Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, May 21, 1827, Image 4

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1 V. THB MINSTREL. FOR TKX TEtECRAFH* THE HOPE OF HEAVEN. There’5 a brain of pure celestial light That marks the patli. likf diamond) bright; .Illuming life's unspotted page— The balm of ycutn—support of age; To sol are earthly cares ’ti) given— It is the joyous liopc of Heaven. Without this hope, alas! to die. What hosom could its tumults fly: No tears could heal the mental woes Tlmt from the lmrthen’d conscience flow— Nothing can soothe the bosom riven But the pure joyous hopes of Heaven. Earth’s fleeting joys, alas! how vain To calm the heart’s corroding pain! Contrition mars too soon its pleasure— Time scatters soon the sordid treasure: Too late we find, in vain we’ve striven For what yields not the hope of Heaven. In hearts alone. Where virtue shines— Where hope, faith, charity, combine— To light the soul In bright ntrny,' ’Tis these shall iee.d its onward way, Through regions to the faithful given Where dwells the ceaseless joys of Heaven. EUGENIO. AlfcROINE. It was morn, and Eliza arose; Her stockings and shoes she put on; Instinctively followed lipr nose, And walked with her hack to the sun. Abe smiled, and the woods were illumed; SI13 sighed, and the vales were depressed; She breathed, nnd the air was perfumed; She frowned, and saw nature distressed; She nodded, the trees nodded too! She murmured, nnd so did the rill; She wept, nnd tho evening dew Fell in tears on the neighboring hill; She slept, nnd fair flowers sprang up; .She blushed, and tho rose looked more red; She was hungry, she Went home and supped; She'was tired, nnd so went to bed. f REMEDY FOR INFECTION. Notice* SlA€ON HOTEL. prftfiE subscribers have settled themselves perma- •1L nently at Macon, Bibb County, Georgias and have united their profeisionhl interests under the firm of POIHEL & OOIIB. They will practice LAW in Bibb and the adjacent Counties. One of them may always be found in town, their office is in Chapman’s piazza, next to Judge Strong's, corner of Mulberry and Fourth streets. a- mum* ■-Tffiy.tTguinx. CAItLETON D. COLE. Macon, April 2 tf—24 The Georgia Patriot, Southern Recorder and Journal of Milledgeville,Chronicle and Constitutionalist of Au gusta, and the Savannah papers will give the above 2 or 3 insertions, and forward their accounts for settle ment. gTOHE subscriber continues the Practice of Lute in iJL this place. In addition to the Counties in which he has heretofore practiced, lie will attend the Supe rior Courts in the Counties of Lee, Muscogee, Troup and Coweta. _ _ _ jmi 2—Jlf JOHN P. BOOTH. SHERIFFS’ SAUgfl ’ On the first Tuesday in JUNE net, ILL be sold in the town of Ferru re,,,., ’ 1y, within the usual hours ofsale.itulcAj 111 property, to wit; 202 1-2 acres oak and hickorv innivor) in (lia 1 lilwlicf>•?#>( ir . well improved,in the 11th district Houston whereon Johii •-- *——■- ssssiftsaat’ acre LOT in Perry, w heJ AND DRUGS. F LtTKER & COLLINS, Macon, Georgia, have just received, nnd keep constantly on hand, a general assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS, &c. among which are Cream Tartar Graduated BXeas- Carbon. Ammo- ures nia Glass furniture as’d Cinnamon Hellebore Black Cretappt do White Elastic Catheters Hartshorn do Bougcs Indigo, Spanish Ergot India Rubber Extract Liquorice Iceland Moss do Cicuta Isinglass do Gentian Ipecac • do Henbane Iron Curb. Ether Jalap Flowers Benzoin Janies' Powders do Sulpli. Juniper Berries Fox Glove Lignum Quassia Lint, Patent Litharge Acid Nitric do Sulphuric do Muriatic do Tartaric tlo Prussic Aqua Forth Anow Root . Alliim Alcohol . Arsenic Antimony Anuis Seed Rnlsam Copaiva do Peru do Tolu Borax, reliued Burgundy Pitch Flax Seed Blue Vitriol Fennel do The subscriber having taken the above Establishment, recently occupied by R. Coleman, Esq. and made considerable improvements therein, is now prepared to accommodate BOAR DERS and TRAVELLERS, in the most genteel and comfortable manner. His accom modations are extensive, and no pains will be spared to give satisf^don tohw cu;gRUEN Macon, December 12, 1826. . / . • , , maWMow house. ‘be 5^| m Ono of tho most astonishing discoveries, pro eroding from the advanced state of science, is that of a material to “disinfect” places and ob jects of the offensive and deadly vapours inher ent in putrefactivo masses; and also in confined and infected situations. If subsequent experi ence shall verify ono half the benefit which the discoverer (M. Labarraque.a chemist in Paris,) infers from tho instances ho has witnessed of its surprising efficacy, we may hopo that yellow fever, nnd other frightful forms of pestilence which walk invisible, will bo banished from tho world. The discovcror gives distinct instruc tions for tho preparation, which is simple, and apothecaries will find no difficulty in making it, so that it may go with perfect safety into com mon use. The chemical combinations of chlo- rido of soda, nnd chloride of lime are tho mu. tcrials which possess tho wonderful power of depriving substances of their offensive odours, and of chocking the putrefactive process. Tho chloride of linio has been applied to tho purifi cation of Lnznrcttoes, infected ships, hospitals, manufactories, tho persons of soldiers, sailors, merchandise at quarantine; and with the most triumphant success in the cleansing of sowers. One instanc, in proof of the latter, occurred in a “horrid sewer in Paris, which had boon im passable for more than 40 years.” Eight work men lost their lives in attempting to penetrate’it in 1782. It had been loft to itself from tho dread it justly inspired in tho workmen mid au thorities; but' as it was an accumulating nui sance, the Council of health solicited tho advice of M. Labarraquo who offered to superintend the operation. Several workmen had fallen In to a stato of suspended animation tho day be fore. M. L. caused a large tub filled with the solution of chloride of lime to be placed near tho margin, and a pail full by the side of cacli workman, who often wet their hands, arms, and I applied it with a moistened cloth and nostrils. The surface and sewer wore constantly sprinkled .a#*'th it, and tho work completed in four hours without any accident. M. Labarraquo imme diately proceeded to tho house of one of the men who had been struck entirely sensolosss.— Although it bad been many hours since he lost his recollection, inhaling the vapor of the chlo ride of soda instantly relieved him, and be re covered in a few days. In another case “the pationt was unconscious, the breathing appoar- >. cd extinct—eves closed and insensible. A moistened napkin was immediately placed un der his nostrils, when in a minute life uttered a plaintive cry uud opened his eyds. Tho ap plication was repeated, when after a fow min utes the tenatus with its frightful train disap- . pearod; he breathed freely, aud was in a con dition to resume his work." The use of tho remedy in healing wounds, arresting mortification, modifying cancerous and other disagreeable topical complaints are among tbe blessings attributed to this discovery. ' Another important benefit insisted on by M. L. is, that a judicious application of. tho solu tion will divest the dissecting room of its nox ious qualities, preventing those most severe ca ses of typhus fever which arc found among tho students of anatomy, who thus fall a sacrifice to their love of science, by continually inspiring an atmosphere loaded with pernicious exhala tions. Our main inducement for giving this particu lar account, is {he hopo that apartments, and o- ven streets, may bo disinfected, whorever yel low fever or contagious diseases appear, and to call the attention of thoso who can direct tho eminent service, should we bo again visited frith tho pestilence. Wo are tbe more strenu ous, as the “Commissioners of Health at Mar seilles, charged with making experiments on the 4iso of chloruets of limo and soda in the Laza retto, hayo madp a report confirmatory of their Utility.’wVtte York Times, Bole Armen Fowler's Solution Logwood Calomel Ginger Root Manua Flake Castor do- Powder Mace , Cantharides • Gum Aloes Madder Corrosive Subli- do Ammonia Magnesia Alb. mate p do Arabic do Calc. Cassia . do Assaftstida Musk Cloves do Benzoin ' Mustard Cochineal do Catechu Mortars& Pestles Colutnbo do Guniac. assorted