Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, April 14, 1828, Image 1

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Uv M. Bartlett. MONDAY, KVENINti, APRIL 14, 1828. ' xba Telegraph is published weekly C„„ On.—Office ou Mulberry street, a rfftorlh of »he Post office. W ’ TERMS. 'Ah Year, • ' * ” • . ?? ?? Volume 11 NuMiiea 15. Months, 2 00 \ JuOUARD St LftWGDOK, . VT door to L. Atkison, are now receiving a 25 assortment of GROCERIES from New _ I M aala al «lw. laiHAai laud Bolton, and for sale at the lowest market % p^“42inch Cotton Bagging Stew 1 ?'' jS do Northern Gui 5„jne» Holland do J ‘jo 4th proof Cognac Brandy 3 lihds 4th proof Jamaica Rum STAGE OFPIOE—EOTJJBDGEVHJC.B. W lE St, bscriber has thought let bis Friends and the Public generally know, that, in consequence of the hardness of the times mid the scarcity of money, ho bus reduced Ins TAVERN RATES to the following prices: Man and Horn per day, - . - $1 75 I Breakfast, . . . . i • . 37 1.2 Man, Ham, Supper, Breakfast atid Lodging, 1 50 \ Dinner, • • ... - . . 50 Sapper, . - . . ' . < . 37 1-2 thru teed, . i .... 25 Lodging, . . . . . . . 12 1-21 'gcville, March 24,1828. 4t ROBERT McCOMBS. 4 jo New England Rum-’ *,„« Green Coffee it) l.bfs loaf dk lump Sugar *- « hlids. St. Croix Sugar ■ 5 do. Molasses, 3 cask* London Porter jO b l,|,. Cider Brandy mi jo. superfine Flour on do.Mackerel, No. t, 3,&3 5 do. Connecticut Shad * .p Cavendish Tobacco • tion which will be paid to render those who may favor hiin'witb their customi comfonaMc and'agreeable jie °f either of these ladies. Ou tho'contrary, hopes to receive a share of public patronage. - - . tlieir efforts to divorce themselves from celtbfc 601 Shot, assorted |tegs Gunpowder,,*. 1(1 crates Crockery' 42 boxes Gdihcn Cheese 2000 lbs Swede’s flat Iron * 3 bundles German Steel io >cts Cart & Gig Boxes 50 Plough Moulds ' IOOO lbs. bar Lead, 7 doxen llocs KB cut Tacks, 42 casks Nails, assorted 30 reams wrapping Paper, 25 do. writing do. 0 dp, letter do. 35 doxen Wool Hats go (18. Cotton & Wool Cards t case Leghorn Bolivars 3 Mies London Duffle Blankets 1J toils Rope 20 boxes Spermaceti & Mould Caudles 3 bales Osnaburgs 4 gross wine & porter Bottles 10 boxes bar soap ' ] barrel cherry Brandy t do. Stoughton’S EJixer 5 barrels Almonds; 10 boxes Windsor Soap 0 boxegChocolate, 5000 Spanish Segars, Wines, Cordials, Domestic Goods, Ac. &e, Jtuon, November 1827 -"-58 T HE undersigned having taken tho above Establishment, recently occnpied by T. Ilmen, Esq. is now prepared to accommodate BOARDERS and TRAVELLERS in the most genteel and comfortable manner, and solicits the patronage of his Friends and the Public. Macon, February 15th, 1828. 7 JOHN M. SIiELLM*AN. Washington Hotel. (A iqHE subscriber having taken the above house formerly kept by Richard Morgan, Esq. dJL in Perry, Houston County, Georgia, is prepared to accommodate BOARDERS ondT, genteel and comfortable style. Perry, Houston County, Go, March 10,1828. STONE & COIT, AVE IUST nSCXIVBD FROM BOJTOS & SEW YORK, • Alii) OFFER FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING DRY GOODS: S nieces 3-1 brown.Shirting pieces bleached Sea Island Shirting pieces 4-4 brown Sheeting I pieces 4-1 blcaced Sheeting ) pieces 3-1 domestic Plaids i pieces 4-4 domestic Plaids 1 pieces London duffle Blankets (pieces throe und a half point Blankets (pieces fancy Prints 9 pieces black, blue and steel mixt Salinetts (pieces black and blue Broadcloths 5 pieces blue and mixt Cassimere 0 pieces Irish Linens 2 pieces red’Flannel 6 pieces cotton Cassimere B pieces negro Cloth i’laid Cloaks, extra sixes Osmlilet Cloaks, extra sixes reams writing Paper, 20 reams letter Paper reams wrapping Paper Botnbazetts, Cambrics, Muslins, Silks Muslin Robes, Battiste Robes Italian and Canton Crapes Cassimere and Vnlentia Shawls Silk' and Cotton Handkerchiefs Hosiery and Gloves Shell and Horn Combs, &c. Ac. I cases coarse and fine Shoes 4 cases gentlemen's Boots 5 cues fine and coarse fashionable Hats 5 cues Leghorn and straw Bonnets 8 eases No. 10," Whittcmorc Cards 4 bom Saddles and Briddiea Dataware &. Cufierj. ^ Ills. Castings, assorted 15 doxen weeding Hoes ’ A large and elegant assortment of of Crockery and ’"aware. *, doxen pint and half pint Flasks doxen half pint Tumblers, in straws GROCERIES. Also received by the last Boats sfetnagg I‘ l | hap prime green Coffee • hhds. Jamaica Rum 5 bhds. Jamaica Ruin S Hlids. Holland Gin * Hhds. apple Brandy * P 1 !* 5 Cognac Brandy * quarter and half casks Teneriffe, Malaga and , Madeira WINES ■« barrels new Flour, (warranted good) *Shot,*assortcd, 1 ton soft Lead 1® bcgsEEE Dupont’s Powder ° Hep shipping Powder " Hoses Soap botes sperm and tallow Candles Hoses hunch Itaisins 5 Pepper and Pimento American Cigars Hortmbcr 20, Eagle Hotel LA FAYETTE HALE. LOPE lit A MUST. I11 the village* of Cripplesingleit lived Miss Bridget Sibthurdle, and Miss Dorothy Murclt- uiyrtle. Thu villagers were apt to call llieiu, when speaking of them, Mrs.; but in retain ing the prefixed Miss, 1 have the sanction of their owu invariable custom, and surely they had a right to decide on tlieir own appellation. These two 0I4 maids had long bceu the stock fish ot the village. They wore a sort of land marks, and wore supposed by tho juveuilcs of the place to bo cooval with tliu market cross, i’bat this, howevet, was not the case, appear- ctb front the register of tho parish church of Garrymmster, wherein is recorded the baptism ol Budget, daughter of Humphrey and Budget Sihtlturdle baptized May 3, 17G5; and of Dor- othy, daughter of Joint and Sisinunda March- myrtle, April 10, in the same year. Wo cm most truly and seriously assure our readers, that tlie sin of old maidenhood did not lie at tho door Macon, January 11, 1828 6 ALEX. MERIWETHER. MACiOY HOTEL. 1. on Broad Street, ItAVELLERS in l JL P. OLIVER. •jEfrfWslojr HOirsE. , that he has taken that well knowp establishment, front- T HE subscriber respectfully informs the public, tbt ing the Court house in the town of CLINTON, Jones County, Ga. formerly occupied by II. II. Slat- ter, Esq. as a Tavern and Boarding House, and having made various improvements therein, he is now prepar* edto entertain BOARDERS and TRAVELLERS in a genteel and comfortable manner. His accommoda* tions are very extensive; and his table, bar, stables, &c, are at ail times well furnished. Unremitting exer* tions will be hiade for the comfort of his customers, and he solicits a share of file patronage of the public.— Families can be accommodated with separate rooms. . • SOL. HOGE. CLINTON, Ga. April 30,1827. 27tf House of Entertainment. fJlHE subscriber has fitted upbis large New House, on the Public Road half way from Macon to Forsyth, andhear the road leading from Clinton to Knoxville, as a ffootto* of iswtrrtotnittrnt for the accommodation of Travellers. The house is pleasantly situated for health and convenience, and eve ry attention will be shown thosa who call. Separate rooms with fire places can be furnished to Farailr" Griod STABLES, and the best of LIQUORS and PROVISIONS constantiykepton band. Stallings Store, Monroe County, Ga. December 24,1827—G1 JOHN STALLINGS. Cheap Grocery Stove, AT COLUMBUB. ■JUST received, by steamboats Steubenville and •F Monroe, a large arsorlment of GROCERIES, which will be afforded at a very low price, vis: 300 barrels Whiskey 75 „ Gin 20 „ Wine 50 „ Rum 15 „ cognac Brandy 1 Coffee 60 bags 25 Mu Molasses—75 bbls Sugar 50 boxes Raisins—50 barrels Nails 5 tons Iron . , With a numerous assortment of other articles. Also, a general assortment of DRY GOODS. Persons wishing to purchase, will please call on HUGH LOVE. 3m Columbus, Muscogee county, March 5. Shaker’s Garden Seed. R ED and white Onion Muskmelon Blood beet Early turnip do. Carrot, Orange Parsnip Long cucumber Early do Dutch summer squash Crookneck do. Flat Turnip French do. Sage Squash pepper Solid celery Parsley Asparagus Nasturtion English sorrel Summer savory Scarlet radish Savoy cabbage Red do. Early sorrel Turkey rhubarb White marrowfat 1827 57 I'olhmgstove & Wat Warehouse . „ P. JUDSON &, Co.—Macon, l in ® lorc on Mulberry Street, next door t9 l J. B. Wick, keep constantly on hand, an eitcn* •Mwrtment of Clothing, Cloths, Casslmeres, and description niid-quality, suitable for the * Iil “Cason. Tlieir assortment consists in part of „ clothing . . black, olive, steel, nnd oxford mixt Coats . Lostees—.blue, black, drab, steel mixt and claret ‘.•bb Over Coats—plaid and camlet Cloaks— k 1 °'* ve > drab, claret and slate colored a and Cassimere Pantaloons—blue and black aosrttnd cloth Vests—striped, Valentin, figured k« v"*, s 'lk velvet, mnrseilles and swans- ryy» Of all qualities—cotton and woollen Draw- fv/Hltbo atul linen Sheets, nnd a good assortment iosi c, °thing.—Broadcloths anil Cassimcres of t. P'V color and quality—Valentis Vestings, t , “y Velvets—tartan Plaids, green Baize, ' 8 »d white Flannels, Shirtings, Sheetings, Sslti l 3 '„5 us P' ,1 dcrs, Russian Bella, Cravats, silk and (lfla *»• • ivusilall 1)1119, via«ai9 ( oasm. miu bcai“Obdkerchiefs—black worsted, lambs wool, r°ni kc *’ ® n ^ Half Hose—Linings, Silk, Tsvisj, > j"** (yge Brazilian Shell Combs. V,, .... e ofnsuperior quality. SSE*"* 0,1 the TAILORING business, Icdii" 1 " "'Ofkmcu employed, hope to merit 1 1 i.c patronage. They still continue tho HATTING f BUSINESS, and will furnish them at wholejaig nn( j retail, as low as can he bought in Savannah, or Augnsla. They —.^xHave on lmnd, a good apartment of IT3 Otter, Seal, Roruin, and Wool |j* 1? ‘ *]*es nnd fluidities. y.H,;.' r" r "' , r ‘ rc ,:r VaM for Bearer, Otter, Dec 31 Do. winter do. White head lettuce Speckled do. Ice do. Imperial do. Cabbage do. Early turnip radish Early June Peas Vegetable Oysters Cranberry beans Early Yorkshire Cabbage Double Peppergrass Early Golden Hotspur Strawberry Dwarf Green Dwarf Marrowfat Peas •- Earley six weeks or red eyed Dwarf Beans . Early Sugar Com Received and for sale by Dec. 24. ELLIS, SHOTWELL * Co CWEAP GOODS. T HE subscriber has just received, andopened,at iiis store on Cherry street, a general assort' meat of WWt SHOES, HATS, f Crockery, Hardware, &c. He has also on hand a general assortment of GYlOCEllUJS, CASTINGS, &c. AVhich will be soldlotf for cash, Feb 25 8 R. COLEMAN. J. & I. WSK SHIP, Jg^AVE just received from New York an assort ment of GROCERIES, which they offer for sale at the lowest market prices for Cash or Produce. Irish I .oaf and Holland . Jamaica Rum, Northern do, Cognac Brandy; Port, Madeira, Teneriffe and Malaga Wines; Molasses, Soap, Candles, Cheese, Pepper, Spice, Powder, Shot. Lead, Mackerel, Coffee, Iron, Salt; Cast, German and American Steel, &e. N. B. Wanted, a quantity