Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, June 18, 1827, Image 4

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Wfcv' w \ f * k W m fMarou grUgeayfr *aa taiwsmst. FOR TUG MACON TELEGRAPH. HYMN. How transporting the sight in the temple of God, Vo see nn assemblage of Christians repair, Who meekly acknowledge the chastening rod, And supplicate pardon in humbleness there. The devotion of him who in silence is kneeling, Acceptable is, in the sight of the Lord: Whose bosom, contrition and penitence feeling, Confesses its need of the pardoning word. But the Hypocrite’s prayer is despised and forgot, Though with words full of sound he expresses his 'Tis the humble in heart who are blessed in their lot, And receive their reword on Jordan's fair banks. Thus cheer’d Is the path, in our journey of woe, Where grief's the inheritcnce man receives, He finds, though compelled many ills to forego, There's comfort in store for the soul that believes. lie raises his eyes and his heart to the cross, Where Jesus our sins and iniquities bore, And has faith that the soul when freed from its dross, Will ascend to his kingdom our God to adore. 3 -s. Fromlhe Utica Sentinel and Gatclte. BETTY BROOM. A country girl was Betty Broom, That went to live in town; And never felt she so much up, , As when she first came down. She bad a very pretty face, A heart above disguise. And yet she could at any time, Throw dust in people’s eycj. For Betty was a chambermaid, Ana swept her mistress' room; And her mistress said she ne'er before Had found so stout a Broom. A fireman, young, and straight and tail, To Betty courting roes; - Was it not strange that being in love, He should neglect bis Ao*e? Quoth he “I am a fireman bold, And isn't it a shame, That all my engiut-miy, Cannot put out this flame? He swore that loss of wager'd pelf Ne’er put him in a pet; And yet he swore he’d liang himself, U he should loso his Bet. And he declared come weal, come woe, From her he ne’er would part, For though he long'd to ring her band, lie ne’er would wring ber heart. Whene'er bo talk’d about bis love, So much on vows he ran, That all his friends declared he was A promising young man. “Besides,’’ saidthey, “his constancy, No trifle can impair, He loves good living and of course Can ne’er forget his fare." '“Tis true he was a fanner bred, And that for lack of pence; But then be is a gentleman, For he has learned to fence." 1 wonder how young men can bear To promise, sigh and flatter; 'Tis plain that matrimony now Is made a money matter. And so this proved, for ho was false; And then you know what follows, Miss Betty sued him, gained her cause. And changed ber grief for doltart. He rav’ A an d stamp’d in useless rage, Mode many fiery speeches, And swore 'twas a degenerate age, When woman sued for breaches. U. U. B. B. prnllE subscriber* have settled themselves perma- i! nrntly at Macon, Bibb County. Geo.g.a; and have united their professional interests under the firm ol POLBS&& & COM. They will practice LAW in Bibb and the adjacent Counties, fine of them may always be found in town, their office is in Chapman's piazza, next to Judge Strong's, corner of Mulberry and Fourth streets. 03* refere 5oHN « be ittlLL. CARIXTON B. COLE. 'rheGeo^ia'pairiot, 1 Southern Recorder and Journal of Milledgevllle,Chronicle ond Constitutionalist of Au gusta, and the Savannah papers sviirgive the above 8 or 3 insertions, and forward their accounts for settle- ornHF. subscriber continues the Practice of Law’ in iL this place. In addition to the Counties in which lie has heretofore practiced, he will attend the Supe rior Courts in the Counties of Lee, Musccgee, Troup a! jan^2—W JOHN P: BOOTH. Dll. BUCHANAN H AS locsted himself in Macon; where he may be found as n PRACTITIONER of MF.PI- CINE. inn 3i »_ VWiode \s\and Lotterv. ^ E IGHT Prizes of 1,000 Dollars—many of $900j $800; $700, &c. &c. Tickets $2; Halvas fl, Quarters 50 cents—Drawing will be received 9th inst. Connecticut State Lottery. Highest Prizes $16,000; $5,000; $4,000; $3,000 &c. &c. Tickets $5; Halves $2 50; Quarters $125 •~Drawing will be received 12th inst-^App’y w BEERS' OFFICE. Augusta, Juno 5 33 MASONIC NOTICE. THE /ir srnrry fSl. g « John the Baptist will be cele- jlV brated by Sincerity Lodge No. •{. 