Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, May 07, 1827, Image 4

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11$ fSTscan THB MSNSTREZ.. FOR THl! TElEMUrll. TIIE PETTICOAT "Fall oft we’ve V nown that FovcnfoW-ftncc to fnil, TIioue!i .luff'd with hoop> and unneit with rib« of wanle.' POPE. All modest dome', in days of yore, The petticoat demurely wore. Nor craved oitr Inexpressibles. In nmple folds it graceful fell, Kis:-ing the shoe-tie of each Belle; Too long wo* deemed impossible. Fnrh beauteous form, closely veil’d, As wuniors’ iu their nrmour mail’d, Unconscious then of rivalry: Vet still their charm*, in simple guise, Show forth resplendent to the wise: Suelt, was the age of chivalry. Another age came tripping after Fantastic, gay, provoking langbtcr With rank indecency and song— To hide rotundity of form, That migh their honor’d lords alarm, In circling hoops they sail'd along. Female ingenuity most rare, hieing deformity with care, And with it reputation— Tiiis monstrous sluipe, ns if in sport, The petticoat made somewhat short, To the scandal of the nation. But now, though hoops nre laid aside, (Charming fair ones, do not eliide,) The fashion is not mended— For petticoats are still as short As they were worn in diaries’* Court, And with scantier folds suspended. In short, the petticoat and gown, The one cutup, the other down, leaves nothing now to fancy. The sluipe, the symmetry disclosed, Anil nature’s primeval form exposed To the eye's rude necromancy. This needless thrift of woman’s wear, Portends no good—Ve men, beware;— Tim muse hath seen a sample Oi female ambition tn invade Thy lordly’ empire with a stride Both masculine and ample. How shall I name the manner how Amazdns of undaunted brow Thy faiiiluinemnl throne usurp? Female delicacy cannot name, Nay inexpressible, without shame, ' But by Persian or rude Turk! Bachelors, carh, put on your gown, Von slippers too, without a frown, And your sticks lav up for witches; In single blessedness recline Ami cheer your hearts with generous wino— For, lo! Woman wears the hr s. RYNO. THE PARTING. 8V anvA.vr. With masts that in the fresh winds stoop, Fust flies the vessel o'er tho sea; But on the shore a little group Arc gazing ou her earnestly: Crave elders bent with toil and age, And ptaidens coy, and matrons sage; And children whose guy, restless eyes Are bright with innocent surprise To sco that wonder walk the main, And from whose lisping lip* alone Heard now and then, a silvery tone ’ Breaks the deep silence of the train. But many a parting sign Is made, With kcrchii-l' in the wind display'd, And prayers preferred to heaven unsaid. Yet small their fear—they deem the Power That saved in many a darker hour, Tlie Love, that never can forget The hearts ou which its seal is set, Will guide their lives in danger yet. "And Ho who rides tho tempest's wing, .Shall smooth for thorn their ocean track, _ And with the airs of May shall bring Our parting friends in safety hack. Bring them to clietr our hearts once more, With tokens of our native shore, And tell us tidings o’er and o'er, Of those we loved arid left with tears; And with them many a friend who bent, With us to pray in other years, Shall come to glad our banishment." At longthrthc hark is seen tio more, And that still group away have put; And only ono upon the shore, Lingers the saddest and the last, Gazing in mournful reverie, Upon the waste of sky and soa; Of form and face so passing fuir, Thai well might classic dreamer swear Some banished tea nymph sorrowing bent Above her own green element; Andthat the light shade of her tresses, Her sweot blue eye, and brow more white Thau fluwerswilh which the forest dresses Its lakes when summer heaven is bright, Were only for those crystal caves, Where nev$r airs of earth embrown Tho virgin blooms, and through the waves All softened comes the sunlight down. Yet pale the beauty of her cheek, And sorrow’s sign is in her eyes— The branching vein, whose crimson streak Arouud the lucid azure lies. What dost thou, pensive maiden, tberoT The keen north wind is in tby hair, The sail that fixed thy straining