Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, August 04, 1828, Image 1

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TEElECrRAPII :gol. gy M. Bartlett. 310 WAY, MORNING, AUGf/ST 4,1828. The Telegraph is published weekly . Umoii, Ga.—Office oil Mulberry street, u rods north of the Post oflice. K TERMS. for a Year, .... §300 for Sir Months, • IS ADVANCE. 2 00 Fashionable Summer Loods-and 1 clothing, J rsT received at the Macon Clothing Store of 1.. (■•ITCH «fc CO. consisting of Bombazines, Cir- ■ white ««d brew" th-illings, Russia Nankins, India do- Velvet Vesting, Florentine do. Marseilles •'j Valencia do. silk Velvets of all colors, India Le- * tire, white linen and silk Hose,cotton do. flag mid Lldanna Handkerchiefs, India do. Italian and India f' atsr plaid and white do. silk aud common Sjs- wnders. Kussian Belts, Gloves, Stocks and Stiffeners, Kj ol |is and Cassimeres, shirting I.inens, Paddings, Silk,Havana and Leghorn Hats, Shirt Collars, “id an d silver Epaulettes, Lace, Cord, Stars, &c. &c. HEADY MADE CLOTHING. «to brown and black DRESS COATS,-FROCK # ' COATS and COATT1ES f; n r Bombazine Frock Coots and Conttees Cirrsliian Coattees £r,.ivn and white linen JACKETS , . Circassian and striped Jackets Velvet. Marseilles, Florentine and Valencia VESTS Morning downs Fme Ruffled Shirts, (linen,) Cotton Shirt*' Silk camblet and crape PANTALOONS Cancan and Circassian do 100 pair French and Kussian drill do Stripe and silk drill do Fine bombazine and Nankin do White and brown linen do Denmark satin do Mist and purple drill do Cloth and cassimere Uo Common striped do Satin sane do Dutch Trowscrs, &e. &c. The above Clothing is made of the beet materials, jj, the latest fashions, particularly for customers, and sili be sold low for cash. TAILORING, Carried on in all its various branches, with neatness Ami despatch. - L. FITCH & CO", HAOtm aa&BB OK THE RESERVE LANDS, the TOWN LOTS AND THE SPUING AND SUMMER CLOTHING & HATS. P. JUDSON & Co, have just received at their Clothing Store and Hut Ware- House, a general assortment of CLOTHING AND HATS, Jof the most approved fashions for the I present and approaching season, which areotfered low, sad for Cash only. A liberal price will be paid for Reaver and Otter I Furs. March 1 Ivon, Salt, WUiskev. The subscribers have lately received land oiler for sale, the following arti- 1 cles: 300 barrrels Whiskey 100 „ Gin 15000 lbs Iron J800 bushels Salt , CO barrel! Mackerel 10 „ Apple Brandy 10 „ N. K. Rum A quantity of Sugar, Coffee and Molasses 'ogethcr with a general assortment of Hardware, Nails and Blacksmiths Tools KIMBERLY & CHISHOLM. . WANTED, r One hundred bags prime COT TON, for which the best prices will > be given. april 14 15 Dvuga, MihVu \nes, Jk.c. A General Assortment of well selected nndGenuiue DRUGS and MEDICINES, with Instruments «jf various kinds,suitable for Physicians, Families or Retailers— Just received and fdr sale at Savannah or Augusta |)rioes, by _ KLLIS, SHOTWF.LL & Co. , Atm—a large stock of Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye- Toods Dye-stuffs) Nalls, Tacks, Castings, &c in quan- | titii-s to suit purchasers july 3 T HE subscribers announce to the public that they have received their SUMMER SUPPLY, con- asting of a variety of liritis/i, French and American Goods, . ..rst style. They have been bought at the New- York auctions, a considerable part ot them at the ori- jinsl package sales, and will be sold at very low prices •or tash. They will also continue to receive fresh Goads, suited to the present and coming seasons, july •dll 30 A. GILLIS & Co. ILL commence on Wednesday the first day of nest October, and will continue from day to day with the exception of the first Monday and Tues day of that month. We shall then expose to sale in Macon, to the highest bidder, in eunfurmity with a late act of the General Assembly: Alt tlie Town Lots not heretofore disposed of; being upwards of one hundred in number: on the western side of the river: among them are twelve adjoining the river, and a few other cnoicc lots iur business. The residue are hi more retired situations, and gener ally alford good building sit^s in a pleasant and glow ing part of the. town. Forty two gardening lots of 10 and 20 acres each ; laid but from 1 to 11-2 mile* distant from the town in two ranges around the Western Common. Also, £8 lots oft the Eastern side: that is to say, 4 of twenty, 8 Of ten acres, and 10 of one acre eaoh.—These last in-, elude the place sometimes known as Newtown ; ami. will lie sold subject to certain leases from tiie United States, to expire next January. The residue of the lands in the two reserves, arc laid oqt in tracts of lilt) acres, and fractional parts of such tracts. Of these, the uplands will be next offer ed! the lowest numbers first; beginning with those on tile western side. On Wednesday the 22d of October next, at 11 o’ clock, A. M. will be offered at the place of the other sales, the * BRI&GE AT MACON, together with one acre of land outlie eastern side of the Ocmulgee river, as one of the hutments; and the privilege ot using so rnneb of Fifth or Bridge street on the western bank as may be necessary tor the other hutment of the Bridge. On Thursday the 23d of October, we shall proceed to sell the aw amp and bottom lands within the Re serves, those on the western side first; and continue from day to day until completed. The particular numbers that will be sold on each day cannot be specified; iiut it is intended to put op the several kinds and descriptions in the mentioned, The Reserves arc generally well watered ami con tain several good mill seats. The area ot tin: whole cannot be exactly known until the platting is cnnrple- ted; but hutuly-out thousand flirts is tlie ev incited quantity contained in both Rcnervus hm-J the mij.fliiim; fractions exclusive of the town surveys. Perhaps no body oflandof tba same extent can be found that em braces a greater variety in its surface, soil and timber. Situated just in that region where the nine of the low er country changes to the oak aud hickory of tho up per, it includes both these growths and soils in most of their varieties in some portion entire, in others in terspersed or blended. Tracts of very hifly laud, 01 that which is quite level, or gently undulating, may be had of almost every qualit>; cither of oak and hick ory, orpine, or river lands; and several ol these-kinds occationally united, in tracts oi 100 acres, and : ac tions of various sizes, adnnted to most ot the purposes for which land k wanted. from the pressure of the times; and more especial ly from tiie quantity of lands and ♦own lots that will have been lately in the market, these -must unavoida bly sell low. And lying at the head of navigation, im mediately around the third town oi the rJtate in pop* ulation and trade, there is every reasonable prospect of their soon rising in value. Purchasers huve now an opportunity, andappnrent ly tho last that will soon otter, ot obtaining on cheap and very ii<Wgft»t terms of payment, choice situa tions for residence, for trade or for farming. TERMS OF S LE. Purchasers of lands and lots nre to pay the Commis sioners on the day of tho purchase, one fifth part of the purchase money in Cash or current bills of charter- ed banks of this State; and the residua in four equal annual instalments. No security will be required. The bridge will he sold on the same terms; except that the purchaser will be required to give bond with two or mure npproved securities for the payment ot •the lour subsequent annual instalments. * W. N.'HARMON ) C. B. STRONG, > Comn'rs. O. H. l'RI.NCE, > Macon. July 5,1843. *8 3m IT The Editors of the Charleston City Gazette, the Tuscaloosa Mirror, and ofthe several pnblijp Gazettes, in this State will publish the foregoing weekly, nine weeks in their respective papers, and forward their ac- counts toMARMADUKE J. SLADE, Esq. Clerk of the Commissioners, in such time as to reach him by the 1st ot'Nov. HEDICINB. FAINTS, ha\ng purchased iRUGS, MEDICIN The subscriber hav\ng purchased tiie entire stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c.of Fi.ukeiuV CoLMss.andhavingjust received an additional supply from Bos- ton, offers them to the public, low «">g terms. Orders from Physicians and Merchants “the country will lie punctually attended to. .The customers of Flour & Cotwss are respect ™ l . v requested to continue their patronage with the briber. July 19 4t ' N. CHILDERS. 70 RENT, From the first day of October neit, un til the first of August thereafter, the i STORE HOUSE now in the occupation [of Mr Isaac B. Rowlakd. Apply to TRACY & BUTLER. LO TOWN LOTS j wDlLl, lie old on Thursday tho 4th day of Sep I , G timber, 1828, the Lots remaining unsold in “'.town of Talbotton, Talbot* county, consisting w . iniunuou, laioos- cuumy, vuu»i*uug * ??* in ^ hack lots. Persons wishing to purchase '•“‘u do well to avail themselvei of tho opportunity “'nff ao, as this is the last sale. . rerms of sale, one eighth paid in advance, the in three annual instalments. JOHN P. BLACKMON, j i c, M. VV. PERRY, s i e. WRITE 8IIF.RARD, l i c. I, ICHABOD COX, j i c. J«n* IG 4t JOHN PRATT. J i c. notice amd tdi/riot?. if " er * on * Bre hereby forewarned from trading SoD fe- v Promissory note or notes, made by John- A.i. j ’ an< * *lte subscriber, to Thomas Polk, some ! in due (n December, and some in March Inst.— tU?3 c * on Which these notes were given hav- . .J' , o!vedandentirely annulled and set aside, L. p '"»"r considers himself ami ulso the said John .° *• atdisclinrged from any legal liability to . notes, and he is therefore determined never ” ’uenj or any of them. &V... * fmvcw NICHOLSON. oounly, <Ja, June'J'oth ia28 KAPVEU, AHWROtt & Co. (East comer ofthe new Court house Square aud Bridge Street.) V ' , vot, AVE received by late arrivals and offer for sale Jo I at fair prices forcath or approved credit, 15000 lbs. Sweed Iron, assorted sizes 30 Uhls Baltimore Whiskey ]0 „ Northern Gin 4 Pipes IlolInmLGin 6 Hbds 1st quality St. Croix Sugar 2 „ Coffee 8 Bags „ 1st quality 2 Or. casks Tcneriffe Wine 1 Cask l/indon Porter. also on hand SALT, MOLASSES. BAGGING, PEPPER, Spice* . Ginger, Coppeuas, Nails, Hoes, . • ' COTTON CABDS, HATS, SHOES, &C. Together withthoir remaining stock of DRY GOODS, CvockevN and Hardware, AIT of which will bo offered very low for cash, or approved paper. Persons visiting this plape(opur- chase goods, are respectfully invited to callaudex- amine our goods and prices. Macon, June 30> BUSHELS CORN xsrnF. have a good assortment of DRY GOODS, W and about 500 Imshels of SALT, we will sell low, and take Com in payment, and allow a fair price for it.—Also, Corn will be taken in payment froth those persons who are indebted to us, and we will tz uss asaJJflisaM?' ““.""AS. CIIAkS Macon, April 17 tf H* NEW CHEAP GOODS. ■ T Um HF, subscriber has just received, and opened, at hi* *tore on Cherry street, a general assort ment of • ■ „ BMW SHOES, HATS, Crockers, Hardware, &c. He has also on hand a general assortment of GROCERIES, CASTINGS, &c. Which will be sold low for eu»h. ’ Fell 23 8 It. COLEMAN- NOTICE. ” T^TATHAN BAKER is a candidate for Tax Cnl- isl lector of Pike county. 22 «usy £4 F ‘ GODDARD & LAiVGDOAf, SJj AVE just received, direct from New Yp'rk, and HU offer lor sale,ut ttie lowest morketprice fur cotb, lilt) bbls Baltimore Rvc,WhiskeV 100 „ old „ „ - 00 „ N. F.-. Rum , 50 „ Nurtiiern win 20 „ extra prime Green Coffee , * 80 „ Green Collee . 90 kegs Nails (assorted) , ' 30 Mils super line ennui Flour . 8 „ Butter Crackers , li m.ns Wine Bottle* 22 hiids Prime 8t. Croix Sugar 3 do, do Polorico do ' 10 do Molasses . . • . 30 boxes Bluoiji Raisins .2 tiereea Rice 1 ji'i e Gun ant Wipe 50 boxes Anierican Si'gars i 20000 ilia Flat A squurd swedes Iron , 3 l‘'i:idles Hocp do ■ ‘ . 2 )‘i'! Ris Steel 3000 iiis I'uglisJi Castings • . 8 b:-!a eld Moiioiigabala-WhUkey 15’)!) >att ■ loO pieces 42 i.icb Bagging' . 200 lbs bugging Twine 4 pipes Holland Gin 5 do 4th pried Cognac Brandy 3 nh'l.- 4tl. priuii jamioue Uuai 25 tibis luul & lump Sugar Jr 3 > do Mackerel, No. 1.2, &.‘i'* ; * 6 do. Conipclicui Sliud lO’kegs Pavendisb l obacco 40 bags rilnit, assorted 15 kegs Gunpowder 8 crates Crockery' ussorted 1000 tbs bar Lead 6 dozen Hoes 2i) ream* wrapping Paper, 15 do writing do. 40 doz. No. 1' Cotton Cards 8 coils Rope 30 boxes Spermaceti & Mould Candles 2 bales Oanahurgs . 2 casks London Porter 2000 cut Tacks. 20 bave* soap 1 bbl Lemon Syrap 5 boxes Chocolate, 3fle<i Spanish Segara, CKerrv Brandy, Stoughton t'.tixer, Wines, Cor dials, Domestic Goods &c &c Macon, May.23,1828. ■' ‘ *VF,\V -SVRUVG GOODS. - UUNQEUEOIUOS it STODDARD JfWAV! just received Irom New-Yorki a General &3s. Assortment of Sri Hilapr-d to the Nfir'nz ami fintamtr Ttufa v u: and ;M rrfimu lJuitihHZiqcf— Worried do. a new articl**—-Idm: k Lajtiiigs, Circassians, iong pieces Nan keens, .white and. brown linen Drillings, plain and priiis iimtidarilis. Rewau tV-siinetesGinghams. Itu;- tiste. t.'nliooes o'i new patterns, plaid i..osdeiii!|>!e.s, assorted colors, black Grusdcnaplcs. black si.'sinel and sinebpw Silica, ii’.tck Dalian 8ilk, Nankin and tlanton Climes, black Italian Crape,'flag, silk and halt- d,inua.llNaukefGliieCi, ilnglisb thread Laces. Edgings and lesertau;*, 4-4 and 5-4 bobiuet Laces, b.ibinct .tee Veils. «liite and green gauze Veils, cambric and lurni-- tare Dimities, Fui-nitnre Calicnes, 9 1 nd 10-4 linen table Diaper a. 5-4 Irish riheetings. Unfits. Im.< Lawns, linen Cambrics, linen Hdkis. colored, Borders, brown grass Oaiulirics, Clark’s spool Tbiead, linen Flea*. ItW boxes Holt’s wire Thread, 20 hoses Curls and Puffs, artificial Flowers, ladies' white and *>!>•-•■ V. cot ton Hose, men's white uml br wn dc, white and br’wn cotton Sock3 white and br’wn thread Socks, misses’ white cotton Hiaae, large tortoise shell Combs, shut! sole Combs, 1 case ladies’ fine Leghorn Hats, I cosn men’s Leghorn Hats, 3 cases s'rav. Bmin'els assorted, misses’do. plain and jaconet Cambrics, figured and plain Swiss Muslins, figured and plain bonk Muslins. 20 nieces Russia Duck and Dowlas. 1 case each 5-4, 4- 4 and 3-4 bleached Sheetings and Shirtings, t bub- 5- 4 and 4-4 brown Slicetings, 3 do. brown Shi-tings. Washington Bcdtirks, domestic Plaids and Siripes* counterpane and apron Checks, men’s fashionable drab Hats, 30 |ilcccs innsqueto Netting, Coatees, round Coats, Vests, Pantaio .iis, Drawers, Shirts etc —30 p«. Osaaburgs, 4 trunks Shoes consisting ot ladies, pninel am) buck-skin Shoes, mens calf-skin narrow strap Shoes—10 reams fools cap and letter Paper 1 CROCKERY, SADDLERY, Sf,. ' One case fine Shot Guns. Gun Locks, fine and fcommon Cutlery, carjientcr’s Tools, knob, closet and stock Locks,trtnik and |ia(J lawks, ciiest, cupboard and drawer Locks—Gioveis am! Sj>ades, Sad Irons, Steelyards, Mil! saw. Hand saw, and blacksmith Files, 959,000 cut Tacks. 2) doz. furniture brass Knobs, 3 boxes No. 8 9 and 10 Wbitemore cottofr Cards, 150 sets Cups and Saucers, 50 doz. Tumblers, 60 doz. edg’d Tvviflers and Plates—Bowls, Pitchers, Dishes, Decanters, Wine Glasses, Sec. LIVERY 5 O L R\A?E WARE in 60 doz. pt. and half pt. Flasks—Castor Oil, Epsom and Glauber Salts, Family medicines, 2 boxes mens and ladies Saddles, fine and common Bridles, do. Martingales, I doz. saddle Bags, one half doz. carpet Bags—waggon whips, und waggon Bridles; 3 doz. calfskins, It) doz. morocco and lining Skins, assorted Color*—150 tide, blk upper Leather, 75 do. sole Leather, 100 lbs shoo Thread, 2 gross shoe Binding, Russia Drastics. CSrroccriS’!#* 10 hhds. and 25 hbls. St. Croix Sugar, lump and loaf Sugar, 40 btils. Coffee,30 libl*. Whi*key, 10 do. Morgan'* Gin, 10 do. new Rum, 4th proof Jamaica Rum, do. Cognac Brandy* Holland Gin—Port. Tene- reef. Canary, and Malaga Wines— Lamps, and Lamp Oil, 6 bbl* apple Vinegar, 100 -ps. cotten Baging— 5 tons sweede’s Iron, one bundle German Steel, 60 kegs cut Nails, 10 do. brads, 5 kegs w rough! Nails. 20 kegs Dupont Powder, Shdt and Lead, C boxes bar Soap, 3 do. sperm Candles-Ginger, Pepper, 8piee, Nutmegs, Indigo, English Mustanl, 40,01)0 Spanish Sugars, 10,000 American do.—4 kegs and 2 boxes Tobacco, ’ The above goods, together with our fomer stock, comprises a general asiortment, and will be snld cheap for cash or approved paper. dm may 19 LAJS’D FOR SALE. I HE subscriber will sell on tho most reasonable terms the lollowing lots of LAND, viz: ' ‘ - County, a Muscogee Coweta Carroll Houston Irwin Irwin Ieo Lee ‘ ■ ' \Af Appling ^ _ Gwinnett For particulars apply to the *ubscriber, living in JOHN IL PATRICK. fcr The editors of th« Vtorgui Journal will pub- lUh tin? abo\ e four mrtnthi. ___ . NOTICE. . prRHE Copurtnershrp hen-t-ifore existing under tho J »■ Finn of Stratton, Sims So Murdoch, is this day di j£m 1828k JESSE STRATTON. (I E O K Cl I A~ Ticiggt county. W HEREAS Drury L. Hinait npplicjto rue for Letters of Dismission from Ids administration on thp.e»tate of Collls Slzdok, late of said county, di-.r-'.i-yd: ■ . These tore therefore tq cite cud admonish ail and sin• g Car the.Lindred and creditors of said deceased to be ynd appear at my office, within.the time prescribed try hue, to shew, cause, if dry they can, why said Letters shlutd liot be granted: Given under my baud atOf- VoLUME ll.......Nc.MnEft 31. goabacAiT Cue* this 8lli day of July 1823 - jiily 21 init PETER SOLOMON c. c. o. . tt BORGIA— Tic iggs county> TKKTUV.llVM Jmis Sim* applies to me for letters V V of dismission from Ins administration on tbe estate of/ilplla Lucas, late of said county deeenseil. And, wlievea* llxuirs Hi ones applies to me for let tar* 'of di*iqi*<!.in from-his Riimimttratliiu on the estate of f’liesley Bradslt'aw, late of said comity" de ceased. ' . . Tl,c» ore therefore to rite add admonish all and sin• guh;rj(it Hudccd and creditors of snid dereaied. tribe land.appear it my office, within-the time prescribed by n-ito. hr.hue cause if •inn they ran flip •aid tUtifs shyutd no! 1* g'nnted. \Vi'm-s tit- Hoc Il- iiry SuIoii.gii, o entih'-. Justices ofthe Court flrdiiiury. jimeld (invt . PET lilt SOI.OJftlN.c. c.o. UEOJJfiI Tsrfa’*'county. HERf ASIAt.r.x*ti n*a N'ei.sos applies to mo w v for loiltrs of'insmissioii from'his Executor Alp on'tl-M estate of Moses Blacksiicar, late of said comi ty. ilcceased-J-- ’ And whereas Gabrif.l I’AnsEn'npjilin* to'mo for letf»rs rrf- Dismission from his Administration oictlie estate of Asa Smith,''late of said county, deceased.— ' These lire therefore to rite and admonish all amt sin gular the. kindred ntd creditors of said deceased, to beatid appear at my attire, within the tune prescribed by law. to shew cause if any they cap, why said letters Should not be granted. Given under mv ham) at Office, ThU 6th May, 1324. PETER SOLOMON, c.«. o. G F. O R (i I A— ’He County. TWY>m;REAS intliam. V. H'hHe, administrator of '■?/ the estate of Charles Hinson, so nr. late of Cun- eculi county, Alubama^ deceased, applies for letters Distnissory— . are to cite nnd admonish ell nnd singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be end appear at my oflice, svithin the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they can, why letters dis- missorv, shall not lie granted hint Given under my imnd, this 14th day of April, 1828. ", april 21 timt 11. G. JOHNSON, c i 6. GEORGIA—In Harris Superior Court,' . M tROIt TF.BM, 1828. James P. Partis, informer, vs. Patrick Reely—RcvFs. V>T appearing to the. Court, by -the return of the . Sheriff, that the defendant is not to be found in said county. It is on motion, ordered, that the defendant appear at the next term of said court, and answer said- Scire Facias—And it is further ordered, that this Rule Uo published in one of the jpuhlic Gaz ette-of this Slaty, forthree months. A true, copy taken from the minutes. March 20,1828. jane 2 :!mt . C. BLANDJOVn,' C’k GEORGIA—fit U ms Sum nut Court, %( MAnm term, 1828. The Governors on the information of ^ Arthur P. Ma son 1 l ^ John S. Cnrely. ' ’ 'ifTtHF HbcrifT of wid r.qnnty, havinff returned that- John ?? fnirly in not to l>« f'•und inlaid county.^ 1‘ \n ordrted timt tervicn of said «cirifaoiB^ perfect- i*d i»v pnhiicntion of tl*»» R ule once a month for three month**, hefore.tho next Term nfWid cotirt. # A true eopyjmm the minuter. Wh March. 1B28. juno 23 3mt C. BI.ANDFO!Wi-Clk. NOTICE. fffaOUR month after date application will be made P to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Mon roe county, when sitting tor ordinary- purposes, tor leave to sell all tlm real estate belonging to the estate of IFm.MV. Elder deceased june 20 CATHMUV FI-D r R A->pr NOTICE. . rffXOUR months after date, application will bo made Mj t,. the honorable, the Inferior' court of Jasper county, when sitting fornrdinary purpnsos, for leave 1o sell the rcnl estate of Thomas Cargtlt, !alo OlJM- per county, dec’d, for the* Inwafit °f oft»Ani estate ROBERT GERMANY, . June, 3 1828. Executor. • NOTICE. Tea OUR months after dote application will lie made J* to the honorable the Inferior court of Jasper coun ty, wlii-n sitting for ordinary purposes, for lenve to *e!l the real estaie ot Charles Cargile, •minorJ ." ROBERT GERMANY, Jime, 3 1828. Gupcdian.^ NOTICE. . ’ VNOUR months after date application will bo made l*. to the Hon. Inferior court ot Butts.county, when silting for ordinary purposes, for lenvotp rail the re- ul estate belonging to IVitlinm Wtodu, late of sa u county dcccasea. SAMUEL BELLAII, Admr. may 8 ! 20 ' > • ’» FOUR MONTHS AFTER DATE, PPLICATION will he nnidfi to the honourable gjll the Inferior Court of Monrut county. When sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell jbe REAL ES TATE of Henry Carlton, deceased. y WIWJAM ueaD,.AdmV. . MARY W. CARLTON, Adm’x March 4, 1823 4mt FOUR MONTHS AFTER HATE, To he sold for the benefit of the heirs nod creditors of said decexxed. B roo K S, . inly 14 PASCHAL.BROOKS, jutrators. NOTICE■ JtJ ' ' v, mVARD CAVENAH is a candidate for Door E Keeperof the Houra of Kepfesentativr. at the IraU session of the Legislature. 24 jsiyj ~ . . VAUTiONr ■ IT DO lierebv forewarn all persons, from trading for a S 320 note,’made pnyable t<> Lewis Bush, or bearer, date not recollected! but it will b e duc'Ja nu mry n<'Xt for I am determined not to pay it unless, compelled by law, as it was fraudulently ubtoineffe. ' • Laurens county, July 1828. JOHN OWENS. CAUTION. - - ■ ■ A LL persons are cautioned against cutting y \ o;herwi«e trespassing on lAtlsm IWW thfi 1th district ot Houston county, as the W*JL lb strictly onlorced against ELDEU- Clark county, July 16,1888. 3tp ■ cautioned against, trading, i by me to Janies Bent. iid'in other noti*. due A LL PERSON ! tor n note ot hand giv lev for ninety dollars, to bo paiL the first Ol June last, for which Samuel Cl'.Tv!** failed. Mutts Col Jane 13th. 1»28. ■ 9- ' NO Tie kl.'UlNG'nlir absence frmrt 5!." Mr. Jouv Ab U)'b.Vtt Is authorised tu act . June I. P, JUDoON&Co. From the Ithaca J, urnuL MR. ADAMS*. DEFENCE OF GLN. JalKEoK Tliciois a mixcoaceptioii of tiio.truocluirao tfcrol Uml. Jackson, anboneit prnjudice'u^am-a . •■mi, existing in tho munis of sourepursoiis, which au impartial investigation con tun fail to diasi* putt-. Anxious that oil such doubts should be io» moved, and tiint all -iuo Aniuricans shouidst- m.o tit tiie cause of pnucijdo'ngainst iutrijjun aud coriupuou, with a confidence ilidt they iu« ul the same time yielding tlmir support to tal ents and tmegi iiy, wosiiall occasionally notice uese passing culiimuies whicli the enemies of Oun. Jackson have tmw revived, inng after they have.been iriumpli imly refuted, with th^ ho(Mj th u these leiuaiions may have . escap.d the niefrmiy of some and the observation of o.;^ er». Ot tins class u;e the charges relative to Hie bemmuie tvnr, the invasion ef Florida, tiie extcu ion ot Arhurimoi, and Ambruter, &c. Stc. Aiemn Ilm retailers of-ihose calumnies aware, Hiit the charges were oflWJliBy invosti. «ateu by Congress, through Air, Clay's instro- menialiiy; dui^ im.wi.iisi.uiilmi' A1:» Clay’d. Hjllucuco aitiii cxcttioui njajire<j *ui ual iv.j- Ole report of Ui6comuiatee,yoi that Gen. dark, son was honorably acquitted by an almost u- namrnou, vote ol Congress? Do they not know n u t ; M Ck \°? was #b ^ jotrified aid de- iuimed by Mr. Adams, nnd that this justifies* ion stands upon record us the uin^t able am] iionorable uct ol Mr. Adam’s public life? Ad mitting that Gen. Jackson, in tho emergencies ol Ins irying.snuat.ioii,surrounded by tut inside ous and suvago enemy, with tho cries of the desolate, and the blood of thoir murdered wo men and children,, appealing to him for ven- geance—admit, wesay, that under tlieso cirtaim- a ances, Jte dtd overstep tho bounds of propric- y—can the American besom find ‘for him do excuse, uo palliutioTi!—while tho calculate^ politician wno sits down free from dan-er or tf- iaim. imdconHy «ud deliberately in his closet justifies all ins acts, is taken to ils confidence? t he heated, over zealous partisans, who m go these charges ..gainst Gen. Jackson, seem bUnd to the dilemma In whtth'they place their iavo . J* JtJCkson s gn.lty, Mr. A'duns cannot bo; but the eriuio of the one iuus- by ascribed to impulse, to uocessiiy: wlijj* that oi dje gStf is* tho result of cool and delib- erate depravity 1 The virhgus and enlightened American, however, who would 'rather sympa thize with the friends thus with the enemies of huj couulry, will find no grounds in these trans- aciious, for .he condemnation of either. He will recognize in the conduct of Gen. Jackson, ltie inti.epid wairior, the bruvo and disinterested patriot; und in that of Mi. Adams, iho unprej udiced udvocato of his country’s rights, u.o laiiliful organ ofthe Government and people. VVe have before us the letter of Mr. Adams, then Secretary of Slate,, dated Nov. 28, 1818, ui Mr. Irving minister plenipotentiary to Spa.o con.ummg Ins doieucc of Gen. Jackson’s cot,-' duct, it cotnp!isc3 an interesting history of tho Setuiaole war, and'tljoevents Width follow ed.. VVe shall extract from it as liberally as our present fimits will permit j aud >vo usk the re filers ol Gen., Jackson, and those who ore honestly prejudiced against him to feud there .extracts with attention. “In the month of August, 1814, while a war existed hetwoeu the Uniicd States and Great Ifritaio, to which Spain had formerly declared herself neutral, a British force, not in tho fresh pursuit of a defeated and frying enemy, -not o- yerstepping an imaginary and equivocal boun dary between their own territories, und thoso belonging, in some sort as much to their enemy as to Spain {. hut appioaqliaigiiy seat, and by a broad a'ud open ittcasiun of ilio Spanisli prov ince at a thousand miles, or an ocean’s disfanca Irotii any .Bi’kish teniiory, landed in Florida, took possession of Pensacola, in tiie fori of llarrancak, and invited liy public jiroclanmtions, (Joe. -I.),all tlieTuuaway negtoes, all the sav age Ind'niis, all tlw piru es, and all the'traitors to their couutiy, wiiom they knew, or imagined tt> exist within reach of their summons, to join ,tlmir standard, and wage an extermicating war against the pm tion of the United States imme diately'bordering upon this neutral, and four violated territory of Spaiu. The land com- mantle)' of this British force, was a certain CoL Nichulh, who driven from Pensacola by the approach ui Gen. Jackson, ucte dly left, to be Mown up, the Spanish fort at B.irrnncas, when ho found it could not alford him protection; and evacuating that part of the province, landed at another, established himself on tho Apalachico la river, and .there erected a fort, from which to sally forth with his motley tribe of black, white, and red combatants against lira* defenceless bor ders ofthe United States, in that vicinity. A p rt of this force consisted of colonial marines levied in the British colonics, in which Georgs Woodbine was a Captain, and Robert Christie nmbristor rvas a Licutenani’i For several months after tho ratification «f the.treaty of Ghent, this post was retained. Remonstrances were made to the British.Gov ernment, tiie conduct of Nicholls disavowed, and .'the ' fort eventually abandoned by him. Tins fort however, Mr. A. states, was retain ed by tlpo banditti to whom Nicholls had left it "oi. from-which to commit depredation, outrages, murders, &c. notwithstanding Gen. Jackson, in April 1816, wrote a letter to tiie Governor of Florida, calling upon him to put down this common nuisance to foe peaceable inhabitants of both countries.” “In the year 1317, Alexander Arhuthnot, of tho Island ofNewProvitlenco, a British subject, first appealed as an English trader in Speaixh Fiorida, and as the successor of Colonel Nwb- olls in the employment of instigating -Seraiuolo aud outlawed Red Stick Indians to lio.-iihiic; ntaiust the United Stale*, by reviving the pre tence that they were entitled to ull the lands which -had been ceded fty the Creek nation m iho United States, in August 1814. • * ft I ins infernal instigations be was but too success-