of HIDES, for which Cash will be paid at the highest prices. Blacon, February'll, 1828 6 cy hud been numburluss. Thu learned profit: siotts hud encountered a full display of their chat ms. The Ollapodt and Brielwiu Wfcie be sieged in vatu. One by one the apothecaries evaporated und the attorneys would not pload, though there was every chance of an “U yes’ hum the respondents. Fate at length directed to the village Jonah Elderberry, Esquire, u younger sou’s younger son, who retiled in tho 53thyear ofhts age to Cripplnsingleit,ouugold headed c.nie, aud a life unnuiiy of duo hundred aud nineteen pounds odd slnlliugs, odd ponce, the bequest ol nil old uuut, for wtiuni Jonah had invented a tooth powder equally choice and cheap. Jonah Elderberry, Lsq. Was a little tuan,and a great beau; (on his arrival in the vicinity of the two spats, ers, ite Was called the beau with two strings.) He wore a little wig, very neat, and always appeared lira cinnamon coloured coat and a laden apple bloom complex ion. He carried age well; lie also curnud, on damp days, a amall sdk umbrella, wait an ivoiy handle. He. woro silk stuckiugs, with long clocks, and being inside of tho clocks, he was somc-iimes called Bell hammer, which accounts fur his striking linruiotty with the two spinsters. They heard of tho name given luin, aud chang ed it to Belaniuur. To Mr. Elderberry, accordingly, ho h ladies laid siege. They besieged him m hopes that be would beseech them; but each iluliercd her self witli the hupe of being the lucky she, und of disappointing the other. This was a power ful by-motive, for they were bosom friends. However, Mr. Elderberry’s conduct was suf ficiently ambiguous; not that he failed in pay ing tho most decided uiteutiuns to eithor lady ; on tbo contrary, he was equally assiduous to both, and hero.was tbo mischief. So equally did he divide himself that ho ran a chance of be ing cut dead, a catastrophe which was ouly pre vented by the scarcity of bachelors in tho vtl- II JAMES A. BLANTON, AS just received and is now opening andoffer- ing for sale at the very lowest market prices, forcash.alarze and entirely fresh stock of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HATS and SHOES, HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Crockev^ and Gtosswave, . SADDLERY, &c. &c. &c. Which were all laid in by himself iu the Northern Mar kets, specially for the trade of this place, and will no doubt suit purchasers both In quality amt prices. Merchants and Planters from the country and tho citixens of this place and invited to call aud exam ine for themselves. WANTED, A few hundred bags of COTTON, for tehich Cash will be pawl. ‘ doc 24 • CROTON OIL, SULPHATE OF QUININE, PYROLIGNEOUS ACID, IODINE ACID, . • EXTRACT OF ELATERIUM, with a number of new and cclebrat- jib ed Mcdicinu, just received an L&8 DISSOLUTION. T HE copartnership heretofore existing under the iirm of Winshlp, Brooks A. Co. is this day dissol ved, by mutual content. All buiiiiess of the said firm, will be closed by J. & I. Wtnahlp. J08EP1I WINSH1P, ALFRED BROOKS HEBRON TUCKER, ISAAC W1N8HIP. March 20(A, 182.8. N. B The business will be conducted In future, by the subscribers under the firmofJ. St I. Winship. JOSEPH WINSHIP, aprit 7 3t 14 ISAAC WINSHIP. Indian Spring Reserve. I N conformity to nil act of the Legislature ofthe 22d day of December lait“4o dispose ofthe McIN- TOSH RESERVES In the county of Butts,” the un dersigned Commissioners have had the Ocmulgee Re serve laid off into “four lots as nearly square as prac ticable,’’ embracing 530 acres, and have