eye Is vanished from the distant sky; Thy father’s cheerful hearth fire piled With faggots from the wintry wild. Were finer piece, for maid like thee, Than the bleak borders of the sen. Ales! for her no father’s hearth Is blazing with the forest's spoil, And she who gave that maiden birth Ha s left this world of tears and toff. Both in the woodland desert died, Far front their own dear native sky, And in their narrow beds, beside The vast original forest lie; Where one alone resorts to weep, And only one fair pious hand Strews, with the spring, above their sleep, The unnamed wiid-flowert of the land: Ami sometimes, at the shut of day, rtOrwhcuthfe breaking daw n is grey, Or the moon fills, the maiden there Kneels sobbing, and prefers her prayer. There first young Howard saw the maid, And while, unnoticed and apart, • IIo marked the pious rite she paid, Her pensive beauty took his heart. And they havemlngled vows of truth, And she is pledged to be his bride, And elves to the devoted youth The love she Imre to those who died. ' But he is with that crow at sea, Gone where the wide deep waters roan The gravest youth op board is he, And she the saddest maid on shore. O. A. A. KFOZISGOB. litre just reeeieed the following "GUirDS, which will be told, low for css* or cottor, by wholesale 5000 Lbs. bar Iron, assorted 10 hogshead* prime retailing Molasses 10 Do. best Sugar 1 pipe old Cognac Brandy 1 pipe superior Holland Gin 10 hags Green Coffee . 10 kegs cut $ails, assorted 10 barrels superfine Flour Barrels Rye Whiskey Kegs English While Lend Keg3 Spanish Brown Kegs Tobacco Casks Linseed and sperm Oil Boxes Window Glass, « by 10 Barrels Loaf Sugar Chests Hyson Tea Hags Black Pepper and Allspice Kegs Gunpowder fjpl Trunks Ladies' Morocco and VJ M Prunella SHOES Trunks Men’s Shoes and Boots do Negro Shoes 400 bushels Liverpool Ground SALT And a tried amrlmenl of DRY GOODS, HARD WARE, Glass, Crockery and Tin Ware, march 26——22 fit RgEGROES. T IIF. following likely NEGROES will he sold a bargain: A iieahny WOMAN, who is a good cook, washer, inner and weaver, with her daughter, a fine HIRL, MACON HOTEL., The subscriber having taken the above Establishment, recently occupied by R. Coleman: Esq. and made considerable improvements therein, is now prepared to accommodate BOAR DERS and TRAVELLERS, in the most genteel and comfortable manner. His accom modations are extensive, uBd no pains will be spared to give satisfaction to^hjs cusutmers.^ Macon, December 12, 1826. spin nhoi A smart lit seven years of age. HOUSE GIRL, about fourteen years of An active BOY, about ten years of age. Aj march 26 22 fit C. & A. M’GREG ' to VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY, TO OK SOMI A JIATIOAIS. The Subscriber’s LOT and IMPROVE MENTS on Walnut street, between the two principal Cotton Ware Houses, an eligible stand for business. The Im provements consist of a substantial two story House, the lower part fitted up ns a dry goods and grocery Store; the upper part divided, into four large Rooms with a Balcony, ns a dwelling house; at tached are a comfortable Kitchen, Negro Rooms, Sta bles, Chair House, A c.—For terms, which will he made easy to a good purchaser, apply on the premis es to C. & A. M’GREGOIt. inarch 2fi- -22 fit BZE&CMiLNTS HOTEL AND AUGUSTA STAGE OFFICE, CHARLESTON, S. C. Corner of Ring and Society Streets, SION—RISING SBK, Immediately in the centre of llie ll'holcsale Business, IT is considered sufficient to add, that this well known establishment is still un der the immediate direction of the sub scriber, who is ever grateful for the liberal patronage he has received for fi.e years, during which he lias linen engaged in the business; and that tjc has engaged the personul attention of Mr. Cinusrorncn Miner, of Ci/nton, Georgia, whose un divided nttention will be given to Ins guests. The Augusta Stage Office will he kept at the above establishment, from the 1st January, 1827. Days of de parture n« usual, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 11 o'clock A. M. . CHARLES H. MIOT. nov 21——4m ' LOST, O N the Federal Road, between the house of Collin R. Ezell, at