Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, April 23, 1827, Image 4

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3*?*?** ggfl MINSTREL. From theSew Hampshire Spectator. THE HALLOWED HOUR. The Sabbath, like Time's angel, smiles, Ami luisli’d is earthly care; And Labour now may cease Ills toils, And tread the courts of prayer, No sound in festive hall is heard, Nor song in lady’s bower; reace, and her sister Silence guard— Sure! 'lis, the hallowed hour. Hallowed, hut not if idle dreams Still lull the slumbering thought, Let heaven unveil its radiant beams. The closed eve heeds them not; Or opened, dost thou grasp but earth, Its glory, gold and power, Its bowers of love and hanuts of mirth— Thou hast no hallowed hour. There's nought can hallow time but when « 'Tis hallowed in the breast; Thou'rt blest—but thou must feel e'en then That heaven hath made thee blest, Or say, though grief’s deep floods rush on. And clouds of sorrow lower, "O, God! thy will, not mine, be done,”— Then is the hallowed hour. CORNELIA. From the Edinburgh Annual Register. HOW D’YE DO AND GOOD-BYE. One day Good bye met How d'ye do, Too closo to shun saluting, But sosn the rival sisters flew from kissing to disputing. “Away.” says How d’ye do, “your mein Appals my cheerful.nntnre; No imtne sosadas yonr’sis seen In sorrows nomenclature. "Where'er I give one sunshine hour, Your Cloud comes in to shade it; Where’er I plant one bosom's flower, Your mildew drops do fade it. “Ere How d’ye do has tuned hit toilette, To “Hope’s delighted measure,*' Good-bye In Friendship's car has rung The knell of partiog pleasure! “From sorrows, past my chemic skill Draws smiles of consolation; While you, from present joys, distil The tears of separation.” Good-bye replied, “Your statement’s true, And well your cause You’ve pleaded, But pray who’d think of How d’ye do, Unless Good-bye precededl “Without my prior influence. Could your*s have ever flourish'd; And can your hand one flower dispense, Hut those my tears have nourished! “How oft—if at the court of Love Concealment is the fashion— When How d’ye do has failed to move, Good-bye reveals the passion? “How oft. when Cupid's fires decline,— As every heart remembers,— One sieii of mine, and only mine, Revives the dying embers. “Go, bid the" timid lover choose, •• Andl'll resign my charter. If he for ten kind How d’ye do's, . , One kind Good-bye would barter! “From Love and Friendship’s kindred source, We both derive existence; And they would both lose half their force, Without our joint assistance. •“Tis well the world our merit knows, Since time, there’s no denying, One half in How d'ye doing goes, And t’other in Good-byeing. FLUKER & COLLINS H AVE removed their DRUG STORE to OM Of the tenements in McDonald’s building, on Mul berry street, where they will keep constantly on hand, A General Assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, P A, NTS, Surgeons’ Instruments, Glass ll are, Dye Stuffs, o-c. &c. AU of which will he sold on accommodating 10—jan 2 A VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY, The Subscriber’s LOT and IMPROVE MENTS on Walnut street, between the two principal Cotton Ware Houses, an eligible stand for business. The Im- . ,|, pmvements consist of a substantial two story House, the lower part fitted up as a dry goods and grocery Store; the upper part divided into four large Rooms with a Balcony, as a dwelling bouse; at tached are a comfortable Kitchen, Negro Room*. Sta bles, Chair House, Ac.