Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, September 04, 1827, Image 1

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Tuesday, September 4, 1827. T l, e Telegraph is .published weekly jfacon, Ga.—Office on Cherry Street, near . Public Square. TERMS. - - $3 00 ' 200 jUCON CLOTHING STORE. l. fitch Sr CO. MERCHANT TAILORS r EtP constantly for sale, «t their store on Mul berry street, u ji Central Assortment ■ ' ' ‘it or dry goods . AND nEADY MADE CLOTHING; kLtll be sold as low ns can be bought in Savau- or Angara; nod they solicit the untronnge of their " friends and customers and the jmblic at large, lermen TAILORING j.j 0D as usual. Having the latest New York Maas and Workmen, Customers may depend on ■oetheir work done in the best maimer and most enable style, with neatness and despatch. t „turn our thanks for past favors, and solicit the mnsre of the public for the future., 200 pieces of PAPER HANGING 8 iflerent patterns, which will be sold low. j old debts must 15 SUBURBS GOODS. BAILEY GODDARD, on Ner.BEanv strec r, M AS.just received a LARGE ASSORTMENT of I SUMMER GOODS, suitable for this Market. DRUGS & aiEDlClWES. ELLIS, SHOTWELL CO. : FFER for sale, a large and general nsssortmoent O of , DRUGS, FAMILY out PATENT MEDICINES, He solicits a call from those Merchants, in this vici- SjJ of which being selected by competent judges, are nity, who wish to replenish their stock, us he believes I oUered with confidence to the public, at Savannah pri- " ‘ ‘ ■ * srved, than ces, orless. Merchants, Physicians,Plnntersandothers 0 nw summer goods. ,wl Just received and for Side, Pieces Brown Shirting and Sheeting “2 do . Blenched do do -c 10 50 do Osnaburgs . do Fancy Calico (new patterns) English Ginghams Striped and Plaid Battistc Dresses^ Denmark Sattin, Caamitt. Bengal Stripe ' Cambric and Battistc Cravats Black and White Silk Hose Musketoe Netting Cotton and Flag Handkerchiefs Parasols and Umbrellas', Leghorn Bonnets, Gauze Handkerchiefs Dowlas, Striped Florentine, * “gf,-,. . "Ticklenburg Bed Ticking, Cambric Dimity Cotton and Linen Drills ' Irisli Linens, Long Lawns Men's and Bov’s lined and tiound Shoes Gentlemen's line Calf A, Sctd skin do & Pumps do do do Monroe do LadiesMarocco Walking' do do Black A; Color’d Prunella do &c. 4 c, STONE A COIT. [Mon, May 1 j tf-—21) ELLIS, SHOTWELL fy CO, t just rcccind per boat Nancy, and offer for Sale, Kegs White I.ead G3 Kegs Spanish Brown 20 Kegs Venetian Red 500 Gallons Linseed Oil 200 Gallons Lamp Oil 200 Gallons Train Oil 100 Gallons Spirits Turpentine Chalk, Whiting Brushes, &.C. &c - 12 Barrels Plaister Paris 100 Reams Writing, Wrapping and Printing Paper 10,000 Lbs. Light Castings |lso 30 packages DRUGS AND MEDICINES; lich with their previous Stock make a very large 1 sencral assortment, worthy, the notice of Mer lin, Physicians and others who wislito purchase at low rates tor Cash, peon, June 13 31 jEWCHBAPGOODS. I1E subscriber has just received, and opened, at his store on Mulberry street, a general assort- lot of [®wg SHOES, HATS, [Cvockevy, VLavAwTwc, &c. ye has also on hand a general assortment of GROCERIES, CASTINGS, &c. it hich will he sold low for cash. f R. COLEMAN. ‘ -tf —32 ■ STO.NE & COW IUVE in store and offer ron S1I.E, pieces best 42 inch Cotton Bagging (war- rW ranted) WO barrels Philadelphia Whiskey *5 barrels Northern Gin 25 barrels Boston Ruin 50 barrcl^higar 30 barrclSNos. 1,2 and 3 Mackerel 33 bag, prime green Collhe 30 bags 8hot, assorted _ 8 kegs Rogers’ and Dupont's Powder lbs. Lead , 500 bushels Salt ' fftH£'.* l S?50 Jh». 8wedlsh Iron «>00 lbs. Castings 1 cask real London Porter vO dozen Ttimblors in straw, Ls>af Sugar,'Holland Gin, Jumnica Rum Nails, Tobacco, Bunch Raisins, Tea Soap & Candles Crockery, Glass Waro.&c. &c. . DRY GOODS. Li consi' ti^ ^ r0m ^* c "’ York un assortment of Dry P^* 1 'Cambrics & Muslins '~ ; - «****». Bombazin « S" Cambric, black Sattin I pi. °® Nankins, Batiste, Irish Sheeting sinls Lcvantlno Handkerchiefs, new stile p'7",Bonnets, green Gauze Veils :Und Morocco Shoes fily :u)- e ° 0,i \% re "dTered at reduced prices far cash. that such can be more advantageously snrv by going a greater distance; Travelling Merchant . who are not acquainted, and who wish Credit, will please furnish themselves with letters of recommen dation. Planters, who visit this place, are respect fully invited to coll. All orders will meet with prompt attention. 5 pieces super black Cloth 6 pieces super blue Cloth 10 pieces blue and mixed Cassimert 15 pieces SSttioett. 7 pieces Cassinett 12 pieces white, red and yellow Flannel 20 pieces Scotch Homespun 10 pieces striped Florence 10 pieces cotton Cassimcre 10 pieces first quality (risk Drilling 30 pieces second quality do. 4 pieces French do. 50 pieces Irish Linen 30 pieces long Lawn; 5 pieces linen Cambric 20 pieces browii Linen; 5 pieces black Linen IG pieces 4 quarter to 10 quarter Diaper 3000 yards Osnaburg 40 pieces Russia Sheeting 0 pieces Irish Sheeting 6 pieces Dimity 20 pieces Nankeen 30 pieces Bombuzette, plain and figured, assorted colors G pieces Bombazine 20 pieces Bcdtick 670 yards Negro Cloth 300 pieces Calico 7000 yards brown and bleached Shirting and Sheeting 150-pieces plaid and striped Domestics 56 pieces English Ginghams 120 pieces furniture Print# 25 pieces Battistc 15 pieces Barige 15 pieces black Canton Crape . 18 pieces colored crape Robes 16 pieces black Italian Crape 21 pieces white, pink and straw Crape 20 dozen fancy gauze and silk Shawl# 5 dozen Scarfs and Mantles 35 pieces Sarcenet, Levantine, Sinchew J *5rf l , .7*£.plaid' and fancy Silk 20 pieces plain and figured Swiss Muslin 45 pieces Jaconet 35 pieces book, India and mull Muslin 150 pieces Cambrics 120 dozen women’s white and colored cotton Hose 20 dozen .men and women’s silk Hose 6 dozen first quality fine beaver Huts 12 dozen second and third quality beaver Hats 12 dozen roram Hats; 12 dozen wool Huts 10 dozen tortoise shell Combs 25 dozen Brazilian shell Combs 30 dozen cotton Cards 50 cases assorted Shoes G dozen Leghorn Bonnets; 4 do. Leghorn Hats An assortment of Valencia Vestings Silk, (lag, cotton and Bandar a. Handkerchiefs lir%.Silk. Umbrellas and Parasols Thread and cotton Lace -iff: Inserting and Footing .., -sr Silk and cotton Velvet arc requested to call and examine for themselves. Also on hand a large supply of PAINTS, OlLSt GLASS, DYE WOODS, DYE STUFFS, &c. &e. Macon, May 19 30 "&VSTWS REMEDY FOR THE PILES. . prnHF. Medicine now offered tq the'publlc, is one ii which has been fully subjected to the infallible test of experience; and in every indance where it has been fuirly tried, it.has been attended with the most complete succe ss. In some of the cases, the patients had been laboring under the di .v use for years, and dur ing th.-d period had received the best mcdipaladvice, and bad even undergone a painful surgical operation, without permanent advantage. It is not (like those u- sually advertised,) offered as a certain cure, for a long catalogue of diseases, butthoseafflicted with this com plaint, for which aloue it is recommended,.may rely with confidence upbn obtaining relief, evch. In its worst forms, in a short time; and they themselves arc the best judges of the importance of such a remedy.— Pnqew Centsper Box, with directions signed by the Proprietor. Prepared by James A. Austin, Philadel phia, and sold by ' : - ■ i\ FLUKER & COLLINS, July 2 tf— 3G CV ’ Macon. AND DRUGS. F LUKER & COLLINS, Macon, Georgia, have just received, and keep constantly on hand, a ’ general assortment of DR^GS, MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS, &c. among which are Acid Nitric Cream Tartar Graduated Mcas- do Sulphuric Carbon. Ammo- ur«s nia- Glassfurniture as’d Cinnamon Hellebore Black Crctappt do' .White Elastic Catheters Hartshorn do Bongos Indigo, Spanish Ergot > • IndiaRubber ' Extract Liquorice Iceland Moss do Cicuta Isinglass do Gentian Ipecac do Henbane Iron Curb. Ether Jalap do Muriatic do Tartaric do Prussic Alium ••ftr*: Alcohol Arsenic Antimony,, Annis Seed Balsam Copalva do Peru do Tolu I Borax, refined Burgundy Pitch Blue Vitriol Bole Armen Calomel Castor ICantlmridcs | Corrosive Subli mate I Cassia Cloves . I Cochineal j THE MINSTREL. Flowers Benzoin James’ Powders do Sulph. Juniper Berries Fox Glove Lignum Quassia Flax Seed Lint," Patent Fennel di> Litharge Foivler’sSolution Logwood Ginger Hoot Manna Flake do Powder Mace Gum Aloes Madder ■ do Ammonia Magnesia Alb. do Arabic do Calc, do Assafudida Musk do Benzoin Mu-lard do Catechu: Mortars & Pestles do Guaiac. ;V. assorted Caraway Seed CorianucrB do Copal do Kino A '“breads 1 ”"" 1 ° f *“ k ’ MnC “ “ nd coUo ” j CamomUeJIower* do Gamboge 'Nutmegs Gauze and silk Ribbons Men and women’# silk, kid and leather Gloves , . A small assortment of Hardware and Stationary _ ® A few crates of Crockery and Glass-Ware, &c. “ pp r. (t? 3 Liberal -Credit will be given, for Ap- oaseiriBa proved Paper, Cowlings ’june 4 If 32 . Court Piaster FXANO FORTES. I Caustic Lunar *T*WO elegant PINAO FORTES just received and oin?me,u” Snuffs 1 iL tor sale by „ L. NEWCOMB. tharides Saffro, Macon, June 23^—5t 39 For Publishing a Numerical Register OF ALL THE DRAWERS' NAMES IN THU LAST B£V land lottery3Es2^B -IGalls Nux Vomica do Myrrh Orange l’ccl do Opium Oil Almonds do Scammony j do Ambcrftect. do Shellac do Anniseed do Tragacanth do Cinnamon do Camphor /. da Caraway Gentian ) do Cloves Glass Funnels . , do Juniper Mortar#, j do Lavender ■P^MVxjlo Lemon tharides Saffron \ do Origanum Ointment, Mercu- Sassaparilla j do Pennyroyal rial - Savin do Peppermint Ointment, Basil- Saunders Red . do Petroleum icon Salts, Glauber do Rosemary Ointment, Citron do Epsom do Rochelle do Tartar do Nitre do Soda Senna SnakeRoot Spermacetti do Spear Mint do Turpentine do Worm Seed Tartar Emetic L jTurmcrio Terebinth Venct ' Uva L’ni • , Valerian* Spirits Hartshorn Phials assorted do Nitre Window Glass do ' Turpentine Glue OiTi# Root Pearl Ashes ■ do -EarUy I WILL publish six weeks hence, a NUMERICAL Pepper, Black REGISTER of the Drapers' Names, which will do Long be so convenient for reference, that I doubt not it will Peruvian Bark be very acceptable to those who have frequent occa-1 Pimento #fpn to examine for the numbers of Lots drawn by in- Pink Root dividual? residing in different parts of the state, (will Plaster Adhesive furnish 1 copies to those who subscribe for the Register do Roborans . and pay the money in advance for $3, and to non Precipitate, Red do Wine. reel. Ivory Black subscribers for $5. On receiving the several amounts do White do Lavender Hair Powder advanced, I will immediately transmit receipts for the Phosphorus Com. Drop Lake same. The numbers of all the Lots in each district I Quicksilver Sponge Durable Ink will be arranged in regular numerical order, and the ] ]{l, n hmb Sulph. Roil Wafers districts and counties in which the drawers resided at Resin VelloW Squills Pill Slabs the time they cave in their draws, will be inserted in 'A thc'Register. - It will be an exact copy of the Numer ical Book in the Executive Department.. The Prin ter assures me that ho will put the mutter in type near- I Sulphurate Anti- Storax, Liquid ly ns fast na I furnish it, and has already commenced. As the expense of the printing and manuscript is heavy, I solicit the active exertions of every one who feels interested in its success. Lists of the quality of lied Lend the Land are already published, and these I will for- Chrome Yellow Tercdesenna ward on application for $2 a cbpy. I will use every Spanish Brown Umber exertion to liave the copies printed and ready for dis- Blue Smalts tribution at the expiration of six weeks. I Venetian Red BENJAMIN H. STURGE9. Millcdpcrille, A up. 4. | Sulph. Zinc do l’otosh do Quinine mony Soap, Castile do Shaving do • Wfudror Starch Tooth Brushes Smelling Bottles Sugar of Lead Sweet Oil Super Cerb. Soda PAINTS, &c. Rose Pink " -’■Drop Lak* ' Sand Puper Filtering do is li C ^'taevican Favmev, ItioL iw^, * n weekly numbers of eight quarto j! v ' 5 Sianner I’ntma-hr f ll vilv ::f |(U C j ’p).? 0 per annum, to be |«id invarinbly in Ihnt foJ» * wo numbers make a volume of con- !t»e. n ." the last one b accompanied witliii t^'^'ninme index. iin-te^7i°‘ previous volumes arc oq hand.— > t 0 'Wher will be sent to any one who may do- ■hio-. 8 ■•peclmcti of the publication. Persons ihc ma y inclose a $S note, directed at hi* risk, by the mail, rniAT. o TA ^E NOTICE, [• of Lot No. 230, in the 19(h district fikiesan lU5C0 S ce » drawn by William Fountain, of kaer aro v **t*4 >n me, by a power of 6 caution's ***^ Fountain. All persons arc there at hetttyieff' 10,1 tra< ^ ln 8 f° r lai d lot with any LAW. 5FTQTIE .subscriber continues the Practice of Law in ■■ I this place. In addition to the Counties in which he has heretofore practiced, lie will attend the Supe rior Courts in the Counties of Lee, Muscogee, Troup and Coieefa. I) _ jan2 $ t f „ JOHN P. BOOTH. STEPHEN F. mtm M ATTORNF.Y AT LAW, AS located himself in Merlon, Twiggs county. Hit professional services arc respectfully tendered to the community; and his strict attention and industri ous exertions will be given toall business confided to his management. 2> n 37 J ul y 8 Yellow ] French do : Black Lead .Vermillion Copal Varnish Japan do Verdigris Prusssian Blue Lamp Black Rotten Stone Pomice do Lamp Oil PATENT MEDICINES, &c. Bals. Iloney Opodeldoc .Worm Lozenges Bateman’s Drop*Godfrev’sCordialllcnry’s Cal.Mag, British Oil Seidlilz‘Powders TurlingtqnsBals’m Ess. Peppermint Soda do ,,. Lee’# Pills Water-- Fancy Essences Antique Oil Itch Ointment Lip Salve Milk of Roses Wash Balls Pomatum Roll -Cologuc Water Stoughton’s Bitters Also. a. number of other articles; all of which they will sell low on accommodating terms. Mav 14 tf 29 ‘ : j NOTICE. /S\N leaving the State, I have appointed James H, tv) Gonnos iny Agent, who alone, is authorized to make r.ontracts by which I am to be bound, until 1 re fAVE"removed their DRUG. STORE to one of | ‘“^j,^ ^ 19gy J™S T ~ NAWER ‘ FLUKER & COLLINS H AVE removed their DRUG STORE the'tencmcnta in McDonald’s building, on Mul- orry »trcot, where they will keep constantly on band, STOLEN} , •- A General Assortment of -taken away by mistake sotne time last turn DRUGS MEDICINES, PAINTS, | ™ W mer, tram near the l>ostOffice,a large strong Surgeons' Instruments. Glass Wave, Dye Stuffs, &c. \ built CIIEST with a good Lock thereoa, and^contaiir &c. Allot'which will be sold on accommodating lug sundry arlicies oi Merchandize, apparently the 10 jan 2 remnants of a store. Any person gntng information 1 ’ where said Chest and goo^s had shall he libe rally rewarded. -V COLLINS. ron THE MACON TELEGRAPH, To * * * * Take back! take back, the Fan you lent, I find its use is nil in vain; Its loan to. me, though kindly meant, Productive it of nought hut pain. > ■ The gentle bird, whose snowy quills Compose the shaft so fatal grown, Could ne'er have dreamt how many ills ^1'i'om its fair plumage could have flown. In vain the snowy wing I move, To catch the Zephyr’s cooling sigh; Still fiercer glows the flame of Love, Enkindled by your melting eye. ■ Indeed! how c'oiiid you think that heat Could fie by incans like this assuaged t - The breath that quenches flame when TighJ, Extends its fury when enraged..V My fingers scarce had pressed its down, (Than your fair hand less soft and white,) Than through my veins Love's poison rah, And left a pain my heart to blight. Then take again the Fan you lent, • I find its use is all in vuin; • Its loan to me, though kindly meant, Productive is of nought but pain. Camp ground, Sunday evening. VoRtCK- ron TrtE MACON telegraph. PATRIOTIC SONG. Tune—Yankee Doodle. Come listen, boys, I’ll sing a strain About one madam Fanny, 1 '- . # , And our Jack, that went to Spain, A Minister and Granny. CHORUS. Yankee doodle, doodle doo, Yankee doodle Dandy— v ■. ' ... Yankee doodle in the straw, _• k,' • . And Jack shall be the Granny. It seems the royal follcs had wrote For Jncky to the palace, ■ To go and see a deed of note, Aiid granny Donna Carlos. ' - Yankee doodle, Ifc. Jacfcthought, at first, he would n’t go, But to shew his devotion _ To royal folks, lie said would do- - And so he changed his notion. Venice dopdie, Ifc. ' ' For this, you know-, is ail the vogue , - With our iittle Johnny; To change liis creed, or change hb brogue, - For honor or for money. Yankee doodle, tfe. Poor Jacky could not stem the tide Of Ministers and Court,sin- *■+ And went to help this mighty bride, And see the royal sport, sir. Yankee doodle, l;c. But when the awful hour had come For the little brat to Squall, sir. They did not ask bim ill the room 'll struck ./nri; with appal, sir. Yankee doodle, 5fc. 1 So Jack o flnming letter wrote To Signor De I.a Rosa— “If you do not explain my note, > > . ' > I'll pull your royal nose, sir," Yankee doodle, Ike. "Pm Minuter from Uncle Sam's, , . As great and high os any ) And I'll complain to J. Q. Adams, ,' If you don’t make me granny. a Yankee doodle, \c. • “Thfiy call irifca Republican— But I'll not take a slight, sir, I've alvvnys been a Federal man— . . Anil I know how to fight, sir.” . ' Yankee doodle, iyc. a . “I am a man of fire and tow, I've fought at home with sword, sir, If Washington should Jrcatme so. ' I'd curse him, at a word, sir." ' ' • Yankee doodle, !<c. De Rom then to Jack did write— “George lFaihington's pure fame, sir, Shan’t be abused—l meant no slight; 1 pledge you by bis name, sir." Yankee' doodle, fife. *’I know from whom your Honor came, As great and high as any— God bless thee, man of Uncle Sam— • Long live—andbeagrai Yankee doodle, Jack was mighty soon appeased, And went with Lord and Lady, With royal lobes and feelings eased, To help bring forth the Italy. Yankee doodle, fife. But the 111 mannered little Prince A Come to the light too soon, sir, And JacJtdid writhe, and twist, and wined, For missing all the/un, sir. . t>« , AF- ‘ 1 Yankee Doodle, fife. So mad was Jack, hot to get there, la time to help the boy sir, That he, in malice did declare, It made him much rejoice, sir. Yankee doodle, fife gj ha# been tbu# long kept from the press, in consequence * ®* the public Being unacquainted with the historical facts upon which it was founded. The subjoined let- **’ to the Department of Slate", seems to have remov- the difficulty, and was probably the foundation of the foregoing ode. Extract if a letter from Mr. Forsyth to the Secretary of Stale, dated Madrid, May 20, 1622. “The King and royal family Went dowqrto Aran- uez, shortly after the meeting of the Cortes; the dip- omatic buoy made tbe ordinary complimentary visit on the Queen’s day, and it-was understood among us, that we were to pay no more visits until the anniver sary of the King's entrance into Madrid, on his return from France^, on the 13lh of tills mouth, and St. Fer dinand’s doy, the 30th. Notes were written by the Secretory of State, on the 4th of April, inviting us to be present at the lime of the delivery of the wife of Don Carlos; (a copy of that fo me is enclosed, No. 1.) 1 had determined not to go; but a second note, on the 30tli, (copy, No. 2.) and the knowledge that nil tile n- thcr ministers had gone down to Aranjucz, induded inc )O' change this determination, being unwilling, es pecially at this juncture, to give any room, for com plaint, from a failure to comply with the Customs of tbe court. I went to Aranjucz onthc 5th instant. On the-7th, I received a note, (copy marked No. 3.) to attend at the expected delivery of Don Francisco's wife. ■- The wifo of Don Francisco gave birth, on the 13th instant, to « prince. Although I had been so long ot Aranjuez, I received no notice to attend, when the event took place. Under ordinary circum stances, I should have taken itfor granted that the o- mission was accidental; but, in the present state of the relations of^painnnd thn United States, I thought Jt necessary to ascertain that it was not an intended - Might. I wrote, therefore, on the 13th, a note to M. J ~ '* Rosa, (copy, No. 4.) to which I received a sa- tory reply, (cony, No. 5.). ‘ On the 16th, the o- princess was delivered of a second son. I had' notice, but not early enough to get to the apartment adjoining thqf of the princess, to witness the exhibi tion of the neiv-bom babe, at which I very heartily rcJ joiced." LOST OR MISLAID, A PLOT and GRANT of lot number three him- dred and scventy-fiVi in' the Hventjclgnth dis trict of Early county, together with the DEKuoftaid lot. from Merrill Emmery, of Clark county, to me.—- iny Me aron, May 14 tf— FOUR MO XT US AFTER DATE, A PPLICATION will be made to the Inferior Court of Twiggs County; when »;ltiug for Ordiuary All persons are cautioned against trading for said land, t u.—- — ~ v W um ; , < n ~ ns it is believed the above papers were stolen, and it is purposes, tor leave to sell Lot number one hundred possible a Deed mav be forged in my name, and the and twcnlv-sevcn the twclveth du not nl Houston iotoffered for sale. Any information respecting them countv. it being the mdtMaeolJohniUmttnon, de will ih.tnkfullv received bv me. I ceased. HANNAH IIENl LRSOPJ, will be thankfully received by so*. July 23—If 39 Z. SIMS. | Administratrix, with the will annexed July 23—-4Uui—38 Then let Us sing, and make him ringi This man as great as any— ThU monstrous grant big iittle thing. This Minister and Granny. Yankee doodle, doodle doo, Yankee doodle dandy, Yankee doodle take the straw, And Jack shall be the Granny. "BARGAIN AND SALE.' MR, BUCHANAN’S STATEMENT. To the editor of the Lancaster Journal— THE Cincinnati Advertiser was last night placed in my hands by a' friend, containing am- address from'Gen. Jackson to the public, dat- . cd on the IStli ult. in which ho has announc ed • mo to bo the Member of Congress'with whom ho had conferred in his lottor to Mr. Beverley, of the 5th Juno last. Thtj *diny which I owe to tho public, and to m vs elf, now compels mo to polish to the wodd the only conversation which I ever held with Gen. Jackson, upon tho subject of tho last Presiden tial election, prior to its termination. In the month of December, 1824, a short time after the commencement of tho session of Congress, I heard, among other rumors then in circulation, that Gen. Jackson had deter- mined, should lie ho elected President, Jo con tinue Mr. Adams in the office of Secretary of State. Although I felt certain ho had never intimated such an intention, yet I was sensible that nothing could be bettor calculated both to cool tho ardor of his friends, and inspire hi. enemies with confidence, than the belief that he had already seloctcd his chiof competitor for tho highest office within Ids gift. I thought Gen. Jackson owed to' himself and to tlio cause in which his political friends wero engaged, coijtradict this report; and to declare that ho would not appoint to that office the man, how* evor worthy he might be, who stood at the head of tho most formidable party of his polit ical enemies. These boing my impressions, I addressed a letter to a confidential friend in , Pennsylvania, then and still.high in office, and exalted in character, and one who had ever been tho decided ndvocato of‘Gen, Jackson’s election,.requesting his opinion and advice Up on tho 'subject. I received his answer, dated 27th Dec. 1824, upon the 29th, which is now before me, and which sirongthoned and con firmed my previous opinion. I then finally determined, that I would either ask Gen. Jack- son myself, or get another of.his friends to ask him, whether lie had ever, declared.he would appoint Mr. Adams his socretary of state. In tjiis manner, I hoped a contradiction of tha report might b’o obtained from himself, and that ho might probably declaro it, was not his intention to appoint Mr. Adams. A short timo previous to the receipt- of tho letter to which I have reforre'd, my friend Mr* Markley and myself, got into convorsatioHr-az wo very often did, both before and after, Upon, the subject of the Presidential election, and concerning tho person who would probably bo selected by Gen. Jackson, to fill the office of secretary of state. I feci sincerely,sorry that I am compelled thus to introduce his name, but I do so with tho less reluctance, because it ■has already, without any agency of mine, found its way into the newspapers, in connection with tim» transaction. Mr. Nlarkloy adverted to die rumor which I have mentioned, and said it was calculated to injure tho Gen. He observed that Mr. Clay’s friends wero attached to him, and that ho thought they would endeavor to act it) con cert at tho election; that if. they did so, they could elect either Mr. Adams or Genlifal Jackson, at their pleasure; but that many^ of them would never agree to vote forj ter, if thev ^knew lie had predate prefer another to Mr. Clay, for j in his gifti end tliqf soots of the ! Mr. Adams bad already beHn lioldin idea, that, in case he were elect* might probably be offered tha Secretary of. State. I told Mr. Markley that I felt conftden General Jackson had never said' he wquli appoint Mr. Adams Sefretary of-State)' c Doo Francisco’# Wife. cause lie was not in the habit of conversing upon tho subject of the election; and if he' were, whatever might be his secret intention, lie bad more prudenco than' to make such a declaration. 1 mentioned to him thin I hail been thinking, either that I would call up , _ . . ... the General myself, ot get one of bis otn Navt.-Tbe foregoing !» tr »'; c friends to do so, and thus endeavor to obd , have been found among the manuscripts oi one ot me | * . at® dccceudant# of Jeremy Cockloft. It is probable that it 1 &OIU him a COUlradlCtlOU of the report, al-