Old Fort Perry, and Spain’s Stand, at the Uchee Bridge, on Sunday, the 2fitb uit. a large calf-skin POCKET BOOK, containing about one hundred and eighty-seven dollurs in money, and several *Promi?soiy Notes. Ono promissory note made I y George B. Whitfield, for thirty-five dollars; one ditto on John R. Taylor, for forty dollars; one ditto on James Cargile, and two ditto on Stanford & Lloyd, amounts not recollected; besides several small notes, ninde by different individuals; also, n bill of sale, executed by Aaron Shirley, for a Negro Wo* man, nnnied Mary, to the subscrilier; with other pa pers of no-nse to any one hut the owner. Whoever will return said Pocket Book to the subscriber resid- log at Knoxville, Crawford county, or give any infor mation respecting it, shall be handsomely rewarded. HIRAM WARNER. npril 2 23 m PAPERS MISSING. IT OST or mislaid, one Note of hand on 8. SI. In- JLl gerioll, for $48 and some cents, given Decem ber 18*26, and due first of January last, on which was a small credit. Also, two small Executions on Wm. J. Vcrell, ob tained at n Justice's court in Crawford county. Alt persons are cautioned from trading lor the a- hove. Liberal compensation will be made on deliv ering them to the subscriber iu Mncon. ipril 0 24 JOSEPH SHAW. NOTICE. HEREBY forewarn all percent from trading for two Promissory Notes given by myself to Dancan Nicholson, for seventy-Ave dollars each, one made payable on the 25th March, 1827; the other on the S5th March, 1828; tho consideration for which said Notes was given having entirely foiled > . ■ JOSEPH BARKER. Houston county, April 30, 1827. TO* MONTHS AFTER GATE, A PPLICATION Will he made to tho honorable, tho Court of Ordinary, of Twiggs county, for leave to hell tho Real Estate of Charles Thompson, late of said comity, deceased—fortiie benefit of the heirs of said estate. MARY THOMPSON, April 30 Dm 27 Guardian. Maedonough Halt T HIS Large and commodious HOUSE, formerly in the occupancy of Thomas C. Russell, Esq. as a TAVERN, is now in the possession of the Subscribers who are making several Improvements, as to convenience and neatness, which will render it every way desirable both for TRAVELLERS and BOAR DERS. The Business will he under the entire direction of Mr. Henm.ev Varner, from whon * tentjon may he relied upon to make comfortable those who patronise the above Establishment, will he accommodated with separate rooms if nocessary. Rates as common. Mncdonough. Henry County, Jan. 24,1827. IIENDLEY VARNER, WILLIAM HARDIN. JACKSON HOTEL,. S3®K 8 ira@miLIti®a ©A* T IIE Subscriber lias removed his TAVERN and J10ARDING HOUSE from the stand lie formerly oc cupied, to a larger and more commodious Building, on the east side of the Public Square, in the town of ilONTICELLO, belonging to Colonel Warner; where he has made many new IMPROVEMENTS, and is saw prepared to keep ENTERTAINMENT on terms as accommodating ns at- any gentoel Public House in the State, llis ARRANGEMENTS ore extensive and complete, and his FARE the best the- country can afford, N. B. LANDS bought, sold, and exchanged ns usual. Correct MAPS of ihe Inst as well as of the pre- vious PURCHASES, may he seen at his house, and information on the subject of Lands afforded gratis, BENJAMIN JORDAN. Monticcllo, Jasper County, February 7, 1827.—15 MANSION HOUSE. T HE subscriber respectfully Informs the public, that he has taken that, well known establishment, front ing the Court house in tlie town of CLINTON, Jones County, Ga. formerly occupied by H. H. Blat ter, Esq. os a Tavern and Boarding House, and having made various improvements therein, he is now prepar ed to entertain BOARDERS and TRAVELLERS in a genteel and comfortable manner. His accommoda tions are very extensive; and his table, bar, stables, &c, are at all times well furnished. Unremitting exer tions Will be made for the comfort of his customers, and he solicits a share of the patronage of the public.— Families can be accommodated with separate rooms. / . SOL. HOGE, CLINTON, Ga. April 30,1827. 