—For terms, which will be made easy to a good purchaser, apply on the premis- * cit0 C. & A. M'GREGOR. march 26 --22 5t NEGROES. ygtllE following likely NEGROES will be sold a A licaltfiy WOMAN, who Isa good cook, washer, | spinner ana weaver, with her daughter, a fine Glut/, MACON HOTEL. SHERIFF’S SAlt On thofirst Tuesday inBIAYnea MLL be sold at the Courthouse in the tnl. _ . Maedonough, Henri) County, within the ili hours of sale, the following Property, to wit- 112 1-2 acre* of LAND, being the, part of Lot No. 42, in the 12th district 1 spinner and weaver, wuo neraougmer, a uuk u»u», about seven years of age. A smart HOUSE GIRL, about fourteen years of An active BOY, about ten yearn of age. Apply to I march 26—22 5t C. & A. M’GREGOB. age. TO THE PUBLIC. I N ROM and after Tuesday next, the packet steam 1 boat George Washington, captain Dubois, will Heave Savannah every Friday, at four o'clock, P.M. and Augusta ever} - Tuesday at nine o’clock, A. M. It is believed that this arrangement will be continued till the first of Septemlier or October next; but in the event of any change, the piddle will receive due no il,ce. MICHAEL BROWN. Sitrannah, April 3.1827. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. I yiTlIIE Marine and Fire Insurance Bank of the State AL </ Georgia will effect Insurance upon, Dwelling Houses. Ware Houses, and Buildings in general, Mer chandize, Household Furniture, Ships in port and their Cargoes.—against loss or damage by Inland Navigation in any part of Georgia and Marine risks generally. ’ • Terms of Insurance will be favorable and all claims liberally and promptly adjusted. [ Persons residing in the country can have Insurance effected by addressing the President or Cashier and giving a description of the property to bo insured. | JOSEPH GUMMING, President. William W. Bakeb, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Hcsckiah Lord, George Hall, J. P. Henry, Elias Bliss, Charles IV.Roektecll, Charles A. Higgins. April 9 24 The subscriber having taken the above Establishment, recently occupied by R. Coleman, Esq. and made considerable improvements therein, is now prepared to accommodate BOAR DERS and TRAVELLERS, in the most genteel and comfortable manner. His accom modations are extensive, and no pains will be spared to give satisfactionqIj^y'bIIUEN Macon, December 12, 1826. JLAJ^ol FJBTTJS HoALsLs. MACON, CfA. H AVING taken the ESTABLISHMENT lately occupied by JOEL RUSHIN, Esq. the subscriber is now making several IMPROVEMENTS to add to its NEATNESS and CONVENIENCE, which he trusts will render it in every respect agreeable to BOARD ERS and TRAVELLERS. His ACCOMMODATIONS are EXTENSIVE, and no pains will be spared to make his HOUSE desirable to his customers. JOSIAH ROGERS. March 19, 1827. 5t 21 iflactlonough Malt. T his La TAPE convenience i ... DERS. The Business will be under the entire direction of Mr. Varner, from whom every at tention maybe relied upon to make comfortable those who patronise the above Establishment. Families will be accommodated with separate rooms if necessary. Bates as common. HENDLEY VARNER Maedonough. Henry County, Jan. 24,1827. ... WILLIAM HARDIN. ’ FACTORAGE. THE subicriiiers continue to trans act FACTORAGE and COUMI8- (SION BUSINESS in SAVANNAH. I All produce consigned to them, will be ■insured against fire, after it goes into I store, without any charge to the owner. Storage on I Cotton will be eight and a half cents per bale for the first week, nnd six cents for oach succeeding week; hut if it remains o month, twenty-live cents only will be charged for the month, and twelve and a hulf cents for each succeeding month. . 1 T. BUTLER & CO, november 1 ■■■ eotf——1 “ American Restrictions." Under this head we Gnd the following article in the Glasgow Courier, of late date: “Amongst the other important questions which form the subject of negociution between the British Government and the American Ambassador, Mr. Gal latin now in London, the question regarding the trade which the United States carry on with India will stand in the first rank. The treaty between the two coun tries regulating St expires next year, nnd it remuins to be scentf the United States will he allowed to retain the same privileges which they now enjoy, without an equivalent in return. At present American ships en joy greater privileges in that trade than even British ships, direct from Great Britain^ COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE subscribers having-formed a .connexion in the COMMISSION LINE, will attend to all business addressed to either of them, hereaf ter, underthc firm of Him. &, Stone, PARIS HILL. J.&8. STONE. Savannah, October 30, 1826 ■ 2 JACKSOJV HOTEL, SQ®H l 3EMm!»a»<©a <B&« many < on terms as accommodating ns at extensive and complete, and his F, tny genteel ARE the I 1 Public best the town ot AIUNT1CELLO, belonging to Colonel War and is now prepared to keep ENTERTAINMENT House in the State. His ARRANGEMENTS are ountry can afford, N. U. LANDS bought, sold, and exchanged as usual. Correct MAPS of the last as well as of the pre vious PURCHASES, may be seen at his bouse, and information on the subject of Lands afforded gratis. . BENJAMIN JORDAN. Monticcllo, Jasper County, February 7, 1827.—15 “STAR OF THE SOUTH." ^SUBSCRIPTIONS to the above religious . CT will be received at this office, and forwarded to Hie editor, Mr. Smith, at Millndgeville. Several num bers of the work may be seen os above. Terms $1 50 per annum. 24 npril 0 . it being t to bring as something in re-1 cGraeYany'thrng for such insurance. By this ar“- We are surprised that our I raugement, should every bole of .Cotton they may le Interests are not making h ave in their possession, be destroyed by fire, it will Jo learn be promptly paid for at the current price of the day jectsjare | the accident should happen. August a, August 29 Ten DoUavs Reward. RAN AWAY E ROM thq subscriber, living in Forsyth, Monroe County, on the 25th of Fcbruar A NEGRO GIR1 M'KINNE % CO. HAVING recommenced the FAC TORAGE and COMMISSION BU SINESS in the City of Angusta, re spectfully tender their services to the —- public as GUttral Commission Merchants. Their charges are governed by the present low . . , prices of Cotton. Instead of 25 cents for the first . , - j .... The amount ot the month’s storage, they wUI ask 12 1-2 cents, and for trade of the United State with India, imports and ex- •clling 25 cents per bale, being one half of the present jK>rts,» at presont about £2,600.000 annually, exclu- prices charged at the other Warehouses in this place, awe of Irelgbts and cargoes. Surely this is • trade A n Cotton they may reeeive wiilbe fully Insured A* , worth Poking after by this country, nnd against losses by fire, without the owners of which if given away, ought to bring «s something in re- * ~ turn in another quarter, W shipping and our mercantile some inquiries about the subject, in order what is going on, and what-the views and objects both of the British and American Governments. The (J. States .will not allow ashlp belonging to this Country, we mean the Mother Country, to take in a cargo in cargo in the United Slates lu order to carryittoany of pur North American Colonies; and why should we allow ships from and belonging to the United States to take in a cargo in the river Thames, or at uny other British Ports, to proceed with the same direct to any port in Hindostan, and to any port in the eastern world I by the name of Amanda, supposed to be 18 or 19 within the limits of the Fast India Conpany’s Charter; I years of age, was raised in South Carolina, is of com- a privilege which bouafide British ships are not permit- mon size, open, pleasant countenance, large breasts, ted to enjoy!” 1 on one of which there is a scar, occasioned by a bite. . ■ 1 She bad.on when she went away, a striped calico Extract of a letter from Bennington, Vermont, dated I frock, and a black silk apron. It is probable that some December 25. I white person has given her a pass. She will proba- ‘.‘A vory odd event happened lately in our I bly aim for Augusta. , . neighborhood, viz:—Mr. Zcbulon Stanhope, a .Any person delivering said GW to me. In Forsyth, ,_;i„« nn.twJ. V„ 1 shall receive tho above reward, or five dollars if lod- farmer, living abou five nules northeast by Ua in'any Jail In this state, north of this township, having trained a couple |- 0 ma rch 5—19 A. COCHRAN, of large bears to the plough and other services, CAUTION clapped them before his sled last week, with «XL persons ak cautioned aaiinst trading for, twenty slnpples of wheat for tho New City.— 1 negotiating a certain Fromm The animals drew extremely well for four Joseph Tiller to Sarah Fisher, both i bcugmas way, tho farmer-ot .bout repair. ot kaKtoSK ing it; but whilst he wns thus employed, the and i 05l by or stolen from David Addison, in Macon, inhuman beast seizing him by the right leg, some time last fall. miserably, and both hauling at once, runaway april 16 25 3t SARAH FISHER, with tho slcd, so that with the utmost difiicul- GEORGIA—Pike County. ty, ho got home in four hours on foot. Clbrb or Inferior Court’s Office. ^‘‘Mcssengersweredispatched<o look for the| E, , her bind feet fetlock joints. Appraised to thirty- riage near the iioitse was heard, and young 1 five dollars, by James Crawley and Thomas G. Phil- Gnd Stanhope, jumped up to aee who was 1 tip*. this 2d d»y °f Aprti, 1827. coming; when—Behold! to his great astonish-] **. G. JOHNSON, Clerk. xnent, it proved to bo the bears drawing the °P r “ 16 sled into the barn, with no earthly thing it NOTICE. except four large bears and three cubs. The A LL persons having legal demands against the tdw* tiumSELT with my gun, shot them all through a crevice." | f«b 21—Ct—17 ' LOS 1\ B ETWEEN Forsyth and Zebulon on the 6th in stant, a Calf-skin POCKET BOOK, contain ing one note' of hand given by Springer Gibson to Hannah Wynn, and endorsed by Lewis Wynn to C. I. Atkins, for six hundred dollars, dated (to the best of our recollection) sometime in November or De cember, 1824, and due the 25th of December last—al so about thirty or forty dollar* in North Carolina and Macon money, besides other papers serviceable only to the owntrs. Any person finding said Pocket Book shall be liberally rewarded by leaving it at the sub scribers’ store in Forsyth. Alf persons are forewarn ed from trading for said note, and the maker of the note is forewarned from paying It to any person, ex cepting to the subscribers. J. & I. WINSHIP. epritO—3t 24 GEORGIA—HOUSTON COUNTY. S Clerk's Office of the Inferior Court. I LAS LIZENBY, of Captain Wood's district, tolls before Matthew Sikes, Esq. a dark Roan Horse, four feet seven or eigbt inches 9 Wli PAPERS 3IISSING. L OST or mislaid, one Note of hand on S. M. In- I gcrsoll, for $18 and some cents, given Decem ber 1825, and due first of January last, on which was a small credit. Also, two Bmail Executions on Wm. J. VereB, ob tained at a Justice’s court in Crawford county. All persons are cautioned from trading for the n- bove. Liberal compensation will be made on deliv ering them to the subscriber i_ Macon, april 9 24 JOSEPH SHAW. JpiROM this place, about the 10th of February A NEGRO WOMAN, by the name of Harriet, about 30 years of age, low stature, chunky built, and black complexion. She was raised by a person of the name of Miner, Millcdgevllle. land, and latel. lurking about ten years old, lour leei seven or e high, nearly blind. Appraised by Perry and Jesso Dupree to twenty dollars—tb: cember, 1826. JOSHUA PATTI i old, four r blind. ' cember, 1826. jan 17 imberly Is 18th De- PATTISIIALL, Clerk of the Inferior Court. GEORGIA—PIKE COUNTY. Clerk bf Inferior Court's Office. C1EABORN B. GRAY, of Capt. Weaver’s district, CT tolls before Neil Urquhart, esq. a cream colored Indian HORSE, a few saddle spots, his right hind foot white, four feet six Indies high, six or seven years old —appraisedto forty-two dollars and fifty cents, by Wil liam Germany and Britain Alford, this 20th day of January, 182f. H. G. JOHNSON, Clefk. LITERARY NOTICE. CfflRHE KNOXVILLE ACADEMY, Crauford Court- <11 ty, went Into operation on the 2d of January, 1827. The Trustees oeg leave to inform the public, that a great change has already taken place in this village, both in die morals and philanthropic views of ib inhabltanb. Morality, the noblest ornament and most permanent fabric of society; and piety, the source of the sweetest and sublimcst pleasures, now reside in our village. The gentleman whom we have employed as Rector of our Academy, Mr. Wu. H. Burch, has come most cordially recommended, by the Trustees of the Germanton Academy, North Car. ollna, os their former teacher. Under the Instruction of this gentleman, students will be prepared lojoin any College that parenb o* guardians may select. We flatter ourselves, that, from the salubrity of this situation, the excellence of ib water, and the evinced reputation of our presebt Rector, tho institution will receive a general patronage. Geography, English Grammar, and other sciences will be taught at $5 per quarter. The Latin and Greek at $C per quarter. Parenb and guardians may rest assured, that the most diligent attention will be taken to advance the studenb both in morals and literature. Boarding can be obtained at a very reduced price in the village. EDWARD BARKER, ) WM. LOCKHART, } Trustees. C. M. ROBERTS, J feb 27—18 Gt by a person of the namo ot Miner, near lie. Was formerly owned by Redden Rut- lately by Ralston & Jones, of whom I pur chased her.^ It is probable she is lurking about this A liberal, reward will be paid on delivering said Negro to the subscriber in Macon, or confiningher in any jail so that I can get her. PETER LAQUEUX. IT The editor of the Georgia Patriot is requested to give tbo above four or five insertions, and forward hie bill to the Telegraph office for payment. april9 J 24 FOR SALE A valuable TRACT of LAND in the fttgSlBBa County of Bibb, six miles from Macon on tho Federal Road, a good stand for t house of entertainment, and a healthy and iinV i beautiful situation, with- a never failing spring. On the premises arc between forty and fifty acres in cultivation, well fenced, and several cabins. The tract contains 1521-2 acres. This plantation con Ma- Macon, he got very low, by applying early, for terms, to Jor J. P. Booth, or Major Thomas Napier of Ma N. B. AU pciyops are forewarned from cutting tim ber on said premises, (fourth district, No. 73) under the penalty of the law. dec 5 O’ LOST, the Federal Road, between the house _ Collin H. Ezell, Stand, at the Uc a large calf-skin one hundred and eighty- several Promissory Notes.. One made by George B. Whitfield, for one ditto on John R. Taylor, for forty dollars; one ditto on James Cargltc, and two ditto on Stanford & Lloyd, amounts not recollected; besides several small notes, mado promissory note thirty-five dollars; . » any one but the owner. Whoever will return said Pocket Book to the subscriber resid ing at Knozvllle, Crawford county, or give any infor mation respecting it, shall be handsomely rewarded • M HIRAM WARNER, april 2—23 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. P lURSUANTtoan order of the Court of Ordinary of Piko County, will he sold, on the first Tues- day in June next, at the Court house in Pike county, Lot No. 40, in the 14th District formerly Henry, >w Do Kalb county, as the property of Elisabeth Westmoreland, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs, R. WESTMORELAND, Aim'r. Much 19-*.—21 — -l e nrycm» jeing the State’s interest in said Lot, whichVS: demned as having been fraudulently drawn, s.n take place at 12 o’clock. Terms— One fourth in advance; the balance iaU annual instalments. *" THOMAS PATE, april 2 Deputy Sheriff, JfenrvtW I TOT THE PUBLIC. W 8 " dSh ly occupied by Mr. A. 12. Stratton, i STOCK of GOODS. now offer them on as liberal terms as they eanbu at any store in the County. The former custonlaj Mr. Stratton, and the public generally, are mod J pectfully solicited to call, with this assurance, exertions on our part shall be wanting to render |U every satisfaction. A good snpply of GROCERIES will be kept, stantly on hana. Additions to the present storV daily expected. Liberal Discounts will always be made on slip chases for Cotton or Cash. TAYLOR, MURDOCK & CO Hillsborough, Jasper County, Jan. 1,1827. 1 MW. tfi IjIIE subscriber continues the Practice ofUv J <LL this place. In addition to the Counties inwUj he has heretofore practiced, he will attend the SiT nor Courts in the Counties of Lee,' Muscogee, | H and Coweta. jan 2 }tf . JOHN P. BOOTH, 1 MERCHANTS HO! AND AUGUSTA STAGE OFFICE, CHARLESTON, S. C. Corner of King and Society Streets, SION—RISING SUN, Immediately in the centre of the irholesalt Busina, I „ IT is considered, sufficient to add, fl tills well known establishment is still i jlfljir der the immediate direction of the ■ i.iBW scriber, who is ever grateful for the H, patronage lie hns received for fire vu during which he has been engaged in the business; i that he has engaged the personal ottentlo Christopher Miner,‘of Clinton, Georgia, v_. divided attention will be given to bis guests. The Angusta Stage Office will be kept at thee establishment, from the 1st January, 1827. Days ofdc pasture as usual,Tuesdays, Thursdays and StUuriimA 11 o'clock A. M. h H CHARLES H.11I0T. I nov 21 4m NOTICE. T HE firm heretofore existing between NER & WYNN, in Forsyth, Monroe; Ga. is this day dissolved by mutual consent, debts due the firm will be paid to the subscribers,* will continue tire business. J. REDDING &C51 March 29. 1827. 3 23. - \rapYo\etV Cotton Press. T HE subscribers having put into operation inti vicinity of Columbia, S. 0. an improved Press for Packing Cotton, offer to the public the building of PRESSES, otft privilege of building on their plan, on reasonable ta —With this Press, when in complete order, two p hands and oue boy can nark Irom 340 to lioOpooi of Cotton into four-ana a half yards of Barging, '* nine minutes; and after the bale is sewed anaconW can elevate the follower to its former positioa,iotln minutes, ready for the introduction of Cotton inloti peking box—and with a set of active hand], i bales per hour may be paeked with ease. This Press also presents other advantages—it ha ily put under cover, either in a Ginbouse or oodu j shed by it; it is not liable to be'impaired bydw.r screws ore, and may be used in any weather. JAMES BOATWRIGl I8AAC NATHANS. Columbia, S. C. March 8. GEORGIA—Pike County. Clerk op Inferior Court’s Omcr. W ILLIS WHATLY, of captain Coviagl district, tolls before Moses Smith, Esq. A SMALL BAY MAKE, about four feet nine inches high, a blemish in the I eye, a scar on herright shoulder, with a large lump a her back produced by the saddle, drooped rump, «r switch tall, with a fow scattering white spots on b back, supposed to be seven years old, and br»4 with a figure of 8 on tho left shoulder. Apprshn* fifty-five dollars, this IGth day of March, 1627. H. G. JOHNSON, april 2 3t Clerk of the Inferior Qw*- GEORGIA—Pike County, ■WW7HEREAS William V. White applies tasah vl letters of administration on the estate of eta* Hinson, senior, lata of Conecuh county, Altbami,«J These cere therefere to cite and admonish alle*t* - gularthc kindred and creditors of said deceased, f*k| and appear at my office, within the timepresmbt law, to shew cause, if any they can, why said letters» not be granted. . Given under my hand at office, this nineteenli «JI of March, 1827. 1 H. G. JOHNSON, april 2 6w Clerk of the Court of OrdisOF, AD MINIS TRA TOR'S SALE.. A GREEABLE to an order of the Inferior C°“| of Twiggs county, will be sold on the first day in 5IAY next, at the Courthouse in lie to* 1 , Marion, Twiggs County, between tlio usual Iw*"' A NEGRO WOMAN, f ,.a by the name of Amy. Sold as the property of ^1 ah Rogers, deceased, for the benefit of the nein*" creditors. Terms cosh. , , • fob 27 p JOHN NEAL, N NOTICE. INE months after date, application will h to the honorable the Inferior Court of'--. County, when sitting for Ordinary purpose*. to tell the Real Estate of Elijah .Curry, dtcei the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. .. 8HELMAN DURHAM, Guod^ jan 17 49m - GEORGIA—Upson County. B EFORE me, Joseph Sturgis,' s Peace for said county, personally came i*^| , who, after tering duly sworn, o?^ I J. Hudspeth deposeth am tain DUE I and saltb, that he was In |~ . £ BILL, given by Josiah Swain, for six dollars and nineteen cents, benringdateawjjy 7th of this instant, as near as deponent recoll«“'. to said deponent or order, which said Due IWi « or mislaid. THOMAS J. nVDSPEW Sworn to and subscribed before me, this February, 1827. ,05 *? H St ™° V fa 05=* All persons nro hereby cautioned r -g| trading for said Due Bill, as the same has M i j| over to the subscriber by the maker, this la 10 1 ^marclTw^mtp THOMAS HVDSPfJjjL BLANK ATTACHMENTS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE.