Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, July 07, 1828, Image 1

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MACON TELEGRAPH. Bv M. Bartlett. MONDAY, MORNING, JULY 7, 1828. Volume II Ncmuer : S -» The Telegraph is published weekly aeon, Ga.—Office on Mulberry strut, a L* rods north of the Post office. TERRIS. • - - - $3 00 - • - 2 00 per a Year, fer Six Months, 15 ADVANCE. Public ^alc of l.ois Within the Reserve and Town of I At the Coweta Falls, on the Chalahooehy Riser. V conformity to an act of the Legislature of this mi passed on the twenty-fourth day of December. the yes' one thousand eight hundred and twenty- " tn 7» (ay out a trading Town, and dispose of all the SnA reserved for the tue of the State near the Coweta /tlh on the Chalahooehy River—will be sold, in the TOWN OF COLUMBUS, On Thursday, the 10/A of July next, 614 BUILDING LOTS of half an acre each, in the plan of said town; Twenty-five Gardening LOTS, of ten acres each, «tbe north-east and south of the square reserved for a. Town and Common, and adjoining the seme; twenty Lots of twenty acres each; seventy-eight Lots lo one hundred acres each; and thirty-one Fractional arts of survey. r The local advantages of this town—the rich and Imive back country it has already at command, and to increasing Importance it will derive from the ces- lits of the lauds on the west of the Chatahodsby riv- L ,ri|| ensure to it a degree of commercial import, wee not surpassed by any other town in Georgia. ‘IbeTown is situated on the east side of the river, | Jamediatcly below the Falls, which admits of a safe r ] convenient navigation for steamboats from thence « Apslachir.ola Bay. Terms will be, one-fifth of the purchase money in u<h or current bills of chartered Banks of this State— to balance in four equal annual instalments. Tb< sate will commence on the dsy above men- Moncd, nnd will be continued from day to day until all lUiots are disposed of. IGNATIUS A FEW, i ELIAS BEALL, PHILIP HF.NRY ALSTON, ! JAMES IIALLAM, I EDWIN L. DF.GIIAFFENREID, Commissioners fir laying off the town of Columbus, ltd the Reserve at the Coweta Falls. | IT The Editors of all the public Gazettes of Geor- Ipj, the Charleston Courier, and Tuscaloosa paper will iansei-t theabove advertisement for sixty days and for- hrvd their accounts tome at Columbus, for payment SOWEL WOOLFOLK, Stc’y to the Board of Commissioners. | April 26,1828. From the Vermont IFatehman anti Slate Gazette. j cos and us well ns Ills signs, I lu trued tli it bo- TIIE LEGENDARY. I iog in the range of the gams an! his copip.iit- Indian Revenge.—Soinu twenty-five or 30| lon, s l' at l b ecn wounded by tin: bd . w nn.i „r sL..a I • COLUMBIAN GLOBE, Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia. T HE Subscriber begs leave lo inform his Friends and the Public in general, that he Iras opened a HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT at thn above place, where all the con veniences the country, as well as the gradual increase of the intercourse of that part of the state with Louisiana and Florida will afford, will bo found by those who will favor him with their custom. The situation of the Columbian Globe is pleasant, and the most agreeable in tho town of Columbus. The Subscriber will spare no pains and no means to render his House comfort able to those, among the great number of persons the town will attract, who will put up at his House. His Stables will bo well provided, and attentive servants will be ready at 'he call of Travellers. May 27 6t 23 . SAMUEL B. HEAD. Mndison SPRINGS. juscrincrs, wno are asso- ow are making arrange, previous cliarcterof the nfence, and by reason of „. .. by t Lment the la.* season, bespeaks the estimation in ich it Is held by the community, as a fashionable 1 healthful retreat. The subscribers, who are asao- together, have and now t to support at least any 1 _s for comfort and conveni e plenty of provisions, and the scarcity of money, 1 board at the following very reduced prices, to Mu, by the month or upwards, 60 cents pr day. ” n, ten days or upwards, 62 1-2 do do. n, less than ten days, 75 do do fWldren and servants half price le, the same charges as for a man. HAMMOND & GARVIN. I Hadimn Springs, Madison rounty, Ga. May 1st, 1828. ITThe Editors of the Augusta Constitutionalist, rMilledgeville Recorder, and Macon Telegraph, id Washington News, are requested to publish the pbovt once a week until the first of August, and for- rard their accounts to H. & G. for collection. Miy 15. 21) Indian SPRINGS. mi IE Subscriber having taken the TAVE1 ii BUILDINGS, formerly occupied by Col. Balky Me Indian Springs, is now prepared to entertain (Travellers and Visiters. ' . GODDARU & LANGDON, H AVE just received, direct from New York, and offer lor sale,at the lowest market price for cash, 100 Ibis Baltimore Rye Whiskey 100 „ old „ „ 50 „ N.E.Rum 50 „ Northern Gin 20 „ extra prime Green Coffee 60 „ Green Coffee 90 kegs Nails (assorted) 30 bbls super fine canal Flour 8 ,, Butter Crackers 6 mats Wine Bottles 22 khds Prime St. Croix Sugar 5 do do Potorico do 10 do Molasses 30 boxes Blooip Rabins 2 tierces Rice f 1 pipe Currant Wine . 50 boxes American Segart 20000 lbs Flat & square swedes Iroa *•* 3 bundles Hoop do 2000 lbs German Steel 3000 lbs English Castings 8 bbls old Monongabala Whiskey 1500 bushels Salt 150 pieces 42 inch Bagging 200 lbs bagging Twino 4 pines Holland Gin 5 do 4tb proof Cognac Brandy 3 hhds 4tb proof Jamaica Rum 25 bbls loaf & lump Sugar „ 30 do Mackerel, No. 1,2, & 3 5 do. Connecticut Shad 10 kegs Cavendish Tobacco '40 bags Shot, assorted 15 kegs Gunpowder 8 crates Crockery assorted 1000 'lbs. bar Lead 6 dozen Hoes 20 reams wrapping Paper, 15 do. writing do. 40 doz. No. 10 Cotton Cards 8 coils (tope 30 boxes Spermaceti & Rfould Candles 2 bales Osnaburgs 2 casks London Porter 2000 cut Tacks, 20 bexes soap 1 bbl Lemon Syrup ' 5 boxesChocolate, 3000 Spanish Segart, Cherry Brandy, Stoughton Elixer, Wines, Cor- dials, Domestic Goods, die. Ac. Macon, May 23,1628. NAPIER, AWNROE, & Co. (East comer of the new court house square, and Bridge Street.) TiT»AVF. received by late arrivals and offer for sale at fair prices for cash or approved credit 15000 lbs. Swccd Iron, assorted sizes 30 bbls. Baltimore Whiskey 10 „ Northern Gin \ 4 Pipes Holland Gin 6 Hhds. 1st quality St. Croix Sugar 2 „ Coffee 8 Bags ,. 1st quality 2 Or. casks Teneriffe Wine 1 Cask London Porter. ALSO ON HAND SALT, RIOLASSE8, BAGGING, PEPPER, 8PICE, GINGER, COPrRESS, NAILS, HOES, COTTOO CARDS, HATS, SHOES, &C. Together with their remaining stock of DRY GOODS 9 Crockery and Hardware, All of which will* be offered very low for cash, or E ved paper. Persons visiting this place tq pur- goodt, are respectfully invited to cnU and ex- amine our goods nnd prices. Macon, June 30. NEW SPUING GOODS. 'Hungertbrds -to ;tim'd, H AVE just received from New-York, a Genera Assortment of Sir? As a place of fashionable resort, either for health or inosrmrnt, the Indian Springs stand unrivalled by similar place in the state. The waters have ac- Vrad a deserved celebrity in the prevention and cure if disease,, as will be attested by tunny thousands phn have visited the place and witnessed their medl- Ssl virtues. The country immediatclysurrounding «Springs is healthv nnd romnntic; and, from the nalier and rci *■ Niy visit gill u poiths. | The Building, have undergone n thorough repair, Neitensive arrangements are made and making by R present occupant, for the accommodation.’oT all f lo may visit the place. His charges will be modcr- F*. indbts fare as good as the dountrv will afford; M he hn(>es. from the pains taken anu the espense "wared, to lie able to give general satisfaction. 6 ISRAEL KEITH, ^Mian Syrian. Butte county, Ga. May 16,.1888. springs I, healthy and romnntic; ana, irom me her and respectability of the company who annu- viiit the Springs, will be found an agreeable as u healthful residence, during the summer Iron, SaU, Whiskey. The subscribers have lately received nnd offer for sale, the following arti cles: 300 barrrals Whiskey 100 „ Gin 15000 lbs Iron 1800 bushels Salt CO barrels Mackerel 10 „ Apple Brandy 10 „ N. E. Rum A quantity of Sugar, Coffee and Molasstt Together with a general assortment of Hardware, Nalts and Blacksmiths Tools KIMBERLY & CHISHOLM. WANTED, One hundred bags prime COT TON, for which the best prices will he given. april 14 15 ;" 1600 BUSHELS CORN K®F, have a good assortment of DRY GOODS, 1*4 and about 500 bushels of SALT, we will sell P».a«dtake Com in payment, and allow a fair price rt.—Also, Corn will -he taken in payment from R 08 * persons who are Indebted to us, and we will P te » eenermu iu4m> for the same—wo want the •red at this place—We have a _ _R0CERIE8, we will sell low Rfi j. D. & A. CHAPMAN. dprim tf" 16 f . IPftosn.cTUs F Independent Newspaper to le published in L__. Savannah, Georgia, . IWHICH thall be open to Politics, Literary and I" Commercial Intelligence, Domestic and For B* •’.»», &c. and which shall be devoted to Pnzrv not Men—to bo eatitlcd the savannah mercvry. T Cosam Emir Bartlett, Editor. L )( <rni *~The Savax!(ar Mercury will be published morning, during the busiaesi season, and three !! * during the balance of the year, on a lari with new Types and Press, at eigl " P«r annum, payable in advance. Arrange- twill |) B mn j 0 to obtain the latest Ship News and I Current. IJ* 1 accommodation of Country Sabscribers, , JffiJjpublished a Weekly Paper, to he entitled JJWjo. containing all the original matter of the the week, together with the Prices Foreign and Domestic News, all new Ad- , ' n "'n!i. togetbiT with other matter, interesting S^ B *ryraadcr», The term, of which will ha Four [ &J?PV annum, or Three,-if paid in advancu. ^Zosuuh, HHh March, 1828, Vasb’iotiabYe Summer Goods and CLOTHING, J UST'received at the Macon Clothing Store of L. FITCH & CO. consisting of Bombazines, Cir- cassians, white nnd brown Drillings, Russia Nankins, India do. Velvet Vesting, Florentine do. Marseilles aud Valencia do. silk Velvets of all colors, India Le vantine, white linen and silk Hose.cotton do. flag and bandanna Handkerchiefs, India do. Italian and India Cravats, plaid and white do. silk and common Sus penders. Russian Beits, Gloves, Stocks and Stiffeners, Cloths nnd Casslmeres, shirting Linens, _Paddings, sewing Silk, Havana and Dsghorn Hats, Snirt Collars, gold and silver Epaulettes, Lace, Cord, Stars, &c. &c. READY MADE CLOTHING. Blue, brown and black DRE83 COATS, FROCK COATS and COATTEES Fine Bombazine Frock Coats and Coattecs JACKETS Velvet? MareeiUes,^Florentine and Valencia VESTS Moraine Gowns «... Fine Ruffled Shirts, (linen.) Co«on Sh rts Silk camblet and crape PANTALOONS Concan and Circassian AS 100 pair French and Russian drill do Stripe and silk drill do Pine bombazine and Nankin do White and brown linen do Denntark satin do Mixt and purple drill do Cloth and cassimere do . Common striped’ do Satin sane do Dutch 'Browsers, &c. &c. The above Clothing Is made of the beat materials, tn the latest fashions, particularly for customers, ana will be sold low’for cash. < TAILORING, Carried on in all its various branches, with neatnezs and despatch. L. FITCH & CO_ adapted to the Spring and Summer Trade, viz;—5-4 and 3-4 French Bombazines—44 Worsted do. a new article—black Lasting!, Circassians, long pieces Nan keens, white and brown linen Drillings, plain and stripe Grandarills, Rowan Cassimeres, Ginghams, Bat- tiste, Calicoes of new patterns, plaid Grosdcnapics, assorted colors, black Grosdenaples. black sarsinet and sinchew 8ilk«. black Italian Silk, Nankin and Canton Ciapes, black Italian Crape, flog, silk and ban danna Handkerchiefs, English th.ead Laces, Edgings and Inserting!, 44 and 5-4 bobinet Laces, bobinet laco Veils, white and green gauze Veils, cambric aud furni ture Dimities, Furniture Calicoes, 9-4 and 104 linen table Diapers, 54 Irish Sheetings. Linens, long Lawns, linen Cambrics, linen Hdkfs. colored, Borders, brown grass Cambrics, Clnrk’s spoohThread, linen Floss, 100 boies Holt’s wire Thread, 20 boxes Curls and Puffs, artificial Flowers, ladies’ white and black cot ton Hose, men’s white and hr’ivn do. white and br’wn cotton Socks', white and br’wn thread Socks, misses’ white cotton Hose, large tortoise shell Combs, shell side Combs, 1 cose ladies’ fine Leghorn Hats, 1 case men’s Leghorn Hats, 3 cases straw Bonnets assorted, misses’ do. plain nnd jaconet Cambrics, figured and plain Swiss Muslins, figured nnd plain book Muslins 20 pieces Russia Duck and Dowlas, 1 case each 54 44 and 34 bleached Sheetings and Shirtings, 1 bale 54 and 44 brown Sheetings, 3 do. brown Shirtings, Washington Bedticks, domestic Plaids and Stripes, counterpane and apron Checks, men’s fashionablo drab Hats, 30 pieces musqueto Netting, Coatees round Coats, Vests, Pantaloons, Drawers, Shirts &c. •—30 ps. Osnaburgs, 4 trunks Shoes consisting ot Indies pruned nnd buck-skin Shoes, mens calf-skin narrow strap Shoes—10 reams fools cap and letter Paper years ago, circuius ances made me, fur a few days, alt inmate of a family situated in the heart uf iho Green Mountains. Ii was tho family of a Hardy young farmer, who, with a wife, young, ac'tivo aud ambitious as himsulf, had, b I n few years before, made bis pttgli on n lot of wild laud, and was now, by ill steady efforts of his industry, rapidly transforming the patch of brown wdduruess, which lie hud selected as his house, imu a cultivated field. It was near the uight of a buaut.ful summer’s day, and the stm was slowly sinking behind the woody hills which, deeply environing die tog house aud the little opeiimg around it, stood clothed in all the green majesty of uaiure, sending forth on the pure atmosphere, cooled and moistened by the evaporauug spray ol a thousaud falling’rills, their sweet anu balmy bieaihe impregnated with all tho mingled fragrance of the blooming wilderness.' Toe farmer had returned from his labor iu the field, aud was silertdy pacing the room with an air ufd.jectiuu and pensive- ness, lie gave no reasoit, however for this change m uts deportment, and routaihed silent till be was kindly interrogated by lib wife; when he paused awhile and observed—I know not bow it is, Rebecca, but I Itttve felt this day a sensation ol uncommon uneasiness rather of mind than of body 1 believe—iliat same unac. cuuiuublu feelmg wirch 1 have always experi enced when sumo hidden danger was lurking about me. 1 dunk it all nius be but your own taucymgs, repheil she, wait some apparent con cern. My nusbanJ, site continued, lurmug to uie wnh tho air of one who. seems to consider some explanation called for by. the circumstan ces, my husoaud tsu hale subject, at times, to dark aud moody turns, uuj often starts at ima ginary duuguis, wlnlo real ones appear to be the least dt bis concern. While sho was speak ing the busbaud bad approached tho side of the house and was intently looking dirough a large crevice between the logs front which the moss, a substance in common use to stop.tho crevi ces ot log buddiugs, hull been partly reraovod. in a moment he started Yack with n look of dis- ■y,seized bis nllo Irom tho wooden .hook by wiiicli it was suspended from a beam above him, and iiislaudy cocked it, Rebecca, said lie, m a Hurried ioue, come here’! Sho trembling ly oncyed, aud looking through tho crevico in the direction indicated tiy ins quivering fingoi, slie instantly recoiled from the viow, and ex changed a meaning aud alarmed glance with bur busbaud who was now m the attitude of rais ing too muzzle uf tho piece to tho crevice. Seizing it witn both bands, you cannot be so thoughtless, s jd she, us to firo upon them— G,fiy, Uy out of the othor window nnd you can reach the woods unseen. Tho husband pausing a moment and giving a quick glanco in eveiy direction uround him, replied, you are rigJtt—wnilo site as if rcauing tit a look his wishes, reached him his powder horn and ball pouch ana was hurrying him to tho window. As lie passed mo he said, stay here and protect my laiuily till J return, und all but life shall re ward you. Ho then threw himself opt’of tho window, and bowing almost to tuo ground '’and sometimes creeping, he pursued Ins way hastily hrougli the weeds and bushes that bordered a small rivulet nil be reached the wuods nnd dis appeared. There said she, drawing her sus- puudedbieaib,thunk heaven,, hu is safe! \- mazed at what I witnessed, 1 lastly asked for an explanutiou. Convulsively seizing my arm she conducted me to tlm ciuvtcc. Look be neath yonder clump of Hues! said she. I did so, anu to my surpnze 1 beheld throe Indians apparently .holding a consultation and watching; tho house. Tiny were armed with rifles, tom ahawks, cords aud such other implements as their warriors are known to carry when on ex peditions for massacre ur cup uro. Therq’ sir, is the cause of our fears. Wo have before been alarmed iu ibis maimer, but my husband, tlnm. as be bos uowj providently escaped (liem.^Had be been seen here, it would probably InVo ' Mm CROCKERY, SADDLERY, One case fine Shot Guns, Gun Locks, fine and common Cutlery, carpenter’s Tools, knob, closet ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE O N the first Tuesday in August next, will be sola at the Court House in Troup county, Lot No. 64. in the 12th xlist. of said county,>ing tha real es tate of Cornelius Cohron, dec’ij. jold for the benefit ot thehtor^pdcreduors. JQHfJ .idmr. 250,oi« cut Tacks, 20 doz. furniture bras. Knobs, boxes No. 8 9 and 10 Whilemore cotton Cards, 150 sets Cups nnd Saucers, 50 doz. Tumblers, 60 doz. edg'd Twiflcrs and Plates—Bowls, Pitchers, Dishes, Decanters, Wine Glasses, &c. UVEftYOOti BIAHS. WARE in 50 doz. pt. and half pt. Flasks-Castor Oil, Epsom and Glauber Salts, Family medicines, 2 boxes mens and ladies Saddles, fine ami common Bridles, do. Martingales, J doz. saddle Bags, one half doz. carpet Bags—waggon whips, and waggon Bridles, d doz. calfskins, W doz. morocco and lining Skins, assorted Colors-150 side, blk upper Leather, 75 do. rela Leather. 100 lbs shoe Thread, 2 gross shoe Binding, Russia Brusllcs. CSrcmitsi* 10 hhds. and 25 bbls. St. Croi* Sugar, lump and loaf Sugar, 40 bbls. Coffce,30 bbls. Whiskey, 10 do. .Morgan’s Gin, 10 do. new Ram, 4th proof Jamaica Rum. do. Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin—Port,Tcne- reef Canary, und Malaga Winei—!Lamps, nnd Lamp Oil.G bbl. apple Vinegar, 100 ps. cotton Baging— Btons 8wccdc*« Iron, one boddle German Steel, 50 kegs cut Nails, 10 do. brads, 5 kegs wrought Nails. 20 keg* Dupont Powder,' Shot and L<*nd, (J boxes bar Soap, 3 do. sperm Candies-Ginger, Pepper, Spice, Nutmegs, Indigo, English Mustard, 40,000 Spamsli Scran, 10,000 American do.-4 kegs and 2 boxes limew; • . ,. , • ' . The above goods, together with our former stock comprises a general assortment, and will ha sol chrspforcash orapproved paper. 3m may 19 one of their rifles, and that they uncentci ms of what they bHd done had pursued thocli is" ni'l left him in this condition, faintiug from the lo<.t of blood. I staunched his wonijd in tho bet way I could, revived and conveyed him to my tent. Tho wound was ool dangerous and in a lew days, during which I paid him all the at tention in uty power, ho was enable to depart to his tribe who were eqtnrapod round the oili er end of the lake. After this ho frcqucn ly visited my tent, bringing me ganto and taking various ways to express his gratitude. Spend ing considerable tune with mo in huiijmg ex cursions, I soon became inqcli attached to Inrn, ' ' ajid repaid his kindness wilb many little pres- entsot •. ions kinds of trinkets which I bad brought with me. This probably awakened thuju dousy of his companmns, as I afterward* noticed an uncommon coolness an j , reserve in 'heir manner tewirds me when I met them. While mttters continued thus, one nigju as I '• lay in niv tent I was awakened by n forums barking of my dog. • The terrified animal, by his unnatural cries nnd the manner iu whiph lio veu.ured forth and frequently retreated back into thedoor of ntv tent, told mo that no com mon animal was near me. I arose, retievvcd ilio priming of my gun, and looked out in tho direction where the attention of tho dog was confined. At length my sight tva3 caught by ityo hideously ghiriug eyeballs that were burn ing out from the boughs of a thick pine that siood but eighfwr tnnrods from nty tent. I ntj onco knew it to he tin enormous catamount. And judging front the motious of the anim d that lie was about to loip toward!) me, I re a rived to hazard a shot, although sensible of the uncer tainty of nty aim in tho dark. I accordingly levelled my piece, and csrefu{|y directing my aim beiwcun (he two bright orbs :hat were glowiug down upon mo with tho inlefasnoss of a furnace, I fired am) tho animal with a tre- tnendttuus leap and a scream that echoed for ' miles among tho mountains of tho lake,’ fell to ihe ground about half way from tho tree to whore 1 stood. My dug still refused to ap- proadt the spot, and knowing tho animat to bo dangorous even with the Inst grasp oflifo, I hastily .re-loaded for another fire. At this mo ment I heard a rustling among tho bushen, nnd discerning some dark object to movo in tho di rection of tho animal, and supposing ho was preparing for auuther lend—I fired. Soma- • thing fell to tho ground, aud my blood curled ns I hoard the sound of tho liom tn voice in-tho hollow groan that accompanied tho fpll! I has tened to the spot, tho lifeless body-of tho cata mount lay stretched upon _tho ground—and a little further I beheld a human being writhing in the agonies .of death. I applied a torch light to his faco, and to my unuiernblc grief, discov ered him to bo^ my Indian frifind. Having jjuon belated onrnu oxcursiou, lie w.ts probably approaching my tom for llio night at tho time I was reconnoitering tho cVnmoiim, aud having; seen, him fall he was cautiously approaching the animal when arrestod by the fatal shot which it was my luckless desliuy to give him. Thcwgh * unablo to speak, it fierce nnd vengeful express- inn was beaming in his eyes as ho beheld me. In it momont, however, ns if satisfied of ;ho In nocence of my motives on wimestiifg the a so- - uy of my feelings,-his countenance assumed 4. ntdd nnd benignant expression. lie s’retched nut bis (land to receive mine;, nnJ with Ibis Inst convulsive effort of appeased nnd friendly frilling, ho immediately expired. I doon be gan to feel settsiblo of tho poculiar idifliaultics and dangers of nty situation. .If I shqiM call , in .tho Indians I doubted greatly whoiher I should po ablo to prevent thorn from smpoct- ingluu of intentionally killing their companion; mid such suspicions I feared would he fostered by sumo of thoti bo in tltcir present feelings towards me. And as .suspicion, in jho creed of (ho Indian, is but little bettor than conviction, and fearful of tho fiercy tortures which must follow in caso of such a conclusion in their minds, I concluded, perhaps unwisely, to dis- beett their euneavor to havo ffken him to uight tin! canted turn off t li.rn alter then owu fashion; or, had they in this, ilioy would have ambushed nnd shot which tho deceased had with him, and lashing f to their tribe, to murder 4 P“ M •bo body secret!/, •tV’uli this do(or- fushion; or, had they failo‘l tninatiou I took the rifle null several steel traps Hun. Bui now they have not seiyi hint, they will watcu tor a day or two mid depart as noise less us they came. 1 expressed *om?S doubts them to tho body, conveyed it to my canoe and rowed towards the deepest part of the take. I shall nevor forget tho painful and glaoray ol ibeir uositle intentions, and suggested the *’ ;e bngs that amended the potfornnrico ofthut improbability that dicy would hcre*duro to 1 1 ~ e "' | m M seek tho tile ut an tudividiiid since the conutry bad becumo so far settled, that on bo least a- larui,u force could soou bo rallied mlficient to ex.uimiuate theif whole tribe. My husband, said she, was formerly'a hunter on tho lakes, und ho there luucemly was the cause uf an uc- cidept whtcli terminated fatally to an ludiati, aud winch, it seems, they think he can only at one fur with his iite. Though they pass pea ceably through die country, and us yet have cum milieu no violence, still my husband too well knows ttieir deadly purpose.. How they have discovered his present residence is still unknown to him. But I clioq«e he should tell you his own stoiy.—Stay with us over tomor row; they will depart aud he will return. I consumed. _ Thu Indians uftcr reconnoitering the house, front different positions disappeared for the night. They repeated tho same sever al limes (hu next day, when towards night they disappeared, aud were, soon heard of several miles off, making their way northward. The, farmer rciuiued the next day, when he rglrt.od ad and tearful office. Though conscious ot my innocence and of being dictated only by prudence in thus disposiug of him to whom I could have wished an honorable interment, still a kind oi guilty feeling, and self condemnation weighed deeply on my mind. 'Even the mur muring winds that were sighing mournfully throuoh the lull pinos that stood towering along tho ahorse of tho lake seemed to ubraiii me; and the low wailings of (I10 waves, dashing sul lenly on the distant beach, seemed to fill on my oar in tho sounds of reproach fo r the deed I was committing; dark presentments ofapjiroach- iug danger oppressed and soak gloomily on my spirits. On arriving into the deep waters of (ho lake 1 lificd tho body over the sidt-of: hu canoe iuto the tviitor, and it immediately smile by tho weight of Iron by which it was encum bered, aud disappeared from my sight. I then turned and rowed hastily back to the shore As 1 w.ix about 16 step out of my canoe 1 heard the plash oi an oar at' a distance down tho lake. This circumilaucb, thtiOgh l could dis cern nothing, much alarmed me, as I supposed the Indians were abroad on the lake, and had RAN AWAY F ROM the subscriber, a small APPREN ITt.'E by the name of James Grice. All person* «;•' fore warned from harborinz or ciuglnylnr; him. tie is e eV F^V® tTw ^WILuIm BKOWfL the following advetuute on bis earlier days: I_ Several years ago I mado an, excursion to probably obseivod my movement—in which lake Mcmphrcm igog for the purpose ofspctnl- CiU0 I feared that a discovery was inevitable, ilig a fall'ik liuotiug nod catching furs arouuaf H" ur though they must be perfectly ignorant of the shores of that lake, which is now associated u, y business at the lime, yet on m.ssing their willi recollections winch I linr will always be j companion, they would be sure to resolve tins fatal to iny happiness. 1 had been there sev- citcumsiauce iu their minds, iu ev^ry bearing, erat weeks, when, one day being out in quest !' dn '^ perhaps by some ingeuiouifiooclusioncoue of a deer whibti my dog bad started, 1 heard j ,,UC! ' l wnh his fate j for there aro ho people tho report .of a r.ilo at some distance, and pui- under heaven that can ym with lire nalivqs «C souq; my way m iho direktmn of tho <uii.iinj, I J our tmesis in tho scru'iqixing chueiiewi of thejr soon cmno across ... it Indian who lay woilM.ln.i jribserva 100s, the miuoleiftUs and acejj 1 and bleeding on iho ground. From appuoratt- vfiApipxOg circfnuijtpcQS, add the fii