27tf COFFEE HOUSE. nnilE subscriber tenders Ms acknowledgments to his friends and the public generally, for the very liberal ■ . * and solicits a continuance of their favors. BOARDERS by the year, Man and Ilorce per day, at $1 60. His Bar will bo the best the country affords. His Stables are large and SR and an attentive Ostler. JOHN DOWNER. 27 A patronage heretofore received, and solicits a c or hair year, will ho received at $12 50 per month, furnished with good LIQUORS, and his Table with airy, and will at all times be supplied with plentiful PROVENDER Milledgmlle, April 30,1827. w CAUTION. A LL persons are forewarned against trading for a NOTE given by me to Charles Smith, late of Jones county, Ga. for about four hundred and fifty dot- lnrs, dated I think in January 1826, and due tho 1st of January last ' - -operty for which said Note was given having railed to be such as was represented by said Smith, 1 am determined not to pay the note, march 12 3t WAID H. COX. Ten DoUars Reward. RAN AWAY P ROM the subscriber, living in Forsyth, Monroe County, ou the25th of February, A NEGRO GIRL, by the name of Amanda, supposed to be 18 or 19 years of age, wo raised in South Carolina, is of com mon size, open, pleasant countenance, largo breasts, oil one of which there is a scar, occasioned by a bite, She had on when she went away, a striped calico frock, and a black silk apron. It is probable that some white person iias given her a pus*. 8ho will proba bly aim tor Anriwta. Any person delivering said Girt'to me, in Forsyth, shall receive Ihe above reward, or five dollars if lod ged in any jail in this state, march 5 19 A. COCHRAN. GEORGIA—HOUSTON COUNTY. Q Clerk’s Office of the Inferior Court. P3iLA8 LIZENBY, of Captain Wood’s district, tolls before Matthew Sikes, Esq. a dark Roan Horse, about teu years old, four feet seven 'or eight inches high, nearly blind. Appraised by Perry Wimberly and Jesse Dupree to twenty dollars—this 18th De cember, 1820. . JOSHUA PATTISHALL, jan 17 Clerk of the Iiferior Court. Executive department, ga. Milledgeville, 21 si April, 1827. ■IIEREAS, the order of tho 20th of January last has not been uniformly complied with— therefore, for the purpose ofprevciiting any future mis apprehension of its terms nnd object, it is further ORDERED, That every application for any por tion of the Poor Bcool Fund must he made on tho au thority of n majority of the Trustees, accompanied by the following certificate, signed by a majority of the Justices of the Inferior Court, viz: “Wcdo hereby certify, that the whole amount of the Poor Sceol Fund heretofore received for the coun ty of— —— has been faithfully applied to the edu cation of Poor children according to law, as satisfac torily appears from the statement and cihibit made to us by the Trustees ofeaid Fund.” By order of the Governor, GEORGE R. CIAYTON, See'ry. VT Publishers of newspapers in this State, wifi in sert the above twice. april ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Pike Comity, will be sold, on the first Tues day in June next, at (lie Court house in Pike county, Lot No. 40, in tho 14th District formerly Henry, now De Kalb county, as tho property of Elisabeth Westmoreland, deceased, for tlie benefit of the heirs, &c. It. WESTMORELAND, Adtn’r. March 19 21 GEORGIA—Pike County., YCv> Ci.suk of Inferior Court’s Office. WILUAM BREWSTER, of captain Reeves’ district, tolls before John Sessions Esq. ONE SORREL MARE, three years old, with a blaze in her face, her hindfeet white above the fetlock joints. Appraised to thirty- five dollars, by James Crawley and Thomas G. Phil- lips, this 2d day of April, 1827. H. G. JOHNSON, Clerk. npril 16 25 CAUTION. A LL persons are cautioned against trading for, or negotiating a certain Promissory Note given by Jfifipfh Tiller to Sarah Fisher, both of South Carolina, fnr.the sum of one hundred and eighty dollars, paya* bie in twelvo annual instalments of fifteen dollars each, dated on or about the 20th September, 1815, and lost by or stolen from David Addison, in Macon, some time last fall. april XQ 25 3t SARAH FISHER. In CRAWFORD SUPERIOR COURT APRIL TERM, 1827. JOHN M’DONALD ) vs. yLibtlfor Divorce. FLORA M’DONALD. ) W HEREAS, it appears, by the return of the She