Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, February 07, 1829, Image 1

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Vutatue 3. SATURDAY UVtt.WuYG, F&SKVAUY \S29. PAPEB IS P111I.1HHEU AND EDITED BY “ MYRON BARTLETT. ( is issued weekly from his Printing Office 6n .'i err ii street, a lew rod* above the 1‘oijt Office! a three dollars a year, if paid in advance— ‘uk dollars, if not paid before the end of the Subscribers living at a distance are requir- „!l cases to pay-in advance. DSIIII*. oid III* fri^ud.liip *>f a foul, Kw»t wlien he means lo serve, il K! WdHEUOUSE. jrM'ttfr Subscriber having taken the 5 WAItt'. HUlji-'F. lately octiipi- i'M c,i l ’j Harrison Smith Ksq. tender! feifvvffei hi* serviers to Ids friends and the BSEStvi - nublUiin g-.-nera!. inttie business of Rn- i-ie.8iorin|jnrnl forwarding Colton. lli» personal entiou ivillhe devoted lo alllUosc w ho may favor him 111 “ e,M- JOHN P. BALLARD. September 1‘3. t«B8 if?- AND owmissum Business....Macon. PHILIP cook, • X VYING taken for the approaching season, the large and convenient WARE HOUSE of llnr- .V llodgrrs. . FORGIVENESS. . You must pardon numerous trivial faults hi jour friends, if you would lire well with them, or eveu wllh yourself; no msa Is perfect. 3»af«5a & , MERCHANT TAILORS, A I1E now opening at the Jfnroa Clothing Store, it large assortment of GOODS and CLOTHING, consisting of Super blue, black, brown, olive, claret, drab end thixt London Cloths; super blue, black, brownvclaret, mixt, drub, bull'and white London Caiibteres; super blue, black, brown, olive, drab and greed silk Velvets; it splendid assortsinent of Velvet Vesting and Valencia do; buff anil white Merseillet do; Boudard’s super bluelt Gloves j. Castor do; white do; Buckskin dot linbd do; German, bandanna and flag Handkerchiefs; Italian Indmtn.d'pluid Cravats; white do; Battistedo; Navnrino and Fretfcll Shocks; Stiffeners; Vest aud Pantaloons Springs; white and black silk IIosc; worsted and cotton lintf hose dry 0 silk Umbrellas; Webb’? patent silk and common Suspenders; Bcrgati- ale Shirts I white and bpOwn shirting; Puddings; cot-' tun Flannel; Sattinett; Buttons; sewing Silk and ail kinds 6f Tailor’s Trimmings;, Military Trimmings; gold and silver Epaulettes;-Stars; ,’J'kssels; Cord; belt Plates; Lace; eagle and ball Buttons; worsted wings; tea top Plumes; &c. &c. The above goods re of the best quality and will be sold low-. Heady made clothing. Super blue, brown, olive, mist, claret Frock COATS “ “ “ •• “ ** Dress do ,i .. .< .. .. COATTEE8 PANTALOONS (formerly occupied by Just Stmt ton,) , Cord, Hangup, Bevcrettnnd Satinctt do , above John T. Lamm’s, lenders Ins services to l>| nin , Mri ., et i llf ,d figured silk velvet VESTS Friends aud the Public generally. In the storing, inn or shipping of their Cotton, as may lie desired, front his lung acq'iaintauce ivith many of the Plan- ■s in tills mid the adjacent counties, fie Untters him If to meet with utilieral eucoiiragemciit. Cither himself or Jaubs S. Wexkes may be con- mtly found at tile Ware Unuse. ung Hi 113 WAREHOUSE AND OMMIBSICN BVTSLYUSS. "till'. inuie'.-.igiVed having lately erected a large ami emivenienf .\Vnre-tlouse, and u suitable if et this pbiee, leader their services to their ds and the |.o*) ic in tin- nliove lino of buisiiess, assurance? that n'ny business confided to their wiil receive si net 'attention, and their ties! ex ons w ill be used to give general salisfarliou-to cut* r«. The Vw!V-llou-<). being new. safe and coin- inas. siluoled near Me. Jo!in\T. land's und below Mr. TimiBifs P. lb,ml’s, on wharf street, nr the river, are vi-iy conveniently arranged for the iction of business, liny will lie fully prepared to nccomttfidnte their cys- -rs. in adragres on IIbltun stored with ll’vlt'l, ei- in C.isb Groceries at tin- lowest linn ’.et pri- Th-.ii charges'mill tie ns low ns-niv similar es- ;!i:n. ut in tills place. A »l are of the pujiic pa- i« respectful!*’ *Ij1 : .e:!ed., JIUNROE & Co. . Bacon, August 23, 1823 84-tf. striped and figured Cloth ami Casimere do Pluiu, Florentine and striped do Fancy silk do Valencia and Merscilics da l-'ii e Uni - and Cotton Shirts Blenched and unbleached Shifts Short Jackets and 'Browsers l’en Jackets and Monkey da Over Coats and Great Coats Fine Flannel and Colton Drawers Cuttoii Flannel and Swnusdown do 100 Gentlemen aud Ladies’ Camblct and Plaid CLOAKS, &c. &c. .. TAILORING, Carried on as usual in all its various brandies. _ Hav- ingtbe lateslNew York Fushious, and the best of work men, our work shall not tie inferior to any. We soli cittbc patronage of our former friends und the public generally. N. B. On hand un elegant one ho te BAROUC11 CARRIAGE and one horse WAGGON, which will be sold low for Cash—also, a SIDE BOARD Macon, October 23, IdiS. WIT. Wiintore naturally seats itself in satin and Censure, than in praise end peuefyrlc. „ .JVmyjlier /» A Rfcmwfy for Hvivd Times V l * $5000 to be disposed of for $5. W HOEVER wishes, now lias the opportunity of obtaining it ujr applying to the Agents of the MACON MASONIC HAIL LOTTERY. HIGHEST PRIZE, a RS.OESSb o - @5000 ft 1500 $500 @000 •gfllliO fftoo $1000 ititWO f'900 Much less than two Blanks |f < Tickets $5—Ilalrts @2,50— Quarters $1,25. Commissioners, appointed by the state of Georgia, John T. Rowland. Win. J. Diuiellv, H. G. Lamar, T< King, K. Stone, D. Ralston, A. il. Freeman. E, \V. Wright, and R. Birdsong. The following persons nre appointed Agents in Ma- yon for the sale of Tickets : J. Freeman (f Co. lints, Inn !e Jones, llbst St Slade, Edw. IV. lVrigld, Stone Sf Coil, Leri F.cUey. Persons wishing lo purchase Tickets by the quantity, for sale, can obtain them at a reasonable discount by applying to the Secretary. . Prize Tickets in the Qieem* & Pulaski Alonumen Loiter;’:of Savannah received in payment. Ofders, post paid, enclosing.the Cash, will bepromp- ly attended to oy the Secretary, or any of the above named Agents. N. BARKER, Nuv ID Secretary to the Commissioners.- .Vi \S«VO.Y V5VSUY \LSS IN DARIEN; ■nllF. st^i.ertiburs rcspsctfullv temlor tls^ir ^ uc»ii> t*» the Kw*t..ivin^«iul JWwuidiii^; 'liuods I IV.hUuh—uni} Ic Whaii’iimJ Stove lomii, together l\ sxsveivl c*xpftficncc in (lie l««ihines*a^ nifd « niv locution in tin* jiluco—will them to give • g^eataxt fiiciulii’S mid strictest Alloiitimi to lue iu- ♦*tt oftiniiv ., Am '.7.:u If V.VFH iV MtTrm i.Id. Hoarding house. [HIE K-ib-eriber bavin* taken that large ami com- e,n . ,i nii-jus ifoilse m the Corner of Vv’nhiiit und h! Struets, known ns the YELLOW HOUSE, re- •I'uiiy solicits the |ittroi«iee tit her friends nod l iiliie in giMenil, she ii-'|ire|iared to Miteriaiii and private I'nn iliTS ii a genteiyl manner, iag the nsMsi.nice of Mr e.ini airs. UIVIVS, she i-'tly ho; es to receive a share of public patronage. Ihilieis lieitei! in r tiiurgex K ill be suflicient- a.omhii in i a nos A customer to enlitlie second ’t hi-ie-isi. Sii.lni uml t’nringc House attached ■ lot i|'in! hi unv in the plar.n, with a goy'd And -iii't.cea t.'sJcr. ' U'CLVDA EUID. •en-i ■!