Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, June 09, 1828, Image 1

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MACON TELEGRAPH. , nr M. lUtiTtrrT. i ' ii 11 ' The'Tele. MONDAY, MORNING, JUNE 9, 1828. Volume II....'..Number 23. ■twji The Telegraph is published weekly .i )/«««, Ga.—•Office on Mulberry 'strut, a rods iiorth ol' the Post office. ^TEfiSIa. - * ■’ - '* , :j|3 00 -a oo fur a Year, * f^SisMorJht, \ STONE & COIT, ; ITaVE just nzcstvsoXitou sovrbit & new jin*, * in D orriR TOR SALE'THE fOtMKIKO DRY GOODS: 1 tt ciecss 34 btown'SMrtlng % Lees bleached Sea Island Shirting its Biecc$4-4 brown Sheeting I *2 pieces 44 bleaced Sheeting I 'lX nieces 34 domestic Plaids «0 nieces 44 domestic Plaids « pieces London dottle Blankets <0 pieces three and * half point Blankets l»tO nieces' fancy Prints ' rn nieces black, blue and steel mist SaUnetts 4 pieces black arid blue Broadcloths ,5 nieces blue and mlxt Casiimere fa) pieces Irish Linens 12 pieces red FIpnnel 8 pieces cdttoa Cassimsre .05 pieces negro Cloth J5 Plsid Cloaks, estnastees .80 Cambist Cloaks; citta sizes 50 reams writing Paper, 20 reams letter Paper 50 reams wrapping Paper Rombazctts, Cambrics, Muslins, Silks Muslin Robes, Battiste Robes Italian and "Canton Crapes Cassimere and Valentis Shawls 811k Arid Cotton Handkerchiefs Hosiery and Gloves Shell and Horn Combs; &e. See. . 40 cases coarse and fine Shoes 2 cases gentlemen’s Boots £0 cases fine and coarse fashionable Hats 5 cates Leghorn and straw Bonnets ]2 cases No. 10, Wblttemore Cards 4 boxes Saddles and Briddlea Hardware & Cutiew., | S009 lbs. Castings, assorted 70 dozen weeding Hoes A large and elegant assortment of Of Crockery and I Glassware. 1150 dozen pint and half pint Flasks 1175 dozen half pint Tumblers, in straws GROCERIES. Also received by the last Boats 100 nieces Cotton Bagging 12 fahds. 81.-Croix Sugar 70 bags prime green Coffee 3 hhds. Jamaica Rum 2 hhds. Holland Gin 1 2 bhds. apple Brandy 3 pipes Cognac Brandy •8 quarter and half casks Teneriffe, Malaga and Madeira. WINES 30 barrels new Flour, (warranted good) 1 ton Shotrftssortcd, 1 ton soft Lead 30 kegs EEE Dupont’s Powder 8 kegs shipping Powder 50 boxes Soap 25 boxes sperm and tallow Candles 25 boxes bunch Raisins 5 hags Pepper and Pimento 0X10 American Cigars Macon, November 26,1827—57 SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING & HATS. I agMm >v P. JUD80N - St Co. have just received rag /5*** ,elr Clothing Store and Hat Ware- / Howe, a general assortment of CLOTHING AND HATS, the most approved fashions for the present and approaching season, which anSoffered low, and for Cash only. , liberal price will be paid for Beaver and Otter tCP A general invitation is given to those indebted; to call and make immediate payjJWntlknd to (hold who have been liberal In making promises, we give nohee that they will be no longer received as an e- quivaleht for claims, as promises cannot be used in pfcytnentto those to whom we ourselves are justly in debted; and unless immediate payment is made wU shall be compelled to resort to-the '‘glorious unccrttin- t* of the lav?’ p. j. Macon, April 19,1821. |7 VasV\ionab\e Summer Goods and CLOTHING, J UST received at the Macon Clothing Store of L. FITCH & CO. consisting of Bombazines, Cir- ilings, Russia Nankins, rentine do. Marseilles WmMtfrb LANGDON, R-ffAVE just received, direct from New York, and JLJL offer forjale,at the lowest market price for cash, THE TARIFF BILL. 1U0 bbls Baltimore Rye Whiskey 100 „ old „ „ t60 „ N.E.Rum 60 „ Northern Gin 20 „ extra prime Green Coffee flux, hemp, or cotton, or parts of either., tie ty- Asamndtd and passed by the Senate of th*\ lwo ceni * P** s, l uar0 yard.’ On all |.re, , Unitea States.' I printed,or painted floor cloths, lifty cents r I Flour 80 „ Green Coffee 90 kegB Nails (assorted) 30 bbls super fine canal I 8 „ Butter Crackers •6 mats Wine Bottles 22 hhds Prime St Croix Sugar 5 do drf Potorico do _ , , sting cassians, white and brown Drill India do. VclVet Vesting, Fldi aud Valencia do. silk Velvets of-oil colors,India Le vantine; white linen and silk Hose,cotton do.flagahd bandanna Handkerchiefs, India do. Italian and India Cravats, jilaid and white do. silk and common Sus- pendera; Russian Belts, Gloves, Stocks and Stiffeners, Cloths and Cassimeres, shirting Linens, Padding*, sewing Silk, Havana and Leghorn Hats, Shirt Collars, gold and silver Epaulettes, Lace, Cord, Stars, &c. dee. READY MADE CLOTHING. Blue, brown and black DRESS COATS, FROCK COATS and COATTEE8 Fine BOmbazine' Frock Coats' and Coattees Circassian Coattees Brawn.and white linen JACKETS Circassian end striped Jackets . * Velvet, Marseilles, Florentine and Valencia VESTS Morning Gowns Fine Ruffled Shirts, (linen,) Cotton 8hirts „ Silk camblet and crape PANTALOONS Concan and Circassian do 100 pair French and Russian drill do Stripe and silk drill do Fine hombazine and Nankin do White and brown linen do Denmark satin do Mixt and purple drill do Cloth and cassimere do Common striped do Satin sane do •Dutch'Trowsers, &c. Ac. The above Clothing is made of the best materials, in the latest fashions, particularly for customers, and will be sold low for cash. ' TAILORING, Carried On in all its Various branches, with neatness and despatch. L.‘F1TCH St CO. 10 do Molasses 30 boxes Bloom Raisins 2 tierces Rice • 1 pipe Currant Wine 50 boxes American Serin 20000 lbs Flat St square swedes Iron 3 bundles Hoop do 2000 lbs German Steel 3000 lbs English Castings '8 bbls old Monongahala Whiskey 1500 bushels Salt .160 pieces 42 inch Bagging 200 lbs baggingTwlne 4 pipes Holland Gin 6 do 4th'proof Cognac Brandy 3 hbdi 4th proof Jamaica Rum 25 bbls loaf St lump Sugar 1 30 do Mackerel, No. 1,2, & 3 . 5 do. Connecticut Shad ' 10 kegs Cavendish Tobacco 40 bags Shot, assorted 15 kegs Gunpowder 8 crates Crockery assorted 1000 lbs. bar Lead 6 dozen Hoes 20 reams wrapping Paper, 15 do. writing do. 40 doz. No. 10 Cotton Cards ' 8 coils Rope 30 boxes Spermaceti St Mould Candles 2 bales Osnaburgs 2 casks London Porter 2000 cut Tacks, 20 bsxcs soap 1 bbl Lemon Syrup 5 boxes Chocolate,'’" Cherry Brand dials, Domestic i Macon, May 23,1828. ini umon syrup loxes Chocolate, 3000 Spanish Segars, Brandy, Stoughton Elixer, Wines, nestle Goods. Ac. Ac. Shaker’s Garden Seed. '■lb ED and white Onion .Muskmelon -Mm. Blood beet Early turnip do. Carrot,Orange Parsnip Long cucumber Early do Dutch summersquajh Crookneckdo. Flat Turnip .French do. JfeSf' A Remedy tor Hard Times \ \ W $5000 'to be disposed of for $5. HOEVER wishes, now has the opportunity « obtaining it by applying to the Agents of the MACON MASONIC HALL LOTTERY. positively to commence drawing in Macon on the 21st June next, and to be completed in five days; under the su- jcrintcndanco of the Commissioners. XT PRIZES only to bo drawn.'.m The Prizes all floating from the commencement, except the two Prizes ot $300, one of which will be 'deposited in the wheel on the second day, and the oi eJ.f ron the third day; the Prize of $1500 whlcj; will deposited in the wheel on tho fourth day; and the Ptixeof $5000 on the Inst day. HIGHEST PRIZE, Do. winter'do. White beadlettuea Speckled , do. Ice do. Imperial • do. •Cabbage do. Early turnip radish .Early June Peas Vegetable Parsley tszs > English sorrel * i Summer savory Scarlet radish 8avoy cabbage ' Red do. Early sorrel Turkey rhubarb White-marrowfat Cranberry beans Yorkshire Cabbage stoBnan. 