riff, that the defendant is not (o he found in Crawford county: LJ " , . On motion, it is ordered, that service be perfected by the publicati on of this Kate once a month for three months in one of the public gazettes of this State, hndtlmt the defendant appear and answer at the next term of this Court. A true Extract from Ihe Minutes. C. M. ROBERTS, Clerk. April 4, 1827. .Him 23. JpitOM this place, about the Vam eA February ' ’ A NEGRO WOMAN, by the name of Harriet, about 30 years of age, low shriore. chunky built, and black complexion. She was raised by a person of ihe name of Miner, near Milledgeville. Was formerly owned by Redden Rut land, and lately by Ralston & Jones, of whom I pur chased her. It is probable she is lurking about this piaceor Milledgeville. A liberal reward will ho paid on delivering said Negro to tho subscriber in Macon, or confiuing her in any jail so that I can got her. , PETER LAQUEUX. [Ir’ Tho editor of the Georgia Patriot Is requested jj Rlyo the above four or five insertions, and forward bis oil! to tlie Telegraph office for payment. april 9 ‘id GEORGIA—Pike County. W HEREAS VUfals V. While applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Charles Hinson, senior, late of Conecuh county, Alabama, de ceived— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed bv law, to shew cause, if any they ran, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this nineteenth day of March, 1827. * - H. G. JOHNSON, apri!2 6w Clerk of the Court of Ordinary. MARRIAGE LICENSES FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. MiMW’ SALEsTI On the first Tuesday in JUNE pen W ILL be sold in the town of Perry Jfca-J I ty, within the usual hours of safe, the f 0 n!£l property, to wit: 202 1-2 acres oak and hickory Lav, well improved, in the 11th district Houston whereon John Wimberly formerly lived; to (more or less) pine LAND, adjoining tlu> .IN Perry; one half acre LOT in Perry, i Wellborn now Jives; twelve thousand pound COTTON, more or less; and twenty bushels cn? —all levied on as the property of John llialtrn satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of the executors of RuSi Smith, deceased, and sundry other Fi. Fas vi jS Wimberly. Property pointed out by plaintiff, a ncy. 1 I 202 1-2 acres of oak and hickory LAM in the lltli district of Houston county, No. 93 ilJ." on os the property of William King, to satisfi-V! Fa. in favor of James Washington. Levy . returned by a constable. ** 202 1-2 acres of pine LAND, in tho id district of Houston county, No. 128, levied on property of David Murray, to satisfy a Fi. Fa in r,' of William P. Beers. Property pointed out fit,!? tiffs attorney. /**• 202 1-2 acres of pine LAND, in ( ], c J district of Houston county, No. 244, whereon ston Wellborn now,lives, weU improved—levied, as the property of Duncan Nictiolmn, to sathfv.j! Fa. in favor of Nathaniel Williams and others, L made and returned by a constable. One mahogany Secretary,. 1 walnut stead, 1 pine Stab, 1 Trunk, 2 glass PitchmT, Castors, J Clock, 2 Lookingglasses, 2 mahosanVti Rounds, 1 set of Scales and Weights, 1 pair W Wheels, one Oxcart—all levied on as the nronM-j. Jama M. Kelly, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of D«1 Shine, for tho use of H. H. Tarver and others. " pertv pointed out by the defendant. NED, a negro man, 30 years old : CHtl NY, a woman, 22 years old; BETTY, a worajn J years old; and her girl child, ELIZA, 2 yearsdiT nil levied on ns the property of David IV. satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of George Walker. ~ ” erty pointed out by defendant. I1ENRY W. RALEY, npril 30 ■* On the first Tuesday in JUNE mit W ILL be sold at the courthpusc in the tomJ Zebulon, Pike county, between tho usurlt J of sale, the following PROPERTY; ] Two hundred two nod a half acres of LAND, ta or less) known by Let No. two hundred and tlju, nine, (239) in the first district, formerly BlauooiS Pike county, whereon Littleton Long now livr vied on ns- his properly, to satisfy a fieri facie*, favor of John Johnson versus Littleton Long amlh se L. Long, security on appeal—property pointed by the