ascertained that there will be 32 Iota of two acres, on the Indian Spring Reserve—14 do. of four acres—10 do. of twen ty acres, and 1C do, of thirty acres—total 72 lota. They will therefore offer for sale, on Monday the 21st day of Aprilnext, __ THIS 4 LOTS of tlie Ocmulgee Reserve, at the house of Mr. Alex- ander, on said lands, and invito tlie attention of all those who wish to purchase valuable lands. And on tlie next day, Tuesday, the Q2d of April, they will commence selling , THE LOTS at the Indian'Springs, on that Reserve, beginning on the two. acre lota, then the four, and so on in regular order, until all are sold. . , , The two acre lot, No. 2. has on it a large house, 74 .feel by 60. built for a TAVERN, with a kitchen and out*housc. There are, ilso, other lots, that have hou-i ses, or summer tenta, calculated for rent, or occu|>an- cy, the ensuing season. The sales will be made, each day, until all are sold, between 10 and 2 o’clock, and one fifth ol the amount of the purchase money must be paidou the day of sale, in terms ofthe law, and the balance “in four equal an nual in3talmenta.” Aldan ofthe iota will be left with Col. Baley, at the Springs for the inspectioe of all psrsons who may It is expected by the Commissioner*, that the ad vantages of the village contemplated at the Indian Springs, in the use of Wtuerol Water, aud other pros pect* of health, ought, and will bring together a large nunilier to compete for choice, at the tune of selling the lota. . R. A. BLOUNT, ) RENNET CRAWFORD, \Corn's WM8. RUTHERFORD, i Mnrch 10. 7t .. ... lago. At leugtlt, however', it .appeared that tilings were coming to a crisis. Miss Dorothy Blanks for sale at this Office. tigs were coming to a crisis, Miirchmyrtle had had supernatural indications, that something was going to come. For three soveral mornings tbo oolite grounds had given mysterious hints; bride cuko appeared in her dreams, und cradles bounced from tho lire. The rind of an orange thrown over her slioul dor arranged itself iu a true love knot. That of a' turnip, to he sure, had represented an il; und why might not Elderberry be spelt with that letter 1 And even if it were nut the first letter 6f Elderberry, it was certainly tho last-uf Jo nah, On the. morning of the fourth day came a little nourishing on the knocker at the door of Miss Dorothy’s dwelling; and a single knock by way of peroration, a sort of minature towti knock; or London rap in a consumption. The door opened, und Miss Marchmyrtlo’s hand- maid announced Mr. Elderberry. So “ enter Jonah.” Tbero was something more of con straint iu Miss Dorothy’s manner than usual, as site motioned Mr. Elderberry to a chair; a degree of consciousness which looks' very well at sixteen; but is perhaps reversed when the figures are versed. This something, it has no name iu the living tongue, ,wus nut, however, confined to tho spinster. It scented even still more to occupy und overwitelmo the bachelor. Several a Items. Information given and receiv ed on that recondite pubject the state of the weather. 1 Lapdog very wullt Lapdog. not very well, si«k of a surfeit occasioned by eat ing too many stewed oysters, poor dear thing. Friend Miss Sibthurdle very well? Miss Sib- (hurdle quite well. Su passed half uu hour. A the expiration of this period, the quit versa tion after a sort of Rubicon like pause, was renew ed. A new key was touched, aud a mystery was unlocked. “1 have ventured to wait on Miss Marchmyrtle iu cousequonce of—of- period in full stup. “ No need of aasiguiug any cause. Mr. Elderberry’s visits alw,iysftc- ceptable!” ** Very good.