Newspaper Page Text
The Telegraph is published weekly
-t Macon, Ga.—Offico on Mulberry street, a
c, 9 rods north of the Post office.
fora Year,
for Six Months,
$3 00
2 00
The undersigned having taken the a
hove Establishment, recently occupied
by T. Drnen, Esq. is now prepared to ac
commodate BOARDERS and TUAV-
in the most genteel and comfortable man-
: .Vnd solicits the patronage of bis Friends and the
™facon, February 15th, 1828. 7
Washington Hotel.
The subscriber having taken the above
House, formerly kept by Richard Mor
gan, Esq. on Broad street, in Perry, Hous-
V March 10 P. OLIVER. . 7
^ LoU\mbus, Muscogee Gminty, Georgia.
* I HIE Subscriber begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that ho has
*- openeda HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT at the above place, where.nil mocon
veniences the country, as well as the gradual iucrease of the intercourse of that part of the state
with Louisiana and Florida will afford, will be found by those who will favor him with their
custom. The situation of the Columbian Globe is pleasant, and the most agreeable in tho town
oi Columbus. Tho Subscriber will spare uo pains and no means to render his Hoiiso comfort*
able to those, among the great dumber of persons tho town will attract, who wdl put up at his
House. Hts Stables will be well provided, and attentive servants will be ready at the call of
Travellers. May 27 6- 23 .SAMUEL *B. HEAD
. The subscriber bavingtaken the abov
.Establishment, respectfully informs bis
■ friends, and the public in general, that it
fc is prepared for the reception of compa
iv 1 His BAR will be provided with the best I.ICiU-
PR3, sad his TABLE well furnished. His STABLE
-vriU aIjo*6e Well attended to. From the attention
Irtish will be paid to render those who may favor him
' with ‘their custom comfortable and agreeable, he
^„ re *... £ „ rf p-, KT ,™ TiiER ;
Maron, January 11,1828 6
Washington Hotel
The subscriber having purchased tbis
establishment, well known as the Wash-
, tnglon Hotel, formerly kept by “aplai*
1 Hr in, and lecently by colonel N, X so:»,
’ has opened the same for the rceeptionof
Boasders and Travellers. He will spare no pains to
accommodate all those who may favor him with their
company, and will be thankful for a share of the pub
lic patronage. LEMUEL WOOTTEN.
’ Washington, Mikes county, April 20 6t 11
. HvugA.anA Me&itmes
* *» A General ’Assortment of Genuine
DRUGS arid MEDICINES, Glass Ware,
Phiats, &c'. Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye-
wood and Dyc-stuQs. For sale at low
|, march 10 14
The Direct Savannah Stage,
Will, after the 1st of June,
cleave Macon for Savannah evo-
aHarry Tuesday morning at 6 o’cl’k,
bat-aawt ml go through in three days.
Stage fare to Savannah $17.
I , Stage Office at S C. Biumc’s Mansion House. j
may 26 22 - EDWARD VARNF.R.
Twenty Dollars ilewnrd.
Ranawav from Ike Subscriber, living
’ in Monticello, JeiTerson county, Florida,
on the 9th April, a negro man, Bob. a,
r / bout 18 years of nge five feet 6 or 8 in-
J c * ies bight of a black complexion.jthick
IVlips, rather chunky, hK$ huge scaron
I Ei right or left arm, he may have a pass orTree papers
f with him. a| he yms endeavouring to prfiemre some a
few days before he’left me, from some youifg men in
the neighborhood. Bob had on when he went away,
dhlack fur litit considerably worn, a blue frock coat,
' cord pantaloons, rest of his wardrobe not recollected.
The above reward will be paid for his delivery to
ncnitli all reasonable expenses, or the reward for
Hi coftfiaemcnt in a Jail so that I may obtain him. He
will most flkily make for Macon Ga. where he has a
shter living, or had last spring, owned by Dr. Rodgers,
and Maying-at Mr. Bivins's Tavern.—Ho told the
other servants lie wished to see his sister very much,
add was determined to see her a few days before be
west offF. ISAAC G. TEAGUE.
Monlitello, Florida April, 23<f, 1823. 3mp
All persons indebted to the Georgia
b Patriot establishment, forsubscription
or Advertising, previous to June 1827,
the time of the transfer to Mr. E. H.
i Burrltt, will settle their accounts with
J. Bartlett, who is authorised to close the business.
April 15.1824. , C. F.. BARTLETT.
Administrator’s Sale.
Vff>ILL be sold at the Court-house door In C linton
\jJ Jones county, on the 28lb day of June next, all
the personal property ot Senecn Cone, deceased, con
sisting ofa quantity of Bacon, aCow ifcCalt, two Beds
xnd Furniture, with the Household&kitchcn Furniture*
1 lot of tinners tools. 1 lot of wire, 3 boxes of tin plate,
and a barrel of Rosin, and other articles belonging to
mid estate, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors
thereof. Terms of sale cash. •
May 10 20 Qualified Administratrix.
\ dminfatrator's Salt*.
W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday In July next
at the Court-house in Jackson, Bulls county,
conformably toon order of the Hon. Court of Ordina*
*7 of laid county, all the negroes belonging to the es*
trie of iniliam Rhodes, laic of said county deceased,
sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.
.may8 20. SAMUEL BELLAH, Admr.
H AVE just received, direct from New York, and
offer for the lowest market price for cash,
100 bbls Baltimore Rye VVhiskey
100 „ old „ „
CO „ N. E. Rum
CO „ Northern Gin
20 „ extra prime Green Coffee
80 „ Green Coffee . , .
90 kegs Nails (assortdlVj* #,".«• *
30 bbls super fine canarFifuF*
8 „ Butter Crackers
6 mats Wine Bottles
23 hhds Prime St. Croix Sugar
5 do do Potorico do
10 do Molasses
30 boxes Bloom Raisins
2 tierces Rice
1 pipe Currant Wine
60 boxes American Scgars
20000 lbs Flat & square swedes Iron
3 bundles Hoop do
2000 lbs German Steel
3000 lbs English Castings
8 bbls old Monongahala Whiskey
1GOO bushels Salt
150 pieces 42 inch Bagging
200 lbs bagging Twine.
4 pipes Holland Gin
5 do 4th proof Cognac Brandy
3 hhds 4th proof Jamaica Rum
25 bbls loaf & lump Sugar
30 do Mackerel, No. 1,2, &3
5 do. Connecticut Shad
10 kegs Cavendish Tobacco
40 bags Shot, assorted
15 kegs Gunpowder
8 crates Crockery assorted
1000 lbs. bar Lead
6 dozen Hoes
20 reams wrapping Paper, 15 do. writing do.
40 doe. No. 10 Cotton Cards
8 coils Rope
30 boxes Spermaceti & Mould Candles
2 bales Osnaburgs . ,
. 2 casks London l’orter
2000 cut Tacks, 20 b.xes soap
1 bbl Lemon Syrup i
5 boxesChocoiate, 3000 Spanish Segars,
Cherry Brandy, Stoughton Elixer, Wines, Cor
dials, Domestic Goods, die. &c.
Macon, May 23,1828.
Iron, Salt, Whiskey.
The subscribers have lately received
land oiler for sale, the following arti-
i 300 barrrels Whiskey .
100 „ Gin •
15000 lbs Iron
1800 bushels Salt
• GO barrels Mackerel
10 „ Apple Brandy
10 „ N. E. Rum
A quantity of Sugar, Cofee and Molasses
Together with a general assortment of Hardware,
Nails and Bincksmiths Tools
One hundred bags prime COT
TON,. for which the best prices will
be giveu.
aprii 14 15
P. JUDSON & Co. have just received
at their Clothing Store and Hat Ware-
House, a general assortment of
_ of the moat approved fashions for the
present and approaching season, which areoffered low,
and for Cash only.
’ A liberal price will he paid for Beaver and Otter
B7 A general invitation is given to those Indebted,
to call and make immediate payment; and to those
who have been liberal Jn muking promises, we give
notice that they will he no longer received an an
qulvalent for clnhns, as promises' cannot be used in
payment to- those to whom we ourselves are justly iri-
defiled; and unless immediate payment is made we
Shall lie compelled to,resort to the u glorious uncertain
ty of the lau>.” ' . P. J. &. Co.
• Macon. April 19. lHgl. ^17
Shaker’s Garden Seed*
R ED and white Onion
Blood beet
Early turnip do.
Carrot, Orange
Long cucumber
Early do
Dutch summer squash
Crookneclc do,
Hiing<Tfor<ls Motidsm!,
H AVE just received.from Ncw-York, a Gener
Assortment of *
adapted to the Spring and Summer Trade, viz:—5-4
and 3-4 French Bombazines—4-4 Worsted do. u new
article—block Lastings, Circassians, long pieces Nan
keens, white and brown linen Drillings, plain and
stripe Grandarills, Rowan Cassimercs, Ginghams, Bat-
tiste, Calicoes of new patterns, plaid Grosdenaples,
assorted colors, black Grosdenaples, black sarsinet
and sinehew Silks, black Italian .Silk,-Nankin and
Canton Crapes, black Italian Crape, flag, silk and ban
danna Handkerchiefs, English thread Laces, Edgings
and Inscrtiogs, 4-4 and 5-4 bobinet Laces, bqbinet lace
Veils, white and green gauze Veils, cambric'and furni
ture Dimities, Furniture Calicoes. 9-4 and 10-4 linen
table Diapers, 5-4 Irish Sheetings. Linens, long Lawns,
linen Cambrics, linen Ildlds. colored, Borden, brown
grass Cambrics, Clark’s spool Thread, linen Floss,
100 boxes Holt's wire Thread, 20 boxes Curls and
Puds, artificial Flowers,, ladies’white and black cot
ton Ilose, men’s white and br’wn do. white and br’wn
cotton Sacks, white and br’wn thread Socks, misses’
white cotton Hose, large tortoise shell Combs, shell
rids Combs, 1 case ladies’ fine Leghorn Hats, 1 case
men’s Leghorn Hats, 3 cases straw Bonnets assorted,
misses’ do. plain nnd jaconet Cambrics, figured and
plain Swi*» Muslins, figured and plain book Muslins,
20 pieces Russia Duck nnd Dowlas. 1 case each 5-4,
4-4 and 3-4 bleached Sheetings and Shirtings, I hale
5-4 and 4-4 brown Sheetings, 3 do. brown Shillings,
Washington Bedtlcks, domestic Plaids and Stripes,
counterpane and . apron Checks, men’s fashionable
drab Hals. 30 pieces. musqueto Netting, Coatees,
round Coats, Vests, Pantaloons, Drawers, Shirts &c.
—30 p3. Osnaburgs, 4 trunks Shoe* consisting of ladies
prunel and buck-skin -Shoes, mens calf-skin narrow
strap' Shoes—10 reams fools cap and letter Paper
One sale fine Shot Guns, Gun Locks, fine and
common Cutlery, cefpenterV Tools;' knob, closet
mid stock l.ocks.'trunk and piul Locks, chest, cupboard
and drawer Locks—Shovels nnd Spades, Sad Irons,
Steelyards, Mill saw, Hand saw.and blacksmith Files,
250,000 cut Tacks, 20 doz. furniture brass Knobs, 3
boxes No. 8 9 and 10 1 Whitrmore cotton Cards, 150
sets Cups and Saucers, 50 doz. Tumblers, GO doz;
edg’d Twiflcrs and Plates—Bowls, Pitchers, Dishes,
Decanters, Wine Glasses, &c.
50 doz. pt. and half pt. Flasks—Castor Oil, Epsom
and Glauber Salts, Family medicines, 2 boxes mens
and ladies Saddles, fine and common Bridles, do.
Martingales, 1 doz. saddle Bags, one half doz. carpet
Bags—waggon whips, and waggon Bridles. 3 doz.
calfskins, 111 doz. morocco and lining Skins, assorted
Colors—150 side, blk upper Leather, 75 do. solo
Leather, 10(1 lbs shoe Thread, 2 gross shoe Binding,
Russia Bruslles.
10 hhds. and 25 bbls. St. Croix Sugar, lump and
loaf Sugar, 40 bbls. Coffee,30 bbls. Whiskey, 111 do.
Morgan’s Gin, 10 do. new Rum, 4th prool Jamaica
Rum, do. Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin—Port, Tene-
reef Canary, and Malaga Wines—Lamps, and Lamp
Oil, G bbls apple Vinegar, 100 ps. cottcn Baging—
5 ton* sweede’s Iron, one bundle German Steel, 50
kegs cut Nails, 10 do. brads. 5 kegs wrought Nails.
20 kegs Dupont Powder, Shot and Lead, G boxes bar
Soap, 3 do. sperm Candles—Ginger, Pepper, 8pice,
Nutmegs, Indigo. English Mustard, 40,000 Spanish
Segars, 10,000 American do.—4 kegs and 2 boies
The above goods, together with our former stock,
comprises a general assortment, and will he wild
- - g »- may 19
J Do. winter do.
White head lettuce
Speckled do.
Ice - do.
Imperial do.
Cabbage do.
Early turnip radish
Early June Peas
. Vegetable Oysters
Early Yorkshire Cabbage.
Double Pcppergrass
Early Golden Hotspur
8trawbcrry Dwarf
Green Dwarf Marrowfat Peas
Earley six weeks or rejeyed Dwarf Beans
Early Sugar Corn
Received and for sale by
Dec. 24. • ELLIS, SHOTWELL & Co.
Muskmelon /
Flat Turnip
French do.
English sorrel
Summer savory
8cailet radish
• Savoy cabbage •
Red do.
Early sorrel
Turkey rhubarb
White marrowfat
Cranberry beans
I On the first Tuesday in September nezt,
fNDKR an order of tne Inferior court of Clarke
• county, will he sold, at the court-house in the
*°"My where the land is situate, the following Prop-
Lot No. 59, in tho 7<h district Muscogee
«only, being the Real Estate of Willis B. Hartty and
Clcramon A. Haney, minors—sold for their benefit.
THOMAS McCOY. Guardian,
iMffil 21 in right ofhiiwifc.
BOUGHT to Jail in Newton county,on the 24th
April, a negro man who says his name is Joshua,
end that he belongs to Charles Bolton of Muscogee
-county.—This fellow appears to be about 21 or 22
Jcarsof age—he is about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high,
"Out and welt built, and dark complected. The own-
,. ccqhested to prove property—pay charges and
•rice him Sway, L. P. MACKEY, Jailor.
- May liih, 20 4t.
■J ERSONS desirous of avoiding litigation will re-
r*- *faiti from trading for a Note or Notes given by
e to Jons C. Rodoeri, administrator of Jon. Rush ix
' c j- ss '' l 'h astho consideration for w&icb they were giv-
iv. been rendered unavailable to me, by e levy
Sjtjjfc upoa the property, to satisfy tho debts of
Kashin. They are small Notes, varying in^size,
««ed on or about tne first day of January last, payable
i months thereafter, or on the 25th December next,
EasVuonab\e Summev Goods and
J UST received at the Macon Clothing Store of L.
FITCH & CO. consisting of Bombazines, Cir
cassians, white and brown Drillings, Russia Nankins,
India do. Velvet Vesting, Florentine do. Marseilles
aud Valencia do. silk Velvets of all colors, India Le
vantine, white linen and silk Hose,cotton do. flag and
bandanna Handkerchiefs, India do. Italian and India
Cravats, plaid and white do. silk and common Sus
penders, Russian Beits, Gloves, Stocks and Stiffeners,
Cloths and Cassimeres, shirting Linens, Paddings, comprises a general unmooui
sewing Silk,Havana and Leghorn Hats, Shirt Collars, cheap for cash orapproved paper,
gold and silver Epaulettes, Lace, Cord, Stars, Ac. &c.
Blue, brown and black DRESS COATS, FROCK
Fine Bombazine Frock Coats and Coaltecs
Circassian Coattees.
Brown and white linen JACKETS
Circassian and striped Jackets
Velvet, Marseilles, Florentine and Valencia VESTS
Morning Gowns
Fine Ruffled Shirts, (linen.) Cotton Shirts
Silk cambist and crape PANTALOONS
Concan and Circassian ,
100 pair French and Russian drill do
Stripe and silk drill do
Fine bombazine and Nankin do
White and brovVn linen do
Denmark satin do -
Mixt and purple drill do -
Cloth and cassimere do
Common striped do> Satin sane do
Dutch Trowsers, &c. Sic.
The above Clothing is made ot the best materials,
in the latest fashions, particularly for customers, and
will be sold low for cash.
Carried on in all its various branches, with neatness
and despatch. L, FITCH Sc CO.^
O N the first Tuesday in August next, will he sold
at the Court House in Troup county. I»t No.
54, in the I2tb dist. of said county, being (he real es
tate. of Cornelius Cohron, dec’d. sold for the benefit of
,he heirs and creditor*.
May 24 JOHN COHRON, Aims.
New Goods,
L. L. GRIFFIN Is receiving at his Store in For
syth, a general assortment of Merchandize.
Dr^ Goods, Shoes, Dots,
Crocker if a Gloss If are
Amo a Gexzbxl Aisortuzst op
All of which is offered, wbolesail or retail, at ngns-
ta prises, freights only excepted—purchaser* Hiave
no doubt, will find it their interest to call and exam-
June 9 3t 23 .
prnllE copartnership of Stone & Coil, it this day
ii dissolved by mutual consent.
J. <fe S. STONE, i
G. C. COIT. |
The Bonk accounts and notes of Stone & Coit are
left in the hands fJ. &S. Slone, for collection, who
are authorised to settle the same.
P. 8. All those whose Notes and accounts have
become due. are requeued to call and settle the same
without delay. 23. Macon, Mny 23, 1828.
T HE Commissioners oi the Mncou Academy
take pleasure in announcing to the citizqns of
Macon and the public generally, that they have at
last emyloyed a Rector, uf talents, acquirements,
and experience suitable to the importance of the
Institution- The Academy will open on Monday
next (16tb inst.) under the care.and direction of
Mr. E. Hammond, a graduate of Dnrmoiitli College,
and afterwards professer in the South Carolina col
lege. Mr. Hammond has had great experience, and
as a successful teacher is probably not-turpossed by
any. It is believed, therefore that those who.lliink
proper to favor the institution with their patronage
will he in no danger offiuding their confidence mis
placed. ^ • e , -.- n
Terms of tuition as heretofore, viz:;
Reading, writing, nnd Arithmctick,
Grammar, and Geography,
Greek, aind Roman classicks, and the
higher branches of Mathematics.
By order of the Board.
{ 88
June 12
W ILL lie sold on Thursday the 9th day of Sep
tember, 1828, the Lots -remaining unsold in
the town of Talbotlou, Tnlbot county, consisting
of front and back lots. Persons wishing to purchase
would do well to avail thctnselcexof the opportunity
,o( doiqg s°, *1 ( hjt is the |ast sole-'. .
Terms of sale, one eighth paid in advance,
balance in three annual enstallmonts. , ._ <
‘ " JOHN p; BLACKMON, j'i c.
■M. \V. PI It ll Y, j i c.'
WlilTE.fiHEBARD ,J if.
joh.n Pratt, j i c. 1 *'
4f '24 — - “
T HE Subscriber having permanently settled him
self in the 22d district of Lee county, fenders his
services to his friends mdtlie public ng A cent, in the
collection ot debts, nnd the huvingnndrelling of Land.
Prom liis <•'p.-ii. I1C-- ill till- }i>imm">s, nmi liii slric-.t
attention to the Interest of his employers, he hopes to
share a part of the public patronage. Letters .(post
paid.) directed to him at Columbus, will meet with
prompt attention. NATHAN BRADY, Jr.
Lee county, 9/h June, 1828. 4Ip.
W E have a good assortment of DRY GOODS,
and about 500 bushels of SALT, we®-ill sell
tow, and take' payment, and allow a fair price
for it.—Also, Corn will betaken in payment from
those persons who are ioffipted to us, and we will
give ‘ a generous price for the same—we want the
com shelled and delivered at this place—We have a
good assortment of GROCERIES, we will.sell low
for cash. J. D. &. A. CHAPMAN.
Macon, April 17 tf 1G „.
T HE subscriber has just received, and opened, at
his store on Cherry street, a general assort
ment of
©®<©®§ 9
Crockevv, Havdwaro, &c.
He has also on hand a general assortment of
Which will be sold low for cash.
Feb 25 8 R. COLEMAN.
Volume II Bumibr 26.
THE recess:
FROM flL.ICKwood’s SUO.U.ISZ. I .
By Javzs Ho*o. " ' .O''it. i
'■ ‘ She thatgivetii I,-a I away,.
For the homage of a day, , \.
To a downy iKinrliog chain, * •
Riftile that tells (lie void w iihin— 1, eatfstuy* ofiteeIt > ^
i Sabcy lieadand sounding hivt— -j- ^
Give* the gift of woe nnd weeping; *
Gives a thing nntirortha keeping:
Gives a trifle—gives a loy;
' Sweetest viands’soonest cl6y, )
_Gainsl good lord! whnt doth shegninf !
Tears ol sorrow anil of i-nin, ,
Cpld neglect and words unkind;. i !
Uu.ilms of body arid of mind;
Gains till- curse that leaves her never;
Gains tho pang that lusts forever. - v
And why.? Ah 1 hath not reason shown itl,
-Though the hcarfdarcs hardly own if;
Well it traceslovo to bo ’ , r "-i V *
The fruit of tho forbidden tret; i
Of Woman'* woe the origin; 'iiW r t r
The apple of the primal sin; i , rli i ICt . i )
"The test of ghat angelic, creature. f i - :
The touchstone of iierhiiman milorei
Which proved her, though of heavenly birth.
An erring meteur of the earth. , .
j And what, by heaven’s sovereign wUf.u :
\V as trial once is trial still; ,
It is the frultthat virgin’s eye
Can ne’er approach too cautiously; ’
It is the fruit that virgin’s hand ' ; 1 ’ :5 A ' -0
Must never'touch hut on.cnmmand
Of parent, guardian, friends in common-*
Approved both by man nnd woman I
Etie Woe to her a’maid or wife, '
For all her days of mortal life, 9i ' ■
The curseTnlls heavy on her crime,
Anti heavier wears l>y Fength of time# , ,r*
. And, as offuture joys to reft ho.-, '
Upon her race thatfollowa after,
n .oni'nff *• s4>tf , 0
' r , Butoh! if pwdencc and discretion :
B41k tlu* forward inclination, .*>»*>•;!:>•
Cool the bosom, cJiec!: lh«* cyt*, * f % *
Anil guidti the Jifind t!.»t bin/fs the w ’
Tlii-ii, then a!"ii-’ I- love a tr<\is jrr,
A'hlessing nf unbounded mea^firci * t
Which every,pledge flliorl
I: tkiii, imd l’.ov/a with yenrs.r*
A tne t-arth it pomis on high,
T.P:N:.,jr! i . n ,lr:ts i’.ni,, v|,y b
Blowofn frfjoy, aiid’ev^rtvil!,'' p l u
And watnan U Ytillrni ,*>> ( t , vid
■ ffcutlc brPiDsf,
Wliern Love ha» l»»?ea received the welcome cucsfc,
As wandering saints poor huts have tac!r6'd hiado.
Ho iw»|lir,vsi:very heart h r *'i»*n’rt.hRs svtr.y’d r
And when his presetice we no tunger shurb,
He leaves'Compassion relic tiitr;.
One boon froin hnpvrii. nli! mny T hun^bly crava
PcACEf b’ertiiy bcud tii«* c;rnlle bniiufr^ wave t
1 spoko^—i-Pcacopointed to the cUoat li’Kjr.’c.
-^ r rui.v.'nf
Cheap Grocery Stove,
AT COLUMBUS. f :'r- ,
J UST received, by steamboats Steuhenjsilh' and
•Monroe, n large assortment of (IKOOUilES,
.which will be afforded at a very low price, viz:
300 barrels Whiskey
75 „ Gin • ,
20 „ Wine
30 „ Rum
15 „ cognac Brandy
50 bags Coffee
25 bbls Molasses—75 bbls Sugar , .
DO boxes Raisins—50 barrels Nails
5 ton. Iro
With a numerou* assortment ef other articles. Also,
a general assortm nt of
Persons wishingto purchase, will plea.e call on
Columbus, Muscogee county. March 5. 3m
R ANAWAY, a few days ago a mulatto womnn
by the name of Lucy, who formerly belonged to
Mr. A'* Hill, of Columbus, where *h» will probably
attempt to go—*n. v P 'rson confining her in Jail, gr
delivering her to me ia Macon, will he rewarded for
their trouble.
June 15, im. ROBERT COLUNS.
Easy method of dislodging Poison from the
Stout ,ch—I’ tlio ptt.i-n: s.itlii'
•Imli he considerably lower tibin the siom.-ch
its wl’t-nn mun’s' body rs-lyin'* across a chair
or on a soplia, -and his Tice n b'ru.tulu near tho
floor—and then if necessary; "th press oa tlie
stomach -with tho hand. 'IThe curdic orifice, o-
pens readily in such u -case, nod the stomach
empties itself like any other inveric-3 vessel.
Gazette of Health.
Lord Byron.' When.Lord Byron w4s cut
hy the great, on account ’of Ins (pnrrebwtth
his wifo, l|fe stood lfiuning on a mmbln slab at
tho entrance of ;t room, ■while troops of dutrh-
cses and cotintoscs poured**out. One liitlo
pert red haired girl stood a few paces behind
the rest, nnd as she passed him, said wgh a
nod, “Ah you should have roamed me,suid
this would’ent have happened to you." >
Jack Ketch's Arithmetic. Sixtoen vdlo
knaves make a swindler, txvelvo swindles a
pickpocket; eight pickfKickets a house breaker;
six house breakers a highwayman; four Ingti-
wayraon n murderer, and twd murderers a (fish
for the Dovii !
A Clergyman catechising the youths of liis
parish, put the first uuestion in Heidleberg’s
Catechism to a girl—• ‘ What is your only con
solation in life and in death'. 1 ” Tho poor
girl smiled, and no doubt fell queer, but did
not answer. The priest ins.ateil—‘‘Well
then,” said she, “if I must ltd!, it is the little
shoemaker that wears a striped jacket," -
By the job.—A farmer hired a man to breoit
flax by the day, and he suit] he could hear nil
day long the slow sound—By—the—d-a-y-^
by—the—d-n-v—By—:ho—d-«-y. He affljflt
wants hired him by the job—the music Vgf
,'tMii changed to quick time—By thejoi, 1 By
the job, By tho job, job, jnh, job. - . t
A lady and genlloroun, a low evenings ago,
were conversing upon the science of grammar.
“Pray madam," said the go otic rap n, “wliut
part of speech is a kiss!" “Ah, what is it?"’
replied the lady. “A subtantivc, I belie*'-,
madam." “Is it a noun proper or common!”
interrogated the I tdy. Proper, madam."—
“No," rejoined she, “I flunk it is both jrroper
and common.” The reader m -y guess what fol
lowed. . .
"Father Listian the Jesuit, in hi* history j>f
South America, says, that there ii a couohy m
that quarter, (America,) in which are tube
found hares which have four legs on their back,
as well as the same number on their belly, and
when tired of running on one set, they turn and
run on the other."
However incredible this story
•here are some mm who Wtt
double set of iefc*.