Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, June 25, 1827, Image 4

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„ r f thb BnwiynMSi. STANZAS, Written on hearing a.Lady accompany htr voice with Ike Harp. Above the harp the-Lady l>cnt, And softly minuend sweetly smiled; Ilor looks bespoke a mind content, A heart that love had ne’er beguiled. ’ The song she eung was one of youth. That time, ere hopes come mixed with fears, Ere falsehood'takes the place of truth, And laughing eye* are filled with tears. The Lady rises, backward (lings The dark locks from her snowy brow; Again she swops the silver strings, But ah! tile strain is altered now. A mournful look is in her eyes. With trembling haste her fingers move; Her words come mingled forth With sighs, For oh! the song she sings is tovt. That song ton truly, plainly told, How early hopes had been deceived: How thnt warm heart, I dream’d so cold, Had known of love, and had believed. Alas! 'hat love, though meant to bless, 8 veet woman’s bane so oft shall be-* That innocence and faithfulness •Should be allied to misery. EPIGRAM. ‘Oh! spare me. one lock of your hair,” (A bashful younglovertook courage and sighed;) •‘It were sin to refuse you so modest a prayer, “So take mv whole wig" (the sweet creature re plied!) From the New Hampshire patriot. joyATHAN's-Aceppyr;ij y yj or, a r(U| 7 l®> Did v’evergo into the printers? Thnt is.thn greatest of smasher*, I wonder they 3 m’t hrenk to splinters, Tilings, they ichop round so like thrashers. Tlie types'Ore nil smooth on their fnccs, . 4-"d;—I never, since I was hom,— " Vrjtyyi'iiltle them into their places ’ W-As quick nsnhpn picks up corn, lie Their cast iron’presj cut n enper, ' . * (M’nm tho’t for cheese it would please her.) They cover'd the types up with paper, Then pull’d—I vnn! ’twas asi/ueezcr. , To tell how 'tivas fix'd it would task ye— Uut then if 'Hvns a grain wider— 'Twould make, by the hookey task ye— A cur'ous press, sir, for cider. They laid on their ink, sir, I sniggers, With things that hung up at the side, Just like the heads of black niggers, Except that the wool was inside. MASONIC NOTICE. , TIIE •Arrisenrry fSt. John the Baptist will be cele brated liy Sincerity I-odge No. S3, on Monda.- lire 85tb Inst. ' An appropriate address will he delivered onthe occasion. Members and transient breth ren are respectfally invited to attend. By order of the W. M. JAMES M’BRYDE, Secretary P. T. Clinton, 5th June, A. L. 5827 33 MACON HOTEL LOST, O N the Federal Road, between the house of Collin R. Ezell, at Old Fort Perry, and Spain’s Stand, nt the Uchee Bridge, on Sunday, the 25th ult. a large calf-skin POCKET BOOK, containing about one hundred and eighty-seven dollars in money, and several Promissory Notes. One promissory note made' by George B. Whitfield, for thirty-five dollars; one ditto an John It. Taylor, for forty dollars; one ditto on James Cargile, and two ditto on Stanford & Lloyd, amounts not recollected; besides several small notes, made by different individuals; also, a bill of sale, executed by Aaron Shirley, for a Negro Wo man, nnnied Mary, to the subscriber; with other pa pers of no use to any one but the owner. Whoever will return said Pocket Book to the subscriber resid ing at Knoxville, Crawford county, or give any infor mation respecting it, shall be handsomely rew arded. IIIRAM WARNER. april 2 23 Improved Colton l’vess. T HE subscribers having put into operation in the vicinity of Columbia, S. C. an improved Press for Packing Cotton, offer to the public the building of PRESSES, or the privilege of building on their plan, on reasonable terms —'.Villi this Press, when in complete order, two good hands and ono boy can pack trom 310 to 350 pounds of Cotton into four and a half yards of Bagging, in nine minutes; and nftcr the bi le is sewed and corded, can elevate the follower to its former position, in three minutes, ready for the introduction ol Cotton into the packing box—and with n set of active bands, two bales per hour may be packed with ease. This Press also presents other advantages—it is ea sily put under, cover, either in a Ginhouse or under a jt; itjs not liable to be impaired by use, as nilinaf’ be used in any w eather. JL-s.. , JAM Etf BOATWRIGHT, ¥ ‘ ISAAC NATHANS. Columbia, S. C. IIOIVELL COHIi, ITTf AVING been admitted to the Practice of the Law jOL will attend the Courts most convenient to his njsidcqce, Which is at Perry. Houston county, where lie will be found nt all times unless he is absent on the circuit. 