Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, March 31, 1828, Image 1

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MACON TELEGRAPH. gy 51. Bartlett. S '^The Telegraph is published weekly , m Ga.—Office on Mulberry street, a rods north of the Post office.. TERMS. MONDAY, EVENING, MARCH 31, 1828. - — i ’L'"—- — - Volume li...,..NuMiiEit 13. ftffl Year, for Six Month, \ $3 00 2 00 Ettgle JoDl)iUltt> UUVGDOK, c vt door to L. AtkUon, are flow receiving* \ “** £; assortment of GROCERIES from New *, Boiton. and for sale at the lowest market cash or cotton. . nieces 42 inch Cotton Bagging iy! lijs bagging Twine jOO barreliRye Whiskey 50 <i> Northern Gin i pines Holland do 6 Jo 4th proof Cognac Brandy 3 bbds 4th proof Jamaica Rum , 4 do New England Rum 80 bag* Green Coffee 10 bbli loaf* lump Sugar M bbls. Cider Brandy So do. superfine Flour M do. Mackerel, No. 1,2, &3 5 do. Connecticut Shad 12 kegs Cavendish Tobacco M bags Shot, assorted r V' 29 kegs Gunpowder <10 crates Crockery 42 boies Goshen Cheese ijOOO lbs Swede’s flat Iron 3 bundles German Steel gO sets Cart & Gig Boxes 50 Plough Moulds , 1000 lbs. bar Lead, 7 dozen Hoes MOO cut Tacks, 42 casks Nails, assorted 30 reams wrapping Paper, 25 do. writing do. g do. letter do. 25 dosen Wool Hats f) do. Cotton & Wool Cards 1 case Leghorn Bolivars 3 bales London Dutflc Blankets 12 coils itope 90 botes Spermaceti & Mould Candles 3 bales Osnaburgs 4 gross wine & porter Bottles 10 botes bar soap 1 barrel cherry Brandy 1 do. Stoughton’s Elixer 5 barrels Almonds, 10 boxes Windsor Soap 5 boiesChocolate, 5000 Spanish Segars, Wines, Cordials, Domestic Goods, &c. &c. Siam, November 1827——58 Motel STAGE OFFICE—mLEEDGEVILEE. PJT4IIE subscriber has thought proper to let his Friends and the Public generally know, that, ,. „,‘ n consequence of the hardness of the times and the scarcity of money, he has reduced Ins TAVERN RATES to the following prices: ' Breakfast, . . . . . .37 1-2 Dinner, . 50 37 1-2 ] Horae feed, 25 _ 12 1-2 I litledgeville, March 24, 182S. 4t ROBERT MrCOMBS. n/wto io me louowing i Man and Horse per day, . - - $1 75 Man, Horse, Supper, Breakfast and Lodging, 1 50 BIBB HOTEL,. H WILLIAM BIVINS, AVING taken that Largo and Commodious Building on the corner ofWalnut and Third Streets, owned by John Nesbit Esq. of Athens, is now opening a TRAVELLERS and private BOARDERS. From Ins long experience in T ivernkecp- ing, he flatters himself that all who may be pleased to give him a call, will depart well satisfied with the accommodation and charges. His STABLES are large and airy, with a good Car tage House attached. 4 Ma< an, January 28,'T828l LA FAYETTE. HALL. SELECT .TALES. tion which will be paid to render those who may favor him with their custom, comfortable and agreeable, he hopes to receive a share of public patronage. Macon, January 11, 1828 6 ' ALEX. MERIWETHER. MACON HOTEL. is now comfortable T HE undersigned having taken the above Establishment, recentiy.occupind by T. Breen. Esq. prepared to accommodate BOARDERS and TRAVELLERS in the most genteel and comf manner, and solicits the patronage of his Friends and the Public. ' Macon, February 15th, 1828. . 7 JOHN M. SI1ELLMAN. STONE &, COIT, [.WE JEST RECZ1VBD FROM BOSTO.V &. HEW TORE, ASD OFFER FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING DRY .GOODS: pieces 3-4 brown Shirting pieces bleached Sea Island Shirting pieces 44 brown Sheeting pieces 4-4 bieaced Sheeting pieces 34 domestic Plaids pieces 44 domestic Plaids pieces London duffle Blankets , pieces three and a half point Blankets pieces fancy Prints « > • • pieces black, blue and steel mixt Satinstts pieces black and blue Broadcloths 5 pieces blue and mixt Cassimere “ pieces Irish Linens 4 pieces red Flannel pieces cotton Cassimere pieces negro Cloth Plud Cloaks, extra sizes tumble! Cloaks, extra sizes asms writing Paper, 20 reams letter Paper asms wrapping Paper Bopibazetts, Cambrics, Muslins, Silks Muslin Robes, Battiste Robes Italian and Canton Crapes Cussimere and Valentia Shawts Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs Hosiery and Gloves Shell and Horn Combs, &c. &c. cases coarse and fine Shoes 2 cues gentlemen VBoots W cases fine and coarse fashionable Hats 5 eases Leghorn and straw Bonnets «cases No. 10, Whlttemore Cards 4 boxes Saddles and Briddlcs Wavdwave &. Cutter}. M. Castings, assorted .‘i dozen weeding Hoes A large and elegant assortment of of Crockery and '■•mure. dozen pint nnd half pint Flasks dozen half pint Tumblers, in straws GROCERIES. . Also received by the last Boats pieces Cotton Bagging 12 Midi. St. Croix Sugar <2 hags prime green Coffe* 5 hhils. Jamaica Rum 2 bhds, Holland Gin jj bbds. apple Brandy o pipes Cognac Brandy * quarter and half casks Teneriffe, Malaga Madeira WINES " barrel* new Flour, (warranted good) ■ ton Shot, assorted, 1 ton soft Lead " **g«EEE Dupont’s Powder ® kegs (hipping Powder ™ hoses Soap 5 wies sperm and tallow Candles > t r° u * hunch Raisins 5 “P Pepper and Pimento « American Cigars November 2(i, 1827 57 [DANCING SCHOOL. • LESLIE, very grateful for the encourage- meat he has received the last Quarter, respect- . J'olormslhe Ladies and Gentlemen of Macon and jaunty, that as soon as a sufficient number of si ‘ •••; ‘•hi-iinnl, lie will again commence i...for further information, call qn Air. Bivins, |*Uvb li’ ° f at ■' ,r ‘ F “' ker ’ s Scll ° o1 room - hR.BAEKWELX.. Has located himself at the place where - inr •• Entertainment. PTIlHE undersigned, thankful for past favors in his line of business, solicits the patronage of his friends and <LL (he public. EDWARD BARKER. Knoxville, Crawford County, Ga. March 10. 4t 10 Washington Hotel osTbHE subscriber having taken the above house formerly kept by Richard Morgan, Esq. on Broad Street, J t in Perry, Houston County, Georgia, is prepared to accommodate BOARDERS and TRAVELLERS in Perry, Houston County, genteel and comfortable style. Perry, Houston County, Ga. March 10,1828, P. OLIVER. MJEWSIOoT MOM H E. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he has taken that well known establishment, front ing the Court house in the town of CLINTON, Jones County, Ga. formerly occupied by H. H. Slab ter, Esq. as a Tavern and Boarding House, and having made various improvements therein, he is now pre|«r- edto entertain BOARDERS and TRAVELLERS in a genteel and comfortable manner. His accommoda tions are very extensive: and bis table, bar, stables, &c, are at all times well furnished Unremitting exer tions will be made for the comfort of his customers, and he solicits a share of the patronago of the public.— Families can be accommodated with separate rooms. SOL IIOGE 27tf CLINTON, Ga. April 30,1827. House of Entertainment. r llE subscriber has fitted up his large New House, on tho Public Road half way from Macon to Foriytl and near the road leading from Clinton to Knoxville, as a ?i»oo$r of gwtcptaiwittfut for the accommodation of Travellers. The house is pleasantly situated for health and convenience, and eve ry attention will be shown those who call. Separate rooms with fire places can be furnished to Families— Good STABLES, and the best of LIQUORS and PROVISIONS constantly kept on hand. °Stallings Store, Monroe County, Go. December 24,1827 61 JOHN STALLINGS. and Cheap Grocery Stove, AT COLUMBUS.. J UST received, by steamboats 8teubenville and Monroe, a large assortment of GROCERIES, which will be afforded at a very low price, viz: 300 barrels Whiskey 75 „ Gin 20 „ Wine 30 „ Rum 15 „ cognac Brandy 60 bags Coffee 25, bbls Molasses—75 bbls Sugar 50- boxes Raisins—50 barrels Nails 5 tons Iron With a numerous assortment of other articles. Also, . general assortment of ■ DRY GOODS. Persons wishing to purchase, trill please icall •an tlUuU IAJVE-. Columbus, Muscogee raunty, Mareli 5. Shaker's Garden Seed. i ED and white Onion fifuskraelon Blood beet l Dr. Taylor formerly resldeif, in Pulaski county, on the direct Mail Road ieadinf from Tarver’s Store to Hartford, eight miles below the former and twelve above the latter place; where he makes a 1 tender of his services as a “'boner of Physic, Surgery Sf Obstelncks »£?“*** Mmself to give a steady and assiduous at- •I ?" ,0 all cases confided to his care. His charges mgulated by the common custom, having in the same time the present depressed prices of ' ‘ Pulaski county, Ga. Feb.l 8t 6 MEDICAL, The subscriber respectfully t< , services to his frienas and the public in general, and informs them that he has re cently received a fresh supply of MEDI CINES, &c. He offers to his patrons ,. the homage of sincere gratefulness for tP*’ an< * hopes to receive a continuance of - u ' n t , h ‘* ca pacity, and tenders the assurance of un- e, Jattention and exertion to deserve tho confi- 01 '!>°se who may repose it in him. He will be r 7*M ig (,jj charges by the Fee Bill established by ri7’ rt <i« faculty. LEWIS P. TESSIER. 1county, rn Feb. 1828. 2m 0 R Early turnip do. Carrot, Orange Parsnip Long cucumber Early do Dutch summer squash Crookneck do. Do. winter do. White bead Jcttuoe Speckled do. Ice <1°. Imperial do. Cabbage do. Early turnip radish Early June Peas ■ - ^^^Yorkshlra Cahb™?.' Double P*ppergrass Early Golden Hotspur * - Strawberry Dwarf Green Dwarf Marrowfat Peas Earley six weeks or redeyed Dwarf Beans Early Sugar Corn R D«:l aadf ° r “ 1 E b L y US. SHOTWELL A Ce. Flat Turnip French do. Sage Squash pepper 8olid celery Parsley Asparagus Nasturtion English sorrel Summer savory Scarlet radish Savoy cabbage Red do. Early sorrel Turkey rhubarb White marrowfat Cranberry beans jS’ENV CUE&P GOODS. T HE subscriber has just received, and opened,at his store on Cherry street, a general assort- ■“SMB® ®®®®S» SHOES, HATS, Crocker}, Hardviavc, &c. He has also on hand^i ^etverM assortment of CASTINGS, dec.’ Which will be sold low for cash Feb 25 8 R. COLEMAN. J. & I. WSNSHXP. HTPAVE just received from Now York un assort- \Sl ment of GROCERIES, which they offer for sale at the lowest market prices for Cash or Produce. Irish Potatoes, Cotton Bagging, Bngging Twine, Loaf and Lump Sugar, St. Croix and Muscuvada do, Holland Gin, White’s do, Northern do, Whiskey, Jamaica Rum, Northern do, Cognac Brandy; Port, Madeira, Teneriffe and Malaga Wines; Molasses, Soap, Candles, Cheese, Pepper. Spice, Powder, Shot, Lead, Mackerel, Coffee, Iron, Salt; Cast, German and American 8tcel, &c. . ... N. B. Wanted, a quantity of HIDES, for which Cash svill be paid at the highest prices. Macon, February 11,1828 0 NEW CLOTHING. L. FITCH & CO. K AVE just received nnd are now opening a large stock of CLOTHING, of the best quality, and made in the most fashionable style—comprising Dvess and Fvock Coats, Coatees* and Dantatoons, of bind, blue, and fancy colors. A great variety of VESTS Ladies and Gentlemen's CLOAKS Also, Cloths, Catsimeres, Vestings and a variety of other Articles. The above Goods, with those received by former arrivals, renders their stock as extensive and complete, as any in the up country. TAILORING, Carried on Iq all Its various branches. Having the 1 test New-York fashions, and good workmen, their work shall not'be done inferior to any. All orders thankfully received, andexecuted with despatch. The following humorous story Is from that crucible of wit and satire, the Boston Evening Bulletin. THE MAN WITH A MOUTH. Angelina Skumblo was tho seventh daughter of ta rich fisherman, abiding on tho coast of Spratwlch—a wild, bleak uud.fitormy spot, of- teu tho scene of shipwreck and detftb.