Camomile flowers do Gamboge Nutmegs Caraway Seed do Copal Galls do Kino Nux Vomica do Myrrh Orange Teel do Opium Oil Almonds do Scammony do Amber, rect. do Shellac do Annisccd T HE subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he has taken that well known establishment, front ing the Court house in the town of CLINTON, Jones County, Ga. formerly occupied by H. H. Slat- ter, Esq. as a Tavern and Boarding House, and having made various improvements therein, he is now prepar ed to entertain BOARDERS nnd TRAVELLERS) in a genteel and comfortable manner. His accommoda tions are very extensive; end his table, bar, stables, &c, are at all times well furnished. Unremitting exer tions will be made fur the comfort of bis customers, and he solicits a sharwof the patronage of the public.— Families can be accommodated with separate rooms. <• SOL. HOGE. CLINTON, Ga. April 30,1827. 27tf . ' . ~ COFFEE HOUSE. ay b Coriander Ciibebt' . Copperas Canella Alba Cascarilla Cowhnge Court Piaster Castor Oil ' Caustic Lunar do Tragacanth do Cinnamon do Camphor do Caraway Gentian iGlass Funnels do Common do Mortars Ointment of Can- Snuffs thoridcs Saffron Ointment, Mercu- Sassaparilla rial Savin Ointment, Basil- Saunders Red icon Salts, Glauber Ointment, Citron do Epsom do Cloves do Juniper do Lavender do Lemon do Origanum do Pcnnyroynl do Peppermint do Petroleum do Rosemary do Spear Mint do Turpentine do Worm Seed Tartar Emetic Turmeric Terebinth Venet Uva Ursi Valerian Orris Root do Rochelle Pearl Ashes do Tartar do Barley do Nitre Pepper, Black do Soda Long Senna ’ Peruvian Bark Snake Root Pimento Spermacctti Pink Root Spirits Hartshorn Phials assorted Plaster Adhesive do Nitre Window Gloss do Rokorans do Tnrpcntlnc Glue Precipitate, Red do Wine, rect. Ivory Black do White do .Lavender’ Hair Powder Phosphorus Com. Drop Lake Quicksilver Sponge Durable Ink Rhubarb Sulpli. Roll Wafers Resin Yellow Squills Pill Slabs Sulph. Zinc Soap, Castile Tooth Brushes do Potash do Shaving. Smelling Bottles do Quinine do Windsor Starch Sulphurate Anti- Stora^, Liquid ..Sweet Oil mony Sugar of Lead , Super Carb. Soda PAINTS, &c. ♦ Red Lead . Rose Pink Drop Lake Chrome Yellow Teredescana Sand Spanish Brown Umber lue Smalts Vermillion Venetian Red ' Copul Varnish Kings Yellow Japan do FrcncIrUo Verdigris Black Lbad Prasssian Blue PATENT MEDICINES, &c. Bals. Honey Opodeldoc Worm Lor Bateman's Drops Godfrey’s Cordial Henry’s Ci British Oil Seidlilz Powders TurlingtonsBals’jn Em. Peppermint Soda do Lee’s Pills Eye Water Fancy Essences Antique Oil Itch Ointment Lip skive Milk of Roses Wash Balls I’omatnm Roll Cologne Water Stoughton’s Bitters V Also, a number of other articles; all of which they will sell low on accommodating terms. May 14 tf 39- ■ T HE subscriber tenders bis acknowledgments to his friends and the public generally, for tbe very liberal patronage heretofore received, and solicits a continuance of their favors. BOARDERS by the year, or half year, will be received at §12 60 per month. Man and Horse per day, at §1 60. His Bar will, be furnished with good LIQUORS, and his Table with the best the countiy affords. His Stables arc large and airy, and will at all times be supplied with plentiful PROVENDER and an attentive Ostler. JOHN DOWNER. Millcdgctille, April 30,1827. . 27 == j WANTED to PURCHASE, f OTS No. 102 and 103, in the 3d District, origin. JLJ ally Houston, now. Crawford county. The per sons holding said Lots, may obtain • fair price for the same, on application at this office. Lot No. 103 was drawn by John Bryant of Laurens county. No. Iu3 it is believed, was drawn by a man by the name of Scar brough, place of residence not recollected. May 14 "It— ■■ -29 Filtering Lamp Black Rotten-Stone Poroice do Lamp OH TO THE PUBLIC. 9TRHE subscribers having purchased the Store Iatc- vLi ly occupied by Sir. A. E. Stratton, together with his STOCK of GOODS. ■ now offer them on as liberal terms as they can be bad at any store in the County.» Tbe former customers of Sir. Stratton, and the public generally, are most res pectfully solicited to call, with this assurance, that no exertions on our part shall be wanting to render them every satisfaction. A good supply of GROCERIES will be kept con stantly on hand. Additions to the present stock are daily expected. liberal Discounts will always be made on all pur chases for Cotton or Cash. TAYLOR, SIURDOCK & CO. Hillsborough; Jasper CoUnty, Jan. 1,1827. Dissolution.. T HE Copartnership heretofore existing under the' firm of-Arnett Sc this day dissolved by mutual consent. Persons havings demands against said firm will present them for payment to the subscri ber; end. those indebted are requested to settle the same as above:'' JAMES E. DUNCAN. Perry, Houston county, 26fA Feb. 1826. 25 3tp" AD MINIS TEA TOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Conrt of Ordinary of Pike County, will be sold, on the first Tues day in July next, at Decatur, in the county of De- Kalb. * . Lot No. 40, In the 14th District formerly Henry, now De Kalb county, as (he property of Elisabeth Westmoreland, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs, &c. R. WESTMORELAND, Aim'r. March 10 ■ ■ 21 - [more or less) pine Perry; on* half acre LOT in' Perm’Whet.^L"]! Wellborn now lives; twelve thousand COTTON, more or lew ; and twenty buiChrn —all levied on as the property of John JITmi.j satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of the executors of r Smith, deceased, nnd sundiy other Fi. Fas Wimberly. Property pointed out bv plaintiff’, ney. s 202 1-2 acres of oak and hickory LAV in the 11th district of Houston county,. No. 93 on as the property of William King, to satiA Fa. in favor of James Washington. Levy returned by a constable. *' 202 1-2 acres of pine LAND, in the j district of Houston county, No. 128, levied 05 „ property of David Murray, to satisfy a Fi. p* ofWHfiam p. Been. Property printed out 202 1-2 acres of pine LAND, in district of Houston county, No. 244, whereon ston Wellborn now Uves, well improvcd-W.. os the property of Duncan Nicholson, to zatisfv. Fa. in favor of Nathaniel Williams and others. V made and returned by a constable. Ono mahogany Secretary, 1 walnut I, stead, 1 pine Slab, 1 Trunk, 2 glass Pitchers 1 Castors, 1 Clock, 2 Lookinggiasses, 2 —W Rounds, 1 set of Scales ana Weights, j Mir Wheels, one Oxcart—nil levied on osthe.nroi James M. Kelly, to satisfy aFi. Fa. in favor ol „ Shine, for the use of II. il. Tarver and others.*’ perty pointed out by the defendant. NED, a negro man, SO years old ; C1U.I NY, a woman, 22 years old ; BETTY, g woman yj years old; and her girl child, ELIZA, 2year’-” ■ all levied on as the property of Dat'd Jr. jlf ; satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of George Walker, erty pointed out by defendant. . ■ '.HENRY W. RALEY, SheriJ. apnl30 • On the first Tuesday in JUNE next, ■^tA/ILL bn sold at the courthouse in the town:! V V Zebulon, Pike county, between the usual U. of sale, the following PROPERTY’; Two hundred two and a half acres of LAND Wj,. ■ less! known by Lot Nfo' two hundred and’ ihA l le, (239) in the first district,' formerly Monroe cm I Pike county, Whereon Littleton Long now livcHrl vied on as. his property,- to satisfy a fieri facias ij| favor of John Johnson versus Littleton Long andjn.1 so L. Long, security on appeal—property pointed u I by tlje defendant. g Also, two hundred two and a half acres of LAND (more or less) known by Lot No. one hundred'ioil tv-one, (I5i) |n the first district,formerly Monrococxl Pike county, whereon Walter BeaUnow-Uves-ritiul on as the property of James Beall, to satisfy a tr P ;J facias in fuvor of William Smith—property poiddl ont by plaintiff’s' attorney. I VAlsp, one sorrel HORSE about eleven veers ('l l three COWS aiid CALVES, two Work STEMS J nnd six bead young RATTLE—all levied on as frl jroperty of Joseph Baughn, ft) satisfy a fieri facias >1 avor of (he'Justices of the Inferior Court of Fik| County versus Joseph Baughn, tax collector of ni| county, and Daniel Kent and Burrell OiT, hisHct>| ties—property pointed out by tbe defendant. 1 WHJJAM V. WHITE, april 23-26 Sheriff of Pike Cb On the first Tuesday in JUNE next, W ILL be sold at'the Court Iibiisc in the towed Zebulon, Pikt County, between tbe usual loon of sale, foe following PROPERTY; One HOUSE anu LOT, in tho town of Zfookn whereon John II. Brodnax now lives, knownaslotXo! five (6) in Square letter E.