25 3t april 16 - FRUIT TUBES, GRAPES, A-c. THE subscriber, Proprietor of the Lin- mean Botanic Garden and Nurseries, near New York, offers to the public such assortment of TREES AND PLANTS, as tney may desire. The collection of Fruit Trees of ail the various kinds, and also of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, and Plants, is well known for its great extent and superiority; but in addition to the immense ac quisitions of former yeat s, the proprietor now offers The subscriber having taken the abovo Establishment, recently occupied by R; Coleman, Esq. and made considerable improvements theiein, is now prepared to accommodate BOAR DERS and TRAVELLERS, in ihe most genteel and comfortable manner. His accom modalions are extensive, and no pains will be spared to give satisfaction to his customers. TIMOTHY BRUEN. Macon, December 12, 1826. ZEBILON HOTEL. SHERIFFS' On the first 1 utsday in JULY neu W ILL be sold, at the Court House ; n ’ Pl | Counlv, between the usual hours t!,.-,,i, -1 lag PROPERTY, to w it: lol M Two hundred two and ahalf acres of LAND ,, I • >r le-s.. whereon Benjamin Shepard now li Vfs j' Wr, I by Lot number sixty-live, (No. bo) in t| lc aeve'n«h' J ’'| trict, formerly.Monroe, now I’ikc county—|,. v u, ’I on as the property of Daniel Newton, to satisfy, executions in favor of the Executors of Seaborn), -I deceased, versus said Newton and others— D - -'I pointed out by Thomas Wright. 1 "J Also, two hundred.two and a half seres of |« v j more or less, known by Lbt number three, (N,“ • U J the third district, formerly Monroe, now Pike cor J levied upon os the property of John Hudson, ta2| fy an execution, issued from n Justice’s Court ;„7l vor of J. A. & N. H. Green—levk ,1 oh and n ’i ar .;;l to me by a constable. Also, ninety-seven six and a half tenths of LAND, being the west half of Lot number ebt, _ one, (No. 81) in the seventh district, formerly v roe, now I’ikc county—levied upon as the pro!!-J of Joseph Smith, .to satisfy Ti fieri facias in fan.! ', the officers of Court of Pike county. ' 11 ; a r ' ton. bearing her thereafter—levie'd upon as the property of f, Vinson, to satisfy a fieri facias, issued tor cost,in [ of John M‘Daniel and wife versus said Vi; pointed out by defendant. WILEY. MANGHAM, Deputy Shtr* may 23’-—31 the first Tuesday'in JULY nett > LJUdan, at' the Court House, in the’t, %. Tike. County, between the n following PROPERTY: _ >EJ», to wit; Esther a woman, ] tifsnt Child—levied on as the m, Dnpiejly, to' satisfy a fieri f ac u£ ' a mortgage Id favor of James Brodnnx & Danielly—wore, 4 mortgage. ’ A WILEY MANGIIAM Pepvlv Shtrif. j lent in april i lm quisitionsol tormeryeais, tne proprietor now oners above fire hundred NEW VARIETIES of the choicest Fruits, which are not in possession of anv other es tablishment in this country; and all of which arc an nounced in the Catalogues for 1825, which have just issued from the press. The assortment of Grapes con sists of ubove TWO HUNDRED and FIFTY VA. RIETIE3, and comprises the finest Bluer and Table Grapes known in France, Germany, Italy, and the , ...... , ... I Crimea—and the proprietor having acquired exten- The following spirited lines are from the pen of tne I s j ve i n f oina ation on the subject from actual experience, poet a Rogers, of (ilnsgow. Their style is extremely j t, able to make such selections ns may be suitable to T HE Subscriber havlog taken the above Establishment, recently occupied by Lewis Daniel, Esq. solicits the patronage of his friends and the public in general—assuring them that his Table will ho furnished with the best this section of the country affords; his Bar with the choicest LKiUORS; a good and. attentive Ostler; and Stables well provided with Provender. And if unlimited attention, with moderate charges, are sufficient inducements, l expect at least my shore of public favor. JOHN C. MANGHAM. Zf hulon, Pike County, May 21, 1827. 