—The snug mansion of skipper Skamblo was locaied ono side of a valley that opened upon tho broad ocean. Behind it arose a vegetable garden adorned witli cabbage-heads, potato-blossoms, and here nnd there an elderberry busli by way of variegation. At its wings stood the burn and appurtenances, and an orchard of stunted quince trees. In front flowed a narrow knee- deep rivulet, skirted beyond with a fringe of burhorries, thistles and blue lilies; while above them towored n thick forest of firs. Tho house itself was like an oyster, tight, well filled, comfurtubje, somewhat polished in the interior, nnd withiil enclosing a “ pearl of great price''; though roughcast and weatherbeaten on the outside. Yot Miss Angelina had contrived to ornament its uncouth walls with trails of parasitical plains, that, clung to the main chance like politicians to the powers that be. Upon the wliolo the residence of Cupluin Skamblo, as lie was now styled, presented u tout ensemble quite refreshing to <he eyo that had previously wandered over the neighboring region. Among the gossips of tho vicinity, it was a very current opinion that tho old sonman, who had already settled large marriago portions up on his .6 elder daughters, must have obtained his wealth by other means than the curing of codfish and the pickling of mackerel. Some went so far as to say lie got it by muoncursing; others that ho had iound a largo pot of guineas buried among the sands of the beach ; and others, slill mere plausibly, conjectured that he had exiraccd it from the intestines ’ of a wreck that got on tho Poriwiuklo Shoal, hard by, some twenty years ugone. But tho secret was not to be fathomed ; it was two deeply inhumed within the besom of its siugle possessor—and as tho puhlick could only guqss, and surmise, and wonder, widiuut arriving at any sort of certainty or satisfaction, it is very evident that the fact had never been communicated even to tho fisherman’s wife. As to Miss Angelina, she neither cared nor thought about it. Immured in this rude and solitary vale, she knew not the worth nor the want of riches—she had never adopted the advice of I'oor Richard, aud as certained the value of money by trying to bur- row some. Site had attained Iter 17th year,' without having laid her eyes on moru than elev en fcatlierless bibeds of the masculine gender, including her father, her brotliei in iatv, the parson, and his nephew—tho latter of whom was most murderously in love with lie;,. In deed, although us uncultivated ns the cliffs and forests by winch she was sui rounded, she was albeit more beatifttl than—Reador! be kind enough to think of the prettiest being thou hast ever beheld, not only amidst the sober realitias of existence, but in thy most folitiout and romantic nigliimates. Though tho minis er’s nephew, as we have beforo telated, was in a piedicamtnt of olfoc- tionato desperation; still tho sentiment knowtt in vulgar life by the name of love, had never yet ctept in among the fancies of Miss Angelina Skatnhle. Her greatest delight consisted m wandering along the strand, gathering speci mens of pebbles, shells and soawced—or in tending her honeysuckles and creepers, as they stretched their storks and fibres, through the sunshino, along the corners and windowfrumes of her paternal domicil. One day, in her cus tomary ramble on tho seaside, after a long continuance of wind blowing off shore, when tho tides Imd receded far below their usual boundary, site observed a huge shell, partly concealed in the sea grass, upon die very bor der of the briny element. Considering it u prize of no ordinary magnitude, she advanced wi.k greedy ioteniion to make it Iterown. As she stooped to grapple the treasure, which was evidently nothing more than an immense clam, tho testaceous monster oponed its valves, sigh ed dismally, “Alt!” and sunk irretrievably into the subjacent mire. Poor Angelina went'home in tears, with that enormous mouth continually yawning before the eyes of her imagination. Night alter night she dreamed of it—day after day, she sighed despondingly in the same melancholy and well remembered tone, “Alt, Alt!” She had hoard of love; and now, as settled in her own mi ltd, she felt it. Thus passed several weeks, where in nothing ocrturlCd tho disappointed maiden’# sensorium, buMtie lamented submarine -appari tion—or rather disapparition—until one mem orable fourteenth of February, sovemeen hun dred and odd, when a tremendous snowstorm raged over tho faco of the country, like an ele- had lung since disjoin.eil its hinges. But, as he rugged veteran was about to spfuk, the skip per raised Ins thumb m token of silence, and the tur’s clapper came together an alliga tor's. All suits of comforts were immediately provided, and after remaining a week or two, it was announced in the newspapers that Rich ard Sinve, aged 57, had espoused Angelina Skanible, aged 17. True, after becouiuig some what more acquainted with the world, lady Shivo repented of her fantastic choice ; but these afliiirs belong not to the story ; which ends badly enough: for tho parson’s nephoVv drowned himself in the very cavity m tda by the mysterious shellfish in its unkind descent. JAMES A. BLANTON, H AS just received and is now opening and offer. ing for sale at the vety lowest market prices, for cash, a large and entirely ireshstock of DRV GOODS. GROCERIES, HATS and SHOES, HARDWARE and CUTLERY, 4 " Crocker'} anti Glassware, SADDLERY, &c. &c. &c. Which were all laid in by himselfinlHe Northern Mar kets, specially for the trade of thi^place, and will no doubt suit purchasers both in quality and pnees. Merchants aud Planters from the country and the citizens of this place and invited to call and exam ina for themselves. WANTED, A feus hundred bags of COTTON, for which Cash will be paid. dec 24 VARIETY. Virtue of Ksscs!' ,The notion of prolong ing life by inhaling 1 the breath of young women W iS an agreeable delusion ; aud one physician who had himself written on health, Was su m. fluonccd by it, lhaf lie took lodgings in a board ing school, to enjoy, the benefit of tSo) proper 1 utmosphere. Philip Thicknesse, vviie wToto tho Valetudinarian's Guide o Health, in*l 779, seems to have taken a doze whenever he could. I ant myself (says lie,) turned of 60, and in gen eral, though 1 havo lived ill' various dim nes, . und suflbted severely both in body and tmnd, yet having always' partaken 4>f the breath of young women whenever they lay in my way, I feel none of tho infirmities which so often strike the eyes and ears in this great citv of sickness (Balb) by men much younger titan my self. I ^jradd’s Memoirs. Idleness. The Jews lmve a proverb, that lie who brings not up liis / son to some occupa tion, makes him a thief; and the Arabians sny, that an idle person is the Devil's playfellow. Warren Bridge.—Tho 'tiH’is it passod tho House of Representatives' authoriz ng the e- » ruction ol another bridge'over Clftries River botwecu this city, and Cha.lestowh, yesterday passed the Senate by u vote t>f;19 to 17. As this bill dole* uot present the like objectionable features a that Which passed ihtf previous legis lature, it is thought that it will receive the sanc tion of the Executive. The two brahehes of the legislature, in passing this bill, have vii tidi ly decided that the public necessity requires . lie erection of an ot liar bridge and therefore it is generally expected’that the Govarndr will sign •t. • Boston Patriot. Experiments have been made *1 Woolwich, (Eng.) un atf extensive scale, ofhOlmo s tot.