23, on Monday he 25th inst. An appropriate address will be delivered oithe occasion. Members and transient breth ren are respectfully invited to attend. By order of the W. M. JAMES M'BRYDE, Secretary P. T. Clinton, 5th June, A. L. 5637——33 MAC®If HOTEL. SHERIFFS* SAXJ^ On the first Tuesday in JULY net W ILL he sold, at the Court House fl County, between the usual hours, th. ? ft I ! tc PROPERTY, to wit: c | Two hundred two and a half acres of LAND r less, whereon Benjamin Shepard now lives i? f Lot number sixty-five, (No. 65) in the sever* The subscriber having taken the above Establishment, recently occupied by R. Coleman, Esq. and made considerable improvements therein, is notv prepared to accommodate BOAR DERS and TRAVELLERS r in the most gcmecl nnd comfortable manner. His accom modations are extensive, aHd no pains will be spared to give satisfaction to his customers. TIMOTHY BRUEN. 3faron, December 12, 1826. ZEBULOS HOTEL.. by Lot number sixty-five, (No. feithiairi tnct, formerly Monroe, now Pika county— on os the property of Daniel Newton, to ntiJ,jl executions in favor of the Execators of Seaborn! ' l, l deceased, versus said Newton and others— pointed out by Thomas Wright. ' ™ Also, two hundred two and n half acres of Lavs I more or less, known by Lot number three, (Noi?! the third district, formerly Monroe, now Pike,,”. I levied upon as the property of John Hudson SI fy an execution, issued from n Justice’s Coon Jrl vor of J. A. & N. H. Green—levied on and rn^il to me by a constable. _ Also, ninety-seven six and a half tenth I of LAND, being the west half of Lot number eioJI one, (No. 81) in the seventh district, formerlyfc?| roe, now Pike county—levied upon u the mn2| of Joseph Smith, to satisfy a fieri facias in favv-l the officers of Court of Pike county. 9 1 Also, one Note of Hand, made by David Cm'- | ton, payable to Nathan Vinson, for forty-sis (W | bearing date 5th September, 1825, due Ssth iwl ber thereafter—levied upon as the property o(}(2*| Vinson, to satisfy n fieri facias, issued tor cost,ink? | of John M’Daniel and wife versus said Vinson——J | -pointed out by defendant. * WILEY MANG1IAM, Deputy^. may 27—31 1 On the first Tuesday in JULY ml, W ILL be sold, at the Court llotue, | n (Lett*, of Zebulon, Pike County, between the I NOTICE. &mriE public are hereby cautioned against trading Ji for a NOTE, given by me; to Lukb Ross, dated on or about the first day of March lost, and payable at four months, for $90; as the consideration of said note has failed, I do not intend to be held responsible for the same. JOHN B. CUMMING. June 4,1827—31 ^31 • iiS5iM©asni§ AND • BS6UGS. F LUKER & COLLINS, Macon, Georgia, have just received, and keep constantly on hand, a general assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS, &c. among which are Acid Nitric .Cream Tartar Graduated Mcas- do Sulphuric Carbon. Ammo- utes do Muriatic nia Glass furniture as’d do Tartaric Cinnamon Hellebore Black do Prussic Cretappt do White Aqua Fortis Elastic Catheters Hartshorn Arrow Root do Bouges Indigo, Spanish Allum Ergot India Rubber Alcohol ExtractLiquorice Iceland Moss Arsenic do Clcuta Isinglass Antimony do Gentian Ipecac Anuis Seed . do Henbane Iron Curb. Balsam Copaiva * Ether Thoro is at present at Genoa, a Corsican, a Major in tho Sardinian Guards who bears so striking a resemblance to .ho Emperor Na poleon, as to have produced a considerable excitement among tho m.litary and others who enjoyed the advantages of beholdin his late Imperial Majesty. When the ex- Empress Louisa was here she siw tins “Dro- mino” at the theatre, and she was so struck with the likeness, that she retired from her box, after exhibiting the powerful effect it had on her feelings. To