30 ‘ MAWWI&W HOUSE. On a table some types stood nlonc— I thought Pd sec if they'd stick— I touch’d them—they all tumbl'd down, And then I clear'd out mighty ijuick. playful und natural. BEHAVE YOURSEL’ BEFORF. FOLK. Air—"Good morrow to your night cap." Behave yoursel' before folk, Behave yoursel’ before folk, And diann be sno rude to me’ As kiss me sne before folk. It wadna gi’e me meikle pain, Gin we were seen and heard by nane, ■ To tak’ a kiss, or grant you nne; Out gudesake.'no before folk, Behave yoursel’ before folk, Behave yoursel’ before folk; Whate’er you do, when out o’view. Be cautious ay before folk. Consider, lad, how folk will crack, And what a great affair they’ll mak' O' naething bat a simple smack, That's gi'en or to’en before folk, Bib ave yoursel' before folk, Behave yoursel’ before folk, Nor gi’e the tongue o’ auld and young, Ocasion to come o’er folk. It's no through hatred o’ a kiss That I sae plainly tell kou this! But lash! I tak’it sair amiss’ To be sae tenz'd before folk, Behave yoursel’ before folk, Behave yoursel' before folic. When we’re alane ye may tak’ one, . But fient a ane before folk. I’m sure wi' yon I’ve been ns free As ony modest lass should be; But yet, it doesna do to see Sic freedom used before folk, Behave yoursel' before folk, .Behave yoursel' before folk, I’ll ne’er submit again to it— So iniud you that—before folk. Ye tell me that my face is fair; It may be sae—I dinna care— But ne’er again gar’t blush sao sair As ye have done heforo folk. Behave yoursel’ before folk, ' Behave yoursel’ before folk. Nor heat my cheeks wi’your mad freaks But ay be douce before folk. Ye tell tne that my lipt are sweet; Bic fades I doubt are a’ deceits At any rate, its hardly meet To prie their sweets before folk, Behave yoursel’before folk, Behave yoursel’ before folk;. Gin that’s the ease there’s time and place, But surely no before folk. But, gitryc really do Insist That I should suffer to be kiss'd, Gae, gel the license free the priest, ' s Amt mak’ me yours before folk, Behave yoursel, before folk, s Behave yoursel, before folk, And when weVe ane, balth flesh and bane, Ye may tak’ten—before folk. ony particular locality; and where such selections are left to him, he will send such as cannot fait to suc ceed. The price for the first assortment of twelve Vines, is Eight Dollars, for the second assortment, Six Dollars, and for the third assortment, Four und a Half Dollars. The collection of ROSES exceeds FIVE HUNDRED VARIETIES, and of GREEN-HOUSE PLANTS, about TWO THOUSAND SPECIES, comprising twenty thousand POTS—among which, are all those known as most beautiful and rare. Catalogues may be had gratis of James Hetion, Esquire, E. Streets aud orders through him, or per mail, will meet prompt execution. * WILLIAM PRINCE, C. W. of the Linnaan Society of Pams, of the Horticultural Society of London, and of the Imperial Society of the Georgofili at Flo• renre, etc. november 7 INFORMATION WANTED. O N or about the 6th April, 1821, a young Man by the name of DARLING GREENE, left me and I said he was going somewhere in the neighborhood of I of Milledgevilic, Baldwin county, Georgia, and I have | never heard of him since. Any person that can give | any information concerning the said young man, by a lng u line to the Constitutionalist office at Augus- il oblige a distressed widow and mother. MARY GREENE. Augusta, April 17—28 T HE subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he has taken that well known establishment, front ing the Court house in the town of CLINTON, Jones County, Ga. formerly oceapiad by H. H. Slat- ter, Esq. as a Tavern aud Boarding House, and having made various improvements therein, he is now prepar- edto entertain BOARDERS and TRAVELLERS in a genteel and comfortable manner. His accommoda- lions are very extensive; and his table, bar, stables,'&c, are at all times well furnished. Unremitting exer tions will be made fprthe comfort of his customers, and be solicits a share of the patronage of tho public.