—levied on as his pro to satisfy an execution In favor of Barrett & nine. ■ Upson County. }EFORE me, Joseph Sturgis, a-Justice of the LAND FOR SALE. .£ > THE subscriber offers for sale his PLANTATION In Ttn'ggi county, lying nine miles below Macon, on the OcmuR gee river, on which there is a good Dwcl- ling House, Gin House, and other necessa ry buildings, and about 100 acres of cleared land, all In good repair, the place Is known to be one of the most eligible situations for a Practising Physician, In this section of foe country, and would be sold low and on accommodating terms, or exchanged for good Lands infoe counties of Bibb or Houston. ROBERT COLLINS. Macon, May 14——tf 29 GEORGIA—Uj B efore me, Joseph st Peace for said county, personally camo Thomas J. Hudspeth, who, after being duly sworn, on dath deposeth and saltb, that be was in possession of a cer tain DUE BILL, given by Josiali Swain, for twenty six dollars and nineteen cents, bearing date about foe 7th ef this, instant, as near as deponent recollects, un to said deponent or order, which said Due Bill is lost or mislaid. THOMAS J. HUDSPETH. Sworn to and subscribed before me, thit 16fk day of February,1827. Josxrn Stchois, J. P. ft?* All persons are hereby cautioned from trading for said Due Bill, as foe same has been paid over to tho subscriber by the maker, this 15th day of February, 1827. ■ march 12 3alp THOMAS HUDSPETH. NOTICE. N INE months after date, application will be made to tho honorable foe Inferior Court of Monroe County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, forleave to sell foe Real Estate of Elijah Curry, deceased, for foe benefit of foe heirs of said deceased. SHELMAN DURHAM, Guardian. j«n 17—19m GEORGIA—Pike County. W HEREAS William V. White applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Charles Hinson, senior, late of Conecuh county, Alabama, de ceased— TAese are Iherefore to cite tmd admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be' and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, ifany they can, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this nineteenth day of March, 1627. , H. G. JOHNSON, aprii2 €w Clerk of (he' Court of Ordinary. GEORGIA—Pike County. W Cim of Inferior Court’s Office. ILLIAM BREWSTER, of captain Reeves’ district, tolls before John Sessions Esq. Wk< ONE SORREL MARE, three years old, with a blaze in her face, her hind feet white above the fetlock joints. Appraised to thirty- five dollars, by James Crawley and Thomas G. Phil lip*, this 2d day of April, 1827. H. G. JOHNSON, Cleric. . april 16 25 , - r . , y ** LOST, ^ the Federal Road, between tbe house versus said John H. Brodnax—property pointfJtnl by defendant. WILEY MANGHAM, april 23—86 Deputy Sheriff. On the first Tuesday in JUNE tied, ^FWILL be sold at the Courthouse in tho town tf I Vftf Zebu/on, Pike County, within the usual lion I ol sale, the following Property, to wit: '. Ono lot of LAND, No. 167, in tho second district formerly Monroe now Pike county, levkits I ns the property of ll'illiam W. Marlin, to satisfy elevet small executions ih favor of Samuel B. Turner. Lt-I vy made and returned by a constable. Ono lot of LAND, No. 199, in the second I district formerly Monroe how Pike county, levied 011 as the property of Aaron Williams, to satisfy twoiu-1 cations in favor of Isaac Bailey, one against Euitn | Williams and Aaron Williams security on stay d ese cation; the other agaiust David S. Williams and At-1 ron Williams security on stay of execution. Twenty COWS and CALVES, leviedc as the property of John H. Brodnax, to satisfy twoeie I cutions, one in favor of James H. Jones vs. John II | Brodnax; thcotherin favor of Cook & Van Wip- nen vs Brodnax* Danclly. BURREL ORR, Deputy Sheriff, april 30 On the first Tuesday in JULY next, STOLEN, O R taken away by mistake some time last sum mer, from near the Post Office, a large Strong built CHEST with a good Lock (hereon, and contain ing sundiy articles of Merchandize, apparently the remnants of a store. Any person giving information where said Chest and goods can be had shall be libe rally rewarded. FLUKER & COLLINS. Macon, May 14 tf 29 INFORMATION WANTED. O N orabontthc 6th April, 1821, a young Mau by foe name of DARLING GREENE, lefttae and said he was goingsomewhere in foe neighborhood of of Milledgeville, Baldwin county, Georgia, and I have never heard of him since. Any person that can give at August thcr. MARY GREENE. Augusta, April 17—28 of 1 Wo- NOTICE. Vy," I HEREBY forewarn all persons from trading for two Promissory Notes given by myself to Duncan Nicholson, for seventy-five dollars each, one made payable on foe 25th March, 1827; the other on the 2oth March, 1628; the. consideration for which said Notes was riven having entirely failed JOSEPH BARKER. Houston county, April 30, 1827. 3t In CRAWFORD SUPERIOR COURT APRIL TERM, 1827. JOHN M’DONALD ) «. > Libel for Dicorcc. FLORA M’DONALD- S YV»HEREA8, It appears, by the return of foe She- riff,'that the defendant is not to be found in Crawford county: On motion, it u ordered, that service be perfected by the publication of this Rule once a month for three mouths in one of the public gazettes of this State and that the defendant appear and answer at the nexl term of this Court. A true Exirael from the Minutes. C. M. ROBERTS, Clerk. April 4, 1827. 3tlra—23 «r;>i. several Pro missory°Notea.» One promissory’note, made by George B. Whitfield, for thirty-five dollars; one ditto on John R. Taylor, for forty dollars; one ditto on James Cnrgile, and. two ditto'on Stanford & Lloyd, amounts not recollected; besides several small notes, made by different individuals; also, a bill ,J 6ale, executed by Aaron Shirley, for n Negro V man, uamed Mary, to the subscriber; with other pers of no use to any one but the owner. Whoever will return said Pocket Book to tho snbscriber resid ing at Knoxville, Crawford county, or give any infor malion respecting it, shall be handsomely rewarded. HIRAM WARNER. kwW 1 " a , ;, r Ten t)o\\avs Reward. RANAWAY- F ROM the subscriber, living In Forsylh, Monroe County, on the 25th of February, ’ A NEGRO GIRL, by the name of Amanda, supposed to be 18 or 19 years of age, wasVaiscd in South Carolina, is of com mon size, open, pleasant countenance, large breasts, on one of which there is a scar, occasioned by a bite. She had on when she went away, a striped calico frock, anda black silk apron. Itisprobable thatsome white person has given her a pass. She will proba bly aim lor Augusta. Any person delivering said Girl to me, in Forsyth, shall receive (he above reward, or five dollars if lod ged In any jail in this state. ‘ 6 19 A. COCHRAN. Three NEGROES, to wit: Esther a woman, F© a girl, and an Infant Child—levied on astbepropu- ty of Brodnax & Duniclly, to satisfy a fieri facias 02 the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of Janus R Gray versus said Brodnax & Danielly—propes’-f pointed out in said mortgage. ■ WILEY MANGHAM, april 23—8t—26 Deputy Sheriff. march i LAND LOTTERY LISTS, 'rwmswtais orttCE. NINE MONTHS AFTER DATE, ... . —-— homptou, of said county, deceased—for the benefit of the heirs On the first Tuesday in JULY next, 'vCbjklLL be sold at foe Courthouse in the to* j Perry, Houston County, between foe «* Lours of sale, the following Properly, viz: DAN IEL, a negro man, supposed to be j® or 35 years of age; AMOS, aboy,17 orlSycsneJ GREEN, a boy, seventeen or eighteen )*:rs f ’- All levied on as thenroperty of Arthur A- Mor^^'j satisfy a mortgage Fi. Fa. in favor of Burton 1W' burn. Property pointed out in said mortgage Fi. »• HENRY W. RALEY, hherff april 30 2m - ' ' __ \mpro\ed Cotton Press. hnRE subscribers having put Into operatin'] to®* JL vicinity of Columbia, S. C. an improved /, Press for Pdcking Cotton, offer to foe public tbe building of PRESSES. ** privilege of building on their plan, on reasonable ter > —With this Press, when in complete order, wo 8 ^ ‘BOriwuH.-.T*. minutes, ready for foe introduction of Cotton mw packing box—and with a set of active hands, bales pep hour may be packed with case. . ... This Press also presents other advantages—« “ , sity put under cover, cither in aGinhouse ornn shed by it; it Is not liable to be impaired by u- 1 ■“**“*■' ■“’K&SSrfiiin* ISAAC NATHANS- Columbia, S. C. March 8. - PLANK ATTACHMENTS FOR SALE AT.TWS OFFICE.