Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, August 07, 1827, Image 4

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164 Hlacoti mu&wW SHERIFFS’ SALES. On the .first Tuesday in September next, W ILLb« sold, nt (lie Court house, in the town of Fayetteville, Fayttte county, between the usual hours of sale, the following PROPERTY, to will One NEC 110 GIRL by the name ef Sabina, levied on us the property of Henry If. Baker, to satisfy sun dry fieri faciasesin favor of Thomas Guest, as Admin istrator on the estule ofMitos Crenshaw, deceased,ver sus said Baker and James Dewberry—property point ed out by defendant. Two hundred two and a half acres of LAND, lot number two in the sixth district of Fayette county, le vied on ns the property of James Travis, to satisfy two fieri fnctaees in favor of Andrew Johnson versus said Travis—property pointed out by the plaintiff. One road WAGGON, levied on ns the property of Thomas Coleman, to satisfy a fieri iucins in favor of Jmnes*C. Cook versus said Coleman—property point ed out by the defendant. . JAMES G. STEWART, Deputy Sheriff. July 30 Oit the first Tuesday in September nert, W ILL be sold, nt the Court house, in tho town of Zebu ton, t'ike county, between the usual hours of sale, the following PROPERTY, to wit: Two hundred two and a half acres of LAND, more nr less, known by lot number two hundred nndsix, in the ninth district, formerly Monroe now Pike county, levied upon as the property of George S. Binns, to sut* i.fy an execution in favor of James C. Luker versus said Binns—property pointed by Joel Callaway. One HOUSE and part of LOT number two, in square letter E, in the town of Zcbulon, Pike county, occupied at this time by D. Woodbury & Co. as u Store House, and one large sorrel MAKE six orseven years old, levied upon as the property of Brodnax & Daniclly, to satisfy three fieri faciases, one in favor of Barrett & Sims versus John If. Brodnax, the others io favor of Joel Dairy versas Brodnax & Deuielly— property pointed out by John H. Brodnax. Two hundred twoand a half acres of LAND, more or less, known by lot number one hundred and forty- one, in the ninth district, formerly Monroe now Pike county, one bay MAKE nnd one SlILKF.Y, levied up on ns' the property of James Holderncss, to satisfy, n fieri facies in favor of Charles Bullock versus said if ol- derness—proprrtv pointed out bv defendant. WILEY MANGIIAM, Deputy Sheriff. July 30 On the first Tuesday in Scmptnmber next, St, WILL be sold, at the court house, in the town of \#JT Knoxville, Crnv-ford county, between the usual hours of sale, tin; following PROPERTY, to wit: Let number three hundred and nine in the first dis trict formerly Houston now Crawford county, levied on as tiie property of Thomas Bass, to satisfy a fieri fa cias in favor of Thomas Napier—property pointed out by defendant. EDW. BARKER, Deputy Sheriff. July 31 On the first Tuesday in September next, A GREEABLE to a special act of the Legislature of the State of Georgia to dispose of the State’s interest in the lands drawn fraudulently in the different counties, will he sold, at the door of the court hoiijf, in the town of Forsyth, Monroe county, between tnc hours of ten and four o’okick, the following LANDS, to wit: The State’s interest in Lot number twenty-nine in tho fifth district of said county, containing eighty-five aerrs and seven chains. Also the State’s interest In Lot number eighty-seven in the fourteenth district of said county, containing one hundred one and a half acres and being the north half. Also the west half of Lot number one hundred and shirty-four in the fourth district of said county, con taining one hundred and six acres nnd four chains. The condition of the above sules is, one fourth of the purchase money to be paid in hand—the balance in equal annual instalment*. WILLIAM IIUCKABY, Sheriff. jnly 30 40 On the first Tuesday in September next, W ILL be sold, nt the house of Wijlinm C. Osborn, the place of holding courts in Muscogee coun ty, within the lawful hours of sale, the following PRO PERTY, to wit: One lot of LAND, number two hundred and seven ty-six, in the sixteenth district of Muscogee county, le vied on as the property of A’elverton Thaxton to satis fy a fieri facias in favor of Jackson & Thornton. July 30 JAMES P. PORTIS, Sheriff. MACON HOTEL. TSPlIE subscriber having taken the above Establishment, recently occupied by R. Coleman, Esq. and made considerable improvements therein, is now prepared to accommodate BOAR DERS and TRAVELLERS, in the most genteel and comfortable manner. His accom modations are extensive, and no pains will be spared to give satisfaction to his customers! TIMOTHY BRUEN. Macon, December 12, 182(3. ZEBUliOW HOTEL. T HE Subscriber having taken the above Establishment, recently occupied by Lewis Daniel, Esq. solicits the patronage of his friends nnd the public in general—assuring them that his Table will be furnished with the best this section of the country affords; his Bar with the ihoicest LIQUORS; a good and attentive Ostler; and Stables well provided with Provender. And If unlimited attention, with moderate charges, are sufficient inducements, t expect at least my share of public favor. JOHN C. MANGHAM. Zebulon, Pike County, May 21, 1827. 80 On the first Tuesday in September next, WV/MLL ho sold, at the house of liVliam C. Osborn, Vrv# the place of holding courts In Muscogee county, within tho lawful hours ol sale, the following PRO PERTY, to wit; One lot of LAND, number one hundred and twelve, in tho eighteenth district of Muscogee county, ieviedon to satisfy a fieri facias in favor of Nathan Taunton ver ms David Adams and Amos Adams—property pointed out by E. M. Amos. Ono lot of LAND, nnmhertwo hundred and seven, in the nineteenth districtofMuscogeeoounty,Ieviedon «s the property of Charles F. Shrrburo, to satisfy a fi eri facias In favor of John R. Anderson—property point ed out by Daniel M’Dougnld. One lot of LAND, number forty-nine in the four teenth district of Muscogee county, levied on os tho property of Young Man, to satisfy a fieri facias in fa vor of Smith & Childers—property pointed out 1 James M. D. King, security. July#) A. LAWRENCE, Deputy Sherff. by A SINGLE TRACT OF LAND FOR SALE AT $1,500. . N UMBER two hundred and tweuty-four, in the ninth district of Muscogee coantv, is for sale at the above price. One thousand dollars cash—-five hundred payable on the first day of January next Preference has been asked by three or four, all of whom have mado liberal offers. Those who are wil ling to take out the Grant and make immediate appli cation will have the preference gi, en. Purchasers are referred to Youxo JonxsTOK, of Ma con—or myself living fourteen miles east of Hartford . in Pulaski county. . SARAH AUMSTONG. August G——- ltp——41 SHERIFFS’ SALES. SHQRIPFS* SAig On the first Tuesday in AVGUST W ILL bo sold at the Court-hou«e in a * Zcbulon, Pike County, wilhin th.“> of sale, the following PROPERTY, viz * Two hundred two and a half ncrc ' , -Te or less, known by Lot number thr*. third district, formerly Montoe, now tV, * led upon as the property of John On the first Tuesday in AUGUST next, ILL be sold at the Courthouse in the town el __ Perry, Houston County, between the usual hours of sale, the following PROPERTY, vis: 202 1-2 acres of LAND, in the fifteenth district of Houston county, known as Lot No. twenty-six; one mahogany Secretary, 1 walnut Bedstead, 1 pine Slab, 1 Trunk, 2 gloss Pitchers, 1 set Castors, 1 Clock, 2 Looking Glasses, 2 mahogany half Rounds, 1 set vorof J. A. & N. H. Greer-Ievled on’™ Scales and Weights, 1 pair Cart Wheels, and one Ox ■>. i.» • i.i„ “ •*» Cart, all levied on as the property of James M. Kelly, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of D. W. Shine, and sun dry other Fi. Fas. versus James M. Kelly. Property pointed out by defendant. One third part of Lot No. fifty-five,- in the tenth district of Houston county, whereon Edward Engrain now lives, levied on as the property of Benjamin Hunt to satisfy sundry Fi. Fas. in favor of II. H. Tarver— levy made by a constable. Twenty-eight head of stock CATTLE, consisting of Cows and Yearlings; 1 small road Waggon, three feather Beds, 4 Sheets, 4 Pillows, 1 Bolster, 2 Bed steads, 2 bed Covers, 1 Bearhide, 1 split Matt, 24 Blankets, 4 pieces remnants northern Homespun, fi pieces remnants Calico, 29 cotton Shawls. All lev ied on as the property of William Williams, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of James Newberry. IIENRY W. RALEY, Sheriff, Houston County. july 2 more the th levied upon as the property of John , - fy an execution, issued from a Justice’s “*l vor of J. A. & N. H. Greer-IevW 0a to me by a constable. n WILEY MANGHAM, /> . june 25 j>a ( ( On the first Tuesday in AUGUST W ILL be sold, at the Court House i»,? J *■“ “-* 1 ^ One NEGRO MAN, by the name of Isa, , fifty yean of ngc—levied upon as the prontrt.j? scs Chapman, to satfofy a fieri facias on theT* 1 sure of a mortgage in favor of Egbert IUj| r ’“■‘“•'""{KB'asssife mS y 27 31 ™ On the first Tuesday in AUGUST , I ^|7TLL m bo sold, at the place of holding] MAWSIOW MOUSE. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he has taken that well known establishment, front ing the Court house in tnc town of CLINTON, Jones County, Ga. formerly occupied by II. H. Blat ter, Esq. ns a Tavern and Boarding House, and having mude various improvements therein, he is now prepar ed to entertain BOARDERS and TRAVELLERS in n genteel and comfortable manner. His accommoda tions are very extensive; and his tabic, bar, stables, &c, are at all times well furnished. Unremitting exer tions will be made for the comfort of his customers, and he solicits a share of the patronage of the public.— Families can be accommodated with separate rooms. On the first Tuesday in September next, W ILL he .old, at the Court house, in the Town of Fayetteville, Fayette county, between the u- sual hours of sale, the following PROPERTY, to wit; One lot of LAND,number one hundred and twenty- two in the ninth district Fayette county, with the Grist MILL and STILL, together with the CROP and IMPROVEMENTS thereon, two HORSES, one road WAGGON, sixty head of HOGS, and three COWS, and CALVES—all Ieviedon ns the property of Isaiah Beck to satisfy u fieri facias in favor of Jacob M’Collum versus said Beck. One lot of LAND, number thirty-six in the ninth district Fayette county—levied on as the property of William W. Austin, to satisfy a fieri facias in favor of Lewis J. Dupree vorsus said William W. Austin and Fielder Austin. WINSTON WOOD, Sheriff. July 23. On the fast Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, W ILL be sold, at the Court house, in the Town of Zebulon, Pike county, between the usual hours of sale, the following PROPERTY, to wit: One lot of LAND, number fifty-one in the first dis. trict formerly Monroe now Pike county, whereon Benjamin Moody, now lives, containing two hundred two and a half acres, more or less—levied on os the property of said Moody to satisfy a fieri facias in favor of Benjamin Baker. WILLIAM V. WHITE, Sherff. July 23. On the first Tuesday in September next, W ILL be sold, at the Court house, iu the Town of Zebulon, Pike county, within the usual hours of sale, the following PROPERTY, to wit: One tract of LAND, containing two hundred two and a half acres, more or less, lying in the second dis trict originally Monroe now Pike county, known as lot number one hundred and fifty-three—levied on os the property of William W. Martin to satisfy two fieri faciases, one in favor of William H. Crane, the other in favor of John Hill & Co. both versus said Martin- property pointed out by him. Ono tract of LAND, containing two hundred two and a half acres, more or less in the second district for merly Monroe now Pike county, known by lot num ber two hundred and five—levied on to satisfy two fieri faciases, one In favor of William M’Knieht, and the other in favor of Edward Brumbclo—both versus Gideon Smith for cost. . One Jack MULE, three feather BEDS, BED' STEADS and FURNITURE, one DESK and one CLOCK—levied on as the property of James Suiter, to satisfy a fieri facias in favor of William H. Imlay versus said Suiter. BURREL ORR, Deputy Sheriff. July 23. CLINTON, Ga. April 30,1827. S7tf SOL. IIOGE. NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the Estate of Mayberry Wilkinson, late of Houston County, deceased, arc requested to call on the Administrator and settle without delay; and all those having demands against said deceased, are requested to render them in duly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law,—or this notice will be pleaded In bar, &c. JAMES E. DUNCAN, Administrator. Perry, June‘El, 1827 Ct 35 LAND FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale his PLANTATION in Twiggs county, lyin nine miles below Macon, on tho Ocmu! gee river, on which there is a good Duel- ling House, Gin House, and other necessa ry buildings, and about 100 acres of cleared land, all in good repair; the place Is known to be ono of the most eligible situations for a Practising Physician, in this section of the country, mid would he sold low and on accommodating terms, or exchanged for good Lands in the counties of Bibb or Houston. ROBERT COLLINS. Macon, May 14——tf——29 *TO RENT, THE Establishment known as the MANSION HOUSE, la the CityofSoP tannahs situated at the corner of Whita- ker and Broughton Streets—a pleasant, healthy ami c e ntral part of tha City. The House is large and convenient, having been designed and constructed for a Public House; the parton Whit aker street is divided into many single and double Mama, the part fronting <>n Broughton street, is sepa rate, and designed for the accommodation of families. In the yard is n fire proof Kitchen, two stories high, in which Is a goad Smoke Hhuse, and also a good well of water. Attached to the establishment Is a small Gar den; a Stable sufficiently large to accommodate twen ty Horses, to which U attached a suitable Carriage House, Ac. &c. The Furniture in tho House, which is nearly new, to he purchased by the lessee. The well known reputation of the House makes it worthy the attention of nay person qualified for, and desirous to engage in the business. The while tan be had on a lease for five years, or more, on ac commodating terms; which will be made known on application to the subscriber. Possession given on tho 1st of October. JOHN SIIELLMAN. *• .July “ FAYETTE ACADEMY. HTO1IE Examination of 8tudentsoftheF<iyrtt« Coun- sLL ty Academy commenced agreeably to public no tice on the 2d day of July and terminated on the 3d.— The correctness nnd accuracy exhibited by the Pu pils in their different Studies, far surpassed the san guine expectations of the Trustees end n very respec table Audience. The display of their advancement iq Scienceaffordcdahighlyplcasinggratification. From the present prosperous success of this Institution, tho long experience, and high standing of the Rector as n critical linguist and Mathematician, the Trustees cherish a confidence that this Seminary may justly claim a share of public patronage. Tho noxt Session will commence on Monday the 23d inst. under the di rection of the present Incumbent, Mr. Andrew Rhea, A. M. and the Female Department under his Daughter, Miss Susanna S. Rhea. The healthiness of Fayette ville and its vicinity, cheapness of Boarding and Tui tion, together with the Talent of the Teachers, must he strong inducements to Parents nnd Guardians to send their Children and Wards to this Seminary. 1 By order of tho Board. * FINDLEY G. 8TEWART, Secretary. Fayetteville, July 30,1827—2t——40 SCI. FAS, \l • JxF a new and approved form, handsomely execu- VP ted, for xale at this office. april 30 NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against the Estate of B'illiam Edwards, deceased, late of Twiggs county, arc hereby required to render them in as the law directs. And all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, as indul gence will not be given. ISHAM EDWARDS, cxcc'r. june 18 34 6wp ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Court of Ordina ry of Houston County, will be disposed of at public sale, in the town of Perry, in said County, On the first Tuesday in AUGUST next, A11 the PERISHABLE PROPERTY of Mavber- at Wilkinson, late of said County, deceased, consist ing chiefly of Law Books, Writing Desk, &c. together with various other articles too tedious to mention. Terms of sale made known on the day. JAMES E. DUNCAN, Administrator. Perry, June 25,1827—7t——35 GEORGIA—Pti-e County. P ERSONALLY came before me, Pleasant G. Hancock, and after being duly sworn, saith that he has lost or mislaid a certain Promissory Note, given by John Isom for twenty-five dollars, due the 25th day of December, 1826, with a credit of twelve dol lars—said Note made payable to Pleasant G. Han cock or bearer. PLEASANT G. HANCOCK. Sworn to and. subscribed before me. this 12th day of May, lt327. Malacbi Lawrence, J. P. B3* N. B. A11 persons are hereby cautioned from trading for said Note, and I hereby forewarn the ma ker of said Note from making payment to any person except myself. PLEASANT G. HANCOCK, june 18 34 1 MARINE. AND FIRE INSURANCE. T HE Marine and Fire Insurance Bank of the State of Georgia will effect Insurance upon, Dwelling Houses, Wore Houses, and Buildings in general, Mer chandize, Household Furniture, Ships in port and their Cargoes. Also—against loss or dataage by Inland Navigation in any part of Georgia and Marine risks generally. Terms of Insurance will be favorable and all claims liberally and promptly adjusted. Persons residing in the country can have Insurance effected by addressing the President or. Cashier and giving a description ot tho property to be insured. JOSEPH CUMSiING, President. William W. Baker, Cashier. DIRECTORS. . Huekiak Lord, George Hall, J. P. Henry, Elias Bliss, Charles'W. Rockwell, Chailts A. Higgins. April 9 ■ 24 To a\\ whom it ma^ concern. lv on me recent lioad. rersons having business in the Office, may rest assured that it shall at all times bepromptlyattendedto. Letters on business address ed to the Clerk at Knoxville, fostaoe paid, will re ceive bis immediate and personal attention. F. 8. COOK, Clerk Superior Court, • Muscogee county. Jnly 30th. 1827 2lnm4t 40 FOR SALE T HE well known PLANTATION, called the Red Bliff, in Bibb county, on which there are now in cultivation about 150 acres of land. Persons wishing to purchase will please come and view the premises. For terms apply to the subscriber living thereon. Ti tles indisputable as they will eminatc from the State of Georgia. MARK DON’L- CLARKE. July 30__tf—40 LOST; O N the Federal Road, between the house of Collin It. Ezell, at Old Fort Pony,and Spain's Stand, at the Ucbec Bridge, on Sunday, the 25th ult. a largo calf-skin POCKET BOOK, containing about one hundred and eighty-seven dollars in money, and several Promissory Notes. • One promissory note made hy George B. Whitfield, for thirty-five dollars; one ditto on John R. Taylor, for forty dollars; one ditto on James Caigilc, and two ditto on Stanford & Lloyd, amounts not recollected; besides several small notes, made by different individuals; also, a bill of sale, executed by Aaron Shirley, for a Negro Wo man, named Msiy, to the subscriber; with other pa pers of no use to any ono but the owner. Whoever will return said Pocket Book to the subscriber resid ing at Knoxville, Crawford couaty, or give any infor matlon respecting it, shall be handsomely rewarded. ‘ 6 HIRAM WARNER, april 2- — . -23 BLANK DEEDS, For sale at the Telegraph. Office. The American Farmer, 1 8 published in weekly numbers of eight quarto pages, by J. S. Skinner, Postmaster of the city of Baltimore, at $5 per annum, to he paid invariably In advance. Fifty two numbers make a volume of con venient form, and the last one is accompanied with a title page and minute Index. . A few sots of the previous volumes are on band.— A single number will be sent to any one who may de sire to see a specimen of the publication. Persons wishing to subscribe may inclose a $5 note, directed to the Editor, and at his risk, by the mail. Baltimore, June, 1827. , To the Public. F ROM the extensive circulation given to a malici ous and unfounded report, In regard to the con cern of the Macon Bank in the recent failure of a re spectable Merchant in this City,—and to prevent confidence in any other falsehoods which may issuo from the same orany other sourco,—1 deem it my du ty to state, that the Bank of Macon is not, nor has not, been interested in that or any other failure; that the discounted paper held by the Bank Is considered undoubted, and will, it is believed, be paid at matu rity; that the holders of tho bills may rest, with en- tire confidence, on the ability of tho Bank to meet promptly all demands which can come against it, (for which purpose they have now in the vaults more spe cie than the amount of their Capital, besides Georgia and United States’ Bank notes;) that the notes are current in this City, and have always been promptly redeemed by the Bonk at Macon. G. B. LAMAR, • President of the Bank of Macon. Augusta, Ga. 21:1 May, 1827 31 Improved Cotton Press. T HE subscribers having put into operation in the vicinity of Columbia, S. C. an improved Press for Packing Cotton, offer to the public the building of PRESSES, or the privilege of buildingon their plan, on reasonable terms —With this Press, when In complete order, two good hands and one boy can pack from 340 to 350 pounds of Cotton into four ana a half yards of Bagging, in nine minutes; and after the bale is sewed ana corded, can elevate the follower to its former position, in three minutes, ready for the introduction of Cotton into the packing box—and with a set of active bands, two bales per hour may be packed with ease. This Press also presents other advantages—it Ise silyput under cover, either in a Ginhouse or under - shed by it; it is not liable to be impaired by use, as screws ore, and may be psed in any weather. JAMES BOATWRIGHT, „ , „ 0 „ „ ISAAC NATHANS. Columbia, S. C. March 8. NINE MONTHS AFTER DATE,' A PPlACATlOtlxetilbt mode to the honorable, the Court of Ordinary, of Twiggs county, for leave to sell the Real Estate oi Charles Thompson, late of said county, deceased—for the benefit of the heirs Of said estate. . MARY THOMPSON, AprilSQ-r-Hn—r*27 Guardian. on M'lntosh’s reserve, in Carroll l tween the usual hours of sale, the follow imr Peril TY, to wit: 6 One lot of LAND, number oho hundredncdi. five in the thirteenth district of said county two hundred two and a half acres—leviedonJl iroperty of John Hampton, to satisfy a fieri kSS avorof James Hampton versus said John f and sundry other fieri faciases versus the s perty pointed out by James Hampton. JAMES WEST, Sftenj/ I July 2 ^ Carroll ti ’ On the first Tuesday in August neiL I *ILL be sold, at the Court House’ in Fi;,. _ _ viile, Fayette county, in the usual }- ! “ sale, the following property, to wit: Two hundred two aud a half acres of LAND m or less, known as Lot number one hundred alP (No, 150) in the fourth district of originally iu, now Fayette county—levied on as the nra»3| John R. Harrison, to satisfy two fieri faciiii vor of tho Officers of the Superior Court off County. WINSTON WOOD, i july 2 36 On the first Tuesday in AUGUNTn. W ILL be sold nt the bouse of IHIjiom C. C the jilace of bolding courts iu the con, Muscogee, within the lawful horns of sale, theli log PROPERTY, viz: One lot of LAND, number eighty-nine, in thci! district of Muscogee county, levied on ns the m of Benjamin Elliott, to satisfy a fieri facias in i: George Granbcrry—property pointed outbyil . Two lots of.LAND, number fifty-five, in the til ticth district, and number one hundred and niceiiq twenty-third district of Muscogee county, ieiicJ;: the property of Amos Jones, to satisfy a fieri heiu, favor