— Families can be accommodated with separate rooms, SOL. HOGE. CLINTON, Ga. April 30, 1827. , 27tf MilGLeE TaOLVEiRJ^ will require of each candidate mpetent knowledge of Chemistry, Anatomy, Mate- i Mcdica, Physiology, Surgery, Midwifery, and the heory and Practice of Medicine, and will not grant a BOARD OF PHYSICIANS T Of the Stale of Georgia. . HE following extracts from the Bylaws adopted by the Board at their first meeting, are made I public, lor the information of candidates who may in .future apply for License to practice Medicine, dec. I 1st. Applicants for examination'shall be required to write ana present a Thesis on some medical subject, I and hand the same to the Dean on or before each an nual meeting of the Board. 2d. The Board Icomi Theory and license to any candidate who is materially deficient in any of those branches. / 3d. In future, applicants having Diplomas, shall be expected to send them to this Board tor examination, and that in no case shall a temporary or permanent 1 license be granted upon the testimony of a member of I this Board, or any other individual, without the Di- I ploma. I 4th. A re-examination will be granted by tbe Board I at the same session, to rejected applicants, on the sole | condition, that the second examination be held pul- j Hcly, and the questions and answers recorded on the | minutes. The order of examination will be so conducted, I to commenoe with the first name enrolled, aud pro- I ceed numerically, until the list is gone through,' and if I any applicant is absent, when his presence is required j before the Board, the nest named shall be presented I m his place, and the name of the absent placed at the | bottom of tbe list Applicants are notified, that letters addressed to me in uHthgtep, Oglethorpe county) poet paid, request ing their names enrolled, with their residence, aud ti tle of Thesis, will be dulyattendcd to. ALEX. M. JONES, M. D. Dean of the Board of Physieifssu of the Slateof Georgia. Milledgeviile, Dec. 1826. Fraud,—A m tn. was lately summoned be fore a mae'istrato,' in London, charged with ti species of fraud hitherto unknown, viz: selling I In CRA WFORD SUPERIOR COURft b ! a wifo to another man for ten guineas, and APRIL, TERM, 1827. then passing auother’a wife on the purchaser J0HN M-DON’ALD ) instead of his own. FLORA MCDONALD. V ' HEREAS, it appears, by the return of the She riff, that the defendant is not to be found in True Greatness.—At a dinner given in Lou' , isville, (Ky.) in the month of April, there were V™ wfor< J. ***J|*r , , „ . . , fi*, ftrntlrm.n , . • r. On molion, «f u ordered, that service be perfected present fee gentlemen, whose united height by tiie publication 0 f this Rule once a month for wa* thirty- vco J act Jire inches! The height of three months in one of the public gazettes of this State, each wi3 as follows: the tallest G feet 8 inches; and that the defendant appear and answer afthe next tiie next, 6 feet 6 1-2 inches; the next, 6 fee 6 nchc-s the ilex’, 6 feet 4 1-2 inches, end the last, G feci 4 inches. term of this Court. A true Extract from the Minutes. C. M. ROBERTS, Clerk. April 4, 1827.—3tla—23 Ti MONTICELLO; HE'subscriber having purchased out the former Proprietor of this ESTABLISHMENT, nforras tho Public, tint he has fitted it up in convenient and comfortable style, for the accommo dation of TRAVELLERS und BOARDERS. His Table will be' constantly supplied with the best, both of PROVISIONS and LIQUORS, tho country affords; whilst his Bar (he ventures to say,) has not been surpassed by any in the Up-country of Georgia. His Sta- hies nre large and convenient, and are attended by a good Ostler, and a constant supply of CORN, FODDER and. OATS. Tho Proprietor, with the foregoing considerations, added to his most assiduous attention to tho comfort and accommodation of those who favor him with their company, hopes to share a proportion of the public Patronage. JvM, 1827- IIERVEY. STOLEN, FROM tba undersigned, living near Fort Perry, on the night of the 13th instant, a dark bay HORSE, i8tallion) with the right eye out, and a blemish in the left from the cut of a whip; switch tail, end blaze in tbe forehead. A liberal reward will be given for the restoration of the Hone, and an ad- $£j ditional compensation for proof against the thief to ther of conviction. ' _ CULLEN R. IZEEL. ty dollars, jnne 18——3t—31 NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against the Estate of ll’illiam Edwards, deceased, late of Twiggs county, are hereby required to render them in is the law directs. Ana all persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, as indul gence will not in given. ISHAM EDWARDS, ezeeV. june 18 34 6wp COPY NOTES. ON or before the first day of January next, we or ei ther of us promise to pay Jqel Rushin or bearer twen ty dollars, for value received, this 10th Jannarv, 1825. [SignedJ JONATHAN A. HUDSON. HENRY WILLIAMS. COPY. ON or before the first da’ ir before tho first day of January next, we or cl- us promise to pay Joel Rushin or bearer twen- rs, for value received, this 10th Jannarv. 1825. [Signed] GEORGIA—Pike County. P ERSONALLY came before me, Pleasant G. Hancock, and after being dnly sworn, saith that he bos lost or mislaid a certain Promissory Note, given by John Isom for twenty-five dollars, due the 25th day of December, 1826, with a credit of twelve dol lars—said Note made payable to Pleasant G. Han cock or bearer. PLEASANT G. HANCOCK. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 12M day of May, 1827. Malaciu Ijuvresce, J. P. iT N. B. All persons arc hereby cautioned from trading for said Note, and-1 hereby forewarn the ma ker of said Note from making payment to any person except myself. PLEASANT G. HANCOCK. juno 18 84 1 Blank attachments FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. received, this 10th January, 1825 JONATHAN A. HUDSON. HENRY WILLIAMS. BIBB SUPERIOR COURT. February Term, 1827; Joel Rushin - Jonathan A^Hudson NISI, and Henry Williams * ¥T appearing to the Court, that Joel Rushin was in J. possession of the original- Notes, of which the a- bove are. copies, and that they have been lost or de- On motion, it is ordered, That they show cause, on the first day of next Term, why said copies should not be established in lieu of the originals; and that a copy of this rule be published once a month for three months previous tP the next Term of this Court, in one of the public gazettes in this State, or served personally on the defendants. True extract frdm the Minutes, this 3d March, 1827 HENRY G. ROSS. 31——3llm Deputy Clerk Superior Court On ike first msday in JULY nett, ILL be sold nt the Courthousc in the town, „ .Perry, Houston County, between the nyurs of sale,.the following Property, viz: i ‘ DANIEL, a negro nun, supposed to be J_ of 35 years of age; AMOS, a hoy, 17 or 18 years e’J GREEN, a boy, seventeen,or eighteen years ot-ij All levied on as the properly of Arthur A. ilsrgesM satisfy a mortgage Fi. Fa. in favor of liurton 1(4 burn. Property pointed out in said mortcaee Fi N HENRY W. RALEY,W april 30 2m * 1 On the first Tuesday in JULY next, YyrrfLL be sold, in the Town of Perry, ILuh Jj county, between the usual hours of sale, d following PROPERTY, to wit: Two hundred two aud a half acres Pine LAND,i( the fifth district, Houston county. number twenty-f< —levied on os the property of David Murray, tout (y sundry fieri faciuses iu luvor of John Adamj-luj made and returned by a constable. One half the interest in the LAND, GRIST, i SAW MILLS, whereon Peter V. Gucny now 1 known by lot number cighty-two, in the fowl district, Houston county—levied on os the propetql