—very kind—.very kind indeed. But tbo oceasiou of my present visit is one of so peculiar a nature^ one 111 which my happiness is so materially a subject (hat my dear Miss March myrtle must ekeuso auy waut of connexion in detail of what it is impossible, perhaps, explicitly to detail.” !‘‘I believe, I think, I imagine, 1 understand your meaning, sir. Beg yon will compose yourself.” .“Then, madam this—this—the attachment of which 1 would speak, you are acquainted with !”- “ L confess, Mr. Elderberry, to show you the frankness, with which 1 mean—with which it is mv wish to speak, 1 ufu 1 have suspected it. Be quietrGupid.” The last words were sjiokeii Icbfba lapdog, nud not to Mr. Elderberry.— “ AmR may I then venture—may 1 hope—that this too, too tender penchant ot my heart for one of die most deserving of her sex inerita Miss Marclimyrtle’s approbation? If so, my happi ness will be complete. “ Sir, I protest I am not prepared. Cupid, I say, how you tease me! I am not at this moment capable; my agitation is such j pardon me. Sir.” ” How kind, said Mr. Elderberry, “ how compassvouaie l Yet, forgive me, il 1 cummi leave this place with out knowing the sentiments of 0110 whose judg ment is so paramount.’’ The maiden sighed, sidled, bridled, looked amiable, said, “ S.r, if. you -will take advantage'of riiy agitation,''I do own, your meri requires it,—Your prop*u, il ins my concurrence.” “ I am the happiest of men,” exclaimed tho lover. “ Your approbation ouly was wanting to porfect my felicity; with out.that I could not have .ventured to compiuto the union, dear as it is to my heart.” “ Of course not I” said tho lady, whom this singular truism rather amazed. “ Forgive me, madam, if I now leave you—you know ' a lover's feelings, and I must hasten to expedite mat ters.” And tho gentleman vanished, le'ilfuig Miss Dorothy astonished, that ho should bo iu such haste to procure the license before the day was fixed. An hour had not elapsed when Miss Brid get Sib'.hurdio was announced. Site was in troduced to Iter friend’s drossing room. “My dear Dorothy, who do you think has just laft mo? Ahl I see you guess! But of “course you must, • ho told mo iic had just left you.” “If you meau Mr. Elderberry, my dear friend, certainly it is not long since ho was here.” “Yes, I know ho has opened all to you; ito told mo he had.” “Indeed!' Hu vraffiri a great hurry to impart hia tidings. Yet ho seems so happy oue cannot but'pitrdonhim.’,’ “Well, tny love, you know 1 bavo a favor to beg, which I urn sure you will not refuso! our Iriendsltip will ensure its boing granted.” “I, thiuk 1 guess,” replied Miss Dorothy; “well, but speak, my dear.”-—Why you know there must 'bo:u bride’s maid on this occasion.” “Precisely what I was thinking of.” “Now I should bo very Imppy, my dear M irchiuyrdo ——” “Ah! I understand yojt; yes, my dear f iond, you certainly, in preference to ev ery other, shall be tny bride’s tniid.” “Your bride’s maid! Miss Marchmvrile?’,^ “Cer tainly, I pi utilise it i<> you.” “Ob, tint i% when .y3u are married: yes, then, ; cort. my, you shall return me the 1 compliment.” 1“ vVht% 1 am married ! My dear B I’ldgut, you are ue- wildured. Did you not just ask to accompauy me us my brido’s maid?”—“Wlten! where! what do you inenn?” criod tho bewildered Bridget. “Madam this is no jesting matter, I assure you; I look on your conduct as un friendly.’’ “Miss Marchmyrtle. your conver sation is unintelligible—is strange—unaccount able: in a-word, do you wish to nppear a.4 my friend 011 my approaching union with Mr. El derberry, pr not ?’’ “ Four union ra i’nm!” “Yes, ma’am! Mr. Elderberry lias, is you- know, this morning maile proposals—” “Yes, to me,” interrupted Miss Marchmyrtlo. “Did you not say ho had told you of it ?” “Ilfs affec tion for mo, he cortaiiiiytoldmoite had, though without consulting me, informed you of; a lib erty which I overlooked in him at the tlpTn-. Had ho known that I was to be thus insulted, ho would have placed his confidence else where. “Woman! it is false I” exclaimed Miss March myrtle, unable to suppress the torrent of Iter rage. “ You ! marry you P l retorted tlie otiier, “you old—you ugly wretch?” “Come along! this instant, come along!” screamed Dorothy: and seizing iter quandam friend by llte arm, she dragged her away. The-clmir in which Miss Bridget had arrived, was at tlie door, into it they both got; they were not very corpulent, and the vehicle was of easy dimensions. “To Mr. Elderberry’s,” and to Mr. Elderberry’s they were carried. The honor of this visit not u little surprised tho gentlemen in ques tion,-who was arranging a quantity of white kid gloves, with which his table was covered, “Mr. Elderberry, you did mo tho honor of a visit this morning,” .said Miss Marchiuyrtk*, .smoo thing down Iter features as much as in'her l *y. ‘IJiud pqrtriihly that felicity,and, never, piudam, did a visi(at yourdwellitm confer mart) pleasure.* “You shake, sir, of—of—no intended—a desi red—oii^your pert, 1 say—-desired union.” “Desired, ma’am, I (rust, nay I know, on horn sides.” “Indeed, sir!” with a toss: “may I inquire, for the satisfaction of my friend and myself, the present name ofthe futuro’Miss Elderberry.*!’’ “Aro you not ucquinted with it!” exclaimed the nstouishod bachelor; “I understood as much this morning, when 1 wait ed to gainyour approval ofthe intended event; that is, of my marriage with my beloved Mary Murray.” “Mary Murray! vile doceiver,” exclaimed Miss Sibthurdle. '. “Maray Murray ! you basest of men,” exclaimed Miss March- tuyrilo. O Dorothy ! O liridgot! deceived, betrayed, ‘undone !” wept, sobbed, and said both Ifdies in concert. “Mr. Elderberry, did you nU this morning ask mu if I were acquaint ed withypur attachment?” “To Mary, I did- I went to acquaint you, and afterwards M ss; Sihihut'dle, with the circumstance; by each, I was mid, ytyt were already acquainted with it.” The ladies'were dnmfoundod. Tbo quesiion of ’approbation they had construed as a question of acceptance. Their hopes were ruined, and the bachelor lost. They departed, were re conciled, und joined iu hatred to lliu new coup le. They went homo, Miss Sibthurdle to fon dle Iter cat; Miss Marclimyrtfe to vent her spleen upon Cupid. English paper. ■WM j ■M M T Something quite new.—A nonr weekly pa per is about to tie established in Boston, to bo denominated the Bachelor's Journal, und to ha - qyoted exclusively to th^Rtteauta, v.ews, u« r luieui, and 'il.(ic.*noi>of tMfcjhwjxnroua ntty. It will appear M tho^Tsmf^foy, ia ►quarto form, at $3 per anMmi the fed- nor solicits Ins brother bjeHa (4 ixteud to him thotr literary mid pecdSfewy-patronugA The next thingiwu shall hear of, will probably .’ be a Maid's Magazine, established in opposi tion. - , , • / A dry Pump,—A sailor vWs observed a K v few mornings since, working R| hard at a pump bundle as'if he had been 011 board ship with f \ six feet water in the hold. 'After fruitiest attempts to obtain the element to “cool his '' coppers," he left the pump exclaiming—,, t -*j Damn the pump-guess it was drunk. last night as well as I, both dsvlish dry!” Noah* & * -. "t MS —