render the similitudo more remarkable, he usually dresses in tho costume of Napoleon, and imitates his peculiar gait and demeanor. So great has been the excitement produced, that h.s Sardinian Majesty, with that sensitiveness so peculiar to petty despots, has lately ordered him aw iv to take command of a reg ment t* S it ina. The first time I saw him was ,»r toe Cafe de Com; I was in company vr.,fe n french officer who had served uudor fLrpolcon in his campaigns and who beheld him for the last taste at tho battle of Leipsick. “1 perfectly remember the Emperor’s appearance durine'tlnt filial day, (said my companion after pointing tho Corsican officer out to mo) and you may believe mo, when I solemnly nssuro you that wore uot Napoleon dead, my feelings are now such- as to bo tempted to exclaim " “vivo l’Emperour.” Mathews, in one of his entertainments, rais cd a hearty laugh by tolling the following story of nn Irishman driving n pig. Animals of this spcc,es arc well known for tlioir obstinacy, Mid for their pcrsevoranco in endeavoring to go any w-iy but that which you wish them to take.— Mmhcws asked tho Irish bog-t rater tvhero he was taking tho pigl And the following colloquy * ensues; “Spake lower, your honor; pray spake lower.’’ “Why should I speak lower? I only ask whither you aro driving the pigl” “Spake lower.” “What reason can you have for not answering so tilling a quostionf’’ “Why sburc, I wo ild answer your swato honor any tiling, but • • I am afraid he’d hare me.” “What then!”— “Then he’ll not go, for I taking him to Cork but making him believe he’s going to Forney, Tho young Count do Lillors, a great favor- ite of Gen. L ifayotte, has arrived at New- t York. He canVe exprcssly to make the tour of ihe United States, after which ha will visit and Colombia. Peru Tolu Borax, refined Burgundy Pitch- Blue Vitriol Bole Armen Calomel Castor Canthorides Corrosive Subli mate Cassia Cloves Cochineal Columbo Jalap Flowers Benzoin James’ Powders do Sulph. Juniper Berries Fox Glove Lignum Quassia Flax S -cd Lint, Patent Fennel do Litbarg* Fowlor’s Solution Logwood Ginger Root Manna Flake do Powder Mace T HE Subscriber having taken the above Establishment, recently occupied by Lewis Daniel, Esq. . solicits the patronage of his friends and the public in general—assuring them that his Table will be furnished with the best this section of the country affords; his - Bar with the choicest LIQUORS; a good and attentive Outer; and Stables well provided with Provender. And if unlimited attention, with moderate es, are sufficient inducements, I expect at least my share of public favor. JOHN C. MANGHAM. Zebulon, Pile County, May 21, 1827. 30 MANSION MOUSE. hours of sole, the following PROPERTY: T HE subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he has taken that well known establishment, front- ing the Court house iu the town of CLINTON, Jones County, Ga. formerly occupied by II. II. Blat ter, Esq. as a Tavern and Boarding House, and having made various improvements therein, lie is now prepar ed* 0 entertain BOARDERS and TRAVELLERS in a genteel nnd comfortable manner. His accommoda tions are very extensive; and bis table, bar, stables, &c, are at all times well furnished. Unremitting exer tions will be made for the comfort of bis customers, and he solicits a share of the patronage of the public.— Families can be accommodated with separate rooms. SOL. HOGE. CLINTON, Ga. April 30,1827. . 