defendant. Also, two hundred two and a half acres of LAli (more or less) known by Lof No. one hundred end U’-one, (151) in the first district, formerly Monroe Pike county, whereon Walter Beall now lives—le on as the property of James Beall, to satisfy x facias in favor of William Smith—property ' out by plaintiff’s attorney. Also, one-sorrel HORSE about eleven yean three COWS and CALVES, two Work STEED and six head young CATTLE—all levied on ait property of Joseph Baughn, to satisfy a fieri facia favor of tlie Justices of the Inferior Court of fi County versus Joseph Baughu, tax collector of is county, and Daniel Kent and Burrell Orr, his sees ties—property pointed out by tho defendant. WILLIAM V. WHITE, I npril 23—26 Sheriff of Pike Coiri On the first Tuesday in JUNE next, W ILL he sold at the Court IIoi Zebulon. Pike County, hetwet Of sale, tile following PROPERTY: One HOUSE and LOT, in tho town of ZeMe whereon JohnH. Brodnax now lives, knownasLotli five (fi) in Square letter E.—levied on as his prop to satisfy an execution in favortMf Barrett & f versus said Johti U. Brodnax—property pointed by defendant. WILEY MANGIIAM, npril 23—26 Deputy Oherif. On the first Tuesday in JUNE next, W ILL bo sold nt the Courthouse in the loan i Zebulon, Pike County, within the usual tor ot sale, the following Property, to wit: One lot of LAND, No. 1G7, in the sccomi district formerly Monroe now Pike county, levied *t as the property of IVtUiam IV. Martin, to sfiti-tytltra small executions in favor of Samuel U. Turner, le vy made and returned by a constable. t One lot of LAND, Noi 199, in l!ic scu- district formerly Monroe now Pike county,levied» as the property of Enroll Williams, to satisfy two cn- cutions iu fuvorof Isaac Bailey, ono against Sen* Williams nnd Aaron Williams security on stay of cte cation; tho other against David 8. Williams nndJF ron Williams security onstay of execution. Twenty COWS nml CALVES, levieri«> as the property of John II. Brodnax, to satisfy two n> cutiotis, one iu favor of James II. Jones v.*. Johaft Brodnax; the other in favor of Cook & Van lVart- nen vs Brodnax & Danclly. BURUEL ORR, Deputy Sheaf,, april 30 W On the first Tuesday in JULY next, ILL he sold, at the Court House, In theta*’ of Zebulon, Pike Counlu, between Owva hours of sale, the following PROPERTY- „ lE Three NEGROES, to wit: Either a woman, Ft® 0 6' r J> nn 6 an Infant Child—levied on ns the fy of Brodnax & Dnniclly, to satisfy n fieri facia* ca the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of Jam' 1 *- Gray versus said Brodunx & Duniclly—pro^rj pointed out in said mortgage. , 1M n M WILEY MANGIIAM,. opnl 23—8t—20 ■' Deputy Shtay On the first Tuesday inJULY next, W ILL bo sold at tho Courthouse in the tow»* Perry, Houston County, between the hours of sale, tho following Property, viz: > , J DANIEL, a negro man, supposed to h* or 35 years of age; AMOS, a boy, 17 or IS yes’* f,’ GREEN, a hoy, seventeen or eighteen jft* 1 . All levied on as the property of Arthur A. hlsrp^' satisfy a murtgage Fi. Fa. in favor of Burtoniff. burn. Property pointed out in said mortgage H < . HENRY W. RALEY, april 30 2m . . murt House in the ton i, betwconthc usual han T 1 Improved Cotton Press. HE subscribers having i>ut into opcraiio^ ^ vicinity of Columbia, S. C. an improved Press for Packing Cotton, offer to the public the building of PRE8SE8, Of privilege of building on their plan, on reison»l> 1 ''i —With this Press, when in complete order, twoS-Jj hands and ono boy can pack from 340 to Aw j® j, of Cotton into four and n half yards of BWPJSa nine minutes; and after the bale is sewed snu can elevate the follower to its former position, 1 " ,^ minutes, ready for tho introduction of Cotton wi packing box—and with a sot of active liand*' balea per hour may bo packed with ease. aer This Press also presents other advantage*—‘‘ |<( , •ily pot under cover, either in a Ginhouso or uu“ ,, shed by It t it is not Uablo to be Impaired b) u •craws are, and may bo used in any weather. ,.rr JAMES TOATWBI®® ISAAC NATHANS- Columbia, S. C. March 8. BLANK ATTACHMENTS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE