Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, September 24, 1827, Image 3

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191 | 0 f cunning and intrigue, wliiehBtlomnn become a writer, ho will certainly fur-fcaheady oxprossed, by tlia oloctiou of oloctors i, ll ,"le u P ”' U A political meandonngs,®— 1 - “"‘-"'i— - , ' ia - ■” 1 * 5 1 ‘ .1.. ...liSnot t\Cmir rfiilriV. , a ccot»n.. P - . llinre on the subject of our repro t)ni!»' flrJ, 1 j | w ve done. You nil know i;ai ivt '*- *" (lie people's ftinilicWe for Sen-' f* Tl i V &.er, tester i>i.d Spratlili: they f , "“■* ■ „V intecrilvV virtu® mid'probity:—■ »aB ^antiidicpublicnns, friends to Gen «i» U""" 1 °<\ ,he States -< i*#»L be said of their opponents; feW* ‘ nneolv avowed life unwillingness , e0 f wl, °? Gceral during the last Legis- * ,J l ) l’°y ' lir0 requested to examine the 'f.u,! House of Representatives for; m 'V. .mi will find the name of Law.) ,{J, - - - T -•^nnw.; ujr electors A It appears that the fears of the settlors up-B s, >e lived to see and rejoice in the prosperity and hap 1 , or,ll " d “ x Troup essays to embellish tliolof President and Vice-President, its decidedgon the upper Missisiini, and of ihe dicL'ers atS 1 !'"^ “Ghatcountry Which she had frequently seei ^ Mc, _TA er ' Jo,l ™ lw * 0 m® 0 -||»refercuco for William H. Crawford for theltho lead mines, her stupid and servile paper. PHILO A FREEMAN. !vi|ance. It is ivory m ' ln ' t dut V to beSeastern counties rests altogether upon loiters n die alert—evert/ one should con-jg.tnd not personal knowledge, he not only vio- his imperious duty to bo activo, alwaysglatod good breeding (no fault in him) but risk- Jhcrin" the secret ways and insidiousled a downright falsehood in giving the.lie on ' 'or of your enemies. It is hoped this*--- 1 * —•<-—*-< ®— - - ", w v0ur patriotism is not made in vain.1 I ’ c sped, o» e nnd 0,1 wiU ,urn out * on l next propnred to support the friends | Washington, Jackson, and^hoUnion.^ - - FOR TIIE 'MACON TELEGRAPH. “A fool I cherish, if he claim not sense-, “But when he does, 1 laugh at his expense." If. D. Maxicell. LIES—It is laughable to notice with what Insufficiency the little vegeto animat be ing, that expands in the Messenger, with the „ , power of speech, dubs every thing a lie that f you Will find the name of Zkiw-Sdoes not suit the palate of his party. So the rrfed against a resolution submitted bygpopularity of Talbot in the Eastern Circuit, «f Chatham, pledging the vote of Geor-gjjis a lie, if he can be believed- the federalism crt , ‘ lup port of the Hero of Orleans. Hof Forsyth, a lie; Forsyth’s underrating the mi* citizens, it is high time tlm corrup-fflrovolutionary and subsequent services of Wash- * f ilie present times were corrected: leiHington, a lie; and fifty &cs. all lies!!! Now, the opportunity, now presented,^ escapejjas ho confesses his information Concerning the if Vi Presidency of the United States— Resolved, That it is inexpedient for the Legislature] this time to give any further opinion on the subject( anil that, should the election for President come into] the House of Representatives of the United States,| we have full confidence in the wisdom and integrity of our Representatives, to whom it belongs to give! :he vote of this State on this important question. Mr. FORT, of Baldwin, opposed the sub stitute, and supported his own resolution. I Mr, LUMPKIN noxt rose, and after a few remarks,‘offered the following resolution:' Resolved, That the resolution and siibititute lie on [the table for the remainder of the session. Mr. KENAN opposed tho resolution of Mr. Lumpkin. " man of Newborn, to his friend in Raleigh/ Mr. FORT also replied to the remarks of ,a y s: ( Mr. Lumpkin, and concluded by calling for “tho Storm on Saturday la#, raged with] the previous question. terrific violence; in the lower parts of our! Mr. ADAMS made a few remarks in oppo- tovv "» tho water rose as high as, six or eight! sition to tho call for the previous question— feet, a °d all communication was carried on in! when canoes; several vessels were carried up on] The Speaker said “Shall the main question l and but have sinco been launched. Our ac-S , - — » a be now put?”—The House then decided that counts from tho Bar are very disastrous—the] aich authority Except from hearsay, what it should not be put—Yeas 3S, Nays 6.1. H. States light ship stationed off Capo Hat-i loes he know about tho eastern counties? Yet YEA8.—Meisn. Adams, Anderson. Ao,, Bales, Ieras was run up high and dry upon land where,' it news counter to lus interest (for lie has noBBfarMurn, Burnside, Collins, Cullint, Day, Dm- ’he bilged, the mato and carpenter were- jther feeling) are lies! The federalism of®*®*..Echols, Furl of Baldwin, Foster of ColumbiaJ drowned; tho crew stated that.they saw two) Forsyth is substantiated by documents from|r7!”' fll & G bolson,. Odder, Haasard. Hetidriek, Ilut- [)r three vessels pass them bottom upwards.' Isknllr in hlnsvnm belonging to our port are skullcap blossotn in the messenger is the veryjLon, Safibld, Scarborough, Watkins, liaison, Wig. '"st. From Beaufort we ascertain tliat there- ose of truth! Forsyth’s abuse of Washing-Elfin*. Wilkin ion, Wood of Fayette, Waford-^S. " is a large vessel on Cape Lookout, and that| ton was printed and circulated on the 1 st ‘ ofj,-?JAV8—MeurSgB/ixtcr, Benning. Bledsoe, Brails- just hofore tho violence of the storm a sloop^ 8fr. Clarke, Clay,on. ^ ^ appcarance off tho harbor , bu ' t >rdisclosure . -- . uTcr., lt .Freeman could not enter; it is presumed that all wore! nut diwn the friends of Gcnorul Jack-S tl,is Aaron or Simri, of tho Messenger, coraeslgttmore. Graves, Iiagan, Holt, Home., Hudson. Hull, lost, Fort Macon too has become a victim, 'Lit,«’sole agency of whiskey, and that |s° ut at ’he end of six months, and gives it th^Ktlly, Kolb, Lane, Iosm,. Lawton. Leonard,Lumnkin. to the war of elements, it is literally in ru- $ft?5 4< W oJo^sasOh *«■•*. reporter f.l„|34 “ ■*.* *™«1 ipon. At the same time, he is assured,P r r ,nt ( ®r_ published an untruth, Forsyth,^p 0? «, qwirlerman L Randolvh._Rea, Remhert. RevnoMi.f rompt measures whch havo been taken foil beir protection, and lor the chastisement of J he Wiunebagoes, by whom they woro threa-i ened. '| We understand that tho Govornmetn, some| eoks since, directed the re-occupation of ho posts at Prarie do cluen, upon the Mix- i'ssipi, and of Chicago, at tho Lead of Lake! Michigan, which, with other movements or-! lered, will completely cover tho while popula- ion in that section of country. The late Storm.—A letter from fl. gentle-j hem nothing—the canals made on the Island] '30UU. «*• —- * * iir i • .. . » j 1 JJ* '(wniwmon, iiuikiuiini, teas, nemnen, /icynow^J ^ - linuld hit constitution .allow him to per-WJ 160 at Washington, would have promptly madelj/to&er/*, Scovell, Smith of Jinan, Syn*th of Scriven.ltfoY the transportation of tlioir materials are Suton. he will bo radically relic v-l‘b° «r—- - - - “ • ------ - -« front the toolhacho. Stapleton, Stewart, ThomunrhP Tn'osh, ThomasofS'ill filled up, togethor with the foundation; Earner, Tulle, l,allhour, Barren, ,r «^ ^lii>;iutiful instance of the sublime occi FOR THE MACON TELEORATH. tiu frown at freedom, pettifogging mute! iii rail «t soti, dependent of n brute! Jj dull retuilerof reports and law, f.fty books, nnd no conclusion draw! Mirageons thou! from cringing vilcness sprung, bau skulking spirit with n tyger’s tongue! hnlvlhke! yet villain-like agree rom adverse suitors to receive a fee! Va mention honor! nnd not blush for shame! jood-foMiought hut pander nnd defame! 99 ‘ * *’ " * ** ^ correction, and the Constitutionalist and! tHccnrder, which have some claim to forccastWjp-., fand talent, would have immediately denounccdfl « , _ . lit; hut the dirty task of denying an established* Tuesaau, December 14. Sfiict, witnessed and novor contradicted by the! iReprcsentativcs of nearly every State in tho'a, . . . , , . , fcUnion, was left for tho lying scapegoat of thei !on,,a V q °” ** ’°" rnal! * of ' pjlfgsgg/ifTfft «vns»ernav 3nci oro©r0ci ‘A occurred, here, whilst the storm wax raging in all its ma-- cstv; nn enormous quantity of lime hud] ecn collected for the use of the Fort, this: :ook firo, and presented the. nppoarnneo of n aicnt ST the esteem and affection of a large circle o* Mends, she attained a good old ogr. and at last, after i short struggle, was liberated from all earthly cares, uid entered ive trust “into that rest which remains for he people of Ood." Her remains were interredin he iftimly burying ground at Wonburn, near the rest ing place of her deceased husband, who had twenty- eight years before closed a life of patriotic exertion in ‘‘ e cause of his country. UNION TICKET—BIBB COUNTY.. FOR TIIE SENATE, ROBERT COLEMAN, Esq. FOR TUE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Dr. RICE DUBRETT. sheriffs* saleSI On the first Tuesday in November, next, W ILL be sold, at the Court house, in the town of Monroe,' Ballon County, between the usual nurs of sale, the following PROPERTY, to wit: One halt of LOT number forty-eight in the third istrict of Waltun county—levied nn as the property f Green Williams, to sntisfy one fieri facias in favour >f Peter Lamar versus Thomas Ross, Grern Williams nd James I.indly, security on stay—property pointed mt by plaintiff's attorney. One lot of LAND, number one hundred and fifty- bur in the fourth district of TValton county—levied it to satisfy one fieri facias issued from Hancock Infr- ior Court iu favor of George Horton & Co. for the isc of Tavlor & Sayre, nnd to satisfy other executions mill William Mershon. All the interest of Henry Philips in thirty-five acres f LAND, it being part of lot number ninety-two in be third district of Walton county—levied on and re amed to me by a constable. One lot of LAND, No. 158, in the 4th district of Walton county, containing 250 acres, more or less, le vied on as the property of William Hooks, to satisfy a Fi. Pa. issued from Wilkinson Superior Court, in favor of Jesse Bradlv, vs. said Hooks. Property [loiuted out by plaintilf’s attorney. R. H. WESTON, Dep.Sttff. Walton County. 'September 21 to lio on the table, the -:,ce! hence! tliou mii-ance!—out of nmnliood’sway!| ,li ardos slumber, and los burros bray!” Salcedo's Abogadode Ouardilla. Ttaken the c-* m;lkos no as «,rtion of the kind, but merelvlT rT P Z\ , u -\° , fir<,nv ;. K paper, by ,n-|, tated tbo roceipt of , ettorg t0 th \ t offect , IrMn'Inn" On i of natui-alo Alio conduct of a Savannah paper as givinel.. .i, d s SMS,nn - P? roat majority in the East, or in words to that] jeffi/ct. “Continues” signifies a prolongation of what has gone before. Now as the Tele ’graph had beforo asserted no such thing, hi la tho l ist Messenger, a scnbliler, under theg| ierc tells a lie; and as tho articlo ho rofors t( ms nfMontgomery, has undertaken tho c- licution of druse who read t Vat m ug them that , the doctrino ui iiiuuru. u w| )0 conduct ot a Savannah paper as givlm. diiyandj civil and political rights is NEW.gweiglit to the information, ho thus embodio iclition to our white citizens. As the load-S^o ono sbort se t,tence. In the same! i of his party havo already churned theirSp a p Crt be e ivox out Governor Troup as a can fuffor let ms nnd authorities for the snnu 3didnto for Congress, but the Recorder says thn,, qwe, and been refuted by an abler pen thaii*,|, e Governor is no candidate; so here is ano- «VJ skill »iss over this point, to the Zi«/e® t her lie from the same source. Again, in the! in much concerning what ho«aame paper of tlm same date, he stiles it as 4 4m schemes of the Clark party. Thesc*f :ict) tbat r „ nner s had to he sont to private! idly asserts were the means by which th”- ... i i ■ . , . , , , , ■ The Packet Ship Columbia, nrrived ata jwere required to bo recorded and aro-A o:isl Nflw y ork( bring3 K dates to the 6lb August, 1 [that' they 1’6 on the table for further cnnsi-| loration;, on which mption 'he yeas and nays were roquired *~ 1 —•>-J --.i — vJB ]38. Nvvs.60. The question then recurred on-tho motion! jof Mr. FJmphin, oltered yesterday, to lav“ tabltf this! motioB the yeas nnd nays wero required—] Yeas 6.3, Nays 42. YEAS— Ifessrs. Baxter, Benning. Bledsoe. Benilsford, v Branham^ Brockman.'Burton. Clarke, Canton, Cnr.h-Xt d . t cl - m Cone, Copy, Crocker, Darenvort, Dillard, Dmig.5 ,,as , " of ' so rn " c " °* her best blood, lerty, Fcathcrston. Faster of Greene, Freemnn. Gil-g more, Orares. Hadley, Hagan, Hardin. Holt. Horae > ilTudson, Hull, Kelly, KolB, T.ntc, l.awsnn, Leonard,i (Lumpt-m. Maos, Meroaey, Merriwelh’r, Milrheltnf PitA Inski, Milrhell nf tyilkxnson. Moreland, Myers. OlirerA On the first Tuesday in NovEJtnrn, next, fFWILL be sold, at the Court house, in the town of W Zebulon, Pike county, between the usual hours f sale, the following PROPERTY, to wit: _ .. Two hundred two and a half acres of LAND, moro >uraing volcano Amidst the roar and fury Ofj|or less, known, by lot number one hundred ami thirty. two in the second district of originally Mourne now property of Solomon favor of M-Ki'ixii- & ■pointed out by William acres of LAND, more or less, it being part of lot number one hundred nnd 'nine in the second district of originally Monroe now Pike county—levied upon as the property of Daniel Campbell, to satisfy a small execution in favor of Bur- |Franee and Algiers will havo to settle theirSrA Orr versus said Campbell—levicdon am! returned ifferences by an appoal to tho “last rosort ofjtf'’ rac ’> 8 WILEy'mANGHAM, Deputy Sheriff. iB+tnnc " ■ « . ...» . oi * * * [Aations. Little doubt is ontertninod of tho fact of tho Pacha of Egypt having declared his indepen- lenre of the Porte. We hopo soon to lioarj |lte has evacuated the Moren. One rnporF says,I ihe will offer Greece the aid of that hand which Tho in erference of Great Powers, if it should ro-5 toro pcnco between Greece and Turkey,? ill also, wo think, give rise to some imson- leratanding between the Empires. England cptember 21 Vi\LV?ABLia LJUm L OT No. cighty-tlircc in the fifth di.-trict of Hous ton countv, containing two hundred two and a Shall' acres of UPLAND, is offered at private sale, by GIDEON TOWLEDGE. -48 ^MiJcon^^optemher^ffl^lPdT- [rasc.isonmetand vanquished them withthoi (*n weapon.” This is a most honorable pic- GEORGIA—Pike County. IIERf.AS Catharine Regan, Administratrix on the estate of l.udwell E. Collins, deceased, np- —> — — ” v ■«“» jnumojMa.Tici, .fiurjieu of eriiKuisrm, mom on**. --------- r t »r’ -f | niimutfent 1 mixes to make lovies on tho cold hoeeakcMPeoIer. Pope, Quortermnp, Randolph. Ren. Prmfterf.Bnnd Russia are both pushing for certain oh-jP"” lor .^fomT2,. , nl i .,i mnnl0 , „u _ i i.s ... .i !_i_ i _. , An ij- e....u e„.-n.-/• n . ...ur.l. :_<) mn .T> inese are inereiore io cue anil aumomsn all anil uieir mu f singular Ihe kindred and creditors oi said deceased, to •They are jEt>e and appear at my office, within the time prescribed are dostin-Sjby law, to shew cause, if any tbey can, why said Id led ostensibly to restore peace between tliofi ,er ?.’ ,101, ' < * n ? 1 ,,e granted. (hundred* of the citizens of that county that NAYS—Adams, Anderson, 'eh, Bates. Blarkhurh, Pthis is.nnother Zi>, and that the fragment* lefr*?i'. rn f d i' .Cfafeoff.] Collini, Culljns, Day. Drumnrl-.jGreoks and Turks, but wo aro afraid, much tofihe Troup conjurora, nnd a 1 ''8^ 1 cl,n !-^from that entertainment woiiid fJrni'xh 'work; P«wfaff.Bnore extensive, i^not more honorable objects; I lint to the mini! cmisn and morals of the ci-Sc lu • I , , . jS, - /it ,1 Gholson. Gilder, H petard, Hendrick, tPeks, Hut- ijc it to the good souse and morals ot me ci i , or the laws not only of tho edi/or of the Me*. lngtrtol, Kenan, King, Lane, Martin, Mat- lei,. For tho.sake of whiskey, the peopIe* tr „^ r/ , r but tbo ( r ;fi Drs that scribble for hi« ! ,n *. McClendon, Murray, Pool, Primrose, Render,] ^(irorgr.i kept in offico thoso professing,-Wltlig«i rcow » s nosf .» f or at l east tbrCo mont J„,_ Robinson. Srffald, Stewart, Watkins^ Watson. Wig. ilic principles ot Washington, but as| Rllrh af< , but a fow of his ta1p , of . art ani , k"'"'l™' ]Vooi H °‘ d °/| lui nsa greater quantity of tvhiskcy was of-f u .,, on be ; 5 a!?aln troubled wi th listlescness or M m\ given, tho c.t.zeus, fur tho extra hall£, bn s , (Itter , f X may for lho want of a timo h, turiteil the Clurkers out, and took ^"’^killor nrouso him from letlmrcv, by comparing [wpers mH! lie now hints trombhngly »h a # the principles which his “very useful nnper”< Clarkcrs are about to resume oflens.veSh, . mainl!l i nn( i nt ,li|Torent times; an -l by re- f* com a intinil mne nti/i IQ i n :iH .• § • • • * I rsmt-nw enmn rthnnnninm Isa ch» l<n So the whole was laid on the tnblo for the remainder of tho session. [in view. Lord Cochrane has had nn action ith tho Egyptian squadron of 120 vossels] BVc-JpIT Candin, and oftor a cannonade of 43 hours' dispersed thoso ho did not sink. Tho Greek! squadron consisted of 80 sail. • An offensive and dofnnslve alliance is spo jken of betweon Persia and Turkey. lenuiuns with the same munitions, and is in New Cotton— A lo id of new cotton con- isting of nine bales, the first for thn season, 1 as rocoived in town yesterday, from the! 'nib ir,;ikii converts. Thu individuals fur- 'hem have an opinion of their fullov z-'iutoo oxaltcd, to suppose that any Gcor- it, drserving the ttiiirio ofa m in or the right I* iicemui, will barter his .'birthright for a! i*M uf k-of and. a drink of whiskey. i)1one' MWe*Wdy-friendl)r to J.-icksOn, Talbot 1,1 , " e Urion have boon invited to these bar- Tho object is therefore obvioui ’St to nuke prusoly'.os, hot mi intenlio Jodoiir to his own muck heap. There ho may| ^flourish and ldoom,' without danger of having this prickles pulled off or the grub that gnav Enpon his roots exposed to frosty wevlip*. BILLHOOK. ■--“J Mini Ilium UIIU 5I1VU |DB OlitlU 'lho horrors ofa civil war,—first designed! J rcu P during tho Administration of Mr.] P|3*»8v*r line® 'steadily uurtuffd. and for: ¥"cn John Forsyth stands pledgod, if elected,' I Mramence “without delay." Very differ-i ■“* ^ rot " a candidate for tho Legislaturt *‘ n S a company of militia to n whiskey! FPi.tod ,h erc requesting in secret ono of them I - '"i as much as all present can drink! Very -c-nt this from handing a'tickct to an unlot- _ nun on tho day of olection and telling! L- ' ull! -mis luiuus which it does not, aiulj r in ; Inin thus to vote contrary to hi.- inu-n- ir -\ difierent tiiis from whoedling :i j Cr ,.—"s « own into a Jio | , | in r r et l u:d a,ld aro 80 determined tt LJ ! e ^cgiihiutie, hut on lho day after ob- luliL; i° lu ®' dlU1 ' pass him by unnoticed o hi ilm" ” >r .* l ' s poverty!!! That such have] leal * lr ‘ lcl,ces followoil by the Troupers, I “ eve f.V observing and candid man in! It.1 y - , Tlwfriends of j.icksunand T«l4 tlilv . j slra,a goms. What they think V Mih Im-* . ’hey say they will do—ind! ■bavin., W * ,8 that tho Troupers should hoasi 1 f )ul du *on the Clark party by whis.j more-—Sav. Otorgian. A load of Cotton, containing oight square Bales, made by Gen. David T-aylor of Burkrl County, was sold by his Factors, in this city,' on the 10th inst. for U' cents cash. It is! packed in a very superior manner, and, with] Igroat uniformity—1 of the Bales weighing] ach 327; 3 others, 329 each, and tho other 31—aid it is considered in quality, equal] to that of Col. Fitzsimons’, which was spoken] short timo past. Gen. Taylor] Given under my hand, this 14th September, 1827. H. G. JOHNSON, c. e. o. Sept. 24 ■ - Ctoan - 48 Nine DoNars Reward, YWV>U-L be given for information, that will Tend to | XfrJ the recovery of NINE bend of (tray CATTLE, marked n crop and underbit in tho right, and cron and half crop in the left enr, and branded thus J. II. 1). farming a compound letter. A small bell on ft year ling and a common-sired bell on n whitish coloured The Thames Tunnel, London, is again**;?'''. Any person giving Information to Mr. Gray 'cleared of the water nnd visited ns usual Ejfoftcrtj living eight miles below Knoxville in Craw- Cleared ot tlm water nnu visited ns usual. w for; Count Oeorgja , IltU , he ubove reward Mr. Canning, Prime Minister of England,^anJoU reasonable expense! paid. ]is dead, Lord Goderich is considered hisxur-Sj JAMES 11. DUKE. jeessor, and a new cabinet about to he formed.y Crawford Cmmty, Sept. 21—St 18 No chango of principles or policy is expect-B FOlil S»\LE d Vr . r> .. , , „ r .1.. HrMlHAT well known TRACT of LAND, lying Havre Cotton market oh tho 27th Jmy,*8 J. in Muscogee, No. 155, (one hundred and lu'ty- tad advanced to sous in the finer qualitics.Jgfivc) in the tenth I ~ * * [Uplands lfi 1-4 to 19 and 20. Several of what Troup would call his sub alterns having endeavored to deceive the citi izens in somo of tho neighboring counties, hi . . ^assuring them, that at tho hst election of Pre- s-re c.icli other of tlioir .stoadfastnoss,!« 3 ; l ] cnl . t General Jackson was tho second choice *c , ' J «n expression of satisfaction and joy at® f ,xr-ir ^ rr • _ , ■ .... - , H their old consistent and virtuous friendl of tho 7Yot/p party, or that a/tfer William II. IS considered ono of the most spirited and fa ready to serve them and save the StatojfcCrawfonl, General Jackson was their choice, enterprising planter? in the country, and is wo republish lho debato and votes on that sub- entitled to much credit for his exertions in joct as given by tho Georgia Journal oi Do- ’ho improvement of Agr.culmro, comber 21, 1824: LEGISLATURE OF GEORGIA. CORRESPONDENCE. The subject of tho Bill to compensate Pe tit Jurors, has not been particularly noticed, inS consequence of our not being able to procure - ] Idle necessary documents roferrod to. We are, authorized to say that tho Troup members of tho Jast Legislature opposed the Bill through out. [Sco Journal of tho House of Represen tatives, 1826.] xept 17-31-47 i District, adjoining Baker’s. CHARLES R. WYNN. Forsyth, nty. GEORGIA--Houston County. J OHN WOOD of Captain Sangsler’s district, tolls before Daniel Ilnpree, Esq. one large bay Horst, [ten or twelve yean otd, fifteen bnnd^bigh, left hind [foot white, switched tail, has some saddle spots on bit [back, shod all round, trots and racks well, right eyo root, nnd appraised by John Toniberlin and Peter [Bangstcr, on the 12th September, 1A27, to fifty dollars. JOSHUA September 24 ~■ 18 PATTI8IIALL, c. i. c. CAUTION. stand that ho has adopted the use of the Tra- sher, un instrument lately invented which ts! MARRIED, In Hillsborough, North Carolina, on the Gth instant .'aullton Bi ColZ, Esq. of Macon, Georgia, to Mf- [Scsax UastzD Tavloii, of the former place. ^ t „ a In this county, on the ffth Instant, by T. Holt, Esq.Vtrusting her, on my acount, ns I shell pay no debts of SMr. Nathan PAtusn, to Mist Jas* BAixrisonz. _ (her contracting. LAUCHLIN LASI.IE. ICyTOIIEREAS my wife NANCY has left my bed J XM and board, without any provocation, three are therefore, to forewarn all persons from harboring or ■MS „ , ■■ cleaning Cotton, and that ho has tho proper of New Hampshire, to Miss Either Ticaxon, forraei quantity for each halo weighed in patoni ly of Cobnnbia, Connecticut. balances before it is.packod.—Aug. Chron, The first New Cotton received in Charles- DIED. In Macon, on Thursday, tho 2CtH instant, Major] - . , , , Joel Rusiiif, a native of Warren County, Georgia! ton this season, was Irotn tho plantation ol hul [oT ycarJ a re ,peetable citizen of this place, ager” Mr. Nash Roach, of Barnwell District, and forty ycurs. HOUSE or REPRESENTATIVES, Friday, December 9, 1824. Tho House took up the following resolution, as offered a fow days sinco by Mr. Fort of Baldwin: Whereas, it is important the will of the Mr. Nash Roach, ol Uarnwcu eisiricr, am» 0 rty year- people should prevail in all important elec- sold on fho 11th instant at H couts for the In thisplaw on ^ I7w Inst^uleran Blow oil non-, and iu none is it moro so than in that offi-’ronch market. ", . . ' ■ . ■ IIitsniETTA, in-] land, aged about, m a large portion of tho United Stotes, nnd non and Trimble have been loft otjt; and tire 10 i a 'wtlkcs county, on Sunday, the 26th ultimo, Mrs. ispncially iii that section in which wo nro plac re-election of John Q. Adams -reduced to a Hassaii Clark, relietofMajor General Elijah Clark, id, is fnr greater than'that of nny otliei indivi- moral impossibility. |ugrd 90 years. Mrs. Clark bad attended her pusbMr dual; and belioving as we do, that on this sub- ’ ject wo act in conformity with the wishes of Colonel D. Brearley is on a visit lo the our constituents— seat of Government preparatory to his" loading Heft therefore rtsolrei by Ihe Legislature of Georgia, [ b o emigrating party of tho Creek Indians to lint in the event of the electron of President comfl., 10 Arkansas. Ilo expoct* to set out with them fc—v/ilAL -- about the first ng before the House of Representatives, nmltt ap- arin? that Mr. Crawford, who has received the c-] cctoral vote of this State.cannot succeed to the pre-l ihlency—our Representatives in Congress be and! they are hereby requested to ghfe the vote of this II sh ,n. BState to General Andrew Jackson, he being the it ] 'killer « IVC 0,,e doubt which tho JfetsengerVeond ehoire of Georgia. | a f r e,Uur ’ a 'tns—whet her tho nrticle sign-M Mr. FORT supported tho resolution, b\l man u-..,„—:—. . . .. ■ explaining the viosvs and objects of it. Mr. FOSTER, of Greene, then roso, am ] ifter a few remarks, submitted the fullowin:| from Georgia, wo understand, ay of October next. the f„„i « Wu . ro wi’ien by the devil, or not ®v 0 ff r , ,,ld '* ’he fatlier of falsehood, tin ’firin' ° n *’ a . udd, ° patron of oppression! orin m 11 Bstior > certainly had not an in-afisubstitute: - B * The devil! Q n0 ‘ If that gen-fl The Goueral Assembly of thit State, haviug It was lately announced in a Philadeljihi taper, that Th: J. Randolph, executor of Mr, Jefferson, had been offered by a gentleman ot Boston $100,060 for the manuscripts of his testator. We At Fortvillc, Jones county, on the 6th instint, byl contracting. Jacksonsville, Telfair county, Sept. 4—~tp—18 no TICE. [■BNOUR months afterdate, application will bcmado I® 1 to tiic honorable the Interior Court of Twiggs [County, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leavo to sell all the real estate of Jostph Hasty, deceased, of [said county—for the benefit ol tbe-heirs and creditors of said deceased. HILL HASTY. Adm’r. September 24,1827——4toam 48 through many interesting periods ol tbo American R‘ volution, and had often cupricnced someoftnedistrei ing vicissitudes of war. She once bad hor bouse burnt, with all its contents, during tha absence ot her but band, by a pillaging party.of British and Tones, wb ravaged the port of the count resided, and was turned out to seeL —— - with a family of several children then in her charge dhe was afterwards robbed of the horse on which she| was riding to meet her wounded husband near thr 1 North Carolina line. During part of the campaip |u which Gtn. .Clark was engaged, she accompan him, and oo one occasion, in attempting t^o^rem^ov from ' * “ w as soon NOTICE. 1 71 OUR months afterdate, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Twiggs lunty, while sitting for ordinary puiwscs, for leaver sell all the real estntn betongingto Elijah Ward, late [of said county, drcaaied, cmiMSting of one moiety of tLot number two hundred and seven, in the twenty- tfourth district of Wilkinson, at (lie time of survey, (now Twiggs county, adjoining Thornton, Terry and tothers, for the benefit ol all concerned. STEPHEN W. WALTON, Administrator. September 21———4toatn———48 _ 1 _1^ NOTICE. \ A LI, persons having demands egainst the estate of Theophilus Pearee.Mc of Twiggs toanty, de- ,’iy in which she lh . e pS! C oossed, are requested to bring them m iwepvrly at- -ek shelteras she couldK tcgtc un j tboM indebted to said cjtalp ore rcqisested :o make immediate payment. ALEXANDER-NELSOW, Fjetvtor. 8.-;.i-nd-. i I" „ FOUR MONTHS ATTEli DA TE I /TV PPLICATION will hr made to the-Honorable when lit he REAL —. — . gkiMmn were onhis back Witt her. nnfrun it -n ~rr niAiou rlunmn <>. ThcspMiUs are authorized to contradict tlie of Augusta, "nd present when tlieMTearre, late of said county deceased, for th* benefit Jitatcraont, nnd moreover, to say that no offo, Uoa under %rown capitulated, and many -of theBthe heirs and crediton. NrICON - r,.„.h.r whatovor. either from Boston orelsowhere, ^Kiners, then and at other Umes taken by her hus« ALEXANDER NLL^QN, Lxteu has been wade for them— la. Adi. band, .xperienced her benevolence and ho.p.tahty.-fi September 10 ttosm iff .,1,1 nn one occasion, in attempting to remove* n. rrutauussui or m«a« ro iae non* a place of danger near where an cngaceincnti; the Inferiar Court of Twiggs connri,-. wb non esnected she had her horse shot uiifir hcr.fc ting for ordinary purposes,lor leave to sell Ihe I nvo e^ddren were on hts back with her. ShelEESTATE and one n'eGRO WOMAN of 77.m