• iiiary 7, IS.11- 2 Mu o n liOTJ'.L The undersigned having taken the a hove Estabiishment,' recently occupied liy T. Ui-ueii, Esq. is now pre-par*d inac- _’ r . cm imoilate BOARDERS and TUAV- Uli S in tile lunsl genteel Und cuniioitable nnn- • mnl solicits the patfotinge of Ills Friends mu! the be. JUftfi M. SlfEELMAN. Moan. Pr.'. rwmt 151.4, ibis’. 7 LX KAU/lTh MMaL. - !'\ The snlijerilier having taken the above ■ •;•>'!*£. JataWi.diment. lesnecttnliy iilinrnis bis •V't'vp iiieniis, niui I'li- pabiic.itigciii.riil. that il i, , ,, ,l„_ ii,,. p-ParFSN a WELCH ON CHERRY STREET, Have just received, per bouts Monroe aud A(icl, C lllids St Croix Sugar (i do Orleans do 20 lings Cnffi-e 100 bids Whiskey 50 bbis N Gin ]0 do Portland Rum 25 do Potatoes fi Mills Molasses f» bbls old Pencil Brandy 5 do old Apple Brandy 40 kegs Nails '> ±* . pieces Cotton Bagging lO.Oihl lbs SwedcVlRON, froml 1-4 to S inches wide 150 bbUFLOtMLdirect from Baltimore,ofasupc- lief quality, which they will sell low for cash. —ON HAND— 300 bushels Liverpool SALT ICO bbls’ Jkftiuongalihla Whiskey, 8th- and Dili nriiVif yf pi;..^lioliand GIN. 3 jan 17 \- iOUA* \A W\CK, WS I'SPF.CTFULI.Y informs bis former Friends Ay, and customers, tlmt he ti,ay be found at his old s'ln, !, on Mulberry street, for n few Weeks otily, mid n-Tpiesisa! 1 thb’e indebted or having unsettled accounts with him. to give cn’iy utlai'-tiuii. Me has on hand the loilow mg GOODS, which he oflers low for cask; via. . Cognac Brandy, Jamaica Rum' . i New’ Rum, Gin, Whiskey. Sugar, Coffee . Molasses, Pepper, Spice,' Cheese and !SaIt • lfnts. Boots end Shoot, Saddles, Bridles, fvr.. lie also oilers the following Tronferty for sale, cith er for cash, or in exchange for move-aide Property,viz; M A LOT in tile Town' of Macon, on which there is u comfortable two story Dwelling House, Kitchen mid Carriage House, end also a small Dwelling,* one story high—the whole is ‘.veil calculated for the accommodation of a genteel family. Alsit. Lot No. MS in the loth Muscogee, now.Tal bot county, is 1st quality onk nud hickory Laud, end lies about two miles from the court house. . No. >15 In the 14th Monroe, 1st quality oak raid hick ory, oi; wliicli there is about 50 acies of cleared land. No. 118'in the Pith Houston No. the bill Troup, 1st quo!, oak anti hickory No. till Kith of Lee No. 170 3d of I wo No. ltitl 2tth of I me • No. 159 loth of Dooly. ■ ; .■ T ■f 4w ,4/f/rtm. Jan. 22,182i). I.t tin li'l'al tlnil ni l-i.inps 1 wail ’.I-.- t.rsl l.iau- iwUibicMsli.i'. f’lists'i-ABLE ntlid t-i. I-ii-iii tae nUeiition . il l. ; ;k<>?p )*■!•> n.i.y tmr.rhiio r i,nie -ami naieeiibie,' in- I> pi> l -d-i ; litvoiiage. A>KiU\VLTi!£ll. 11,13^8* & tbilVLOX HOTEL The sufiserihiSr having, retaken the a- • Itove Esbildishmeut,formerlyocciiriiedby' jSJd hhoseUVapd latterly liy John W. Blown, eJMw® ( Esq. resp. u'li'ully tuned* the pgtiomige of i,i- ... IL Fri..ids nnd the Puhlit'.sssurbigthem, lll> J “hie i* ill he furuished with the best this sec- lr*he country uflords-, bis Bar with the choicest I'll ■ S; a good and attentive Ostler; .and ’(shies r . i ,r **vidcd with Provender. And if unlimited at- puna, with modulate charges, are sufficient induce- guts, 1 txpetfol least my .hare of public favor. ». . JOHN C. MANGHAM. Qi’ihn, PiIt epniitil. SrpL)>ffl. . . ^ caj isi I* iiti o Ilbds ami 25 bbls. St Croii Sugar, lump sad loaf^ugur, 4,) bids Cotl'ce, 30 bbls VVhiskey, | in no. Morgan's Gin, 10 do. new Ruift', 4th probfJamul- ca Uuhi, do Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin—Port,Tene- 1 1i-.f Cnr.nry und innlnga Wines—Lamps-,and InntpOil, 1 li J/liis apple V im-gar, 100 ns. cotton Bagging—6 tons | swec.t's Lqn, oiie bundle German steel, 50 kegs cut > Nails, tOilj. Brads. 5 kegs wrought Nails, 20 kegs Do i pout Powdei*, Flint and Lead, hlioxes bar Soap, 3 do. sperm l'audUs—Ginger, Pepper, Spice, Nutmegs, In digo, Eugi'Hi Mustard, 40JMMI Spanish Segais, 10,000 Ainu lean (In.—4 kegs ami 2 boxes Tobacco. - Tbu above goods, togethvr with our former stock, comprises a general assortment, aud will be sold clicup for cashier approved papei “ lIUNGERFORDS | tat soc-vk or lux roiat lioisi II Tils, tow a o»- , POKSYIII, Li A. ^IlE Huliscrili -i* Inis inf tuken this desirable stand ; fern House of Pubt.c Entertainment, have cn- ™ Upon the lialiea incumbent on them lu inoprie- ■ aud arc delerniincd to sustain, and add »t pos*i. by mure nshi'b.ous attention to the .good icpnln- v I iVi I 8 * 1 b’Hiso liaskerelnforo obtuilied The Ikbllshment being in enmplcte order, they feel r-'vt. waiisiiled in suyliig they Van accorilmo* ■*' rrarellers, lioa'ideis and .Families ill a stylo find to any htmse in laeug-couniry. No expense will •hey ran addtu the InqirnTemeuI I tne Unuse, Table or liar, and strict allentlun w ill ■[■inatothc Stables tin*! to Horse teftln their charge. \ ’ Ji MILNER « Go. [nrsylh, November 15.1F23 3ni-4« Vuisliiiifrloil Hotel. The subscriber having taken the alinvc House, formerly kejtt by RiclianJ Mor gun. I’.sq. on Broad street, in Perry, Hour ton County, Georgia, is pre|iared to ac- kmodate BOARDllKS and TRAVELLERS in Pvcl and comfortablt slylt. . ixrth 10 • P. ^LTYLir. ’TlS 1IOME WHERE’ER THE HEART Id rnosi the winter’s wreath. 'Tis Home where'er the heart is j . Where’ei*it» loved ones dwell, In cities or in eoltages, Thronged haunts or mossy dellf The heart's a rover ever, ■ • Aud thus on wave and wild, The maiden with her lover walks, The mother with her child. 'Tis bright where’er the heart 1st / Its fairy spells can bring Fresh' fountuius to the wilderness, And lo the desert—spring. There are green isles in each ocean, O’er which nllection glides; And a haven mi each shore, ,, ’ When Love’s the alar that guides, ’Tis free where’er the heart is;, Nor chains, nor dungeon dim, May check the mind’s aspiriugs, . The spirits pealing hymn! The heart gives life its beauty, Its glory and its power,—, ‘Tis sunlight to its rippling stream’, And suit dew to its flower. 1 P. J UPSON S; CO. H AVE just received aud nre now opening at the New Clothing Store and Hat Ware' Home, on Mulberry Street, Macon, a superb assortment ot CLO THING und ilATd, consisting in pbrt of Super blue, black, brown, olive, claret, green and mixt Dress Coals, Frock Coats aud Coatees Steel uiixl und drab Over Coats “ •• Great Couts Short Jackets and l’en Jackets Super bine, black, drab, blue and black mixt double milled Cussimerc und Clotb Tanlalouns SutlincU und UeHverctt Pantaloons Drub, brown Hud narrow curd do Grec-u nud olive narrow cord do Super blue, black, drab and mixt Clotir and Cassimerc • Vests Plain, striped and cut blue and black silk velvet Vests Black and luncy silk Vests A variety of Florentine, Valentia aud Merseiiles Vests Plain andruffie fine Linen Skirts '• “ ?• Cotton do Bleached and unbleached do do Fine Flannel and Cotton Drawers . .: i ' 150 (jentlcmcn’sand Ladies’ Cpinblct arid Flaia Clonks A variety Hoseiry,liundkcreliieis,Crev’ut»,suspenders gioves, sioc-kt,slilfene-rs, springs for vests, Ac. Ac. -.sam' An extensive asortment of fnsbjonable Black and Drub Beaver Hats Fine and course Castor Huts Fine and common Roruiu lints , A-general assortment of Youths’ and Childi «n’s Hats, Wool Hats Men’s fur aud hair Seal Caps; Men’s Cloth Caps Children’s Cliiuuhelto, Cloth ar.d hail- Seal Caps, &c. Ac. All of w hich are otTered at reducea prices for Cash. , ID” A.liberal price in Cash will be paid for Iteaver, Otter sod Slink Furs. -, Nov 17 tr.OU THE NEW HONTULV MAGAZINE. LOVE. (Tis sweet to eye The cloudless sky. When the stars are brightly beaming— And sweat to gaze On the rosy .rays Of the sun in the morn first gleaming. And sweet’s the hour When music's power, SoR o'er the senses stealing, , Holds benv’nly reign, And its silken chain Throws o’er eucb raptur’d feeling. But yet more sweet, The responsive beat, * Of love’s twin hearts against each other; When nought repels Thyir.wisltul'swellS, Or bids the sparkling flume to smother. JHSOEKIAN^. . aYYW UQODS. HUNGERFORPS Sf STODDARD, H AVE received their Fall and Winter supply and now nlfer for sale a general assortment of sea sonable DRY GOODS. &c. the following in part: Duffle, psu and poinf Blankets; fine bluu, black and olive Cloths; Line und steel mixt Satinets; white, green and red Finnnels; Salisbury Flannel; Bomba zines and llomlmzetles. Also, a very general assort* ment of /asbionnhle FANCY GOODS; Silks; Mus lins; Laces; liilihons: l.egh'rirtt Bonnets; shell Combs; Ac. Ac. Gentlemen’s Plaid und camlet Cloaks’, La dies'Plaid and camlet Clonks. Fine blue and olive Frock Coals “ “ •• Dress Coats *• stcel-mixt and olive Coattees '* clotft and satinet Pantaloons Silk velvet ami Valentia Vests; 200 coarse wool len Jackets and Pantaloons; 6 cases Beaver and cas tor Hats; leases boys'. Iter vor and castor Hats; 0 'cases men’s and boys r wool lints; 15 cases anil tranks Shoes', all qualities; 2 cases fine Boots; i rases cotton and wool Cards: 100 sides sole and black upper I^ath tr: 4 dozen calf Skins; Morocco and lining Skins,as sorted colors; 3 cases ineu’t and women’s. Saddles; <50000 Spanish Segnrs; 10 casks Goshen Cheese. Al so an assortment nf Hardware andCrockery; 500 lbs. new- Feathers; Almanacs for 1829, by the gross. Novcinlu-r 24 47 apt 27 I A STODDARD. GARDEN SEEDS. YNUST received at the store of ELLIS, SHOT- <U »V ELL & Co. a large assortuieul ef Shaker Gar den Seeds, oi a superior quality. Among them are Long Cucumber Prickly, Early June Peas " Hat i White Marrowfat do Early Ci.’nrlton do Strawberry dwarf do Dwarf Marrowfat do. Early red ey’d Bean/ Wlulc Crau|>eiry pole do Red Union White do Blood Beet Yellow do Early Turnip do Parsaip Orange Carrot Early stigiir Com Buriy York Cabling© Drumhead do' Savoy do' Red . do Scarlet Radish • ’I'urnip do Salmon Bar!* Cucumber do Dnleh’sumtoer Squash Cmukueck do Winter do Iceheud Lettuce Imperial do Cabbage head do Sidl'd Celery Curled Paisley Eago Asjuragui I Irek Flat Turnip F.;ua»li Pepper Vegetulile Oyster llMglisli Sorrel- GRASS SEEDS. White Clover Herds Grass Lucerne Mitlil 4 jnn 17 \)vug;s, MuiVvcim's, &6. ft A fjenefal As-ortn»eiit of well selected and Grumbie DllCGS aid MI'D ICJXl.S, with Iasti-nmeoU of vnriotis kim^.suitable for Physicians, Familiis Or Rytsilenir- 'Just received 9iid for sale at SavanBabdr 1 Aiigusta prices, by*' ■ V. ’m. ELLIS, SHOTWELL A Co-V Also—a large stock of Paints, OiJs, Glsisp Dye- woods Dye-stulD, jVuils, Tacks, L’aslipg;, Ac in quan- tic* tu iuiTpilrchaiepi' 'T jml ON THE roaXER ItWVTIIC DKUO ST OKI OV El.t.lS, SHOT- WRt.l. A CO. MULRKRRV STRKIT. STACOX, OCQROIA, > f lASH DE AI.F.R In the following descriptions of > GOODS’ vl*: GBOOMRIES. HATS, . STAPLE DRY GOODS, BONNETS, SHOES, CROCKERY, BOOTS, , . HARDWARE, SABpLEUY, CUTLERY. Thankful for past favors, lirgs leave to inform bis friends amt.the pnbllc..tbM he hns just received end ! now offers for sale, at the lowest mark et prices, a gen eral assortment of the above articles, together with a few FANCY DRY GOODS, which with those prevb busly on band, makes bis stock large aud' the as Hut ment very.Complete. Feellng’the utmost confidence In belngable to supply liisciwtoiners with Goods nlaxlow prices nslhev can lie bought In the market, and to make It to.the Interexl of planters and merchants in Ihls section of the conn- try. who buy' for ea*h, to make their purchases here, instead of going farther. He respectful!/ solicits their calls as well ns those of the. citizens of Macon, and confidently aspects a liberal,share of business. On hand a large supply of Liverpob! rround and HI. IflieiSAl.T. , October. 6-42 MOTION OF ANIMALS. .Animal moduli is wonderful, though from'its perpetually meeting tlm oye, we take iiuie ac count of it. Thu IMmlus (a shell lisli) (he power pf perforating tlm hardest marble by means of a fleshy substance, apparently no way s uited to so laborious*, an employment. It iu- ci eases its cell as it increases in size ; and con stitutes a perfect example of the first rudiments of uuimal motion. The (inly impulse uu oys ter possesses, orises out of its power of opening and shutting its shell. The muscle moves liy menus of a' muscular substance, resembling n *tgii'gue< Thu crab moves sideways,'and the Vtiier-fly swims upon .its buck. _ Tfio serpent miilutaiek, apd the lioir-aut moves backwards: it has' no power to make the smallest inclination forwards* Marine birds can wajli, run, fly, alid swim. Sortio unimals cub only walk, others oply gallop; the horse performs all these mo tions, The tiger und the crocodile dart; tho reiu-deer runs, but never gallops; tho armadil lo walks swiftly, but can neither run'her leap ; while the grout unt-eater climbs much better than it cup walk. Tke sloth is a largo animal, and yet can tiavol only fifty paces a day; uu elk Will run a mile ami a half insevep minutes; an antelope a mile in a minute ; the wild mule of Tartary has a speed even greater than that. An eaglo cun fly 18 leagues in an hour: and u canary falcon can even reach > 250 leagues in tho short space of 16 hours, Mitn has tlm pow er of imitatiug almost, every motion but that of flight. To effect these, he has iu maturity hikI health 60 bones io his legs nnd thighs. 62 m his arms nnd hands, 60 in his head, and 67 in his trunk. lie. has also 534 muscles in tho struc ture of his bodymid his heart has 3,346 pul sations in ihd space of an' liouh. < I .. • llu Jet's Harmonies qf Nature. Rad Affair.—Miss Judith Tougliennugh a respectable maiden lady, in the towu of _Tew- keslmryon Thursday morning, in climbing a shelf in the cellar closet, for tho purpose of ex-' uminiiig (be condition ot her favotito plant, the B.iclmlui’s Button, nnd to ascertain , ftlwulter it had survived tjie recent frosts, unfortunately mado u false step, und was precipitated, head foremost, into n barrel of soft soup, -which laid been carelessly left uncovered. Her loilg ab sence caused some . alarm,' and the : family on searching for her, found 1 Iter. f« ct nnd uncles protruding from the barrel, while not n clo of her body, could l e seen.' Her situation was truly peculiar. She whs drawn forth, nnd in o few minutes discovered- symptoms of life, by liurling a pot lid at the head of . poor Susan, the cook, for leaving tho barrel uncovered. Boston Paper. Rgg*‘—i\ eMi-tU.-i di'Umiev* i'„tux rtc; in Iti. bnalLe-qL &' ‘ PCcserved. All that i. ihurt uSk\ ^t'cn' r,H "» d *»»«£ wh' wav - Wirt » li^; T '1’hrntu . ke . ,,l ° I,n . ,p Water is as follows .... , ,D '° J? vessel 40filelnin?r betwr- twenty and thirty pints of water, five or - r„ n » U ]P k ,!mP ’•'» well several tiin" then let tho lime precipitate itself, and nnu- - U he. witer, which is perfnrtlv limpid, sltKoqoJ-. ¥ ■ has dissolved a portion of the lime. Thi« • ‘ the water to lie used. To make *u*e of its h- mg rT'rated with • tlm 4 ltmo. after haying fill, the meal contamms’ the eggs until die water . about Ihrep inches pbove them, dust a sma.i quantity of quick lime, and close the bocal. A Wres/linij Match.—X man hitelv unde took to wiestle with a half pim of Brandy,- • ,rst * ' ,B took Brandy dorm, with great e'n«- but the day was won liy Br.mdv, who tobk Iv ^ antagonist dhwn, and held him for the space of three hours] when jio suffered him to rjse. Berkshire Americaiu , The land we live in—An Irishman in ’ Franco drinking with some company, one n ’ them proposeol tho toast, ‘The land we livo sn.'. ’ ‘A ve. with all my soul, my dear, 1 said IP it, ‘hero’s poor old Ireland.’ Fan- Rands.—A gentleman on Horseback finding himself ot a spot where four raids met.’ nuked a countryman who was working on one o< them, where it run to. Clodpole raising him ;. self from his Stooping posture, scratching lit'" * bond, replied with w ‘ grin, *1. doesn’t-knew where it Hns to Zur, but wo finds It herb bvety morning.’ * - Hooped Petticoats name again.—The N.; Y, Commercial Advertiser says (fie hoops hive actually come, giving-to the fair damsels tho fig ure of n Dutch churn. Some of the ladies wht»i ' nppeared.b the streets with hoops, caused so, much wonder and rperriment among the boys,V tint they wete obliged to fly . into strangers bouses for refugee if— t A* • ,* An Ohio paper lately, comsfinod an- esseW “On Flattery,’’ by a lady, “signed J> A. AV,’’ quite appropriate. MERCER'S CLUSTERS ', Atm ' ' METHODIST HYMNS, J UST rcccitnd sod for sola by. .-’ tv' 4 11UNGi'.RFORDSSTODDARD. December I . . , t • ON CONSIGNMENT. , f UST received and for. sate ut unusual low prices forCnsli, •’ ■***.' jjf, 49 iturrets St. Croii Sflgur 6p barrels WuV»'cy 9 Midi ' <t “ 20 GoV.Y 2 . *’*'.-New OrRans *t .1 25 biurx Coffee fl barrels “ • 1 “ 17 hbds Stolssiea ‘ 10 hlids Whiskey i - ^v ■ By '.-A, GILUS A. CO. ‘ kReon, RttmtbtrZUh, 1^9 AS Lord Mansfield and a Jeir.—'Nlr. Abraham,’ said Lord Mansfield, ‘this is vour *60, und cau- nbt go iu the same bad bond.’ . ‘Ho islt inUtny son thy lord,’ ‘Why, Abraham, bote ure twenty in court will prove it.’ ‘I will show nly Lord; he. islt not;! ‘Take. care Abraham, oft will send you to tbu King’s Bench.’ ‘Now, my lord, if your Lordship pleases, I will tell you the truth.’ ‘Well, I sbtdl be glad to hear the' truth fronta Jew.’ ‘My Imrd, l- wash in AnisiprdanVtwo years and three quarters; when I canto home, I findlsh this lad; now the luV obliges me to tftainmin him ; and consequent ly, my lord, he ixtliut my ton-v.-law.' .‘ Well,,’ rejuihed Cord Mansfield, ‘this is the best definition of a sun-iu-/uie I ever beard.’ The real Bologna Sausages nre m ale of the flesh of Asscx, Those'made iu - tbjj country are chiefly of beef. Elsie Whipple,/nhose husband shot in Albany, two or tlireo years since by Strang, her paramour, and who came ue tr being hung with iiitn, was recently mar.ried in New Rrupswick, N. J. te a Air. ■N.-ytiianiel Freeman, They .weru once acboohmatus in that place. Royal iutfmr.—Louis Bonaparte,the forrtio>- much rr-greted and estimable Kihg of Holland ■ has ptihlished ii reply to SiriWillter Scytt, uporf- his L’fe pf Napoleon. It excites milch sen sation in i\ms. Progress of the Arts.—Messrs. Rattin <5x, Co. of Furis, Jmye employed p method of pre paring eloth so’ as,to he perfbctly impermeable, to water, iudijt rubber is dissolved by a peem;. liar process and.applied in a thin coattlpon the, sttrfnro of tho clotli, another cloth similarly pro* t pared is placed upon tho first, and tho two nru; subjected to ji strong prexsqrq, which unites . them porfec.tly, and a suhatnnro is t)mx ptopiii - . od completely water tight.. Mow). Ratlin Co. with iltis.mtiteciai olTer to furnish beds 'ay. light nnd,portable, that a man may carrty If,- bed and beddiiig in tbe crown of his ha!, mid pm- • the pillow's ntnl bolstors in hix voM pockl't. A- small ritbo with it stop cock by which’' thi hr i and pillows nru inflated,' completes the establish-/ men?. Us impprtntrce for ten:s, t water prom jackets, ho'tjes, portnhlo ,canot*9 f 'dcc. is von -; obvious. AVho can.say, indeed, whether in'-; time we may not have an entiro India Rubber Navy. ’ . . Great Curiosity.—Mr,. Cosnnr M'ller, b/ Diyden, has deposited et.ouroffiro, u hair JneHJ which was found in tin stqmach of a faded ho,: two year old.. The hall is un oval round, ftf l-i. by 14 inches in circumference, ‘nod weight a:, present, in its dried state, 13 dunces. ' It ti'rjSit- ularly formed, the hairfi ull lurning iD qua "di- rertion,'. There.are cavities,!;or indoptutldns,/- nt tlie ends, as though mado by tho .fpiiiriir ;s «fa a lathe. The only theory of its furmatidn which is suggested to ns is,4hat hairs' jaWjn.iit-u to the stomach with food, KaVc originally-adner- ed to some glutinous am) indigestible substance, 7 holding its petition in tlm stomach, and teejiv-: big, froip the proctNs of nfiisiicating and -iwhI- lowing food, a regular rotarv motion, now (puts ?' of hair have nrrmimlaied, adding to the. sigrf of the ball with mccbmicnl reculjjriiy and exacN • no«s. x Wo have frequently/seen and rd:uf a, similar balls bidng fouittl iti cattle; but neve;. before of one found in tbestomncbof a fiwioey Tli.e digestive power of thia'animat consid- pre J equal to tho solution of a iirick hat. (N. 1 . ) /. nrrid. .< The Rev. Dr. -Kirkland, late Presldeni m Cambridge University, passed through th.a Ci- - |y on Saturday last, with his lady. .We under stand the Rev.'-gnmlemnn is travelling for tin- ■ benefit of his health, aS well as for thepurpu.M. of adding the fruits of personal observation to')’ his knowledge of the customs and manners cf tho country.” Mobile Register; -. Accompanying the halo of cotton sent t;;* New York from Chaileston, S. Cr in oakr bagging, was a letter written on a shingle. By and by wo may make rio; puddings, of barley . Boston Patriot.' ■ Worth Remembering.—correspondent oi>.> the Mobile Register reconmteqd* a deoqetiasi -t of the roqt of dog-Wood tree incases of tetqiinx . of locked jaw, He saVS il was found »u ado)-- ruble Specific in tlm American army dunne the Revolutionary, when such affectiouj from gun shot wounds were ficqueut. Eighfy-nnb thuHsond three hundred and tiz-" ,’ecn dollars have been i , .(ponded during the cur-, rent political year, u:iou_;ii« publichuilctin^^,5 Wash • gton, ns follows: 00 tiie Capitol- ’ ’ Cjrounds, ^59d)~0 <X>. ; .Feoitywjaj ,52j Ecj^ae'Houses; *2,1&1'4$.