Theodore Gucny, to satisfy a fieri laclas in larorJ James Parrott—property pointed out by defendant] hundred two and a hall acres PINE LAMI in the ninth district, Houston-county, numbered hundred and twenty-nine—levied on as the property J Elia, Harris, to satisfy sundry fieri laciasrs in Uvord Harris Allen—levy made by a constable. One hundred one and u quarter acres of PineLA-M iu the tenth district, Houston county, number sem- seven, well improved—levied on as the property <1 Lewis Hunt, to satisfy two fieri faciuses, fa favor J D. W. Shine and others—levy made by a constaLItl Two hundred two and a half acres Oak and E 1 ry LAND, in tbe thirteenth district, Houston i number two hundred and sixty-seven, well imprevtfl —levied on us the property ol David Ship, to n'"- 0 two fieri faciuses in favor of John Tully andii other fieri faciuses—levy made by a constable. Two hundred 1 two and a half acres LAND, in ll thirteenth district, Houston county, number onehm di ed and seventy-five—levied on os the property a William Webb, to satisfy a fieri facias in fa W. Jackson—levy made by a constable. Two hundred two and a half acres Tine LAND, with a-good Grist and Saw MILL thereon, is f eleventh district, Houston county, number one hr dred and fourt—levied bn as tbe property of Until Nicholson,to satity sundry fieri faciaseslnfavoroflj W. Shine versus Jonathan Polk and Dunkea Nit son—levy made by a constable. One hundred one and n quarter acres of Pine LAW, improved, in tbe eleventh district, Houston tOir number fifty-two—levied on ns the property of Ju Finley to satisfy ono fieri facias in favor of Smith, and sundry other ficrifaciases—levymsoenjl constable. „ f Also all the interest of William Jorden in the Iota LAND whereon he now lives, known by lot numtrt two hundred and sixty-nine in the thirteenth di.-tnetoj Houston county—levied on us his prosily to a'*'* a fieri facias in ravor of Moses Yarborough—levy®' and returned to me by a constable. HENRY W. RALEY, SherJ. May 28-—31 _____ On the first Tuesday in JULY nest, W LL be sold, at the court house in tb» towd Forsyth, Monroe lounty, between tie1 of ten and four o'clock, . Thu State’s INTEREST in Lot number one f dred and forty-two, (No. 1,2) in tbe fifth distnct-S said county, being the south half of said ing one hundred one and a quarter acres accor-UJPj division. The condition of sale is, one fourth ot wj purclmse'money in hand, and the balance in “ annual instalments. , i WILLIAM HUCKABY, W j may 28 31 On the first Tuesday in A UGUST nut, W ILL be sold, at the Court House, in the eoc ty of I’ikc, between the liiuul hours, t* £ lowing PROPERTY, vie One NEGRO MAN, by the name of I*a ac ' j fifty years of ago—levied upon as the property «l\ 1 scs Chapman, to satisfy h fieri facia* on l he sure of a mortgage in favor of Egbert beall^H said Chapman—property pointed out in said WILEY MANGHAM, Deputy may 27——31 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. P UR8UANT to on order of the Court irfOj of Pike County, will bo sold, on the fir!l , r day in July next, at Decatur, in the county 01 "Mb. , . Lot No. 40, in the 14th District former 1 .'";,. now DcKalb county, as tho property of t‘ -J Westmoreland, deceased, for tho benefit ottc 1 &c. K. WESTMORELAND, f March 19 21 STOLEN, O R taken away by mistake some time last snm- mer, from near the Post Office, a large Strong built CJ/ESTwitli a good Lock thereon, and contain iug sundry articles of Merchandize, apparently the remnants of a store. Any person giving information where said Chest and goods can be had shall he iibe rally rewarded. FLUKER &. COLLINS. I Macon, May 14-—tf-i-29 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. On the third Monday in JULY next, ( W ILL be sold at Hillsborough, Jasper couav tween the usual hours of sale, All the Personal Properly belonging to the Samuel Steams, deceased. Terms of sale, 5r A. E. STRATTON, AdmuU’-W ] June 4 5t 32 - LAND LOTTERY- LISTS of the DRAWttfjn be had cm application v “ at. $3 each, payable in I