of Isaac Hill and others—property nointijJ by plaintiff. r l 1 One lot of LAND, number two hundred aodi seven, in tho sixteenth district of Muscogee c levied on as tho property of Jesse Bledsoe, to r_ fieri facias in favor of John Logan, for the uicctli Hum M’llony—property pointed outbypla ' tomey. . One lot of LANI^, number two hundred andtS nine, in the twenty-third district of Muscogee tea, levied on as the property of Zachariah House,to* fy two fieri faciases, ono iu favor of James llco;<'.S other in favor of Job Hammond, for the incoiJc Cleavland—property pointed outlay rihintifi« ney. • One lot of LAND, number two hundred a__ seven in the sixteenth district of Muscogee cos vied on os the property of Ziba Brown, to satlsij ikj facias in favor -oi Samuel Brown—property icie “it by plaintiff. One IotorLAND, number fifty-five, in the cighti district of Muscogee county, levied on m the j rt , of Richard T. Hanson, to satisfy a fieri faefo ia w of M’Laivs <Ss Holt—property pointed outhyjlf'" attorney. . One lot of LAND, number eighty-seven li! eighth district of Muscogee county, levied on v'l iroperty of John B. Smith, tosntisly two fiediK** n favor of John Jordan, administrator ofWCeik dan, deceased—property pointed out by plaice One lot of LAND, number two hundrednuW four, in the twenty-second district of Muscogee ei Ieviedon os the property of Elisha' Wricht,''to* fieri facias in favor of William II. ItufJ&f-ij pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. , One lot of LAND, number ono hundred ar.d e nine in the twenty-second district of Museoreee ty, levied on os tho property of Appleton 1\. “ to satisfy a fieri facial in favor of Wiliam H-1 property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. , One lot of LAND, {lumber one hundred tti« nine in the nineteenth distriot of Muscogee equal; vied on as the property of William F. Drone, u* a fy a fieri facias in favor of Imlay & Co.- pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. . One lot of LAND, number two hundred and - five, In the ninth district of Muscogee counlv.r on as the property of William G. Macon, tow fieri facias in favorof Alexander Reid—proper:?? ed out by plaintiff. One lot of LAND, number two hundred snob six in the twenty-third district of Muscogee Wed on as the properly of John M. Hansford, afieri facias in favor of William Morgan &. Co , party pointed out by Thomas M’Gchce, secunt? One lot of LAND, number one hundred tri*], ty, In the fourth district of Muscogee county, 10*1 as the property of John Caldwell, to sstm*"*S cias in favor of James Jones, ndminiitrntorol Jones, deceasod—property pointed out by del'* One lotof LAND, number ono hundred* 31 ^ nine in the fourth district of Muscogee county,* onus the property of Thomas Bryan, tosaM?* facias in favor of Jeremiah I’owcl!—property p® out by plaintiff. JAMES V. TOUTlB.Sktri . July 2. Muscoga Ctv-r | On the first Tuesday in AUGUST#•<] W ILL be sold at the house of WilU<w « the place of holding Courts in $ERTY lh ° hour* of sale, tho folloV|J5 U ie NEGRO GIRL, named Lucy, about 1;J old, levied on as the property of Chcsley .. J satisfy a mortgage Fi. Fa. in favor of Robtn W property pointed out by said Fi. Fa. „ nt , ABRAHAM LAWRENCE, july T TAX COLLECTOR'S SALE- On the first Tuesday in Augutlf’L W ILL bo sold, at the Court Wile, Fayette county, in the uiast | sale, the following property, (viz:) , ti0 One hundred one nnd a fourtn acres more or leu, It being the north half of L« " A 4 hundred and forty-two, (No. }♦*) *• trict of Favette county—levied ou as th*lPvl John Lambert, senior, to satisfy bis tax to 1826-Tax due *13 25^ CAl jy^ july 2-36 Tax-Collector of CAUTION. ■ A LLnersonitre herebyforwarwff a NOTH*! hand, given by me to Few liamson, for the amount ot one hundred . j.e larx, dated 2tHh day of April, and r a )'“ b ‘ DO u ^ gust next, oh the consideration for ' v, J ie , ji given having failed, lam determined not ~ WILSON B- *„r Fayette County, June 23, lBf 2t—-•*