ty of Bibb. To establish an election dlftrict in the coun ty of YY’nrren. To incorporate the Presbyterian, Episcopa lian and Baptist Churches, in tho town of Ma con. To rent cortain reserves and improvements in tho late acquired territory. .To amend ag act passed in 1818, amending tho road laws of this S'ate, so far as respects Franklin, Hall, Lincoln, Columbia and YVilkcs. Supplementary to an explanatory act passed the present session, amendatory of an act pass ed in 1825, to distribute the lands lately acquir ed of the Indians. To arnumi the Judiciary act of 1799, so far as relates to mortgages on real estate. For the rcliof of Ethan Melton. For the relief of Sally YVoodson, Matthew aud Polly Ann Higginbotham. To alter the times of holding the Superior Courts in the Middlo and Northern Circuits, so far as respects the counties of Montgomery and Taliaferro. ‘ * To incorporate Butts Cpunty Academy. *o admit certain deeds to record, and to au thorize tlic'saino, or copies to bo read in evi dence, Sic. To repeal tho act creating a Board of Pub lic YVorks, and also tho act laying out a Cen tral Canal or Railway through tho State. To add tho Rcservo at the Old Agency on the east side of Flint river, to the county of Crawford. For tho relief of John and Floyd Stewart, and John S. Penn, of Oglethorpe. To make permanent the site of the public buildings in the County of Early, and to name the same. To make permanent tho site of the public buildings at Thonnsville, in Thomas county, to name tho same, &c. To extend the charter of the Bank of Augus ta, and to authorize an increase of tho capital. For the relief of Joseph Durrency of Tatt nall. 1 ts add that part of the fitnds heretofore set apart for the support of County Academic?, to tho Poor School Fond, so far as respects thu county of Rabun, . To incorporate the Franklin Academy in Upson county, and appoint trustees for tkp same. -r To appoint trustees of tho Poor School fund for Appling county, and to repeal the third section of tho act relative to the proceeds sot apart for tho County Academies, so far as re spects the counties of Chatham, Irwin,, Telfair and YVare. To amend tho act rclalive to feme CoverU. To amend tho soveral acts now ft force to prevont encroachments on tho river Savannah, within tho jurisdiction and limits of tho city.of Savannah, and to regulato thq pilotago of ves sels to and fronulw soveral pdrta of this S.tate. To add the Academy Fund to which tho county of Baker is entitled, to the, poor School Fund of said county, &c. -\- To legalize tho marriago contract entei^ into between Buckner Bass end Anna Doz!? cr, &c. To authorize the trustees of Sparta Acadc- mv, in Hancock, to raise by lottory the sum of fivo thousand dollars for the benefit of said academy, • To appoint trustees for tho Poor S' Fund for the county of Houston, &c. To vest in Jinny Poindexter and her legal representatives, a distributive share of the cs; tate of her. father. To amend tho act to protect the estates of Orphans, and to make permanent provision county, and to name the same. To organize the territory lately acqvuicd lfar the Foot,-passed ial8I0,