1 Prize of 1 of 1 of s of 10 of 10 of so of 200 of 1580 of < i ■■ 1855 PRIZES «6 3145 $5000 $1500 •$500 $000 $1000 $500. $1000 $20,000 'Double Peppergrass Early Golden Hotspur Strawberry Dwarf _ ;Grecn Dwarf Marrowfat Pelts ' Earley six Weeks or red eyed Dwarf Beam • Early SugarCom i • R nel! C 2^ t>df ° f ^ElfLlS;BKOTWELL A.Co. CHEAP GOODS. T HE subscriber has justreceived,-and opened, at his store , pn Cherry street, a general assort ment of ©iR'ar I SHOES, HATS, Ctockerg, Hardware, &c. He has also on hand a general assortment'of GWOCEttVES, CASTINGS, &c. Which will be sold lowfor cash. -\E\V SPRING GOODS. Hnngerfonls Stoddard, [ AVE just received from, New-York, a General Assortment of adapted to the Spring and Summer Trade, viz54 and 34 French llombazincj—44 Worsted do. a new article—black Lastings', Circassians, long pieces Nan keens, white and brown linen Drillings, plain and stripe Grandarills, Rowan Cassimeres, Ginghams, Bat- tiste, Calicoes of new patterns, plaid Grosdeuaples, assorted colors, black Grosdenaples, black sarsinet and sinchew Silks, black Italian/(Silk, Nankin and CantOri Cranes, black Italian Crape, flag, silk and ban danna Handkerchiefs, English thread Dices, Edgings and Inserting!, 44 and 54 babinet Laces, bobinet Ucc Veilj, while and green gauze Veils, cambric and furni ture Dimities, Furniture Calicoes, 94 and 104 linen able Diapers,54 Irish Sheetings. Linens, lung Lawns, linen Cambrics, linfen'Hdkfs. colored, Borders, brown grass Cambrics, Clark’s spool Thread, linen Floss, 100 boles Holt’s wire Thread, 20' boxes Curls Rnd Puffs,, artificial Flowers, ladies’ white and black cot ton Hose,'men’s white and br’wn do. whiteandbr’wn cotton Socks, white andbr’wn thread Socks, misses’ . white cotton Hose, large tortoise 'hell'Combs,shell ■ side Combs, 1 Case ladies' fine Leghorn lists, 1 case men’s Leghorn Hats, 3 cases straw ttuuucis aborted. and jaconet Cambrics.'figured and Wole Muslins. piecesRossia Duek aodtDowlas. lease Jacb!I4, misses'do. plain and jaconet Cambric plain Swiss Mullins, figured nnd'plain 20 pieces Russia Duck ugdtDowlas. 1 _ . 44'and .34 bleached Sheetings end Shillings, .1 bate 54 and 44 brown Sheetings, 3do. brown SIflrtings, Washington Bedticks, domestic Plaids and Stripes, Washington Bedticks, 'domestic Plaids and Stripes, counterpane and apron’Cheeks, men’s fashionable drab Hats.'30 pieces mosqueto Netting. The above Goods will be sold low for cash or ap- proved paper , 3m may 19 KfcW GOODS. J000 TICKETS Much less than two Blanks to a Prize. JohnT.Rowland. AVm. J. Uanelly, I .. mug, S. Stone,' D. Ralston, A. R. Freeman, E. W. 'Vtiglit, and R. Birdsong. The following persons are appointed Agents in Ma- <on for the sale' of Tickets: J. Freeman A Co. Halt- tn It Jones, Rose St Slide, Edu,. H\ Wright, Stone k Coil, ltd Eel-ley. Persons wishing to purchaseTickets by tho quantity, forsile, can obtain them at ft reasonable discount by ‘frying to tho Secretary. irize Tickets in the Greene -St Pulaski Monument Lothryaf Savannah received in payment. Orders, post paid, enclosing the Cash, will bepromp- “J attended to by the Secretary, orany ofthe above •Wtcd Agents. ranrch :tl ny ot tne i 'N. BARKER, Secrtfary to the Commissioners. Cheap Grocery Stove, J 1 AT COLUMBCS. bST received, by steamboats Steubenville and Monroe, a large assortment of GROCERIES, ’'rich will be afforded at a very low price, Viz:"', 300 barrels Whiskey n „ Gin 20 „ Wine • M „ Rum J5 „ cognac Brandy 50 bags Coffee 25 bbls Molasses—75 bbls 8ugar 0t) boxes Raisins—50 barrels Nalls « * 5 tons lro "“a & numerous assortment of other articles. Also, *Pneral assortm nt of p, .DRY GOODS. •. rs ons wishing to purchase, will please call on HUGH LOVE. —Jl'umiin, Musrocer. county, Marth 5. 3m, CROTON OIL, sulphate OF quinine, pyroligneous acid, . IODINE ACID, _ EXTRACT OF ELATERIUM. jl* MjETllER with a number of new and celebnit' *• ed Medicines, just received and loessle by , FLUKEK * COLUN8. Feh 25 COLEMAN. Public Sale of : Lots IVithin the Reserve and Town of eolumiiiisis "J - At the Coweta Falls, on the Chalahoochy Riser. JlN ermformlty to an act of the Legislature of this state, passed on the twdrit/-fburih 'dsyof'December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty- seven, to lay out a trading Town, and dispose of all the lands reserved for the use of the State tutcr the Coweta Falls, on the Chatahbiihy Rirer-will be sold, in the TOWN OF tCOLUMBUS, On Thursday, the IQth of July next, 614 BUILDING LOTS of half anacre each, hr the plan of said to#n! Twenty-five Gardening LOTS, of ten acres each, ..athe north-east and south dfthe dqiisre reserved for the Town and Common, J aod adjoining’the seme;' twenty Lots of twentyacreaeach; sesstaty-elghtiLots jo one-hundred acres each, andthlrty-ouiFtaotional * "The local advantages of this town—the rich and I tensive back country it has already at command, ahd the increesing importance it will active :from the cts- sionof the lands ou the west of the Chetahqoshy riv er, will "ensure (o It a degree of commercial import ance not surpassed by any other town in Georgia.. The Town is situated en tire east'side of the river,’ immediately below the Falls, which, admits ofaeafe and convenient navigation for steamboats from thence to Apalachicola Bay. , . . Terms will be, one-fifth of the purchase money in cash or current bills of chartered Banks ot this State— the balance In four equal annual Instalments. The sale will commence on the day above men* tioned, and will he continued from day to day until all the lots are disposed of. • IGNATIUS "A. FEW. ELIAS BEALL; PHILIP HENRY ALSTON, JAMES HALLAM, ? ^ j .EDWIN L. DEGRAFFF.NRE1D, • Commissioners for laying the town of Columbia, and the Resent nt the Citotla Falls. 1 ' • ,' „ ST The Editors of all the public Gazettes ps Geor gia, the Charleston Courier, and Tuscaloosa paper will Insert the above advertisement for sixty d*y* * n “ ' or ‘ vvaixi their accounts to me at Columbus, for payment. SOW EL WOOLFOUC, Set'y to the Board of Cowtmuswnert- April 26, lean. The subscribers have: just received g from New York, and have now on hnnd rat their store on Cherry street! ■ 1000 bushels Salt. 25 bbls N. Gin. 35 bbls Whiskey '12 „ NortlieroRnm :4 Apple Brandy •. _ 6000 lbs Swedes'Iron > •2 pipes Cdgnao Brandy 2 j, Holland Gin .3'i, IWWtafs ,, ! Ii qrfessks of rort. Madclnj, Tswriffeand • Malaga Wines, 20 hags Coffee •Rhlffls Sugar , “ ' 1 -..f • 10 kegs Tobacco 10 doe. Portland Madeira Wine '6 bills No l.^'.Mackerel. Boston'inspection Cotton Bagging, Twlae, Nails, Hoop Iron Cast German, and American Steel, Hyson Tea Singers’ and Dupont’s Gunpowder—5hot, Lead Pepper,Timcnto, &c. all of wllch are offered for sale at the lowest market pricCsfor eaih. Cash-wilt be'^Md for HIDES, « the highest prices,, either at their store In Forsyth, pr in this pleee. |" LEATHER of all descriptons man- tafaCtiired by* them SA Fdrsyth, which •will be sold either at wholesale,’’iT'lMStH&HlSt ^Magon.May 24 . . ,.T. ... ^i>bi,t...ij • China. Glass ami 'Warp 1 T HE tubScrtberhts jolt redbived by "the latest arrivals and Is now opening, at his store. (Iff Fletcher,-one door 'from Pearl street,) ■A Superior and General'Atsdrthunt of WARE. ' the newttt patterns and best qualities, «prei»iy intended for the Southern trade. *nd wbichJie offers for ssleonlhe'loVtestlermsdftha market. • Liberal.credits wflil be. given on ratlsCaetory refer- •nces, and all o r der»,(by.letter or otiieiwtise).wiU he. supplied, and the Goods forwarded in strict^conform- ity to instructions, ’and orithi most favorable terms. A tong acquaintance with the style of Ware requited for the Southern 'markets. wlU -enabte ih* subscriber to ssleet such patterns and qual ities, es ue ts eonodent will, prove advantageous to. purchasers. .He hat employed the most experienced pschers, and every attention >wm be rendered R, C. W KLMUIlt, • No; 4. Fletther street, New York. FOR SALE. VP OTS No. 76, and 77, in the 3d district Troigs coua/y. Apply to JOHN piTMAN Monroe county, April 7 fi ef DAVYD DALAYDYDA, O FFERS for sale, by the box or at retail, Tallow CANDLES, ot bts own manufacture; which are warranted^ to V^to *»*«*£**£& fared in this < notice. A LL persons indebted to the estsite of Hrnry Corf ten, deceased, are requested to come torward and make immediate payment, and ail persons having; demands against said estate, are requested to forward them as the law directs. WUXI AM 1UEVD, Adair. MARY W. CAjUAVN (/ d**. Mpnrot county, March 4,1828 10 AN ACT in alteration of the several acts, im- posiiig Duties on Imports, us amended by the Senate. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amer ica in Congress Assembled, That from and af ter the first of September, one thousand eight hundred and cwenty-eigln, in lieu of the duties now imposed by law on the importation of the articles herein after mentioned, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, the following duties: that is to say: First, On iron, in bare or bolts, not manu. factored id whole, or in part, by rolling, one cent per pound; provided that all iron in stocks blooms, loops, oi other form less finished than iron m bars or bolts, except pigs or cast iron, shall be rated as rolled iron, in bars or bolts, and’ pay a duty accordingly. Second, On bar and bolt iron, made wholly or iu pan, by rtilhog, thirty-seven dollars per torn Tkitd, On iron in pigs, sixty-two and one hall cents per one hundred and twelve pounds* Fourth, On irou or steel wire, not exceed ing uuinbor fourteen, six cents per pound; and over number fourteen, ten cents per pound. Fifth, Ou round iron, or brazier’s rods, of three-sixiuenths to eiglu-sixtconths of an. inch diameter, inclusive; and on iron in sheets, and hoop iron, and on iron slit, or rolled for band iron, scroll iron, or casement rods, three and cue halt cents pet pound. Sixth, On axes, adzes, drawing knives, cul ling knives, sickles, or reaping hoops, scythes, spaUes, shovels, squares of iron or steel, Cor- bnulo bus oi ail descriptions, steelyards and scale beams, socket chisels, vices, and screws of irou lor woou, called wood screws, ten per cent, ud valuiom, iu uuuilion to the present rates oi duty. Seven, h, On sieel, one dollar and fifty cents per one huudred and twelve pounds. Eighth, Ou lead, in pigs, bars or sheets, three ceu.s par pound; on leaden shut, four ceuts per pound; ou red or White lead dry or grounu in oil, five cents per pound; ou litharge, orange mineral, lead manufactured into pipes, aud sugar ot lead, five ceuts per puuud, 4>ec. 2, Ami be it further enacted, That, Irou and uttet the thirtieth day of June, one ihousauu eight hundred and twen.y-eighi, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on tho im portation ot the articles herom alter mentioned, tho ioUuwiog outies iu heu of those uow im posed uy law: First, On wool unmanufactured, four cent per pound; and, aim, iu addumu theieto, forty per Cent ud valorem, until the thirtieth ouy of June, one.thousand eight hundred and twenty- nine; from which time, an additidnal. ad valo rem duty ol five per cent, shall be imposed mi- nuuiiy,* uAtd the whole of said ad valorem duly shall amount to.hl'ty per vont. Aud all worn imported ou the skin, shalllio esaunted-as to Weight and valao, and shall ppy the same rate of duty'us other imported wool. . ’ , ationd,. •Onmanufacturers of wool or of which Wool shall be e component part,. (except carpetings, blankets, worsted stuff goods, bom- basins, hoist*ry, nuts, gloves, caps and binding,) the. actual value of which, at tho place wheuco imported, sh?lt not exceed fifty cents the square yard, .shall be deemed to have.cost fifty cents the square and be charged thereon with a duty ol forty per centum ad valurent-until the 80ih day oi Juue 1829, and from that time a duly ol toi ty-five per centum ad .valorem. Provided, Tout on ail manufactures of woo), except .flan nels, and baizes, the actual valuo of which at the place whence imported, shall not exceed thirty- three aud one third cents per square yard, Shall pay 14 cents per square yard. , - u- >' Third, Ou all manufacturers of wool, or of which wool shall be a component part, except as aforesaid, the actual value of which at the place whence imported, shall exceed fifty coma tho square yard,shall be deemed to huvccbsi one dollar the square yarfi, and bo charged thereon with a duty of forty per ccniutn ad va lorem,, until the 30th dtro of'June, 1829, and from that time, a duty oflorty^fiva pot centum ad valorem. F'ohrth, On all manufactures of wool, or . .of which wool shall be a component part, except as aforesaid, the actual value of which 81 the ilace whence' imported, shall-exceed one dol-' ar the square-yard, and shall not exceed two. dollars and fifty cents the square yard, - shall be deemed to have cost two. dollars aud fifty cents the square yard, and be charged wity dirty there on of forty per centum ad iVnlQrem, until the 30th day of Junq, 1^29, and. from thpt time, a duty of forty-fiveper centum ad-valorem. ‘"fU, All manufactures of wool, Or of which wool shall be n component . paft, except os a- tbresaid, the actual value of which, ut tlio place whence imported, shall exceed two dollars and filly cenis tho square yard, ^pd..shall .not ex ceed four dollars,the square .ypre), shall 1>« deem ed to have' cos., at the place whence 'jmportod, four dollars tho square yard, and a duty of for ty percent ad vatprem, shall be levied, collect ed, and paid on.such valuation, until the 30th day of Juno,. 1 jj#9, apd .from that .time a duty offorty-five.per.cpnt. ,ul valorem.., ~ ■ ■ Sixth, Qn all maqufactures of wool,-or of which wool shall be a component part, excopt as aforesaid,.l)ip actual value-of which, at the; place w.ltoiicb imjiortod,. shall oxroud, four-dol lars the square yard, there shall ; be Jevio«l, col lected, and paid, a duty of forty-five .per cen- turn ad valorem* until f tlto 30d» day of June, 1829 mid from ihat time a duty offiftyperceu- tum ad valorem. Seventh, On swollen hlankots.lmizery,tuits, gloves, aud bindings, thirty-five per ceutumad Vi *Eighth, On* Brussels Turkey and Wilton carpets and carpetings, ‘70 cents per square On all Venetian and ingrain carpeu or ' square yard. On oil cloth other than lhai us .* * ! ally carpctinc, lorty cents per square yard. On all odier kiwis of carpets aml tupbUag «» wo»l m im u Urnr power, to denominated patent floor cloth, twenty-five cents per square yard. On furniture oil doth, fifteen enmsper square yard. Qn floor matting made of flat's or other materials, fifteen cent* per square yard. Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That, from and after the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eicht hundred and twenty-eight, there ho levied, tollncted and paid, on the importation of the following articles in lieu of tho duty now im posed by the law: First, On unmanufactured hemp, 45 dollars per*ton until tho thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight.hundred and twenty-nine front which time, five dollars per ton in addition, per annum, until the daty shall amount to sixty dol lars per ton. On cotton bagging, four and* half cents ppr square yard, until tho 301 h day of Juno one thousand eight hundred and twen- ty-nine, and afterwards a duty of fivaccots per square yard. Second, On unmanufactured flax, thirty-five dollars per ton, per annum, until the 30th day of June, one thousand eight hundred and twen ty-nine, from which time an additional duty of fivn dollars por ton, per annum, until the duty shall amount to sixty dollars per ton. Third, On sail duck, nine cents the square yard* “and in addition thereto, ono half cent yearly until the same shall amount to twelv* and a half cents pet square yard.” . Fourth, On molasses, ten cents per gallon. Fifth, On all imported distilled spirit*, fif teen cents per gallon, in addition to tho duty now imposed by law. "Sixth, On a|l manufactures of. silk, or of which silk shall bo a component material, ’coin ing from beyond the Cape of Good Hope, a duty nfthirty per centum ad valorem,'tho addi tional duty of five percent. to take, effect from and after the SOili day of June, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine; and on all oth er manufactures of silk or of which silk shill be u component material, twenty per centum ad valorem.” * “On Ipdigo an additional duty of five cent* tho pound, from the 30th day of June, <>no thousand eight - hundred and thirty, umi fr ont that time an additional duty of- ten cents cadt voar, until the wholo deity shall amount to fifty cent* per pound.” Sec. 4. And be it further enacted. That, “from nhd ’ after tlte;30tli day of June, one thousand oight hundred and nvemy-eighu no driwbaek ofdnty shall bo allowed on the' ex portation of ijriyspirit distilled in thn Uni tod ■Stotos, from moheues ;" no drawback shall bo allowed on any quantity of sail duck less thm fifty bolts, exported in ono ?hip or vessel, at arty ope time. 1 ! ' Sep. 5. And be it farther enacted, Troim and after tbe30ih day of Jiinc, ono iln.ii- sstricl eight hnndretl and twentv-eigfit, there shall he levied, rollecA.44tm» ,zXi,' 4a*x’ ties now imposed bv law, on windo w glass of the sizes above ton inches bv fifteen inches, five dollars for one hundred sq are wt/a Prmdtd, That all window glass imported in pl itosor i'ifiair be chstgeahln with tltp smite rato ofduijtf Op vials and'bottles not exceeding tho enjjacity of six ouncel each, ono dollar and seventy five cent pet gross. Sec. 6. 1 And- be it further enacted by iht authority aforesaid, That from and after tbp 30th day of June, ono thousand eight hundred - mid twenty-eight, there shall be levied, col lected and paid, in lieu of tho duties how im posed by law, on all imported niofing slates, not exceeding twelve inches in length, by six inches in width, four dollars per' ton, on all such slates exceeding twelve, and not exceed ing fourteen inches m length, five dollars per ton; on nil slates exceeding 14 and not oxceetl. in; 16 inches irrlength, six dollars per ton; on ail slates-excelling sixteen inches, aid not ex ceeding eighteen inches in length, seven dollars per ton; 'em all slates exceeding eighteen, and not exceeding twenty inches in ieng'th, eight dollars per ton; on slates exceeding twenty ire. Cites, and not exceeding twenty-four inches iar longih, nine dollars per ton; and on. all slates exceeding twenty-four inches in length, ten dollars per ton. ' And that in lieu of (heptres- ent duties thore be levied, collected and paid • duty of thirty-three and a third* per centum at) valorem, oniall imported ciphering slates. 5ec. 7. And be it further enacted,’Thai all cotton cloths whatsoever, or cloths of whicls cotton shall be a component material, exce^- ing nankeens imported direct from China, the original cost of. which,.at tho place whence ins- ported with the addition of 20 per cent if im ported from tlio Cape of Good Hope, or from any place beyond it, and of tea per ceau . if im ported from any other place; shall be.toss than thirty-fivo cents the square yard,:Shall, with such addition, be taken, and '.deemed, to have cost thirty-five centi the squsreyitrd,ahd charg ed with duty accordingly. i’ Sec. 8. And further enacted. That in all cases whore the*duty- which bow i», or hen.-- uftor may beiimposyd oa any goods, wares or morchandisos, imported into the United Stater, shall, by law, be regulatt-d by, or be estimated or levied upon the .value of tho square yard or of any other quantity or parcel thereof; aud in all where there is, or .shall be imposed any ad valorem rate of duty on any goods, wares ot merchandises imported imoihr United Slates, it shall be the duty of rite Collector within whose district the sanie shall be imported or entered, to cause the actual value thereof, nt tho time purchased aud place from which the same shall have been imported ioto the United States, to be appraised, estimated, and utror- taioed, and the uumber of such yards, parcels, or quantities, and such 'actual value of every of them, as the case may require. Aud it shall in every tucb,ca^», be the duty of the apprais ers of tho United States, sod of every of them,; and of every other person who shall a«t a* suc»l< appraiser, by all the reasonable ways atjfl mepRw >sceo»to» wiwth