Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1826-1832, February 14, 1829, Image 1

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THUS MACOSf m Volume 3. SATURDAY RVEm-YG, FEBRlfARY U, 1829; K.uuibev 1. Tins PAPER rs PUBLISHED AND EDITED BP T MYRON BARTLETT. It is issued weekly from Ins Printing Office on Afidkerry rtreet, a few rods above the Post Office. Price, three dollars a year, if paid in advance— 9r pour dollars, if not paid before the end of the OB8; INACY. I NarraaraaM of mind it the cmim of ObMiancy, end we dox’t ea- J •Up believe beyond what wo tea. OLP AGE. Old Agt civet good Advice—being bo loager able to gfve bad Example. > . •, JAMES A. RLAJVTOX, LOVE. The pleasure of Love it Loviug: aad we are much happier in u nation we Ifeel.thxnm that we excite. MERC HAST TAILORS; A HE nuW opening at the Martin Clothing More, a ^ lar^assortinent of GOODS and CLOTHfNG, C °Sui'tr»iine, black, brown, olive, claret, drab and niixl London Cloths; super blue, black, browa,claret, .. .» .tinh Imtf mill whitn London t,'n<i!mprp«! simor ON THE CORNER BELOW THE DRUG STORE OF ELLIS, SHOT- WELL & CO. MULBERRY STREET, MACOS, GEORGIA, year. .Subscribers living at a distance are requir- w^.vsH dF. AI.F.R in the following descripUons of id in all cases to pay in advance. V' GOODS’ via; GROCERIES, HATS, STAPLE DRY GOODS, BONNETS, 1 SHOES, CROCKERY, ' BOOTS, HARDWARE, SADDLERY, CUTLERY. Than klul for past favors, begs leave to Inform his ffieAds and the public, that he has just received and now offers for sale, at the lowest market prices, a gen eral assortment of the above articles, together with a few FANCY DRY GOODS,which with those previ ously on hand, makes his stock large ,nd the assort ment very complete. Feeling the utmosteonfidenceinbeingable to supply ] A Henu'd'i fov Havtl Times l \ $5000 to be disposed of for $5. HOKVER wishes, now has the opportunity of hbtaining it by applying to the Agents of the MACON MASONIC HALL LOTTERi. HIGHEST PRIZE, W nixt, dial), bull'and while London Casimeres; super’ hiseustomcrs with Goods at as low prices asthey can be llut. Mack,brown,olive, drub aridgrfcen silk Velvets; j bought in the market, and to make it to the interest i splendid assortsmerit ofVelvet Vesting and Valencia | of planters, and merchants In this section ol the coun- in; bntf and white Merseilles do; Boudard’s super | try, who buy forensh. to make their pififcbnses here, jlack (iloves; Castor do; white do; Bdckskin do;: instead of going farther. He Respectfully solicits their jued do; German, bandanna and flag Handkerchiefs; calls as well as those of the citizens of Macon, and (alien India and plaid Cravats; white do ;■ Battiste do; confidently expects a liberal share of business. Vavaiino and French Stocks; Stiffeners; Vest and | On hand a large supply of Liverpool ground and St. Pantaloons Springs; white and black silk .Hose; ; Uhe*SALT. October(5-42 versted and cotton half hose do; silk Umbrellas; ; - iVcM.’s patent silk ami common Suspenders; Bcrgau-1 CrOOSS *ic Shirts; white and brown shirting; Paddings; cot- j M toil Flannel; Sattiiiett; Buttons; sewing Silk andaU ! ”• JLDSON CO. kinds ot Tailor’s Trimmings; Military Trimmings;; JLjJAVK just received find are now opening at the From the United.Stales’ Telegraph. ON THE^ DEATH OF MRS. JACKSON. She is gone! and the Seraphs of endless life, Have sung her welcome to the shore Where tears arc dried, and care, and strife, And sorrow’s pangs, are known no more! She has pass’d to the realms where her gentle heart Shall rest hi peace, and free frnm’paiit— Far frmn the reach of the venom’d dart, By wretched malice thrown in vain. She lived but the victor shout to hear, O’er Ihnd and sea go boldly forth! She died—in all she held so pear— Unsullied name—unspotted worth! $20,000 itary Trimmings; | »jj a v r. jus, receiveo ana are now opening at tne "000 TICKETS cold and silver Epaulettes; Stars; Tassels; Cord; i JEX New Clothing More anrl Hat Ware Home, on ~ v ~“ • , ' „ . * “ It Plates; face; eagle and ball Buttons;. Worsted I Mulberry street, Macon, a superb assortment of CLO- Much less tban two Blanks to a Prize. j,.,.’; red top Plumes, &c. &c. The above goods ! THING and IIATS, consisting in part of 7 icktts ^.r—llalces^§2,50— Quarters $1,25. ; ortho best quality and will he sold low. Super blue, black, brown, olive, claret, green, and Commissioners, appointed by the state of Georgia, mixt Dress Coats, Frock Coats and Coatees John T. Rowland, Wo. J. Uanelly, II. G. Lamar, T. Steel mixt and drab Oyjer Coats King, S. Stone, D. Ralston, A. It. Freeman, E. \V. •• “ “ Grea; Coats j Wright, and R. Birdsong. Short Jackets ar,d Pea Jackets I The following persons are appointed Agents in Ma- Super blue, black, draty, blue and black mixt double I eon for the sale ot Tickets: J. Freeman It Co. Rats- milled Cassimere and Cloth Pantaloons , ton Sf Jones, Rose ft Slade, Fjiw. W. Wright, Stone Sf Sattinett and Ueaverett Pantaloons ’ Coif, Levi Eckley. Drab, brown and narrow cord do | Persons wishing to purchase Tickets by the quantity, Green and olive narrow cord do for sale, can obtain them at a reasonable discount by Super blue, black, drab and mixt Cloth and Cassimere applyingjlo the Secretary. Vests ‘ ‘ ' quality READY MADE CLOTHING. Super blue, brown,afHve, mixt. claret Frock COATS Dress do ■ COATTEES PANTALOONS Cord, Bangup. Beverett and Satinett do Plain, striped mid ligui'ed silk velvet V ESI 8 Cloth ai d Casimere do Plain Florentine and striped do Fancy silk do Valencia and Merseilles do Fine Linen Rnd Cotton Shirts Blenched and unbleached Shirts Short Jackets mid Trou sers Pea Jackets and .Monkey do ■Over Coats and Great Coats Fine Flannel and Colton Drawers Cotton Flannel and Swansdown do lUi) Gentlemen* and Ladies’ Cambist and Plaid CLOAKS, &c. &c. TAILORING, Carried on ns usual in all its various branches. Hav ing .in IntestNew York Fashions, and the best of work- n, cur work *.10111 not bo inferior to any. We soli cit the patronage of our former friends and the public nerally. N. B. On hand an elegant one horse BAROUCH CARRIAGE and one horse WAGGON, which will be sold low for Cash—also, a SIDE BOARD. .Macon, October 23,1(128.* JOU.Y V>. WICK, E8PECTFULLY informs his former Friends JLtb mid customers, that he may bo found at his old s'uiid* on Mulberrl)street, for a few weeks only, and requests al I those indebted or having unsettled accounts with Imp, to.give early attention. He has on hand tlo following GOODS, which he offers low for cash: Plain, striped and cut blue and black silk velvet Vests. Black and fancy silk Vests A variety of Florentine, Valentia and Merseilles Vests Plain and rutile fine Linen Shirts Cotton do JBleached and unbleached do do Fine Flannel and Cotton Drawers 160 Geptlenjen’sand Ladies’ Cuinbletand Plaid Cloaks A variety Hoseiry,Handkerchiefs,Cravats,suspenders gloves, stocks, stiffeners, springs for vests, &c. &c. HA'&S. An extensive asortment of fashionable Black and Drab Beaver Hats Fine and coarse Castor Hats Fine and common ltoram Hats A general assortment of Youths’ and Children’s Huts, Wool Hats Men's fur and hair Seal Caps; Men's Cloth Caps Children’s Chincliello, Cloth and hair Seat Cans, &c. &c. All of which, are offered at reduced prices for Cash "CognnoJlrandy, Jamaica Ram New Umn, Gin, Whiskey. Sugar, Coffee Molasses, Pepper, Spice, Cheese and Salt llats. Hoots and Shoes, Saddles, Bridles, &a. He also offers the following Property for sale, eith «r tor cash, or in exchange for moveable Property, vizi - i. A LOT in the Town of Macon, on f ~7,which tbenfis a comfortable ,two story rWtSI Dwelling House,.Kitchen and Carriage *tf£TiJ& ; '£a. House, uud also n small Dwelling, one stoiyhigh—Hie whole is well calculated fe !hp aee.ommodatlon of n genteel family. Also. Lot No l ~H in the Itith Muscogee, now Tal lint comity, is 1st quality oiik hnd hickory Land, and Hi * ili.iiit Ivvn miles from the court house. No. J.'s in the Mill .Monroe, Is! quality oak andtiick nr; . ,.u which ’lo r,* is about 59 suae* of cleared land. No. lift in ills- tC.ih Honsloii r o. vSi In Hie l.Hi Troupt 1st quail oak midJnckory K. . 't ii K>th of Iree No. n-9 3d of Lee No. o il 2 ,tli of Leo No. K !l 16th of Dooly. , „ 4 4i» Kaeon.Jhsn. 22,1829. rVfAY CiUOViS. nrscERvonDs & stgddard; F j] AVI! receiv. d tl' Fall mid Winter supply and .U now nIJhr for s.n i, general assortment often. 8G"-,klc DRY tSOsVjiS, ike. tlie following in part: P’-BI- i.'So and point IttunkelS; fine blue, black *'"■ olive Chubs; blue and stcrlmiit Satinets; white, ' i. ’id red Flannels; Salisbury f’lannel; Bomba. end, iioirtln.^etU'S. Also, a vRry genrml itssoit- -1 of la’Aiionaide FANCY GOODS; Silks; Mus. • '•cc:; tiMions: J .eg born Bonnets; shell Combs; o r.c ■ ..nio mou’s plpWabd camlet Cloaks; La. Pi dd and oamlef (’lonkv. .♦ ' Y'.'.u blue and .hive Frock Coats Dress Coats IV',:.t and dllv-> ,, *’ ol ’ti:;i,nd r ath,i:t PnnfHlooits' “id. nd V'ulBiitta Vests; 200 coarsg woof n L si ’,, moj i’n,;•;!(,mgs pli cases Beaver and °r I11 .: 51ms.’s boys’ Beaver and ca-lor Hats; H in on’s and boys’ vvqot lints; lucnsesand trunks ihadih**; 2 east’s line Boots; 4 cases cotton Sl.n,. ■ id we.,! i , r ,| s; I’l’Miijos sole and blaik upper Lentil o ca’.l itliiin'; .Morocco and lining Skins,as- rt,..|,. ice Av-men’s and women's Saddles ea> e|,.-I. .|.|.j; 1J; casks Goshen Cheese,. Al ti'ient >» Hariiu are aiid Cyockery; 600 lbs. ID an a poly Pva’h. i,. Almonuvs for 18®, by the gross. Novem 1 ' •, {el - ’ • ’ ' ; 47 GARDKNSEED fl’ST received at the. store of ELLIS,’ SHOT- •V ELL ik Co. iLl irge i.ssqrinicnt of Shaker Gar • Seeds, of a superior quality. Among them are Eady June Pcds ""■I® Marrowfat do *dy Charlton do in: lET A liberal |irico in Cash will be paid for^Bcnver, Otter and Mink Furs. Vov 17 Prize Tickets in the Greene & Pulaski Monumen Lottery of Savannah received in payment. Orders, post paid, enclosing tbo Co«A, will bepromp- ly attended to by the Secretary, or any of the above named Agents. N. BARKER, Nov Iff V Secretary to the Commissioners. Beaver a\u\ Otter Vuvs Wanted A|>HE highest mark^tjirices will be given iu Cash for the above F.UR8. Apply to Nfcft, a JAMES M- MILN January 3, 1829-1 Auction Store, GOOD SWEET FLOUR, J^OU sale by A. GILL1S & CO. November 22 WANKH /USE rglHE Subscriber having taken the Hlids. ai,d25bbls. St Croix Sugar, lump and loaf Sugar, 40 bills Coffee.30 hhls Whiskey, HI do. Morgan’s Gin, 10 do. new Rum, 4th proof Jamai ca Rum, doCognac Brandy, Holland Gin—Port,Teue- riff Canary, and malaga Wines—Lamps,and lampOil. 6 bids apple Vinegar, 100 ps. cotton Bagging—5 tons svveed’s Iron, one bundle German steel, 50 kegs cut Nails, lOUo, I’mids. 5 kegs wrought Naila. 20 kegs Du pont Powder, Shot and Lend, 6 boxes bar Soap, 3 do. sperm Cat,dli s—Ginger, Pepper, Spice, Nutmegs. In digo, English Mustard, 40,000 Spanish So'gars, 10,000 Aide:icando.—4 kegsand 2 boxes Tobacco. The above goods, together w ith our former stock, comprises a general assortment, and will be Sold cheap for cash or approved paper. DS & sept 27 HUNGERFORI STODDARD. man?T?m. & wei»ce. ON CilKIlRY ZlItXET, Have Just received, per boats Muiiroe and Ariel, 6 Hlids St Croix Sugar ti do Orleans do 20 bags Coffee 100 bbls Whiskey 50 hhls N Gin 10 do Portland Rum 25 do Potatoes 5 hlids Molasses 6 bids old Peach Brandy 5 do old Apple Brandy 40 kegs Nails 76 pieces Cotton Bagging 10,000 lbs Swede’s IRON, from 11-4 to 8 inches wide 150 bhlg FLOUR, direct Irom Baltimore, of a supe rior quality, which they will sell low for cash. —ON HAND— 3<)0 bushels Liverpool'SALT 100 bbls Monongahela 'Whiskey, 6th and 9th proof 1 pipe Holland GIN. 3 jan 17 JUST RECEIVED, Per Red Rover, Emtline'wid other late arrivals 2 Hhds. New OrleankMolasses 2 “ prime Sugar 20 hhls. Whiskey 30 “ N.Giq 20 bags Coffee 10 boxes Spermaceti! -Qaudles, Warranted pure v 8 boxes mould Candles For sale by • JAMES M. MILNER. .—IN STORE— Canal Flour, Potatoes, Mesa Pork No. 1,2, and 3. .Mackerel, Jamaica Rum Macon, 5th February. 1829. tf C 3. FWEEMJUS* & CO. WAltE-HOUSE lately occupl cd by Harrison Smith Esq. tenders his services to hD friends and the public in general, in the business of Re ceiving. Storingand forwarding Cotton. His personal attention willbe devoted to alltkose who may favor him with a call. JOHN P. BALLARD. September 18,1828 , . . . . ~ 38. dnet’ll below teuth proof by. tony urw-sex his ovyn tenantry 1 Away with tho idea. Look, at Boston. Shall they be permitted to s.grp.isi us in preaching, poetry, dancing, .gaiefy, mid fancy balls ? If th^se presumptuous Yankee# don’t know tboro otlrrank, we shall teach tiiem.- What city shall enter into cprnpeiition with Now York in fashion, foolery, philosophy^ or sustain? • Thera was calm and peace in that quiet home; The banquet and song and dance were hear— There were thoughts of long,, long days to come— When the derk knell burst upon our ear! In triumph’s hour the voice came there— It was beard in thft.festal hall— And the garlands they brought to wreath her hair, Now drqop o’er her funeral pall! Accordingly preparations were m ide to elipse tlie now tvorld.and dira the light of >iia It came, like a blight o’erthe blooming earth— . Mysterious, as the doom of Fate; . And vvesaw, at a breath, the joyous 1 hearth, And the happy home, made desolate- Alas! for early youth’s loud dreams, For the ripen’d fruits of after years, , For lldpe’s bright vision, when it seems, To promise aught but grief and tears! And alas! for thee, thou lone one, left With all thy honors on thy brow, Fame, glory, greatness, but Hut bereft Of Her—what are these honors now? Mourn, deeply mourn thou wilt—but yet, A nation’s hopes around thee twine— I dare not hid thee once forget— A nation’s tears shall flow with thinet B. From Knight’s Quarterly Magaeine. TO A GIRL THIRTEEN YEARS OF AGE.’ *’ Thy smiles, tby talk, thy aimless plays, So beautiful approve thee. So winning, light, arc all thy ways, I cannot choose, hut love thee: Thy balmy breath upon my brow ’ Is like the summer air. As o’er my cheek thou leanest now, To plant a soft kiss there. Thy steps are advancing towards the bound ' Between the child and woman; Aiid thoughts and feelings more profound, - And othcryears are coming; And thou shalt he more deeply fair, More precious to the heart; But never canst thou be egain, ‘ 1 That lovely thing thou art ! USE * AND C ommission Business....Macon. PHILIP COOK, WEAVING taken for the approaching season, the OL largo and convenient WARE HOUSE of Har ney It Ruitgrrs, (formerly occupied by Jesse.Stratton,) next above John T. Lamar’s, tenders his services to hfs Friends and the Public generally, in the storing, selling or shipping of their Cotton, as may hb .desired. From his long acquaintance with many of the Plan ters in this and the adjacent counties, he flatters liing self to meet with a liberal encouragement. Either himself or Jamks.S. Wezkes may he con stantly found at the Ware House. ang 16 33 WAREHOUSE COMMISSION BUSINESS. /TjIIE undersigned having lately erected a large Und* convenient Ware-House, and a suitable Wharf at this place, tender their services to their friends nnd the public in the above Imo of buisuess, with assurances that any business confided to their care will receive strict attention, and their best ex ertions will be used to give generahsatisfaction to cus tomers. The Ware-Houses, being new, safe nnd com modious, situated near |Mr. John T. Rowland’s and next below Mr. Thomas P. Bond's, on wharf-street, near the river, are very conveniently arranged for the transaction of business. They will be fully prepared to accommUdnte their cus tomers, in advances on Cotteh stored with them, eh ther in Cash'or in Groceries at the lowest market prh ces. Their charges will be as low as iny similnr es tablishment in this place. A share of the public pa tronuge is respectfully solicited. “ NAPIER, MUNKOE & Co. Mncon.Augnit 23,1828 24-tf. CttMM\SS\OJV BUSINESS , IN DARIEN. PfnHE subscribers respectfully tender their ser- JL vices (o.thc Receiving and Forwarding of Goods andProduce—afhple Wharf and Slorp room, together with several ycan'experieime In the business, nnd a steady location in the place—will enable them to give *1 r<Wberry dwarf do dwarf Marrowfat do j-ai'ly red ey’d Beaus "he Cranberry polo do led Onion F Lite do al'iod Boot • Glow do Early TeViiin do Parsnip Edrange Carrot parly sugar -.'orn Party YurJi Cabbage Pruinliead do do ’ r d . do L c ? r l®t Radish Mniip do , {nlnaoii do , arty Cueiimher Long Cucumber Prickly dp Dutch summer Sqnnih Cr.’okneck ’ ■ do' Winter do Icelieud Lettuce Imperial do . ' Caiilmgr head do Solid Celery Curled Parsley Sago Ar’^siragui Leek Flat Turnip Squash Pepper Vegetable Oyster * English Snrtel GRASS-SEEDS. W’bitu Clover Herds Grata 'Lucerne , Millet .4 jan 57 TiTPAVE just received by Boat Velocity, her entire j ihe gree.lest facilities and ilrictnst attention to the in- iPJL cargo, ■ • - - |W ‘ , consisting of the Allowing articles, viz: V)n\g! s, MeA\c\nes, &.c. A General Assortment of well selected nnd Genuine DRUGS auj MEDICINES,. with Instriimenta of Various kindslauitahle for Physicians, Families or Retailors— Just received and for sale at Savannah or Augusta prices, by P.LLIS. SHOC II lihds. Molasses 15 do Sugar 30 bags Coffee 18# hhls. Whiskey, and Rum bbls. Irish Potatoes Gin 20 bbls. Flour 1200(1 lbs. Swede's Iron 4000 do Grindstones b half Mils, first qual ity Beef > 3 tubs Goshen Butter And in store a general assortment of DRY GOODS, HARD WARE, HATS SUOE8, SADDLERY CASTINGS, CROCKERY, &C. which they offer to their friends and enstomers nt re- dated prices. tf 6 Macon, Jan. 30, 1829.’ FUV'SH FLOUU. Just Received per Wagon, TB BBLS. sweet Tennessee FL OUR JL /S For sale by JAMES M. MILNER. February II, ,1881). tf 6 MERCER'S CLUSTERS J METHODIST HYMNS, UST received mid for sale by HUNGF.RFORDS & STODDARD. December 1 1 |At.3o—a largo stock of Taints, Oils, Gian, Dv *-*[10 hlt3» WbbAey r '"‘ i. Slc I : . ON CONSIGNMENT. „ J UST received and for sale at unusnel low prices fdrCash, ' • •. Ii, ’ 49 barrels St. Croix Sugar I CO barrels WUiakey dk 2 bfads »* —“ 120 <• t ;; n 35 begs Coffea 17 hhuii Molasses 1 V ’i New Orleans VVELJ. & Co. .1 C ’ <|ds Dye-stuff*, Nails,Tacks, Castings, &c iiropian-! 1 lo suit purchasers 3 Motor , , A. GILU3 & CC terest of their employers. Darien, Aug. 7.33 HAWES &. MITCHF.LL. F. SV,apFs, H AS permanently located himself In MACON, nnd offers his services fo the citizens of the town and Its vicinity. , He has taken the shop lately ebon ■owned by Dr..Babur, where he may at alf times be >y .. .. found unlessprofessionally absent. Maann, Deecmber20 51. mpfo- T HE Subscriber has resumed the Pearlies of Low, anA will attend the Superior Courts of the Flint, those of Jones and Wilkinson of the Ocmulgee, and Twiggs, and Pulaski, of the Southern circuits, Dec- 8 CHARLES J. McDOXALD . MW NOTICE. FlxllE undersigned have farmed a Copartnership in S the PRACTICE DF THE LAW under the firm of STARK If. PETTIT..and will promptly at tend to anyblitineas committed to their care. Their OScdbln Jackson, Bulls County Jan. 27.1829 3f JAMBS H. STARK. JOHN W. A. PETTIT. 1 ■*,: THE COPARTNERSHIP I K(WPRAOTtp£ OF. LAW. heretofore existing between RURNF.V fif P£7T/TiHW« day riiV- solved. All husinesi thnt'ka.i been entrusted to the firm will be attended to conjointly. WILUAM V. BURNEY. • • r . . JOHN W. A- PETTIT. Jackron, January 23,1829 2t 6 And youth shall pas?, With all the brood 1 Of fancy-fed affection; And care shall come with womanhood, And waken cold reflection; ThouMt learn to (oil. and watch and weep O’er pleasure tinreturning, ' . , Like one who wakes .from pleasant sleep Unto the cares of morning. Nny, say not so! nor cWd the sun Qf joyous expectation, Ordained to bless the little one, 3'he frcshling of creation ! Not doubt that He, who now doth feed Her early lamp with gladness, YVill be her present help in-need, H?r comforter in sadness. Smile on, then, littlo winsome thing, All rich in nature’s measure; Thou bast within thy heart a spring Of self-renewing pleasure; Smile on fair child and take thy full Of mirth, time shall end It; ’Tis nature’s wild and geode will And who shall reprehend It 1 W. miSGELL Am?. From the N. Y. Enquirer. * v THE GRAND FANCY BALL. Fur, some time past tlio ranks of fashionable society have bedn thinned astonishingly by tlio ravages of ennui. Several sections Imye bean completely cut ofi*. Death stalked abrond in one of the old cocked bats of tho Inst century.. Thn rascally undertakers were Rotting rich— the pretty milliners wore compelled to grow e- conomical—and the ready made coffin makers were actually in treaty for bank stock. Tho Italian Opera was,gone—-dip Garcia had de parted—and nothing remained, but a few pas. sages of Barbire and 'Giovanni; worn to tho very vertebra of gentility by tho mouths of tlio vulgar. The Vestris had piroutted away eve ry rag of.novelty thatfonce invested her Phi- dian limbs. The ihcntres were confirmed a bore. Soyeral back clouds or 4'scontent hung round thp edges of good society. : Assemblies were the same dull thing all ihe season round. The exquisites *of Broadway sighed, snu (fed, sneezed, aiid swore by turns. The female dashers read the cirtulating libraries through, midi like tlio Macedonian Hero, sighed for more imaginary worlds to devour. .The bon ton was absolutely' coming to an end; when, in a moment of inspiration, nnd standing on the ruins of an’empty six dozen of Canipoipne, one great genius of society, namely the Pink, arose and said, “Let us hnvo u Fancy Ball.” Tlio* highest fashions of Europe had hot been introduced among os. • Our eoteries]yero mak ing long and rapid strides in fashionable inde pendence. We patronised theatres equal to London PmU 5 many of us expend a couple of thousands on a party, ortd made ; the banks and pastry cooks sweat for it afterwards. U'c \vqro a gay, dissipated, reckless sort of people; but we had no “fancy.-balls,” Tho imputation was insuCurnhle, Wo were becoming con temptible in the eyes of tho fashionable raggn^ muffins of Europe. It was' reiolved at once to 1 lake such n Step as became tnen who could put their, fingers upon seveti gctierations backwards, without thrusting them iplo a dish, of washer* woman’s impudent soap suds, dr running’thorn against a t ay tor's needle, or a lhoyiunkerV h;-t. \Vd bt’gin ia nmnufachire our own cotton, Why ngt our own absurdities! Arc republicans, for ever to be outstripped by,'th.' worn out r: Europe 1 Never. Is the pore blood i not to mount as high ip ill*- cj old. From tbe Bowling Grften, inYUaiious uif perfumed cards were sent out to the very geo-’ graphical extremities, of the gay .world. Tin* intelligence ran like wildfire from the Battery* to the Park, and from Si. John's to Harm i d street. Tho theatres were ransacked; die nt'd< linors, male and femjile, worked, night ; n deep commotion shook the whole beau mantle; a thousand pretty bosoms beat with rapture so dcop. that (he Canfelo corset itself could scarctv. ly retain its lovely prisoners. Tlio. exquisites' - shook themselves into exiitenpe. The fair d'. uncertain r/ge hruiilied tliemselvesupjUiidkHpck- edoff tt’D years at one blessed blow. The hap py night—the oxactic Tuesday evening atleogtfi approached, and ut half an hour beyond thp; hour of eight the carriages began to roll from every point of tho compass towards tliat centre, ol attraction, thb Bowling Green. vyhHfe flip- most magnificient. themost splendid prepara tions were mado jfor a “Grand Fancy Ball,” tho- first of the kind that ever glorified the fashion able annals of the great city of N. York. .Two* dwelling houses, with marble pieces, (rent $1000 each) were thrown into ono. The apartments’ wore decorated beyond tho feablo powers of description. For two long liours the company, poured in, and wore welcomed by tho most hos- ■ pitahlo uiislrcss of the-, mansion.’ From tliq- very highest authority, wetare enabled to fur-, nish, for the astonishment of the reading world, and tho instruction of tho gay, the foflbivtog catalogue raisanne.e of the nobility and gentry, - who graced and honored the “Ball” with their presume. , ... ■' ; . -. . Mrs. B. A. II. as an Italian Knight,' b«it on tho wars, or for an expedition into Lombtir*- dy. Slio was very beautifully dres( in a Dluo, and white coat, elegaoijy spangled, with a most- lovely Tialiah bhto half cloak; The martial air- with which she flung the cloak over her”sboul-, der, and strode around?'was much admired-—- particularly by Doctor Syntax. Much api plauso. \ ;v’Y (-’ • Mrs.A.B.J. as the sablo Goddess of Night,', otherwise collad Madame Nox. Sfe'J This was a most splendid character, and most-admirably- supported. She was arrayed in a “suit tifs i-* bles,” with an imraenso black veil that nearly/, reached liferpiretiy feci. The veil was <u la mented wiihthree thousand golden spangles to. represent ihe.xarry firmiment; at the- hatir of., 12, midnight* A new moon shed a beam of lo ve ly light from her "head, and in her hand s|w» car-,' ried a sable wand, surmoutiled with an orb of gold to rejircscRt the star of morning. Several*’ Indian pp.ets fell down . at the feet of “Night,”, aiid adored? Iter most forvoutiy. The «harac*r ler was admirably supported. Wonderful ap plause.' '<ti>i ' . •■* G. X. A. B. Esq. as Henry tho Fourth of England. His dross was a very bcautiflil boff and blue, edged with silver and gold lace. Ho; wore the long pointed shoes of that., ago, the, points ol'which,' curiously carved liko a church -; Window, were fastened to his knees with long.' chains of gold, borrowed for a couplo nfdol-i lars of a Broadway jeweller. He talked a good deal about tlio ted and white.roses;' y / Madame L. M', C. -as.tho Grand Silltan of Constantinople. Silo was mpst- splendidly.- drest in tho costumn of tho East. Slio pulled out; •' Finnan of the Porte, and laid an embargo oix: several Albanians. A Christian fell down and adoiAd her. v ■: - Miss C. A. of B. as Mary Queen of Scots.- She protested 'fiho was not concerned in ■ B'lhb* ington’s conspiracy, qnd talkhd much of lovely France. She wasqniio.jnterosting. ’ t Mr. P. E. Y. as a Brave Greek office, who . had killed and eaten forty 'Lyrks in three years.. His handsome per.sou yas showed off t much- advantage by his splendid dressy A cashniera^' shatvl enveloped his head, and became a very, ftno tip-bin. Ho strode about like a very Box- ) ziris.nnd tvas as silent Jqs tho graye. Tho, Sultana asked him to dance, but ho refused, scowled . with great dignity, and would, not j touchan infidel Turk* This was. one. of tlie best supported characters in the rooms—Great appbruse, Mr. I). W. ni an English horseman, just, returned from the P.etiinsula. He talked much of VVellingtoD. .A Greek Ritl-.asked him if Wellington'Was good to’eatl—“Not so good,’’ ; said lie, “as a fair Grecura i? to kNs.” H ! In! ha! This was reckoned a very excellent repartee. Doubted. , A French gentleman^ as Aid .to.Napoleon ie Grand, His dress was -,\ bmta Jide dress—hAv.. ingBeen aciudly worn at the chtart of. Napot- leori. Hb told some-anecdotes of the Gem ,- ttj a hit-li made a Elilu ('oi sum:: <:i v for joy. Weil supported— macaroni to death. Miss P. M. and Miss M. P. as two very, pretty Turkish girls, with rosy cheeks and buutjding'sieps. ..They were dressed with blua and pink frocks, the cursttgb thade tight to tlie shape, iindn Circassian drapery folding over tho bust. They also- wore beautiful whjie suiia irowsers, trimmed afiito bottom with gold, and' allowing the loveliest foot and ancles in tho wqrld. A' Turk asked thorn in English, “How do vou dare escape from tlie Haremhey replied in pure Turkish, “It is none of .your business;” the (Turk smiled, as ifhn meant to say, “I understand you.’.'. They wary lovely creatures, for a Turk, Christian,.or Hindoo. . M Us A. \y. ofB. M. called down love, ad-, mirutioo, and wonde-, in the character of. “.Sweat Mistress Anno Page.” This uu admirable hit—particularly in personal appear- iiuce; She whre the cortical hat, .tad the pic turesque costume of Shakspearel ago. Dr. Syhthx was enraptured. Three Turks, four Greeks, s \ l!anilels,nnditvo Highlanders, were jjfilo cut encli Ollier's tin o ils for her smiles.. of A little he edge of the ofiTlm huh, i Jitalict icern,a is (|i”U fushion as the sxliausteU fluids ui a Lorre» chauipjij’d aud oysierx Shallow coni') in tt ih« I carried hpr.idf. Thv l-Jl to work upon A