— Tito results were cousiuere I very satisficmry. It is said that, if fouud applicable, at is expec ted, to naval warfare, tiiat itoliow shot will create a new era in the art of destruction. M. Guizot, one of tho ablest French writers of the day, lias undertaken at Paris u literary Review, which is to be published every wo mouths. A Quarterly Review, ilso, js soon to be issued iu the same capital under tho best auspices. When President Jetfersoirsent his confiden tial message tq the Senate, rccommoii lin.. in embargo lor m indeiin. e tim , AJ .Adam., It'd ju4 pertbrmud. iiis exLnerJfmmy and un expected political sonieVset. At lira very beginning of tint discussion uu this- important and momentuous question,'Mr. VI u4- .use and gravely advised the Seiiatms not to discuss the mailer at nil; adding that “the President •had recommended the measure upon in, li gli responsibility; aud that therefore, die Sen ite ought not to deliberate but to act” Thcso were substantially, and it is bel eved, idem,c il ly lira words' used by Mr; Adams on (hat oc casion. - Titoy .were taken down at the tune hy a venerdblo Senator present, whose verac y never was, even by bis political opponent,, m die least impeached; anil they stand now, happily for the. country, it is to be hoped upon record. j, Hero was a plain avowal of arbi.ra y princi ples utiered on a grave and side mi occas on. — No wonder. M •. A3 tma denounces the “will of the coiistitnein.” No wonder lie cunside » no people bound io ebty the orde' ■» of.tlm Exec i- tivu.—Such a fact displays the cite cter of the man. S.iv Itepub. A Thunder Storiii with vivid lightning, ac companied by tor ems of rain, and whai wo tarely see, large, flakes of snow, or It til, pas sed over this city from lira N n ih at dusk, and lasted several liuu s. Worn it commenced, ihe thermometer stood at 54, nd for two uights previous Iros.s had been expe rienced. , Sav mnah ireorgiun, 19'A inst., mental assortment of hurricanes, whirlwind* nnd tornadoes. Just a: nigiufuli a rap was heard at tho porch door. Miss Angelin. was within, pondering on sighs and clamshells, while tho old folks were snoozing iu the chimney corner. She lifted the latch, and a half smoth ered seaman, dripping with britie^ entered with out ceremony. About his person there was nothing remarkable, save a mouth that extend ed from whisker to whisker, and gave to Ins profile the semblance of a tinman's shears. She asked if he had been shipwrecked—and when ho opened his mandibles, ejaculating “Alt !”— the sight nnd the sound fell upon her senses like rays of fruition upon the almost blighted blossoms of hope. Tho bewildered damsel fell upon his neck, sobbing, giggling wading and rejoicing; while the hardy old tar, whose ap pearance indicated more than h df a century's bufferings on the “ boisterous main,” dropped his nether jaw u|K>n his collarbone, and stood stark aghast with nniazenipn . _ Meantime tho sleepers in the corner awoke; and old Capiam Skamble's visage relaxed into un awful degree of longitude, on beholding the spectre before him. He knew that of old; but he bad fondly hoped that the shark* Colonel Gxoruc Ml Troup, our l ira Go vernor, and his daughter, arrived in this < ity on Wednesday evening 1 is>—md Ite following day many of our most distinguished cit Zens wait^d'vmrilini, at Ins bro tier’s bourn to crin- gratffiato Viui on h s ariiv.l amongst us —rail wee received wi It bis usml urbauity. A m p utation, appointed hy a mec ng of oU' - fallow citizens, oiawwaited on him to wLome him m behalf of tlic c ty and county and «7 dflii’e Juju to pat take of a public diqjnpf, which of course Ira declined.—-i) rien 04:., J.. -. 7 ENJfOl. I. A HS REWA HtL,) Strayed from Aha sulucribw, about I . lira 1st of OctobW, A large sorrel jeut v '* MI'LE, ntioul 7 of # yinn o13. jmcis Bagwell. Any person delivering ssidM-ue ty the subscriber, living about 5 miles above the fist shoals, on Flint river, Pike county, shell receive the above reward, end all reasonable expenses paid, march It II tf WILLIAM CARGILE. I TOIJIt rjputli**;ler date application will ben to tbejtntertor court of Monroe ebumy, r itting for ordinaTy purposes, for leave <o «cll ih a) Estate it Mssuitm Goss. late u; : i.l ec u v. teased,. O iL (MiLUiTT, Atsa march 8 dot