27tf Gum Aloes dq Ammonia do Arabic do Assafcetida do Benzoin do Catechu, do Gueiac. Camomile flowers do Gamboge >do Copal do Kino do Myrrh do Upium dp Scninmony do Shellac do Trngucanth do Camphor Gentian * Glass Funnels Caraway Seed Coriander Cubebs Copperas Canella Alba Cascarilla Cowhage Court Plaster Castor Oil Caustic Lunar do Common do Mortars Ointment of Can- Snuffs thnrides Saffron Ointment, Mercu- SossapariUa rial 8avin Ointment, Basil-Saunders Red icon Salts, Glauber Ointment, Citron do Epsom Orris Uoot Pearl Ashes do Barley Pepper, Black" 1 ) Long Peruvian Bark Pimento Pink Ro6t Plaster Adhesive do ltoborans Precipitate, Red da Rochelle do Tartar do Nitre do Soda Senna Snake Root Spcrmncetti Madder Magnesia Alb. do Calc. Musk Mustard Mortars & Pestles assorted Nutmegs Gaits Nux Vomica Orange Peel Oil Almonds do Amber, rect. do Anniseed do Cinnamon do Caraway do Cloves do Juniper do Lavender do Lemon do Origanum do Pennyroyal do Peppermint do Petroleum do Rosemary -do Spear Mint do Turpentine do Worm Seed Tartar Emetic Turmeric Terebinth Venct Uva Ursi Valerian dpi do White do Phosphorus Quicksilver Rhubarb ' Resin Yellow 8u!ph. Zinc do Potash do Quinine Spirits Hartshorn Phials assorted do Nitre Window Glass do Turpentine Glue do Wine, rect. Ivory Black Lavender Hair Powder NINE MONTHS AFTER DATE, A PPLICATION will be made to the honorable, im. the Court of Ordinary, of Twiggs county, for leave to sell the Beal Estate of Charles Thompson, late ol said county, deceased—for the benefit of the heirs ol said estate. MARY THOMPSON, April 30 9m——27 Guardian. In CRAWFORD SUPERIOR COURT APRIL TERM, 1827. a JOHN M’DONALD ) ts, \Libtlfor Divorce. FLORA M’DONALD. ) (WHEREAS, it appears, by the return of the She _ / riff, that the defendant is not to be found in Crawtord .county: On motion, it is ordered, that service be perfected by the publication of this Rule once a month for three months in one of the public gazettes of Ibis State,- and that the defendant appear and answer at the next term of this Court. A true Extract from the Minutes. ' M. ROBERTS, Clerk. April 4, 1827. 3tlm 23 Com. Sponge Sulpb. Roll -Squills Soap, Castile do ~ do Drop Lake Durable Ink Wafers - Pill Slabs Tooth Brushes Beqving Smelling Bottles Windsor Starch. Sulphurate Anti- Stores, liquid Sweet Oil mony Sugar of Lead ' Super Curb. Soda PAINTS, &c. LOST, O N the Federal Road, between the home of Collin R. Ezell, at Old Fort Perry, and Spain’s Stnnd, at the Uehee Bridge, on Sunday, the 25lh ult. a large calf-skin POCKET BOOK, containing about one hundred and eighty-seven dollars in money, and several Promissory Notes. One promissory note made by George B. Whitfield, for thirty-five dollars; one ditto on John R. Taylor, for forty dollars; one ditto on James Cargile, and two ditto on Stanford & Lloyd, amounts not recollected; besides several small notes, made by different individuals; also, a bill of sale, executed by Aaron Shirley, for a Negro Wo man, named Mary, to the subscriber; with other pa pers of no use to any one but the owner. Whoever will return said Pocket Book to the subscriber resid ing at Knoxville, Crawford coupty, or give any infor mation respecting it, shall be handsomely rewarded. HIRAM WARNER. npril 2 23 Red Lead Rose Pink Chrome Yellow Tcrcdeseana Spanish Brown Umber Blue Smalts Venetian Red Kings Yellow French do Black Lead Vermillion Copal Varnish Japan do Verdigris Prussian Blue Drop Lako Sand Paper Filtering do Lamp Black Rotten Stone Pomice do Lamp Oil PATENT MEDICINES, &c. Bals. Honey Opodeldoc Worm Lozenges Bateman’s Drops Godftey’sCordialHenry’s Cal.Mag. British Oil*" Seidlitzrowders Turlingtons Bais’m Ess. Peppermint Soda do Lee’s Pills Eye Water Fancy Essences Antique Oil Itch Ointment Lip Salve Milk of Roses Wash Ralls Pomatum Roll Cologne Water Stoughton’s Bitters Also, a number of other articles; all of width they will sell low on accommodating terms. May 14——tf 29 LAND LOTTERY LISTS FOR SAKE AT THIS OFFICE. COPY NOTES. ON or before the first day of January next, we or ei ther of us promise to pay Joel Rusbin or bearer twen ty dollars, for value received, this 10th January, 1825. [Signed] JONATHAN A. HUDSON. HENRY WILLIAMS. COPY. ON or before the first day of January next, wc or ei ther of us promise to pay Joel Rusbin or bearer twen ty dollars, for value received, this 10th Janunry, 1825. [Signed] JONATHAN A, HUDSON. HENRY WILLIAMS. BIBB SUPERIOR COURT, February -Term, 1827. Joel Rusbin * Jonathan^ Hudson } RULE »«■ and Henry Williams J ' I T appearing to the Court, that Joel Rnshin was in possession of the original Notes, of which the a- hove are conies, and that they have been lost or de stroyed, On motion, itris ordered, That they show cause, on the first day of next Term, why said copies should not bo established in lieu of the originals; and that a copy of this rule be published onco a month for three months previous to tho next Term of this Court, in oue of tho public gazettes in this 8tate, or served personslly on the defendants. True extract from the Minutes, this 3d March, 1827. HENRY G. ROSS. 31—3tlm Deputy Clerk Superior Court. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. Athens, May 23,1827. /i NHE final examination oflhe Members of the Sen- br Class in Franklin College, will commence on Monday the 18th of June next. The ettendance of the Trustees of the University is particularly requested. Parents, Guardians, and Literary Gentle- men generally, are also invited to be present. A8BURY HULL, Secretary, Jane 4 32 SCI. FAS, O F anew and approved form, handsomely execu' ted, for sale at this office, . aprii 30 GEORGIA—Pike County. W HEREAS IWilliam V. While applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Charles Ilinson, senior, late of Conecuh county, Alabama, de ceased— These are therefore to rite and admonish ail and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. • Given under my hand nt office, this nih’clccnth day of March, 1827. H. G. JOHNSON, aprii 2 Cw Clerk of the Court of Ordinary. 9 LAND FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale his PLANTATION in Twiggs county, lying nine miles below Macon, on the Ocmui- gee river, on which there is a good Dwtl- , ling House, Gin Home, and other necessa- ry buildings, and about 100 acres of cleared land, all in good repair, the place is known to be one of the most eligible situations for a Practising Physician, in this section of the country, and would be sold low and on accommodating terms, or exchanged for good Lands in the counties of Bibb or Houston. ROBERT COLLINS. Macon, May 14—tf 29 77 NOTICE. 74JINE months after date, application will be made 1V to the honorable the Inferior Court of Monroe County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estato of Elijah Curry, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. SHELMAN DURHAM, Guardian. jan 17 i9m lowing p Three NEGROES, to wit: Esther a womu, fa I a girl, and an Infant Child—levied on ■■ the pngTI ty of Brodnax So Danielly, to satisfy a fieri faebsa I the foreclosure of , a mortgage in favor of Jxmns, 1 Gray versus said Brodnax & Danielly—prow-. 1 pointed out in said mortgage. ' ^ • WILEY MANGHAM aprii 23—26 n» »•., On the first Tuesday in JLl-Y nut, W ILL be sold at the Courthouse in the ton 11 Perry, Houston County, between the udl hours of sale, the following Property, viz; I DA MEL, a negro man, supposed tobeM or 35 years of ago; AMOS, a boy, 17 orlSycwolil GREEN, a boy, seventeen or eighteen years olil All levied on as the property of Arthur A. hor^A satisfy a mortgage Fi. ra. in favor of Burton'Hu I burn. Property pointed out in said mortgage Fi. hi HENRY W. RALEY, W 1 aprii 30 2m * On the first Tuesday in JUL Y uaf, (TWILL be sold, in the Town of Perry, Uni. ] f/ county, betw en the usual hours of uktkl following PROPERTY, to wit: „ I Two hundred two and a half acres Pine LAND,ill the fifth district, Houston county, number twenty-'* | —levied on as the property of David Murray, to w> | fy sundry fieri facioses in tavor of John Adasu~!ql made and returned by a constable. I One half the interest in the LAND, GRIST, ui| SAW MILLS, whereon Peter V; Gucny now lire-1 known by lot number eigbty-two,ln the fourteen^ 1 district, Houston county—levied on as the propertyfI Theodore Gucrry, to satisfy a fieri facias in tavor jl Jumes Pariott—property pointed out by defenrhot I Two hundr ed tv.-o ana a half acres PIKE LAND, I in the ninth district, Houston county, number at | hundred and twenty-nine—levied on ns the property! | lUias Harris, to satisfy sundry fieri facioses in ttreil Harris Allen—levy made by a constable. I One hundred one and a quarter acres of Pine LAE | 'a the tcatb district, Houston county, number scvr'j k seven, well improved—levied on as the prowrtri | Lewis Hunt, to satisfy two fieri facias^, in urorf| D. XV. Sbino and others—levy made by a coruttlk I Two hundred two and a half acres Oak and !hc‘>| ry LAND, in the thirteenth district, Houston court I number two hundred stnd sixty-seven, welt Improrri | —levied on os the properly of David Ship, toutq| two fieri fnciases in favor of John Tully asdsadyl other fieri facioses—levy made by a constable. | Two hundred two and a half acres LAND, in $| thirteenth district, Houston county, number one la | dredand seventy-five—levied ones the nropeitj!| William Webb, to satisfy a fieri facias in favor«I W. Jackson—levy made uy a constable. I Two hundred two und a hall'acres Pine LAND. I with a good Grist and Saw .MILL thereon, is tit I eleventh district, IlouUon county, number oneta I deed and four—le vied on as the property of Dmin I Nicholson, to satify sundry fieri faciases in fevorofB. I W. Shine versus Jonathan Polk and Dunken I son—levy made by a constable. I One hundred one and a quarter acres ofFine LAW I improved, in the eleventh district, Houston <«>41 number filly-two—levied on as the property of Juki Finley to satisfy one fieri facias in favor of NeM I Smith, and sundry other fieri faciases—levy ma« q* j Constable. 1 Also all the interest of William Jorden in theiot. J LAND whereon he now lives, known by lot nsaw I two hundred and sixty-nine in the thirteenth distr/n I Houston county—levied on ns bis property tn v'.>7 j n fieri facias in favor of Moses Ynrborough—Iciynir | nnd returned to mo by a constable. HENRY W. RALEY, Shcrf May 28 31 On the first Tuesday in JULY nut, W ILL be sold, at tho court house in ths.Hpj I Forsyth, Monroe county, between the j of ten and four o’clock, . , I The State’s INTEREST in Lot number one I dred nnd forty-two, (No. 142) in the fifth distr.rt 3 1 said county, being the south half of said Lot, WSBJI ing one hundred one nnd a qunrter seres «ccoroi»f I division. The condition of snle U, one fourthoi t, I purchase money in hand, and the balance ia I annual instalments. , .. WILLIAM -IUCKABY, S# may 28 31 On (he first Tuesday in AUGUST nett, W ILL be sold, at the Court House, in the (0 ? I ty of Pike, between the usual hours, US’’ I lowin STOLEN, O R taken away by mistake some time last sum mer, from near the Post Office,. large Strong built CHEST with a good Lock thereon, and contain- iug sundry articles of Merchandize, apparently the remnants of n store. Any person giving information where said Chest and goods can be had shall be libe rally rewarded. FLUKER & COLLINS. . -Macon. May 14 tf 29 MARRIAGE LICENSES FOR 8ALE AT TIU8 OFFICE. „ Property, viz; ^t One NEGRO MAN, liy the name of Istgc, *■ I fifty years of age—levied upon as the properlyol'I scs Chapman, to ratisfy a fieri facias on lhe,' ort ‘ sure of a mortgage in favor of Egbert Beall«_ “id Chapman—property pointed out in said nwfjF WILEY MANGHAM, Deputy ton}- may 27—31 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Court I of Pike County, will be sold, on the first * I day in July next, at Decatur, in the county 01 I Kalb. / I I.ot No. -to. in the 14th District formerly I now Do Kalb county, os the property of Westmoreland, deceased, for the benefit oftne s &c. R. WESTMORELAND. Ai * March 19——21 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. On the third Monday in JULY nut, ^ ■ ILL be sold at Hill-horoueh, Jasper co un ')' W L tween the usual hours ofsnle, , All the Personal Property belonging to the Samuel Stearns, deceased. Terms of sale, fi 1 ' .' r . A. E. STRATTON, June 4——5t 32 • — "STAR OF THE SOUTH-" . UBSCRIPTIONS to the above will be received at tin* office, and 1?^* i nU S’ | the editor, Mr. Smith, nt Milledgevillc. se ' , ,jy r0) } 11 bers of the work may be reen as ebove. 1 ■< * 50 per annum. 24 S